How the Soviet Union was killed

How the Soviet Union was killed

The Cold War was primarily an information war. A war of meanings and values. The West offered freedom. Part of the Soviet elite, the intelligentsia and the crowd fell for the “showcase of capitalism”...
Who are the Petliurists

Who are the Petliurists

105 years ago, in February 1919, the Red Army occupied Kyiv. The Petliurists were defeated by the Reds (Ukrainian Front) and the Makhnovists. The remnants of Petliurists fled to the west of Ukraine...
Forever with Moscow

Forever with Moscow

370 years ago, the royal regiments, at the call of Khmelnitsky, entered Kyiv and other cities of Little Russia. A new stage in the Russian liberation war has begun - the war between Russia and Poland...
Music in Ancient Egypt

Music in Ancient Egypt

Instruments, rituals and lyrics of the ancient Egyptians...
The peak of the Duke of Marlborough's military career

The peak of the Duke of Marlborough's military career

The resounding victories of John Churchill Marlborough, the alliance and friendship with Eugene of Savoy, the disgrace and sad fate of the protagonist of the War of the Spanish Succession...
The most blasphemous Pope

The most blasphemous Pope

He lived as if he were an earthly god. But he clearly did not act like a god with those around him...
Degradation of the USSR under Brezhnev

Degradation of the USSR under Brezhnev

Under Brezhnev, the dreams of the Soviet nomenclature finally came true. Now she could live in peace, enjoy the achieved power, privileges and honor...
The Ottoman Empire and its naval strategy in the galley era

The Ottoman Empire and its naval strategy in the galley era

In Russian and Soviet studies, it is customary to treat the Ottoman fleet condescendingly - they say, what kind of fleet is this? Lots of defeats and very few victories. However, firstly, it was so far away...
Trial over the corpse of the Pope

Trial over the corpse of the Pope

Stephen VI dug up the corpse of his predecessor Formosus and condemned him for his actions during his lifetime...
Iran: Phoenix from the Ashes

Iran: Phoenix from the Ashes

After the overthrow of the Shah, Iran's armed forces experienced difficult times, as did the military-industrial complex and the economy as a whole; it seemed that they would not withstand the pressure of Iraqi aggression and sanctions, but the opposite happened...
Heroes from the same yard: Kosiev and Klykov

Heroes from the same yard: Kosiev and Klykov

Once upon a time there lived two young heroes: one was the son of a security officer, and the other the son of a repressed man. They studied together, became partisans together and were buried in the same grave...
“Vivat, Emperor!” French victory at Brienne

“Vivat, Emperor!” French victory at Brienne

The first major battle of the French Campaign of 1814 took place at Brienne. Napoleon managed to force the Russian corps of the Silesian Army of Field Marshal Blücher to retreat...
Journey to the ancestors. Russians in Egypt

Journey to the ancestors. Russians in Egypt

The first of the Russian tsars to send a special embassy to the East was Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Why he needed this is difficult to say. Perhaps simple curiosity, or maybe some...