A simple whistle, and how much benefit!

A simple whistle, and how much benefit!

In recent years, technological and operational trends in the development of sonars have been formed, supported by an increased demand for these systems for small vessels ...
Night vision fields

Night vision fields

Night vision technologies (image enhancement and thermal imaging) are ready to develop: from resolution to connecting to a single network ...
HAARP turned on again!

HAARP turned on again!

The lead researcher of the HAARP project, Chris Fallen, conducted a series of experiments with HAARP. Moreover, he invited all radio amateurs to join the project ...
News of the Peresvet project

News of the Peresvet project

In early March, the President of Russia spoke about the promising types of weapons of domestic development. Most of the information is still classified, but some data is still disclosed ...
Protection of operational bases: integrated business

Protection of operational bases: integrated business

The integration of all the data provided by the sensors in a single Base Protection Center, also equipped with operational management tools, is undoubtedly the best solution for protecting military bases ...
Chronicles thermal imaging. Part of 3

Chronicles thermal imaging. Part of 3

Western armored vehicles have mastered the heights of thermal imaging: The 2 Revolution Leopard is equipped with a digital fire control system, and the commander has an SEOSS optical-electronic sighting system ...
Battle laser complex Stryker MEHEL (USA)

Battle laser complex Stryker MEHEL (USA)

The US military has long been working on the creation of combat lasers and have already managed to check some samples of such weapons. One of them, the MEHEL complex, once again demonstrated its capabilities - already in ...
Chronicles thermal imaging. Part of 2

Chronicles thermal imaging. Part of 2

Placing a thermal imager on a multi-ton machine is a rather trivial task, but equipping an infantryman with this technique so as not to hinder his movements? - problem from problems ...
Deserted convoys: the near future

Deserted convoys: the near future

The British Laboratory of Defense Science and the American Army's Armored Research Center tested the use of remote-controlled vehicles on tests.
Stuff soldiers with electronic chips: DARPA

Stuff soldiers with electronic chips: DARPA

The United States Defense Advanced Research Administration (DARPA) is known for scientific research in the field of military technology. Genetic engineering, technology that can get ahead of infectious ...
Computers: military, but not very hefty

Computers: military, but not very hefty

General Micro Systems manufactures hardened smart displays, server racks and other computer systems and participates in a number of major programs ...
Toxic substances "Novice": do not exist, but used?

Toxic substances "Novice": do not exist, but used?

The UK claims that the former Russian GRU officer Sergey Skripal was poisoned by a substance from the Novice line. While politicians are arguing and trying to use the recent incident in the interests of ...
Thermal Imaging Chronicles (Part 1)

Thermal Imaging Chronicles (Part 1)

The presence of thermal imaging equipment on the battlefield of one of the conflicting parties provides an unprecedented superiority over the enemy, which can be compared only with the appearance of a rifle ...
How secure is the Atlas cryptographic phone?

How secure is the Atlas cryptographic phone?

Ensuring communication security for government agencies and enterprises of the military-industrial complex (DIC) is one of the most important components of the overall system of measures to preserve the state and ...
Detonation engines. Successes and prospects

Detonation engines. Successes and prospects

According to recent reports, a prospective jet engine using the detonation principle of fuel combustion has been tested in Russia. Such technologies can significantly improve ...
On the photon transition

On the photon transition

Until the second decade of this century, three directions of development have been and still are held in the industry of the planet - pair, electron, atom. Currently, the world is moving to the fourth level, ...
Polymers and half measures

Polymers and half measures

The production and use of domestic composite materials has recently been growing at an average annual rate of three to five percent ...
Race for Mach

Race for Mach

The fact that Russia is developing a hypersonic weapon, Russian Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov said back in late November last year. The results of these efforts may become available to the military in ...