Printers war

New technologies make major changes to the principles of warfare. If in the wars of past generations the main actions were conducted on the surface of the globe, the confrontation in the air and underwater environments was auxiliary, then in the battles of the future the main efforts will be concentrated in the aerospace sphere, and ground operations will become ensuring.

High precision weapon makes it possible to dose, selective defeat a wide range of targets that make up the economic and military infrastructure, and regardless of firing range or time of flight. That is, for the impact of the fire, it is absolutely not necessary for the troops to enter combat contact.

Synergy of the sixth order

In recent years, such a concept has emerged as convergent technologies, which include NBIC (nano, bio, info, cognitive). Their convergence is due to the highest degree of increase in efficiency in the conjugate, interconnected application. At the same time, biotechnologies include biomedicine and genetic engineering, information technologies, psychophysical effects, computing and communication tools, and neuroscience.

American scientists are planning to focus on several areas of using technologies of the sixth lifestyle in the military field. This is primarily the expansion of the capabilities of reconnaissance and information support, the improvement of the physical abilities of the fighters, and the increase in the effectiveness of troop command and control.

The first direction involves the intensification of research in the field of Big Data and the Internet of Things, which is discussed below.

The second implies the creation of various kinds of additional interfaces to human organs - neuro, video, or, for example, power (exoskeleton). It is planned to create nanorobots for monitoring the state of human internal organs, the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and neoplasms (cancerous tumors). Methods for creating artificial liver, stomach and other organs are being developed, since the biological processes occurring in them can be performed by replicators of enzymes and nutrients. Such an approach makes it possible to dramatically increase a person’s abilities in various areas and solve the problems of feeding the military in combat, treating the wounded and sick.

Improving the efficiency of collective activity involves the neurointegration of the intellectual capabilities of individuals into a kind of superbrain. The importance of this - the third direction of research is obvious: information flows in a modern war reach such values ​​that their effective and fast processing, making adequate decisions for the situation are becoming more difficult or impossible.

Consider these areas and the results achieved in more detail.

Elementary school intelligence

The technological capabilities of obtaining intelligence information have changed significantly. This was facilitated by the unprecedented disclosure of various types of information (economic, technical, etc.), the transition to sharing it via the Internet, the emergence of a huge number of social networks, the formation of databases of various companies, etc. The result was a revision of the decision-making procedure and proposed actions. In the United States, it is reflected in three fundamental documents: “US National Security Strategy-2015”, “US Military Strategy-2015” and “Third Defense Investment and Innovation Initiative”, approved in 2014.

Printers warIf you summarize their content, there are three key points.

The first is the rejection of a clear separation of war and peace, the recognition not only in theoretical but also in practical terms of indistinguishability in modern conditions of these two states. The process began at the end of the last century with the development and testing of concepts such as hybrid, irregular, asymmetric, proxy, fuzzy wars. And today, in official US documents, the concepts of “hard confrontations”, “conflicts of variable intensity”, “answers to threats”, and “active operations” are increasingly used. Clear, having a legal definition of the term "war" is used less and less.

The second is its understanding as a conflict in five environments (land, sea, air, space, cybernetic) and seven areas of tough confrontation, namely: fire (traditional wars), foreign policy, internal political (in other countries), informational, financial and economic, behavioral (violent impact on behavior through the manipulation of habits, stereotypes, values, models, etc.) and technological (for the destruction of sovereign information, financial and economic, mental and other spaces).

The third is a departure from the traditional division of the economy, production, education and other spheres of life into military and civilian. Such a moment is extremely interesting. In accordance with the third defense initiative at the state level, it is stated that there are no civilian and military industries, and all American businesses, companies, universities and even society should work for national security, solving military and intelligence tasks. That is, the most ordinary clerk of a regular company becomes also an agent.

Legislative design received the thesis that all high technologies in technical, social, cognitive, organizational and other fields have a dual purpose. When planning the 2015 budget of the year for the first time, it was recorded that intelligence is now obliged not only to be engaged in mining, processing, analyzing information for making decisions, but also to conduct active operations aimed at ensuring American global domination.

Innovations in the methods of achieving victory over the enemy predetermine the conduct of the confrontation on the Internet and its means. Given the very extensive block of possible techniques, let us dwell only on two concepts: Big Data (DB) and the Internet of Things.

In the 2012 year, the amount of data collected on the Web was 2,8 zettabyte, by the year 2020 it will increase to 40 zettabyte. About a third of them are automatically generated information and control signals that characterize the operation of machines, equipment, devices connected to the Internet. The volume of corporate invoices transmitted and stored on the Web is growing at 40 percent per year. To analyze such arrays is beyond the power of any human brain. Moreover, up to 60 percent of the information is not structured, so it is impossible to link the content (to reveal the correlation) of various sources and draw useful conclusions on this basis. This phenomenon is called Big Data: a huge, constantly growing archive of displays of behavioral activity of a wide variety of objects and subjects - from states and companies to individual groups and individuals.

The DB technologies currently being developed allow structuring, classifying and evaluating the correlation of one or another set of information about people, companies, events. It should provide an accurate understanding of the relationship (interdependence) of the characteristics or actions of any object and the result achieved. An object can be a population of a country or a region, their economy, the military-industrial complex, etc. The results of this analysis make it possible to predict behavior not only when making independent decisions, but also under external influence (that is, to simulate according to the principle “What will happen if. .. "," What you need to ... "). Thus, it becomes a reality to determine and implement the most effective ways of influencing a particular object to achieve the desired outcome.

The giant volumes that distinguish the database require the appropriate computers, and today all the major foreign manufacturers offer specialized software and hardware systems. The corresponding technology is not machine, but man-machine, that is, it requires specialists of the highest skill level, as a rule, with education and professional skills in not only information, but also other sciences.

To solve this problem in 2015, US universities launched programs for the money of the military complex. It is intended to train selected teachers and students in special schools, where retired and sometimes active intelligence officers lead classes, who form relevant skills in the wards.

Printing things

The source of database replenishment in recent years has been the Internet of Things (Internet of Things - IoT). This is the concept of an information and communication computing network of any physical objects (things) equipped with embedded technologies for interacting with each other or with the external environment, ensuring the exclusion of a person from some actions and operations.

IoT is a source of information that is not subject to any distortion, as it is possible on the Internet of people (that is, in information generated on the Web by a person or with his participation). In other words, control over any object (subject) becomes total, permanent and inevitable.

Another revolutionary innovation that influences the nature of warfare is ways of generating, delivering to troops and using resources: energy (mechanical, electrical, thermal), material and technical means (VVST, ammunition, energy carriers, food, military technical equipment) , information (data about the enemy, the environment, his troops, etc.).

The ideal condition for accomplishing the tasks assigned to the armed forces is the delivery of all types of resources to the troops in real time and in full. In other words, the incoming information about the enemy is immediately accompanied by the decision to defeat him, his troops must be able to immediately strike the required effectiveness. The implementation of such principles is called the ideal war.

Among the directions of the development of the VVST, which allow you to get closer to the ideal, include the following:

microminiaturization and robotization;
the use of alternative energy sources (solar panels, biofuel, wind power);
reduction of energy consumption while maintaining the full range of functions performed;
development of long-range wireless power transmission systems;
hypersonic weapon capable of hitting targets at any distance in real time;
bionanotechnological weapons;
search for ways to reduce material and energy costs for the task (highly accurate destruction, cyber warfare).

Considering the vastness of scientific and technical achievements in the listed areas of research, we will consider only one of the ways to effectively solve the problem of troop material and technical support - ЗD-print. In the advanced countries of the world intensively conducted research and development work on its application in various fields.

The introduction of ЗD-print in military field surgery, where most of the injuries are individual, will be significant. Accordingly, treatment requires unique materials and means, the time of manufacture and delivery of which is unacceptably long in the traditional way. 3D printers make any medical assistance available in a few minutes, maximum hours.

The mentioned technologies are extremely in demand for the repair of military equipment in combat or field conditions.

3D printers are indispensable in space. They will allow the creation of aircraft or their elements directly in orbit from raw materials without the delivery of complex and voluminous structures (antennas, solar batteries) from the Earth.

3D printing makes it possible to harvest raw materials in the form of spools of fibers, blocks of polymers, containers of metal powder in an industrial plant and deliver them to the battlefield or into space, where the necessary details will be reproduced. Printing technologies already exist robots, elements of weapons, etc.

The problem of the improvement of technology based on technology of the sixth way of life can be the fact that the distinction between industrial, household and military tools disappears. At the same time, its availability for all states, social groups, organizations and even individuals becomes more and more as communication develops.

To delay is to lose

All this urgently demands from the Russian scientists a theoretical study of the nature of the interstate confrontation. And from the leadership of the country - the practical implementation of the created know-how on plans and programs for equipping the Armed Forces.

The first major task of military science in this area is the formation of the image of the AMIS system corresponding to the nature of the new generation wars. The second task is to determine the nature, sequence and timing of changes in the parameters of the weapon system to convert it into a promising one, ensuring the maintenance of such wars.

To solve the first are needed:

forecasting the development of science, technology and technology, assessing their influence on the appearance of means of warfare;
extrapolation of achievements of the VVST of the main foreign countries;
determination of requirements for the performance characteristics of domestic prospective models, the future weapons system as a whole;
forecast of equipment parameters of the armies of leading countries;
determining quantitative requirements for the armament system of the RF Armed Forces based on the nature of the threats, the likelihood of wars in which Russia can be drawn, the equipment of the opposing groups.

To solve the second problem, relevant research in such areas as:

the timing of the obsolescence of traditional VVST, the beginning of the development of weapons of new generations;
the nomenclature of unconventional VVST to be developed during the program period;
supply volumes necessary to achieve the quantitative parameters of the development of the VVST system;
drawing up relevant plans taking into account the funds actually allocated by the state to the national defense.

Anyone who first understands the essence of the transition to a new generation of war and introduces the means of conducting it will receive a decisive advantage. Conversely, a nation that will be slow in adapting to new conditions dooms itself to a catastrophic defeat.
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  1. +5
    23 July 2016 07: 26
    ZD front-line printers repairing infantry with a 40-zettabyte nano-interface, damaged by a cyber attack. lol
    1. +7
      23 July 2016 20: 26
      Quote: demiurg
      ZD front-line printers repairing infantry with a 40-zettabyte nano-interface, damaged by a cyber attack.

      And pirated software on torrents. smile
  2. +10
    23 July 2016 07: 52
    Everything is correct. That is why the United States is carrying out programs to "pump brains" to its country - exporting various scientists, designers, engineers, etc. "brain personnel" from other countries to itself, while simultaneously solving two problems: 1 - increasing the "brain" potential of its science and economics and 2- reducing the corresponding potential of the economies of other countries, from where the "brain drain" is carried out. Unfortunately, in Russia it is difficult to resist this, the following "problems" interfere: 1 - the unwillingness of the state, even in the modern practically "pre-military" conditions of our state's existence, clinging to the "liberal" model of the development of society, to create real "fences" restrictions "preventing the departure of scientists and specialists abroad, 2-lack of state support for innovations, scientific developments, assignment and subordination of science to commercial structures. Destruction of the system of research institutes and experimental production facilities and instead of them the creation of pseudo-scientific and production "offshore companies" such as "Skolkovo", "science cities", etc., focused not on the development of science and the introduction of scientific science and production development. 3-miserable level of monetary remuneration and salaries in the scientific, design and production sphere, and indeed in the entire economy of Russia, which does not contribute to the development of "patriotism", but on the contrary makes people with "heads" and "brains" look for a "better lot" for border, 4-replacement of the "outdated" "so-called" so-called "so-called" soviet "ideology and morality aimed at" creating "and" creating "something with your own hands and head, the morality of" purchase and sale "and" consumption. " who and how in our state will solve all these problems, without which we will not see the development of science and production and the emergence of a "new technological order" "like our ears."
    1. +5
      23 July 2016 09: 44
      In order to embody your absolutely supported by me conditions of scientific and technical development of the country, a social foundation is needed similar to the Constitution of the USSR of 1936.
    2. +1
      23 July 2016 13: 18
      Quote: Monster_Fat
      the following "problems" interfere: 1-unwillingness of the state, even in modern practically "pre-military" conditions

      As Napoleon said, “in the first place” is enough.
  3. 0
    23 July 2016 08: 04
    authors forgot one important parameter - time! 3-D printers can do a lot, but they build complex details for LONG. Many hours, and maybe even a day. On prototyping, this is a wonderful technology, and in mass production it is hopeless.
    1. -2
      23 July 2016 08: 16
      Not only for a long time.
      It is also overweight and excessive cost.
      1. 0
        23 July 2016 13: 55
        Quote: Spade
        3-D printers can do a lot, but they build complex details for LONG

        Quote: Spade
        also overweight and excessive cost

        It is still Long, it is still very Expensive. With mass production and implementation it is inevitable to upgrade the skills of operators, improve the process and equipment. There will be a reduction in price, and improvement, and relief. Compare the computers of the 70s and the current tablet, smartphone. Bulky and unreliable ADCU and modern cheap home printer.
        1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +7
      23 July 2016 19: 35
      "In England, this novelty (telephone) will never take root. In London, thank God, there are enough boy messengers to deliver urgent messages from one house to another."

      (Sir William Price, chief engineer at the British Post Office)
    3. 0
      24 July 2016 10: 54
      "3-D printers can do a lot, but they build complex details for a LONG time. Many hours, and maybe even a day" ////

      This problem is solved by parallel production. They put hundreds of printers
      and they tirelessly make parts. In three shifts, without a break.
      With micron, even nano precision.
      As a result, productivity is higher than that from the turner workshop, drills,
      milling machines.
    4. The comment was deleted.
  4. +3
    23 July 2016 08: 17
    3D printers can now create models from unique materials. For example, F-35 nose elements are poured in Japan from heat-resistant material using a specialized 3D printer. And to make such an easy element by milling is not only not possible, but also a close craft will cost like an airplane. Why didn’t we succeed in making our own laser printer, for example. They tried to do it the old fashioned way, polishing the surface of the ruby ​​prism. And it was necessary to steal the technology from the Japanese. This is an example of an approach to business.
    Also, 3D printers have different performance. And blame all printers for household samples for $ 1000 is not worth it. Specialized ones cost tens of millions of dollars.
    All, of course, 3D printers will not be able to blind. Till. The author proposes to engage in the development of this technology. Therefore, people can put cons, absolutely not in the subject. The topic has been raised. It would be nice if she was in working projects and already went on prototypes. Naturally interested in specialized materials, rather than paper-plastic crafts for children.
    1. +2
      23 July 2016 08: 55
      And are such printers capable of creating parts from different materials?

      For example, the classic drone wing. power set from one material, controls from another, and even wing sheathing from different. Can this be done using a 3D printer? 8)))
      1. +1
        23 July 2016 14: 06
        Quote: Spade
        Can this be done using a 3D printer? 8)))

        Today it is still possible a problem, and tomorrow? What scientific and technological progress has already stopped? fellow
      2. 0
        23 July 2016 18: 12
        On 3D printers, you can now print everything - even whole houses.
      3. 0
        23 July 2016 18: 17
        And even human organs.
      4. +1
        24 July 2016 11: 14
        "Are these printers capable of producing parts from different materials?" ////

        Different printers will do this: one will make the first part from one material, the other from another.
        And then the robot-assembler will assemble / screw / sinter / glue these parts.
        The manufacturing accuracy is huge. File grinding is not required.
      5. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      23 July 2016 10: 10
      You have strange knowledge, both on printers and on F-35
  5. +2
    23 July 2016 08: 55
    In general, all this high-precision attack is good against "rebellious Zusuls". One can argue how far our electronic warfare systems have advanced, but, nevertheless, they are the ones who will bury the high-tech trash. There is one more problem. Trite EXPENSIVE. It was not for nothing that the Swedes said that they could fight against Russia for 2 weeks. For more, their stocks of expensive things are simply not enough. It is very expensive and to conduct exercises using such an expensive technique. Which reduces the number of trained operators.
    I do not want to say that you need to give up on technology and churn out Kalash, MIG-21 and T-34. But one should not forget about a mass army with simple weapons as the "last argument".
    1. +1
      23 July 2016 14: 13
      Quote: alicante11
      In general, all this high-precision attack is good against "rebellious Zusuls". One can argue how far our electronic warfare systems have advanced, but, nevertheless, they are the ones who will bury the high-tech trash. There is one more problem. Trite EXPENSIVE. It was not for nothing that the Swedes said that they could fight against Russia for 2 weeks. For more, their stocks of expensive things are simply not enough. It is very expensive and to conduct exercises using such an expensive technique. Which reduces the number of trained operators.
      I do not want to say that you need to give up on technology and churn out Kalash, MIG-21 and T-34. But one should not forget about a mass army with simple weapons as the "last argument".

      There will be no one-step transition from the "mass army" to "nano-3D" and robots, this is not possible due to the imperfection of everything new.
    2. +2
      23 July 2016 18: 16
      "It is debatable how far our electronic warfare systems have come." Our electronic warfare systems have never been used against foreign military equipment, so we can talk about their effectiveness rather conditionally.
    3. +1
      24 July 2016 11: 02
      "In general, all this high-precision attack is good against" rebellious Zusuls "////

      On the contrary, against the "recalcitrant Zusuls" this high-precision attack is redundant.
      The Russian Aerospace Forces are hammering the Syrian Islamic Zulus with ordinary FABs and NURs - and excellent.

      These technologies are against high-tech opponents. And on the "Zulu" they simply train in local conflicts and small operations.
    4. The comment was deleted.
  6. +1
    23 July 2016 09: 36
    First - rejection of a clear separation of war and peace, recognition ... indistinguishability in modern conditions of these two states.
    Second - ... understanding of (war) as a conflict in five environments (land, sea, air, space, cybernetic) and seven areas of tough confrontation, namely: fire (traditional wars), foreign policy, internal political (in other countries), information, financial, economic, behavioral ... and technological ....
    The third - departure from the traditional division of the economy, production, education and other areas of life into military and civilian.

    Actually, this is the essence of the article and you can no longer write ..
    But only for this is a plus.
    The rest is a vision of specific like-minded people, maybe not controversial, but the authors certainly have the right to it.
    Thank you, with respect ..
  7. 0
    23 July 2016 18: 37
    Any technical project starts with materials science, among other things. The author, apparently, thinks that everything can be printed from "metal powder" or plastic thread and does not even imagine how many different materials were invented, say, for the same T 50. By the way, printing skull fragments is certainly attractive, because we are all, regardless of skin color, in this sense are the same. But it is impossible to print parts of loaded aircraft elements, in which, along with the unique properties of the material, a unique structure is used, for example, with prestressing of the elements, is impossible. Yes, of course printing of simple things is possible, but can you find such things in a modern fighter plane?
    1. 0
      23 July 2016 21: 13
      Already printed parts with a surface roughness of 1 micron and structural elements of the airframe.
    2. 0
      24 July 2016 19: 08
      With your knowledge, I suppose it will not be a problem to get information about VIAM.
      There is one of the analogue 3D printers that pour parts for the F-35.
      Pour (print) from titanium alloys.
  8. +2
    23 July 2016 21: 24
    Industrial 3D printers are already larger systems than they were a few years ago.
  9. -2
    23 July 2016 22: 38
    Virtualization of reality can not lead to anything good. The disconnect from reality has long had a precise name - schizophrenia. Remember this, composing the next "orders" for humanity ...
    1. +3
      24 July 2016 11: 39
      In this case, most doctors and scientists are complete schizophrenics. belay
      The surgeon is now performing a complex operation in the depths of the body with the help of a joystick (exactly the same as for war players or races), looking at the screen (exactly the same as for our children).

      And all the pictures of the universe, molecules, atoms are a graphic processing of reality, and not reality itself.
      Why is there the Universe - your strip cell phone takes pictures not of what it sees (its optics are weak), but of what its software "concocts" and improves from the "half-seen".
      And how beautiful it will turn out! smile
    2. The comment was deleted.
  10. +2
    24 July 2016 00: 22
    What while this grape is "still green" does not mean that it will never ripen. Internet business technologies over the decade have gone from raw ideas and "green grapes" to extremely effective and profitable projects (1996-2007). Probably the same will happen here. If / when such technologies massively go to the troops - the effect will be comparable to the appearance on the battlefield of automatic weapons.
  11. 0
    25 July 2016 00: 03
    Demand for the printer campaign ended;)
  12. +1
    25 July 2016 12: 05
    With the phrase "War of printers", for some reason I see only a printer somewhere in the basement of the Fed, printing more and more dollars, on which all wars are being waged today ... hi
  13. 0
    11 August 2016 11: 58
    Quote: Vadim237
    On 3D printers, you can now print everything - even whole houses.

    I saw a video on building a house from special sirya. it turns out cool - a box in 2 days ..