Venezuela: coup d'état failed

Venezuela: coup d'état failed

January 9 in one of the most friendly countries in Russia - Venezuela - was made a miserable attempt to change power. This time, there was no bombing of the presidential palace, no tires burning on the squares, no bulldozers ramming the buildings of state institutions, although the patrons of all kinds of “oppositions” have such “corporate style”. This time, the pro-American opposition tried to overthrow the Venezuelan President in an allegedly “democratic” way - through a decision of the parliament. Only one little problem arose on this slippery slope - such a decision does not agree with the Constitution of the state.

Yes, this opposition at this stage managed to get a parliamentary majority - 109 from 167 deputies. However, the laws of the country do not allow impeachment of the President. For several months, the opposition tried to push the idea of ​​a referendum on confidence in the head of state. With the mediation of the Vatican, negotiations were held on such a referendum, but no agreement was reached. One of the reasons for the failure of the referendum was the provision of low-quality signatures by the opposition (simply false).

Opponents of the authorities are trying to blame President Nicolas Maduro for the economic crisis in the country. They point out that they don’t want to see that there were purely objective reasons for this, the main one being the drop in oil prices. Under these conditions, the coming to power of the opposition will not fill the treasury. Is that the United States and its allies will impose loans (and when did they do it at a loss?)

Anti-Venezuelan propaganda likes to exaggerate the economic situation in the Latin American state. It is even alleged that there is famine in the country. There is, however, a simple question - whether in the face of hunger (assuming it exists) hold costly referendums and early presidential elections? Or, if everything is so bad, then it would be necessary to declare a state of emergency and throw all forces on the solution of this problem, and not on political games?

But the fact that such performances take place, says about one of two things: either rumors of hunger are exaggerated, to put it mildly, or the opposition thinks about its own interests much more than how to feed the starving population.

So, on January 9, the 106 deputies of the National Assembly (Venezuelan Parliament) supported a decision worthy of the theater of the absurd. They announced Nicolas Maduro ... leaving his post. As the famous saying goes, "Without me, they married me." At the same time, the head of state did not even think of running anywhere, remained in place, but ... Oppositionists went on a blatant lie. "Nicolas Maduro Mores refused the post of president"- said the chairman of parliament Julio Borges under the stormy euphoric applause of the voters. Only three oppositionists turned out to be relatively sensible people and abstained.

Legislators who do not belong to the opposition, and completely left the hall before the start of voting - They did not want to participate in a deliberately absurd procedure.

World pro-Western media, drowning in joy, rushed to report about the “overthrow” of Maduro. And, although in our latitudes there was a deep night, a certain public (the one that recently rejoiced over the murder of Andrei Karlov and the death of the passengers of the Tu-154) managed to gloat: they say, “Putin’s friend has been deposed”. Began even comparisons Maduro with Yanukovych. But the joy of this audience was short-lived. Soon inThe Supreme Court of Venezuela delivered its verdict: the parliamentary opposition does not have the authority to send Nicholas Maduro to resign.

Oppositional deputies tried to squeeze something out of the 233 article of the Constitution, which says that the parliament can call the election of a new president if the current head of state voluntarily resigns or is absent for any reason. It is clear that in this case there was nothing like that at all. So the Supreme Court could not take any other decision: according to article 336 of the Constitution, the adoption of such declarations goes beyond the powers of parliament.

The question is: are the oppositionists led by Borges - such ignorant fools that they do not know the Constitution of their own country? And why did they have to lie, as if the president himself had left his post? Of course, they knew perfectly well that they were breaking the law. They knew what they were going for. And they went - let's face it - on coup d'état.

It was not by chance that the voting time was chosen. January 9 is the last day when the removal of Maduro from power would mean holding early elections. Since January 10, the situation is changing dramatically: the president remains in his position for exactly two years. This, by law, means the following: from now on, in the event of the resignation of the country's leader, his authority is transferred to the vice-president.

Shortly before, Nicolas Maduro appointed a new vice president. They became 42-year-old Tarek Al-Aysami, a native of the Syrian-Lebanese family. He previously served as governor of the state of Aragua, considers himself a staunch supporter of Hugo Chávez. In addition, Tarek Al-Aysami will lead a special structure to counter attempts at a coup d'état.

While the pro-American opposition is playing their dirty games, the President of Venezuela is trying to do everything possible to get out of the economic crisis and to raise the standard of living of citizens. Just on the eve of the parliamentary coup attempt, the head of state ordered a salary increase for citizens. This is the fourth index in the last year. In general, this year the minimum wage has almost doubled. Its growth as a whole is already ahead of inflation.

So, the attempt to overthrow the government failed. The leadership reacted to it very calmly - without breaking up the parliament that broke the law, without repressions, even with some humor. "I don't even know if I am president, ask Borges", - said Maduro with a smile at a government meeting, and these words were met with ironic laughter.

But laughter is laughter, and the opposition, of course, will continue its games, hiding behind the sufferings of the people, as happens with all attempts to overthrow the government, relying on outside support. Under these conditions, organizing a referendum on mistrust to the President is practically meaningless - the power will go to the vice-president, but the opposition may still continue to push the idea of ​​such a plebiscite - simply out of hatred personally for Maduro. In addition, part of the opposition is already in favor of the overthrow of power by force.

But much will depend on the army, on the actions of the ruling Socialist Party, and on the situation in the economy. And in it, despite all the difficulties, a certain rise began. The peak of the crisis is over, and there is every chance that, as Maduro himself declared, the coming year may be the year of the victorious counter-offensive of the socialists.
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  1. +8
    11 January 2017 06: 14
    If Maduro is not busy with the economy, the people of the country will throw him out in the cold, without any outside help! Chavez came to power, began to do something, he also made mistakes, but he also had charisma, and Maduro looks very faded against the background frantic Hugo, and even does not fucking ...
    1. +3
      11 January 2017 06: 17
      Only on the eve of the salary of workers raised
      1. +4
        11 January 2017 07: 09
        Salaries were doubled, and inflation was several hundred percent. Doliberalichnichat! There is no longer without a rigid dictatorship.
        1. +1
          11 January 2017 08: 44
          Quote: siberalt
          Salaries were doubled, and inflation was several hundred percent. Doliberalichnichat! There is no longer without a rigid dictatorship.

          Residents of each country can only reasonably claim the benefits that their OWN economic component can provide, and this is a complex balance of production, export and import. There is no other prudent option, but there are options for the poets, the IMF, the loss of sovereignty ... sell your descendants into slavery.
          1. 0
            11 January 2017 12: 01
            You are here, our friend, right -
            Specialists see the ditches.
            They need to be attracted more,
            But to search for friends around.
            1. +1
              11 January 2017 18: 31
              When will this Maduro either leave or be kicked out? Tormented people. And there the girls say the most beautiful of all "swarthy".
              1. +1
                11 January 2017 21: 05
                "Did you drink hawthorn in the morning?" Have you forgotten to eat Roshenka?
      2. 0
        11 January 2017 09: 07
        Quote: elenagromova
        Only on the eve of the salary of workers raised

        how much?
    2. 0
      11 January 2017 14: 27
      Well, of course, we know better from China
      Quote: Finches
      If Maduro is not busy with the economy, the people of the country will throw him out in the cold, without any outside help! Chavez came to power, began to do something, he also made mistakes, but he also had charisma, and Maduro looks very faded against the background frantic Hugo, and even does not fucking ...
      1. +2
        11 January 2017 14: 30
        What kind of China, dear ... This is the flag of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics! Where I had the honor of being born and living! hi
  2. +2
    11 January 2017 06: 22
    And those who think that it is worth "throwing Maduro out into the cold" (fortunately, there is no frost in Venezuela) - look at Libya ...
    1. 0
      11 January 2017 06: 27
      Comrades came to me from there and told amazing things about the life of a simple people ... Indeed, it is very good that there is no frost ... hi
      1. +2
        11 January 2017 06: 32
        Comrades, of course, have no bread, but there is money for flying across the ocean.
        1. +4
          11 January 2017 08: 39
          Why doesn't he have bread? He is Russian and lives in Russia ... Why, you, Elena defend Moduro so, only because he is opposed to the United States, but we are talking about the objective economic difficulties of Venezuela, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world, and that if If you don’t start to engage in economics, then this will be just the strongest trump card in the hands of the pro-American opposition! Do you understand? There is no need for any banana revolutions, the people will simply turn their backs on power and that’s all ... It needs some kind of radical decision in the economy, and not chewing snot on the platform, with a photo of Hugo!
          1. 0
            11 January 2017 09: 09
            Wisely confronts the States!
            With bare backside laughing
            1. +1
              11 January 2017 10: 06
              Quote: teder
              Wisely confronts the States!
              With bare backside

              How all is funny with idiots.
              Judging by you, I suppose you will "oppose" your bare ass to the states. laughing Funny, huh?
              Z.Y. Fools sometimes need to be reminded that they have no brains. It would be better to be silent.
          2. 0
            11 January 2017 12: 18
            A fundamental decision was given once by our Stalin. It turned out, but only for one life.
            He would have lasted so long
            Anyone would give up
            I took an example from Cuba next:
            So that China, like CeSeSeR
            Helped my brother
            We would mark that date.
      2. +3
        11 January 2017 07: 05
        Quote: Finches
        Comrades came to me from there and told amazing things about the life of a simple people ... Indeed, it is very good that there is no frost ... hi

        I see.
        But there are objective and subjective reasons for everything.
        Maduro is a problem .... for the USA.
        Sanctions are not easy for us. The level of consumption has fallen clearly ...
        And what is small and not very developed Venezuela?
        If Maduro hadn’t done anything, the Americans would have eaten him long ago.
        And he is still alive, a smoking-room ...
        And we must look at everything through the eyes of the people. And there lived so before Chavez that today's difficulties, this is not the bottom ...
        So success to the Bolivarian revolution!
        1. +4
          11 January 2017 08: 40
          The people there collect signatures for Madur’s resignation, that’s the problem ... hi
          1. +2
            11 January 2017 08: 44
            Quote: Finches
            The people there collect signatures for Madur’s resignation, that’s the problem ...

            So the people have come to the point, why should they be surprised ... I am afraid that Madura will not be able to resist, he does not have the strength and charisma that his predecessor had ...
            1. +3
              11 January 2017 08: 56
              The economic basis of the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela was the high oil prices and charisma of Hugo Chavez, to this Hugo bribed people with generous social programs and all kinds of subsidies. It was good for the Venezuelans, whose well-being grew regardless of work, and the state, which conducted the nationalization of enterprises at the expense of oil export earnings. But there was a collapse in the oil market. In 2015, the local economy fell by 7,1%, and inflation reached 141,5%.! The problems with the energy began, or rather never ended, and they can’t even be tricked by the machinations of pins .. Maduro needs to find some kind of solution, otherwise all the achievements of the Bolivarian revolution will go to waste, just to the delight of the Americans! And these are not necessarily IMF loans, they took 20 lards from China, but what's the point ... In addition to the economic crisis, the political confrontation is growing and the president’s inflexible policy will lead not to a velvet revolution, but to a bloody civil war, which will give the US a reason to send its troops into Venezuela under the pretext of protecting its national interests, or rather the protection of oil wells, which they will squeeze out under the guise! By the way, the old aggressive lane McCain already offered such a scenario to Glavnigre, but he drifted!
            2. +2
              11 January 2017 09: 11
              Quote: svp67
              Quote: Finches
              The people there collect signatures for Madur’s resignation, that’s the problem ...

              So the people have come to the point, why should they be surprised ... I am afraid that Madura will not be able to resist, he does not have the strength and charisma that his predecessor had ...

              He has no oil at 130.
              With oil
              50 and Chavez would have stuck his charisma in one place
              1. +2
                11 January 2017 09: 53
                There would be oil at 50, I think that Chavez would have led a different policy - more cautious and wise in economic terms!
                1. 0
                  11 January 2017 09: 58
                  Quote: Finches
                  There would be oil at 50, I think that Chavez would have led a different policy - more cautious and wise in economic terms!

                  oranges do not grow on aspen.
                  Chavez is no different from Wisely, because he laid the foundation for all this mess and the only thing he was lucky is to die on time
                  1. +3
                    11 January 2017 10: 21
                    Quote: teder
                    Chavez is no different from Wise

                    Still HOW different. He had FULL army support, which Madura did not have. And I agree, Chavez was more variable ... He knew how to maneuver and keep everyone in check ...
          2. 0
            11 January 2017 11: 29
            Quote: Finches
            The people there collect signatures for Madur’s resignation, that’s the problem ... hi

            problem in the people
            1. +2
              11 January 2017 14: 41
              - People need to be changed! (S) x / f Plot :)
              Seriously, the US perceives any movements in the sphere of interests as a slight itch. Given the current low standard of living, keeping oneself pleasing or not paying attention to harmless governments is cheaper than billions of dollars.
              Why did you calm down in Cuba? She is no longer a danger to them. The sphere of interests is captured completely without a fight. Cuban al-50s live in the 21st century and this is quite convenient for American tourists and the entire Washington regional committee. It’s just that such demonstrative actions that Americans periodically remind who is the boss in the house.
  3. +3
    11 January 2017 07: 01
    Is it that the US and its allies will impose loans

    Well, as is customary with the Americans. Drive into debts, pick up for debts (or buy on the cheap) everything that can be profitable and further according to the worked out plan. Someone yesterday tried to prove that the Americans had nothing to do with it, and this people does not want such a president.
    1. +2
      11 January 2017 07: 07
      It is surprising that even here there are such opinions ("the Americans have nothing to do with it, and the people do not want such a president") - after all the colored vomits.
      1. 0
        11 January 2017 07: 13
        And read yesterday's comments on this topic. There was even a phrase (answer to my comment) - "they are so stupid in VO ...."
      2. +3
        11 January 2017 09: 17
        Quote: elenagromova
        It is surprising that even here there are such opinions ("the Americans have nothing to do with it, and the people do not want such a president") - after all the colored vomits.

        people brought to the pen - Maduro does not want - his popularity is 7%.
        In the country of hunger, the absence of basic goods - why are you so clinging to Elena?
        1. +2
          11 January 2017 14: 58
          If you are hungry, what will you spend your last money on - for bread or for games in referendums and elections?
          1. +1
            11 January 2017 16: 10
            If the country is governed by a person who has brought hunger to a referendum.
            1. 0
              11 January 2017 18: 37
              One person ate it all and brought it to hunger, ha ha ha
              1. +1
                11 January 2017 18: 49
                Actually, of course, two. The soldier started, but this one just finished. Such people in power have too much destructive power.
                1. 0
                  11 January 2017 18: 59
                  Before that, every citizen of Venezuela lived in the palace and ate oysters. Once again ha
                  1. 0
                    11 January 2017 20: 06
                    Quote: elenagromova
                    Before that, every citizen of Venezuela lived in the palace and ate oysters. Once again ha

                    And if nothing has changed - then why is it needed?
      3. +2
        11 January 2017 11: 30
        Quote: elenagromova
        It is surprising that even here there are such opinions ("the Americans have nothing to do with it, and the people do not want such a president") - after all the colored vomits.

        Of course, what do they buy 70% of Venezuelan oil. but they could not buy at all and then complete .... prosperity would come to Venezuela
        1. +2
          11 January 2017 14: 50
          Venezuela is not yet paying extra "benefactors". Doesn't it remind you of the use of child labor, exploitation of the labor of prisoners of war, prisoners?
          To be honest, the US is deliberately holding back economic growth in its underbelly. The strong are economically politically independent, and this is the complete antonym for American interests. The United States made it clear to everyone that we are the master of all America and the problems of our slaves do not concern anyone, we want to feed them, we want to pinpoint them to death.
    2. 0
      11 January 2017 08: 33
      If: "the Americans have nothing to do with it, but the people do not want such a president," then what is simpler: a referendum on the confidence of the president. But I am tormented by vague suspicions that the referendum is not beneficial to either Maduro or parliament.
  4. 0
    11 January 2017 07: 17
    I'm afraid that the next "Maidan" or (I don't want to think) ...
    1. +1
      11 January 2017 07: 25
      It is clear that the bastards will not calm down, we'll see ... But one thing is clear - he has already lasted longer than his opponents had planned. And this in this situation is already a victory.
      1. +2
        11 January 2017 09: 19
        Quote: elenagromova
        It is clear that the bastards will not calm down, we'll see ... But one thing is clear - he has already lasted longer than his opponents had planned. And this in this situation is already a victory.

        Hold on longer - laughing
        A great achievement - everything goes to the point - that he and his entourage will have to flee the country
        1. 0
          11 January 2017 15: 36
          Do not judge by yourself. Not everyone is fleeing their countries. They accept martyrdom at the hands of pro-American lackeys, but they do not flee.
          1. 0
            11 January 2017 18: 51
            Only here the peoples of countries with such martyrs are not seen in the attempts of these martyrs to protect
  5. 0
    11 January 2017 07: 57
    And then there was a failure ... In vain the Americans contacted Ukraine, after the success with the coup in it, the limit of "luck" turned out to be exhausted. Apparently the shchira of puppies and she, out of habit, "bitten"
  6. 0
    11 January 2017 08: 37
    Quote: elenagromova
    It is clear that the bastards will not calm down, we'll see ... But one thing is clear - he has already lasted longer than his opponents had planned. And this in this situation is already a victory.

    I held out thanks to the authority of Chavez among the generals, otherwise. You yourself know what Maduro and his comrades could expect
  7. +3
    11 January 2017 08: 59
    Anti-Venezuelan propaganda loves to exaggerate the hardships of the economic situation in the Latin American state. It is even claimed that hunger is in the country. However, a simple question arises - is it appropriate to hold expensive referendums and early presidential elections in conditions of famine (assuming that it exists)? Or, if everything is so bad, then it would be necessary to declare a state of emergency and throw all our efforts into solving this problem, and not into political games?

    And what has Maduro been doing to solve this problem for several years ?! Asks to wait, when oil will be at $ 100 per barrel?
    1. +1
      11 January 2017 14: 59
      Our government also says to the people "There is no money, but you are holding on." And what is a reason to bring bulk to power?
      1. +1
        11 January 2017 15: 10
        Quote: elenagromova
        Our government also says to the people "There is no money, but you are holding on." And what is a reason to bring bulk to power?

        and you bring the Russians to the state of Venezuelans - then see how the people will sing.
        1. +1
          11 January 2017 15: 35
          We have many Russians live worse than Venezuelans. For example, in Siberia, in poorly heated houses.
          1. +1
            11 January 2017 15: 44
            Quote: elenagromova
            We have many Russians live worse than Venezuelans. For example, in Siberia, in poorly heated houses.

            1. +1
              11 January 2017 16: 31
              Live there and there, and then compare, you are our child
              1. +1
                11 January 2017 16: 49
                People who have been to Venezuela really do not recommend.
          2. +3
            11 January 2017 16: 31
            Venezuela is the richest country. But thanks to Chavez’s socialism, it’s worse in economic terms than Ukraine. This is almost impossible, but the thief Poroshenko is better at leading a country without oil than Maduro is a country with resources. In Ukraine, at least the shelves in the stores are not empty.
            1. 0
              11 January 2017 17: 03
              And what, shelves in stores - the main indicator? Then with Hitler it was good
              1. +2
                11 January 2017 17: 13
                Quote: elenagromova
                And what, shelves in stores - the main indicator? Then with Hitler it was good

                4 demagogy.
                And the fact that almost 2 million signatures for holding a referendum is back - for you, of course, this does not play any role
                That 90% of the villages support his resignation - does Kokno play the same role for you?
                Well, of course — for you Communists — the opinion of the people matters — only if it coincides with your opinion.
                In other cases, people can be neglected.
                1. +1
                  11 January 2017 17: 17
                  You are just an ordinary liberal - this is evident from all your comments, and not only on the Venezuelan topic.
                  1. +1
                    11 January 2017 17: 25
                    Quote: elenagromova
                    You are just an ordinary liberal - this is evident from all your comments, and not only on the Venezuelan topic.

                    Well. Of course, when there is nothing to answer - nothing but to weigh another label - you fail.
                    Everything is like in the Bolshevik past.
                    One country about ... fukali
                    now another country about ... ut.
                    And as always --- uncle is to blame.
              2. 0
                11 January 2017 17: 43
                But the German people supported Hitler for a reason
  8. 0
    11 January 2017 09: 01
    Comrada, it seems to me that Maduro could have been mistaken in his appointment as vice-president: 1, "considers himself a loyal supporter of Hugo Chavez" is not a guarantee that he is in reality (there are few examples in history) 2. Lebanese-Syrian origin in a country with a certain mentality (Maduro himself is from the Indians, i.e. understandable to the peasants), and if you consider that the opponents will do anything. If desired, they can play on this
    1. 0
      13 January 2017 04: 21
      Monarchist January 11, 2017 09:01
      Comrada, it seems to me that Maduro could have been mistaken in his appointment as vice-president: 1, "considers himself a loyal supporter of Hugo Chavez" is not a guarantee that he is in reality (there are few examples in history)

      We had Nikita Sergeich, who considered himself a supporter of Stalin.
  9. +1
    11 January 2017 11: 49
    Allende You do not repeat -
    Look closer to the north.
  10. +2
    11 January 2017 12: 57
    Well done Chavez. Lay the straw. The president cannot be removed at all. So that he does not create. Whatever economic hole a country has driven into, its oil reserves are greater than those of the Saudis. Well then they will suffer further.
    1. 0
      11 January 2017 14: 59
      Capriles will come - will bring order?
      1. +1
        11 January 2017 15: 06
        Maybe. Because the economic model of Chavez did not justify itself.
      2. +2
        11 January 2017 15: 08
        Quote: elenagromova
        Capriles will come - will bring order?

        maybe yes - you don’t recognize it. Maduro has already shown himself
        1. 0
          11 January 2017 15: 34
          Due to what? Except at the expense of Western support - there is no place for him to get resources.
          1. +2
            11 January 2017 15: 47
            Quote: elenagromova
            Due to what? Except at the expense of Western support - there is no place for him to get resources.

            and Maduro, where can I get it? And how did he bring the country with the largest reserves in the world to hunger and poverty. So where did Maduro get the resources to improve the life of the people?
            1. 0
              11 January 2017 16: 16
              He did not bring. The situation in the economy is as follows. In Russia, what-Putin brought?
              1. +1
                11 January 2017 16: 33
                No, he brought it. It was he and Chavez with his socialist ideas.
                1. +1
                  11 January 2017 17: 02
                  Elementary logic - with socialist ideas, the distribution of even limited resources occurs more fairly. With capitalism and limited resources, hunger for the poor is inevitable.
                  1. 0
                    11 January 2017 18: 57
                    Under their socialism, any resources will ultimately be limited. This is Maduro, ravaged retail chains and fixed prices. It would seem to some foolish - here it is happiness and justice. But in fact, the collapse of trade, empty shops and the triumph of the black market. and to the heap inflation with rising prices How many times have passed. Everything does not reach.
                    1. +1
                      11 January 2017 19: 00
                      Price fixing is a real chance for the poor to satisfy their hunger.
                      1. 0
                        11 January 2017 20: 06
                        Quote: elenagromova
                        Price fixing is a real chance for the poor to satisfy their hunger.

                        So how is it ? Satisfied?
                      2. 0
                        14 January 2017 11: 22
                        Void at fixed prices
  11. +2
    11 January 2017 13: 03
    Even Elena does not deny the suffering of the people under the leadership of Chavez and Maduro.
    1. +1
      11 January 2017 16: 23
      And not going to confirm. On the contrary, I am sure that it is easier for poor people there than in the Russian Federation.
      1. +2
        11 January 2017 16: 35
        You wrote in the text of your agitation about the suffering of the people.
      2. +3
        11 January 2017 16: 47
        Quote: elenagromova
        And I’m not going to confirm. On the contrary, I’m sure that it’s easier for poor people there than in Russia.

        I'm not going to confirm, I'm sure.
        this is a castle-style blonde-board-sorry.
        If you really affirm - so confirm - you seem to be not at the ladies' forum.
        You lived there, maybe?
        Prior to this, all your statements are nothing more than OBS in sauce.
        1. +1
          11 January 2017 17: 02
          And you did not live there, so are your statements - OBS
          1. 0
            11 January 2017 18: 59
            Nothing prevents you from finding reviews from our tourists and experts about Venezuela. Enough to understand what the best place for Maduro is the dock.
            1. +1
              11 January 2017 19: 09
              Enough! For Milosevic - the dock of defendants, for Hussein - the dock of defendants, for Gaddafi - there was even a bench ... Even for these three murders, no one answered. And will have to answer.
              1. 0
                14 January 2017 11: 24
                Not enough, and so should the ruler bring his country to poverty.
  12. +1
    11 January 2017 18: 02
    In general, supporters of monetarist and right-liberal ideas are well settled.
    At first, using - for the time being - their power and financial superiority over others, they create difficulties for the socialist countries and, in general, for states with an alternative structure. Either sanctions, sabotage, or war are unleashed. Then they point a finger at empty shelves or at a falling standard of living and begin to scream about the "suffering of the people", imposing their own system and claiming that, they say, these sufferings are "the generic disease of socialism." ... And when you show them the generic ulcers of capitalism, say, photographs of the homeless, they dismiss them: "Oh, these are the marginalized" ...
    1. 0
      11 January 2017 18: 12
      Quote: elenagromova
      In general, supporters of monetarist and right-liberal ideas are well settled.
      At first, using - for the time being - their power and financial superiority over others, they create difficulties for the socialist countries and, in general, for states with an alternative structure. Either sanctions, sabotage, or war are unleashed. Then they point a finger at empty shelves or at a falling standard of living and begin to scream about the "suffering of the people", imposing their own system and claiming that, they say, these sufferings are "the generic disease of socialism." ... And when you show them the generic ulcers of capitalism, say, photographs of the homeless, they dismiss them: "Oh, these are the marginalized" ...

      Venezuela would now have the patrimonial ulcers of capitalism.
      1. +1
        11 January 2017 18: 30
        God forbid. If, in a crisis, there is also a rejection of social programs and the support of the poor population - this is real, not propaganda, hunger.
        1. 0
          11 January 2017 19: 01
          Moreover, they now have almost all the poor. With the state monopoly on everything.
    2. 0
      11 January 2017 19: 05
      Socialism of the socialists goes wild. All someone else is to blame.
      Well, of course, the enemies are to blame for the fact that Chavez, instead of banging for an attempted coup, was allowed to take the president’s place. And they whispered in his ear to plant the whole country on benefits. And now, again, because of the enemies, the prices were blown away and this country, which never learned to produce anything, ended up in a dark hole.
      1. +1
        11 January 2017 19: 07
        The Americans, most likely, and "banged" ...
        1. 0
          14 January 2017 11: 27
          Of course. The evil babai is to blame for everything
  13. 0
    11 January 2017 19: 07
    Venezuela without Chavez and Maduro - exists. Her name is Haiti
    1. 0
      14 January 2017 11: 25
      And what is not the Dominican Republic
    2. 0
      14 January 2017 11: 28
      What are the oil reserves of Haiti
  14. 0
    11 January 2017 20: 12
    Yes, quenched. There is no hunger. There are difficulties, there is no hunger. Everything you need costs a penny, and many poor families are given out for free. Those who can’t live without gastronomic delights suffer.
    1. 0
      14 January 2017 11: 27
      There is no work. People live on the feed of which less and less