Hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher RPG-28 "Cranberry". Infographics

For the first time, the RPG-28 grenade was introduced to the general public in 2007, and in 2011 it was officially adopted by the Russian army. Its 125-mm grenade is able to pierce a concrete wall with a thickness of 2,5 meter of reinforced concrete or 4 of brick masonry. This makes it useless to attempt the enemy to use urban buildings as a means of shelter or fortification.

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  1. +1
    24 March 2017 12: 04
    Well ... 125 mm are impressive! Just .... to hear about the “Cranberry” we heard a long time ago, but until now there was no person who could tell how he gently touched the smooth “tube” of the RPG-28! How can one not recall the negative meaning of the word "cranberry" in Russian! Adopted? Duck, if you "dig into the memory", then you can "discover" more than one type of weapon from the adopted (or "promised: we’ll just accept"), but still not received by the troops. Is there any real information that the RPG Is 28 mass-produced and actually delivered to some military unit? And if you "look" over the entire "assortment" of grenade launchers, what are you taking into service? Isn't it a bit much? Perhaps the concept of a unified grenade launcher and multi-caliber launcher system of the Hashim type would be more appropriate? And what? PPU of a certain caliber and a set of "cartridges" ... different-sized and "multi-functional" .- that is, some "Werewolf" replacing the previous "range". It is possible that the grenade launcher system can be created in 2 subsystems: each subsystem will consist of its PUF of a certain caliber and a set of “cartridges” ... the subsystems can be “combined” into the system using a single “lodgement” with a tactical handle, a trigger device, a pulsed power generator, mount for an optical (collimator) sight, laser branches. "A single grenade launcher system can also include a subsystem of PUF type," Panzerfaust-3 "for firing with high-caliber active-reactive grenades. Moreover, the system may consist of 2-x subsystems for the following reasons: one subsystem uses reactive grenades, and the second actively - jet shots; each "variety" has its pros and cons. PS I somehow "wandered" to one forum where the RPG-28 was discussed. So there was one comment that referred to the opinion of a person who allegedly took part in the RPG-28 trials The opinion was as follows: armor-piercing is good; but in advance it’s a pity for the soldiers who have to arm themselves with such a “Faustpatron”: it’s hard, you can’t bring a lot of such “ghans” with you, and the range of the direct shot is much less than the maximum.