Transdniestria can become a hotbed of the outbreak of the Third World War

Taking into account the specific status and extremely difficult situation of Transnistria, Moldova can become a point of instigation of the Third World War, which is so necessary for writing off bad debts of the United States.

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  1. +3
    30 October 2016 06: 09
    There’s nothing about the article at all. So to the third world can be attributed half the world.
    These are just guesses.
  2. 0
    30 October 2016 07: 00
    World War III has already passed through the form of the Cold War.
  3. 0
    30 October 2016 07: 35
    Syria may be the beginning! Yesterday India and Pakistan! Today Transnistria! Tomorrow? Hysteria! All world media clearly capture the mood of the audience, our Russians are no exception!
    1. 0
      30 October 2016 09: 29
      And there is also an opinion that the 3rd world war will begin because of the water ... Indeed, we have already got all these "oracles" home-grown.
  4. 0
    30 October 2016 07: 58
    No friends. The world is walking, walking in small steps, lying slander, terrorism with this new type of weapon, the payment of which we pay to the International Monetary Fund, the betrayal of the fifth column, the consequent impoverishment of the Russian people.
    1. 0
      30 October 2016 10: 46
      Absolutely true.
  5. 0
    30 October 2016 08: 29
    Unlikely. And indeed unbelievable.