Iranian "drone": Werner von Braun's reincarnation

Iranian "drone": Werner von Braun's reincarnation

The global aviation community was shocked by yesterday's presentation by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad of the "ultra-modern unmanned long-range bomber" Karrar ....
The concept of a tank with a combat robot inside

The concept of a tank with a combat robot inside

The forum, with reference to an internal Chinese source, discusses a possible concept for a new-generation tank. In the stern of the tank is a self-propelled combat robot equipped with ...
Be-200 №301 made a flight from Irkutsk to Taganrog

Be-200 №301 made a flight from Irkutsk to Taganrog

The amphibious aircraft Be-200 with number 301 from the production reserve of JSC Scientific and Production Corporation Irkut (NPK Irkut), completed at the enterprise, made a flight ...
Tests "strategist"

Tests "strategist"

The other day, the nuclear submarine "Yury Dolgoruky" returned from the next stage of factory trials, successfully passing another test by the sea. The ship completed the test program, showed ...
India plans to replace Arjun

India plans to replace Arjun

India began work on its next generation tank. It is called FMBT (Future Main Battle Tank), the purpose of its creation is the qualitative replacement of the last Indian tank development, ...
T-90 vs. Abrams

T-90 vs. Abrams

Tanks T-90 and M1A1 "Abrams" are typical representatives of the Soviet and Western schools of tank building, which are based on various design and technological ideas. T-90, deep ...
China adopted its own "shell" on the chassis of MAZ

China adopted its own "shell" on the chassis of MAZ

The site posted photos of the newest anti-aircraft missile gun system, which is called the "missile defense system." Judging by the photos, the complex, equipped with a radar ...
USA: a course for global missile defense

USA: a course for global missile defense

However, Russia is still capable of delivering guaranteed unacceptable damage to any 8 aggressor this April in Prague, Russian and US presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama signed a new Treaty ...
Near Krasnodar thunder "Hurricanes"

Near Krasnodar thunder "Hurricanes"

At the test site near Krasnodar, “Hurricanes” - multiple rocket launchers - thundered today. So began the firing in the framework of large-scale artillery exercises of the North Caucasus Military District ....
"German or in boots, or under a boot"

"German or in boots, or under a boot"

The other day, German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg again spoke out for the suspension of military service and the transformation of the German army into a fully professional one. According to zu Guttenberg, ...
South Korean robots shoot North Koreans

South Korean robots shoot North Koreans

The border between North Korea and South Korea is becoming more and more dangerous every day. Recently it turned out that 14 July, the armed forces of South Korea put on combat duty at the border with ...
New version of BBM VAMTAC S3 developed in Spain

New version of BBM VAMTAC S3 developed in Spain

The Spanish company "Levels" (Urovesa - Uro Vehicules Especiales) has developed a new version of the armored vehicle VAMTAC S3 (Vehiculo de Alta Movilidad Tactico) with the wheel formula 4x4. 8-ton armored ...
In Iran, launched the first bomber, the Messenger of Death

In Iran, launched the first bomber, the Messenger of Death

Iran solemnly launched the first bomber developed in the country - the Messenger of Death. During the presentation, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke and gave the new office the name of the Envoy ...
Guardium ground robotic machine

Guardium ground robotic machine

Guardium is a ground-based robotic vehicle of the Israeli company G-Nius, one of the divisions of IAI (Israel Aircraft Industries - Taasiya Avirit) and Elbit Systems (Elbit Maarahot). Israeli ...
Once again about BMPT

Once again about BMPT

A car with a lot of flaws, but still it can be brought to mind First Deputy Minister of Defense Vladimir Popovkin said that the state defense order program, along with some other samples ...
ZSU "Otomatic"

ZSU "Otomatic"

The original ZSU “Otomatic” was created at the beginning of the 90-s in Italy. She is armed with an 76-mm automatic cannon. The choice of such a large caliber is due to the task of hitting helicopters before launching them ...
Russia is developing a "flying" laser

Russia is developing a "flying" laser

Russia is developing an airborne military laser. A laser unit based on an IL-76 aircraft is capable of disabling enemy reconnaissance assets in space, in the air, and on water. How much ...
BMPT "Terminator"

BMPT "Terminator"

This unofficial name was given to the tank support combat vehicle (BMPT). According to the military, the combat effectiveness of one BMPT is superior to two motorized rifle platoons - 6 BMP and about 40 people ...
AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter

AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter

The AH-64 Apache is the first army combat helicopter designed to interact with ground forces at the forefront, as well as for anti-tank operations at any time of the day, ...