Hitler was only a tool to crush the USSR

Hitler was only a tool to crush the USSR

Hitler's attack on the USSR began in the early morning at 3 hours 15 minutes. On June 22, 1941, thousands of German guns opened heavy fire at previously explored targets on Soviet soil. German aviation invaded Union airspace to a depth of 250-300 km from the border and bombed airfields, railway junctions, naval bases and major cities. Wehrmacht shock groups invaded Soviet territory. The war was declared by Berlin after the invasion began. Finland, Hungary, Romania and Italy also entered the war with the USSR. Thus began the Great Patriotic War.

The main instigators of world war

The crisis of capitalism (the absence of new territories for plunder) and the incompleteness of the First World War, after which the owners of the West failed to build a New World Order, led to the beginning of the Second World War. The new global war, according to the plans of the owners of the West, was to end with a total plunder of the Japanese Empire, Germany (and Europe as a whole, placed under the full control of London and Washington) and Russia-USSR. With the participation of part of the elite of continental Europe, the hosts of Britain and the USA should not have left competitors and rivals on the planet.

Humanity was expecting global slavery. The model of the New World Order was frankly shown by Hitler and his ideologues, who clearly copied the methods of British and American figures. This racism, eugenics, the destruction of the "inferior", the transformation of the remaining "subhumans" into slaves and servants. Thus, most of the population of Eurasia, Africa and America had a sad future - death in giant concentration camps or slavery. The "black sun" was supposed to receive full power on the planet.

But for this it was necessary to crush the Soviet Union, the Soviet (Russian) civilization, which presented the world with an alternative project of the future of humanity - the solar civilization, the society of creation and service. Where a new person who has thrown off the shackles of slavery and ignorance, physically and intellectually and spiritually developed, will be directed towards the stars, the bright future.

therefore the masters of the West gradually raised three centers of war - fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and militarist Japan. Also so-called. “The world behind the scenes” (“financial international”, “golden elite”, etc.) actively supported other projects, but on a regional scale - the great power, extreme nationalism, anti-Sovietism, Russophobia in Finland, Poland, the Baltic Limits, Romania, Hungary. At the same time, most of Europe was given to Nazi Germany, in order for Berlin to have the opportunity to mobilize all the forces of continental Europe against the USSR and had a calm rear. They sacrificed not only Czechoslovakia, but also Poland, which was previously not averse to attacking the Soviet Union together with Germany, and even France, which had the strongest army in Europe. The Czechoslovak, Polish and French leaders simply surrendered their countries, apparently submitting to the will of the masters of the West.

England, however, secretly guaranteed that she would not seriously fight with Germany, giving her the opportunity to crush the USSR. The mission of "the shadow of Hitler" ("Nazi number 2") R. Hess was just associated with these negotiations. In 1948, the Resident Director of the Office of Strategic Services in Bern during World War II, the future Director of the CIA (1953-1961) Allen Dulles admitted to this: “British intelligence in Berlin made contact with Rudolf Hess and with his help found a way out to Hitler Hess was told that if Germany declared war on the Soviets, England would cease hostilities. ”

Thus, Hitler received direct access to the USSR border, control over the resources of most of Europe, quiet rear and a guarantee of security from England, while the Germans were fighting with the Russians.

The reason for the Anglo-Saxons' hatred of the Russians was that the Russians were the only ones who could defeat them in the Big Game, where the stakes were on the planet. Having won the First World War, the owners of Britain and the United States could not accept the fact that in Europe and the world there exists the only state beyond the control of the global Anglo-American parasite - the Soviet Union. Since the XVIII — XIX centuries. England made a lot of effort to crush the Russian empire, turning it into its own raw materials appendage, and the Russians into “cannon fodder”, which would assert the Anglo-Saxons domination in the world. The Russian-Turkish wars, the anti-French coalitions, the Eastern Crimean War, the Russian-Japanese war, both revolutions are all links in one chain aimed at eliminating Russian statehood and civilization. In 1917, the Western masters, who skillfully used the internal contradictions that had accumulated in Russia, almost succeeded in destroying Russian civilization. An open invasion began to divide and plunder Russia, which was divided into spheres of influence and semi-colonial "Bantustans." But The Bolsheviks, among whom the core of the Russian statesmen was formed, were able to outplay the powerful enemy by creating the Soviet statehood and the Soviet project, which embodied the age-old aspirations of the Russian people about social justice. Stalin began his Great Game, violating the plans of our geopolitical "partners" of the enemy.

Then the owners of England and the United States already in the 1920-ies began to support and sponsor the project "Hitler". Moreover, Adolf Hitler himself was not against the "onslaught to the East." Hitler's Germany was turned into a "ram" to crush the USSR, the Soviet project as a whole, which threatened the domination of the West on the planet. For a view, England declared war on Germany, but in reality France and England did not fight while the Hitlerite hordes invaded Poland (“strange war”). And when Hitler turned to the west, France threw out the white flag, and the British quickly rolled over to the island, without putting up serious resistance, creating an image of “invincibility” of the Wehrmacht and the Third Reich. From here, Dunkirk, when the Germans pressed the British expeditionary forces to the sea, but did not destroy them and allowed them to evacuate with insignificant damage.

In this way, England showed Hitler that the way to the East is open and an equal partnership is possible in building the New World Order. 10 May 1941, Rudolf Hess made his famous flight to Britain. Obviously, he received certain guarantees. The British promised not to open a second front in Europe and not to interfere with Hitler's troops to conquer the Soviet Union. In addition, it was about the participation of the British Empire in the war against the USSR. Soviet writer, historian Lev Bezymensky believed that "Hess was instructed to make the last attempt to create a unified pan-European coalition" against the USSR. However, in a direct war with the USSR, London wisely did not get involved, as usual using someone else's "cannon fodder" in their own interests, this time the Germans. Until 1943, when it became clear that the Soviet Union had survived and a turnaround occurred in the war, the British did not prevent Germany from fighting in the east, limiting itself to affairs on the periphery.

Thus, the owners of Britain and the United States pushed Germany and Russia together for the second time and hoped to eventually divide the “skins” of both Russian and German bears. Hitler was a "ram" for the crushing blow to the Soviet (Russian) civilization. The masters of England and the United States act according to the principle of "divide, control, and conquer," preferring to use other people's resources and forces to achieve the desired goals. Similarly, in modern times, the masters of the West, with the support of regional eastern satellites, created the “Caliphate” project, which launched a new world war and opened the Middle Eastern front of a global war. The “ram” of Islamic radicalism unleashed a civilizational war into which the Islamic world, European and Russian civilizations had already been drawn. According to the plans of the owners of the West, the whole of Eurasia should become a battlefield.

The situation before the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR

The flames of war, which in 1930-ies covered one country after another (China, Ethiopia, Spain, etc.), in September 1939 flared up across Europe. Hitler's Germany captured Poland, most of Northern Europe, occupied France. Then the Balkans came under attack, in April 1941, the Germans captured Yugoslavia and Greece. The fighting took place in the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and in Africa. In Asia, the Japanese Empire continued its offensive in China, seeking to establish itself in French Indochina. By June 1941, the global war had drawn into its networks about 30 states with a population of more than 1 billion people and swallowed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

German block. Hitler Germany in Europe achieved impressive success. The old rival of Germany, France, was partially occupied and subordinated. The Nazi "new order" was established in Poland, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway, Yugoslavia and Greece. Berlin created a strong aggressive bloc. Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, puppet states Croatia and Slovenia joined the Tripartite Pact of Germany, Italy and Japan. Finland entered the military alliance with Germany. The Finnish leadership dreamed of “Great Finland” at the expense of the Russian lands and planned to seize Karelia, the Kola Peninsula and a number of other regions of the USSR.

Germany had the most powerful economy in Europe (not counting the USSR) and one of the strongest in the world. The economy was militarized. By redistributing human, industrial and raw materials in favor of industries that worked for the war, upgrading industrial equipment and enhancing the exploitation of workers, including the use of labor resources in subordinate territories, Hitler’s leadership in 1940 managed to significantly increase industrial output in the first half of 1941. products, especially military. In addition, the material and human resources of the occupied European countries, almost 6,5 thousand enterprises that worked for the Wehrmacht, fulfilling military orders for 4,6 billion marks, were at the disposal of the Third Reich. 3,1 was poured into German industry by foreign workers, mainly Poles, French and Italians, which made up about 9% of the total labor force of the Reich. At the same time, Germany made extensive use of the economic resources of its allies. For example, Romania reimbursed about 60% of the needs of the Reich in fuel. Hungary supplied bauxite and food, Bulgaria became an agricultural colony. Strategic raw materials came from countries that retained neutrality: Sweden, Turkey, Portugal, Spain, etc.

Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Switzerland and Sweden tried to maintain neutrality, although they supplied Germany with strategic raw materials and military materials. Switzerland and Sweden became the “banks” of the Reich to “launder” and preserve the loot throughout Europe, and then in the USSR, good (gold, jewels, etc.). Spain rendered assistance to Germany with a limited military contingent, but refused to participate in a full-fledged war. Spain and Portugal were the “gate” of Germany for the supply of some resources from America and other regions. Turkey also avoided direct participation in the war, but allowed Germany to gain access to the Black Sea through the straits. The Turks, like the Japanese, were waiting for the decisive success of the Third Reich to start a war with the USSR and seize the Soviet Caucasus. Strong was the influence of the Germans in Persia, which de facto turned into an ally of Germany and a springboard for a strike on the USSR and the possessions of Britain. After winning the war with the USSR, Berlin planned to turn these countries into its allies or to send troops into them. So, there were plans to seize Switzerland, Sweden, the introduction of troops in Spain and Portugal.

Fascist Italy, due to its defeat in Africa, experienced serious difficulties and an acute shortage of raw materials. However, receiving some support from the Third Reich, Italy continued to show some success in developing the economy, especially in the military sector. The Mussolini government concentrated its main efforts in the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Balkan Peninsula, but the Italians planned to take part in the war with the USSR, for which the expeditionary force was allocated.

By the middle of 1941, the German bloc in Europe had great power, which was based on the German Wehrmacht. The personnel of the German armed forces had two years of combat experience (and the officers, basically, had a great experience of the First World War behind them) were ideologically brought up in the spirit of Nazism, racial superiority, anti-Sovietism, and psychologically processed. As a result, the Wehrmacht was a single combat unit, with a high fighting spirit. In total, the armed forces of the German bloc numbered 10,4 million, and together with the border troops and other militias, more than 13 million people. Of these, about 70% was in Germany, 17% was in Italy, the rest were in Hungary, Romania and Finland.

Source: History World War II 1939-1945's. In 12 t.

Japan. The Japanese Empire at that time continued its offensive in China and made every effort to prepare for a big war in the Pacific basin. Thus, direct military spending in 1941 increased by 1,6 compared to the previous year and amounted to 12,5 billion yen. Japan tried to maximize the use of available resources (in Korea, Manchuria and China) and rapidly expanded the production of military equipment and weapons. Secretly preparing a strike against powerful naval powers - the United States and England, which the Japanese logically regarded as the main competitors in the Asia-Pacific region, the Japanese empire paid special attention to the increase in the naval fleet and aviation. In 1941, compared with 1940, Japan almost 1,8 times increased the production of ships and aircraft. The growth of ground forces continued. By the end of 1940, the number of Japanese armed forces reached nearly 1,7 million, of which 1,3 million were in the ground forces. The Navy had 202 warships of the main classes, including 52 submarines, and more than 1 thousand aircraft.

The Japanese military-political leadership adhered to the course of establishing its dominance in the Asia-Pacific region. Japan’s efforts were aimed at creating a huge colonial empire, with a metropolis on the Japanese islands and based on the resources of the subordinate territories. The second military-industrial base was created in Manchuria (Northeast China). The leadership of Japan was maneuvering away from specific commitments to Berlin, and was not going to go to war with the USSR at the first request of the Reich. The time of the beginning of aggression against the USSR. The Japanese Empire put it in dependence on the success of Germany in the "onslaught to the East."

England. The English leadership at this time rather calmly transferred the economy to "war rails" and deployed armed forces. By the middle of 1941, the danger of the invasion of German forces in England had virtually disappeared. Even the massed bombing of German aviation almost ceased. Germany focused all its attention on preparations for a war with the Soviet Union.

At the same time, the material and financial support of the United States, as well as the resource base of the vast British colonial empire and currency reserves, gold of the countries occupied by Germany, which had been transferred to London in advance, played an important role. An informal, legally unformed union was established between England and the USA. Both great powers exchanged scientific and intelligence information, developed military cooperation. The American fleet guarded the maritime communications in the Western Atlantic, replacing British ships there. American shipbuilding capabilities were used to repair British ships. Plans were made for the advancement of the American military machine to the line of Iceland, the Azores, and Martinique. American and English headquarters held meetings to develop a common strategy, after the entry of the States into the war.

By the summer of 1941, the number of British armed forces reached more than 3,2 million people: 2,2 million people in the army, more than 600 thousand - in the Air Force, about 400 thousand - in the fleet. In the English army there were 33 divisions (including 9 armored), 29 separate infantry brigades. The Navy numbered around 400 warships, including 15 battleships and battlecruisers, 7 aircraft carriers, 68 cruisers.

The British leadership planned to use the clash of two titans - Germany and the USSR, in their own interests. London hoped that Germany would crush the USSR, but it would be greatly weakened, it would expose its rear. After that, it will be possible in alliance with the United States to finish off Germany and establish its New World Order. Or to support the leadership of the Reich opposition to Hitler (part of the senior officers), eliminate the Fuhrer, who began to show independence and relied on an equal partnership with Britain in the post-war world. Thus, the Anglo-Saxon elite planned to establish full control over the planet following a global war.

USA. The United States, with its enormous military and economic potential, gradually moved away from the policy of neutrality, teaching the population to think about the need to participate in the war. Therefore, the government of F. Roosevelt assisted England and planned at the first stage to refrain from direct participation in the fight, while building up its military power. Washington was counting on the results of the war to spread its domination in Europe, on the ruins of the shaky colonial empires of its "partners" in the Pacific. Britain was waiting for the fate of the “junior partner” in the new world.

The American leadership took into account the increased threat to its interests in the Pacific from the Japanese Empire. Therefore, the American government was actively preparing for war in the framework of the “undeclared war”: it passed a law on military service, sharply increased spending on military spending and increased military forces, expanded military production, etc. Military production was stimulated by extensive government orders and orders from England. The total number of armed forces in just one year — from June 1940 to June 1941, increased 4 times (!) And amounted to 1,8 million. The US Navy consisted of 340 ships of the main classes, including 113 submarines. At the same time, the army and navy continued to grow rapidly.

China. China was one of the largest states on the planet, but its position was very difficult. The Chinese state was extremely weakened by a long period of semi-colonial existence, when the Chinese people were plundered by the European powers, Japan and the USA, as well as local feudal, military and criminal "elites". The economic backwardness, terrible corruption, the occupation of about a third of the territory by the Japanese, where important industrial centers and a significant part of the population were located, the threat of a new civil war made China a victim that could not restore independence and territorial integrity without external support.

In June, 1941, China had a large military force: about 2,3 million soldiers led by the bourgeois nationalist Kuomintang party and up to 900 thousands of partisans and soldiers who fought under the leadership of the communists (CPC). However, almost all of them were poorly organized and armed, had low discipline and training. The Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek and the Communists often clashed, which complicated the struggle with Japan. Therefore, the Japanese troops relatively easily smashed the Chinese.

To be continued ...
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  1. +20
    24 June 2016 06: 27
    For us, the elderly is not new, but articles of this kind should appear regularly. Young people should know and remember their past. And draw conclusions, who is our eternal enemy.
    1. +9
      24 June 2016 06: 43
      Quote: EvgNik
      ... Young people should know and remember their past. And draw conclusions, who is our eternal enemy

      I will add that not only remember who exactly organizes and pays for all these endless wars, but also is more soberly aware of how long all this has been going on. After all, this is not the first and, unfortunately, not the last case, and almost always according to one very similar scheme of actions. When studying military art, one should always remember the true reasons for the emergence of military conflicts, and first of all, naturally, such large-scale ones as the 2nd MV and especially the Great Patriotic War.
      1. +11
        24 June 2016 09: 11
        Quote: venaya
        I will add that not only remember who exactly organizes and pays for all these endless wars, but also is more soberly aware of how long all this has been going on. After all, this is not the first and, unfortunately, not the last case, and almost always according to one very similar scheme of actions. When studying military art, one should always remember the true reasons for the emergence of military conflicts, and first of all, naturally, such large-scale ones as the 2nd MV and especially the Great Patriotic War.

        What infection for destruction didn’t send world usurious Zionofascism to Russia.
        And Trotsky with gangs of descendants of pharmacists and watchmakers and Hitler fed by them. It leaves no attempts now, the benefit of accomplices is already teeming with the country, by the way, they are also in power. So you can not underestimate the enemies
      2. +8
        24 June 2016 10: 28
        even France, which had the most powerful army in Europe. The Czechoslovak, Polish and French leaders simply surrendered their countries, apparently obeying the will of the masters of the West.

        In 1928 year Minister of War Andre France Maginot began full-scale construction of a complex of defensive structures on the border with Germany, worth 7 billion francs - an astronomical amount, even by modern standards.

        The German army at that time simply did not exist - insignificant self-defense forces of 100 thousand people. The Nazis in the elections in May 1928 won only 2,5% of the vote and were a bunch of political clowns with a total circulation of Nazi newspapers of 23 thousand copies. What happened on the financial front? And here it’s more interesting: And you need to start with the First World War ... After the United States formally entered the First World War, they provided allies (primarily England and France) with loans worth $ 8,8 billion. The total amount of military debt, including and loans provided by the United States in 1919-1921 amounted to more than $ 11 billion. Debtor countries tried to solve their problems at the expense of Germany. The result of this was the collapse of the German currency - "great inflation" of 1923, amounting to 578 512%, when for one dollar they gave 4,2 trillion marks. German industrialists began to openly sabotage all measures to pay reparation obligations, which ultimately provoked the well-known "Ruhr crisis" - the Franco-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr in January 1923.
        This is exactly what the Anglo-American ruling circles were waiting for, allowing France to get bogged down in an embarked adventure and proving her inability to solve the problem, to take the initiative into her own hands. US Secretary of State Hughes said: "We must wait until Europe is ripe in order to accept the American proposal."
        1. +5
          24 June 2016 10: 39
          In March 1922, John Foster Dulles (future secretary of state in the office of President Eisenhower), legal adviser to President W. Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference, proposed to appoint Yalmar Schacht, representative of Dresdner Bank, as manager of the Reichsbank. It is Yalmar Schacht who will play a crucial role in the rapprochement of the Anglo-American and German financial circles in that period.
          In the summer of 1924, this project, known as the “Dawes Plan” (named after the chairman of the committee of experts who prepared it, an American banker, director of one of the banks of the Morgan group), was adopted at the London Conference. It provided for halving the payment of reparations and resolving the issue of sources of coverage. However, the main task was to ensure favorable conditions for American investment, which was possible only with the stabilization of the German brand. To this end, the plan provided for a large loan to Germany in the amount of $ 200 million, half of which came from Morgan's banking house. At the same time, Anglo-American banks established control not only over the transfer of German payments, but also over the budget, the money circulation system and, to a large extent, the country's credit system. By August 1924, the old German brand was replaced by a new one, Germany’s financial situation was stabilized, and, as researcher G. D. Preparta wrote, the Weimar Republic was prepared for “the most picturesque economic aid in history, followed by the most bitter harvest in world history” "-" American blood poured into the financial veins of Germany in an unstoppable flow. "
          1. +4
            24 June 2016 10: 43
            The consequences of this were not slow to discover.

            Firstly, due to the fact that the annual payments of reparations went to cover the amount of debts paid by the Allies, the so-called "absurd Weimar circle" has developed. Gold, which Germany paid in the form of military reparations, was sold, pledged and disappeared in the United States, from where it was returned in the form of "help" to Germany, which gave it to England and France, and they, in turn, paid them US military debt. The latter, having overlaid it with interest, again sent it to Germany. As a result, everyone in Germany lived on credit, and it was clear that if Wall Street retracted its loans, the country would go bankrupt.

            Secondly, although formally loans were issued to ensure payments, it was actually about restoring the country's military-industrial potential. The fact is that the Germans paid for loans with shares of enterprises, so that American capital began to actively integrate into the German economy. The total amount of foreign investment in German industry for 1924−1929 amounted to almost 63 billion gold marks (30 billion accounted for loans), and reparations - 10 billion marks. 70% of financial income was provided by US bankers, most of them by J.P. Morgan banks. As a result, already in 1929, German industry came out on the second place in the world, but to a large extent it was in the hands of leading American financial and industrial groups.
            1. +4
              24 June 2016 10: 49
              Thus, I.G. Farbenindustri, this main supplier of the German military machine, which funded Hitler’s election campaign for 45% in 1930, was controlled by Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. The Morgan through General Electric controlled the German radio and electrical industry represented by the AEG and Siemens (by 1933 30% of the shares of the AEG belonged to General Electric), through the ITT communications company - 40% of the German telephone network, besides owned a 30% stake in the aircraft company Fokke-Wulf. Over the "Opel" was established control by the General Motors, owned by the Dupont family. Henry Ford controlled a 100% stake in Volkswagen. In 1926, with the participation of the Rockefeller Bank Dilon Reed & Co., the second largest industrial monopoly of Germany, the metallurgical concern Fereinigte Stahlwerke (Steel Trust), Thyssen, Flick, Wolf and Fegler, and others, arose after I.G. Farbenindustri.

              American cooperation with the German military-industrial complex was so intense and pervasive that by 1933 the key sectors of German industry and such large banks as Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank and other

              At the same time, that political force was being prepared, which was called upon to play a decisive role in the implementation of the Anglo-American plans. It is about financing the Nazi party and personally A. Hitler.

              As former Chancellor of Germany Brüning wrote in his memoirs, starting in 1923, Hitler received large sums from abroad. Where they came from is unknown, but came through Swiss and Swedish banks. It is also known that in 1922 A. Hitler met with the US military attaché in Germany, Captain Truman Smith, who made a detailed report about it to the Washington authorities (to the Military Intelligence Directorate), in which he spoke highly of Hitler. It was through Smith that Ernst Franz Zedgwick Hanfstaengl (Putzi), a graduate of Harvard University, who played an important role in the formation of A. Hitler as a politician, provided him significant financial support and provided him with acquaintance and ties with high-ranking British figures, was introduced into Hitler's circle of acquaintances.
              1. +5
                24 June 2016 10: 55
                Hitler was prepared for big politics, however, while prosperity reigned in Germany, his party remained on the periphery of public life. The situation changes dramatically with the onset of the crisis.

                In the autumn of 1929, after the collapse of the American stock exchange provoked by the Fed, the third stage of the strategy of the Anglo-American financial circles began to take place.

                The Fed and Morgan Banking House decide to stop lending to Germany, inspired by the banking crisis and economic depression in Central Europe. In September 1931, England abandoned the gold standard, deliberately destroying the international payment system and completely shutting off the financial oxygen of the Weimar Republic.

                But a financial miracle happens with the NSDAP: in September 1930, as a result of large donations from Thyssen, “I.G. Farbenindustri ”and Kirdorf, the party receives 6,4 million votes, ranks second in the Reichstag, after which generous injections from abroad are activated. The main connecting link between the largest German industrialists and foreign financiers is J. Schacht.
                1. +7
                  24 June 2016 10: 58
                  On January 4, 1932, a meeting of the largest English financier M. Norman with A. Hitler and von Papen took place, at which a secret agreement was concluded on financing the NSDAP. The meeting was also attended by American politicians, the Dulles brothers, which their biographers do not like to mention. And on January 14, 1933, Hitler met with Schroeder, Papen and Kepler, where Hitler’s program was fully approved. It was here that the issue of the transfer of power to the Nazis was finally resolved, and on January 30, Hitler became Reich Chancellor.

                  The attitude of the Anglo-American ruling circles towards the new government has become extremely benevolent. When Hitler refused to pay reparations, which naturally called into question the payment of military debts, neither England nor France presented him with claims about payments. Moreover, after a trip reinstated at the head of the Reichsbank by J. Schacht to the United States in May 1933 and his meeting with the president and the largest bankers on Wall Street, America granted Germany new loans totaling $ 1 billion. And in June during trips to London and meetings with M. Norman Schacht seeks the provision of an English loan of $ 2 billion and a reduction, and then termination of payments on old loans. Thus, the Nazis got what the previous governments could not achieve.
                  1. +5
                    24 June 2016 11: 12
                    In the summer of 1934, Britain entered into an Anglo-German transfer agreement, which became one of the foundations of British policy towards the Third Reich, and by the end of the 30s, Germany was turning into the main trading partner of England. Schroeder’s Bank becomes Germany’s main agent in the UK, and in 1936 its New York office merged with the Rockefeller House to create the Schroeder, Rockefeller & Co. Investment Bank, which The Times called the “Berlin-Rome axis economic advocate” ". As Hitler himself admitted, he planned his four-year plan on the financial basis of a foreign loan, so he never inspired him with the slightest alarm.

                    In August 1934, the American Standard Oil acquired 730 thousand acres of land in Germany and built large oil refineries that supplied the Nazis with oil. At the same time, the most modern equipment for aircraft factories was delivered secretly from the USA to Germany, where the production of German aircraft would begin. Germany received a large number of military patents from American firms Pratt & Whitney, Douglas, Bendix Aviation, and Junkers 87 was built using American technology. By 1941, when World War II was raging, American investments in the German economy amounted to $ 475 million. Standard Oil invested 120 million in it, General Motors invested 35 million, ITT 30 million, and Ford - 17,5 million

                    Somehow, the "beast" was raised. Moreover, the British handed over to Hitler all Czech gold after they tore apart Czechoslovakia - 130 million Reichsmarks in gold directly from British banks, where the Czechoslovak state gold reserve was kept.

                    But the "beast" felt the strength and at some point got out of control .... France, the bombing of England, with a possible landing of German troops, African "adventures" .... The latter pushed the British and the United States to an alliance with the USSR.
                    1. +7
                      24 June 2016 12: 04
                      For the sake of completeness, something else is missing, I already wrote about it in the comments to the article:
                      tml # comment-id-5998871

                      If you read those of my comments - oil painting - how to become a superpower, being overseas and not having the consequences of a world war on your territory (and not just one!).
                      1. +8
                        24 June 2016 13: 49
                        And excuse me, two more words ..

                        You have noticed that the global financial elite has embarked on the implementation of the Great Depression 2 plan, followed by a transition to a “new world order”. Was Britain accidentally pulled in from the EU (I hope you do not believe in a real referendum) ??? Life goes on, let's see. hi

                        As regards financial matters in the pre-war USSR and how it was connected with world capital, I will unsubscribe somehow, very interesting data, especially in light of the events I described above from 1929-1940.
                      2. +4
                        24 June 2016 18: 54
                        Thanks to the author.

                        The article is correct, necessary. But there is a significant point.

                        You need to write less. It is necessary to put all knowledge in the shortest text, otherwise knowledge is not acquired.
                      3. +2
                        24 June 2016 20: 19
                        Quote: gladcu2
                        You need to write less. It is necessary to put all knowledge in the shortest text, otherwise knowledge is not acquired.

                        Read my comments yesterday and the day before yesterday, everything there is the same only briefly.
                      4. +1
                        24 June 2016 20: 41
                      5. 0
                        25 June 2016 17: 48
                        Thank you for the article
                    2. -1
                      24 June 2016 18: 31
                      Another group of bankers at the same time did the same in the USSR.
                      ALL Soviet heavy industry was built by the Americans.
                      Moreover, we surpassed Hitler every 5 times in tanks and planes. In the USSR, they built significantly more. And what is the mean idea here?
                      In aviation, Germany held a leading position.
                      I don’t know what outstanding technology the Germans received from the Americans to create the Yu-87. Soviet aviation experts were not impressed with this machine
                      1. +2
                        24 June 2016 20: 21
                        Quote: Beefeater
                        I don’t know what outstanding technology the Germans received from the Americans to create the Yu-87. Soviet aviation experts were not impressed with this machine

                        Messerschmitt received American technology from Boeing for the construction of the Me-109, mainly due to the engine, which was constantly improved and the fighter improved speed characteristics.
                2. +3
                  24 June 2016 20: 17
                  Quote: gray smeet
                  But a financial miracle happens with the NSDAP: in September 1930, as a result of large donations from Thyssen, “I.G. Farbenindustri ”and Kirdorf, the party receives 6,4 million votes, ranks second in the Reichstag, after which generous injections from abroad are activated. The main connecting link between the largest German industrialists and foreign financiers is J. Schacht.

                  For money from any marginal gang, you can make a respected party. I also wrote about this, but before that Hitler was introduced to high society and introduced to the right people, who then knew him personally.
              2. 0
                24 June 2016 20: 14
                Quote: gray smeet
                American cooperation with the German military-industrial complex was so intense and pervasive that by 1933 the key sectors of German industry and such large banks as Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank and other

                At the same time, that political force was being prepared, which was called upon to play a decisive role in the implementation of the Anglo-American plans. It is about financing the Nazi party and personally A. Hitler.

                Well, I wrote about this very briefly, too, yesterday and the day before yesterday, you here expanded comments on the whole article. According to the article itself, the article is uninformative with such a volume.
    2. +5
      24 June 2016 06: 54
      Yes, I must know and remember!
      And what kind of abomination is creeping around the VO site with its minuses? Can he, or them, be tracked down and roughly punished?
      1. +4
        24 June 2016 12: 41
        I didn’t even think that so many fascists dug into the VO site ... It's sad and disgusting!
    3. -10
      24 June 2016 11: 00
      Quote: EvgNik
      Young people need to know

      Thank God that taking advantage of the fact that there is no censorship today, young people will learn the correct stories about all the horrors that the Bolsheviks did in Russia and how much blood and grief they brought to her.
      1. avt
        24 June 2016 12: 59
        Quote: White Guard
        Thank God that taking advantage of the fact that there is no censorship today, young people will learn the correct stories about all the horrors that the Bolsheviks did in Russia and how much blood and grief they brought to her.

        And here is the "noble all-noble" from the "noble assembly of the Proletarian region" cut through. If it were not these Bolsheviks and their iron will, headed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Stalin, feel the difference with the alcoholic Niki # 2, now I would not sprinkle my comments under the chase of the "White Guard", but hunch over at some bauer, and even then if it hadn't disposed of some Sonderkommanda's parents, but with all the knowledge of two rules, not even mathematics - arithmetic and a dozen commands in German. ”And maybe the owner’s computer would have looked through the window.
        1. -10
          24 June 2016 13: 15
          Quote: avt
          If not these Bolsheviks

          There would be no tens of millions of victims on Russian soil (together with the Second World War about 100 million victims), and the fake army of Dzhugashvili would not have been defeated near Moscow in the 41st.
          And if not these "naglo-Saxons", whom you hate so much, rightly judged that Hitlerism poses a much greater threat to the civilized world than Stalinism, due to its greater viability, Barbarossa's plan would have been fully implemented by the spring of the 42nd.
          And the "drunkard Nikolai 2" (the Bolsheviks already deny that Dzhugashvili was an alcoholic, you can go crazy !!!) did not let the Germans go beyond the border, and RI emerged from the war as the least affected state of all the belligerents.
          1. +5
            24 June 2016 16: 59
            Quote: White Guard
            And if not these "naglo-Saxons", whom you hate so much, rightly judged that Hitlerism poses a much greater threat to the civilized world than Stalinism

            Yes, we hate it. And they must be supposed to love us. And it is not for them, who raised Nazism, to talk about who poses the greatest threat. And not for you, naturally. The threat to the country is represented just by you - the fifth column. Did I correctly identify your position? Grantoed ... further untranslatable pun game for grant eaters.
      2. +1
        24 June 2016 17: 28
        Victim of the exam? laughing
        1. 0
          25 June 2016 02: 20
          Quote: Finches
          Victim of the exam?

          No, Zhenya, an outright enemy.
          1. +1
            25 June 2016 16: 05
            It is not for nothing that the word "white guard" does not evoke a special sense of trust in me ...
      3. 0
        25 June 2016 08: 15
        you think your delirium is the "correct story" belay laughing
    4. 0
      24 June 2016 13: 12
      I agree, great article! Nothing invented, clean story!
    5. 0
      24 June 2016 18: 16
      It would be nice to call specifically.
      And captions on the TV screen.
  2. +1
    24 June 2016 06: 43
    Illuminati, conspiracy, world backstage, puppeteers, the Templars ... I certainly do not mind the version that the capital has kindled the crucible of war, but it is quite like that on ren TV looks like. Youth such nonsense is in no case be given to teach. And so in the heads of confusion and a mess, otherwise the generation of futurologists and alternatives will grow.
    1. +3
      24 June 2016 07: 02
      I think you are wrong. Young people are not babies, but adults who can learn everything. Seeing such difficulties in life, they wouldn’t read stupid fantasies. That's what they slip on purpose.
      MINUS did not set you.
      1. +6
        24 June 2016 07: 42
        Young people are the most vulnerable part of the population in terms of propaganda and cultural influence. Over in Ukraine, the young did not seem to differ from ours, but they gladly wear a swastika and praise Bender.
        1. +4
          24 June 2016 08: 13
          What a school teacher and such youth. A school teacher is an integral part of the humanitarian block of the country. Since the age of 91, Natsiks have become the owners of the humanitarian block in Ukraine. Therefore, in the former country after 20 years - Bandera is a hero, and Hitler is a friend. And yet, the poor teacher destroys the country more than any aggressor.
          1. +2
            24 June 2016 10: 22
            Quote: atos_kin
            Since the 91 year, Natsiks have become the owners of the humanitarian block in Ukraine

            Wait a minute, but where did the Nazis come from? Where they were carefully nurtured, invented for them "history", "culture", "literature" - not in Soviet Ukrainian Academies? Who erected monuments to Shevchenko's Russophobe: the Shevchenko monument on Shevchenko Avenue, where the Shevchenko library is located next to the Shevchenko Theater?
            Little Russia was remade to Ukraine for 70 years, from 1920's ...
            1. +1
              24 June 2016 10: 29
              Quote: Aleksander
              Little Russia was remade to Ukraine for 70 years, from 1920's ...

              Yes, and since 1953, the "school teacher" has also been replaced.
            2. -2
              24 June 2016 11: 08
              Quote: Aleksander
              Little Russia has been remade to Ukraine for 70 years, since the 1920s

              And these are trifles in comparison with what special rights Georgia used in the USSR.
              This was probably the most privileged republic where one could be an open Nazi and Russophobe in all the years of the existence of the USSR.
              And "Thank you" I must say Dzhugashvili for this.
              1. 0
                24 June 2016 18: 56
                Quote: White Guard
                Quote: Aleksander
                Little Russia has been remade to Ukraine for 70 years, since the 1920s

                And these are trifles in comparison with what special rights Georgia used in the USSR.
                This was probably the most privileged republic where one could be an open Nazi and Russophobe in all the years of the existence of the USSR.
                And "Thank you" I must say Dzhugashvili for this.

                There, even in the 20s, all non-Georgians, in particular, Armenians from Tbilisi were evicted so as not to interfere with the titular life.
      2. +1
        24 June 2016 18: 49
        Quote: Reptiloid
        I think you are wrong. Young people are not babies, but adults who can learn everything. Seeing such difficulties in life, they wouldn’t read stupid fantasies. That's what they slip on purpose.
        MINUS did not set you.

        It is then necessary to develop a computer game. Hitler and Stalin in a hot pan beat each other with clubs, American Roosevelt throws logs into the fire, Hirohito creeps up behind him, balls on Roosevelt's head. Like an idea. In my opinion, positively. Youth will groan with delight.
    2. +2
      24 June 2016 07: 03
      For the first time I hear that the Rockefellers had a British passport ...
    3. avt
      24 June 2016 07: 10
      Quote: Choi
      Illuminati, conspiracies, world backstage, puppeteers, Templars ... I certainly do not mind the version that capitals kindled the crucible of war, but it looks like a Ren TV.
      fool It's already straight - see the groundhog? I see. But he is not.
      Well, that’s positively interesting, ”the professor said, shaking with laughter,“ what you have, whatever you grab, there is nothing! ”
      Quote: Choi
      And so in the heads of confusion and mess, otherwise a generation of futurologists and alternative specialists will grow up.
      Hike you have grown up and when the real facts were discovered, the world of dreams cracked and now - “No! No! this cannot be, because it cannot be! I don’t want to know this! "Well, it can be treated with only one thing - to study, study and once again - to study. At least search and find out what Neville Chamberlain said about Czechs when he merged them all wholesale to Hitler, but compare the composition and armament at that time of Czechoslovakia and Germany Yu, when the Czechs could easily bomb Berlin, as well as the response of the same Poles to a request to let Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia in accordance with the agreement concluded with the USSR on mutual assistance. there is no strength to look for who and how raised the war industry in Germany after Versailles and why Hitler was NOT STOPPED when he had practically no Wehrmacht, namely when he entered the demilitarized Rhineland.
      1. -8
        24 June 2016 07: 25
        Well, notice that the difference between the conspiracy of the world behind the scenes and politics is. The confrontation of Britain, Germany and the USSR on any should have happened. Opposite national interests intersected too much. The United States was not going to fight in Europe at all; Roosevelt was more interested in the Pacific Ocean. Britain acted on the basis of their own convictions and state security. Just like the USSR. Political intrigues have existed since the appearance of the first states on the planet, but no one calls the shadow masons their conspiracies. It’s just worth separating versions and hypotheses from historical facts.

        For example, the article does not mention the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. But at the same time, the French and all the beloved Englishmen were waiting for a response from Stalin. But he chose an alliance with the West, an agreement with Hitler. If there had been a bloc with Britain and the USSR against Germany, there could have been no war.
        1. +3
          24 June 2016 07: 50
          Quote: Choi
          If there was a bloc against Germany with Britain and the USSR, there might not have been a war

          We already had a bloc with Britain in 1812. Forgot? And what, Napoleon did not attack? By the way, Germany has concluded pacts with all countries, and with Britain too, but our country has never concluded pacts with anyone, and it only entered into international treaties! Check the text if you don't believe it. Under an agreement with Germany, our country received significant financial loans, necessary machine tools, technologies, samples of modern military equipment at that time, on which our military-industrial complex was based. All this not only helped to defeat German fascism itself, but also did not allow Japan to enter the war with us, as well as to soberly assess the possible claims of our "allies" in the possible operation "Unthinkable" in the future, ask about it.
          1. -1
            24 June 2016 20: 07
            Quote: venaya
            Quote: Choi
            If there was a bloc against Germany with Britain and the USSR, there might not have been a war

            We already had a bloc with Britain in the 1812th year. Forgot? And what, Napoleon did not attack ?.

            Moreover, we so treasured our relations with England that that is why the war began. Russia traded with England, and Napoleon put an economic blockade on the Island, continental Europe did not trade with England. T e Russia had a phenomenal profit. Although it promised to join the general order. Napoleon was to force Alexander to obey. It was not Siberia that attracted him so much.
        2. avt
          24 June 2016 11: 59
          Quote: Choi
          Well, note that there is a difference between the conspiracy of the world behind the scenes and politics. The confrontation between Britain, Germany and the USSR was to happen anyway.

          Somehow deal with the terminology, well, what do you understand in terms of a conspiracy, conspiracy, politics in general and what kind of conspiracies, conspiracies and other things arise from it, then study specific historical facts in the light of the previously acquired knowledge of terminology. about the delirium that you carry from some of your anal
          Quote: Choi
          But at the same time, the French and everyone so beloved the British were waiting for an answer from Stalin.

          The campaign does not have the slightest idea about the specific events that happened in time in those years.
          Quote: Choi
          . If there was a bloc against Germany with Britain and the USSR, there might not have been a war.

          fool Congratulations on your admission to the category determined by Lavrov - DB For only such a category with aplomb talks about what it does not know and does not want to know. At least before they were given out by a search engine, those who worked with ANY authority, or rather, with their absence, would come from Moscow to the trilateral negotiations and that they answered Voroshilov’s offer to provide them. I’m not talking about Munich in 1938 - the height unattainable for you in this life.
    4. +3
      24 June 2016 07: 59
      Choi, are you adequate at all? can you still say that in the west, presidents govern and make decisions? Political parties and governments exist to give the appearance of legitimacy to decision-making, waging wars and, as you call, political intrigues.
      1. -2
        24 June 2016 11: 11
        Quote: Orionvit
        in the west, do presidents rule and make decisions?

        Another question, what is "management" for you? If for you "governance" is exclusively the dictatorship and power of one person over the whole country, then yes, in capitalist countries presidents do not really "rule".
      2. 0
        24 June 2016 14: 28
        I am with you dear man on brudershaft did not drink, so you can talk to your friends. About the adequacy of the question I do not need to address. What kind of crazy does he admit?
    5. +4
      24 June 2016 08: 49
      Reptilian-driven world behind the scenes laughing
      1. 0
        24 June 2016 10: 33
        Sometimes it seems to me that individual authors are directly controlled by Reptiloids or some other -oids. smile
    6. +1
      24 June 2016 10: 26
      Another pearl of a group of authors under the nickname Samsonov.
      The reason for the hatred of the Anglo-Saxons to the Russians was that the Russians were the only ones who could defeat them in the Great Game, where the power over the planet was bet.

      Come on, my friend. You always claimed that tsarist Russia was backward. And here comes Russian civilization, the only competitor of the Anglo-Saxons for world domination. . . Or do you keep track of Russian civilization only from 1917 of the year? So, before the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the USSR was not a superpower and could not lay claim not only to world domination, but even to a significant role in world politics. Before the war, his political place was somewhere at the level of the Czech Republic with Poland, not higher. In fact, the USSR was seen to the west as a third world country, in which the lumpen took power. To seize and plunder such a country is welcome, but to see in it a real competitor. . . don't flatter yourself, come closer ...
      The USSR became a superpower only thanks to the STRENGTH of its weapons, only thanks to the Russian soldier, and this happened only in 1945. And leave the tales about the ideas of great justice, equality and equality for children and politicians: some will listen to them, and others will tell.
      1. -2
        24 June 2016 11: 14
        Quote: Nikolai K
        Or do you keep an account of Russian civilization only since 1917?

        Yes, the Bolsheviks only lead in this way. More ancient than the history of Russia (starting in 1917) for the Bolsheviks was only the history of the CPSU (starting from the 19th century).
        Quote: Nikolai K
        So, before the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the USSR was not a superpower

        He was not even after the war.
        Do not believe me, take an interest in what year the USSR had at least nuclear weapons delivery means.
        1. avt
          24 June 2016 13: 10
          Quote: White Guard
          Yes, the Bolsheviks only lead in this way. More ancient than the history of Russia (starting in 1917) for the Bolsheviks was only the history of the CPSU (starting from the 19th century).
          fool There are two options
          Or another candidate for detachment DB to them Lavrov. A know-it-all koekaker, or an outright sharpie. In the USSR, stories were trained in a qualified manner, and the whole thing is just enough to open a school textbook of that time. But with regards to chronology, there was such an urge - since the 1917 revolution completely changed the way of life of Russia, it was called the New Era, like from the Nativity of Christ during it, but naturally this beginning of the early era of the revolution quietly died out. But such cheaters are trying to recoup on this.
          Quote: White Guard
          He was not even after the war.
          Don't believe

          ,, Cardboard fool, who will believe you. "
          Quote: White Guard
          Do not believe me, take an interest in what year the USSR had at least nuclear weapons delivery means.

          Lohami pedal rub your own laziness and illiteracy - in 1949, and began to produce in 1947.
          1. -4
            24 June 2016 13: 24
            Quote: avt
            There are two options

            There is only one option, I am talking with a representative of the "Dzhugashvili witnesses" sect, and a constructive dialogue with such is not possible.
            And I had a book at home, "The history of the CPSU" from some 1800 to our days. I even went nuts with the delirium of this name.
            Quote: avt
            who will believe you

            Well, I don’t expect logic from you, you are hopeless.
            And the people are smart and, having met new information for them, will google and make sure personally that the USSR for a long time did not have the means of delivery of nuclear weapons and with Dzhugashvili on its bombs only if it could have been blown up.
            Quote: avt
            in 1949, and began to produce in 1947.

            Yes, our morale is strong and our tanks are fast.
            1. avt
              24 June 2016 14: 56
              Quote: White Guard
              And I had a book at home, "The history of the CPSU" from some 1800 to our days. I even went nuts with the delirium of this name.

              Campaign as a child and remained, well, if the history of the KPSS "from 1800, and even OUR DAYS! fool laughingHike in 1991, in a wheelchair in diapers drove. Sculpt from the ceiling with aplomb
              Quote: avt
              another candidate for the detachment DB them Lavrov. Koyekaker-know-it-all

              Quote: White Guard
              And the people are smart and, having met new information for them, will google and make sure personally that the USSR for a long time did not have the means of delivery of nuclear weapons and with Dzhugashvili on its bombs only if it could have been blown up.

              laughing What kind of "smart" information from the sect adept DB named after Lavrov could be if you stupidly beat the keys, not even letting in with the brain what the carriers of nuclear weapons are and actually were in those days, distant, now almost epic see what the USSR actually had in 1947. laughing To a campaign in a brain only own aplomb and the specified insanity
              Quote: White Guard
              Yes, our morale is strong and our tanks are fast.

              Well, this is already a specialist, and I’m not a practicing psychiatrist and do not remotely fly.
  3. dFG
    24 June 2016 06: 45
    The point is not even new to us, but that throw out the dates from the article and, for example, Persia (Iran) and the whole picture is repeated exactly as then, therefore, the lessons and experience of that war have not lost their relevance even one iota today.
  4. -4
    24 June 2016 06: 53
    I liked the article very much. Here, right away, you, Yevgeny Ivanovich, disagreed, as well as the Author. I like your comment, because my age is less than yours on ..... I will not say.
    In general, it’s hard for young people. The 20th century is least covered in literature, in my opinion the most complicated story. Moreover, I’m talking only about our country, and after all other countries, continents. The number of events is huge. The complexity of the events.

    I am embarrassed to say that I still do not understand such a phenomenon as a shortage of goods and services. I try to learn more about the way of life in the 20th century.
    That elementary that you remember for someone needs to be explained. And many do not understand this.
    1. 0
      24 June 2016 13: 10
      I saw that I was mistaken by mistake, of course EVGENY NIKOLAEVICH, EvgNik!
      And here is what I wanted to say. Recently, an article was about Transnistria.
      24 years ago, I was petty. I didn’t understand anything. It’s possible for those who were born later not to recognize at all. The republic is unrecognized --- a child may not hear about it at all. And there can be many such topics.
  5. +9
    24 June 2016 07: 03
    Sobsno somehow.
  6. +2
    24 June 2016 07: 37
    I didn’t like the article .. Again emotions, common phrases .. Theme is excellent .. Author, well, take it seriously, put it on the shelves .. that’s how it was ... I understand that the format of the article does not allow, do three parts. . A lot of noise, did not hurt .. Plus put .. for the topic .. but not for the content ...
    1. +2
      24 June 2016 08: 12
      In my opinion a normal article. The only thing is that the author only glanced slightly behind the scenes of world politics, and we would have to turn it inside out, otherwise people will never understand why wars, crises and other crap happen.
  7. +7
    24 June 2016 07: 43
    Article set +. It is necessary to Know and Remember.
  8. +4
    24 June 2016 08: 15
    Bolsheviks, among whom was formed the core of Russian statists

    Then the author made his way to tears, you can’t say anything! hi

    The first composition of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee:

    Moses Markovich Goldstein
    Yeshua-Solomon Movshevich,
    Ovshiy Moiseevich Nakhamkis,
    Leo Rosenfeld,

    75% of the passengers of that same Lenin's sealed carriage are also "Russian statesmen" Yes
    Soviet (Russian) civilization, which presented the world with an alternative project for the future of humanity - solar civilization, a society of creation and service. Where are the new people who dumped fetters of slavery and ignorance, physical, intellectually and spiritually developed will be directed towards the stars, a brighter future.

    The author's inspiration is gaining momentum from article to article: if in the last article the enemies wanted to destroy only the "shoots of a new civilization", then today it is already "solar civilization".
    The author apparently means solar island cannibals Nazino or 7 million starvationwho had nothing to eat but this ...
    And slavery:
    Report of the Prosecutor General of the Ukrainian SSR Kiselyov to the USSR Prosecutor's Office on the work of the prosecution authorities of the Ukrainian SSR in combating crime in the field of animal husbandry. 29 March 1935:

    For crimes in relation to cattle for 1934, also on incomplete data, 5910 people were convicted.
    Still cattle, he will be taller than a man ...
  9. -4
    24 June 2016 08: 31
    Hitler embodied for me perfect image of the great masochistwho unleashed a world war solely for the pleasure of losing her and be buried under the ruins of an empire
    © Salvador Dali

    Dali is not an artist. Dali is a PR man, Dali is a master of painting of the highest academic (!!!) technique. Mediocre and uneducated fans of primitive painting call Dali a surreralist. But how to tie this together if Dali was kicked out of the section of surrealism? Salvador Dali created his own trend and called it "Dalianism", which is why Dali is also a conceptualist. Dali is a filmmaker, Dali is a writer and psychic. A psychic in this case is a soothsayer, a telepath, a clairvoyant. The fact is that real writers, poets and artists have a kind of omniscience and clairvoyance.
    The main idea that runs through the entire work of Salvador Dali is precisely the complete worthlessness, the cardboard emptiness of an object called Adolf Hitler. Hitler is nobody. This is zero without a stick. It's not even zero - it's a nibbled photo the size of a postage stamp is not appetizing and shallow. This is the finest mockery of all the homosexual cultural creativity of the Third Reich. This is unique in the method of stabalov over the top management of the Third Reich, which hung tightly on the armor-piercing mixture of amphetamines and opiates. It is clear that the leader of these punctual professional could only be a masochist of genius in his idiocy on a planetary scale. It was impossible for an adequate person with normal aspirations to lead such a unique herd of fighting bees and ants, he could never form that unique instinct that drove the Germans into battle, the result of which was clear from the very beginning - this is a complete defeat.
    An equally important consequence that follows from an interactive compilation of Salvador Dali's work with respect to Hitler is crucial for the discourse on Hitler in general. As everyone knows, Hitler, despite his negative image, is regarded as a great historical figure, leader and leader of the nation, such an outstanding character. Salvador Dali tightly and globally disavows this fetish, exposing the imperial clothes of the possessed Adolf, created with the help of discursors from the USA.
    Hitler is a dummy, that is the empty spot on a plate on which Germany masturbated, embraced by a hysteria of a grand-ethnic type and a chosen nation in front of a mythical cult hastily created from a mixture of Hinduism and primitive European paganism with the unsuccessful inclusion of seedlings of Judeo-Christianity. The genius of Salvador Dali as a clairvoyant is clearly reflected in the date of the painting - 1937.
    1. +1
      24 June 2016 09: 26
      Quote: antiexpert
      . The genius of Salvador Dali as a clairvoyant is clearly reflected in the date of the painting - 1937.

      And is it a genius Dali?
      Yes! Truly a MASTERPIECE)))))
  10. +2
    24 June 2016 08: 43
    In a solar civilization that has thrown off the shackles of slavery and humiliation, people did not have the right to resign from the enterprise of their own free will. Slaves built canals and enterprises, sat down and died on political charges in the hundreds of thousands, and it was mortally dangerous to express their opinions different from those of the party.
    1. -5
      24 June 2016 09: 33
      This is called the complete mobilization of society on the eve of the destructive, but ultimately victorious war and the creation of a bipolar World, which was foreseen by JV Stalin. True, he spoke out on the offensive plane, but first he had to conquer his territory. Still, the new religion provided for the postulate - whoever is not with us is against us and, under pain of punishment for negligence, all citizens of the Empire injected. Well, of course, the party workers and other senior staff had better living conditions. However, they also quickly and easily passed into the category of a canal digger. From the end of the 60s, everything changed for the better for most residents of the Great Empire of the USSR. (Minus not mine, I think you are just mistaken after watching Svanidzev and the Melechins.)
      1. +2
        24 June 2016 09: 51
        This is called slavery, whatever the reason for this.
        1. +2
          24 June 2016 10: 17
          The state is always coercion. Discussive Freedom only on an uninhabited island with an immeasurable number of plant beetles.
          1. -2
            24 June 2016 10: 34
            Always coercion but not always labor and ideological slavery.
            1. 0
              24 June 2016 10: 47
              Not in the west are they fluttering like birds and singing songs. To hell with two, try in the states now to speak out in support of Putin in public, they will rumble to the fullest. What about concentration camps for Japanese US citizens in the 40s?
              1. +1
                24 June 2016 12: 46
                On the first point a is easy. Actually, they don't give a shit about Putin, but the shirts with him go off with a bang. Secondly, take a look at the terrible living conditions in these camps. Compared to the places of settlements for those deported from us. But we are talking about slavery in the USSR and not in the USA.
  11. +8
    24 June 2016 09: 07
    But the Bolsheviks, among whom the core of Russian statesmen formed, were able to beat the powerful enemy by creating Soviet statehood and the Soviet project, which embodied the centuries-old aspirations of the Russian people about social justice. Stalin began his Great Game, violating the plans of our geopolitical "partners" enemies.

    Yes, the Bolsheviks were the shock force of the Judeo-Masons.
    Putin himself confirms that 99% of them were Jews. When did they do state building? when did they distribute territories or when did they create national republics?
    Stalin is not a Bolshevik, it was he who built the USSR that we know.
    And Hitler is another part of the Judeo-Masonic project. The war between Germany and the USSR is the desire to restore the Jewish-Masonic influence in Russia, which was after the February and October revolution.
    With the coming to power of Yeltsin, the plans of the LM were finally realized.
    1. -1
      24 June 2016 09: 24
      Look under the bed more often. Suddenly, the liquid massons hid there. And there are green men who collaborate with the world behind the scenes specifically to spread rot on Russia so that the Russians do not take over the universe.
      1. 0
        24 June 2016 09: 52
        Quote: Kenneth
        Look under the bed more often. Suddenly there were liquid massons

        And you read more, and most importantly - you yourself need to think a little. Ask for what money the revolutions were carried out in Russia. In which organizations were the revolutionaries - "Februaryists".
        About revolutionaries - "Octobrists". Trotsky and Sverdlov - patriots of the Russian proletariat ???
        And why do all modern democrats hate Stalin - yes because he pushed their relatives to tails.
        With Hitler, everything is more complicated - there is little information, but it is, well, the brain needs to be turned on more.
        1. +3
          24 June 2016 10: 20
          Yes, what the difference is in what organizations who were members
          And even more so, on whose money the revolution was made. The term liquid masson as such gives out the schizophrenic idea of ​​reducing different historical processes with different interests of numerous participants to one denominator. You still forgot about the Bundosionists and invite me to read the protocols of the Zionist sages. So I read a lot of things, including what you use as the basis for your conclusions. They qualify as nonsense of sick people, whom the aforementioned Zhidomassons would have killed all for a long time and the books had been seized if all this were true.
          1. 0
            24 June 2016 12: 22
            Quote: Kenneth
            the liquid masses would have killed everyone long ago

            Probably not everyone was killed.
            After all, Masonic symbolism came from somewhere in the star of the Russian army, in the star of the Ministry of Emergencies,
            find a photo of Miller’s house - an entertaining sight, go to Astana - on each corner their symbols - architects - jokers, probably got caught.
            And Washington, if we talked about architecture, is widely represented by Masonic signs.
            1. +2
              24 June 2016 12: 51
              Who cares who has what signs. You have nothing more to do but look for symbols in architecture. LLC circle of Masons. Everyone is hiding. In the village you need to relax with a fishing rod in nature. Maybe the Masons will fall behind.
      2. -1
        24 June 2016 11: 21
        Quote: Kenneth
        And there are green men who collaborate with the world behind the scenes specifically to spread rot on Russia so that the Russians do not take over the universe.

        Learn history, Russia already rules the universe, but they hide our history from us! (just kidding, of course)
    2. -3
      24 June 2016 11: 19
      Quote: SarS
      Stalin is not a Bolshevik, it was he who built the USSR that we know.

      Dzhugashvili is the most Bolshevik, one of the most loyal and consistent Leninists.
      If you don’t understand this, you simply don’t understand what Leninism-Bolshevism really is.
      1. +2
        24 June 2016 12: 05
        Quote: White Guard
        Dzhugashvili is the most Bolshevik, one of the most loyal and consistent Leninists.
        If you don’t understand this, you simply don’t understand what Leninism-Bolshevism really is.

        Everything is not so clear.
        From the point of view of communist ideology - Leninist. But, once again, it came to power in the state, if you don’t like the name of the Jewish-Masonic, you can say the Hasidic party, you can say the party led by the Jews.

        So, Stalin stopped the mess that they made all over the country, removed these people from top posts, etc.
        And from this point of view, he is not a Bolshevik.
        1. 0
          24 June 2016 12: 41
          Quote: SarS
          From the point of view of communist ideology - Leninist.

          From the point of view Marxist ideology (Communist ideology does not exist), neither Leninism, nor the USSR itself, had anything to do with either Marxism, nor with socialism, much less with the building of communism.
          Why did I, the anti-communist, read both Marx and Trotsky, but you anti-communists did not read?
          (a rhetorical question, therefore I am also an anti-communist who read the works of the communists, and not only of them alone)
          1. avt
            24 June 2016 15: 54
            Quote: White Guard
            Why did I, the anti-communist, read both Marx and Trotsky, but you anti-communists did not read?

            To whom you lie, getting confused in the comments.
            Quote: White Guard
            And I had a book at home, "The history of the CPSU" from some 1800 to our days. I even went nuts with the delirium of this name.

            laughing And I haven't read that, since the history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union since 1800.
            “Yes, I do not agree.
            - With whom? Engels or Kautsky?
            “With both,” answered Sharikov.
            - This is wonderful, I swear to God. To everyone who says that the other ... And what could you offer?
            - What can I offer? .. And they write, they write ... Congress, some Germans ... My head swells. Take everything, and share ...
            “That's what I thought,” exclaimed Filipp Filippovich, slapping his palm on the tablecloth, “I thought so.”
            Hello ! Polygraph Polygraphovich. laughing
  12. 0
    24 June 2016 09: 44
    Such review articles with an admixture of pathetics are also needed. In this war, our ancestors resisted despite all the calculations. If HSE adherents stood at 41m at the head of the Union, they would have surrendered without a fight.

    Sincere allies in that war were few. Now they simply do not exist at the state level. Yes, and among the Leaders there are no people of the caliber of Alexander Nevsky or Stalin (faceless "troops without banners").
    1. +2
      24 June 2016 09: 53
      Two questions. What is HSE and why is the Nevsky caliber so great. In time, agree with the enemy with the maximum benefit for your family.
      1. 0
        24 June 2016 10: 14
        High School of Economics. The great merit of Alexander Yaroslavich and his descendants was preserved in the fact that the traditions of North-Eastern Russia were preserved.
        1. -1
          24 June 2016 10: 28
          [Do you think the order’s attempt to protect business in Pskov would greatly damage the traditions of northeastern Russia, even if it succeeded
          1. +1
            24 June 2016 10: 47
            The answer is YES. (Both the Pope and the "orders" were never sentimental: they robbed and consecrated with a cross). For Russians, this was unacceptable (no one canceled the struggle for living space even in our "tolerant Age").
            1. -2
              24 June 2016 12: 31
              Pskov was a trading republic which Novgorod was crushed by another trading republic. Some people in Pskov thought the order as a partner was better. Novgorod was stronger. Novgorod invaded the lands of the order, the final meeting took place on Lake Peipsi. Where was dad there. Novgorod and Pskov regularly fought and traded with each other and with the order
              And for the order played a miracle that Novgorod viciously oppressed.
              1. 0
                25 June 2016 00: 46
                A muddy story. It’s hard to even say where this Novgorod was
      2. -1
        24 June 2016 10: 32
        Quote: Kenneth
        Two questions. What is HSE and why is the Nevsky caliber so great. In time, agree with the enemy with the maximum benefit for your family.

        Well, this is who wrote the history of the Russian State into account? Modern historians are inclined to believe that there was no Mongol-Tatar invasion. There was a dismantling of the godfathers-princes, of whom Alexander led to a common denominator, along the way, pushing over the guts of the western nonhumans. Where is Russia and where are the Mongols? What did they eat when they covered such a distance?
        1. -3
          24 June 2016 12: 21
          Modern historians are Fomenko with Bushkov or maybe Nosov
          Iga may not have been, but the Russian princes in a horde wound up as scheduled.
          1. 0
            24 June 2016 14: 41
            But actually, how are these researchers against nature to you? At least San Sanych reasoned enough. The horde certainly was, but the Mongols didn’t smell there. The absurdity of the poor, who knew no written language or crafts, conquered the floor of the World. Absurd.
            1. +1
              24 June 2016 15: 15
              And the fact that they themselves are lamers and are liked by lamers who read one book with sensations and think that they know everything. And your San Sanych, by the way, apologized for that work, such as he is a writer and has the right to fiction. Historians do not just study at institutes for five years.
  13. -7
    24 June 2016 10: 40
    Full TIN! wassat
    Soviet (Russian) civilization, which presented the world with an alternative project for the future of humanity - a solar civilization, a society of creation and service

    Soviet civilization was the complete antagonist of Russian civilization, which was flesh from flesh by a Western, capitalist civilization.
    As a result, the civil war in the USSR, which lasted almost 40 years, claimed the lives of tens of millions of Russian people.
    And the intransigence of Russian and Soviet culture is clearly shown by the fact that in 1941 more people went to the Germans' side than in 1918 to the Bolsheviks.
    the masters of the West gradually raised three centers of war - fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and militarist Japan.

    In smart books, the reasons for the emergence of fascist regimes in European countries, from Spain to the USSR, are written, I recommend that you familiarize yourself.
    In short, to put it in a Marxist pheno, it was a "reaction" of strictly defined national financial elites to the evolutionarily inevitable democratization and integration.
    At the same time, most of Europe was given to Nazi Germany

    Did they give France too? Bugaga!
    Donated not only to Czechoslovakia

    The Sudetenland, inhabited by Germans who themselves wanted to go to Germany.
    and Poland

    And the fact of the joint occupation of Poland by Hitler and Dzhugashvili also does not bother us at all!
    England secretly guaranteed that it would not seriously fight with Germany

    The main thing is that secretly! That is, the author has no evidence! The fact that at the beginning of the Second World War Great Britain was at war with Germany does not bother the author either!
    British intelligence in Berlin made contact with Rudolf Hess and with his help found a way out to Hitler himself.

    And Hitler apparently hid somewhere before this! And from the British ambassadors all the more! laughing
    that the Russians were the only ones who could defeat them in the Great Game, where power over the planet staked.

    Blah blah blah!
    The USA won the "Big Game". To say that the United States and England are one and the same is the same as saying that the "Bandera" and "Muscovites" are the same people!
    As for the USSR, his place in the world order was deep in one place, he was an outcast.
    Bolsheviks, among whom the core of Russian statesmen was formed

    Consisting almost entirely of Jewish outcasts, formerly expelled from the Jewish communities, this very Russian Statehood was multiplied by zero for a couple of years in blood and terror! Tin.
    I can’t read further.
    1. +6
      24 June 2016 11: 11
      And gentlemen, the White Guards called on the West to intervene in Russia, to return the power of 15% over the Russian people. In the 80s, I could open my head into the office of my boss. They could not do a damn thing to a working person, because they proclaimed HEGEMON and were forced to follow this postulate. Although they probably creaked with their teeth, they didn’t like it. They could not dismiss a person without any reason, and it was pointless. Crossed the road, there you are required and the same s / n, if not higher. Pioneers in the transitions did not stand with outstretched hands. In the coffin, I saw your capitalism! Hate ideology. step on your head to your neighbor. And I want to live with my neighbor in the world.
      1. -5
        24 June 2016 11: 37
        Quote: Essex62
        regain the power of 15% over the Russian people.

        I will probably surprise you, but the existence of any society is not possible without a hierarchy. Any hierarchy is a pyramid, there are always fewer sergeants than ordinary soldiers, fewer officers than sergeants, and there is always only one commander-in-chief.
        Quote: Essex62
        In the 80s, I could open my head into the office of my boss.

        Yes Yes.
        You could "open the door with your foot", your neighbor-saleswoman could get nasty and not give change, and the called plumber could get drunk after 6 hours and do nothing, just stain the floor.
        This is all because while in normal countries the state guaranteed citizens the right to freedom of speech, movement and private life and property, in the USSR the Bolsheviks guaranteed citizens the right to rudeness and violence.
        1. +3
          24 June 2016 11: 50
          Why do I need a plumber? I always have my own strument at hand. I say, hegemon, a working man-engineer. And in three seconds I put my favorite mana in the store. Here the merchants held on to their place, the dismissals were very feared. T.ch. if they put pressure on them, they became very malleable. But now hucksters are the main ones in society.
          1. -3
            24 June 2016 12: 23
            Here it is to fix it myself put in place
            And this should be done by specially trained people and normal laws.
            1. -5
              24 June 2016 12: 45
              Quote: Kenneth
              And this should be done by specially trained people and normal laws.

              Exactly. But in the USSR, in addition to the right to rudeness and violence, there was also the right to irresponsibility.
              And really, why should an "engineer" wait for a plumber, to whom he pays a salary, if he himself can fix everything, if he himself first of all needs it ?! laughing
              1. +1
                24 June 2016 15: 01
                So they returned to that. JV Stalin, whom you so despised, put discipline and executiveness at the forefront. And personal responsibility, with very serious consequences. Cadres really decide everything. Excellent, modern, an example is Shoigu and a furniture maker, Lavrov-Kozyrev, Putin-ebn. Put in place of the drunken plumber just spit with such a system. And this system allowed, in the shortest possible time, destroyed by your civilizers, to restore the country and to explode into space. And to build a society with truly equal opportunities, where the son of a milkmaid could enter Moscow State University and become a diplomat. And Stalin Bolshevichkov, just leaned against the wall, so as not to muddle. To this day, they remind him of the Svanidza.
                1. -1
                  24 June 2016 15: 12
                  And under Stalin, sellers were not rude plumbers did not drink grass was greener than girls loved and had hair.
                  1. 0
                    25 June 2016 02: 30
                    and now sellers and plumbers are not rude? belay
    2. +4
      24 June 2016 15: 20
      Quote: White Guard
      The Sudetenland, inhabited by Germans who themselves wanted to go to Germany.

      Quote: White Guard
      And the fact of the joint occupation of Poland by Hitler and Dzhugashvili also does not bother us at all!

      That is, the Sudeten Germans can (this is not the occupation of the Czech Republic), and the Western Russians can not (this is the occupation of Poland). Doesn’t tear his head?

      PS Well, what kind of white guard are you, only disgrace this title: The White Movement has always advocated ONE and INDIVIDUAL Russia, never recognizing Western Russia as Poland, not recognizing Finland and Estonia with Latvia.
      And this principled position is one of the main reasons betrayals "allies" of the whites.
      you are an impostor-east-west european, but not a whiteguard.
  14. -10
    24 June 2016 10: 57
    In general, briefly and briefly, the USSR had an offensive army and was preparing for an offensive, aggressive war, and much has been written about this in smart books and smart people.
    The nature of the army, a chronic shortage of trucks, repair and other equipment. As well as the resources of tanks and aircraft, as well as the availability of their fuel and lubricants, they show readiness only for local hostilities, such as Finland or Poland.
    The Jewish purges in the leadership of the USSR army that preceded the beginning of WW2 (at least 80% of all Jews who held leading positions in the army were destroyed) and other leadership positions indicate plans to seize the world together with Hitler! Dzhugashvili specially removed the "fifth column" in the USSR, which was hostile to his plans for rapprochement with Hitler.
    That is, Dzhugashvili planned that while Hitler was at war with Britain and France in the west and south, he would be "little blood" in the east, ie Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
    Naturally, such a thing was impossible, Hitler would have attacked the USSR in any case, but Dzhugashvili was a chronic drunk with an affected brain weighing 1300 grams, he couldn’t even physically understand elementary things.
    A person like Dzhugashvili, who is the dictator of Russia, is one of the darkest spots in our history.
    1. +1
      24 June 2016 23: 12
      That is, Dzhugashvili planned that while Hitler would fight Britain and France in the west and south, he would be "little blood" in the east, there is Eastern Europe and the Middle East
      Yes, Stalin wanted it like that ,,,, but why would it not work out? Everything would have worked out in the best possible way, it’s with such an armada of tanks and planes, and everything else ,,, if not easily then without much stress. don't you like the resources of the tanks? normal resources on average 200-300 hours, the Germans were almost half as much, but somehow they reached Moscow.
    2. -1
      24 June 2016 23: 18
      Dzhugashvili was a chronic drunk with an affected brain weighing 1300 grams; he simply could not even physically understand basic things.
      Yes, he understood everything, and in the best possible way, except for a sane mind and many other positive qualities, he also had magical powers. He drank wine, but this does not mean that he was an alcoholic who does not understand anything.
    3. +8
      27 December 2020 17: 58
      Rezun re-read ...
      One should be proud of Stalin, not defame his name.
  15. 0
    24 June 2016 11: 00
    Propaganda, propaganda ..... In the 30s, America, England, Germany, Italy, Belgium built our industry. The evil Anglo-Saxons built us an armored industry from scratch - our T26 is an English Vickers tank, at that time one of the best vehicles, BT is an American-designed Christie tank, although it did not go into series in the states themselves, but the concept and production them. Evil Ford - the shark of imperialism, built us a GAZ. The basis of our transport aviation - LI2 - is the American "Douglas", everything was bought on a turnkey basis, the chemistry was built by the Germans, the airship was built by fascist Italy, etc. Whole branches of industry were created for us "from scratch", they even brought their own stationery and overalls. trained our personnel, machines, equipment. In the 30s, the USSR was a regional power and was not taken seriously as a military force. The repressions of the 30s also did not add weight to us in the eyes of the Anglo-Saxons. As for the "unwillingness" to fight, it is an outright lie. This is something new, they did not want to fight and deployed a powerful army on the Western Front. The fact that they tried to come to an agreement with Hitler is a fact, but we did the same with him in '39. The Germans defeated France and England just like us in 1941 and 42, came and in two weeks defeated everything they could defeat. England withdrew its aviation when it was clear that France had lost and it was necessary to prepare for the defense of England. And the "battle for England" - after all, it was then that the Germans were hit in the face for the first time, it was there that the German bomber aviation personnel were knocked out, which later were not enough during the raids on Moscow and Leningrad. And "Battle in the Atlantic"? - for us, naval battles are embellished operations in the Black Sea and the PQ 17 convoy, but for England it was a matter of life and death, and there both sides fought hard and stubbornly. England in 1938-1941 convulsively transferred the economy to a war footing and were able to surpass the Germans in the production of aircraft. It is enough to read Churchill's memoirs, how they collected rifles around the world in order to urgently equip their units taken from Dunkirk. And what about the fighting in Libya, Greece and Crete? The British and their satellites suffered serious losses there both at sea and on land. the scale is not the same? Well, after all, according to many testimonies, it was the delay of the Wehrmacht in Yugoslavia and Greece that delayed the beginning of the Second World War. Did the British want to transfer the blow of the Germans to the USSR and negotiate with it on the division of spheres of influence? And what did the USSR want to achieve by signing the 39 pact? Not to pit the Germans against the French and the British and then, having come to the aid of the winning side, to reap the laurels? Everything was ruined by Hitler and the German army, which in two weeks destroyed Poland, then France and threw the British from the mainland. Try to be objective at least sometimes. From this, the glory of our grandfathers will not suffer.
    1. +5
      24 June 2016 12: 51
      Industry was built for us for a reason. There are no altruists in the west. Everything was paid in gold. And Lend-Lease was also paid in gold. Since you consider yourself objective, do not forget about this.
      1. +2
        24 June 2016 13: 01
        About Lendlis, the theme is debated a million times
      2. 0
        24 June 2016 13: 18
        Quote: Flinky
        Everything was paid in gold.

        Mostly grain, with a population dying of hunger.
        And while a huge number of deliveries were in the USSR ON CREDIT on loans from Western banks.
        Quote: Flinky
        And Lend-Lease was also paid in gold.

        He got us for free.
        And Dzhugashvili’s convicts didn’t get so much gold in order to pay for everything we set.
        1. avt
          24 June 2016 19: 47
          Quote: White Guard
          He got us for free.

          Again he plunged into a puddle - learn the materiel! After the war, Stalin froze payments, and your new hysteria in the person of EBN paid extra. Moreover, if the USSR on a Frankish loan issued before the First World War put forward a counter-claim to pay for the ... stolen in Argangel city and Nikolaev on Murman, in Vladivostok, the PAYED and delivered military equipment, then it was repaid already in 1997-2000.
          Quote: White Guard
          And Dzhugashvili’s prisoners didn’t get so much gold,

          Again, koecaker - teach materiel and use at least a search engine. Stalin left so much, in spite of everything that was laid out and drowned on "Edinburgh", that Nikolashka # 2 never dreamed of.
    2. +3
      24 June 2016 17: 05
      Quote: Petrik66
      how they assembled rifles around the world to urgently equip their parts exported from Dunkirk.

      Moreover, after Dunkirk, England, due to a lack of weapons, was seriously planning to forge peaks for the infantry and even did something ...
    3. 0
      24 June 2016 23: 28
      But what did the USSR want to achieve by signing the 39-year pact?
      Judging by the documents, Stalin and Hitler shared Europe. And shared fraternally) ,,,,, but Stalin eventually began to squeeze out more than necessary, and Hitler naturally did not like it. This began to threaten his national interests. And how he did not want to beat the arrogant the British, but had to turn east.
      1. +8
        27 December 2020 17: 49
        Quote: Disgraced Shooter
        But what did the USSR want to achieve by signing the 39-year pact?

        To postpone the war and return what was part of the Russian Empire and no more.
      2. +10
        27 December 2020 17: 51
        Quote: Disgraced Shooter
        but Stalin eventually began to squeeze more than necessary, and Hitler naturally did not like it

        Thought Rezun's lies were dead. Wrong, it turns out she is still in fashion ... negative
    4. -1
      25 June 2016 02: 15
      "Propaganda, propaganda .." /////

      There is just propaganda, and there is "Alexander Samsonov". This is more than propaganda.
      This is ... - "the epic of propaganda under the fly agaric" laughing new worlds, fantasy ...
      1. 0
        25 June 2016 02: 37
        "This is ... -" the epic of propaganda under the fly agaric "laughing new worlds, fantasy ..." Yes, of course, all propaganda, and when Western politicians now declare that military bases in Poland and Romania are protection from Iraq and North Korea, and not how not against Russia! not funny ourselves belay laughing
        1. -4
          25 June 2016 13: 07
          And against whom is Russia developing a S-500 system capable of shooting down
          Medium-range BR? NATO and the US do not have such missiles.
          Against the same Iran, Korea, China. The opponents of the United States and Russia are the same:
          Islamic countries, China.
          Only propagandists like Samsonov are trying to play off the United States and Russia.
          And when will you need another Lend-Lease from whom will Russia ask?
          1. +1
            25 June 2016 16: 03
            and that Russia places the s-500 off the US borders! belay laughing that not one of these countries declares Russia to be a threat except the United States and NATO! But does the United States not support countries that support the Islamists of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey!
          2. +1
            25 June 2016 16: 20
            Well, it doesn’t decorate a man! - The S-500 system is capable of intercepting any flying objects at a distance of up to 3500 kilometers. The maximum height of interception of the target is 50 km. For comparison: the Patriot complex is capable of neutralizing a target at an altitude of up to 24 kilometers. Given this indicator, we see that the Russian system is twice as good. - The complex must be able to destroy the most modern means of air attack. Our developers managed to achieve incredible results. The S-500 air defense system is capable of shooting down low-orbit satellites, orbital platforms, hypersonic cruise missiles, aircraft and UAVs (over 5 missiles). - Read more on FB.ru: http://fb.ru/article/155632/s--zenitno-raketnaya-sistema-harakteristiki
  16. 0
    24 June 2016 11: 10
    In theory, one should move from the essence of the first order to the essence of the second and subsequent orders. Clear concepts should be used that do not allow for free interpretation. Crush is too vague. The authors of many historical studies came to the conclusion that Hitler's Germany did not have sufficient resources to defeat the USSR. This explains Hess's "visit" to England in May 1940. Meanwhile, Hitler could not avoid a direct confrontation with Stalin. Hitler was given three years to "resolve the issue." This is the time required for the deployment of the US military in England.
    I read somewhere that there was talk among the Leningrad "intelligentsia" in the summer of 1941 that first Hitler would overthrow the Stalinist regime, and only then the Americans would definitely come. However, today we can say that the "crushing of the USSR" took place in 1991, and the HOW the Second World War proceeded is one of the reasons for the "collapse".
  17. +4
    24 June 2016 11: 11
    Yes ... an interesting movie was a Munich agreement, the Anglo-Saxons handed over to the Nazis Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, FRANCE. But not a word about their betrayal ... everyone barks at Russia, the USSR ... Nothing has changed since then, Is it worth it to respect these prostitutes? And once again to the Poles and Czechs remember who betrayed you and who freed you.
  18. +1
    24 June 2016 12: 52
    Naglosaksa must be destroyed. So that even their genes on this planet are gone.
    1. -3
      24 June 2016 13: 28
      And you need to isolate and treat with chlorpromazine for cannibalistic ideas.
  19. -1
    24 June 2016 16: 18
    For thinking people, the fact that Hitler was decoy has long been no secret. And we just have to claim the favor from its owners and creators. So hit first Volodya.
    1. +10
      27 December 2020 17: 47
      It is not customary for us to touch "partners" ...
  20. +1
    24 June 2016 19: 43
    I completely agree with the author. Light (in some small places) pathos in the article does not prevent her from being realistic. And the faster the bulk of our people understand this, throwing off the blinders, the faster our country will recover. It will be updated and truly maximally and vitally fair, and not differentiated for certain groups of society.
    1. +8
      27 December 2020 17: 31
      Quote: South Ural
      the sooner the bulk of our people understand this, throwing off their blinders, the faster our country will recover.

      The bulk of the people in our country understands this. The Russian authorities must understand this, having ceased to consider our enemies as partners.
  21. 0
    1 July 2016 18: 42
    Nice article. But it's a pity that nothing is written about this in school history textbooks. What would the school already know about our so-called "friends".
  22. +8
    27 December 2020 17: 28
    But for this it was necessary to crush the Soviet Union, the Soviet (Russian) civilization, which presented to the world an alternative project for the future of humanity - a solar civilization, a society of creation and service.

    They could not break our ancestors by force. But under Gorbachev and Yeltsin, they managed to win without war and impose on us an oligarchic capitalist system ... Now we have nothing to offer the world.
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. +10
    27 December 2020 17: 29
    However, London did not prudently get involved in a direct war with the USSR, as usual using someone else's "cannon fodder" in its own interests, this time the Germans

    But Britain was about to attack the USSR in 1940. London, together with Paris, was going to start bombing Baku. The ruling elite of England and France were going to send an expeditionary force to Finland to fight the USSR.
  25. +8
    27 December 2020 17: 30
    The "world behind the scenes" ("financial international", "golden elite", etc.) actively supported other projects, but on a regional scale - great power, extreme nationalism, anti-Sovietism, Russophobia

    Nothing changed. World imperialism still seeks to impose its will on Russia (one might say imposed by introducing capitalism in our country). All the same, the world evil unleashes and implants Russophobia and is engaged in rewriting history.
  26. +10
    27 December 2020 17: 31
    Germany had the most powerful economy in Europe (excluding the USSR) and one of the strongest in the world.

    Do not forget that American capital helped make Germany a powerful economy and industry.