How many seconds fly "Petrel" and "Zircon"

How many seconds fly "Petrel" and "Zircon"

What will end the story of superracket? It will end in the most obvious way: like the "wet" anti-aircraft missiles from the Chinese contract. But as it is explained to the public, who believed in ...
International rocket mail KI Rambella (USA)

International rocket mail KI Rambella (USA)

At the beginning of 1936, the first US launch of a mail rocket took place. Just a few months after that, American enthusiasts made the world's first international mail exchange using ...
Invisibility from any angle: already near us

Invisibility from any angle: already near us

In the broadest sense, not to be recognized or "seen" means the exclusion of displaying signatures of any kind, which the opponent can identify with sensors of different categories, be it with the naked eye ...
Electromagnetic weapons. In publications and reality

Electromagnetic weapons. In publications and reality

Leading countries of the world are developing brand new weapons. Another wave of frightening publications rose a few days ago. Its theme was the electromagnetic weapons of Russia, China and other countries ...
Fast global punch: hypersound help

Fast global punch: hypersound help

Progress in the field of hypersonic technology has led to the creation of high-speed weapons systems. The latter have been identified as a key area in which direction the military needs ...
Fred W. Kessler's Mail Rocket Plane (USA)

Fred W. Kessler's Mail Rocket Plane (USA)

In the thirties, the idea of ​​rocket mail paced the planet. She became interested in American enthusiasts. It is believed that the first sample of such a system in the United States was shown by inventor Fred W. Kessler at 1936 ...
Enrique Funes post missiles (Cuba)

Enrique Funes post missiles (Cuba)

The first successes in the field of rocket mail did not go unnoticed and inspired enthusiasts around the world. In the late thirties, a new idea reached Latin America, where the designer Enrique Funes ...
Fantastic flight of "Zircon" and "Petrel"

Fantastic flight of "Zircon" and "Petrel"

8-swing anti-ship missile with scramjet in the specified dimensions is a pseudo-science fiction for the trusting public, always ready to charge the banks from the TV with Chumak and it is profitable to invest in MMM ...
Urbanization of combat space

Urbanization of combat space

In the future, cities will turn into multi-dimensional battle spaces. The armed forces operating in such cities will be forced to take into account the diversity of combat conditions: from underground communications to ...
Microwave guns. In service and in the plans

Microwave guns. In service and in the plans

Weapons based on microwave radiation has ceased to be fiction and is gradually being used in practice. Some samples of this kind are already in service, while others are ...
There is a "contact"!

There is a "contact"!

There were photos taken in the area of ​​the Ramenskoye airfield: the version of the heavy MiG-31BM interceptor with a massive product, clearly two-stage, was illuminated ...