In the 1930-ies grandiose construction was launched in the Far East ... During the years of World War II, the Atlantic Wall became widely known. Fortifications built on the orders of Hitler ...
This war was the first war of the 20 century and is interesting from many different points of view. For example, on it, both conflicting parties massively used smokeless powder, rapid-fire guns, ...
By the 70 anniversary of the famous evacuation of British troops under Dunkirk "Britain has no permanent enemies and regular friends, it has only permanent interests," - this is not known by whom and when said ...
The theme of the Nazi military expeditions to the Arctic was one of the most mythologized in the history of the Second World War - from the "Base" Nord "to everything connected with the" Annenerbe ". In fact, everything was ...
How the Red Army Air Force was beheaded. The war for the Soviet Air Force began much earlier that Sunday morning when German bombs rained down on "peacefully sleeping airfields." The hardest ...
Work on the creation of ballistic and cruise missiles began in Kaiser Germany at the end of the First World War. Then engineer G.Obert created a project for a large liquid fuel rocket, equipped ...
As is known, in the “union of the indestructible republics of the free” a “new historical community — the Soviet noorodor” was created. "The Indestructible Block of Communists and Non-Party People" regularly gained 99,9% of votes ...
The beams of the searchlights hit the smoke, nothing is visible, the Seelow Heights, fiercely snarling with fire, are ahead, and the generals fighting for the right to be the first to be in Berlin are driving behind. When big ...
95 years ago, in the May days of 1915, the Russian army, bleeding profusely from the lack of ammunition, heroically repelled the attacks of the enemy on the fields of Galicia. Concentrating more than half of their ...
Eight anti-aircraft missiles were launched during the destruction of the Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. Today, few people know that the fate of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the war could befall any of the cities of the USSR ...
The Soviet Union at least twice had the opportunity to physically eliminate Adolf Hitler, but Stalin did not allow it, fearing the conclusion of a separate peace of Germany with the allies, said during ...
Why did we win? The detailed answers to this question are dimensionless, as are the answers to the question of why we could not but win. We are not the first, we are not the last. By the way, elementary good faith ...
Despite the terrible losses, the economic system of the USSR was able to ensure victory. The direct damage inflicted by the Great Patriotic War on the economy of the USSR amounted to almost one third of the total national ...
But the most unshakable of these myths is about the victory of the Mujahideen over the Soviets. "Explosion? What kind of explosion? ”Asked Afghan Foreign Minister Shah Mohammed Dost, elegantly raising an eyebrow when I interrupted ...
The article was published on 7 in May of 1945, Berlin, a key city in the pretentious Nazi structure, was the masterpiece of all the senseless, suicidal last posts that the Germans built in ...
The silhouettes of 15 tanks, 15 ultramodern machines barely loomed in the predawn twilight. There was a night march behind, and ahead ... ahead was the line of defense of the fascists. What awaits the Soviet there ...
The name of the secret agent Walter Stennes declassified recently. It was he who warned about Japan’s plans not to go to war with the USSR in the fall of 1941, and thus made it possible to withdraw troops from ...
After the Soviet air defense finally managed to shoot down U-2, the airspace of the USSR ceased to be a “walk-through yard for foreign reconnaissance aircraft” Half a century ago, 1 in May 1960, the Soviet ...
Mismatched words? Thoughtful? Life has proved and continues to prove that it is not. No stretch, no mysticism in the statement that in the body of the T-34 tank was and is to this day ...
In 1941 – 1945, events followed the least likely option. A more logical result of the Soviet-German confrontation would be the Brest-Litovsk peace-2 in 1942. Was there ...
Another "secret page" of the Second World War - hundreds of thousands of tons of toxic substances were harvested in the arsenals of the USSR and England. Since Khrushchev times, the phrase "no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten" has become ...
The Swede said that during the independent investigation of the Katyn crime, carried out in the framework of the international project “Truth about Katyn”, information was received that in 1939 — 1040 in ...
The article was published on 07 in May 1945, Torgau is a small German city (the population in peacetime was 14 000 people), but it had its place in history long before last week. He was...
Memories of the evacuation hospital nurse "It was terribly sorry for the people." Lyudmila Ivanovna Grigorieva worked during the war as a nurse in Moscow evacuation hospitals. About this time she talks with ...