There is a spiritual war. Black Anna-Aloise. Part of 2

There is a spiritual war. Black Anna-Aloise. Part of 2

The Uniate Church pledged to submit to the Pope and recognize his supreme authority in solving all controversial theological issues. Finally, under the terms of the union, the interests of the Uniate clergy were envisaged: it was said about his exemption from taxes, about the building of the Uniate bishops to the rank of Polish senators, and so on.

But the fight broke out about the calendar. Stephen Batory also tried to introduce the Gregorian calendar into Orthodox use. In the new, especially complicated conditions, the introduction of this calendar only inflamed political passions.

The acuteness, which inevitably differed then the religious issue, especially increased after the introduction of the church union.

Especially important was the position of the Kiev governor, Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich Ostrozhsky. By origin Ukrainian, he was an enemy of the Russian state. Against Russia, he fought at the head of his regiments in the troops of the Polish king - a worthy son of his father, Prince Konstantin Ivanovich Ostrog. He once was also known as the patron saint of Orthodoxy in Lithuania, but more than once laid bare weapon against Russian troops.

In our chronicles there is a thin glory about Konstantin Ivanovich - he is called the “enemy of God” for his perjury. The fact is that in 1500, he was captured by Russian troops, after a few years he swore allegiance to the tsar, and for this he was not only relieved of his supervision, but also received an important government post. But, being on business on the Lithuanian border, Konstantin Ivanovich broke the oath and military duty, moved to Lithuania, resumed service to the Polish king, and again and again led thousands of armies against Russia. After a successful major operation of Ostrozhsky near Orsha against the Russian troops, the king, in a sign of great appreciation, gave him a magnificent triumph on an ancient Roman model - a solemn return to Vilna at the head of his army and accompanied by a crowd of Russian prisoners. According to Karamzin, Ostrozhsky "glorified God in the Russian language for the extermination of the Russians" (Nikolai Karamzin, "History Russian states ", volume VII, p. 68).

In the spirit of hostility towards Russia, he raised his son, about which the Polish historian Heidenstein wrote: in 1579, during the siege by Batory of Polotsk, "among the volunteers were Konstantin, son of Ostroh Prince Constantine, who arrived with the best riders." In the same year, Konstantin Ivanovich, together with his son and several thousand troops, came out against Russia. Heidenstein reports that they "devastated the country and brought horror everywhere," besieged Chernihiv, "plundered the surrounding places" and "ravaged the entire Seversk land."

Grown up Konstantin Konstantinovich was wounded by traitors fleeing from Russia - it’s enough to name at least Prince Andrei Kurbsky: he not only sheltered a traitor to his homeland, but after Kurbsky’s death, became the guardian of his family. On the lands of Ostrozhsky, Gregory Otrepiev, the future False Dmitry I.

Janusz of Ostrog, the son of Konstantin Konstantinovich, wanted to make Stefan Batory his ambassador in Rome. Horace Spannokki, secretary of the papal nuncio in Poland, in his essay on the Polish “kingdomless” 1587 of the year (after the death of Batory) considered in detail the chances of Konstantin Konstantinovich and Janusz Ostrozhsky to receive the Polish royal throne. Spannokki believed that the old Ostrog is “the richest and most powerful pan in the whole kingdom.” And that was apparently true: after the death of his successor Janusz, in addition to innumerable property, there remained money 600 000 ducats, 400 000 thalers and on PLNS 29 000 zloty different different coins. Even in the treasury of the Polish kings did not always bring that kind of money.

At the beginning of the 90-s of the XVI century, before the introduction of the union, a peasant and Cossack uprising led by Kosinsky took place on the lands of Ostrog. He called for the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. By order of Ostrozhsky, his son Janusz brutally suppressed the uprising.

The granddaughter of old Konstantin Konstantinovich Ostrozhsky did not lag behind her own business. The excesses of Anna-Alois captured historians. Her father Alexander was the second son of Ostrog and adopted the Orthodox faith.

In Yaroslavl, she presented one of the churches to the Jesuit college, and in Ostrog she also gave the Jesuits complete will, closed Russian schools there and founded a large Jesuit college. And then the seminary. The Ostrog chronicler in 1636 reported that, seeing the reluctance of local citizens to join the union, she took property and land from Orthodox monasteries. Once she came at night with her Jesuits to the church, where thirty-four years before her father had been buried, and ordered her bones to be taken out of the coffin. Then came the next comedy. One Jesuit asked: "Alexander, why did you come here?" Another Jesuit, hiding behind the coffin, answered instead of the deceased: "I am looking for salvation." “Why didn’t you search for it before?” - “Because I didn’t know that Roman faith was the best faith.”

After that, the Jesuits christened the bones in their faith and renamed the deceased Stanislav.

Ukrainian Orthodox citizens reacted very strongly to such antics. In the fierce hatred of them, Anna-Alois allowed herself to commit new crimes. Once she was in a carriage harnessed with six horses, she deliberately crashed into an Orthodox religious procession on a bridge. There were wounded and dead. The provoked townspeople entered into a fight with her haiduk. Then the massacre began: “There was a trial,” the chronicler writes, “and tortured, others could not stand, died in agony, and were thrown out of town for the dogs, banned and buried, only in this way — they were buried in sand without coffins” (Oleg Levitsky, “ Anna-Aloise, Princess Ostrozhskaya ”,“ Kievan Antiquity ”, 1883 Year, # XXUMX).

According to another version, Anna-Aloiza drove her carriage around the Easter eggs put up by the townspeople on the bridge and thereby provoked a riot and a fight.

She died in one of her estates, fleeing persecution from the Cossacks of Bogdan Khmelnitsky. But the ashes did not find rest for a long time: it was re-buried several times, and in the 18th century, after the annexation of the Right Bank to Russia, the Jesuit monastery fell into decay, the vault was plundered by vagrants and beggars, and the bones of Princess Ostrog were thrown out of a copper coffin.

Gradually, the surname and name of the princess was erased from people's memory, but the legend about the mistress, who rode the wheels over the Passover, remained alive and was punished for it by eternal wandering.

In 1649, Bohdan Khmelnytsky told the Polish king what solution the question of religion requires the Cossacks: “First, we ask that there be no bondage that the Russian people in their ancient Greek religion suffer from the union, that is, that now as it was from ancient times, Russia was one Greek religion, so that the Russian hierarchy and all churches remained inviolable everywhere - in Poland and in Lithuania. That the name of the union was not, but only the faith of the Greek and Roman, as it was before in Russia and in Poland; and their graces are the spiritual authorities who want to remain in the Roman Catholic faith, let them remain in good health, just to return to Russia the cathedral ancient Greek churches. ”

Located in Poland representative of the Pope Torres in his diary 1 January 1650 years vainly hoped that the Cossacks "curb their worthy curse extreme and more moderate its insolent demands" ( "Reports of the papal nuncio John Torres, Archbishop of Adrianople, on the events in Poland during the uprising Bogdan Khmelnitsky ", Kiev, 1944 year, p. 81).

The Polish government had no intention to meet the demands of the Cossacks. Among other considerations, this is easily explained by a well-known fact: the secular Jesuit Jan-Casimir was the king of Poland (1648-1669 years of rule).

But the most sober politicians from the government camp were still anxiously watching what was happening in the world of the clash of religions. Thus, one and a half years before the death of Bishop Josaphat Kuntsevich, the Lithuanian Chancellor Lev Sapega gave him a sharp reprimand in his letter for violence against the Orthodox: “Do not expose us to national hatred, but to your own obvious danger and universal criticism. If we further constrain their religion, then inevitable divisions in society will occur. We do not want union to completely ruin us (K. Govorsky, “Josaphat Kuntsevich - Polotsk Uniate Archbishop”, p. 27-29). Meanwhile, Sapieha himself supported the union: at the Brest Cathedral of 1596, he was one of the chairmen as a “royal commissioner” along with Scarga and other representatives of the Catholic camp)

The Uniate Church became one of the centers of anti-Russian propaganda and espionage - especially after the 1654 year, thanks to the constant help and support of the Russian state, the centuries-old struggle of the Ukrainian people against foreign enslavers ended with its reunification with the Russian people in a single Russian state.

In the autumn of 1682, in connection with the Moscow uprising of the archers, the Polish government secretly distributed in Ukraine "pretty sheets" - proclamations aimed against Russia and designed to tear Ukraine away from it. Reporting this to tsars Ivan and Peter, hetman Samoilovich added that “the bishop of Lviv’s Shumlyansky sent a little apostle of our Russian Orthodox faith to the Little Russia, and sent with them four chernovets as his henchmen, trying to induce this people to confusion” (V.Z. Jincharadze, “Fighting Foreign Spying in Russia in the 17th Century,” Historical Notes, No. XXUMX, M., 39 Year, p. 1952).

Joseph Shumlyansky was the archbishop of the Uniate Church and used every opportunity to try to achieve his dream - the rejection of Ukraine from Russia. Having failed to achieve this in the days of the Streltsy insurgency, he later pinned his hopes on the Ukrainian hetman Ivan Mazepa, incited him to revolt against Russia and promised Polish aid.

Shumlyansky, the more he relied on Mazepa, that he was brought up in Poland in a Jesuit school (V.E. Shute, “Treason of Mazepa”, “Historical Notes”, No.31, M., 1950 year). As you know, Mazepa betrayed his people.

The traitor Mazepa was in union not only with the Uniate hierarchs: he knew how to get along well with the Catholic, who expected great betrayal of his treason for the papal church. In this regard, he was a worthy predecessor of the later traitors - Petlyura and Bandera.

In the 1708 year, after the crime of Mazepa opened, the Russian military intelligence found out, among other things, that “some Ksenz, the rector of Yezuwitsky from the town of Polish Vinnitsa, often visited Mazepa and, in great confidentiality with him, and tea, he has great secrets ”(“ Letters and Papers of Emperor Peter the Great ”, Vol. VIII, Issue 2, M., 1951 Year, p. 943). Intelligence denounced the truth: it was a Jesuit Zelensky. Mazepa used him as a liaison in his treacherous relations with the Polish and Swedish kings.

Jesuits in espionage zeal went at all. In the 1709 year, when Peter I, who was in Poland, summoned his jester Udder from Russia, they intercepted the latter on the way, hoping to extort something. They could not hide it. A letter was preserved in which Peter ordered the guilty "Ezuvits in their monastery to take strong guard while they give Udder" ("Letters and papers of Emperor Peter the Great", vol. IX, issue 1, M., 1950 year, p. 415).

The Swedish government during the Northern War, wanting to restore the Ukrainians against Russia, claimed in its propaganda that Peter I “had already been interpreting the Roman file for a long time, and, having eradicated the Greek faith, he conducted his Roman state. On the cob, already in Moscow, it is known where the Jesuits have been given the power of the school and the churches of the Foundation (founded). ”

The king was quite concerned about this lie. In his letter to the Ukrainian people from February 3 of 1709, he found it necessary to make a very energetic refutation.

The historical “cradle” every time, swinging up and down, brings new facts and new testimonies in its cradle.

After 1918, German Catholic theologian Gruntrup, in a book published in 1927, wrote: “The Apostolic Throne views the Ukrainian church as part of a big church policy as a corridor through which he hopes to gain access to the Orthodox Church. Ukrainians can only justify this task of conquering the Orthodox Church if the peculiarity of their religious rite and their way of life is strengthened. Therefore, we should expect from Rome, as far as possible, assistance and all kinds of assistance in the development of Ukrainian churchhood ”(MM Sheiman,“ The Vatican between the Two World Wars ”, M., 1948 year, p. 49-50).

Fearing the spread of communist ideas, Bishop Khomyshin asked the Polish government to close all Ukrainian reading rooms and other educational institutions.

After the reunification of the Western Ukrainian lands with the Ukrainian SSR in 1939, the situation became aggravated.

The ending should ...
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  1. +9
    9 June 2016 06: 39
    Dear author! Still, it would be nice to give captions under the "pictures". Moreover, photographs of museum objects. But even under the famous paintings of famous artists, signatures are also given. It's like a tribute to them. The work is not great, but it adds value to your work. Such materials are more pleasant and useful to read.
    1. +2
      10 June 2016 10: 55
      Again, twenty-five ...
      Does the author read comments or not? In the first part, he was told that in those days there were neither Belarusians nor Ukrainians, and he was again for his own. Even citing the words of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, he contradicts himself, because Bogdan went to liberate the Russian people ... Russian ... But not some kind of ephemeral - Ukrainian ...
      I hope that edits will be continued.
  2. +10
    9 June 2016 08: 09
    Polina, the article is good .. But you will understand the concepts .. It turns out that you have a prince Ostrog-Ukrainian, and Bogdan Khmelnitsky is Russian, according to an excerpt from the letter that you cite .. By the way, an interesting fact .. B. Khmelnitsky graduated from a Jesuit school ..Yes and yet, for an uninitiated reader, the mention of the Uniate Church and faith says little .. And you hardly write about it .. who are the Uniates, where did they come from, why did this teaching go, why is this teaching so the people of Little Russia opposed ... Clearly the Uniate Church, this is a separate t ma for a separate stati..No should clarify in this state..Spasibo ..
    1. +1
      9 June 2016 16: 44

      You posed the questions correctly. But the article is narrated and the author does not undertake to draw conclusions. Perhaps he feels insecure.

      Therefore, if you have additions, then do it. Your point of view will be interesting.
    2. +3
      9 June 2016 18: 12
      I agree with you the author all in a bunch ...

      The author, well, what Ukrainians, what Ukraine, what Ukrainian origin?!? Cite the letters of the Cossacks yourself, where it is clearly said - the Russian people, Little Russia! Why contradict yourself. There were no Ukrainians and Ukraine back then, they only appeared out of nowhere 100 years ago, and all of them had Russian ancestors, and they suddenly became "ukrami". With your confusion Ukraine-Little Russia, Ukrainians-Russians, you only continue to split our single Russian People.
  3. +4
    9 June 2016 08: 13
    The topic is interesting. But the material is served superficially. However, I look forward to continuing.
  4. +2
    9 June 2016 08: 43
    Hello, dear Pauline! Very interesting material. Now everything is clear.
    "In Russian he thanked God for the extermination of the Russians." And now we have liberals ...
    "Ride on Easter" --- and now blasphemy from charlie hebdo.
    And crossbones are exactly what Mormons do.

    Really --- nothing is new under the Sun!
    1. +3
      9 June 2016 10: 02
      Quote: Polina Efimova
      The Swedish government during the Northern War, wanting to restore the Ukrainians against Russia, argued in its propaganda that Peter I had been treating Roman coffin for a long time,
      Dear Polina, you apparently know the Great Northern War solely on the basis of the Soviet school?

      I think it will be a revelation for you to find out that a certain king Karolus fought a war AGAINST the will of his government, and even before raising some kind of distant Ukrainians to some sort of rebellion, Stockholm absolutely had no business with this.

      Quote: Polina Efimova
      Peter I “has been treating Roman papieri for a long time, anyway, having uprooted the Greek faith, he spent his Roman life in the state. About the cob, already in Moscow, it is known where the Jesuits were given the authority of the school and the churches of foundation (found). ” The king was much troubled by this lie.
      Oh lie? You really, really don't know just about the breathtaking worship of Tsar Peter before the Europeans? He in his Euro-philanthropy gave a head start to all Russian tsars, both before and after!

      And what kind of funny jokes did Petrusha himself have?
      “Whatever the more generous owner, they made stranger jokes on him,” Tolstoy writes. - Prince Beloselsky for obstinacy was stripped naked and his goose was beaten with chicken eggs in a tub. Boborykin, in a laugh at his obesity, was dragged through chairs where it was impossible to crawl through the worst. Prince Volkonsky was beaten into the aisle and, lighting, sang around his irmos (church chants), until everyone fell out laughing. Smeared with soot and tar, put upside down. The nobleman Ivan Akakievich Myasnoy was inflated with fur in the anus, from which he soon died ... "

      And yes, of course, oh these Jesuits, what bad ones, it's just awful. And the fact that Jacob Bruce, an inveterate Satanist and supposedly practitioner of black magic, became a right-handed tsar of the Tsar of Russia himself specially taken in England? who really was one of the great European mystics of the era and one of the founders of Russian Freemasonry?
      1. +2
        9 June 2016 12: 29
        Mikhail Matyugin ...I think it will be a revelation for you to find out that a certain king Carolus fought a war AGAINST the will of his government..And when he was killed in 1718 .. the Swedish government fought against Russia for another three years against their own will ... smile
        1. +2
          9 June 2016 16: 55
          Quote: parusnik
          .And when he was killed in 1718 ... the Swedish government fought against Russia for another three years against its own will.

          Actually we say about different periods very long Great Northern War. You won’t believe it, but the main fighter for peace with Russia at that time was ... just King Carolus! fellow drinks then his incomprehensible death, the disruption of the peace talks, the next Russian landings and the next drag out of the war for several years ...
      2. +2
        9 June 2016 15: 39
        Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
        And what kind of funny jokes did Petrusha himself have?
        “Whatever the more generous owner, they made stranger jokes on him,” Tolstoy writes. - Prince Beloselsky for obstinacy was stripped naked and his goose was beaten with chicken eggs in a tub. Boborykin, in a laugh at his obesity, was dragged through chairs where it was impossible to crawl through the worst. Prince Volkonsky was beaten into the aisle and, lighting, sang around his irmos (church chants), until everyone fell out laughing. Smeared with soot and tar, put upside down. The nobleman Ivan Akakievich Myasnoy was inflated with fur in the anus, from which he soon died ... "

        Plus I put you for quoting the novel "The Red Count" Alexei Tolstoy "Peter 1", but this is not an argument, but rather a reference to it!
        What Jacob Bruce did not suit you with? Are you a very church man?
        1. +1
          9 June 2016 16: 59
          Quote: V.ic
          What Jacob Bruce did not suit you with? Are you a very church man?

          And then the degree of my religious affiliation? The people in Russia specifically considered Bruce a warlock magician, this moment is important for us.

          I put the question in another way: what were the Jesuits scared for Russia when the semi-insane Euro-philo-czar ruled our state? by the fact that he became an explicit protege of the Protestant states, while the Jesuits represented the Catholic countries?
          1. +1
            10 June 2016 06: 43
            Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
            The people in Russia specifically considered Bruce a warlock magician, this moment is important for us.

            I personally, and millions of so-called. "Russians" consider Red Chubys not a curator of "Rusnano", but a banal thief, this is much more important than the fact that Bruce observed the heavenly bodies and made horoscopes. From the point of view of modern newspaper readers and TV viewers, there is nothing reprehensible in the composition of horoscopes. I suspect that Bruce was familiar with logarithms, and this is an extreme heresy for both a noble and a slave in those days.
            Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
            I put the question in another way: what were the Jesuits scared for Russia when the semi-insane Euro-philo-czar ruled our state? by the fact that he became an explicit protege of the Protestant states, while the Jesuits represented the Catholic countries?

            Where are you influencing the so-called. "Caesarians" blew? One of the leading powers up to the middle of the 19th century ... The lover of the ruler Sophia, by the way, was a big fan of the "gentry" and who were that gentry?
  5. 0
    9 June 2016 09: 54
    Developments in the capture of colonies are vast and varied. In different * eras * these invaders were nomads, Europeans, today it is the USA. Only technical capabilities and the speed of spreading rumors and troops are new. Here are just the old technologies: betrayal, oath apostasy, outright nonsense and rumors.
    Today, the church strives just like Nikon to become the head of state. It is a pity that in the government of RUSSIA indulge priests. With any negative development, the church will again betray not only RUSSIA but also RUSSIAN people, which was already in the 17th century, during the Time of Troubles *, and in February 1917, and in the civil war. During the GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR * the Greek Catholic Orthodox * church was forced to stand up with the whole PEOPLE to defend the SOCIALIST FATHERLAND, and even not all of them.
    1. +4
      9 June 2016 17: 20

      There is disagreement, but you are right in many ways. To understand the role of the church, one needs to consider this approach.

      The church exercises power through moral control.
      What is morality? This is largely agreement. These are the rules of understanding. And this is a survival system. Changing morality changes people's behavior, black becomes white, and white black.

      Each prince wanted to have a church in his allies, so that she couldnonize his supreme power. Thus, a stable state with a single people was obtained. The people is a society connected by a single morality, a single system of survival.

      Now pay attention to the following. In all cases, the head of the department is the struggle for influence on morality. As soon as moral change occurs, the state loses stability.

      Morality is at the heart of the formation of a higher authority, a lower level too, but there is already the fear of punishment at the head.

      Morality is the conscious or unconscious following of morality.

      The answer is why the Communists oppressed the church and at the same time categorically forbade sects in the following.

      The basis of the state of the USSR was ideology. Ideology is a changed morality. Communist ideology implied the rejection of personal goods in favor of the public, state. The church prevented the planting of new morality; the church did not want to lose power and lost. Nevertheless, Orthodoxy does not go against the general communist ideology, therefore the Code of the Builder of Communism is actually the biblical commandments.

      Morality must be monitored otherwise the state collapses.
      1. +1
        9 June 2016 17: 29

        I am considering a question not related to the presence or absence of God.

        From this point of view, it is appropriate to assume that all biblical texts were invented to create the power of religion.

        When you allow this point of view, then you can understand everything that is happening in the world at the present time.

        All these refugees, LGBT people, feminism, the sects of Satanists, these Masonic secret and not very societies. How they form and what unites them.
        1. 0
          9 June 2016 18: 16
          smooth 2. You are right, the church was created for profit and has nothing to do with God. Churchmen claim that they are the only ones who have direct access to God, and at the same time they usurp moral and ethical standards and the right to * interpret * historical events on behalf of God.
        2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +1
    9 June 2016 10: 12
    Uniates are representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
    (united orthodox catholic church)

    Understood a little ... And then the article does not understand anything.

    "The struggle between the Uniates and the Orthodox is an acute, sometimes bloody inter-confessional
    confrontation in West Russian lands that broke out after imprisonment
    The Union of Brest Church of 1596 between the Greek Catholic clergy
    and the authorities of the Commonwealth on the one hand, and the broad masses of Orthodox
    townspeople, peasants, Cossacks and the Orthodox clergy on the other side "

    That is curious:
    Features of Ukrainian Uniate
    Interview with Metropolitan Vinnitsa and Mogilev-Podolsky Makarii (Whistler)
    1. 0
      9 June 2016 15: 43
      Quote: voyaka uh
      Understood a bit ..

      And Metropolitan Sheptytsky / seems to be a colonel of the Austro-Hungarian army / sculpted friend of Russia?

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"