Belarusian myths


For quite a long time analyzing the “wants and throwing” of the Belarusian authorities and Belarusian society, you come to some interesting conclusions. That is, you begin to gradually understand that some things are not done from evil and not by malicious intent, but from a categorically incorrect understanding of the current realities of the world around us. People have their own picture of the reality surrounding them, on the basis of which they are trying to “come to success.” It does not work, in society there is growing negativity and anger. New efforts are being made, once again failing. Negative emotions are growing.

Today, Russia and Belarus differ primarily in the internal, emotional mood of society. That is, it does not mean that “everything worked out in Russia”, by no means. But here in Russia there are no “explosives that blow down the roof of sentiments” that our “Western partners” so hoped for. And in Belarus they seem to be there. Moreover, they determine the general political background. For Westerners, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus are practically the same. For many Ukrainians and Belarusians, the difference in the socio-economic situation between the Russian Federation and their countries is also not significant. But. However, it is.

That is, the Russians do not run on the Maidan, not because they are afraid, but because they do not need it. Not relevant. This cannot be understood either in Minsk, or in Kiev, or in Brussels, or in Washington. That is, there is no combustible / explosive material for Maidan in Russia. For Ukrainians / Belarusians, this is totally offensive. That is, it turns out that they have problems, while Russians have no? Well something like that. That is, in fact, the Russians have problems, but these are completely different problems. The Russians have already gone a couple of levels higher. There both monsters are ponagley, and Easter eggs are more interesting ...

The main mistake of the Belarusians, they for some strange reason believe that everything is the same in Russia, just a bunch of “free” petrodollars are coming. Hence the difference in the standard of living. By the way, yes, few people know, but the USA is an old and powerful oil producer ... Standard Oil is from there, and not from KSA. And Americans mine uranium, and coal, and much more. But everyone remembers for some reason about iPhones, which are just doing not in America. Strange, yes?

A higher standard of living in Russia compared to many post-Soviet countries is explained by this. The reforms of the economy and finance, plus the preservation of sovereignty. So yes: "we will not catch up." By the way, these very “reforms” Russia persistently imposed on Belarus. What about the "oligarchs and soc. justice ”: when a judge asked a US gangster why he wouldn’t do something else, he replied:“ Perhaps there are other ways to make a living, Your Honor, but I don’t know them. ”

As the saying goes: “The richer we are, the more happy ...” That is, if reforms were carried out according to the “improved Russian model” in the well-fed 0-s, Belarus would have a higher standard of living than the Russian Federation today ”. Rationale: in 2000, the Republic of Belarus is a small, homogeneous country that has saved the economy from wild privatization with relatively popular leadership and the lack of internal confrontation of someone there with someone. The economy is of the same type as the Russian (that is, the Russian experience can and should be used), the economy is interesting for Russians and, in fact, is part of the Russian one.

RB has neither space, nor the Caucasus, nor fleet. Russia is ready to help and helped! Who else had such conditions for reform? Russia carried out reforms “stupid and brutal,” but it did. Lukashenko was horrified by the course of the reforms, but did not notice that, following the results, Russia was already "on that" shore. That is, the smart option is to study and use the experience of Russia, avoiding its mistakes (they are obvious to ourselves today). Lukashenko (and the entire leadership of the Republic of Belarus) decided differently: no reforms! No "gangster privatization." The decision, of course, is a very wise one ... only from a certain moment the negative consequences began to increase sharply this solutions.

The economy of Belarus is becoming more and more unprofitable. The attempt to “stop the hands of the clock” didn’t bring it to good. By the way, the Republic of Belarus is to some extent a model of what would have happened to the USSR if it had not been reformed, but simply tried to keep it “in the crystal casket”. Bad option.

Hence the following error: for some reason, Belarusians are sure that now they have a whole range of possibilities and need to decide something ... This is not true. The worst thing that Lukashenko did (and his entourage) - he wasted ten years. The time for reform has been lost, and it is absolutely irrevocable. The economy of the Republic of Belarus in recent years has only degraded, and debts were collected. If you “open the black box”, then suddenly you will find that everything is not just bad, but very bad.

“In a hurry,” it will not work out with these debts - the small and poor Belarusian economy will have to work them off for decades. No, “write off” them will not work - you are an independent state, you must pay your debts. For some reason, everyone thinks that an independent state is, like, our own company. And this is good when the “firm” makes a profit, but in this case the firm is overloaded with debts. The company is bankrupt. A kind of "Polissia Greece."

No, “changing the vector” will not help anything here: Ukraine has changed the vector drastically, but this did not save it from its debts. This, by the way, is the most common “Belarusian illusion”: that by “pereobuvaniya in the air” you can easily part with old debts and problems. Those debts that Belarus has managed to collect by this time, Belarusians will be forced to pay in any case. In any. Anyone who claims the opposite is blatantly lying. Belarusians will have to pay "Lukashenko's debts" indefinitely. In any case.

No, this does not concern Russia at all. Leaving the “union state” by hanging debts on it will not work. The Union State is not the USSR even once, and it was Belarus, not Russia, who took the debts. In general, attempts to somehow make Russia “guilty” in the internal problems of the Republic of Belarus are a common point in the Belarusian political discourse. However, Belarus is an independent state. It has not obeyed Russia in any way since 1991, and Russia cannot bear any responsibility for the current plight of Belarus.

This “paradoxical” thinking of the Belarusians is absolutely incomprehensible in Russia: at the same time people are proud of sovereignty and do not even want to listen to Russia's opinion even in trifles, however, with the appearance of problems, they look to the east with hope ... not It is a normal form of interstate relations and cannot exist for a long time. So, “as before,” it will never be, primarily because Russia is totally uninteresting.

The conflict between Lukashenko and Putin is interpersonal. This is also one of the characteristic errors in Belarus. Rather, inter-elite or interstate: this conflict is a direct result of Minsk’s attempts to simultaneously maximize aid received from Moscow and the degree of independence from Moscow, it would inevitably have arisen with any other adequate ruler of Russia. There is very little personal here, rather a solid “business” - not a single normal head of the Russian state would endlessly endure the “art” of the “best ally”.

Problems in relations between Russia and Belarus are inter-ethnic (supposedly Russians do not respect Belarus / Belarusians). Again, the myth, the myth of pure water: a whole bunch of problems, but they are interstate. Belarusians are now not one of the peoples of Russia, but inhabitants of their own state. That is, relations are not built within one country, but between two states. Russians have nothing against the Japanese, for example, but there are problems that aggravate relations between official Moscow and official Tokyo. The same with Belarus, to avoid this, we must live in one state (not with the Japanese, of course). That is, if the Belarusians “pulled together a common strap”, all these questions would not exist. But they are only interested in the "common pot", hence the scandals.

This is another problem in the attitude of Belarusians - they sometimes feel themselves inside Russia, sometimes outside. The most annoying thing is that this “location” is determined by the criteria of benefit / disadvantage. That is, if the price of hydrocarbons, then inside, if "go to war", then strictly outside. At the same time maintaining full confidence that this "childish trick" every time should work with a bang.

Hence the following myth - about the allegedly insidious plans of Russia for the forcible annexation of Belarus (the Crimea is given as an example). Those who reason like this demonstrate complete anti-democratic character. From their point of view, there are rulers (who have gained power from above) and crowds of slaves / herds of rams that can be simply stolen. As with such views, the Belarusian elite talks about some kind of "European vector" - it is absolutely incomprehensible, her views are purely Central Asian. By the way, Lukashenko’s fundamental unwillingness to work “for the public” in Russia (and his terrible negative rating in an ally) is explained by just this. There are leaders, there is a crowd. And he wanted to spit on the Russian people, all his gestures and "bright statements" were addressed to the Kremlin. And this country has gathered in Europe ...

By the way, this destroys another myth about “EuroBelarus” and “Asian Russia” - we have somehow not taken to make cardinal decisions, without consulting with the people. Well, "EuroUkraine" this myth also applies (so as not to get up twice). Ask the Minsk or Kiev “intellectuals” about “where Europe is, and where are Asian steppes,” and the answer will be unequivocal. However, there and there the “European integration” is seen according to the scenario: we do not have to ask anything about the “cotton cattle”. That is, the default “comrade Mauser” is assumed as the main “Euro-argument”.

And about the "forced accession" - who needs openly problematic territories on the balance sheet? And the fact that Belarus is such a territory is self-evident. Such “automatic” joining made sense back in the 19 century ... Today, in the era of a highly developed economy and mass social insurance, the inclusion of Ukraine, Belarus or Estonia into Russia is a bullshit ... Not profitable, stupidly not profitable.

A vivid example is the joining of the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1990 year. The Germans are still quietly cursing. "Compilation" was very crooked and insanely expensive. According to the results, those and others are dissatisfied. Terribly unhappy. Make East Germany a continuation of the West did not work. Berlin has become a crap financial hole ...

From here you can safely destroy as many as two Russian-Belarusian myths: the unification with the Republic of Belarus will pass quickly, easily and with a bang, it is worth playing the money out of Lukashenko. Will not pass. It was easy in 1996. Over the next 20 years, a lot has changed. Both in the Russian Federation and in the Republic of Belarus. Today, complete unification is hardly realistic (even without any "jumping Litvin in white armor"). It is easy to merge two medieval agricultural domains into one. To unite Russia and Belarus today ... I don’t know, I don’t know ... I don’t believe, honestly, that it is generally technically / economically feasible. The second myth: Belarusians allegedly want it. No, they get money for this myth. But I don’t want to want, never (otherwise we would have united a long time ago). In fact, they would like to live in the European Union, but with Russian money. True unpleasant, scandalous, so a frank conversation does not work and will not work. Some “heroic chants” that, they say, we love Russia very much, but we value our independence ...

Regarding the "Western vector". Firstly, the Germans do not offer Belarus to enter the Federal Republic of Germany, neither by regions, nor by districts ... Secondly, the exotic Belarusian economy with European standards is not compatible in any way. Theoretically, it is possible to turn Belarus into something between Latvia and Bulgaria, but why? And what kind of population can live there? And most importantly, the EU has already “eaten” new “euro members”. Moreover, there is no need for a country whose foundations are based on Russian subsidies. The absurdity of such an idea: the European integration of a subsidized Russian region (and from an economic point of view it is just that way) is beyond the reach of only Belarusian economists and politicians.

This, by the way, is another Belarusian myth: it’s enough to “accept” European values, and the economy will add on itself. Do not follow. Verily I tell you. I checked (like all the "Young Europeans"), no one "attached". Looking for investment, technology and markets.

Well, let's take a hint about the myth about a certain “special” morale of the country of Belarus, about its social justice, peacefulness and non-conflict. Sounds beautiful. However, a hint of "social justice" was at the time of eating away the Soviet heritage / Russian subsidies. Ended external Soviet-Russian (imperial!) resource - the praised Belarusian “social justice” has ended. Belarus itself was unable to earn any kind of “justice”, and therefore the animal contours of the “third world” appear brighter and brighter in the country. Socialism is, you know, not only a “moral choice”, but also a lot of money for a “social network”.

So Belarus outside the empire is rather not Austria, but closer to Morocco. What we have seen before is “independent RB on imperial grubs”. After 2008, this booth turned its activities. We saw the face of “true Belarus” quite recently.

As for “non-conflict”: A. Lukashenko most actively tried to participate in the very intra-Kyrgyz conflict. What for? Where is RB and where is Kyrgyzstan? Ambitions, however ... The same goes for active voyages in Baku and harsh statements on the "internationally recognized" borders of Azerbaijan. What for? Justice, speak? Well, in an ideal world, yes, justice, in the current world - this provokes a mass slaughter on the line of demarcation in Karabakh. With the filing of a "peace-loving, non-conflict" Belarus.

Why does he do it? And out of spite! Spite damn Moscow! Russia is making tremendous efforts to “plug” this very “Karabakh hole into another dimension”. It is clear why - in the case of a big war there, Russia will also be hurt, like the whole region. But Alexander G. is actively shaking the situation. It is clear that in the event of war, no one is going to send Belarusian soldiers to the Caucasus in Minsk. And the relevant laws are adopted. Then why rock the boat? And in order for Moscow to take revenge for the unpicked “pocket money” ... Here there is both “peacefulness”, and “alliance”, and “independence” in one bottle ...

Belarus together with Armenia is in the CSTO, but is actively working in the interests of Azerbaijan, which is not part of this organization ... By the way, one of the main Belarusian myths collapses here - that it is fast to change shoes in the air and to get money from both sides is extremely profitable: In a critical situation for the country (as it is today), the Belarusians were strangers for both Russia and Europe. That is, the country urgently needs help, but no one is in a hurry to help ... Even with Ukraine, oddly enough, the relationship is also very difficult (despite the active "help" of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the fight against "Russian separatists"). That is, the Belarusians turned a blind eye to the rise of fascism in Eastern Europe (sponsored by someone!) And thus spoiled relations with Russia (for Russia, attitude to fascism is their own marker — someone else's), but in the West they did not for some reason ...

Thus, the Belarusian elites played, played “on a large scale” - putting everything at stake (of course, it was not Russia who relied on - our Minsk friends also understand little in geopolitics!). And lost. Now it is already obvious. “Trampetz” and the collapse of the Kiev junta - this is their loss (they put it on the globalists!). Notice how much different the reaction to Trump's victory was in Moscow and Minsk (Lukashenko reacted very nervously), allies, you say? Oh well. But what does Moscow have to do with it? Why should Russia pay for their “bad luck”?

From the point of view of the Belarusian elites, the Moscow-Minsk relationship is of the most mythical nature: first, Belarus is a country for Russia No. XXUMX and all attention and all resources should be focused only on it, since Russia cannot live without Minsk - well-being of the “main ally”, Russia is as successful as Lukashenko can sponsor); secondly, the Belarusian leadership can infinitely deceive and expose Moscow - the fact that “in the first place” this does not affect in any way. Recently, these comrades, with horror in their voices, have started talking about the Kremlin preparing Russians for a conflict with Belarus ... (The whole Russian foreign policy is being built strictly around Belarus). That is, the desire to resolutely go to hell from this endless whirlwind of continuous lies and triple standards is presented as a “provoked conflict” with the “most faithful ally”.

The main trouble of Belarus, in the opinion of the author, is above all not at a very high level of elites. In Ukraine, these elites had a higher level, but turned out to be corrupt and comprador (the dream of serving the white sahib as the goal of life). And in Belarus there is another misfortune: the people who determine the “charge of the information field” simply do not understand what is happening in Eastern Europe, what the risks are and what policies it makes sense to carry out (but at the same time defiantly ignore Russian assessments). The Belarusian information space is filled with endless myths, legends and tales (this is characteristic of both the authorities, the “neutrals” and the opposition). Unfortunately, Belarus and the Belarusian people do not live in a fairy tale.

Belarusian myths

Articles from this series:
Friendship with Minsk on gas
Big problems of "small democracy"
Pure american look
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  1. +24
    9 February 2017 04: 26
    The most unpleasant thing is that this "location" is determined by the criteria of benefit / disadvantage. That is, if hydrocarbon prices, then inside, if "go to war", then strictly outside. At the same time, he is fully confident that this “childish trick” should work with a bang every time.

    Soyuznichki ... mother rewind ...

    Lukashenko ...
    “I say you give me 20 airplanes, we have excellent pilots, we have an excellent school, you know that we are no worse at war on military aircraft, you give us 20 airplanes, we are a single group,” Lukashenko told a press conferences.

    Give him that, let him behold, RUSSIA will fight ... LUKASHENKO will fight in Belarusian swamps and from there will speak about independence ... a hypocrite.
    1. +18
      9 February 2017 04: 48
      Russians! The money you think you feed your neighbors remains in the pockets of your oligarchs. This is such a divorce!
      1. +5
        9 February 2017 04: 52
        Russians! The money you think you feed your neighbors remains in the pockets of your oligarchs. This is such a divorce!

        Horseradish radish is not sweeter.
        1. +22
          9 February 2017 05: 53
          where the Belarusian elite to the Russian, the level of theft is not the same! laughing
          1. +2
            9 February 2017 22: 21
            In percentage (relative) terms, the Russian elite did not stand next to the Belarusian one. There, I’ll clean everything up "sawing" ... laughing
          2. +1
            9 February 2017 22: 27
            Quote: Uncle Murzik
            where the Belarusian elite to the Russian, the level of theft is not the same!

            Well, in which country there is more money - they steal more.
          3. +2
            10 February 2017 01: 03
            Quote: Uncle Murzik
            the level of theft is not the same!

            And this is like that Elusive Joe ... They do not steal, not because they are honest, but because there is nothing! :)
            1. +1
              10 February 2017 10: 55
              Quote: insular
              And this is like that Elusive Joe ... They do not steal, not because they are honest, but because there is nothing!

      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +12
        9 February 2017 06: 20
        Quote: TEXT
        People have some kind of picture of reality surrounding them,

        and this is all ... America has its own reality, Ukraine has its own, everyone has their own, and we have our own power, our own people ...
      4. +25
        9 February 2017 06: 23
        Quote: Kohl
        Russians! The money you think you feed your neighbors remains in the pockets of your oligarchs. This is such a divorce!

        You know better from your Canada. Left, here is a tablecloth path. Russia is no longer your homeland.

        Those debts that Belarus managed to collect by this moment, Belarusians will be forced to pay in any case. In any. Everyone who claims to be the opposite is blatantly lying.
        They are lying, They are lying, even as they are lying. Those who dump the amount of loans written off by Russia to other countries wassat
        1. +11
          9 February 2017 07: 20
          Dear Alexander Romanov, tell me, will we live better when Belarus repays its debts? belay
          1. +21
            9 February 2017 07: 51
            Quote: Uncle Murzik
            Dear Alexander Romanov, tell me, will we live better when Belarus repays its debts?

            We definitely will not heal better if Belarus does not repay debts.
            Although such a thing could be written, only one who, by and large, does not care. How and due to which our budget is replenished.

            Was it not by chance that you criticized that Russia forgives debts to everyone?
            1. +6
              9 February 2017 08: 25
              my friend Alexander Romanov, I am more concerned about how much they steal from our budget, and not the Belarusian elite but our bureaucrats! Colonel found the annual budget of the millionth city of Omsk laughing
              1. +28
                9 February 2017 08: 50
                Quote: Uncle Murzik
                I’m more concerned about how much they steal from our budget,

                Announce please. I want the numbers
                Quote: Uncle Murzik
                ! Colonel found the annual budget of the millionth city of Omsk

                I don’t understand, if someone steals in Russia, is this an occasion to make billions worth of gifts to Lukash?
                1. +10
                  9 February 2017 09: 24
                  Alexander Romanov, you’re one-sided worried about our budget! For a price - 150 billion rubles (half of the frozen pension savings) in 2016 was transferred to support Vnesheconombank (Finance Minister Anton Siluanov).
                  The damage from crimes related to the catering of Russian servicemen exceeded 1 billion rubles in two years, said the chief military prosecutor of the Russian Federation, Sergei Fridinsky. “In two years, more than a billion ..- At least 180 billion rubles amounted to damage from public procurement at inflated prices (data from the National Procurement Transparency Rating for 2016). 200 billion rubles of citizens' pension savings were lost due to the incompetent work of pension funds and management campaigns (Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets).
                  1. +12
                    9 February 2017 10: 09
                    Quote: Uncle Murzik
                    here at a discount - 150 billion rubles (half of the frozen pension savings) in 2016 was transferred to support Vnesheconombank (

                    And under what conditions?
                    Quote: Uncle Murzik
                    Crime damage

                    Well these are our internal problems, they are nobody denies this. But that’s all, how does Lukash feel? You mixed up the topic
                    1. +7
                      9 February 2017 10: 18
                      my friend Alexander Romanov, you yourself asked for the numbers! belay
                      1. +9
                        9 February 2017 12: 05
                        Quote: Uncle Murzik
                        my friend Alexander Romanov, you yourself asked for the numbers!

                        Yes, he asked, and you announced them, or rather, they were announced by the prosecutor's office, which opened business on these facts.
                        Give Lukash money?
                      2. +2
                        9 February 2017 13: 35
                        Alexander Romanov, well, we don’t give money to Lukashenko but to the Belarusian people, I’m not sorry!
                2. +19
                  9 February 2017 11: 46
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  Quote: Uncle Murzik
                  ! Colonel found the annual budget of the millionth city of Omsk
                  I don’t understand, if someone steals in Russia, is this an occasion to make billions worth of gifts to Lukash?

                  In fact, Omsk’s annual budget will be more than the 9 billion found ...
                  Deputies of the Omsk City Council agreed with the draft municipal budget for 2017 and the planning period of 2018-2019 proposed by the Omsk administration and adopted it in the second reading at today's plenary meeting. In 2017, treasury revenues will amount to 13,6 billion, and expenses - 14,3 billion rubles. 14 dec. 2016 year

                  Yes, and the money discovered by the colonel is the money of the bank, whose license was revoked. A relative of the colonel worked there in an expensive position. then the depositors and clients were stolen, and not from the state.
                  And Lukashenko does not give gifts after he does not want to support Russia in anything - I do not think that is right. This is even worse than money feeds to oligarchs - in this case, at least there is a theoretical possibility of their return - by confiscating the acquired back-breaking labor, for example. To give Lukashenko-this means to approve his policy towards Russia ..
                  1. +4
                    9 February 2017 13: 39
                    andj61FSSB of Russia found 300 million rubles in the car of Dmitry Zakharchenko and another 186 dollars (000 million rubles). But at home they found only jewelry. Then they still found on the accounts in Switzerland! wassatColonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, the former acting head of the T department of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, turned out to be three hundred million euros richer than the investigation had previously known. This amount was found on the accounts of his family in Switzerland. You have a calculator, the budget of Omsk is resting! laughing
                    1. +5
                      9 February 2017 14: 38
                      Quote: Uncle Murzik
                      Dmitry Zakharchenko turned out to be three hundred million euros richer than the investigation had previously known. This amount was found on the accounts of his family in Switzerland. You have a calculator, the budget of Omsk is resting!

                      There were reports that in terms of rubles, about 9 billion rubles were found from him and his family. I have not met any other messages, especially about Swiss banks. But the fact that his relative worked in the leadership of the bank, from which the license was taken away - that was. And the fact that Zakharchenko took money out of this bank in a personal car for several days, too.
                      There is no such opportunity to resolve issues with ANY colonel or even a general for which such money could be paid!
                      1. +2
                        9 February 2017 16: 19
                        andj61 if interested read it! Investigation - Money of Colonel Zakharchenko
               ›... dengi-polkovnika-zakharchenko ...
                3. 0
                  9 February 2017 17: 33
                  Of course, the rollback will not be frail
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  Quote: Uncle Murzik
                  I’m more concerned about how much they steal from our budget,

                  I don’t understand, if someone steals in Russia, is this an occasion to make billions worth of gifts to Lukash?

                  Of course, the rollback will not be frail
        2. +4
          9 February 2017 11: 54
          You do not go into other people's debts, they will not pay you for an apartment, and the rulers will figure it out without you, although it will be difficult.
          1. +10
            9 February 2017 12: 06
            Quote: Dr. Sorge
            You do not go into other people's debts,

            So do not water Russia with slop
            1. +8
              9 February 2017 13: 35
              You do not understand what is happening.
              Have you not heard our president? He said that Russians are sacred and will not allow anyone to throw a stone in the direction of Russia.
              Sadness, huh? Such trolls as unfortunately you pour mud. No one here on the site does this except trolls.
              1. +13
                9 February 2017 13: 46
                Quote: Dr. Sorge
                He said that Russians are sacred and will not allow anyone to throw a stone in the direction of Russia.

                Instead of him wassat
                Quote: Dr. Sorge
                Sadness, huh? Such trolls as unfortunately you pour mud.

                How tired of you are with your Lukashenko. You are independent, well, so be them and don’t whine. That Russia constantly owes you
              2. +2
                10 February 2017 01: 10
                Quote: Dr. Sorge
                You do not understand what is happening.

                That's why I want to get, from such "informed", only one answer to one question: What is the "Union" of Belarus to the Russian Federation?
                Quote: Dr. Sorge
                You do not go into other people's debts

                wassat You, the Germans can say this but not Russian. Your debts are debts to us. They are not strangers to us.
                1. +1
                  10 February 2017 08: 30
                  You do not understand what I mean.
      5. +12
        9 February 2017 07: 17
        That's it! And the article is another nail in the lid of the coffin with the union state ... People think it over! Then we will bite your elbows ..
        Quote: Kohl
        Russians! The money you think you feed your neighbors remains in the pockets of your oligarchs. This is such a divorce!
        1. +29
          9 February 2017 07: 27
          Quote: 210ox
          People change your mind!

          Give Lukashenko another 10 billion, supply him with oil for free, and gas with a surcharge. People think it over, he is our ally. Yes?
          1. +7
            9 February 2017 08: 38
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Give Lukashenko another 10 billion, supply him with oil for free, and gas with a surcharge. People think it over, he is our ally.

            And he - the old man at that time in the back of the Greatest, froze with frozen potato and before that he threw frozen shrimps)) And the back is already wounded by the Turkish scimitar ... mdya)))
            Funny little article - you can immediately see the custom trolls and journalism olezhka))))
            1. +11
              9 February 2017 18: 38
              Funny little article - you can immediately see the custom trolls and journalism olezhka))))
              And the other day, an “ally” of a Russian citizen gave Azerbaijan, whose fault was a visit to Nagorno-Karabakh. And tomorrow, Russians can also give Georgians who posted their photos from their holidays in Abkhazia on social networks or participated in the reconciliation on 08.08.08.
          2. +3
            9 February 2017 09: 00
            I’m not saying what needs to be given and given .. No need to escalate the situation! But they will figure it out at the top, give or not give and to whom ..
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Quote: 210ox
            People change your mind!

            Give Lukashenko another 10 billion, supply him with oil for free, and gas with a surcharge. People think it over, he is our ally. Yes?
            1. +16
              9 February 2017 10: 07
              Quote: 210ox
              No need to escalate the situation!

              Lukashenko write it. I don’t remember that Putin would spit for 5 hours in the direction of Belarus.
            2. 0
              10 February 2017 01: 14
              Quote: 210ox
              But at the top they’ll figure out whether to give or not to whom ..

              And no.
              Lukashenko was obliged to resolve issues “at the top”, but since he poured everything on the public, we, like those on whom he poured it, have the full right to throw it with potatoes. Him and his "redhead", but not the people.
              1. +1
                10 February 2017 08: 32
                Well, there are various methods of utterance.
                Just apparently so boiling. Better to speak out than to make tricky plans and do nothing :)
          3. +1
            10 February 2017 08: 31
            And besides dirt, what do you suggest constructively? Or for this you do not pay Gerashchenka and all sorts of Chubais?
        2. +21
          9 February 2017 08: 03
          “The main mistake of the Belarusians, for some strange reason, they think that in Russia everything is the same, just a bunch of“ free ”petrodollars are a plus. That’s the difference in the standard of living.” What is the mistake then? Your politicians scold the economic bloc of the government, recall Kudrin with an unkind word, who put money from oil under his pillow, and did not build new enterprises and develop infrastructure, etc. Solovyov is all shouting about development, Glazyev is preparing new programs ... the author, this is all sad, but petrodollars are the reason for raising the standard of living in the 2000s. Read conclusions based on a false statement ...

          Now VO is fomenting hatred between the two peoples, they don’t, of course, think that the Russians need to be explained “correctly” what is happening, and the local stubborn ones help them in the comments, but when everyone forgets the content of the articles, the negative will remain between people. Therefore, I propose to the author to remove from the article everything about Belarus and leave everything about the economic model of the Russian Federation and how “successfully” the reforms passed there. And read the comments.
          1. +14
            9 February 2017 08: 24
            Quote: vasek5533
            Your politicians scold the economic bloc of the government, remember Kudrin with an unkind word

            Yes, I remember how Zyuganov screamed that we did not need a pillow, and then 2008 happened and Zyuganov shut up.
            Quote: vasek5533
            but did not build new enterprises and develop infrastructure well, etc.

            Quote: vasek5533
            but did not build new enterprises and develop infrastructure well, etc.

            Who is KudriN?
            Quote: vasek5533
            but petrodollars this is the reason for improving living standards in the 2000s.

            Quote: vasek5533
            but petrodollars this is the reason for improving living standards in the 2000s.

            Oil has been at a low level for three years, and the guard shouts to Lukashenko laughing
            Quote: vasek5533
            Now VO incites hatred between two peoples,

            And what does the Belarusian people and one independent president Lukashenko have to do with the eternal word GIVE
            Quote: vasek5533
            Therefore, I propose to the author to remove from the article everything about Belarus and leave everything about the economic model of the Russian Federation and how “successfully” the reforms passed there.

            Ahahaha, let's remove about Belarus and leave about Russia. Lukashenko is that you?
            1. +12
              9 February 2017 09: 07
              Your problem, Alexander, is that you judge very superficially.
              "Oil has been at a low level for three years, and the guard shouts to Lukashenko" Thus, you did not refute the statement that petrodollars are the reason for raising the standard of living in the 2000s. But it’s as if they hinted that the Old Man feels bad from low oil prices - everyone agrees with this ... why did you write this for me a riddle.
              Your method is good for a television show, quickly with two phrases of the type defended its position, diverting the discussion aside ... but this is not TV.
              The second option, as it is written in the article some things are done not out of evil and not out of malice, but from a categorically incorrect understanding of the current realities of the world around us. People have some kind of picture of reality surrounding them.
              Therefore, your comments on my posts, I still read, but skip the rest))) Save time.
              1. +18
                9 February 2017 09: 26
                Quote: vasek5533
                Your problem, Alexander, is that you judge very superficially.

                Very, and I also sometimes think, I look in profile. And what I see there, and the fact that as soon as Lkash began to water Russia with slop, vasek5533 immediately registered on our site and began to defend Lukash’s position. Coincidence yes? Or did Lukash give a run command to Russian saits? Is it paid at least normally?
                Quote: vasek5533
                You did not refute the statement that petrodollars are the reason for raising the standard of living in the 2000s.

                This is so, why should I refute it.
                Quote: vasek5533
                But as if they hinted that the Old Man is feeling bad from low oil prices - everyone agrees with this ..

                Yes, he feels bad, he wants even cheaper, but better even more oil and even cheaper.
                Quote: vasek5533
                Your way is good for TV shows

                Tell Lukas, that's where the show lover
                Quote: vasek5533
                Therefore, your comments on my posts, I still read, but skip the rest)))

                I understand that work is work. Lukasha says hello from me, give me my comments to read. Let him bring UG against me.
                1. +8
                  9 February 2017 11: 36
                  I see my previous message You didn’t even understand. The transition to the individual showed only that I am right))
                  1. +10
                    9 February 2017 12: 08
                    Quote: vasek5533
                    I see my previous message You didn’t even understand. The transition to the individual showed only that I am right))

                    So the salary is good. But nevertheless I will praise you, I have not answered a single question. Glory to Lukashenka
                2. +13
                  9 February 2017 11: 57
                  The provocateur you freelance and nothing more. It should be a shame to incite ethnic hatred.
                  1. +2
                    9 February 2017 22: 42
                    Quote: Dr. Sorge
                    The provocateur you freelance and nothing more. It should be a shame to incite ethnic hatred.

                    Sorry, but you are not a Russian to present such claims to us. The allies of the Russians are Tatars, Bashkirs, dozens of Caucasian peoples, all those who live with us in the same state, but not Belarusians.
                    1. +1
                      10 February 2017 08: 33
                      Do you divide the Russians in Belarus into others than they are in Russia?
                      Very sorry for you.
                      1. +1
                        10 February 2017 20: 58
                        Quote: Dr. Sorge
                        Very sorry for you.

                        How cute! Have you tried to grow up?
                        Quote: Dr. Sorge
                        Do you divide the Russians in Belarus into others than they are in Russia?

                        And what do you think, we were one people twenty-five years ago, but not now.
            2. Ren
              9 February 2017 12: 36
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              Lukashenko is that you?

              I’ll ask you not to poke, and for you - We, Alexander Rygorych, autocrat of all BeloRossey! wassat
          2. avt
            9 February 2017 09: 29
            Quote: vasek5533
            Now VO is fomenting hatred between the two peoples, they don’t, of course, think that the Russians need to be explained “correctly” what is happening, and the local stubborn ones help them in the comments, but when everyone forgets the content of the articles, the negative will remain between people.

            Do not overdo it in the vultures of ,, fraternal brotherhood "The number of people who realistically realized the fact that Belarus is an independent state, is already 99 and in the% period Well, there are still some units that are buggy with the state government
            Quote: 210ox
            And the article is another nail in the lid of the coffin with the union state ... People change your mind! Then we will bite your elbows ..

            Which actually these two words pronounce solely as a symbol of faith. Moreover, if you ask them, “What is it de jure, and on the basis of what constitutional acts should it work? Again, they can only throw a tantrum.” But with what I strongly disagree in the article -
            By the way, it was these very “reforms” that Russia persistently imposed on Belarus.
            No. If she “imposed” it, even in a mild form, there wouldn’t be such a shermazo as it is now. Author. Don’t believe it? Well, rewind back to the famous separation of flies from cutlets when the GDP asked Batsk for a single currency. he began to squeeze it, left it as it was, again when the crisis struck and the rupe collapsed with oil prices, they again switched to trade in $ according to Baski’s Wishlist, by a clear cry. So they didn’t impose anything on them. Only now, when it’s real strained with cash, they started, it’s gently, to furnish their legitimate interest .. Well, Russia didn’t prevent the local elites from building the mono-state of the post-Soviet republics through nationalism of varying degrees of heat ANYWHERE, that’s without exception.
            Quote: vasek5533
            Therefore, I propose to the author to remove from the article everything about Belarus and leave everything about the economic model of the Russian Federation and how “successfully” the reforms passed there. And read the comments.

            When you start lending to Russia, you will build nuclear power plants there in Kolyma with a credit line, KAMAZ, for example, offer Chemezov to sell, or at least form your own budget for the notorious state budget in proportions exactly the opposite of the current ones, then we will honor and comment on it, all by all means.
            1. +6
              9 February 2017 11: 59
              ABOUT! And we thought how without the main white-Russo-phoba and analytega we will discuss the article :)
              1. 0
                14 February 2017 22: 39
                listen to you, offend you all around, some belarusian people wassat
            2. +3
              9 February 2017 21: 05
              If she “imposed”, even in a mild form, there wouldn’t be such a shermazo as it is now. Author. Do not believe me? Well, rewind ...

              That's right, the snot chews like gingerbread cookies. am
          3. +7
            10 February 2017 00: 43
            Quote: vasek5533
            Now VO is inciting hatred between the two peoples, they don’t, of course, think that the Russians need to be explained “correctly” what is happening, and the locals who are stubborn help them in the comments, but when everyone forgets the content of the articles, the negative will remain between people

            And there is.
            A good sketch and the contests are interesting.
            Our AHL itself leads to such interpretations.
            Sits and plays a two-peeled silence.
            Here he is such a hero Saves and saved All Russia, and he was deceived with oil.
            There are precise and unambiguous agreements, contracts - publish in the public domain, like oil contracts in Norway.
            No, or some kind of sulfur-boromaline schemes - sit and not shove, so I signed up for such ones myself.
        3. +6
          9 February 2017 11: 55
          Another provocation, not an article. I don’t understand why VO is publishing this. Right now.
          1. avt
            9 February 2017 12: 23
            Quote: Dr. Sorge
            I don’t understand why VO is publishing this. Right now.

            When Butsk threw a public tantrum - ,, Dengi, dengi come on! ", Sort of like in the morning (but maybe it’s not yet evening - wassat ) I didn’t arrive at an announced meeting ahead of time in Moscow at a meeting of that same “state parliament”, although again there were runs - will I decide everything personally with Putin? bully
            1. +4
              9 February 2017 13: 36
              Decide what to write, which runs.
            2. +1
              10 February 2017 08: 35
              Some people like you, you really can't write anything, you only gain points in the comments. Just grab the quotes like a bot :)
              Shark pen so to speak :) No offense. It is so?
              1. 0
                14 February 2017 22: 42
                I’m waiting for everything from you in the case of koment, but instead of them there are only “atykalka”
        4. +8
          9 February 2017 20: 56
          And the article is another nail in the lid of the coffin with the union state ... People change your mind! Then we will bite your elbows ..

          The article is correct and accurately reveals the situation. You need to hammer in nails and bury this incredibly idiotic invention. To bury means to stop giving money just like that.
          This your phrase about "another nail" shows how much you do not understand the state of affairs. The Union State has long been a dead man and remains only an excuse for extortion.
        5. +2
          9 February 2017 22: 34
          Quote: 210ox
          That's it! And the article is another nail in the lid of the coffin with the union state ... People think it over! Then we will bite your elbows ..

          Russia has two allies - the army and navy, where is Belarus here?
          1. +3
            10 February 2017 00: 57
            Quote: KaPToC
            Russia has two allies - the army and navy, where is Belarus here?

            That's right!
            And it's time to learn this simple formula for a long time.
            And do not forget that if of the allies only the Army and Navy, then purely logically, the rest can only be enemies. Alas.
            1. 0
              10 February 2017 20: 59
              Quote: prosto_rgb
              And do not forget that if of the allies only the Army and Navy, then purely logically, the rest can only be enemies. Alas.

              The thinking of a teenager dividing the world into black and white, alas, is complete nonsense, except for friends and enemies there are a huge number of strangers.
      6. +14
        9 February 2017 07: 29
        For many Ukrainians and Belarusians, the difference in the socio-economic situation between the Russian Federation and their countries is also not significant. - from article

        Anti-Belarusian custom article. The main contradiction between Russia and Belarus in different socio-political systems.
        In Belarus, despite the “dictator” Lukashenko, socialism with nationwide state ownership of the means of production, in Russia oligarchic capitalism with a terrifying degree of concentration of means of production in private hands, reaching an unprecedented size of less than 1% of the population.
        In essence, Belarus is a bone in the throat of the current Russian oligarchs and the Russian government under their control. It is from these positions that the current contradictions between Russia and Belarus should be considered.
        The current experience of the Belarusian people, who left the welfare state, is not favorable for the current leadership of Russia. Destroy it by any means, that's their goal. It is only from this position that the described contradictions should be considered.
        1. +23
          9 February 2017 07: 49
          Quote: vladimirZ
          socialism with public ownership of the means of production,

          Quote: vladimirZ
          In essence, Belarus is a bone in the throat of the current Russian oligarchs and the Russian government under their control.

          The Kremlin’s creatures don’t deliver gas to Luka for free and don’t give oil. 20 fighters is it a pity to give Russia .Putin. Well you ****
          Quote: vladimirZ

          The current experience of the Belarusian people is not favorable for the current leadership of Russia

          To live with outstretched arms? Yes, not profitable
          Quote: vladimirZ
          Destroy it by any means, that's their goal.

          Russia is trying to destroy Belarus-Psaki school works wassat
          1. +10
            9 February 2017 07: 54
            Romanov, do not show your ignorance and illiteracy! Learn better if you don’t get knowledge at school.
            1. +6
              9 February 2017 12: 00
              Yes, where do they learn to read and write, they work out cookies. :)
            2. 0
              14 February 2017 22: 44
              and you have a “jabber”
        2. +19
          9 February 2017 08: 34
          to Vladimir
          The article absolutely correctly lists the accumulated problems and how Belarusians try to solve them. The only incorrect statement in the article about the surviving * piece of socialism *. Everything went with the economy there, almost like in RUSSIA, the only difference is that the only oligarchic clan reigned in Belarus, and of course they don’t even think about their own mistakes or incompetence. So there is an accumulation of the number of * failures * until they become quality.
          1. +7
            9 February 2017 08: 52
            Vasily 50

            In Belarus, a social state has been preserved - this is the main thing. Yes, it’s hard for them, surrounded by capitalist sharks that create a variety of obstacles for their development.
            But most importantly, they preserved the socio-political relations of a socialist society. Yes, I had to resort to Lukashenka’s “dictatorship” for this period, otherwise there would be such a Shushkevich who would tear apart their entire economy in favor of some kind of oligarchs. Yes, they do not have super rich people, but they do not have the mass poverty that exists in capitalist Russia.
            How long will socialist Belarus stand in this capitalist environment and at the same time pressure from outside capitalism? I do not know. It may not stand, and this will be the defeat of the entire Belarusian people.
            But there is no doubt that socialism will be reborn, as well as the fact that it will be reborn in Russia.
            1. +12
              9 February 2017 10: 27
              In Belarus, the social state is preserved - this is the main thing

              No longer

              And when it was, it’s not at the expense of Belarus, so it’s not bad ...
        3. +13
          9 February 2017 09: 09
          To the very point, about the trade wars since 2009 (Dairy War), there is not a word in the article, Belarus is exposed as an dishonest partner, and Russia is “white and fluffy”.
          Let me remind you how it all began:
          The trade war between Belarus and Russia began on June 6, when Rospotrebnadzor banned the import into the Russian Federation of almost 500 items of Belarusian dairy products.
          The official reason for the ban was as follows: Belarusian manufacturers did not reissue permits in accordance with the regulations adopted by Russia in 2008.
          Next was a series of public statements and insults. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko says that Russia wants to bring Belarus to its knees, and in protest refused to participate in the CSTO summit, where the issue of creating a collective rapid reaction force was decided
          According to most observers, the Russian embargo was imposed after the Belarusian side rather rigidly suppressed the attempts of some industrialists from Russia to take ownership of the most promising milk processing plants in Belarus.

          1. +18
            9 February 2017 10: 22
            According to most observers, the Russian embargo was imposed after the Belarusian side rather rigidly suppressed the attempts of some industrialists from Russia to take ownership of the most promising milk processing plants in Belarus.

            In general, there are no problems - are Belarusian factories the property of Belarusians?
            There are no bazaars! Save!
            And the Russian market is the property of the Russians! Greetings with a brush! To each - his own!

            In general, the 2009 year is just after Lukashenko’s betrayal in Ossetia ...
            Please gentlemen shave ...
            You have to pay for everything ...

            then even the Americans noted that Belarus took their side and not the side of Russia
            So sell your milk in the USA ...
            1. +15
              10 February 2017 00: 07
              listen more often to the Americans .... Miracle. Well, do not buy milk. Why then take it? A ..... They disassemble well? Good quality? not oversized with palm oil and starch?
              Oh, how it turns out ..... The market, dear, this is not property ... This is an existing reality. and Factories are property. And it just didn’t work out. So some rage.
              A fresh example: the Lyakhovichi Dairy Plant, RB - came under the control of a new owner after acquiring a controlling stake. Civilized. The new owner is an international concern. Who's stopping you from doing the same? and, by the way, in Belarus, if it turns out that the plant was purchased for the purpose of bankruptcy and elimination, the transaction may be wrapped up. And the AHL will send all the fuck and do it right.
              And dear, do not confuse the penis with a finger: do not disturb Ossetia with milk ...
              1. +3
                10 February 2017 08: 38
                And to these trolls just say the word AHL, all at once to the heap. They have such a job, shove everything into the swamp. :)
          2. +3
            9 February 2017 22: 52
            Quote: raid14
            To the very point, about the trade wars since 2009 (Dairy War), there is not a word in the article, Belarus is exposed as an dishonest partner, and Russia is “white and fluffy”.

            What do you want? To be the largest supplier of mussels and lobsters to Russia? Ukraine re-export closed, and Belarus left? You are a dreamer.
          3. +12
            9 February 2017 23: 35
            exactly. it was so. and they didn’t want like everyone else - to buy shares - they wanted to squeeze. It didn’t work out. Of course, the enemies are sitting in Belarus ..... We want to take away just like that 100% modernized enterprises .. But they won’t give us! and hto !? Some farmer! horror !!! to his nail !!!!
            But this is a special case. The article is harmful and delusional. The orderlies of the author clearly missed.
            1. +3
              9 February 2017 23: 54
              Quote: KOT BYUN
              exactly. it was so. and they didn’t want like everyone else - to buy shares - they wanted to squeeze. It didn’t work out.

              What to squeeze out? re-export of food from Europe to Russia through Belarus?
              Quote: KOT BYUN
              We want to pick up companies that are simply modernized for 100%.

              Can you indicate a list of modernized enterprises? They were modernized for the last time during the USSR, and those that modernized in our time - so for Russian money. And where is the sales market where your modernized enterprises will sell their goods7
              1. +7
                10 February 2017 00: 03
                Quote: KaPToC
                They were modernized for the last time during the USSR, and those that modernized in our time - so for Russian money.

                You are not right.
                Quote: KaPToC
                And where is the sales market where your modernized enterprises will sell their goods7

                Do you represent the range of Belarusian goods?
                If not, walk. And if you imagine, then you must understand that the export of Belarus is quite large, with the final product with maximum added value.
                And yet, dear, Belarus independently provides itself with food, unlike us.
                And if there were oil in the Republic of Belarus, I assure you that Belarusians would live like emirates.
                1. +3
                  10 February 2017 00: 10
                  Quote: Stroporez
                  You are not right.

                  You are neither right nor left; you are in the middle.
                  Quote: Stroporez
                  Do you represent the range of Belarusian goods?

                  Mussels and pacific lobsters?
                  Quote: Stroporez
                  And yet, dear, Belarus independently provides itself with food, unlike us.

                  It’s like you decided to run into us, unlike us?
                  Quote: Stroporez
                  And if there were oil in the Republic of Belarus, I assure you that Belarusians would live like emirates.

                  The horseradish dancer's eggs get in the way.
                2. +2
                  10 February 2017 08: 40
                  I agree with you.
                  It is, but too deep :) Even the presence of oil was presented as a Belarusian madness, and no one taught geography at school :) USE however ...
                  1. +4
                    10 February 2017 09: 11
                    Quote: KOT BYUN
                    Well, about the money - what is yours, I dare to ask ... Have you personally given? what part? announce the list please. :)

                    Quote: Dr. Sorge
                    Even the presence of oil was presented here as Belarusian madness, and no one taught geography at school :) USE however

                    Friends, all these statements, the escalation of the situation, have one goal: to pull Russia and Belarus from different angles and embitter peoples among themselves.
                    Anything is written specifically, those who have never been to the Republic of Belarus and exist instead of their brains with the brains of liberal propaganda.
                    Know that the people of the Russian Federation, for the most part, treat Belarusians with love and respect, and spit and grind them on the provocateurs! soldier
                    1. +3
                      10 February 2017 10: 02
                      Thanks for the support.
                      Personally, I know and believe that we are one. And the local hamsters sofa nehai gnaw newspaper dust :)
                      1. 0
                        14 February 2017 22: 47
                        We are one ... "Give me money!"
                    2. +10
                      10 February 2017 10: 18
                      Forcing the situation is understandable. it is also clear that on all these swollen topics, someone cooks in the end. And the trolls ... They have such a job .. In addition to pisyuna and fountain pens, they did not hold anything harder in their hands .... From and they defecate .....
                    3. +1
                      10 February 2017 21: 01
                      Quote: Stroporez
                      Friends, all these statements, the escalation of the situation, have one goal: to pull Russia and Belarus from different angles and embitter peoples among themselves.

                      We were already dragged twenty-five years ago, and this is your unwillingness to return back, yours, not ours, you yourself expressed the desire to be strangers to us, this is YOUR choice.
                      1. +3
                        10 February 2017 21: 49
                        Quote: KaPToC
                        We were already taken away twenty-five years ago, and it’s your unwillingness to come back,

                        Listen, the only one of the "former" who advocated the revival of the Union was Lukashenko.
                        But our "creators" gradually merged this undertaking.
                        Quote: KaPToC
                        you yourself expressed the desire to be strangers to us, this is YOUR choice.

                        You at least do not write nonsense.
                        I assure you that if now one of the parties proclaims the thesis on the restoration of the Union, 80% of all the inhabitants of the Union will subscribe to it!
              2. +15
                10 February 2017 00: 17
                And take a ride to the neighbors - and wander into any milk processing plant - you go nuts. Everything that is possible and that is impossible is modernized. USSR and does not smell. The list is too big.
                And the sales market is the same Russia. And what is wrong? You would not have taken and We would not have taken from here.
                regarding re-export, in particular, of gray one - here more respected Russians rule. who in the subject, he is aware of what I mean. It happens that they’re bumbled, but there are enough crooks everywhere. But is Russia already in full order? :)
                Well, about the money - what is yours, I dare to ask ... Have you personally given? what part? announce the list please. :)
        4. +6
          9 February 2017 11: 49
          The main contradiction between Russia and Belarus in different socio-political systems .... Only from this position and it is necessary to consider the described contradictions ..

          Both there and there are capitalism. Well, maybe the degree of concentration of the means of production and power in the same hands differ. But the contradiction is simple - do not give up your market (Belarusian oligarchs),) or tidy up someone else's opportunity (Russian oligarchs). And the people here are an annoying hindrance or a means of fulfilling their dreams. Nothing new, described by young Stalin in 1903 about the Georgian bourgeoisie and their desire to separate from Russia.
        5. +5
          9 February 2017 21: 25
          In Belarus, despite the “dictator” Lukashenko, socialism with nation-wide state ownership of the means of production

          Belarusian socialism burst request , we are witnesses of this. And Belarusian socialism burst from the fact that the basic rule of building socialism in a separate country was violated - the autocratic (self-sufficient) economy. crying
        6. +3
          9 February 2017 22: 48
          Quote: vladimirZ
          The main contradiction between Russia and Belarus in different socio-political systems.

          Well, change your system, what's stopping you?
          Quote: vladimirZ
          In essence, Belarus is a bone in the throat of the current Russian oligarchs and the Russian government under their control.

          Exactly, Belarus is a soldier who does not keep pace and shoots in the other direction; there is no place for present Belarus in our Russian world. Either you change according to the Russian scenario, or you change in Ukrainian, get ready.
          1. +3
            9 February 2017 23: 50
            Exactly, Belarus is a soldier who does not keep pace and shoots in the other direction; there is no place for present Belarus in our Russian world. Either you change according to the Russian scenario, or you change in Ukrainian, get ready.

            What is the Russian world and where is it? And who are you to decide who and where the place is.
            1. +2
              9 February 2017 23: 56
              Quote: KP8789
              What is the Russian world and where is it?

              One eighth of the land.
              Quote: KP8789
              And who are you to decide who and where the place is.

              I am the one liable for military service, who will be called upon to once again get you out of the ass where you climb so carefully.
              1. +3
                10 February 2017 00: 44
                You answered where the Russian world is, but did not answer what it is. If you think that Russia is the very Russian world, then I am sorry for you. And you don’t have to get anyone out of nowhere, otherwise it’s easy to fold the lush head.
                1. +2
                  10 February 2017 21: 04
                  Quote: KP8789
                  You answered where the Russian world is, but did not answer what it is.

                  To chew? Swallow? Give a pacifier?
                  Quote: KP8789
                  And you don’t have to get anyone out of nowhere, otherwise it’s easy to fold the lush head.

                  Exactly, there is no regret to correct your mistakes, it is time to tear the next "brotherly" people from the nipples.
      7. +5
        9 February 2017 10: 15
        Quote: Kohl
        Russians! The money you think you feed your neighbors remains in the pockets of your oligarchs. This is such a divorce!

        - Kolya! Do not!... (film "Carnival Night")
      8. +3
        9 February 2017 15: 02
        You from Canada know better kaneshno.
      9. +5
        9 February 2017 17: 38
        Well, from Canada it’s more clearly visible, are you from the Khokhlyat diaspora? Eh Kolya, first, check out gas prices from Gazprom for Belarus, the EU and Ukraine. And this is a small part of the funds that are selected from state employees and pensioners of the Russian Federation. All these discounts fall on the budget of the Russian Federation.
      10. MrK
        10 February 2017 12: 37
        Quote: Kohl
        The money you think you feed your neighbors remains in the pockets of your oligarchs.

        Thanks colleague Kolya. Everyone who spits at Lukashenko, A. Romanov, along with the author, Ukraine, have been profiled, and you are profounding Belarus. And NATO will be near Smolensk.
        And you don’t understand the main thing: the interests of the Russian oligarchs do not coincide with the interests of the people of Russia, nor with the interests of the people of Belarus. And Putin can do nothing with them, because he is their protege.
    2. +11
      9 February 2017 05: 55
      He won’t fight anywhere, he will fight on the side of the enemies, if not directly by the supply of equipment and fuel and lubricants, which happened in Ukraine. Judging by the photograph, they equal Jesus with a rainbow flag.
    3. +19
      9 February 2017 06: 28
      To be honest, articles about Belarus are starting to get worse than Ukrainian! They want a decline, a final fall in living standards, the destruction of industry, total theft and ... ATO near Gomel - let Maidan! The last one is already - Putin! But there is another way, and this is not reform or Lukashenko’s resignation - only one thing - the people need to remember that Belaya Rus is the most important part of the Russian world and prosperity can only be after full reunification with Russia! All other ways - to nowhere or lackeys of the West, and even then not for long ....
      1. +27
        9 February 2017 06: 40
        Quote: Finches
        All other ways - to nowhere or lackeys of the West, and even then not for long.

        You probably haven’t heard what Lukashenko said recently, Independence is more expensive. Than Russian oil.
        This suggests that the person will fight to the end for independence, or rather for his position. Independently of Belarus, he is president, and in integrated, he is nobody. Lukashenko wanted to spit on his people, on Russia, on the treaty. He defends his personal power.
        1. +13
          9 February 2017 06: 42
          The fact of the matter is that for Lukashenko the word "independence" has a completely different meaning than in the Dahl dictionary and even more so has nothing to do with the good of the people!
        2. +12
          9 February 2017 10: 30
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          [Lukashenko wanted to spit on his people, on Russia, on the treaty. He defends his personal power.

          Well I said: - uncultured, power-hungry, selfish and greedy ...
          ... he just had to go to schools and pat the brave Belarusian youths on the cheeks (remind the world of the mega-famous documentary of Roman Carmen ...) - and the image is complete!
      2. +1
        9 February 2017 13: 38
        One of the few correct comments.
      3. +13
        9 February 2017 23: 31
        .... digging, digging. I agree. Any news is served under the sauce "they are the next traitors" .... And this opus is no exception. Myths, ostensibly already existing in the country, about which the author knows nothing. what, deep OnalteG, we have Olezhek Egorov ......
        1. +1
          10 February 2017 08: 47
          Yes, you can say I’ve got an article so I’ve got it :)
          Admins apparently looked, sorry.
          Well. We temper in the fight :) Sofa :)
    4. +3
      9 February 2017 11: 13
      "harsh statements on the" internationally recognized "borders of Azerbaijan. Why?"
      And what, should support the separatists? How are some countries? Lukashenko supports the country within internationally recognized borders. For that he is honored and respected! If there are countries and circles that support the separatists (only not at home, for some reason, but exclusively at the neighbors), then one should not be surprised that the attitude towards them will also be appropriate.
      1. +7
        9 February 2017 15: 55
        And what, should support the separatists? How are some countries? Lukashenko supports the country within internationally recognized borders. For that he is honored and respected!

        Then we must leave the CSTO. request
        1. 0
          10 February 2017 01: 12
          Quote: Olezhek
          And what, should support the separatists? How are some countries? Lukashenko supports the country within internationally recognized borders. For that he is honored and respected!

          Then we must leave the CSTO. request

          Stop! Stop! Stop!
          THOSE. You want to say that the CSTO is not a Collective Security Treaty Organization (defensive alliance),
          the objectives of which are "strengthening peace, international and regional security and stability, protection collectively independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of member stateswhich Member States give priority to political means ”
          and the separatist support club?
          1. +1
            10 February 2017 06: 52
            THOSE. You want to say that the CSTO is not a Collective Security Treaty Organization (defensive alliance),
            the objectives of which are “strengthening peace, international and regional security and stability, collective defense of the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Member States,

            Gentlemen, once again, why do you need the CSTO? request

            You have your own interpretation of everything, including the CSTO

            The position of the Belarusians - everyone owes us, we - nobody ... That is why the option of bringing RB to "free bread" is being actively worked out

            Tired because.
            1. +1
              10 February 2017 15: 00
              Quote: Olezhek
              Gentlemen, once again, why do you need the CSTO?

              I don’t know why either?
              There is the SG, there is a joint doctrine of its defense, there is a joint air defense system, there is an agreement on the interaction of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation in the event of hostilities. Since 2001, joint exercises have been held.
              Why, then, is the CSTO also a mystery to me.
              1. +2
                10 February 2017 16: 32
                There is the SG, there is a joint doctrine of its defense, there is a joint air defense system, there is an agreement on the interaction of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation in the event of hostilities

                1 Union State is a myth.

                2 Joint Doctrine of Defense? This is when Shoigu was publicly sent from the air base?
                What kind of circus is this?

                3 At the time of the crisis in Ukraine no no joint action was observed.

                4 If Belarus joined the CSTO but does not want to play by the rules, this is an irresponsible state, incapable of meeting one’s obligations
      2. avt
        9 February 2017 15: 59
        Quote: xetai9977
        Lukashenko supports the country within internationally recognized borders. For that he is honored and respected!

        Yeah, here's another thing, well, besides your table, they’ll send respect from the other end, just as the same Great Eastern churches have sent to the great uk.
        In the field of eastern policy in Poland, the Foreign Minister also noted a change in policy towards Belarus. “The main task will be to confirm the normalization of relations by specific decisions, especially in the field of economic, border and trade cooperation, as well as in the field of normalization of relations with organizations of Poles in Belarus,”
        Not only could he see the Kremlin’s stools, but also a chair in a Radziwill castle with such a hat too. Already the owners, with restitution at a low start.
      3. +4
        9 February 2017 23: 22
        Dear Azerbaijanian. Only no offense, please. Independence to states is usually given in blood during wars. The Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic gained independence for nothing, the USSR collapsed so you are independent. The problem is that together with independence, they got a bunch of problems and they still cannot solve these problems. Independence is such a nasty thing. The Karabakh problem, like any other problem region, can usually be solved in two ways:
        1. Recognize the independence of Karabakh and live together - we cannot;
        2. Conquer Karabakh by military means - we cannot.
        Well, since we can’t talk about what)))

        I am against the resolution of the Karabakh issue by armed means.
        1. 0
          10 February 2017 01: 19
          Quote: Sarmat149
          2. Conquer Karabakh by military means - we cannot.

          So the escalation of the conflict in the spring of 2016 just confirmed that they can.
          But whether it is advisable in this way to resolve the issue - I do not know the answer.
    5. +8
      9 February 2017 20: 24
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Soyuznichki ... mother rewind ...
      Lukashenko ...

      A simple question, Where did Ukraine get fuel and lubricants for tanks, planes, and tractors? Does Ukraine have large development of oil fields? No ... the answer is obvious - Belarus sells fuel and lubricants to Ukraine. It’s just that some former fraternal republics, speaking of a sincere friendship with Russia, supply ISIS, fuel and lubricants for the Armed Forces of Ukraine ... such good friends ... but for me, having such friends, there are no enemies.
      1. +2
        9 February 2017 20: 42
        And Russian banks officially work in ruin and finance the regime. So Russia is an enemy to itself?
        1. +5
          9 February 2017 20: 45
          Quote: KP8789
          And Russian banks officially work in ruin and finance the regime. So Russia is an enemy to itself?

          Do not confuse traders with the people. In the trader where there is profit there is the homeland. And about the funded regime ... evidence in the studio.
          1. +3
            9 February 2017 21: 34
            That is, the people have nothing to do with it, the traders are to blame. And who supplies fuel and lubricants to ruin? Belarusian people or the same traders. Why are Russian traders better than Belarus?
            The work of banks is proof of the financing of the regime. Learn how banks earn money and everything will become clear. They will not earn much on depositors. The regime uproots everything Russian in ruin, and banks work quietly. It’s not just like that.
            1. +2
              9 February 2017 22: 57
              Quote: KP8789
              And who supplies fuel and lubricants to ruin?

              Well, buy oil at market prices, you are supplying Russian fuel and lubricants to ruin.
      2. 0
        10 February 2017 01: 22
        Quote: NEXUS
        A simple question, Where did Ukraine get fuel and lubricants for tanks, planes, and tractors? Does Ukraine have large development of oil fields? No ... the answer is obvious - Belarus sells fuel and lubricants to Ukraine.

        20% of the market is Belarusian oil products.
        and oh miracle of miracles
        35% Russian
        True, an amazing coincidence?
        but I didn’t come up with it myself, it’s the AHL at the February 3 press conference that’s what I said.
        1. 0
          10 February 2017 06: 53
          20% of the market is Belarusian oil products.
          and oh miracle of miracles
          35% Russian
          True, an amazing coincidence?

          Comrad, for the supply of weapons and equipment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus from Belarus, what do you say?
          1. 0
            10 February 2017 15: 10
            Quote: Olezhek
            20% of the market is Belarusian oil products.
            and oh miracle of miracles
            35% Russian
            True, an amazing coincidence?

            Comrad, for the supply of weapons and equipment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus from Belarus, what do you say?

            I don’t supply anything to the APU, not even fuel and lubricants.
            AHL for this reason is silent as a captured partisan and other officials with him for one.
            Maxim, that I can assume that from the civilian market volunteers (go take them apart) can buy mazes and deliver them to terbats or wherever else.
  2. +24
    9 February 2017 05: 41
    A good article, it was interesting to read, a fairly detailed analysis of what is happening. What can I say, we fell into a debt hole, and not the fact that it will not become deeper. There are many reasons, and yet, most of them are internal. The conservative policy pursued by Lukashenko is good only in one case, when the country is flourishing, then it is better not to conduct experiments, because it is easy to worsen the existing balance, and it is not easy and improbable to improve it. However, for the entire short history of Belarus’s independence, only a few years we lived in the middle of the 2000s, and never smelled of wealth. Have reforms and modernizations been made in the economy to correct the situation? Only at selected enterprises. Plus, one of the most complex tax systems in the world and a repulsive investment reputation (some foreign investors were thrown for money, and new ones take this into account and do not go to the country). And in this matter everything rests on the personality of Lukashenko, who is primarily a monarchist. Yes, in the 90s and until the beginning of the 2000s, he really built socialism, and was popular in that. But in order to build socialism, you yourself need to be a socialist, you cannot fool nature and reprogram yourself. Further, naturally, elements of the monarchy appear, the further, the more, you just don’t feel like writing nasty things. The latest decrees on the unemployed tax and the tax on picking mushrooms and berries mark the final turn from socialism to the monarchy, as they affect the poorest sections of society, increasing social inequality. I am sorry for the monarchists, because in the modern world their system is completely losing to both capitalism and socialism, although it has many supporters, it is obvious that they simply do not have a solution to the current economic problems in Belarus.
    1. +4
      9 February 2017 05: 54
      The latest decrees on the unemployed tax and on the mushroom and berry collection tax mark the final reversal from socialism to the monarchy,

      Mdaa I thought that only with us this can be ... and you have even worse with this matter. hi
      1. +9
        9 February 2017 06: 22
        The latest decrees on the unemployed tax and the tax on picking mushrooms and berries mark the final turn from socialism to the monarchy, as they affect the poorest sections of society, increasing social inequality
        hah! but we have canceled the import duty on yachts! tongue wassat
      2. +12
        9 February 2017 06: 45
        In Russia, as I understand it, there is now a symbiosis of security officials and capitalists. The problem is that both of these categories are not interested in a large-scale solution of social issues that are only accumulating (not more than yesterday on the Tape there was a figure of 29 million Russians below the poverty line). The only system that solves them is socialism. But benefits, pensions, allowances, other social guarantees are very expensive, which only a well-developed sphere of industry and services is able to pay, which will not sink under their burden (as happens in Belarus), and it turns out that the only acceptable form of government is a little if not of any country - this is a symbiosis of capitalism and socialism (AI control from the science fiction section), which is still a task to realize, but few even aspire to it. Something like the Swedish version with local nuances. I am writing for socialism as a liberal and a supporter of the market))
        1. +6
          9 February 2017 07: 04
          Quote: birs
          The problem is that both of these categories are not interested in a large-scale solution of social issues.

          What are social issues in your understanding?
          Quote: birs
          The only system that decides them is socialism.

          North Korea-socialism-poverty.
          Belarus-socialism-poverty is not there, just because fraternal people are at hand.
          And then I didn’t understand what you wrote. What does Sweden have to do with it and why is it a model.
          1. +13
            9 February 2017 10: 26
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Belarus-socialism-poverty is not there, just because fraternal people are at hand.
            And then I didn’t understand what you wrote. What does Sweden have to do with it and why is it a model.

            Poverty already exists. All the money received from the Russian Federation was invested in ice rinks that were not needed, or sawn, the industry did not modernize, it worked in a warehouse.
          2. +1
            9 February 2017 11: 40
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            North Korea-socialism-poverty.

            So there are blockades and other things, if they would give equal conditions, they were much better.
          3. +1
            9 February 2017 22: 59
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            What does Sweden have to do with it and why is it a model?

            Sweden is the most developed state in the world - therefore it is a model, but not socialist.
        2. +12
          9 February 2017 07: 10
          Quote: birs
          Something like the Swedish version with local nuances. I am writing for socialism as a liberal and a supporter of the market))

          In Sweden, capitalism and the presence of a huge number of benefits and social protection do not make this country socialist.
          Simply, many commies, in order to show an example of what type of socialism should be, give an example of Sweden and Norway.
          Hrenase - they have the highest form of development of capitalism, post-industrial capitalism.
          And socialism is S. Korea, Venezuela, Cuba.
        3. +2
          9 February 2017 10: 15
          In Russia, as I understand it, there is now a symbiosis of security officials and capitalists. The problem is that both of these categories are not interested in a large-scale solution of social issues that are only accumulating.

          It is written in the article that socialism is not only a moral choice, but the availability of money for social spending. It’s kind of expensive. Be interested here or not
      3. +13
        9 February 2017 06: 52
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        Mdaa I thought that only with us this can be ... and you have even worse with this matter.

        Like ordinary neighbors fellow You look through the fence, and tammmmmmm ...... request winked wassatwhat does not fit into your worldview laughing
    2. +14
      9 February 2017 06: 49
      Quote: birs
      The latest decrees on the unemployed tax and the tax on picking mushrooms and berries mark the final turn from socialism to the monarchy, as they affect the poorest sections of society, increasing social inequality

      And how do you look at the fact that rumors are circulating that if you have a mini-tower bought for your money and you already pay for electricity, then you need to install also meters for the water that you pump wassat This is so, from the edge of the ear heard in remote villages and the truth in the last resort does not seem. request But there is no smoke without fire what fellow
      Already people say - it would be completely decided which boobs want to suck request Yes, I would stop doing garbage fool
      Personally, my opinion and statement of what I heard winked
      1. +11
        9 February 2017 09: 16
        Quote: Rurikovich
        Already, people say - they would decide completely what kind of boobs they want to suck, but would stop doing garbage

        February 9, i.e. Today, Lukashenko was invited to Moscow for a meeting of the Supreme State. Council of Russia and Belarus. It was supposed to discuss all controversial issues at this meeting, but Rygorych did not confirm his arrival, the press secretary Peskov had to smooth the situation and say that the schedules of the two presidents were being agreed. It’s a strange situation, instead of going to Moscow and making an agreement, Lukashenko at 7 o’clock puts out a press conference for journalists, where he attacks Russia, then promises not to offend the Russians, otherwise he’ll put Putin on the 20th car, forgetting to say to himself where he will be assigned. Lukashenko resembles a little shkodnik, who screwed up, hid around the corner and waved his fist, and when he is called to talk, he offends his cheeks and hides.
        1. +2
          9 February 2017 12: 06
          Where does infa come from? Did Peskov call you?
        2. avt
          9 February 2017 12: 17
          Quote: Anatol Klim
          February 9, i.e. Today, Lukashenko was invited to Moscow for a meeting of the Supreme State. Council of Russia and Belarus.

          Quote: Dr. Sorge
          Where does infa come from? Did Peskov call you?

          bully And what? Has Father Butsko already arrived in Moscow? Do we not read the news? wassat They didn’t really know about the announced visit, or
          You like us
          On Saturdays, or what?
          Well I owe the minister
          Explain such a trifle?
          1. +3
            9 February 2017 13: 13
            From you, as always, only "nonsense" in response.
            Learn to put commas correctly first :)
            1. avt
              9 February 2017 13: 31
              Quote: Dr. Sorge
              From you, as always, only "nonsense" in response.

              request Well, I know for sure, once
              Quote: Dr. Sorge
              Learn to put commas correctly first :)

              So it doesn’t arrive and you don’t have to wait! bully
              1. +2
                9 February 2017 13: 39
                No, they didn’t ask ... What a pity :)
            2. +2
              9 February 2017 23: 05
              Quote: Dr. Sorge
              Learn to put commas correctly first :)

              Oh, you god, my illiterate interlocutors interfere with your life!
              Quote: Dr. Sorge
              Dr. Sorge

              Great people take an unknown name and glorify it all over the world, all sorts of crooks take a famous name and shit it at the very reluctance.
              Are you by any chance a relative of Suvorov, who is Rezun?
        3. 0
          10 February 2017 01: 30
          Quote: Anatol Klim
          February 9, i.e. Today, Lukashenko was invited to Moscow for a meeting of the Supreme State. Council of Russia and Belarus.

          It seems the 9th did not take place
      2. 0
        10 February 2017 01: 29
        Quote: Rurikovich
        that if you have a mini-tower, bought for your money and you already pay for electricity, then you need to install also meters for the water that you pump

        sorry what kind of "mini-tower" what does she do
        1. +1
          10 February 2017 08: 13
          Quote: prosto_rgb
          sorry what kind of "mini-tower" what does she do

          A “mini-tower" is a device that pumps water from the ground. You punch a well in the house (pantry, bathroom, cellar) to the aquifer, hammer a pipe with D25-30mm filters, put an electric pump with a vacuum tank on it, connect it to the "consumers" in the house and voila - you have your own water. Valid for individual houses. This is so, in principle, and briefly without technical perversions hi
          1. 0
            10 February 2017 14: 09
            Quote: Rurikovich
            This is so, in principle, and briefly without technical perversions.

            thanks, this is more than enough
            those. on such a thing they want to hang a water meter and demand payment for water, according to rumors?
    3. avt
      9 February 2017 09: 41
      Quote: birs
      That conservative policy pursued by Lukashenko is good only in one case, when the country is flourishing,

      laughing It’s easier to write, it’s good and fun to build a financial pyramid only at the beginning of its construction, especially since you diagnosed the disease called “Belarusian Economic Miracle” correctly
      Quote: birs
      What can I say, we fell into a debt hole, and not the fact that it will not become deeper.

      Well, it’s deeper in the language of toleration called default, or bankruptcy of the state due to the impossibility of payments on external borrowings. Of course, this way everyone will not die abruptly at once, BUT somehow it can’t do without social upheaval for sure. Moreover, again, as you yourself indicate,
      Quote: birs
      The latest decrees on the unemployed tax and on the mushroom and berry collection tax mark the final reversal from socialism to the monarchy,

      it’s not from a great mind, but fierce lack of money, and all that’s one thing to put out a fire with kerosene.
      Quote: birs
      In Russia, as I understand it, there is now a symbiosis of security officials and capitalists.

      bully good Gaidar’s post decided, I’ll buy everything, said gold. I'll take it all, damask said " bully And in such situations, Uncle Vova! The violinist is not needed! " bully
    4. +4
      9 February 2017 12: 04
      Oppy on the site. In the article do you like everything? Oh well...
      1. avt
        9 February 2017 12: 13
        Quote: Dr. Sorge
        Oppy on the site.

        Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf. You are not there. On the site are citizens of independent Russia.
        Quote: Dr. Sorge
        Oh well...
        The hands itch at the court, give your local one and order to be forcibly taken from Belarus to serve the sentence according to the suvyarennaga decree? Well, as bequeathed to the PMA - ,, Hands itch? Scratch elsewhere! "
        You don’t grit your teeth with me. You erase them even to the roots. I’ll puff ugh on your creak, understand?
        1. +4
          9 February 2017 13: 15
          Not, for starters, I’ll advise you to contact the teacher, so that the commas tell how and where to put :)
          And poking is ugly.
          1. avt
            9 February 2017 13: 43
            Quote: Dr. Sorge
            And poking is ugly.

            And to us the Horde of Moscow, Finno-Ugric, and other, other, other, your marriage to ..... bully So always come with complete confidence in the workers 'and peasants' revelation. bully
            1. +5
              9 February 2017 15: 38
              and why litvins to help mom went? even then it began
  3. +11
    9 February 2017 06: 04
    That is, if Belarusians “pulled a common strap” - all of these issues would not exist. But they are only interested in the "common boiler", hence the scandals.
    These lines are the whole point of the article. And so it is, unfortunately.
    1. +3
      9 February 2017 10: 13
      Just Belarusians constantly ask questions: What is wrong? Why?

      That's exactly why ... request
  4. +5
    9 February 2017 06: 17
    Quote: Kohl
    Russians! The money you think you feed your neighbors remains in the pockets of your oligarchs. This is such a divorce!

    Well, you know better from Canada ;-)
  5. +6
    9 February 2017 06: 35
    Crucifixion against the background of the LGBT flag, however symbolic.
    1. +6
      9 February 2017 06: 41
      Quote: Fitter65
      Crucifixion on the background of the LGBT flag

      Demons this
  6. +5
    9 February 2017 06: 39
    Russia Belarus Ukraine one people one state.
    The author did a lot of things, but today he met a dispatcher who went on vacation all the enterprises that worked in their youth not a single one ruined all work comparable pensions cheap products neatly neatly but people scolding Lukashenko say they snickered then who are our steering swells at all?
    We have different economics, different goal-setting. Russia is a donor to thieves of all stripes.
    1. +10
      9 February 2017 06: 46
      Quote: apro
      .Russia is a donor for thieves of all stripes.

      True, that is, Lukashenko is a thief. But you did well, however.
      You have the flag of the USSR, that’s who was the real donor for the hell out of anyone around the world, from Kimov to popuars in Africa.
      1. +1
        9 February 2017 07: 10
        Lukashenko once said that if you find his personal accounts or other property abroad, then you can pick it up for yourself, he allows something like that.
        Alexander of the USSR was a world power and he had world interests and it costs money. He did not forget the main thing about his people.
        1. +12
          9 February 2017 07: 24
          Quote: apro
          Lukashenko once said that if you find his personal accounts or other property abroad, then you can pick it up for yourself, he allows something like that.

          Have you already found billions of Putin?
          Quote: apro
          Alexander of the USSR was a world power

          Russia is a world power, and now, and then, and in the 18th century, too. The name was different.
          Quote: apro
          and he had world interests and it costs money.

          Stupidly bought the top, poured money. And then when the denyuzhka ended ... Oops. Where are they allies, scattered across the palms.
          Quote: apro
          I did not forget the main thing about my people.

          You know, if tomorrow you go to the grocery store and there will be an assortment, as in 1985. Then you go to the clothing store, and there will be an assortment, like 1985. Having gone to work, you will be waited by a salary, as in 1985, and the prices for furniture. Machines, televisions, will also be. As in 1985.
          You will return to the site and will demand to lynch Putin.
          I remember many comments here when they returned Crimea and imposed sanctions.
          Nothing, we will break the bread.
          And then after a while, these same people wrote something completely different, forgetting about what they wrote earlier wink
          1. +4
            9 February 2017 09: 16
            Alexander, I would have exchanged today's 2017 for 1985 with pleasure, not even in terms of age, but there were problems, but they were solved and there was enough money and there was now enough confidence in the future. The world power was still the USSR and Russia was reigned a major regional power. Putin's millions let the professionals do not bother them.
            1. +10
              9 February 2017 09: 29
              Quote: apro
              and Russia reigns supreme as a major regional power

              Obama said? Well, if Obama said, then the way it is, the main thing is to believe.
              Quote: apro
              .Millions of Putin let them engage in professionals do not bother them.

              They’ve been looking for 20 years and can’t help them. Maybe you can do it? belay
              1. +6
                9 February 2017 09: 39
                No need to scold Alexander who said that he said there are objective economic and demographic indicators, though everyone reads them his own way. For me, any confrontation with Belarus and Ukraine is unacceptable only a dynamic rapprochement and the creation of a real alliance.
                1. +5
                  9 February 2017 10: 04
                  Quote: apro
                  No need to scold Alexander

                  Okay, we’ll hammer it, otherwise we’ll go where it’s not necessary. And so few people with a red flag on the site with whom you can talk normally. drinks hi
        2. 0
          9 February 2017 23: 20
          Quote: apro
          Alexander of the USSR was a world power and he had world interests and it costs money.

          Tell it to the Americans.
    2. +6
      9 February 2017 10: 05
      Quote: apro
      Russia Belarus Ukraine one people one state.
      The author did a lot of things, but today he met a dispatcher who went on vacation all the enterprises that worked in their youth not a single one ruined all work comparable pensions cheap products neatly neatly but people scolding Lukashenko say they snickered then who are our steering swells at all?
      We have different economics, different goal-setting. Russia is a donor to thieves of all stripes.

      Of course, I understand everything, but ...
  7. +1
    9 February 2017 06: 46
    Goodbye Alexandrina ....
  8. +10
    9 February 2017 07: 14
    The economy of Belarus is more and more unprofitable

    And Russia is beginning to blame it. Isn't it a similar situation with one neighboring sub-state?
    1. +13
      9 February 2017 10: 32
      The EU, Russia, and the United States may be to blame for the troubles of Balarusi, depending on who did not give money for the Belarusian “economic miracle”. And only our authorities are white and fluffy.
  9. +14
    9 February 2017 07: 19
    The balance of gold reserves and the deficit of the balance of payments of Belarus is rapidly moving in the direction of default. And already close. So Lukashenko has come to choose the chair on which he is going to sit. But, in fact, there is no choice. There is no second chair - the EU does not need any Belarus.

    I’m afraid, as if the second chair suddenly didn’t appear.
    A pair of pro-Bandera matches dad and kapets. For oil and gas, this is already clearly visible.

    Belarus can be saved only by complete submission to Russia in political and military issues, and in the economy - the 90s or the current Ukrainian reality.

    How else? I have no desire to pay for any Papuans or for Belarusians, if their spiritual leader Ayatollah Lukashenko constantly vilely dirty Russia. am
  10. +9
    9 February 2017 07: 28
    More action, less words! I do not impose my opinions on anyone, I say, as I think, based on what is happening in the neighboring country.
    Belarusians are not schizophrenics. These are practical, cunning people who have been milking the Russian state for twenty-five years, and now they are going to milk the European Union and the USA. They milked us "brotherly", i.e. free and by mutual agreement, the EU will milk for providing a springboard for “containment”, as they say, of Russia, they will liquidate our overseas monitoring station for ballistic missile launches (SPRN), they will Belarusianize public life, they will ban the Russian language, well, in a word, further everywhere. You don’t have to go far for examples. They would have done this a long time ago, only in their west the diaspora is weaker than the Ukrainian one, it can not so much help in the destruction of the “Russian heritage” and “cover up” the local nationalists, declaring them freedom fighters. But over the years, apparently, has grown stronger, because the scam brings huge revenues at the state level. Here it is, "my youth, ..."
    Our government seems to have decided: it won’t give itself more milk, the milk is over, and, therefore, the events in Belarus will develop according to the Ukrainian scenario, only Lukashenko will give power peacefully, without burning tires, to the sounds of his country's anthem. In the same way, NATO troops or the newly emerging European army led by the Germans will quietly enter Belarus. Next, the genocide of the Russian population will begin, which will ultimately replenish the number of Russian citizens by refusing to become “pure” Belarusians, and then the turn of the Belarusians will come, those who still remain in this territory.
    1. avt
      9 February 2017 09: 48
      Quote: 1536
      They milked us "brotherly", i.e. for free and by mutual agreement, the EU will milk for providing them with a bridgehead for “containment”,

      bully bully Yeah, some have already been looking for milking for three years and the country really can be renamed to Ruin. But in general terms, I agree - it’s real to keep Butsk’s personal power, or the elite in his name bully to reduce Belarus to the state of the Baltic states and even lower, well, generally drive E1 in the Polish pansky chobot, are quite capable. And this is not such a fantastic prospect in the presence of trained young people in Poland and having fun in the Radziwill heritage with a great Lytvinsky soul. Actually it's so sweet, well, instantly feel yourself anointed. Here
      Quote: birs
      . And in this matter everything rests on the personality of Lukashenko, who is primarily a monarchist.

      actually correctly noticed
    2. +2
      9 February 2017 10: 10
      Similarly, NATO troops or the newly emerging European army led by the Germans will quietly enter Belarus

      It will not be this. Neither Georgia nor Ukraine joined NATO ...
      And how they breathed, how they breathed ...
  11. +7
    9 February 2017 07: 44
    By the way, this destroys yet another myth about “EuroBelarus” and “Asian Russia” - it’s already somehow customary to make cardinal decisions without consulting the people.

    Does the author live in a parallel universe?
    The Platon system, contributions to the housing and communal services capital fund, gifts to China, Norway, the territories of the Russian Federation, the introduction of the Unified State Examination, Jesuit health care reform, etc., of course, the people were asked, each personally. fool The rest is a more or less intelligible article
    1. +6
      9 February 2017 08: 29
      Quote: DM51
      System "Plato"

      Do you know a lot?
      Quote: DM51
      contributions to the housing and communal services fund

      88 rubles
      Quote: DM51
      gifts to China, Norway, territories of the Russian Federation,

      Add Crimea, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Arctic shelf of 15 million square kilometers
      Quote: DM51
      USE introduction, Jesuit health care reform

      The police made the police-aaaaaa policemen. As a result, almost no one calls the police garbage, the traffic cops stopped taking it. And medicine is not so simple, but it’s easier to speak in language, it’s not to turn over bags
      1. +3
        9 February 2017 11: 16
        Do you know a lot?

        Enough, and you?
        88 rubles

        Just pay and what is the total amount in the country?
        Add Crimea, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Arctic shelf of 15 million square kilometers

        We are not in the market to bargain with our Motherland, why on earth are we distributing our lands without a referendum for a gift? Has anyone recognized our right to the shelf?
        The police made the police-aaaaaa policemen. As a result, almost no one calls the police garbage, the traffic cops stopped taking it. And medicine is not so simple, but it’s easier to speak in language, it’s not to turn over bags

        In the police, the mess is even cooler than in medicine, the benefit is that I have a lot of acquaintances in the organs, my wife works in public health, including I know all this firsthand, unlike some
        1. +3
          9 February 2017 12: 13
          Quote: DM51
          You just pay

          I think not, there are repairs in the hallways, new mailboxes, new batteries, plastic windows, motion sensors to turn on the light. The basement was put in order, Yard. reports on what and how money was spent come every three months. We have a normal company.
          1. 0
            9 February 2017 13: 19
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Quote: DM51
            You just pay

            I think not, there are repairs in the hallways, new mailboxes, new batteries, plastic windows, motion sensors to turn on the light. The basement was put in order, Yard. reports on what and how money was spent come every three months. We have a normal company.

            The fact of the matter is that contributions to the capital repair fund do not come to the management company and your house was not ennobled with this money
        2. +1
          9 February 2017 23: 26
          Quote: DM51
          Has anyone recognized our right to the shelf?

          Has anyone recognized our right to the Crimea? Recognition is weak, we only put enemies before the fact - our shelf.
  12. +11
    9 February 2017 07: 45
    I don’t quite understand the purpose of this series of articles. All of them are the same set of hysterical curses addressed to Belarus (the Republic of Belarus). From my point of view there is no sense in this cursing. But the main question is why Is it written?
    There are two rational options.
    1) The author lobbies the interests of Russian oligarchs seeking to privatize the Belarusian industry. All of these are Fridman, Abramovich, Millerov, Vekselberg, Usma
    new and other Israeli citizens living in England. But it is impossible, such authors write not in VO, but in Kommersant, they are smart and politically literate (let the author forgive me, from my point of view, these two virtues have nothing to do with him ) and they are paid decent money. That is, this option definitely disappears.
    2) The author is a Maidan worker and works on a conditional “State Department.” Then his logic is clear, the purpose of the article is to offend the Belarusians, cause Russian anger before the “betrayal” of Belarus and help widen the gap between countries and peoples. This is a classic strategy of all adherents of Western capitalism since perestroika the same people first said in Moscow that Belarus, Ukraine, etc. they go around Russia, and then they came to Kiev / Tbilisi, etc., and said that Ukraine, Georgia, etc. exploited by Russia. The scheme is simple, but as they say "people hawala"
    But even here the ends don’t converge. Firstly, there is no reason for the Maidan worker to publish on VO, and secondly, even the most stupid Maidan driver knows that they need to offer a “bright alternative.” For example, Maidan in Ukraine, propaganda was carried out there simply, Russia compared to Europe is poor, wild, and weak, so it’s necessary to go to Europe, it will be difficult, but we can handle it. There is no alternative here, just a stream of insults. Suppose the author is right, and the Belarusian government is ignorant, stuck in the 80s, can’t do anything , all strive to "stick a knife in the back" of Russia and in general, they are freeloaders in life. And then what? What should they do? Should Lukashenko read this, sob and understand all his inefficiency? Belarusians should immediately throw off Lukashenka’s criminal regime and replace him with the right managers from Sberbank or Lukoil who will show Belarusians what reforms are in Russian? All Belarusians must publicly repent to poor Gazprom and pay for gas exactly as much as the master will say? From the article, this is decidedly incomprehensible. That is, the author does not even draw on the most stupidly jumping Maidan.
    It remains to assume that the author does not have any political ideas, he has no intentions, he has no goals either, he’s just like a contemporary artist “sees so”.
    Well, our Belarusian friends may wish to strengthen the Union State to keep our oligarchs out of their way and not pay attention to all the insulting nonsense written in this article.
    1. +9
      9 February 2017 08: 29
      Quote: Odyssey
      Well, our Belarusian friends may wish to strengthen the Union State to prevent our oligarchs

      No investment in a brotherly country !!! good that you are not in power
      1. +5
        9 February 2017 09: 06
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        to the brotherly country !!

        belay Excuse me, fraternal peoples is a Communist concept, it was fraternal peoples in the USSR, under capitalism there are no “fraternal peoples” a priori, what kind of “fraternity” is when money is the main social regulator.
        You have always been an adept of capitalism, and then you started talking like a seasoned party worker.
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        No investment

        Are you worried that true patriots like the non-resident Usmanov or Israeli citizen Friedman will not buy a new yacht? Do not worry, they will buy it, but not at the expense of the Belarusians, but at our expense. So, I should rather worry about this.
        As for the Belarusians, then they do not have some kind of “terrible” Soviet power, but quite a bourgeois democracy, so it’s a sin for you not to support the superstitious choice of the democratically elected authorities of the Republic of Belarus.
        If Belarusians want, they will choose guys who will give everything into the hands of Gref or Soros of their choice.
        But I personally would not advise them to do this ...
        1. +5
          9 February 2017 09: 32
          Quote: Odyssey
          Excuse me, fraternal peoples is a Communist concept, it was fraternal peoples in the USSR, under capitalism there are no "fraternal peoples"

          In your imagination it may not happen.
          Quote: Odyssey
          Are you worried that true patriots like the non-resident Usmanov or Israeli citizen Friedman will not buy a new yacht? Do not worry, they will buy it, but not at the expense of the Belarusians, but at our expense.

          I will give you one piece of advice. -Never write about the economy again, this is not yours !!
    2. +6
      9 February 2017 10: 01
      Quote: Odyssey
      Well, our Belarusian friends may wish to strengthen the Union State to keep our oligarchs out of their way and not pay attention to all the insulting nonsense written in this article.

      Odyssey! better than you reflect the essence is very difficult, so respect and a lot of advantages good drinks . + 100500
      1. +2
        10 February 2017 02: 17
        Quote: Stroporez
        Odyssey! better than you reflect the essence is very difficult, so respect and a lot of advantages

        Thank you, of course. The only thing I did not begin to analyze all this points. There are 2 reasons
        1) In the article, from my point of view, there are so many mistakes that I would write a couple of days.
        2) These mistakes are self-evident and it’s somehow inconvenient to paint all of this on purpose. For example, if a person writes that “By the way, Belarus is to some extent a model of what would happen to the USSR if it weren’t reformed, but simply trying to preserve "in the crystal box", that is, does not see the difference between the socialist planned economy and the popular means of production in the 1/6 of the world and the economy of small Belarus with private property, foreign investors and institutions of bourgeois democracy, I’m even embarrassed to write, that is wrong.
        This is the same as proving to adults that an elephant is not a whale. In my opinion, people are already aware of this))
    3. +9
      9 February 2017 10: 09
      All of them are the same type of hysterical abuse to Belarus (the Republic of Belarus). From my point of view, there is no sense in this abuse, but the main question is, why is it written?

      Asked - we answer!
      All Belarusian articles on mutual relations / all comments largely consist of sincere amazement: "Well, how so, we are allies!"
      Then people begin to actively chew on a variety of myths and legends.
      Tue the author and tried to highlight these issues.
      Sounds unpleasant to someone, I understand.
    4. +3
      9 February 2017 10: 24
      The author lobbies the interests of Russian oligarchs seeking to privatize the Belarusian industry

      And there is nothing to privatize already .... Everything fell apart ...
    5. 0
      9 February 2017 14: 58
      But this is not possible, such authors do not write in VO, but in Kommersant, they are smart and politically literate (let the author forgive me, from my point of view, these two virtues have nothing to do with him) and they get paid decent money.

      Yes, the cash denyuh you rightly noticed ...
      I'm sitting, drooling ... belay
    6. +5
      9 February 2017 16: 13
      Lukashenko does not recognize the Russian Crimea. Being neither a lobbyist nor a maidan, it is nevertheless difficult for me to regard this differently than vile betrayal. sad

      And this despite the fact that Russia for so long endured (and allowed) solvent schemes, Belarusian seafood, diesel fuel supply uk-frames for ATO (and for what else ??), etc.
      1. +4
        9 February 2017 20: 45
        Quote: Gormengast
        Lukashenko does not recognize the Russian Crimea. Being neither a lobbyist nor a maidan, it is nevertheless difficult for me to regard this differently than vile betrayal.

        Excellent, then the counter-question is, when will the largest Russian state bank, Sberbank, recognize Crimea? And why, let’s say, you do not regard such his actions as vile betrayal?
        In fact, Lukashenko does not recognize Crimea because he does not live in a virtual world where Putin is a patriot of Russia, but Russia itself rises from its knees, but in a real world where Russia gave Ukraine the USA (it is as if the USA would give Canada to Russia) and decided to recapture Crimea but then, frightened by its own courage, Donbass began to consider the sovereign territories of Maidan Ukraine.
        Well, Belarus recognizes Crimea will receive a package of European sanctions, a direct enmity with Ukraine’s Maidan, and tomorrow in Russia during the operation "successor number 2" they will give up some Kudrin or Dvorkovich and Russia itself will give the same Crimea. And in what position will the authorities find themselves Belarus? And then you think Gazprom’s claims of this recognition, although the ruble will decrease?
        Quote: Gormengast
        And this despite the fact that Russia for so long endured (and allowed) solvent schemes, Belarusian seafood, the supply of diesel fuel uk-frames for ATO (and for what else ??)

        Well, then, how do you evaluate the work of our banks in Maidan Ukraine? Yes, and their capitalization, and trade with Ukraine and even at a discount? This capitalism is dominated by profit in our own pockets. And if we ourselves act this way, then why are you making claims to others?
      2. +1
        10 February 2017 01: 41
        Quote: Gormengast
        Lukashenko does not recognize the Russian Crimea. Being neither a lobbyist nor a maidan, it is nevertheless difficult for me to regard this differently than vile betrayal.

        And besides, Lukashenko does not recognize not only Crimea, but also Kosovo for one.
        When does Sberbank of Russia recognize Crimea?
  13. dFG
    9 February 2017 08: 17
    Quote: Rurikovich
    Quote: birs
    The latest decrees on the unemployed tax and the tax on picking mushrooms and berries mark the final turn from socialism to the monarchy, as they affect the poorest sections of society, increasing social inequality

    And how do you look at the fact that rumors are circulating that if you have a mini-tower bought for your money and you already pay for electricity, then you need to install also meters for the water that you pump wassat This is so, from the edge of the ear heard in remote villages and the truth in the last resort does not seem. request But there is no smoke without fire what fellow
    Already people say - it would be completely decided which boobs want to suck request Yes, I would stop doing garbage fool
    Personally, my opinion and statement of what I heard winked

    You have outdated information. This project, in the form of a pilot, was carried out in full in the Borisov district last year by local water utilities.
    1. +1
      9 February 2017 19: 41
      Quote: dfg
      You have outdated information. This project, in the form of a pilot, was carried out in full in the Borisov district last year by local water utilities.

      So I heard her last year request Rumors know how they spread wink But it’s able to squeeze the authorities in such a way that they will draw money from the people for any reason Yes So such pilot projects can become national what hi
  14. +2
    9 February 2017 09: 14
    Quote: Uncle Murzik
    where the Belarusian elite to the Russian, the level of theft is not the same! laughing

    Yeah. There is practically nothing to steal or it will be noticeable, very much. Wrong scales ...
  15. +5
    9 February 2017 09: 18
    And yet we are brothers! ... well, like Cain and Abel
  16. +7
    9 February 2017 09: 35
    Quote: VladimS
    From my point of view, there is no sense in this swearing. But the main question is, why is it written?

    I can answer, as I understand the author. What .. and why!
    The situation is complicated for everyone (around the world). And the leadership of the Republic of Belarus is still trying, as if in previous years, to have the same level of economic support. What is it like? And already become in-languages, "you have to pay for friendship!"
    Let's start with the last: And why, in fact, NEED TO PAY? WHY?
    I ask: Do you have a lot of friends? And the ones you pay for friendship?
    Yet again!
    - "At first we smoke yours, then - each of us owns"
    2. And about the level of support. Those. so that everything is as it was before ...
    Suppose: you earned money well, voluntarily and free of charge, helped your sister / brother's family.
    But at work, you have problems of the enterprise where you work .... Revenues fell. And the management is forced to reduce the level of payment and the payment of other carriages ... You can no longer provide assistance to relatives in the same volume as before. They offend them ... Himself ... how do you live, but what about us ...?
    So, such "discussions" with relatives should be stopped! Once and forever!
  17. +7
    9 February 2017 09: 44
    Quote: vasek5533
    Now VO is fomenting hatred between the two peoples, they don’t, of course, think that the Russians need to be explained “correctly” what is happening, and the local stubborn ones help them in the comments, but when everyone forgets the content of the articles, the negative will remain between people. Therefore, I propose to the author to remove from the article everything about Belarus and leave everything about the economic model of the Russian Federation and how “successfully” the reforms passed there. And read the comments.

    Who is fueling something there? True eyes stabbed? In Russia, the reforms went crookedly and the article says about it. And I suggest that you press less on the friendship of peoples. Or do you go to a neighbor every day in a Syabrovsky way?
    1. +6
      9 February 2017 10: 05
      Quote: Altona
      . Or do you go to a neighbor every day in a Syabrovsky way?

      We are the brotherly people of Russia, Russia owes us. Give Russia, help Russia. Well, give Russia more
      1. +3
        9 February 2017 15: 50
        "Two pigeons as two siblings lived -
        Do you have a bottle of liquor? " hi
  18. +5
    9 February 2017 09: 46
    Quote: Tolstoevsky
    And yet we are brothers! ... well, like Cain and Abel

    So brother usually puts his shoulder if he is trumpeting or he understands this. In difficult times.
    And not only, - "lend! ..."
  19. +6
    9 February 2017 09: 49
    Quote: Odyssey
    I don’t quite understand the purpose of this series of articles. All of them are the same type of hysterical abuse at Belarus (Belarus).

    A tough debriefing in relation to Belarus for some reason is always "hysterical abuse." Apparently, neighbors should stroke the blond bangs and regularly give a bag of roshenka. Apparently so. And let's separate the oligarchs in the discussion. The oligarchs are present, you will not get anywhere. But they will offer us to pay for the "reunion"; for some reason, Sber did not go to the Crimea (you understand the sanctions).
  20. +8
    9 February 2017 10: 33
    Quote: Vitwin
    And he - the old man at that time in the back of the Greatest, froze with frozen potato and before that he threw frozen shrimps)) And the back is already wounded by the Turkish scimitar ... mdya)))

    I don’t care about shrimp and potato, I am shocked by the fact that the APU is refueling, which the Collective farmer supplies cheaply to the Ukrainian troops, I am annoyed by the wounded Natsiks who are being treated in Belarusian hospitals and boarding houses, it infuriates me that for 25 years Belarus did not support us what (Chechnya, 08.08 / 08, Crimea, Syria, etc., etc.) ........ and kortoplya and shrimp is nonsense
    1. +7
      9 February 2017 11: 43
      Not at a cheap price, but at a normal price. Not in the Armed Forces, but in Ukraine. By the way, Belarus increased its market share to 50%. Who supplies the other 50% .... mmm, oh really Russia? Well, how did it become less annoying? The rest is a typical propaganda victim set.
      1. +7
        9 February 2017 12: 15
        Quote: vasek5533
        Not at a cheap price, but at a normal price. Not in the Armed Forces, but in Ukraine.

        You look at him as he dodges. Is Lukash himself on our site
        1. +3
          9 February 2017 13: 43
          Nothing to answer? Just poke? The pitcher. :)
          Read the Ria news. Just about the delivery for the APU from Russia in a roundabout way komplektuhi.
          1. +5
            9 February 2017 15: 59
            Quote: Dr. Sorge
            Just about the delivery for the APU from Russia roundabout ways komplektuhi.

            That's it: it is worth reading what tricks Ukrainians had to go to buy engines. I am embarrassed to read - Ukrainians also buy Belarusian fuel through Moldova and Germany? Or in a simple way, directly?
            1. avt
              9 February 2017 16: 23
              Quote: Alexey RA
              I am embarrassed to read - Ukrainians also buy Belarusian fuel through Moldova and Germany? Or in a simple way, directly?

              To you on papers, or in tanks? bully
      2. +1
        9 February 2017 23: 42
        Quote: vasek5533
        Not at a cheap price, but at a normal price.

        Do you sell seafood from Europe to Russia at the “normal” price, or at the market?
    2. +1
      9 February 2017 12: 30
      ... I am annoyed by the wounded Natsik who are being treated in Belarusian hospitals and boarding houses ...

      Painful tie with pills. fool
    3. +2
      9 February 2017 13: 45
      Who is treated in hospitals? Are there any facts?
  21. The comment was deleted.
  22. +10
    9 February 2017 11: 52
    Quote: vasek5533
    Not at a cheap price, but at a normal price. Not in the Armed Forces, but in Ukraine. By the way, Belarus increased its market share to 50%. Who supplies the other 50% .... mmm, oh really Russia? Well, how did it become less annoying? The rest is a typical propaganda victim set.

    And what is propaganda? Well, I do not need Belarusian goods. I will buy Smolensk socks, I will buy a Lipetsk refrigerator, I will buy a Kaliningrad TV, I have my own potatoes (delicious with yellow flesh), I need Belgorod milk, Vologda butter, Mari meat, Kamchatka fish or from the Volga. Well, what can you offer now that is not in Russia?
  23. +7
    9 February 2017 11: 54
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    We are the brotherly people of Russia, Russia owes us. Give Russia, help Russia. Well, give Russia more

    And how at the UN to support the recognition of something, then here, you name it, an independent state with its own vector in foreign policy.
  24. +4
    9 February 2017 11: 57
    I’m wondering, but in Russia they remember even for a minute that Lukashenko is a Russian project?
    I will explain. In all previous elections, Lukashenko really gained more than 50%, the rest was painted on. The exception is the last election, where this threshold, apparently, was not passed. Belarusians spoke out against further presidency, but without the participation of Russia he would not have been kept in this place. Total - Lukashenko is the essence of the protégé of the Russian government, and make claims to your leadership. Something I don’t see. Belarusians, following the rules of the presidential election, for the most part spoke out AGAINST.
    1. +2
      9 February 2017 13: 17
      Well, about the mass you are in vain :)
    2. avt
      9 February 2017 13: 39
      Quote: Urry
      I’m wondering, but in Russia they remember even for a minute that Lukashenko is a Russian project?

      wassat bully Are you soooooooo?
      He came running, very excited, and shook us with a message,
      It turns out how it is! Well everywhere Putin’s GBist hand! All you understand is our project. From Yanukovych and Batsky, to Savchenko with the Natsiks who introduced the law banning the Russian language, well, local Gordon specifically identified them in Ruin on their local TV. bully How do you live when there is a Horde and Putin around in every electrical outlet.
      .Here he is a kite in the window looms
      Behind the plug hides
      Signed to someone means
      The paramedic will rip out the wires ..
      Well, straight
      Let it be a crazy idea
      Do not decide in a rush.
      Answer us soon
      Through the bastard of the head physician!
      Respectfully ... Date. Signature.
      Answer us - otherwise
      If you do not respond
      We will write ... in Sportloto!
      1. +4
        9 February 2017 16: 29
        Quote: avt
        It turns out how it is! Well everywhere Putin’s GBist hand! All you understand is our project. From Yanukovych and Butsky, to Savchenko with the Natsiks who introduced the law banning the Russian language, well, local Gordon specifically identified them in Ruin on their local TV

        So ... this is the classic first step: XXX is a Russian project.
        The second step is also classic: and therefore Russia should ...
        What Russia needs - it all depends on who writes.
        If it is “moderate and adequate”, then Russia should pour in another XYZ billions - only because ХХХ is a Russian project and its 146% must be supported, regardless of the actual actions of this very ХХХ.
        And if it is Svidomo or Zmagar - then Russia must pay losses in the amount of XYZ billions - again for the fact that XXX is a Russian project that for years imperially oppressed and stifled the people and prevented its European choice - toilet sinks in Poland.
    3. +1
      9 February 2017 23: 47
      Quote: Urry
      I’m wondering, but in Russia they remember even for a minute that Lukashenko is a Russian project?

      Well, of course you are, the Great Putin put Lukashenko on the throne, and Trump ... and Xi Ziping, and Pranab Mukherjee.
      It takes pride for our Mighty President.
  25. +4
    9 February 2017 12: 48
    Quote: Urry
    I’m wondering, but in Russia they remember even for a minute that Lukashenko is a Russian project?
    I will explain. In all previous elections, Lukashenko really gained more than 50%, the rest was painted on. The exception is the last election, where this threshold, apparently, was not passed. Belarusians spoke out against further presidency, but without the participation of Russia he would not have been kept in this place. Total - Lukashenko is the essence of the protégé of the Russian government, and make claims to your leadership. Something I don’t see. Belarusians, following the rules of the presidential election, for the most part spoke out AGAINST.

    Well, yes, he is the same Russian project, like Yanukovych, and now also Trump, they themselves chose it - and figure it out yourself.
  26. +4
    9 February 2017 12: 51
    Quote: Urry
    I’m wondering, but in Russia they remember even for a minute that Lukashenko is a Russian project?

    What are you smoking?
    "Projects" do not create such demarches and demonstrations!
    It is enough to look at the non-wanderers, which is next to RB.
    Petya and other project figures, performing what is required and their personal opinion, the puppeteer is not interested! Absolutely!
  27. 0
    9 February 2017 13: 02
    Quote: KP8789
    ... I am annoyed by the wounded Natsik who are being treated in Belarusian hospitals and boarding houses ...

    Painful tie with pills. fool

    And you fasten with masturbation
    1. +2
      9 February 2017 13: 24
      And you tie with masturbation.

      Well, where does masturbation? Not only that on the head is not healthy, but also hamlo. And if you do not answer where I saw Natsik on treatment in Belarus, then it’s also a nonsense.
  28. +5
    9 February 2017 13: 06
    Quote: Urry
    I will explain. In all previous elections, Lukashenko really gained more than 50%, the rest was painted on. The exception is the last election, where this threshold, apparently, was not passed. Belarusians spoke out against further presidency, but without the participation of Russia he would not have been kept in this place. Total - Lukashenko is the essence of the protégé of the Russian government, and make claims to your leadership. Something I don’t see. Belarusians, following the rules of the presidential election, for the most part spoke out AGAINST.

    Well, if you are so helpless, then you could be tied, attached and whatever you like without any "pro-Russian" presidents. If you are voicing a thesis, then think, what for do we need such "pro-Russian" presidents? These "pro-Russian" presidents promise to promise the electorate eternal friendship with Russia, the electorate runs to vote and receives what it receives at the exit. And why do the candidates promise "friendship with Russia" because no one needs your goods, your enterprises will stupidly close. You look at the neighbors of the black-and-white and draw conclusions, who needs you in this world. And then we can be blamed for anything, but you yourself need to live on your own, and not on Russian money. And if you live on Russian money, then you don’t need to blow your lips. There, the EU and the IMF have not yet given money, but they are already making demands - pay more for gas, more for a communal apartment, sell it. Russia does not put forward such requirements for you. And there’s nothing to arrange jumps here.
    1. 0
      10 February 2017 02: 00
      Quote: Altona
      If you are voicing a thesis, then think, what for do we need such "pro-Russian" presidents?

      But who knows these Kremlin ones - why?
      Probably for some reason it was necessary.
      In general, on the Internet you can find many fairly plausible versions of "why and for what," if you ask yourself.
  29. +3
    9 February 2017 13: 14
    Quote: Altona
    And there’s nothing to arrange jumps here.

    Tie with a hawthorn, start to sober up and use your head as intended.
    1. +2
      9 February 2017 14: 19
      Not a Belarusian flag, a freak, hang it out, but your relatives of banderlogs, so it will be even more honest.
      1. +3
        9 February 2017 16: 29
        What do you mean? Did you equate the Belarusian flag with which one?
  30. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      9 February 2017 14: 14
      There are, there are such "analysts" under the moon; milkmaids, cooks and other metallurgists. Their envy of those who in polybooks do not lose their wit and factuality gnaws. But metallurgists say a lot, it’s bilious, pompous, but they don’t accept a heart scorched by them.
      1. +2
        9 February 2017 14: 37
        The Dunning - Krueger effect has not yet been canceled; this is an inevitable evil. Work on yourself. the road will be overpowered.
      2. +3
        9 February 2017 16: 33
        The metallurgist wrote the truth, alas for you. :)
    2. +4
      9 February 2017 16: 32
      Well written by you!
      This article is a miserable and very cheap compilation nonsense about anything and everything.
      This is not a discussion and analysis of the acute problems of our states.
      There is a good Russian proverb: "Than with bad kvass, better with water."
      In this case, kvass should be noted with critical water.
  31. +5
    9 February 2017 14: 07
    Article 100 percent not in the eyebrow, but in the eye, the author, thank you!
  32. +4
    9 February 2017 15: 12
    Quote: Urry
    Tie with a hawthorn, start to sober up and use your head as intended.

    I use it for its intended purpose, and you are for verbal verbiage. Either the kindergarten sliders press you in the groin, or Russia interferes with life. Have you tried to live with your own head? Or is Lyaksander Rygorych deciding everything for you? According to you, you have long been built DPRK. Only with the “dictate of Russia”, we’ll push back the Russian girl, but how we will heal. We will export the Colorado potato beetle back to Colorado. So what? laughing Well, convince yourself further of the mythical evil Russians who cut off oil supplies to the Novopolotsk Refinery (which by the way is Russia (USSR) and was built in the 1980s). Wait for the "good" Americans and Germans. They still don’t know that there are such naive and working Belarusians on Earth who are ready to work for someone else’s uncle, at the same time and ride like neighbors.
    PS I served in Belarus, namely in Minsk (Valerianovo), in 1988-1989. The same Russians live from Ryazan and Samara, and Ukrainians from Zhytomyr. Belarusians need to look for more. In Belarus there was a powerful military group, which was all married to locals. My colleague from Vladimir married a Minsk woman whose parents (attention!) Are from Samara.
    1. +2
      9 February 2017 16: 44
      Valerianovo ?!
      Is there something in the forest near the village :)?
  33. +5
    9 February 2017 15: 14
    What is in Russia, what is Belarus, what is the power in Ukraine ......... (deceiving). people. They divided the borders of one nation and set them against each other.
    1. +3
      9 February 2017 16: 27
      good true opinion.
    2. +2
      9 February 2017 17: 05
      But wasn’t this people in 1991 a single country and a single people? Then there is nothing to write nonsense that always someone is to blame, spineless slobber.
      1. +1
        9 February 2017 18: 39
        Quote: ibirus
        But wasn’t this people in 1991 a single country and a single people?

        And the people voted to preserve the Union. Despite this, the rotten elite divided the country and still dominates, pushing the people against their foreheads. Pans fight - at the lackeys forelocks crack.
  34. +6
    9 February 2017 17: 03
    Finally, an adequate, reasonable person wrote. Finally, someone had the courage to say that we are SEPARATE countries, with SEPARATE ECONOMIES, and if the Republic of Belarus and Belarusians want to live “freely”, like in Ukraine, they will hold the flag in their hands. IMHO - would have long ceased to sponsor the economy of such a obstinate vassal.
    1. +9
      9 February 2017 23: 46
      who is adequate? Olezhek Egorov? His orderlies clearly missed! Not brought to the procedural .. escaped, you see .....
  35. +2
    9 February 2017 17: 29
    In unity, our strength
  36. +1
    9 February 2017 17: 53
    Dear you all mixed in a bunch! How cool in Belarus they have a social state! At whose expense? I do not mean only the Russian Federation; everything that the onion tells about everything is beautiful but ... he has no money for this from the word at all! I also do not like that little money is spent on social needs in the Russian Federation, but this does not mean that it is necessary to collect debts. And I don’t like Romanov with his texts, but he is right in this case. And if you are all the guardians of the social state of which ... 90% did not go to the polls? So get a system for which you did not vote
  37. +1
    9 February 2017 17: 55
    I would like to say to this Yegorov - what a fool you are (a creature that does not live in Belarus - and condemns it fiercely)!
    1. +11
      9 February 2017 23: 22
      ... this bastard, Olezhek Egorov, spoiled my mood today .... I read the article - it feels like they tried to dunk shit ..... It’s raving. Really. Sent Cossack. The calculation is subtle - if it exists of course (maybe just?) - to refute the supposedly existing myths. .. Haloperiloda him! Bucket!
  38. +2
    9 February 2017 18: 15
    And yet, in addition - we love Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. But, why the hell am I going to fight in the CSTO for these, let's say, dumb comrades?
    Due to the fact that Aizers with Arams are butting? I don't care about that!
    Or that the Kyrgyz are butting Uzbeks? I don't care about that!
    I only care about Ukraine!
    In 2014, I said on this site that Putin said A, but did not say B - now it is pouring into a slaughter!
    My personal opinion is that Putin is a weak player, because when he had the opportunity he wouldn’t shave off the left-bank Ukraine (the sanctions would be the same, the Merkeli-oland would chew the same snot, and the niger, with his characteristic narcissism, would say that he would punish us )
    Mr. Putin giggles in a “straight line” with respect to motorists, but does NOTHING in relation to Donbass, just nothing!
    All these "northern winds" and "Donbass expresses" will not replace the killed women and children, which could not have been!
  39. 0
    9 February 2017 22: 13

    Here he is a Russian blogger ...
    1. +1
      10 February 2017 02: 08
      Quote: Olezhek
      Here he is a Russian blogger ...

      And why exactly - a Russian blogger
      Alexander Lapshin has three citizenships - in addition to a Russian passport, he has Israeli and Ukrainian.
      Maybe he is Ukrainian? or even Israeli?
      1. 0
        10 February 2017 06: 57
        He is a citizen of Russia. Fact.

        "The best and last ally", a member of the EAEU and the CSTO issued him to Azerbaijan?
        1. +3
          10 February 2017 08: 55
          Quote: Olezhek
          He is a citizen of Russia. Fact.

          Olezhek - he is still a citizen of Israel (visible even without a passport) and Ukraine. Also fact. But you are focusing on Russian citizenship. Where does such selectivity come from?
  40. 0
    9 February 2017 22: 23
    Quote: Uncle Murzik
    Dear Alexander Romanov, tell me, will we live better when Belarus repays its debts? belay

    At least that's exactly what is worse ... wink
  41. +13
    9 February 2017 23: 15
    I really wanted to dog, but still decided to write.
    I would like to say from the start: "Hell, VYE..TE THE AUTHOR !!!"

    The very beginning of the article: “But the very“ explosive, blowing away moods ”that our“ Western partners ”had counted on are not in Russia. But in Belarus they seem to exist. Moreover, they determine the general political background. "
    The author, Oleg Egorov, what kind of "explosive and blowing mood" is in Belarus? WHERE? Where did you see them? In which part of the brain is the gyrus responsible for "such a deep analysis" of what is happening in a neighboring country?
    Olezhek, do you smoke? Tie with heavy drugs .... You can’t do anything stronger than kefir!
    We read further: "Russians do not run to the Maidan" .. I dare to ask: do Belarusians run? There are a couple of hundred - puffing up and crawling out with portraits of the Bandera .... Well, you have them in the country. And more. And "cultural figures" - not all - some Russians bark at their homeland. And, strangely enough, in Belarus you have at least one actor, singer and dr who would "drive" to Russia you personally saw? They do not exist .... Does this fact tell you nothing?
    We read further: "Russia carried out the reforms" stupidly and brutally "" - I agree to all 100. It's funny, but I personally do not blame Russia for such reforms, after which the Berezovsky, Khodorkovsky, Sakhalin governors, billionaire colonels .... This is not the result of the reforms that any state seeks. but as it’s already .... If you knew where you were going to fall, you laid the straw. And so you have to learn from your mistakes. And in Belarus, the practice of feeding oligarchs to a pig-like state did not take root. And Privatization, about which is bursting in your understanding, we do not need. Want to know why?
    I will explain: what do you personally manage to privatize? Is there enough money for half a factory? No? And how much? And who has enough? those who privatized themselves in Russia in the 90s? And I want to note - operating enterprises want to privatize everything. Already modernized. At public expense. Personally, this does not attract me. I don’t know how are you personally - I don’t need such privatization.
    But something I particularly indulge in ......
    last, I quote: "the next myth is about the allegedly insidious plans of Russia for the forcible accession of Belarus" .... Applause ..... only to your orderlies do not talk about it! I beg you! A horse cannot take such a dose of haloperidol, but you should ...
    In the article, you are trying to convey to the reader the alleged myths that exist in Belarus among the inhabitants of this country. And you are trying to convey to the reader your preconceived opinion. Feed him non-existent myths from your head with a nonexistent brain.
    Thus, it is you who are trying to make enemies from Belarusians and Russians. Trying to draw a line: Everything, they say, people are like people, and we are so good .... That is, you sow enemy. You are the enemy of the development of normal relations between countries. Your conjectures are not supported by facts and, therefore, are fake nonsense.

    And finally - politics is a thing neither I nor you understand to the end. Do not meddle in these areas. Do not poison the air with speculation. And if you stay in public - sign that this is your average personal opinion.
    1. 0
      10 February 2017 07: 05
      I feel the article was written not in vain. Not in vain. Yes
  42. +6
    9 February 2017 23: 17
    A very strange article, the goal? What purpose was written?
    What Belarus is not a fraternal country for us? That all Belarusians are “hedgehogs in the fog”, living not know where and don’t understand where to go? Mr. Egorov, are you serious? I am more concerned about the strange tendency that our friends, even the same Armenians and Kazakhs, are distancing themselves from Russian politics, from its economy .. Have you ever wondered why? Yes, of course it's easier to write nonsense.
    Especially touched by the masterpiece phrase about East Germany: -
    "A striking example is the accession of the GDR to the FRG in 1990. The Germans are still swearing quietly. The compilation was very crooked and insanely expensive. As a result, both are dissatisfied. They are terribly dissatisfied. Make East Germany not a continuation of West "Berlin turned into a sloppy financial hole ..."
    Are you serious about Berlin? Just enrage, enrage really! Prove it!
    You can’t understand the most important thing, firstly, if Russia has the ambitions of a superpower, it must understand that the satellites of the superpower also have their own ambitions, And the price of peace on the western border, these same half = -billion, are not that and big money, they steal more from us.
    And the last, no matter how much you scolded Lukashenko, I can’t understand one thing, as I drive past Smolensk I see overgrown fields and abandoned cowsheds, I enter Belarus and I see that every patch of land is tidy and cultivated ..
    Yes, Belarus has made its choice, and therefore suffers and waits, as you call, "pocket money", or maybe you could sell it to the West twenty years ago, now you would live like Romania, or maybe it’s cooler .. And the level of Romania , no matter how funny, google-be surprised, no worse than here.
    1. +13
      9 February 2017 23: 55
      The purpose of the article? Everything is on the surface. This is another lover of drawing borders. As they began to draw borders after perestroika, they still cannot calm down. the author tries to put into the reader’s head the presence of myths in the heads of the inhabitants of a neighboring country. myths that are not in principle. The article is fake, designed for a not very versed reader. The main message: "THEY ARE OTHER. Some future traitors, parasites, etc." ..... But in Belarus other Olezhka Egorovs write the same articles .... They write that the Russians are evil, uncultured, Tatars, Muscovites .. and etc ... And So, drop by drop, drop by drop .... Wait a minute, from this .... That's how you got to the bottom with Ukraine. So about .. Wed .. Ali Union.
      1. +2
        10 February 2017 00: 06
        Quote: KOT BYUN
        So drop by drop, drop by drop .... Wait a minute, from this .... That's how they got to the bottom with Ukraine. So about .. Wed .. Ali Union.

        The content of your comments does not match your name. And when to sleep? crying
    2. +4
      10 February 2017 01: 01
      Quote: rzstas
      And the last, no matter how much you scolded Lukashenko, I can’t understand one thing, why, passing Smolensk, I see overgrown fields and abandoned cowsheds, enter Belarus and see that every piece of land is well-groomed and cultivated.

      Shh, don’t talk about this author ... He’s sure that the standard of living in Russia is “much higher.” Just something every time I go to the regions neighboring Belarus, Smolenskaya, Bryansk, Pskov grabs my head from the “level of life. "I’m already obscene with the remaining local residents hiding this level and the" reforms "in Russia must be heard
      And this is in "oil-gas-nickel-uranium and other" Russia.
      PS And if you traveled along the M1 from Moscow to Minsk, there everything is still more or less in order. Here you need to leave ...
    3. 0
      10 February 2017 07: 13
      Are you serious about Berlin? Just enrage, enrage really! Prove it!

      Were you a tourist there?

      You cannot understand the most important thing, firstly, if Russia has the ambitions of a superpower, it must understand that the satellites of the superpower also have their own ambitions,

      If Russia is a world power, then it should not allow different allies there to defiantly spit on it

      And the price of peace on the western border,

      And will it be provided by the "bagovector" Lukashenko?
    4. 0
      10 February 2017 07: 14
      A very strange article, the goal? What purpose was written?
      What Belarus is not a fraternal country for us?

      in fact - no.
  43. 0
    10 February 2017 07: 39
    So to summarize: the answer to all thoughts and fabrications in Belarus is approximately the same - they say all the "incitement and propaganda."
    Who paid for it? and so on.

    You see, Belarusians really have nothing to say in fact: they do not politically support Russia and are not going to support it.

    There remains "professional demagogy" - here people work from the "nasty" that they say someone who writes poorly - that spoils everything. That is, the whole problem is in the “wrong articles”, but otherwise everything is wonderful.

    Well, Belarus has an interest in Russia. Material. Everything revolves around him.

    If you recall any conflict: in Georgia, Ukraine, Syria - scandals and showdowns begin ...
  44. +2
    10 February 2017 08: 01
    Quote: prosto_rgb
    But who knows these Kremlin ones - why?
    Probably for some reason it was necessary.

    And the Kremlin in your opinion is the worst of all. Some Belarusians are cunning. Washington tells you what and how? So disconnect the border and bring down to the Mexican border. This is where you will definitely heal. You can’t plant potatoes only among cacti. Or envy silently. We come to the store, we see a lot of Maid in China goods, but we don’t say that "evil China will enslave Russia, evil China dictates to us, evil China has imposed pro-Chinese Putin on us." And you have very often, "the cat left the kittens, Putin is to blame." If your industry, like the Ukrainian one, has not been rebuilt and has not found new sales markets besides the Russian one, and the Russian one is losing, then who is to blame for you? Yes, we also have many depressed regions and also thanks to our leaders, but we have many new industries. Yes, we want to live with Belarusians, but we want mutual support, not love for money as it is now.
    1. 0
      10 February 2017 14: 54
      Quote: Altona
      And the Kremlin in your opinion is the worst of all.

      Why do you think so?
      In my opinion, it’s just the opposite. The Kremlin ones are quite intelligent and competent specialists of the highest class.
      Therefore, it is not known why they then (1994, 1996) supported the AHL (but in fact they put it at the helm of the Republic of Belarus), and since it was not known and supported, it was so necessary and so profitable.

      Quote: Altona
      We come to the store, we see a lot of Maid in China goods, but we don’t say that "evil China will enslave Russia, evil China dictates to us, evil China has imposed pro-Chinese Putin on us."

      Well, where does China go to Putin, and even in 1999?
      Everyone knows that Putin was appointed prime minister by Yeltsin.
      On August 9, 1999, Russian President Boris Yeltsin made a special appeal to citizens and announced the resignation of the government of Sergei Stepashin, to the post of acting He appointed Vladimir Putin as Prime Minister. In addition, Yeltsin announced that he would like to see Putin as his successor.
      Here is the NTV story link, but there is something with sound
      Here is what Stepashin says about this:
  45. 0
    10 February 2017 09: 22
    Quote: Dr. Sorge
    Valerianovo ?!
    Is there something in the forest near the village :)?

    A radio regiment is there at your place, near the village.
    1. +1
      10 February 2017 09: 59
      I don’t know now, but it was not just a regiment :)
      In winter, there was beauty. Fountains from the ground among the snow sprayed :)
  46. 0
    10 February 2017 09: 28
    Quote: Vittt
    In 2014, I said on this site that Putin said A, but did not say B - now it is pouring into a slaughter!
    My personal opinion is that Putin is a weak player, because when he had the opportunity he wouldn’t shave off the left-bank Ukraine (the sanctions would be the same, the Merkeli-oland would chew the same snot, and the niger, with his characteristic narcissism, would say that he would punish us )
    Mr. Putin giggles in a “straight line” with respect to motorists, but does NOTHING in relation to Donbass, just nothing!
    All these "northern winds" and "Donbass expresses" will not replace the killed women and children, which could not have been!

    How much stupid pathos and bullshit ... mine! And stupidity is not treated.
    And you still dare to yap at the president of my country from your couch ??!
    Close your mouth!
    1. +1
      10 February 2017 11: 57
      let's not reduce to street and drunken dialogues. rude can be culturally and witty. VKontakte and classmates do not need to be turned. everyone expresses an opinion. maybe stupid but opinion. with respect hi
  47. 0
    10 February 2017 10: 08
    right now they will not even take part in these rogues and leave the swamp unprofitable ..
  48. 0
    10 February 2017 11: 47
    I looked at the comments. guano in the heads and children's grievances. the main reason for verbal fornication is not understanding. in Belarus, a very small part of the population really wanted to leave the USSR. and the remaining stub from the USSR-RF did not want the separation of Belarus. but who and how and why did it, is no longer very interesting. what to do with this ????? Do the people of Belarus have a desire to unite with the Russian Federation? Less and less . why are we trying to create fiction on paper? union projects? customs relations? Belarus cannot be an equivalent state like the Russian Federation. then it can be a vassal or a third-party state. or return to Russia. and everything else is cunning. The Russian Federation has made all the preferences. withdrew the total debt. gave different and all. something bought only there. something was sold at domestic prices. supported politically. raised the same thing as in Ukraine. it's time to understand who wants what? or together we look into one joint future. either there are two countries. big and small. and all these conversations about the past and you believe me, we must finish. hi
  49. +1
    11 February 2017 00: 59
    Today, in the era of a highly developed economy and mass social insurance, the inclusion of Ukraine, Belarus or Estonia in Russia is bullshit ... Not profitable, stupidly not profitable.

    This is already the FIFTH COLUMN OF RUSSIA writes that she wants Belarus not to become part of Russia, and that Belarus should have military bases aggressively disposed towards Orthodox Russia, to Russian Orthodox right under Russia, in Belarus.
    The second myth: supposedly Belarusians want this. No, they get money for this myth. But they don’t want to, not once (otherwise we would have united for a long time). In fact, they would like to live in the European Union, but with Russian money. The truth is unpleasant, scandalous, so a frank conversation does not work and will not work. Some "heroic chants" that, they say, we love Russia very much, but we value our independence ...

    We, ALL Belarusians, want to become part of Russia. ALL Belarus, ALL Belarusians. ALL citizens of Belarus. What kind of nonsense are you writing? You already have the whole USSR-pro * ali, Ukraine, and now, what do you want, in Belarus, there are hostile military bases and missile defense around Russia? And so that the ring is compressed further and further? This-Lukashenko doesn’t want to-donkey. He doesn’t want to lose his power. In Belarus, Luashenko is the tsar of his own. And when he joins Russia, he needs to obey Putin. Or Lukashenko, they will be completely dismissed. That's Lukashenko wants. Why do you write for all the people of Belarus? And ALL Belarus, ALL Belarusians, ALL the citizens of Belarus, HAVE long ago wanted to be part of Russia. Not only didn’t anyone want to enter the USSR from entering the USSR.
    What kind of nonsense are you writing, some fifth column.
    Regarding the "Western vector". Firstly, the Germans do not offer Belarus to enter the Federal Republic of Germany, neither by regions, nor by districts ... Secondly, the exotic Belarusian economy with European standards is not compatible in any way. Theoretically, it is possible to turn Belarus into something between Latvia and Bulgaria, but why? And what kind of population can live there? And most importantly, the EU has already “eaten” new “euro members”. Moreover, there is no need for a country whose foundations are based on Russian subsidies. The absurdity of such an idea: the European integration of a subsidized Russian region (and from an economic point of view it is just that way) is beyond the reach of only Belarusian economists and politicians.

    Yes, it’s you who write this nonsense, you don’t understand anything. This West, the USA, doesn’t give a damn about Belarus, doesn’t give a damn about Belarusians, they need Belarus to put their military bases and missile defense systems in Belarus, right next to us Russia. And from Belarusians, to grow Luton-hating Russians-Russophobes, from generation to generation. And Belarus itself and Belarusians do not care.
    That is, Belarusians turned a blind eye to the rise of fascism in Eastern Europe

    Once again, what have Belarusians to do with this woodpecker, Lukashenko? This is him, Lukshenko doesn’t want to be part of Russia. You, the Russians, need to remove him, work tightly, WORK WITH US, BELARUSIANS, BECOME A RUSSIAN and make a referendum in Belarus on Belarus joining Russia. We are Belarusians, people Belarus-LONG time we want to be part of Russia. What kind of nonsense are you writing here at all?
    The main trouble of Belarus, according to the author, is primarily in the not very high level of elites.

    The trouble is that Lukashenko wants to be forever “independent,” but he has nothing for that. He has the only right choice — to join Russia.
    Unfortunately, Belarus and the Belarusian people do not live in a fairy tale.

    Well, here I don’t even argue. Yes, unfortunately, not in a fairy tale.
    1. 0
      11 February 2017 14: 24
      unfortunately, less than half of them think so in Belarus. and young people are already set up as in Ukraine. there is not much experience in communication. maybe I'm wrong. but the processes are going on. and to arrange a revolution is not for us. we know how they will end. hi
  50. 0
    12 February 2017 18: 03
    Quote: megavolt823
    unfortunately, less than half of them think so in Belarus. and young people are already set up as in Ukraine. there is not much experience in communication. maybe I'm wrong. but the processes are going on. and to arrange a revolution is not for us. we know how they will end. hi

    Unfortunately, you are wrong. ALL Belarus, ALL Belarusians, ALL citizens of Belarus: my friends, friends. At work, friends, I won’t ask anyone, ALL for joining Russia. And youth too. For the only way to survive and become stronger for Belarus is to become part of Russia.
    No need to make revolutions. Do you have an analytical center for what and advisers?
    BELARUSIANS EVERYTHING, ALL BELARUS WANTS TO JOIN RUSSIA TO RUSSIANS ORTHODOXY. And Lukashenko doesn’t want to lose power. Therefore, he doesn’t want to be part of Russia. Because he has a tsar and a pan in Belarus. And in Russia, he needs will obey Putin.
    It has long been estimated by economists that the state can survive and live well and develop with a population of 300.000.000. Those who can provide themselves:
    1) Human reserves. Workers-for building and working, building factories, farms, collective farms, institutes, scientists, doctors and so on. For the Defenders of the country: from the external threat and traitors of the country: army. Soldiers, FSB, special anti-terrorist units and others.
    2) Resources: minerals, the periodic table — so that from these resources — it is possible to create, create, build.
    3) Large territories, so that there is where to place all this + large territories for agriculture, livestock breeding, factories, factories, military buildings and so on.
    4) A strong, intelligent, powerful army, capable of protecting such a country, from any aggressor.
    5) Because of the huge, large territory-Russia-even a couple of pairs of nuclear bombs cannot be bombed-because of the huge and large territory. Russia-will quickly throw nuclear attackers on Russia-because-Russia is larger in size.
    These countries include Russia, the USA, China, Turkey. Descending.
    The fate of small countries is to be colonies of these countries, or to be conquered by these countries and destroyed. Either to merge with these countries to become one, and thus grow stronger and stronger. The Russians and Russia offer to become part of Russia - to become Russia , Russians, thereby, grow stronger, become a powerful country. Other countries, do not offer this. The United States will never take us into the United States, will not let us print the dollar, we will not have one currency, the same prices, salaries, some troops .We will be a colony of the United States. the European Union breaks up for the same reason, it says there that it is the European Union, however, each country is on its own. There are no unified troops, there are no uniform prices and salaries.
    The only way Belarus can survive and become stronger is to become part of Russia - to become a strong and powerful Russia. From a small, impoverished, weak Belarus that can be conquered within a period of three days to a month, depending on which country is attacking, it will turn into a superpower -with huge resources, vast territories, a strong army, one big Russian people. Where resources and wealth are distributed evenly throughout Russia. Where Belarusians will become equal, one Russian people-Russians. The whole country-Russia-will be for all Russian the people of Russia, for the whole people of Russia.
    Moreover, we have Russian language, Orthodox faith. We are one and one well-understood. WE ARE ALL TIME-TOGETHER-ONE COUNTRY-ANCIENT RUSSIA, RUSSIAN EMPIRE, USSR. We are ONE PEOPLE-RUSSIAN, ONE COUNTRY-RUSSIA. Someone he wants to indulge in mov-kali weasel, mov-nihto will not bother. But at her-uho and so-nihto not gavoryts.
    This is called - not occupation - but strengthening and prosperity, reliable protection of peace and good.
    In all other cases, Belarus is waiting for death. Death is either in a colony, or in capture and destruction by another state.
    And this is what every Belarusian understands. A child.
    And you all write some idiotic articles. You confuse Lukashenko with Belarusians.
  51. +1
    13 February 2017 19: 24
    I read the article and comments and went into sadness.
    I'm not exactly an economics expert. One thing is clear to me - if NATO stands on the border between the Republic of Belarus and Russia, it will be much worse than the current debt. I disagree with almost everyone that was said here. They criticize Lukashenko. But really, it was not he who started the milk war. Moreover, by selling him oil at preferential prices, everyone understood where it would go. And no one writes that we bought high-quality petroleum products for oil. And in general there are many advantages from the union. and what will be the advantages if we separate? Will the welfare of ordinary citizens increase? Rospotrebnadzor prohibits milk from the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, the head of the RPN is the owner of agricultural holdings and agricultural enterprises. Get hurt. This is called caring about citizens, and not about your pocket...If you listened to Lukashenko, then you know that he said a lot on the topic. We ourselves put it in conditions where it is necessary to look back to the West. And don't talk about two allies. We need allies. You just need to work with them constantly. And with Belarus you don’t need any titanic efforts. It is enough to maintain them in the right places. We are too much the same. We're too close.
    something like this... everything, as always, is chaotic and hasty, without any order.
    1. +1
      15 February 2017 16: 57
      Correctly noted. This is the task of trolls - to say nasty things and feed from comments :)
  52. 0
    14 February 2017 22: 28
    A pragmatic, correct article. What the hell can you argue with, “comrades.”
    1. +1
      15 February 2017 16: 55
      Not at all pragmatic, but rather trollish.
      By the way, there are already interesting materials about latifundia on Russian websites, among others.
      Therefore, do not rejoice in inciting hostility. Will not work.