European Parliament Resolution - Adequacy Exam

European Parliament Resolution - Adequacy Exam

November 23 MEPs will discuss informational opposition to the Russian media. The result of the discussion may be the adoption of a resolution in which the activities of the domestic mass media are equated with propaganda.

The author of the resolution with the ornate name “EU Strategic Communications as a counter to the propaganda of third parties” is the Polish MEP Anna Fotyga. In her document, she speaks of Russia's desire to sow an apple of discord among EU countries, as well as undermine their socio-economic stability. According to the Poles, for these purposes Moscow uses a “wide range of instruments,” the main ones being the RT television channel and the Sputnik information agency. It is important to note that on the eve of the upcoming debates, a number of statements were made by world politicians and the media, allowing them to treat the resolution with a large degree of formality. Let's start in order.

On November 16, the EU recognized that the European Foreign Service (EMU) has a special information group of eight people, designed to counter Russian propaganda in the Old World. The sacred duty of eight European strikers is “the struggle against misinterpretation of events or completely incorrect statements,” naturally coming from Russia. Moreover, such a frank statement by the official representative of the EU diplomacy head, Maya Kotsyanchich, is fully justified and proud of the “transparency” of the EU’s actions.

On November 17, the European portal “EU Observer” reported on the allocation to the EU working group on information countering Russia (presumably the eight) about 1 million euros, so to speak, for production needs. In addition to this, the publication of the portal spoke about the intentions of stakeholders to strengthen the activities of the notorious television channel Euronews. Most likely, the strengthening implies the expansion of the program of financing and the tightening of anti-Russian rhetoric, of course, reasonable.

Also 17 number in the media appeared information about the creation in the territory of Finland "Center for Combating Cyber ​​Threats". The patron saint of the newly wrestler is the North Atlantic Alliance, which, we note, is trying harder to lure the Scandinavians into their slender ranks. The tasks of the center are more than trivial and boil down mainly to counter-propaganda activities.

21 November The Lithuanian TV and Radio Commission issued a resolution to suspend the activity of the Russian-language television channel RTR-Planeta for a period of three months. The reason for the ban on broadcasting was “incitement to war and national hatred.” Recall that a similar incident has already occurred in the 2015 year. Then the Lithuanian initiative was approved by the European Commission, which saw in the activities of the TV channel a violation of Lithuanian law. In general, in the Baltic, Russian-language media have long been turned into the eternal whipping boys. Such is their fate, I guess.

In addition, 21 November made two more important statements. Thus, the expert of the British research center "Henry Jackson Society" Andrew Foxall stated the need to establish total control over the public life of the British in order to prevent their interaction with the Russian-language media. If it is established that a British citizen collaborated with the RT television channel or the Sputnik agency and received money for this, then story will end in the best traditions of the Soviet NKVD. Well, quite democratic.

Finally, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance to oppose "Russian disinformation." At the same time, he noted that the North Atlantic Alliance as an organization does not intend to “respond with propaganda propaganda.” Apparently, numerous exercises, in which NATO members are working out information operations, should not be attributed to this statement. Also, it is probably worth understanding that 70 of millions of dollars allocated for strengthening the cybersecurity of the military-political bloc in 2017 will go exclusively to the purchase of anti-virus packages. For example, on the corporate version of Kaspersky. We believe the irony is clear.

Thus, all of the above confirms the hypothesis that the forthcoming debate in the European Parliament is nothing more than a part of the political game of the Western elites. If the topic of countering Russian propaganda has not yet been imposed on the political level, this does not mean that no work has been done in this direction. She, unfortunately, was, is and will be. By and large, the decision of the eurodeputies regarding the resolution in question will not be of great significance. The only thing is that in case of its adoption, discrimination of the domestic media will acquire a certain official component. After all, the European Parliament is a serious organization.

It should be noted that the Russian side reacted quite toughly to the upcoming debates. According to the chairman of the commission of the Public Chamber for the development of public diplomacy and the support of compatriots abroad Elena Sutormina, the discussion of the anti-Russian resolution “contradicts a number of international documents on the protection of freedom of speech”. Of course, we have to agree with her. Blaming Moscow for the information impact on the European population, foreign partners forget such a thing as an alternative opinion and because of their sometimes biased attitude towards Russia, they give it off as propaganda. Fortunately, some Western politicians understand this. Thus, the former deputy chairman of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Willy Wimmer, recently stated that the Germans should thank Russian Sputnik and RT information resources for pluralism in the media. According to him, of course, authoritative opinion, without them, unipolarity would prevail in the German information space.

Alas, such statements are extremely rare from representatives of Western political forces. However, the fact of their presence already speaks volumes. Considering the results of elections in the United States, Moldova and Romania, there is every reason to believe that a ray of hope still remains, and Europe will soon be able to find a cure for Russophobia.

Summing up, we note that, despite the resolution’s formality, it still carries a very deep significance for the world community. The decision of the European Parliament will demonstrate the number of clear heads in the darkening realm of the Old World.
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  1. +2
    24 November 2016 05: 28
    European Parliament Resolution - Adequacy Exam

    Rather, an exam for degradation ... the main principle of democracy "freedom of speech" went to hell ...

    decided to follow the example of WADA ... to punish all journalists of RUSSIA who disagree with the media of the WEST ... here is the next blow to us ... rather to the WEST
    Now our hands are untied and we can beat the WEST with his own weapons ...
    Bravo Mr. PUTIN, you again defeated the enemy in his own field ... The EU does not even understand the consequences of its decision.
  2. +1
    24 November 2016 05: 55
    may be the adoption of a resolution in which the activities of domestic mass media are equated with propaganda.

    Already discussed and accepted, who would doubt it. We must also move on to adequate measures, otherwise we will all cry and discuss.
  3. +4
    24 November 2016 06: 51
    Arrived late article.
    1. 0
      24 November 2016 07: 28
      I agree. The resolution was adopted with thunderous applause.
      1. +5
        24 November 2016 07: 34
        The resolution was adopted with thunderous applause.

        Well no. Not everything is there, in the gadyushnik, so clearly
        There is no longer any unanimous APPROVAL. It is very interesting by what criteria this "resolution" passed, if it did not even get 50% of the votes?
        In total, 304 out of 691 deputies voted for the resolution, 179 against, 208 abstained.

        Read more at RBC:
        1. 0
          24 November 2016 08: 46
          Yesterday, the deputy of the European Parliament Tatyana Arkadyevna Zhdanok (voted against), thank you, explained. Abstainers are not considered, more "for" than "against" - the resolution was adopted.
    2. +1
      24 November 2016 12: 35
      Yes, not an article late, but a resolution. It seems that she was commissioned to draw up from six months ago. They chose Trump and the year ends. So the hypocrisy of European values ​​about freedom of speech was revealed. It would not hurt the author to mention Trump's remarks regarding the American media, which he called false and corrupt.
  4. +1
    24 November 2016 07: 13
    The title of the article explains everything: the Europeans should act "adequately", that is, symmetrically: "No unnecessary information to the people! The people should only know what they will be allowed to! As we do. Earlier, yes, in the same 90s, there were attempts in Europe to say When the Estonia ferry sank, the racial media limited themselves to just stating the fact, but in Germany the versions of the sinking of the ship in order to prevent the export of radioactive materials from the territory of the former USSR were widely discussed. , VHF work at a distance of 100 km and television, constantly whipping up an atmosphere of anger and hostility. Yesterday I saw a recording of our TV program on YouTube. Fight of racial political "experts" with opponents from Poland and Ukraine. Disgusting spectacle! Animal behavior is nobler than the antics of these hired clowns Who will answer the question - Who and why should incite hatred between the Slavic peoples? The answer is obvious there is only one - to globalizers.
    1. 0
      24 November 2016 08: 56
      Quote: cunning
      then the Racean media limited themselves to a statement of fact,

      Quote: cunning
      Fight of racial political "experts" with opponents from Poland and Ukraine.

      Quote: cunning
      Who will answer the question - Who needs to incite hatred between Slavic peoples and why?

      And yourself, you, who, if so, relate to Russian?!
      1. 0
        24 November 2016 09: 11
        Quote: B.T.W.
        And yourself, you, who, if so, relate to the Russian ?!

        - it is a sin to laugh at the wretched
        - pushed famous ones ...
        Quote: cunning
        What refers to the concept of "sun" in Russian language has the syllable "RA". Dawn, blossom, rainbow, plant, joy, early, military angle. The sun revolving at the end of the "arm" of the galaxy and as part of the galaxy makes a revolution around the center of the galaxy, alternately passing 16 palaces (constellations). These are the basics of astronomical knowledge. The name GA-LAK-TIKA itself is a complex word of three concepts: GA-movement, LAK-milk (lak, lactose) and TIK - tick, run, move
        1. +1
          24 November 2016 09: 26
          Well, finally, "apanent" appeared, otherwise I began to worry if you had constipation. Relief!
          1. +1
            24 November 2016 09: 47
            Quote: cunning
            ... I began to worry ...

            - You were mistaken ... but for some reason I am not surprised ... strange, right? wink

            Quote: cunning
            appeared "apanent"

            “Did I say something wrong?” Show what specifically request
      2. +1
        24 November 2016 09: 28
        The wound was Soviet, then retired. But always Russian. Russian did not have to be.
    2. 0
      24 November 2016 10: 10
      Quote: cunning
      Fight of racial political "experts" with opponents from Poland and Ukraine.

      Here are just Odessa hands dismissed, giving the Pole in the face. When the Pole left, people from Ukraine have already started a skirmish among themselves.

      Quote: cunning
      When Estonia sank the ferry, the Racean media limited themselves to stating the fact, while in Germany there were widely discussed versions of the sinking of the ship in order to prevent the export of radioactive materials from the territory of the former USSR

      That is, the Russian media should have come up with their own conspiracy thesis?
      1. +2
        24 November 2016 10: 16
        Well, why twist. Everyone just always wants to know the truth, and not a pretty "excuse". 50 years ago, our stations jammed the Chinese radio, our newspapers ridiculed the Chinese editions for what they called the USSR "a colossus with feet of clay." And what is the result? Where is the USSR? Why is it necessary to hide the truth?
        Quote: Iskander Sh
        That is, the Russian media should have come up with their own conspiracy thesis?
        1. +2
          24 November 2016 12: 16
          Quote: cunning
          Well, why distort

          Who else is distorting. It was you who called the fighters, Odessa citizens with the Pole, Russian political experts, and accused the Russian media of the absence of conspiracy theories. And where does the USSR, no one in the EU will jam the channels from Russia, despite the resolution adopted in the European Parliament. This resolution is of a recommendatory nature.
          1. 0
            24 November 2016 12: 31
            Quote: Iskander Sh
            You called it a fight, an Odessa citizen with a Pole, Russian political experts

            Boy, if you do not understand the meaning of what you read, then do not bother with a pile of stupid things.
        2. +1
          24 November 2016 12: 17
          I agree with the cannon... Too often I remember the saying - "the whole company is out of step, Ivanov alone is correct" ... If Papuans with knuckles in their noses and glass beads on their necks sat in the European Parliament, I would nod - a bunch of uneducated individuals, but representatives of the countries that gave fundamental laws of the world ... And there is no need for fables about a worldwide conspiracy. Tired of reading.
  5. +2
    24 November 2016 09: 31
    The European Parliament is still that viper! There, deputies are far from working in the interests of their citizens, and decisions are made absolutely illogical from the point of view of an adequate person.
    Democracy is the power of the majority, but in the European Union they have left this principle, there the power is held by a handful of homosexuals, therefore decisions are made corresponding to the status of the authorities, also homosexual, i.e. through the ass.
    1. +1
      24 November 2016 10: 31
      Demos is a class entitled to bear arms. Ohlos is a hard worker with voting rights. Iglos are slaves. Meteki are displaced persons. Here is such a structure! democracy is the power of officials, landowners, rich, and therefore the power of a minority.
      Quote: uskrabut
      Democracy is the power of the majority