Ognot. As the Turkish army tried to take revenge for the Erzerum defeat


100 years ago, 5 August 1916, the Ognot operation began. The guns of the Erzindzhan operation were barely overdue when the 3 Turkish army was defeated, as the Russian Caucasian army under the command of General N. N. Yudenich had to face a new strong enemy - the 2 Turkish army. Istanbul threw in its best parts - the Dardanelles winners. In the course of the Ognot operation, which took place with varying success, the Russian troops thwarted the enemy’s offensive and forced him to go on the defensive. At this point, the fighting on the Caucasian front in 1916 was completed. Turkey lost its elite troops in these battles and could no longer compensate for these losses.

Situation on the Caucasian front

In May-July 1916, the troops of the Russian Caucasian Army fought stubbornly against the enemy. The Turkish High Command, using success in other areas (the Dardanelles operation), had the opportunity to concentrate additional forces on the Caucasus, rebuild previously defeated units and planned to take revenge on Erzerum’s winter defeat and inflict a decisive defeat on the Russian troops in the Caucasus. The Turkish plan was to launch the 3 Army on the wide Trapezund-Erzerum front and then in the breakthrough between the Western and Eastern Euphrates (Karasu and Muradchai) with a strong 2 Army strike group, which had to advance from Erputum with Harzut southeast. With such a blow, the Turks supposed to repel Erzerum back and, with the most successful development of events, inflict a decisive defeat on the Caucasus in the Russian army. With a successful Turkish offensive, the 5-th Caucasian, 2-th Turkestan and 1-th Caucasian corps could be pressed against the Black Sea in case of their untimely withdrawal. And the remnants of the main forces of the Caucasian army were rejected to the borders of the Russian Transcaucasus, where the 2 and 3 Turkish armies were to invade.

The first to launch the attack was the 3 of the Turkish Army (As the Russian Caucasian army defeated the Turkish army 3 th in Erzincan battle). At first, our troops fought defensively, restraining the onslaught of the 3 of the Turkish army. Then 19 June - 5 July counterstrokes on several sectors of the front, the Russian army stopped the offensive of the Turkish troops and threw them into their original position. On July 6, the troops of the Caucasian army launched a counter-offensive on all fronts, culminating in the defeat of the Turkish 3 Army. On July 12, our troops occupied Erzincan, abandoned by the Turks without a fight. As a result of the Erzindzhan operation, the Caucasian army, having advanced in a band over 200 km at a depth of 130 km, significantly improved its operational position. At the same time, there were battles in Trapezond district, the Turks were defeated in this battle.

In these battles, the 3 of the Turkish army was so overwhelmed that during the subsequent offensive of the 2 of the Turkish army was no longer able to assist it even with a demonstrative attack, which allowed the Russian command to transfer all army reserves against the 2 of the army and repel enemy strike.

Thus, the Erzincan operation was barely completed, as the Russian Caucasian army had to face a new strong adversary - the 2 of the Turkish army. She was strong as a high moral boost after her victories over the Anglo-French during the Dardanelles operation, so good weapons, equipment and supplies. The Turkish army even had mountain howitzers as part of its artillery, which were not at all in the Caucasian army. The 2 Army was under the command of former War Minister Ahmet Izzet Pasha, and had about 7 divisions in its structure, and was subsequently reinforced with new units (up to 11 divisions). The Turkish troops, attacking from Harput, turned around the 4 divisions on the Ognot direction and the 2 divisions on the Mus-Bitlis front. In total, the Turkish army numbered about 74 thousand people, not counting the Kurdish units, with 98 guns (already in the course of the Battle of Ognot, the number of the 2 army increased to 120 thousand people). The advanced units of Izzet-Pasha's army already on August 3 attacked the extreme left flank of the 1-th Caucasian Corps in the Kigi area.

The Russian command knew about the plans of the enemy. However, in the battles against 3 of the Turkish army, almost the entire army reserve of the Caucasian army was spent. Therefore, in order to repel the blow of the 2 of the Turkish army, the command of the Caucasian army decided to form a maneuverable group from the troops of the right wing of the army. To this end, parts isolated from three right-flank corps, weary of the previous battles, were transferred to a distance of 100-200 km to the southern sector of the front of Kigi, Mush. It is worth noting that this site was the most difficult, even in comparison with all the mountainous areas that the Russian army overcame in previous battles. This area was completely devoid of convenient and well-traveled communications and local vehicles. In general, from the 119 battalions, 29 squads and 41,5 hundreds, which were part of the 5 Caucasian, 2 Turkestan and 1 Caucasian Corps, during the Ognot operation in the army reserve and on the southern front (the 4 Caucasus operated here corps) were transferred 42 battalion (35%), 8 squads (26%) and 33 hundreds (76%).

The offensive 2 th Turkish army. Counterstrike Russian Army

The 2-I Turkish army concentrated and was ready for the 21 July (3 August) 1916 of the year, that is, it was two and a half months late for the beginning of the 3-th army. Before the start of the general offensive, Turkish troops conducted a demonstrative attack on the Mush, Bitlis sector against the left wing of the 4 of the Caucasian Corps (the 4 battalion was part of the 32 of the Caucasian Corps). Russian troops, leading mobile defenses and discouraging the enemy’s attempts to bypass the flank, retreated to July 30 to the line north of Mush, Carmunge. As a result, the further advancement of the Turkish troops created a threat to the communications of the right flank of the corps on Khnys-Kala.

23 July (5 August) 1916 began the general offensive of the Turkish army. The left-flank 2 of the Turkish corps was to chain our 1 of the Caucasus Corps. The remaining three Turkish corps (16, 4 and 3) collapsed on the 4 Caucasian corps. Large enemy forces attacked the right wing of the 4 Caucasian Corps (north of the Eastern Euphrates River). Our troops with difficulty restrained the offensive of the enemy and gradually retreated. On July 23, Bitlis was lost, 24-th - Mush and 25-th Russian troops retreated across the state border. Thus, the left flank of our main Erzurum-Erzincan group was exposed and the way to Erzerum was opened.

At the same time, the northern group of the 6 of the Turkish army of Khalil, using the inaction of the British forces, pressed Baratov’s corps in Persia and our weak Azerbaijan-Van detachment of General Chernozubov. Thus, the situation was extremely dangerous. The entire situation of the Russian Caucasian Front was under threat.

The commander of the Caucasian army N. Yudenich decided to fend off this outlined round of his main forces with a counterstrike into the left flank of the bursting out 2 of the Turkish army. That is, he decided to bypass the bypassing his opponent. For this, two squads were formed. The first detachment was commanded by General Dubissky, which consisted of the 18 battalion of the 5 Caucasian Rifle Division and the 2 of the Kuban Plastun Brigade. The Russian troops were to strike in the general direction of Ognot and secure the rear of the 1 Caucasian Corps. To support the Dubissky detachment on the right (from the west), a detachment of General Nikolayev (1 battalions, 10 squads and 8 hundreds) was allocated to the Kigi area from the 9 Caucasian Corps. In addition, an army reserve — the 4-I Caucasian Infantry Division of General Vorobyov (16 battalions) — was deployed to support the actions of the two units of the shock group of the army. Thus, our troops were to thwart the enemy offensive and surround the main strike force of the Turkish army in the event of its attack on the Ognot direction.

Our counter attack began on 6 (19) August. Near the rapid strikes from the front and into the flank of the enemy army, Russian troops first stopped and then shot down the 3 and 4 Turkish corps that had broken through from Ognot. At the same time, the 4 Caucasian Corps delivered a frontal strike. The right-flank 16 Turkish corps of Dardanelles hero Mustafa Kemal Pasha was overturned. The 7 Turkish division of the 16 Corps was divided on the approaches to Mush (2200 people were captured). 10 (23) August, our troops recaptured Mush, August 14 Russian stood on the Euphrates.

At the same time, the Azerbaijani detachment inflicted 11 (24) in August on Rayat a complete defeat to the 13 of the Turkish corps. As a result, Russian troops regained their position in Persia. At Rajat, our Combined Border and 4-I Caucasian Cossack divisions surrounded and destroyed in battles of 9-11 in August the 4-th Turkish infantry division. More than 2,3 thousand people were taken prisoner.

The Turkish command did not want to admit defeat and continued attacks. In mid-August, Ahmet Izzet Pasha threw 3, 4 and 16 corps into the attack. However, in the hard battles of Hevarshah and Ognot, this frenzied rush of excellent Turkish troops was broken. The fighting continued throughout the second half of August and the beginning of September 1916. In the battle of Ognot against our 4,5 divisions, 11 fought against enemy divisions. The Turks fought with the same courage and perseverance as in Gallipoli, but the Russian units of the Caucasian army were a head taller than the Anglo-French. Step by step, the Russian soldiers cramped the enemy and in the end both armies returned to their original positions. In mid-September, the fighting subsided. By October, winter came and active hostilities ceased.

3-I Turkish army during this fierce battle, shortly before that, defeated during the Erzincan operation, was not able to go on the offensive and was almost inactive, which greatly alleviated the situation of the Russian army. In the event of an enemy attack on the right flank of the Caucasian army, it would have to fight in this direction, and even without a reserve. Only with the help of the reinforcements that came up, the 3 Army in the middle of August nevertheless began private battles in the area west of Gyumushkhan, but here all the Turkish attacks were repelled. Then 30 of August, the Turks, with an unexpected attack in the area south of Kalkit, broke through the Russian front in a small sector, but the very next day this breakthrough was completely eliminated. The simultaneous attack of the Turks in the region west of Kalkit was also repulsed. These unsuccessful attempts to go on the offensive and limited all participation of the 3 army in the Battle of Ognot.

Meanwhile, Russian troops on their right flank made reconnaissance in force and small advances, of which advancement of the right flank of the army during the fighting in the Gumush-Khan direction, when units of the 5 Caucasian Corps attacked the Ottomans on the coast and occupied Elle, should be noted.


In the course of the Battle of Ognot, we lost thousands of people from 50 - 20 thousand soldiers. The Turkish army lost out of about 120 thousand people - 56 thousand soldiers. Vorobyev's group comprised the 6 Caucasian Corps under the command of General Abatsiev. The Azerbaijani-Van detachment was transformed into the 7-th Caucasian corps of Prince Vadbolsky.

The result of the Ognot fights was indecisive. However, given the fact that the fresh 2 Turkish army, significantly surpassing the forces of the Caucasian army against it and possessing a strategic initiative, could not achieve its goal and, at great cost, captured only Bitlis, while the front position on the rest of the southern sector remained almost unchanged, we have to admit that success remained with the Russian army. The plans of the Turkish Supreme Command for a decisive victory in the Caucasus were destroyed. With small forces, the Caucasian army did more work.

In addition, during the fierce summer and autumn battles, the 3-I and 2-I Turkish armies lost their combat capability. From 150-th. 3 of the Turkish Army Vehib Pasha left about 36 thousand people, and in 120-thousand 2 Army Izzet Pasha left 64 thousand soldiers. Thus, the previously full-fledged Turkish corps, in fact, became divisions. Turkey lost the best troops, and the Ottoman Empire could no longer compensate for these cruel losses. If it were not for the revolution, the Russian Empire could have carried out a victorious campaign of the 1917 of the year in the Caucasus, taking Anatolia and going to the approaches to Constantinople. On April 1917, the emperor Nikolay Aleksandrovich ordered to take Tsargrad-Constantinople. However, time has already been lost. The degenerate "elite" of the Russian Empire sentenced the autocracy and the empire.

Thus, at the beginning of September 1916, after the completion of the Ognot operation, the Caucasian army occupied the front of Elleu - Kalkit - Erzincan, advancing somewhat along this line; Further, the front was in the area of ​​Kigi-Ognot, Mus - the region north of Bitlis, south of Van Lake - the region of Ranga. Until the end of the year, there were no serious battles on the Caucasian front. There were only small local battles for improving the situation and searching for scouts.
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  1. +12
    4 August 2016 07: 17
    Our Armenian friends Learn the story! It is vile to trample the Flags of Russia, the country - the guarantor of your existence!
    1. -4
      4 August 2016 09: 42
      Of course, I do not approve of such a shameful thing as trampling the Russian flag in Armenia. But RI started the First World War not because of the interests of the Armenians, but for the sake of supporting its Serb allies. And if RI did not break up, then Russia would take the Turkish Straits and there would be Russia, Armenia did not exist at that time, but there was an Armenian people who took an active part in the PMV. The author of the article didn’t mention the role played by the Armenian volunteer military formations in the Tsar’s army in the WWI, but this important role even modern Turkish historians admit. My great-grandfather fought on the Caucasus Front since 1914, was awarded George Crosses, was wounded more than once, and he would be very surprised if he began to read notations in his face, as you now do.
      1. +7
        4 August 2016 10: 16
        "But RI started the First World War not because of the interests of Armenians, but for the sake of supporting its Serbian allies."
        It turns out that Russia should have taken part in WWI, first of all "for the interests of the Armenians," and the Serbs - this is not serious. Well, the logic.
        1. -2
          4 August 2016 11: 11
          Quote: Georg Shep
          "But RI started the First World War not because of the interests of Armenians, but for the sake of supporting its Serbian allies."
          It turns out that Russia should have taken part in WWI, first of all "for the interests of the Armenians," and the Serbs - this is not serious. Well, the logic.

          And where is your logic, for that matter, I didn’t write that the Republic of Ingushetia should fight for the interests of the Armenians, it got involved in the WWII, protecting the interests of its Serbian allies and its own interests in the Balkans, Turkey didn’t even at first fight with anyone, she entered the war in the fall of 1914.
      2. +6
        4 August 2016 10: 27
        Quote: wardapet
        , Armenia did not exist at that time, but there was an Armenian people who took an active part in the PMV. The author of the article did not mention the role played by the Armenian volunteer military formations in the tsarist army in the WWI, and even modern Turkish historians recognize this important role My great-grandfather fought on the Caucasus Front since 1914, was awarded the St. George Crosses, was wounded more than once, and he would be very surprised if he began to read notations in his face, as you now do.

        The author also did not mention a word about the Armenian soldiers in the Turkish army! The Ganocide of Armenians just began with the disarmament of Armenian soldiers. And about the Armenian nationalism of 1920, which led to the war not only with Turkey but also with Russia. And in my opinion you are reading the notations.
        1. +3
          4 August 2016 11: 08
          "... I did not mention the Armenian soldiers in the Turkish army! The Armenian ganocide just began with the disarming of the Armenian soldiers."
          So, after all, the mood of these soldiers was apparently anti-Turkish.
        2. -5
          4 August 2016 11: 34
          To their misfortune, the Turkish Armenians, like the Russians, believed the promises of the Russian government and massively sided with Russia, which was the main reason for the Armenian genocide.
          As for 1920, I would be ashamed to mention these events in your place when the Kemalist Turkey armed with the Bolsheviks attacked Armenia and both countries divided Armenia among themselves. I ask again because the Armenians should be grateful to Russia, I don’t I approve of trampling the flag of the Russian Federation in Yerevan, but I don’t understand what the Armenian people owe to Russian. You have a whole list of peoples on the forum who are not grateful to the Russians, I want to find out why the Armenians became so ungrateful.
          1. +6
            4 August 2016 12: 01
            Quote: wardapet
            To their misfortune, the Turkish Armenians, like the Russians, believed the promises of the Russian government and massively sided with Russia, which was the main reason for the Armenian genocide.
            As for 1920, I would be ashamed to mention these events in your place when the Kemalist Turkey armed with the Bolsheviks attacked Armenia and both countries divided Armenia among themselves. I ask again because the Armenians should be grateful to Russia, I don’t I approve of stamping the flag of the Russian Federation in Yerevan, but I also do not understand what the Armenian people owe to Russian.

            This is already crossing all boundaries! Do you think the Russians are to blame for the Armenian Genocide ??? How long will your Armenia last without the support of Russia? Although it is better to ask this question to the Turks and Azerbaijanis! Your hysteria started there, after the recent Karabakh events, the Russians are not helping us, they have not declared war on Azerbaijan! And why should we even fight for you ??? Armenia declared war on Azerbaijan ??? Do you want to sit behind someone else's back? Will not work! And there is still no Thanks to your people, and you are a vivid confirmation of this!
            1. -8
              4 August 2016 12: 11
              I don’t intend to make excuses, since you didn’t bring anything to refute my words, just unfounded accusations of Armenians once again in ingratitude. How long Armenia will last is not for you to decide and not for me, it will be decided by the Armenian people, which are already several millennia. With your unfounded accusations against everyone and everything, in particular my people, you are not seeking anything.
              1. +4
                4 August 2016 15: 03
                Arsen, tell me what arguments I should give. I think how Armenin do you know the history of the Transcaucasus joining Russia! According to the results of the Russian-Turkish war, Russia obligated Turkey to carry out reforms in support of the Armenian population of Turkey, who tried to slow down England and France, dissatisfied with the victory of Russia ??? Do you think that the Persian or Ottoman Empires, of which you were a part, and with which we constantly fought, would give you the opportunity to create an independent state? Who, as equals, accepted your people, your elite into the Russian Empire ??? Who and when helped the Armenian people except the Russians ??? Give at least one example?
                1. +2
                  4 August 2016 16: 10
                  Andrei, I tried to answer your comment with my own big ones, but the computer is hanging on something, and I will answer your comment with a number of small ones. According to your commentary, I realized that you are well informed in the history of Armenia and the Russian Empire, otherwise I thought at first that you are from ura-patriots. I will not deny that the inclusion of Transcaucasia and Eastern Armenia into the Republic of Ingushetia had the most favorable effect on the Armenians, it would be sacrilege on my part to deny this. At that time, unlike the Ottoman Empire and Persia, an advanced European state, under whose patronage the Armenians got a chance to develop. And when I wrote that the Turkish Armenians bought the promises of the Russian government and went over to the Russians in large numbers, I wrote this in response to your comment that the Armenians fought in the Turkish army.In fact, I have to admit that the whole people cannot be fooled by promises, and the Armenians went over to the side of, first of all, advanced Christian Russia, they had an idea what Osm An empire. And if the Armenians didn’t succeed, then I don’t blame Russia for this, except for the Turks and partly the Germans in the Armenian Genocide.
                  1. 0
                    4 August 2016 16: 15
                    My name is Alexey!
                    1. 0
                      4 August 2016 17: 03
                      Quote: Hunter
                      My name is Alexey!

                      Alexey, I looked in profile and at that moment a friend came to me and distracted me, I remembered you as Andrei, a mistake came out, will not happen again hi .
                  2. +1
                    4 August 2016 16: 16
                    Second, the Bolsheviks led by Lenin, who sold weapons to the Kemalist Turkey and divided Armenia into parts together with the Turks, are not Russian people, I clearly understand this, they often spat on the interests of the Russian people themselves and substituted their interests for the sake of the chimera of the "world revolution" ...
                    1. -1
                      4 August 2016 16: 20
                      The Bolsheviks at that moment tried to restore the borders of RI! And they really led the fight against Armenian nationalism!
                      1. +3
                        4 August 2016 17: 16
                        Quote: Hunter
                        The Bolsheviks at that moment tried to restore the borders of RI! And they really led the fight against Armenian nationalism!

                        So, of course, you think that V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin did something for the interests of the Russian people and restored the borders of the Republic of Ingushetia.
                        Firstly, Lenin did not care about the Republic of Ingushetia and its borders, if this were not so, then he would not have made the infamous Brest Peace and would practically not have created Ukraine under the patronage of the Germans.
                        Secondly, one should not confuse Comrade Stalin with V. I. Lenin, here Comrade Stalin did not give a damn about the interests of the peoples living in the USSR and Stalin wanted to return those lands that V. Lenin, out of his "kindness" of his soul, ceded to Turkey in 1920 In addition, when you write that the Bolsheviks fought against Armenian nationalism, you acknowledge that they destroyed independent Armenia hand in hand with the Turks. Fighting Armenian nationalism is the same thing as fighting an independent Armenia. So any war can be characterize as a fight against nationalism - Polish, for example, Finnish, Afghan, etc.
                      2. -2
                        4 August 2016 18: 06
                        I am not at all a supporter of Lenin, but .... The Brest peace, a shame, but at that time it was a matter of survival for the country (there is no army, state administration does not work, in the country there is Civil War, Entente intervention, etc.) 1918. Having created an army, expelled the invaders, laying the foundations of the Soviet state - the Bolsheviks won back everything. By 1920, the openly weak positions of the soviets in the Transcaucasus forced them to start delivering arms to Turkey, and do not forget Ataturk’s position at that time, he openly deceived the Bolsheviks with his pseudo-leftist views. Armenians responded by oppressing Russian-speaking citizens, Georgians and Azerbaijanis. In fact, the Bolsheviks sovietized Armenia by the hands of Georgians, Azerbaijanis and Turks. And this is Geopolitics, dear.
                      3. -1
                        4 August 2016 20: 38
                        Vardapet djan minchev Karapeti xazn xra.
            2. -2
              4 August 2016 20: 07
              Belarus sold several MAZ all-terrain vehicles to Ukraine, you got hysterical, and Rassia sold Azerbaijan 100-T 90, 2 S-300 divisions, MI 24, 17 helicopters, SMERCH about 3 billion, what did you think as an ally? The United States has never sold weapons to the enemies of Israel in Taiwan and South Korea. So insist on a mate. Not like you. Who shows greens to that and finish.
          2. +2
            4 August 2016 12: 11
            Quote: wardapet
            Turkish Armenians, like the Russians, believed in the promises of the Russian government to their misfortune

            You have a great opportunity to trust the American government. Already these will solve all the issues of the Armenian people. There will be no Armenia anymore; only the dispute will remain. And Russia, to blame for the Armenians, is by itself.
            1. 0
              4 August 2016 12: 45
              Quote: 97110
              Quote: wardapet
              Turkish Armenians, like the Russians, believed in the promises of the Russian government to their misfortune

              You have a great opportunity to trust the American government. Already these will solve all the issues of the Armenian people. There will be no Armenia anymore; only the dispute will remain. And Russia, to blame for the Armenians, is by itself.

              You will first take the trouble to write the word Armenians without mistakes, otherwise your "Armenians" betray you, a Russian chauvinist, with your head. They made themselves guilty, in my commentary I did not write that someone is to blame, I just wanted to know what exactly Armenia owes the Russians in a series of requirements of members of the forum to other peoples, specifically what and for what?
              1. +2
                4 August 2016 13: 06
                Quote: wardapet
                I just wanted to know what exactly Armenia should Russian in a series of requirements of forum users to other nations, specifically what and for what?

                Met on another branch just now. Read on, maybe you will understand what, Mr. Armenian. I know and respect many Armenians. Decent people. You won't be there. And, take the trouble to write in Russian. And then "Armenia should ...". Grammar, this is not so patriotic, Great A of the neuter.
                bionik (4) SU Today, 06:17 AM New
                1st picture in the article, the inscription on the fuselage of the Il-2 "Avenger" The Il-2 aircraft with tail number 25 "Avenger" was built at the expense of the chairman of the collective farm named after Stalin's village of Avdalar, Kotayk region of the Armenian SSR, Grigor Hayrapetovich Tevosyan, whose two brothers died in the war. He contributed 100 rubles to purchase a combat aircraft.

                On this Il-2 the Hero of the Soviet Union flew, also Armenian Nelson Georgievich Stepanyan (1913 — 1944). N.S. Stepanyan during the war made 239 successful sorties, destroyed personally and in the 53 group of the enemy’s ship. He died in battle on December 14 of the 1944 of the year near the city of Liepaja of the Latvian SSR. Posthumously 6 March 1945 year re-awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
                Is it crazy for you to read it? There was one country, the Armenians separately did not owe it anything. They lived in it, like the Russians, as well as - be surprised - the Ukrainians! Well, how can the Foreign Ministry not remember: "D, b!"
                1. -3
                  4 August 2016 13: 37
                  According to your logic, if someone disagrees with you, then he is "Armenian", if he agrees, "Armenian" smile .Interesting logic, I will tell you.
                  And your example about the participation of Armenians in the Great Patriotic War - I completely agree with you, the Armenians considered the USSR their country and defended their country, just as my grandfather, Harutyunyan Tevatros, fought in WWII, my grandfather reached Berlin, and the peoples of the former USSR fought for a united country, since Comrade Stalin would send you to felling for your contemptuous and insulting "Armenians".
              2. 0
                6 August 2016 14: 20
                "What," I don't know, but "why?" For the very fact of preserving your people, for the existence of the state of Armenia. Without Russia, there would be no statehood.
        3. 0
          4 August 2016 19: 56
          After 1915, not everyone was shot in the Turkish army of Armenians.
        4. 0
          5 August 2016 07: 26
          1920 Armenian nationalism, which led to a war not only with Turkey but also with Russia

          What are you writing about? Read Andranik’s appeal to the Armenians regarding the Russian Empire (not to be confused with Soviet Russia). In difficult times, the Armenians asked Denikin for military assistance (ammunition). And he responded, although he had them desperately. And these ammunition plundered on the way through Georgia, and sometimes even seized by Georgians. Remember! The Russian Empire and Soviet Russia (and the current oligarchic Russia) are two different things. Armenians for the Russian Empire.

          Do you all know about the Turkish-Armenian war of 1920, and what role did the 11 Bolshevik army play?
      3. +5
        4 August 2016 11: 05
        I agree with you. For some reason, the role of the Armenian militia is not shown. And actually, the Armenian massacre was under the pretext of pro-Russian sentiments among the Armenians of Turkey.
      4. +2
        5 August 2016 23: 18
        My great-grandfather, a Don Cossack, a Christian, lies there. And I do not whine that about the Cossacks who valiantly fought there, not a word. Why don't you, as a descendant, write about Armenian volunteers? Bad comment, bad words!
        1. +1
          6 August 2016 10: 44
          The Armenian who demands respect and other things here, just look at historical events, not Armenian fairy tales. Until 1916, most Armenians lived in Turkey and served the Turkish Empire very worthily. Armenians fought against RUSSIA together with the Persians and together with the Turks, like all other peoples of Transcaucasia. When it became profitable, then RUSSIA began to serve. In WWI, the Armenians themselves came up with the idea that RUSSIA was obliged to fight for * great Armenia *, and the Armenians began cutting their Turks' neighbors in the hope of victory. But when * February 1917 * happened, then * Dashnaks * and RUSSIANS were declared enemies.
          Today, nothing has changed, again about the debt of RUSSIA to the Armenians and other crap. History has not taught them anything. Here is an interesting fact about which the Armenians do not like to spread, in RUSSIA there are more Armenians than in Armenia itself, but RUSSIANs, and not Armenians, should Armenia.
      5. 0
        18 October 2016 01: 38
        Quote: wardapet
        The author of the article did not mention the role played by the Armenian volunteer military formations in the tsarist army in WWI, and even modern Turkish historians recognize this important role.

        and also there were Circassians, Bashkirs, Tatars, and hell knows how many other nations ... count up - yes, for this author of the article to kill a little - too lazy because go and list everyone! well, or - some are more modest to be ...
    2. 0
      4 August 2016 19: 51
      The article is incomplete, with the Russians and Armenians, led by General Lieutenant Andranik Ozanyan, the population helped the Russian Vaysk in everything, after the revaluation, the Rissian Vaysk were ousted and the Turks slaughtered the remaining population. 1,5 million Armenians
      Every manna has 2 efforts, and as regards the flag, repeat if Rassia betsit further causes Armenia to give 5 regions to Azerbaijan, Armenia will continue to aggravate the situation, my brotherly peoples and natural allies. We have proven it, but you forget it.
  2. +9
    4 August 2016 09: 20
    Good article. But the actions of the Turks in the WWI were led by German general staffists, and it would be worth mentioning this.
  3. +5
    4 August 2016 10: 18
    Oh, nice guys - our ancestors!
    Heroes are not we .....
    And what a dashing share they got. I had to give everything back to the chaos of the revolution.
    No, categorically: no swamp! Only the election! And respect for the Law, for Order, for Power!
  4. +6
    4 August 2016 10: 51
    Lucky Russian army in the Caucasus with an outstanding commander: Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudenich! His strategic talent, combined with the outstanding fighting qualities of a Russian soldier, allowed him to win with less power with amazing results. One capture of Erzurum in February 1916 already immortalized his name.
  5. +1
    4 August 2016 13: 47
    Good review article. We look forward to continuing.
  6. +4
    4 August 2016 22: 14
    I will say one thing. Blame the bastard Nikolai 2, who surrendered Russia. He was supposed to strangle the Jewish revolutionaries in the bud with an iron hand. And now they make a saint out of him. This cat strangler.
    1. +1
      5 August 2016 07: 44
      +, Then there were revolutionaries, and now oligarchs.
  7. 0
    18 October 2016 01: 35
    informative, thanks ...