The purpose of the war: "defeat the Russians as a people"

From the plan “Otto” to “Barbarose”

Work on planning a war against the USSR was intensively carried out at the General Staff of the ground forces and at the headquarters of the operational leadership of the Supreme High Command. The presented developments were repeatedly refined and new proposals received development. This process continued until mid-November 1940, when the OKH (commander-in-chief of the Wehrmacht land forces) completed the development of a detailed plan for the war against the USSR. He received the code name "Otto".

On November 19, 1940, the Otto plan was considered by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Brauchitsch. He received approval without significant comments. On December 5, the Otto plan was reported to Adolf Hitler. F. Halder in his report noted that “the Dnieper and the Western Dvina represent the easternmost border, where the Russians are forced to fight. If they retreat further, they will no longer be able to defend their industrial areas. As a consequence of this, the plan of the Germans should be reduced to the fact that with the help of tank wedges to prevent the creation of a continuous defensive front west of these two rivers. An especially large strike group should advance from the Warsaw region towards Moscow. Of the envisaged three groups of armies, the northern one will need to be directed to Leningrad, and the forces of the southern will strike in the direction of Kiev ... The ultimate goal of the operation is the Volga and the Arkhangelsk region. " The Otto plan was generally approved by the Fuehrer.

Actively preparing for war with the USSR, the Wehrmacht leadership continued to work on invasion planning. From November 29 to December 7, according to the Otto plan, a war game was held. 13-14 December, a discussion of the “Otto” plan was held at the OKH headquarters. The final decision on the most important issues related to planning a war against the USSR was embodied in Directive No. 21, signed by Hitler 18 in December 1940. The plan was assigned the code name Barbarossa. The nickname of the German Emperor Frederick I was not chosen by chance: he was one of the instigators of the "onslaught to the East." The success of the Barbarossa plan was to be the decisive step of the Third Reich towards world domination. In order to preserve secrecy, the plan was made only in 9 copies.

For the war against the USSR, they planned to attract a maximum of forces and means. The plan said: “The German Armed Forces should be ready to defeat Soviet Russia during the short-term campaign before the war against England is over. The ground forces should use for this purpose all the formations at their disposal, with the exception of those necessary to protect the occupied territories from all sorts of surprises. The task of the air force is to free such forces to support the ground forces during the Eastern Campaign so that it is possible to count on the quick completion of ground operations and at the same time to minimize the destruction of the eastern regions of Germany by the enemy aviation". Emphasized the importance of achieving surprise attacks: "Crucial must be given to our intentions to attack were not recognized." In order to maintain the secrecy of the invasion, the armed forces of Romania, Hungary and Finland had to receive specific tasks immediately before the war.

The main idea of ​​the Barbarossa plan was to crush the main forces of the Russian troops located in Western Russia in bold operations with the help of deep and rapid advancement of armored wedges. The Germans were not supposed to let the Russian troops retreat deep into Russia. The ultimate goal of the invasion was the advance of German troops on the Volga-Arkhangelsk line and the creation of a barrier there against “Asian Russia”. The German Air Force should have crushed Russian aircraft at the beginning of the operation. Germanic the fleet limited tasks were set: the defense of its coast, the fettling of the actions of the Russian Navy and the support of the ground forces, the provision of shipping in the Baltic Sea and security, and the sea supply of the northern strategic flank of the German troops. The bases of the Soviet fleet in the Baltic were to take ground forces. The preparations for the war with the USSR were planned to be completed by May 15, 1941.

The plan of war with the Soviet Union included, in addition to Directive No. 21, a number of directives and instructions of the Supreme High Command and the main commands of the branches of the Armed Forces on strategic concentration and deployment, logistics, camouflage, preparation of the theater of operations, etc. of great importance was the OKH Directive of 31 in January of 1941. It specified and clarified the tasks and methods of operations of the Armed Forces in Operation Barbarossa. In particular, it was noted that "the principles that justified themselves during the Polish campaign" can serve as the basis for conducting combat operations in this operation.

The top of the Third Reich overestimated their strength and underestimated the power of the Red Empire. So, Adolf Hitler argued that the war with the USSR requires all 80-100 divisions, and Russia has only 50-75 good divisions.

The purpose of the war: "defeat the Russians as a people"

Grouping German troops on the eve of the invasion

For the attack on the USSR were allocated huge forces - more than 190 divisions. Of these, 153 German divisions and 37 divisions of Finland, Romania, Hungary. Also for the war in the East, two-thirds of the German Air Force, significant forces of the German fleet, the Air Force and Navy of the Reich allies were allocated. In addition, the Slovak divisions and the motorized brigade and the expedition corps of Italy (2 motorized divisions) were supposed to take over 3 in aggression against the USSR. Only the 24 division remained in the OKH reserve. In the reserve of each of the three army groups were small reserves - for 1-3 divisions.

Almost all the combat-ready forces of Germany were concentrated to strike at the USSR. The main formations, which remained in the west and south of Europe, were divisions with limited strike power and mobility, mainly intended to provide and protect. The only mobile reserve was two tank brigades in France, which had armed trophy tanks. In this way, the secret neutrality of England (during the formal war) allowed Hitlerite Germany to concentrate almost all shock and combat-ready formations for the war with the USSR, and also to use the military resources of the eastern allies.

16 army formations were concentrated along the Soviet western borders: German 8, Romanian 2, Finnish Army 2, and German tank groups 4. The troops deployed between the Baltic and Black Seas united into three groups of armies "North", Center "and" South. The first strategic echelon consisted of 129 German divisions and 37 allied divisions.

Hitler's high command planned to strike the main blow north of the Pripyat marshes, between the Baltic Sea and the Carpathians. There were concentrated two army groups, "North" and "Center" and the northern shock flank of Army Group "South". They were supposed to "attack with particularly strong tank and motorized units." It deployed 10 German military units, including all 4 tank groups. At the front, which comprised 40% of the length of the western land borders of the USSR, the Germans formed a grouping that included 70% of all divisions, 90% of tanks, 75% of artillery. To support it from the air, three of the four air fleets were allocated - more than 90% of the existing combat aircraft.

Army groups had one-echelon operational formation (all the armies were in the same line), army unions - in one and two echelons. Two-echelon formation was usually in those field armies that were to advance in a common lane with tank groups, and in those tank groups that had three motorized corps (16, 9, 4, and 6, 2 -I and 1-I tank groups).

Army Group North, under the command of Field Marshal V. Leeb, had 18 and 16 field armies and 4 tank groups, total 29 divisions (including 3 tank and 3 motorized divisions). It was deployed on the front in 230 km from Klaipeda (Memel) to Goldap. The directive on strategic concentration and deployment of 31 from January 1941 was aimed at “destroying the enemy forces operating in the Baltics and seizing ports on the Baltic Sea, including Leningrad and Kronstadt, to deprive the Russian fleet of its bases. The issues of joint actions with powerful mobile forces advancing on Smolensk and subordinated to the Army Group Center will be promptly taken into account and brought to the notice by the especially high command of the ground forces. ”

The right-flank 4-I tank group and the 16-I army were, advancing on the Daugavpils direction, as soon as possible to advance into the area northeast of Opochka in order to prevent the Russian-capable Russian forces from withdrawing, to destroy them, thus creating the conditions for an offensive on Leningrad. 18-I army struck the main blow in the direction of Riga and east, in order to cut off and destroy the Soviet troops south-west of Riga. Then attack the Island, Pskov, to prevent the withdrawal of Soviet troops to the east and take the territory of Estonia. In the Baltic, the Germans had about 100 warships to support the offensive of the group of armies "North" and actions against the Soviet fleet.

It was planned that Army Group North together with the Finnish army and the German forces transferred from Norway would finally defeat the Russian forces in northern Russia. As a result of this, freedom of maneuver will be provided for the fulfillment of subsequent tasks in cooperation with the German troops that are advancing in southern Russia. The offensive forces of the army group "North" were supported by aviation 1-th air fleet (760 aircraft).

A separate army of the Wehrmacht "Norway" commanded by General N. Falkenhorst was located on the territory of Norway and in Northern Finland. She submitted directly to the High Command of the German Armed Forces (OKV). The army "Norway" was supposed to capture Murmansk and Kandalaksha, the main naval base of the Northern Fleet Polar, the Rybachiy peninsula, and the Kirov railway north of Belomorsk. Each of the “Norway” 3 corps was to advance in an independent direction: the “Norway” mountain-rifle corps in Murmansk, the 36 German corps in Kandalaksha, the 3 Finnish corps in Kesteng and Ukhta. Army "Norway" supported 5-th air fleet (240 aircraft). The northern ports of Norway were used to base German ships - 5 destroyers, 6 submarines, etc. In addition, the Germans had at their disposal captured ships of the Norwegian Navy (3 torpedo boats, 2 mine-layingers, 10 patrolmen, etc.).

In South-Eastern Finland, near the borders of the USSR, the Karelian and Southeast armies concentrated (15 divisions and other units). The Karelian army was instructed by the southern part of Karelia and to meet with the troops of Army Group North on the Svir River. The southeastern army was to seize the territory of the Karelian Isthmus and unite with the German troops in the Leningrad region. One army division was deployed against the Hanko Peninsula, and was to occupy the Peninsula and the Hanko Naval Base. The Finnish Navy had 7 ships of the main classes (2 battleship coastal defense, 5 submarines), as well as 53 other ships. The Finnish Air Force counted more than 300 machines.

Army Group "Center" commander Field Marshal F. Bock had 9 and 4 field armies, 3 and 2 tank groups, all 50 divisions and 2 brigades (31 infantry, 9 tank, 6) motorized, 1 cavalry, 3 security divisions). Troops were deployed from Goldap to Wlodawa, at the front in 500 km. "Army Group" Center ", - noted in the directive of 31 January 1941, - attacking large forces on the flanks, defeat the enemy forces in Belarus. Then, by concentrating mobile units advancing south and north of Minsk, it is possible to quickly go to the Smolensk region and thereby create prerequisites for the interaction of large tank and motorized forces with Army Group North to destroy the enemy forces operating in the Baltic States and in the Leningrad region. ” .

To solve this problem, two shock groups were formed. The Northern, deployed in the Suwalki ledge (3-I tank group and part of the forces of the 9-th army), was to break through the defense at the junction of the Baltic and Western special military districts (region north of Grodno). Then she had to, rapidly advancing to the Minsk region and using the strike of the 2 th tank group advancing on Minsk from the south-west, to create the preconditions for the destruction of the Soviet troops between Belostok and Minsk. In the future, the strike group should advance to the region of Vitebsk and north to prevent concentration of enemy troops in the upper reaches of the Western Dvina River. The South Strike Force as part of the 2 Tank Group and part of the 4 Field Force had the task to move quickly to Slutsk and Minsk and, using the success of the 3 Tank Group, create the preconditions for the liquidation of the Soviet forces between Belostok and Minsk. In the further attack to the east, in cooperation with the 3 tank group, it was planned to occupy the Smolensk region.

The main forces of the 9 Army were aimed along the Vilnius-Vitebsk line, and the 4 Army were directed through the Brest-Bobruisk line and further towards Smolensk. Field armies, interactions with armored groups and with each other, were to destroy the surrounded Soviet troops west of Minsk, then, moving past the tank groups, go to the Western Dvina near Polotsk-Vitebsk and the Dnieper north of Mogilev.

After the liquidation of the encirclement of the Soviet troops that had fallen into the “cauldron” and the withdrawal of the main forces of the Army Group “Center” to the area of ​​Vitebsk, Smolensk, it was possible to operate in two ways. In the event that Army Group North would not be able to immediately accomplish the task of routing Russian forces in the Baltic and Leningrad area, the mobile units of Army Group Center would be planning to turn north and develop the offensive in the Moscow direction by field armies. If the Army Group North could crush the Soviet troops in the Leningrad sector, then the Army Group Center would have all been able to strike Moscow. The actions of the troops of Army Group Center were supported by the 2 air fleet (1600 aircraft).

Army Group South, led by Field Marshal G. Rundstedt, united German, Hungarian and Romanian troops. It was deployed from Polesie to the Black Sea at the front over 1300 km. It consisted of 6-I, 17-I, 11-I German field armies and 1-I tank group, 3-I and 4-I Romanian armies, Hungarian mobile corps, as well as aviation 4-th air fleet (around 1000 aircraft), Romanian and Hungarian aviation. All in all, Army Group had 57 divisions and 13 brigades (including 13 Romanian divisions, 9 Romanian and 4 Hungarian brigades). Romanian command had about 600 aircraft, Hungarian - 50 machines.

On the left flank there was a strike force, which included the 1-I tank group, 16-I and 17-I field armies (more than 60% of all forces of the army group). On the right flank, the 11-I German, 3-I and 4-I Romanian armies were located on the territory of Romania. The Carpathian group of Hungarian troops was the link between the main forces of Army Group South on the left and right flanks.

Army Group "South" was supposed to "advance with its reinforced left flank in the general direction of Kiev, with moving units ahead. The overall task is to destroy the Soviet troops in Galicia and Western Ukraine to the west of the r. The Dnieper and seize timely ferries on the Dnieper in the area of ​​Kiev and further south, thus creating the prerequisites for the continuation of operations east of the Dnieper. ” An important role was given to mobile connections. The 1-I tank group, in cooperation with the troops of the 17 and 6 armies, was to break through the defenses of the Soviet troops “between Rawa-Ruska and Koval, advancing through Berdychiv-Zhytomyr, in time to enter the r. Dnieper near Kiev and south. In the future, without losing time ... continues to advance along the Dnieper in the south-east direction in order to prevent the withdrawal of the river. The Dnieper enemy group operating in Western Ukraine, and destroying it with a blow from the rear. "

The task of 11 of the German army and the Romanian troops according to the plan "Munich", developed in development of the plan "Barbarossa" in June 1941, was initially reduced to the active binding of the Soviet troops on the border with Romania. Subsequently, they were to go on the offensive. If necessary, these troops were to break through the defenses of the Soviet troops on the Prut River and move in the general direction of Vinnitsa.

At the beginning of the war there were no German ships on the Black Sea. Romanian naval forces had 7 destroyers and destroyers, a submarine, 2 auxiliary cruisers, and also 19 ships of other classes (gunboats, various boats). These forces did not pose a threat to the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. The Romanian Danube River Flotilla was to assist the land forces.

All three German army groups were to capture the most important Soviet economic areas. It was one of the main installations of Hitler. Possessing great intuition and knowledge of military-strategic and economic aspects, he insisted on paying special attention to marginal zones - the Baltic, the Black Sea, and also to include in operational planning such far-away regions as the Caucasus and the Urals. At the 9 January meeting, 1941, Mr. Hitler declared to his generals: “The Russian space harbors untold riches. Germany ... will have every opportunity in the future to fight against the continents, then nobody will overcome it. ”

In planning the war against the USSR and during the war, the southern strategic direction of the Russian Front attracted Hitler's special attention. In principle, the current “partners” of Russia simply repeat what the Führer already understood. Little Russia-Ukraine had and is of great importance for the Soviet (Russian) empire, as a spiritual, historicaland military-strategic, economic and demographic. And our enemies are well aware of this.

Hitler planned to quickly capture the richest regions of the Soviet Union - Little Russia, Donbass and oil-bearing areas of the Caucasus. This was well understood by the Soviet leader I. Stalin, so many in the USSR believed that the Wehrmacht would send the main blow to Ukraine. The Germans planned to send the plundered resources of these territories to a further build-up of the military and economic potential of the Third Reich, to feed the troops operating in Russia, to get fabulous profits for the German monopolies. Thus, the war was supposed to fuel the war and create the prerequisites for the future world domination of the German nation. This strategy became even stronger and led to major operational and strategic decisions at a time when the “lightning war” in the Soviet Union began to fail — the German offensive was halted in the northern and central areas and the outlook for a protracted war began to emerge. And for its management required the mobilization of much greater material resources. As a result Hitler hoped to turn Ukraine-Little Russia into a base to continue the war with the USSR. Similarly, the owners of the West use Little Russia and now.

E. Manstein noted: “Already in 1941, the Donbass played a significant role in Hitler’s operational plans ... On the one hand, Hitler argued that without coal reserves in this area, we cannot stand the war economically. On the other hand, in his opinion, the loss of this coal by the Soviets would be a decisive blow to their strategy. Donetsk coal, as Hitler believed, was the only coking coal (at least in the European part of Russia). The loss of this coal would sooner or later paralyze the production of tanks and ammunition in the Soviet Union. ”

War of extermination

The war in the East, unlike the campaigns in the West, had to go to destruction. The Third Reich sought not only to crush the main obstacle to the establishment of world domination and capture the "living space in the East." The war was of a conceptual, ideological nature and was supposed to lead to the destruction of the world's first socialist state and the Soviet project, leading to the creation of a society of service and creation. Soviet civilization concealed a threat to the domination of Western masters on the planet, since it could create a different, just world order.

Therefore, the war was radically different from other wars that Germany waged against the capitalist states. In the West, Hitler only established a single order, creating the "EU-1". In the East, the masters of the West wanted to crush the Soviet project and solve the “Russian question” in the most fundamental way. Speaking 30 in March 1941 at a meeting of the High Command of the Wehrmacht, Hitler spoke of the great danger of communism for the future, that in the war with the USSR “We are talking about the struggle for destruction. If we don’t look like that, then, even though we smash the enemy, the communist danger will arise again in 30 years ... This war will be very different from the war in the West. In the East, cruelty itself is good for the future. ”

These common guidelines for the implementation of the total genocide of the Russian people have been put into practice in a number of specific directives, plans, orders of the German High Command. They demanded from the Wehrmacht personnel maximum cruelty towards the army and civilians. So the directive "On special jurisdiction in the Barbarossa area" and on special events of the troops demanded the application of the most brutal measures against the civilian population, the destruction of the partisans and the execution of all suspected persons. She predetermined the issue of the destruction of Soviet prisoners of war.

Thus, from the very beginning, the top of the Reich headed for the implementation of the most ruthless methods of war and the extermination of the Soviet (Russian) people.

For example, in the order of the commander of 4, the tank group of Colonel-General E. Göpner of 2 in May of 1941, it was said that the war against the Soviet Union “should aim to turn today's Russia into ruins, and therefore it should be fought with unheard-of cruelty. Each battle must be organized and conducted with an iron will, aimed at the ruthless and complete destruction of the enemy. No mercy, first of all, to the representatives of today's Russian Bolshevik system. ”

In terms of the colonization of the countries of Eastern Europe (the “Ost” plan), special attention was paid to the dismemberment and liquidation of the Soviet state. The physical destruction of most of the population in the occupied territory was envisaged, the rest was subject to slavery or eviction. The Hitlerite elite, carrying out the plans of the masters of the West, set the goal of "smashing the Russians as a people", physically destroying the Russian intelligentsia as the bearer of national culture. At the same time it was planned to carry out the merciless plundering of the public and personal wealth of the Soviet people.
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71 comment
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  1. +17
    29 June 2016 06: 22
    Thanks to the author for the article, recent political attacks against Russia show that the war has not ended, the goal remains the same, the destruction of the Russian world, only means of achievement have changed, become more veiled and long-term, aimed at treating our children, instilling in them Western values through traitors receiving their 30 pieces of silver in the form of Western grants
    1. +14
      29 June 2016 06: 48
      Quote: Taygerus
      the war never ended, the goal remained the same, the destruction of the Russian world

      "Otto", "Barbarossa", "Unthinkable", "Dropshot" ......

      It was smooth on paper, but forgot about the ravines .....

      Let them try to plan more - there is something to answer and birch on the crosses in Russia is enough for everyone ...
      1. +3
        29 June 2016 17: 14
        "They don't even need crosses on their graves-
        crosses will come down on the wings! "V.S.V.
    2. +4
      29 June 2016 09: 23
      Quote: Taygerus
      Thanks to the author for the article, recent political attacks against Russia show that the war has not ended, the goal remains the same, the destruction of the Russian world, only means of achievement have changed, become more veiled and long-term, aimed at treating our children, instilling in them Western values through traitors receiving their 30 pieces of silver in the form of Western grants

      Those who pushed Hitler against the USSR are the same ones who are pushing against today's Russia and "30 pieces of silver" at the head of the corner
      1. +2
        29 June 2016 11: 16
        "The European anti-Russian front is forming by itself. The general European mood against Moscow is growing ... The ideas of the Crusade are emerging. We can use it well." (J. Goebbels, June 24, 1941)
    3. +2
      29 June 2016 22: 06
      It, the war, could not end, because the main culprits of the war, the ruling elites of Western countries did not incur any punishment, the direct executors of the plan for the destruction of the USSR, the top of the Third Reich, received what they deserved, but the organizers and inspirers of this war remained on top and even received the laurels of the winners.
    4. +1
      30 June 2016 21: 06
      Quote: Taygerus
      become more veiled and long-term, aimed at treating our children, instilling in them Western values ​​through traitors receiving their 30 pieces of silver in the form of western grants

      This is more effective than the bullets and bombs of the Nazis.
      Young people are being cut down by the masses, by the millions, and right on the vine, from school. He seems to be a living guy, but he is already gone for the country. It seems that there is a diploma, many even have red diplomas of excellent students, many have even two diplomas, but there is no education. Under the influence of TV, cinema, theater, stage, the consumer worldview is driven into the heads of youth. For the overwhelming majority of youth (90-95%) there is no home country, village home for the overwhelming majority of young people, they are ready at any moment to tear themselves away and leave for the states, at least Europe, with only a finger, at least toilet bowls after the Yankees or after the Greeks, or after the Spaniards , or after the same Germans wash.
      Traitors, for example Gorbachev, Yakovlev and many others great power and relatively cheap, as they were fed at the expense of the people and the country they were tearing down, i.e. much cheaper than the Wehrmacht. And the effect is very impressive, we all see-observe.
  2. +8
    29 June 2016 06: 39
    26 06 2016 A train with American tanks is moving in Romania

  3. +15
    29 June 2016 06: 45
    It seems to me that defeating Russians and other peoples from time immemorial inhabiting Russia is problematic. It is possible to populate large cities with migrants from underdeveloped countries (which is already being done) who have large families, and over time the number of Russians will come to naught. A fine example is France where they never lived blacks, and now their 50% of the population, Germany, which is actively settled by Turks and Arabs, also has a chance to remain without Germans.
    1. +15
      29 June 2016 07: 01
      Quote: Yak28
      It seems to me to smash Russians and other peoples from time immemorial inhabiting Russia by military methods is problematic.

      Vasily Filippych once said
      "It doesn't matter what skin tone or eye shape you have. For the enemy, you are all Russians!"
      Not "scattered, panimash ..." (EBN - mategozanogu!), Namely the Russians. It is now that each collective farm has its own "national identity". And in the TU war, ALL were Soviet. And later, in my time, everyone is our boys. Only later, at home, in the Union, after a business trip, over a glass of vodka - Tatars, Russians, Uzbeks, Mordovians and others ...

      It has always been like this with us. That was the strength and, I hope, will be. And in the same France, the Algerian will never be a hundred percent Frenchman and the Turks in Germany do not really want to be Germans ...
      1. +2
        29 June 2016 17: 03
        Well, this is only to our advantage. Why do we need a strong monolithic Europe. More blacks, Arabs, mosques .... and Europe is over.
        1. +3
          29 June 2016 23: 39
          Yes, Europe will be the end, but what a tragedy it will be for our "elite" - bankers, big business and officials, where they will then spend their hard-earned money, where they will go for shopping and rest their wives, where they will be sent to prestigious educational institutions their children?
          Just a terrible tragedy!
    2. +2
      29 June 2016 18: 07

      Do you know an economic system like capitalism? Probably known by education? Well, that's why you and most of you have no idea what capitalism is. So educational services work under the motto: "For your money, EVERYTHING WE WANT".

      It was a retreat, and now to the point.

      Fascism is a form of capitalism. This is a form of the merger of the state of financial capital and PEOPLE, under the ideology of national superiority or external threat. Fascism is a way to preserve capitalism.

      Capitalism is an immoral, from the standpoint of survival, criminal form, when a minority earns on the total impoverishment of the majority.

      Capitalism has a very short development period of 30 years, after which it comes to a crisis. The crisis of capitalism is when the purchasing power of the population drops sharply, and the money supply is in the financial sector, which is not a consumer. Capitalism does not solve the issue of returning the money supply in the form of a salary, since this contradicts the principles of the economy system.

      Killing people, developing chaos is a way to preserve capitalism. Why and how? The answer is as follows.

      With the physical elimination of the people, lands that are of value remain. Why it is necessary to kill a people who could cultivate these lands creating a product of production. Because this people has its own survival system, its own morality. The key word is moral.

      Each nation on the planet has its own economic system of survival. As soon as a mixture of peoples in the form of emigration takes place, a struggle of moral values ​​takes place. Different survival systems.

      As soon as chaos is obtained as a result of actions, the system of education of a new morality, which justifies capitalism, comes into play. What does it mean to justify capitalism, it means that the people agree to impoverish, so that someone could get rich. Without such consent, capitalism is simply not possible.

      Bible. All biblical morality seeks to justify capitalism. But due to the enormous role and benefits of biblical morality, society cannot ignore these values ​​beyond doubt.

      Pay attention to the Vatican, which does not have an economy, nevertheless a very wealthy state that lives mainly on subsidies. So someone pays. One who has money.

      Something like this.
      1. +2
        29 June 2016 18: 39
        And now from the foregoing I will explain why the Soviet people should have been destroyed.

        Serfdom in Russia was abolished to create capitalism. The serfs were given "freedom", but they demanded a triple price for the allegedly donated land. But the price for the land was such that one hundred even three generations of a peasant family did not pay the price.

        Does your mortgage not remind you? And the cost of housing and communal services, who received an apartment from the USSR for free?

        Now ask yourself a question. Why does the peasant not take away these lands? Set fire to the landowner and do not take away. And here biblical morality comes into play. Don’t kill, hit one cheek and turn the other.

        The USSR, when reviving statehood, used ideology.

        Ideology is a forcibly changed morality. The Communists had to firmly eliminate the church.

        Capitalism, in particular financial capital, created fascism to destroy the people, the bearer of harmful morality.

        Here you have the whole tale.
        1. 0
          29 June 2016 20: 22
          And now the answer is what to do to stop the war.

          The solution, both theoretically and practically very simple.

          Take a look. The problem of capitalism is a crisis. The solution is to return the money supply to the hands of users. This issue is very simple to solve and at the same time without changing the principle - payment according to work.

          It needs to be clearly divided. The state, large private capital and people. And then let the salary pass through the state, which will be the guarantor of the return of the necessary amount into the hands of consumers.

          Thus, capitalism, the state and the people will be preserved.

          The sheep are safe and the wolves are full. Idylls.

          It is a pity, of course, if the dollar system does not survive. So much work has been done.
          1. 0
            29 June 2016 20: 46
            After this adjustment, the economy of the system of disagreement between countries will change significantly. And in this case, a single monetary, say, dollar system will play a positive role.

            And all these BRICS and SCOs, it will be a transfusion from empty to empty.
  4. +11
    29 June 2016 07: 30
    And what has changed since then? .. The West has the same idea of ​​fixation .. But now, they are going the other way .. they are breaking their brains .. Slightly turned up and opa .. you are no longer Russian, but a Ukrainian with ancient history .. still spun ..o..belorus with a history from the time of the conquest of Troy..already .. a great Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian ..but with another fenka..type Aryan..type blond beast ..type superman, for dirty work in the West , still turned .. everything is Moldovan .. the flow of the Romans .. well and so on .. The methods have become different ..
    1. +7
      29 June 2016 07: 57
      Yes, nothing has changed. Although now our country has a smaller territory than before --- anyway, everyone is envious!
      Therefore, the idea of ​​the rzgrom of the Russians is their eternal, constant idea. They work painstakingly and continuously. They try different techniques, paradoxical thinking, an example of which was a recent article about Hitler. Therefore, I think that we should talk about this at the household level if the topic fits.
      1. +1
        29 June 2016 09: 55
        And what is your ultimate goal. And by the way, who are THEY.
        1. -2
          29 June 2016 11: 04
          Quote: Kenneth
          And what is your ultimate goal. And by the way, who are THEY.

  5. -11
    29 June 2016 07: 41
    I wonder why the author decided that Barbarossa was the ideologist of the east movement. In general, the article gives the impression of another mossiness from the old shelves.
    1. +6
      29 June 2016 10: 22
      "Yes. Today (and in 2015 too) the Pentagon has a total of 625 bases in the United States, the total number of military facilities is 3,7 thousand. There are 860 bases abroad, most of all in Germany (305), Japan (158) and South Korea! "No, the US is just moving closer to Russia, and placing bases around Russia! belay another "peace plan" of the United States laughingand now in Poland and Romania!
    2. +5
      29 June 2016 14: 39
      tell about it to 27 million dead
    3. 0
      29 June 2016 14: 39
      tell about it to 27 million dead
      1. -3
        29 June 2016 17: 06
        Quote: sla1372
        tell about it to 27 million dead

        I would like to ask. That's 27 million. How is it? Who is to blame? Why are our losses many times more than German despite the fact that they have been preparing for war for decades. Who will be responsible for this?
        1. +6
          30 June 2016 00: 02
          Because the USSR practically alone, at least until the age of 44, fought not only against the Germans, but against ALL of Europe under Hitler, which concentrated all the achievements of military art and the latest weapons and military equipment, and which did not wage war state only, and the entire RUSSIAN PEOPLE in the first place, the destruction of the physical. And do not forget. that more than half of these losses are casualties among the civilian population, in Leningrad alone these losses amounted to one million, while in all of Germany, according to various sources, civilian casualties ranged from 1 to 1.5 million. If we had, as opposed to the OST plan, any WEST plan, then after the occupation of Germany and its satellite countries, it would be possible to equalize the losses of the parties, but this, as they say, is not our method.
  6. +2
    29 June 2016 07: 53
    Not a supporter of "Aryans - Russians", but this genetic fear and pathological hatred of the West for the Russians makes you dig into history - there must be a ground for these constant wars and sprays of poison in our direction.
    1. -13
      29 June 2016 08: 24
      Less need to listen to our propaganda and try to visit Europe yourself. If you behave normally, then there is no negative fact that you will not be Russian.
      1. +6
        29 June 2016 10: 24
        and what has changed since Soviet times, the same military bases are only closer to Russia! soldier
        1. -14
          29 June 2016 10: 48
          Suppose the goal of the adversary is to destroy the Russians. In the 90s and even 2000s it is easy and economical and military means and just buy. The adversaries did not even scratch themselves. Base is a way to clean the loot of the PC. The price of the Pentagon was seriously reduced, as were the feeders for other armies of NATO countries. And now, thanks to our policy, we are again the image of the enemy and their warriors are happy and require new investments. And our way too
          Because the warriors and the military-industrial complex also want to eat
          1. +9
            29 June 2016 12: 17
            I heard a lot of such an explanation from our liberals such as Gozman and Nadezhdin! laughing for some reason, the United States, even in the nineties, did not lift the sanctions, the Jackson-Broom amendments, and unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty! and the United States "wants peace"! From your post it follows that the US military-industrial complex wants to profit from the arms race, and the United States as a state against! laughing
            1. -8
              29 June 2016 12: 54
              It’s sad that they heard a lot but have never understood.
              1. +3
                29 June 2016 13: 26
                yes, thank God, people see these liberals sing along, the ratings speak for themselves!
              2. +1
                30 June 2016 00: 19
                Well, not all the same are so naive and stupid that they are ready to hang this noodle on their ears.
            2. +2
              30 June 2016 00: 18
              Well, here's another one from the camp here.
          2. +5
            29 June 2016 12: 30
            "And now, thanks to our policy, we are again the image of the enemy" based on your logic, that is, Russia has placed military bases in Mexico or Canada! belay
            1. -11
              29 June 2016 12: 53
              Russia chopped off a piece from the country whose borders it guaranteed, which surprised everyone utterly. Few people went into details; everyone looks at the form. And as a reason for the growing demand for NATO funding, it’s just gorgeous.
              1. +8
                29 June 2016 13: 07
                you apparently forgot Yugoslavia, Iraq when they shook a test tube in the UN, Libya! And who financed the Maidan, the State Department does not hide it! And who left the treaties unilaterally! But what about the United States border near Ukraine! belayand that in the Crimea it wasn’t the people who voted to leave Ukraine, and there was no war!
                1. +1
                  29 June 2016 13: 30
                  Uncle. You tried to read what you answer. What do you explain to me about the Crimea. I wrote in Russian that they pay attention to the form. Or maybe you do not understand all the words of the Russian language. So ask. I will explain. By the way, the topic of Crimea would have been much less screaming if we had organized an independent state there. And just to take and attach to it is nonsense for Europe. Even against the background of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya.
                  1. +4
                    29 June 2016 13: 58
                    "Even against the background of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya," the West acts as it wants, violating any laws and agreements, so do not care about your forms! Yes, spit from the big bell tower on their screams, the main thing is Crimea in Russia, we are waiting for Donbass! Otherwise, it was as if there was no Crimea before "In the Senate, the Magnitsky list was supported by both Democrats and Republicans. It was also stated that the Magnitsky list was to replace the Jackson amendment -Venika "
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. +4
                30 June 2016 00: 32
                Still noodles, Russia did not "chop off" anything from anyone, they chopped off your idols of Kosovo from Serbia, and with the use of brute force, bombing and blood, the whole gang called NATO fell on a small European country, raining down on it a hail of cruise missiles Shame for centuries for Europe! And this will never be forgotten in Russia. And Crimea peacefully, without a single shot, by the goodwill of the overwhelming majority of its inhabitants, JOINED Russia. Why was it possible for the residents of the Falkland Islands to remain in Britain on the basis of a referendum, while the residents of the Crimea not? Because the last "quilted jackets,"? A vile, vile position of double standards, however, it is quite typical for Europe at all times.
          3. +9
            29 June 2016 13: 37
            Quote: Kenneth
            we are again the image of the enemy

            Firstly, not again, but always in the past and in the future.
            Secondly - Anglo-Saxon civilization - our enemies without any imagery.
      2. +8
        29 June 2016 11: 38
        Quote: Kenneth
        Less need to listen to our propaganda and try to visit Europe yourself. If you behave normally, then there is no negative fact that you will not be Russian.

        Of course there will be no negative, because if I come to Europe, I will come with money. And for the money, the sweetest Europeans will stop the emery circle with their teeth. And they will smile while I pay. And propaganda has nothing to do with it.
        1. -8
          29 June 2016 12: 14
          And you were at least once beyond the outskirts.
          1. +2
            29 June 2016 12: 32
            while Romania and Bulgaria count! laughing
            1. -3
              29 June 2016 12: 55
              I haven’t been, I don’t know. And what is there that they treat Russians badly.
              1. +2
                29 June 2016 13: 09
                Well, judging by the policies of states, it’s bad, but the people, by any means!
              2. The comment was deleted.
                1. -4
                  29 June 2016 13: 24
                  Politicians come and go ....
      3. +8
        29 June 2016 13: 10
        Interviews with British fans are indicative for me - almost everyone accused the Russians, and one said that Russians are pigs. Look at the Western media - almost all of them have the subtext "Russia is Evil". And as for the British fans - I have not seen big PIGS, moreover, without exception. In October 2014. Everton played at a visit to Krasnodar. The day after the match, the Krasnodar airport looked like a pigsty, spit on the floors, wrappers from chips and other crap. On the plane, the British, some of them female, were also a natural herd of PIGS. And you say visit "fragrant Europe", "We ourselves are to blame for chopping off a piece of another state." Unfortunately, many members of the forum are right, the war against us did not stop, and in this case, "With wolves to live like a wolf howl." You should have been indignant when the deribanilia is quite prosperous Libya, Iraq. Or were they afraid that they wouldn't let you in Europe?
      4. +7
        29 June 2016 13: 52
        Quote: Kenneth
        Less need to listen to our propaganda and try to visit Europe yourself

        Of course, you can visit. And talk with the people. But in the end, it is not the people who decide, but the governments. Maybe you managed to talk with members of the governments of those countries where you visited? Find out their attitude to Russia? Their plans? Stirlitz and only.
      5. +2
        30 June 2016 00: 16
        Don’t talk nonsense, yes, in Europe you can find a lot of people who are nice and can even sympathize with Russians and Russia, but in general, as the worldview, ideological, civilizational SYSTEM, the West was, is and will be in the foreseeable future hostile to Russia and to the Russian people, who for the most part carry the code matrix of a worldview different from the West and the ruling elites of Western countries express this hostility most concentrated. This is a fact that they cannot see either out of foolishness or deny by malicious intent.
    2. -1
      29 June 2016 11: 19
      I noticed that the Russians mark bile toward the Europeans permanently. Looks like an inferiority complex in front of them, especially the Anglo-Saxons.
      As Astolphe de Custini wrote in "La Russie en 1839" - "Russians despise Europeans, but in everything they try to be like them."
      And at the expense of hatred - no one hates you, they just despise.
      But Ukrainians respect us. I went to Europe to earn money, washed toilets and received a European salary for it. No one humiliated me, everyone treated me with honor because they understood that I was doing a good thing.
      1. -3
        29 June 2016 11: 40
        Well done. Amused.
      2. +1
        29 June 2016 12: 06
        well, it’s not a sin to bother Ukrainians with your ass in the West, it’s also a good thing for you, and they’ll pay your salary and will be treated with honor! wassat
      3. +1
        29 June 2016 12: 19
        In fact, in the topic of Ukrainians behind the cordon delivers two things. First, they are considered Russian or nakraynyak Poles. Secondly, so that they are not considered Russian, wherever they can hang yellow with a blue ribbon. But for Europeans, these ribbons are a sign of the international society of patients with down syndrome
        And what is the Ukrainian flag no one in the know
    3. 0
      29 June 2016 19: 51

      Do not talk nonsense. There is no genetic fear. There is the creation of conditions of intolerance.
  7. -20
    29 June 2016 08: 18
    A typical article from some magazine Soviet Warrior of the 80s model, number 6, the author bluntly cut out the mention of the role of the Communist Party in the defeat of "Nazi Germany".
  8. +12
    29 June 2016 08: 54
    In terms of colonization of the countries of Eastern Europe (the Ost plan), special attention was paid to the dismemberment and liquidation of the Soviet state

    In addition to the Ost plan, there was another, no less terrible, plan for the economic enslavement of the country "Oldenburg".

    It provided for the annexation of the western part of the country and the division of the country into 7 vassal states from Germany.

    - no supply of “non-chernozem zones” with food, this meant that all of Belarus and most of the North and central Russia turned out to be areas closed to food supplies
    - Russians should be used only in the extraction of raw materials, in agriculture and forestry, in repair and construction enterprises, and in no case - in machine-tool plants and shipyards, in the production of instruments and aircraft.
    -Huge natural wealth of Russia allows you to keep untouched the natural wealth of Germany and Europe. The vast expanses of Russia also make it possible to unload our country from harmful industries.
    -We will be able, in particular, to close part of German metallurgical plants, shifting the severity of metallurgical production to the East. The same goes for curtailing coal production by importing cheap coal from the former USSR

    They managed to implement a lot of things:

    By April 1944, Germany was sent 239 thousand electric motors, 175 thousand machine tools, over 1 million. tons of iron ore, tens of thousands of tons of cotton, wool and more
    For the export of the loot food was created by a special organization "East".
    She sent to Germany 9,2 million tons of grain, 3,2 million tons of potatoes, over 1 billion eggs, 2 million tons of roughage, 622 thousand tons of meat and meat products, 420 thousand
    tons of sugar and a significant amount of other agricultural products
    This is not counting the slave-ostarbeiter, oil, forest and gas

    The scale of the robbery has not been calculated so far ...
    The number of deaths from organized starvation (from 3 to 10 million people). not counted so far
    This crime is forgotten and not called genocide until now.

    Replies from aggressors covered (by rough estimates) the total FOUR PERCENT damage to the USSR, everything else was to them FORGIVENESS in the name of a naive and stupid attempt to gain allies.
    As a result, neither the allies (restored and forgave the enemies), nor the restoration of damage ....
    1. +8
      29 June 2016 09: 51
      Quote: Aleksander
      By April 1944, 239 thousand electric motors, 175 thousand machine tools, over 1 million tons of iron ore, tens of thousands of tons of cotton, wool and much more were sent to Germany.
      For the export of looted food, a special organization was created "East".
      She sent to Germany 9,2 million tons of grain, 3,2 million tons of potatoes, over 1 billion eggs, 2 million tons of roughage, 622 thousand tons of meat and meat products, 420 thousand tons of sugar and significant amount of other agricultural products
      This is not counting the slave-ostarbeiter, oil, forest and gas

      The scale of the robbery has not been calculated so far ...
      The number of deaths from organized starvation (from 3 to 10 million people). not counted so far
      This crime is forgotten and not called genocide until now.

      The reparations from the aggressors covered (by rough estimates) only FOUR percent of the damage to the USSR, everything else was forgiven them in the name of a naive and stupid attempt to gain allies.
      As a result, neither the allies (restored and forgave the enemies), nor the restoration of damage ....

      Compositions exported to Germany Chernozem from fertile lands
    2. -6
      29 June 2016 10: 50
      But what about the Warsaw Pact.
  9. +10
    29 June 2016 08: 55
    And what fascist idiom article put a minus!?
    And this is not the first performance!
  10. +11
    29 June 2016 09: 08
    It would be nice for the victims of the Maidan to carefully read the article and pay attention to the main thing: the goal is the destruction of Russians as a people. By the Russians, the Nazis understood all Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians, the peoples of the USSR.
    Before leaving, the Nazis left their caches with Bandera’s caches weapons for a whole division, all but tanks and planes. The actions of the victims of the Maidan in the Donbass against the civilian population, how do they differ from fascist punishers and policemen? the same goals-the destruction of the population of Donbass or their conversion into refugees.
    Learn materiel, banderlog. Fashington macaques will throw you, merge.
    ISIS fighters have already leaked to you and are fighting against Donbass militias. And what will you do when these scumbags start squeezing yourself out of your Ukraine to organize another caliphate?
    1. -5
      29 June 2016 19: 56

      Answer the question why it was necessary to destroy the Soviet people?

      After all, the land on which these people live, someone needs to be cultivated. So why destroy them? Send blacks instead of destroyed?

      Just enough about the Russian spirit, this is not the answer.
      1. 0
        29 June 2016 20: 37
        You resemble a "friend" under the nickname overb. He also tells tales that Uncle Adolf wanted to destroy the Russians, but just wanted to push them beyond the Volga. When asked about more than 27 million victims, he blacklisted. You also want to say that Adolf Aloizovich did not want to destroy the Russians? Shizdute then to your Canada and there spread this nonsense for the insane.
        1. -1
          29 June 2016 20: 51
          alexey 123

          What nonsense are you writing?

          Have you explained to yourself what the "Russian spirit" is? Try to imagine this concept.

          I have nothing against it. Shout to yourself the Glory of Russia. But please do not do stupid things.
          1. -1
            29 June 2016 21: 08
            Well, please. I turned to Ball. Since I know that he is a very competent person.

            Therefore, Alex, if you have difficulty. Just ignore it.
            1. 0
              30 June 2016 23: 48
              Firstly, if you are addressing Nick, then write in English, in Russian I am Alexey, named after the front-line soldier's grandfather. Second, show the expression "Russian spirit" in my comments. There is no such thing, to put it mildly, you invented it. Third, show the expression "Glory to Russia" in my comments. There's no such thing. This is no longer fiction - this is a lie. I asked specifically, do you think that Hitler did not want to humiliate the inhabitants of the USSR? From your side there are children's excuses like "Himself so". If there is no reason, then you should not express sedition.
  11. +10
    29 June 2016 09: 42
    The fact that the plans of the Nazis were outdated and revised was noted even by M Thatcher, who, on behalf of all the British, claimed to have a new plan * for development *, in which she outdid the Germans on planning the destruction of the RUSSIANS. Today in RUSSIA there are so many people who want to serve Europe that they just take the hell. Do not hesitate to lie about RUSSIA and RUSSIAN PEOPLE, in the hope of some kind of promise. This stupidity is striking. Is sincere faith possible for those who built prosperity on the robbery of colonies and the slave trade? I will never believe in the sincerity of * democrats * demanding that RUSSIA fulfill all the requirements of the owners. How do they * stimulate * the owners? Only money does not work, it turns out they are so smeared that they dare not refuse?
  12. 0
    29 June 2016 16: 27
    Here the war ended long ago, and the looting of the property of the Soviet people took place!
  13. 0
    29 June 2016 17: 11
    Quote: Kenneth
    Less need to listen to our propaganda and try to visit Europe yourself. If you behave normally, then there is no negative fact that you will not be Russian.

    Do not confuse communication with ordinary people and the leadership of Western countries. For them, the people of the Russian world are not people, but "rubbish" to be disposed of. The late American General Patton called us monkeys.
  14. +4
    29 June 2016 18: 01
    Quote: Beefeater
    I would like to ask. That's 27 million. How is it? Who is to blame? Why are our losses many times more than German despite the fact that they have been preparing for war for decades. Who will be responsible for this?

    Fascist Germany and its allies had about as many military losses as the USSR had, 7-8 million, the USSR had the bulk of civilian casualties that were burned in concentration camps, cut out by entire villages and cities. And the Red Army was much more humane and merciful therefore the third Reich has less
  15. 0
    4 July 2016 10: 47
    Did the Russians surrender to them? or is it sadomaso to come and receive
  16. 0
    6 October 2016 17: 22
    Quote: Beefeater
    Quote: sla1372
    tell about it to 27 million dead

    I would like to ask. That's 27 million. How is it? Who is to blame? Why are our losses many times more than German despite the fact that they have been preparing for war for decades. Who will be responsible for this?

    What losses are you writing about? If it’s about fighting, then you are wrong. The difference is not at times. And citing 27 million as an example, it is necessary to clarify that these are the total losses of the USSR in the Second World War, most of them civilians.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"