Media: Turkish military personnel at the Ramstein base asked for political asylum from Berlin

RIA News with reference to foreign sources, reports that a group of Turkish soldiers stationed at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany requested political asylum from Berlin. There are no exact data on the number of people who applied to the German authorities, but, according to German media, at least NATO representatives from the Turkish armed forces are serving at the NATO air base.

The submission says that the Turkish military men expressed fears about returning to Turkey in connection with the country's ongoing real hunt for suspects in preparing a coup d'etat. The servicemen say that the Turkish authorities can fabricate accusations against them, accusing, for example, of having links with foreign intelligence services or with the people of Fethullah Gulen (a preacher, who Ankara considers the main ideologue of the coup) in Germany. The appeal to the German authorities was reportedly received right now, since rotational events of representatives of the Turkish Armed Forces in Germany are scheduled for December.

Media: Turkish military personnel at the Ramstein base asked for political asylum from Berlin

For the time being, no mention is made of the reaction of the official authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany to the appeal of the Turkish military personnel. At the same time, appeals of representatives of the large Turkish diaspora to Merkel appeared in the social networking segment of Germany with the aim of giving a positive answer.

At the same time, arrests of alleged participants or supporters of a coup attempt are continuing in Turkey. The number of those arrested is already tens of thousands. According to human rights organizations, the majority of those arrested are military personnel. Methods of psychological influence are often used against them against the background of overt torture.
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  1. +7
    17 November 2016 06: 54
    This is an internal affair of Turkey, they know better.
    1. +5
      17 November 2016 06: 56
      Quote: Bureaucrat
      This is an internal affair of Turkey, they know better.

      Who knows better? The military or the Germans? request
      1. +5
        17 November 2016 06: 59
        Determine the number of people arrested. hi
        1. +5
          17 November 2016 07: 00
          Quote: Bureaucrat
          Determine the number of people arrested.

          From this point of view, I agree. hi
          1. +7
            17 November 2016 07: 33
            Against them, methods of psychological influence are often used against the background of outright torture.

            Human rights activists shoved an article here? The State Department is working. It is a fact.
            After the coup d'etat tripled by the military, the Turkish military should not be touched? So they can shoot at civilians, but they cannot be touched. It’s not only the ears, but the whole "rabbit" is sticking out. Someone has been paid for, and this someone is pushing such articles to us.
            Notice neither evidence nor evidence. Bare accusations against the Turkish authorities. Everything is as usual in the State Department. Everything is the same as in the direction of the Russians in Syria. One field of berries is these "discoveries" and cries of justice.
            1. +7
              17 November 2016 10: 21
              The Turkish soldiers put Germany in front of a difficult choice: to give political asylum means to officially recognize the existence of political persecution in a NATO member country, the same as Germany. Not giving political asylum means endangering the life and safety of these soldiers. And so bad, and not so good.
        2. +4
          17 November 2016 07: 11
          Why don't the "partners" shout: "Erdogan must leave"?
          1. +5
            17 November 2016 07: 40
            They do not scream, they do, simply unsuccessfully. And about Assad they are shouting with one single goal - that Russia will make mistakes in a hurry.
          2. +3
            17 November 2016 09: 09
            These Turkish soldiers did not think at all about their relatives who remained in Turkey, now they will have a very difficult life.
    2. +5
      17 November 2016 06: 58
      This is the introduction of agents into the country under the guise of obtaining political asylum.
    3. +3
      17 November 2016 08: 04
      Bureaucrat ....... This is the internal affair of Turkey, they know better.

      This is another headache for Merkelichikha.
      1. +2
        17 November 2016 08: 18
        The situation is interesting, most likely they will give out ... Erdogan is too angry with the EU and the USA!
  2. +18
    17 November 2016 06: 56
    I like these things! Liked! Soldiers from one NATO country seek refuge in another NATO country! Shine! QUESTION: What kind of NATO unity are we talking about? smile
  3. +4
    17 November 2016 07: 00
    Turkish military want to become refugees? Flag in their hands.
  4. +9
    17 November 2016 07: 09
    Why should they come back? They are not badly fed in Germany ... lol
  5. +5
    17 November 2016 07: 09
    what arrests? used to schnapps to plump and squeeze German "Natasha", and apparently the contract ends, there is no desire to return))))
  6. +2
    17 November 2016 07: 10
    At the same time, appeals by representatives of the large Turkish diaspora to Merkel appeared in the segment of social networks in Germany in order to give a positive answer.

    Merkel is kind! Will accept everyone! Toko where then will the native Germans squeeze?
    1. +5
      17 November 2016 07: 35
      Toko where then will the native Germans squeeze?

      At the Turkish resorts animators.
  7. +2
    17 November 2016 07: 30
    They will give out how to drink, give them back — Merkel decides to curry favor with Erdogad.
  8. +2
    17 November 2016 07: 37
    And what will happen to their relatives in Turkey. Obviously they will not stroke the head. Some kind of Joseph Vissarionovich Erdogan is obtained. So frightened the poor fellow.
  9. +2
    17 November 2016 07: 38
    The event is certainly interesting. Correctly wrote above that the military personnel of one NATO country seek refuge from another NATO member. The Baltic states need to discuss this topic and ask for political asylum immediately from the United States. Russians are already in the Baltic states.
  10. +1
    17 November 2016 07: 41
    Eh, Hans-aga, Rafik Sovsem is not a whiny one, mother clanus!
  11. +1
    17 November 2016 07: 46
    Hmm, they also participated in the coup? Wanted to arrange a coup in Germany? Or just like beer?
  12. +3
    17 November 2016 07: 54
    That's a setup! They planted a bomb directly under the strong building of Turkish-German friendship. The boys listened to "Ramstein" mixed with the preacher and decided to change the principles. Instead of rotation now "to take off" ... And what about the grandma now, eh? It seems that it will be somehow intolerant to give them out, and if they leave them, the Sultan will be completely confused ...
    1. 0
      17 November 2016 08: 55
      So I think ... Why immediately a conspiracy? Maybe it's in the music? Do-oo-ha-a-ast !!!
  13. +5
    17 November 2016 08: 04
    Judging by the comments, there is a whole conclave of judges - to shoot this, to exile. Actually, this dude shot down our plane, is still cooperating with our enemies. And a bunch of our people are already defending their power interests. Heh. In general, it is their personal business, as servicemen who are abroad, they also fall under suspicion and I do not think that the people of Erdogan are very secretive about the means of interrogation, well, or really they want to stupidly stay in Germany under the hype or both. In any case, this is their business.
    1. +1
      17 November 2016 09: 49
      It is doubtful that the Turks wanted so much to stay in Germany. They ride freely there. Visibly hot. Our partner doesn’t stand on ceremony that with the Kurds, that with his own, that with us if the occasion presents itself. Do our authorities remember this?
  14. +1
    17 November 2016 08: 18
    A strange and too long way of emigrating to Geyropu ..
  15. 0
    17 November 2016 08: 18
    So it is THEY to my Son who turned the brain in their time with these industrial metals ... recourse On the rack. bully
  16. nnm
    17 November 2016 08: 24
    Cool Germans were "framed"))))) - they will give asylum - they will quarrel with Erdogan, they will not give - the "human rights activists" will eat them alive
  17. +1
    17 November 2016 09: 23
    If you rub any Turk, then you will find a seasoned Armenian, Greek, Assyrian, or Erdogan as a descendant of Georgians who converted to Islam or a Crimean Tatar former Prime Minister Davutoglu. Turk created only XNUMX years ago Atatürk, writing in the Constitution of Turia that all its inhabitants, regardless of their origin, are Turks , so this is not a formed ethnos even before the horse, and under certain conditions it can crumble.
  18. 0
    17 November 2016 10: 41
    At the same time, appeals by representatives of the large Turkish diaspora to Merkel appeared in the segment of social networks in Germany with the aim of so she gives positive response.
    To give or not to give? That is the question ... You need to bring down, men, from this Germany. They will surrender you to Erdogan with German pedantry.
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey reports that today, on suspicion of insurgency, 80 thousands of people have been detained, fired or suspended from work. Among the suspects are employees of the department itself. Some of the diplomats working abroad did not return to Turkey after an official call. So the deputy consul of Turkey in Kazan flew to Japan.

    The authorities of Germany have confirmed that they have received a request from the Turkish military, but no decision has yet been made. Political scientists doubt that it will be positive. Note that earlier several Turkish diplomats turned to the German authorities with a similar request.

  19. 0
    17 November 2016 11: 35
    Erdogan somehow shows with his hand that there will be no glass
  20. 0
    17 November 2016 13: 44
    Quote: Temples
    Against them, methods of psychological influence are often used against the background of outright torture.

    Human rights activists shoved an article here? The State Department is working. It is a fact.
    After the coup d'etat tripled by the military, the Turkish military should not be touched? So they can shoot at civilians, but they cannot be touched. It’s not only the ears, but the whole "rabbit" is sticking out. Someone has been paid for, and this someone is pushing such articles to us.
    Notice neither evidence nor evidence. Bare accusations against the Turkish authorities. Everything is as usual in the State Department. Everything is the same as in the direction of the Russians in Syria. One field of berries is these "discoveries" and cries of justice.

    Your message, Temples, is very strange. Politically motivated persecution and arrest in Turkey were not uncommon before the downing of our aircraft, and even earlier. Are you trying to make some kind of prince on a white horse from Erdogan? This is a cunning rat and hysteroid. He was pointed to the shores and he came to his senses somewhat, we deal with him as the current leadership of Turkey, nothing more.