"Heart" of Zheltorossiya - Russian Harbin


Russian railway builders, like all foreigners in China, enjoyed the right of extraterritoriality. In accordance with Article 6 of the contract for the construction of the CER in the exclusion zone, all the usual institutions of the Russian administrative system were gradually created: the police, in which the Russians and the Chinese served, and the court. By agreement with the Chinese authorities, the CER must buy from the private owners of the land that it alienates for the needs of the road. The width of the land on the tracks between the stations was set in 40 sazhen (85,4 m) - 20 sazhen in each direction, but in fact was somewhat less. 50 acres of land (54,5 ha) were alienated for large stations, and other stations and sidings - to 30 tithe (32,7 ha). Under Harbin, 5650,03 tithing (6158,53 ha) was initially alienated in several separate areas, and in 1902, the area of ​​alienation increased to 11 102,22 tithing (12 101,41 ha). On the right bank of the Sungari (Harbin) 5701,21 tithes were alienated, on the left bank (Zaton) - 5401,01 tithes. This whole area was united by a common border.

The construction of the Southern Line was one of the priorities assigned by the Russian government to the CER Society. Later, on February 5 and June 29 X. The Tsarist government of the Russian Federation entrusted the organization of the Pacific Shipping Company to the Society. By 1899, the CER had twenty large ocean steamers. They provided freight and passenger communication between the ports of the Primorsk region, the port of the Far and the major ports of Korea, China and Japan, and carried passengers in transit from Western Europe to the Far East. During the Russian-Japanese war, the entire fleet of the CER was completely destroyed.

In Manchuria, new cities grew on the CER: Far, Manchuria and Harbin. Harbin became the “heart” of the CEL. More than a hundred road stations soon turned into flowering villages. 1903 294 sq. m of residential premises, and to 061 g. - 1910 606 square. In 587, the total number of road employees reached more than 1903 thousand, mostly Russian and Chinese. The cost of the CER, including the maintenance of the port of Dalniy and the city of Dalniy, amounted to 39 of 1903 million rubles in gold. By 318,6, it increased to 1906 million rubles. In subsequent years, this amount came close to 375 million rubles.

To reduce the time of construction of the road, the administration of the CER decided to create a large stronghold directly on the territory of Manchuria, which would answer one, but the main requirement: it should be ensured that the huge amount of building materials needed to provide this gigantic communication with the least expenditures is needed. This point was chosen the place of intersection of the railway Sungari river. And it was named simply: Sungari, or Sungari railway village. Thus was founded the city of Harbin, which became the "heart" of Zheltorossiya. The author of the name “Zheltorossiya”, this alienation strip of the CER and its surrounding areas, is unknown. But, by the end of the 1890's. The term Zheltoressiya was widely used not only by the population, but also by the press.

One of the most important preparatory measures for the construction of the road was the organization of the river flotilla CER. The main burden of delivering a huge amount of goods and equipment necessary for construction to Manchuria lay on it. Work on the creation of the flotilla was led by engineer S. M. Vakhovsky. In 1897, he was seconded to Belgium and England, where he concluded a contract for the supply of small-sitting ships and metal barges suitable for sailing along the Sungari for the CER. In a disassembled form, they were transported from Europe to Vladivostok, and from there, for assembly and launching, they were transported to the Iman station of the Ussuri railway, and then to the Red River near Khabarovsk. Vakhovsky organized the assembly of ships. The first ship, the so-called “First”, was launched on July 20, 1898. Soon the “Second” ship was launched. A total of 18 steamships were collected and launched, named from the First to the Eighteenth, 4 boats, 40 steel and 20 wooden barges, and one excavator. During the construction of the road and the city of Harbin, this flotilla transported at least 650 thousand tons of various cargoes.

6 May 1898 from Khabarovsk up the Ussuri to Harbin set off the first ship. It was the ship "Blagoveshchensk", rented from the private Amur society. On board it were the leaders of the construction department, headed by S. V. Ignatius, accompanied by workers, employees and Cossacks of the Security Guard. Swimming was difficult. The main obstacle was the numerous Sungari rifts and shoals. The water in the river was low. In Manchuria, where there is almost no snow in winter, its melting does not cause a rise in water levels in rivers. The water in the rivers rises during the period of intense and frequent monsoon rains - in July and August. Due to numerous delays on the shoals, when it was necessary to unload the heaviest cargoes from a steamer, this journey along the Sungari lasted more than 20 days. 28 May 1898 The steamer Blagoveshchensk arrived in Harbin. This day is considered the day the city was founded. Although the personnel of the CER began to arrive even earlier.

The settlement of Sungari began to turn into a city at a rapid pace. The first railway hospital has opened. Soon a major, well-equipped central hospital of the CER opened in New Harbin. A canteen for builders appeared, the first hotel “Non-Passenger Hamartels” opened. Begin its operations branch of the Russian-Chinese Bank. Developing trade, services. The construction managers took care of both the printing house and the elementary school for children of workers and employees. In February, 1898, in the Anper house in Old Harbin, opened the first small house church. And the first Orthodox priest in Manchuria was Father Alexander Zhuravsky. Later in Old Harbin a small but very beautiful three-domed church was built between the Officers and Army streets. Back in 1898, Harbin was connected to Russia by a telegraph line, which greatly facilitated the construction of the road.

At first, the builders of the CER had big problems with the usual food for the Russians. There were no basic products familiar to Russians, since the Chinese did not grow potatoes or cabbage in Manchuria, did not keep dairy cattle, therefore there was practically no beef and dairy products in the markets. V. N. Veselovzorov in his memoirs, published in the Harbin newspaper “Russkiy Golos”, wrote: “The inhabitants and servants of the road suffered from the absence of rye bread and buckwheat porridge. The game — pheasants, goats, izyubryabratina — was abundant, but it was boring, and it was almost impossible to get ordinary beef, since it was also imported. Russian cabbage, potatoes were rare during the construction of the city. They, like butter, were brought from Siberia. But alcoholic beverages were abundant thanks to duty-free trade and free ports of Vladivostok and Port Arthur. For example, the cognac of the best brand “Three Stars” - Martel cost 1 ruble 20 kopecks a bottle, and a quarter of vodka cost 30-40 kopecks! For an empty bottle, the peasants were given a chicken, for a hundred eggs they took a quarter (25 kop.), And for a couple of pheasants - 20 kopecks! At the same time, shaving at a hairdresser was worth 2 gold rubles. ”

In 1899 in Harbin, there were about 14 thousands of immigrants from the Russian Empire, mostly Russians, but there were also Poles, Jews, Armenians and other nationalities. According to the results of the first stories Harbin census, conducted by 15 March 1903, the population of the Harbin Rift Line was 44,5 thousand. Of these, Russian subjects were 15,5 thousand people, Chinese citizens - 28,3 thousand people. By 1913, Harbin was actually a Russian colony for the construction and repair of the CER. The population of the city was 68,5 thousand people, mostly Russian and Chinese. The census records the presence of 53 citizens from different countries. In addition to Russian and Chinese, they also spoke 45 languages.

At the beginning of the 20th century, construction in Harbin increased even more. Since 1901, the area of ​​newly built residential premises has increased annually by 22 750 square meters. At the same time, the building of the Road Administration with an area of ​​around 16 800 square was being built. m, security headquarters (more than 2270 sq. m), male and female commercial schools (more than 7280 sq. m), Railway hotel (about 3640 sq. m), post and telegraph office, schools for boys and girls and the building of the Public Assembly, The central hospital was being completed. At the beginning of 1903, on Vokzalnoy Avenue, a large, beautiful building of the Russian-Chinese Bank was built.

The administration paid great attention to the cultural leisure of Russian builders. One of the entertainments was a visit to the 25 in the evenings of December 1898 in the Old Harbin Railway Assembly. Harbin residents loved choirs, both secular and ecclesiastical. They have always been extremely popular in Harbin. The first amateur choir sang on the small stage of the Railway Assembly. Amateurs played various musical instruments brought by them from Russia. The first concerts of professional artists who came from Russia became a big holiday for the people of Harbin.

Over time, along with such types of recreation in Harbin, places of recreation and entertainment of a slightly different type quickly began to appear, for example, cafesantan (a cafe with an open stage, where songs and dances are performed) under the loud name "Bellevue". Among the builders, the vast majority of young and single men, this institution was extremely popular. This and similar establishments were also very popular with the officers of the Security Guard, who lived for months in the desert stations and on the road. Harbin for the military was the most attractive resting place. The distance in 200 and even in 300 versts to Harbin was considered trivial for young officers and was often overcome by them both ways. Therefore, the cafeteria was constantly crowded with the public and worked all night. “Shrouded in clouds of tobacco smoke, by the light of kerosene lamps and candles on the stage, the Romanian orchestra thundered, French chants performed, dancing the corps de ballet. It was, so to speak, pop. And beside, to the side, behind the green tables, between regulars, random players and indispensable participants of such companies - sharpeners, there was a gambling game of nine, a piece of metal, a shtos and a can. Stacks of gold coins passed from hand to hand. Arising misunderstandings were sometimes resolved by quarrels and fights, but without firing. The Russians preferred to wield not with revolvers, but with their fists. ”

CEL. Art. Manchuria. Railway station

"Heart" of Zheltorossiya - Russian Harbin

Security of the CER

As predicted by the most far-sighted opponents of the Great Route route through Chinese territory, the road had to be guarded by still quite large military forces. In Zhellotossii appeared its own army - the Security Guard of the CER. The former commander of the 4-th Transcaspian rifle brigade, Colonel A. A. Gerngross, became the first head of the Security Guard. The personnel of the Security Guard served as a free-lance employer, most of whom were Cossacks. Initially, 5 hundreds of horsemen were formed: one from the Terek Cossack army, two from the Kuban, one from the Orenburg and one hundred mixed. 26 December 1897 All five hundred arrived on the steamer "Voronezh" in Vladivostok and began to serve in Manchuria. The salary in the Guard was much more than in the army. Thus, the rank and file received 20 rubles in gold per month, watchmans - 40 rubles with ready-made uniform and a table. For the Cossacks of the Security Guard, its own form was created: black open cuffs and blue leggings with yellow stripes, caps with a yellow edging and a crown.

In accordance with the agreement with China, the Russian Empire was not supposed to introduce regular army units into Manchuria. And in order to further emphasize the difference between the Security Guard and the regular units, they did not wear epaulets. On the officer’s uniform they were replaced by the image of a yellow dragon. The same dragon decorated hundreds of badges and was on buttons and cockades of the popes, because of which in the Ural hundred even almost started a riot. The Cossacks decided that the dragon is the seal of the antichrist and it is not fitting for a Christian to wear such an image. They refused to wear dragons on themselves, but the authorities threatened, and the Cossacks found a way out - they began to wear caps with cockades back, because the seal of the antichrist is placed on the forehead, and nothing is said about the back of the head. In addition, officers wore gold plated shoulder braids. But they very painfully tolerated the absence of epaulets, especially during trips to Russia.

Interestingly, the army officers did not like the officers of the Security Guard, and the Security Guard itself was called “customs guards” or “Matilda’s Guard” - after the wife of the chief of the entire Border Guard corps S. Yu. Witte Matilda Ivanovna. Ensign A.I. Guchkov, the future minister of the Provisional Government, the future generals and leaders of the White armies A.I. Denikin and L.G. Kornilov served in the Security Guard of the CEL at various times.

By 1900, the guard of the CER consisted of: Headquarters (Harbin); The convoy of the chief chief of the guard of the CER; 8-mouth (two thousand bayonets); 19 hundreds of hundreds (two thousand checkers). On the 1901 year, the 18 of May 1901, according to the “all-present” report S. Yu. Witte, the states of the county were approved by the king: 3 general, 58 headquarters and 488 chief officers, 24 physician, 17 veterinarians, 1 priest, 1 art chinovnikov. lower ranks, as well as 25 9 combatant and artillery horses. Composition: District headquarters and artillery headquarters were located in Harbin, four Zaamur brigades. 384 January 9 of the year on the basis of the Security Guard of the Chinese Eastern Railway was formed Zaamursky District Separate corps of border guards.

Judging by the memoirs and memoirs of the participants in the construction of the CER, the Security Guard carried out its service regularly. Its main task was to protect the builders, stations and lines of the railway. Each brigade consisted of two linear and one reserve detachment, which had "a common numbering throughout the district, separately linear and separately reserve". The task of the linear detachments included service along the railway. The reserve detachments were to maintain and, if necessary, replenish parts of the linear detachments and serve as a training point for the newly arrived reinforcement. The ratio of the number of companies, hundreds, batteries in the squad depends on the length of the site, the number of stations, the population of the area and the nature of the attitude of local residents to the railway. Detachment areas were divided into company. The companies were located at stations and near important points along the railway line in the travel barracks at a distance of about 20 versts. The travel barracks were adapted to defense against units with a force of "several hundred people without artillery". The personnel of the company were distributed as follows: 50 people were in reserve at the company headquarters, and the rest were at posts along the line. The posts were located at 5-verst distance from each other, each consisted of personnel from 5 to 20. Each post was built tower for observation and "milestone" - a tall pillar, wrapped with tarred straw. During an alarm or attack, straw was set on fire, which served as a signal for neighboring posts. Continuously from post to post line patrols were conducted.

Hundreds of linear detachments were also directly involved in the protection of railway facilities. They were distributed along the line at stations and stations. Centennial sections of protection did not coincide with the boundaries of the company. Their task was to supervise the area adjacent to the railway and guard the outposts and residents of the right of way from sudden attacks, for which they sent out patrols up to 15 people. Companies and hundreds of reserve units made up private reserves. They were entrusted with the following tasks: actions against Hunhuz gangs in the 60 area in each side of the protected section of the road, supporting traveling companies and finding them if they were attacked and needed to be replenished, guarding the station and man-made railroad facilities concentration, the allocation of various teams for the protection of works performed by the railway, the appointment of convoys for the protection of agents of the railway and support of trains, the expulsion of crossings.

At first, the attacks of the Hunguzes (Sino-Manchu gangs) on the posts occurred quite often. Security guards repelled all attacks, then pursued the robbers and inflicted on them cruel reprisals. As a result, the Hunguzes were so frightened by the Russian Cossacks that they practically stopped attacking the CER.

Formally, the security guard was charged with controlling the terrain on the 25 versts to the sides of the railway (area of ​​direct protection) and conducting long-distance reconnaissance another 75 versts (the sphere of influence). In fact, the Security Guard acted at a distance of 100-200 versts from the railway. In addition, the guards guarded ship traffic along the Songhua (convoy on ships and posts along the banks of the river), large forest harvesting of the road, performed judicial and police functions.

By the beginning of the Japanese war, the Zaamur district of the border guard was under the command of the Manchurian army. But frames and traditions remained the same. On the vast stretch of Eastern (Transbaikalia - Harbin - Vladivostok) and the southern branch of the Manchurian roads (Harbin - Port Arthur) were located 4 brigades of border guards, with a total of thousands of infantry and cavalry and 24 guns in 26. These troops were located on a thin web along the line, with an average of 11 people per kilometer of track. During the years of the Russo-Japanese War 1904 — 1905. parts of the district, in addition to performing their main task of protecting the CER, took part in the hostilities. They prevented 128 sabotage and sustained more than 200 clashes.

After the Japanese campaign, due to the reduction in the length of the CER, it became necessary to reduce the protection of this highway. According to the Portsmouth Peace Treaty, it was allowed to have up to 15 guards per kilometer of railway, including railway workers in this number. In this regard, 14 in October 1907, Zaamursky District was reorganized into new states and included 54 companies, 42 hundreds, 4 batteries and 25 training teams. These troops were organized into 12 units that made up three brigades. 22 January 1910, the district was reorganized again and "received a military organization." He included 6 foot regiments, 6 equestrian regiments, which included a total of 60 companies and 36 hundreds with 6 machine-gun teams and 7 training units. The district was assigned 4 batteries, a sapper company and a number of other parts.

A similar staffing of the Zaamur district remained until the 1915 year, when at the height of the First World War, part of the personnel was sent to the Austro-German front. 6 infantry regiments of two-battalion squadron, 6 cavalry regiments of the five hundred hundred squadron with machine-gun commands, artillery units and a sapper company were sent to the army in the army. Only 3 infantry battalions and 6 cavalry hundreds remained in China’s Zaamursky District in the territory of China, which made it very difficult to carry out the tasks assigned to the district. However, the deteriorating situation on the fronts led to another mobilization (August - September 1915 of the year) on the CER, after which only 6 personnel hundreds remained in the district. To compensate for the lack of forces, the militia groups were organized in which persons fit only for non-combatant service were involved.

The 1917 revolution of the year caused the disorganization of the militia and made it impossible to carry out tasks to protect the CER. The spontaneous demobilization of the Russian army in 1918 was fully reflected in the Zaamur district. After that, in the band of the CEL almost completely with impunity gangs of the Hunhuz were robbed. Officially, the CEL guard ceased to exist in July 1920.

Construction of the CER

From Harbin the construction of the road was carried out simultaneously in three directions: to the Russian border to the west and east, and to the south - to the Far and Port Arthur. At the same time, the road was also built from the end points: from Nikolsk-Ussuriisky, from the direction of Transbaikalia and Port Arthur, and also on separate segments between these points. The task was set to close the ways as soon as possible, at least on a temporary basis. The road was designed single-track. Capacity was adopted in 10 steam locomotives with the prospect of bringing it in the future to 16 steam, that is, almost to the upper limit for single-track railways, which was 18 steam trains per day.

By the summer of 1901, the laying of the path reached Buchad and began to rise to the Khingan Range. The approach to the future tunnel on the steep eastern slopes of the ridge was designed by engineer N. N. Bocharov as a full loop with a radius of 320 m, in which the lower path passed in a stone pipe under the upper one. This was also due to the need to reduce the length of the future tunnel. Already on the paved path to Hingan were delivered the necessary for the construction of machinery, equipment and building materials. The loop and tunnel were built from March 1901 to November 1903. And at that time, the railway from Khingan went far to the west, and on October 21 1901 near Unur was joined by the bow of the Western line.

The route from Harbin to Vladivostok was connected by 5 in February 1901 in February at the Handaohehetzi station, and from Harbin to the Far - in July 5 of the same year. The laying of the track on the CER was thus completed all along, and the road was open to the working movement of trains.

In the autumn of 1901, after the arrival of the necessary equipment, intensive work was begun on punching the tunnel. Until the completion of the construction of the tunnel and the train loop, they were skipped in both directions through the system of temporary dead ends, located on the eastern slope of the Great Khingan, and the lower loop run. The workers' settlement, which grew up near the eastern portal of the Khingan Tunnel, was called the Loop. First of all, the railroad tracks were laid and dead ends were arranged, with the help of which Bocharov successfully solved the problem of overcoming the Khingan Range by railroad. These famous Bocharovsky dead ends began immediately behind the loop station. Their construction was due to the need to organize a temporary bypass rail service for the supply of building materials and equipment for the line under construction, as well as for the delivery of passengers until the tunnel is ready. For this purpose, the system of railway deadlocks served - segments of a path of half a kilometer in length each, arranged in three tiers in the form of a zigzag along the ridge slope. Dead ends allowed the trains to descend from the steep eastern slope of the Great Khingan, and to rise from the bottom to the highest point of the pass and thus ensured the possibility of uninterrupted railway communication bypassing the tunnel long before it was commissioned.

1 July 1903 of the CER went into regular operation, albeit with a large number of subquality work. The tunnel through the Great Khingan has not yet been completed. In the winter of 1903-1904 between the Moscow and the port of Far, four luxuriously equipped passenger trains traveled weekly. They left Moscow on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. At noon on the third day the train arrived in Chelyabinsk, in the morning on the eighth day - in Irkutsk. Then there was a four-hour ferry across Baikal by ferry (or driving on the Circum-Baikal Road after putting it into operation). At noon, on the twelfth day, the train arrived at Manchuria station, and five days later - at the port of Dalniy. The entire trip took 16 days instead of 35 on an ocean ship.

Completion of the construction of the CER immediately improved the socio-economic situation of Manchuria, turning this backward territory into an economically developed part of the Qing Empire. By the 1908 year (in less than seven years), the population of Manchuria grew from 8,1 to 15,8 million due to inflows from China itself. The development of Manchuria began at such a rapid pace that after a few years Harbin, Dalniy and Port Arthur overtook the population in the Far Eastern Russian cities of Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. And the excess population in Manchuria led to the fact that in the summer tens of thousands of Chinese migrated annually to work in the Russian Primorye, which still lacked the Russian population, which continued to hamper the development of the region. Thus, as predicted by the opponents of the CER, its creation led to the development of Celestial (its backward margin), and not the Russian Far East. And good wishes for Russia to enter the markets of the Asia-Pacific region remained on paper.

The defeat of Russia in the war with Japan has affected the future prospects of the CER. According to the Portsmouth Peace Treaty, most of the southern branch, which turned out to be in Japanese-occupied territory, was transferred to Japan, forming the South Manchurian Railway (UMZH). This put an end to the plans of the government of the Russian Empire to use the CER to enter the markets of the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the Russians themselves built strategic communication for the Japanese.

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  1. +1
    17 August 2016 08: 19
    Never considered Harbin built by the Russians. Now, like Moscow, perhaps. To the author +, bravo!
    1. 0
      17 August 2016 21: 33
      Quote: Semenov
      Never considered Harbin built by the Russians. Now, like Moscow, perhaps. To the author +, bravo!

      Harbin is the name of Kutuzov’s great-nephew.
  2. +1
    17 August 2016 08: 55
    They say stories tend to repeat themselves. Unfortunately this time, the vector of power will not go east from Russia, but west from China recourse
    1. +3
      17 August 2016 12: 22
      Quote: vladimirvn
      the force vector will not go east from Russia, but west from China

      I can recommend not to worry - for several thousand years of the history of China, he did not have any serious successful attempts at the colonization movement to the north.
      1. +1
        17 August 2016 17: 05
        Quote: Warrior2015
        I can recommend not to worry - for several thousand years of the history of China, he did not have any serious successful attempts at the colonization movement to the north.

        "Have you had any accidents at the construction site?" (FROM)
        1. +1
          19 August 2016 04: 22
          The Russian Empire never intended to colonize Manchuria, the advance there was only because the British or Japanese (who were there) were not on the Amur

          To the border along the Amur, the border was along a ridge hundreds of kilometers north of it, this was at a time when Manchuria owned China and not China Manchuria. It was established by agreement when, in the 1650s, the Manchus successfully superseded the Russians from Amur to the north as a result of the war. Almost all of these lands were not populated by the Chinese, the peoples who paid tribute to them lived there.
      2. +1
        17 August 2016 21: 34
        The Chinese do not live where rice does not grow.
        There is such an opinion.
        1. 0
          18 August 2016 01: 04
          Quote: Hupfri
          The Chinese do not live where rice does not grow.
          There is such an opinion.

          The Chinese do not live and where it is cold. In principle, this is Manchuria, the territories of China begin beyond the Great Wall of China. The Amur region after 1689, when the Treaty of Nerchins was signed, remained a sparsely populated territory. In fact, the revitalization of relations in this region gave the opening of the Amur mouth and rafting on the Amur River began in 1854. http: //geoamur.rf/sources/history/history_modern/history_modern-x=09.php
        2. 0
          19 August 2016 21: 27
          These infections grow rice in Manchuria. And northern rice is appreciated by them. It is considered quality. This is with an almost Transbaikal climate. They know how to grow rice. Everything is seated to the horizon.
  3. +1
    17 August 2016 08: 57
    Very informative. In its class = one of the best articles.
    CER, its creation led to the development of the Celestial Empire (its backward outskirts), and not the Russian Far East. Author Samsonov Alexander

    Well, what to do if the bridge over the Amur in Khabarovsk was built only in 1916. The study of the territories adjacent to the Vladivostok-Khabarovsk railway was carried out by Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev: "V. K. Arseniev published a fundamental work in 1912, calling it" A brief military-geographical and military-statistical sketch of the Ussuri region, 1901-1911. " http://geoman.ru/books/item/f00/s00/z0000012/st032.shtml
    Chasing the cheapness of the "direct" way through the Chinese territory from the station. Manchuria to st. Grodekovo naturally obtained the result indicated by the author. However, as you know, history has no subjunctive mood.
  4. +2
    17 August 2016 10: 21
    Pretty interesting and very informative.
  5. +3
    17 August 2016 11: 51
    as predicted by opponents of the CER, its creation led to the development of the Celestial Empire (its backward suburbs), not the Russian Far East. And good wishes for Russia to enter the markets of the Asia-Pacific region remained on paper.

    Funny statement on Russian Far East trains through the CER didn’t reach? Or the railway to Vladivostok did NOT huge momentum for development and the Far East?!

    There is one more important unrecorded moment: CER (shorter) was built in total 6 years and the first train came to Vladivostok 1 July1903 years, and the railway doubler on the territory of Russia (much longer) -8 years two years more!

    That is, the first train (in the case of construction only in Russia) would come only in 1905 year in the midst of war! Would the Far East remain Russian, being cut off from Russia by the absence of a road during the war? Chances are a little ......
    1. +4
      17 August 2016 13: 30
      Quote: Aleksander
      A ridiculous statement, did trains reach the Russian Far East through the CER, what didn’t reach? Or did the railway to Vladivostok NOT give a huge impetus to the development of the Far East ?!

      I didn’t want to add much to your words.

      “During the period from 1896 to 1900, the import of goods into Japan exceeded the export from it on average by 62000000 p., And in 1900 this difference reached 83 million p. Along with the Japanese, the English trade balance was also falling, and the English balance fell by 000 to an excess of import over export by 000 million rubles. At the same time, the Russian trade balance was reduced to this year with an excess of exports over imports by 1903 million rubles. ”

      This was partly due to the construction of the CER. Different products were already transported along the finished part of the road.
      1. +3
        17 August 2016 14: 22
        Quote: 27091965i
        This was partly due to the construction of the CER. Different products were already transported along the finished part of the road.

        And I will add about the CER: the CER fleet was mentioned in the article. So, the schedule of departure of the CER railway from the port of Dalniy was SYNCHRONIZED with the arrival of fast trains from St. Petersburg there, i.e. passengers that day departed further around the world.

        Such is the intercontinental combined express train.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +8
    17 August 2016 12: 16
    Engineer. Open the gate.
    Flask. Carbine.
    - We’ll build a Russian city here,
    Let's call it Harbin.

    No path and no road
    He walked, glad to work.
    The three-legged hobbled after him
    Level projectile.

    Before the day of the Russian shake,
    Two hundred years later
    Isn't Petrovsky a starter
    Belated track?

    Is not a sovereign word
    Through the ages: p r and to and z.
    The new city is conceived again
    But for the last time.
    1. +4
      17 August 2016 12: 24
      Quote: 89067359490
      Engineer. Open the gate.
      Flask. Carbine.
      - We’ll build a Russian city here,
      Let's call it Harbin.

      I heard these verses 15 years ago and they directly sunk into the soul. Since then, the realization has come that a lot in history is not at all as it seems.
      1. +3
        17 August 2016 21: 44
        - The author of these verses Arseny Nesmelov is a Harbin man.
        - At the pawn shop of an old moneylender
        Honored and millions
        Notified by hammering
        Auction opening
        - What is not here ... What is the hand of need
        I didn’t collect dusty on these shelves
        From the general's Annen star to the riz of icons
        and baptismal crosses ...
        - Former life, alas, condemned
        In the fragments of life that have lost their name ...
        Gleam dimly of the order ...
        And in a dusty bunch of them - Vladimir
        - The nobility sign ...
        Moneylender's hand throws it on the auction tray
        A piece of metal in two spools ... the shadow of the past and the theme of the feuilleton ...
        - Crackled crimson enamel ...
        The trace of time, its inconstancy
        Nobody is sorry for your differences
        Mediocre, the last nobility.
        - But how among merchant ships
        Arrogant thin profile of a mini-carrier
        Among the stupid bureaucratic crosses
        The formidable cross of the Victorious is whitening!
        - St. George, white enamel
        Simple drawing ... remember the twists
        Forts casting fiery steel ...
        Concrete ringing in a whirlwind of singing bullets
        - And the young man who raised the blade
        Over the abyss of a concrete well
        And a white bloodied scarf on the commandant's saber -
        The enemy surrenders ...
        - George ... He is in the hands of a usurer -
        But do not flood the dawn with an avalanche of darkness
        Do not defile an unsuitable hand
        His undefiled sign ...
        - Let vulgarities irresistible bite
        Throws us into a body shaking life
        You wore a beautiful Gumilyov
        And the first gentleman was - Kutuzov!
        - You are the pride of the young - valor and rebellion
        You are the anthem of victory under the blows of guns
        Among the stupid bureaucratic pleasures you are browning,
        Forgotten between the toys ...
        - Not greed - I feel shy in my eyes
        Those who reach out to you ...
        And I'm leaving ... And my heart is still in tears ...
        From anger, loneliness and torment ... (C).
  7. +2
    17 August 2016 13: 41
    Any Russian government choosing between imperial and national politics will choose an imperial one, it is difficult to say whether this is right or not.
  8. PKK
    17 August 2016 14: 40
    The titles of the articles resemble the works of I. Grek. And the work is competent, written in a clear language.
  9. +2
    17 August 2016 15: 22
    - Thank you for the article. Unfortunately, in Harbin itself, little remains of Russia ...
  10. 0
    17 August 2016 15: 41
    It is already in the form of trade expansion and economic enslavement of China's neighbors.
    Quote: Warrior2015
    Quote: vladimirvn
    the force vector will not go east from Russia, but west from China

    I can recommend not to worry - for several thousand years of the history of China, he did not have any serious successful attempts at the colonization movement to the north.
  11. 0
    17 August 2016 17: 50
    The article as a whole is very efficient. But the author's attempts to gloss over with euphemisms like "After the Japanese campaign, in connection with the reduction in the length of the CER" are touching. wink catastrophic (for Russia) consequences of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905

    Even for the CER, another aspect that was traditionally ignored by us (including here) was very important for us: Russian-Chinese relations. Because the most significant part of this road passed through the territory, which, incidentally, was officially considered Chinese.

    Formally, Russia cared about Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity, and was also a military ally of China.

    However, having taken away from Japan its conquests in the war of 1894-95 under these pretexts, Russia did not return control over the selected territories to China, but actually appropriated them in several stages - in 1895. during the "triple intervention", in 1897. with the imposition of "leases" on China and in 1900. after the suppression of the "boxing uprising".

    As a result, during the RJAV China took a detached position and did not become its 300-strong army to help such an "ally", and if it decided to intervene in the fight of outsiders for its territory, it is still unknown how and on which side.
    1. +2
      17 August 2016 21: 44
      I would not appreciate the Chinese armed forces of the first half of the twentieth century.
      As an example, I will cite an episode of the capture of Nanjing in the year 37.
      A Japanese group of 200 people approached the city.
      The garrison of the city was 700 people with a stock of ammunition (the Allies tried) for several months of fighting.
      The city lasted 4 days. This is not the defense of Stalingrad. Scum, not the army.
      1. 0
        17 August 2016 22: 23
        I do not consider the then Chinese army as something very serious.

        However, at the end of the 19th century, she was able to defeat the French a couple of times, albeit inferior in number, and in the war of 1894-95 she resisted the Japanese a little longer and not that much worse than the Russian in 1904.

        Note that the Japanese army before the REV was treated with undeserved piety, so they were very safe and lost the pace of the offensive - in many battles they could significantly increase the defeat if they believed in time the swiftness of the Russian retreat where the Japanese themselves would have been calm .

        Stronger only in front of the Germans in Qingdao were reinsured, but there is still not in vain.

        And the Japanese rated the Chinese very low, almost dismissive, and due to this acted much more decisively than in the REV under similar circumstances.

        But anyway, 300 thousand troops, even if not the most powerful army, having the opportunity to unexpectedly join the war is a serious argument in a war between two forces of the same order. In the 30s and 40s of the 20th century, the Chinese were able to repeatedly inflict local damage on the Japanese precisely because of their underestimation of the enemy.
  12. +1
    18 August 2016 00: 13
    the appearance in any topic of bakers is immediately noticeable in the prints of the hooves: wink they cannot clearly disagree with statements that are unpleasant to them; they also cannot tolerate the reproach of their mythology crying
  13. 0
    18 August 2016 17: 44
    The construction of the CER was a huge dream project. This is the case when it is said that it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret. Some leaders began to play and allowed the Russo-Japanese War. As a result, all prospects were lost. It would be clearer, but censorship restrictions stop.
    And so:
    In the markets of Europe we had nothing to do. All good places are taken. And the Far East opened up enormous prospects for Russia. This territory was poorly populated by China. And they reached there for the Russians. It is enough to visit the current Dalian (Far) to understand the enormous prospects of the entire project. If they could stay there, it would be something. Excellent (not much to say) port. Open sea. Railway to the center. And places to turn around. I am sure that it would be possible to get along normally with the Chinese. And after all, a lot was built in a short time. Manchuria, Harbin, Mukden (Shenzhen), Far. There is still Russkaya street. Thanks to the Chinese. They are not a dirty nation. They do not break anything and do not crap. Everything is preserved. In Port Arthur, all the fortifications have been preserved. It was possible to restore the Russian cemetery. They say that they themselves cherished the Soviet part. But nothing was razed to the ground.
    Developing Vladivostok was difficult. There was nothing there. And I had to do everything through force. And the more southern side developed rapidly itself.
    But ... the Russian elite was unable to anything. Having said A, they didn’t even try to say B. It is simply amazing. Here people of the scale of Stalin were needed .... And again, only now a timid turn to the South and East begins. Turned, looked and again run to Europe. And you have to start all over again. And now the Chinese will build our railways (((((((. And so we ran back and forth.
  14. 0
    22 August 2016 20: 02
    Quote: mmaxx
    In the markets of Europe we had nothing to do. All good places are taken.

    The problem is that the Republic of Ingushetia lagged significantly behind all European (and not only European - from all developed, more precisely) powers, in terms of technology.

    Well, who needs, for example, to order the construction of ships in Russia, if in England or Germany they are made one and a half to two times faster, up to one and a half times cheaper and at the same time much better in all respects?

    And in Japan, they ordered: although Japan entered the European market VERY late, only during WWI, when there "all the good places were taken", wink but quickly turned out to be the third in the world in shipbuilding, after England and the United States (Germany left the game following the results of the WWII, France significantly reduced production).

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