Belarus: All Politicians Do It

Belarus: All Politicians Do It

"Friend Arkady, do not speak beautifully ..."
"I never believed in mirages ..."

They say that the word has magic power. It is said that the word can heal or kill the sick. Some believe that the word can change the current reality. But I do not believe. So here I am incredulous. I have been writing in Belarus for a long time and articles, and comments. Belarusians read and take offense. Very offended and put a lot of minuses. Fun enough. There is such a straightforward logic: if a person responds poorly about the prospects of our country, then he does not love her. Moreover, the Russian-Belarusian friendship is being destroyed and the prospects of Belarus itself are rotting at the root.

So here: I personally do not believe in the “magic power of the word,” I do not believe at all. I just read too many beautiful articles and heard many too beautiful speeches. That is why the brain, as a rule, filters them "on the machine". Any advertising slogan flies in my “trash”. For I know that if a person reads adverts to you, then he wants either to put spaghetti on your ears, or to “sell the Brooklyn Bridge”.

You know, such a common expression: “Too good to be true”? Here I am exactly about that. At the end of 80, the beginning of 90, a whole wave of similar information fell on Russia. We were popularly explained how “to live in a new way”. Everything that was before was aggressively ridiculed, and new standards of thinking and new values ​​were imposed. Many have forgotten about it, but I remember it. And today it is enough to turn on the TV, radio, computer, just take a ride around the city / walk through the shopping center ... you will be flooded with spam. Alas, it is. Modern Russians have already developed means of protection. Protection on the machine.

Due to my professional experience, I am extremely suspicious of any “over-positive” information. If “everything is super” and I am “in such a guy”, then first of all it is urgent to understand where I was, so to say, deceived me. Professional deformation, smack her in the root. Can not in the current reality all information on a large project to be extremely positive. It does not happen.

Therefore, even when I once heard about the “radiant” Ukrainian European integration (many years ago), certain nasty doubts immediately crept into my head. The option, when some kind Europeans come and give lots and lots of money to everyone, didn’t immediately inspire confidence in me: there was the sad experience of the GDR before my eyes. The East Germans were also promised a very long "moon from the sky", and then they were extremely hard to throw. Having destroyed the East German economy, the Western Germans have explained popularly that “in order to live well”, you must work very well. And everyone here is for himself. They could have said this before, but then the “wall collapse effect” would not have been achieved.

But when the Berlin Wall collapsed, and the economy of the GDR was destroyed, the "Aussie" popularly explained that "you are not here." In principle, “kidalovo” and impudent “razvodilovo” are the cornerstones of “western democracy”. People are “composted with brains” for a long time, after which they “make a choice”, the results are recorded. Hi everybody. No one in East Germany even tried to ask a simple question: “Where do the necessary resources for the Western standard of living come from?” A ridiculous question. That is why the factories in the GDR were closed down, and people were thrown into the street (by the way, did these plants work in many respects for Russia, doesn’t they resemble anything?)

Somehow it all ended unexpectedly, right? The funniest, but the East German experience was especially brazenly ignored in Russia. But already at the beginning of 90-s everything was very clear: the economy of the GDR was much more modern than the Russian one, allegedly with all its might helped by the “weight”, but it all ended with the closure of plants and mass unemployment. This is how the Germans treated the Germans. But for some strange reason, this experience was completely unclaimed. Everyone continued to believe in the “miraculous power” of the free market. But I already began to doubt ...

Now we all have the good fortune to observe about the same in Ukraine. Here people do not teach history, even the newest history, but in vain. What happened in the GDR, then repeated in Poland and Czechoslovakia (which ceased to be Czechoslovakia), in Hungary and Bulgaria, in Yugoslavia and Latvia. Dismantling of the economy and massive unemployment, plus massive "guest workers". In Ukraine, absolutely nothing new happens. All this has already happened more than once. Ukrainians do not shine with “guest workers” (no one needs them anymore). And so everything is strictly according to the scheme.

The local plant is closed, the local farmer goes bankrupt, and you can always buy goods in Germany. No money? No problem! You can get a loan in a German bank! The Fuhrer thinks of you (joke). That remained "unacquired" one Belarus. Well, and forgive, what awaits her? What options can there be? Just in fact? There is experience of the GDR, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the ESSR and others. And it is absolutely identical. Dismantling of the economy and credit slavery.

Why the fate of Belarus will be different? Where does this come from? Where, strictly speaking, is a positive experience? If you are talking about Poland, when they cancel the “Eurocredit pumping” and when “Gaster” return from England, then I will look at the “Polish miracle” with interest. Here I want to definitely say something good about Belarus, but it does not work. Because, as we all already understood, Belarus does not want to integrate categorically with Russia. Belarusians dream of Europe with its values ​​and standards.

By the way, this is the reason for all misunderstandings and fights between “Russian and Belarusian”. Here is the "root of evil." For Belarus, there would be nothing easier than integration with Russia. Especially 10 years ago. But there is no process. Stopped. But the thing is that Belarusians do not need it. They do not want this. And it's not even in Lukashenko. Their dream: “independent Euro-Belarus”. Of course, the "friendly" Russia. It was with this dream of Europe that they reached the very edge ...

Firstly, it is necessary to explain that “euro-integrated” Belarus will inevitably be extremely Russophobic. Vivid examples: Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine. If you disagree, just call back examples when the country successfully “euro-integrated” and maintained excellent relations with Russia. I do not know such examples. Eurointegration of the Republic of Belarus will mean only one thing: sooner or later, the Russians and Belarusians will become enemies. Approximately, the Serbs are offered to introduce sanctions against Russia as a condition of “further joining the EU”. The EU, unfortunately, is a fully Russophobic project (but one hundred percent “gomofilsky”, and this is good news).

Such cases, no one is to blame. Therefore, the sweet dreams of Europe automatically mean a confrontation with Russia. And this is just one of the facets of the “European integration of Euro-Belarus”. And without this nowhere: the Belarusians will simply be forced to do it. Why am I so confidently talking about the “European integration vector” of the “main ally”? Where does such iron confidence come from? The thing is that I have been watching the throwing of the official Minsk for a long time. And man, I'm attentive enough.

Many times I asked the same obsessive question to “fraternal Belarusians”: “Why did you not recognize Yu. Ossetia?” They answered a variety of things, and I, in principle, know the answer myself: Russia’s past and present for them, and they see the future in Europe. From here all mutual insults and misunderstanding. But they cannot tell us directly that Russia is no longer very interesting to them. Not to recognize Yu. Ossetia is to quarrel with Russia. Bad, but not fatal. To recognize Yu. Ossetia is to quarrel with the very Europe. Thereby destroy your "future". Each puzzle has its own clue ... In 2011, the Republic of Belarus stood on the brink of bankruptcy and collapse, but did not recognize Ossetia and Abkhazia. The dream of Europe turned out to be more expensive. That is one call from Brussels: “If you recognize South Ossetia, then you will not see Europe ...” And that’s all, the game has been played.

Everything is very simple, understandable and logical. Westerners know how to trade a dream. “American dream”, “European dream” - business, nothing personal. Sorry, business on suckers. You can invest in a dream for a very long time. Infinitely long. Then it will be popularly explained to you that evil Russians have destroyed your euro spot and that you need to go to war with them because of this. In Ukraine, we are seeing exactly this picture. Salaries in 2 will be thousands of euros, but after the collapse of Russia. Something like this.

That is why I do not trust all the “explanations” of Belarusians? They are not completely sincere, moreover, when you start “beating” them with direct questions on the foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus (never pro-Russian), they professionally begin to “leave the line of impact”. Masterfully leave. Such feints and eights lay that you admire. Meanwhile, “telling the truth is easy and pleasant.” So what's the deal? There is no language barrier. But they can not be completely frank. Not so simple with the Russian-Belarusian friendship. And Belarusians here are much more in the subject than naive Russians, who can not understand things that are quite obvious to a Belarusian.

What is Russian friendship for? This is holy. This is not exchanged. Belarusians are a little different: friendship of the Republic of Belarus - the Russian Federation concerns only RB and Russia, no one else. The Republic of Belarus has the right to build relations with all the rest without looking back at Russia. This is something they cannot understand and are very offended, but everything is simple. By the way, the Belarusians in response to us are also very much offended: why do we tell them who to be friends with. That is, from their point of view, after the destruction of the Su-24, Lukashenko may well communicate with Erdogan and remain at the same time Russia's close ally.

Perhaps this view will seem strange and even wild, but try to understand it. People put a slightly different meaning into the word “friendship”, and as a result we cannot understand each other. Such was between us "non-exclusive" love. Why do not Belarusians explain this? A little awkward. Instead: endless feints and dodge. Isn't that right? All wrong? What's the truth? The fact is that I have been reading Belarusian posts for already seven years. Eye already zamylilas. If a person is ready to explain everything as it is, then it does not take too much time.

But when it is necessary to communicate, but one cannot speak the whole truth ... Then everything begins. In principle, with the start of the operation of the VKS in Syria, I did not expect any support from Belarus. Generally no. I was not mistaken. Europe does not approve, because no. And the Belarusians themselves are not very interested. Although it seems like VKS fought with terrorists ...

Simply, there is a lot in Belarus that Belarusians prefer not to spread in Russia. This and anti-Russian sentiments among a large part of society, flowing into anti-Russian demonstrations, this and sympathy for the Ukrainian nationalists, and this young people in pickets with portraits of Bandera and Shukhevych ... When you point to these things, the reaction is: "And this ..." That is all well aware, but prefer not to discuss it with the Russians. Why to wash dirty linen in public? Guys, I think you are not completely frank with us ...

And I somehow do not observe the pro-Russian sentiments, organizations and demonstrations. Instead, I hear funny stories that: “Russians and Belarusians are brothers forever,” and only certain reptiles (like me), who do not believe in this grace, prevent this.

For Belarusians (especially young) The light in the window is Europe, but not Russia. This is a fact, and this must be considered. Europe cannot offer anything to Belarusians. And this is also a fact. But nobody wants to reckon with this in Belarus. It is here in this “double deception” (Europe makes a fool of Belarus, and that one is trying to deceive Moscow) that lies behind the clue of the hole into which Blue-eyed failed.

Ukraine, in principle, with a reasonable leadership could "hook on the corner" for Europe. The economy in theory is more self-sufficient. Belarus, in principle, has no raw materials, no sea, no chernozem, nothing. Former assembly shop, yazvi it. Assembly shop, built according to Soviet standards. And let's imagine that Frau Merkel set herself the task of integrating the Republic of Belarus at any price. Brad, but let's say. To compensate, so to speak, the dark past of mutual relations. Oscar Paul Dirlewanger began to appear in the dreams of an old woman, so she decided to sin and pray.

First problem: Lukashenko and his "Redhead" (emphasis on the second syllable). Lukashenko can “consume” any amount of resources, and the regime will only become more beautiful from this ... In the sense that he is not completely reforming. No way. I am considering only politics so far. So, the "red" will have to clean. No other way. But this will automatically mean chaos in the country. That's when we will find out how Belarusians are “peaceful people”. I would rather find out from Newsbut by no means personally.

Any attempts to reform the regime, relying on the “old frames”, will lead to its reload in the new edition. To create a new system of power in a couple of days or even a couple of months is absolutely impossible and will not work for anyone, including Savchenko. Tell me, how do you see the political transition of Belarus to the Euro-Belarus? Technically? I see no options other than rolling into bloody chaos.

At the same time, I also eliminated the intrigues of all external players, including Putin, with a strong-willed decision, and left Merkel and Belarus alone. However ... the decision is not pecked, it is not viewed. Even in the ideal case. But we still forgot to mention the economy ... And here it is still more interesting: the economy of Belarus is completely tied to the Russian Federation. Are you suggesting that you completely dismantle it and build from scratch a new, radiant post-industrial economy, powered by the clean energy of wind turbines?

And sorry, who will pay for this pleasure? In the face of growing problems of the European Union? Even if the European Union were on the rise, as at the beginning of the 90, Belarus would inevitably repeat the fate of East Germany in a more sad way. Simply, these countries have something in common: a compact, relatively developed, homogeneous country with the main employment in the production of goods, and not raw materials. And high-quality agriculture and hard power: Lukashenko, why not Honecker? And where is East Germany now? At the same time, keep in mind that Belarusians are never Germans (completely foreign to Europe).

Here are the very first attempts “on the fingers” to estimate the bright future of the Euro-Belarus to lead to a dead end. No, of course, as young children dream of becoming astronauts or banksters, you can also dream about something beautiful, for example, about European integration. But dreams in most cases remain dreams. Fine, but not feasible. I now wonder, and what options does the “Western coalition” actually plan for Belarus? In order, so to speak, not to give money, and so that everyone is satisfied? Any suggestions?

Here again, what is the difference between Russians and Belarusians? Russians already have a clear understanding of all the charms of “friendship with Europe”. We had moods like Belarusians, but in the 90s. Until Yugoslavia-98. Then our views have changed somewhat. For me personally, the bombing of Belgrade was an absolute shock. Somehow I could not believe until the last moment. But alas - it turned out to be true. Conducting direct analogies, Yugoslavia-98, it’s as if Russia carried out a series of missile-bombing attacks on major Ukrainian cities in 2014 in order to exert political pressure.

So, what is interesting: Russia has not done this, but for many Belarusians it is like a suspicious aggressor. And the European Union, which was actively involved in such matters, is all so white and fluffy. I read both Ukrainian and Belarusian press and comments to it quite a lot, the air war against the Serbs took place quite recently. However, nobody remembers this either in Belarus or in Ukraine. And in Kazakhstan and Armenia, this is somehow not very fond of remembering.

That is, as we all understand, such a fact certainly took place: a military attack was committed on a sovereign state and part of its territory was taken away from it. At the same time thousands of people died and hundreds of thousands became refugees. There were strikes against civilian objects and, as a result, enormous destruction. Fact? Fact. But neither Ukrainians, nor Belarusians, nor other residents of the post-Soviet republics (with the exception of Russia) are interested. But they all remember that Russia "attacked" Ukraine. Dangerous neighbor. Here we have that classic case: “A lie repeated a thousand times becomes true". And it’s useless to prove something to them: they already live in this world.

That is, there are some very unpleasant facts: Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya. And here comes the “watershed line”: the attitude to these events in Russia and Belarus is very different. Fundamentally different. By the way, pay attention to this. If Iraq was attacked primarily by the United States, then aggression against Libya is mostly a European idea. It was precisely this war that finally undermined Russian-European relations: it is impossible to be friends with someone who, like that, easily and simply attacks their neighbors.

But Belarusians have a bright dream of Europe, so there were no negative emotions about the aggression against the Libyan Jamahiriya and the murder of Gaddafi. You know, any friendship needs verification. So, the Russian-Belarusian friendship did not withstand such a test even once. You just have to leave the Moscow-Minsk line and try to consider some serious political event outside of Russia / Belarus. And compare the reaction of Moscow and Minsk. And be amazed.

You see, while conversations are conducted on the principle of Russian-Belarusians, we are brothers, etc. (namely, that is how the representatives of Sineoki prefer to lead them), then it is almost impossible to prove / disprove something. But if you leave this line ... The picture changes dramatically: the shelling of Donetsk and the “hunt for refugees” did not cause any rejection in Belarus, in the war in Syria I don’t recall the support of Assad and the condemnation of terrorists, the Crimea, the Caucasus ...

And every time the Russians have one opinion on the problem, while the Belarusians have a completely different opinion. Sadly Here the Belarusians actively invited to the “VO” to visit the “Stalin Line” ... It's funny, but if Sevastopol come, by the masses, all are in vests, caps with St. George ribbons and the flags of Crimea ... And what will happen? Will you accept? Or better not worth it? Europe will not approve?

You see, what a sticking point is politics, how can it embroil two fraternal peoples? The paradox is that, for example, Chechens and Kadyrov are their own today, unlike Belarusians with Lukashenko. Such is the historical paradox. Do not touch politics? Well, then you can easily "fraternize" with anyone - from Germans to Japanese (Papuans and Sioux Indians). Therefore, how many do not say warm, friendly, beautiful words - the situation in the Russian-Belarusian relations will not improve. Words, they only describe reality, but do not change it.

The truth is that conducting an “independent” foreign policy for some strange reason did not bring Belarus any bonuses, but spoiled its relations with Russia coolly (paradoxically, the official Minsk could quarrel with both Brussels and Moscow at the same time There are far fewer problems with Moscow and Brussels). And the truth is that pursuing such a policy further means complete discord in Russian-Belarusian relations. It is also the bitter truth that Belarus had no prospects for “European integration” from the very beginning.

Therefore, when I read the Belarusian press and comments to it, it becomes sad and surprising for me: people discuss absolutely unrealistic options for development. Europe will not massively invest in Belarus, will not buy Belarusian goods and will not finance structural reforms in the Republic of Belarus. With or without Lukashenko. Never for anything. Russia, in turn, is categorically not interested in someone's European integration at its own expense. This was demonstrated by the example of Ukraine.

Information for analysis collected mass: GDR, Lithuania, Bulgaria "dived into the EU", but did not acquire special grace. Today the European Union is in the deepest crisis. But the only prospect seriously considered in Minsk is “rapprochement with Europe”. Although a carcass even stuffed, while maintaining Lukashenko and friendship with Russia. The USSR and World War II go farther and farther into the past. But modern Russia and Belarus have little in the sphere of common political views.

World War II ended 70 years ago. A long time ago. The USSR collapsed a quarter of a century ago, a generation has also grown up that simply does not remember it. And what connects modern Russia and modern Belarus? Good question. Just almost always, when you ask Belarusians about such things, they are immersed in history. History is good, but what do we have today? Over the last 25 years? General?

Russia does not share the "European values" and is not going to integrate there. The choice is made. Ukraine is very timely and certainly extremely well Euro-integrated. Everything, there is no more such country. Lithuania seems to be there, but there is very little population left. What do Belarusians actually want? By itself, the Republic of Belarus is a rather small country and does not possess either natural or financial resources for independent navigation. Infinitely cheating Moscow is also impossible.

The slide of modern Belarus to us is sharply down explained very, very simply: the very Soviet resource has been eaten. For a long time it was enough for almost twenty years, considering the assistance to Russia. And here he is finished. The paradox is that even for the “Minsk strategists” it came as a complete surprise. Is there economic planning in Belarus? Oh well. The “Belarusian miracle” had two sources: help from Russia and the Soviet backlog. And here they are exhausted. And then it turned out that Belarus does not have any "own" economy.

The “westward” maneuver is a purely political maneuver: to demonstrate its “independence” and show that Belarus has options. Belarusian classics: "Russia will not help, China will help." For some reason, an “independent” Belarus constantly needs someone to help, and yet there is no such thing with independent states. There is such a tragic paradox: Lukashenko managed to convince the Belarusians that they were not Russians, but he could not build a self-sufficient economy (the wrong person had been doing 20 years).

In Europe, a lot of good, especially money. But it’s like European money, and the Europeans don’t scatter it. Again, the British showed the classics of the genre with their high salaries. Tired of the invasion of the “Europeans” from Poland / Lithuania / Latvia, they went to the exit from the EU. And rightly so, why feed the "rogue"? The British figured out how much they are losing on the “united Europe” and its numerous beggars the “new European members”. And they decided to leave this hospitable organization. What caused the terrible “batthert” among Brussels officials, who can also be understood: if all donors run away, who will pay them? And they have wages hoo! European wages!

And in connection with the growing economic problems inside France and even Germany and Brexit, an unexpected question arises: what about the millions of labor migrants from Eastern Europe? In Britain alone, about a million Poles settled, and on the very first day after the referendum they were very persistently asked "with things to go." We asked simple, patriotic British, who very logically believe that local people need jobs in the British economy, not newcomers.

The same touched the proud Balts. They, too, aggressively pointed out. And how well it all began ... What perspectives were drawn ... The funny thing is that “re-emigration” will lead to a political crisis at home. There are no vacancies in the Baltics or in Poland, but there is already a political crisis. Only one way out - in the army of them! And the war with Russia, which is to blame for everything. So the reasoning about the “movement of Belarus to Europe” is a bit late. Six years exactly.

Why then all these “jumps and grips” around the Republic of Belarus? Well, for the Belarusian authorities this is the last opportunity to stretch time. And for Europeans - a means of political manipulation. That's all the reasons for games around European integration ... European integration for Belarus and Ukraine is like a horizon that is constantly moving away as it moves to the west ... The thought is definitely beautiful: there is some kind of magic structure that has a lot of money and freedom and gives you all of them with a generous hand suffered from poverty and tyranny.

Only small children and Eastern Europeans can believe in it (“Suddenly a magician will arrive in a blue helicopter ...”). In general, the scam of the “enlargement of the European Union” ends right before our eyes. And the Minsk authorities only just finally got together to invest in MMM ... I'm wondering how they will live now? So, gentlemen, as the wise ancient Romans used to say: “Veritas vos liberabit” (“The truth will make you free”). Do not waste your time analyzing “informational garbage”.

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  1. Riv
    14 July 2016 09: 18
    Belarusians can be offended, of course, but there is a simple law of nature: if someone’s ass is trying to sit on two chairs, then two members will enter into it quite even freely. Ukraine guarantees this.
    1. +9
      14 July 2016 09: 38
      Quote: Riv
      Ukraine guarantees this.

      She colorfully demonstrates this, and some at the top of RB they hope that they will succeed, that’s the trouble, and the people are for Russia.
      1. +2
        14 July 2016 09: 48
        Well, the fact is that Lukashenka is much smarter than Yanukovych ... all "live Belarus" will quickly calm down.
        1. +18
          14 July 2016 10: 15
          Thanks to the author for a sober look.
          Those who disengaged from the Russian Empire (no longer from the USSR) will never come back.
          It was not for this that the "kings" were budding.
          And they didn’t bud off on their own.
          So independence is fake.
          1. avt
            14 July 2016 10: 49
            Quote: Temples
            Thanks to the author for a sober look.

            No. This is not a “sober view”. This is the author who, once again, tiredly explains to opponents in Belarus and local
            Quote: DIVAN SOLDIER
            Well, the fact is that Lukashenko is much smarter than Yanukovych ...

            to the exalted fans of Butsky, it’s quite concrete, factual evidence. bringing the dynamics to what the European integration processes multiplied by the nationalism of the neighboring Baltic states and Ukraine brought to the dynamics. But the author himself understands the campaign, well, judging by the syllable, sho ce voices crying in the desert. Well, actually I did not have to wait for confirmation for a long time
            Quote: Dr. Sorge
            A lot of words ... Too emotional and not the point.

            bully On pisti, too, you can - How is it with the negotiations on a "fair price" for energy ??? wassat LADIES and to quote from the latter there is no desire ?? But several times I drew parallels already several years ago with Poland during the CMEA times, well, when the Poles were credited for a good life in dead American yarns, and Uncle Lyonya gave them an oil quota for repayment, well, after all, his people from the socialism camp zhezh. And then oil, or rather the price of it, take it, and "drop it yourself" and "Solidarity" appeared out of nowhere. To continue the story of Poland in time? So ecstatic at the sight of the mustache, the adepts of the sect of Pope Kolya howled in chorus with minuses - “How dare you compare about unworthy! What kind of Poles and brotherly people in the snipe, yes, yes, even in the state of the state! " request Well, further hallucinations of all kinds begin from -, write the correct name respublyki, not Belarus, but Belorus "Well, a purely Ukrainian version of teaching Russians Russian about in / on. laughing Before
            Quote: lesnik1978
            The article put a minus. The people want unity with Russia, but the government does not. People have long stopped asking what they want. It’s just that someone wants to reign alone with us and from year to year drives the people into Chinese bondage.

            By the way, my friend, about the "Chinese bondage" is also in the Yukrein song about us in Russia, about the Horde people. laughing
            1. +8
              14 July 2016 14: 57
              Belarus is not just some friend of Russia - it is the Union State.
              And such a status imposes certain measures of proper behavior on Belarus.
              The situation with the non-recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia is really incomprehensible. It turns out Minsk is against Russian actions, or such actions are unacceptable for EU countries, and therefore their approval burns bridges to the west.

              So we say the United States has no allies, only vassals. Paradox - vassals act more efficiently as a whole. And our allies still have not figured it out - and are they allies at all or where.

              The CSTO is Russian troops, with the possibility of using the territory of the participating countries. That is, there are certain advantages, but as an alliance it is plastic. Since in fact no one wants to fight in Syria against terrorists today except Russia. It was declared that the IG threatens the security of the Russian Federation, both economic, both political and physical (these are all kinds of attacks). Russia enters the war with the IG, where are the allies?
              There is no military support.

              Further economic "support".
              Today we do not even have a vehicle, but an EAC exists. Must act in the wake of common interests. Sanctions have been introduced against Russia, where are the allies' retaliatory economic measures? They are not, because it is more profitable to push products for which an embargo is in Russia and receive money from it - and nothing that is to the detriment of the interests of the Russian Federation. So it is possible. Money does not smell, and very big money all the more.

              Why in such key moments does the ally leave Russia.
              Only one answer suggests itself - the allies do not believe in the prospect of joint relations, and until the moment of their completion they derive maximum benefit from "friendship" with Russia.
              1. -2
                14 July 2016 17: 15
                Vladislav! 14.57. The allies leave Russia and join the West. So, for some reason, Russia also stubbornly wants to unite with the West. The allies are doing what Russia itself wants. So what is their fault? Or does Russia want to accept the West? Or does the West want to become part of Russia? What kind of money do we export to which banks? To your own or foreign? Is this (money export) done in the interests of Russia or the West?
                1. +1
                  14 July 2016 17: 29
                  Quote: Region 34
                  So, for some reason, Russia also stubbornly wants to unite with the West.

                  Someone deceived you. Russia has never intended to enter the EU.
                  Quote: Region 34
                  Or does Russia want to accept the West? Or does the West want to become part of Russia? What kind of money do we export to which banks? To your own or foreign? Is this (money export) done in the interests of Russia or the West?

                  it’s not at all clear about what, like something smart, but I would like it easier and more specific.
                  1. -2
                    15 July 2016 14: 48
                    Russia has never intended to enter the EU.
                    Putin asked not only in the EU, he asked to join NATO. Back in the days when he hugged "friend Bush" at the ranch. And hoping that he would be called to the Bilderberg Club, he was ready to fulfill any "task of the Fashington Regional Committee":
                    "the fate of the unification process of the Russian and Belarusian peoples has been raised under a serious question. VV Putin's statement about flies and cutlets is far from accidental. K. Powell at the beginning of this year transparently hinted to his Russian colleagues about the undesirability of integration processes in the CIS. Z. Brzezinski on March 5 This year, during a Russian-German seminar in Moscow, he pointed out the need to unite efforts to "democratize" the regime in Belarus ........... So V.V.Putin just completed the chain of strategy aimed at preventing a precedent of deep integration in the post-Soviet space "
              2. +3
                14 July 2016 17: 41
                Quote: _Vladislav_
                Sanctions have been introduced against Russia, where are the allies' retaliatory economic measures? They are not, because it is more profitable to push products for which an embargo is in Russia and receive money from it - and nothing that is to the detriment of the interests of the Russian Federation. So it is possible. Money does not smell, and very big money all the more.

                Sanctions have long been imposed against Belarus. Where are the response from Russia?
                1. +2
                  14 July 2016 18: 53
                  Quote: Al1977
                  Quote: _Vladislav_
                  Sanctions have been introduced against Russia, where are the allies' retaliatory economic measures? They are not, because it is more profitable to push products for which an embargo is in Russia and receive money from it - and nothing that is to the detriment of the interests of the Russian Federation. So it is possible. Money does not smell, and very big money all the more.

                  Sanctions have long been imposed against Belarus. Where are the response from Russia?

                  And why is Belarus still afloat? Didn’t ask a question? In 2007, Russia provided Belarus with a loan of $ 1,5 billion for a period of 15 years.
                  In 2008, Russia provided Belarus with a loan of $ 2 billion.
                  In November 2011, the governments of Russia and Belarus signed an agreement to provide a state export loan of up to $ 10 billion for the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.
                  On September 16, 2014, D. Medvedev signed an order granting Belarus a loan of $ 1,55 billion.
                  “Belarus is negotiating refinancing debt to Russia,” said Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko Bloomberg. According to Interfax, the interview was shown on the TV channel Belarus 1. Lukashenko expressed hope that an agreement could be reached on this issue. He added that Minsk can fulfill its obligations without refinancing the debt. “Our budget is made up so that we can pay $ 2-3 billion this year,” he assured.
                  In 2015, Belarus will have to pay $ 4 billion on external debt. In total, according to the National Bank of Belarus, the country owes $ 40,1 billion to creditors (52,8% of annual GDP). In 2014, external debt increased by $ 440,3 million, or 1,1% of GDP. Due to operations (reflected in the balance of payments), external debt increased by $ 2,6 billion, due to exchange rate and cost revaluations, on the contrary, decreased by $ 2,4 billion. According to the National Bank, gold and foreign exchange reserves amount to $ 5 billion, in 2014 they decreased by $ 1,6 billion, including in December - by $ 760,8 million ”(Vedomosti).
                  1. 0
                    15 July 2016 10: 17
                    Quote: sgazeev
                    And why is Belarus so far afloat?

                    Because this is an independent state that lives modestly, but works, earns and will continue to live the same way. Why is Russia afloat? If you count a pension of 100 euros "afloat"
                    1. 0
                      15 July 2016 11: 29
                      Because it is an independent state that lives modestly, but it works, earns and will continue to live in the same way.

                      You see, I already feel that Belarusians can be convinced only by the method "by contradiction", when the economy collapses and complete chaos begins, then they will say that Russia is to blame for everything, but do not admit their own mistakes.

                      This is such a "special" independence, when Belarus owes nothing to Russia, but Moscow alone is to blame for all the failures of Minsk.

                      The "modest model of living within one's means" was originally built in multibillion-dollar subsidies from Moscow. request
                2. +1
                  14 July 2016 22: 26
                  Quote: Al1977
                  Sanctions have long been imposed against Belarus. Where are the response from Russia?

                  No need here la-la, I understand. How many times has the status of an ally of Russia saved Belarus and personally Lukash from a coup on the Maidan patterns, and from the threat of the invasion of the "GOOD" forces to bring democracy, eh? How many. How many loans Russia allocated to the economy of Belarus. What? Does Russia not support Belarus? AND? Be ashamed before you print this.
                  1. +1
                    15 July 2016 10: 14
                    Quote: _Vladislav_
                    No need here la-la, I understand. How many times has the status of an ally of Russia saved Belarus and personally Lukash from a coup on the Maidan patterns, and from the threat of the invasion of the "GOOD" forces to bring democracy, eh? How many. How many loans Russia allocated to the economy of Belarus. What? Does Russia not support Belarus? AND? Be ashamed before you print this.

                    I asked a direct question. I repeat, for demagogues. After the introduction of sanctions against Belarus by the United States, were there any retaliatory steps from Russia? After all, this is exactly what you are demanding from them now. Second question. About loans. You treat Belarus like a corrupt girl. Like I paid, I dance it. Gopnik always thinks like that. And then he wonders "why is it wrong in the real world." You don’t understand this, you can go ... here and don’t understand, you simply don’t have enough brain for this. Belarus will not be part of Russia, and Belarusians do not want to be Russians. And then they will look to the west, because here is the psychology of a gopnik. And in the Kremlin gopniks and the people are the same in the majority. Bomb, capture. squeeze, pay and .... wait for gratitude.
                    1. +1
                      15 July 2016 11: 45
                      I asked a direct question. I repeat, for demagogues. After the introduction of sanctions against Belarus by the United States, did the retaliatory steps follow from Russia?

                      1 You still know, I have been asking direct questions to Belarusians for many years ... Instead of answers, there should be endless demagoguery.
                      I wrote 8 articles about the Republic of Belarus on "VO", did not receive ANY sensible interesting efficient answer "from the other side."
                      All people on the pressure of pressure and say riddles ...

                      2 The problem of Belarus is just in an independent and totally inadequate foreign policy. Belarus managed to run into sanctions when Russia had relatively good relations with the West (so it’s not because of the pro-Russian policy)
                      Lukashenka managed to "knock out" both America and Europe with his feints.
                      This is his personal merit. What does Russia have to do with it?
                      Due to its size, Belarus, in principle, could not claim an independent role in world politics. And I could not achieve anything. So those "sanctions" are an answer to Rygorych for "freaks" and ambitions not in rank ...
                      What does Russia have to do with it?
                      If the leader of Belarus wants to "stir up" we have to do with it?
                      Or did Lukashenka want to defeat the entire West with one face?
                      1. 0
                        15 July 2016 15: 46
                        So those "sanctions" are a response to Rygorych for "freaks" and ambitions

                        And "these" sanctions are an answer "to Shalomov for" freaks and ambitions. " You have seven Fridays in the week - yesterday the Turks are best friends, today - mortal enemies, tomorrow - again kiss on the gums. And what, the allies should dangle back and forth after you, like a tail after a mad dog ???
                      2. +1
                        15 July 2016 15: 56
                        You have seven Fridays a week - yesterday the Turks are best friends, today they are mortal enemies, tomorrow they kiss again on the gums.
                        Shame came out with the Turks.
                        The Turks did not respect the Russians before, but now they will completely wipe their feet about them.
                      3. -1
                        15 July 2016 16: 03
                        Shame came out with the Turks.

                        I'm glad that at least you understand that. In contrast to the mass of "dear Russians". Those who consider themselves patriots.
                  2. 0
                    15 July 2016 10: 25
                    Quote: _Vladislav_
                    passed Belarus and personally Lukash from the coup on the patterns of the Maidan, and from the threat of the invasion of "GOOD" forces to bring democracy, eh? How many.

                    Tell me how much. Can I link to a document?
                    If you don’t understand why Maidan happened in Ukraine and why it wasn’t in Bulorussia .... then ... what is the right thing to say more?))
                    And, excuse me, did the agents of the CIA and the FBI enter the Maidan?) They were brought from the USA?))))
                    But what about the expression of will, as in the Crimea?))))
                    1. +1
                      15 July 2016 10: 56
                      in Ukraine

                      in ukraine
                      Do not let Bandera revise the rules Russian language.
                      1. -1
                        15 July 2016 16: 00
                        in ukraine
                        Do not allow Bandera to revise the rules of the Russian language.

                        You see, your Jewish government is doing everything possible to destroy the Slavic world and finally embroil the Slavs. Up to spelling, be it "in Ukraine" or "Belarus". One can feel the hand of specialists, followers of Allen Dulles.
                      2. +1
                        15 July 2016 16: 11
                        in Ukraine
                        etymologically - “on the outskirts.” “On the outskirts” is neither said nor said. Alas.
                      3. -1
                        15 July 2016 16: 17
                        etymologically - “on the outskirts.” “On the outskirts” is neither said nor said. Alas.

                        You are already infected, alas. At present, masters of their craft are "working" against the Slavic world. They have already succeeded in what the Anglo-Saxons have dreamed of for centuries - two great Slavic peoples are at war with each other, Belarus has practically been pushed away from Russia. In Russian prisons, true Russian patriots like Kvachkov or Barabash rot.
                  3. 0
                    15 July 2016 15: 36
                    How many times the status of an ally of Russia saved Belarus and Lukas personally from a coup on the patterns of the Maidan

                    Have you, "dear Russians", already accustomed to the fact that black is white and white is black?
                    The last time the "ally Russia" "saved" us from the Maidan was in 2010, when before the presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus it released a fake "godfather" - exactly before another attempt by the US to organize the very "Maidan" in Minsk. We remember this "help" of yours well.
                    1. +1
                      15 July 2016 16: 02
                      The last time the "ally Russia" "saved" us from the Maidan was in 2010, when before the presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus it released a fake "godfather" - exactly before another attempt by the US to organize the very "Maidan" in Minsk. We remember this "help" of yours well.
                      This was done not by Russia, but by Nerus, who sat in the Kremlin and on TV.
                      1. -1
                        15 July 2016 16: 11
                        This was done not by Russia, but by Nerus, who sat in the Kremlin and on TV.

                        However, 86% of "dear Russians" support this nerus. And not one of them tried to pull up their presumptuous "shepherds" - "what are you, animals, doing? !!" No, everyone giggled in the kitchens, protested "there is no smoke without fire." And in Minsk at that time you were preparing a coup.
                      2. 0
                        15 July 2016 16: 16
                        However, 86% of "dear Russians" support this nerus.
                        In fact, this non-Russians are not so smooth.
                        Its "rating" was slightly corrected by reasonable actions to protect the Crimea (read - the Russian fleet in Sevastopol).
                      3. -1
                        15 July 2016 16: 23
                        Its "rating" was slightly tweaked by reasonable actions to protect Crimea

                        I agree. The only moment in 20 years when the interests of the Kremlin hevra and Russia coincided miraculously. It’s worth a lot, but you don’t need to flatter yourself.
                      4. 0
                        15 July 2016 16: 26
                        ... but no need to deceive yourself.
                        I'm not one of those who seduce.
              3. -4
                14 July 2016 17: 43
                Quote: _Vladislav_
                So we say the United States has no allies, only vassals. Paradox - vassals act more efficiently as a whole. And our allies

                Here it is precisely noticed, and one can see who has allies and who has vassals. Correctly?
                And about "we are talking" ... "You" is, excuse me, who?
              4. -5
                14 July 2016 17: 46
                Quote: _Vladislav_
                Since in fact no one wants to fight in Syria against terrorists today except Russia. It was declared that the IG threatens the security of the Russian Federation, both economic, both political and physical (these are all kinds of attacks). Russia enters the war with the IG, where are the allies?

                Maybe because the "official version" is a little ... not true?
                Are you also an adherent of the version that dudes on wheelbarrows with a machine gun threaten Russia, and only bombing from 5000 meters can prevent this? Just wondering.
                1. +1
                  14 July 2016 21: 31
                  Quote: Al1977
                  You are also an adherent of the version that dudes on wheelbarrows with a machine gun threaten Russia,

                  These dudes aren’t threatening yet. This is clear. Good - do not threaten. We do not rock the boat.
                  Then these dudes (as you call them) overthrow Assad. Syria is turning into a phantom state like Libya, with an incomprehensible leadership. Arabs (CA, Qatar, Turkey) organize a gas pipeline to Europe, this circumstance undermines Russia's economic and strategic interests. Russia is losing leverage in the Middle East.

                  As a result, the Arabs, led by the United States, organize the transfer, through loyal countries, of IS terrorists to the territory of the North Caucasus, where they organize preparations for terrorist attacks in our country.

                  And now - they blow you up on the bus. Or neither you, but someone from your loved ones. God forbid of course. But in the end I’m the same as you told the Adept of this version.

                  One day, one person said.
                  If you are paranoid and saw something suspicious, this does not mean that this cannot be.
                  1. 0
                    15 July 2016 10: 07
                    Quote: _Vladislav_
                    As a result, the Arabs, led by the United States, organize the transfer, through loyal countries, of IS terrorists to the territory of the North Caucasus, where they organize preparations for terrorist attacks in our country.

                    You are somehow trying to put everything in one pile: influence in the Middle East, gas, terrorist attacks, and the Assad regime ... I do not see any "as a consequence".
                    First, why should the US send militants to blow up buses? What is the US benefit here. Secondly, why is this not being done now? As for gas ... since we seem to have all the troubles due to the fact that we have imprisoned the entire economy for this. And what will happen if the price continues to decline? Is it worth the lives of our guys?
                    Well, God bless him, I see that you firmly believe in the correctness of the course and, I believe, you see the success of this company. And you have become better and better in recent years ...
                    How many people, so many opinions. I, personally, in the office. I do not believe the version, but this is purely my opinion. For me, Putin does not care about ordinary people, and he is busy with his geopolitical games. And life from this game will not get better. I personally see it every day.
                    1. 0
                      15 July 2016 10: 59
                      ... and his geopolitical games are somewhere in the wrong or the wrong way.
                    2. 0
                      15 July 2016 11: 51
                      You are somehow trying to put everything in one pile: influence in the Middle East, gas, terrorist attacks, and the Assad regime ... I do not see any "as a consequence".

                      If you analyze geopolitics, then you need to look at everything "in a complex" or not at all. If the whole picture does not add up in your head, this does not mean that it does not exist at all.

                      First, why should the United States send militants to blow up buses? What is the benefit of the United States. Secondly, why is this not being done now?

                      About the attacks in Russia 90-x 0-x in the know?

                      Who was behind this? Some muddy Arabs on a camel?
                  2. -1
                    15 July 2016 15: 55
                    Then these dudes (as you call them) overthrow Assad. Syria turns into a phantom state like Libya

                    Oh really? And why didn’t you help Syria in 2011, when everything began and the country was not destroyed, and Assad still had a strong army? Is it because then Shalomov expected that he would be called to the Bilderberg club, and Mendel that he would be presented with a new iPhone? And for the same reasons did you betray Iraq, Libya, Iran? But eastern people are vindictive, is that why Anglo-Saxon firms, and not Russian, dominate in Iran now?
              5. -1
                15 July 2016 13: 37
                Watch less TV, and use your own brains more often. The "Union State" is a fiction. Through the efforts of Putin already in 2002. Since then, RB-RF relations are purely business, mutually beneficial - no more and no less. In light of this:
                It is unprofitable for Belarus to officially recognize South Ossetia and Abkhazia because it was not recognized, this will entail additional. costs.
                CSTO - provides for mutual assistance in the event of a direct attack on the territory of the participating countries. Nobody has attacked Russia yet. In turn, Russia does not consult with anyone, making decisions independently.
                "TS and EAC". Again, these agreements do not, in principle, provide for such things as sanctions. Moreover, Russia, again, did not consult with anyone and did not agree on positions, introducing them.
                These are realities, but what you are being told on the "TV" and in the "honest media" is zombie propaganda.
              6. 0
                10 August 2016 19: 01
                "Alliance" presupposes a preliminary coordination of the actions of allies, and not an automatic approval of all actions of the "big brother" post factum.
            2. 0
              15 July 2016 13: 24
              Look how you were brainwashed with anti-Belarusian propaganda. In economic terms, relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation are mutually beneficial. You do not equip, guard or maintain 1000 km. western border, do not pay for two military objects on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, do not pay for the transit of trucks, and a bunch of "nishtyaks". We receive energy resources at a discount. Consider what happens if this relationship falls apart. Calculate the "benefit" of Russia.
              As for Belarus and "Belorussia", this is not a question of language, but a question of culture and education. Well, as if now, with the stubbornness of a woodpecker, I continued to call St. Petersburg "Leningrad", and Russia - "RSFSR". In Putin's Russia, which has been leading total anti-Belarusian propaganda since 2002, the name “Belarus” is used as an element of this very propaganda, in order to demonstrate disdain for a neighbor. Under this even a whole "base" was brought up, with the involvement of "philologists" and other "most honorable" pseudo-scientific figures, lured by the Russian government, 80% consisting of .... Jews. (??!)
              1. -1
                15 July 2016 14: 20
                You do not equip, guard, and do not maintain 1000 km. the western border, do not pay two military objects on the territory of the Republic of Belarus,

                It’s not true anymore, it turned out that

                1 The fighting efficiency of the Belarusian army tends to zero (stupidly there is no money for new equipment)
                By the way, yes, if megaBelarus reliably covered us from the west, then why do we even need military facilities there?

                2 Lukashenko can not be trusted in any way (bagato vector)

                In this connection, there is a transfer of troops to the western border. So past the checkout counter. sad

                1. -1
                  15 July 2016 16: 38
                  The fighting efficiency of the Belarusian army tends to zero

                  By people like you, you can directly study the consequences of anti-Belarusian propaganda that has been going on in Russia since 2002 by order of Shalomov. Russian military experts believe otherwise:

                  Is the Belarusian army the strongest in Europe?
                  The Armed Forces of Belarus can seize the Baltic countries in two days even without the help of Russia, says Alexander Khramchikhin, deputy director of the Institute for Political and Military Analysis of the Russian Federation.
                  “For almost the entire post-Soviet period, it was the army of Belarus that was the best in the territory of the former USSR: relatively small, but very powerful, with an excellent level of combat and moral-psychological training, very popular in society”
          2. +2
            14 July 2016 12: 13
            Quote: Temples
            Thanks to the author for a sober look.

            And what is sober about him?
          3. 0
            15 July 2016 13: 08
            This is not a "sober look". This is the result of anti-Belarusian propaganda in Russia, which has been going on since 2002. When "tsar" Putin got scared of fair competition with Lukashenka in the political field and "hacked" the very idea of ​​a union state.
        2. +6
          14 July 2016 11: 11
          Quote: DIVAN SOLDIER
          Well, the fact is that Lukashenka is much smarter than Yanukovych ... all "live Belarus" will quickly calm down.

          I would not say smarter, more cunning. wink
          No matter how he outwits himself! hi
        3. +2
          14 July 2016 18: 44
          They did not recognize South Ossetia and Abkhazia on their conscience, but Khatyn in Odessa is too much. It seems to me that Belarusians are busy digging the Belarussian sea and raising oysters and lobsters, and Russia will tolerate it.
          1. 0
            15 July 2016 08: 17
            It subsidizes Chechnya, but suffers ...
            Will bear and Belarus.
        4. 0
          29 January 2018 01: 50
          Something is not very good with this.
      2. +5
        14 July 2016 12: 13
        Belarus does not want to integrate categorically with Russia. Belarusians dream of Europe with its values ​​and standards
        Did I miss something ? Maidan occurred in Belarus? Belarus out of the vehicle?
        I read further and realized that Belarusians were offended by the author for a reason.
        1. +3
          14 July 2016 12: 32
          I really hope that over time, all locomotives will leave the Govnousoyuz and expel the Young Europeans from their countries with shame. This will finally sober up all the dreamers of Europe.
        2. +3
          14 July 2016 12: 44
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          missed something? In Belarus Maidan? Belarus out of the vehicle?

          In principle, in 2013 with Ukraine everything was almost tip-top ....
          And then it was late ... After zrady fists do not wave ...
          1. 0
            15 July 2016 11: 41
            Quote: Olezhek
            And then it was late ... After zrady fists do not wave ...

            And why did this happen? We loved them so much, helped and so on. Why Ukrainians do not dream to unite with Russia, can you answer? After all, they see all the consequences. About brainwashing is not necessary. Our TV shows there, you can freely come to Russia, relatives and other friends also haven’t gone anywhere ... and at the same time they don’t want to. Looks there are reasons ... And with Belarus the same thing. What is the reason? Moreover, for some reason Russia has no friends except the Army and Navy .. Why?
          2. 0
            15 July 2016 16: 54
            In principle, in 2013 with Ukraine everything was almost tip-top ....

            This is exactly what the "great KGB-schnik" thought. To power in Ukraine, the Kremlin helped to come to the close and understandable to them "ideologically" thief and criminal Yanukovych. And rested on our laurels. Like this "his in the board", on him compromising above the roof. This is not Lukashenko, the "white crow" who wants to be holier than the Pope, but called Yanukovych lousy. But while the Kremlin relaxed, the CIA crept up from behind and "entered" the "professional intelligence officer" for the most "I do not want". And then yes, it was too late ...
        3. +3
          14 July 2016 13: 28
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Did I miss something ? Maidan occurred in Belarus? Belarus out of the vehicle?

          The author has indicated an obvious fact. In foreign policy, the point of view of Belarus stably coincides with the point of view of the EU and does not coincide with the Russian Federation. Belarusians are marching under Europe, and to us the fifth point. And the reason is that I want to live in the EU. A familiar song, isn't it ...
        4. 0
          15 July 2016 11: 38
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Belarus does not want to integrate categorically with Russia. Belarusians dream of Europe with its values ​​and standards
          Did I miss something ? Maidan occurred in Belarus? Belarus out of the vehicle?

          I think that the author meant that Belarus wants to live with a salary of 3000 euros, as in the developed countries of Europe, and not 200 euros, as in Russia.
          And I also want this salary. The question is simply that there are desires and there are realities. Well, we are not given to live according to the level of Germany. Just as it is not given to play football like the Germans ... And you can wish, moreover, you must strive for the best. Certainly not to dream. whatever your current or future government says "There is no money, but you stay there ... health is the main thing for you", referendums like Swiss ones are much more pleasant, whether we will pay 3000 euros to everyone or not.
          1. +1
            15 July 2016 12: 03
            And I also want this s / n. The question is simply that there are desires, and there are realities. Well, we are not given to live according to the level of Germany.

            1 Germany - the economic engine of the EU. The standard of living in quite European Spain and Portugal is MUCH lower.
            2 Ours in Germany before the fig - I recommend to get acquainted with the materials on the level and quality of life.
            Be surprised. Not everything is so chocolate.
      3. +1
        15 July 2016 13: 04
        Yes, we are for Russia, in the sense of Russian people and the Slavic world. And for Lukashenko, the only Slavic patriot among the leaders in the post-Soviet space. But we are not for the government of Russia, 80% consisting of Jews and Jews (Kudrin).
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. 0
      14 July 2016 12: 45
      And there are 10 more commandments of God and 9 reads: - Do not utter a false witness against your neighbor.
      A beautiful screen saver has been written a lot, but in general, if you take the article and conclusions, then it’s a lie.
    5. +2
      14 July 2016 17: 06
      09.18. And when they say to us: Russia should integrate into the Western economy at least on the sidelines! We ask the West to help us financially and technologically! What are we trying to sit on and how much? Belarus looks to the West! Where are we looking? How do we differ from Belarus?
      1. +3
        14 July 2016 17: 56
        34 region
        09.18. And when they say to us: Russia should integrate into the Western economy at least on the sidelines! We ask the West to help us financially and technologically! What are we trying to sit on and how much? Belarus looks to the West! Where are we looking? How do we differ from Belarus?

        exactly! I completely agree! Yes
    6. +1
      15 July 2016 12: 57
      What grudges, "brother"? "Asses" with "members in them" will be written off on your difficult childhood and upbringing. As for the substance of the question, Lukashenka has been sitting in one chair for 22 years, a Belarusian one. And there are very significant reasons for this.
      "Integration of the Republic of Belarus with the Russian Federation" began in 2001 and ended in 2002, when Putin called the Belarusians "flies that need to be separated from cutlets", and the model of the "union state" - the entry of the Republic of Belarus into the Russian Federation as 6 regions. Knowing that Lukashenka is a Slav, a patriot and a decent person, he will never do it. It is as if Germany, announcing the creation of the European Union, offered Austria to join it as a federal state. The reason is that Lukashenko himself speaks about it in his interview with Sobchak, it is on YouTube, and it seems Sulakshin is also on YouTube. Putin and his "team" did not want and do not want equal partnership with Belarus - Lukashenko is a "white crow" for them (he does not steal and does not give to others), and Putin has always been afraid of fair competition with Lukashenko on the political field. So the Kremlin "hacked to death" tightly integration with the Republic of Belarus already in 2002. By the way, since then, an information war has begun against Belarus - in the Russian media about the Republic, either nothing, or negative. We began to create the image of "freeloaders", "they live at our expense." Well, a continuous series of energy, food and other "wars" was even before that, much earlier than the Russian Federation and Ukraine. These are facts, history. And it is in their light that it is necessary to consider all the subsequent non-recognition of South Ossetia, etc. Since then, relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus at the government level have been exclusively business-like and, in fact, unfriendly. Simply mutually beneficial.
      By the way, the article contains a lot of outright lies about the alleged loyalty of Belarusians to the bombing of Yugoslavia or the murder of Gaddafi (who, by the way, was betrayed by Putin as well as Iran). Or an allegedly neutral and condemning attitude towards Assad (whom Putin also betrayed, not providing timely assistance in 2011). But in the article there is not a word about the shooting of the White House and the attitude of Belarusians to this, and in fact the parliament was shot from tanks by a man who later brought Putin to power "by the handle" as a guarantor of the safety of his thieves' family. And to whom Putin recently donated a palace complex "for blessed memory" - at the expense of "dear Russians" who have already spat on this "monument" up to the very roof. The author also does not write about the attitude of Belarusians to such Russian realities as the salary of a longtime, since the time of Sobchak's team, Putin's friend, the state official Sechin - who on a DAY earns as much as a teacher in 20 YEARS. Or about the fact that real Slavic patriots, such as Kvachkov, Barabasha, are thrown into prisons in Putin's Russia, and such as Strelkov are slandered and spat upon. None of this is our business? Well, how could the Belarusians react to the events of 2010, when, on the eve of the presidential elections, all the Russian media launched a frenzied anti-Belarusian propaganda, with the apotheosis of a fake "godfather", right before another attempt by fascington to organize a Maidan in Minsk ???
      By the way, after this bacchanalia, in the spring, Putin came to Minsk to "put up". And he rushed to shake hands with the "murderer, thief, madman and traitor" Lukashenka. In your terminology, the member entered freely.
  2. +9
    14 July 2016 09: 19
    So here: I personally do not believe in the "magical power of the word", I do not believe at all.
    You just have not heard such words.
    Just leave here from the famous movie:

    "- Easystupov, ... do you know what your surname is? Easystupov, that is, light, one might say, airy ... What did you write ?! A vest through the letter" i ", an overcoat through the letter" e ", boots in general ! .. What are you, Legkostupov ?! You listen to me, Legkostupov. There are words in the Russian language, there are many of them. When you put them together, you get a sentence where there is a predicate, subject and other chiaroscuro. And all this is the great Russian language, Do you understand me ?!
    “Yes, comrade commander!”
    - So, we have a great Russian language! In it, rearrange the pronoun, the predicate and the subject, and the intonation will appear !: “Our Masha is crying bitterly.”, Or “Our Masha is crying bitterly.” Do you understand?!, It's poetry! Well, it's epics, Mamkin’s mink !! .. But there are generally sentences in one word: “Drizzle”, “Evening”, “It's getting dark” ... Do you feel?
    “Yes, comrade commander!”
    “You don't feel a damn thing!” When I read what you wrote, I itch in the most immodest places! Immediately you can break a member until you reach the end of the paragraph! Who taught you?
    - At school.
    - Show me, and I will tear it, like a tazik heating pad.
    - I say - at school.
    - And am I, whether I’ve studied abroad, Easy-access ?!
    - If I were so at school! .. intelligibly! .. I would ... "
  3. +16
    14 July 2016 09: 24
    A lot of words ... Too emotional and not the point. There are problems. Who says no? Only the supply of material just before the election to the House of Representatives of the Republic of Belarus somehow coincided strangely in time.
    If I am mistaken, good. But for euraintegration there are many white-collar workers in the same Russia? No? Funds work in both countries against us. Our task and the task of the strongest, Russia, to say no to Belogans ,,, am, then everything will be fine in Belarus too.
    We will win!
    1. +14
      14 July 2016 09: 38
      The eagle was sitting in a tree, resting and doing nothing. The little rabbit saw an eagle and asked: "Can I also sit like you and do nothing?" "Of course, why not," he replied. The rabbit sat down under a tree and began to rest. Suddenly a fox appeared, grabbed a rabbit and ate it. Moral of the story: To sit and do nothing, you have to sit very, very high.
    2. +3
      14 July 2016 10: 36
      That's right. Elections in both Russia and Belarus. Mud will be watered here and there.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +11
    14 July 2016 09: 24
    The article put a minus. The people want unity with Russia, but the government does not. People have long stopped asking what they want. It’s just that someone wants to reign alone with us and from year to year drives the people into Chinese bondage.
    1. +2
      14 July 2016 09: 58
      The people want unity with Russia, but the government does not

      That's all right. The government (or rather, the oligarchs of Belarus) do not want to give their feeding trough (market) to the Moscow oligarchs (government). Should they be killed for this? (Actually, it should be, but not for that). I do not think that they are stupid, and will give the trough to the West. And the people? I don't know how it is with you. But there are a lot of egoists in the Russian Federation, many will not give up the "green card". Unfortunately, there is not a very typical cut of the population on Voennoye Obozreniye. The further, the worse it will be - there are fewer mixed marriages, there are no students together, there are no served. The oligarchs are bringing up "loyal Belarusians".
      1. sq
        14 July 2016 12: 13
        All the insinuations on this topic are the showdown of the oligarchs, the government is just a screen. Russian oligarchs want to seize and plunder those remnants of production facilities that have survived in Belarus, Belarusian "oligarchs" want to do the same, but themselves. A couple of PR workers on each side make stuffing, and then the creatures (the so-called creative intelligence, Internet hamsters and similar rams and hereditary woodpeckers) turn the process into a self-sustaining one. Then everything is simple, under the guise of the oligarchs agree, share the money and that's it. The cycle repeats with various variations.
    2. +3
      14 July 2016 10: 40
      As long as the "Chubais" of Belarus are in charge in Russia, it is impossible to unite with it - Old Man understands this well.
      1. +2
        14 July 2016 11: 28
        Ltd! How many minuses! Did I say something wrong?
        "Chubais" are in charge in Belarus?
        And in Russia already fsyo
        1. +6
          14 July 2016 12: 16
          Quote: Svyatoslavich
          "Chubais" are in charge in Belarus?
          And in Russia already fsyo

          Tell me, if in your opinion the Chubais are our bosses, why do we help the economy of Belarus survive, where socialism flourishes, communism and hell knows what? Based on your understanding, Belarus with its system should help Russia, but it turns out the opposite.
          1. +4
            14 July 2016 12: 29
            And you cross the border between Russia and Belarus several times and see the difference between the real world and Kremlin propaganda.
            1. 0
              14 July 2016 12: 48
              Quote: Svyatoslavich
              And you cross the border between Russia and Belarus several times and see the difference between the real world and Kremlin propaganda.

              Why should I cross, now there are a lot of people from Belarus in the article. You can ask them, I somehow believe them more than you do.
              1. +1
                14 July 2016 13: 05
                And where does the Belarusians?
                I suggest you go and see for yourself. And not only to Belarus ...
                The frontier of Russia looks like a war has passed on this land.
                1. +3
                  14 July 2016 13: 15
                  Gray empty villages. Living people are not visible.
                  1. +3
                    14 July 2016 16: 44
                    Living people are not visible. And the reason lies in the fact that the "brother republics" wrote off all the debts, and the debts were handed over to the Russian people to collectors for debt collection. This is the whole difference.
                    1. -1
                      14 July 2016 16: 47
                      What is the "Russian people"?
                2. +4
                  14 July 2016 19: 08
                  And where does the Belarusians?
                  I suggest you go and see for yourself. And not only to Belarus ...
                  The frontier of Russia looks like a war has passed on this land.

                  unfortunately this is absolutely true!
                  I've already written about it a hundred times!
                  here we take for example two border towns of Nevel Russia and russons of the Republic of Belarus - this is honestly the word earth and sky. Each time, traveling through the rubble of broken roads, past the dead skeletons of abandoned farms and already overgrown with tall trees former farmland from the uncomfortable and some kind of gray Nevel to Rasson, it seems like you are plunging into another world. a clean five thousandth town licked to shine with excellent roads, a magnificent hotel, well-kept museums. monuments. houses of culture. a variety platform and a pretty decent regional repaired hospital and a rather large stadium with a covered indoor (for five thousand people) THINK! by the pool! and a sauna !! new houses are being built! and the only significant minus of all this is of course quite low salaries, and by the standards of the Russian Federation, although recently it has not become so noticeable due to the fall of the Russian ruble. and all this cannot be compared to the gray unwashed Nevel in which with a population of 16 thousand people of dignity you can name only huge palaces near the lake of local bourgeois and oligarchs! sooo dirty and deserted local city beach - a park and a broken hockey box in the city center bearing a proud name! stadium! I’m silent about the hospital! I’m not joking and exaggerating who does not believe can be convinced by a personal example and see all this! the highway Peter - Vitebsk-Kiev passes through the city.
                  I understand Russia is huge and it’s simply impossible to deal with every small city and roads and fields (besides, the Pskov region, as far as I know, is considered not the poorest in the Russian Federation), but as far as local bourgeoisie and small oligarchs should not love their city and the region themselves I’m just astounded! to the plus, I can say that the last two years in Nevel have nevertheless shifted something for the better (probably the sanctions have affected)) but to the level of even ordinary by the standards of RB Rosson (in terms of landscaping of the area) believe him still very much!
                  1. +1
                    15 July 2016 14: 15
                    from the uncomfortable and some kind of gray Nevel to Rasson there is a feeling that you plunge into another world. a clean five thousandth town licked to shine with excellent roads, a magnificent hotel, well-kept museums. monuments. houses of culture. a variety platform and a pretty decent regional repaired hospital and a rather large (for five people) stadium with a functioning indoor THINK! by the pool! and a sauna!

                    Comrad, that’s when the Belarusians begin to make money on all this happiness themselves, I will be happy to earn money on the world market ...
                    1. 0
                      15 July 2016 14: 33
                      And bill the Chechens?
          2. +4
            14 July 2016 12: 41
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Quote: Svyatoslavich
            "Chubais" are in charge in Belarus?
            And in Russia already fsyo

            Tell me, if in your opinion the Chubais are our bosses, why do we help the economy of Belarus survive, where socialism flourishes, communism and hell knows what? Based on your understanding, Belarus with its system should help Russia, but it turns out the opposite.

            They just do not have oil and gas, but we have. That's all. And the economy itself, both here and there, is complete garbage.
            1. +6
              14 July 2016 12: 47
              Quote: Al1977

              They just do not have oil and gas, but we have. That's all.

              I thought that someone would write about gas and oil. Strange, socialism rules in Venezuela, there is a sea of ​​oil, but thousands of people break into Colombia for food. In Finland there is no gas, no oil and no socialism, they live in abundance. I write this for those who want to build socialism.
              If Russia was a raw material economy, now the economy is changing before your eyes. Should I continue?
              1. +5
                14 July 2016 13: 29
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                If Russia was a raw material economy, now the economy is changing before your eyes.

                Can I have a couple of recent laws and decrees changing the economy?
                I see another that people simply do not survive thanks to the government, but in spite of.
                But I can be wrong, tell me the effective measures of the government ... I see on TV only the Yarovaya law, and other heresy. At work, I see how the customs officers began to fight more for different things "now you need a certificate for this, but this is such a piece of paper", and so on in everything. Where you can rip off the loot. At the household level, evacuators in Moscow began to take away such things that they did not pay attention before. It seems that they gave the command "rip off wherever possible, at any level."
                But mb you are right, give specific examples of economic changes. We will rejoice together.
                1. +1
                  14 July 2016 15: 26
                  Quote: Al1977
                  Can I have a couple of recent laws and decrees changing the economy?

                  Wait a minute, what kind of law do you need when oil revenues fall. President’s decree or what?
                  Quote: Al1977
                  I see another that people simply do not survive thanks to the government, but in spite of.

                  Truth? You look at Ukraine, there people really survive in spite of everything.
                  Quote: Al1977
                  But I could be wrong, tell me the effective measures of the government ..

                  And you look at the share of oil revenues in the budget, and then this cheap populism about the actions of the government, about which you yourself know nothing.
                  Quote: Al1977
                  I only see the law of Spring on TV,

                  How did he personally interfere with you?
                  Quote: Al1977
                  At the household level, tow trucks in Moscow began to take away for such that they had not paid attention before.

                  Park the car according to the rules.
                  Quote: Al1977

                  Wasn't Russia's economy tied to oil? And this ensured the receipt of dough. Then why did the exchange rate fall by half?

                  Or maybe you’d be told at least a minimal course in economics. And then I feel like talking to a first-grader. Especially about Norway wink
                  1. +3
                    14 July 2016 16: 47
                    Wait a minute, what kind of law do you need when oil revenues fall. President’s decree or what?

                    You said that the economy is changing before our eyes. Who! And then it turns out that no decree should be expected? And who is changing the structure of the economy? And what is the government responsible for? How did China from a rice country become the second economy in the world? Without government involvement? .... I do not think so.
                    Truth? You look at Ukraine, there people really survive in spite of everything.
                    Just because Ukraine is shown every day does not mean that the world consists of us and Ukraine. Let’s look at South Korea and Singapore .... I don’t take Europe, if many are allergic to it.
                    And you look at the share of oil revenues in the budget, and then this cheap populism about the actions of the government, about which you yourself know nothing.

                    With pleasure. You can reference where you look. To watch from one source.
                    How did he personally interfere with you?

                    By the fact that the post office has already announced gigantic investments, telecom operators have announced gigantic investments, and all this will affect prices.
                    I’m already silent about what they’ll be planting for a repost on the Internet. This is a game in general.
                    These laws complicate my life, not make it easier.
                    Park the car according to the rules.

                    Make the rules normal.
                    Or maybe you’d be told at least a minimal course in economics. And then I feel like talking to a first-grader. Especially about Norway

                    I had a technical university, but there was a minimum course. Sorry, but your education. And most importantly, what is the essence of the claim. Or is it from the series "yes, it is so obvious that there is nothing to explain))))" good
              2. +6
                14 July 2016 13: 33
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                I thought that someone would write about gas and oil. Strange, socialism rules in Venezuela, there is a sea of ​​oil, but thousands of people break into Colombia for groceries.

                Wasn't Russia's economy tied to oil? And this ensured the receipt of dough. Then why did the exchange rate fall by half? Why are prices rising, s / n falling, the funded part of the pension frozen, etc.
                No, thank God, it’s not Venezuela, but not Norway either.
    3. +1
      14 July 2016 11: 10
      So no one asks the people, that's what they are talking about. It will suck in a funnel from your southern border, Lukashenko will say first, but why didn’t you protect us?
    4. +10
      14 July 2016 12: 02
      Quote: lesnik1978
      The people want unity with Russia, but the government does not

      A link to the survey, please. Every half a year in Minsk I shake, I have not heard of it even once. (contingent 35-45 years)
      1. +5
        14 July 2016 12: 55
        You are "hanging around" in the wrong place and with the wrong ones :)
      2. -1
        14 July 2016 18: 21
        Quote: lesnik1978
        The people want unity with Russia, but the government does not

        A link to the survey, please. Every half a year in Minsk I shake, I have not heard of it even once. (contingent 35-45 years)

        National myth for external use .... lol
    5. 0
      14 July 2016 17: 14
      If the people wanted he would have done. For Russians, Belarusians are their own, but for Belarusians, Russian strangers if not enemies already. If they wanted they would do it - an example is the republic of Crimea as part of the Russian Federation.
  5. +6
    14 July 2016 09: 27
    / Russia does not share “European values” and is not going to integrate there. /
    A sociological refinement is needed here. This thesis applies to all representatives.
    the political and business Russian "elite", the comprador bourgeoisie oriented towards export / import and serving them "creative class"?
    1. +6
      14 July 2016 12: 48
      I will voice the seditious thought: Russia is not like Khlamina - there is a chance to enter the EU on German rights. There are technology, science and industry. The EU is not interested in the impoverished Khlamin and no less impoverished Belarus. But we have something to attract the genuine interest of Europe. Only we do not need it. At least because in order to comply with the standards, you have to throw the entire vertical into the camps. And to create a truly Roosevelt defeat of unnatural monopolies. Yes, and straighten out the shoals of national policy - to abolish all the redistributions of the borders of the entities established in the XNUMXth century and to return the old ones. Pre-revolutionary. After that, unite all the Russian provinces into one, restoring historical justice (since the time of the Romanov rule, each new tsar crushed the Russians ever smaller and without stint gave away their lands to savages - and indulged foreigners, generously giving them lands and privileges). And then, nevertheless, the time will come for a real invasion of Khlamin, and not only Khlamin - to take away all the gifts of Russian tsars and general secretaries. Return the Russian land. And then announce that each republic is self-sustaining - the Russians will not feed anyone at their own expense. For too many centuries, a one-goal game has been played.
  6. -5
    14 July 2016 09: 31
    In large text throughout the article, "Belarusians are not our brothers."
    I have one question for the author ... if they are so "torn" into Geyrop, then why is Old Man still in power?
    1. +16
      14 July 2016 09: 45
      1 Not that they are eager for Europe, but they certainly are not eager for Russia ...
      They don’t want to quarrel with Europe for anything ..
      2 And ​​who told you that Old Man is for Russia?
      1. +12
        14 July 2016 10: 20
        Quote: Olezhek
        1 Not that they are eager for Europe, but they certainly are not eager for Russia ...
        They don’t want to quarrel with Europe for anything ..
        2 And ​​who told you that Old Man is for Russia?

        And why should they break into our oligarchic Russia? So that our business will overcome and ditch them completely operating enterprises? Yes, Belarus is not easy. The country is small and there are few resources. But they use these resources much more efficiently than Russia. What will bring them together? A flurry of drugs and rampant crime? Yes, Belarusians are brotherly people to us. But the people is one thing, and the state is another. And I wouldn’t begin to kick the Belarusians for the fact that they don’t really want today's model in Russia.
        1. -1
          14 July 2016 13: 53
          Quote: Verdun
          And why should they break into our oligarchic Russia?

          And with the fact that they alone can’t stupidly survive, but in Europe no one expects them.
          Quote: Verdun
          So that our business will overcome and ditch them completely operating enterprises?

          Most of these working enterprises work for Russia. Why should Russia give preferences to these enterprises to the detriment of its own. Therefore, the only alternative to real integration is the collapse of these very "working enterprises"

          Quote: Verdun
          The country is small and there are few resources. But they use these resources much more efficiently than Russia. What will bring them together? A flurry of drugs and rampant crime?

          Therefore, it’s effective because it’s small. There are no expenses for strategic nuclear forces, for the development of the Arctic, for the road network by orders of magnitude less, for the support of allies in the same Syria. The population, as in a large metropolis, is naturally easier to restore order.
          Quote: Verdun
          Yes, Belarusians are brotherly people to us. But the people is one thing, and the state is another. And I wouldn’t begin to kick the Belarusians for the fact that they don’t really want today's model in Russia.

          With the phrase "brotherly people" for some reason I recall Khokhlyandiya, why would it wink They don’t want to - don’t, you won’t be forcibly sweet. Let them sell their mazes and tractors somewhere in Ethiopia
          1. +6
            14 July 2016 14: 17
            Quote: Winnie76
            Let them sell their mazes and tractors somewhere in Ethiopia

            You probably just don’t know, but BelAZ, for example, is the largest producer of mining trucks in the world. And it sells them all over the world, occupying about 50% of the market for these machines. And Belarusian textiles are bought all over Europe. And on the electronic element base, so necessary for the development of high-tech industries, they are ahead of us. The fact that we buy a lot from Belarus is their merit, and not ours.
            With the phrase "brotherly people", for some reason, Khokhlyandiya comes to mind
            And even if you call a very good friend all the time and make fun of him in every way, this friend will finally turn his back on you. Friendship means mutual respect. What is happening in Ukraine today is the result of many years of inaction by Russian politics. They were sent there by the foreign ministers as if they were at a resort before retiring, while European and American politicians dug their nose into Ukrainian land like a pig in search of truffles. So they played it out. Position
            They don’t want - don’t, you won’t forcibly
            in politics does not work. And what kind of violence are we talking about? To make a girl fall in love with you and marry you, you must look after her. However, about getting married - there is another way. Pay kalym ...
            1. +3
              14 July 2016 14: 46
              Quote: Verdun
              You probably just don’t know, but BelAZ, for example, is the largest producer of mining trucks in the world. And it sells them all over the world, occupying about 50% of the market for these machines. And Belarusian textiles are bought all over Europe. And on the electronic element base, so necessary for the development of high-tech industries, they are ahead of us. The fact that we buy a lot from Belarus is their merit, and not ours.

              OK. We will probably buy mining trucks. I won’t argue about Belarusian textiles in Europe, although I honestly don’t believe it. But about their merits - you probably do not know, but the buyer, and not the seller, dictates in the market.

              Quote: Verdun
              And even if you call a very good friend all the time and make fun of him in every way, this friend will finally turn his back on you. Friendship means mutual respect. What is happening in Ukraine today is the result of many years of inaction by Russian politics.

              Verdun, no one offends anyone. Just tired of Russia and Russians being bred as suckers, constantly speculating on this friendship. Here, when we need oil at domestic prices and orders for the Russian defense industry, we are friends, and when we need to recognize Crimea, Ossetia, and build an air base, it’s gone. We are entering the CSTO, but we will not protect anyone. And to protect us - please.

              This relationship can be called in different ways, but it is definitely not friendship. And the sooner this mutota with "friendship" ends, the better
              1. 0
                14 July 2016 14: 54
                "... the buyer, not the seller, dictates in the market."
                Dear customer, try to live without Chinese goods for a month or two, and you will understand that this is not entirely true.
                1. -1
                  14 July 2016 15: 00
                  Quote: Svyatoslavich
                  "... the buyer, not the seller, dictates in the market."
                  Dear customer, try to live without Chinese goods for a month or two, and you will understand that this is not entirely true.

                  I agree. In a monopoly, it’s not at all like that. Attention question. In what area is Belarus a monopoly seller? What exclusive and unique products can she offer on the market?
                  1. +3
                    14 July 2016 15: 09
                    And on what exclusive and unique goods does China earn more than Russia does on oil trading?
                    1. 0
                      14 July 2016 15: 20
                      Quote: Svyatoslavich
                      And on what exclusive and unique goods does China earn more than Russia does on oil trading?

                      I think it doesn’t matter. On exclusive and not exclusive. China is a factory for the whole world. They are all right with the markets. The question is where Belarus will sell its goods left in splendid isolation. Squeezed between two huge markets of the CU and the EU.
                      1. +1
                        14 July 2016 17: 39
                        Winnie76! 15.20. And where do we go to oil after the fall in its price?
                2. 0
                  14 July 2016 15: 09
                  Quote: Svyatoslavich
                  We are entering the CSTO, but we will not protect anyone. And to protect us - please.

                  The air defense of Belarus in the northwest direction is the most important component of Russia's security. And the presence of the allied Belarusian army in this direction, albeit small, but, even according to NATO experts, one of the most efficient in Europe, is also worth something. But, the fact is that the existing differences in the political and economic systems of our states are a serious obstacle to unification. So to speak. In political and economic interests, the kingdom and the republic can be allies. But about "uniting" is unlikely.
                  1. 0
                    14 July 2016 15: 27
                    Quote: Verdun
                    North-west air defense of Belarus is an essential component of Russia's security.

                    Sure sure. Allies, friendship forever, brothers and sisters ... That we now twist the booty, but if the war - then uh ... shoulder to shoulder.

                    IMHO you can not count on such allies. God forbid war - you will have to pay for such illusions with great blood
                    1. 0
                      14 July 2016 17: 42
                      Winnie76! 15.27. If tomorrow is war! Will partners help us? Shoulder or footboard? Are our partners reliable? Can you rely on them?
                    2. +2
                      14 July 2016 17: 50
                      Quote: Winnie76
                      IMHO you can not count on such allies.

                      Russia's friends are the Army and Navy.
                      Is this not enough? Do you expect that Belarus, in the event of a nuclear war, will save Russia? Or are you afraid that they will attack and throw potatoes? You do not believe in friendship, because everyone is corrupt in this world, why do you need allies?
                    3. +2
                      15 July 2016 08: 39
                      In Belarus, the same ordinary Russian men live as I do.

                      I (like an ordinary Russian man) read your sentence like this:
                      "You can’t count on [Russian men]. God forbid war - such illusions will have to be paid for with a lot of blood."
                  2. 0
                    15 July 2016 08: 30
                    Verdun, you unintentionally attributed someone else’s phrase to me.
                    I have never said such nonsense about the CSTO.
              2. +1
                14 July 2016 17: 24
                Quote: Winnie76
                Just tired when Russia and Russians are bred as suckers,

                How does it turn out ... the whole world is dumb and here it is on you ...
                By the way, please speak only for YOURSELF. On behalf of Russia is not necessary, please.
              3. 0
                14 July 2016 17: 36
                Winnie76! 14.46. In addition to friends, we also have partners. And these partners are constantly striving to separate us. And we constantly wriggle and climb to them with kisses and demands: Well, love me! Love it Why am I not like that ?! What am I doing wrong ?! Well, how do you like me ?! Well, take me to your place! Well, at least on the sidelines! Well, at least as an appendage! I even give you my money to save! Well, what should I do to make you like it? I’m not helping anyone. Well love me !!!
      2. +7
        14 July 2016 13: 40
        Quote: Olezhek
        1 Not that they are eager for Europe, but they certainly are not eager for Russia ...

        Does Russia want President Lukashenko? Or should they be on the rights of a child who should obey what the big dad in the Kremlin will tell them? This is despite the fact that in every topic on this forum, our government, the thought, some liberals, the fifth column and even the most courageous can be blamed for HIMSELF! We have no honest people in power, but we want them to teach Belarusians life?
        And as for the common people, there is no border. From Moscow to Minsk, 6 hours by car, no problem.
        1. -3
          14 July 2016 14: 20
          Quote: Al1977
          Does Russia want President Lukashenko? Or should they be on the rights of a child who should obey what the big dad in the Kremlin will tell them?

          And there is. As a child. For sovereignty (independence) is zero, money for ice cream begs, and small in size.
          1. +1
            14 July 2016 14: 40
            Quote: Winnie76
            And there is. As a child. For sovereignty (independence) is zero, money for ice cream begs, and small in size.

            Do you think all Belarusians only dream about this? What is their interest?
            1. 0
              14 July 2016 14: 52
              Quote: Al1977
              Quote: Winnie76
              And there is. As a child. For sovereignty (independence) is zero, money for ice cream begs, and small in size.
              Do you think all Belarusians only dream about this? What is their interest?

              Their interest is a normal life within the Russian Federation. Because Russia no longer has money for the Belarusian economic miracle. And the alternative to integration is the complete collapse of the Belarusian economy.
              1. +2
                14 July 2016 15: 24
                Quote: Winnie76
                Their interest is a normal life within the Russian Federation.

                "There is no money, but you hold on there" - is THIS a normal life for you?
                Can your criterion for normality? Price stability? Inflation, decent pensions and salaries?
                1. +2
                  14 July 2016 16: 07
                  Quote: Al1977
                  "There is no money, but you hold on there" - is THIS a normal life for you?
                  Can your criterion for normality? Price stability? Inflation, decent pensions and salaries?

                  For me it's an abnormal life. But if Belarus remains alone (independent), today's life of Russians will seem paradise
                  1. +2
                    14 July 2016 17: 29
                    Quote: Winnie76
                    But if Belarus remains alone (independent), today's life of Russians will seem paradise

                    Your logic is based on the fact that if not by dreams, it will be even worse?))
                    A tempting prospect. Do you think the Belarusians are so worthless that without Russia even our priest will seem like "paradise booths" to them?
                    Actually, this is the answer why they do not want to go to Russia. And I would not have gone if it had been said so about my country.
                    You have no respect for any people. Nationalism is good ... but in moderation.
                    1. +1
                      15 July 2016 08: 42
                      This is not nationalism, but some kind of nonsense ...
              2. -1
                14 July 2016 15: 25
                Quote: Winnie76
                And the alternative to integration is the complete collapse of the Belarusian economy.

                Why, explain!
                Their neighbor Poland, with similar conditions, is showing growth rather than a "complete collapse of the economy." At the same time, the current deep integration with Russia has led to an economic downturn.
                She is also interested in whether, against the backdrop of a recession in the Russian economy, the economy of Belarus will be observed. What will it be based on? After all, the market will not become wider, perhaps on the contrary, export opportunities will be reduced, due to sanctions against Russia. If possible, then argue the point of view, without slogans and unconfirmed statements.
                1. -1
                  14 July 2016 15: 38
                  Quote: Al1977
                  Why, explain

                  I explain. It will be stupid no one to sell products from their factories. Accordingly, the plants stop, people lose their jobs, the country does not receive currency. The country goes into debt, because the currency is still needed to buy foreign goods (without them in any way), and the economy is degrading into subsistence farming. The people live off their own gardens, mushrooms, berries, etc.
                  1. +2
                    14 July 2016 15: 48
                    Quote: Winnie76
                    I explain. It will be stupid no one to sell products from their factories. Accordingly, the plants stop, people lose their jobs, the country does not receive currency. The country goes into debt, because the currency is still needed to buy foreign goods (without them in any way), and the economy is degrading into subsistence farming. The people live off their own gardens, mushrooms, berries, etc.

                    Why not to whom, but where will the buyers go?
                    1. +1
                      14 July 2016 16: 12
                      Quote: Al1977
                      Why not to whom, but where will the buyers go?

                      The main buyer of Belarus is Russia. If the seller throws kakahi at his buyer, the buyer leaves. After that, the seller sucks a paw
                      1. +2
                        14 July 2016 17: 32
                        Quote: Winnie76
                        If the seller throws kakahi at his buyer, the buyer leaves.

                        Why do you need to unite with Belarus, if it "throws kakakhi at its buyer"?
                        Please speak for yourself. I have relatives and friends in Minsk and they never threw anything into Russia. And here on the forum there are throwers to them.
                  2. 0
                    14 July 2016 15: 59
                    Are you talking about today's Russia?
                  3. +3
                    14 July 2016 20: 10
                    Quote: Winnie76
                    I explain. It will be stupid no one to sell products from their factories.

                    You, at least for the sake of decency, would go to the sites of the same BelAZ, MAZ, MTZ and would ask what kind of products they offer. Against their background, GAZ and VAZ products do not look very advantageous. So when was the last time you saw a new Russian tractor or combine in the field? What about
                    The people live off their own gardens, mushrooms, berries, etc.
                    I will answer you like this. In Russia, half of the country lives like that. My friend has been hunting for some time. Not to Belarus - to the Kostroma region. The huntsman taking them - a salary of 14 rubles. His wife, a rural teacher - 000 rubles. According to local concepts, they live well. Where are they without a farm, mushrooms and berries?
                2. +1
                  14 July 2016 16: 03
                  Quote: Al1977
                  Why, explain!
                  Their neighbor Poland, with similar conditions, is showing growth rather than a "complete collapse of the economy."

                  How long have Poland had similar conditions? First, the EU market is open to her. Secondly, the number of people is slightly different. Third, they consider chickens in the fall. Let's see what will happen to Poland when guest workers from the UK arrive home. Fourth, please kindly cite as an example another European country from the former ATS with the growth of the economy.

                  Quote: Al1977
                  At the same time, the current deep integration with Russia has led to a recession.

                  Does Belarus have an alternative to "deep integration"? I'm afraid in the case of other options, the current recession will seem like heavenly manna.
                  Quote: Al1977
                  She is also interested in whether, against the backdrop of a recession in the Russian economy, the economy of Belarus will be observed. What will it be based on? After all, the market will not become wider, perhaps on the contrary, export opportunities will be reduced, due to sanctions against Russia.

                  Do you wish in our time, when not the weakest economies in the world are falling, to have economic growth? Yes you are an optimist. IMHO here is either a smooth slide down, or an uncontrolled peak.
                  The problem is that in times of crisis, one's shirt is closer to the body. And it is not profitable for Russia to load other people's production capacities at the expense of its own. This can be done if it is a proven and reliable ally. And if this is AHL - the question arises "what for". Accordingly, if the current rate of the Republic of Belarus is maintained, the Russian market will be closed, and the economy of the Republic of Belarus will fall into a hole.
                  1. 0
                    14 July 2016 20: 23
                    You cannot compare Poland with the current situation. Poland was the first, then it was necessary to increase cheap production, designed for the post-socialist market. So they built production in Poland. And now nobody needs the industry, they have enough, they need consumers for banks and a springboard for the "Russian threat", that is. for cutting. Belarus fits like no one.
          2. +1
            14 July 2016 15: 30
            Quote: Winnie76
            And there is. As a child. For sovereignty (independence) is zero, money for ice cream begs, and small in size.

            Just, while polemicizing with me, do you remember writing that no one offends anyone? request But how else can you evaluate this passage of yours?
            1. 0
              14 July 2016 15: 42
              Quote: Verdun
              Just, while polemicizing with me, do you remember writing that no one offends anyone? But how else can you evaluate this passage of yours?

              Calling a child I offended someone? And what Belarus living at someone else’s expense can be called an adult independent state?
              1. +1
                14 July 2016 15: 50
                Quote: Winnie76
                And what Belarus living at someone else’s expense can be called an adult independent state?

                At whose expense does she live? For yours? Hmm ... this megalomania is called.
                1. -1
                  14 July 2016 16: 16
                  Quote: Al1977
                  At whose expense does she live? For yours? Hmm ... this megalomania is called.

                  Guys. Who are you trying to get oil at domestic prices. Who are you trying to suck in your Mazs, Mzkt and tractors? To whom do you sell your shrimp and pistachios? Who do you take loans from? Who is building your nuclear power plant?

                  Or do you think that your tractors have kilometer-long queues in Europe and the Americas?
    2. avt
      14 July 2016 10: 50
      Quote: Canecat
      I have one question for the author ... if they are so "torn" into Geyrop, then why is Old Man still in power?
      Well it's just
      But because there are few of us.
      And only 1 trunk is available.
      Look at Belarus in comparison with the same Ruin "with an armed eye" and everything will fall into place when you realize the presence of material and human resources and Papa Kolya's inflated claims to the Player of the Big Game. But since the pit is really NOBODY from the inner circle can eyes say without a threat to personal safety that
      And do not try to pose as a thief in law.
      You are a little man, a mug, a six, understand?
      Got it.
      And it is ordered to you to find out if they agree, agree to take the cash desk, where there is a woman’s gunner, then she will come to interpret the godfather with them.
      Do you understand?
      That is the situation in Belarus that drives ... a gorge between the chairs with redoubled energy.
  7. -3
    14 July 2016 09: 39
    Author - whose will you be?
  8. +12
    14 July 2016 09: 43
    The author, have you been in Belarus for a long time? I've been there often, and in the Lithuanian border region. The people there do not dream about Europe, they do not look into her mouth. There are no Russophobic sentiments there! Belarusians absolutely do not want the Ukrainian option. What is snow on boots? On duty, I talked with people from different regions of Belarus and I will say this, many there are not against the Crimean version, in which case ... In those places, people know the Russian language no worse than ours, and maybe even better. In any case, the mat is much less. But I didn’t hear the Belarusian language in Ostrovets, although they say that they know it, but not everyone can communicate it
    1. +5
      14 July 2016 09: 48
      The author talked a lot with Belarusians (both personally and online)
      The Russian language is not an indicator (Turchinov guarantees this)
      I didn’t say what the Belarusians want in Kiev, but they don’t want to go to Russia either.
      1. +1
        14 July 2016 10: 12
        Paradox! As if we were in different countries.
        1. +2
          14 July 2016 11: 38
          Quote: Shmel-pchel
          Paradox! As if we were in different countries.

          Would you like to unite with Belarus if Lukashenko is the common president and leave the Belarusian form of economy?
          1. -2
            14 July 2016 16: 09
            Lukashenko, a figure no less charismatic than our president, but I do not always agree with Lukashenko, and many statements regarding Russia are outraged and expressed on emotions.
            Putin suits me too. But overall, why not. In Belarus, order, discipline and cleanliness! We are far from that. To shout all sorts of nonsense in the square, there, it will not work. And social inequality the size of an abyss is not there.
            And at the expense of economics, I will say philistine. With the resources available to the country, the population lives much better than the former Ukraine, and certainly the Baltic states!
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +2
        14 July 2016 11: 40
        You probably forgot that Belarus is the only union state in the post-Soviet space. And the Russian language is an indicator, although not the main one. And finally, no one is pulling Belarus into Russia.
    2. +7
      14 July 2016 10: 34
      many there are not against the Crimean option, in which case.
      My dear, I think the key phrase is "if something happens." Those. in Belarus do not want to be friends with the Russian Federation, but "if something happens" they will become brothers? People say: "There is a tricky one with a screw." Brothers Belarusians, sit and recall folk wisdom, history and think ...
    3. +7
      14 July 2016 10: 49
      Quote: Shmel-pchel
      The people there do not dream about Europe, they do not look into her mouth. No Russophobic sentiment there

      Go to the Charter97 website and read a lot of interesting things about Russia, especially in the comments.
      I agree that this is not all Belarusians, but this is already a trend among young people. And this trend develops precisely with the actions of Lukashenko himself: in the absence of money, he panically rushes from one extreme to the other in search of money handouts. At the same time, roughly speaking, on Mondays he praises and bends in front of one side in the faint hope of closing holes in the budget, and on Wednesdays viciously pours bile on it. And although Belarus received much more loans from Russia than from the rest of the world, it is in its direction that bile is poured most.
      I lived in Belarus for a long time, until now I have relatives there, periodically I visit there. And therefore I will support the author - the further the sadder it will be for our relationship.
    4. +5
      14 July 2016 11: 00
      What is the "Crimean option"? What for? Let Belarus develop and blossom at its own discretion, and be our ally and friend. And in the case of such an option, Russia will immediately come close geopolitically to the NATO borders. Do we need it?
      1. +1
        14 July 2016 11: 47
        Let Belarus develop and bloom

        Chrysanthemums in the garden have long faded ...
        1. +1
          14 July 2016 12: 00
          Quote: Olezhek
          Let Belarus develop and bloom

          Chrysanthemums in the garden have long faded ...

          Follow the trail after the "older brother".
  9. +9
    14 July 2016 09: 46
    There is simply a lot in Belarus that Belarusians prefer not to spread in Russia. This is anti-Russian sentiment among a significant part of society, flowing into anti-Russian demonstrations, these are sympathy for Ukrainian nationalists, these are young people in pickets with portraits of Bandera and Shukhevych ...
    Nothing personal, this is business. And we supply equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and become a sea power for the supply of seafood to Russia. Aw Belarusians. Have you forgotten who destroyed Khatyn and dozens of other villages and villages? Where are the demands from Ukraine to recognize its "light warriors" as KILLERS? It hurts and ashamed for your behavior!
    1. +5
      14 July 2016 14: 18
      Firstly, do not blaspheme comparing seafood (Western inflow) with the tragedy of our country.
      Secondly, we remember about Khatyn. Traitors do not remember. On our common land, alas, we did not manage to kill them all. And do not distort the facts.
      The pain that we made traitors, yes. I agree with that. But with this we must fight together, and not shout about seafood, this does not paint you. Do you even see what Santa Bremor is, and then write.
      And yet, do you blame smuggling? Facts. And ask your local merchants why they buy, if there is a counter?
  10. +8
    14 July 2016 09: 47
    As they say, not in the eyebrow, but immediately in the crotch.
    I will not speak for all Belarusians. I will say for their elite. Either they are full downs and do not understand what they are doing (which the author writes about), or they quietly prepare the drain of Belarus in the hope of preserving their places, but with European salaries, which means that they are down squares.
    Those who disagree with the author can argue a lot about particulars. But the main message is that it is impossible to challenge the dependent sentiment in relation to Europe. This is greed. Indefatigable human greed.
    1. +6
      14 July 2016 14: 20
      Greed is a vice worldwide. And it has no borders of states.
      What do you offer? Try to solve a problem together or fence off a wall and just state the facts? :)
    2. +1
      14 July 2016 15: 59
      Quote: Pereira
      I will not speak for all Belarusians. I will say for their elite. Either they are full downs and do not understand what they are doing (which the author writes about), or they quietly prepare the drain of Belarus in the hope of preserving their places, but with European salaries, which means that they are down squares.

      "It's a pity that everyone who knows how to run the state is already working as taxi drivers and hairdressers."
      Francois Mitterand
  11. +8
    14 July 2016 09: 48
    Belarusians dream of Europe with its values ​​and standards.
    The author of the article writes nonsense, who dreams about Europe office plankton zmagara on the sites here, buy online, buy charter and so on there are not many of them and most Belarusians do not hang out on these sites.
    Lukashenko has long had to cover up these sites and not flirt with the West so as not to repeat the fate of Gaddafi and Yanukovych, and then for Lukashenko a place in Russia may not be enough
    1. +1
      14 July 2016 09: 56
      I have long wanted to understand where the honest majority of Belarusians "hang out" ???
      You cannot see or hear them ...
      Like that gopher ...
      1. +9
        14 July 2016 10: 00
        And they do not "hang out", they work. And many in Russia.
      2. +13
        14 July 2016 10: 43
        At work, they rub. As Belarus, I haven’t been communicating on the site for a long time, I just read. And what you wrote is a transfusion from empty to empty.
        The article put a minus.
        Unlike my Russian colleagues and friends, I do not aspire to Europe, I love my homeland. Belarus and Russia are my homeland!
      3. +7
        14 July 2016 14: 23
        The provocateurs and zmagars and instigators are just hanging out and rooting. And most need to work hard, which is what we are doing. :)
        And about the gopher, you yourself, without knowing it, contradicting yourself correctly noticed - the work goes where it is necessary. But the zmagars do not need to know this, the unexpected is nicer. :)
    2. +3
      14 July 2016 11: 33
      Quote: Lex.
      Belarusians dream of Europe with its values ​​and standards.
      The author of the article delirium writes who dreams about Europe office plankton

      How is life in Russia better than Sweden, Germany, France, Austria and so on?
      1. -2
        14 July 2016 11: 37
        You still forgot to drag Norway;)
        1. +3
          14 July 2016 12: 39
          Quote: Svyatoslavich
          You still forgot to drag Norway;)

          I just was not there, it is very cold there))) I do not like cold))))
          1. 0
            14 July 2016 12: 43
            Coldly. But that’s where migrants strive. They know where it’s good.
            1. +1
              14 July 2016 13: 24
              Quote: Svyatoslavich
              Coldly. But that’s where migrants strive. They know where it’s good.

              It seems that migrants to the UK are also striving for Germany ... Although I can’t say anything for migrants, I didn’t communicate closely with them)
      2. +2
        14 July 2016 12: 38
        Quote: Al1977
        Quote: Lex.
        Belarusians dream of Europe with its values ​​and standards.
        The author of the article delirium writes who dreams about Europe office plankton

        How is life in Russia better than Sweden, Germany, France, Austria and so on?

        Asked a question, got a minus ...))) And I was waiting for an answer)))
        1. 0
          14 July 2016 12: 42
          This is not from me.
        2. +2
          14 July 2016 13: 23
          Quote: Al1977
          Quote: Al1977
          Quote: Lex.
          Belarusians dream of Europe with its values ​​and standards.
          The author of the article delirium writes who dreams about Europe office plankton

          How is life in Russia better than Sweden, Germany, France, Austria and so on?

          Asked a question, got a minus ...))) And I was waiting for an answer)))

          Something with y to and everything minus and minus. Wife did not give today or what?)))
          1. +2
            14 July 2016 13: 49
            Don’t you care?
            This is not football :)
            1. +1
              14 July 2016 16: 02
              Quote: Svyatoslavich
              Don’t you care?
              This is not football :)

              Yes, this is understandable) It's like in the joke ".... spoons were found, but the sediment remained"))
  12. +3
    14 July 2016 09: 58
    Oh .. and the text, and I’m not tired of typing
    everything is as if on a topic, but, as always, PEOPLE and horses are mixed up.
    The people who live there, and the horses who are in politics.
    People look at horses and digest. Some horses eat the wrong grass.
    Ukrainian plot does not work here ...
    1. +1
      14 July 2016 14: 47
      Ukrainian plot does not work here ...

      Do not promise .... It is interesting if some prophet at the 27th Congress of the CPSU said that the party would soon be banned, and the people would clap their hands, would anyone believe? laughing

      "The decisions of the XNUMXth Congress will determine both the nature and the pace of our movement for years and decades ahead, the movement towards a qualitatively new state of Soviet socialist society. The congress will discuss and adopt a new version of the CPSU Program, changes in the Party Rules, the main directions of development of the national economy for a five-year plan and perspective ... "" laughing
    2. 0
      14 July 2016 20: 39
      Quote: _Vlad_
      Oh .. and the text, and I’m not tired of typing
      everything is as if on a topic, but, as always, PEOPLE and horses are mixed up.
      The people who live there, and the horses who are in politics.
      People look at horses and digest. Some horses eat the wrong grass.
      Ukrainian plot does not work here ...

      We hope so.
  13. -4
    14 July 2016 10: 16
    Old Man is handsome, managed to combine socialism and a market economy. And the flag of Belarus is the flag of the Belarusian SSR, unlike our Masonic-Pepsikol tricolor.
    1. 0
      14 July 2016 14: 55
      The Chinese also succeeded. They are doing well.
  14. +5
    14 July 2016 10: 37
    * The phenomenon * of all these * European integration processes * only in outright bribery and blackmail * of elites *. None of the * European integrators * are interested in the development of the country. The author did not consider the main reason for all * injections * into common Europe as a betrayal, he preferred to describe * mergers * more complementary. They are trying to gain a foothold in power and when they realize that power is not forever, they are trying to settle down in a * safe haven * with all the riches. Only in Europe there is such a rich experience of promising a lot and beautifully, and most importantly * everything that was stolen and lapped will be left with you *. It seems to me that it is precisely in this * phenomenon * of success in promoting ideas * of democracy *. In addition to bribing and blackmailing other * arguments * I do not see.
  15. +8
    14 July 2016 10: 39
    Everything goes to that. Lukash is clearly trying to get into Europe by any means and throw Russia on this path, so that it is easier to get on our hump. In the meantime, they did not accept him there, he is trying to gain any advantageous preferences in Russia, stressing that we are brothers and therefore Russia should sell everything to Belarus at greatly reduced prices ...
    Does this remind you of anything? And it reminds me a lot of another of our neighbors with his Maidan. After all, there was also: literally one - into one. Also in matters of energy supplies, they remembered about the Russian brothers, so that then, having received another "bun" from us, they would again turn to Europe in front, and back to us and neigh at these stupid Russians, whom they once again so cleverly threw ... And so over and over again ...
    And it is exactly the same with Belarus, one to one. Is not it? So it turns out that now, until the very end (either theirs - European, or his own - maidan), Lukash will pull from Russia everything that is possible, at low prices, not providing anything in return, only vague promises ...
    Examples of darkness: An airfield for our planes did not allow to build. He said that he would join the general coalition, but he would not defend his allies, but for some reason these same allies (meaning Russia) should for some reason defend him (well, pure Sharikov - "I will get up for military registration, but I will not go to the army" ). He drives counterfeit goods to Russia through his country, passing off as his own - Belarusian, welded on it and again throwing it to Russia. The Belarusian mova is already in full swing according to the Ukrainian scenario. Etc. etc....
    One thing is clear: It is better for Russia to keep such "friends" as Lukash in front of itself all the time and in no case let them come behind us, for it is fraught! Sooner or later he will "surrender" Russia, having solidly boiled over before this on the Slavic "brotherhood" and we will still hear there "Glory to Belarus! Glory to the heroes!" ... Everything goes to that ...
    I’m not saying that Lukash is wrong ... He just acts in the way that suits him, forgetting that to a large extent Maidan began with this. This is his country and his business ... And if his actions lead Belarus to the Ukrainian scenario, then that means their fate ...
    I just don't want another "brother" to leave Russia again!
  16. +1
    14 July 2016 10: 43
    You can't be half pregnant. Yanukovych and Gaddafi tried to flirt with the West in the same way, and where are they now? Our "brothers" are playing with fire.
  17. -2
    14 July 2016 10: 46
    Belarusians will hate Russia, only because in difficult times Russia will not come to the aid of Belarusians like Yugoslavia, Ukraine of the 13th year, etc.
    It is time for Russia to defend its interests not only with a word.
    1. +4
      14 July 2016 11: 18
      Quote: bearded
      Belarusians will hate Russia, only because in difficult times Russia will not come to the aid of Belarusians like Yugoslavia, Ukraine of the 13th year, etc.
      It is time for Russia to defend its interests not only with a word.

      I love Belarus very much, take your onion dear Russians to yourself, let it change your constitution and rule forever.
      But in Ukraine, who did you help? Ukrainians or Yanukovych?
      Crimea said thanks, Donbass will say more, I dream that Belarusians will say thanks to the Russians. rid the country of samadur or make it a federal district.
      otherwise put a cross.
      Soviet-communist mrasmatics will finish it.
      and a candy wrapper then yeah, a beautiful wrapper.
      1. 0
        14 July 2016 11: 30
        Quote: bearded
        Donbass will say more

        Now doesn’t speak?
        1. +3
          14 July 2016 12: 04
          organized Donbass says, but disorganized or will say thanks or will hate.
      2. avt
        14 July 2016 11: 49
        Quote: bearded
        But in Ukraine, who did you help?

        Those who wanted to be helped in the framework of the capabilities of modern Russia, which is not at all possible in the USSR. Again, if you didn’t notice, they helped those who are involved in the process, rather than presenting
        Quote: bearded
        take onion dear Russians to yourself, let it change your constitution and rule forever.
        Including alternately, we say state government "when pennies are needed, and" Belaous is a foul state and we don't have to bend us "when it comes time to pay the bills. Would you like the independence of your own nation in a national state? Since such zachers are past a single means of payment at sayuznam gasudarstvo, then erase zero from your own banknotes yourself, but don't go to the emission center of Russia - you won't twist your tail like a dog.
        1. +2
          14 July 2016 12: 02
          we have one king of the ruble does not want, and the people are even very much for the ruble, therefore, decide whether you are for the bow or the people.?
          1. avt
            14 July 2016 12: 18
            Quote: bearded
            Are you for the bow or the people.?
            For what?
            Quote: bearded
            b, therefore, decide

            laughing In-in. Finally, decide and do not blow in your ears with sayuz gosudarstvo and other "brotherhood" with teaching us spelling in Russian.
            Quote: bearded
            , therefore, decide whether you are for the bow or the people.?

            bully Yes, and registering on the site already in 2012! laughing To this campaign, to this day only their comments have been reread in self-love with their own syllable.
            Quote: kvv1969
            . I would like to know (to assume) that if the RB integrates with the Russian Federation.

            This, in the light of current realities, is to science fiction.
            1. 0
              14 July 2016 15: 27
              avt You drove a little roof.
              and what does the date of registration have to do with the article?
              Do you know the couch general, I make rare comments and write on this topic do not be a fool.
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. avt
                14 July 2016 15: 40
                Quote: bearded
                avt You drove a little roof.
                and what does the date of registration have to do with the article?

                Turn on your brain and try to think about this, for example, the thought that I have already written about Daddy Kolya more than once, but the proverb is right for the campaign - "to teach fools - only to spoil", because the sick man did not even bother to read all my comments TODAY on the branch , otherwise I would not ask such questions. Well, for an encore quote
                Quote: avt
                But I also drew parallels several times already several years ago with Poland during the CMEA,

                Quote: bearded
                do you know the couch general

                laughing fool TEACH MATCH in insignia -MARCHAL! bully
                Quote: bearded
                and write on this topic

                laughing laughing
                "I am Chapaev! You understand that I am Chapaev, and you, well, who are you?
                The moderator’s laurels seem to be trying to arrange whom to write to ?? Here they are not, but the brain is shaking?
                1. The comment was deleted.
  18. +4
    14 July 2016 10: 46
    With integration into the EU, everything is clear. I would like to know (assume) what would happen if Belarus integrates with the Russian Federation.
    1. -1
      14 July 2016 14: 06
      Quote: kvv1969
      With integration into the EU, everything is clear. I would like to know (assume) what would happen if Belarus integrates with the Russian Federation.

      Lukashenko will be the mayor of Minsk
      1. avt
        14 July 2016 15: 44
        Quote: kvv1969
        what if the RB integrates with the Russian Federation.

        Quote: Winnie76
        Lukashenko will be the mayor of Minsk

        what No. Rather, he will immediately go to the Kaliningrad region to Luzhkov to sow buckwheat on Luzhkov fields and .... to collect potatoes on them in the autumn. Well and by winter, Luzhkov will find out that his farm was planted four times in .... eight different banks ..... recognizes from collectors. laughing
        1. -1
          14 July 2016 20: 34
          with Lukashenko decided laughing .And who will be sent to replace? what
          1. avt
            14 July 2016 21: 01
            Quote: kvv1969
            with Lukashenko decided laughing .And who will be sent to replace? what

            wassat And how is it weak ??? To replace it from Russia, this is when it is part of the Federation, and then the GDP will be sent by agreement with your parliament, which will vote. But seriously, don’t put anyone, and the main problem is How is Yong with debt, well, with the credit pyramid built by the Pope If it will be understood ??? It really falls, here at least remove zeros from bills, even draw a zero with a semicolon on them - one horseradish Belarus itself will not be taxied out, even if Russia issues its loans to Belarus and multiplies interest on them by zero. request
            1. +2
              14 July 2016 21: 58
              You as our opposition lol quarreled, spat and parted, and forgot to do what to say what
  19. +7
    14 July 2016 10: 50
    “Aggression against Libya is basically a European venture. It was precisely this war that finally undermined Russian-European relations: it is impossible to be friends with those who so easily and easily attack their neighbors.

    But Belarusians have a bright dream of Europe, so there were no negative emotions about the aggression against the Libyan Jamahiriya and the killing of Gaddafi. ”
    The little manipulation you got here. Just then, the then president of the Russian Federation against the backdrop of a pine forest expressed support for European partners, and argued that Gaddafi had played too much and therefore they supported UN resolutions. But the Republic of Belarus called on the states participating in the military operation to immediately cease hostilities.
    But it passed you by:
    27.09.15 g
    “Alexander Lukashenko from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly, speaking at the plenary session of the UN Summit on Sustainable Development, called on the powers that be to be held accountable for actions in the Arab East.”
    “You, the guilty ones, will say that you were mistaken, you should stop, but then again - no, let's go further. Started with Tunisia and ended with Libya. The scenario is the same. Crucified President Gaddafi, destroying the state. Has it gotten better in Libya? No. And where is this Libya in general as an integral state? ” - the president of Belarus noted.

    “Gentlemen, maybe enough? No, they rushed to Syria. The question is, why? Why are you killing people, why are you overthrowing the incumbent president, than he did not please you? Moreover, by slaughtering in this country you are erasing the first traces of our civilization, ”said the head of the Belarusian state. link:
    1. -1
      15 July 2016 14: 11
      You have a little manipulation here. Just then, the then President of the Russian Federation, against the background of a pine forest, expressed support for European partners, and argued that Gaddafi had played up and that is why they supported UN resolutions. But the Republic of Belarus urged the states participating in the military operation to immediately cease hostilities.

      Words are cheap, but whiskey costs money ....

      Chatter Lukashenko has no influence on the situation in the world and Libya.
      But in the case of Syria (the next target), Russia really harnessed itself and stood in the way of the West ...
  20. -1
    14 July 2016 10: 55
    An interesting look at Russian-Belarusian relations and Belarusian foreign policy. But still I think about European integration in Belarus today we can talk only as one of the trends.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  21. -1
    14 July 2016 11: 18
    De facto, this is not about the former republics of the USSR and the socialist countries and their peoples, but about the eternal dream of the enemies of the Communists about a freebie and their servile worship of the West.
  22. +5
    14 July 2016 11: 27
    What is Russian friendship for? It's holy

    Is this who we are friends with?
    1. 0
      14 July 2016 14: 33
      Is this who we are friends with?
      With a head?
  23. +2
    14 July 2016 11: 34
    Quote: Riv
    Belarusians can be offended, of course, but there is a simple law of nature: if someone’s ass is trying to sit on two chairs, then two members will enter into it quite even freely. Ukraine guarantees this.

    Tough but true
    1. +1
      14 July 2016 11: 54
      Quote: newterra
      Quote: Riv
      Belarusians can be offended, of course, but there is a simple law of nature: if someone’s ass is trying to sit on two chairs, then two members will enter into it quite even freely. Ukraine guarantees this.

      Tough but true

      This is called diplomacy and defending one’s interests.
      There is also a saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket."
      1. +1
        14 July 2016 14: 38

        This is called diplomacy and defending one’s interests.

        So why was Ukraine unable to defend those "interests"?
  24. +2
    14 July 2016 11: 41
    So, what is interesting: Russia has not done this, but for many Belarusians it is like a suspicious aggressor. And the European Union, which was actively involved in such matters, is all so white and fluffy. I read both Ukrainian and Belarusian press and comments to it quite a lot, the air war against the Serbs took place quite recently. However, nobody remembers this either in Belarus or in Ukraine. And in Kazakhstan and Armenia, this is somehow not very fond of remembering.

    The author of the article, in principle, says the right things, but does not analyze the situation to the end: what is the reason for such moods and behavior? And the reason is very simple - in the absence of work as a diplomatic corps (it is banal - there are no specialists, and they were appointed ambassadors to the post-Soviet republics on the principle of an honorary pension - to take the same Chernomyrdin), and in the failure to use the influence of "soft power".

    How much have we invested in Ukraine in different ways? More than 100 billion Baku rubles. What about the Americans? 5 billion. But where it is needed. And therefore, the logical result is a hostile state at the Russian borders.

    And the same is true for all former Soviet republics. I personally do not see a competent policy anywhere, including immigration. What have we learned from relations with Central Asia, taking into account the number of labor migrants? But nothing. But migrants are a powerful tool for relationships with Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.

    Next is Transcaucasia. Take Georgia: failure on all fronts. Azerbaijan: on almost all fronts, moreover, Moscow allowed such a situation that Makhachkala looks more in its policy at the reaction of Baku, not Moscow. Cross-border history with the Lezgi villages of Khrakh-Uba and Uryan-Uba, when Russian enclaves with pro-Russian The Lezgi-minded population was handed over to Azerbaijan, and then the actual eviction of people from their father's house followed. The same situation with the issue of the Samur River watershed - D.A. Medvedev decided to divide so that our Dagestan was a loser. And water is life, literally and figuratively. For this, a big "thank you" - we were asked from the Gabala radar station, as well as serious image losses among the mountaineers of the Caucasus.
    Armenia - The situation with our interaction is also unacceptable. The United States holds an embassy with the second largest state in the world (!), And for a second this means several thousand employees for a relatively small Armenia. And why? And because the Americans understand that the geopolitical significance of Armenia and Armenians is disproportionate to the territory of Armenia, it is much larger. After all, Armenia is a gateway to the Middle East, it is a security issue for our Caucasus, as well as a matter of interaction and influence through the Armenian diaspora throughout the world.
    There are no questions, Putin is well done, that he takes an unambiguous position on the Armenian Genocide, this is a matter of principle, but the work of our embassy leaves much to be desired. An illustrative example is the tragic story of a family killed by a deserted soldier in Gyumri. The ambassador "lost" the situation - he didn’t come out to the people, didn’t calm him down, and eventually gave the ground for the anti-Russian forces in Armenia.
    And I recall that Armenia is not even Belarus, it always stands on clear pro-Russian positions, both in the international arena and domestically. But this does not mean that this can last forever if everything is left to chance, because the enemy is not slumbering.

    About the Baltics, even not worth mentioning.
    1. 0
      14 July 2016 11: 59
      Quote: ButchCassidy
      And therefore, the logical result is a hostile state at the Russian borders.

      Something I did not hear that Ukraine would be going to threaten Russia with freaks and (we do not take marginals). This is physically impossible ... but I hear constantly about the parade of our tanks in Kiev. Yes, and talking with the Ukrainians, Rossit did not notice any hostility to him, if you do not take those who spend 24 hours in front of the telecom and listen to OUR and their rulers. Those yes, they are waging war on sofas. And ordinary people both lived and live.
  25. 0
    14 July 2016 11: 53
    There is never too much freebie, there is free cheese, but in a mousetrap and only for the second mouse, so before judging the relationship between Russia and Belarus, turn around and see who benefits from it besides the "fraternizing" themselves ...
  26. +1
    14 July 2016 11: 55
    they want to go back to the USSR, but in general they live there))) all for free, Russia drunkards and devastation and everything is exported to Russia, forcing the local population to starve and walk in cast-offs .... and this is a typical way of thinking.

    The collective farm herds are still driven out to pasture (any peasant in the south doper that the herd is about 100-200 goals, you need to build a farm, purchase competent feed, then there will be profit and take targeted loans for that.) .... if Tkachev corrects Minister a little more, the difference between us in agriculture will be huge .... that is. irresistible (growing root crops in greenhouses, as an example))))

    This NOT agrarian Country cannot do anything, i.e. the government as it pleases the local population, you want a low dollar exchange rate, Russia requires reform (don’t eat money!) the IMF requires reform and payment of bills and does not give new loans, resource or cash, then there is a backup option, monetary reform, a bumpy dollar rate) )))

    There’s nothing to attach there, and if it’s like the Crimean scenario, then we are kind of for, you can take as a quote for the lifestyle of the whole country))) but who will do it ??? and whose responsibility is ???

    Live together, but rather pay on time, like the Finns, take an example.
  27. +5
    14 July 2016 12: 31
    In all rights the author. I’m constantly thinking about it myself. After all, my native land raised and taught me. almost 15 years of service in it. And it’s not in my mind that we are brothers. not glued and that's it. And all because the author is right: it was necessary to integrate with Russia when they signed an agreement on the creation of a union state. I was so glad about this, I thought: well. we will all build a new life together. Horseradish!!!
    But, by and large, according to the Hamburg account, the fact that they did not come with us, but continue to look to the west, is largely to blame for ourselves. We, Russia, could not and did not offer anything interesting in the joint project, except for the oligarchy and privatization of state property of Belarus. At home, we were not able to ensure that people believed in the bright future of the country. We live the tales of Kudrin about a possible improvement in life thirty years later and listen to divers Ulyukaev and Siluanov, who are all looking for the bottom of the crisis. We ruined our education, and now we look at Finland and wonder why they have better. We have overthrown our, probably, the best medicine in the world and wonder why ours are going to be treated abroad. We have brought our resorts to an awful state, like the great Ukrainians, and again we wonder why the people are tearing to Egypt and Turkey.
    We ourselves still have to work and work so that people turn to face us and say: But they said that Great Russia itself would rise from its knees and help others. Only I do not mean financial or military assistance, but the authority of the country. When we begin to live better, then the people will reach us.
    Do not be offended, but I think so ...
    1. +3
      14 July 2016 12: 40
      Do not be offended. All right.
      No one needs a weak Russia.
      If Russia is strong, everyone will reach for it themselves.
  28. +1
    14 July 2016 12: 42
    A delusional article of a liberal provocateur! laughing
    1. +1
      14 July 2016 12: 46
      A brief and very accurate assessment.
    2. +6
      14 July 2016 12: 59
      You can’t even call it provocative, since there are always plenty of people tearing into Europe, and everywhere. The major elites of both Moscow and the Minsk opposition probably want to work out the cookie.
    3. +4
      14 July 2016 14: 16
      If you mean yourself, then this is your business. But here. what will I tell you. My heart is split in two, because in Belarus my Mom and sister live with children and their families, and I live in Russia. I also have many very good friends and comrades there, but for some reason they, as the author writes correctly, categorically refuse to admit that they have an inconsistent (to put it mildly) policy of the country's leadership. After all, Belarus and all other post-Soviet republics (including the fucking Baltic states) wanted and are now dreaming of living on Russia's resources, its turnover, its transit, etc., but at the same time do what they want, make friends with whom and shit us as they want . But as soon as Russia takes up the mind and begins to shut off oxygen for FREE in these countries, WE become reptiles, not brothers and openly enemies.
      No, really. fire me You can’t be half ally. You can’t be supported only by what is interesting to you, etc. You are either FRIEND or walk out. And then, excuse me, we will treat you like we went out for a walk. while we loved our friends and relatives, we will love them. But it’s time to end the hug with the two-faced Janus. Enough. decide
    4. +2
      14 July 2016 14: 30
      Soon parliamentary elections, here are the zmagars and they are trying. :) manuals they are, such as black, something lower than the back, said, practiced.
  29. +1
    14 July 2016 13: 37
    Some were pumped with half-free gas, in response it turned into a maidan, Russophobia
    and fraternization with NATO. In others, we fill in half-free oil and cheap loans, in
    the answer is (for now) Lukashenko’s smile-grin and assurances of eternal fraternal
    friendship, not reinforced by anything. When they didn’t give a loan, right there.
    and flooded. What next, are you our independent?
    1. +3
      14 July 2016 14: 27
      They are not reporting everything to you, but you are doing it without knowing the populist wrong conclusions.
      Is being done. They do not write about this. And rightly so.
      It’s worse when they boast, but as a result, they are only concerned and surprised. Do not find?
  30. 0
    14 July 2016 14: 29
    Only in Britain about a million Poles settled in, and on the very first day after the referendum they were very persistently asked "with things out." They asked simple, patriotic British, who very logically believe that jobs in the British economy are needed by local, not newcomers.
    Oh how! Who asked? Why are Poles, and not blacks, Indians, Pakistanis, who are even more there. No, of course it's nice to read, but who else writes about this? Link to the studio!
    1. -1
      14 July 2016 15: 35
      Negros, Indians and Pakistanis, are ex-quasi subjects of the British Crown and its victims.
      Britons as ba complex ..

      The Poles are ex novice.
      To attack the Poles and the Litvinians in post-referendum Britain: to give links to mainstream news is somehow strange ..
  31. +3
    14 July 2016 14: 52
    “That is, from their point of view, after the destruction of the Su-24, Lukashenka may well communicate with Erdogan and remain Russia's closest ally.

    Perhaps this point of view will seem strange and even wild to you, but try to understand it. "

    What time is this article? It seems somewhere wrote that someone else recently had a conversation on the phone ??? :)
    And why did the AHL fly there? No one thought? Why, after this, did the pyrdogan suddenly call?
    1. +1
      14 July 2016 15: 07
      Quote: Dr. Sorge
      And why did the AHL fly there? No one thought? Why, after this, did the pyrdogan suddenly call?

      So this AHL turns out to be corrected for Erdogan. Nifiga yourself, man. Probably scared by sanctions from Belarus, then Erdogan and sought. He was afraid that Vova had such cool sidekicks.
      1. +3
        14 July 2016 16: 04
        And then! :)
        Koresha still those.
        Minsk 4 pedro decided not to cling to itself ...
  32. 0
    14 July 2016 15: 05
    And again and again ...
    The main "creative" idea of ​​perestroika and the subsequent disintegration of social services as a result of this perestroika. camps and the USSR - unification with Europe. This is the idea of ​​our elite, and they have not abandoned it! You can only enter the whole of Russia (Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok), but you can "in parts", ie without any sovereignty.
    Putin is clearly a supporter of the first type of unification, but there are also supporters of the second type of unification (their open part recently arranged a forum in the Baltic states where they still did not let our journalists in, cameras with microphones were knocked out, they spoke openly about external control). And in Ukraine we sent all our liberal ... (Schuster, Nemtsov).
    Therefore, let us remember these words: "First take the speck out of your eye, and then talk about the speck in your brother's eye."
    And then Belarus, Belarus ... It is, of course, Belarus, but it can pay more attention to our "opposition" and not only pay. Explain, agitate, admit the fallacy of perestroika and their responsibility.
    1. +3
      14 July 2016 16: 07
      Here I am about that.
      Why do Akherdzhakova and the Brinkun mak arevichs dance? Boards with traitors mannergymeshkami not by themselves attached to the walls ...
      As for Belarus, here the vultures of the Oppa with a Baltic bastard are hanging around, there are enough all kinds of reptiles traitors ...
      Together they drive a broom into the Bermuda Triangle.
  33. +5
    14 July 2016 16: 12
    Taking into account what has been said about transnational PMCs, it can be concluded: they are subjects of a secret war in the Gray Zone, waged in the interests of the world elite. The goal is the destabilization of states, their destruction and the creation on their fragments of a global empire. The main target in this war was Russia as the main obstacle on this path.

    PMC offices of Booz Allen Hamilton, G4S, Wackenhut are open and operate in Moscow and St. Petersburg. They advise managers and provide services in a wide range of areas, from ecology and economics to nuclear and defense technologies, conduct investigations and organize the personal safety of their clients. On the Russian site HeadHunter posted job company Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. From the description of the company: "The firm helps the government and commercial customers to solve their most complex problems related to services in the field of strategy, operations, organization, transformation and information technology."

    Tatyana Gracheva, military analyst

    On July 13, it became known that the three Polish priests of the Minsk-Mogilev Archdiocese were not allowed to continue pastoral service in Belarus.
  34. -1
    14 July 2016 17: 24
    Guys, while you live in big cities and go to rest ... not at home, everything is changing there, people start to think differently, your reasoning about Russia is .... some literary character reminds))) small cities are changing and large, and your letter to the president will be read (dashed off this summer at the traffic police, they are simply robbed in Rostov-on-Don, the Kamensk-Shakhtinsk and Zernograd districts) ... everything changes, you do not need to attach anyone, respect the choice of people, end up with delusions of grandeur , "... the pride of the Great Russians" ... read Lenin.

    I don’t want to kiss anyone passionately, I’m more than sure that Dagestan does not know where it is Belarus, and Dagestan, like other republics, territories, etc., are our partners, we are a federation!

    I pay in St. Petersburg for gas, the price of the supplier + transit to those areas where the pipe lies and you pay, enough wagging your ass ... disconnect)

    What do we sell, I still do not understand ?! B-R turnover increased by 1,5%, R-B by 2%, you guys have a trade deficit)))
    1. 0
      15 July 2016 08: 49
      ... I pay in St. Petersburg for gas, the price of the supplier + transit to those areas where the pipe lies ...
      Do you naively believe that the price is exactly that?
  35. -2
    14 July 2016 18: 11
    Greetings to all members of the forum!

    The author of the article is BIG PLUS! I can understand the opposite voices that many Belarusians WANT FRIENDSHIP with RUSSIA! This is also true ... But the people in Belarus, like the willows of the Russian Federation, DO NOT DECIDE WHAT!
    That's where the dog is buried.

    But in my opinion Belarus will not go anywhere from Russia anywhere !.
    Although the sad and bloody experience of Ukraine, the Odessa massacre and the civil war in New Russia, suggests that EVERYTHING is possible TODAY !!!
    Here it is worth remembering for us ordinary citizens and senior management of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.
  36. +2
    14 July 2016 21: 53
    It so happened that in May of this year he participated in hiking and climbing in the High Atlas mountains as part of an international group, where Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians were together. The age of participants is 30-45.
    No one was familiar with each other before. At first, when I found out that the group included Ukrainians (Ivano-Frankivsk, Kiev, Kharkov), I tensed up in anticipation of endless squabbles on the topic of politics. What a surprising mistake.
    There were a couple of discussions with the exchange of views on the situation in the Donbas. As a result, with my thesis that firing cannons at fellow citizens is not the best way to achieve unity of the country, and that if you send an army to pacify the dissatisfied, there will be war, because the army basically knows how to fight; no one was willing to argue.
    But our brothers Belarusians stunned me. I was told directly that Russia by its policy hinders the development of Belarus, and that if not for us, then Belarus would have been in the EU for a long time. And now, when Russia (quote) "disgraced itself in front of the whole world", then the shadow of our unseemly actions falls on Belarus.
    To my proposal to leave the Customs Union and sail with the wind, the answer was: "But father does not give." I assumed that if you really want to, then any "father" can be removed, in response "he, not one, most of the top in the country - bought by Moscow."
    And there was also a question from the Belarusian brothers: "Why do we tolerate Putin?" Mistrust was caused by my answer: "People compare what was poisoned in the country before Putin, with the, if not ideal, state in which the country is now, and just draw conclusions." And my suggestion that the path of Belarus to the EU could lead to the very F ** from which Russia began to crawl out under Putin was called Kiselev propaganda.
    What to say? Non-frightening and d and about s!
    1. +3
      15 July 2016 08: 35
      You found some strange fellow travelers ... Right it was the oppa with brainwashed. For several opposites, the conclusion about undeterred idiots cannot be drawn. You liberalists also want to surrender to the gameka, where does Kudrin invest money and whose bonds does he buy?
      1. -1
        15 July 2016 19: 33
        I didn’t look for them, they picked themselves up request Moreover, they were also unfamiliar with each other, but they expressed a consolidated position on the issue of Russia, what can you say? Either I was so "lucky", or is it still common in fraternal Belarus, but I cannot judge how widespread it is.
    2. 0
      15 July 2016 08: 54
      Nice post. Intelligible.
      Ukrainians are scared ...
      Belarusians are not afraid ...
      For one broken two unbeaten give.
    3. -1
      15 July 2016 12: 05
      To my proposal to leave the Customs Union and sail with the wind, the answer was: "But father does not give." I assumed that if you really want to, then any "father" can be removed, in response "he, not one, most of the top in the country - bought by Moscow."

      It seems that the consciousness of the majority of Belarusians is deeply mythologized ...
      In the fairy tale believe in short ...
  37. 0
    15 July 2016 08: 52
    Quote: Al1977
    Quote: ButchCassidy
    And therefore, the logical result is a hostile state at the Russian borders.

    Something I did not hear that Ukraine would be going to threaten Russia with freaks and (we do not take marginals). This is physically impossible ... but I hear constantly about the parade of our tanks in Kiev. Yes, and talking with the Ukrainians, Rossit did not notice any hostility to him, if you do not take those who spend 24 hours in front of the telecom and listen to OUR and their rulers. Those yes, they are waging war on sofas. And ordinary people both lived and live.

    It is about state. Yes, Ukraine is a failed state, but state. And frankly hostile to Russia - from the rhetoric of leadership to bombing and blockade of Donbass and Transnistria.
  38. +1
    15 July 2016 12: 42
    "Because, as we all have already understood, Belarus categorically does not want to integrate with Russia." The author of this article is either stupid or engaged. "Integration of the Republic of Belarus with the Russian Federation" began in 2001 and ended in 2002, when Putin called the Belarusians "flies that need to be separated from cutlets", and the model of the "union state" - the entry of the Republic of Belarus into the Russian Federation as 6 regions. Knowing that Lukashenka is a Slav, a patriot and a decent person, he will never do it. It is as if Germany, announcing the creation of the European Union, offered Austria to join it as a federal state. The reason is that Lukashenko himself speaks about it in his interview with Sobchak, it is on YouTube, and it seems Sulakshin is also on YouTube. Putin and his "team" did not want and do not want equal partnership with Belarus - Lukashenko is a "white crow" for them (he does not steal and does not give to others), and Putin has always been afraid of fair competition with Lukashenko on the political field. So the Kremlin "hacked to death" tightly integration with the Republic of Belarus already in 2002. By the way, since then, an information war has begun against Belarus - in the Russian media about the Republic, either nothing, or negative. We began to create the image of "freeloaders", "they live at our expense." Well, a continuous series of energy, food and other "wars" was even before that, much earlier than the Russian Federation and Ukraine. These are facts, history. And it is in their light that it is necessary to consider all the subsequent non-recognition of South Ossetia, etc. Since then, relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus at the government level have been exclusively business-like and, in fact, unfriendly. Simply mutually beneficial.
    By the way, the article contains a lot of blatant lies about the alleged loyalty of Belarusians to the bombing of Yugoslavia or the murder of Gaddafi (who, by the way, was betrayed by Putin, like Iran). Or an allegedly neutral and condemning attitude towards Assad (whom Putin also betrayed, not providing timely assistance in 2011). But in the article there is not a word about the shooting of the White House and the attitude of Belarusians to this, and in fact the parliament was shot from tanks by a man who later brought Putin to power "by the handle" as a guarantor of the safety of his thieves' family. And to whom Putin recently donated a palace complex "for blessed memory" - at the expense of "dear Russians" who have already spat on this "monument" up to the very roof. The author also does not write about the attitude of Belarusians to such Russian realities as the salary of a longtime, since the time of Sobchak's team, Putin's friend, the state official Sechin - who on a DAY earns as much as a teacher in 20 YEARS. Or about the fact that real Slavic patriots, such as Kvachkov, Barabasha, are thrown into prisons in Putin's Russia, and such as Strelkov are slandered and spat upon. None of this is our business? Well, how could the Belarusians react to the events of 2010, when on the eve of the presidential elections, all the Russian media launched a frenzied anti-Belarusian propaganda, with the apotheosis of a fake "godfather", right before another attempt by fascinatington to organize a maidan in Minsk ???
    And so it turns out that the author of this scribble- in a stranger's eye, he seeks out dust particles, but does not notice in his log.
    1. 0
      15 July 2016 14: 29
      Knowing that Lukashenko, a Slav, a patriot and a decent person, this will never do

      Comrad tell the city and the world that this "Slav and patriot" did For Russia for 20 years of his reign?
      And then I get negative values ​​...
      1. +1
        15 July 2016 15: 10
        what did this "Slav and patriot" do for Russia

        And what does Putin's government of Russia, 80% consisting of Jews and Jews (Kudrin), have to do with the Slavic world ??? And why did Lukashenko have to do something for them? Is he the president of Belarus?
        1. +1
          15 July 2016 15: 31
          No need to count the Jews by the head - Russian officer Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin He was also a Jew.
          All Russians would be like that!
          1. +1
            15 July 2016 17: 51
            No need to count the Jews on their heads - the Russian officer Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin was also a Jew.

            My two best friends in my life were also Jews. And what, does it change something ??? In a country where Jews make up 0.1%, there is a government 80% consisting of Jews and Jews. It's not even a "bell" - here you need to sound the alarm.
            Zadornov once described a similar situation - one by one the Jews are very nice, intelligent and smart people. But when they go astray ....
      2. +1
        15 July 2016 15: 27
        Comrad tell the city and the world what this "Slav and patriot" did for Russia in 20 years of his rule?
        And then I get negative values ​​...
        And you compare Belarus with Ukraine, and it will reach you.
        1. -1
          15 July 2016 15: 32
          And you compare Belarus with Ukraine, and it will reach you

          The site is called Military Review and there is no need to say metaphors and allegories here ...
          1. +1
            15 July 2016 16: 05
            the ay is called the Military Review and there is no need to speak here with metaphors and allegories ...
            Didn’t get it?
            To be frank?
            Where Russian is effectively turned into evil armed I do not bother?
            In Ukraine.
    2. -1
      15 July 2016 15: 08
      and the model of the "union state" - the entry of Belarus into the Russian Federation by 6 regions. Knowing that Lukashenka is a Slav, a patriot and a decent person, he will never do it. It is as if Germany, announcing the creation of the European Union, offered Austria to join it as a federal state.

      1 Exactly so: Russia is the largest country in the world and there live about 150 nationalities.
      Why should Belarusians stand a notch above everyone else? It is not absolutely clear.
      Pasans, why are you better than others?
      2 Austria has a rich history of statehood. The political history of Vienna is much longer than Berlin ...
      3 The standard of living in Austria is higher than in Germany! (there are such statistics) Austria is a self-sustaining project ...

      Assad (whom Putin also betrayed without timely assistance in 2011).

      But right now, Komrad, I will beat you (maybe even with your feet!) At the moment, the Russian Armed Forces are actively fighting in Syria. The Belarusian army is quietly skerking from such risks ...

      To argue the pervasive traitors and betrayals you just need to have an impeccable reputation.
      1. -1
        15 July 2016 15: 21
        Why should Belarusians stand a notch above everyone else? It is not absolutely clear.
        Pasans, why are you better than others?

        "Pasan", if something is absolutely incomprehensible to you, do not argue about it, but read smart books, study the issue. Ask how the USSR was organized, on what principles the United States and the European Union exist. And then your head is stuffed with chauvinistic propaganda instead of thoughts.
        At the moment, the Russian Armed Forces are actively fighting in Syria.

        The RF Armed Forces were supposed to "actively fight in Syria" in 2011, when it all began, and not now, when the country is almost completely destroyed. But "vvputin" then still dreamed that he would be summoned to the Bilderberg club, and therefore betrayed Assad, as before Iraq, Iran and Libya. Well, when he was not called anywhere, and even kicked and called "regional" - then yes, he abruptly became a "patriot".
        1. 0
          15 July 2016 15: 39
          And then you have a chauvinistic propaganda head full of thoughts.
          Well no! Here I do not agree!
          He is an ordinary medveput, and the "chauvinist" is me (a simple Russian man from the provinces).
        2. -1
          15 July 2016 15: 44
          Assad (whom Putin also betrayed without timely assistance in 2011).

          And, excuse me, on what basis can you personally demand something from the RF Armed Forces ???
        3. 0
          15 July 2016 21: 13
          and what principles do the USA and the EU have

          And is White Russia closer to mattresses or europoids?
          1. 0
            15 July 2016 21: 58
            And is White Russia closer to mattresses or europoids?
            You complained here the other day: “You know, I have been asking Belarusians direct questions for many years ... Instead of answers, endless demagogy follows.
            I wrote 8 articles about the Republic of Belarus on "VO", did not receive ANY sensible interesting efficient answer "from the other side." I wonder how from this point of view you assess your own answer?
      2. +1
        15 July 2016 15: 36
        Why [Chechens, Bashkirs, Tatars ...] should stand a notch above all others? It is not absolutely clear.

        Why really?
        Why is Chechen republic and Novgorod area?
  39. -1
    15 July 2016 15: 02
    Quote: Olezhek
    they will say that Russia is to blame for everything, but they will not admit their own mistakes.

    Let's take a look at the last example. As a result of the failed Kremlin policy, the markets of Ukraine and Russia have been destroyed. These are the sales markets that Belarus has been targeting for all 20 years. There is only one mistake Belarus made in this case - that it focused on these markets and trusted the Kremlin ones. The behavior of Russia - in order to "blur the eyes" of its own herd of unreasonable "ovs" on the critical state of affairs in the economy of the Russian Federation - a wide propaganda campaign was launched about the "path to nowhere" of the economies of Belarus and of course Ukraine.
    1. -1
      15 July 2016 15: 20
      In this case, Belarus’s mistake is only one that it was guided specifically by these markets and trusted the Kremlin

      And the goods of Belarus are in demand somewhere else?

      For many years I have heard squeals and screams from Minsk that Belarusians need to look for new markets ...
      So what?
      1. 0
        15 July 2016 15: 26
        And the goods of Belarus are in demand somewhere else?

        Products from Belarus are sold in 147 countries around the world. I already wrote to you, before you talk, study the materiel, otherwise you look ridiculous. But the level of your "knowledge" makes it quite clear what exactly the Russian mass media write about Belarus. And what they don't write.
        1. +1
          15 July 2016 22: 20
          Quote: tivss
          As a result of the Kremlin’s failed policy, the markets of Ukraine and Russia are destroyed. These are the sales markets that Belarus has focused on for 20 years.

          Quote: tivss
          Goods from Belarus are sold in 147 countries of the world.

          so what's the problem? 147 minus 2, many more countries are eager to get Belarusian goods.
          Quote: tivss
          RF Armed Forces should have ...

          Yes, they must and do their duty, but why on earth does it bother you?
          Quote: tivss
          Take an interest in how the USSR was organized, on what principles the USA and the European Union exist.

          That's a good question, and that's the answer. In relations between the United States and the EU, and within the EU, all talk about equal partnership is just talk. Such a concept as fully equal alliances between states is, in my opinion, either a very short-lived phenomenon, so to speak "according to the situation," or a diplomatic trick that disguises the real state of affairs. And it is usually like this, one of the states is in fact a leader in the economic or military or ideological, etc. plan and can influence the policy of the allies, and they, in turn, receive benefits in the above areas from cooperation with him.
          For the USA and the EU, everything is arranged according to this principle. The United States at one time built the economy of post-war Europe "for itself", but at the same time it ensured a high standard of living in European countries. The United States placed its military bases in the Old World, but at the same time took upon itself (at least formally) to ensure the security of its European allies. And the chain of command in this alliance is rigidly built. The states were told to hold gay festivals instead of military parades, and no! And now Europe is changing the dress uniform for the dress of Conchita Vurs.
          So, Russia and Belarus also have an unequal alliance, just the opposite. Russia gives Belarus economic preferences, includes in its sphere of security, provides political and diplomatic support on the world stage. And in response? In the most important and most sensitive foreign policy issues for Russia (Ossetia and Abkhazia, Crimea, Syria), Belarus does not even have exclusively ritual, non-binding, diplomatic support.
          So it turns out that Russia ultimately needs to decide or use levers of influence on an ally or end this strange connection, and then the issues of markets for Belarusian goods, security and the political situation in Belarus should worry Russia as well as similar issues in relation to Mongolia, Korea and our other neighbors. An argument of the type: "If Russia turns its back on Belarus, then the Americans will come there, create a Russophobic country and use it against us" is poorly suited for creating allied relations.
          1. 0
            15 July 2016 22: 50
            so what's the problem? 147 minus 2, many more countries are eager to get Belarusian goods.

            Yes, they must and do their duty, but why on earth does it bother you?

            This is called "demagoguery" among decent people. In common people, "empty delusion".
            The problem is that Belarus initially adjusted itself to the markets of Russia and Ukraine. And perestroika is a laborious and slow business. As for the "duty of the RF Armed Forces" - firstly, I answered the question. And secondly, I am Russian by nationality, and the surrender by Putin's Russia of Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, the betrayal of Iran and Libya, I regard as a betrayal of everything that my ancestors did for the sake of the prosperity of Russia.
            As for the "union of Russia and Belarus" - there are many letters, little meaning, logic and not interesting.
            Once again, this union was nipped in the bud by Putin, in 2002. Firstly, doing the will of their American "partners", and secondly, experiencing personal hostility and fear of Lukashenka's competition in the political field. This is already history, everything is on the Internet.
          2. 0
            16 July 2016 21: 27
            It turns out that in the end Russia needs to decide or apply leverage over its ally or end this strange connection, and then the issues of markets for Belarusian goods, the security and political situation in Belarus should concern Russia as well as similar issues with respect to Mongolia, Korea and our other neighbors.

            Something like this ... But the Republic of Belarus is slowly sliding into Russophobia
      2. +1
        15 July 2016 15: 45
        And the goods of Belarus are in demand somewhere else?
        These goods have one advantage - they are produced by our fellow tribesmen.

        And where are the goods of Chechnya demanded?
  40. 0
    29 January 2018 01: 44
    I disagree with the author on one thing. The author constantly emphasizes that in Belarus everything happens according to the will of one person, which is really so. And he constantly tries to stake out the idea that most Belarusians like Russophobia and the anti-Russian policy of the authorities. The author is absolutely wrong. The vast majority of Belarusians see the future of Belarus only with Russia, and no internal propaganda has shaken this. What can the Belarusian people change? Unfortunately, nothing.