Semyon Proud

Semyon Proud 700 years ago, 7 September 1316, the Grand Prince of Moscow and Vladimir Semen Ivanovich Proud was born (1316 — 1353). The eldest son of Grand Duke Ivan Kalita and his first wife Princess Helena, Grand Duke Semyon Proud was a prominent figure among the first Moscow princes-gatherers, skillfully and adequately continuing the work begun by his predecessors.

Semyon, having received the label, successfully continued the policy of his father, maintaining peaceful relations with the Horde and strengthening his power over the Russian princes. Being a clever and decisive ruler, he provided the Moscow principality with a peaceful period without wars, horde raids, blood and violence. During the years of his reign, Semyon the Proud went to the Horde five times, which earned him the special favor of the Khan, and each time he returned from there with great honors. In internal affairs, Semyon was the real head of the feudal princes, although he could not prevent discord between them. However, they considered Semyon Ivanovich to resolve any disputes as a judge. The chronicles indicate that the prince dealt sternly with the other princes and rulers of the lands under his authority, for which he received the nickname Proud.

Also strengthened his power contributed to the campaign on the city of Torzhok in 1341, from which the prince took tribute and left his governors there. Even with Novgorod, with which Moscow was in a state of war at the time of Kalita's death, in 1346, through the mediation of Metropolitan Feognost and the Novgorod Archbishop Basil, peace was concluded, according to which Novgorod recognized Semyon as a prince and agreed to pay tribute to him. Since then, Semyon Proud has also become the title prince of Novgorod. During the years of his reign, Semyon also expanded the territory of the Moscow principality in the southeast at the expense of the Yuryevsky principality with fertile lands and salt springs and the Protva basin.

Semyon Ivanovich was the eldest son of the great Russian Prince Ivan Kalita, born of marriage with Princess Elena, his first wife. The future sovereign of all Russia was born on the day of Saint Sozonta, 7 September 1316 of the year, therefore in some official documents that have come down to our times, he calls himself by that name. From his father, Simon inherited a practical turn of mind, and from the famous great-grandfather, Alexander Nevsky, - hard character.

Right up to the death of his father, while still quite young, Semyon ruled in Nizhny Novgorod. According to the testament, Ivan Kalita divided his possessions among his three sons. Kolomna and Mozhaisk departed to Semyon (as well as about twenty-four smaller towns and villages), Ivan received Zvenigorod and Ruzu, and Andrei received Serpukhov. The second wife, Ulyana Kalita, also singled out separate volosts. Ivan Danilovich, with equal rights, transferred Moscow to all three sons, all of whom had their deputies there and received a third of the total share of the income, which the agreement between the brothers immediately after the funeral of the parent concluded. However, soon the most capable and talented of all the heirs, Semyon Ivanovich, managed to concentrate almost all power in the city in his own hands, continuing the policy of his father.

I must say that his father left the seeds in a difficult position. With his policy, he managed to offend almost all of the princes - he bought labels for Rostov, Uglitskoe, Dmitrovsky, Galitsky, Belozersky princedoms, ruined Tver and secured the execution of Tver princes, constantly demanded new payments from Novgorod, which led to war with Novgorod, tried to take away from Suzdal Prince Nizhny Novgorod, took prisoner of Yaroslavl Prince, etc. Also, Ivan constantly strengthened the Moscow influence on a number of lands of the North of Russia - Tver, Pskov, Novgorod, etc. In addition, he bought and bartered villages in different lands and places: near Ko Troma, Vladimir, Rostov, along rivers and MSTA Kirzhach and even in the Novgorod land, in spite of Novgorod law forbidding the princes to buy land there. He started in the Novgorod land of the settlement, inhabited them with his people, thus extending his power.

At the same time, with his flexible policy, Ivan Kalita brought peace to the common people - he deserved the favor and confidence of the Horde czar Uzbek. While other Russian lands suffered from the Horde invasions, the possessions of the Prince of Moscow remained calm, their population and well-being steadily grew: “The rotten lands stopped fighting the Russian land, they stopped killing Christians; Christians rested and restrained from great languor and a lot of Tatar violence; and from then on there was silence throughout the whole earth. "

However, the rise of Moscow did not suit the other princes. Therefore, the princes, not wanting the title of grand duke to be transferred to Semyon Ivanovich, who would continue his father’s policy, went to the Horde kingdom, hoping to convince the king Uzbek to give a label to the great reign of Constantine of Suzdal, the eldest of Rurik's most important right, not wanting to see the grand prince Kalita. Simultaneously, Semen Ivanovich went to the Uzbek. Khan accepted him affably. It should be noted that at this time the lords of the Horde preferred not to wage heavy wars in Russia, but to give the right to collect tribute to the most powerful prince. In fact, the main principalities were in the hands of Moscow, and it was difficult for anyone to compete with Prince Semyon. After some reflection, Uzbek granted him a label for the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, which certified that Semyon Proud was the “Grand Duke of All Russia” (later this inscription was stamped on his seal) and that “all the princes of Russia were given at the same time”. Moreover, Moscow was then so strong that the rest of the princes had nothing to do but to submit to the heir of Kalita.

Semyon, having received the label, successfully continued the policy of his father, although he no longer led such a restrained and flexible policy as Ivan Kalita. Semyon in relations with the Horde adhered to the policy of his father - Moscow still did not have the power to challenge the Golden Horde, so the world was paid for with gold. Twice Simon went to the Horde during the life of his father. And after his death five more times. And always came back from there, having achieved his. His will and diplomatic gift, as well as rich gifts brought the world of Russia. During the reign of Seeds Proud in Russia did not know the Horde raids. During the 40 peace years from 1328 to 1368, there were no Horde raids or wars within the boundaries of the Moscow principality. This made it possible to significantly enhance the military, economic and demographic potential of Moscow.

Semyon Ivanovich during his reign was able to accomplish the most important thing - he put under control the richest Russian land - Novgorod the Great, which his father could not achieve. Novgorodians always felt like free people, in a special position, knowingly Novgorod was one of the centers that created the united Russian state. The Novgorod lands were not destroyed by the Horde, and they didn’t want to pay for the well-being and lives of their neighbors, let them like Russians themselves. Detachments of Novgorod dashing people - ushkuynikov, attacked not only Horde, but also the cities of the Grand Duke. It is clear that Simon Proud did not want to put up with this state of affairs. As a result, a military conflict occurred.

Moscow sent to the Novgorod suburb of Torzhok boyars-governors. They captured located Torzhok and began to collect in it a tribute from the local population. Novgorodians responded by sending troops to repel Torzhok and captured the grand dukes governors headed by Mikhail Molozhsky. Such arrogance angered the Grand Duke, and he raised the squad of junior princes and gathered a large army to put the rebels in place. Torzhok, not having received the expected assistance from Novgorod, capitulated. People Seeds Proud released, and the Novgorod garrison expelled. The winning point in the conflict was set in the 1346 year. Archbishop Vasily, who arrived with the Novgorod ambassadors in Torzhok, signed a peace, according to which the ancient city recognized the prince of Moscow as its lord and paid him and his governors the due tribute. In turn, the prince issued them a letter, according to which he pledged to honor and observe the ancient charters of the Novgorod lands. After the end of the conflict, Simon laid the Novgorod a universal, “black” collection — a heavy tribute. Simon remained the title prince of Novgorod until the 1353 year.

Simon, like his father, continued unifying policy. With the assistance of the Grand Duke, Pskov was disconnected from Novgorod. After that, Pskov recognized the Moscow prince as its head. The Pskovs began to choose posadniks themselves and took Semen’s wishes into consideration regarding the candidacies of elected persons. Moscow also annexed the lands of the Yuriev principality in the southeast, which had the most fertile lands and salt springs located on them.

The traditional conflict of Moscow with Lithuania continued, which created its state mainly at the expense of the Russian lands. In 1341, the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd, concerned about the strengthening of Moscow, who took the throne after the struggle between the Gediminovich brothers, sent troops to Mozhaisk, but could not take it. Then Olgerd sent his brother Koriat to the Golden Horde to Khan Janibek asking to send troops to help him. Moscow, in response, told the Horde king that “Olgerd devastated your uluses and brought them into captivity; now it wants to do the same with us, with your faithful ulus, after which, having grown rich, it will also arm itself ”.

The Horde Khan, busy at this time with the war with the Khulag ulus, did not spoil relations with Moscow and betrayed Koriat to Semen, which forced Olgerd to ask for peace from the Moscow prince. Around the same time, Simon married the daughter of Alexander Mikhailovich Tversky. In 1349, Olgerd, in contrast to Semyon, married another daughter of Alexander Mikhailovich of Tver, Uliana Alexandrovna. Semen also gave his daughter for the son of Kashin Prince Vasily Mikhailovich. These dynastic ties predetermined the balance of power in the future Moscow-Lithuanian war 1368-1372. In 1351, Semyon Proud continued the struggle with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, undertaking a march on Smolensk and forcing the Smolensk principality to “secede” from Lithuania.

Thus, skillfully using somewhere flattery, cunning and gold, somewhere - the determination to fight, iron will and direct force, Semyon Proud secured Moscow state from the Horde, subjugated Novgorod and Pskov to its will (until complete subordination of the North of Russia was still far, but the first steps were taken), and repelled the onslaught of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Successful in public affairs, Simon Proud was unhappy in family life. In 1333, he married his first marriage to the daughter of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gedemin Aiguste (Augustus), in the Orthodox baptism Anastasia. She died in 1345 year. The second wife of the Grand Duke became the daughter of Dorogobuzh-Vyazma Prince Feodor Svyatoslavich - Eupraxia. In marriage, they were only about a year. Semyon sent her back to his father, actually divorced, for reasons that are not quite clear, in a year, possibly because of “infertility”. Eupraxia was married a second time to the specific prince Fyodor Konstantinovich Krasny Fominsky, from whom she had four sons who initiated the family of Fominsk princes.

It should be noted that in those times divorces (especially in the highest circles of power) were categorically condemned by the church and society. When the grand duke decided to marry for the third time, Metropolitan Feognost showed his disapproval. The new union of Semyon Proud with Tver Princess Maria Alexandrovna was consecrated by the patriarch from Constantinople.

However, the third marriage did not bring happiness either. All children Seeds of a male (including born from a third marriage, with Maria) died at an early age. Desperate, Semyon took the monastic vows and left his fortune in the spiritual testament to the third wife of Maria and her future son, leaving an empty space for his name: “I am writing this word to you so that the memory of our parents and our candle will not cease.” The "spiritual" (testament) of the Seeds of Proud has come down to our days, this is one of the first Russian testaments written on paper (parchment was used to it).

At the time of writing the will, in 1351-1353, an epidemic of plague raged in Russia ("plague," "black death", which, according to legend, was brought to Russia from Europe by "Germans", that is, by Livonians, through the trade cities ). She died in Moscow, Metropolitan Theognost, brother of Semen Andrei, the last two sons of Semen, and soon, on April 26, 1353, and the Grand Duke of Moscow himself. The grand duke was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin. After the pestilence in Moscow, only Semyon's brother, Prince Ivan Ivanovich (Ivan the Red) survived, but Mary became a widow, who gave everything to her bequeathed to Ivan by her husband. Ivan Ivanovich became the ruler of the Moscow principality, continuing the genus of Moscow princes.
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  1. +5
    7 September 2016 06: 38
    Fine. Who has no time or difficulty in reading Sergei Mikhailovich Solovyov can read the article by Alexander Samsonov ... It should be advised as an extracurricular but compulsory reading on history at school ...
    1. +1
      7 September 2016 09: 32
      Simeon the Proud, the Proud is Simeon the Horde.
      1. +1
        7 September 2016 10: 27
        the Horde is not a Horde, but he brought peace to Moscow land, and while the Horde robbed other Russian lands, they did not touch the Moscow lands, which was the reason for the rise of the Moscow Principality and the further unification of Russia. Sometimes, being a good diplomat is much more profitable than a losing warrior hero.
        1. +5
          7 September 2016 10: 45
          MORDA, MORDVA, fjord, chord .... Horde - she is everywhere belay
          1. avt
            7 September 2016 10: 59
            MORDA, MORDVA, fjord, chord .... Horde - she is everywhere
            request So after all it is ... that ... HIM! bully
            1. +4
              7 September 2016 12: 45
              avt "So this is ... that ... IGO!"
              I would say this is IGO-GO !!!)))
          2. +1
            7 September 2016 13: 07
            tanit Today, 10:45 ↑ New
            MORDA, MORDVA, fjord, chord .... Horde - she is everywhere

            and you think this is not so? Probably there is no longer a word in the world whose root would be included in the dictionaries and culture of world civilization. The Horde is a great order and all languages ​​in the world have fixed it.

            -ORDA - in Russian, the medieval Mongolian army, a synonym for disorder (went on the offensive horde, damned horde, etc.)
            -ORDUNUNG- order (it)
            -ORDER-order in business
            -ORDER- ship formation
            -ORDEN-reward for valor
            -L-ORD- LORD
            -n_a (O) P_ (o) _D- people-clan-horde-
            -p_OR_ya_D_ok- order
            -sub_ ORD_information-submission, power

            Let's continue there are more new words (not my observation)
            -swORD-sword, saber, rapier
            -BARDAC- mess
            chords and flanges are borders, these concepts go from the borders of states
            -MORDOVIA- region, country
            -Morda is the obvious antonym in meaning, a vulgarization of the meaning of the word
            -CABARDU- obviously from the Horde
            here you can also include the toponyms ORD_es-i-Monte Perdida - national park in Spain
            somewhere I saw ODESSA-ORDESSA on old maps, you need to search
            -d_a (O) RDA_nely- quite a definite toponym -binding to a place, and therefore to the state, and therefore again to the ORDER-ORDER
            -kav_ARDA_k-distorted to DEFECT, or rather the beginning of the word from DAMAGE, and the rest of the Horde is done on the same principle as the BARDAC, i.e. worsen and vulgarize the meaning of the ORD-ORDER
            -CAVALERGUARDS, GUARDEMARINS- Horde seems to be read in the root, but here probably in a different way, comes from the French. GUARD, and fr. GUARD -Garage is a Russian garden-fence-enclose -city, however, it may also have gone from the Horde
            -PORTS - in the sense of pants, well, the same thing to vulgarize the meaning of the ORDER -ORDS
            -PORT-PORT -ORDA here definitely
            -D_ORT_MUND- at the root of the Horde
            -Ko_ORD_INATY- this is what I like unambiguously showing the direction to the HORDE AND THE SELF-WORD is Russian, the Russian prefix is ​​K
            Ort - (from the Greek. Orthos - direct) - the same as a unit vector.
            FORT- in the Horde- in the Horde
            those. forts are the Horde outposts
            NORD - To the Horde? probably so...
            Earth-EARTH, heard as EF, but in fact the Horde ...
            Arjun - (Sanskrit) -light
            Arjun - (Persian) - Dear
            Arjuna- (Mahabharata) - one of the main characters of Mahabharata, the third son of Pandu and Kunti, born by her from the god Indra. Arjuna is the middle of the five Pandavas.
            again, the Horde, a slight deviation related to the peculiarity of reprimand in local dialects, and now the Horde has turned into ARJUNA. However, there are plenty of jacking and decaying reprimands around the world. Arjun is the Horde.
            so what do we see? this is the very medieval Great Horde - AUTHORITY, in all languages, ORDER, and only in the most distorted- Russian mess, how does it happen that the languages ​​of the world have preserved the memory of the previous great order of things, and we are told that it was a great mess?
            1. +2
              7 September 2016 16: 16
              wassat as I understand you are a member of the Zadornov sect? Or, do not give, Fomenko? .. In this case, no one will argue with you, but think that this means that you agree with you and moreover that you are right.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. The comment was deleted.
          3. The comment was deleted.
          4. 0
            7 September 2016 16: 54

            on the site of modern Odessa, on the map of Orteus we see ORDESSA, Ortelius created a map of the ancient world. So for some reason quality is not transmitted to fuel though a 5mb card.
        2. 0
          7 September 2016 13: 18
          Sometimes, being a good diplomat is much more profitable than a losing warrior hero.

          strong thought, it is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick, as for the "losing warrior", when the losing warrior is practically a dead warrior.
        3. 0
          9 September 2016 10: 21
          Well, not so the Horde and robbed - 2,5 pennies from the male soul, I don’t remember exactly, but after the release and tax left, and even added their own.
      2. avt
        7 September 2016 10: 57
        Simeon the Proud, the Proud is Simeon the Horde.
        what The thought ..... Aaaaaaaaaa !!! Right! It's the same as ROSEMYSEL - ROSE WE SIT - Once we SIT !!! bully It remains only to find out - where did you sit down at a time? bullyOr maybe this name is Rozma, who sat down? wassat
        1. +2
          7 September 2016 12: 41
          avt "Maybe this name is Rozma, who SEL?"
          Shaw?))) Again Selyuki?)))
          1. avt
            7 September 2016 16: 17
            Shaw?))) Again Selyuki?)))
            Not again, but again!
            The Horde is a great order and all languages ​​in the world have fixed it.
            And not just order, but ancient democracy! People gathered at the veche and the OP began! Wild steppe passing by asked the locals - Again OR? They answered them, yes. However, they liked it so much that they decided to start a DA at their place. That's how Rozma from the village led to the common denominator of the nomads - to the Horde. wassat
            I would say this is YGO-GO!
            Well, the campaign of someone from those who sat down with a horse was crushed, maybe even to death. Well, after all, IGO wassat
            1. +1
              7 September 2016 16: 21
              I see you have the experience of Fomenki and Zadornov)) That's right, you need to beat like that))
      3. 0
        8 September 2016 06: 24
        ... Semen Proud = Simeon Proud = Alexander Nevsky = Alexander the Great = Alexander Yaroslavovich = Khan Berke - son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich = Yaroslav the Wise = John Caliph = John Kalita = Khan Father = Khan Batu ..
        In different annals, one and the same historical figure passes under different names ..
        And this is also due to the fact that in Russia a person had two names.
        He received one name at birth, another at baptism when he reached the age of a warrior (coming of age, as we say now) ..
        In addition, he also received nicknames: - Nevsky - for the victory in the battle on the Neva, Macedonian - for the battle in Macedonia, where he was engaged in military affairs with his father Yaroslav = Kalita ..
      4. 0
        12 September 2016 11: 23
        Quote: Thought
        Simeon the Proud, the Proud is Simeon the Horde.

        Here they blurted out, so blurted out.
  2. +3
    7 September 2016 07: 14
    Liked. Good presentation of a complex but legendary period of time.
    1. 0
      8 September 2016 16: 40
      ..the collection of tribute by the horde - this is a tax on the population .. The regular army must be fed .. These collections flowed into the treasury. A military infrastructure was being built - inns every 5 km. - day's march .. Stocks of food and fodder were created, In the Caspian steppes, horses were bred and fodder prepared .. According to the decree of Yaroslav the Wise, the guilty person was threatened with death for killing a horse, while for killing a person - a fine .. The city authorities were responsible for collecting tribute, monks controlled this process - the eyes and ears of the Sovereign .. Monasteries served as fortresses and were "equipped" with no longer young warriors who were already hard in the field, but it was handy to defend the fortresses, there were also cameras in the basements for warriors and interrogators .. This is the power spiritual .. Intelligence and counterintelligence .. and carried out mail between the monasteries .. Yaroslav after the death of his older brother George became a complete master. It was not for nothing that he was called the Wise, although there are some "assumptions" that after a wound on the Vozha River in a showdown with the princes, he was "helped" to die .. There were many complaints to Yaroslav about George for his unbearable and arrogant character .. It is appropriate to recall here, that Gaius Julius Caesar was killed with a dagger after returning to Rome ... Yaroslav canonized George after his death. Saint George .. Yaroslav became the Emperor ..
  3. 0
    7 September 2016 07: 44
    What a lily article, Kalita’s purchase is most likely an invention to justify the capture of the principalities at the Don.
  4. +2
    7 September 2016 08: 02
    In his reign in Moscow, rag paper appeared, which replaced parchment. Under his reign, the still little-known monk Sergius, from Radonezh, founded the Trinity Monastery near Moscow.
  5. +5
    7 September 2016 08: 25
    This statesman is described in a very interesting way in the fourth novel of the famous Russian writer Dmitry Mikhailovich Balashov (now deceased) from the cycle "Sovereigns of Moscow" - "Simeon the Proud".
    1. +3
      7 September 2016 10: 25
      very good book. I recommend it to everyone.
  6. 0
    7 September 2016 12: 49
    Quote: V.ic
    This statesman is described in a very interesting way in the fourth novel of the famous Russian writer Dmitry Mikhailovich Balashov (now deceased) from the cycle "Sovereigns of Moscow" - "Simeon the Proud".

    Quote: Edvagan
    very good book. I recommend it to everyone.

    The book is good, but Balashov is so keen on Old Russian that it’s hard to read. I don’t know his skate like that, or a book for philologists, but write it like Ivanov (Trilogy about Russia), I would recommend it to everyone too!
    1. 0
      7 September 2016 17: 04
      I don’t know, I read the whole cycle, as they say, in one breath. And then I re-read it more than once.
  7. avt
    7 September 2016 16: 46
    Quote: ohtandur
    I see you have the experience of Fomenki and Zadornov))

    request Take it higher! Gumilyov found the sinful Alive alive, though he couldn’t personally meet, but he understood one truth from him - one must not stupidly be an adherent of the sect, and the brain’s work should be based on the search and analysis of specific facts. That's when Gumilyov voiced the Eurasian teachings and the influence of the Sun on the life of the Earth - he believed, and in his theory of passionarity No. Too many stretches. According to Fomenko and Nosovsky, it’s also understandable when they specifically consider and ask questions, but when the adherents under their facsimile use a shaft to print works for the sake of the Pinocchio and for the sake of royalties, I don’t believe it somehow.
  8. 0
    7 September 2016 19: 00
    Simeon, not Semyon, all the same.
    1. 0
      8 September 2016 06: 21
      Bersaglieri "Simeon, not Simon, after all."

      Don't ... Saman, listen to Rosenbaum! laughing
  9. 0
    8 September 2016 10: 46 the article about the birds: after the death of his older brother = Caesar, Yuri, George Dolgoruky = Genghis Khan, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich = Khan Batu concentrated both branches of power in his hands - military and spiritual .. And he became the complete sovereign of both Russia and the Army = Hordes ..
  10. 0
    9 September 2016 10: 16
    So we can safely say that there was no particularly Tatar-Mongol yoke! It was the Arabs in Spain who stood for 700 years, so now the Spaniards, no offense will be said, look like Jews. Thanks to the vassal dependence on the Golden Horde, Russia was protected from aggression by the gay people, and devastating internecine wars were minimized! Ivan Kalita was a skilled player in the monopoly, and Simeon the Proud was his successor. As a result, the Principality of Moscow became the heir to the Golden Horde and, though 200 years later, entered the international arena. Thank you for the article. We look forward to continuing, and preferably without retelling, Klyuchevsky and his respected historians of the past!