"Apache" vs Mi-28н "Night hunter." "Clash of the Titans"

Compare modern military equipment - a thankless task. But we still try, because everyone is so interested - who is cooler, our Mi-28H and Ka-52 or "theirs" Apache?

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  1. +1
    30 October 2016 05: 54
    Compare modern military equipment - a thankless task. But we still try, because everyone is so interested - who is cooler, our Mi-28H and Ka-52 or "theirs" Apache?
    I agree about the "ingratitude" of these comparisons, but on my own behalf I will say that at the moment "Apache" is still the LEADER in this trio, since it has been released in thousands of copies and is in service with many countries, and ours still have a period of "childhood illnesses" passed. Our gorgeous turntables have a must to beat their American visa-a-wee not only on the battlefield, but also in the sales competition.
    1. +1
      30 October 2016 06: 32
      Here is "ATTACK" kharachat militants ... but quite successfully.

  2. +1
    30 October 2016 07: 06
    I remember the episodes of the beginning of the Second World War, when ours on the I-16 still shot down the Me-109. "It was not about the woman ..." Much depends on who will sit in the cockpit.
    1. 0
      30 October 2016 12: 00
      Quote: LÄRZ
      I recall the episodes of the beginning of the Second World War, when our I-16s still shot down the Me-109

      And I recall the episode of 1943 when the I-153 group gave a worthy rebuff to the FV-190 group, and even knocking down several of them ... But were there many similar cases?
      Quote: LÄRZ
      A lot depends on who will be sitting in the cockpit.

      I agree. But here one more question arises. There is no war without losses, which means that the ranks of pilots need to be replenished. And which side has a larger and better prepared reserve of such pilots?
  3. +2
    30 October 2016 12: 35
    I will add that on the approach of the Hermes rocket with a range of 30 km, which makes our helicopter even more efficient.
  4. 0
    30 October 2016 21: 07
    "Subsonic Hellfires take 15 seconds to approach the target, while Russian missiles need to spend 20-25 seconds." A trick in what ??? The bloopers?