War on an empty stomach. Super-soldiers of the future

War on an empty stomach. Super-soldiers of the future

For any soldier, not a strategy and battle tactics, but his own stomach is much more important. A hungry army will not be able to resist the enemy, and the supply of food is no less important than weapons - this ...
Russia acquired French technology for T-90

Russia acquired French technology for T-90

Technologies for the production of night vision devices for armored vehicles were transferred to Russia. The corresponding contract was signed by Rosoboronexport and the French company Thales. Now the instruments for the tanks ...
Superflood 17 was completed years later

Superflood 17 was completed years later

A new generation nuclear submarine will be launched today, June 15, in Severodvinsk. The ceremony will be attended by Dmitry Medvedev. This is the second visit of the head of state to the city ...
You can’t make a “mace” on your knee

You can’t make a “mace” on your knee

In modern conditions, the ability of the army to defend a country is first and foremost indicated not by its strength, but by another indicator - the equipment of modern military equipment of the Armed Forces. And with this we have ...
The secret of the Kalashnikov rifle is revealed

The secret of the Kalashnikov rifle is revealed

The legendary Russian designer created the famous AK-47, working at the same factory as Hitler’s famous gunsmith, Great Designer Mikhail Kalashnikov admitted that immediately after the war in Izhevsk ...
Ivan Okhlobystin: On the right of the Colt

Ivan Okhlobystin: On the right of the Colt

"God created people, and Colonel Colt equated them with rights." At one time, I was full of all sorts of shooting glands, and therefore it is impossible to catch me in a romantic attachment to arms ....
Accuracy International AX

Accuracy International AX

In service with the army and the USMC dozens of models of sniper rifles are made up. These are semi-automatic rifles of the M14 and M110 series under the .308Win and the M16 modifications under the .223Rem, as well as various ...
35 years under the sign of "Alpha"

35 years under the sign of "Alpha"

29 July 1974, the chairman of the KGB under the USSR Council of Ministers, Yu.V. Andropov signed Order No. 0089 / OV on the change in the staff of the 7 administration and the approval of the Statute on Group A of the 5 division ...
Military cargo taxi

Military cargo taxi

The importance of vehicles for supplying and transporting troops was shown by the experience of the First World War. Here is an example included in the anthology: at the beginning of September 1914, German troops approached Paris; battles ...
Privatization of war

Privatization of war

A few days ago, Izvestia published a small note that one of the German private security firms (more precisely, to call such organizations private military companies) suggested ...
Between a jeep and a buggy

Between a jeep and a buggy

The mechanical engine appeared in the army a long time ago, and the oldest task solved with its help is the supply of troops. Steam tractors delivered cargo to British troops even during the Crimean War. WITH...
Xynthet 13, Israel's Marine Commandos

Xynthet 13, Israel's Marine Commandos

The dramatic military intervention of the Israeli army on Monday, in a confrontation with the pro-Palestinian flotilla near the Gaza Strip, put on display a little-known connection - Xyethet 13 ....
We will reduce the fleet, we will not build bases

We will reduce the fleet, we will not build bases

The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation spoke about the new strategy of his department, Anatoly Serdyukov, continuing the fundamental reform of the army, which should learn to spend money only on effective projects. In this ...
Why drove the wings of the fleet

Why drove the wings of the fleet

Russian naval aviation begins with the purchase of several seaplanes abroad in the 1911 year. Soon, domestic aircraft designers created several types of flying boats, which in the first ...


Sights, equipped with the latest optical system based on zone plates, will allow the shooter to simultaneously keep in focus both the front sight and the distant target. Try to shoot a rifle at the target ...
The power is ... how to apply it wisely?

The power is ... how to apply it wisely?

A new look at the use of US troops outside the US Not long ago, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, shared with the broad ...
Landing craft L-CAT. France

Landing craft L-CAT. France

Direct landing ships have been in service with NATO countries for more than 30 years. And today, the question of replacing them is acute. The main requirements for future ships are to increase ...
Recent tests of new armored personnel carriers

Recent tests of new armored personnel carriers

Armored vehicles from the family of Russian armored personnel carriers are known throughout the world. Over the past sixty years, they took part in the fighting in almost all wars - and the army around the world ...
The State Duma proposes to buy off the army

The State Duma proposes to buy off the army

The State Duma proposes to buy off the army. Now - officially. In order not to wear a tunic, you will need to pay a million rubles to the treasury. This initiative "Vesti FM" was discussed with the deputy ...
A robot makes passages in minefields.

A robot makes passages in minefields.

Military robot company IRobot mastering a new specialty. Now the robot, called Warrior (Warrior) and which is a lightweight version of the Python robot, uses the Mk7 APOBS system ...