How Russia almost became a colony of Poland, Sweden and England

Seven Boyars

After the defeat of the royal troops under Klushino (Klushinskaya catastrophe of the Russian army) Tsar Vasily Shuisky found himself in a critical situation: popular indignation reached such strength that even the boyars realized that the king could not remain on the throne. The Polish army of hetman Stanislav Zolkiewski was moving from the west to Moscow, reinforced by mercenaries and Russian troops that had gone over to the side of the Poles. From the south, the capital was again threatened by Lzhedmitry II, its troops captured Serpukhov, Borovsk, Paphnutiev monastery and reached Moscow itself, located near the village of Kolomenskoye.

In despair, Tsar Vasily again turned to the Crimean Khanate for help. Cantemir-Murza came to Oka with the 10 ths. Detachment. Shuisky sent to him to unite everyone he could gather, led by Vorotinsky and Lykov and rich gifts. Cantemir received the gifts and suddenly attacked the detachment of Lykov. I broke up, scored full and returned to the Crimea. In the Russian state has already come a complete collapse. Shuisky did not want to serve, the warriors deserted to their homes. Zolkiewski, moving to Moscow, sent agents with anonymous letters, agitating to recognize the Smolensk agreement, and lured the nobles to his side. The servicemen of the cities did not respond to the call for help from Tsar Vasiliy, and Prokopy Lyapunov, the leader of the Ryazan militia, boldly refused. As a result, Vasily Shuisky no longer had support. Boyars to avoid a national explosion and save power, 17 July 1610 was overthrown by Basil from the throne. Everything happened allegedly by the "will" of the people.

Supporters of the impostor offered people to depose Tsar Vasily Shuisky and promised to do likewise with their “tsar”. After that, they said, everyone will be able to work together, with all the land, to choose a new sovereign and thereby put an end to the fratricidal war. Part of the boyars found this proposal a convenient excuse for the overthrow of Basil. Ivan Saltykov, Zakhar Lyapunov, although acting in favor of different applicants, raised the people, led the crowds to the military camp outside the Serpukhov gates and opened the improvised Zemsky Sobor. The boyars also supported the deposition: Filaret Romanov, Golitsyn, Mstislavsky, Vorotynsky, Sheremetev. Patriarch Hermogenes tried to object, but could not insist on his. A delegation was sent to the tsar, “removed” from the palace and taken into custody.

When the impostor’s camp was informed about it, they only laughed: the “Dmitry” supporters did not intend to depose him. They declared, they say, now open the gate in front of the true sovereign "Dmitry". Moscow, having understood that it was spent, began to seethe. Appeared willing to return to the throne of Basil. However, the conspirators did not allow this. Despite the promises of immunity, given to Shuisky, Lyapunov and Saltykov led to him hieromonk of the Chudovsky monastery and were tonsured as monks. Vasily himself refused to speak the words of a vow, they were spoken for him. Patriarch Hermogenes did not recognize the tonsure - he said that Prince Tatev had become a monk, who gave positive answers to Shuisky during the ceremony. But they did not listen to the patriarch, they threw Basil into the monastery and sent letters of conviction to the cities to convene the Zemsky Sobor for the election of the king.

In September, Vasily 1610 was extradited (not as a monk, but in secular clothes) to the Polish hetman Zolkiewski, who took him and his brothers Dmitry and Ivan away in October to Smolensk, and later to Poland. In Warsaw, the king and his brothers were presented as prisoners to King Sigismund and took a solemn oath. The former king died in custody in Gostyninsky castle, 130 versts from Warsaw, his brother Dmitry died a few days later. The third brother, Ivan Ivanovich Shuisky, subsequently returned to Russia.

How Russia almost became a colony of Poland, Sweden and England

Forced vowing Vasily Shuisky. Engraving P. Ivanova

The power in Moscow passed into the hands of the boyar oligarchy - the “Seventh Boyars” or the “Seven Boyars”, led by Prince Fyodor Mstislavsky. Besides him, Boyar Duma included Ivan Vorotinsky, Vasily Golitsyn, Ivan Romanov, Fyodor Sheremetev, Andrei Trubetskoy and Boris Lykov. Three nominations for the Russian throne were advanced. Vasily Golitsyn, who was supported by the Golitsyn clan and Ryazan voivod Prokopy Lyapunov. Mikhail Romanov, to the side of which, apart from the party of Filaret, Hermogenes and the Polish prince Vladislav began to incline. Unexpectedly, Vladislav supported and Mstislavsky. He himself refused to claim the kingdom, as before, he was cautious, but he didn’t want to give primacy to any of those whom he considered equal or more “artistic”. However, Zemsky Sobor did not have time to get together. July 23 25-thousandth army of Hetman Zolkiewski approached Moscow. The capital was between two fires. It turned out, it is necessary to negotiate with either the "Dmitry" or the hetman. Zolkiewski looked preferable to the "thief", and the boyars began bargaining with him.

Send persistent negotiations. Again, the question was raised about the obligatory transition of Vladislav to Orthodoxy, but in addition to the Smolensk agreements the boyars put forth additional requirements. They demanded to lift the siege from Smolensk, help against the impostor, prohibit the Jesuits from coming, not to assign Poles to military and administrative posts in Russia, to allow no more than 300 people in the king's suite. Thus, Vladislav was to become an independent Russian tsar, not a Polish governor on the Russian throne. Zolkiewski was well aware that Sigismund wanted to join Smolensk land to Poland, and would not agree to the re-baptism of his son. The king wrote to him: “From all it is clear that this people wants to fool us; he behaves not in the same way as in his position, but as if he were a completely free people, offering us conditions that he considers most advantageous to himself. The permission to build churches in their state is important for us ... Be careful, do not let yourself go, and if you don’t do anything with convictions, you will have to act with force and speed. ” But the hetman also had no opportunity to bargain endlessly. The deadline for paying salaries to the army approached, and the soldiers warned that they would not serve without money. And there was no money. And Zolkiewski pursued a flexible policy, made concessions in order to achieve the main goal - to swear Moscow to Vladislav, after which it would be possible to dump the maintenance of the army on the Russians and “forget” about the previous promises. As a result, the hetman’s wording softened and blurred, leaving loopholes for later deception. Finally, a mutually acceptable treaty prepared.

Although Sigismund almost ruined the whole thing. He sent a new instruction and demanded that the Russians take an oath not to Vladislav, but to Sigismund himself. To Russia joined the Commonwealth by the right of conquest. The getman understood that Moscow would never agree to such a thing, and he hid the instructions. As a result, fearing their own people and seeking protection from it, as well as the troops of the impostor, the boyar clique proclaimed king Sigismund III of King Vladislav the king, “It’s better to serve the sovereign,” said the boyars, “than from their slaves to be beaten.” Patriarch Hermogenes agreed on the candidacy of Vladislav on the condition that the prince accepted Orthodoxy. Thus, national interests were sacrificed to narrow group interests.

August 17 1610 of the year issued a corresponding agreement with Hetman Zolkiewski. The delegates to the Zemsky Sobor never met, but it was impossible to do without the Council in such a matter. Therefore, they elected representatives of the nobles and children of the boyars of different cities who were in the service in Moscow, from different classes — the clergy, merchants, archers, Cossacks, clerks, posad. And on the Maiden's Field, the Cathedral was on behalf of "the whole earth," and Muscovites took the oath to Vladislav. According to the treaty, the Russian tsar became the prince Vladislav Vaz - the son of the Polish king Sigismund III. The Russian state was not part of the Rzecz Pospolita, the Moscow government maintained autonomy, and the official status of Orthodoxy within the borders of Russia was guaranteed.

This agreement allowed the Semi-Boyars to remove the “Tushino threat” for Moscow, since the hetman Sapega agreed to swear allegiance to Tsar Vladislav. Sapieha just bribed. Seeing that the "Tsar" case was lost, the nobles who joined the impostor began to leave him for Moscow and swear allegiance to Vladislav. Having lost the Polish contingent of Sapieha, the impostor’s army retreated to Kaluga.

A “Great Embassy” began to take shape towards Sigismund and Vladislav, directed from the limited Zemsky Sobor, including the nobles of 40 cities, 293 from different classes. The embassy also included those who were most opposed to the Polish policy of full absorption of Russia, Vasily Golitsyn, Zakhar Lyapunov and Filaret Romanov. The "Great Embassy" near Smolensk was bitterly disappointed. The Polish Senators did not recognize the signed contract, and the hetman Zolkiewski, who had arrived, began to refuse his word. They did not want to hear about the conversion of Prince Vladislav to Orthodoxy. King Sigismund began to demand an oath to himself, not to his son. He was supported by the Jesuits, demanding special rights in Russia. In addition, the ambassadors were demanded that on behalf of the government they give the order to Shein to surrender Smolensk. However, Golitsyn and Filaret were firmly told that they had no right to depart from the instructions given to them by the Zemsky Sobor. Negotiations are deadlocked. As a result, Prince Vasily Golitsyn was detained as a prisoner (died in captivity) along with Metropolitan Philaret.

In the capital, fearing a popular uprising and going over to the side of the citizens of the garrison of Moscow, the boyars went further into their betrayal and on the night of September 21 secretly let in the 8-thousand. Polish corps (it included many German landsknecht mercenaries) to the Kremlin. The Poles also captured key centers such as China Town, the White City and the Novodevichy Convent. In order to completely exclude the possibility of urban battles that threatened relatively few Poles with defeat or heavy losses, before entering Moscow, Zolkiewski persuaded the Boyar Duma to send 18 thousands of troops (mostly archers) to fight the Swedes, who at that time had passed to open intervention. After the departure of Hetman Zolkiewski in October, the post of garrison commander was transferred to Alexander Gonsevsky. The "right hand" of the Kremlin commandant was the boyar Mikhail Saltykov.

In the Kremlin, German soldiers were deployed to the enemy side in the battle of Klushino (each company of landsknechts numbered 600 soldiers), a guard was placed at the gates, and the artillery was on full alert. In order to ensure the promotion of the Polish troops on the streets in the event of a popular uprising, all the bars that locked the streets of Moscow were broken. Muscovites were forbidden to walk with weapons. It was impossible even to sell firewood in the city, because of them it was possible to prepare clubs and stakes. In the evenings in the capital, life died down, the invaders acted in the most cruel manner. Polish patrols rode through the streets and killed everyone who came along the path. With the occupation in Moscow began massive looting, murder in violence. “... Our people,” wrote Polish captain Maskevich, “were not satisfied with the measure of anything, were not satisfied with the peacefulness of the Muscovites, and arbitrarily took from them everything that they liked, forcibly taking wives and daughters”. The occupants treated with contempt the “heretics”: not only laymen, but also priests were not allowed to go to matins. They robbed the merchants, took away their goods. It is clear that among the Moscow population grew indignation and hatred for the invaders.

After the interventionists appeared in the Kremlin, representatives of the Seven Boyars actually lost the status of the Russian government and became hostages. Getman Gonsevsky rejected the more flexible tactics of his predecessor, combining military pressure with negotiations, promises, searching for compromises, and in fact became a military dictator, introducing an occupation regime. Management of Moscow completely passed into his hands. Pan Gonsevsky personally distributed the ranks, estates and patrimonies. Seven Boyars obediently authorized all his orders, putting signatures under the letters written by him, sent to the cities. Still remaining in Moscow, Russian archers under various pretexts were sent to distant cities. The people finally turned away from the Moscow government. In most areas of the Russian kingdom anarchy reigned. Some cities kissed the cross to Vladislav, others - to False Dmitry II, and other places lived on their own.

The government of Mstislavsky finally capitulated and sent the ambassadors to the royal camp a new order - to accept the swearing allegiance of the Polish king Sigismund. And demanding that Smolensk capitulate. In October, having caught the priest’s “thief” priest Khariton and under torture by obtaining the necessary confessions from him (which Khariton later denied), the accusation of “conspiracy” and the “patriotic opposition” in the Moscow elite — Patriarch Hermogen, Vorotynsky and Andrei Golitsyn — were trumped up , was removed from management and taken under house arrest.

The position of the Russian state at this time was described in a report to London by a representative of the English trading company, John Merrick: “It’s pretty well known how miserable and distressful the people of Muscovy are for the last eight to nine years ... Most of the country, adjacent to Poland, has been devastated burned and occupied by the Poles. Another part of the borders of Sweden was captured and held by the Swedes under the pretext of rendering assistance. ” Merrick even offered the British government to seize the northern part of the Russian kingdom: “This part of Russia, which is even more distant from the danger of both Poles and Swedes, is the most profitable for us and the most convenient for trade ... Russia ... should become a warehouse of eastern goods for England. " Thus, the Russian civilization experienced one of the most difficult periods of its long stories: there was a question about turning Russia into a colony for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Sweden, perhaps, and England.

The vocation of the kingdom of the Polish kingdom untied the hands of the Swedes. Their contingent, led by Delagardi and Gorny, retreated to the north after the Klushinsky battle. The Swedish king Charles IX sent reinforcements to begin the seizure of "orphan" Russian lands. Swedish detachments dispersed to capture Ivangorod, Nuts, Ladoga and Karela. A detachment of Swedish and French mercenaries under the command of Pierre Delaville captured the Russian fortress Old Ladoga. Polish troops still robbed and burned everywhere. They burned Kozelsk, Kalyazin, approached Pskov and Novgorod, their garrisons committed atrocities in Tver, Torzhok, Staraya Russa, Volokolamsk. Sapieha devastated Severshchina. Poles killed adults and sold children into slavery.

Stanislav Zolkiewski shows a captive king and his brothers in the Warsaw Warsaw 29 in October 1611. Painting by Jan Matejko

The death of the pretender

At this time, False Dmitry II, who now relied mainly on national cadres — on the Don and Volga (from Astrakhan) Cossack groups, again began to approach Moscow. Those Polish detachments that did not wish to serve King Sigismund and (the largest of them was the equestrian detachment of Pan Lisowski) scattered over Russian soil, preferring to rob at their own risk and risk, without submitting to anyone. Of the Tushino boyars, only three remained: the princes D. Trubetskoy and D. Cherkassky in Kaluga and the ataman I. Zarutsky in Tula. Zarutsky, after the collapse of the Tushinsky camp, first took a pro-Polish position and chose to go to the camp of the Polish king near Smolensk. From there Zarutsky with the army of hetman Stanislav Zolkeevsky set off on a march to Moscow. However, the relationship between the well-born Polish pan and Tushino "boyar" did not work out. As a result, Zarutsky returned to the False Dmitry in Kaluga and served him faithfully until the day of his death.

To strengthen his position, the impostor hurried to declare himself a defender of the Orthodox faith. In the capital, many began to draw closer to the Kaluga "thief" and secretly refer to his people. The myth of the good son of Grozny again began to seize the imagination of the people betrayed by the boyars. False Dmitry II was sworn to the population of many cities and villages, including those who had previously fought it stubbornly: Kolomna, Kashira, Suzdal, Galich and Vladimir. More and more supporters of the impostor among the urban poor, serfs and Cossacks, while many nobles who were in the Kaluga camp, left the impostor and went to the service of Vladislav in Moscow. Thus, the existing forces of the impostor was enough to challenge the new Moscow government.

By early September, the impostor detachments had recaptured from the Poles Kozelsk, Meshchovsk, Pochep and Starodub. The Russian population began to see in Kaluga a “thief” the only force capable of resisting foreign invaders. False Dmitry swore Kazan and Vyatka. The ambassadors of the impostor openly agitated the people against Vladislav. Ataman Zarutsky launched an energetic war with the invaders. Then King Sigismund and Seven Boyars threw his former Hetman Sapega against False Dmitry. But the troops of Ataman Ivan Zarutsky in November and December 1610 twice defeated the Poles. Daily, on the orders of the Kaluga tsar, Cossacks cruelly executed captured Poles. It was a response to the atrocities of the interventionists. The Cossacks seized the Polish gentry and soldiers, carried them to Kaluga and drowned them there. Such a policy supported the popularity of the False Dmitry, it saw the defender of the people.

However, the False Dmitry forces could not withstand a more professional opponent for a long time and the impostor planned to move the headquarters to Voronezh, closer to the Cossack outskirts, from where the most experienced fighters came. According to the plan of the Kaluga "kings" Voronezh was to become the new royal capital. In addition, there were plans to win over the Crimean horde.

False Dmitry II killed his entourage. An atmosphere of cruelty and suspicion reigned in the Kaluga camp. The impostor feared conspiracy among his entourage. More and more courtiers were executed on suspicion of treason. People were seized at the slightest suspicion, betrayed to cruel torture and killed.

Back in the fall of 1610, the Kasimov king Uraz-Mohammed and Lzhedmitry had a conflict (the Tatar king was slandered by his son). His relative, the head of the guard of False Dmitry, Prince Peter Urusov, stood up for the Kasimov ruler. The servant Tatar king was killed, and Urusov was imprisoned, but after resigning from it was reinstated. Urusov was holding a grudge and decided to take revenge. False Dmitry II died 11 December 1610 of the year. When the pretender, out of habit, after lunch, with abundant drinking, went on a sledge for a walk, he was accompanied only by personal horse guards from Kasimov Tatars. Prince Peter Urusov falsified Dmitri II at close range from a pistol, and then cut off his head with his saber. The decapitated impostor was taken to Kaluga. Thus ended the story of the "Tsar".

However, after the death of the impostor, the Kaluga camp decided not to recognize the authority of Vladislav until he arrived in Moscow, and all Polish troops would not be withdrawn from the Russian kingdom. Marina Mnishek, who lived in Kaluga, soon had a son. The Cossacks solemnly called him Tsarevich Ivan Dmitrievich, and the people called him "vorenko". True, contemporaries questioned the fatherhood of the impostor. The most probable father of Ivan “Pug” was the favorite of Marina Mnishek - ataman Zarutsky. “Tsarevich” was not destined to play any serious role in subsequent events.

To be continued ...
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  1. +11
    10 August 2016 06: 43
    Somewhat soft article title ..How Russia almost became a colony of Poland, Sweden and England..Like oligarchs, they almost ruined the country .. so it will be more accurate ..
    1. Riv
      10 August 2016 07: 59
      Rather: “What happens if oligarchs climb into tsars.” The mess began with the death of Godunov, if anyone has forgotten. Boriska climbed to the throne, and if he can, then why can't the boyars-Rurikovich try? So the leapfrog began.

      However, in the situation that developed after Klushinsky defeat, the Seven Boyars acted correctly. Rather, she was inactive. The boyars, caught between four fires (Poles, False Dmitry, Swedes and worried people), were pulling time in all ways. As a result, it was unclear to the Poles with whom to fight, False Dmitry was killed, and the people ... The whole mess was pretty tired of the people, and as a result, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky, having accumulated strength, threw the Poles out. Of those who came to Russia, one out of ten returned from Poland by force.

      Only the Swedes remained in net profit. Peter the Great will figure it out, but this is a completely different story.
    2. +4
      10 August 2016 09: 55
      There were many tragic moments in the history of Russia, but we came out of them with victory. We would also have learned to remember mistakes and not repeat them.
  2. +5
    10 August 2016 08: 28
    "Ah! It was the time of our glory!" Since then, Poland hates Russia ... for not allowing itself to be captured.
    1. +1
      10 August 2016 09: 10
      Quote: Egoza
      Since then, Poland hates Russia ... for not letting itself be captured.

      Not at all - the Poles hate Russia for much closer events in time - because Russia just captured Poland in three stages and suppressed its uprising three times.

      By the way, it’s a shame, close Slavic people and enemies at the genetic level, the situation is worse only with our ethnically brothers in general - Ukrainians ...
      1. +15
        10 August 2016 10: 50
        Quote: Warrior2015
        for the fact that Russia just the same captured Poland in three stages and tripled its suppression.

        You probably mean three sections of Poland ?! So if the Poles continue to behave in this way, then there will be a fourth section!

        Quote: Warrior2015
        Very handy shame, close Slavic people and enemies at the genetic level

        This Poles then we are close people ?! What a fright ?! When was Catholic Poland close to us ?!

        My grandfather ended the war in Berlin in 1945, and was transferred to the reserve in 1947. All this time, from the 45th to the 47th, he taught Polish officers the wisdom of artillery fire. He has Polish awards. So he didn’t like the Poles almost more than the Germans, he didn’t meet the nation, as he said! And Russians in Poland have never been loved. Grandfather said that it was impossible to get water from them unless you ask for Polish, although they understand Russian very well when they need it.

        They found the same "close Slavic brothers" for me ...
        1. +4
          10 August 2016 10: 58
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          You probably mean three sections of Poland ?! So if the Poles continue to behave in this way, then there will be a fourth section!

          Excellent articulated !!
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          This Poles then we are close people ?! What a fright ?! When was Catholic Poland close to us ?!

          Well, for the sake of truth, yes, it’s genetically close, but due to the perception of Catholicism, they have become a battering ram against Orthodox Russia, a fact not disputed.
          Dreams of the Poles about the empire from mozh to mozh, remained in the foggy past, since Moscow became the center of crystallization, and not a panov constantly screaming and warring in their rokosh ..
          And your worthy grandfather is right about the Poles, and besides, if he came to Berlin, he probably knew how in 1945 the Polish divisions abandoned our gunners from the German strike .. In 1945, on APRIL !!
          1. +9
            10 August 2016 11: 57
            Quote: The Bloodthirster
            And your worthy grandfather is right about the Poles, and besides, if he came to Berlin, he probably knew how in 1945 the Polish divisions abandoned our gunners from the German strike .. In 1945, on APRIL !!

            It was like that. Grandfather didn’t really like to remember about the war, but it seemed he was breaking through about the Poles! Apparently they did a lot of harm to him, he really didn’t like them (I still put it very gently) ... He did not have a flattering opinion about the army of Lyudova, not to mention the army of Kraev, whom he equated to Bandera and Vlasovites. A grandfather simply hated Bandera and Vlasovites, even worse than the Germans!

            It’s a pity that grandfathers are now 24 years old, but thank God he doesn’t see this mess in Ukraine, Poland, and the whole world.
          2. 0
            12 August 2016 08: 21
            To whom are genetically close, and to whom not. Russia is big. And the fact that Poland is a geopolitical enemy was understandable. And now just a European hyena.
        2. -2
          10 August 2016 13: 50
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          You probably mean three sections of Poland ?! So if the Poles continue to behave in this way, then there will be a fourth section!

          Do not flatter yourself, Poland is now a member of NATO, but do you want to fight with NATO?

          And if we cannot solve the issue of New Russia, then why should there be hands to Poland?

          And correctly, the Bloodthirster has already noted - I'm talking about ethnic, genetic affinity. Mentality is another matter.

          And you don’t need to look for enemies at all, you need to look for friends, but we ourselves will find enemies.
          1. +8
            10 August 2016 14: 46
            Quote: Warrior2015
            And you don’t need to look for enemies at all, you need to look for friends, but we ourselves will find enemies.

            Friends from Poles are like a bucket from a sieve! With such "friends" and enemies are not necessary!

            I do not care deeply that Poland is a member ... of something there. The fact that she is a MEMBER is a fact, but this is what history is silent about.
            If you, by your naivety, believe that NATO will go to Poland to fight, then I am sorry for your analytical abilities. NATO (and this is 90 percent of the United States) will not fight for anyone, or rather, the Americans will push the European members of NATO to war with Russia, and the United States at this time will, as always, improve its financial affairs and eliminate competitors with the wrong hands. If you do not understand this, then this is purely your problem.

            The issue of New Russia will be resolved as Russia needs, have patience, quickly only cats will be born!

            Ethnically and ginetically, Asians are closer to me than Europeans, so you personally may be Poles as brothers, and on the Don we had anyone from Krymchaks to Turks and Greeks, but not Poles. In the coffin, I saw Europeans, including Slavic "brothers", like Poles, Bulgarians and others, with the exception of Serbs. SERBS - BROTHERS !!!
            1. +2
              10 August 2016 20: 12
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              I do not care deeply that Poland is a member ... of something there. The fact that she is a MEMBER is a fact, but this is what history is silent about.

              I do not want to offend the lady, but I will answer you in your own style - do not put your sexual insinuations on public display.

              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              SERBES - BROTHERS !!!
              Yeah, such brothers that are so eager for the EU and NATO ...

              I'm talking about genetics. If you have a sick brother, then you kill him as soon as possible? Whatever bad it may be, but he is your brother and there is no getting away from it (this is on the issue of Ukrainians). And the Poles are genetically closer to us (Russians, you described yourself as an Asian), like double brothers. What to do, we do not choose relatives for ourselves.
              1. +7
                11 August 2016 08: 45
                Quote: Warrior2015
                Yeah, such brothers that are so eager for the EU and NATO ...

                Political politicians are eager in the EU and NATO, and not the people of Serbia!

                Quote: Warrior2015
                I'm talking about genetics. If you have a sick brother, then you kill him as soon as possible? Whatever bad it may be, but he is your brother and there is no getting away from it (this is on the issue of Ukrainians). And the Poles are genetically closer to us (Russians, you described yourself as an Asian), like double brothers. What to do, we do not choose relatives for ourselves.

                If your brothers are Poles, then I sympathize with you, but I do not feel sorry for you! These "brothers" will stab you in the back at the first opportunity. So go kiss them yourself, just don't write everyone down as brothers. And if you already give examples of family ties, then the Poles are like the second cousin of a drug addict without brains and any feelings such as conscience, honor and others, who is ready to kill and rob you at any moment, so that there is enough for a dose! What are you going to do with such a brother ?! I personally, either hand over to the police or beat them myself. So good luck with your brothers Poles, "vyunosha"!
      2. Cat
        10 August 2016 18: 58
        Quote: Warrior2015
        Quote: Egoza
        Since then, Poland hates Russia ... for not letting itself be captured.

        Not at all - the Poles hate Russia for much closer events in time - because Russia just captured Poland in three stages and suppressed its uprising three times ...

        Prussia and Austria took part in the partition of Poland, Cromp of Russia. Moreover, they were the main initiators. In all cases, both accomplices of Prussia and Austria forced the partition of Poland through when Russia fought with the Ottoman Porta. The only mistake was made by Alexander I, who after 1814 agreed to the accession of the Duchy of Warsaw. It became part of the Russian Empire as the Kingdom of Poland, with its right, constitution, and other privileges.
        What we got from this we know .....
      3. 0
        11 August 2016 07: 41
        Hello hi
        Let me remind you that at the beginning of the 19th century Poland was divided between Austria and Prussia. It is ethnic Polish lands. The western border of Russia passed along the Bug and Neman.
        As a result of three sections, the lands of Little and White Russia returned to us, as well as Courland and part of Livonia.

        Polish territories became part of Russia after the Vienna Congress (sometimes the section of the Duchy of Warsaw is called the Fourth Section of Poland). Here, unfortunately, Alexander the First was mistaken.
  3. +1
    10 August 2016 08: 54
    "It is better to serve the sovereign," the boyars said, "than to be beaten by their servants." Russia's eternal problem is the corrupt elite. As in that film "Love with Privileges" (1990) Tikhonov and Polishchuk in Ch. starring ... "You are all and will always depend on us" "There have always been you and us."
    1. -5
      10 August 2016 09: 17
      Quote: vladimirvn
      The eternal problem of Russia-selling elites

      Will Novgorodtsev and Rurik also relate to such precedents?

      By the way, there was nothing illegal or unnatural in inviting Vladislav to the throne (remember, for example, the Swedish king ruled Poland). By order, he had to accept Orthodoxy and rule according to Moscow customs, so nothing of the sort.

      But then his daddy then decided to take the throne himself and intervene in management and things went awry ...
  4. 0
    10 August 2016 11: 22
    Quote: Warrior2015
    By the way, there was nothing illegal or unnatural in inviting Vladislav to the throne (remember, for example, the Swedish king ruled Poland). By order, he had to accept Orthodoxy and rule according to Moscow customs, so nothing of the sort.

    I agree. At one time, the Poles wanted to invite Ivan the Terrible to their throne. Yes, he frankly said that he would etch the Latin heresy. Well, the Poles changed their minds on time and invited the harsh Hungarian-Stefan Batory.
    1. +1
      10 August 2016 17: 24
      Quote: qwert
      At one time, the Poles wanted to invite Ivan the Terrible to their throne.

      That would be a move! By the way, as well as the very likely marriage of Ivan the Terrible to Elizabeth of England. Oh, Moscow boyars did not know how to lead subtle diplomats!
    2. 0
      11 August 2016 00: 24
      It seems that after the death of Ivan the Terrible, the Poles offered the throne to his son Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich.
  5. +3
    10 August 2016 11: 53
    You just have to fight for your homeland. As the power in Moscow did not change Smolensk fought the last defenders blew themselves up in the temple. And all the arguments that the Russian tsar could be in Poland and the Polish in Moscow, all this crap they went to x .. these psheks
  6. +2
    10 August 2016 18: 56
    really like these articles more of them
  7. 0
    April 23 2017 13: 18
    As always. Foreigners are able to defeat the Russian army but never defeat the Russian mess.