80 years ago, an uprising against the German occupiers began in Paris. The French fought until the arrival of the Allied forces on August 24–25, 1944. The capital of France was liberated....
80 years ago Operation Dragoon began. The landing of anti-Hitler coalition troops in Southern France. The Allies, with the support of partisans, liberated Southern France, but allowed the German divisions to leave to the east....
The Grimani Breviary is a remarkable example of a Flemish illustrated manuscript (manuscript) created in Ghent or Bruges at the beginning of the 16th century....
Today it is difficult to say whether all coggs were built the same. Most likely not - both in their design and in appearance there were serious differences, both regional and temporary....
It is in vain that Gorbachev is considered a kind of “super agent” who allegedly penetrated the leadership to destroy the USSR. The theory that he put into practice was formulated and even published long before he...
320 years ago, the Russian army under the command of Tsar Peter Alekseevich took Narva. The Russian sovereign took revenge on the Swedes for the terrible defeat of 1700...
The successes of aviation in the First World War on land theaters of operations were indisputable. Lieutenant Colonel William Lendrum Mitchell had the opportunity to prove the possibility of using aircraft against ships...
120 years ago, the Japanese army broke through the Russian defenses on the outskirts of Port Arthur and captured the Wolf Mountains. The defense of Port Arthur, the longest battle of the Russo-Japanese War, began...
The Holy Alliance combined a conservative world order with liberal ideas that anticipated the twentieth-century concept of a united Europe; Is it possible to revive it under the auspices of Russia at present...
On August 9, 1944, the offensive of Soviet troops in Karelia, which was part of the Vyborg-Petrozavodsk operation, ended. As a result, the Red Army was able to eliminate the threat to Leningrad with...
In 988, the coggs were already there and swimming, as there is a written source about. And then, century after century, coggas were not only built, but also constantly improved, and their design gradually changed....
A verse that simply rhymes, from the point of view of the skalds, is not yet a verse. Skaldic verse, in their opinion, should have been decorated with means of sound expressiveness, for example, internal rhymes...
310 years ago, on August 7, 1714, the Russian fleet under the command of Apraksin and Tsar Peter in a fierce battle defeated the Swedish squadron at Cape Gangut in the Gulf of Finland. The Gangut victory led to a radical...
Today we are going to get acquainted with the weapons and armor of Greek warriors in their classic version. And these will be both artifacts from a variety of museums, and images of Greek warriors...
The Schleswig-Holstein question was one of the most complex in the history of international relations, and the war of 1864, also known as the Danish War, is one of three European wars in which...
There were a lot of books in the Middle Ages. Among them were those who commented on the Holy Scripture in order to help believers understand it. There were truly amazing books in this genre...