"Green" cosmonautics: utopias, realities, prospects

"Green" cosmonautics: utopias, realities, prospects

A modern launch vehicle is much less effective than a steam locomotive. The environmental problems of space technology and activities are becoming more relevant. The best strategies of the future cannot be ...
China is getting closer to landing on the moon

China is getting closer to landing on the moon

Russia is not the only country in the world that is banking on the lunar program. China also has serious plans for a natural satellite of the Earth. Recently, the Chinese experimental spacecraft ...
Russia refuses the ISS

Russia refuses the ISS

Dmitry Rogozin's announcement at the very beginning of December about the planned withdrawal from the ISS project practically coincided with the announcement of the Russian President about the termination of the South Stream project, so it went where ...
Angara launch vehicle family

Angara launch vehicle family

In Russia, the complex tests of the Angara-A5 heavy launch vehicle launch complex have been completed. The rocket has already been removed from the launch pad at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. About this 26 ...
West see Russian "killer satellites"

West see Russian "killer satellites"

The US military is watching the new space object, which in the Western media has already been called the new Russian "satellite killer." In particular, it informs the Russian news agency ...
The children in the universe

The children in the universe

A series of successful space launches carried out by commercial companies were interrupted by two catastrophes that occurred in late October. We tried to figure out what constitutes a private ...
Angara - the world's first rocket modular design

Angara - the world's first rocket modular design

November 1 leadership GKNPTs them. Khrunichev reported that the new Angara A5 heavy launch vehicle - the world's first rocket, made according to the modular principle (formed as a designer), has passed ...
Mockups do not fly into space

Mockups do not fly into space

Americans for spaceflight have something besides a trampoline. And where is our new generation of ship? Five years ago, at the International Air Show in Zhukovsky, visitors saw a mock Russian ...
Prospects for the development of Russian cosmonautics

Prospects for the development of Russian cosmonautics

Domestic astronauts should be trained not to work on the ISS, but for expeditions to the Moon and Mars. So says the deputy head of the Cosmonautics Training Center (CPC) for scientific work, Boris ...
News of the project "Angara"

News of the project "Angara"

July 9 at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome passed the first test launch of the new Russian launch vehicle Angara-1.2PP. Start performed the calculation of the aerospace defense forces. The rocket successfully executed ...
I can see everything from above, and you know

I can see everything from above, and you know

Currently, the topic of satellite images has become very relevant. This topic attracts the attention of ordinary people. A surge of interest followed after a terrible catastrophe that happened in the sky above ...
India conquers Mars

India conquers Mars

India was among the space superpowers. Indian scientists managed to solve a very difficult task - they brought their own satellite to the Martian orbit. As a result, India became the first country in ...
GLONASS is dependent on foreign components

GLONASS is dependent on foreign components

The global navigation satellite system (GLONASS) began to be developed back in the USSR on the order of the country's defense ministry. The satellites of this system are put into orbit from October 12 1982 of the year ....
Lin Industries Company Creates New Light Class Booster

Lin Industries Company Creates New Light Class Booster

Several foreign private companies are currently working on projects for launch vehicles and spacecraft. It is expected that "private owners" due to similar projects in the future will be able ...
Developed a recovery plan for the Center. Khrunichev

Developed a recovery plan for the Center. Khrunichev

In early August, the leadership of the State Space Research and Production Center (GKNPTs) named after V.I. M.V. Khrunichev. The purpose of appointing new leaders was to rebuild ...
Angara: Triumph or Oblivion. 7 part

Angara: Triumph or Oblivion. 7 part

We said above that Angara aims to at least “squeeze out” three classes of launch vehicles. This is already impressive. Moreover, the conquest of at least some niche in the orbital space is already “golden ...”