Great dreamer

Great dreamer

190 years ago, 8 February 1828, was born Jules Verne - the future world-famous French writer, a classic adventure literature, one of the creators of the science fiction genre ....
Domodedovo Stalingrad

Domodedovo Stalingrad

February 12 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. It was on this day in 1943 that a large group of Nazi troops near Stalingrad was defeated by Soviet troops ....
Thirty eight minutes to war

Thirty eight minutes to war

The Guinness Book of Records mentions the war between the British Empire and Zanzibar, which occurred in 1896 year. That confrontation was not just among champions ...
Adolf Hitler's Penalty

Adolf Hitler's Penalty

Compared to their atrocities, the crimes of the other SS men paled. "Dirlewanger", "Hitler's penalties", was the most ruthless punitive formation, staffed by selected ...
Under the command of Ekka

Under the command of Ekka

There is a village in Galicia called Yanchin. Around this village, located on the river. Rotten Linden, 16 - 17. 08. 1914. A battle took place between the 7 Army Corps of the 8 Army (with the support of the 10 Corps 3 ...
West Siberian uprising. For the Soviets without the Communists

West Siberian uprising. For the Soviets without the Communists

97 years ago, a powerful peasant uprising began in Western Siberia. The rebels were in favor of the Soviets, but without the Communists, and in the shortest possible time were able to capture several important Siberian cities ....
Artillery standard. Part of 1

Artillery standard. Part of 1

The apogee of successful actions of the Russian artillery of the First World War was the participation in the 1917 Summer Offensive. We find it extremely interesting to look at the quality of the use of Russian artillery ...
Mahatma Gandhi is too much praised

Mahatma Gandhi is too much praised

Exactly 70 years ago, Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi, a man named among the main idols of the 20th century and the most important leaders of the first half, died in the hands of a terrorist. However, as a policy of Gandhi clearly ...
As "fake" awards to the Great Patriotic War received

As "fake" awards to the Great Patriotic War received

The situation when these heroes are left without military awards or is awarded very modestly, and those close to the authorities and material values ​​are hung with orders and medals like New Year's ...
General Success Little Blood

General Success Little Blood

I ask students the question: “How many Victory Parades were in 1945 year?”. Traditionally, I get the answer: “One - 24 June 1945 of the Year in Moscow”. It is necessary to correct each time: the Victory Parade was also held by 16 ...
Who was behind the murder of Volodarsky?

Who was behind the murder of Volodarsky?

20 June 1918 of the year in Petrograd by an unknown person, as originally reported by the newspaper, the commissar for the press of the Northern Commune V. Volodarsky (Moses Markovich Goldstein) was killed ...
Millions for the dictatorship of the proletariat

Millions for the dictatorship of the proletariat

Stefan Mrochkovsky occupies a special place among prominent illegal immigrants. He carried out a very important project to create an international financial structure, engaged in obtaining ...