160 years ago Russia conquered the Caucasus

160 years ago Russia conquered the Caucasus

160 years ago, in May 1864, the 50-year Caucasian War ended. Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich defeated the highlanders on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. This led to the conquest of the Western Caucasus and...
How Russia defeated Poland and returned Smolensk

How Russia defeated Poland and returned Smolensk

370 years ago, in May 1654, the Sovereign Campaign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich began. The campaign of 1654 was victorious: the capture of Smolensk, the return of lands lost during the Time of Troubles, control was gained...
"They will deserve punishment"

"They will deserve punishment"

Most of the Russian generals underestimated the enemy, the “Japanese macaques.” At the beginning of the war, hating sentiments reigned from the generals to the Cossacks. The Russians believed in a “jolly walk”,...
English fleet and supply problems

English fleet and supply problems

By the middle of the 1730th century, serious problems began with wood in England, and by the XNUMXs, all available oak trees had actually been cut down...
Three myths about General Wrangel. How legends are made

Three myths about General Wrangel. How legends are made

Any outstanding personality is mythologized in the public consciousness, often during his lifetime, and Lieutenant General P. N. Wrangel was no exception; In this article we will look at three myths associated with it...
Wood and birch bark: a canoe for every taste

Wood and birch bark: a canoe for every taste

The Canadian Canoe Museum houses more than 600 canoes, kayaks and watercraft. Together they span the country from coast to coast, representing many of the major water traditions...
Chessboard of big politics

Chessboard of big politics

Since ancient times, all heads of state have been a priori recognized as “chess players” who have the right to control the lives and destinies of their subjects...
Boats made of twigs, leather, resin and asphalt!

Boats made of twigs, leather, resin and asphalt!

Primitive shipbuilding is by no means the prerogative of the Pacific Ocean alone. In the same old Europe and in the United States there are many examples of the most original ways of traveling around...
1919–1921. German-Polish conflict in Upper Silesia

1919–1921. German-Polish conflict in Upper Silesia

From 1919 to 1921, a bloody conflict raged in eastern Silesia between Germans and Poles over the political future of the region. In front of international peacekeeping forces, Berlin and Warsaw waged a sophisticated...
How Kosciuszko became a national hero of Poland

How Kosciuszko became a national hero of Poland

The victory at Raclawice raised the morale of the Poles and became a signal for all of Poland. Young people began to flock to Kosciuszko in droves. Most of the Polish lands rebelled...
The Wars of the Roses: King Richard III of England

The Wars of the Roses: King Richard III of England

It is believed that Richard III was small for a long time, and also hunchbacked, and due to atrophy of his left hand, he could not use it properly. “Richard the Hunchback” - that’s what William Shakespeare wrote about him, however...
"Retreat as slowly as possible"

"Retreat as slowly as possible"

Kuropatkin, as a person of sound mind, saw the only correct path in retreating before the Japanese. In essence, repeating the strategy of Barclay de Tolly and Kutuzov during the Patriotic War...
Ciphers of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich

Ciphers of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich

In the case of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich,... ciphers are discovered indicating that the situation was somewhat more complicated than is commonly believed...
Nicknamed La Hire

Nicknamed La Hire

The frantic Etienne de Vignoles (La Hire) is a faithful ally of Joan of Arc, an incorrigible blasphemer and foul-mouthed man, who after her death took revenge on the Burgundians and the English for a long time...
Was Alexander III the Peacemaker?

Was Alexander III the Peacemaker?

Due to the absence of wars during the thirteenth anniversary of the reign of Alexander III, the nickname “Peacemaker” was established for him; However, is there any direct merit to the tsar himself in the years of peace?...