Prisoners without conscience

Prisoners without conscience

On the eve, in a number of Russian cities, actions were held in support of the “Bolotnaya Square prisoners” and the so-called political prisoners, who in fact turned out to be few single pickets. Let us recall the events to which these events are timed and we will try to figure out what their organizers are going to achieve today.

For a start it is worth saying that such actions are held on the sixth day of each month and are associated with events that took place in May 2012 of the year. Then the “Marsh of Millions” was held in Moscow, some participants of which were in favor of revising the results of the presidential elections in Russia. There was no peaceful protest among the protesters, and, despite the route agreed in advance with the city authorities, they tried to break through the police cordon and walk towards the Kremlin. In the end, the march and rally turned into riots and clashes with the police, resulting in more than 400 people being detained.

Looking back at the events of five years ago, having at the same time the bitter experience of the Ukrainian Maidan behind us, it can be stated with confidence that street protests in May 2012 had all the signs of the “color revolution” scenario. Staged videos of violations during the voting, a powerful PR campaign in social networks, demands for the resignation of the president and the government, as well as participation in rallies of members of radical nationalist groups that became the main striking force in clashes with riot police - components of a single mechanism for changing the political regime in the state .

It is fair to say that among the marchers there were enough those who came to express their citizenship, hoping to solve some pressing problems and questions through a peaceful dialogue with the authorities. However, the leaders of the liberal pro-Western opposition, quickly oriented, tried to convert peaceful marches into mass street riots. This, in general, is not surprising, since it later became known about the links of the organizers of the action from among the above-mentioned figures with foreign political institutions and government funds of some Western countries.

Today, the protest movement in Russia is experiencing not the best times for itself. This is due, contrary to the opinion of the oppositionists themselves, steeped in the secret division of foreign grants, not only with the firm and intelligible position of the Russian leadership, who managed to return to the state a worthy place in the international arena, but also thanks to political maturity and consolidation of society, which has learned to distinguish the line between dialogue with power and extremist provocations.
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  1. +15
    11 January 2017 05: 48
    Prisoners? Loafers, losers to feed the State Department
    1. +5
      11 January 2017 05: 58
      No, he’s at work, stub, dogs to write ..
      Quote: McLooka-MacLeod
      Prisoners? Loafers, losers to feed the State Department
    2. +6
      11 January 2017 06: 12
      What kind of clown in the photo ...? laughing
      1. +2
        11 January 2017 06: 54
        It’s just that there are people who are kipish more important than the results, the process is most important, they are just that, you won’t change them. They don’t care what to fight for, the main thing is to fight. Their energy is for peaceful purposes. hi
        1. +3
          11 January 2017 10: 40
          Quote: Evdokim
          It’s just that there are people who are kipish more important than the results, the process is most important, they are just that, you won’t change them. They do not care what to fight for, the main thing is to fight.

          To fight, this is when there is an idea in whose name ....... These dodgers are just trying to ruin the country for money, without any ideas and principles.
          1. 0
            11 January 2017 11: 13
            Lenin painted an ideology, Dzerzhinsky killed the health in the Cheka. I simply will not say anything about Trotsky, but these charisma are not ideas; only venality and Herostratus’s syndrome are shorter in short for the sake of kipish, to destroy, and then to hell with it. give only. What do they think, or brains are completely absent.
        2. 0
          17 January 2017 12: 40
          Right! This breed of ever-dissenting principles is important for the sake of buza buzy. Professional protesters. Psychiatrists have long studied and classified this phenomenon.
      2. +5
        11 January 2017 08: 26
        Why is he so alone? Protest
      3. avt
        11 January 2017 10: 03
        Quote: Finches
        What kind of clown in the photo ...?

        City crazy. Somehow, there is not much now, but before at the fountain opposite the monument to Pushkin, well, across the road in Moscow, such clowns often hung out. That way, no more than five people, and I'm sure it's free, but a larger party must somehow be collected for a pittance and it is not necessary to pay the participants, it is enough to spend the organizational expenses competently. In big cities, 2-3% frostbitten is always and everywhere, forever young, forever drunk. "The specificity of a large crowd of people in a limited urban space is a medical fact. Well, if someone rocks the followers of sects, this is generally a fertile material! Here you don’t have to pay money - they will bring it themselves and the organizers will have more, and it’s not sour, enough for caviar. "Krishnaites", well, a sect, so in the 90s, adherents were massively begging to be put with a chant - "to the temple" the adepts were completely muddied by submitting an application for the then Luzhkov for construction in the Khodynka area.
        1. +6
          11 January 2017 10: 08
          City madman, say ... So, Soviet punitive psychiatry was not so wrong ... hi
          1. avt
            11 January 2017 10: 17
            Quote: Finches
            So Soviet punitive psychiatry was not so wrong ...

            If about the diagnosis of "sluggish schizophrenia", then such a form of the course of the disease really exists, and yes, such from time to time, well, during an exacerbation, they were put in a hospital, then released at the place of registration in a dispensary for registration. this Monica Yavlinsky "after defending his diploma, he went crazy and was hospitalized, then this fact, when it came up, was actually passed off as
            Quote: Finches
            Soviet punitive psychiatry ...
            bully Well, with the arrival of the "democrats," of course the psychos made "open door day" in the durka. Yes, you look at the composition of the party elite, when Yavlinsky began to rule alone - everything is painted there on the faces, turns of speech and tonality. Ivanenko was a clone of Grishka, he actually replaced him when he was recovering in Germany twice a year in the hospital, then the second, I forgot how it was, but he was already starting to rage at the rallies about infill development. I even managed to contact the local press once during hospitalization THERE and give it to them - Putin sent me a letter, asking for advice. bully
            1. +3
              11 January 2017 10: 53
              hi Hello big shark!
              Quote: avt
              , sluggish schizophrenia ", then this form of the course of the disease really exists and yes, such from time to time, well, during an exacerbation, they were put in a hospital, then they were released at the place of registration in a dispensary for registration

              laughing And they said that you have an engineering degree! Are you encrypted?
              1. avt
                11 January 2017 11: 10
                Quote: Serg65
                And they said that you have an engineering degree! Are you encrypted?

                Yes, no. In the 90s, a number of acquaintances fell into sects. They tried to recruit the sinful cynic. So I had to familiarize myself with the subject matter. There is a sin - mocked at the instructors, the benefit is not difficult - they work according to the template bully and even a couple of "gurus of clairvoyants" hooked. By the way, this template, well, in a slightly modified form, is used by peddlers for various little things, which are three times expensive, again, they started walking around Moscow and ringing the phone, too. If there are a couple of simple questions like - Who are you? Submit your identity documents and activity confirming. Who, on the basis of what documents do you carry out the activity? The template breaks down and into a stupor. bully
                1. +4
                  11 January 2017 11: 46
                  Quote: avt
                  There is a sin - scoffing at the instructors, fortunately it's not difficult - they work according to the template and even a couple of "clairvoyant gurus"

                  laughing So we are fellow entertainment !!!!! Oh, how I like to talk with all kinds of sextants! bully
              2. +1
                11 January 2017 11: 52
                Quote: avt
                If about the diagnosis

                The correct diagnosis, and this is already half the battle, but it’s difficult to treat psychos, because they don’t realize their pain, they will undergo brain damage, they still have rights and freedom of speech, then Rynsky will be indignant. The treatment of psychos should become a national state medical defense program, it is time to create a mechanism of protection against fools.
          2. 0
            11 January 2017 19: 29
            And if there was a komunyak krasnyaku from some Communist Party there?)) These people express their position within the framework of the law, single pickets are not forbidden and EVERYONE can do this because all are equal that liberals from the Liberal Democratic Party that soviet communists or other citizens)
      4. +10
        11 January 2017 11: 32
        Quote: Finches
        What kind of clown in the photo ...? laughing

        An accomplice of this clown. feel hi
        1. jjj
          11 January 2017 11: 48
          Understuffed by Stalin and untreated by Brezhnev, clean-up personalities are all trying to stir up something. Many are simply afraid that they will now be forgotten overseas. To live as it is now ...
          Meanwhile. If we pay attention to what projects are being thrown into public consciousness, we can confidently assert that the operation to overthrow the "Putin regime" has entered a decisive phase. We are constantly frightened by the raising of the retirement age. They are stuffed with dubious quality "crafts". And as a feature of the last days - the "initiative of the Ministry of Health" to ban the sale of tobacco to people born later than 2015 and proposals to ban smoking in Russia. Let us remember, however, before the collapse of the USSR, a "dry law" was introduced in the country.
          Such initiatives will multiply under the most plausible pretexts. They want to destroy Russia with such actions. Be on the lookout. Do not peck on bait
      5. +1
        12 January 2017 09: 28

        Such a clown
  2. +9
    11 January 2017 05: 50
    Here he is, a swamp sadomasochist .. On the poster, between the lines, "Good people, give me some people, well, at least spit .."
    1. +5
      11 January 2017 06: 07
      Quote: 210ox
      Here he is, a swamp sadomasochist .. On the poster, between the lines, "Good people, give me some people, well, at least spit .."

      I also wanted to play pranks, like: "Give him 20 kopecks at last." And then I thought: "Not worthy."
  3. +4
    11 January 2017 06: 04
    How many of them! It becomes scary.
    1. +4
      11 January 2017 09: 13
      Quote: EvgNik
      How many of them! It becomes scary.

      hi , Eugene.
      Too much or not is not the point. Small bug, but smelly green. And the European creature positions these bugs as a kind of force. wassat
      1. +2
        11 January 2017 09: 17
        Quote: Lelek
        Small bug, but smelly green

        Yes, yes. I can not agree.
        1. +1
          11 January 2017 09: 20
          Quote: EvgNik
          I can not disagree.

          Well and goodies. Yes
      2. +1
        11 January 2017 09: 40
        You know, for this one idiot (who is actually at work) there are about ten correspondents and operators ..
        Quote: Lelek
        Quote: EvgNik
        How many of them! It becomes scary.

        hi , Eugene.
        Too much or not is not the point. Small bug, but smelly green. And the European creature positions these bugs as a kind of force. wassat
        1. 0
          11 January 2017 09: 53
          Quote: 210ox
          You know, for this one idiot (who is actually at work) there are about ten correspondents and operators ..

          Such work for these vultures, they also want their own sandwich with spaced caviar (so that the layer is thicker). So it was, is and will be with this fraternity. Yes
  4. +7
    11 January 2017 06: 10
    Come on, come on ... There will always be people under any system who, for various reasons, could not realize themselves in society or were rejected by society as objectionable for too abstruse outlooks on life. Some of these people nevertheless try to integrate into society by stinting a part of their ego, but most harbor anger at a society which, in their opinion, has not yet matured in understanding and perceiving them as being smart and beautiful .. And they begin to shit and harm society always and everywhere and for any occasion. Some of the cleverest of them are already seeking purposefully where and how to earn money from their hatred of the society and the state that rejected them and the services of such personalities that are always open to foreign NGOs that are just created for this ....
    1. +6
      11 January 2017 07: 49
      Monster_Fat I can not completely agree with you, my opinion: it is necessary to consider the situation a little differently.
      There are a lot, a lot of people who have not realized themselves, I think at least 50% of working age.
      Everyone must have a livelihood. In Soviet times, every person had the opportunity to work, while receiving a timely salary, which in any case ensured a living wage.
      Now, not all citizens of the country are provided with work, and these are not only people without a profession, but a lot of people who have a specialty and even experience and aspire to work, often agreeing to unskilled work, on unfavorable conditions, periodically deceived by the employer. These people are dissatisfied with the authorities, and quite reasonably.
      Among those who did not realize themselves, there are also those who stopped fighting for a decent existence and became a consumer of alcohol-containing liquids.
      And there is another category: those who consider it possible any means of generating income. These are those who achieve success in life through the receipt and development of foreign grants to destabilize the country. These are those who engage in deceit of the population, offering services and goods that will not be provided and delivered, or by deceiving the goods at fabulous prices, etc. They are part of the current system, which does not suit only one moment; it is not they who are at the state pie. They are eager for power, not for the country to develop, they are not going to improve anything, moreover, they are not indifferent to the fate of the country and people, they need access to a big pie.
      Of all the dissatisfied, only representatives of the last group go out to Bolotnaya, pursuing one goal - personal welfare. And therefore, they do not enjoy the support of any segments of the population and obviously fully understand this, but continue to advertise with posters about prisoners of conscience. Although they cannot be prisoners of what they do not have.
      The only moment that the authorities should not miss is that random passers-by are not among the detainees - this is a big blow to the power and stability in the country.
      1. +1
        11 January 2017 08: 27
        Watch the video from the swamp. There you can make psychological portraits ... not social.
      2. +2
        11 January 2017 10: 39
        Quote: olimpiada15
        And there is another category: these are those who consider it possible any means of generating income ... These are those who are engaged in deceiving the population, offering services and goods that will not be provided and delivered, or by tricking in goods at fabulous prices, etc. . They are part of the current system, which does not suit only one moment; it is not they who are at the state pie. They are eager for power, not for the country to develop, they are not going to improve anything, moreover, they are not indifferent to the fate of the country and people, they need access to a big pie.

        A very accurate description of our local government at the municipal and regional level !!
        Only these guys do not go to Bolotnaya, they seep into government offices and push through friends and acquaintances, picking up rolls and lifting them higher.

        Most of the public in the swamp, about 5 years ago, were ordinary people who realized that the authorities simply cheated on them (it all started, as you remember, from a big deception in the elections to the State Duma, when the United Russia won, despite the massive number of violations and juggling).
        Now freaks and inadequacies are going to pickets. Organizers get loot, and oh how I doubt that they generously share with simple fools.
    2. +1
      11 January 2017 08: 25
      Quote: Monster_Fat
      Yes, come on ...

      Are you smarter? And remember, according to your historically memorable comments, you practically did not differ from the Maydan-from-the-swamp.
      Z.Y. You wrote very sincerely about yourself. I wish you a final mental recovery.
      1. 0
        11 January 2017 09: 24
        Quote: SPACE
        I wish you a final mental recovery

        I join your wish. A sign of a final recovery will be considered a change of avatar.
      2. +6
        11 January 2017 09: 36
        Well, let's say that to the swamp, now they include absolutely everyone, those who at least somehow expressed their disagreement with the policy pursued in Russia by the clan from the Lake cooperative ....
        1. 0
          11 January 2017 11: 31
          Quote: Monster_Fat
          Well, let's say that to the swamp, now they include absolutely everyone,

          We summarize this in a simplified way; in fact, they are divided into conscious founders of the so-called. "masochists on grants" and unconscious "volunteers"; extras.
          Quote: Monster_Fat
          those who at least somehow expressed their disagreement with the policy pursued in Russia by the clan from the cooperative Lake ....

          Could you please elaborate on this policy? What exactly do not agree with. Especially in the context of recent world events.
          Quote: Monster_Fat
          clan from the cooperative Lake ....

          Wow, how mysterious this sounds))) When I secretly whisper in my ear about a lake a cooperative or a receiver operation, then I clearly understand that these words belong to a fool who doesn’t do anything, and all his previous thoughts are not serious .
          1. 0
            11 January 2017 19: 34
            no, it's just a jingoism of the brain, pink glasses that all is well))
            Especially in the context of recent world events.
            the main thing is that "world events" and not that everything has risen in price and the pension from the salary of teachers / doctors is not indexed
    3. 0
      11 January 2017 08: 29
      Quote: Monster_Fat
      Come on, come on ... There will always be people under any system who, for various reasons, could not realize themselves in society or were rejected by society as objectionable for too abstruse outlooks on life. Some of these people nevertheless try to integrate into society by stinting a part of their ego, but most harbor anger at a society which, in their opinion, has not yet matured in understanding and perceiving them as being smart and beautiful .. And they begin to shit and harm society always and everywhere and for any occasion. Some of the cleverest of them are already seeking purposefully where and how to earn money from their hatred of the society and the state that rejected them and the services of such personalities that are always open to foreign NGOs that are just created for this ....

      There is such a question: Girl, would you like a radical? For what ?!
    4. +1
      11 January 2017 08: 43
      "" Couldn't realize themselves ... "" Who is this? Nemtsov, Bykov, Sobchak ..... They chtoli discarded.? Bykov on TV kept calling to the march: “Come here, it’s not scary.” After that, the number began to increase. When everyone was detained, Bykov and some others were quickly released, they immediately paid the lawyer 30000 rubles. The fate of the other detainees was different .... This Bykov then on TV .... Well, someone decided it was necessary for some people to suffer for the sake of "" common cause "".
  5. +6
    11 January 2017 06: 17
    The main thing is not to be released on parole: for this kind of crime, "prisoners" should be in prison from ring to bell.
  6. +7
    11 January 2017 06: 56
    When the opposition acts within some framework, and at the same time it is supported by part of the people, then the protest movement and opposition work are within that framework. Why is it bad to go, say, to a peaceful demonstration about the inadmissibility of the widespread introduction of bicycle paths, paid parking lots in cities, to protest about tariff increases, unemployment, etc. The authorities will certainly see these protest moods.
    Now in Russia, the opposition has deliberately gone underground. It’s a bluff that they cannot share Biden’s grants. This is a strategy that has fully justified itself in Ukraine, when initially spontaneous protests developed into an organized riot that ended in a coup.
    I well remember how a brutal crowd of 90% of which were onlookers, sympathizers, but not thugs and militants, gathered on Lubyanka Square in August 1991 and began to try to knock down the monument to F.E. Dzherzhinsky. There were certainly activists tying ropes around the statue. But the protest was clearly spontaneous. The police did not intervene. And suddenly, out of nowhere, a certain Stankevich appears, an oppositionist, who had been in the shadows before. He immediately announces over a megaphone that the statue must be cleaned in an orderly manner, that it must not be dropped, since there is a subway under the square, etc. Essentially and formally, he was right. But instead of appeasing the half-drunk crowd, finally leading the forces of law and order, the police, the vigilantes, this figure led the riot and the demolition of the monument and thus earned himself the glory of a "first wave democrat." Thus, a spontaneous protest in capable hands turns into an organized uprising. Nothing new, just at one time these people did not skip lectures on Marxism-Leninism and studied Lenin's book "State and Revolution". Here is one small example from the past. But today it may, alas, be repeated. That old adage: "Fear the Danes who bring gifts" is more relevant than ever.
  7. +4
    11 January 2017 07: 30
    And why is he allowed to stand on the street with a note. This is a violation of the law. In his court and for forced labor for three years, remove the snow or drip the ditch. Feed only upon completion of the assignment. I have the honor.
    1. +4
      11 January 2017 07: 35
      Well, in general, by law, there is a right to a single picket. And prohibiting any pickets at all is a dead end. Otherwise and with the right idea you will not be able to get out.
    2. +1
      11 January 2017 08: 31
      - Yes, to take this Kant for such evidence, but for three years in the camps!
      1. +1
        11 January 2017 08: 38
        Quote: Iskander Sh
        - Yes, to take this Kant for such evidence, yes for three years to camps!

        - to Solovkiif you are about Bulgakov wink
        1. 0
          11 January 2017 08: 42
          I have not re-read the book for a long time, and I watched the series not long ago while traveling in a train. Yes, and the meaning is the same.

          1. 0
            11 January 2017 17: 40
            Quote: Iskander Sh
            I have not re-read the book for a long time

            - I know the book almost by heart ... achieved by multiple re-reading
            - the funniest thing is that every time you find something new.
            - the series has never been watched, and I'm not going to
            - "camps" and pioneer were also, and "Solovki" in those days was a name ... a purely common noun Yes
            1. 0
              12 January 2017 10: 38
              Quote: Cat Man Null
              "camps" and pioneers were also

              This does not change anything. request
          2. avt
            11 January 2017 20: 12
            Quote: Iskander Sh
            , and the series did not watch for a long time while traveling on the train

            Gaft played better with Carra, as did Ulyanov Pontius.
      2. 0
        11 January 2017 19: 47
        The former brigadier of the Severnaya mine, whose name resounded throughout the Soviet Union, recounts how he was thrown into a police car for going to a picket.

        The Kemerovo pensioner Pyotr Sharaburyak turned out to be a recidivist in the 83 year of life. Acquaintance with the police began with a solitary picket near the building of the regional administration. Pyotr Petrovich wanted to draw attention to his problem, but ended up for three days in a temporary detention center, where he went on a hunger strike.
        The most interesting thing is that the reason for the picket was not at all political, but rather everyday.
        The pensioner is dissatisfied with the court decision, according to which he must demolish two sheds in the disputed territory.

        to the grandfather camps !!!))
    3. 0
      11 January 2017 19: 43
      there is nothing wrong with expressing your position and most importantly always remember that if something does not suit you, you also will not stand with a picket about raising prices for food or an expensive communal apartment
  8. +1
    11 January 2017 08: 00
    Yes, obviously they chose the wrong time then ... today they could have more supporters, but "the train has already left"
    1. +1
      11 January 2017 08: 50
      Perhaps they didn’t choose? They gave them the task: to speak for $$$, Verkhushka loot cut and hid behind the backs of lawyers. And those who did not receive money ----- will envy the authorities to envy those who received money?
      1. 0
        11 January 2017 08: 52
        Quote: Reptiloid
        They probably didn’t choose

        So about those who chose and say ... and these are "pawns", "consumables", "fuel of revolution" ...
  9. FID
    11 January 2017 08: 56
    I was VERY interested in this ... line: "but also thanks to political maturity and consolidation of society, which has learned to distinguish the line between dialogue with the authorities and extremist provocations.
    Author: Andrey Orlov "
    What kind of society does this "writer" write about, and what kind of consolidation .... Stupidity, forgive me ....
  10. 0
    11 January 2017 08: 58
    actions in support of “prisoners of Bolotnaya Square” were held

    Judging by the photo, the actions are "powerful" and the government, of course, just needs to pay attention to them. Quite recently, one dissenting person also carried out actions - he would nail his causal place with a nail to the paving stones (though between the tiles), then he would create some other performance. But when he considered that he was a little "famous" he decided to set fire to the FSB reception room. Now his delights as an "artist" are probably actively used in the ITC.
  11. -1
    11 January 2017 09: 54
    Quote: Monster_Fat
    Come on, come on ... There will always be people under any system who, for various reasons, could not realize themselves in society or were rejected by society as objectionable for too abstruse outlooks on life.

    But the fact is that any revolution requires a significant financial and organizational strength, capable of orienting such people in the right way for the organizers to orient.
    This is the only option. There are no spontaneous revolutions "from within".
    And by 2012, it was clearly visible. They did not succeed precisely because the process was controlled from the outside according to previously developed plans. This implies at least a delay in decision-making if something went wrong. Our state reacted locally, that is, by default it was more efficient.
    As a result, the opposition’s training program was worked out, the money was spent, but our authorities turned out to be faster and smarter.
    The authors of this "protest" naturally took into account the negative experience, and in Ukraine everything went like clockwork.
    This is such a form of modern warfare. One of the most dangerous, in addition to cyberattacks.
  12. +2
    11 January 2017 10: 13
    In the photo Ryazan, Lenin Square. And a lonely eccentric with the letter M. I wonder how much he was paid ..
  13. +1
    11 January 2017 10: 36
    Lord How good it was under Ivan IV the Terrible, put on a stake or on a barrel of gunpowder ... And all the people only in joy!
    1. +2
      11 January 2017 10: 57
      This until you touch
      1. +1
        11 January 2017 11: 02
        As we say: - From prison and from the sum ...
  14. +1
    11 January 2017 10: 52
    Where the author saw the protests of the movement. They were blown away even on the Internet. Individual patients remained.
  15. +2
    11 January 2017 15: 06
    On the eve of a number of Russian cities held rallies in support of the “prisoners of Bolotnaya Square” and the so-called political prisoners,
    I will not say anything about these, because with them and without me enough is said here. However, there are still people in whose support we should speak out. Since last year, in the Tver court of Moscow, there has been a trial of activists of the Initiative Group for the Referendum "For Responsible Power" (IGPR Call) K.V. Barabash, Yu.I. Mukhin, V.N. Parfyonov and A.A. Sokolov. This four is judged because they, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, only tried to organize a referendum in the country. As a result, three more than a year in a pre-trial detention center, Mukhin under house arrest. They are being tried for the first time for the initiative to prepare a referendum, for the first time, probably, in general in the history of democratic countries, preparing a referendum is considered a crime. By the way, this process over them is not covered in the media at all - it’s silent. They all got water in their mouths.
  16. 0
    12 January 2017 11: 51
    And instead of a square for mass performances, I would make a special corral. It’s just then easier to filter. laughing
  17. Mwg
    13 January 2017 21: 07
    The march of "millions", the march of "dohreniliards" ... The fantasy of the US friends works on the principle of enlarging the numbers in the names of their marches. Hypertrophy is their method not only in the presentation of the environment, but also in inventing names for their actions. Liberal Kreakels, (...)