Large-caliber sniper rifle VSSK "Exhaust". Infographics

VSSK Vykhlop (Special-Grade Sniper Rifle) is a Russian silent large-caliber sniper rifle, made according to the bullpup layout. Developed by special order of the Center for Special Purpose FSB of Russia, along with large-caliber machine gun ASH-12 (Similar to the complex from the AS “Val” and the BCC “Vintorez” rifle).

The main purpose of VSSK is a low-noise and flameless defeat of lightly armored and unarmoured vehicles, as well as manpower in personal protective equipment (including heavy body armor) at a distance of up to 600 meters.

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  1. 0
    11 March 2017 10: 39
    Read more about this special cartridge. And then some kind of nonsense turns out, the caliber is large, and the cartridge to the sound, respectively, and short range, why then is this system needed?
    1. +3
      11 March 2017 13: 23
      This is the trick that subsonic, from supersonic additional sound is added, you can hear the bullet itself. The special patron cartridge is a closed system, powder gases do not come out of it, they remain inside, and the striker pushes the bullet out. The caliber is large to compensate for the low speed of the bullet.
      1. 0
        11 March 2017 13: 54
        shultz21070, how this cartridge works, I have an idea, but how strong the sound is when shooting a hundred meters, that is, the distance at which the bullet penetrates the fifth generation armor, this is not clear.
    2. +8
      11 March 2017 13: 34
      why then is this system needed?
      At medium and small distances, quietly bring down for sure. Plus automatic machine 12mm ASh-12 for attack aircraft. One shot corpse. In general, an assault group kit. Imagine three dozen fighters storming a building with such weapons. Under cover of snipers from the “Exhaust”, Any armored man will strike. And if he doesn’t, then he will break everything inside by the force of the blow. He saw the target, he didn’t care where.
      1. +6
        11 March 2017 13: 59
        1. 0
          12 March 2017 03: 36
          Observer 2014, thanks, now it’s clear, and clearly visible, the rifle is really quiet.
      2. 0
        11 March 2017 14: 00
        Observer 2014, you know, at a distance of 1.5 km a bullet from an ordinary VSSK will do the same as a bullet from Exhaust at a distance of one hundred meters, but at the same time a sniper with an ordinary VSSK will have about five seconds before they hear his shot, and this if you use it an ordinary cartridge, but there is also a reinforced one. Here I am writing that I do not really understand the meaning of such an expensive weapon.
        1. +3
          11 March 2017 14: 02
          , you know, at a distance of 1.5 km a bullet from a conventional VSSK will do the same as a bullet from Exhaust at a distance of one hundred meters,
          I understand. Watch the video carefully. For what, what shoots. hi
      3. 0
        11 March 2017 14: 11
        Yes Yes . limbs tears off. heard a lot. Comrade Zlobin, the truth is nothing new. BCC and bullpup. Yes, and a cartridge by analogy of the joint venture 5, 6. for no estate will go. but everything is exactly. damp. hi
        1. +2
          11 March 2017 14: 17
          weapons for street fighting need. I definitely won’t argue. VSSK it exhaust. Yes . ASH-12. complete nonsense. Well, it's like BCC and VAL. VSK 94 can do this and that. We are waiting for the continuation of the storyline. hi
          1. +3
            11 March 2017 19: 13
            megavolt823 hi
            ASh-12. complete nonsense. Well, it's like BCC and VAL. VSK 94 can do this and that. We are waiting for the continuation of the storyline. hi
            Well, look at nonsense or not nonsense. There are more than one video about the use of ASH-12 I personally have not come across. The next article will apparently be about a gun bully
            RSh-12 of the same series.
            1. 0
              12 March 2017 06: 50
              Yes Yes . it is in tradition. make a cartridge, and then samples appear. unification and economy. 76,2x39, 9x18 and so on. a cartridge initially defines a lot of things. but in my opinion it greatly limits. wunderwaffles are inevitable. hi
  2. +1
    11 March 2017 11: 17
    That would shoot.
    1. 0
      11 March 2017 12: 04
      mivmim, I agree, even though I don’t understand all of one, why is this system needed?
      1. +1
        11 March 2017 21: 29
        when hit in the body, it will not penetrate right through, but it will certainly kill due to the mass of the bullet. this is necessary, for example, at an aerodrome, laboratory, near pressure vessels, at nuclear power plants, etc.
      2. 0
        11 March 2017 21: 41
        Quote: medvedron
        mivmim, I agree, even though I don’t understand all of one, why is this system needed?

        Yes, as many have already explained to you - all to no avail.
        This is not yours!
        Go smell flowers from your avatar.
        This is yours!
        1. 0
          12 March 2017 03: 31
          Signor Tomato, I didn’t seem to insult you, and didn’t correspond with you at all. If there is nothing to answer on the topic, then mold the mold.
  3. 0
    11 March 2017 13: 03
    The rifle is ambiguous, the caliber is huge, low accuracy, effective range 400-500 meters, the bullet is heavy, the barrel is short. Apparently for very special tasks.
    1. +6
      11 March 2017 14: 07
      Yes, everything seems to be unambiguous .. For silent shooting, subsonic speed is required. To prevent the bullet from losing energy at low speeds, a large caliber is needed. Naturally, at low speeds, the firing range is small. Barrel is not for trench warfare