Baltic special: the first hours of the war

Baltic special: the first hours of the war

At the end of May 1941, the I.F. Kuznetsov reported to the Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army about the completion of the formation of anti-tank brigades and the VDK district. At the same time, the district commander noted with bitterness that ...
Russian reception of tank combat - ram attack

Russian reception of tank combat - ram attack

Russia was the birthplace of not only air, but tank ram. And it was actively used during the Great Patriotic War. The world's first tank ram was committed by Simon Kuzmich Osadchy (1904 - 13 ...
Estonia, it’s time to apologize to Russia for Tartu peace

Estonia, it’s time to apologize to Russia for Tartu peace

2 February 1920 was signed in the Estonian city of Tartu (Russian Yuriev) by the Tartu Peace Treaty between the RSFSR and Estonia. The agreement was signed after the period of the war (from November 28 1918 of the year 3 ...
First Kunar. Battle of the Three Battalions

First Kunar. Battle of the Three Battalions

By the end of February 1980, the 40 Army had been in Afghanistan for two months and controlled all major cities, nine major airfields, more than 20 provincial centers. Most...
Navy leading powers at the beginning of World War I

Navy leading powers at the beginning of World War I

Before the beginning of the First World War, the great powers paid great attention to their Navy, there was the implementation of large-scale naval programs. Therefore, when the war began, the leading countries ...
Ottoman Empire - the kingdom of justice and tolerance

Ottoman Empire - the kingdom of justice and tolerance

For almost five centuries, Turkey was the number one enemy of Muscovy and the Russian Empire. From 1568 to 1918, these countries conducted 13 major wars, of which only two were Prut campaign 1710 – 1711 ...
Battle of Narva 19 (30) November 1700 of the year

Battle of Narva 19 (30) November 1700 of the year

At the time of the entry of Russian troops in Ingria and Estland, there were few Swedish troops in the region. In addition to 2, the thousand garrison defending Narva was a Swedish corps - up to 8 thousand soldiers, under the command ...
Mikhail Nikolaevich Lermontov - the same uncle?

Mikhail Nikolaevich Lermontov - the same uncle?

There are few historical documents about this interesting person. Only in passing is it mentioned about Mikhail Nikolayevich Lermontov in the writings of his famous namesake and a distant relative. Most...
State defense order in the XVII century

State defense order in the XVII century

The study of the materials of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA) made it possible to open another little-known, but very interesting page in the history of the Lopasnensky region (now ...
Russian army on the eve of the Northern War

Russian army on the eve of the Northern War

In the second half of the 17th century, Russia experienced an economic upswing. This became a prerequisite for the creation of a powerful army and navy. But by the beginning of the war with Sweden, Russia did not have a single military ...
Timur Apakidze

Timur Apakidze

For thirty years of service I had to serve, fly, study and just be familiar with hundreds of military pilots, but Timur Avtandilovich Apakidze, with all due respect to the others, stood out from all ...
Do I need a bayonet battle in the modern army?

Do I need a bayonet battle in the modern army?

A bayonet is one of the types of close combat, during which the bayonet is used as a piercing-cutting object, and the butt is used as a strike object. The same kind of bayonet battle ...
Causes of the Northern War and Russia's choice of strategy

Causes of the Northern War and Russia's choice of strategy

At the beginning of the XVII century during the Time of Troubles, the Swedes seized the largest cities of Novgorod land - Ivangorod, Yam and Koporye. In the Stolbovsky world 1617, Russia lost the coast of the Gulf of Finland. AT...
"Ships to be ..."

"Ships to be ..."

The capture of Azov was only the first step on a difficult and long road. The war with the Ottoman Empire continued. The fleet and army of Turkey, the Crimean horde continued to pose a significant threat to the southern ...
Voentorg Passion: Providing the Red Army Before the War

Voentorg Passion: Providing the Red Army Before the War

In the prewar period, the Soviet leadership paid great attention to strengthening the country's defense capability. This was due to the intensification of the aggressive intentions of fascist Germany, the aggressive military ...
Ruyan Island - the sacred center of Slavism

Ruyan Island - the sacred center of Slavism

It should be noted that in the sources of the early Middle Ages, you can see two regions that are associated with "Rus", "Dew", "Rus". This is the region of the southern state center of the Slavs - Don, Dnepr and ...
USSR and the "domino principle"

USSR and the "domino principle"

By the standards of human life, many years have passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. For several decades, the states that were part of the Soviet bloc, developed together, connected ...
Time contract

Time contract

I have long wanted to describe my experience of joint service with this category of military personnel. Disputes about whether they are needed or not do not subside. They were called residents of manholes recruited into the army at ...