Answers on questions. There was no parade in Brest!

I must say that such a question was not directly asked. I asked it myself, and I will answer it myself. And the reason was the comment of our visitor from Israel, known as the "professor." In the commentary (deleted in accordance with the rules of the site), besides everything, there was a phrase in relation to J. V. Stalin "... I enjoyed the Germans and arranged joint parades with them". As evidence, a well-known trailer from the Ministry of Propaganda, Mr. Goebbels, was thrown in, telling about a joint parade held in Brest in 1939 year.

It is clear that I will not dirty our (albeit virtual) pages with this fake. Movie anyone can find himself.

But the fact that the parade was not, I intend to devote a fair amount of space.

I think we should start by defining what the parade is all about.

Parade is a ritual. With the regulations, where everything is written down to the smallest detail. So, if such a parade took place, then there should be a lot of documents confirming this.

The rules must be clearly agreed. According to the regulations of any parade, there must be a commander of the parade and a host. Question: who commanded the parade? Who took it? Based on the fact that the Germans left Brest, the commander of the XIX mechanized corps Heinz Guderian was to command the parade, and the commander of the 29th tank brigades of the Red Army Semen Krivoshein.

If the parade was joint, it means that two flags should be raised above the podium - Germany and the USSR. Since the parade was dedicated to the transfer of the city to the Soviet troops, this option is also possible: first, Wehrmacht soldiers marching under the German flag, then the Germans solemnly lower their flag to the sounds of the anthem, the Soviet flag solemnly rises to the anthem of the Soviet units.

If the parade took place to be, there should be a photo evidence of the event. In the press of both states the event should receive coverage in the appropriate moment style.

The Germans had a newsreel. This Goebbels brew and became evidence for all Russophobes and all sorts of fans Rezun-Suvorov. On the Soviet side, there was no chronicle at all. No wonder, as it were, our units were busy with somewhat different things.

But the photos were taken abound, especially the Germans. And it is German photos that I will cite as evidence. The Germans, they are decent, they have no reason to lie, is not it?

So let's start with the rules. He was absent. It was only the intention to hold a joint parade in the agreement signed by the parties on the transfer of Brest to the Soviet side. Here is this document, who, again, wants, can translate and verify on their own.

Answers on questions. There was no parade in Brest!

Brest-Litovsk, 21.9.1939. The agreement on the transfer of the city of Brest-Litovsk and the further advancement of Russian troops.

1. German troops leave Brest-Litovsk 22.9 to 14.00.

In particular:

8.00. The approach of the Russian battalion to take the fortress and property of the city of Brest.

10.00. The meeting of the mixed commission consisting of: from the Russian side - Captain Gubanov, battalion commissar Panov; on the German side, Lieutenant Colonel Holm (commandant), Lieutenant Colonel Sommer (translator).

14.00. The commencement of the ceremonial march of Russian and German troops to the commanders on both sides with a change of flag in prison. During the change of the flag, national anthems are performed.

Strange document, to be honest, but as they say, "on bezrybe ..."

The posts of Panov and Gubanov are not indicated, but it can be assumed that they were representatives of the headquarters of the 4 Army (commander Vasily Ivanovich Chuykov). As follows from the document, in 10: 00 a meeting of the mixed commission was to take place, which, in theory, should agree on the rules of the “parade” and the procedure for transferring the city.

However, the first parts of the Red Army entered the city not in 8: 00, as planned, but much later, after noon. No data on the mixed commission meeting in 10: 00 is present. Accordingly, there are no documents signed by this commission.

A copy of the above agreement has the archive cipher BA-MA RH21-2 / 21 and is stored in the Bundesarchive: 2 Tank Army, section: command department, subsection: attachments to the combat log.

In addition, the plan for the handover ceremony of Brest, approved by 21 of September by the commander of the 20th motorized division located in Brest, Lieutenant-General von Victorin, is also kept there. The text of this document, partially affected by fire in 1942 as a result of the bombing of the Berlin military archive, was published by a Polish researcher E. Izdebski.

According to this plan, the procedure for transferring Brest-Litovsk to the Red Army units should occur on September 22 between 15.00 and 16.00 near the building where the corps headquarters is located, in the form of ceremonial passing of parts before the commander of the XIX motorized corps and representative of the command of the Red Army. Read S. M. Krivoshein.

The following units of the 20 motorized division were allocated for the solemn event: 90 motorized regiment, headquarters and first division of the 56 artillery regiment, second division of the 20 artillery regiment. In addition, the 90 regiment exhibited its orchestra, while specifically making a reservation: transport for it must be nearby so that the orchestra could depart immediately behind the column of the first division of the 56 regiment. The units were to be held in the following order: 90 motorized regiment, followed by the headquarters of the 56 artillery regiment, the second division of the 20 artillery regiment and the first division of the 56 artillery regiment.

At the end of the passage in front of the headquarters building there is a change of flag, during which the orchestra plays the German anthem.

Since it was not known whether the Soviet side had its own orchestra, it was supposed that “as far as possible” the German musicians would also play the Soviet anthem.

A little distracted.

Dear readers, you, by virtue of your imagination, try to imagine this epic file:

The true Aryan Heinz Guderian and my fellow countryman, the Voronezh Jew Semyon Moiseyevich Krivoshein (awarded the Order of Lenin for having beaten the Germans in Spain), salute the Soviet flag to the sounds of the “Internationale”, which the military orchestra of the Wehrmacht sounded “as far as possible”!

Difficult, to be honest.

It is good that the 29 Tank Brigade had its own orchestra. Therefore, the Nazis did not have to learn the "Internationale". And the scene of the rise of the Soviet flag, by the way, is not fixed by the Germans in any photograph. As, however, and ours.

We continue. Brest, September morning 22. The already mentioned Polish researcher E. Izdebski published entries from the combat magazine of the 19th motorized corps for that day.

The withdrawal of the corps took place according to the accepted plan. In 8.30 the corps headquarters left Brest. G. Guderian, the chief of staff of V. Nering, the adjutant, the head of the intelligence department and the deputy chief of the operations department remained to hand over the city.

At the same time, the magazine noted that "the Russian battalion, which was supposed to arrive in 8.00 to occupy the city and the citadel, had not yet arrived." Here we are talking about the advanced 172 tank battalion 29 of the light tank brigade, which was only two hours from Brest and was to arrive at 8.00 to receive the fortress in accordance with the “Transfer Arrangement ...”. However, this did not happen: S. M. Krivoshein decided to pull all the forces of the brigade to Brest, which took him about eight hours.

According to the 19th motorized corps combat magazine in 9.00, Brest left the last units of the 3 tank division, followed by units of the 20 motorized division. In 11.00, the journal noted that “There are still no Russians”. Thus, the first two points of the “Transfer Arrangements ...” by the Soviet side were thwarted.

It is still difficult to clearly understand, on his own initiative, the brigade commander Krivoshein did his best to thwart the joint ceremonial passing of the German and Soviet troops, or had clear instructions from the army headquarters on this matter. The Germans, judging by the records in the "Journal ...", saw the reason for the breakdown of the joint march in the eternal Russian disorder.

From the combat magazine of the XIX motorized corps:

"The start of the ceremonial passage on 14.00 was delayed by half an hour due to the lateness of the Russians, who did not change in time the battalion of the 20 motorized division in Wlodawa. In addition, due to the lack of organization on their part, the roads to Brest were blocked by standing Russian companies' tanks."

However, the roads blocked by the "rotates of Russian tanks" could be the result of an acute shortage of fuel and lubricants, as S. Krivoshein repeatedly reported to army headquarters.

The transfer of the Brest Fortress itself took place without our troops at all. "Russians did not come to war". A ceremonial building of the 10.00 infantry regiment took place in the citadel at 76. To the sounds of the Friedericus Rex regiment march, an imperial military flag was lowered from the tower of the Terespol Gate.

Trucks with Soviet soldiers entered the fortress only in the 12-30 area, through the Kobrin gates. In the pictures from the album of a German photographer, this is quite distinguishable.

The transfer of the citadel was carried out by the commander of the second battalion of the 76 infantry regiment, Lieutenant Colonel G. Lemmel. On the Soviet side, the fortress was received by the assistant chief of staff of 29 of the light tank brigade, Captain I. D. Kvass.

Captain I. D. Kvass (in a leather jacket) and commander of the 2 battalion of the 76 battalion, Lieutenant Colonel G. Lemmel (on the right is high in field cap). The photo was taken near the serf hospital, so the Polish medical assistant (in the Confederate) takes part in the conversation. At that time, more than 900 wounded Polish soldiers and officers remained in the fortress.

When the 29 units of the light tank brigade entered the city, it is not known for sure, but it happened exactly before the beginning the ceremony. From here and numerous tanks on the streets of Brest, captured in Germanic photographs and frames of German newsreels.

According to the memoirs of S. M. Krivoshein (excerpts from the manuscript published by V. Beshanov), before leaving for Guderian's headquarters, he gave the command to introduce battalions into the city in 14 hours. Perhaps it was so. Coming out of the headquarters, he saw a column of his tanks.

The pictures show exactly this moment: SM Krivoshein meets the forward battalion of the brigade at the headquarters of the XIX motorized corps. These shots are often used as “irrefutable” evidence of the participation of the Krivoshein brigade in a joint parade with the Germans. In fact, this is proof that the 29 brigade tanks were passing along Unii Lubelskaya Street just by the headquarters before the beginning the ceremony. Notice the second shot at the flagpole with the German flag for now. there is no tribune. She will appear later.

Then again turn to the German chronicle.

From this series of shots we can single out the main thing: Soviet tanks entered the city beforehow the Germans left it. So, the Germans who leave, who are waiting for the moment of the beginning of the passage. Photo sessions, selfies and all that. Soviet tanks just stand on the streets of Brest.

And here's another photo. Here, as you can see, the German orchestra, the Soviet orchestra of eight fighters-regulators and ... a crowd of our tankers. Of course, fans of the "correct" stories I can argue that not all tanks from the 172 battalion of the 29 brigade took part.

I note that in the tank battalion the light-tank brigade was around 40 tanks in the state. This is 120 man crews. It is clear that not everything is here. Someone must remain in the tanks for protection.

Nevertheless, the photo shows that our tankers quite calmly watched the passage of the German troops and were not particularly going anywhere. Here is another photo from another angle.

And one more shot. As the most deadly argument of throwing professionals into our history.

On the podium, the commander of the 20-th motorized division, Lieutenant-General M. von Victorin, the commander of the XIX motorized corps G. Guderian, and the commander of the 29 th light-tank brigade of the brigade SM Krivoshein during the transfer of the city. So what? And nothing. The fact of holding a joint parade does not confirm this, if that. The same goes for the mentioned “chronicle” from Dr. Goebbels. The passage of the German technology past the so-called tribune is visible, and yes, the representative of the Red Army Semyon Krivoshein, who by his presence confirms this fact, is quite visible.

But why then there is not a single frame of the German newsreel, not a single photo, which captures this trinity and the passing Soviet tanks? Ah, the film, apparently ended, right? All at once ...

Meanwhile, Krivoshein in his memoirs recalls this:

"In 16.00, I and General Guderian went up to a low rostrum. We were surrounded by German staff officers and photographed endlessly. The motor vehicles of motorized regiments went. Guderian greeted each car, putting a hand to the headdress and smiling."

So, apparently, they spent everything on their own ... It’s familiar as ... According to Ukrainian events.

And so I would like to see at least one T-26, who drove past the commanders as part of the "parade" ... But, apparently, no luck.

By the way, we'll take a closer look at the last photo. Who is there in front of the podium? There is still thanks to some eyewitnesses, whose testimony at one time Rezun led. Also, as a good proof of my rightness, for which this scum thanks.

“According to eyewitnesses,“ those who participated in the event crews of Russian tanks and the 8 man-sized orchestra made a very mediocre impression. Strikingly assorted and sloppy uniforms. "

I was not stressed in vain. Eyewitnesses, unlike Rezun and the sect of his fans, were not scum. They were just eyewitnesses. And noted the presence of a small orchestra and "crews of Russian tanks." Crew, not tanks. Yes, and dirty tanks also noted.

And why should they be clean after the 90-kilometer march? This applies to tanks and crews. They only appeared in Brest, in contrast to the Germans, who had a shaft to clean up. Two weeks.

But we approach the most interesting. To the answer to the question why, against the background of the rostrum, only German units are passing. Where are the photos of Soviet units passing by G. Guderian and S. M. Krivoshein?

And the answer is simple, like a shot in the head to all fans of Goebbels and Rezun: there was no passage of the Soviet troops, since the action developed according to a scenario that imposed Guderianu Krivoshein.

The tankers of the 172 battalion, who entered the city before the beginning of the passage of the troops, were present at the ceremony exclusively as spectators. It is they who stand there, just almost opposite the tribune, to the left of the orchestras. Ugly such ... Nothing, they are in Berlin and the beauty of the form did not shine.

But in the German newsreel there is not a single frame of the passage of our tanks, not only against the background of the rostrum, but also against the background of the Krivosheinsky brigade of tankers standing in the line!

But here, please, especially those who are not too lazy about the Goebbels brew to see how these moments were glued together.

Ask, and the rest? And the others either just entered Brest, or having entered, quietly hung out on the outskirts and received bouquets and other things from civilians. While waiting for the "allies" solemnly dumped from the city.

And then what about the German newsreel? And nothing. The video was made primarily not to inform the Soviet people, but to calm the German population, who feared a possible war on two fronts. Secondly, these cadres could have influenced to a certain extent the ruling circles of England and France, by showing what a powerful ally came from Germany.

And the fact that he became an argument in the scoundrels and scum of history - this is the third question.

A modern person, and most importantly, an intelligent one, will have enough of a couple of views to make sure that this “documentary” masterpiece of the film studio to them. Goebbels is nothing like the usual skillful film assembly. Cutting out the necessary plots superimposed on a single sound series creates the illusion of a single dynamic action in the viewer.

One must be either weakly seeing, or badly upset, to deny the obvious. Everyone can see for himself: in the German newsreel There is not a single frame, where against the background of the tribune with Guderian and Krivoshein Soviet tanks were filmed. All Soviet combat vehicles, allegedly participating in the so-called parade, are in fact were shot long before the start ceremonial march of German troops.

And to prove it is very easy. Cards in hand give themselves lovers leave with mud in our ancestors. Simply, they thoughtlessly copy-paste photos, replacing the level of gray matter with their own uprightness and nakedness.

Here, they say, here it is, the parade! Here are the Soviet tanks, here are the German troops, here is the area! And here are the signatures of that time for you under the pictures, which are black and white painted: PARADE IN BREST !!!

I feel sorry for these "professors." Honestly, sorry. But I will not impose on them, just say what I saw. Without looking at the signature. For you know, you can write anything on the fence, but behind the fence such things can happen ...

As I see, in the captions to the illustrations we are talking about a joint parade. German-Soviet. Military. These are perhaps the most common photographs that, according to outright nonhumans, are "iron proof" that there was a joint parade.

If someone fanatically believes in this nonsense, I feel sorry for him too. It is a pity that he spent so much time on this scribbling. Just this analysis is designed for a person who knows how to think, and not to use a provocative picture as an icon. But here, yes, to each his own.

Bottom photo specially duplicated, it is in excellent quality. And on it is just the answer to all questions.

In the picture I see the T-26 tanks on Union Lubelskaya Street. They pass by the headquarters of the XIX motorized corps of Guderian. On the left is a German column, or stopped, skipping tanks, or just waiting for an order to advance.

And why did it suddenly turn into a parade? And in general, well-versed, tell me, is it like a parade? Just a little bit? I, twice trampling Red Square in Soviet times, declare: it does not seem at all.

The main question is: where did the “tribune” go, from which S. M. Krivoshein and G. Guderian allegedly “took a joint parade”? And where did they go?

Well, for example, Guderian spent his troops and dumped. And Krivoshein? Vodka went to slap him for all the good and successful parade? Spitting on their tanks, like, they will drive themselves?

And the platform, which depicted the rostrum, stood right in front of the flagpole ... Of course, we can say that "the platform could have been removed already." Of course, could be removed, but only at the end solemn ceremony of changing flags, which completed the procedure for transferring the city! And after the departure of the Germans. And so it turns out that the Germans, otpardivshis, for some reason stuck in the square, the command went to swallow schnapps, and our tanks just continue to ride along the main street. A lot of them, tanks, the command decided all 140 units not to meet and not to greet.

It seems to me that someone here is superfluous if this is a parade. Or the Germans, or ours.

And further. Look carefully at the flagpole. There, sorry, hangs the military flag of the Reich. And if this is a parade, if our tanks are already marching in a solemn march, then he has nothing to do there. By that moment it should have been removed and our flag should be raised instead. Something like that...

But the snapshot is real, "as it was."

The platform-tribune, as you see, did not run away completely. The German flag is lowered, and on the left you can see (if you really need) a Soviet soldier with a red flag to be raised.

Here's another. Here is what I see. I hope you see it too.

And here is the last snapshot of this day. The commanders said goodbye and dispersed. Krivoshein, of course, remained in Brest, and Guderian went to Zambrov, where his corps was relocated.

And the next day, September 23, in 11.50, Krivoshein sends a report to the 4 Army headquarters as follows:

"To 13.00 22.9.39, the team after 90 km of march concentrated at the entrance to the city of Brest-Litovsk. In 16.00 (exactly according to the time set by the protocol) entered the city with the brigade, where [b] underwent the procedure of replacing flags and greeting the German troops. From units the German army remained separate parts of 12.00 23.9, which are already leaving. The night passed quietly in the city.The infantry - the regiment T. Fomin arrived from 22.00 22.9 to 10.00 23.9. The armored train arrived at 22.00 22.9.

He put the requirement of the Germans' commanders to release the line Vysoko-Litovsk, Klets no later than 12.00 24.9.

The condition of the mat [main] part of the brigade at the limit of wear, the machines worked on average 100 hours without major inspections. It is necessary to give for the brigade 3 of the day to put in order the mat [real] part.

Urgently send spare parts for T-26, especially motors (need 45). Still bad with gasoline and oil. I ask you to send a tank with fuel and lubricants to the [rail] rail [orog].

The mood of the people is great. There is no loss. There are no immoral phenomena. The organization of power is very slow and bad. Our people providing this, no. It is necessary to urgently send the necessary workers to Brest. The Germans looted all shops and institutions, even with barracks and a fortress. The brigade located in the barracks of the Polish Armored Division. Waiting for your order. "

Here you have the last answer to the question. Krivoshenin welcomed the German troops leaving Brest. As can be seen from the chronicles, alone. And notice how few letters he dedicated to the very procedure of transferring the city. From the report it is clear that he had other concerns. Meanwhile, the command of the 4 Army one of the tasks imputed the need to report all cases of contact with the Germans.

Absolutely nothing is said about the passage of the Soviet troops and in the combat magazine of the XIX motorized corps.

The statement itself that there was some kind of secret agreement on the parade, then 22 September 1939 Soviet commander Semen Moiseyevich Krivoshein did everything in order not to dirty the honor of his Homeland and the Red Army with a joint procession with the Nazis.

I sincerely regret that on our pages a citizen of Israel and, perhaps, even a Jew, in a completely obscene attempt to spit in our history has resorted to such evidence as Dr. Goebbels’s concoction. It was the one who called and argued the need to destroy the Jews as a nation.

I really feel sorry for you, Oleg.

And it is even more pleasant for me to know that those who did not allow the coven with a joint parade with the Nazis, myself or on instructions from above, were my countryman, the son of a handicraftsman, a seamstress, 100% Jew, Semyon Moiseevich Krivoshein.
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  1. +32
    16 November 2016 06: 13
    thanks for the work done Roman, did not know such details ...
    1. +5
      16 November 2016 18: 19
      It would be interesting to read an analytical article from the author about the Katyn shooting.
      1. +6
        17 November 2016 04: 20
        It’s just that the wrong year was knocked out on the monument. The camp existed until July 1941, local people know about it, they saw the Poles after they refused to evacuate on foot to the East.
        the fact that the fake acts of the NKVD were falsified long ago by the court and the examination,
        excuse me, how did goebbels know where to dig? Germans tied their hands with a thorn, and they shot all Polish officers who came to them in general.
        Not a single Pole could find anything to answer.
        1. +4
          17 November 2016 16: 20
          For two years everyone was silent about the execution. Why say when the Germans already considered themselves winners and were not going to report to anyone.
          But in the 43rd, it became clear that they would soon be trampled from these places and this crime will be revealed. Therefore, this Goebel operation was required to accuse the USSR, which for two years, for some reason, was not needed for Germany.
          So everything is clear here.
          1. 0
            17 November 2016 16: 44
            that they will trample and late will arrange this provocation when they are embarrassed by their crimes?
            1. +1
              17 November 2016 19: 59
              What does "hesitate" have to do with it? They had to intimidate the Europeans and the same Poles that the terrible Russians would come and the same thing would happen to you.
              1. +1
                17 November 2016 20: 43
                what does "frighten" have to do with it? they themselves did what they did with the Poles ...
                if the Russians are such bastards, then why would the Polish Army then fight along with them against the Germans?
          2. 0
            17 November 2016 16: 49
            Polish formations fought both on the Eastern and on the Western Front, especially this would create problems on the Eastern and then in Poland itself
          3. +1
            17 November 2016 18: 49
            So everything is clear here.

            Of course it’s clear. Gorbachev and Yeltsin all recognized and the documents showed, and the banging Polish prime minister flew precisely to Katyn.
            You are a lover of documents. In this case, all the documents are there. Interestingly, Putin did not object to the procedure, because the Polish delegation was allowed to go to Katyn, that is, Putin recognized the crimes of the Communists. All have long been recognized. Only here you are thoughtfully trying to unscrew something.
            After all, there are not only the NKVD - shy krivorukovs who could not hide the ends, there are intelligence services from Western countries and they already knew everything, it was simply not profitable to sign for the Poles, and so they dropped Sikorsky into the ocean. And then it died out for a while.
            Both in Lviv the prison contingent was killed, and in the Baltic states. This is the signature style of the Communists. Goebbels did not have to invent anything. The commissars did everything for him.
            1. +3
              17 November 2016 20: 23
              This is a political squabble.
              Allowed to bow to the graves and the point.
              Enemies are destroyed. It’s hard for me to determine who the enemy was then. And my grandfather served as a fur driver in Rybnitsa 32-36gg. The enemy spoke Poland. Who is your ally Brezhnev? Poles. Unreliable, they will betray
              It is 1977 or 78 g
              That generation remembered in another Troubles the beginning of the 17th century and the WWII with the Polish campaign.
              Discuss annusra support and what will you see?
            2. +4
              18 November 2016 18: 57
              The young man does not know that in a democratic state there are three branches of government - legislative, executive and judicial. None of them have the right to replace others. So the opinions of Gorbachev, Putin, are just their private opinion and have no legal consequences.
              Anyone can be found guilty only by a court verdict.
              So far there has been only one court - the Nuremberg Tribunal, which found Germany guilty of the Katyn crime. There are no documents confirming the guilt of the USSR.
              Except for a crude fake, with the seal of the Central Committee of the CPSU, although the CPSU was not there then.
              1. 0
                18 November 2016 21: 26
                There are no documents confirming the guilt of the USSR.

                With the exception of those documents that Gorbachev handed over to Yeltsin, which were then published and accepted as evidence in the entire civilized world. Only cave communists do not recognize this.
                Modern fascists deny SS crimes and gas chambers. So are the Communists. Even, an interesting case, described the barbaric atrocities of the punitive in Khatyn. Maybe in order to divert public attention from their executions in Katyn?
                - The Nuremberg Tribunal, which found Germany guilty of the Katyn crime.
                It was a tribunal and not an investigative committee. He served one purpose - the conviction of Nazism, and not the search for truth. Not a word was said in particular about the cooperation of the USSR with Hitler in the pre-war period
                1. +6
                  19 November 2016 13: 58
                  Empty chatter does not interest me. There is a fact, the Munich Tribunal, there were no other trials.
                  You are probably not familiar with the expression - "judicial investigation" due to your youth.
                  There are no reliable documents proving that the execution was carried out by the NKVD in the 39th year. State Duma deputy Ilyukhin showed in detail how the forgeries were made, which some call "documents".
                  Once again, who thinks what doesn’t matter, there was only one court and he admitted that this was a Nazi crime. Are you on the side of the Nazis and defend them?
                  I am not surprised that everything you write here is directed against Russia. And less emotions, they do not impress me.
                  The reference to the "civilized world" was especially amusing.
                  The young man, this "civilized world" of yours, has recognized a test tube of washing powder for Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, so do not make people laugh with such statements.
                  Same-sex marriage is only a sign of "civilization" for you. You still tell what the neighbor Baba Manya has told you and what she believes.
        2. +2
          1 December 2016 14: 22
          Moreover, on the hands of some of the corpses were German handcuffs (with loops), the rest were tied with a rope of German production. The Poles were killed from German weapons by German ammunition, shot in the back of the head - in German ...
    2. Cat
      16 November 2016 21: 01
      Loud applause with all paws, bravo, bravissimo ........!
      A deep bow to the author and many thanks for the article!
      In 2004, in the classroom, I could only reasonably prove the shadows in the photo and the absence of our infantry boxes in front of the rostrum, and here is the full reasoned layout.
      Thanks again.
  2. +12
    16 November 2016 06: 21
    "The more monstrous the lie, the easier it is to believe it."
  3. +20
    16 November 2016 06: 51
    I am sincerely sorry that on our pages a citizen of Israel, and possibly even a Jew, in a completely indecent attempt to spit in our history, resorted to such evidence as the cooking of Dr. Goebbels. It is precisely the one who called and argued for the need to exterminate the Jews as a nation.

    And all the more, I am pleased to know that those who did not allow the coven with a joint parade with the Nazis, either on their own or as directed from above, were my fellow countryman, the son of a handicraftsman, seaman, 100% Jewish, Semyon Moisevich Krivoshein.

    Thanks for the detailed and thorough investigation. Very evidence-based article.
    1. +7
      16 November 2016 07: 11
      And all the more, I am pleased to know that those who did not allow the coven with a joint parade with the Nazis, either on their own or as directed from above, were my fellow countryman, the son of a handicraftsman, seaman, 100% Jewish, Semyon Moisevich Krivoshein.
      Author: Roman Skomorokhov
      Roma ... I'm ashamed to ask ... "countryman" in what sense? lol
      1. +6
        16 November 2016 08: 46
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        And all the more, I am pleased to know that those who did not allow the coven with a joint parade with the Nazis, either on their own or as directed from above, were my fellow countryman, the son of a handicraftsman, seaman, 100% Jewish, Semyon Moisevich Krivoshein.
        Author: Roman Skomorokhov
        Roma ... I'm ashamed to ask ... "countryman" in what sense? lol

        ))) In the most direct ...
      2. +13
        16 November 2016 11: 01
        Analysis of the myth of the parade.
        The myth was composed by the Germans, it was beneficial to them. The repetition of the myth by local Russophobes and anti-Soviet is now beneficial to the West, because it plays on their myth of equal responsibility for the Second World War.
  4. +11
    16 November 2016 07: 00
    All this forerunner of the Second World War and the behavior of the allies, the same Chamberlain, are very vile, but the Poles are even worse, it is better to be under a German than to accept help from Muscovites from the USSR. And as always, if they agreed with the USSR, the vector of history could be turned in the other direction.
  5. +14
    16 November 2016 07: 05
    Bravo ROMAN ...
    Thank you for such an article ... I am very glad that your temperament gives such a result ... I did not expect to be honest.
    And the photos pleased the new ones ... did not come across anywhere ... they are impressive.
  6. +14
    16 November 2016 07: 05
    Honestly I am in the fact that such a parade could be, I do not see anything terrible. We lost this city as a result of the Soviet-Polish war, and have now returned it. Quite a normal occasion for the solemn passage.
    At 11.15 the same September 21, the brigade commander Krivoshein arrived (“... the Frenchman,” wrote Guderian in his memoirs, “so I could easily explain to him. All questions that remained unresolved in the provisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were satisfactorily resolved for both sides directly with the Russians ... ”), he was received by the commander and chief of staff of the German corps.

    When discussing the upcoming ceremony, some disagreements emerged. Guderian insisted on holding a full-fledged parade "in honor of the great friendship of the German and Soviet peoples" with the preliminary construction of units on the square. The brigade commander, knowing the condition of his subordinates after a protracted throw, objected, putting forward a counter-proposal: parts of the German corps in the marching column with standards ahead leave the city, Soviet units, also in the marching column, enter the city, stop on the streets where the German regiments pass, and salute them with their banners; orchestras perform military marches. The compromise finally found was much closer to the brigade variant. Guderian only stipulated the point that he and Krivoshein would stand together on the podium and welcome the passing units. At the end of the conversation, the general invited the guest to dine, both made toasts.

    On September 22, German units opened the parade - two artillery divisions, a reinforced regiment of the 20th Motorized Division and as a closing reconnaissance battalion. It is curious that the soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht, brought up on the pogroms, forced to mint a step in front of the Soviet Jew, Semen Moiseevich Krivoshein, experienced in their hearts? When the last German transport drove in front of the podium, it was time for short speeches. General Guderian announced the transfer of the “Russian Brest Fortress” to the Soviet side. At 16.45, the German flag was lowered to the sounds of the national anthem of Germany. Then the brigade commander, an orchestra, spoke in a few phrases, the role of which was a platoon of traffic controllers trained in playing wind instruments, the Soviet anthem began to play, and a red flag was hoisted on the same flagpole.

    On this, the act of transfer was completed. Having said goodbye to the Soviet officers, the corps commander General Guderian and the chief of staff left for the west. To settle the details in Brest, the German commandant of the city and the translator who had resigned had remained.

    And the fact that he actually was not there, so thanks to the history and wisdom of those who did not want to spend it together with the Nazis.

    1. +9
      16 November 2016 15: 22
      Guderian, just really wanted to hold such a parade, this would be a noticeable first of all political action, and would cause a resonance in Europe and the world and give rise to accusations against the USSR.
      Krivosheev did the right thing, preventing Guderian from drawing himself into this adventure.
  7. +9
    16 November 2016 07: 22
    On June 22, 1941, the commander of the 2nd TB 29 TB captain Kvass died in Brest in the first minutes of the war. but then he is already a major and commander of 44 tp / 22 td / 14mk
  8. +11
    16 November 2016 07: 44
    I remember a few months ago, when discussing a topic, a "tovaristch" from Bulgaria was convincing me about a joint Soviet-German parade in Brest .. and he was proving the opposite to him ... Hey ... "brother" ... read and see ...
    1. +14
      16 November 2016 07: 48
      Hey ... "brother" ... read and see ...

      Brothers twice participated in the war against the Russian people ... I saw such brothers in a coffin.
      1. +4
        16 November 2016 08: 48
        Quote: The same Lech
        Hey ... "brother" ... read and see ...

        Brothers twice participated in the war against the Russian people ... I saw such brothers in a coffin.

        Rulers in Bulgaria are now corrupt ...
        1. +3
          16 November 2016 21: 21
          Quote: Donhapa
          Rulers in Bulgaria are now corrupt ...

          Bulgarian pro-Russian presidential candidate Rumen Radev won the presidency.
          1. +4
            17 November 2016 16: 31
            I’ll understand what. Step right, step left, followed by a shot from Washington.
      2. 2ez
        16 November 2016 10: 45
        I shake your hand! Thanks! And you are absolutely right, you can only see them all there ... My brother was part of the peacekeepers in Bosnia in 1998 (having passed the first Chechen war before that). Then he said that the Serbs, of course, brothers, drank vodka with them, but for a dollar my dear mother, not like the Russians, would be sold and would not choke! And he still respects Chechens as warriors ... Although then there was a second Chechnya with a wound and a shell shock. "Russia has only two of its loyal allies - its army and navy!" (Alexander II, Emperor of Russia)
      3. +4
        16 November 2016 15: 23
        Brothers, little brothers, but the Russians always hoped only for themselves. And they did it right, because the allies were always only temporary.
  9. +8
    16 November 2016 08: 32
    Good article, Respect to the author! He carefully and deciphered everything. I look forward to other similar publications from him.
  10. +13
    16 November 2016 08: 34
    I’ll fix it a bit.
    To the sounds of the regimental march "Fredericus Rex" from the tower of the Terespol gate was lowered imperial military flag.

    The imperial military flag of Germany (1903 — 1918) looks like this-

    And on the photos presented - State military flag (1938 — 1945) (without the word imperial)
    The canvas of this good article does not change. However, there are a lot of articles on this subject, but it’s useless to read this for Lebiroids.
    1. 0
      16 November 2016 10: 13
      It is also necessary to search for Old, in the sense that formally the USSR fought against the Weimar Republic, Fursov once mentioned this
  11. +8
    16 November 2016 08: 51
    Roman, excellent, but I noticed, and even if there was a parade, so what?
    What has changed, except for the tears of Leah Akhedzhakova?
    1. +7
      16 November 2016 09: 14
      Quote: Stas57
      and even if there was a parade, so what?

      Quickly you have forgotten completely the crappy expression of the last decade of the last 20th century: "red-brown". Or did you draw flowers at the specified time in the kindergarten? / I write without malice, just for prevention. / Article BIG PLUS!
      1. +8
        16 November 2016 10: 12
        Quote: V.ic
        Quickly you have forgotten completely the crappy expression of the last decade of the last 20th century: "red-brown".

        and where is it? Words cannot be erased from a song, and toasts in the Kremlin were pronounced in honor of German weapons and Comrade Hitler’s speech on political information was quoted by political instructors, there was such a time.
        1. +9
          16 November 2016 10: 54
          Quote: veteran66
          toasts in the Kremlin were pronounced in honor of German weapons and Comrade Hitler’s speech on political information was quoted by political instructors, there was such a time.

          Personally present when the toasts proclaimed?
          Personally, the soldiers were told on political information that the West is our "friend": "Probably you are from the former political officers, those after 90 at once repainted, and you seem to be the same of them repainted.

          So, Stalin's speech:

          5 May 1941 city

          Comrades, on behalf of the Soviet Government and the Communist Party, allow me to congratulate you on completing your studies and wish you success in your work .......... It’s not enough to have good equipment, organization, you need to have more allies. Precisely because the defeated armies study well, Germany took into account the experience of the past. In 1870, the Germans defeated the French. Why? Because they fought on the same front. Did the Germans lose in 1916-17? Why? Because they fought on two fronts. Why did the French not take anything into account from the last war of 1914-18? .....
          Is the German army really invincible?

          No. There are no invincible armies in the world. There are armies the best, the good and the weak. Germany started the war and went to the first period under the slogan of liberation from the yoke of the Versailles peace. This slogan was popular, met the support and sympathy of all those offended by Versailles. Now the situation has changed. Now the German army comes with other slogans. She changed the slogans of liberation from Versailles to predatory. The German army will not succeed under the slogans of an aggressive conquest war. These slogans are dangerous ....
          The Germans believe that their army is the most ideal, the best, the most invincible.

          It's right. The army needs to be improved day by day. Any politician, any politician who admits a sense of complacency, may come as a surprise, as France faced a catastrophe.

          Once again, I congratulate you and wish you success. "
          Where are the toasts?

          Diplomatic etiquette, and that is etiquette, that it has nothing to do with your understanding as a yard ignoramus who believes that in relations between countries you should behave like a punks.
          1. +2
            16 November 2016 10: 58
            Quote: The Bloodthirster
            Personally present when the toasts proclaimed?

            I want to ask you the same question, only about Stalin’s speech. And after the second, and this was the leader’s only speech from the conclusion of the non-aggression pact to the start of the Second World War?
            Yes, did you pay attention to the date? May 1941, this is already the time when, according to our intelligence, the Germans were supposed to attack the USSR, and the Nazi plans confirm this. What toasts? Are you out of your mind ???
            1. +7
              16 November 2016 11: 06
              Quote: veteran66
              Words cannot be erased from a song, and toasts in the Kremlin were pronounced in honor of German weapons and Comrade Hitler’s speech on political information was quoted by political instructors, there was such a time.

              You have memory lapses, don’t you remember what you write yourself? Are you out of your mind or are you demonstrating something else?
              Quote: veteran66
              And after the second, and this was the leader’s only speech from the conclusion of the non-aggression pact to the start of the Second World War?

              Hmm ... how illiterate are people who try to talk about history without even understanding what they are writing about.
              The speech was made in May 1941, what are you trying to discuss here? Are you getting out like an eel in a pan so as not to look really shameful?
              On the date of the attack, for that matter, it became known from the turn of June 12, so keep quiet ...
              No wonder the Directive of June 18 was UNFILLED in Pavlova district, probably ancestors like you.
              1. +6
                16 November 2016 11: 21
                Quote: The Bloodthirster
                On the date of the attack, for that matter, it became known from the turn of June 12, so keep quiet ...

                yes .... straightforward, like a telegraph stob. It's about you. Read about Barbarossa's plans again.
                From the memoirs of the translator Stalin: "The meeting culminated in a banquet held in the same office of Molotov, in which the negotiations were held, during which Stalin offered a toast:" I know how the German people love the Fuhrer. Therefore, I want to drink to his health. " And there is also the protocol of the reception in honor of the celebration of the next anniversary of VOSR, interesting toasts were pronounced there. And off we go before the beginning of 41. Learn the materiel - literate. I suppose you keep your party card in a rag under the floorboard.
                Quote: The Bloodthirster
                No wonder the Directive of June 18 was UNFILLED in Pavlova district, probably ancestors like you.

                my ancestors in the rank of private soldier died a week after being drafted into the Red Army in the 41st because of people like you and other commies who dragged through the country.
                1. +6
                  16 November 2016 11: 35
                  Quote: veteran66
                  From the memoirs of the translator Stalin: "In

                  If you don’t understand what diplomatic etiquette is, then what can you talk about, essentially understanding only etiquette etiquette?
                  Quote: veteran66
                  It's about you. Read about Barbarossa's plans again.

                  Apparently you are reading from the other side of the sheet and between the lines in general, thinking up for your opponent what seems to you a dubious truth.
                  Quote: veteran66
                  my ancestors in the rank of private soldier died a week after being drafted into the Red Army in the 41st because of people like you and other commies who dragged through the country.

                  The country was pumped in 91 like you.
                  So do not blame the soldiers and officers of the Red Army. This way you pour dirt, including on your own, if they are not invented by you ancestors in the rank of rank and file.
                  1. +5
                    16 November 2016 12: 15
                    Quote: The Bloodthirster
                    If you don’t understand what diplomatic etiquette is, then what can you talk about, essentially understanding only etiquette etiquette?

                    I understand what diplomatic etiquette is, only it emerges from the relationship between the two sides, which I wrote about in my first post: "such was the time", and if you read between the lines or diagonally, then these are your problems. Another thing is that other countries did not force themselves to observe diplomatic etiquette and kiss the Nazis on the gums.
                    Quote: The Bloodthirster
                    The country was pumped in 91 like you.

                    the country began to fall apart with the formation of the USSR, defining the boundaries between national entities and giving them part of the Russian land. And in the 91st I was dragging a strap in the army, I had no time to scream slogans on the squares, this is the lot of gorlopans-commies since 1905.
                    Quote: The Bloodthirster
                    So do not blame the soldiers and officers of the Red Army. This way you pour dirt, including on your own, if they are not invented by you ancestors in the rank of rank and file.

                    a typical technique of ideologists from the CPSU to hide their mistakes behind ordinary people. I'm not talking about soldiers and officers, but about their leaders "armed with the most advanced ideology." you cannot understand this behind the clichés of the propaganda department of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
                    1. +5
                      16 November 2016 14: 15
                      Quote: veteran66
                      only it emerges from the relationship of the two sides, which I wrote about in my first post: "it was such a time", and if you read between the lines or diagonally, then these are your problems. Another thing is that other countries did not force themselves to observe diplomatic etiquette and kiss the Nazis on the gums.

                      What are these "other" - not England and France in Munich, kissing the gums with Hitler so that the result of Munich was World War II?
                      Quote: veteran66
                      the country began to fall apart with the formation of the USSR, defining the boundaries between national entities and giving them part of the Russian land. And in the 91st I was dragging a strap in the army, I had no time to scream slogans on the squares, this is the lot of gorlopans-commies since 1905.

                      And for the actions of Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevich, do not want to answer?
                      How are you and what you dragged, with corn in your tongue, to see from your writings here, so I’m not far from the fact that you are a former political politician, one of those who have at once repainted and since then have not found any honor neither conscience nor morality.

                      Quote: veteran66
                      a typical technique of ideologists from the CPSU to hide their mistakes behind ordinary people. I'm not talking about soldiers and officers, but about their leaders "armed with the most advanced ideology." you cannot understand this behind the clichés of the propaganda department of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

                      Did you study the “ideological cliches?” And what are you doing here, disrespectful trololo, aren't they the cliches of the Yakovlevs, Svanids, Milky, Salted, Falcon and other breweries with teeth?
                      Hitler's Reich unleashed the war, and the USSR is to blame?
                      Yes, you, I see, if there is a war you will obviously be on the other side of the trench ...
                      1. 0
                        16 November 2016 15: 33
                        Quote: The Bloodthirster
                        Hitler's Reich unleashed the war, and the USSR is to blame?

                        where did I blame the USSR for this?
                        Quote: The Bloodthirster
                        And for the actions of Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevich, do not want to answer?

                        and for them it’s just the commies, such as you answer, that one, that the other, that the third functionaries are from the party, the flesh is from the flesh, moreover, the foreskin
                        Quote: The Bloodthirster
                        What are these "others" - not England and France in Munich, kissing Hitler on the gums,

                        and where did you see Churchill drinking with Hitler or with his entourage?
                        "you are a former politician, one of those that have repainted at once"but there is no need for me to repaint, I never believed or preached the ideas of the Communist Party
                      2. +2
                        17 November 2016 08: 34
                        Belarus and Ukraine are a response to the Polish onslaught (from the 15th century they could not return the Slavic lands), they decided to create such states; only at the end of WWII did they solve the Polish question (finally?)
                  2. +3
                    16 November 2016 13: 12
                    Country rode in 91 like you

                    How are you. And back in the 17th. They staged a mutiny in the rear of the warring motherland.
                    1. +7
                      16 November 2016 14: 17
                      Quote: Hupfri
                      And back in the 17th.

                      It’s better for you to keep silent liberal liberals — you should remind that you destroyed the country twice in the 20th century — in February 17 and August 1991, there won’t be a third time.
                2. +6
                  16 November 2016 15: 27
                  Oh, small children, can they not at all learn the simple truth that language was given to diplomats and politicians in order to hide their thoughts and true intentions?
                  Only very naive perceive duty diplomatic statements, at face value and the ultimate truth.
                  Putin won, too, Obama and Poroshenko "partners" calls. You probably also believe that VVP actually thinks so?
                3. +2
                  16 November 2016 20: 02
                  You do not know what such a policy is. Words are needed to mask thoughts. What did you think he should say? What would you say - hi your Hitler choke, and you can’t give out Ukrainian yom yom!
            2. BAI
              16 November 2016 13: 27

              Well, if the congratulation can be counted as a toast, then something like that.
        2. +4
          17 November 2016 09: 24
          Quote: veteran66
          and where is it?

          And besides, a false veteran that I would be in the Russian trenches then, and you would be in the opposite, with a bandage on my sleeve.
          1. +1
            17 November 2016 13: 29
            Quote: V.ic
            that I would then be in the Russian trenches,

            WOULD be the key word, first sit in these trenches, then in shallow tongue. Although ... of course I would be in the opposite trenches - in the Soviet, Russian trenches at that time at the ROA and RONA.
            Quote: V.ic
            Yes, besides, a false veteran,

            you’re lying ... but I have a certificate, D..B ... (Lavrov)
            1. +4
              17 November 2016 19: 23
              Quote: veteran66
              I have a certificate

              Well, it is written in it: "the bearer of this is a typical type of individual with the available signs ... date / signature / seal." Your opponents would be in the Soviet trenches, and the tolerasts have a road to the Geyropeysky house ... and RONA is there, and the Bandera supporters are there.
              Quote: veteran66
              D..B ... (Lavrov)

              Do not matzo S.V.L. with their paws that have not been washed for a long time. He’s working in the Russian Federation, and you are using the language back and forth.
            2. +4
              17 November 2016 19: 28
              Quote: veteran66
              - in Soviet

              No, judging by your writings, you just dug in the trenches of RONA and ROA.
              And as for the certificate ... we know such "veterans", I have not been anywhere, I did not participate in anything, but I hurried up and has a certificate ..
              1. +1
                18 November 2016 08: 08
                Quote: V.ic
                Your opponents would have been in the Soviet trenches, and the Tolerasts would have a road to the Geyropei home ... and RONA there
                Quote: The Bloodthirster
                I’ve never been anywhere, I didn’t participate in anything, but I had a warning and I have a certificate ..

                typical commies, only blah blah blah from the podium, "I have not read, but I condemn !!!" Such as you in the rear fiery speeches and pushed at party meetings, while people at the front shed their blood, and after the war in the regional and district committees they ate their faces off. Balabolas, damn it!
                1. +4
                  18 November 2016 17: 15
                  How did you hear - "when I shed blood in bags." I remember one such character has already been - "wounded on the Kolchak fronts."
                  You still tell us that you are 90 years old and you have passed the entire Great Patriotic War.
                  Indeed, PEOPLE shed blood at the front, but you have nothing to do with it. My father has.
                  1. +1
                    18 November 2016 21: 13
                    Quote: Tula gingerbread
                    My father has.

                    sticking out the merits of the father is not a great honor, my grandfather died there, so what? We will now measure which of the ancestors has more merit. You show what you are capable of.
                  2. 0
                    19 November 2016 10: 51
                    but you have nothing to do with it. My father has.

                    What does your father have to do with? Where did you fight? Or you said so simple. And they themselves don’t even know. I got into my friend’s grandfather’s memories to understand and it turned out that the grandfather fought in the wrong and wrong way.
  12. +11
    16 November 2016 08: 57
    The Germans had a newsreel. This is Goebbels brew

    And where is the refutation of the newspaper True? No?
    We see the platform. Military men are in tucked-up uniforms. Ours are with the Germans. Troops pass by. The military salutes.
    The parade is called the ceremonial passage of troops or military equipment. In addition to the festive procession, the parade also plays a significant role in the review of troops.

    More on Elhow:
    parad? utm_source = users & utm_medium = ct & utm_campaign
    = ct
    The review of the troops was. Did our and Germans look at the troops? We watched. Something is not visible, that someone is turning away and closing his eyes. Was there a procession? Bylo. From this and that.
    At first, the Germans solemnly passed. Then ours. Or vice versa. And the generals looked at them and saluted. This is the parade.
    On the platform are the commander of the 20th Motorized Division, Lieutenant General M. von Victorin, the commander of the 29th Motorized Corps G. Guderian, and the commander of the XNUMXth Light Tank Brigade, Brigade Commander S. M. Krivoshein

    On the podium? And why do we need a tribune. Arrived with his hands in his pockets, he listened to the Germans - and dispersed. But they made a podium. The stands are made for viewing and giving speeches. And the personalities are not nose to nose, but muzzles to the troops. Three of us are turned in one direction, to the passing parade.
    1. +15
      16 November 2016 10: 30
      Have you served in the army? No campaign. We studied the Charter of the garrison and guard duty. Hardly. How many spent on guard? Probably 0. I explain to you. Read, Changing of the guard as it is made, Change of sentries. In Brest 1939. essentially the same thing. CHANGING OF THE GUARD. They were built, the post passed, the post accepted, the departure of the old guard, the arrival of a new one. EVERYTHING. And for the Professor. Now in Israel, products of companies that COOPERATED with the Nazis and fascists are everywhere. So be peasants not in words. Declare a Universal Boycott for them until the public leadership of these companies repents to all. And it turns out that ... sing, do not toss the bags. Not men in one word.
      1. +5
        16 November 2016 11: 27
        t. We studied the Charter of the garrison and guard duty. Hardly. How many spent on guard? Probably 0. For you I explain. Read, Changing of the guard as it is made

        And how is the change made? There are two military. Exchange ritual gestures. And they diverge. In the photo they are unlikely and crush the forehead. They stand. Both. And they look in front of them. In any case, it is assumed that they should watch, but in fact, the bikes poisonously maliciously. But just before whom did they turn around? What on the other side of the picture? Empty field?
        You would not study the charters, but analyze the study.
        1. +4
          16 November 2016 11: 45
          Quote: Hupfri
          But just before whom did they turn around? What on the other side of the picture? Empty field?

          On the other side is the German parade. Not joint, but racially faithful German.
          1. +5
            16 November 2016 13: 17
            On the other side is the German parade. Not joint, but racially faithful German.

            That is, there was a parade. You still recognize German. And ours just drove in front of the platform on tractors and tanks, but this was not a parade. And just drove it all. And Sergeant Koziavkin kept a fig in his pocket.
            1. +8
              16 November 2016 13: 29
              Quote: Hupfri
              That is, there was a parade. You still recognize German.

              And even the author of the article does not deny this.
              Quote: Hupfri
              And ours just drove in front of the platform on tractors and tanks, but this was not a parade. And just drove it all.

              What kind our? Are you writing from Germany? smile
              The parade in Brest was German. Purely German, not joint. Without the passage of Soviet troops.
              Where is the photo or filming of the passage of Soviet troops in front of the podium? Well, or at least just in front of the lined up commanders and officers (it is desirable that all of them be turned to the equipment in front of and not behind - as in one of the photos in the article smile )? Where is at least one proof of the participation of Soviet troops in the alleged "joint parade"?
              1. +9
                16 November 2016 15: 37
                Now he will tell you another bike in the style of Gospoldin Svanidze. The author has already written that there are no shots because the Germans have run out of film. The author was funny, but this one can seriously screw this up. Or he will say that the khovagy NKVD destroyed all the tapes. belay lol
                1. +5
                  16 November 2016 15: 41
                  Quote: Tula gingerbread
                  The author has already written that there are no shots because the Germans have run out of film. The author was funny, but this one can seriously screw this up. Or he will say that the khovagy NKVD destroyed all the tapes.

                  Or the Germans traditionally all the batteries were on discharge. smile
        2. +5
          16 November 2016 16: 24
          I will teach you how to analyze the information received. Where you were taught this, I taught. This time. Secondly, during the parades it is supposed to give the marching military greetings. Where is the greeting of the Red Army units? I see you can only do anti-Russian analyzes.
        3. +6
          16 November 2016 16: 30
          What are two military men changing guard? LIKE BOTH KARAULA. One Brest passed, another Brest accepted. Maybe the Germans both wanted and held a parade. From the Red Army, where is the salutation of the military? I mean from the colon?
        4. +3
          16 November 2016 16: 36
          With "Ritual Body Movements" - Yeah, it's powerful. Break dance dancing? You don't know, but you "analyze". Brest Passed - Brest Accepted. All. What the Red Army has demonstrated.
        5. +3
          18 November 2016 17: 21
          Great evidence that there was no parade. Maladtsa.
      2. +1
        16 November 2016 15: 53
        Quote: alexej123
        Change of sentries. In Brest 1939 essentially the same thing. CHANGING OF THE GUARD. They were built, the post passed, the post accepted, the departure of the old guard, the arrival of a new one.

        do not distort, "I passed the post - I accepted the post" in those conditions it was possible to stir up some kind of commandant's office, especially since this is formalized by acts and orders, this applies to responsible persons, and the troops just staged a parade (review), albeit a cut-back according to the author of the article.
        1. +6
          16 November 2016 16: 33
          In the commandant's office, you will "stir up" when one unit of your country changes another. This is a special case, so the commandant's office "did not stir up", I mean, first of all, ours. What did the Germans "stir up"? This is for Humphrey and the Professor. These are two deep analyzers, they will tell in this.
          1. +2
            16 November 2016 18: 42
            Quote: alexej123
            In the commandant's office, you will "stir up" when one unit of your country changes another.

            there was no need for such a change, the Germans left, ours came, besides, judging by the article, Krivoshein was not in a hurry by the appointed time, hoping for the opportunity to miss his chances (this follows from the article)
    2. +8
      16 November 2016 11: 44
      Quote: Hupfri
      At first, the Germans solemnly passed. Then ours. Or vice versa. And the generals looked at them and saluted. This is the parade.

      Personnel нашихpassing in front of the podium with saluting commanders and officers, is there? wink
      You can see the passage of German technology past the so-called tribune, and yes, the representative of the Red Army Semen Krivoshein is quite visible, which confirms this fact with his presence.
      But why then there is not a single frame of the German newsreel, not a single photo, which captures this trinity and the passing Soviet tanks? Ah, the film, apparently ended, right? All at once ...

      That's the ambush that a joint there was no parade - only Germans were in the parade. On all frames there is either a tribune with Krivoshein and Germans passing by, or our tanks - but without a tribune.
      Quote: Hupfri
      and the podium? And why do we need a tribune. Arrived with his hands in his pockets, he listened to the Germans - and dispersed. But they made a podium. The stands are made for viewing and giving speeches. And the personalities are not nose to nose, but muzzles to the troops. Three of us are turned in one direction, to the passing parade.
      To the German parade.
      Otherwise, the following surrealistic picture emerges: when the German units were in the parade, there was a tribune (this can be seen in all the photos). And when allegedly were Soviet — the Germans quickly dismantled it and stood on the ground (because there is no platform on all the photos with our tanks). Not otherwise, they were afraid that the Bolsheviks would snatch valuable boards. laughing
    3. +8
      16 November 2016 11: 53
      Quote: Hupfri
      At first, the Germans solemnly passed. Then ours. Or vice versa. And the generals looked at them and saluted. This is the parade.

      Have you read the article at all, or just saw a lot of letters but did not understand the meaning? The material proves precisely that ours did not pass in front of the platform, all the more solemnly, the "parade" was exclusively German, but foreign guests are present at any parades, and they watch, and salute)))
      1. +2
        16 November 2016 13: 33
        Did you read the article at all, or just saw a lot of letters and didn’t understand the meaning? The material proves precisely that ours did not pass
        In the material, by the way, nothing is proved.

        Now turn on the logic. Stalin got into the war and had to convince Hitler that he was his best friend. And in order to convince him, Stalin sold Hitler oil and bread, cotton and tungsten, molybdenum and manganese .... allowed German courts to settle in our ports and carry out a raider by the Northern Sea Route. It was on our oil that German tanks went to Paris in the 40th, our solarium was burned in diesel engines of submarines ...
        Foreign Minister changed so that Hitler would like.
        But Krivoshein did not hold a parade for the Germans. Ah well done. Do you believe it yourself? This completely falls out of the entire logic of the sovereign leadership
        A foreign guest he turns up. Guest with whom? Hitler? Guderian? That's just the owners at that time were Poles. It reminds a feast over an unburied corpse.
        1. +7
          16 November 2016 14: 43
          Quote: Hupfri
          It was on our oil that German tanks went to Paris in the 40th, our solarium was burned in diesel engines of submarines ...

          Sure? Or maybe Romanian? Or maybe Hungarian? Or maybe Polish stocks? wink
          Quote: Hupfri
          But Krivoshein did not hold a parade for the Germans. Ah well done. Do you believe it yourself? This completely falls out of the entire logic of the sovereign leadership

          And the tyagomotin from Basis Nord, as a result of which not a single German ship could use the base on our territory, does not fall out of your version of the logic of the Soviet leadership?
          And the dancing around the raider "Komet", whose movement along the NSR was regularly delayed (up to the refusal in wiring) under far-fetched pretexts - does it not happen?
          Against this background, the refusal to hold a parade by Krivoshein looks like an example of logic: equipment and people after a 90-km march are not taken to the parade - otherwise it will not be a demonstration of the strength of the army, but a blow to prestige. Especially when you consider the lack of normal tank maintenance since the beginning of the Polish campaign.
        2. +7
          16 November 2016 15: 45
          Well, everything is clear. There are no facts, but there is "logic". Reminds of an anecdote about how Vasil Ivanovich explained to Petka what logic is.
          You have exactly the same.
          "I wanted to please" this is of course reinforced concrete "proof".
          Apparently Stalin from the rostrum of the May Day parade said in his speech, "I want to please Hitler and that's the end of it. Well, I can't help myself, I want that."
          My dear man, you would read the statistics, some thread numbers looked at how much and whose oil was consumed by Germany in the 1940th year.
          All that you write is typical blah blah, solid emotions and speculation.
          With such a level, you would be accepted by the "censor" with a bang.
          1. 0
            17 November 2016 15: 21
            you would read the statistics, some thread numbers looked at how much and whose oil was consumed by Germany in the 1940th year.
            There, not only about oil, but also about alloying metals necessary for the production of high-grade armor, cotton for the production of gunpowder and much more. And in the opposite direction was equipment and technical innovations. And we delivered at a faster pace. That there were no inconsistencies. In particular, the Germans didn’t deliver the equipment for the newest cruiser Luttsov handed over to us. But trains with Soviet bread went non-stop until the war itself. No hitches with supplies
            1. +4
              17 November 2016 16: 55
              So that's great. The Germans put up equipment on which weapons that fought against them and weapons that killed them were made. Cotton ended and that’s all, but the latest machines continued to work. At what the Germans supplied machines that they themselves lacked.
              They gave us a lot. For example, drawings of a submarine that was then produced in the USSR under the index "C" - "Stalinist" and drowned German transports. A very brilliant trade.
              1. +1
                17 November 2016 20: 57
                Very brilliant trading operation.

                Just wonderful. Instead of beating Hitler in Poland (and Hitler had half of his tanks at that time light T1 and T2) and there was no oil, not even Romanian, or at the moment when Hitler moved to France, we instead let the Germans get stronger and rearm. For this "operation" then had to pay with millions of lives.
                1. +4
                  18 November 2016 05: 59
                  Quote: Hupfri
                  instead we let the Germans get stronger and

                  Tolerant you are not "our", the fulfillment of this was the cherished desire of the "Entente" for the USSR to be declared the aggressor, and not their (and you) beloved Adolf Aloizovich. And how could the USSR start hostilities against Hitler, when between the USSR and the "Second Reich" the chain dog of the "Entente" lay a mongrel. If the French themselves with a powerful army did not dare to strike in the rear of Germany with its weak rear divisions, then why would the USSR climb on a German armored fist? Your logic is not that it is lame, but vilely hid from your head in your pants, closer ... well, in a word, you know where!
                  1. +4
                    18 November 2016 16: 31
                    Well, what can you argue with children with such a primitive view of the world, international politics, military affairs and the intellectual level below the plinth.
                    Wow, the USSR without an agreement with Poland, but having a non-aggression agreement with Germany, was to attack Germany and become an aggressor. In London and Washington, they would applaud such stupidity, such unbelievable stupidity.
                    You see what he is sculpting here, it means England and France, which under the agreement were OBLIGED to enter the war on the side of Poland, it turns out that they should not, and the USSR "should".
                    Mind level kindergarten. Hitler could crush the West only by waving a finger many times - and when he invaded the Rhine demilitarized zone, when he annexed Austria, when he violated the Versailles agreements and began to increase the army, introducing universal military service, when he began to revive military aviation, tank troops, submarine fleet, that Germany was strictly forbidden. Or when finally he tried to swallow Czechoslovakia. But the west did NOT. But the USSR turns headlong, without allies, into the war against Germany, at the risk of becoming drawn into a war with the whole West.
                    Only the enemy of the country could offer such a thing.
                    1. +1
                      19 November 2016 12: 51
                      You see what he is sculpting here, it means England and France, which under the agreement were OBLIGED to enter the war on the side of Poland, it turns out that they should not, and the USSR "should".

                      "He" explains to you a very understandable thing.
                      England and France, obliged to enter the war entered the war, only the Poles fled so fast that there was no one to help.
                      The USSR owed nothing to anyone. But this was his last chance. Instead, Stalin began to delay the war.
                      Probably the year at the 43rd aimed. He was waiting for the appearance of the jet messer and the Tiger. And this last chance was missed. Not striking in the 39th in Poland or in May of the 40th, we got the 41st
                      1. +3
                        19 November 2016 14: 36
                        Ah, the Poles fled. That is, the Poles are to blame. Then what does the USSR have to do with it if the Poles fled.
                        By the way, young man, is it really 17 days that England and France are not enough to inflict massive airstrikes on German troops?
                        You do not tell tales here. And France, and especially England, COULD undertake concrete and very painful military operations for the Wehrmacht.
                        If, according to the documents of the General Staff, 2 weeks (14 days) were enough for the Red Army to deploy troops into combat formation, then France would have been enough for a week.
                        Instead, the governments of England and France got off the Poles with empty promises and pulled time, waiting for the Poles to be defeated and Hitler would reach the borders of the USSR.
                        Well, all the "good" ones, only the USSR, the bad one, which took care of itself, and did not get into the fight for the umpteenth time for the interests of England.
                        Learn the documents, young man, according to the plans of the Red Army, was supposed to complete the rearmament and reorganization in the first half of the 42nd year.
                        Your illiteracy is limitless.
                  2. +1
                    19 November 2016 11: 23
                    , the fulfillment of this was the cherished desire of the "Entente" for the USSR to be declared an aggressor

                    Just a month after the events described, the USSR climbed into Finland and the stigma of the aggressor did not bother him. Ah, you just don’t know that. But the USSR was kicked out of the League of Nations
                    . If the French themselves with a powerful army did not dare to strike at the rear of Germany with its weak rear divisions, then why should the USSR climb a German armored fist?

                    At the time of the parade described here, Germany’s supply depots were empty. All the poor German reserves were spent on Poland. So the armored fist was empty. Didn't you know that?
                    1. +3
                      19 November 2016 14: 41
                      Are they empty? And why didn't France and England strike, knowing that "the armored fist was empty." The USSR was not obliged to do this, and Britain and France were OBLIGED under an agreement with Poland, but they did not do what you are trying to forget and shift all responsibility to the USSR.
                      Are you trying to whitewash and justify England and France?
                      Do you get grants from the British like Vitya Rezun?
                  3. 0
                    28 November 2016 14: 33
                    Quote: V.ic
                    was the cherished desire of the "Entente" for the USSR to be declared an aggressor

                    a good "aggressor" who came out on the side of the occupied, and even together with this "Entente" in the same ranks. Rave. E.R. Stettinius Jr. - Secretary of State of US presidents, in his book on Lend-Lease back in 1944, wrote that the whole world was waiting for the USSR to enter the war on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition.
    4. +8
      16 November 2016 15: 32
      Oh kindergarten. That is, "looked" and "look" you do not distinguish? "Parade" and "passing" too? It is immediately clear that you have cut off from the army.
      Here already "Ulan quite rightly wrote - in the army everything is done by order - the order of Krivosheev to hold the parade in the studio, or shut up with your silly fantasies.
    5. +2
      16 November 2016 20: 08
      Well done. There are half a glass of vodka. A normal person sees half a glass of vodka. The lover sees only half a glass of vodka. And here is your highest ability to see, sees a full glass of vodka. There are people who are only fooled by one type of half a glass of vodka, they don’t even need to drink. That is, you look at the book and see the fig, or what you want to see. Or maybe it looks like a tank tower with a barrel for you.
      1. +1
        18 November 2016 18: 23
        Quote: zenion
        There are half a glass of vodka. ... into the book and you see the fig, or what you want to see.

        "Chosen One", today you have clearly not one or two glasses of "national Russian drink" "sentenced." The greatness and insight of your wise sayings will still inspire generations of budding alkanauts. Let me remind you that the best "opohmelon" is sauerkraut juice (only I personally doubt that the "elite" are salted cabbage.
    6. +2
      17 November 2016 08: 41
      If you want to sew "Hitler and Stalin on the same board," poke with white thread, I ask you to find diplomatic parades with the participation of Herman's representative and troops and Fr. and Great Brit, as well as documents supporting the Reich in the fight against the British occupation of Palestine ...
      Everyone was intriguing against everyone.
      Everything that is not prohibited at the time of the event is allowed.
      And the wind of history is blowing harder and harder.
      1. +4
        17 November 2016 16: 59
        In the 6-volume "History of the Great Patriotic War" in the 1st volume there is a photo - "A German officer on an internship in an English military camp."
        In the photo, a German officer walks past an English soldier and then stretches out in front of the Aryan.
        Those who wish can see for themselves.
        1. +2
          17 November 2016 20: 19
          I have this six-volume book and such a photo is really there and it is written how European countries helped Hitler revive the German war machine.
        2. 0
          17 November 2016 21: 13
          In the 6-volume "History of the Great Patriotic War" in the 1st volume there is a photo - "A German officer on an internship in an English military camp."

          Uchpedgiz printed a lot of things. The Party supported adventurers all over the world with money taken from the people, "fighters for the labor cause." Any fake could have been fabricated. And about how hard workers are oppressed or blacks, and hard workers in England actually lived no worse than our party secretaries with their special rations. But in every newspaper there was a heading "Where capital rules", with a description of the various "horrors of capitalism."
          Those who wish can read Shirokorada about the artilleryman Grabin. There, German experts always rode on buses while sitting, and Russians standing
          1. +4
            18 November 2016 16: 34
            Well, exactly "onizhedeti". Him about "Thomas", and he about "Eremu".
    7. +2
      17 November 2016 19: 29
      Quote: Hupfri
      And where is the refutation of the newspaper True? No?

      And what to refute if this, your parade, was not?
      1. 0
        17 November 2016 21: 15
        And what to refute if this, your parade, was not?

        It was necessary to refute the "Goebbels fake". But alas ...
        1. +4
          18 November 2016 16: 36
          Where to refute? And Germany? "Truth" spread freely in Germany? Another "historical discovery" about children. lol
          1. 0
            19 November 2016 11: 30
            "Truth" spread freely in Germany?

            Imagine yes. Before the Internet era, newspapers were delivered as quickly as possible to trade missions and embassies and to various "friendship centers". Who needs to read it. The entire Soviet press was at the disposal of foreign intelligence services.
            1. +3
              19 November 2016 14: 44
              What does the embassy have to do with it? As far as I understand, we are talking about the free distribution of print. And in the embassies and trade missions, and so they all knew.
              Especially in intelligence.
  13. +9
    16 November 2016 09: 24
    Even when those who stormed Berlin were alive, they were surprised that there were so many who claimed to be Jews. It surprised me too, until I realized that only SOVIET CITIZENS OF JEWS were killed by the Nazis and their accomplices. The Germans put their * Jews * to the cause and they worked for the Reich not for fear but for unity of opinion. There were many Jews in Hitler’s army, even more than Finns were captured. By the way, the trade of wealthy Jews through Sweden-Switzerland was organized by the Jews of England and the USA. This ugly page of history is being hushed up hiding today.
    1. +5
      16 November 2016 20: 19
      Quote: Vasily50
      Even when those who stormed Berlin were alive, they were surprised that there were so many who claimed that they were Jews ..

      it would be strange if there were no such attempts to escape from the Germans, exposing themselves to be victims of the regime.
      Quote: Vasily50
      * Germans put their * Jews to work and they worked for the Reich ..

      Yeah ... as a free working cattle. and that is not on the territory of Germany itself.
      Quote: Vasily50
      There were many Jews in Hitler’s army, even more than Finns were captured.
      lately, such statements are often found on the net. only what they are based on - I don't know. Could you tell? only ... arguments similar to those that "testify to the Russian army on the territory of poor Ukraine" are not necessary.)) And also, please note that isolated cases are quite possible (for various reasons), but the speech, as I understand it, it is about an allegedly commonplace business - the German "Jude" in the ranks of the Nazi army. Taking into account the pre-war number of Jews in Germany, there must be many thousands of them.
      Quote: Vasily50
      the trade in wealthy Jews through Sweden-Switzerland was organized by the Jews of England and the United States. This ugly page of history is being hushed up hiding today.
      bl .... of course! in all that concerns money, the American mentality, plus the notorious Jewish gesheft - it turns out something transcendental! but .... something you contradict yourself. then you claim that the Nazis "their" Jews lived ... in "unity of views", and then suddenly it turns out the Jews are trying to escape from the Reich by all means and despite the fee that only "wealthy" can afford, they were ready to pay. not a couple!)))
      and the author - a big plus for the article! in general, there was a parade or not (most likely it wasn’t. It’s nice to recognize that in many respects the efforts of the Jew Krivoshein) .... for me, as a Jew, one thing is important: there would be no Red Army, most likely there would be no Jews today, no Israel! and only fools or villains can deny it IMHO !!
      1. +1
        17 November 2016 13: 52
        "isolated cases are quite possible" - the family has its black sheep negative
        no one canceled the lie, "if you want to live, you will not be so upset"
        in fact, it was possible to distinguish "not by the passport, but by ...", well, smart people understood
        But seriously - the article is a big plus! good
        It is a pity that the cons were canceled. feel
      2. 0
        18 November 2016 09: 21
        ... mentally I applaud you ...
  14. +8
    16 November 2016 10: 02
    Thank you Roman, great job. Although you cannot prove anything to such as the Jewish Nazi "professor" and the cartoon happy, they have their own vision of history.
    1. +2
      16 November 2016 11: 10
      you can't prove anything

      You deny the fact of close cooperation in the period of June 39-41.
      Have you seen any large columns? How many troops.
      There is NO AUDIO DEVICE on the podium in the photo with Curved Head. No microphones, no amplifiers. This is the Germans. That is, they did not make lengthy speeches. Few would have heard them, although there is equipment at all Nazi rallies. Why then the tribune? To stand on it when the troops will be held.
      Do you really believe that the Germans passed, but ours did not? Yes, even ours took off Litvinov so that there was no discomfort at the "friends". Krivoshein would have received from the owner in the neck if he caused German discontent. So all your "proofs" fall apart at once.
      And the fact that some photos were retouched, so what to expect from Goebbels. He is Goebbels. And he blinded this picture for the West. But we did not refute it. That is, they agreed with the fact of the parade.
      1. +9
        16 November 2016 11: 57
        Quote: Hupfri
        Do you really believe that the Germans passed, but ours do not?

        Easy. Even from the point of view of prestige: dirty tanks and soldiers in various uniforms are not quite what I want to show at the parade.
        The condition of the mat [main] part of the brigade at the limit of wear, the machines worked on average 100 hours without major inspections. It is necessary to give for the brigade 3 of the day to put in order the mat [real] part.
        The consequences for a tank that died before the Germans during the parade will be much more serious than for the lack of passage at all. So Krivoshein could calmly roll up the issue with a joint parade, hiding behind the same report on the condition of the materiel.
        Quote: Hupfri
        Krivoshein would have received from the owner in the neck if he caused German discontent. So all your "proofs" fall apart at once.
        Oh-ho-ho ... we have General Susloparov, pomnitsa, signed Act of Unconditional Surrender of the German Armed Forces without coordination with Moscow - and nothing, served further. smile
        Did someone get a hat for the "three" and "kopeck piece" that the Germans got from under their noses? Or for the battle with the Germans on September 23?
        On September 23, the following events occurred at Widoml, occupied by German units. At 16 o’clock the cavalry patrol of the reconnaissance battalion of the 8th Infantry Division was shot at by machine guns from 6 German tanks. “As a result of the shelling, 2 people were killed and 2 people were injured and 3 horses were killed ... In response to this, German tanks were fired from reconnaissance armored vehicles, one German tank was destroyed by fire and the crew destroyed, after which the German troops a red rocket was launched, indicating that in front of us were units of the German army. When clarifying the reasons for the shelling, the German command was given an explanation: "An error occurred, the Poles thought, we sincerely regret what happened." At 23 o’clock the Germans left Widoml.
        1. +1
          16 November 2016 14: 11
          with us, General Susloparov, a pomnitsa, signed the Act on the unconditional surrender of the German armed forces without coordination with Moscow - and nothing, he served further. smile

          The general, the assistant, Susloparov kicked in the ass immediately flew to the teaching job. Well at least the epaulettes were not removed
          Did someone get a hat for the "three" and "kopeck piece" that the Germans got from under their noses?

          And what, this case was advertised? Wrote in the press, filmed a chronicle about this?
          By the way, do you remember that the Germans showed us and sold almost all the samples of their military equipment that we wanted ?. Like best friends
          Krivoshein could calmly wrap up the issue with a joint parade
          . Krivoshein is a petty clerk, he didn’t solve anything, but executed commands of big uncles
          1. +7
            16 November 2016 14: 49
            Quote: Hupfri
            The general, the assistant, Susloparov kicked in the ass immediately flew to the teaching job.

            Yeah ... kick in the ass - to the Military Diplomatic Academy. Not under article 58 in places are not so remote as an Anglo-American spy (recall the Kuznetsov-Galler case), and to Moscow to train future intelligence officers.
            That way you and the appointment to Moscow from the troops will be considered a "kick in the ass." smile
            Quote: Hupfri
            Krivoshein is a petty clerk, he didn’t solve anything, but executed commands of big uncles

            You think too well of subordination and discipline in the Red Army. smile
            Krivoshein just decided - on the spot, based on the presence and condition of the personnel and equipment. And he decided - not to disgrace.
            1. 0
              17 November 2016 15: 34
              Krivoshein just decided - on the spot, based on the presence and condition of the personnel and equipment. And he decided - not to disgrace.

              That is, everything was so bad in our army. The tanks stop on their own, scattering on the go, the soldiers look like tramps. But the Red Army in its mass did not participate in any battles, it was a walk for us.
              You know. You probably convinced me
              Yeah ... kick in the ass - to the Military Diplomatic Academy

              That's it. From a post that allowed negotiating with top officials of foreign countries to teachers.
              1. +4
                18 November 2016 16: 38
                The "white rider" is immediately visible.
          2. +2
            16 November 2016 21: 21
            "Krivoshein is a petty clerk, he didn’t solve a thing, but he did the commands of the big guys."
            --------------------- Well, at least a word of truth. Here Krivoshein executed the command of the "big guys", ie higher command- no parades with the Germans are not carried out.
            1. 0
              17 November 2016 15: 37
              Here Krivoshein executed the command of the "big guys", ie higher command-

              Do you even agree with Alexey, otherwise you contradict each other
              1. +2
                17 November 2016 20: 24
                Why should I negotiate with someone? Everyone has the right to their opinion.
                Alexey believes that Krivosheev decided on his own; I believe that without the permission of a higher command, he could not go to a joint parade with the Germans.
                But in the main we have one opinion. The parade was not and could not be.
                There are simply no facts and documents confirming the holding of such a parade. I don’t understand why to rest and prove that white is black. From stubbornness?
        2. +4
          16 November 2016 14: 40
          Here is another clash in Lviv!
          "At 2 am on September 19, the 24th light tank brigade (BT-7 tanks), after a 145-kilometer march, broke into Lviv, occupying the northern and eastern parts of the city. By this time, units of the 2nd mining company had already approached Lviv from the south and west. - Wehrmacht rifle division, and the Polish garrison defended in the center.
          At 4.20:6.00 am, the brigade commander received an order to withdraw from the city to the Zloczów area. In view of the unclear reasons for such an order, the brigade commander left the reconnaissance battalion in Lviv, and by 8.30 he brought the remaining units to the Vinniki area. At 19 on September 3, the German units approaching the city launched a surprise attack in the southern sector, with the reconnaissance battalion between the Germans and the Poles. The Germans, mistaking Soviet tanks and armored cars for Polish ones, opened artillery fire on them, the Poles also began firing at our combat vehicles. The white flags thrown by the tankers did not help, and then the tanks and armored cars returned fire. As a result of the battle, the reconnaissance battalion lost 4 people killed and 2 wounded, 10 BA-1 and 7 BT-2 were shot down and burned. The Germans killed 1 majors, 9 non-commissioned officer, 3 soldiers were wounded and 37 XNUMX-mm anti-tank guns were destroyed by the return fire of Soviet tankers. "
      2. +8
        16 November 2016 15: 56
        Well, now after the "logic", also "faith" went into action as evidence.
        My dear man, they explained to you in detail and clearly that the order of TRANSFER of Brest from the Wehrmacht to the Red Army and the Soviet commanders was agreed upon, and they were obliged to be present and observe the process and control it.
        This is not "logic" and not "faith", that is, fantasies on free themes, but facts that you really do not like and are still trying to find a black cat in a dark room, although it was never there.
        So you are trying to prove that the parade was, without any facts, just falling into various assumptions - and you believe, and you turn on the logic, it remains for you to say so - look at the ceiling, everything is written there. Go ahead. smile
      3. +2
        17 November 2016 08: 45
        And with the future enemy of Japan, the FR and W. Brit held parades or stood in the stands?
        Write a dissertation about this and let us know.
  15. +2
    16 November 2016 10: 43
    M.M. Litvinov. Born in the family of a Jewish merchant. He studied at the header, and then at a real school. After graduating from the Bialystok Real School in 1893, he entered the army as a volunteer, served five years in Baku as part of the 17th Caucasian Infantry Regiment.
    After demobilization in 1898, he worked as an accountant in the city of Klintsy, then as manager of a sugar factory in Kiev. In 1898 Litvinov became a member of the RSDLP

    In 1930-1939 - Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR.

    In 39, the Jew Litvinov was replaced by the Russian Molotov, the most educated comrade-in-arms at that time, in order to have more fun communicating with Hitler and his "Aryan" entourage. So that Hitler did not feel any discomfort.
    1. +11
      16 November 2016 10: 47
      Quote: Hupfri

      What by the way, stupid talker?
      An attempt to accuse the USSR of "alliance" with Hitler?
      Go and learn History, and do not arrange hysteria here in Rezunovsky or in the manner of opus of corned beef with falcon.
      1. +3
        16 November 2016 11: 33
        Attempt to accuse the USSR of "alliance" with Hitler

        What is there to try to blame someone. There is no need to try. It is written on the forehead of the USSR and confirmed by the supply of raw materials and equipment
        1. +10
          16 November 2016 14: 10
          Quote: Hupfri
          confirmed by supplies of raw materials and equipment

          The USSR was at war with Germany since June 22, 1941, and before that, so all your cries, it's just cries.
          The United States and England restored the entire military-industrial complex of Hitler's Reich, you won’t hear lamentations about this. The United States transferred the full technology for the production of synthetic fuel, you don’t hear your regrets and accusations, the United States traded almost the entire war with Hitler Germany, something hear regrets from you.
          The decree of US President Franklin Roosevelt of December 13, 1941 allowed such transactions and the Americans to conduct business with enemy companies, unless there was a special ban on the US Treasury. American corporations very often and without problems received such permission, supplying formal enemies with much-needed topics such as steel, engines, aviation fuel, rubber, and radio components. The benefit was mutual: warring Germany received the raw materials and goods necessary for its industry, American companies received superprofits from transactions with the enemy. Thus, the American oil monopoly Standard Oil, belonging to the Rockefeller family, which produced, transported, refined oil and marketed petroleum products, regularly supplied Hitler Germany with fuel and synthetic rubber during the war years. Deliveries also went to Italy and Austria. At the same time - the most interesting! - In the United States during the war years, there were serious problems with the supply of synthetic rubber for American industry. In the case of Germany, there were no problems.

          In the 30-ies, the Third Reich traded and conducted diplomatic relations with a mass of countries and no one broke off relations with him, for moral reasons. The main suppliers of natural raw materials, including especially valuable species, to the Reich were quite democratic - the United States and Great Britain. So, the UK re-exported to the Reich copper ore from South Africa, Chile, Canada. In 1935, wool imports from England to Germany amounted to almost half of wool imports.
          In 1934, the Germans (IG Farbenindustry) signed a contract with a Canadian company, he provided the Reich with half the necessary nickel. The rest of the Germans received nickel through British companies. Moreover, part of the supply was on credit. Through London, the Reich received not only copper, nickel and wool, but also cotton, rubber, and oil.
          The main supplier of iron ore to Germany was Stockholm. In the 1933-1936 years, the Germans took up to three fourths of all Swedish exports. In 1938, Sweden covered 41% of Germany’s iron ore needs.

          In 1924, the Dawes Plan was adopted, its purpose was to restore the German economy and the penetration of US capital into Europe. Germany could not pay reparations. And the United States offered to finance the restoration of the German industry with loans. Until 1929, loans worth $ 2,5 billion were received from the United States and $ 1,5 billion from England. The Dawes plan not only allowed Germany to cover repair costs, but also made it possible for German industry to re-equip its material base, upgrade equipment and create the foundation for military production.
          Assessing the outcome of the Dawes plan, an American researcher R. Epperson wrote: "Without the capital provided by Wall Street, Hitler and World War II would not have existed." After the Nazis came to power, German support from Great Britain and the USA not only did not decrease, but even increased.

          orija / kto_vzrastil_iz_slaboj_germanii_moshh_trete
          go_rejkha / 9-1-0-153
          And finally, your myth was composed and voiced by a certain Obukhov, even that deceitful "hysteric" based on History

          1. +4
            16 November 2016 16: 01
            The United States and England restored the entire military-industrial complex of Hitler's Reich

            Lies. The German military-industrial complex was not destroyed, all enterprises and research laboratories worked according to plan. Fulfilling Soviet orders, there were also joint research centers. In Kazan (tanks) in Lipetsk (aviation), in Moscow (chemical weapons), the Germans built an aircraft factory in Moscow, together with Grabin created a number of art systems.
            The United States transferred the full production technology of synthetic fuels

            Lies, and the stupid lies.
            Synthetic fuel production technology was developed in Germany. This Germany could sell the technology and not vice versa. Germany, which had no sources of oil, produced more gasoline than the USSR. Synthetic fuel plants were built long before the war.
            And the US offered to finance the restoration of the German industry with loans

            So, what is next?
            And in the Soviet Union what? Equipment was supplied to hundreds of factories, military technology was sold. Are you unhappy with something? There was no refusal. At whose expense industrialization was carried out in the USSR?
            Stockholm was the main supplier of iron ore to Germany
            So what? Sweden is a neutral country i.e.
            The USSR was at war with Germany since June 22, 1941, and before that, so all your cries, it's just cries.

            That is, the USSR can trade with Germany, but the Swedes can not? It seems that everything is not all right with your head since you give the opposite arguments in the same post.
            In 1934, the Germans (IG Farbenindustry) signed a contract with a Canadian company, he provided the Reich with half the necessary nickel. The rest of the Germans received nickel through British companies. Moreover, part of the supply was on credit. Through London, the Reich received not only copper, nickel and wool, but also cotton, rubber, and oil.

            So what. Common trade between firms and states. This is all what was said? Just to say something?
            At the same time - the most interesting! - In the United States during the war years, there were serious problems with the supply of synthetic rubber for American industry.

            The most interesting thing is different. Why did the US need synthetic rubber when the Americans were full of natural, more high-quality Brazilian. If you glance at the map, here it is - Brazil, a little south of the United States far from all fronts, a faithful ally who entered the war in the 42nd, producing rubber in any quantities and, moreover, is the birthplace of this rubber itself. You wrote garbage, because copy-paste thoughtlessly
            American corporations ....... supplying formal enemies with much-needed topics such as steel, engines, aviation fuel, rubber, radio components.
            From it is .....
            Steel means. But the Swedes supplied steel. They wrote it themselves. And the Americans too?
            Engines? What kind? Engines Germans themselves made first-class. Germany is the birthplace of internal combustion engines, fighter injection appeared earlier than the British Spitfire.
            What kind of engines did the Americans deliver to the Germans after 41?
            What are the components of radio engineering? In Germany, TVs were made and television broadcasts were made, there were rocket systems with radio and television controls, there were infrared sights, what could the Americans put in such new things?
            What are you rewriting rubbish here from Uchpedgiz 50's
            1. +5
              16 November 2016 21: 22
              Better from Uchpedgiz than from the State Department training manual.
              1. +1
                17 November 2016 15: 46
                Better from Uchpedgiz than from the State Department training manual.

                Do you know the manuals? Me not.
                The fact that your level is sovets agitprop I had no doubt
                1. +3
                  17 November 2016 20: 28
                  It makes no difference to me what you have no doubt about. Your literacy is clearly visible by the word "sovetsky". First, learn to write correctly a young man. And what they think, if they know how, of course, the victims of the exam, I do not care.
          2. +4
            16 November 2016 16: 37
            Well, livejournal is certainly an authoritative source, we believe it unambiguously. A decree on trade with Germany was made by the President of the United States, while the United States was neutral and had a significant limitation in that the purchased goods and raw materials had to be delivered exclusively by German courts, which practically nullified all deliveries due to the complete dominance of the British fleet in the Atlantic . All other supply charges are generally blah blah blah for the dates of the contracts are the 20s and 30s. There, either Hitler had not yet come to power, or was not yet the monster who was born in the 39th year, as Comrade. Stalin, in the quote you quoted from his speech, said: "Germany marched in the first period under the slogan of liberation from the oppression of the Versailles Peace." The USSR, by the way, did the same in the prewar years: the Finnish War, campaigns and the accession of app. Ukraine and Belarus and sowing. Bukovina and Bessarabia. And the fact that supposedly British or state firms helped Germany during the war was not the USSR, where the entire economy was subordinated to one person, moreover, many of them were captured by the Germans like Opel, for example
            1. +4
              17 November 2016 03: 48
              not supposedly they helped the Reich to stay in opposition to the USSR for almost 3 extra years afloat,
              only primarily American and Brazilian ...
              before that, one person in the USA, for example, took and imposed an oil embargo against Japan bully
              1. 0
                17 November 2016 07: 51
                Quote: Simpsonian
                before that, one person in the USA, for example, took and imposed an oil embargo against Japan

                I agree, it was, only because the embargo was imposed for oil companies registered and located in the United States, and those:
                Quote: Simpsonian
                primarily American and Brazilian
                could only be registered there, and their owners were in the territory of either neutral or German-captured countries, take the same notorious Opel or Ford's European plants. Or raw materials were procured through intermediary countries
                1. +1
                  17 November 2016 11: 47
                  In general, the decrees of the American president apply to all American citizens; the Phillippines were American.
                  But not the Rockefellers.
                  1. +1
                    17 November 2016 13: 33
                    Quote: Simpsonian
                    In general, the decrees of the American president concern all American citizens

                    I agree, but subsidiaries are formed to leave a certain jurisdiction, so it’s not a fact that the owners were US citizens. In addition, how many citizens of the USSR collaborated with the Germans? I mean that state policy determines the essence of the confrontation, and not the actions of individual subjects. The United States was clearly on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition: Len-Lease, the Pacific Theater, the African Theater, the European Theater. What is there to talk about?
                    1. +3
                      17 November 2016 14: 00
                      the subsidiary is managed by the parent company, it does not leave the jurisdiction,
                      then something was for the subjects of the USSR ...
                      Since when did the Rockefellers cease to be the owners of the Brazilian Standard Oil?
                      The United States clearly supplied motor oil to the Reich without which the German would have surrendered to the USSR after the blitzkrieg failed, and supplied the Brazilian varnish for all-metal aircraft to the Germans without supplying it to the USSR. tungsten in German ammunition shells was also from the USA
                      The United States clearly simply handed over the Phillippines to the Japanese so that they had 4 more years to destroy the Chinese, even after the embargo was introduced with a delay of 10 years.
                      yes, about nothing ...
                      1. 0
                        18 November 2016 08: 21
                        Quote: Simpsonian
                        the subsidiary is managed by the parent company, it does not leave the jurisdiction,
                        theoretically it may be so, but there are various force majeure circumstances for failure to comply with the instructions of the parent company. In general, it seems to me that you are confusing public and private interests. Business just did its job, it has long been concluded that the Second World War is the work of the Rockefellers and Morgan, dividing the spheres of influence in the world.
                        Quote: Simpsonian
                        The United States clearly simply handed over the Phillippines to the Japanese so that they had 4 more years to destroy the Chinese, even after the embargo was introduced with a delay of 10 years.
                        Sorry, but this is nonsense. To get involved in a heavy war because of this embargo and at the same time just hand over the phillippines to the Japanese, who then conquer with blood and iron ??? Doesn’t climb into any gates.
                      2. +1
                        21 November 2016 00: 07
                        almost trying to confuse that the state allegedly cannot order something to its citizens
                        an embargo does not mean a state of war, but war involves an embargo
                        The nonsense that this war was hard for the Americans ... then the Chinese drenched their blood for 14 years against the Japanese, just like the Russians against the Germans for 4 years, 3 of which were clearly superfluous if the US-Brazilian supplies to the 3rd Reich ceased ...
        2. +10
          16 November 2016 16: 03
          Young man, in fact, alliances are confirmed by documents in which allied relations are prescribed.
          Can you provide such a document, where it is written that Germany and the USSR enter into a military alliance?
          No? Well, there’s nothing blah blah here.
          What you write is a trade agreement, not an alliance. This agreement has never been hidden, you can read it yourself, there is nothing about the military alliance in it.
          Many countries and firms had trade agreements with Germany.
          In general, your ignorance of the issues that you are trying to discuss is simply amazing. negative
          1. +2
            17 November 2016 03: 45
            usually trade simply without a contract, they are concluded when it is limited ... and it was.
  16. +12
    16 November 2016 10: 50
    From the manuscript of the memoirs of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General Semen Moiseevich Krivoshein:
    - Now I would like, with your permission, to clarify questions about the parade on the streets of Brest in honor of the German troops leaving the city, in honor of the great friendship of the Soviet and German peoples.
    “The friendship of our peoples, dear general, is beyond any doubt.” As for the parade that you just deigned to say, not everything is clear to me. Which parade do you mean? I asked.
    And then a picture flashed before my eyes: General Guderian brings out regiments to the parade, resting for two weeks in Brest. The soldiers and officers were polished to a brilliance, the material part was sparkling, and I was leading the tired, not having time to put myself in order tankers around the city. City dwellers will say: “Here the Germans are a true Western culture, they have order, discipline ...” No, old hypocrite, you can’t beat me to the parade! I decided.
    How what parade? A parade of German troops and your glorious tankers, ”Guderian replied.
    Sorry, Mr. General, but I still don’t understand you. In my opinion, the parade of troops is an exam of their combatant cohesion, fit and brilliance. But judge for yourself, General, how can I bring my tank brigade to the parade after a 120-kilometer night march? The parade uniform is in the rear, and you know from your own experience that the rear units are always far behind the tankers. “Ala Ger com a la Ger!” - “In war as in war!” - say the French. I can not bring people and tanks without not bringing them into proper shape.
    If I understand you correctly, do you, general, want to violate the agreement of our command with the command of the German troops? Guderian asked me maliciously. "Look where it bends, you bastard!" I thought to myself, but smiling politely, he answered:
    - No, the agreement concluded by my command is an immutable law for me. I’m not going to break it. Having concluded an agreement, my command and yours did not mean to arrange such a parade in which one part of the troops will defile after a long rest, and the other after a long campaign.
    Parade on parades is recorded in the agreement, and it must be implemented, ”Guderian insisted.
    We must fulfill this clause of the agreement as follows, ”I categorically suggested,“ at 16 o’clock, parts of your corps in the marching column, with standards in front, leave the city, my units, also in the marching column, enter the city, stop on the streets , where the German regiments pass, and with their banners they greet the passing units. Orchestras perform military marches.
    Guderian objected long and verbose, insisting on the parade with the construction of troops in the square. Seeing that I was adamant, he finally agreed with my option, stipulating, however, that he would stand with me on the podium and welcome the passing parts. Http://
    i_blickrig / p7.php

    The conversation was conducted in French. Soviet historiography has preserved these memoirs, because I was not shy about this working moment. The usual protocol routine of official events. But how our brigade commander managed to put the right accents! The brigade commander was not only military, but also had brilliant diplomatic talent. And the Germans and Russians were well aware that they still had to meet on the battlefield. So why do we want to be holier than the pope now? By the way, that pre-war time also helps to comprehend the present.
    Another thing is that this fact can be interpreted in different ways. And this is most often done. They shout: "AAAAA! Joint parade !!!", completely without going into the atmosphere of that alarming time. Our tanks tanks approached Brest with full ammunition and did not for a fun walk.
    1. +2
      17 November 2016 08: 49
      Everything is simple and why break into the hole of history, only to fall through and get dirty in the substance?
      1. +1
        17 November 2016 11: 11
        Quote: antivirus
        It's simple

        "Leave the dead to bury their dead" also applies to history. If history prevents us from uniting, then into the furnace this history. We must be united. And not in words (as it vulgarizes and depreciates Edro), but in deeds. To be pragmatic. to create the present and be ready to adequately meet the challenges of the future.
  17. +1
    16 November 2016 11: 15
    And further. Look carefully at the flagpole. There, sorry, hangs the military flag of the Reich. And if this is a parade, if our tanks are already marching in a solemn march, then he has nothing to do there. By that moment it should have been removed and our flag should be raised instead. Something like that...

    We were ready for everything, just to make new friends like us. Something like that...
    1. +10
      16 November 2016 11: 19
      Quote: Hupfri
      We were ready for everything, just to make new friends like us. Something like that...

      An outright lie. You definitely like the "friends" from the West, who broadcast this LIE, starting with a cleverly edited film chronicle of the Ministry of Propaganda of the Third Reich, a student of Goebbels in a new way ...
      1. +9
        16 November 2016 11: 54
        Quote: The Bloodthirster
        Goebbels student in a new way ...

        Trains, gains points. It's not just that the "minus" "here" is canceled! Under the old system, it would have been hung with "Adam's heads" up to the "lower back".
        1. +2
          16 November 2016 16: 16
          Under the old system, it would have been hung with "Adam's heads" up to the "lower back".

          This happened more than once. On business, can you object to something, or croaked from behind the "tovarische" - and into the bushes, suck validol?
          1. +5
            18 November 2016 17: 30
            Validol is better than how you are something other obscene .... laughing
            1. +3
              18 November 2016 19: 18
              However! Politely so dipped from the sweep of the arrogant kid into a puddle. Enchanting. good lol
      2. +3
        16 November 2016 14: 22
        .You definitely like "friends" from the West

        What else can you add Comrade Communism, the strangler of your own people?
        1. +12
          16 November 2016 16: 08
          Well, the logical conclusion arrived, rudeness and hysteria. Blown away, troll.
          1. 0
            17 November 2016 16: 05
            Well, the logical conclusion arrived, rudeness and hysteria. Blown away, troll.

            What is the question is the answer. An eye as they say for an eye. A man brought up refers directly to the opponent. And not rustling like a cowardly gossip behind his back. Unfortunately, the manners adopted in the party-collective farm environment differ from those generally accepted, 25 years have passed and the habit has remained. This is not the end, but only the beginning.
            1. +5
              17 November 2016 16: 14
              Quote: Hupfri
              A man brought up refers directly to the opponent.

              Are you talking about yourself, "educated"? And then nonsense
              Quote: Hupfri
              And not rustling like a cowardly gossip behind his back.
              And then frank nonsense-
              Quote: Hupfri
              Unfortunately, the manners adopted in the party-collective farm environment differ from those generally accepted, 25 years have passed and the habit has remained

              If we remove the words "party-collective farm", as it does not have any idea, fact, or foundation at all, then we get the liberal-democratic chatter of a person covering the crimes of librals from the 90s to this time. 25 years a liberal party tells fairy tales, and the result is a level development of the country in relation to 90 years, collapsed 14 times, so thanks to our talkers from liberalism for their feverish raving about the market and other tinsel, with which they all covered one act - massive theft, pulling the country apart.
              So the arrests of the Ulyukaevs, the special developments of the Shuvalovs, Dvorkovichs, Rusnano and other trash-
              Quote: Hupfri
              This is not the end, but only the beginning.

              Dry the rusks.
              1. +2
                17 November 2016 20: 31
                The kid, for lack of knowledge, replaces them with rudeness. "Onizhedeti".
              2. 0
                19 November 2016 11: 42
                If we remove the words "party-collective farm", as having no idea under it

                That is, the party-collective farm system had no thought under itself.
                I totally agree
                liberal party tells tales

                I’m not from a liberal get-together and I bring facts, but don’t tell tales, and don’t leave the topic, 90-if they can’t be compared with your GULAG
                Dry crackers

                Will you come back and rule the country again
  18. +8
    16 November 2016 12: 26
    You can argue and call it anything you like, however the drill charter of 1938 unequivocally determined that:
    229. For the command of the troops brought to the parade, the commander of the parade is appointed, who gives the necessary instructions to the troops in advance.
    230. The composition of the troops participating in the parade and the uniform of their clothes are determined by the head of the garrison, who gives the necessary instructions to the troops in advance.
    234. Troops arrive at the place of the parade according to the order of the garrison and are built on the ground, ..
    240. The host parade arrives at the right flank of the parade ....
    d) the parade commander comes with a report to the host parade ....

    There is no commander of the parade defined by order, there is no receiver, there is no order itself.

    240. The receiving parade arrives at the right flank of the parade. When approaching the troops at 110-150 m, the commander of the parade gives the command: “The parade, at attention, ...
    243. At the end of the detour, the host of the parade receiving the parade commander gives the command: “The parade is FREE”.

    Any civilian with normal hearing will understand what kind of event.
    No removal and raising of flags is prescribed in the Charter (there is the concept of “takeaway” and “relate” a banner - but this is only about the banner of the unit).

    Definitely a regulation must be agreed. According to the regulations of any parade, there must be a parade commander and a receiver. Question: Who commanded the parade? Who took it? If we proceed from the fact that the Germans left Brest, the commander of the 19th mechanized corps, Heinz Guderian, was to command the parade, and the commander of the 29 armored brigade of the Red Army Semyon Krivoshein should take it.

    Here the author is not quite right - although such a situation is not spelled out in the Charter. At a joint parade in Berlin on the occasion of the Victory on September 7, 1945, the English Major General Nairs commanded the parade, and Zhukov was also received by representatives of England, the United States and France.
    But it was a joint official decision of the Allied Commandant's Office in Berlin.
    That is, both Guderian and Krivoshein should have taken the parade (again, not a fact).
    And a German or Soviet officer could command.
    But there should definitely be a joint decision (order).

    So - "... no matter how you sit down, everyone will not be a musician", this is anything you like - but not a "military parade".
    salute the Soviet flag to the sounds of the "International",

    According to the same Charter, the “International” played in parades only when taking the oath. The standard theme was “Oncoming March”.
  19. +2
    16 November 2016 12: 38
    The article is solid Goebbels propaganda, under the guise of "analysis" a bunch of German photographs have been dumped.

    The author clearly acts in conjunction with an Israeli member of the VO under the nickname "professor" in an attempt to prove that the joint parade of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht in Brest still took place.

    It is clear that the compatriot of the author "100% Jew Semyon Moiseevich Krivoshein" in his cosmolitism did not understand the savagery of the situation of standing on the same podium with the enemy under the flag of the enemy. But why, after almost 80 years, drag this vivid evidence of the complete lack of patriotism of a well-known national minority in relation to their actual, and not historical, homeland to the Russian site?

    Nobody instructed Semyon Moiseevich to take power in Brest in this way - it was enough to vouch for the commander of the German unit under the photo of the German side and proceed to the headquarters building. Everything else (the descent of the flag, the withdrawal of parts of the Wehrmacht) would have happened without his participation. So no - pulled to show off on the podium.

    An additional piquancy is added by the fact of personal initiative and full solidarity of Semyon Moiseevich with representatives of the state, who drove his fellow tribesmen into the ghettos on his territory and introduced the apartheid regime in all areas of public life, about which the Soviet press has been trumpeting Semyon Moiseevich for 6 years. But this is a question of national character.
    1. +9
      16 November 2016 13: 39
      Nda, how hard it is to be wooden, from the waist up ... I certainly terribly apologize, but judging by this comment, the citizen Operator looked at the article diagonally, without even delving into the essence of what was written. The result of the exam or the umpteenth?
      1. 0
        16 November 2016 14: 23
        Another fellow countryman Semyon Moiseevich?

        When will you get tired of foaming at the mouth trying to smear someone who in 1939, on his own initiative, got rid of it in full, putting under attack not only the "fellow countrymen", but the entire Red Army?

        See comment voyaka.yh from 13: 02
    2. +6
      16 November 2016 14: 20
      Quote: Operator
      The article is solid Goebbels propaganda, under the guise of "analysis" a bunch of German photographs have been dumped.

      I mean your comment, the standard kitsch from Goebbels?
      Have you read the article from across the screen?
    3. +3
      16 November 2016 15: 08
      The author clearly acts in conjunction with an Israeli member of the VO under the nickname "professor" in an attempt to prove that the joint parade of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht in Brest still took place.

      The author wanted the best, but it turned out as always. You see a conspiracy here, in the best traditions of party committees, but in fact there is no conspiracy. There is a clumsy attempt to retouch the event that really took place.
      1. +1
        16 November 2016 15: 10
        If so, then thank God laughing
      2. +7
        16 November 2016 16: 13
        There was no place to be. The parade is called a completely different event.
        You say that it was, I say no. The order for the parade in the studio. Or you are a shameful talker.
        1. 0
          17 November 2016 16: 14
          You say that it was, I say no. The order for the parade in the studio.

          So am I against it. Let's go to the archives and sometimes there. Only archives are closed and documents are classified. So you Communists have something to hide. That is where documents such as Krivoshein’s order and much more are hidden there.
          The author does not deny that the parade was. By the way.
          1. +2
            17 November 2016 20: 35
            I laughed for a long time and with pleasure. My dear, is it under the Yeltsin-Kozyrev-Chubais archives were closed?
            A typical troll reception, when they are pressed against a wall, begins to bustle. And here it is the same - there is an order, but they are not allowed into the archives.
            This is called a long searched and finally figured out what to answer.
            A worthy heir to Viti Rezun, he was also allegedly not allowed into the archives and everything is classified.
            Read carefully the young man, I understand that in schools after the collapse of the USSR this was not taught, but try. The author does not deny that there was a solemn passage (to exit the city) of only German troops.laughing
  20. +7
    16 November 2016 13: 02
    Thanks to the author!

    If anyone had doubts that the parade was, then after your article and
    of your many photographs they have scattered.
    It is clear that there was a solemn and large-scale joint military parade.
    And of course, the troops of the two countries passed in turn, and not mixed up:
    Russian tank, German tank.

    "And here is another photo for you. Here, as you can see, the German orchestra, the Soviet orchestra
    of eight soldiers-controllers and ... a crowd of our tankers "////

    The German orchestra, the Soviet orchestra - but the parade ... no! And what is: "clash of two orchestras" laughing
    1. +8
      16 November 2016 13: 25
      Quote: voyaka uh
      - and the parade ... no!

      Do you have any objection? In your opinion, there was a parade or there was no parade. You will decide specifically, otherwise everything is in your comments on the principle of Buba Kastorsky: "And I will answer: whatever, yes, no."
      1. +3
        16 November 2016 13: 28
        In my opinion, the article convincingly and unequivocally proved that there was a parade.
        1. +4
          16 November 2016 14: 29
          Quote: voyaka uh
          In my opinion, the article convincingly and unequivocally proved that there was a parade.

          It is clear that in your opinion there was a parade. It is clear that to prove something to you, as a proverb says, throw beads in front of pigs. wink It is clear that in spite of any arguments, you will stand your ground! Well, we all know one more very suitable proverb-humpback grave will correct! laughing So God forbid all russophobes to quickly experience it first hand! wink
        2. +5
          16 November 2016 16: 20
          In my opinion, the article convincingly and unequivocally proved that there was no parade.
        3. +5
          16 November 2016 17: 55
          Quote: voyaka uh
          In my opinion, the article convincingly and unequivocally proved that there was a parade.

          Well, finally, the forced word of expression. Arguing with the "chosen people" = the same as a "member" to blunt. If the kagal had already condemned that he was ... Logic and common sense are swept away with a dirty broom into the trash can.
        4. +5
          16 November 2016 21: 37
          Quote: voyaka uh
          In my opinion, the article convincingly and unequivocally proved that there was a parade.

          uh huh. parade of German troops. with a Soviet senior officer in the role of either the host of the parade, or the guest of honor and the Soviet servicemen as spectators (pay attention to how ours stand and how the Germans are, ours - who has hands behind their backs, who have their hands in their pockets, free, ... not marching positions, but the Germans - clearly standing in the ranks, on command "at ease"). and the photo of Soviet military equipment, against the background of the German headquarters and the flag, was clearly not taken during the parade. and yes - there is not a single photo of our equipment against the background of the tribune.
    2. +7
      16 November 2016 13: 34
      Quote: voyaka uh
      It is clear that there was a solemn and large-scale joint military parade.
      And of course, the troops of the two countries passed in turn, and not mixed up:
      Russian tank, German tank.

      So where is the photo of the ceremonial passage of Soviet technology?
      The most there is is a photo of two bands and the formation of foot tankers of the brigade. Or a photo of a German officer turning his back to our tanks. Or a photo of our tanks passing by a group of officers crowded together at the flagpole - and among them there is neither Guderian nor Krivoshein. Not a bad "parade" - in the absence of commanders. laughing
      1. +2
        16 November 2016 14: 48
        So you yourself have listed all the attributes of the parade.
        1. +3
          16 November 2016 21: 05
          Didn't list. Not all of the attributes are listed and not all of them are attributes of the parade. Real attributes, you stubbornly refuse to notice. However, if for you the main attribute of the parade is the platform, then there are a dime a dozen of such "parades".
      2. +2
        16 November 2016 15: 05
        Here are two army friend commanders: a German and a Jew,
        they laugh and talk on the podium during - precisely - the parade of troops of the two countries.
        Why Krivoshenin agreed to stand next to the destroyers of the Jews -
        need to ask him.
        Guderin was justified for this parade, even in Nuremberg.
        1. +7
          16 November 2016 15: 47
          Quote: voyaka uh
          they laugh and talk on the podium during - precisely - the parade of troops of the two countries.

          Once again I repeat the question: where are the shots of Soviet troops and equipment passing by the stands with Guderian and Krivoshein standing on it?
          A joint parade requires joint passage.
          Otherwise, this is a joint Soviet-Cuban parade: laughing
          1. +3
            16 November 2016 16: 16
            "Where are the shots of Soviet troops and equipment passing by the rostrum with Guderian and Krivoshein standing on it?" ////

            And what do you think can happen in front of the rostrum on which
            smiling guderian and krivoshenin are standing smile :
            1) a demonstration of grateful civilians?
            2) performance of gymnasts?
            3) opera singing?
            4) the clash of Soviet and German taxi drivers?
            No need to pretend. Commanders look at their passing troops.
            This is called a military parade.
            1. +5
              16 November 2016 16: 47
              It's like: "What do you think should be under the skirt (pants) of Conchita Wurst?" You guru Professor constantly appeals to the facts? Where are the facts of the solemn passage of the Red Army units?
            2. +9
              16 November 2016 17: 51
              Quote: voyaka uh
              And what do you think can happen in front of the rostrum on which
              smiling guderian and krivoshenin are standing

              You break into an open door. German troops are walking in front of the tribune. As shown in all photographs and at the Deutsche Wochenschau.
              But this is not a joint parade. Since there is not a single photograph or film with Guderian and Krivoshein taking the parade of Soviet troops in Brest, no. Before them are only Germans.
            3. +5
              16 November 2016 21: 12
              Wonderful "proof" .... "What, in your opinion, can happen in front of the podium, where
              there are smiling Guderian and Krivoshenin. "
              ... Tsagans sang songs. What is the question - that is the answer. And what do you think happened when Obama and Merkel stood next to each other smiling? .And what do you think happened when Obama patted Poroshenko on the shoulder. And so on and so forth.
              My dear, not that "your way" was happening, "our way", in Jewish, in Ukrainian. in Tatar.
              What matters is not the opinion, but the fact that you could not understand. You have been asked ten times - where are the facts, and you again talk - "according to your" .... "according to our". Kindergarten.
        2. +3
          16 November 2016 21: 06
          In the 39th Guderian was already a "destroyer of the Jews"? Or maybe as soon as he was born, he immediately began to destroy?
          Amazing "knowledge" of history.
    3. 0
      10 January 2017 19: 38
      Or maybe you should read the memoirs of the fascist Guderian. He describes in sufficient detail everything that happened in Brest that day. And what a wonder. His story does not contradict the claims of the author of the article and moreover, damn it, confirms. Hello to the people of Israel.
  21. +6
    16 November 2016 13: 34
    [i] I am sincerely sorry that on our pages a citizen of Israel and maybe even a jew
    And what could be !!! hi I really liked the article. I really knew, and so there wasn’t and couldn’t be ...
  22. +7
    16 November 2016 14: 20
    Roman, thanks for the article.
    Disputes, as I see, have not ceased for many years.
    Calling the entrance from the march of our tankers a "parade" is a bit strange, but for some it is profitable.
    Yes, tankers stand and watch the Germans solemnly leave.
    "The Germans themselves, by the way, preferred to operate with streamlined expressions such as 'solemn passage' and 'public event'." I apologize to Roman and I will give you a link on this topic. used an excerpt from there.
    1. +3
      16 November 2016 16: 46
      Okay. I see that it came down to casuistry.
      "Parade", "solemn passage of troops", "joint event with the participation of troops."
      The article is good. There are a lot of pictures and interesting. fellow
  23. 2-0
    16 November 2016 14: 51

    Well, the historical truth of the event, the author, MAYBE tried to establish. Maybe this is because the Soviet tankers stood in line during the passage of troops, and the author does not deny this. Although the author is well done, he searched a lot, thought and wrote.

    I have something else. SO WHAT? And if the parade was in its essence, what should we justify for something? We, that we were at war with the Germans at that time, or were we enemies, or were we acting behind someone's back? No? Well, let's go "to" or "to" ...
    Just think of the parade, future allies with the Germans in the gums in Munich, and we here make excuses. "AG Spee" (pictured) on Spithead raid in 37 in a particular parade participated, and nothing, everything is fine.
  24. +11
    16 November 2016 14: 57
    All one! We are far from Europeans! The Germans and I did not fraternize in Brest, and very much even into the Poles with Hungarians in the Czech Republic-Slovakia! Almost in the choke!
    1. +1
      19 November 2016 13: 11
      All one! We are far from Europeans!

      Here you are right. Long away. However, what else to expect from the workers and peasants in soldier's uniforms. Here the strategists fraternized

      1. +2
        19 November 2016 16: 51
        “Declaration on the non-use of force between Germany and Poland” (Polish Deklaracja między Polska a Niemcami o niestosowaniu przemocy) (also called the Non-aggression Treaty between Germany and Poland, Pilsudski-Hitler Pact - a joint declaration signed by Germany and Poland on January 26, 1934. The adoption of this document contributed to the temporary normalization of relations between the two states.
        Compare years of signing! We were not the first ..................................
      2. +2
        19 November 2016 16: 55
        "1. The high contracting parties undertake to agree on all issues that may entail international obligations for either side, and to pursue a constant policy of effective cooperation.
        2. Poland in its external relations undertakes not to take any decisions without coordination with the German government, and also to observe the interests of this government in all circumstances.
        3. In the event of international events threatening the status quo, the high contracting parties undertake to communicate with each other in order to agree on measures that they find useful to take.
        4. High contracting parties pledge to unite their military, economic and financial forces to repel any unprovoked attack and provide support in the event that one of the parties is attacked.
        5. The Polish government is committed to ensuring the free passage of German troops on its territory in the event that these troops are called upon to repel a provocation from the east or from the northeast.
        6. The German government pledges to guarantee by all means at its disposal the inviolability of the Polish borders against any aggression.
        7. High contracting parties undertake to take all measures of an economic nature that can represent common and private interests and that can enhance the effectiveness of their common defensive means.
        8. This treaty will remain in force for two years from the date of the exchange of instruments of ratification. It will be considered renewed for the same period in the event that neither of the two governments denounces it with a warning 6 months before the expiration of this period. As a consequence, each government will have the right to denounce it by means of a statement 6 months before the expiration of the full period of two years. "
      3. 0
        28 November 2016 14: 41
        Quote: Hupfri

        But where are the commies? merged?
        1. 0
          10 January 2017 19: 50
          And what, the correct formulation of the question. Why do we Communist Trotskyists all these tricks and diplomatic twists, then today. We will blow the thermonuclear charge across Washington, Warsaw and Kiev and the problems with imperialism, nationalism and other isms will be finally resolved. So what?
  25. +8
    16 November 2016 18: 08
    a strange dispute is coming ....
    if there was a parade / march / joint passage of troops, then what does it mean? We had a non-aggression pact, we fought together against one enemy. Would it be better if the Poles and Germans held a joint parade, as "partners and colleagues" wanted?
    Strange logic of a veteran66 - commies are to blame for all troubles. Just some kind of resurrection of Novodvorskaya. In vain the bloodsucker is trying to prove something - it is already useless.
    Following this logic, England and France, who gave light to the Nazi procession across Europe by Munich, had nothing to do with it. The Poles, with a squeal, broke into the Czechoslovakia after the Germans, also angels. But the USSR, which concluded a nonaggression pact and took back its territories, is a monster of aggression ...
    and the fact that the supply of strategic goods and raw materials to Germany was actually investigated by Western journalists is the machinations of the Communists.
    Standard Oil, General Elegktrick, General Motors ...
    “When American soldiers invaded Europe in June 1944 in jeeps, trucks and tanks produced by the Big Three in one of the largest military programs ever implemented, they were unpleasantly surprised that the enemy was also moving on trucks "Ford" and "Opel", manufactured by 100% subsidiaries owned by GM, and flies on aircraft built by "Opel" - from M. Dobbes article in "Washington Post"
    1. +1
      16 November 2016 18: 56
      Yes, and the guidance systems of the FAA corporation ITT. These "logs" do not see.
    2. +1
      16 November 2016 19: 58
      Quote: Omich
      the adversary also drives Ford and Opel trucks manufactured at GM's 100 percent subsidiaries

      almost everything is correct, except that these trucks were not manufactured in the states, but at factories located either in Germany or in countries captured by Germany. Up to 10% of the Red Army, the Red Fleet had captured German cars, so, following your logic, did the Nazis help us?
      Quote: Omich
      Strange logic of a veteran66 - commies are to blame for all troubles.

      distort again, in all troubles peoples of the USSR commies are to blame, and who else? They drove the country. Or lack the courage to take the burden of responsibility?
      1. +5
        16 November 2016 20: 01
        Returning to the topic of the strange bombing of the Ford plant in Cologne by the American aircraft during the Second World War (the majority of the plant's shares belonged to the American Ford Motor Company). The starting post was here ("And capital is most valuable").
        As we can see, as of May 11, 1945, the main production complex was not damaged - it is in the background. Even a tall pipe stands. However, the barracks of the Ostarbeiters are completely or almost completely destroyed - in the foreground. The storage facilities located between the workers' camp and the production complex suffered to a small degree - from a blast wave or, as the text below indicates, from shelling of German artillery from the right bank of the Rhine at the very end of the war, when the Allied forces were already on the left bank. Obviously, when they want to prove the destruction of the plant, they show pictures of these storage facilities. (click pictures - when separately, it is better to see)

        Further text from the book Zwangsarbeit bei Ford, Verlag Betrieb Rode-Stankowski, Koeln, 1996; it is a collection of documentation published by the EL-DE Haus museum dedicated to the Nazi era in Cologne.
        1. +1
          17 November 2016 07: 56
          Quote: The Bloodthirster
          the main production complex is not damaged - it is in the background. Even a tall pipe stands. However, the barracks of the Ostarbeiters are completely or almost completely destroyed - in the foreground.

          and what's so unusual? Our army also did not really try to destroy the factories, why should future trophies be turned into dust?
          1. +2
            17 November 2016 15: 08
            where did you get this?
          2. +3
            17 November 2016 15: 12
            It’s unusual that the Soviet Air Force didn’t bomb residential areas, the Americans and especially the British - they did just that, which was the photo ...
            1. +1
              18 November 2016 08: 26
              Quote: Simpsonian
              unusual that the Soviet Air Force did not bomb residential areas

              But what about the first raids on Berlin? And in Finnish we also bombed Turku and Helsinki. The Soviet Air Force bombed mainly the infrastructure, for the rest we simply did not have enough forces and means (there was no strategic aviation), maybe that’s why industrial enterprises didn’t bomb, although I read in the memoirs of some commanders that they tried to preserve the industry whenever possible.
              1. +2
                21 November 2016 00: 14
                Quote: veteran66
                The Soviet Air Force bombed mainly the infrastructure, for the rest we simply did not have enough forces and means (there was no strategic aviation)

                and so they didn’t fight with civilians, for example, adhering to conventions, but you probably don’t understand ...
                Anglo-Americans, on the contrary, bombed almost exclusively residential areas, although they would have had the strength and resources of the entire industry
                1. 0
                  28 November 2016 14: 44
                  Quote: Simpsonian
                  and so did not fight with the civilian population

                  if you read carefully what you are quoting, you would see lines about the bombing of Turku, Helsinki, Berlin, namely residential areas, there is a photo. So they bombed, but it was not enough strength.
        2. +1
          19 November 2016 13: 25
          Returning to the topic of the strange bombing by American aircraft of the Ford plant in Cologne during World War II

          The Germans did not bomb the Stalingrad Tractor. At first. And Kharkov Tractor was captured entirely from 80% of the machine park. And even with the workers.
          That is, Hitler had a share in the shares of the Soviet defense industry))))
          1. +2
            19 November 2016 13: 32
            Quote: Hupfri
            The Germans did not bomb the Stalingrad Tractor. At first. And Kharkov Tractor was captured entirely from 80% of the machine park. And even with the workers.

            Pathology is a lie, that's all.
            As already mentioned, by the end of September the Germans were 70 kilometers from Kharkov. They managed to occupy the city only on October 25, which indicates the fierce fighting in this direction. This can be considered the success of the Soviet troops, and helped to achieve this success, including the people's militia of Kharkov. In total, 85000 people entered it then. In fact, one in ten residents of Kharkov joined the militia. Note that the militia usually joined those who, for whatever reason, could not join the army, including those who had armor, for example, due to work at a military factory. Obviously, as part of the people's militia, there were many workers of the KhPZ, KhTZ and plant number 75, who preferred to flee to the Urals to protect their home with arms in hand.
            It seems that all your scribble Hapfrey, you write in the office controlled by Teft, so you want to pour dirt, throw manure on the country ...
      2. 0
        16 November 2016 21: 11
        almost everything is correct, except that these trucks were not manufactured in the states, but at factories located either in Germany or in countries captured by Germany. Up to 10% of the Red Army, the Red Fleet had captured German cars, so, following your logic, did the Nazis help us?
        still easier
        1. +1
          17 November 2016 10: 15
          Heh heh heh ... a photo with ZIS will do, too - because Autocar Dispatch SA. smile
    3. +1
      16 November 2016 20: 00
      Quote: Omich
      Following this logic, England and France, who gave light to the Nazi procession across Europe by Munich, had nothing to do with it. The Poles, with a squeal, broke into the Czechoslovakia after the Germans, also angels. But the USSR, which concluded a nonaggression pact and took back its territories, is a monster of aggression ...

      but here everyone is good, everyone had plans to solve their problems at the expense of others, I personally do not justify anyone
  26. 0
    16 November 2016 19: 51
    Nothing, they in Berlin did not shine with the beauty of form.
    In 2006 I watched a photo in an empty house, in my grandfather’s native village,
    Not a single man in a tie, suit and hat.
    And harem pants almost everywhere in the frame (in winter to go everywhere). Photo in the studio of different people, in the air-no (no one had cameras?)
    And they entered Berlin !!!
    but now all the first-graders have suits and ties.
  27. +3
    16 November 2016 20: 55
    Thank you for doing such a great job. Regards
    1. +2
      16 November 2016 21: 30
      Quote: Reptiloid
      Thank you for doing such a great job. Regards

      Almost a dissertation laughing
  28. +2
    16 November 2016 21: 24
    Churchill did not drink, and Chamberlain drank and kissed in a hickey and shook his hands. And Daladier and Beck are the same.
    1. +1
      17 November 2016 08: 04
      Quote: Ulan
      Chamberlain drank and kissed in a hickey and shook his hands. And Daladier and Beck are the same.

      so it is, but when this happened, Nazi Germany was not yet the Germany that it became in 1939. After all, the fact is that we became allies, if not direct, then indirect, which stemmed from some points of the non-aggression pact and the protocols thereto, and fulfilled our obligations to Germany already during the Second World War.
      1. +3
        17 November 2016 16: 08
        And what about this document?
        “Declaration on the non-use of force between Germany and Poland” (Polish Deklaracja między Polska a Niemcami o niestosowaniu przemocy) (also called the Non-aggression Treaty between Germany and Poland, Pilsudski-Hitler Pact - a joint declaration signed by Germany and Poland on January 26, 1934. The adoption of this document contributed to the temporary normalization of relations between the two states.
      2. +3
        17 November 2016 16: 12
        And to this ???
        The Anglo-German Declaration is a joint declaration of Chamberlain and Hitler signed on September 30, 1938, agreed upon by them on the initiative of Chamberlain.
        The declaration stated that the Munich agreement they signed on the eve, as well as the Anglo-German maritime agreement "symbolize the will of both peoples to never fight each other again" and will also "discuss and consult on issues of vital importance to Britain and Germany, to settle all disagreements and thus contribute to the preservation of the European world ... "
        As another step towards a political rapprochement with Hitler Germany, the Düsseldorf Agreement was signed on March 15, 1939.
        Dusseldorf Agreement (1939) !!!
        The joint statement of the Imperial Industrial Group and the Federation of British Industry (Düsseldorf Agreement) is an agreement signed in Düsseldorf on March 15, 1939, which stipulated the economic division of Europe between the monopolies of Germany and England.
        On March 15, 1939, the day Germany completed the liquidation of the Czechoslovak state, a conference began in Düsseldorf between the FBP delegation led by W. Lark and representatives of the RI. At the morning meeting, there was noticeable progress on most issues when Guy Lockock, director of the FBI, received a phone call from London. A spokesman for the Commerce Department told him that German troops had entered Prague, and under these conditions, the British government could no longer support the agreement. After a brief meeting in the English delegation, it was decided that political difficulties should not interfere with the economic agreement, and negotiations continued [3].

        The next day, March 16, a cartel agreement was signed by industry representatives from England and Germany. [4] The draft agreement was prepared by the English delegation. The joint statement proclaimed the need for trade between the two countries.

        The agreement provided for the “unconditional need to develop active and mutually beneficial export trade”, the elimination of “unhealthy competition”, as well as state support for these associations and a number of other conditions. Participants spoke in favor of expanding the existing system of agreements between industries of both states, noting that such negotiations are already underway between nine industrial groups.
      3. +2
        17 November 2016 20: 46
        And what does the non-aggression pact say about alliance? By the way, when the contract was concluded in the 39th, if you remember, and in your own words, when this happened, Nazi Germany was not that Germany.
        The war had not yet begun, and the difference between Germany of the 38th year, the time of the Munich agreement and Germany of the 39th. The Dachau furnaces had not yet smoked and the gas chambers did not work. There was no Babi Yar and Khatyn. So what is the difference?
  29. +6
    16 November 2016 22: 40
    "Of course, there was no parade! After a night 120-kilometer march, Krivoshein's tank brigade approached Brest. The Germans were mowing like a fool at first, but they were reminded that an agreement is an agreement and it is time to sweep out. The Nazis reluctantly formed a column and began to stomp out of the city. This Krivoshein climbed onto the podium to Guderian purely out of politeness to shake hands, and only because the cunning Heinz categorically refused to go down. It was then that they were overtaken by the ubiquitous Goebbels paparazzi. To snap more shots, Guderian specially kept Semyon Moiseevich on the trip. telling vulgar French anecdotes one after another. Semyon held his face with a brick and tried not to laugh, looking for a plausible reason to slip away without offending the German. Suddenly the orchestra began to play, and airplanes swept over their heads, knocking off the caps of gaping passers-by with the wind. He knew that this shameful act could in no way be a parade according to the military regulations of the Red Army. Then the Germans ended and the Red Army men went, disapprovingly seeing off the well-fed fascist hari. Of course, because they are only from the march and not yet zhramshi. Semyon refused the schnapps and the girls and went to eat the marching soldier's porridge from the common pot. "
    1. 0
      17 November 2016 03: 28
      but something like that was ...
      you can look for old Chilean parades of 15 years ago on which a young man who then received them in a blue uniform was wrinkled because he was finishing West Point ...
    2. +2
      17 November 2016 08: 07
      Quote: Zmicerz
      Krivoshein in response twisted a fig in his pocket. After all, he knew that this shameful action could in no way be a parade in accordance with the Red Army combatant charter.

      Well, just like a brave Taras who insulted me, forgive me for this word, right on Red Square, the damned mocals did not take off the trousers. By the way, where's the fig in the pictures?
  30. +4
    17 November 2016 01: 27
    While reading the article did not leave the feeling that somewhere I have already seen. Especially photography. Just in case, I went to the site "Myths of Soviet History". Yes. The publication is, in my opinion, 2009. But I do not reproach the author. After reading the comments, I thought this.
    Curses that are erupted with or without their own past have become so ritual that they more closely resemble a religious cult than well-reasoned civilizational positioning - and in this way themselves become a phenomenon that requires close attention and analysis.
    1. +2
      17 November 2016 20: 51
      Moreover, those who do this, feel calm only in such forums and pour poured mud without fear of responsibility for defamation.
      In real life, their support in society does not reach one percent.
  31. 0
    17 November 2016 02: 06
    But as the leather coat sits baggy on the brigade commander Krivoshein, so does the short fur coat on General Panfilov in the winter of 41. And how young Guderian looks in a perfectly fitted general's overcoat. And the solemn event was of course / call it at least a parade, at least a solemn passage /. The photographs posted by the author scream about it.
    1. +4
      17 November 2016 03: 27
      probably he really was not going to this "parade" ... do not shout like that - you contradict yourself,
    2. +5
      17 November 2016 09: 26
      And chito? Even if, despite the lack of facts of the solemn passage of parts of the Red Army, according to the photographs that you "SCREAM" the parade was? Would they burn fewer Jews? You explain the essence of your "shouting", the "deep thought" that you wanted to express? Or would Israel be a superpower? Stalin abandoned Germany's reparations in order to build an anti-Nazi country, the GDR. Tell me, which country is still "milking" Germany for its "tears"? I see, GESHEFT IS THE MAIN THING. You'd better keep silent.
    3. +3
      17 November 2016 17: 07
      troops were and were ....... and others even passed, but the ritual "PARADE" was not.
      "bags" did not interfere with living and dying.
      The main question of our civilization is "a question of life and death"
      "There are two mysteries in life: I don't remember how I was born, I don't know how I will die"
      It’s more important to meet death (in my opinion) than to clean shoes.
      You have a different opinion.
      Don't touch those "baggy" ones. sit (you are not sitting in a swamp, where they died), drink brandy
      1. +3
        17 November 2016 20: 05
        Dear Andrey, I would like to shake your hand for your comment. All right.
        And the rest (especially under the flag of Israel), who admire the German uniforms, I want to say SHAME.
        And even if you FORGET, then I will remind you how
        “... On October 15, 1942, freight cars left the railway crossing near the fortress, in which the occupants took the Brest ghetto to the Bronnaya Gora tract. According to archival data, there were 186 such cars ...
        Jews were brought there not only from Brest and its environs, but also from many regional centers and villages of the Brest region. In the forest near the Bronnaya Gora station, more than 50 thousand victims of Nazism were shot and burned.
        The mother of the future Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin, the family of the famous rabbi Soloveichik, teachers and doctors, artisans and housewives, old people and children ... They were shot in the ghetto, the fortress, in the surrounding towns and villages, near the ditches of the Bronnaya Gora. Of the 26 thousand Brest Jews, 19 people were able to survive. ” linkhttp: //
        ovosti-bresta / 23858-14-oktyabrya-den-pamyati-rass
        I will repeat 19 people out of 26. Think about it.
        Who else from Israel wants to admire the well-adapted form of the Germans?
      2. +3
        17 November 2016 20: 55
        That's right. The parade is a clearly prescribed procedure and ritual, which are reflected in the Charter and orders.
        There was nothing like this in Brest. But to prove this to individuals who have a block in their head ... a concrete wall, it is completely useless. There one agreed when they demanded that he give the text of the order for the parade, he thought for a long time and then blurted out. that the order is in the archives, but nobody is allowed there.
    4. +1
      18 November 2016 18: 50
      You have a comment, like from a fashion show. For a person past 90
      ileter march, the view is very personal.
    5. 0
      10 January 2017 20: 00
      Of course, Guderian’s form from Hugo Boss looks cool, just like the ss form in Auschwitz. The brand is all the same. But the matter is not in the form. In the end, the brand did not help. As for the rest, read the memoirs of the carrier of the beautiful form of Herr Guderian. He writes in detail about the solemn passage. Who, when and how was without photos. The parade was, though incompatible, but purely fascist without Soviet troops. Read shorter source.
  32. +3
    17 November 2016 07: 08
    A very interesting study, Roman, just great! That's what movie-photo documents mean. The more complete they are, the more reasonable are the conclusions. But you need to publish this on the pages of a serious scientific peer-reviewed publication. Two options, because a lot of photos. The first is the journal MOTHERLAND, the second is HISTORY IN DETAILS. It will be interesting to get acquainted with the opinions of other historians and, possibly, some new documents. True, in a scientific publication it is necessary to change the degrees of exposure. In science, facts speak stronger than abusive words.
    1. +1
      17 November 2016 21: 28
      Dear Caliber! This study is posted on the Myths website of our history of 7 years ago. Of course, if the authorship in both cases belongs to one person, I remove all the questions. And if not, will you be offended again? Why is the author silent?
  33. 0
    17 November 2016 08: 49
    Quote: Dmitry Nagiyev

    for you who have a normal education, these are not my words, but an excerpt from an article by an American journalist. Or did he also have a terrible Soviet education?
  34. +2
    18 November 2016 08: 26
    I always believed that Jews are obliged to remember well everything related to WWII. Who but the Jews should know that Goebbels cannot be trusted.
    Remember, recently a Jew was broadcasting that the Ukrainians took Berlin and the Russians were resting somewhere under the bush. I then decided that this is some kind of kid who knows the story from cartoons (there is also the Bologna system), but the professor is not a kid already. Perhaps he studied under the Union, but with us the history of the Second World War was not held by Goebbels
  35. +3
    18 November 2016 16: 54
    And the British traded when we fought with Japan, With Poland. So what? The United States generally merchants with Germany, even when the United States was at war with Germany. When Roosevelt was informed of this, he replied that he could not do anything, because it was a private business. Sweden traded when both the USSR and England and the USA were at war with Germany. No complaints to them?
    The British themselves refused the alliance with the USSR that they were offered. They did not make any claims to the USSR. They themselves are to blame.
    1. +1
      18 November 2016 22: 23
      The United States generally merchants with Germany,
      "Independent daughters", registration in Lat America?
      there can be no other opinion! As foreign investment from Cyprus to Russia.
    2. +1
      18 November 2016 22: 25
      And the British traded when we fought with Japan

      We did not fight with Japan. There were 2 wars. In 1905 and in 1945. When else did we fight with Japan?
      The United States generally merchants with Germany, even when the United States was at war with Germany.

      Unproven. Agitprop during the Cold War. Germany experienced a very serious lack of resources, what kind of trade are we talking about. If we are talking about the American branch in French, for example, territory, so they could not obey Washington. These firms were captured by the enemy. Similarly, a number of enterprises in the occupied territory of the USSR worked for Germany. So, according to your theory, the USSR supplied the Germans with products. By the way, the same thing with collective farms, the Germans really liked them. And they supplied the Germans with food
      When Roosevelt was informed of this, he replied that he could not do anything, because it was a private business.

      Roosevelt is not a girl. When unions tried to strike, gangsters came to the docks, and the issue was resolved positively. The Sovinformburo then wrote that American dockers were loading the land lease at a faster pace out of a sense of class solidarity. And also brass knuckles and pigs helped them. The same story happened with the American fascists. Nobody forbade them, because in America there is democracy. They were simply beaten out several times by the bandits Lucky Luciano and everything calmed down. So Roosevelt knew how to work with business. He generally considered himself the center of the universe, he was re-elected four times, everything was seized there.
      Sweden traded

      Sweden is a neutral country. Neutral
      1. +2
        19 November 2016 14: 54
        One more confirmation of the blatant illiteracy of the "children". Boy - Japanese and US Intervention in the Dall East 1920-22 Khasan, Khalkhin-gol. Learn the subject before leaving the forum.
        Are you tired of being constantly seated here in a puddle?
        1. 0
          28 November 2016 15: 13
          Quote: Ulan
          Another confirmation of the blatant illiteracy of "onychildren"

          is it you that "onizhedeti"?
          Quote: Ulan
          Japan and US Intervention in the Far East
          there was no intervention, but the FER, and not the USSR, "fought" there,
          Quote: Ulan

          border conflict
          Quote: Ulan
          Khalkhin Goal

          the same conflict, only in the territory of Mogul. By whom and when was the war declared?
  36. +3
    18 November 2016 19: 04
    Are there any other options? We didn’t guess, just at first there were problems with registration, then the site was redone and there wasn’t much time for participation.
  37. +1
    18 November 2016 22: 01
    I have the right to write that this HUMPfrey -,,, a cock at a bucket and stuff? And I won’t be banned?

    Well, you're moronic. In the zone you would be for such words, I would kill, and then write what you want. To lower myself with some sort of clarification I consider below my dignity.
    I have nothing to talk about with hydrocephalus.
    1. +4
      19 November 2016 14: 58
      Recognized yourself? It's good. Well, maybe next time you think before being rude.
      Alas, we won’t meet in the zone, but in life it’s like a card, I think it’s not in your favor.
      Because they threaten from around the corner, only weaklings.
  38. +2
    19 November 2016 14: 20
    Working? I laughed for a long time. Nice anecdote. And what kind of work do you "do?
  39. 0
    10 January 2017 19: 06
    To gentlemen who love parades in Brest, I always recommended reading the memoirs of the fascist Guderian. Maybe for them, unlike Soviet propaganda, he is credible. So he clearly describes the events of that time. And oh, horror. There was no joint parade. It was an action-transfer of the flag, according to Guderian, a replacement of troops. And it turns out. Krivoshein is lying, Guderian is lying that there was no parade. There was a parade and everyone here decided all sorts of last-minute Goebels and hang loose noodles to an uneducated public in Israel, Ukraine and even here. I remember this from the screen of the 1st channel, an intellectual and a citizen of the world spoke, by me dear Mr. Pozdner. And I thought then, even if you read what you are talking about. The lamp of freedom is tattered.