Kolchak, a traitor and state traitor, double agent, is testified by presidential adviser Wilson

Kolchak, a traitor and state traitor, double agent, is testified by presidential adviser Wilson

In connection with the scandalous opening in St. Petersburg of a memorial plaque in honor of war criminal Kolchak, a lot of materials appeared on the network that reveal the true historical the role of Admiral Kolchak.

Recently stumbled upon came across an interesting article. Historian Arsen Martirosyan raised a new topic for me in “Kolchak Studies”. I don’t hide the suspicions that were “before”: the mysterious disappearance of Kolchak in July of 1917, his voyage to England, the USA and Japan, the arrival in Omsk only in November of 1918 of the year ...

Interesting facts are also reported by A.Kolchak himself in the letters of A.Timireva: "December 30 1917. I am accepted to the service of His Majesty the King of England"

"Singapore, 16 March. (1918) Met by the order of the English government to return immediately to China to work in Manchuria and Siberia. It found that it would be preferable to use me there in the views of allies and Russia in front of Mesopotamia."

As well as some strange things - when he was in the harbor of Sevastopol Bay, he was blown up for some unknown reason and the powerful battleship "Empress Maria" was sunk. On the eve of the explosion, the dismissals from the ship to the coast were forbidden, and most of the sailors from the crew in 1200 died. Under him, the Black Sea Fleet also lost several smaller ships with crews - even before contact with enemy ships.

And now the word A. Martirosyan. Here is what he writes:

"... It is no secret that Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence when he was still a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division on the Baltic navy. It happened at the turn of 1915-1916 ... "

So, we proceed to the study.

Hiding the truth

"Red Star", 15 oct 2008.

The appearance on the wide Russian screen of the film "Admiral" prompted me to take up a pen. Undoubtedly, modern Russia needs a true picture of its great and at the same time long-suffering past. But one can not once again “redraw” the story contrary to the available facts and disorient the cinema viewer for the sake of commerce and market conditions. It's not about the talent and charm of the actors or the director's skill, but about the attitude to the history of our country.

It is no secret that Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence even when he was a captain of 1 rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet. It happened at the turn of 1915 -1916's. It was already a betrayal of the king and fatherland, to whom he swore allegiance and kissed the cross! Have you ever wondered why the Entente fleets in 1918 quietly entered the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea? After all, he was mined! Moreover, in the confusion of two revolutions of 1917, no one removed the minefields because the pass ticket for entering the service of His Majesty for Kolchak was the English exploration of all the information about the location of the minefields and obstacles in the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea area! After all, it was he who carried out this mining, and he had all the maps of minefields and obstacles in his hands.

Further. As you know, 28 June 1916, Kolchak was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet. However, this happened with the direct patronage of a resident of British intelligence in Russia, Colonel Samuel Horus and the British ambassador to the Russian Empire, Buchanan. This is the second betrayal, because Kolchak, becoming the foreign patron of the commanders of one of Russia's most important fleets then, assumed certain obligations to British intelligence, very "sensitive" to Russia's military activity in the areas adjacent to the Black Sea straits. And in the end, he simply abandoned the fleet and in August 1917 of the year secretly flew to England.

Kolchak received the title of admiral from the hands of the Provisional Government, to whom he also swore allegiance. And that also betrayed! At least by the fact that, having escaped to England, he already in August 1917, together with the Chief of the Naval General Staff of Great Britain, General Hall, discussed the need to establish a dictatorship in Russia. Simply put, the question of the overthrow of the Provisional Government, of a coup d'etat. Swear allegiance to the Provisional Government, get a promotion in his rank and betray him too!

Then, at the request of the American ambassador to England, Kolchak was sent to the United States, where he was also recruited by the diplomatic intelligence of the US State Department. The recruitment was carried out by former Secretary of State Eliah Ruth. That is, by the way, the British were also betrayed. Although the "Britons" of course knew about this recruitment ...

As a result, becoming a double Anglo-American agent, after the October coup 1917 of the year, Kolchak appealed to the British envoy in Japan, C. Green, asking the government of His Majesty King George V of England to officially take him to the service! So he wrote in his petition: "... I fully place myself at the disposal of his government ..."

“His Government” means the government of His Majesty English King George V. 30 December 1917, the British government officially granted Kolchak’s request. From that point on, Kolchak had officially switched to the side of the enemy, who had dressed himself in an ally toga.

Why the enemy? Yes, because, first, even 15 (28) November 1917, the Supreme Council of the Entente made the official decision to intervene in Russia. Secondly, already 10 (23) of December 1917, the leaders of the European core of the Entente - England and France - have signed a convention on the division of Russia into spheres of influence (for information of readers: officially this convention has not been canceled). According to her, the allies deigned to divide Russia as follows: North of Russia and the Baltic states fell into the zone of English influence, France got Ukraine and South of Russia.

If Kolchak had simply collaborated (suppose, in the framework of military-technical supplies) with former allies on the Entente, as many White Guard generals did, then this would be one thing. Even in spite of the fact that they also assumed not too benevolent obligations. However, at least they de facto acted as something independent, formally not switching to the service of a foreign state. But Kolchak officially switched to the service of Great Britain. The British General Knox, who oversaw Kolchak in Siberia, at one time openly admitted that the British were directly responsible for the creation of the Kolchak government. All this is now well known, documented, including from foreign sources.

So it's time to end the collective moaning of the supposedly innocently murdered admiral. Without denying his former undoubted scientific merit to Russia, it is impossible not to notice that he crossed them off with his own hand. In the documents of British intelligence, the US State Department, in the personal correspondence of the "gray cardinal" of American policy during the First World War, Colonel House A.V. Kolchak is directly called their double agent (these documents are known to historians) ...

11 On November 1918, in the suburbs of Paris Compiegne, the Compiègne Agreement was signed, marking the end of the First World War. When he is remembered, it is usually very “elegantly” forgotten to mention that it was just an armistice agreement for a period of 36 days. In addition, it was signed without the participation of Russia, which had borne the brunt of the war as an empire, and then, after becoming Soviet, had rendered its enormous service to the events in Germany a tremendous service to the same Entente. Without her help, the Entente would have been busy with Kaiser Germany for a long time ...

The XI NUMX article of the Compiegne Armistice Agreement stated: "All German troops that are now in the territories that constituted Russia before the war should equally return to Germany as soon as the Allies admit that this is the moment, taking into account the internal situation of these territories ". However, the secret subparagraph of the same article 12 already directly obliged Germany to keep its troops in the Baltic to fight Soviet Russia until the arrival of the troops and fleets (in the Baltic Sea) of the member countries of the Entente. Such actions of the Entente were frankly anti-Russian, because no one had the slightest right to decide the fate of the occupied Russian territories without Russia's participation, I stress, even Soviet.

During the period of the actual German occupation, as well as after the signing of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, the German occupying authorities to the Baltic territories were forcefully massacred huge pieces of purely Russian territories. To Estonia - parts of the Petersburg and Pskov provinces, in particular Narva, Pechora and Izborsk, to Latvia - Dvina, Lyudinsky and Rezhitsky districts of the Vitebsk province and part of the Ostrovsky district of the Pskov province, to Lithuania - parts of the Suvalka and Vilna provinces inhabited by Belarusians.

The attempt, by armed means, to recapture the Baltics, Lenin, if he did not treat him personally, was absolutely de facto right and, which is especially important in this connection, de jure. Because official diplomatic relations were unilaterally severed from Soviet Russia by Kaiser Germany, which collapsed soon, and the Brest-Litovsk Treaty with the Germans automatically lost any kind of force. Consequently, the Baltics remained under the German occupation and de facto, and de jure, turned into the illegally rejected and occupied by troops of the territory of Russia that had died in the Bose state. Purely from a military geopolitical point of view, the beginning of 13 in November 1918, the armed onslaught of the Bolsheviks against the Baltic, was absolutely justified objectively necessary counter-offensive in order to protect its own territory of the state.

Despite the failure of this armed campaign, the fate of the Baltic territories could not be solved without the participation of Russia, even if represented by a traitor. And this vile affair Entente laid on Admiral Kolchak. 26 May 1919, the Supreme Council of the Entente, sent the admiral (his actions on behalf of the Allied Command were led by the aforementioned British General Knox and military intelligence officer J. Halford Mackinder, later known British geopolitics), in which, reporting about the break in relations with the Soviet government, He expressed readiness to recognize him as the supreme ruler of Russia. And that's typical. To admit they recognized him, but only de facto. And with all this, they demanded purely legal actions from him - they put forward a tough ultimatum, according to which Kolchak had to agree in writing to:

1. The separation of Poland and Finland from Russia, in which there was no point, especially with regard to Finland, was except for the fierce desire of London to furnish everything so that these countries gained independence allegedly from the hands of the Entente.

The fact is that the independence of Finland was granted by the Soviet government as early as December 31 of 1917, which, by the way, Finland is still celebrating. That was the right step, because its presence as part of Russia, where, according to the 1809 Treaty of Friedrichsgam, Alexander I included it (at the request of the ancestor of the future Finnish ruler Mannerheim), was not only meaningless, but also dangerous because of the separatism that was there purely nationalistic. As for Poland, after the events of October 1917, it already became independent - Lenin did not interfere with this.

2. The transfer of the question of the separation of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania (as well as the Caucasus and the Transcaspian region) from Russia to the League of Nations arbitration in case the necessary agreements to the Entente are not reached between Kolchak and the “governments” of these territories. Along the way, Kolchak was presented with an ultimatum in that he recognized the right to decide the fate of Bessarabia for the Versailles Conference.

In addition, Kolchak had to guarantee that he would not restore "special privileges in favor of any class or organization" and the old regime in general. A little explanation. Simply speaking, the Entente was not satisfied with the restoration of not only the Tsarist regime, but even the regime of the Provisional Government. And if it is simpler, then a united and indivisible Russia as a state and country.

12 June 1919, Kolchak gave the Entente a written answer, which she found satisfactory. Once again I draw attention to the special meanness of the Entente. Kolchak, after all, she recognized only de facto, but she put an ultimatum de jure.

And the answer from the de facto recognized "supreme ruler" of Russia was the Entente de jure. As a result, Kolchak in one fell swoop crossed all the conquests of Peter the Great and the Nishtad Treaty itself between Russia and Sweden from August 30 on August 1721. Under this agreement, the territories of Ingermanlandia, parts of Karelia, all of Estland and Livonia with the cities of Riga, Revel (Tallinn), Dorpat, Narva, Vyborg, Kexholm, Ezel Islands and Dago transferred Russia and its successors into full, undeniable and perpetual possession and ownership. Before World War I, for almost two centuries, no one in the world tried to dispute this, especially since the Nishtad Treaty itself was confirmed in writing and guaranteed by the same England and France ...

When Kolchak fulfilled the tasks entrusted to him and the huge chunks of the territory of the Russian state were de jure rejected, his fate was decided. The moor has done his job - the moor can retire, and even better if he is removed from the arena - preferably with someone else's hands. By the hands of the representative of the Entente under Kolchak - General Janin and with the assistance of the Czechoslovak Corps. Admiral, who failed to become Cromwell Russia, "passed" without remorse of conscience. It remains to say about the following. On what did the Anglo-Saxons “take” Kolchak, whether on immense vanity, on the use of drugs (Kolchak was an inveterate cocainist) or on both of them at the same time, or on something else — no longer installed. But you can still assume something. It is possible that in Kolchak a kind of generic revenge was inflamed for his distant ancestor - the commander of the Khotyn fortress in 1739, Ilias Kalchak-pasha, from which the Kalchak family began in Russia. Ilias Kalchak-Pasha — that was how his name was written in the 18th century — was forced to surrender to Russian troops under the command of Minich during the next Russian-Turkish war. Through 180 years distant descendant of Ilias Kalchak-pasha - A.V. Kolchak - surrendered to the West all the conquests of Peter I and his heirs. That's who they are trying to present today as a true patriot of Russia and an innocently killed victim. (all selections in the text are mine. - arctus)

* * *

This side of life should be known, studied not only by opponents, but also by apologists of Kolchak. It is better not to be mistaken than to be mistaken. And it happens. Talleyrand, the famous French foreign minister, until the fall of Napoleon, worked as an agent of Russian influence.
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  1. +22
    17 November 2016 15: 20
    Alexander V. Kolchak-Hero of Russia, who saved the country from the usurpers of power.
    1. +31
      17 November 2016 15: 33
      war criminal Kolchak
      Well, of course. Kolchak the traitor, Nicholas II the Bloody. And Alexander Ulyanov, who attempted the life of the emperor, was not a terrorist, Lenin gave the collector of Russian lands to the native Russian lands, Khrushchep at which shot a demonstration in Novocherkassk white and fluffy, etc. I look quite living in phantom pains about the USSR in the minds of darkness. Learn to evaluate fully the affairs of famous people, and not wedge on the postulates that are beneficial to you.
      1. +23
        17 November 2016 15: 49
        Quote: Wend
        Well, naturally. Kolchak traitor, Nicholas II the Bloody. BUT

        The article is a stupid, long-exposed fake: Kolchak, in response to the appeal of the Entente, replied that he agrees to convene a new Constituent Assembly after restoring order, recognizes autonomy of Finland as part of Russia and agreed to "prepare decisions" on the fate of the Baltic states, the Caucasian and Trans-Caspian peoples (all through the Constituent Assembly). ALL!

        And they destroyed the Russian lands (one third of Russia to the German invaders forever!) - the Bolsheviks.
        1. +10
          17 November 2016 20: 09
          ... in the personal correspondence of "gray cardinal" Colonel House A.V. Kolchak is directly called their double agent (these documents are known to historians) ...

          Bravo. Finally. And now, just as objectively, with reference to Colonel House and Woodrow Wilson, I am waiting for an article about the Bolsheviks.
          1. +8
            17 November 2016 22: 28
            Yes, these are long-known facts. So our liberals deliberately extol all sorts of donks, and nothing is known about the true heroes to the bulk of the people.
            1. +8
              17 November 2016 23: 09
              Well, the adviser to the president is beyond suspicion ... the adviser to President Wlson must be trusted !!! wassat
              And by the way, how did he know that kolchak is a double agent? He himself also worked immediately for the CIA and the FBI? laughing
              1. +9
                17 November 2016 23: 18
                Quote: Simpsonian
                Advisor to President Wlson must be trusted !!!

                Quote: Simpsonian
                And by the way, how did he know that kolchak is a double agent?

                Mdya ... with logic and an elementary understanding that this is evidence of that person in the subject, you are not just bad, but at zero, what are you trying to prove here?
                Your Kolchaks are Yeltsin’s counterparts, so keep quiet.
                1. +6
                  18 November 2016 00: 01
                  yes it is clear that the red-bellied "vegetarian" in the subject too ... and if your letterhead was possible, why was it impossible for Kolchak?
                  the adviser of the American condom immediately got out to otmazyvat, what would it be? bully
                  1. +3
                    18 November 2016 12: 32
                    Articles in which paragraphs begin with "no secret that" may not be considered serious work.
                    And the film colorfully describes the uncontrollable brutality of the crowd and the suffering and torture of officers. It doesn’t fit into my head that all this happened to millions of unhappy people.
                    1. +3
                      18 November 2016 13: 01
                      Do not forget that it was in the summer of the 17th, what is shown in the film?
                      Your beloved Provisional Government was in power. You are like those Svidomye Ukrainians who always and everywhere keep talking about the same thing- "the blame maskali is to blame for everything."
                      1. +2
                        18 November 2016 13: 57
                        Quote: Ulan
                        Do not forget that it was in the summer of the 17th, what is shown in the film?

                        This has been for many years. Thousands of Sharikovs with the right to kill and torture themselves.
              2. +9
                18 November 2016 03: 51
                Quote: Simpsonian
                Advisor to President Wlson

                I was looking for Wilson’s photo on the internet, it popped up. You can’t believe Wilsons. Really the Bolsheviks?
                1. +3
                  18 November 2016 13: 41
                  Really the Bolsheviks?

                  Is it not obvious that the monarchists?
                  1. 0
                    21 November 2016 01: 53
                    only drink champagne in the morning ...
      2. +12
        17 November 2016 17: 35
        Wend and here you forgot about the shooting of a peaceful demonstration in 1905, which went down in history as "Bloody Sunday"! belay
        1. +9
          17 November 2016 18: 36
          Quote: Uncle Murzik
          Wend and here you forgot about the shooting of a peaceful demonstration in 1905, which went down in history as "Bloody Sunday"! belay

          I have not forgotten anything. I am against the fact that some for bloody deeds as enemies, and others for bloody deeds as heroes. So your reminder is out of place. But you look at the fears of those who wave the red flag and understand how they are afraid that they will also begin to destroy them, as they once destroyed. Times have long been different and there is no return to Russia before the 1917 year and the USSR. And never will be. People have changed, become more adequate. Although there are still inadequacies and they are not saturated with blood. Hatred in them and bubbles. And people who live in the past and hate are always a pity to me. He who lives in the past does not see the present and the future. Hatred and fear of the eye obscures.
          1. +13
            17 November 2016 20: 25
            they forgot about the shooting of the peaceful demonstration in 1905, which went down in history as "Bloody Sunday"!

            Since some time, riots have been called a peaceful demonstration. What is the peacefulness of this demonstration. Maybe it was that the demonstrators robbed the church before the procession. Or that the soldiers were the first to open fire on the cordon (well, just like on the Maidan). Or that only a hundred units of firearms were confiscated from peaceful demonstrators. According to police reports, about 170 people died. But the far-sighted Lenin, who was by that time in the German "observatory", saw 2000 ruined souls. Doesn't it look like anything? How many years have passed, and the habits are the same, the Pharisaic.
            1. +4
              17 November 2016 20: 50
              and how many soldiers died from the shooting of the demonstrators? winked
              1. +2
                17 November 2016 21: 31
                Quote: Uncle Murzik
                how many soldiers died from firing demonstrators

                There were hardly many provocateurs, so this is not surprising. But why they even gathered them there is already a question, considering that all the leaders knew very well that there would be no meeting with the king.
            2. +9
              17 November 2016 22: 35
              Mahmut, do you really believe in this nonsense that you wrote here or are you zealous for grandmas?
              Provide facts, or links to authoritative sources!
          2. +2
            18 November 2016 10: 53
            Quote: Wend
            But you look at the fears of those who wave the red flag and understand how they are afraid that they will also begin to destroy them, as they once destroyed.

            Fears? You are now implicitly, but you are definitely showing your FEAR. You are exactly your FEAR, before possible changes in the ideology and state system of the country.
            Quote: Wend
            USSR no. And never will be

            Nobody talks about a return to the past, which concerns the future, well, the future does not belong to you, what would you sign here for, what will it be, the fact is that it is clearly not liberal, obviously not your false democratic, exact fact, finally realize , rolling into the abyss according to your liberal patterns, the country will not. It is not for nothing that we already have the Minister of Education, not yours, a liberal breed of traitors in fact.
            Quote: Wend
            And people who live in the past and hate are always a pity to me. He who lives in the past does not see the present and the future. Hatred and fear of the eye obscures.

            THIS IS IT IN YOU and is projected, the HORROR of the realization that you, the PAST past, traitorous past of Yeltsin's insanity, that’s why you are here in fear, knowing that the Future in the country is not yours.
            1. +3
              18 November 2016 14: 52
              Quote: The Bloodthirster
              Quote: Wend
              But you look at the fears of those who wave the red flag and understand how they are afraid that they will also begin to destroy them, as they once destroyed.

              Fears? You are now implicitly, but you are definitely showing your FEAR. You are exactly your FEAR, before possible changes in the ideology and state system of the country.
              Quote: Wend
              USSR no. And never will be

              Nobody talks about a return to the past, which concerns the future, well, the future does not belong to you, what would you sign here for, what will it be, the fact is that it is clearly not liberal, obviously not your false democratic, exact fact, finally realize , rolling into the abyss according to your liberal patterns, the country will not. It is not for nothing that we already have the Minister of Education, not yours, a liberal breed of traitors in fact.
              Quote: Wend
              And people who live in the past and hate are always a pity to me. He who lives in the past does not see the present and the future. Hatred and fear of the eye obscures.

              THIS IS IT IN YOU and is projected, the HORROR of the realization that you, the PAST past, traitorous past of Yeltsin's insanity, that’s why you are here in fear, knowing that the Future in the country is not yours.

              About how rushing you, well, like a child in a sandbox. laughing
        2. +6
          17 November 2016 23: 11
          Uncle Sharik (s), again gshaponish?

          the same possessed trolls under each article, pouring their garbage in Tsarist Russia, ..
        3. +8
          18 November 2016 03: 52
          Quote: Uncle Murzik
          Wend and here you forgot about the shooting of a peaceful demonstration in 1905, which went down in history as "Bloody Sunday"!

          We saw such a bloody quite recently in Kiev. But it was necessary to roll out tanks and there would be no soldiers. And then and now
          1. +2
            18 November 2016 10: 44
            I agree one hundred percent. If there were tough rulers in Russia, there would be no "revolutions" or civil wars. There would be solid order and tranquility, not anarchy and chaos.
            1. +2
              18 November 2016 10: 47
              Quote: Tambov Wolf
              There would be a firm order and calm, and not anarchy and a mess.

              That is, now, is it necessary for everyone who is buzzing, from those who emanate from the whites here, to the liberals serving the West, clearly, quickly, firmly and immediately, to be sent to jail?
              Is not it?
              Do not try to unlock, your fuss is what is called the undermining of the state principles.
              1. +3
                18 November 2016 11: 12
                Quote: The Bloodthirster
                Is not it?

                No not like this! Since Kolchak hated democracy to the bone
                1. 0
                  18 November 2016 17: 32
                  so hated that the first of the highest command swore to the Provisional. Oh how. And he shot in Siberia indiscriminately those who did not support him or did not recognize him, and having shot them, he appointed them Bolsheviks. Shooted so much that Lenin said had it not been for Kolchak, Siberia would have become unknown Soviet.
              2. +3
                18 November 2016 11: 39
                Your "communists" still rule, and you sing "hosanna" to them. Where the guarantor with Aiphon and Ragozin shared their membership cards, Gudkov, Kudrin, Ulyukaev are the same "communists". So who will we take, maybe you with them, as a compromiser, a changeling and one of the "communist" who destroyed the country? If you get personal, as all Jews and "communists" do, you will get the same in return.
                1. +4
                  18 November 2016 11: 51
                  If they are communists, then you are an alien from Tau-Ceti.
                  1. +2
                    18 November 2016 11: 55
                    Read their biographies. They are published in the open access. Yes, and than being such a "communist", it is better to be an alien from Tau Ceti (spelled separately, the first is the star, the second is the name of the constellation).
                    1. +5
                      18 November 2016 12: 01
                      So I about the fact that they are not communists, you correctly took this word in quotation marks. Therefore, blaming the Communists for what these gentlemen did wrong.
                      What is this communist with a fig in his pocket.
                      Adaptive, a hypocrite, a shifter.
                      1. +3
                        18 November 2016 12: 16
                        And where did the rest of the "twenty million" "communists" look when opportunists, hypocrites and shape-shifters let the country go to pieces with Gorbachev? And who chose them? Aren't those 20 million "the country's advanced guards"? Or do you think they are all the same as above? Normal, ideological communists, twenty million in number, would have dared to be "inverted in three counts. But, as you know, this did not happen, which means that all polls were not" communists "at that time. So, there are some, like" The blood drinkers "are shouting that they are" good communists "and for the USSR, then I will ask them WHERE YOU WERE when you ransacked the country? Neither in the battles for the USSR, nor in the partisans, even at simple rallies and protests, YOU WERE NOT. there is nothing to argue about. Those who betrayed and sold once, and this was more than once no faith.
                2. +2
                  18 November 2016 11: 52
                  Quote: Tambov Wolf
                  Your "communists"

                  This post to whom?
                  1. +2
                    18 November 2016 12: 02
                    Tula gingerbread.
      3. +16
        17 November 2016 20: 20
        Well, how can we do without Venda ...? ) Stop talking about "phantom pains", really, tired. What do you suggest? The people are tired of living under occupation - economic and moral. If you want to reveal a "terrible secret" - the USSR in its former form is never possible. I will explain why, otherwise I am beginning to fear for your psyche. There is no Soviet people because there is no Soviet education system. But most importantly, there are no Soviet CHILDREN. Today everyone faces a choice, and it depends on this choice - HOW our descendants will live. Our task is to UNDERSTAND the mistakes of the past, so as not to repeat in the future and take the best that was in this past. And you, excuse me, are like a stupid maniac with a tansparent - "Down with the USSR". If you lived behind bars in those years, then your anger can at least be explained, but if not? Or are you just ignorant and ignorant? Forgive me for the harshness, but the truth is, they have grown prettier with their stupidity.
        PS Do not disgrace, do not ... People will still be right.
        1. +15
          17 November 2016 21: 50
          You are absolutely right. And this chatter about the "hero of Russia" Quiver from the side of the pseudo-monarchists is pretty tired. What do they want and what they want on the forums? Yes, everything is obvious, support for their monarchist ideas in society is zero, if they go out into the streets with it, they will laugh at them at best or recognize them as crazy.
          Poklonskaya tried and her act, in addition to bewilderment from others, did not cause anything.
          They are so brave here, but to create, for example, a monarchist party, take a majority in the Duma and change the Constitution for a monarchy, they have a thin gut. Because it is absolutely clear that fools to join the monarchist party and even more so vote for the return of the monarchy in Russia, thank God - is mute.
          So gentlemen bakery sprinklers saliva on the forums.
          For example, the Communists and United Russia and Zhirinov’s came to campaign at the enterprise before the election, but I didn’t see the monarchists.
          All their cries are nothing more than a storm in a glass of water.
          Really prettier with their tantrums.
          1. +2
            18 November 2016 12: 41
            Quote: Ulan
            the support of their monarchical ideas in society is zero, so they go out into the streets with them and, at best, laugh at them or admit them crazy.

            And no one wants the return of the monarchy. They just want to remind what horrors the ochocracy and the power of the mob lead to.
            1. +5
              18 November 2016 13: 00
              (c) ochlocracy and the power of the mob (s)
              "Okhlos" is the people, the "rabble", as I understand it, is also a people ... Who then are you, if not pso.o.n.o.k? We saw such a "white bone" - from rags to riches.)
            2. +4
              18 November 2016 13: 07
              And the rabble are not the people? 99% of the people of Russia is, as you contemptuously put it, "rabble".
              Is it because of such views that the events of the 17th year occurred?
              It is rightly said that history does not teach fools anything, mushrooms someone wanted to divide people into white and black ones. To the little white minority - everything, to serve the little black ones to the little white ones.
              Well then, wait for the next bloody riot and bring the country to you.
              I am against revolutions, and for evolution, but someone is very persistently pushing Russia towards schism and riots, and this is clearly not "rabble".
              I hope you are directly from Rurik or Gedeminovich and hope that you will have footmen.
              1. +3
                18 November 2016 14: 09
                Quote: Ulan
                And the rabble are not the people? 99% of the people of Russia is, as you contemptuously put it, "rabble".

                Do not trolling and do not attribute your statements to me. The mob is not the whole nation, but the lowest strata without high interests and moral values. Drunk, for which to rob, kill and rape the top of pleasure under the influence of the crowd.
                Quote: Ulan
                I hope you are directly from Rurik or Gedeminovich and hope that you will have footmen.

                Everything can be. I do not need footmen.
                1. +4
                  19 November 2016 13: 20
                  You said what you said, there is no need to ascribe something. The word is not a sparrow and your miserable excuses are not interesting to me. You said meanness and that's a fact.
    2. +18
      17 November 2016 16: 35
      LIBERA noisy crowd
      Bessarabia wander ....
      1. +21
        17 November 2016 16: 58
        EvgNik Today, 16:35 ↑ New
        LIBERA noisy crowd
        Bessarabia wander ....
        Zhen, hi! love Nothing else let them wander, I feel they do not have long to wander! The next nomad or bunk or "Turkish coast"!
        1. +13
          17 November 2016 17: 04
          love Good evening, Diana. It's funny to watch these clowns. They hope to revive the monarchy. Yes Kolchak in their hands instead of a flag. And then by and large they have nowhere to run. Somewhere near the article that states ran after the election. The fun, Diana, has begun! hi
          1. +17
            17 November 2016 17: 19
            EvgNik Today, 17:04 ↑
            Somewhere near the article that states ran after the election. The fun, Diana, has begun! hi
            Zhenya, or will still be, or we'll see, we live in an interesting time! I believe that things will most likely not end at Ulyukaev, the question is whether we will be able to clean up before 2018, there is not much time, and we need to do so much that my mother does not grieve. As they say, we will see ...!
            1. +8
              17 November 2016 17: 32
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              As they say, we will see ...!

              And what, maybe we will see how our liberals will wander around Bessarabia ... under the leadership of Alexander Bessarab, who teaches us to live and our history.
              1. +6
                18 November 2016 13: 12
                The most interesting thing is that these supposedly "monarchists" are tearing the fifth point for Kolchak, who actually was not a monarchist and did not fight for the monarchy, and even betrayed the monarch.
                Insanity blooms in lush color. Monarchists support the one who supported the overthrow of the monarchy.
                I understand when they protect the kings here, but how to understand when they consider Alekseev, Denikin, Kornilov, Kolchak and others who took part in the overthrow of the monarch, and Kornilov generally arrested him, and who were AGAINST the monarchy. Full compress. belay
                1. +4
                  18 November 2016 14: 16
                  For these * alternatively intelligent * creatures, with their one-bit thinking, only a black and white palette is available, without the midtones and colors characteristic of the real world.

                  Therefore, in their wretched malaise, the Reds are a fiend of hell, and all who were / are against the Reds are strictly the same color. They don’t suspect about the fundamental difference between the Octobrists and the Cadets. laughing
                  1. +4
                    19 November 2016 13: 21
                    That's it. Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye, as they say. good
            2. +15
              17 November 2016 17: 46
              Dear diana love ! Dear Evgeny Nikolaevich hi !
              But am I right or not, considering Aleksandera and Venda to be true intellectuals? Those. those who do not even persist, but stubborn? About which there is a wonderful anecdote:
              - Well, what did you do wrong stupid, but stupid stubborn! After all, there is a more decent nickname - intellectual!
              The most interesting thing is that Kolchak, even from the point of view of a sincere monarchist, rubbish and filth.
              Well, with regard to intellectuals, I will repeat the expression of the historian Gumilyov: "What an intellectual I am, I have a profession!"
              1. +9
                17 November 2016 18: 35
                Quote: My address
                But am I right or not, considering Aleksandera and Wenda true intellectuals?

                Alexander, I don’t even know what to say. You puzzled me. In my opinion there are real intellectuals and there are imaginary. And this is not always associated with education or lifestyle. There are intelligent workers at the same time, there are not intelligent professors and cultural figures. I will not give examples; everyone can determine them for himself. And that the word is dirty - yes, I agree.
                1. +3
                  17 November 2016 20: 11
                  Sorry to interfere with your conversation. There is also an interesting definition: "A wild intellectual."
                  1. +7
                    17 November 2016 21: 54
                    There is another definition - intellectuals and educators, who are often confused with real intellectuals.
                    1. +7
                      17 November 2016 23: 08
                      They make amazing Ulyukaevs and liberals.
                    2. 0
                      18 November 2016 10: 15
                      Quote: Ulan
                      There is another definition - intellectuals and educators, who are often confused with real intellectuals.

                      ... diplomas or something, to throw out ... But the mind is a little smarter - where are you going ?!
                      1. +4
                        18 November 2016 13: 15
                        Never throw it away.
                        There are educated and educated people, and this is not the same thing.
                        So leave the diploma. I personally do not intend to throw out my two diplomas of higher education and two certificates of an electrician and a locksmith.
                2. +5
                  17 November 2016 20: 33
                  And that the word is dirty - yes, I agree.

                  Dirty - understandable. The main thing is who is soiled and what is soiled. Come on, talkers and troublemakers, remember what grandfather Lenin said "The intelligentsia is ... a nation.
                  1. +3
                    18 November 2016 13: 15
                    I think grandfather meant only a certain part of the intelligentsia.
                3. +7
                  17 November 2016 20: 57
                  Alexander, I don’t even know what to say.
                  Eugene, good evening, sorry, intervened. I am discouraged by something else. These "intellectuals" have pluses like fleas on a dog. It seems that attempts to reformat the consciousness are bearing fruit even in VO.
                  1. +7
                    17 November 2016 21: 55
                    I noticed that too. Apparently, however, the lack of cons has played a role.
                    1. +5
                      18 November 2016 08: 09
                      Quote: guzik007
                      These "intellectuals"

                      Guys, I would not call these gentlemen intellectuals even in quotation marks. This is something inexplicable and frantic.
                    2. +2
                      18 November 2016 10: 18
                      Quote: Ulan
                      I noticed that too. Apparently, however, the lack of cons has played a role.

                      Well I suggested - add pluses! Or - "plus with a plus"! ... plus with a brush, with a "tail" ... Options?
                      1. +3
                        18 November 2016 13: 25
                        You're welcome. Plus with horns, plus with hooves, plus with belly, plus with ears, plus with nose, plus with tongue, plus with teeth, plus with .., plus with a dot. plus with a comma, plus with a colon, plus with a minus ... and so on. lol
              2. +3
                18 November 2016 11: 13
                Quote: My address
                The most interesting thing is that Kolchak, even from the point of view of a sincere monarchist, rubbish and filth.

                I am a monarchist and for me he is a real Russian officer with a capital letter!
                1. +2
                  18 November 2016 12: 20
                  The one for whom Kolchak: (c) I am a monarchist and for me he is a real Russian officer with a capital letter! (C) He is clearly a subject of the British monarchy. You, by chance, are not one of those Romanovs who drank blood from Russia for 300 years? One Katkino slavery (serfdom) was worth ...
                  1. +4
                    18 November 2016 13: 27
                    There are no monarchists in Russia. It’s just that some play a myth that they invented for themselves, and some, under this tune, conceived a sabotage against Russia. They are trying to rock the situation in the country, which is already not quite calm.
                2. +5
                  18 November 2016 13: 59
                  Alexander Romanov, well, considering that you wrote this comment under the flag of Great Britain, you are not even hiding too much. If for you Kolchak is "a real Russian Officer with a capital letter!", Then you spat at all Real Russian Officers, and not at traitors and double agents, like your beloved Kolchak.
                  1. +4
                    19 November 2016 13: 24
                    Kolchak is "real" for Great Britain.
                3. +5
                  18 November 2016 14: 19
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  I am a monarchist and for me he is a real Russian officer

                  You, too, are not able to grasp the simple fact that Kolchak was NOT a monarchist at all, and he also cheated on His Imperial Nothingness, darling? laughing
          2. +4
            17 November 2016 21: 52
            Well, what kind of "revive" Well, there are no id ... you in Russia who will follow them. Not the same. I have never met a single monarchist among his many acquaintances. No.
            1. +3
              18 November 2016 02: 39
              Monarchists can be found, but under the monarchists we are served a completely different dish ...
              1. +2
                18 November 2016 13: 27
                Here both are possible.
            2. +2
              18 November 2016 12: 48
              Quote: Ulan
              Well, what kind of "revive" Well, there are no id ... you in Russia who will follow them. Not the same.

              Why not just give credit to Kolchak as a man who fought against the red terrorists?
              1. +4
                18 November 2016 13: 32
                What about those who fought the white terrorists? Enough of these myths about "noble" white knights. Leave them for the illiterate boys and impressionable and equally illiterate girls.
          3. +6
            18 November 2016 03: 59
            Quote: EvgNik
            It's funny to watch these clowns.

            Yes, laugh, spit as much as you like .......... how nice it is to read such toothless posts good
            Quote: EvgNik
            They hope to revive the monarchy

            And reward
            Quote: EvgNik
            . And then by and large they have nowhere to run.

            And why do we need to flee our country, you need to give little things.
            1. +4
              18 November 2016 07: 10
              Quote: Alexander Romanov

              Quote: EvgNik
              They hope to revive the monarchy

              And reward

              The navel will not untie?
              1. +5
                18 November 2016 07: 15
                Quote: pv1005
                The navel will not untie?

                1. +16
                  18 November 2016 08: 50
                  Alexander Romanov Today, 07:15 ↑ New
                  Quote: pv1005
                  The navel will not untie?

                  Nude, blessed is he who believes! Kolchak won also thought that he would not untie, but how it turned around. Do you also want to end your days in the hole with a hole in your forehead ?! Well then .... Good luck!
                  1. +4
                    18 November 2016 10: 54
                    Quote: Diana Ilyina
                    . Do you also want to end your days in the hole with a hole in your forehead ?!

                    Oh, such pathos, and you, Dianochka, have you ever personally killed? I bet no, since someone who knows the value of human life will not write like that. If your compatriot, who holds other views, is worthy of dirt lying with a hole in his forehead, then you have nothing to do in Russia. Your country is Ukraine there now they rule like you
                    1. +11
                      18 November 2016 11: 08
                      Alexander Romanov Today, 10:54 ↑
                      If your compatriot who adheres to other views is dirt for you, then you have nothing to do in Russia.
                      It depends on what compatriot ?! To Gozman and Chubais are compatriots, only it’s more difficult to find more dirt than they are in the world and I would have raised my hand to shoot them without any regret! By the way, I can shoot, my brother taught me, so I can give some people a head start.
                      Your country is Ukraine, there now they rule.. Like you.
                      Yes, no, not a respected monarchist, it’s you who are trying to make garbage from Russia with your crazy ideas. So here you missed. And you have just crazy ideas, you will not plant monarchism in Russia in a new way. No one and nothing. As one of my friends used to say, their marriage did not grow!
                      1. +3
                        18 November 2016 11: 22
                        Quote: Diana Ilyina
                        To whom and Gozman with Chubais compatriots

                        And you did not mean Gozman by the post above, but me. Gozman is an enemy for me, but for you Chubais, no matter how strange it may seem like-minded person. As for you Diana, so for Chubais, the life of a Russian person is nothing. A hole in his forehead, there it is dear to him. Therefore, you do not need to hide behind "beautiful" surnames, because what is written with a pen cannot be knocked out with an ax. And you have already written a lot. Chubais's team is waiting for you!
                        Quote: Diana Ilyina
                        By the way, I can shoot, my brother taught me, so I can give some people a head start.

                        I didn’t ask. Can you shoot, I asked did you kill the person?
                        Quote: Diana Ilyina
                        Monarchism in Russia you do not plant a new one.

                        You so decided wassat God, what naivety.
                        Quote: Diana Ilyina
                        As one of my friends used to say, their marriage did not grow!

                        I will see your posts later, although most likely you will run away from the country. And not only you
                        Oh, how to breathe, it becomes good in Russia, looking at this
                      2. +3
                        18 November 2016 12: 37
                        Quote: Diana Ilyina
                        And you have just crazy ideas, you will not plant monarchism in Russia in a new way.

                        Those. feudalism of the traditional type, with a monarch (king, king, emperor) at the head will not work. This is clear to us.
                        But what about the cunning forms of feudalism? Well, for example, with the Secretary General at the head? "Developed socialism" was called, if you don't remember. Will it work?
                        And with other tricky forms of feudalism? When is the monarch actually called differently?
                        Quote: Diana Ilyina
                        As one of my friends used to say, their marriage did not grow!

                        And, I’m embarrassed to ask, are you still familiar with the wife? Only from the words of a friend? So maybe it's time? Then, perhaps, you won’t write such nonsense either:
                        Quote: Diana Ilyina
                        on such my hand would rise to shoot without any regret!
                    2. +2
                      18 November 2016 13: 50
                      (c). If for you your compatriot, who holds other views, this is worthy dirt lying with a hole in his forehead (s)
                      Compatriot is one who has ONE CONSCIENCE. And the one who has "different views" is not a compatriot at all. And if these "views" are hostile and harm the Fatherland, then "it is worthy to wallow with a hole in the forehead." By court order, of course.
                2. +4
                  18 November 2016 10: 20
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  Quote: pv1005
                  The navel will not untie?


                  ... just burst, that's all!
                  So simple ...
                  1. +3
                    18 November 2016 10: 54
                    Quote: CONTROL
                    So simple ...

                    The lopalka has not grown lol
                    1. +4
                      18 November 2016 13: 35
                      Wonderful. All the "arguments" of those who are trying to pose as monarchists are reduced to the uncomplicated - "he d ..."
                      Here is an indicator of your intellectual level. Rudeness and primitive.
                      1. +7
                        18 November 2016 18: 36
                        Hmm. As far as I recall, in all discussions on "VO", the "red" side is usually the first to roll into insults.
                3. +4
                  18 November 2016 12: 06
                  Already unleashed, but you did not notice. And already in the 17th year.
                  You have already been told where is your morale party in Russia? How many people voted for her? That's all, this argument can be ended, you are marginalized in Rossi and you don’t have support among the Russian population. Even miserable.
          4. +2
            18 November 2016 10: 13
            Quote: EvgNik
            They hope to revive the monarchy

            And why is a monarchy worse than democracy? If without emotions, and listing on the fingers?
            1. +3
              18 November 2016 10: 41
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              And why is a monarchy worse than democracy? If without emotions, and listing on the fingers?

              No one says worse. But here I am to the monarchists for two days (two, Karl!), I asked the question: candidacy? On the role of the king. There was no answer. Can you have one? We discuss.
              1. +3
                18 November 2016 10: 55
                Quote: EvgNik
                There was no answer.

                He won’t be, as it’s silly to ask a similar question
                1. +3
                  18 November 2016 13: 43
                  It's stupid to answer like that.
              2. +4
                18 November 2016 10: 59
                Quote: EvgNik
                There was no answer.

                Yes, the same Vova. If he is confident in the transfer of power by inheritance, the process of purification of power will go many times faster. And there will be no need to spend huge amounts on farce of elections. And you know - I'm his opponent.
                According to the Bolsheviks - Zhen, the Bolsheviks spun off from the RSDLP only in 17, and before that they were at one with the Mensheviks. And they were engaged in subversive activities (including terrorist) in a belligerent country. At the same time, cooperating with anarchists and with other movements of revolutionaries. The disagreements among the "revolutionaries" appeared only when the real possibility of seizing power dawned.
                According to Kolchak, the person is not unique, but in comparison with Trotsky, Blumkin, Uritsky, Sverdlov, Kolchak is a child. There was a civil war, Kolchak (like Denikin, Wrangel) tried to maintain the existing power. The methods were controversial, but again, in comparison with the methods of the revolutionaries, they look like childish pranks. Trotsky alone, with his raids on an armored train and direct orders for executions, put many times more people than the entire army of Kolchak.
                Let us not judge people alone, without taking into account the actions of their opponents. These are double standards.
                1. +3
                  18 November 2016 12: 14
                  Kolchak is a traitor and a mass maniac destroying the population.

                  There is no other interpretation and cannot be.

                  Even Trotsky was an idealist promoting the world revolution, and Kolchak was an ordinary skin without dignity and honor.

                  Who is to me, if Kolchak had not betrayed the Tsar and the fatherland, then Trotsky would not have been mentioned!
                2. +4
                  18 November 2016 13: 47
                  With all due respect, but you do not know the history well and do not read what other forum members write. What "existing" power was Kolchak trying to maintain? The power of the Provisional Government? The power of the constituent assembly? Wasn't he the one who shot Komuch, who consisted of former members of the Constituent Assembly? Wow pranks. Was it because of these "pranks" the Siberian peasants took up arms and helped the Reds to end Kolchak.
                  Maybe Semenov, too, was naughty?
                3. +2
                  18 November 2016 13: 57
                  Igor, one thing I can say - restoration of tsarism in Russia is impossible in principle. In Europe, the last royal dynasties degenerate and no one will restore them. And in general, this topic has gotten sick in recent days.
                  It's time to put an end and close. And we will not judge people. There are more relevant topics.
              3. +4
                18 November 2016 13: 42
                What are you talking about Eugene, well, now there will be a candidacy of a good king and then, since the monarchy is an inherited power, some down will come and we will endure until he accosts or until the next palace coup. They ate. As Churchill said, democracy is a disgusting form of government, but it has not yet been better invented.
                1. +2
                  18 November 2016 14: 01
                  Quote: Ulan
                  Now there will be a candidate for a good king

                  Yes, the fact of the matter is that there will be no candidacy. They simply make a fool of us with such articles in order to distract us from more pressing matters. Two days on this article have perished. Was she worth it? One replica was enough.
            2. +1
              18 November 2016 13: 00
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              And why is a monarchy worse than democracy? If without emotions, and listing on the fingers?

              The fact that the monarchy only makes sense is absolute. And the absolute monarchy is a feudal OEF. And the feudal OEF in any way loses primarily the economic competition of the capitalist OEF. Because these are different stages of the development of human society, capitalism is higher, this is the next stage after feudalism.
              And the losers are beaten.
              At the same time, in Runet everything that is not associated with "developed socialism" (if anything, it was a kind of feudal OEF) is usually called "democracy." Therefore, it is impossible to figure out what is really meant.
              These are generally truths. Unfortunately, not many know them. And among those who know, not many follow them. Because often under feudalism they are well arranged. What can I say, for example, during the slave-owning OEF in the USSR (from 1937-40 to 1953-56), many were well-organized and did not want to change anything.
            3. +3
              18 November 2016 13: 40
              Yes, at least the fact that there are class distinctions fixed by law. The division into white and black. Tell me, is there democracy too? Well, firstly, depending on which democracy, and secondly, this is not fixed by law.
        2. +5
          18 November 2016 03: 56
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          The next nomad or bunk or "Turkish coast"!

          Dianochka, the Bolsheviks will now sit on the bunks. Although there’s no one to plant, the latter will die out soon.
          1. +10
            18 November 2016 05: 32
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Diana, the Bolsheviks will now sit on the bunks

            Sasha, dad and mom did not tell you that insulting women is not good?
            And why do we need to "poke" things? An optimist, however.
            1. +3
              18 November 2016 06: 34
              Quote: EvgNik
              Sasha, dad and mom did not tell you that insulting women is not good?

              Of course, they only said where I offended whom I can’t understand. Or Eugene has nothing to say, since you yourself understand that kirdyk has come to Bolshevism in Russia. And so they decided whether to accuse Romanov of rudeness? Have you learned to fantasize at Kerry?
              1. +7
                18 November 2016 06: 52
                Alexander, do you even understand that capitalism is not the final stage of human development? The ultimate capitalism may be in one case - the exclusion of man, as a species from the fauna of the Earth. If a person survives, then he will inevitably enter another phase of development, and not necessarily it will be called communism. But this will certainly be the social phase, for the whole of humanity, and not for 2-5% of the population. Accustomed to hang on all the labels. But for a thinking person everything is clear for a long time and there is no reason to chew and propagate. I got excited about the insult, I apologize.
                1. +5
                  18 November 2016 06: 57
                  Quote: EvgNik
                  Alexander, do you even understand that capitalism is not the final stage of human development?

                  I once advocated that capitalism is good? I have always said that Bolshevism is very bad. And therefore. With regards to Russia, it has its own path of development and its own values.
                  Quote: EvgNik
                  If a person survives, then he will inevitably enter another phase of development, and not necessarily it will be called communism.

                  Eugene, if you survive, which I sincerely wish you, then I give 100%, run to the Church run.
                  Quote: EvgNik
                  But this will certainly be the social phase, for the whole of humanity, and not for 2-5% of the population.

                  Oh, the world revolution, somewhere I already heard it from all kinds of Trotsky and Lenin Bronstein steins. Everything collapsed like a house of cards, it was enough to open the curtain a little.
                  In North Korea, opening borders and Kim’s regime will collapse just as well. Because on false ideals, nothing good can be built.
                  1. +4
                    18 November 2016 07: 16
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    Oh, world revolution, somewhere I already heard this from all kinds of Bronstein steins of Trotsky and Lenin

                    Did I talk about the world revolution? No. Mankind should come to this in a natural way, without revolutions and upheavals, otherwise there is no point.
                    And I won’t run to church, unless God appears to me, which I don’t believe.
                    1. +3
                      18 November 2016 08: 05
                      Ohhh! Romanov, then we have a monarchist ... in police uniform: =)
                      ... Pa-aprashu get up! When God Save the Tsar is performed! Stand up! Bastards !!
                      "Elusive Avengers"
                      1. +1
                        18 November 2016 08: 12
                        Quote: guzik007
                        Ohhh! Romanov, then we are a monarchist ...

                        No, the Risen, he is undecided.
                    2. +3
                      18 November 2016 10: 27
                      Quote: EvgNik
                      Humanity must come to this in a natural way, without revolutions and upheavals,

                      Well, start with yourself, show everyone an example of how to do this.
                      Quote: EvgNik
                      And I won’t run to church, unless God appears to me, which I don’t believe.

                      Turned away from God and now you believe in aiphon and loot. Congratulations! You cannot succeed without God. No one has ever succeeded.
                      1. +3
                        18 November 2016 10: 45
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Turned away from God and now you believe in aiphon and loot

                        fool He didn’t turn to me. And iPhone and loot are not my fetishes. And the fact that they mean something to of normal person - I do not believe.
                      2. +3
                        18 November 2016 10: 53
                        Yes, these are always "atheists." Only when it’s bad or cancer with something, they get sick, then they fly headlong to church from their sins to confess, and ask God to heal. We have seen such people many times. And the former party bosses from women, for those killed in Abortions of their children are ordered in old age. Here are the "atheists-communists".
                    3. +4
                      18 November 2016 13: 49
                      This is the tactic of the trolls and demagogues, to come up with something for the opponent, attribute it to him and rush to smash and denounce the same thing.
                  2. +2
                    18 November 2016 13: 12
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    And therefore, with regards to Russia, it has its own development path.

                    Flatworms have their own paths of development. Or sperm whales, for example.
                    All people on planet Earth have the same development paths. Only the speed is different. Why, there are many reasons. From this and the various achieved levels of development of society. At the same moment in time.
                    However, the development of human civilization continues. And the dynamics of the development of society in different parts of the planet, too. And from this, again, the very correlation of the levels of its development is constantly changing.
                    The process of this "competition" is endless (unless a large meteorite arrives). And it is he who moves the development of human civilization forward. Without him, they would have sat in caves and chewed game.
                    1. +3
                      18 November 2016 13: 16
                      Quote: rjxtufh
                      Flatworms have their own paths of development. Or sperm whales, for example.

                      They themselves understood that they wrote nonsense?
                      Quote: rjxtufh
                      All people on planet Earth have the same development paths. Only the speed is different. Why, there are many reasons. From this and the various levels of development achieved.

                      That is, you personally have not yet come to the point of changing sex, but you are sure that you will come to this. Did I understand you correctly? In short, Russia is not on your way
                      1. +1
                        18 November 2016 13: 52
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        They themselves understood that they wrote nonsense?

                        Can you prove your claim somehow?
                        For example, I can easily. On historical examples. And you?
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        That is, you personally have not yet come to the point of changing sex

                        And who told you that gender reassignment is somehow connected with any OEF? This is just the result of medical advances. And nothing more.
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        In short, Russia is not on your way

                        Or maybe with you? Think about it.
                2. 0
                  18 November 2016 13: 06
                  Quote: EvgNik
                  do you even understand that capitalism is not the final stage of human development?

                  So far, you can only strive for it. He, this is the near future. And then it will be forever, like feudalism or a slaveholding society in front of him.
                  Quote: EvgNik
                  If a person survives, then he will inevitably enter another phase of development

                  You should not look so far ahead, it is not interesting to anyone except a small group of scientists.
    3. +18
      17 November 2016 17: 01
      Aleksander well, you have a hero who is not a traitor to the sovereign, you would have already decided who you are belay ! My proposal is white: Do you want a board - please. But tell me an explanation that Kolchak died as an English citizen, and cut down the verdict of the Irkutsk RVC regarding Kolchak in stone, and engrave the modern judicial refusals of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in Kolchak! hi
      1. +7
        17 November 2016 20: 43
        But put alongside the explanation that Kolchak died as an English citizen,

        Well, with Kolchak, at least the outward appearances are respected. England at that time was an ally of Russia, albeit formally. But then you do not forget to indicate on Lenin’s monuments where he lived, whom he wished for defeat, what means he lived on, and how he and his fellow soldiers so deftly landed from the sealed Gulf of Finland.
        1. +2
          18 November 2016 13: 51
          It was. Before she started the intervention against Russia, and Kolchak at that time for some reason did not refuse English citizenship.
      2. +8
        17 November 2016 21: 43
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        Aleksander well, you have a hero who is not a traitor to the sovereign, you would have already decided who you are

        For Russia. And Kolchak, her faithful warrior and son, who fought against the German invaders and their accomplices, the octoputists.

        In contrast to the lardy coward liable for military service, hiding from mobilization in Switzerland (like the entire so-called "Sovnarkom", who served in the rear), who called for the defeat of his country in the war, was transferred by the invaders to Russia, who carried out a coup and paid the German occupiers for the sake of preservation of their power, the third Motherland ..
        The President of Russia called them all NATIONAL TRADERS.
        And I agree with him.
        1. +5
          18 November 2016 00: 53
          Aleksander Yesterday, 21:43
          In contrast to the burry military coward hiding from mobilization in Switzerland

          on the basis of the law "on universal military service" adopted in 1912
          << .... upon reaching the age of 38, all the storerooms were assigned to the state militia, in which they were members until the age of 43. >>
          Ulyanov (Lenin) in 1914 was 44 years old, i.e. not subject to any appeal.
        2. +4
          18 November 2016 04: 01
          Quote: Aleksander
          In contrast to the burnt-out coward liable for military service, hiding from mobilization in Switzerland (like the entire so-called "Sovnarkom", who served in the rear

          Beautiful and to the point good
          Quote: Aleksander
          And I agree with him

          1. +6
            18 November 2016 08: 26
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Alexander Romanov Today, 04: 01

            Sasha, did you emigrate? just noticed the flag. Well then the flag is in your hands and seven feet under the keel. Preferably with Alexander and preferably in an unknown direction.
            1. +13
              18 November 2016 09: 15
              EvgNik Today, 08:26 ↑
              Sasha, did you emigrate? just noticed the flag. Well then the flag is in your hands and seven feet under the keel. Preferably with Alexander and preferably in an unknown direction.
              Zhen, good morning! Although you probably already have a day in full swing there. Am I watching the civil war going on ?! I join your desire with both hands, I can contribute and roll the red carpet to the ramp, if only they would not return!

              And Alexander Romanov would like to add about a bunk for the Bolsheviks. Bolsheviks, they are Bolsheviks, that they are the majority and how are you going to pack this majority on bunks ?! In fact, your revenge in 1991 is a temporary phenomenon, but now yours are still on horseback, but soon they will be asked from there and the arrest of Ulyukaev is only the first sign. In my opinion, the revolution this time will not be from below, but from above! And according to my observations, it has already begun. Putin, in fact, declared war on the liberal Gaidar-Chubais bloc entrenched in our country, and judging by how yesterday on TV all the liberals sang in unison about the year that had begun in 1937, forgetting about corruption and other "problems" of pensioners, which they also suit, it smells for no kerosene! As I wrote above, we'll take a look! I hope that I am right and my predictions come true! So let's see who will start packing their bags here first. In any case, I will not leave Russia under any circumstances, not so brought up. I’m better off hunger or from a bullet, but I’ll die on my own land, where my ancestors are buried! Maybe pretentious, but true!
              1. +7
                18 November 2016 11: 03
                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                I'd rather starve or from a bullet, but on my land I will die, where my ancestors are buried!

                Diana, good afternoon. I fully support, and they sit with the flags of others and envy, wimps. And what do they want from us?
                1. +5
                  18 November 2016 11: 10
                  Quote: EvgNik
                  And what do they want from us?

                  Fear in them speaks, fear of the restoration of the country, not along the path of Yeltsin's madness, not according to the patterns of mediocre chatterboxes from the Higher School of Economics, not according to the opuses who write here any nonsense about dubious "heroes" such as Kolchak and Krasnov, other Wrangels and Semyonovs, FEAR owns them, for the image of VICTORY under the RED banner sweeps away the images of any jackal who, under foreign flags, in foreign armies, for foreign interests, have always fought against not just RUSSIA but also its peoples.
                  The so-called initiative of the "white movement" who dared to stick a plaque with a criminal not subject to rehabilitation, stems from the NTS and the ROVS - this is when these traitors, who served both Pisludsky and Hitler and now the United States, were for Russia, more precisely for which Russia, all this is not fighting for for what happened from 1991 to 1999, when the insane drunken destroyer Yeltsin ruled?
                  And who needs such a Russia, in the status of a natural colony with an endangered population?
                  Obviously, such a Russia is needed by the kodl of oligarchs and local natives who once again swore allegiance to foreigners, just as the Kolchaks and the Reds did it at one time.
              2. +4
                18 November 2016 11: 44
                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                Putin in fact declared war on the liberal Gaidar-Chubais block entrenched in our country

                And he goes to the Church and honors the fallen in the first world. Putin also condemns the Stalinist regime. But there is nothing to say about the revolution.
                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                I'm better from starvation or from a bullet

                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                I hope that I am right and my forecasts will come true!

                For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!
                1. +6
                  18 November 2016 13: 53
                  You have nothing. No faith. neither the king nor the Fatherland. What is the fatherland in FIG under the American flag. Mankurts, Ivanes who do not remember kinship.
                  1. +2
                    18 November 2016 18: 31
                    The flag is set by default, and burned on this novel. By the way, the flag is like English.
                    1. +2
                      18 November 2016 18: 46
                      Quote: Caretaker
                      The flag is set by default, and burned on this novel. By the way, a flag like English

                      - dear, the flag is set by IP address
                      - The IP address is determined by the provider that the Internet distributes
                      - with providers happen ... miracles fellow
                      - I (and not only) also had about a year ago flags "jumping"
                      - so no one "burned", use Yes
                      1. +1
                        18 November 2016 23: 37
                        be scared

                        Thank! Now I’m zbagoin :)
        3. +5
          18 November 2016 05: 40
          Quote: Aleksander
          For Russia. And Kolchak, her faithful warrior and son, who fought against the German invaders and their accomplices, the octoputists.

          What time! Strongly said, but your untruth. fool
          1. +7
            18 November 2016 08: 14
            Kolchak, having arrived in Siberia, at first received the warm approval of the local population, who greatly disliked the Bolsheviks. But when mass repressions against the people began, he received a partisan movement.
            So my opinion is not a single bastard, hanging his own people, in spite of previous merits, has no right to any rehabilitation. Neither the hanger Kolchak, nor the poisoner Tukhachevsky. All of them burn in hell, and there is nothing to hang cranberries on their ears.
            A civil war in any country is a terrible tragedy and there are no heroes in white gloves, all are smeared in blood to the elbows. So to isolate the most "clean" killers from this string of murderers is a thankless and foul-smelling business.
            All are smeared. you just have to accept this as historical reality and nothing more.
            And the Bolsheviks atrocities and whites did not lag behind.
            1. 0
              20 November 2016 10: 22
              Quote: guzik007
              But when mass repressions against the people began, he received a partisan movement.

              As for the "port of Siberia", this is nothing more than military propaganda during the Civil War. During the interrogation before the execution, Kolchak was asked about only one such incident (probably the others were not known to the interrogators) - about the flogging during the suppression of the uprising in Kulomzino. However, Kolchak stubbornly denied that he had ever given such orders, since he is a staunch opponent of corporal punishment. The admiral did not have much reason to lie on the eve of his death, which in the preface to the published interrogation protocols was reported by the members of the military revolutionary committee who interrogated him, who agreed that Kolchak's testimony was true. If something like this happened, then most likely it was the result of arbitrariness on the ground, which was almost impossible to avoid in the context of such a war.
              1. +4
                20 November 2016 10: 35
                Quote: RUSS
                The admiral had no particular reason to lie on the eve of death

                Well, of course, there is no way, what a "noble knight" is painted here .. realities are different.
                Political leaders of the Czechoslovak corps B. Paul and V. Girs in an official memorandum to the Allies in November 1919 stated:
                “<...> Under the protection of the Czechoslovak bayonets, the local Russian military authorities allow themselves actions that will horrify the entire civilized world. Burning out villages, beating up peaceful Russian citizens by hundreds, shooting without trial of representatives of democracy on a simple suspicion of political unreliability are common, and responsibility for everything before the courts of the peoples of the whole world falls on us: why did we, having military strength, not resist this lawlessness.
                Irkutsk, November 13, 1919, to B. Pavel, Dr. Girsa. ”
                The American General Greves, commander of the 10th American Corps in Siberia 1918-20, recalled:
                “The soldiers of Semenov and Kalmykov, being under the protection of Japanese troops, flooded the country like wild animals, beat and robbed the people. Terrible murders were committed in Eastern Siberia, but they were not committed by the Bolsheviks, as was usually thought. I’m not mistaken if I say that in Eastern Siberia for every person killed by the Bolsheviks, there were 100 people killed by anti-Bolshevik elements ”

                “Admiral Kolchak surrounded himself with former tsarist officials, and since the peasants did not want to take up arms and sacrifice their lives for the sake of returning these people to power, they were beaten, flogged with whips and killed in cold blood by thousands, after which the world called them“ Bolsheviks. " In Siberia, the word "Bolshevik" means a person who does not support the return to power in Russia of representatives of the autocracy by word or deed. "

                “It is surprising that the officers of the Russian tsarist army did not realize the need for changes in the practice used by the army under the tsarist regime. The atrocities committed east of Lake Baikal were so terrific that they did not leave an unbiased person with doubts about the veracity of many reports of excesses. ”
                From the diary of Minister of Government Kolchak, Baron Budberg Alexei Pavlovich, the future American citizen:

                “The degenerates who arrived from the detachment boast that during punitive expeditions they gave the Bolsheviks to be slaughtered by the Chinese, having previously cut the tendons under their knees by prisoners (“ so as not to run away ”); they also boast that they buried the Bolsheviks alive, with a pit bottom floor with entrails released from the buried places (“so that it would be softer”) ... ”
                Well get another serving
                A.V. Kolchak - A. Timireva:

                "December 30, 1917. I am accepted to the service of His Majesty the King of England"

                ... Finally, the answer came very late that the British government suggested that I go to Bombay and report to the headquarters of the Indian army, where I would receive instructions on my appointment to the Mesopotamian front.

                For me, although I did not ask for it, it was quite acceptable, since it was near the Black Sea, where actions were taking place against the Turks and where I was fighting at sea. Therefore, I willingly accepted the offer and asked Sir C. Green to give me the opportunity to travel by steamer to Bombay. "
              2. +1
                21 November 2016 10: 38
                The admiral had no particular reason to lie on the eve of death
                A weighty argument ... Clinging to any thread to survive
    4. +24
      17 November 2016 17: 51
      "The Kolchak government cannot hold out without the open support of our government. Thanks to our timely and active support, Kolchak will hold out, we will find ourselves in an advantageous position to assist and lead the reconstruction of Russia ..."

      Morris, US Ambassador to Japan Aug 16, 1919

      History of the so-called The “civil war” is, first and foremost, the history of international intervention and the not entirely successful division of the former Empire. Documents testify: without Kolchak, appointed by the intervention countries as the "supreme ruler", Russia, even Soviet, would not have lost the Baltic States, Western Ukraine and Belarus. Kolchak’s persistent rehabilitation is the preparation of a new international intervention, which is being prepared by the entry into NATO of not only the Baltic states, but also Ukraine ...

      Perhaps the best source for Kolchak is the official records of his interrogation during the trial (published in the “Library of Military Literature”, from which the front character of his power and full dependence on the intervention countries, between which he humiliatedly maneuvered during his “reign”, are directly visible .
      The bell-breakers clarify the system of terror and punitive measures deployed in Siberia by Kolchak and his subordinates.
      An interesting point: back in the 90s, an attempt was made to rehabilitate Kolchak as an “innocently convicted”. On the initiative “from above”, Kolchak’s case was reviewed by the military court of ZabVO, but no rehabilitation followed.
      Having studied the archival file of "Kolchak", the court found that the investigation (January-February 1920) had collected sufficient evidence that from 1918 to 1920. by order of Kolchak, not only military actions were carried out, but also "massive repressions were carried out against the civilian population."
      The court's ruling noted that Kolchak himself, during interrogation, testified that, on his initiative, the rights of the military were expanded to use reprisals against the civilian population. As a result, his "field commanders" without legal "red tape" issued orders for hostage-taking, mass executions, and burning of villages, whose residents were only suspected of supporting the Reds. Specials were made. barges for the destruction of those arrested in transit. The Kolchak government assigned monetary awards to the military, depending on the number of "rebels" killed by them.
      Kolchak’s state crimes (espionage, cooperation with invaders) were not considered by the court for a number of reasons.
      Thus, Kolchak’s official legal status is a war criminal executed according to a lawful court verdict for armed terror against civilians — in particular, for the capture and execution of hostages and massive reprisals. In other words, in legal terms, the status of Kolchak is absolutely equivalent to the status of the same Basayev, Raduyev or terrorists from Beslan and Nord-Ost.
      1. +3
        17 November 2016 20: 14
        Quote: Turkestan
        Documents testify: without Kolchak, who was appointed by the intervention countries as the “supreme ruler”, Russia, even Soviet, would not have lost the Baltic States, Western Ukraine and Belarus

        No "documents" on Kolchak, no

        But there is a document "Compiegne Armistice" testifies that the Entente gave Sovdep EVERYTHING to the western borders of the USSR sample 1940 g, ORDERING the Germans to get away from Russia.

        TEXT OF THE CEREBIA from 11 November 1918

        Art. 12 ...German troops located in Russia must return to Germany.
        Art. 15. Refusal of Bucharest, Brest-Litovsk and all additional agreements.

        Ah, the "damned" Entente, liberated the country from the invaders.
        And where were the valiant "fighters" at that time? lol with the Bolshevik invaders? belay
        And they had no time — trains of gold were being prepared for these same occupiers and they were destroying their people instead of the occupiers. angry
        1. +14
          17 November 2016 22: 01
          "Art. 12 ... German troops, which are located on the territory of Russia, must return to Germany." ... and then what do you not quote? Is the full text given in the article, or do you expect that no one will read?
          Here is the end - "as soon as the allies recognize that the moment has come for this, taking into account the internal situation of these territories." However, the secret subparagraph of the same article 12 already directly obliged Germany to keep its troops in the Baltic to fight Soviet Russia until the arrival of troops and fleets (in the Baltic Sea) of the Entente member states. ".....
          The "allies" did not recognize the moment as opposed, and the German troops remained in the Baltic states and in the Ukraine.
          This is how they "freed from the occupiers." Cheating sweetheart?
          1. +1
            18 November 2016 12: 13
            Quote: Ulan
            . "... and then what do you not quote?

            What's next? Further, article 13, that the Germans are withdrawn immediately upon the release of the command. What they did: by order of the Entente, they LEAVE from Rostov, Ukraine and Belarus. Behind them, behind them, cowardly, in the distance, the Bolsheviks - "freedom-lovers" cowed. lol
            Quote: Ulan
            the secret sub-clause of the same article 12 already directly obliged Germany to keep its troops in the Baltic to fight Soviet Russia until the arrival of troops and fleets (in the Baltic Sea) of the Entente member countries. ".....

            First-Leninde recognized independence of the Baltics in 1918 Gd and not theirs this was the case.
            Secondly, where is this "secret" point, except for this brain-inflamed agitator Martirosyan?
            1. +4
              18 November 2016 13: 56
              They did not leave anywhere before the Bolsheviks threw them out of Ukraine. Learn history.
              Martirosyan is smarter than you at times. I read Martirosyan’s works and there are many of them, your works on historical topics do not exist in nature. Do you and Martirosyan compete in the field of knowledge of history. Besides ambition there is nothing. Zero.
              1. +1
                18 November 2016 20: 52
                Quote: Ulan
                They did not leave anywhere before the Bolsheviks threw them out of Ukraine. Learn history.

                Are you not ashamed to be such an UNKNOWN, eh?
                Since November, 1918 and 1919 year on the so-called. Ukraine, the Bolsheviks fought with their own people, the Little Russians and the White Guard, which Germans?
                Quote: Ulan
                Martirosyan is smarter than you at times. I read the works of Martirosyan and there are many of them, your works on historical themes do not exist in nature. You and Martirosyan will not have any knowledge of history. Besides, there is no ambition.

                Martirosyan is a stupid propagandist, inventing a parallel reality.
                Enough of his phrases
                The fact is that the independence of Finland was granted by the Soviet government even 31 December 1917 of the year, which, by the way, Finland celebrates so far

                Finland spat on this "gift" and never celebrates it and does not even know: the Independence Day of Finland6 декабря 1917 года. Finland Leninde did not even ask for it, he asked for the independence of OF THE CONSTITUENT COUNCIL OF RUSSIA
                And this hoopoe stuck with his "confession" fool : it's like I took and - "recognized" the independence of Honduras lol
    5. +7
      17 November 2016 23: 40
      I tried to comment on the board on the body of the St. Petersburg website http://topspb.tv/news/news117758/
      Here's what happened:

      Комментарии (3)
      Add a comment
      14.11.2016, 19: 37
      Sergey S.
      Summing up what is known about Kolchak, we get a negative result. The desire to become famous in the Arctic expedition is not balanced by the bloody white terror under his leadership ... In addition, as far as I know, Kolchak is a war criminal who was denied rehabilitation.
      14.11.2016, 20: 22
      Nikita Andreevich
      Mr. Sergey S., study history, there was no trial of Kolchak, he was shot on the orders of the Irkutsk Political Council, and this is not a judicial measure, forgive, and considering this a war criminal is an erroneous opinion.
      14.11.2016, 20: 24
      There was no trial over Kolchak. He is not a war criminal. He is a scientist, researcher and did not seek to become famous in the Arctic expeditions. Hero of Russia. Enough to produce a lie Sergey S.

      The first comment for the seed went.
      And when he tried to insert another comment indicating the facts of refusal of rehabilitation, the attempts were ignored by the moderator. Posts did not appear ...

      These are not even double standards. This is an information war of white bandits against the people.
      1. +4
        18 November 2016 04: 05
        Quote: Sergey S.
        . This is an information war of white bandits against the people.

        Red "heroes", today they wet such people in toilets
        1. +2
          18 November 2016 10: 43
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Red "heroes", today they wet such people in toilets

          Is that you who have signed up with the washcloths?
          Eka ... already on TV on the central channels they begin to sing completely different songs, but here is such a cave, interior, hatred on the verge of madness.
          Are you ready for a new Civil?
          Together with a bunch of all kinds of Ulyukakayevs, Zakharovs and others, supported once again by NATO ... NATO fellow? Is there enough strength?
          1. 0
            18 November 2016 11: 48
            Quote: The Bloodthirster
            Is that you who have signed up with the washcloths?

            Quote: The Bloodthirster
            cave, interior, hatred on the verge of madness.

            On Maidan, they still sing and dance, join
            Quote: The Bloodthirster
            Are you ready for a new Civil?

            Do you want to kill compatriots? That is the whole point of Bolshevism.
            1. +3
              18 November 2016 13: 58
              He hid behind Putin. And why so modestly, it’s better to immediately after the mother’s skirt, as he hid from the draft in the army.
            2. +1
              18 November 2016 21: 41
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              Do you want to kill compatriots? That is the whole point of Bolshevism.

              It is nonsense.
              I would limit myself to this, but I do not want to burn bridges and respond to small-caliber injections.
              Unlike Menshevism, Bolshevism acted in the interests of the progressive class — the proletariat.
              Today, it is already not clear to the majority which detachment of the Russian society the Bolsheviks led.
              And these were workers, sailors, soldiers of the Petersburg garrison ...
              To make it clear on the eve of World War I, a skilled worker received more salary at the factory than a young officer ....
              By the level of knowledge in the physics of processes, the understanding of machines and mechanisms, workers were more educated than infantry or cavalry officers.
              The sailors of that time were entirely specialists: artillerymen, shurmansky, stokers, engine drivers, hold, miners ... This is generally the technical intelligentsia. So the former mechanics of the Volga steamboats Blinov, Mom’s created the first tractors in Russia. who claim to be a world novelty ...

              So the Bolsheviks relied on pushed by the tsarist orders, but fundamentally the most creative classes of Russia.
              Unlike the Mensheviks, who relied on the numerous, but less literate and already socially backward peasantry.
              There is nothing to say about whites. Reliance on officers at that time is about the same as relying on the honored political workers of the late USSR period - there is a lot of ambition, and there is almost no education, and a complete lack of prospects due to irreversible changes in society.
          2. +1
            21 November 2016 10: 48
            once again supported by ANT .. ff NATO
            ...byдused again ANT .. ugh NATO ..
    6. +7
      17 November 2016 23: 59
      Is it in service in England? Threw the country in the midst of a difficult war - a hero?
      He didn’t kill enemies in battle - he executed civilians.
    7. +1
      18 November 2016 10: 38
      And the witnesses are all from the enemies of Russia, not a single witness of Russian origin is net.Odni Jews and brazenly-Saxons.
    8. +2
      18 November 2016 11: 15
      Rather, the UK and the US. In Siberia, the "ruler of Omsk" by his actions deserved another title - the executioner.
    9. 0
      20 November 2016 10: 20
      Quote: Aleksander
      Alexander Vasilievich Kolchak-Hero of Russia

      The military propaganda of the Bolsheviks portrayed Kolchak as a puppet of the allies, but this, of course, was not so. If he were a puppet, his fate would have been much better. He would be safely taken out with the Czechs, they would have allocated a house in Cornwall, where he wrote his memoirs about the dashing past. However, Kolchak tried to insist on his rights, allowed himself to yell at his allies, to argue with them, and in general was extremely intractable (which is why his government never received official international recognition). He considered the intervention deeply offensive: “It offended me. I could not take it kindly. The very purpose and nature of the intervention was deeply offensive: it was not help to Russia, all this was presented as helping the Czechs, their safe return, and in connection with in this way, everything acquired a deeply offensive and deeply difficult character for the Russians. "

      Was Kolchak a bloody dictator? Dictator, of course, was and never denied this. His reign is the only case in the history of the establishment of a military dictatorship in Russian history.

      Was Kolchak bloody? Undoubtedly, under him, repressions were carried out against the Bolsheviks (although most often they ended in arrests), but it is also undoubted that he is by no means the most bloody figure in the Civil War. Both the Reds and the Whites had figures that were much more cruel and bloody. By the way, Kolchak himself in everyday life was generally a rather impressionable and even sentimental person. Perhaps that is why, during perestroika, Kolchak was even credited with the authorship of the famous romance "Burn, burn, my star", but this is nothing more than a popular myth. The song was written before the birth of the admiral.
  2. +44
    17 November 2016 15: 30
    Persistent attempts to perpetuate the names of the traitors and executioners of Russia are the same ideological sabotage as in Ukraine the heroization of the executioners and traitors of the Ukrainian people Bandera and Shukhevych and the like.
    It is unacceptable. Do you not notice how on TV, on the screens of movie theaters, in theaters, there is a real imposition of immorality, lack of spirituality under the brand of liberalism? So in this story with Mannerheim and Kolchak. And the memory of those guys who perish in peacetime in the fight against terrorists and other enemies of Russia in their homeland immortalized? And the memory of scientists who have devoted to the development of science and defense is immortalized. Here in one district center we have a street named after a surgeon who worked all his life until the last day in this hospital for almost half a century. So the residents of this district center decided and it should be so. We must have heroes worthy of our memory and our descendants, and they are not traitors or executioners. Whether someone likes it or not, it was the Bolsheviks who turned out to be the force that saved the country from collapse. And Kolchak, who voluntarily requested English and then American spies, signed an agreement with the Entente according to which Russia would cease to exist. The agreement stipulated in a special clause that there would be no restoration of the previous state government (monarchy or interim government).
    I regard this as a diversion, I believe that the FSB should intervene.
    Stop liberalizing our brains.
    1. +9
      17 November 2016 17: 00
      Dear Baloo, your statement is absurd. Under Nicholas !!, before the start of World War I, the area of ​​the Russian Empire was 1 million km² in 21,8 (that is, 1913/1 of the land), in 6 it was 2013 17 098 km², after the annexation of Crimea , which was donated by the communists of the Ukrainian SSR, which, in turn, was created by Comrade. Lenin for the destruction of "Russian great-power chauvinism", 246 sq. km. Where have almost 17125191 thousand square meters gone? km? After all, the saviors of Russia ruled !!! The population was about 4,700 million people, and now 180 million, where did the saviors of Russia take the people? Lenin and his associates destroyed Russia, distributed the lands inhabited by Russians to various union and autonomous entities that the Bolsheviks created. And now we are unraveling the consequences of Lenin's ethnic policy. As guys, communists are outraged by the tragedy in Odessa. in Donbass, etc. And who brought the country to this? Maybe Kolchak or Nikolai !!? The Bolsheviks got it. And they hid their kids in the USA and the EU, show your curiosity, where are all the kids of our secretaries general. Yes, some of the ordinary communists were real patriots, but the Leninists, whom Stalin cleaned up in time, were Russophobes. The communists did to Russia what we have now. And it's not over yet.
      1. +17
        17 November 2016 17: 42
        the captain of communists has not been in power for more than 25 years already! Actually, the USSR was the second power in the world, and in many ways the first, unlike Tsarist Russia, Nikolashka! And if you want to write something about the population growth under Nikolashka, then Africa is also big population growth and this does not mean that there is a high standard of living! and in the third, Nicholas the second was not overthrown by the Bolsheviks!
        1. +4
          17 November 2016 22: 03
          There are no communists in power, and the territory of Russia has declined yet.
      2. +10
        17 November 2016 18: 28
        Captain And what, all of the above, at least somehow justifies Kolchak? In the garden of elderberry and Kiev uncle, that's all your statement
      3. +10
        17 November 2016 20: 00
        Before the outbreak of World War I, the area of ​​the Russian Empire was 1 million km² in 21,8 (i.e. 1913/1 of the land), in 6 it was 2013 km²,

        It is more correct to compare 1917 (without the occupied territories) and 1990.
        The population was about 180 million people, and now 145 million, where did the saviors of Russia share the people?

        Again they shook. RI and the Russian Federation are not the same thing.
        The communists have done with Russia what we have now.

        Monarchists did with Russia what we had before the abdication of Nicholas II
        And this is not the end.

        Do not wait!
        1. +3
          17 November 2016 22: 04
          Do not worry, they will continue to cheat.
      4. +9
        17 November 2016 22: 48
        Rotmister, I wonder, where would the Bolsheviks be if Nicholas and such bastards as Kolchak and other generals would endure their immediate duties and would think more about their people and the interests of the state? The Bolsheviks are a consequence, and the reasons are completely different. You can use your brain to understand them.
        We rode the empire, and now let's blame everything on the Bolsheviks. Yes, if it were not for the Bolsheviks to shred the Anglo-Saxons and the Japanese and other afflicted Russia so that there would be no trace.
      5. +2
        18 November 2016 01: 09
        Our story is complicated. Do not chop off in a rush and do not alienate yourself from it. All our grandfathers got a dashing share. We need to save the rest, this is our sadness.
        1. +2
          18 November 2016 02: 55
          The dashing share went to the tsar because of the loser, who surrounded himself with scoundrels and bloodsuckers in the likeness of Kolchak.

          And this must be remembered so that there is less chance of repetition.

          Here is the same Poklonskaya, what a pretty woman in appearance, and such ...
          1. +1
            18 November 2016 11: 33
            Quote: Krabik
            The dashing share went to the tsar because of the loser, who surrounded himself with scoundrels and bloodsuckers in the likeness of Kolchak.

            not he yourself surrounded - they surrounded him!
            1. +2
              18 November 2016 14: 00
              Well, yes, but he did not take part in this, he only obeyed orders. I wonder who ordered him, this is the autocrat.
            2. +2
              21 November 2016 10: 58
              he didn’t surround himself - they surrounded him!
              ... and I went into the dense forest alone, and a flock of wolves in the forest clamped me ... It’s not me Dr. Urak, it’s the wolves that surrounded me ...
      6. +2
        18 November 2016 11: 27
        Quote: captain
        ... Under Nicholas !!, before the start of World War I, the area of ​​the Russian Empire was 1 million km² in 21,8 (that is, 1913/1 of the land), in 6 it was 2013 17 098 km², after the annexation of Crimea , which was donated by the communists of the Ukrainian SSR, which, in turn, was created by Comrade. Lenin for the destruction of "Russian great-power chauvinism", 246 sq. km. Where have almost 17125191 thousand square meters gone? km? After all, the saviors of Russia ruled !!! The population was about 4,700 million people, and now 180 million, where did the saviors of Russia take the people?

        This is 180 million, along with Poland and Finland.
        In 1991, the population of the USSR was 240 million people.
        It is more convenient to hang noodles on the ears in front of the mirror. Look for gullible idiots there.
  3. SMS
    17 November 2016 15: 33
    Historian Martirosyan !? Who is this? From a gum club?
    1. avt
      17 November 2016 16: 21
      Quote: SMS
      Historian Martirosyan !? Who is this? From a gum club?

      Quote: kalibr
      Only one question: how does Martirosyan know that Kolchak is an English spy? A source of information (reliable, evidence-based, recognized by the scientific community) and I am both in favor of being a bastard!

      Because then the author says "let's start studying." Why study? Where are the documents, photocopies of sheets with the payment of "spy awards", the signature in blood "I betray ...". Instead - somewhere in 1915-16. And study it?

      Actually, the senior officer of the KGB of the USSR under the Council of Ministers of the same USSR, naturally retired. God knows what a secret. Speaking of
      He tried to recapture Lenin by the Baltic forces,
      Really threw there a reinforced and well-equipped and armed Latvian division and it really achieved significant results. BUT, how TOTALLY TRUE gives the author a link to
      Article 12 of the Compiegne Armistice Agreement stated: "All German troops that are now in the territories that constituted Russia before the war must equally return to Germany as soon as the Allies recognize that the moment has come for this, taking into account the internal situation of these territories. ". However, the secret sub-clause of the same Article 12 already directly obliged Germany to keep its troops in the Baltic to fight Soviet Russia until the arrival of troops and fleets (in the Baltic Sea) of the Entente member countries.
      It was the Germans who knocked out the Latvian division.
      1. +7
        17 November 2016 18: 33
        Quote: avt
        It was the Germans who knocked out the Latvian division.

        To be specific, the famous von der Goltz corps.
        But not a single good deed goes unpunished: after the external threat disappeared, the Balts quickly lay down under the Entente and kicked out the Germans (in fact, defending their independence).
        1. avt
          17 November 2016 19: 40
          Quote: Alexey RA
          To be specific, the famous von der Goltz corps.

          They are, they are relatives. And there he was, "lily" Junkers in service
          Quote: Alexey RA
          the Balts quickly lay down under the Entente and kicked the Germans out with kicks

          Well, they changed their shoes on the fly - a fact. But what is interesting, do you remember Raskolnikov? Well, the accuser of Stalin and Trotsky's creature on a fleet commander in the Baltic, captured on two destroyers? So, from the captured Bolsheviks identified by the officers, they shot, and Raskolnikov ... ... in the admiral's cabin with the English admiral on the English cruiser departed for Greatbritania. From where he came to the RSFSR-ju. Here, however, there was such a character suspected of treason by Stalin, whose letter "Ogonyok" under Korotich sprinkled at Pierestroyku.
    2. +5
      17 November 2016 22: 04
      "SMS Today, 15:33 New
      Historian Martirosyan !? Who is this? From the gum club? "...................
      Excuse yourself clown yourself?
  4. +9
    17 November 2016 15: 37
    Only one question: how does Martirosyan know that Kolchak is an English spy? A source of information (reliable, evidence-based, recognized by the scientific community) and I am both in favor of being a bastard!

    Because then the author says "let's start studying." Why study? Where are the documents, photocopies of sheets with the payment of "spy awards", the signature in blood "I betray ...". Instead - somewhere in 1915-16. And study it?
    1. +19
      17 November 2016 15: 55
      A.Kolchak in letters A. Timireva: "December 30, 1917. I am recruited into the service of His Majesty the King of England "" Singapore, 16 March. (1918). Under him, on the roadstead of the Sevastopol Bay, the powerful battleship "Empress Maria" was blown up for an unknown reason and sunk. On the eve of the explosion, dismissals from the ship to the shore were prohibited .. Under him, the Black Sea Fleet also lost several smaller ships with crews - even before they came into contact with enemy ships. It's no secret that Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence when he was still a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet. It happened at the turn of 1915-1916. This was already a betrayal of the Tsar and the Fatherland. Entente ships in 1918 calmly entered the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea without any interference. June 28, 1916 Kolchak was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet. This happened with direct patronage of a British intelligence resident in Russia, Colonel Samuel Hor and the British ambassador to the Russian Empire, Buchanan. He simply abandoned the fleet and in August 1917 secretly fled to England. Kolchak received the title of admiral from the hands of the Provisional Government, to whom he also swore allegiance, and also betrayed! Having fled to England, he already in August 1917, together with the chief of the naval general staff of Great Britain, General Hall, discussed the need to establish a dictatorship in Russia. Simply put, the question of the overthrow of the Provisional Government, of the coup. At the request of the American ambassador to England, Kolchak was sent to the United States, where he was recruited by diplomatic intelligence of the US State Department. The recruitment was carried out by former Secretary of State Elijah Ruth. As a result, becoming a double Anglo-American agent, Kolchak after the October coup of 1917 turned to the English envoy to Japan K. Green, requesting the government of His Majesty the King of England, George V, to officially accept him for service. On December 30, 1917, the British government officially granted Kolchak’s request. From this moment, Kolchak has officially switched to the side of the enemy. Why the enemy? Yes, because, firstly, on November 15 (28), 1917, the Supreme Council of the Entente made an official decision on intervention in Russia. Secondly, already on December 10 (23), 1917, the leaders of the Entente's European core - England and France - signed the convention on the division of Russia into spheres of influence as follows: the North of Russia and the Baltic states fell into the zone of English influence, France got Ukraine and the South of Russia. The British general Knox, who oversaw Kolchak in Siberia, openly admitted that the British were directly responsible for creating the Kolchak government. It's time to end the collective moaning of the supposedly innocently murdered admiral. In the documents of British intelligence, the US Department of State, in the personal correspondence of Colonel House A.V. Kolchak is directly called their double agent. On May 26, 1919, the Entente Supreme Council sent the admiral (his actions on behalf of the allied command were led by the already mentioned British General Knox and military intelligence intelligence J. Halford Mackinder, subsequently the most famous British geopolitician) note in which, reporting on the severance of relations with the Soviet government, expressed his readiness to recognize him as the supreme ruler of Russia. And this is what is characteristic. They recognized him, but only de facto. And with all this, they demanded that he take purely legal actions - they put forward a harsh ultimatum to him, according to which Kolchak had to agree in writing to: 1. There was no point in separating Poland and Finland from Russia, especially with regard to Finland, except for the fierce desire of London to arrange everything so that these countries received independence allegedly from the hands of the Entente. The fact is that the independence of Finland was granted by the Soviet government on December 31, 1917, which, incidentally, Finland still celebrates. 2. Submitting the issue of secession of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania (as well as the Caucasus and the Trans-Caspian region) from Russia to the arbitration of the League of Nations in the event that the necessary agreements are not reached between Kolchak and the "governments" of these territories. Along the way, Kolchak was presented with an ultimatum so that he recognized the Versailles Conference's right to decide the fate of Bessarabia. Kolchak had to ensure that he would not restore "special privileges in favor of any class or organization." Simply put, the Entente was not satisfied with the restoration of not only the tsarist regime, but even the regime of the Provisional Government, i.e. united and indivisible Russia as a state and country. On June 12, 1919, Kolchak gave the Entente a written answer, which she considered satisfactory.
      1. +3
        17 November 2016 16: 43
        This is good information about the letter. You just need to indicate where it was published. But then why does the author write that he was recruited in 1915-16? Or does he indicate specific dates in this letter or some other documents? In such serious matters, no "trifles" can be considered trifles.
        1. +12
          17 November 2016 18: 03
          My koment compilation of different authors. I have no reason to doubt their objectivity.
          I am neither a historian nor a political scientist, nor a military man. There are people on the site who studied these issues, receiving appropriate professional education. They can give you links of interest. I just expressed my point of view. You have a simplified view of the history of the civil war. Kolchak relied on the Entente, the Bolsheviks on most of the people. Because Entente and Kolchak lost. Civil wars and revolutions are without sacrifices, including innocent ones. It was the Bolsheviks, and not the essayers and other shellups, who could become the organizing force that put up real resistance to the Entente and retained the state.
          1. +4
            17 November 2016 22: 10
            Yes, let him read Martirosyan’s books and find out everything. All necessary links are given there.
    2. +8
      17 November 2016 17: 59
      From the protocol of interrogation of Kolchak. I received a telegram from London. I was invited to go to Beijing to meet with the former royal ambassador.
      He gave me the INSTRUCTIONS of the ENGLISH government. I was asked to immediately gather forces to fight the Bolsheviks. "So who gave the instructions and who is he after that?
    3. +7
      17 November 2016 18: 08
      Quote: kalibr
      Because then the author says "let's start studying." Why study? Where are the documents, photocopies of sheets with the payment of "spy awards", the signature in blood "I betray ...". Instead - somewhere in 1915-16. And study it?

      And how many all kinds of agents were and still are in power, or at senior posts?
      There are only "Chicago boys in pink panties" who studied abroad, even in the same States, all sorts of Gaidars, Shokhens, Avins, Nichaevs, etc.
      Will they really work to strengthen Russia, the army, industry, etc.?
    4. +3
      17 November 2016 22: 08
      Read Martirosyan’s books and find out. It provides detailed links to documents. Why ask questions here on the forum, do you really think someone will fully quote Martirosyan’s books here?
  5. +18
    17 November 2016 15: 43
    Q.E.D. Gentlemen "whites" why should they emphasize their stupidity? Suitcase-station-Europe, to clean shoes for immigrants there. The "whites" are not capable of anything else. Not for you to care about Russia.
    1. +6
      17 November 2016 17: 25
      Just look at how many monarchists appeared on the site. !!!!!
      1. +7
        17 November 2016 18: 04
        These are not monarchists, these are daughters of Crimean officers who have more than one thing to do. In the morning loot-evening koment, no bobla-no koment.
        1. +2
          18 November 2016 11: 28
          Quote: Balu
          These are not monarchists, these are daughters of Crimean officers who have more than one thing to do. In the morning loot-evening koment, no bobla-no koment.

          ... how is it not?
          And - for the soul ?! free ... For pleasure, troll! ...
      2. +8
        17 November 2016 22: 13
        Well, what kind of monarchists are they? Clowns and trolls. There is no monarchist party in Russia, because the required number and ... comrades who would have joined there are not observed in Russia. And there are no real monarchists in Russia. There are pseudo-monarchists under the monarchists mowing. Something like a game, in the manner of role-players. Well, the hobbits are different there, elves, etc.
    2. +1
      18 November 2016 01: 26
      Yes, the tragedy in question. Well, are you so - rewind?
  6. +6
    17 November 2016 15: 56
    Where does this path lead gentlemen contemporaries in Russia ?! Very curve this track!
  7. +12
    17 November 2016 15: 57
    How i like these
    Not a secret, that Kolchak was recruited by British intelligence when he was still a captain of the 1st rank and commander of a mine division in the Baltic Fleet

    Well this can be answered
    Not a secret that Lenin was recruited by German intelligence

    By the way, feel the difference between the British allies, the Germans opponents. Who is really a traitor in this case?
    1. +23
      17 November 2016 17: 11
      bk316 Today, 15:57 New
      Well this can be answered
      It is no secret that Lenin was recruited by German intelligence
      Yes, even Ethiopian! The fact is that Kolchak brought the invaders to our land, who eventually merged him. And Lenin, no matter what agent he was, stopped the destruction and dismemberment of Russia by its "allies" in the Entente. You have to judge by the results.
      By the way, feel the difference between the British allies, the Germans opponents. Who is really a traitor in this case?
      Worse than enmity with the Anglo-Saxons can only be FRIENDSHIP with the Anglo-Saxons! The English are our worst enemies since the time of Ivan the Terrible, so teach the materiel as they say.
      1. +8
        17 November 2016 18: 14
        I agree about the Anglo-Saxons, but it was Lenin and not Kolchak who gave a third of the country (by resources)
        Germans who are not much better than the Anglo-Saxons. And his heir in a straight line Khrushchev still gave a lot of Russian. But Stalin did not give, but added simply because he was never a Bolshevik.
        1. +7
          17 November 2016 22: 19
          Kolchak gave a lot more. Read the article how the owners of Kolchak divided Russia.
          England North and Caucasus, France Crimea and Ukraine, Japan and America, Far East and Siberia.
          There are still Turks, they infiltrated the Caucasus and the Germans also went to Ukraine.
          It was Lenin who did not let this meanness happen.
          Look at the map of the USSR in 1924 before the death of Lenin. He did not give anything.
          1. +5
            18 November 2016 09: 28
            Quote: Ulan
            Kolchak’s owners divided Russia.
            England North and Caucasus, France Crimea and Ukraine, Japan and America, Far East and Siberia.
            There are still Turks, they infiltrated the Caucasus and the Germans also went to Ukraine.
            It was Lenin who did not let this meanness happen.

            And where can I see the original documents, which indicate that the Caucasus is English possession, and Ukraine is the possession of France? For example, the official text of the Soviet-Turkish agreement on "friendship and brotherhood", signed on March 16, 1921 in the city of Moscow between the government of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the government of the RSFSR, is known. According to the agreement, the southern part of Batumi region (Artvinsky okrug) was transferred to Turkey as a part of Turkey ), the former Kars region, the former Surmalinsky district and the western part of the former Alexandropol district of the Erivan province of the Russian Empire.
            Quote: Ulan
            Look at the map of the USSR in 1924 before the death of Lenin. He gave nothing.
            1. +3
              18 November 2016 14: 03
              Look for yourself in England. Do not you teach me Russian history.
          2. +2
            18 November 2016 16: 56
            Kolchak gave a lot more.

            You write a classic liberalistic nonsense (although you defend the Bolsheviks).
            The nonsense is that you do not distinguish speculation from facts.
            Let me explain. In order to give something you need to have it.
            Lenin had because he was the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, and Kolchak how could he give something back?
            He could want to give, he could promise to give, but he could not give.
            Thoughts, desires, intentions - these are speculations that must be able to distinguish them from facts.
            The second:
            The fact that Lenin returned part of that (not all) of what he gave does not in any way cancel the fact that he gave.
        2. +1
          18 November 2016 17: 12
          Quote: bk316
          But Stalin did not give, but added simply because he was never a Bolshevik.

          Have you come up with this stupid thing?
          However, judging by all the stupidities you learned quite a bit, but the trouble, the stupidity as the lie, how not to paint it, how not to wrap it in beautiful and colorful clothes, will always give way to a harsh and inconspicuous dress-Truth.
          What are these
          Quote: bk316
          gave a third of the country (by resources)

          What resources, to whom did you give? How does your FALSE confirm, besides your writings?
          Quote: bk316
          And his heir in a straight line Khrushchev still gave a lot of Russian.

          Yes, and what does this mean, you are an illiterate writer of regular fairy tales? In fact, is Khrushchev an unfinished Trotskyist, what does Lenin actually have to do with it? About the Crimea talk about hunting?
          Well, let's start, starting with Yeltsin, your Fuhrer, that he handed over a little Crimea, and almost ruined the country, it’s weak to admit that your country = HARM and LOSS has done much more than a couple of Hitler and Kolchak since the 90s.
      2. +9
        17 November 2016 18: 33
        And about the materiel, I read Lenin and Stalin in the original.
        The history of the 1938 AUCPB and the collected works of Lenin in 1926 are still in a prominent place. I also recommend it to you, maybe then you will understand that it’s hard to find Lenin more cynical and hostile towards the Russians than it is Lenin. But with Stalin, the opposite is true.
        1. +2
          18 November 2016 17: 20
          Quote: bk316
          I read Lenin and Stalin in the original.

          Actually, Lenin, because it is written, and not with a capital letter, the second thing that you read there already shows how you read and in fact, DO NOT read, do not understand and do not understand, neither Lenin nor Stalin.
          So, Mr. Liar, you are demonstrating agitprop of the damned Yakovlev and K.
          The words that Stalin was a loyal student and a worthy successor of the Lenin case were constantly heard in publications of the 30s and early 50s. This provision was revised in a report by N. S. Khrushchev at a closed meeting of the XX Congress of the CPSU . The then first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee accused Stalin of violating the Leninist principles and norms of party life.

          These accusations were continued at the end of Gorbachev's perestroika. Stalin was accused of exterminating the Leninist guard and betraying Leninism. Dmitry Volkogonov in his two-volume work "Triumph and Tragedy. Political Portrait of IV Stalin", published in 1990, stated: "Stalin ... more and more moved away from the Leninist concept ... Having interpreted Leninism in his own way, the dictator committed a crime against thought ... The humanistic essence of Leninism in Stalin's "transformations" was lost. "
          Quote: bk316
          that it’s hard to find Lenin’s more cynical and hostile towards Russians specifically

          Another FALSE
          "Is the feeling of national pride alien to us, Great Russian class-conscious proletarians? Of course not! We love our language and our homeland, we work most of all to raise its working masses (that is, 9/10 of its population) to the conscious life of democrats and socialists. It hurts us most of all to see and feel what kind of violence, oppression and humiliation tsarist executioners, nobles and capitalists are subjected to our beautiful homeland. We are proud that these violence provoked resistance from our environment of Great Russians, that this environment brought forward Radishchev, Decembrists, raznochintsy revolutionaries of the 70s, that the Great Russian working class created in 1905 a powerful revolutionary party of the masses, that the Great Russian peasant began at the same time to become a democrat, began to overthrow the priest and the landowner ... We are full of a sense of national pride, for the Great Russian also created the revolutionary class, also proved that it is capable of giving humanity great examples of the struggle for freedom and socialism, and not only great pogroms, ranks gallows, torture chambers, great hunger strikes and great subservience to priests, tsars, landowners and capitalists. We are full of a sense of national pride, and that is why we especially hate our slavish past (when landowners, nobles led peasants to war in order to stifle the freedom of Hungary, Poland, Persia, China) and our slavish present, when the same landowners, promoted by the capitalists, are leading us to the war, to strangle Poland and Ukraine, to crush the democratic movement in Persia and China, to strengthen the gang of Romanovs, Bobrinsky, Purishkevichs, shameful to our Great Russian national dignity ... "Lenin VI On the national pride of the Great Russians. 1914. PSS. T . 26 pp. 107-108
          And we, Great Russian workers, full of feelings of national pride, want at all costs free and independent, independent, democratic, republican, proud Great Russia, building its relations with its neighbors on the human principle of equality, rather than humiliating the great nation of the feudal principle of privileges ... "
          Lenin V.I. On the national pride of the Great Russians. 1914. MSS. T. 26 pp. 107-108
          So on the account of what you "read" keep quiet.

          “Reactionary imperialist wars at all ends of the world are inevitable. And to forget that tens of millions were killed then and there will be more bits now, when solving all issues of such a property, mankind cannot, and it will not forget. After all, we live in the twentieth century, and the only people who came out of the reactionary war in a revolutionary way, not in favor of this or that government, but tore them off, were the Russian people, and the Russian revolution brought them out. And that which was conquered by the Russian revolution is inalienable. No power can take this, just as no power in the world can take back the fact that the Soviet state was created. This is a world-historical victory ... And the people felt, the peasant saw, every soldier returning from the front knew perfectly well that in the person of Soviet power he received a more democratic, closer power to the working people. "
          Lenin V.I. XI Congress of the RCP (B.). 1922. MSS. T. 45. Page 108-109
          This is what scares you, that you and others like you are lying so impudently, contrasting Lenin and Stalin.
      3. +5
        17 November 2016 22: 15
        By the way, Lenin sent his "masters", if they were, of course, where to go right after the October Revolution, and Kolchak served to the end. until they passed it.
    2. +11
      17 November 2016 17: 33
      Information about the financing of the RSDLP (b) by the German General Staff = LIPA =

      The famous English spy George Hill, in his autobiographical book My Spy Life, tells who produced the fake Germans financing documents for the Bolsheviks. Hill spent almost two years in revolutionary Russia, beginning in the summer of 1917. He was an ardent anti-communist and participated in several conspiracies against the Soviet regime. So there is no reason to suspect Hill of sympathy for the Bolsheviks.

      The initiator of the legend that the Bolsheviks, in particular Lenin, were agents of Germany, became Minister of Arms of France Albert Thome, and the developer and performer - the captain of French intelligence, Pierre Laurent. It was he who advocated in the summer of 1917 the idea of ​​the use by the Germans of the Bolsheviks and Lenin personally as "paid German agents." Boris Nikitin, the counterintelligence chief of the Provisional Government, helped him in disseminating this information.
      1. +6
        17 November 2016 18: 08
        And the information about Kolchak, an English agent, is not a linden?
        But the author doesn’t care, he just writes not a secret...
        1. +1
          18 November 2016 17: 22
          Quote: bk316
          And the information about Kolchak, an English agent, is not a linden?

          Unlike your gossip, myths, and specifically lime trees, they say that you studied there, the information that Kolchak is a double agent, there is a historically confirmed fact. So it's not destiny for you to elevate Judas and the traitor who trades in Russia to the ranks of a "hero".
      2. +1
        18 November 2016 10: 41
        Quote: Turkestan
        Information about the financing of the RSDLP (b) by the German General Staff = LIPA =

        Then where is the money from? The revolution is not cheap, the amounts were in the millions. Parvus, Shift transferred money, it is a fact. And in whose interests they worked - see who benefits. But obviously not just private investment.
    3. +11
      17 November 2016 18: 15
      It is no secret that Lenin was recruited by German intelligence

      There is no documentary evidence that Lenin was an agent of German intelligence. Colonel of German intelligence Walter Nicolai really recruited Parvus, convinced the German prime minister to give money for the transnational company Parvus, indeed at the headquarters of the Bolsheviks during the February revolution there was a "beitsantung bureau" of 30 German intelligence officers from chief to corporal (we were told at school that these were German Social Democrats helped the Bolsheviks, but in fact they recruited, taught all the operational wisdom, planned sabotage - we know this period too little, Mlechin has documents with the stamps of a respected organization: lists of these "Social Democrats" and titles, amounts in stamps ). Once again, there is no documentary confirmation of the recruitment of Lenin and his direct ties with Baron V. Nikolai, but there is an interesting list of passengers in the "sealed" carriage, but weren't there other such cars in which the agents of influence returned, whom Stalin so persistently cleaned out? As for Kolchak, he, unlike other officers of the tsarist army, incl. General Staff, became a traitor and executioner. Mannerheim collaborated with Hitler? Were there military bases, intelligence schools that trained saboteurs on the territory of Finland? Both of these personalities deserved one thing by their betrayal: damnation and oblivion.
      1. +5
        17 November 2016 18: 35
        Do you have documentary evidence that Kolchak is an English spy?
        1. +6
          18 November 2016 06: 02
          Does Kolchak’s personal repeated confession that he entered the British Empire’s official service also count for you? laughing
          1. +4
            18 November 2016 09: 37
            The fact that Admiral Kolchak, after the destruction of the Russian Army by the Communists, decided to continue to fight with the Germans as part of the allied British Navy, it does him honor. The Bolsheviks, as you know, having signed the Brest Peace, became lackeys of the German Empire.Russian Legion of Honor http://www.xxl3.ru/kadeti/rus_korpus.htm#vasiljev
            1. +6
              18 November 2016 10: 03
              Quote: ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH
              Admiral Kolchak, after the destruction of the Russian Army by the Communists, decided to continue to fight with the Germans

              Lying. Normally.

              1. Kolchak admiral's epaulettes hung himself self-appointedly. Legally, he was promoted only to the rank of vice admiral. If you don’t know what the difference is, do not panic into the discussion of topics that you do not understand.

              2. I look forward to hearing from you a list of Kolchak’s battles with the Germans after his flight from the post of commander of the Black Sea Fleet. laughing

              3. I am also waiting for the list of communists who signed the famous Order No. 1 of the Provisional Government, which laid the foundation for the organized collapse of the army and navy.

              4. Moreover: when Kolchak had already fled his post in the Black Sea, the Russian fleet continued to fight the Germans in the Baltic, including under the command of the Bolsheviks there was the most stubborn resistance to the Germans. Where was Kolchak at that time?

              5. In late 1917 - early 1918, it was not the imperial army, which ceased to exist, that fought the Germans, but the Red Guard, which was led by the very communists.
              Where was Kolchak at that time, and what was he doing?

              Quote: ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH
              The Bolsheviks, as you know, having signed the Brest Peace became lackeys of the German Empire.

              What is "known" in your chamber and your alternate universe, I do not know and is not interested in.
              6. In our reality, knowledgeable people know that the signing of the Brest Peace was a necessary, inevitable and necessary action in the face of physical impossibility to confront the German army. Which, please note, and under the king was already successfully advancing.
              7. And also, in our reality, immediately after the defeat of Germany in the WWII, the Bolsheviks declared the conditions of the Brest Peace invalid and successfully won back the losses associated with this.
              8. In addition, the Bolsheviks declared traitors and defeated those who really were German lackeys - for example, Skoropadsky.
              9. I ask you to note at the same time that it was the whites, not the reds, who received German aid during the civil war.
              All this once again exposes your lies.
              1. +3
                18 November 2016 10: 16
                You lie FSE ... 1. The fact that the rank of "vice admiral" in ordinary conversation is reduced to "admiral" is quite normal, this is not a military order. In the Russian Army, even in the ranks, the lieutenant colonel could well have been addressed by a "colonel" and this was not considered a violation of command.
                2. "I decided to fight", but for a number of reasons I was not assigned to the British Fleet.
                3.laid the foundation for the organized collapse of the army and navy. Do not flatter, the Bolsheviks took an active part in the collapse and finished it.After the October Revolution of 1917, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted December 16, 1917 decrees "On the elective beginning and organization of power in the army" and "On the equation in the rights of all military personnel."
                4. Conditions of the Brest Peace with Germany

                According to the conditions of the Brest Peace:
                1) Russia lost Ukraine, the Grand Duchy of Finland, partially - Belarus, Poland and the Baltic states.
                2) The Russian army and navy should have been demobilized.
                3) The Russian fleet was supposed to withdraw to Germany and Austria-Hungary.
                4) Russia lost part of the land in the Caucasus - the Batumi and Kars regions.
                5) The Soviet government obliged to stop revolutionary propaganda in Germany and Austria, as well as in allied countries.
                6) The Soviet Republic paid 6 billion marks of reparations plus payment of losses incurred by Germany during the Russian Revolution - 500 million gold rubles.
                1. +5
                  18 November 2016 10: 25
                  Quote: ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH
                  "I decided to fight," but for a number of reasons was not included in the British Fleet.

                  Does this change something, did he take the oath to the English throne? This is a betrayal in itself, and even more so to proclaim himself a banana "supreme" in Russia, this indicative colonial administration of Russia by this admiral was prepared, as he signed a paper, oh division of the country into 4 zones of occupation, so they floated under the ice, as unnecessary.
                  Quote: ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH
                  1) Russia lost Ukraine, the Grand Duchy of Finland, partially - Belarus, Poland and the Baltic states.
                  2) The Russian army and navy should have been demobilized.
                  3) The Russian fleet was supposed to withdraw to Germany and Austria-Hungary.

                  What is the result of this? Ah ... yes, the White Fleet was stolen into Bizerte, handed over to the metal mine, and so the requirement of the Allies was fulfilled.
                  Army? Created by the Red Army, again in a blank cry.
                  Lost part of the territories? And so you have a recipe so that you could not lose them — if you lose a little, you save more, and then they completely return it, again you have a blank tirade of yesterday’s forever losing white.
                  Returning to the Fleet, only the Baltic Fleet practically did not lose its ships in favor of the Belykh and the Antanta, all the rest were hijacked, and who asked in this case did the damage to the country, if not the corrupt WHITE and their ANTANTA patrons?
                  1. +3
                    18 November 2016 10: 30
                    Tovarisch the Bloodsucker, you should at least carefully read. was not subjects of the British Empire. And the Brest Treaty is official documentsigned by the authorities of the Soviet Republic. What is written with a pen ...
                    1. +2
                      18 November 2016 10: 33
                      Quote: ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH
                      Kolchak was not a subject of the British Empire.

                      Blah blah blah-oath of allegiance to the English crown-a subject of her dubious Majesty.
                      After six months, the Brest peace and its results lost all significance, so you shouldn’t shed crocodile tears and tell myths here.
                2. +3
                  18 November 2016 12: 52
                  I repeat the questions already asked:
                  2. I look forward to hearing from you a list of Kolchak’s battles with the Germans after his flight from the post of commander of the Black Sea Fleet. laughing
                  3. I am also waiting for the list of communists who signed the famous Order No. 1 of the Provisional Government, which laid the foundation for the organized collapse of the army and navy.
                  4. Moreover: when Kolchak had already fled his post in the Black Sea, the Russian fleet continued to fight the Germans in the Baltic, including under the command of the Bolsheviks there was the most stubborn resistance to the Germans. Where was Kolchak at that time?
                  5. In late 1917 - early 1918, it was not the imperial army, which ceased to exist, that fought the Germans, but the Red Guard, which was led by the very communists.
                  Where was Kolchak at that time, and what was he doing?

                  And I look forward to your distinct answer - or recognition that you cannot provide such lists.

                  Quote: ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH
                  the rank of "vice admiral" in ordinary conversation is reduced to "admiral" is quite normal

                  In the "normal conversation" of civilian talkers, you can even call a gun a howitzer and vice versa, this is normal lol - but there seems to be a specialized forum "Military Review", eh? laughing

                  Quote: ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH
                  After the October Revolution of 1917, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted December 16, 1917

                  You are not only a liar, you are also an ignoramus. Find out when there was Order No. 1 mentioned here and calculate the difference from February to December, okay? laughing

                  Quote: ALEXEY VLADIMIROVICH
                  4. Conditions of the Brest Peace with Germany

                  And you read the terms of the Portsmouth Peace, concluded with considerable benefit for Japan, and after that enroll in the Japanese servants Nikolashka with Witte. lol
                  Or don’t trynd about the service of the Bolsheviks to the Germans only on the basis of the conditions of the Brest Peace - by the way, the Bolsheviks rejected a short time after its conclusion.
            2. +4
              18 November 2016 10: 50
              The lackeys were those who waved the Entente into all their holes. Russia was saved by the Bolsheviks and Russian officers who did not betray the people and their land, they did this and did the Entente in all its Entente holes.
    4. +4
      17 November 2016 18: 56
      And how do you such "arguments": "on immeasurable vanity, on the use of drugs (we will give a dose obediently). At that time, many smelled the powder."
  8. +5
    17 November 2016 15: 57
    Prophesy broadcast, do not toss bags! Truly, if the Lord wants to punish a person, does he lose his mind? Kashchenko misses the Author, you are our oratory !!!
    1. +5
      17 November 2016 18: 43
      Why are you so strict to Oleg (the ignorant), he tried and collected arguments for young children or for those "yesterday" who have forgotten how to think at all.
  9. +15
    17 November 2016 16: 16
    Quote: Wend
    war criminal Kolchak
    Well, of course. Kolchak the traitor, Nicholas II the Bloody. And Alexander Ulyanov, who attempted the life of the emperor, was not a terrorist, Lenin gave the collector of Russian lands to the native Russian lands, Khrushchep at which shot a demonstration in Novocherkassk white and fluffy, etc. I look quite living in phantom pains about the USSR in the minds of darkness. Learn to evaluate fully the affairs of famous people, and not wedge on the postulates that are beneficial to you.

    It looks like Chubais's older brother has really "dug in" on our site! belay
    1. +21
      17 November 2016 17: 13
      Radikal Today, 16:16 New
      It looks like Chubais's older brother has really "dug in" on our site! belay
      I have been writing about this for a long time. The site is slowly but surely turning into a liberal-bourgeois trash!
      1. +7
        17 November 2016 18: 40
        And that the whole world history is limited only to the Bolsheviks and liberals, no third is given.
        I dislike those and others about the same (well, maybe a little more liberals).
        Because they are very similar, they even did the same thing: seizing the moment of Russia's weaknesses, they destroyed the great state.
        1. +4
          17 November 2016 22: 25
          You can understand your position, but then who is the third, who can be trusted and who can be followed?
          1. +3
            18 November 2016 16: 36
            In the history of Russia (my personal opinion) this is at least
            Grozny, Petr1, Stalin and I hope Putin.
            1. +3
              18 November 2016 17: 26
              Quote: bk316
              In the history of Russia (my personal opinion) this is at least
              Grozny, Petr1, Stalin and I hope Putin.

              What a brain twist .. Before the reforms of Peter the Great, there were the reforms of Alexei the Quietest, before Stalin was the founder of the USSR / Lenin, and who and to whom do we owe the collapse of the country if not the forerunners of Putin, Yeltsin and Gorbachev?
              Is it easy for Putin to rake your liberal Augean stables, where all sorts of thieves and drones swarm like Chubais, everyone who is already bored, Ulyukaev, zakharov and other geysers?
              Would you go to school or something ... otherwise you know nothing, chatting like that ...
      2. +9
        17 November 2016 22: 23
        And once the site was in the ring of patriotic sites. Apparently, the minuses were canceled so that these gentlemen felt at ease here. And they are allowed such transcendent rudeness that you wonder.
        I was not on the site for just a year and a half and such dramatic changes.
      3. +4
        18 November 2016 00: 42
        Ek .. you are so strong))) Although I agree, a year or two ago there was no such pressure of the senior Chubais ..
  10. cap
    17 November 2016 16: 17
    A.V. Kolchak is a story, our Ulyukaev today.
    Here I recall a Jewish joke:
    "You will give your life for the Motherland ...?"
    If I give it up, who will love this Motherland? "
  11. +7
    17 November 2016 16: 19
    I don’t presume to judge Kolchak and Mannerheim, because I don’t have the necessary information and knowledge to do this. But it may be better to provide one of the outgoing WWII veterans, whom we still cannot provide housing, with decent old age plaques instead of these memorial plaques? 36 million (from the media) could at least a dozen veterans improve housing conditions. No need to be compared to our Ukrainian neighbors.
    1. +5
      17 November 2016 17: 09
      Mr. KRIG55. Can you tell me who brought this governor to power? Maybe Kolchak or 70 years of communist rule? Do you happen to know who Dad was from the Chubais brothers? And who was Gaidar's dad? And who was Yegor Gaidar? And who is Medvedev’s dad and grandfather? And who is Nemtsov’s grandfather? and who was Gorbachev? Where is this great communist and his daughter now?
      1. +9
        17 November 2016 17: 28
        Quote: captain
        and who was Gorbachev?

        And who was Gorbachev? A communist? But no, he himself said that all his life he was preparing to destroy the Soviet Union. Does this mean a communist? Though expressions choose. Judah is he.
        1. +8
          17 November 2016 22: 30
          They all threw their party cards together when it became profitable to be anti-communists. And then in a friendly crowd they bowed down to the Lord to beat the church when it became fashionable.
          Changeling and opportunists, what are they to the devil communists.
          Having a party card in your pocket does not mean being a communist. Communists are those who joined the party at the front and were the first to attack.
          They died, there remained traitors who in the 91st ruined a great power.
      2. +5
        17 November 2016 18: 00
        captain and what did you miss Putin? belay many of them said to whom you listed that they came to the Communist Party to ruin the USSR!
        1. +4
          17 November 2016 22: 26
          And Yeltsin, modestly missed?
      3. +7
        17 November 2016 18: 23
        Arkady Gaidar has nothing to do with Yegor Gaidar, there is no consanguinity. The last wife of A. Gaidar changed her non-title name to the name of Gaidar, well, all the offspring of his wife automatically accepted this name, and not the family name. The Chubais father went through the whole war, as did Kukarevich. But the apples turned out to be rotten. Fritsev’s kind of sideways relatives to Ya.Svedlov on my father’s side and EBN’s wife on my mother’s. In the internet like that. Gorbachev was probably hooked on a love of diamonds for diamonds. This version has repeatedly sounded in different fiction on TV.
        1. +2
          20 November 2016 10: 40
          Ah, Arkady Petrovich, Arkady Petrovich ... why didn’t you find a normal woman for yourself ...
  12. +6
    17 November 2016 16: 27
    The perpetuation of controversial historical figures leads to another split. Is it not better to leave this until calmer times and with a more thorough historical analysis. We have few Heroes whose memory should be immortalized?
    1. +7
      17 November 2016 16: 52
      And again ... it is worth considering what kind of historical memory we are perpetuating with this board. Kolchak explorer of the North? But then it would be more reasonable to install such a board where his polar expedition came from and write "At the head ... with ...." After all, he was not alone there. Mannerheim was also. Mannerheim - an explorer of the East and our enemy in the Second World War - are different people! Where did he come from there, from Kushka went on his expedition? That's where it is necessary ... to nail down a board with the inscription - "To the Pathfinder and Explorer ... of the East, to the officer of the Imperial Army ... in memory of such and such!" It would be at least somehow justified.
      1. +5
        17 November 2016 18: 24
        And again ... it is worth considering what specific historical memory we perpetuate with this board.

        Bravo! A brief summary of the entire discussion. hi
        1. +7
          17 November 2016 18: 47
          Well, if so, then tell me, why is Lenin and not Stalin in the mausoleum?
          Name what is there to memorialize for Lenin, here about Stalin the memory of Victory is clear. And what about Lenin? He gave the west, he gave Central Asia, Transcaucasia. Arranged a civil war exterminated millions of people. You can’t even say that he remained in power.
          For what a philosopher? Well, enough board on the library of his name.
          1. 0
            18 November 2016 17: 30
            Quote: bk316
            He gave the west, he gave Central Asia, Transcaucasia.

            Bah ... what insignificant knowledge .. more precisely, complete illiteracy, sir, what school did you graduate from, what is so much of your insignificant knowledge, but generally below zero?
            Quote: bk316
            Arranged a civil war exterminated millions of people. You can’t even say that he remained in power.

            Winder Christmas trees .. yes .. the broadest lump of knowledge ... Maybe Lenin and Tsar Nikolka were removed from the throne under a revolver?
      2. +4
        17 November 2016 18: 41
        Here you are certainly right.
      3. +9
        17 November 2016 18: 49
        Quote: kalibr
        And again ... it is worth considering what kind of historical memory we are perpetuating with this board. Kolchak explorer of the North? But then it would be wiser to install such a board where his polar expedition came from and write "At the head of .. with ...."

        Then Kolchak will not be there - for Toll led the research expedition.
        Kolchak led a rescue expedition. But she was unsuccessful: only the abandoned parking lots of Toll's group and records were found.
        Quote: kalibr
        Mannerheim is an explorer of the East and our adversary in the Second World War are different people!

        Yeah ... and Hitler the artist and the Hitler Fuhrer are also different people. And the Rosenberg engineer and the Rosenberg Reichsleiter too.
        I understand that it’s very convenient to cover up the oath of treason with merit, conspiracy with the enemy, separatism, the leadership of the troops conducting the massacres, and the blockade with hunger in a million city - but no, it won’t. Past merits cannot be indulgence. A person has one life - and it must be evaluated as a whole.
        Quote: kalibr
        That's where it is necessary ... to nail down a board with the inscription - "To the Pathfinder and Explorer ... of the East, to the officer of the Imperial Army ... in memory of such and such!"

        Yeah ... and underneath it immediately appears: Russian executioner in Vyborg and the murderer of Leningrad.
        And the supplement from compatriots of the baron - lahtari.
      4. +2
        17 November 2016 22: 31
        With this, I would agree.
    2. 0
      17 November 2016 23: 15
      That's just it, if we perpetuate the memory of those heroes who are real heroes and no one doubts this, then it will be uninteresting.
      But the filthy creatures choose dubious scoundrels for this purpose for good reason - the extra scrap and splitting of the Russian people will not harm them.
      But essentially, to publish all the available documents on this issue is bullshit, and at the same time the full name of those enemy geeks who lobby for these vindictive boards!
  13. +9
    17 November 2016 16: 35
    I hope this board will leave after the MannerGame board ...
    1. +10
      17 November 2016 17: 08
      Not all at once. First coat with paint, then shoot, and then throw it away.
      1. +2
        17 November 2016 19: 45
        More reliable, dismantle and destroy by court order. Organizers hanging severely punish (by court order). In case of relapse, plant.
        1. +3
          17 November 2016 20: 38
          He’s a monument (board) - who will plant him!
          1. 0
            18 November 2016 06: 54
            He’s a monument (board) - who will plant him!

            Do not hang them (boards). It is against the law.
            1. 0
              18 November 2016 07: 30
              I agree - and to hang, and to plant everything is illegal.
              1. 0
                18 November 2016 18: 39
                Since the installation of the boards in question was carried out in violation of the law, their installers are criminals and must be held accountable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  14. +12
    17 November 2016 16: 37
    Such a frenzied advertisement by modern * liberal democrats * of the open traitor Kolchak and * his ilk * figures of the white movement can only be understood if they realize that they have the same masters, whose loyalty they sacredly observe.
    1. +7
      17 November 2016 17: 24
      Quote: Vasily50
      Such a frenzied advertisement by modern * liberal democrats * of the open traitor Kolchak and * his ilk * figures of the white movement can only be understood if they realize that they have the same masters, whose loyalty they sacredly observe.

      So it is. You are direct Captain obviousness. Of course, the owners of Kolchak and the current "liberal-democratic" authorities of Russia are the same.
      The only difference is that Kolchak is an analogue of the current Kasparov or Navalny or Poroshenko, that is, a direct agent of influence.
      And our authorities are degenerated communists, and not the heirs of the White Guards, they all strive to be junior partners for the West, and not direct puppets.
  15. +6
    17 November 2016 16: 57
    To be honest, I don't give a damn about Kolchak's board, the monument to Ivan the Terrible is much more interesting))), but the article looks like sheer nonsense. Absolutely unsubstantiated statements of the "well known" type, a double agent who became a triple agent, was officially recruited by the British and appointed by the author as the main culprit for the loss of the conquests of Peter I by revolutionary Russia, plus accusations of blowing up the battleship Empress Maria, and all this turns out to be out of revenge for a distant ancestor - a Turk who was offended by the evil Russian German Minich))) In fact, it looks like a displaced reality of the alternatively gifted)))
  16. +6
    17 November 2016 17: 00
    Quote: Old Warrior
    Suitcase-station-Europe, to clean shoes for immigrants there. The "whites" are not capable of anything else. Not for you to care about Russia.

    You know, you can’t write like that. For one simple reason: what flag is developing over the Kremlin? The trade flag of the Russian Empire and simultaneously the flag of the ROA. Coat of arms - look at the coins. What kind of property do we have? Private and all this is defined in the Constitution. That is, after 100 years, who won in Russia? And by the way, who was supported by the broad masses in the elections? Supporters of what? And you will have to come to terms with this situation, as well as the fact that not only you, but they will be happy for Russia. Otherwise, you have one way, into the woods to the partisans, to let the trains derail. Because even Lenin said that within the framework of bourgeois democracy, the victory of the proletariat is possible only by force.
    1. +8
      17 November 2016 17: 39
      Quote: kalibr
      Because even Lenin said that within the framework of bourgeois democracy, the victory of the proletariat is possible only by force.

      On the whole, yes, but there are nuances. It all depends on the specific situation. Lenin himself wrote about the possibility of a peaceful transition to Soviet power in the summer of 1917, and even spoke under what conditions this is possible, subject to the unity of the socialist parties. Yes, and VOSR itself was almost bloodless.
      Or, for example, in Venezuela, Chavez came to power through the institutions of bourgeois democracy (though initially he did not call himself a communist).
      In Germany, in the late 20s and early 30s, all three leading parties formally represented the interests of the proletariat, and the question was which of them would win (within the framework of bourgeois democracy) .Well, etc.
      So you do not need to be a doctrinaire, it all depends on the specific situation.
      Quote: kalibr
      Otherwise, you have one way, into the woods to the partisans, to let the trains derail

      This is, in general, the Socialist Revolution. Lenin, for example, said the opposite — we must not prepare the revolution, but prepare for the revolution. And based on the situation of 1905-1917, he was right, as always.
      1. +1
        17 November 2016 19: 47
        He was wrong. Bogdanov was right ...
    2. +4
      18 November 2016 09: 42
      Quote: kalibr
      which flag is developing over the Kremlin? Trade flag of the Russian Empire and simultaneously the flag of the ROA

      Mr. Caliber, uncomfortable for such an erudite person ...
    3. 0
      18 November 2016 18: 22
      It is possible and necessary. It is not for these figures to save Russia, they will destroy it. As for me and partisan actions, let these slugs hide - they will really threaten my Country, I will stop talking, I will start doing. The FSB must deal with the "white matter"; they learn a lot of interesting things from the financing of this movement, right down to foreign ears.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  17. +12
    17 November 2016 17: 12
    ... Really, RI was dragged into WWI .. not in order to give it to Galicia with Lvov, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, so that Russia’s influence in the Balkans would increase .. ANTANTA really needed a crisis in RI .. which was formed during WWI and it was formed .. and the Entente did not need the restoration of the Russian Empire .. Antanta supported all the separatist governments during the civil war: Ukrainian, Baltic, Transcaucasian, Central Asian .. There is a known case when a representative of Menshivist Georgia came to Denikin and demanded that he return certain territories .. say so the British decided .. And do you that many think that after the victory of the White movement .. ANTANTA which controlled the Transcaucasia and the Baltic States, Central Asia .. Russian North .. South of Russia, that's all given to Kolchak or Denikin ...? Do you truly believe in this? Either you believe that when Kolchak or Denikin came to power, they went to war with Petliura, the Mensheviks of Georgia, the Balts, began new campaigns in Central Asia .. You are talking about the Great Russian Empire .. do you really believe that ..? It would not have happened, the Entente would not have given it. And the Entente gave the Bolsheviks ... and therefore they still hate the Soviet system ... Because Europe was beaten like a game of cards. " and with each batch, more "six" were given for shoulder straps ... But in the West they love Gorbachev's and EBN's Mies ... Khrushchev also ... probably for the Cuban missile crisis ..
    1. +3
      17 November 2016 18: 28
      Maybe Sailor believes that having defeated the Bolsheviks, drowning Russia in blood, Kolchak and his ilk would have turned bayonets against the Entente and drove the Entente away? I beg you, I can’t even discuss it with laughter. laughing
    2. +3
      18 November 2016 09: 48
      Quote: parusnik
      Or do you believe that ... having come to power, Kolchak or Denikin, went to fight with Petlyura,with the Mensheviks of Georgia, with the Balts, started new campaigns in Central Asia .. You talking about the Great Russian Empire .. do you really believe in it ..? There would be this, the Entente did not give

      Sad for your education ....The Sochi conflict of 1918-1919 is an attempt to capture Sochi by Georgia. Ended up in the capture of the region by the Armed Forces of the South of Russia, General A. I. Denikin.http://www.apsny.ge/2014/pol/1392071502.php
      1. +1
        18 November 2016 11: 23
        I know that. and on August 31, 1918, the Taman Red Army liberated Tuapse from the troops of "democratic" Georgia ... But as I understand it, you are also sure that Ukrainian, Armenian, Georgian, Azerbaijani and other nationalists dreamed of the revival of Russia within the borders of the Russian Empire ? And did they provide the White forces with all possible assistance? .. And conflicts such as Sochi are they, a minor misunderstanding? ..
        1. +1
          18 November 2016 22: 58
          Quote: parusnik
          do you believe that ... having come to power, Kolchak or Denikin, went to fight with Petlyura,

          Everything is bad... The liberation of Kiev by the Volunteer Army on August 18 (31), 1919 is an episode of the Civil War in Russia. The capture of the city of Kiev by parts of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia under the command of N.E. Bredov. During the military operation, units of the Red Army were driven out of Kiev and defeated by those who entered Kiev the combined units of the Galician army and the army of Petlyura Ukraine.
          1. 0
            19 November 2016 09: 12
            Petliura, in the matter of relations with the whites and Poles, hoped again on the Entente. Petlyura believed that the Entente would help him negotiate with Denikin and Pilsudsky on a military alliance against the Reds, or at least neutrality with the White Guards. Knowing about Denikin’s order, which forbade White forces to advance on the Right Bank of Ukraine, Petlyura believed that the Right Bank of Ukraine would remain at the disposal of the Directory. And Kiev, Petliur’s and Denikin’s took together .. Yes and Denikin and Petlyura didn’t decide anything .. the Entente decided ...

            Representatives of England, France and the United States, who arrived in Kamenetz-Podolsky at the end of July, also inspired hope for a compromise. These representatives, however not convicted of any authority, promised that the Entente would persuade Denikin to sign an agreement with the Petliurists on a military alliance, and promised that the Entente would give Ukraine weapons, military equipment, medicines ...

            Entente visitors drew large-scale plans, talked about the desirability of an early joint attack by the armies of Denikin, Pilsudsky and Petlyura on Moscow, the control of the Entente over these operations ... French Marshal Foch advocated the “joint front” in Paris. Petlyur was convinced that his army should help Denikin in the attack on Moscow, providing the left wing of the attackers. It was planned that the “whites” would strike Moscow through Oryol, the Poles would move their troops to the Dnieper, the Petliurists would occupy Kiev and move to Nezhin-Chernigov, where a demarcation line with the “white” army would be established. But all this turned out to be only fantasies ...

            Petliura, in turn, fantasized that after the capture of Kiev he would be able to deploy his army of up to 500 thousand people.

            Ukrainian diplomats based in Paris also assured Petliura that the Entente would not allow his war with Denikin and was about to recognize the independence of Ukraine. Misunderstanding and bluff were mixed in the data that lay on Petlyura’s table, because the Entente leaders did not hide that they were “betting” on Kolchak and Denikin.

            At the same time, the Minister of War of England, the freemason Winston Churchill, advised Denikin to "go as far as possible towards Ukrainian separate realities," and the French government instructed General Pétain, who was on a mission in Romania, to persuade Denikin not to attack Petliura. The representative of the United States also spoke in favor of the alliance of Denikin and Petliura.
  18. +5
    17 November 2016 17: 20
    A hundred years have passed. History has long put everything in its place. All the same, Mannerheim and Kolchak are not those historical figures who should install memorial plaques. There was too much negative in their activities. And what is worse Krasnov, Shkuro? After all, these generals even twice participated in campaigns against our country. Vlasov is also talented and in no way inferior to Kolchak.
    1. +8
      17 November 2016 18: 36
      Vlasov is also talented and in no way inferior to Kolchak. Excuse me, but what are the talents of Vlasov?
      The humble judge of the garrison court on repressions against the command staff rose to the chairman of the garrison court. Bright personality? Read letters to your mistress and wife, written in one day, letter by letter, the names of the recipients are only different, but each ended with words about the genius and humanity of Stalin. Both times, having surrounded him, because of his mediocrity, he detached himself from the headquarters and, in vain, removed himself from the leadership of the units. The fighters were starving, but for Vlasov they kept a cow at headquarters, they loved milk very much in the morning. During the last encirclement, he separated from the executive officer. tore off distinguishing signs, went to the headman and asked to settle on the edge of the village. He went to the Germans himself! He politely whispered in his ear so that the staff officer would be shot. Thus began his career with the Germans. Stalin gave the order to find Vlasov. How many partisans and scouts died in search of Vlasov, it’s time to reveal it. The battle of Moscow? Vlasov is not involved in this. He appeared to the chief of staff as a karmia and declared that his ear was sore, he was on sick leave. So everything was prepared and commanded by the chief of staff, that's just why this moment is hushed up?
    2. +8
      17 November 2016 22: 38
      Kolchak is just a test ball. Do not hesitate, the turn of Vlasov and Kaminsky will come, and I won’t be surprised if Bandera’s commemorative plaque is hanged somewhere.
      These can all.
      1. +1
        18 November 2016 11: 16
        Quote: Ulan
        I won’t be surprised if Bandera’s plaque is hung somewhere.
        These can all.

        Already! bust - stood for almost a day (worried "refugees" from the independent ...); removed, taken away ...
  19. +21
    17 November 2016 17: 32
    The government of traitors puts monuments and plaques to the same traitors. Solzhenitsyn, Mannerheim, Kochak ... the list goes on. But the monuments of the native Russian heroes, the same Ivan IV the Terrible, are being poured with mud in all media. When there will be a people's government, and not the Jewish oligarchs, then heroes will become heroes, and traitors will be traitors !!!
    1. +7
      17 November 2016 18: 07
      Quote: AGVPagan
      The government of traitors puts monuments and plaques to the same traitors

      Directly coined wording, you can’t say better.
      1. +1
        18 November 2016 21: 17
        I repeat, behind the well-known movie character: "It's a shame for POWERING !!!"
  20. +15
    17 November 2016 18: 27
    Dear Oleg, thanks for the article. Why in Russia hang out all sorts of boards to people who are not revered by the people. I do not presume to argue over the historical documents, but I can say that this Kolchak is no one in the development of the Arctic. Neither scientists nor residents of this region of our country know him. I have already reminded that the enterprise under my jurisdiction, the Compass ICB, has created the Mars-75 RSDN. The chains of this system were installed throughout the NSR. I had to control their delivery to the Customer and check the work. It was a responsible business. But there was time to get acquainted with this region. They revered P, Pakhtusov more than this type, whom migrant workers attach a board to a house on the Petrograd side of St. Petersburg. I am sure that the people and the city Zak. The collection will find the strength to remove it and give it to the authors. Let them hang at home. I have the honor.
  21. +7
    17 November 2016 18: 34
    I read, did not understand, re-read ... I never considered Kolchak a patriot of Russia. Did you hang the board? Take off.
  22. +5
    17 November 2016 18: 36
    Oleg, I read this "creation" and I begin to answer: 1, Kolchak is a "traitor": it's no secret that Kolchak was recruited in 1915-1916, apparently, it's still a secret, if it is not known when and what the admiral was used to (funny: communis
    you care about the interests of the Emperor). I am not a connoisseur of the laws of that time, but in my opinion, it was not a crime to connect with the intelligence of THAT ally.
    2. Kolchak was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet on Buchanan’s recommendation then (did you personally verify that there was such a recommendation?) In this case, VK Nikolay Nikolayevich was a French spy: on the eve of World War II, they were trying to have the Supreme Commander (Ignatiev 50 years old) in the ranks, I advise you to read), and Marshal Zhukov an agent of English and Americans, they expressed interest in taking Berlin, Vasilevsky as commander against Japan, also arranging Americans. And Stalin (a cautious man) didn’t cut anything at all and carried out all the wishes of the allies.
    3. "ultimatum" about: Finland, Poland. On all the maps of that time, Russian territory, what if White wins and leaves everything within the borders of 1914?
    4. Lenin granted Finland independence, but in December 1917 he willingly recognized the independence of even Paris or the bald one: at that time they still raved about the world revolution. He recognized independence, but tried to tidy up Finland again (read Mannerheim)
    5. The English fleet freely entered the Baltic Sea, although no one removed minefields. During the fighting did the Germans clear their way (it’s a no brainer that they will clear), and in the autumn and winter of 1917 the English could not see anyone from the former headquarters? Kolchak is the only one who knew.
    6.Explosion of the battleship Empress Maria. Think about who benefited from the weakening of the Black Sea Fleet: Turkey and Germany or England? Any sane person will tell you that at that time England was not interested in weakening the allies. Although FIG knows them, even at that time "sealing" the car for Lenin?
    7. Revenge of Russia for Kalchak Pasha, well, this is an "iron" argument. For God's sake, don't tell me: only children can believe in such nonsense!
    1. +3
      17 November 2016 22: 44
      England was still as interested in weakening Russia and all the more in every possible way prevented any attempts to seize the straits. A strong Black Sea Fleet was such a threat and the fleet had to be weakened. As the same Churchill, who at that time was the first sea lord (naval minister) of England, said, in no case should Russia be allowed to sit on the straits with its "cast-iron backside".
      History needs to be known.
  23. +5
    17 November 2016 18: 41
    It is a pity that the cons were abolished, I'm sorry but the nonsense is written ...
  24. +7
    17 November 2016 18: 45
    Most of all, on the question of Kolchak, howl is raised by the "faithful Leninists". Something smelled like decay from the crypt. Here Nekot responded absolutely adequately "don't care about the board with Kolchak". I don't care about the board either. It's not about the board. And it’s not even about whether Kolchak "swore" to the Britons or not. History knows a lot of examples when "for the sake of appearance" swearing allegiance to the villain, later became a deliverer, by his own intention or by the will of fate. The fact is that an unimaginable "red screaming rumble" has arisen from the admirers of Ulyanov-Blanc, the rabid dog of Gevolution, hereditary Russophobe, the leader of the Sonistic clique, planted on the neck of the defeated empire instead of the former national elite. The same one who promised "the land of the Kestians". The fact that the majority of the people believed these gesheftmachers and quite sincerely, under the Red Flag, finished off the "rotten" elite (your own, national, mind you), that the same popular majority threw out the invaders - in this I agree. As well as I have no doubt that later, the same popular core fully supported Stalin, who dealt with the "faithful Leninists" under their own slogans (the boomerang always comes back). But I propose to think about it: it is permissible that Kolchak is entirely a punisher, a shape-shifter and a puppet of the invaders. Who then fought in his army, damn it? Cyborgs? Martians? It was the Bolsheviks who relied on the Latvians, Chinese and other exotic things. The "faithful Leninists" prefer to keep quiet about this in a rag. And their logic is turned inside out: Kolchak is an Entente agent who is handing over the remnants of the Empire. Kolchak goes to the Volga. And then the curators RENT their promising agent of influence. At the first setbacks, they roll up support, pack their bags. And Kolchak is not a Miller in Murman for you. This was such a perspective for the invaders that you will lick your fingers. And the truth is simple: had Kolchak achieved decisive success, not a trace would have remained of the control of the "curators". And in conclusion: while the mummy of Ilyich lies in the mausoleum, the monument to Kolchak has no less right to be. So it will be fair. Both are in blood, both are leaders of the internecine Russian massacre, inspired from the outside. Both must answer. And not only Kolchak.
    1. +10
      17 November 2016 22: 49
      In the Red Army by the end of the Civil War there were about 5 million. I wonder where the Bolsheviks got so many Chinese and Latvians?
      Who fought in the army of Kolchak? Ask the Siberians, their grandfathers must have told them how Kolchak would force Siberian men into their army and hung up the rebellious.
      For what the Siberian peasants took up arms and left to partisan against Kolchak. That is why he lost because he did not have support from the Siberians and the Urals.
      1. +5
        17 November 2016 23: 51
        Quote: Ulan
        In the Red Army by the end of the Civil War there were about 5 million. I wonder where the Bolsheviks got so many Chinese and Latvians?

        Duck ... Buryat armored divisions and Chukchi underground hussars then appeared ...
        How that not ancient Ukrainians were the first to discover information about the newest Russian troops. "
        However, all anti-communists are liars ...
        1. +5
          18 November 2016 10: 00
          It is a pity that they have already forgotten about the exploits of the "internationalists", of whom there were 250-300 thousand fighters, about the Latvian riflemen and the "red" Chinese who heroically fought for the Russian people for good money ...Do not look for the executioner, but look for the Latvian.http://russia.tv/brand/show/brand_id/4864
          1. 0
            18 November 2016 20: 32
            And that 250 thousand internationalists defeated all the white armies? It's funny that no post on VO is a new "historical discovery".
            1. +2
              20 November 2016 03: 55
              Quote: Ulan
              And that 250 thousand internationalists defeated all the white armies? .
              Do you really neglect the heroic deeds of the Red Magyars and Austrians, Russian patriots Bela Kun and Oleko Dundich? Ai-ay, this is not Bolshevik !!!
  25. +4
    17 November 2016 18: 52
    And I have the following to say to the author. The fact that you, dear, have appropriated the pseudonym Prophetic, does not mean that you see the future and the past, so that such discord and confusion between people can be brought in by categorical articles. This theme is the "red and white" pain of my people, which has not been overcome for a hundred years. And it is ugly to call ourselves the Prophetic, - this is the right of the human world, to call the Prophetic or not. You have to be more modest to begin with.
  26. +13
    17 November 2016 19: 15
    Quote: Aleksander
    Alexander V. Kolchak-Hero of Russia, who saved the country from the usurpers of power.

    Do not mark the title of Hero of Russia in the name of a criminal not subject to rehabilitation.

    The only power that Kolchakites were able to defeat is All-Russian Directory, one of the goals of the Directory is the proclamation of the restoration in Russia of the Constituent Assembly (including former members Committee of members of the Constituent Assembly (Komuch).
    Dissatisfied with the Kolchak putsch Congress of members of the Constituent Assembly,
    By order of Kolchak, the former members of the Constituent Assembly were put on trial in a military court “for attempting to raise an uprising and conduct destructive agitation among the troops” and were subsequently shot, on a far-fetched pretext. The white movement support base has narrowed even further.

    Kolchak, opposing himself really to the People’s power, was defeated (however, like the rest) and was shot.
    Rehabilitation is denied (many times). Kolchak is still a criminal.
    1. +5
      17 November 2016 22: 51
      Right. Kolchak did not fight for any constituent assembly. He fought for his sole power and wanted to be a dictator in Russia.
    2. +2
      18 November 2016 12: 25
      Quote: Caretaker
      Kolchak, having opposed himself to the real power of the people, was defeated (like the others) and was shot

      The people's power, represented by the Uchr assembly, was fired out by the Bolsheviks, with the COD these elections were the losers.
      Quote: Caretaker
      Rehabilitation is denied (many times). Kolchak is still a criminal.

      What else REHABILITATION ?! He does not need it. No one judged him, he was shot according to a note of a bald hoopoe traitor.
      1. +1
        18 November 2016 13: 27
        Quote: Aleksander
        He fought for his sole power and wanted to be a dictator in Russia.

        The quote did not go right, but oh well.
        He fought for his sole power and wanted to be a dictator in Ukraine. Something like that I heard on the Maidan, but about Yanukovych.
        1. +2
          18 November 2016 18: 48
          Then it is clear where you got infected. Your friends in Ukraine, in a frenzy of "de-Sovietization", are still destroying monuments, and now they have reached Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich.
      2. 0
        18 November 2016 20: 30
        Just judged. You know a bad thing.
  27. +1
    17 November 2016 19: 16
    You talk about real discontent. For example, Kadyrov’s bridge. But no, about this you will not hear anywhere. Clearly understood...
  28. +4
    17 November 2016 19: 18
    Quote: AGVPagan
    When will the people's government

    "When the sleeper wakes up" (H. Wells' novel). That is, never ... By the way, was it not the people who chose our deputies to the State Duma? Or some party, for example, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation declared the illegitimacy of the elections?
  29. +7
    17 November 2016 19: 27
    Quote: midshipman
    I am sure that the people and urban Zak. The collection will find the strength to remove it and give it to the authors. Let them hang at home. I have the honor.

    And here that fontanka.ru writes
    ... Gumaniuk stresses that, unlike the scandalous plaque to Marshal Mannerheim, which had to be removed in October 2016, everything is legal with the Kolchak sign. Its installation was honestly coordinated for several years; Smolny gave the go-ahead in 2015.

    However, in the city Council on memorial plaques the position of the “White Cause” is being corrected.

    - We did not consider such a question. I was absent at only one meeting, but there was no Kolchak in the protocol sent to me, ”Nikolai Smirnov, member of the council, director of the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told Fontanka. - Apparently, the board arose spontaneously, as it was with Karl Mannerheim. It is no good, such actions are the anarchy of pure water.

    The press service of the Committee on Culture, which oversees the work of the Council, didn’t pick up the phone on November 14 and couldn’t clarify these words ... http://www.fontanka.ru/2016/11/14/163/

    It seems that the White Heritage supporters have screwed up again.
  30. +7
    17 November 2016 19: 38
    Quote: pussamussa
    ... And the worse is Krasnov, Shkuro? ...

    The fact that they collaborated with the Nazis. Kolchak did not have time. Unlike Kolchak, they were hanged.
    But white heirs tend to justify these too. In 1997. the organization "For Faith and Fatherland" submitted a request for their rehabilitation. Rehabilitation, as in the case of Kolchak, was denied.
    1. +9
      17 November 2016 19: 42
      Monarchists are the new Bandera. Now I know how they will sway the country further ...

      "Lenin was a ghoul and Satan, the tsar conceived electrification, the Bolsheviks prevented it from being carried out with their ridiculous claims like" The land to the peasants "... A black-Black-Hundred wave of hatred rolls on the Internet, raised by the young deputy's careless statement about the leader of the world proletariat and the response of the" red "... "
      And the aggression of the monarchists shock me.
      Eduard Limonov wrote: “Two ideologies are already dangerously coexisting. The ideology of the Revolution, which still has tremendous influence in Russia, and the ideology of those who were defeated by the Revolution of 1917. The only thing is that the parallel ideology will certainly want to overthrow the Soviet one, born of the revolution. did not this happen in Ukraine? "
      ➡ Source: http://publizist.ru/blogs/107563/15562/-
      1. +2
        17 November 2016 20: 03
        Quote: The Bloodthirster
        And the aggression of the monarchists shock me.

        Well, their opponents are no better.
        Quote: The Bloodthirster
        the tsar planned the electrification; the Bolsheviks prevented it from being carried out by their ridiculous claims like “Land to the peasants”

        What the truth was conceived, not the Bolsheviks, but the then liberals prevented them from carrying out. Russia really lagged behind the leading powers, but it was not backward and dense. Fifth place is the most likely outcome and the prospects were normal.
        Quote: The Bloodthirster
        The ideology of the Revolution, still having enormous influence in Russia, and the ideology of those who were defeated by the 1917 Revolution
        Ideology is good, only it should be real, not utopian. The ideology of the revolution died somewhere in the 70-80s. In the late USSR they no longer believed in anything, and now most likely they simply perceive it as a counterweight to the lawlessness of the 90s.
      2. +3
        17 November 2016 20: 57
        Overall, it's hard to disagree. Right here, in the discussion, these two ideologies collide, equally destructive for the future of our country. Why is it the same? - First, the ideology of Bolshevism. Note, not that "scientific communism" of the 70s, and not Stalinism in the 40/50s. Namely, the "International" -Bolshevism, the opponent of which you mentioned Limonov (the National Bolsheviks) is just positioning itself. This International Bolshevism differs from socialism (and I am personally an apologist for the socialist system) in the same way as the Old Testament differs from the Gospel. They seem to have sewn them together, seemingly muddied what has grown out of the other, but no: the first is the history of a single people, the second is the evidence of the deeds of the one whom the "historians" of that very people crucified as apostate. The second ideology, this "crunch of the French bread", in fact the ideology of betraying their own state structure (the tsar, whatever one may say, was "removed"), which also served "Western democracy". Here it turns out that monarchy is generally the third ideology, which is interfered with by the aspirations of the Februaryists. So here in a tangle there are already three, and not two, ideological platforms. There will be four of them with the Stalinists! In such a situation, rocking the boat instead of trying to find a center for the consolidation of the healthy forces of society who want to LIVE, and so that the children and grandchildren LIVE - this cannot be done with stuffing about Kolchak. You need to think with your head before yelling at the whole village.
        1. +3
          18 November 2016 11: 04
          Thank you, clarified! ... the lowest bow ...
          How simple it turns out! To lie is ideology; distort history is another ideology; to build a bourgeois-monarchist state is absolutely the third ... but the ideology of a socially-oriented, popular state didn’t hang out there for an hour? ... ahhhhhh, oversight ...
        2. 0
          18 November 2016 20: 28
          This is in some kind of small scope you saw here the "ideology of Bolshevism"? Rather, Kolchak's fans are typical Bolsheviks.
    2. +3
      18 November 2016 10: 02
      So, whoever came with the western coalition in 18 was more white and fluffy than those who went with the same essentially coalition in 41. No difference . In the first and second cases, the same fate was being prepared for our country.
  31. +5
    17 November 2016 20: 18
    Thank you, the question of restoring historical justice has long been ripened, either Tsar Nikolai, a military deserter, commander-in-chief who refused to command during the period of hostilities, is declared a saint, cunning liberals who have ruined the Russian empire are being promoted to patriots, and this traitor, hands on an elbow in blood, and there also - a hero liberator, a spy face.
    1. +1
      18 November 2016 10: 58
      Quote: nov_tech.vrn
      and then, now Tsar Nicholas, a military deserter, commander-in-chief during the period of hostilities who refused the command, is declared a saint,

      Nicholas is the tsar, and "the nobility makes the tsar"!
      When the nobility betrays the king, he ceases to be them - the king - to be; what happened to Nikolai. And it was not "Bolshevism" that was the reason - the reason for his renunciation! And the betrayal of the country in the first place, and the king - in the last by the nobility: the spiritual and physical elite of the country. The nobility consisted of the officer corps, to a large extent - the intellectual core of Russia, teachers of universities and institutes, teachers, doctors, engineers ... Yes, and the clergy had enough of them! With whom was the same Nikolai to fight the "bourgeois revolution"? alone? ... The Bolsheviks, after all, picked up the state that had fallen into their hands almost in their hands, abandoned by "temporary" and robbers like the Kolchaks, Wrangels, Denikins and Ungerns ... and the shooting of the royal family - well, an excesses committed by mentally unbalanced people (among them by the way, both Lenin ... and Dzerzhinsky ... someone will say that these people were completely mentally healthy ... with Napoleon in the same company, a genius, well ...) ...
  32. VB
    17 November 2016 20: 21
    Vice Admiral Kolchak received from the emperor in 1916. He could not carry maps of minefields with him. This is a military secret. In my opinion, the article is replete with inaccuracies, distortion of facts and lies, designed to fool the head of illiterate youth.
    1. +2
      17 November 2016 22: 56
      The fact that Kolchak really received the admiral's rank before being appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet, and not from the Provisional Government, is perhaps the only inaccuracy.
      I noticed her too.
  33. +8
    17 November 2016 21: 14
    Now the authorities and pro-government media are imposing on us the image of white and fluffy nobles, counts, princes and other white emigrants who allegedly fought for "their Russia". All this is also being done in the interests of the "new nobles" in order to legalize the "acquired by back-breaking labor" since 1991. The removal of the icon of "Saint" Nicholas II by Natasha Poklonskaya for the Immortal Regiment action is also from the same opera. As Ostap Bender used to say: "All gentlemen are in Paris." So let them knock down there and do not hope for revenge. And so many thieves have come running since 2, these whites have yet to be rehabilitated, put up with them. A just socialist state is the rule of the majority, the rule of the people, but the capitalist one. The neo-feudal state is the rule of a thief who imagines himself as the elite of society. From the beginning we will make peace with them, then they will have to return the lands, factories, newspapers, steamers, i.e. to annul all the gains of Soviet power. And so the plundering of state property has been practically legalized since 1991. And then what? The patience of the people is not unlimited.
  34. +3
    17 November 2016 21: 23
    In addition, it was signed without the participation of Russia, which rendered the main burden of war in the status of an empire, and then, having become Soviet, rendered a tremendous service to the Entente by its revolutionary intervention in events in Germany. Without her help, the Entente would have long fiddled with Kaiser Germany ...

    It is called "making a face with a brick": to betray the allies by the conclusion of the Brest Peace, to allow them to transfer dozens of divisions to the West, which prolonged the world massacre for an extra six months and thereby kill hundreds of thousands of people - and speak at the same time fool oh .. help allies! belay

    . Such actions of the Entente were frankly anti-Russian, because no one had the slightest right to decide the fate of the occupied Russian territories without the participation of Russia, I emphasize, even if Soviet.

    What is the matter with the author ?! What are the Soviet-Russian territories: Sovdep REFUSED these territories in March 1918, read the Brest Treaty!

    I recall a famous proverb: he wants to eat a fish, and so on.

    There is no such thing, yes.
    1. +4
      17 November 2016 23: 00
      But what did the allies of Russia not help to prevent the overthrow of the tsar or, for example, launch an offensive to ease the pressure on the eastern front? On the contrary, contemporaries noted that the conspirators. constantly ran for directions to the English embassy. It has long been proven that England made her playful little hands to overthrow the king.
      Good "allies", when Russia did its job and the United States entered the war, Russia became unnecessary.
    2. 0
      18 November 2016 20: 25
      And of course the story ended there. A curtain. Have you been in a lethargic dream for a hundred years?
  35. +4
    17 November 2016 21: 51
    I'll be honest - I'm confused !!!!!
    On the one hand, the winners write the story. It is a fact! On the other hand, no one bothered to substitute and fabricate documents for any person (the main thing is to have time and money). But on the other hand - and the hedgehog is understandable that some kind of permanent union of foreign interests works against Russia - and it does not matter what it is called. It is important that he was, is and will exist. Regardless of our desires.
    At first I was guided by the history that was given to us at school. Kolchak is a traitor and a point. Then, when a lot of time passed from the school bench, I began to understand that history is not a constant and capricious young lady. We have redone it so many times - that it is already impossible to find the ends. Each government at one time used a pen for further recording, editing, forwarding history. Who would write something bad to himself? And so I visited Irkutsk, there many people honor this person. There’s even a monument to the floor, probably three or four — he personally took pictures! And now the guide is standing in front of the monument, and tells me absolutely unthinkable things !!! He talks about the fact that Kolchak was a patriot and fought for tsarist Russia. Because he swore allegiance to the Emperor and acted in his interests. Naturally for the Red Army, he was an enemy, since he fought against them. That it really was a tragedy in Russian history. That on both sides there were patriots, whose views were diametrically opposed. Some went for the tsar, others went for communism! One part of the people went against the other part. My foundations were shaken. I saw that there are parts of Russia where they love Kolchak and put monuments to him! There are guided by other historical materials!
    And then I read the article - put an asterisk. Like yes, he was against the Reds, but for the king - he remained faithful to the word! I began to read comments - and I see that everyone has their own truth! Everyone judges correctly from the point of view of those materials that caught his eye! And where is this truth hard for me to make out ...
    1. +4
      17 November 2016 22: 55
      ... I'll be honest - I'm confused !!!!!
      ... And where is this truth hard for me to make out ...

      Read two to three dozen previous comments. Judging by your last comment, they are not read.

      The board was hung without agreement with the relevant authorities.
      The courts rejected all requests for Kolchak's rehabilitation. Hanging a memorial plaque to a criminal is against the law.
      Kolchak is not a monarchist or a supporter of the Constituent Assembly (whose members were shot by Kolchak).
      There are no facts refuting the above statements in this topic).
      1. +3
        18 November 2016 07: 16
        Unfortunately, I have not read all the comments to the end .. But you are right, it is illegal to hang such monuments and boards without approval! And I completely agree with another statement - someone broadcasts these signs at night! Many questions have accumulated for this organization, why did they start broadcasting them without coordination !? Why now?! Why are the tablets specifically Mannerheim, Kolchak ?! Who needs the next sign up ?! And why actually quiet!
        1. +2
          18 November 2016 10: 37
          Quote: ALLxANDr
          Unfortunately, I have not read all the comments to the end .. But you are right, it is illegal to hang such monuments and boards without approval! And I completely agree with another statement - someone broadcasts these signs at night! Many questions have accumulated for this organization, why did they start broadcasting them without coordination !? Why now?! Why are the tablets specifically Mannerheim, Kolchak ?! Who needs the next sign up ?! And why actually quiet!

          ... And on a head out! and on the stump ...
          For example: a semi-legally "privatized" building with such a memorial plaque acquires the status of an "object protected by the state" in connection with the "historical heritage" (inherited by Kolchak, well ...), architectural value, and finally ... Immediately - more expensive, if sell ... And they will sell - to the state (to the one who allowed to hang the sign ...) for oh-oh-oh-very big money! and I, who gave permission, will allow me to pay this money ... Well, not for nothing, not for nothing ...
          Business, nothing personal! except money ...
          and the one who "allowed", maybe the name Kolchak "never heard! maybe it's some kind of spare part? ... for a foreign car ..."
          1. 0
            18 November 2016 13: 33
            Heh! But they opened up an interesting side of the question))) I didn’t even think about it))))))) We are all about morality, about right-wrong ... but stupid people are hurting big money !!! Straight eyes opened, thank you! :) Here are the bastards parasites!
          2. 0
            18 November 2016 13: 40
            CONTROL Today, 10:37 ↑
            ... And on a head out! and on the stump ...
            Business, nothing personal! except money ..

            good Finally!
            And then "white ... red ... monarchists ..."
        2. +1
          18 November 2016 18: 57
          From the outside it did not work, they decided to destroy it from the inside.
          ROVS offered its services and collaborated with Mannerham.
          Kolchak is a subject of the English crown.
          Next in line is Wrangel - one of the leaders of the EMRO.
          In the "quiet" because the legal way does not work.
    2. +1
      18 November 2016 20: 23
      Yes ... well, what can I say. Just read so and don’t understand that Kolchak WASN’T for the tsar. Well read it again.
  36. +4
    17 November 2016 22: 24
    What a crap in the article. Who did he betray? Tsarist government? Provisional government? King? So with these structures was the struggle of the Bolsheviks, and as the finale of this struggle - the revolution in 1917 year. According to the logic of the author, the Bolsheviks should put monuments to Kolchak, but no, they were shot. In general, it is difficult to read such materials, in which fragments from different sources are taken, namely fragments, history is mixed in time.
    If he betrayed the Bolsheviks and the revolution, so he was never on the side of the Bolsheviks. The author, read the archives in full, letters, reports, memoirs, official documents of that time, and not nonsense of the Yeltsin era.
    1. +5
      18 November 2016 08: 47
      You do not understand the main thing. Kolchak is not just an executioner and a traitor to the double Anglo-American shpien, Kolchak signed an agreement with the Entente, according to which the entire territory of Russia was given under the control of foreign states. That is why the Bolsheviks were able to rally the people and drive out foreign troops from the territory of Russia.
      1. +3
        18 November 2016 10: 19
        Please quote the text of the agreement, signed by Kolchak.
        Quote: Balu
        Kolchak signed an agreement with the Entente, according to which the entire territory of Russia was given under the control of foreign states.
      2. 0
        20 November 2016 10: 33
        Quote: Balu
        That is why the Bolsheviks were able to rally the people and drive out foreign troops from the territory of Russia.

        The Bolsheviks in the Red Army had about 200 thousand Germans, Hungarians and Austrians who were captured during the First World War and released from prisoner of war camps in exchange for agreeing to fight in the Red Army.
        1. +2
          20 November 2016 10: 39
          Quote: RUSS
          The Red Army had about 200 thousand Germans, Hungarians and Austrians

          Yes, well ... it’s all 200 thousand straight, how did you sign up for the Red Army? Vratto how easy it is for you, but where did you divide the Czechoslovak corps? was a few tens of thousands?
          What is this?
          From the diary of Minister of Government Kolchak, Baron Budberg Alexei Pavlovich, the future American citizen:

          “The degenerates who arrived from the detachment boast that during punitive expeditions they gave the Bolsheviks to be slaughtered by the Chinese, having previously cut the tendons under their knees by prisoners (“ so as not to run away ”); they also boast that they buried the Bolsheviks alive, with a pit bottom floor with entrails released from the buried places (“so that it would be softer”) ... ”
          Silent already, the non-white accomplices of another civilian. The result is for you, it will be the same.
    2. +3
      18 November 2016 20: 19
      He betrayed Russia when he brought interventionists into it.
      1. +1
        20 November 2016 04: 01
        I understand that the traitors are the Bolsheviks of Ulyanov-Lenin, who called for a separate peace and civil war.
  37. +5
    18 November 2016 00: 52
    It’s illegal ... and that’s the point. Regarding the white movement ... in due time, Churchill spoke directly about this. Like some people think that we are fighting in Russia for the cause of the white movement ... no .. this white movement is fighting for our cause.
    1. +3
      18 November 2016 10: 21
      Quote: Snoop
      Churchill once spoke directly about this: this white movement is fighting for our cause.
      Every Soviet person is obliged to believe Churchill ....
      1. +3
        18 November 2016 20: 18
        And each non-Soviet, it is natural not to believe Mr. Churchill, spiritually close to them.
        1. +1
          20 November 2016 04: 02
          Non-Soviet people do not believe in Churchill. The Orthodox religion forbids them: "Do not make yourself an idol"
  38. +5
    18 November 2016 01: 54
    In my opinion - This is the only "worthy monument" to Kolchak.
    Arctoseius koltschaki (lat.) - a species of ticks from the order Mesostigmata (Ascoidea).
    The species was first described in 2013 by Russian acarologist Olga Makarova (IPEE RAS, Moscow) and Canadian biologist Evert E. Lindquist (Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Ottawa) and named after Admiral Alexander Kolchak, one of white movement leaders and polar explorer

  39. +4
    18 November 2016 03: 11
    It must be added that Kolchak’s supposedly great merits in polar research and in the RNE, myths about which were born of Kolchak’s self-boast and his fans, also prove to be bullshit when they first get acquainted with the real facts.
  40. +4
    18 November 2016 06: 12
    Quote: VB
    He could not carry maps of minefields with him.

    Why so? Commanding a mine division, which set these fields?
    1. +1
      18 November 2016 20: 16
      It’s also not clear to me why Kolchak, who was engaged in mine operations in the Baltic Sea, could not have such valuable documents in his possession?
  41. +4
    18 November 2016 06: 16
    Quote: Ulan
    Kolchak really received the admiral's rank before being appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet

    Do not confuse the rank of vice admiral and admiral. It’s like confusing a colonel with a colonel general. Kolchak himself hung the admiral's epaulettes personally after 1917.
    1. +5
      18 November 2016 10: 24
      Quote: murriou
      Kolchak hung his admiral's epaulettes personally already after 1917

      Kolchak was promoted to full admiral by decree of the Russian government.
      1. +2
        18 November 2016 12: 38
        You're Lying again.
        You can only ask if you are lying consciously, or out of ignorance, or out of habit lol
        But this is not so important.
        On November 18, as a result of a military coup, the Directory, which was a bloc of Right Socialist Revolutionaries and Left Cadets, was abolished and power passed into the hands of its Council of Ministers; at its meeting, Kolchak was elected Supreme Ruler of Russia with production as full admiral.

        As you can see, the Russian government was not there and was close, but Kolchak was a coup and Kolchka appointed a junta, as a response courtesy of Kolchak, the epaulets of the full admiral were hanging.
        1. +1
          18 November 2016 21: 21
          Quote: murriou
          As you can see, the Russian government was not there and was close, but Kolchak was a coup and Kolchka appointed a junta, as a response courtesy of Kolchak, the epaulets of the full admiral were hanging.

          how do you rave, just take aback. fool
          The Council of Ministers was established by the DIRECTORY as its executive body.
          Kolchak was ELECTED by a secret vote of this Council of Ministers.
          1. 0
            19 November 2016 15: 20
            Quote: Aleksander
            The Council of Ministers was established by the DIRECTORY as its executive body.

            0. You, "Alexander", in your own person, greatly spoil the opinion of Russians about the ingenuity and education of Moldovans! laughing

            1. After the abdication of the tsar, a legitimate and legitimate government did not exist in the Russian Empire.

            2. The interim government proclaimed itself as the acting state. management for the time until the election of the new legal government of the country by the Constituent Assembly.

            3. True, it was not in a hurry to convene the Constitutional Court, but this did not add legitimacy to it.

            4. The Directory you mentioned did not appear to be the legitimate government of Russia - it did not receive its powers in any legal way.

            5. In addition, this Directory did NOT control the bulk of the country for which it claimed to be governed.

            6. The Council of Ministers selected by the Directorate organized a military coup, during which members of the former. Directories were arrested and executed.

            7. After that, the coup d'etat appointed Kolchak as the Supreme ruler and hung admiral's epaulets.

            This is what level of illegitimacy is already obtained? Seventh, roughly? . laughing
      2. +1
        18 November 2016 20: 11
        Did Kerensky do it? The greatest historical "discovery".
    2. +2
      18 November 2016 20: 15
      You are certainly right, but inattentive. I wrote "received an admiral's rank." And there were four of them. Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, Admiral, Admiral General.
      I just did not specify what "admiral's rank" Kolchak received., ... thinking that the majority here, like you, are literate people and are aware that Kolchak received the rank of rear admiral from the emperor before being appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet.
      1. 0
        19 November 2016 15: 28
        I have no doubt personally about your knowledge, colleague. Your level is confirmed daily by your messages.
        But to assume the same level for each VO visitor is an unjustified optimism.

        And those of the ignoramus who also have a crystal-baked slant (for smart educated people this is uncharacteristic - do you agree, colleague?) - they are firmly convinced that Admiral Kolchak was no more than a complete admiral, and received this title in an honest, legal, noble way.

        And this error must be constantly exposed, and not confirmed, voluntarily or involuntarily.
  42. +3
    18 November 2016 06: 48
    Who is the thread in the know which stsuka hangs these tablets? Can deal with the cause of the problem?
  43. +3
    18 November 2016 07: 13
    Quote: Shurale
    Who is the thread in the know which stsuka hangs these tablets? Can deal with the cause of the problem?

    Hang up on the initiative of the movement "White heritage"(ideological heirs ROVS).
  44. +1
    18 November 2016 10: 10
    Have you ever wondered why the Entente fleets in the 1918 year quietly entered the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea? After all, he was mined! In addition, in the confusion of the two revolutions of the 1917 of the year, no one removed the minefields because when he entered the service of His Majesty Kolchak’s pass was the delivery of all information about the location of minefields and obstacles in the Russian sector of the Baltic Sea to the British intelligence! After all, it was he who carried out this mining, and he had on his hands all the maps of minefields and barriers.

    These minefields were open secret in October 1917.
    On October 25, a military operation was carried out to move from Revel, Helsingfors and Kronstadt through secret passages in minefields, in full coordination with numerous coastal services of an armadillo, 2-x destroyers, 3-x mine barriers and other ships to deter the Petrograd garrison for the purpose the military coup carried out by L. Trotsky. This military operation was led by the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet and fleet commander Rear Admiral A.A. Razvozov with the full support of the former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces, a US citizen. married to a US citizen, relative of Schiff, General Brusilov, former Minister of War, Major General A.I. Verkhovsky and current Minister of War, General-General A.A. Manikovsky with full military support of the commander of the armies of the Northern Front, General-General A.A. Cheremisov . The listed generals, who twice changed the oath later sadly and ingloriously ended their service in the military educational institutions of the Bolsheviks.

    Here, who handed over to the British and Americans EVERYTHING, and maps, and plans, and all of Russia.

    I do not like Kolchak. But to shift responsibility from a sick mind to a healthy one and blame someone for their sins is Trotskyist, Bolshevik!
    1. +4
      18 November 2016 10: 17
      Quote: Who Is
      I do not like Kolchak. But to shift responsibility from a sick mind to a healthy one and blame someone for their sins is Trotskyist, Bolshevik!

      No one sat on his beloved skate, subverter and scribble about what horrible and wherever?
      As they say flies and cutlets separately, Trotskyists, Trotskyists, Bolsheviks, Bolsheviks.
      Quote: Who Is
      The listed generals, who twice changed the oath later sadly and ingloriously ended their service in the military educational institutions of the Bolsheviks.

      A controversial statement, why would it be inglorious if they were preparing the future, the army that ultimately broke the German war machine?
      Quote: Who Is
      On October 25, a military operation was carried out to move from Revel, Helsingfors and Kronstadt through secret passages in minefields, in full coordination with numerous coastal services of an armadillo, 2-x destroyers, 3-x mine barriers and other ships to deter the Petrograd garrison for the purpose the military coup carried out by L. Trotsky.

      Where is the source of this "news"?
      Or, as always, discharge, blurt out blot out, but blame the spray, clean yourself?
    2. +2
      18 November 2016 10: 32
      Quote: Who Is

      I do not like Kolchak. But to shift responsibility from a sick mind to a healthy one and blame someone for their sins is Trotskyist, Bolshevik!

      I agree that at the beginning of the article there is a transparent hint that Kolchak may have been involved in the explosion of the battleship "Empress Maria" ...
      Following this delusional logic, we can assume that the explosion of the battleship "Novorossiysk |" in 1955, Sevastopol also did not do without the then fleet commander Parkhomenko, the son of a civil war hero ...
      Is Parkhomenko really ubiquitous british recruited? ... recourse
      And the author’s phrases not a secret, long known , instead of documentary evidence and facts - the arguments are not very convincing, but the fact that the author’s imagination is rich is a fact.
      1. 0
        18 November 2016 10: 42
        Who recruited whom and when I answered The Bloodthirster just below.

        You can read more about these events in my article. "The revolution has no beginning, the revolution has an end." https://e-news.su/in-russia/101355-net-u-revolyuc
        ii-nachala-est-u-revolyucii-konec.html in sections "Special Mission" и "And what about October?"
      2. +2
        18 November 2016 11: 27
        And the plane from "Kuznetsov" fell - the machinations of a spy and agent of five intelligence services Shoigu and the General Staff of the Russian Federation that joined him.
    3. +3
      18 November 2016 20: 09
      Alas, the rank of "general-in-chief" in the Russian army at that time did not exist for a long time. It was canceled in 1797.
      Instead, the titles of generals of the combat arms were introduced - "General of Infantry", General of Artillery, General of Cavalry. Brusilov was a cavalry general.
      The military leaders you listed did not betray anyone twice. The interim government was illegal, the government of the putschists, therefore, after the abdication of the king, everyone had the right to determine their own fate.
      It was these generals who did not surrender anything to the non-British, non-Americans, or anyone else. I don’t remember the British agreeing with Brusilovm or Manikovsky on the transfer to them of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk and the oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus.
      But Kolchak passed.
  45. +1
    18 November 2016 10: 27
    Quote: EvgNik
    Quote: guzik007
    Ohhh! Romanov, then we are a monarchist ...

    No, the Risen, he is undecided.

    Is that how? ... Zombies or something? ...
    1. +1
      18 November 2016 19: 58
      Probably the "risen dead" lol
    2. +1
      21 November 2016 05: 57
      Quote: CONTROL
      Zombies or something? ..

      Well no. Drink vodka - for the people, cognac - liberal, champagne (or smoke weed) - the monarchist.
  46. +1
    18 November 2016 10: 30
    Quote: The Bloodthirster
    Quote: Who Is
    I do not like Kolchak. But to shift responsibility from a sick mind to a healthy one and blame someone for their sins is Trotskyist, Bolshevik!

    No one sat on his beloved skate, subverter and scribble about what horrible and wherever?
    As they say flies and cutlets separately, Trotskyists, Trotskyists, Bolsheviks, Bolsheviks.
    Quote: Who Is
    The listed generals, who twice changed the oath later sadly and ingloriously ended their service in the military educational institutions of the Bolsheviks.

    A controversial statement, why would it be inglorious if they were preparing the future, the army that ultimately broke the German war machine?
    Quote: Who Is
    On October 25, a military operation was carried out to move from Revel, Helsingfors and Kronstadt through secret passages in minefields, in full coordination with numerous coastal services of an armadillo, 2-x destroyers, 3-x mine barriers and other ships to deter the Petrograd garrison for the purpose the military coup carried out by L. Trotsky.

    Where is the source of this "news"?
    Or, as always, discharge, blurt out blot out, but blame the spray, clean yourself?

    My dear fellow, history must be known and studied from documents, and not from the famous Eisenstein's trilogy "Strike", "Battleship Potemkin", "Storming the Winter" (October). These generals were recruited during the summer visit to Russia of the US "Special Mission", described in detail in the article "Russia from within" by the American war correspondent, professional intelligence officer Stanley Washbourne Stanley Washborn in "The National Geographic Magazine" in August 1917. The mission traveled from Vladivostok to St. Petersburg in the Tsar's carriage, visiting all the centers of Russia. Admiral James Glennon even visited Sevastopol. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_H._Glennon Wikipedia reports such an interesting detail about the admiral that

    "At the risk of his life, Glennon persuaded mutinous Russian sailors who had taken over Russian ships-of-war in the waters of Sevastapol, to restore command to their officers. "

    All members of the mission were in the rank of "US Special Ambassador"

  47. +4
    18 November 2016 10: 35
    Quote: CONTROL
    . Options?

    What they write on the fence. Of the three letters.
    1. +1
      18 November 2016 14: 06
      Quote: EvgNik
      Quote: CONTROL
      . Options?

      What they write on the fence. Of the three letters.

      ... many bukaff ... For them - and one pity!
  48. +2
    18 November 2016 10: 35
    Quote: pussamussa
    So, whoever came with the western coalition in 18 was more white and fluffy than those who went with the same essentially coalition in 41. No difference . In the first and second cases, the same fate was being prepared for our country.

    I believe that all White Guards and Vlasovites are those who fought against our country hand in hand with foreign interventionists and are war criminals.
  49. +3
    18 November 2016 11: 54
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    Quote: My address
    The most interesting thing is that Kolchak, even from the point of view of a sincere monarchist, rubbish and filth.

    I am a monarchist and for me he is a real Russian officer with a capital letter!

    No monarchists in nature exist anymore.
    1. +2
      18 November 2016 12: 10
      Quote: Tula gingerbread
      No monarchists in nature exist anymore.

      Like the communists
      1. +4
        18 November 2016 13: 40
        The prosecutor's office of the Omsk region, which studied archival materials about the activities of the Supreme Ruler of Russia Alexander Kolchak, did not find any reason for his rehabilitation. This was stated by the head of the department of state prosecutors of the Omsk regional prosecutor’s office, Sergey Savin.

        He said that they carefully studied all seven volumes of archival materials submitted by the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office, but they did not find it possible to remove the charges from the “High Admiral”.
        It is pointless to deny the White Terror in Siberia, the subordinates of the Supreme Ruler really fierce, provoking a guerrilla movement in quiet and prosperous Siberia in just a few months. There are a lot of evidence about this, including from independent sources. So, the American General Grevs recalled: “The soldiers of Semenov and Kalmykov, being under the protection of Japanese troops, flooded the country like wild animals, beat and robbed people. Terrible murders were committed in Eastern Siberia, but they were not committed by the Bolsheviks, as was usually thought. I’m not mistaken if I say that in Eastern Siberia for every person killed by the Bolsheviks, there were 100 people killed by anti-Bolshevik elements. ”

        This is also confirmed by the leaders of the Czechoslovak corps B. Pavlou and V. Girs: “Under the protection of Czechoslovak bayonets, the local Russian military authorities allow themselves actions that are horrified by the entire civilized world.

        The burning of villages, the beating of peaceful Russian citizens by hundreds, the shooting of representatives of democracy without trial on the mere suspicion of political unreliability is commonplace ... ”
        Criminal rehabilitated to be-DOESN'T.
        1. 0
          18 November 2016 13: 50
          And why all this? Draining our topic?

          1. +2
            18 November 2016 19: 56
            The whole truth that you don't like. is it a "topic drain"? No dear, it's all clear on the topic.
      2. +1
        18 November 2016 19: 56
        I agree with that.
  50. +2
    18 November 2016 12: 09
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    Quote: Diana Ilyina
    To whom and Gozman with Chubais compatriots

    And you did not mean Gozman by the post above, but me. Gozman is an enemy for me, but for you Chubais, no matter how strange it may seem like-minded person. As for you Diana, so for Chubais, the life of a Russian person is nothing. A hole in his forehead, there it is dear to him. Therefore, you do not need to hide behind "beautiful" surnames, because what is written with a pen cannot be knocked out with an ax. And you have already written a lot. Chubais's team is waiting for you!
    Quote: Diana Ilyina
    By the way, I can shoot, my brother taught me, so I can give some people a head start.

    I didn’t ask. Can you shoot, I asked did you kill the person?
    Quote: Diana Ilyina
    Monarchism in Russia you do not plant a new one.

    You so decided wassat God, what naivety.
    Quote: Diana Ilyina
    As one of my friends used to say, their marriage did not grow!

    I will see your posts later, although most likely you will run away from the country. And not only you
    Oh, how to breathe, it becomes good in Russia, looking at this

    You have a bit too many mistakes. Apparently Russian is not your native language. You, Mr. Troll, are not like a Russian person.
    1. +4
      18 November 2016 12: 42
      Problems with the Russian literary language are really very typical of "Russian patriots". lol
      And many of them also broadcast here under a foreign flag. "Alexander", for example, is generally a Moldovan laughing
      1. +2
        18 November 2016 13: 57
        Quote: murriou
        Problems with the Russian literary language are really very typical of "Russian patriots".

        ... maybe it's from the nerves?
        Then once one said - fingers say, thick, misses the keys!
        ... or does it come out of the tablet - with a touch keyboard? It happens - and from the use ... "pure-but in Russian" ...
        1. +2
          18 November 2016 19: 53
          Their frontal bone is thick., There is not much space left for the brain.
  51. 0
    18 November 2016 12: 30
    Actually, I didn’t think that there were so many supporters of the Kurginyan sect at VO, whose mouthpiece is the author of the article
  52. +2
    18 November 2016 12: 54
    Quote: Uncle Murzik
    the captain of communists has not been in power for more than 25 years already! Actually, the USSR was the second power in the world, and in many ways the first, unlike Tsarist Russia, Nikolashka! And if you want to write something about the population growth under Nikolashka, then Africa is also big population growth and this does not mean that there is a high standard of living! and in the third, Nicholas the second was not overthrown by the Bolsheviks!

    Who were Gorbachev and Yeltsin? One is the Secretary General, the second is a candidate member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Chubais and his brother, for your information, are the children of the head of the department of Marxism-Leninism, Yegor Gaidar, the son of a rear admiral political worker, and the editor of the magazine "Communist" (nomenklatura of the Central Committee of the CPSU), look at the biographies of all the figures of perestroika. All, as a rule, are children and grandchildren of true Leninists. Here you sing the praises of their grandfathers, but they raised their children in that faith. in which they need. Where do the children and grandchildren of our secretaries general live? Everyone is abroad, doesn’t this surprise you? Or are you, like a true Leninist, dividing our people into those who are conscious (like the children of our party bosses) and those who are not conscious, who should work for you? The Bolsheviks in their 1st and 2nd constitutions equated the vote of one worker with five votes of peasants. You deceived the peasants, they fought for you, and you counted them as a fifth of your body. And there is no point in pretending to be girls who haven’t been kissed; they even poisoned Tambov peasants with gas (People’s Marshal Tukhachesky). Compare the bloody Nicholas and the non-bloody Lenin. Read Lenin's telegrams about the execution of hostages and the pacification of peasant uprisings, especially after the civil war.
    1. +2
      18 November 2016 17: 31
      There is a huge gap between Lenin and Nikolai, the first brought the country together as best he could, and the second destroyed it.

      Alas, the Leninists were unable to form an elite, which is why the USSR collapsed, but this has nothing to do with Kolchak!

      By the way, Suvorov did the same thing as Tukhachevsky, but no one remembers this ;)
    2. +2
      20 November 2016 10: 54
      Captain, there is no need to distort - this is low. You can be a communist - the party cell decided not to pretend to be, but you can appear - like those who destroyed the Union were. Stalin called them komchvantvo, Novodvorskaya called them commies.
  53. +4
    18 November 2016 13: 11
    Quote: Aleksander
    Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak-Hero of Russia, saving the country from usurpers of power.

    Tell us about it, somewhere in the Omsk or Novosibirsk regions
  54. +2
    18 November 2016 13: 17
    Tambov Wolf,
    I really don’t even agree... Faith, God and religion are such a topic! Everyone has faith, but not religiosity at all! Not even in all of them!! Even those who visit churches, mosques and other holy places. The majority do not even believe, but continue to follow what they have been taught. What can we say then about God if religions have long ago turned him into a mediator? I’m already silent about the fact that now priests go to churches to work and receive an official salary! And what a branched and complex branch of government there is! What is it like for a priest to rise up a branch of government, and with each promotion he receives more and more salary? In our hearts we all understand that this is not right... But there were even times when parents and ancestors were gods for children.
  55. +2
    18 November 2016 13: 35
    Quote: Tula gingerbread
    Already unleashed, but you did not notice. And already in the 17th year.
    You have already been told where is your morale party in Russia? How many people voted for her? That's all, this argument can be ended, you are marginalized in Rossi and you don’t have support among the Russian population. Even miserable.

    I always talk about this too.
  56. +2
    18 November 2016 13: 46
    Quote: Diana Ilyina
    Alexander and preferably in an unknown direction.

    How kind you are, when Kolchak betrayed the Tsar and then carried out terror on the population, he was not so kind.

    I suggest that such Romanovs should not be released anywhere, but that issues should be resolved on the spot.
    I am ready to carry out sentences in person, without a firearm, so it would be cheaper ;)
    1. 0
      18 November 2016 13: 54
      A typical call for terrorist activity.

      I suggest you take screenshots of your comment and voluntarily appear at the FSB, showing your civic responsibility and consciousness.

      Well, or else the FSB will come to you.

      By the way, with such comments you are exposing the editors of VO
      1. +4
        18 November 2016 15: 16
        You didn't read my message carefully ;)

        I did not propose to organize lynchings and terror, but I am only ready to offer assistance to the state if it is needed!
      2. +3
        18 November 2016 15: 30
        And in general, if the vertical power structure built by Vladimir collapses, then no FSB will help.

        Let us be satisfied that people like Romanov will not be able to bring our country to such a state.
  57. +3
    18 November 2016 14: 09
    potroshenko, even if we don’t dispute your verbiage, let’s note for a start that you are not yapping at those who are actually responsible for the horror-what-horrors you are discussing. laughing
  58. +3
    18 November 2016 14: 21
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    these are your little things show off necessary.

    Oh, how traditional problems with the literary Russian language are for “Russian patriots”! laughing
  59. +3
    18 November 2016 19: 50
    Tambov Wolf,
    Listen, why carry this nonsense. Where were 20 million communists? Where they lived and were. In Kamchatka, Siberia, Ukraine, Tambov, Veliky Ustyug, etc. Are you a child and don’t know that coups are taking place in capitals? What should a communist living somewhere in Ussuriysk do? Go and set fire to the local police building? Or go to Moscow?
    Well then, a question for you: why didn’t you protect your country, the USSR, from collapse? How are you better?
  60. +4
    18 November 2016 19: 52
    I read more about what the EMRO, “White Heritage” and their clones are. Interesting guys, I tell you.

    The ROVSko/White-Ribbon Movement is reminiscent of the Kiev Maidan.
    The horses look like white ribbon horses,
    EMRO - almost ready-made national battalions.
    Moreover, both halves are coordinated from one center - the USA, where at the beginning of the twentieth century the last refuge was located. Now we have moved to Russia.

    And how they scold Igor Ivanovich Strelkov for what he proposes"...“reconciliation-unification” of whites and reds (Russian people and the Communist Party)..."!

    Modern “sort of monarchists” are used in the dark to set up boards and comments on social networks. They sometimes think that they are for “One and Indivisible,” but in reality they are “for Uncle Sam.” Although, probably, some are acting consciously from abroad, perhaps these are those who, out of absent-mindedness, did not change the flag.

    By the way, the organization “For Faith and Fatherland” proposed to rehabilitate Krasnov, Shkuro and Semenov.
    Please note - without a king (hello monarchists). After Wrangel, these are probably the characters who will be next in line.
    1. +2
      18 November 2016 22: 02
      The Ukropithecus jumpers also thought that they were galloping for Ridna Nenka, and they got Nuland cookies and Maydaun seagulls for that, from the breadth of the American soul.
  61. +2
    18 November 2016 20: 00
    Quote: Ulan
    He hid behind Putin. And why so modestly, it’s better to immediately after the mother’s skirt, as he hid from the draft in the army.

    They don't hide, they only sometimes use them as a screen.
    The real attitude towards modern Russia looks somewhat different.

    It is obvious that the anti-national regime existing in the Russian Federation, which is actively continuing the work of destroying the now last remnants of historical Russia, constantly needs ideological cover for its crimes - both past and present. At the same time, the heirs of the Leninist gang need to neutralize in advance the potential danger of resuming the struggle against it under the banners and slogans of the Russian White Movement: today the White Idea is extremely relevant and potentially very dangerous for Putin and similar regimes on the territory of dismembered Russia! Symbolic reburial by the authorities of the Russian Federation of the ashes of the former Commander-in-Chief of the AFSR, Gen. Denikin and the greatest White ideologist Professor I.A. Ilyin are precisely intended to serve these dirty political goals of professional falsifiers from the Lubyanka.

    - ROVS statement “Don’t bury the white idea!” regarding the transfer of Denikin's ashes to Moscow. Kiev Telegraph, October 2005
    1. +2
      18 November 2016 21: 50
      By the way, "Statement by the EMRO in the Kiev Telegraph, October 2005.," was published during the reign of President Yushchenko - an undisguised protege of the United States, the most unpopular president in the entire history of Ukraine.
      USA - Yushchenko - EMRO - "White Heritage" - memorial plaques - preparation of a coup in Russia ???
  62. +1
    19 November 2016 13: 27
    Lieutenant Teterin,
    This also happens, but only in response that, of course, it’s also not good.
    1. +1
      19 November 2016 16: 36
      Quote: Ulan
      Lieutenant Teterin,
      This also happens, but only in response that, of course, it’s also not good.

      Please explain what you meant?
  63. +2
    19 November 2016 22: 28
    Why are you arguing? The West does not need Russia in any form as the only barrier on the path to world domination.
  64. +1
    23 November 2016 10: 32
    Quote: RUSS
    The admiral had no particular reason to lie on the eve of death

    Kolchak lied all his life, why would he change his habits even before his death?
  65. 0
    23 November 2016 10: 56
    Quote: RUSS
    If he had been a puppet, his fate would have been much more prosperous.

    The spent pieces are thrown away by the arrogant Saxons without any regret. Ben Ali and Mubarak were staunch allies of the United States, but in 2010. they were abandoned. Lawrence of Arabia and the Arabs who trusted him fought well for Britain, but immediately after WWII they were abandoned in the most impudent manner.

    And there are many other such examples - but every idiot who betrays his people for the good of the West believes that he should be an exception to the general rule.
    Why would Kolchak be an exception? laughing

    Quote: RUSS
    and in general was extremely intractable (which is why his government never received official international recognition).

    Why should the Entente recognize any kind of government in a country that they want to dismantle into colony parts?
    And how did Kolchak’s intractability manifest itself in deeds, and not in words?

    Quote: RUSS
    He considered the intervention deeply offensive: “It offended me. I could not treat it kindly. The very purpose and nature of the intervention was deeply offensive: it was not help to Russia, all this was presented as help to the Czechs, their safe return, and in connection with this made everything deeply offensive and deeply difficult for the Russians.”

    Wow, what a gentle soul! crying
    But at the same time, Kolchak relied entirely on supplying the Entente. Russian shoulder straps, English uniform, Japanese tobacco, Omsk ruler, why didn’t he refuse?
    And it’s okay that he officially entered the service of the British crown, and was proud of it, like a turkey with a personal invitation to a gala dinner?

    Quote: RUSS
    Was Kolchak bloody? There is no doubt that repressions against the Bolsheviks were carried out under him (although most often they ended in arrests)

    For modern Americans, whoever their high-precision bomb hits is a terrorist.
    So it is with Kolak, those whom his teams shot were the Bolsheviks. He registered all of Siberia as Bolsheviks; such an agitator for Soviet power can hardly be compared with anyone laughing

    Quote: RUSS
    he is by no means the bloodiest figure of the Civil War.

    there is no one to surpass Kolchak’s thousands of executed people.

    Quote: RUSS
    Kolchak himself in everyday life was generally a rather impressionable and even sentimental person.

    Well just like Hitler laughing

    Quote: RUSS
    during perestroika, Kolchak was even credited with the authorship of the famous romance “Shine, Shine, My Star”

    Perestroika's anti-Soviet lies were outstanding in their impudence, yes. Baron Munchausen is resting.
  66. 0
    23 November 2016 11: 09
    The Orthodox religion forbids them: “do not make yourself an idol”

    Oh, oh, as if we haven’t seen how the Orthodox keep their commandments. Which Orthodox privatizer remembers the commandment “thou shalt not steal” when he transfers budget money into his own pocket? Which priest remembers the commandments when he takes over children's centers, libraries and clinics? How many cases have there been when priests, driving expensive cars, crushed people, including to death - and who excommunicated them from the church for this?
    Which of the whites during the Civil War or of the current bandits was stopped by the commandment “thou shalt not kill,” and yet all of them are also Orthodox?

    And is it okay that at the same time, oh, how the Orthodox crystal bakers-myth-makers create idols from the mediocrity Nikolashka, from the liar and oathbreaker Kolchak, from Wrangel, who abandoned his army?
  67. 0
    23 November 2016 11: 11
    Quote: RUSS
    The Bolsheviks had about 200 thousand Germans, Hungarians and Austrians in the Red Army

    Are we waiting for the substantiation of this statement, or as always? lol
  68. 0
    24 February 2020 20: 56
    1 On November 1918, in the suburbs of Paris Compiegne, the Compiègne Agreement was signed, marking the end of the First World War. When he is remembered, it is usually very “elegantly” forgotten to mention that it was just an armistice agreement for a period of 36 days. In addition, it was signed without the participation of Russia, which had borne the brunt of the war as an empire, and then, after becoming Soviet, had rendered its enormous service to the events in Germany a tremendous service to the same Entente. Without her help, the Entente would have been busy with Kaiser Germany for a long time ...
    +++++= Hahaha... I admire your logic)). So this is an attempt at a revolution in Germany, which has already almost lost, and forced England and France to “wander”??? And the shameful Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, and the moral decay of the army, to which the Bolsheviks had a hand in the summer-autumn of 1917, who actually took Russia out of the war and allowed the German General Staff to fulfill its long-standing dream: to rid Germany of a war on two fronts, then did not help Germany in any way? And not because the Bolsheviks slammed the entire Eastern Front, did England and France “wander” with Germany for so long.....? If the fifth column of Germany in the person of the Bolsheviks had not taken Russia out of the war with Germany in the summer of 1917 in 1918, no one would have had to deal with Germany at all: Germany was exhausted and would have been forced to capitulate by the winter of 1917... And here they are such a gift from Lenin...