Count Petr Alekseevich von der Palen: “When they make an omelette, break eggs ...”

Peter Ludwig von der Palen was born in 1745, and by the time the coup was accomplished, he was already quite mature and formed. His military career began in 1760 participation in the war with Turkey. For the service of Peter Alekseevich twice awarded the Order of St. George of different degrees. The position of the graph during the reign of Paul I was unstable, since the character of the emperor was distinguished by a penchant for sharp drops and intolerance. At the same time, Peter Alekseevich enjoyed the favor of the sovereign, but even under this circumstance he was removed from government posts several times. Pavel trusted the earl even after he became aware of the conspiracy. He hoped for the help of the traitor and even discussed this question with him on the eve of the reprisal. It is the fact of unlimited trust on the part of the doomed emperor that gives Palen a resemblance to the notorious Judas from the biblical tenets.

He was not ashamed to tell his contemporaries and like-minded people about the conversation. The conversation began unexpectedly face to face on the initiative of Paul. The emperor suddenly asked the count about his participation in the conspiracy against Tsar Peter and his role in the crime, and then expressed his suspicions about the impending misfortune. Pyotr Alekseevich's self-control can be envied, if at all one can experience this feeling towards such people, he openly declared his participation in the forthcoming conspiracy. However, the count assured the emperor that participation in the preparations had the purpose of exposing and asked not to worry about the outcome of the enterprise.

By the way, Pyotr Alekseevich considered the deed done by the feat accomplished by him and his associates in the salvation of Russia. At least that's how he spoke to his friends and relatives. Whether the count was aware of all the abomination and baseness of the murder of the royal monarch is now unknown.

Nevertheless, the throne passed to Alexander, and most of the nobility was pleased with this event. Especially, the jubilation is traced in the lyric works of the time. The new emperor was pleasing to the Russian elite and favored noble and distinguished families. In addition, Alexander became the successor of the policy of his great grandmother Catherine. He immediately stopped the drill and the practice of punishing the representatives of the nobility, had a calm disposition and a refined mind. The young sovereign possessed Jesuit cunning and tact and did not resemble his parent at all, so the conspiracy had favorable consequences for society.

The personality of Peter Alekseevich Palen is one of the most controversial in stories Russian Empire. Many argue that the conspiracy organized by the count was getting rid of the half-mad monarch, tyrant and tyrant. However, such an assessment of the torn emperor was beneficial to the conspirators themselves, among whom was the powerful Alexander I. The areola of madness was created around Paul as early as his reign, since attempts to deprive the nobility of influence were the main irritant and main cause of his overthrow. The noble by birth graph was not such in life. He remained in the memory of the descendants by his heinous and dishonest betrayal against the sovereign Paul I. The cold and calculating leader of the conspiracy willingly entered into an alliance with Panin, fearing for his further well-being. Pyotr Alekseevich was on friendly terms and easily inclined the young heir Alexander to overthrow his own father.

Despite the request of the young emperor, Palen did not allow the sovereign to stay alive. The murder was committed cruelly in front of the count, the body of the emperor was disfigured, and the mob rejoiced and mocked the corpse. The officers, who have become furious with prolonged libations, have beaten the Russian autocrat to death - this is truly a shameful moment in Russian history, the stain on which has not yet been washed away.

Some historians point out that Peter Alekseevich was genuinely attached to the current emperor and did not want his death, that what happened was just a tragic accident. However, historical facts suggest otherwise. His phrase, abandoned by a crowd of drunken officers gathered by the organizers of the coup, characterizes the graph in a massacre of the unfortunate. "When they make an omelette, they break eggs ...", - steel notes are heard in this statement about the fate of the overthrown ruler. The imaginary friend and loyal servant first raised a toast to the new autocrat, and personally gave the command to attack the apartments of unfortunate Paul.

Pyotr Alekseevich was not bloodthirsty, but he was well aware that it was dangerous for Paul I to live, both for Alexander and for all the other conspirators. It was impossible to simply kill the sovereign, because Alexander opposed it. The son did not want to begin his reign with the blood of his own father and could brutally avenge Palen for disobedience. The death of Paul I was supposed to look like the result of an unforeseen development of events, a wave of hatred at the performers. The neglect with which the decision to kill was expressed confirms that the subjects did not have respect for their recently all-powerful master and benefactor. In addition, immediately before the crime, some of them offered to deal with the entire family of the Romanovs. It is hardly possible to speak after such a proposal about the loyalty and nobility of these gentlemen. A skillful diplomat and flatterer, Pyotr Alekseevich, had no difficulty in inflaming the drunken officers and sating them with boundless rage towards the autocrat, the murder happened as if by accident, but it was thought out long before the tragic night.

Most historians are convinced that Palen belonged to the Order of Freemasons and with his evil deed fulfilled the will of this secret society, which often interfered in state affairs. Such a statement is not devoid of meaning and may be true, since there were many representatives of the Masonic order among the Russian nobility. However, it would be rash to justify hypocrisy and dishonesty, as well as cold-blooded murder, even if it was done by the hands of drunken officers.
Count Palen. Judas kiss

Count Peter Alekseevich von der Palen - Russian military leader, cavalry general. From 1792, ruler of the Riga governorship, from 1975, Governor-General of the Province of Courland. In the year 1797 was subjected to disgrace. In 1798, he was appointed by the St. Petersburg military governor. He enjoyed the confidence of Paul I, was the great chancellor of the Order of Malta, a member of the board of foreign affairs. One of the main organizers of the conspiracy against Paul I and his assassination in March 1801. In June, 1801 was dismissed and sent to his Kurland estate.

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  1. predator
    25 January 2012 08: 04
    the assassination of Paul was organized by the British, for the policy of rapprochement between Russia and Napoleon.
    1. +3
      25 January 2012 09: 07
      As an eyewitness to these events wrote

      “The accession of Pavlv1 to the throne seemed to me the invasion of the enemy and his death rejoiced, like the expulsion of an adversary. At the court, in the offices, on the streets, people hugging each other, congratulating each other. All violent introductions in Western fashion in Russia were destroyed, even the crews with the French and German teams disappeared from the city streets, and a Russian team appeared. Society showed childish joy. "The young emperor himself hastened to remove the signs of the Order of Malta."

      In a word, delight, according to the witness, "went even beyond the limits of decency." Getting rid of Paul seemed an undoubted happiness for Russia.
      The officers of the emperor were beaten in Russian from the heart

      Why did they beat him?
      Paul the First was beaten for betraying the Orthodox faith.

      Through the Order of Malta, Paul was closely associated with the West. He was promoted to the Master of the Maltese Knightly Crusader Society. As a magnistor of the Order of Malta, Pavel the First in the Mikhailovsky Castle he built ordered to make a hall for receptions of members of Catholic orders. After coming to power, Pavel the First became the head of the Orthodox Church and, in fact, the Catholic took the main post in the Orthodox Church, - the master of the Maltese Order. The bulk of the Orthodox clergy supported Paul, as a patriarch, those who disagreed were repressed. Instead of the Orthodox cross, Patriarch Pavel wore the Maltese cross; moreover, he ordered the emblem of Russia to be changed by introducing a Maltese Catholic cross in it in close-up. In Russia, Catholics carried out a coup d'etat, having seated on the Orthodox throne as the main person of the state a truly member of the Catholic Order.

      Paul the First was beaten for being a stupid soldier and tyrant.

      Pavel remade the Russian army in the Gatchinsky (western) manner. In training troops, unprecedented cruelty flourished. The nominee of Paul General Arakcheev was especially rampant. He tore the mustache from the grenadiers, beat the soldiers and junkers without distinction, specially made for this purpose with a stick. In general, he established a barracks discipline bordering on tyranny. All Russian was brutally suppressed

      Paul the First was beaten for betraying the Russians.
      During the three years of the reign, 7 field marshals (among them Rumyantsev and Suvorov), 333 generals and 2260 officers were dismissed from service. In their place, Paul put his nominees.Repressions, with the deprivation of the rank of nobility, were subjected to a large number of civil servants. In the list of rehabilitated persons, according to the decree signed by Alexander the First, after the murder of the priest, 155 names were listed. But this list was far from complete. In total, according to historians, 700 people were repressed. They also call more impressive figures up to 12 thousand nobles were deprived of the nobility. Now it is interpreted as a struggle against the exploitation of the serf peasantry. The support of the autocracy, the Russian nobility was systematically destroyed, Paul the First had another pillar of the Catholic orders, which prepared the kidney to exit the underground and establish domination over Russia.

      They beat Paul the First for betraying the Germans.
      Paul was a purebred German.

      Paul's father - Herceg Schleswing-Holstein Karl Peter Ulrich (In Orthodoxy Peter Fedorovich - Peter 3) was a German with a particle of Russian blood in his blood. (1/4 part)

      Mother of Paul - Sophia Augustus Frederick of Anhalt-Zerbst (in Orthodoxy Catherine - Catherine 2) was a purebred German.

      Paul’s wife - Princess Sophia Dorothea, the granddaughter of the Prussian king Frederick, was a purebred German (Maria Orthodoxy in Orthodoxy)

      Consequently, the children of Paul were Germans. In his activity, Paul the First was guided neither by the interests of Russia, nor by the interests of Austria, nor by the interests of the French people, but by the interests of the French Catholic elite, which had close ties with the French aristocracy, which did not compare with the loss of power in 1793 after the execution of Louis 14.

      Catherine II, after the news of the execution of Louis 21 on January 14, went to bed, she was shocked by the events in distant France, and demanded an end to her relationship with France.

      Having concluded an agreement with Prussia, England and Austria, Catherine 2 in the autumn of 1796 decided to send a 60th corps under the command of A.V.Suvorov. But the campaign did not take place due to the death of the empress
      In mid-August 1799, Suvorov received instructions from Paul the First to leave Italy and go to Switzerland for a further attack on France. The final defeat of the French troops in Italy was defeated by Paul the First.

      Historians report the unreasonable strategy of Paul the First, since Suvorov had real chances to defeat the French Army in Italy (Genoese Riviera).

      The hardest thing is when the traitor in his own house, and the traitor was directly Emperor Paul the First, thanks to his actions, as historians describe: “The overall result of the Allied military operations in the fight against the French was in favor of the French, they lost fewer people, a number of important ones were lost by the Austrians positions ".

      Suvorov himself shortly before his death in March 1800, summed up the Swiss campaign: " the mountain gave birth to a mouse ... It took us 15 days to cleanse Italy, but I was driven out to Switzerland to destroy there ..."

      Paul the First was beaten because he placed personal ambitions above the interests of the people and the state.
      Paul the First ascended the Russian throne as a conqueror, as an adversary. First of all, he, on the advice of his Catholic benefactors, organized the construction of a fortress in the center of St. Petersburg - Mikhailovsky Castle, which was surrounded on all sides by canals filled with water, and a drawbridge. Pavel set his ambitions above any state interests and acted without regard to opinion of the entire active population of Russia. He in Russia relied on helpful sneaks obliged to climb the career ladder to Paul the First and the Catholic orders, sponsored by bankers, the ancestors of the owners of the modern Jewish Masonic oligarchy (the Fed in the USA)
      1. +2
        25 January 2012 11: 10
        All as if conclusively write, but ...
        Under Paul, in spite of his wayward character - there was no reprisal in the truest sense of the word - those who were disagreeable were simply asked to move away from the capital. Depriving the nobility was an extraordinary case - therefore, the figure of 12 thousand is simple.
        Where did 7 field marshals count? Well, there couldn’t be so much over such a period of time. Rumyantsev left service due to age. Suvorov was awarded the highest rank - Generalissimo. Admiral Ushakov was kicked out of service by the Englishman and political down, Alexander 1, after the assassination of Paul.
        In Italy, the strategic plan of warfare was determined by the Austrian Hoffristag, which immediately led to a disagreement between the army of Suvorov and the Austrians - the role of Paul was minimal.
        To go through the Alps of Suvorov forced the actions of the Austrians, who left Rimsky-Korsakov, not Paul. After the defeat of the Russian corps in Switzerland, Pavel ordered Suvorov to complete hostilities and the alliance with Austria was broken.
        In any case, for further hostilities against the French, it would be necessary to build up forces and spend a lot of money. Suvorov got a very difficult victory under Novi - the French were overturned only after a blow of reinforcements from the Austrian general Melas.
        And so - Paul is a controversial figure in our history.
      2. Basileus
        25 January 2012 19: 55
        First, they killed Paul on the instructions of the British, who organized and financed the conspiracy.
        Reasons - Paul saw through their intrigues against the Russians during the Italian campaign, and entered into an alliance with Napoleon, more in line with Russian interests than the anti-French bloc. Already Platov’s regiments were moving towards India to join Bonaparte ... The rest is lyrics.
        And all subsequent coups and terrorist attacks, from the Decembrist coup to the present day, are financed from the same London, which sharply emphasizes our competition on the planet.
        And it costs Russia only a little to get rid of the war or collapse-like a bam! the new Trotsky and Chubais undermine the powers of the state.
        1. predator
          25 January 2012 21: 50
          and there is. Trotsky and Chubais.
  2. +1
    25 January 2012 13: 51
    There is a personal good and there is the Good of the Motherland.
    I can’t condemn him for living in Russia better.
  3. +1
    25 January 2012 15: 12
    It is believed that Pavel’s father was Russian, Saltykov. So he is unlikely to be such a German.
    1. Basileus
      25 January 2012 20: 04
      rather Chukhonets - the same evil tongues hinted at a local Baltic nobleman.
  4. 0
    27 January 2012 15: 00
    Due to the fact that Pavel was born almost ten years after the wedding of Peter and Catherine, when many were already convinced of the futility of this marriage (and also under the influence of the Empress's free personal life in the future), persistent rumors circulated that the real father Paul I was not Peter III, but the first favorite of the Grand Duchess Catherine Alekseevna, Count Sergei Vasilyevich Saltykov.
    Historical joke

    The Romanovs themselves belonged to this legend
    (that Paul I was not the son of Peter III)
    with great humor. There is a memoir about
    how Alexander III, learning about her,
    crossed himself: “Thank God we are Russians!”
    And having heard a refutation from historians, again
    crossed himself: "Glory to God, we are legal!"

    The memoirs of Catherine II contain an indirect indication of this. [15] In the same memoirs, one can find a hidden indication of how the desperate empress Elizaveta Petrovna, so that the dynasty did not die out, ordered her heir's wife to give birth to a child, regardless of who will be his genetic father. In this regard, after this instruction, the courtiers assigned to Catherine began to encourage her adultery. Nevertheless, Catherine in her memoirs is quite crafty - she also explains that many years of marriage did not bring offspring, since Peter had some kind of obstacle that, after the ultimatum posed to her by Elizabeth, was eliminated by her friends who had performed a forced surgical operation on Peter, in connection with which he still was able to conceive a child. The fatherhood of other children of Catherine born during the life of her husband is also doubtful: Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna (genus 1757) was most likely the daughter of Ponyatovsky, and Alexey Bobrinsky (genus 1762) was the son of G. Orlov and was born secretly. More folklore and in line with traditional ideas about a “substituted baby” is the story that Ekaterina Alekseevna supposedly gave birth to a dead child (possibly a girl) and he was replaced by a certain “Chukhon” baby. They even pointed out who this girl grew up with, “the real daughter of Catherine” - by Countess Alexandra Branicka