Twice killed

Alexander Matrosov and Oleg Koshevoi crossed out of school textbooks

Ideological warfare is a struggle for the ideological foundations of states and communities. Purposeful negative impact on the system of educational standards qualitatively changes the mentality of the people, their values ​​and priorities, leads to the destruction of the identity and will to resist, and ultimately to the disappearance of the nation as such. How about this in Russia?

In the formation of civilized nations have always seen the foundation of the state, a stronghold and the protection of society. The statement of the German theologian and pedagogue Philip Melanchthon is well known: “It is a little more important to form a youth correctly than to conquer Troy.”

Neglect of this means the death of people, family, country. A state that is unable to provide a sufficient level of education to its citizens is doomed. People oppose any danger only through knowledge. “Experience shows that in order to destroy the state, it’s enough to destroy the public education,” says academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of pedagogical sciences V. Myasnikov. Therefore, Western opponents, coupled with Russian influence agents, are trying with all their might to limit the possibility of obtaining knowledge by the majority of our country's population. The education budget is reduced, it becomes paid. Many educational institutions are being closed and repurposed. The refusal of education in favor of business is promoted (“Higher School of Dupe”). Low-quality broadcasts are broadcast on television, with a focus on the negative aspects of education in domestic schools and universities. The main blow is aimed at secondary and secondary special education in Russia as the most massive.

Price list knowledge

The country is adopting the worst of foreign systems, something from which Western countries are trying to get rid of. This was the origin of the USE - “guessing game” for graduates, focused on training students who are able to memorize the necessary material from these and still not aimed at determining the creative abilities of students. A wide field of activity has opened up for fraudsters, since, according to the results of the Unified State Examination, they began to be admitted to universities, and its very holding was entrusted to local administrations. Let us recall with what high points school graduates from the North Caucasus came to Moscow at one time, but at the first session they could not pass exams even for a C grade.

The introduction of test control dramatically reduces the level of productive thinking of students. This clearly showed the experience of the United States. Many Americans consider themselves a nation of morons. Their schools are taught to choose the right answer from a set of proposed options, and not to generate their own. As a result, when a specialist is faced with an abnormal situation, he enters into a stupor, if there is no set of possible alternative actions.

Private schools, which, for a fee, give students not knowledge, but excellent marks in subjects, do great harm to domestic education.

Education is not a subject of the market. It can not be sold. Otherwise, it does not go to decent people, but to those who are able to pay. Commodity education will be used not to increase the welfare of the state, but to own pocket. This is eloquently shown by the numerous facts of the departure of Russian specialists for permanent residence to other countries where the standard of living is higher and people pay more. Brain drain threatens national security. The country where the profit from educational services is put at the forefront is doomed. All actions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on monetization in their area lead to this.

The lack of education in Russia is indicated by the results of research conducted by the Institute of Books. About 10 millions of compatriots do not read at all, 10 percent - very rarely. A third of those surveyed have no books at home. Half of the children and teenagers before 17 have never been to a theater, a concert or a library.

All this affects the welfare and development of the country, which, however, the Russians themselves understand. According to the studies of the candidate of pedagogical sciences T. Osmankina, 57 percent of respondents realize that the problems of education and the socio-economic state of today's Russia are deeply interconnected. More than a third of the respondents noted that without solving this issue they could not pull Russia out. 42 percent claim: educational issues are basic for the development of the national economy. 48 percent note its connection with the solution of the most complicated national-cultural issues.

Unfortunately, the government’s actions boil down mainly to issuing orders, directives and orders. Government officials do not even think about what is taught in educational institutions.

The Encyclopedia

Literature has a decisive importance not only on human consciousness. The outstanding thinker V. Rozanov described its role in the collapse of the Russian army and the death of the empire: “Actually, there is no doubt that literature killed Russia. Of the “decomposers” of Russia, none is of non-literary origin. ”

Twice killed

Our analysis of the current methodological materials on literature has shown that a large number of works of patriotic orientation have been withdrawn from the school curriculum. For example, the textbook "Modern Russian Literature" (1990-e - the beginning of the XXI century) on the subject of the Great Patriotic War recommended the mocking epitaph of J. Brodsky "To the death of Zhukov" and G. Vadimov's book "The General and his army", in which Guderian is praised and traitor Vlasov. In the encyclopedia for children, published by the publishing house Avanta Plus, edited by S. Ismailova, two outstanding commanders are named: G. Zhukov and the same Vlasov. At the same time given several photos of the latter.

Not included in the school program "The Story of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy and "The Young Guard" by A. Fadeev. Few students know “The Fate of a Man” by M. Sholokhov, “The Russian Character” by A. Tolstoy. Literature on the Great Patriotic War is studied mainly overview. These are, in particular, the works of K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky, Yu. Bondarev, V. Bykov, V. Kondratiev, V. Nekrasov. V. Kaverin, V. Kozhevnikov, A. Chakovsky is not listed. At the same time, a review study, in contrast to a textual one, does not imply a detailed deepening of the work. Although one of the points of the requirements for the level of preparation of graduates in literature states: "The study of literature in the school is designed to ensure the education of high moral qualities of the person, patriotic feelings, citizenship."

What kind of defender of the Fatherland will a conscript be if at school he was "brought up" on such books as "Blue Salo" by V. Sorokin, "Encyclopedia of the Russian Soul" by V. Erofeev, "Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Soldier Ivan Chonkin" by V. Voinovich? “The Russians must be beaten with a stick. The Russians must be shot. Russians need to be smeared on the wall. Otherwise, they will cease to be Russians ... Russians are a shameful nation, ”says Erofeev's Encyclopedia. Why should the Main Directorate for Work with the Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Directorate of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation not insist that the Ministry of Education and Science exclude these and similar works from the school curriculum? To study novels and stories in literature lessons, in which the theme of the Motherland sounds acutely: "The choice" by Y. Bondarev, "The dawns here are quiet ..." by B. Vasiliev, "March-April" by V. Kozhevnikov, "Fate" by P. Proskurin, "The Living and the Dead" by K. Simonov, "War" by I. Stadnyuk, "Blockade" by A. Chakovsky. For non-fulfillment of these requirements, officials from education should be held accountable for the indirect preparation of notorious "deviators" from fulfilling their constitutional duty and duties in service in the Armed Forces, and therefore potential traitors to the Motherland.

Counterfeit program

We analyzed textbooks and manuals on stories Russia publishing houses "Drofa" and "Education", recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science. The Great Patriotic War is mentioned by the authors as an insignificant episode, and other milestones in the life of the country are treated too loosely. But in the textbooks paid much attention to the crimes of domestic rulers. Tyranny of Ivan the Terrible, Stalin's repressions and other "atrocities" are painted in all their glory, but the authors either modestly keep silent about foreign atrocities or lie. For example, none of the history textbooks cites the fact that more than one St. Bartholomew’s night in France Charles IX killed more people than during the whole reign of Ivan IV the Terrible.

It is known that in England during the reign of Henry VIII (1509 – 1547) 72 000, Elizabeth I (1558 – 1603) - 89 000 people were executed. These king and queen staged a genocide - with them every 40 Englishman was exterminated (2,5 percent of the population). For comparison: at Grozny about five thousand people were executed. The Russian tsar constantly repented and prayed for the slain, the English rulers did not feel any remorse. But the authors of history textbooks do not write about this.

The schoolchildren are hiding the realities of the Great French Revolution (1789 – 1799), during which King Louis XVI and his wife Marie-Antoinette were beheaded, and two million civilians and two million soldiers and officers died from armed terror in armed clashes. what was 7,5 percent of the country's citizens. Per capita, this revolution killed more than any regime of the twentieth century.

Nothing is told about the severity of the English revolution of the 17th century, when King Charles I of England was beheaded, and more than 100 000 people were killed during class battles that resulted in civil war.

Nor does the textbook say that the US Civil War (1861 – 1865) turned out to be the bloodiest in their history. More Americans died in it than in any other of the wars in which the States participated.

In preparation for the lessons, the student will not find a single line about the destruction of the American and British aviation 100 thousand civilians in Dresden, about the use of atomic bombs (without any military need) in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which killed more than a quarter of a million people, much less about the forcible resettlement of tens of thousands of American Japanese on the reservation. But the deportation during the war years of the Crimean Tatars and Chechens is painted in full detail.

Sections devoted to the history of the Great Patriotic War abound with inaccuracies and deviations from historical truth. The main focus is on the coverage of events related to our lesions, and this material is more volumetric and emotional. The exploits of the Soviet people at the front and in the rear are not written, nor are generalized data on mass heroism given. The sources of our victory, the results and lessons of the war are presented distorted. It is not by chance that school graduates do not know anything about the feat of A. Matrosov, about the air and fire ramming of Soviet pilots, other heroes of the Great Patriotic War. According to the estimates of the teachers themselves, almost every second (48 percent) recognizes the quality of historical education as low and only four percent - appropriate.

At least for the sake of objectivity, textbook authors need to describe not only Stalin’s mistakes and miscalculations, but also his organizational skills, thanks to which the Soviet state defeated Hitler’s Germany, imperialist Japan, saved Europe and all of humanity from the threat of fascist enslavement and nuclear war. And if someone so much wants to tell about the atrocities, then you need to write not about the conquerors of Siberia, who preserved the originality and culture of the peoples who became part of Russia, but about the Spanish conquistadors who destroyed the Indian tribes of the Incas and Aztecs, about the colonizers of North America who drove indigenous people in the reservation. We need to remember less about Stalin’s treachery, and more about Churchill’s meanness, who planned in July 1945 for the destruction of Soviet troops stationed in Germany. Do not suck the cruelty of the Soviet commanders out of your finger, but citing the facts, as ordered by the British commanders in December 1944, tens of thousands of anti-fascists of the Greek Liberation Army ELAS (mostly soldiers and officers) who expelled the Germans from the territory of the country were shot for their socialist orientation.

I would also have to talk about the British death camps, the barbaric bombardment of Yugoslavia by NATO planes in 1999, the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 under false pretenses about the alleged weapons of mass destruction in the form of anthrax spores, the intervention of the international coalition in Libya in 2011- m, when its leader was killed, and the country plunged into the chaos of civil war. In general, there is something to discuss at the lessons of history.

However, the authors of textbooks have completely different plans. Their goal is to transform the national consciousness of the Russians, deprive the nation of the meanings and values ​​of its historical existence, replace the images of winners with the idea of ​​us as “eternal losers and historical criminals”, suggesting thoughts that if there was nothing worthwhile in the past, you cannot count on worthy of her future.

Unfortunately, the Department of Education of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the Institute of Military History of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, apparently, are also of little concern with the content of textbooks that future defenders of the Fatherland learn about the world. But history is a science that makes a person a citizen. Will the student become them if from school he is disgusted with his own country?

For some reason, the Legal Department of the Ministry of Defense, which does not initiate criminal cases against authors and publishers publishing textbooks and manuals with deliberately false information, denigrating Russia and its Armed Forces does not show proper initiative. Do these institutions work so indifferent people?

A single history textbook has now appeared in Russia, but in three versions. They have been selected by the Ministry of Education and Science, have undergone an appropriate examination, but these problems have not been resolved. For example, one of the textbooks states that between August of 1939 and June of 1941 of the USSR allegedly was a non-military ally of Germany, which is not true. Everyone knows that the Soviet Union and Germany were the main ideological opponents. In addition, Stalin expected that Britain and France would fulfill their allied obligations to Poland and start a real, rather than a “strange” war. This is well known to all, but not the authors of textbooks. However, the Department of Education of the Ministry of Defense, the Institute of Military History are silent again.

Manual for the deserter

Not to mention the textbooks on civilization. Some of them are completely deprived of what makes a person a citizen: respect for the spiritual origins of national culture. An example of anti-patriotic education is the textbook by Y. Sokolov recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science. “And Yermak laid down his lush head on the land belonging to the peoples of Siberia ... How would you call such actions of royal power in relation to other peoples? Can we assume that the soldiers of Yermak were fulfilling their constitutional duty? ”- the author asks pathosly.

He pays special attention to the negative in the modern Russian army, tells in detail about hazing, which is long gone. And although he does not openly call for evading military service, he diligently lists the reasons for such behavior, after which there should be some more advice about the committee of soldiers' mothers.

It should be noted that at present, according to the General Staff, there are more than 230 thousands of draft dodgers in the country, that is, almost as many as called for in a year.

And among the soldiers there are potential deserters. Maxim Glikin, the editor of the politics department of one of the publications, frankly speaks about this, recalling his urgency: “If foreign aggressors appeared, we would drop the automata and change into“ civilian ”at the distant approaches of the enemy to our military unit. Is it necessary to replicate the revelations of such a potential traitor?

Glycins in the Russian army are the fruits of training and education in high schools where history was taught from textbooks by Kreder (who declared the USSR to be the culprit of the outbreak of World War II), Ostrovsky and Utkin (belittling the role of the USSR in defeating the fascist troops), Ismailova’s encyclopedia (glorifying fascist military leaders and traitors Motherland), the works of writers Russophobes.

The Ministry of Defense should be concerned about the military-patriotic education in school, so that future defenders of the Fatherland should be trained there, rather than potential draft dodgers, deserters and traitors according to the recipes of the author of the textbook on citizenship J. Sokolov. Do not hesitate to interfere in the activities of anti-patriotic forces, to conduct an audit of the content of textbooks and manuals. Apparently, censorship on television and radio broadcasts of anti-Russian and anti-army orientation is also appropriate. It is necessary to seek the closure of newspapers and magazines, channels, sites, which allow fraudulent, rude or offensive statements about our country and its Armed Forces.

Considering the most important state task of patriotic education, it is necessary to constantly remember that it cannot be successfully solved without creating a system of argumentation that brings to consciousness historical facts of the greatness of the Russian state and people, without showing the inconsistency of the falsifiers of our past.

US President John F. Kennedy once said bitterly that the Russians had won the space competition at the school desk, and it was time for the Americans to adopt our educational experience. Alas, some of the local leaders had a too short memory ...
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  1. PKK
    4 June 2016 06: 07
    As long as there are people like Vasily Mikryukov, I’m sorry, I don’t know, not everything is lost. And the 5th column will be brought to light. These cockroaches, rats, scavengers, will be smeared, the upbringing and study of young people will become human again. Thanks to the Author and the Military Review Team for article. Success to you.
    1. +9
      4 June 2016 08: 05
      What's the point? Well, I wrote an article, well, revered and rebelled. The official will not even scratch it.
      1. +4
        4 June 2016 10: 04
        Officials and the people are simple, these are two different classes in modern Russia.
      2. +3
        4 June 2016 10: 14
        Yes, they did. The dog barks, and the caravan goes, as they say.
      3. +1
        5 June 2016 03: 50
        Quote: baudolino
        What's the point? Well, I wrote an article, well, revered and rebelled. The official will not even scratch it.

        Call on the Maidan)) No, have seen enough) The solution to the problem begins with its establishment.
    2. +12
      4 June 2016 11: 32
      Quote: PKK
      These cockroaches, rats, scavengers, will be smeared, the upbringing and study of youth, will again become human.

      We in Ukraine thought so too ... and no one did anything.
      The result is known to all. In Ukrainian history textbooks of 2009, they also wrote about Bandera heroes, etc.

      It’s sad to watch Russia go the same way. By the way, yesterday I saw how Russian nationalists with "imperial" flags jumped and tried to shout "He who does not jump is ..." Well, just like on the Kiev Maidan.

      Russians, look at Ukraine! If you are as passive as the Ukrainians, then you will explode. But Russia is larger than Ukraine, and therefore it can explode in such a way that the whole world will not find it enough.
    3. +1
      4 June 2016 14: 26

      Your statement is very presumptuous. For just that, even a pimple will not pop out.
    4. +1
      4 June 2016 14: 43
      Good article, correct. But not everything is so bad with us, much is done by the authorities, ordinary citizens, and sometimes at the expense of personal time and money. Another thing is that it will not work out right away, it is difficult to get rid of what our western "partners" wrote to us in the 90s. We need the efforts of not only the authorities, but also all citizens. Parents must also explain, educate !! It is important. I think it is necessary to increase the intensity of studying the subject of "World History" in schools, to help children conduct a comparative analysis.
  2. +11
    4 June 2016 06: 16
    ... the Russians won the space competition at the school desk, and it is time for the Americans to adopt our educational experience. Alas, some of the domestic leaders had too short a memory ...
    If the soul is at the forefront, it will be a real person. And if money, then it’s worthless to him. It's a shame that the Minister of Education considers education, now a buzzword, a product. Get the minimum, and you have to pay for the maximum.
    1. -1
      4 June 2016 14: 29

      Do not be silly. What does the soul mean?
      Will your soul feed you bread?

      Some kind of eternal talk about the spiritual. Designed for a specific audience.

      Definition of the soul in the studio. Do you know what a soul is?
      1. +1
        4 June 2016 19: 30
        gladcu2 (2)
        Dear. The question is philosophical and it must be said delicate. We are all different and each soul’s definition may be different. It may coincide, but may not match. Everyone defines it himself. Due to its nature, life experience, prevailing living conditions and much more. It was understood that the Soul, spiritual and spiritual qualities of a person, conscience, inner sense of justice. To be able to say that black is black and white is white. Not for the sake of momentary gain, but by conviction. In short, something like that. Yes, even. Respect or not respect a person, your business.
        Respect your upbringing. Good luck. Good luck to you.
      2. +2
        5 June 2016 00: 32
        The soul is what distinguishes a person from a human-like one, a person can consciously sacrifice his life for the sake of saving a neighbor or a lofty idea, and a human-like one can never, he is likely not only to save his life, but even for the sake of comfort and pleasures of the carnal, will surrender, betray or even kill the neighbor, because it is a soulless creature whose thoughts and behaviors are determined only by the needs of the flesh, and its needs do not include sacrifice or compassion for the neighbor, it is the needs of only the soul.
  3. +3
    4 June 2016 06: 36
    An example of anti-patriotic education is the textbook by Y. Sokolov recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science. “And Ermak laid his exuberant head on the land belonging to the peoples of Siberia ... What would you call such actions of the tsarist government in relation to other peoples? Is it possible to consider that Yermak’s warriors fulfilled their constitutional duty? ”The author asks pathetically.

    But then it turns out that Cortez was "good." The same double standard is obtained. Another thing is that the phrase "constitutional duty" is stupid - there was no constitution then, which means there was no "duty" and it was the very thing to rob the foreigners! Here, the style of presentation of the material is important, but in fact ... the conqueror Ermak was only useful, and it was stupid to be ashamed of it - it was such a time, everyone lived like that!
    1. +8
      4 June 2016 10: 42
      Quote: kalibr
      Cortez was "good". The same double standard is obtained. ... Yermak was a useful conqueror of nothing but everything, and it was stupid to be ashamed of it - it was such a time, everyone lived like that!

      Yeah. Is the genocide of American Indians and the receipt of yasak from citizens in the lands annexed to Russia the same thing? Our small peoples are all intact, they received writing and other support. And where were the numerous Aztecs after Cortes? "Everyone lived like that"?
      1. -11
        4 June 2016 12: 22
        That is, they did not solder the foreigners, rob them, or shoot them with cannons and mitrales? Didn't it happen? "Big Brother" was inexpressibly kind and merciful? And what about the war in the Caucasus from 1817 to 1864 and Lermontov was still different there? Did Skobelev hand out sweets in Middle Asia? Will it comfort you if I say that Cortez killed more? Yes - more! And we didn't kill anyone, didn't drink anyone, didn't rob. Hallelujah!
        1. +1
          4 June 2016 13: 10
          Cortez came to another continent to a foreign land simply to plunder. And the Caucasus for the "Big Brother" is here at hand, at its own borders, and when it is restless, it is restless here too.
          1. 0
            4 June 2016 13: 32
            The difference for the robbed is huge!
            1. 0
              4 June 2016 20: 47
              In order not to be among the "robbed" themselves: strengthening their own positions. And then the Ottomans and others.
        2. +6
          4 June 2016 14: 26
          Quote: kalibr
          The war was going on in the Caucasus with 1817 on 1864

          Read something, before exposing the bloody Russian murderers.
          Potto V.A., for example. His 5-volume book sets out well: did some Caucasian peoples really graze peacefully with sheep on the mountainsides, who robbed whom, who fought with whom, in what years. Maybe someone kept the robbery habits in their traditions.

          And then you get a performance in the style of your like-minded people who say that the NATO bloc was created in response to the formation of the aggressive military organization of the Warsaw Treaty.
          (PS. I would never have thought that MGIMO could fall so low).
          1. -1
            4 June 2016 22: 32
            Quote: Nikolai S.
            And then you get a performance in the style of your like-minded people who say that the NATO bloc was created in response to the formation of the aggressive military organization of the Warsaw Treaty.

            Did I ever say that?
            And what about the Caucasian war ... Have you not read my article about Lermontov here? Is that all from where? Out of my head? I guess I still read about her and not only read. I had prepared a book about this war for the Osprey Publishing House in England, which analyzed in detail who, what, where, when, the role of England in provoking the conflict was examined in detail. But because of the deterioration in relations, she did not quit. So I know what I'm writing about. Colonialism was present there. Although, yes, to a lesser extent than those of the same British.
            1. +3
              5 June 2016 00: 46
              And a significant part of the armed actions of the peoples of the Caucasus against the Russian presence were provoked by Turkey and our so-called "partners" today.
            2. +2
              5 June 2016 12: 00
              Quote: kalibr
              England's role in provoking conflict was examined in detail

              Horror. As I understand it, you have already received education in the Bologna system.

              Russia in the Caucasus fought, first of all, with the Ottoman and Persian empires - at that time the states were completely independent from the British Empire. It was immediately after the collapse of the Russian Empire that British troops immediately ended up there and there. Prior to that, neither the Sultan nor the Shah from the Turkic dynasty needed clues from London.

              There was a moment when Paul was friends with Napoleon against England. They were agreed to conquer the possessions of England in Asia. It was impossible to make their way to them through Persia, and the Cossack expedition sent to study the route through Central Asia was cut out, in your opinion, by peaceful farmers.
              About the financial center in London and backstage ...

              PS. Some Aboriginal people in the occupied territories were paused and weaned from stealing cattle, robbing, slaughtering and selling their neighbors into slavery. And this is not easy when you have such a job as well as tradition.
        3. +8
          4 June 2016 15: 37
          Quote: kalibr
          That is, they did not solder the foreigners, rob them, or shoot them with cannons and mitrales? Didn't it happen? "Big Brother" was inexpressibly kind and merciful? And what about the war in the Caucasus from 1817 to 1864 and Lermontov was still different there? Did Skobelev hand out sweets in Middle Asia? Will it comfort you if I say that Cortez killed more? Yes - more! And we didn't kill anyone, didn't drink anyone, didn't rob. Hallelujah!

          Give documented examples of soldering, robbery, and shooting from guns / mitraliasis of the innocent, like the lambs of foreigners. Typical stupid trolling. Especially touching is the comparison with outright genocide of the indigenous population of the western conquerors.
        4. +2
          4 June 2016 15: 37
          Quote: kalibr
          That is, they did not solder the foreigners, rob them, or shoot them with cannons and mitrales? Didn't it happen? "Big Brother" was inexpressibly kind and merciful? And what about the war in the Caucasus from 1817 to 1864 and Lermontov was still different there? Did Skobelev hand out sweets in Middle Asia? Will it comfort you if I say that Cortez killed more? Yes - more! And we didn't kill anyone, didn't drink anyone, didn't rob. Hallelujah!

          Give documented examples of soldering, robbery, and shooting from guns / mitraliasis of the innocent, like the lambs of foreigners. Typical stupid trolling. Especially touching is the comparison with outright genocide of the indigenous population of the western conquerors.
          1. -4
            4 June 2016 22: 28
            Here were articles about General Skobelev. And there was about mitraliasis! Even the picture! If you wish, I can find about soldering, including with links to the classics of Marxism, but what will it personally give you? People who read my materials here regularly know that I don’t have a habit of fantasizing and in all serious cases I have links to archival affairs down to pages.
    2. +5
      5 June 2016 00: 42
      The Russians, when they mastered Siberia, did not massively destroy the indigenous peoples, as happened in America, often they even became defenders of these peoples from the arbitrariness of the local kings, who represented the ruling elite of the fragments of the Golden Horde after its collapse.
      1. -2
        5 June 2016 08: 38
        Read about the war with the Chukchi ...
  4. +12
    4 June 2016 06: 44
    My son is struggling with deuces in history and in "society". and I can't get him to study these tutorials. I read it myself, ..... there was a very nasty feeling from what I read. The downside to this article is mine, although I hate some educational programs, but it seems to me that the main thing that today's education is striving for is the creation of slaves. The textbooks vilify the revolution, since this is the people's desire for freedom, and all subsequent achievements of the liberated people, including the victory over the fascists, are vilified. Sorry, happy weekend.
    1. -6
      4 June 2016 07: 30
      The Ukrainian Maidan was also the people's desire for freedom. Is not it so? But it is said: revolutions are conceived by geniuses, carried out by fanatics, and crooks use their fruits. There are no examples of the opposite in history! It means ... it is not necessary that there were revolutions, so why not "denigrate" them. Or do you want your son to die on the barricades under the fire of a six-barreled machine gun, besieging the Kremlin in the interests of "people's freedom"?
      1. -5
        4 June 2016 09: 27
        your son will die under the fire of a six-barreled minigun when the Kremlin is captured ................. and who are the defenders of the Kremlin? I will save my son with AK-47
        1. 0
          4 June 2016 09: 48
          Are you serious? "Blessed is he who believes, warmth to him in the world!"
      2. +7
        4 June 2016 10: 20
        You know, like a mantra, you cannot repeat the same phrase about revolution. Tell the crooks somewhere in Vietnam, China or Cuba. To put it mildly, they will not understand you. And as a result, the whole civilization enjoys the fruits of revolution. I like the expression of Thomas Jefferson, the main ideologist of the American Revolution, who said that revolutions are like a thunderstorm that people fear, hiding from it, which even kills, but after it the air becomes cleaner. It’s true, it depends on what kind of revolution and what you mean by it. And are events in Ukraine considered a revolution. In my opinion, no. Then any revolution must be called a revolution. For example, our palace coups.
        1. -2
          4 June 2016 10: 58
          You said well and brought good words! But in the same Ukraine, many people consider their Maidan of revolutions. And what is important is not what is, but what is "considered!"
          1. +5
            4 June 2016 14: 39

            A revolution is a change in the social system.
            All revolutions are the result of excess material resources in connection with technological capabilities.

            In Ukraine, the coup. The form moved power. And it does not lead to a change in the social system.
        2. +7
          4 June 2016 10: 59
          The revolution implies a change of power and a change of property. In Ukraine, some oligarchs replaced others, judging by the comments on Ukrainian publics, again they have two main enemies, the oligarchs and Russia, nothing has changed.
          1. -3
            4 June 2016 12: 17
            This is exactly what J. Orwell wrote about when he argued that all "revolutions" lead nowhere. This is a change of upper to middle, and lower - what remains.
            1. +2
              4 June 2016 13: 05
              Exactly, the tops spit on the bottoms, the spits fall down, the bottoms spit on the tops, the spits fall down, physics! smile
              1. -1
                5 June 2016 08: 40
                Do you mind if I take your words as an epigraph?
            2. +4
              4 June 2016 13: 15
              Quote: kalibr
              This is exactly what J. Orwell wrote about when he argued that all "revolutions" lead nowhere. This is a change of upper to middle, and lower - what remains.

              well, don’t tell me, there is still some progress: our position is noticeably better than that of the former serfs or slaves; and if they believe that people should be flogged, then periodically the ruling class will be guillotined - also, quite for themselves, a method of restoring social balance
              1. -1
                4 June 2016 22: 22
                So Orwell wrote further about this ...
              2. +1
                5 June 2016 04: 02
                Quote: pimen
                our position is noticeably better than the position of the former serfs or slaves;

                Truth? With the Tatar-Mongol yoke, a tribute of 10%))) Now 43-48% is deducted from our salary, and no fairy tales about 13% are needed; any accountant will get you into reality. The Communists generally deprived of all property, and in the 90s they divided this property among themselves. Direct slavery is replaced by hidden economic slavery)
                1. 0
                  5 June 2016 08: 47
                  calculations, of course, are great power. As they say, you can’t argue against a person with an integral. However, the pension system, an eight-hour working day, paid leave and sick leave - was it all under the Tatar-Mongol yoke?
                  1. 0
                    5 June 2016 09: 57
                    An eight-hour day ... Ah, how great! But you take an interest in how much the same worker worked in Russia in 1902 and how much he rested. Not by the clock, but by the day! And it turns out that with the 8-hour day ... they worked MORE! Than with 10-12-ty ... and why - look for yourself. Interesting and instructive.
                  2. +1
                    5 June 2016 18: 31
                    Quote: pimen
                    However, the pension system, an eight-hour working day, paid leave and sick leave - was it all under the Tatar-Mongol yoke?

                    Instead of the pension system, there was a "generic" system, when the youngest of the children looked after the old parents. And there were children ... ask yourself. With the destruction of this system, a pension system was introduced, where the state is interested in the early death of pensioners) 8-hour working day is "good" for slaves. And when you have your own land or smithy, you are free to work as much as you think is necessary / necessary. Therefore, under the notorious yoke, they covered most of the temples with gold)
                    And indeed the presence of the yoke is a moot point, like the Tatar-Mongols.
  5. +12
    4 June 2016 06: 53
    What kind of defender of the Fatherland will be a conscript if he was “educated” at school on books such as The Blue Fat by V. Sorokin, The Encyclopedia of the Russian Soul by V. Erofeev, The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Soldier Ivan Chonkin by V. Voinovich? “Russians must be beaten with a stick. Russians need to be shot. Russians need to be smeared on the wall. Otherwise, they will cease to be Russian ... Russians are a shameful nation, ”Erofeyev’s Encyclopedia instructs.

    This is only part of a long-term program to turn a Russian person (I mean Russian to all residents of multinational Russia) into a slave, a silent and illiterate consumer who does not know the heroic history of his homeland, its past and for which the only measure of success in life will be a full stomach and a full wallet.
    A country and people who abandon their past have no future. Goebbels and other apologists for National Socialism, probably more than once turned over in their graves from happiness - happiness from the realization that their work was successfully performed by functionaries from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
    1. Erg
      4 June 2016 08: 40
      And why do you think these functionaries have carte blanche for child molestation and fooling? Who is behind them? After all, we know this ... The author cuts the tail of a snake. And you need a head.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +4
    4 June 2016 06: 57
    I agree with the article and it, as it were, continues yesterday's article on education. It turns out that each younger generation will be more alien to the previous ones, there will be more separation between people. As if the cracks are stronger in the solidity of the people. This is not random action, but a program of destruction of everything .
    1. -3
      4 June 2016 07: 46
      Dmitriy! Any destruction of the old is the beginning of the creation of the new! This is dialectic! The old seems beautiful to you, but to those who live today it seems the norm today, and then it will become "old". That is, this process is always going on. Fighting it and trying to "preserve" the old is stupid. The Chinese say, "When the sky falls, don't support it!" The challenge is to fit into the new as efficiently as possible and take advantage of all its pros and cons. Otherwise, you suck and the fitters overtake you. At the same time, the basis of behavior is highly moral behavior (decalogue) - the only thing that is eternal and indestructible. All this can be combined (who does not know how - in "sucks") and this is the only possible way of being. And there is no need to talk about the "solidity of the people." It never happened. It's just that the "cracks" were different.
      1. Erg
        4 June 2016 08: 52
        Sodom and Gomorrah ... This is also the arrival of the "new".
        Quote: kalibr
        Any destruction of the old is the beginning of the creation of the new! This is a dialectic! The old seems beautiful to you, but to those who live today it seems normal today
        1. +2
          4 June 2016 09: 51
          Well, maybe I idealized with the monolithic character of the Soviet people, but I had such an idea from books. Yes, of course, if there was such an ideal monolithic, then it would not have turned out such as Vlasov, Solzhenitsyn, HMS, E.B. .N., ... But at the right times, to achieve the Big Goals, the people were monolithic --- The war and the construction of the National Economy.
          1. +2
            4 June 2016 10: 23
            About the Chinese.
            What is good for the Chinese, then the Russian --- is doubtful!
            Locust bread, worm food, dog meat, family one child ...
            "Do not support the Sky", that is, do not resist the forces of nature, global processes? And the Chinese themselves do not adhere to it!
            not only their environment, but also Our Country suffers damage! Tormented by smog, they --- oh God! --- do not wait for the sky to fall on them, but resist in many ways!
            In general, do not recall examples when someone obeyed those Chinese and waited for the sky to fall on them. Everyone --- resist! The fight against epidemics, the fight against invaders, the fight against poaching, the fight against terrorism ... People all over the world are saved from earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis! After all, it really is the sky that is falling! And they even make plans on how to defeat the asteroid danger!
            1. -3
              4 June 2016 10: 37
              Dear Dmitry! "Heaven" is in general philosophical terms, it is clear that in particular we will find many differences. This is just about social change. You can shoot down a meteorite with a rocket, but if there is another country next to your state, where is everything better, where will people start leaving? Fish seeks where it is deeper, man - where is better! Of course, there will be those ... who ... But you can't cook porridge with them, and how will it end up? Then you write "war and construction". I will not remind you how many citizens of the USSR served in the German army and helped the invaders, so everything is not so simple here either. And construction projects ... this is income, you need to feed your family. Moral approval and spiritual unity are important. And was it? 1991 showed that no! Although the goal was nowhere else - Communism! Not to be patient? Just do not write about the fact that you "cheated". "Ah, it is not difficult to deceive me, I myself am glad to be deceived!" - this is when it was written, isn't it?
              1. +3
                4 June 2016 11: 02
                So I say that a beautiful phrase is one thing, and reality is another.
                And Buddha said that Buddhism on the plain and in the mountains --- it is necessary to preach in different ways (if anyone gives an exact quote ---- I will be glad !!!).
                About 1991. I thought before, and after reading the comments on VO, I think that people believed the party. They just believed. And then total discipline was introduced, in some film --- "it is not allowed!" or in old films ---- workers are standing at the desk, holding a hammer, waiting. Beep ----- knocking hammers! But you can't before? If you came? This discipline and trust let you down! And it was all tricky enough! Do you not know this because of your specialty?
                And about communism --- if after VO people knew clearly, then the outlines lost their clarity, losing it more and more. It seems to me from films, books, eyewitness accounts. Grandma said a lot of things, but just a few years before her death . Apparently some kind of inner taboo.
                1. +1
                  4 June 2016 14: 53

                  You are right at the expense of communism, nobody really understood anything, at least in the late USSR.

                  But what you told about your grandmother and said that the military generation had a formed idea of ​​communism is very interesting.

                  I wonder when the changes in people's minds began.
                  1. 0
                    4 June 2016 20: 43
                    In general, the closer an event is, the more difficult it is to evaluate it. Too contradictory is the assessment of contemporaries. I am trying to put together a mosaic of thin. movies, chronicles of all kinds, historical programs and eyewitness accounts. There are a lot of them. And books over the past 20 years are little and debatable. In general, I watch little TV, it turns out that I listen to channels 365, History, ☆, because. TV always works.
                    The family of grandparents, like all the families of this officer’s house, was very politicized. The generals lived in a completely different house and I learned about it when I was an adult.
                    And at that time they really dreamed and wanted to build an ideal society, these are mother's memories of other people.
                    And my grandmother in recent years recalled precisely the violations among the "middle" echelon of the party freed workers. These violations, of course, did not go to the press. Why did she die in recent years at the end of last year? I don't know.
        2. +1
          5 June 2016 00: 57
          The coming of the Nazis to power in Germany and the destruction of the previous concepts of morality, when entire peoples were declared "superfluous" on earth, is this also the creation of a new, more perfect in comparison with the old?
          1. 0
            5 June 2016 09: 59
            And who told you that anything new is progressive? There is "new" - progress. There is a new "regression". You were poorly taught sociology and cultural studies at the university.
      2. 0
        4 June 2016 14: 45
        That's about moral behavior.

        This behavior is the result of a single social morality.
        Just the system (the keyword system), education is called upon to create a single morality in society.
        1. -1
          5 June 2016 10: 02
          Not always! Called - yes, but really - no. There is also "folk wisdom", "popular opinion", which greatly complements the system. Remember: "Little son came to his father and asked the little one ..." He did not come to school, but to his father! One father answered, and the other sent, because he was lying drunk. And the school won't fix it!
  7. +4
    4 June 2016 07: 14
    The bourgeois government and capitalists do not need all the people to be well-educated, they will understand a lot and ask uncomfortable questions. A simple education like the SGA is new trends, only rich people can afford a good education, the rest themselves understand who ...
    1. -1
      4 June 2016 07: 37
      Throughout the recorded history and, apparently, from the end of the Neolithic
      There were three kinds of people in the world: higher, middle, and lower. Groups subdivision
      They were in a variety of ways, wore all kinds of names, their number
      different proportions, as well as mutual relations, have changed from century to century; but
      the fundamental structure of society remained unchanged. Even after the ear
      fatal shocks and seemingly irreversible changes, this structure was restored
      flowed, as a gyroscope restores its position, wherever it
      nor pushed.
      The goals of these three groups are completely incompatible. The goal of the higher is to stay there
      where they are. The purpose of the middle is to swap places with higher ones; the goal of the lower is when
      they have a purpose, for the lower ones are characterized by the fact that they are crushed by hard work and
      only occasionally do they direct their gaze beyond the bounds of everyday life, - from-
      change all differences and create a society where all people should be equal. So
      way, throughout history, the struggle flashes again and again, in general
      features are always the same. For a long time, the higher ones seem to hold firmly
      power, but sooner or later there comes a moment when they lose either faith in themselves, or
      more ability to manage effectively, or both. Then they are overthrown by medium-
      which attracted the lower ones to their side by playing the role of fighters
      for freedom and justice. Having reached their goal, they push the lower ones into the former.
      her slavish position and themselves become higher. Meanwhile new averages
      exfoliate from one of the other two groups or both, and the struggle begins again
      new. Of the three groups, only the lowest ones never achieve their goals, even on
      time. It would be an exaggeration to say that history was not accompanied by material
      progress. Even today, in a period of decline, an ordinary person is material
      but lives better than several centuries ago. But no increase in wealth, no
      some softening of morals, no revolutions and reforms brought human
      equality not a millimeter. From the point of view of the lower, all historical changes meant little more than a change of owners.

      J. Orwell "1984" Nobody said better than him!
      1. +1
        4 June 2016 08: 12
        Good afternoon, Vyacheslav Olegovich! Even at school, I remember how Karl Marx's teaching about classes of people was taught, when the struggle between them leads to a change in the socio-economic formation (Slavery, Feudalism, Capitalism) and opens up the possibility of further development of productive forces and production relations, in 1991 Moscow blacksmiths and underground millionaires won a victory and put their man in power, proclaiming democracy and capitalism (people in the provinces did not understand that it was and they did not need it), with all the ensuing consequences. At the moment in Russia the class of exploiting oligarchs dominates, but all this is being served on TV as a movement towards a "bright future", which is of course deeply doubtful, I personally understand it all this way.
        1. -2
          4 June 2016 09: 53
          Good day to you too! All business courses teach to look at everything from a positive point of view. And you understand correctly, but you don’t need to think like that, you should strive to take advantage of this, and not resist the fact that you personally cannot change it. Again, remember the Chinese parable of the two bridges. One must go, the other burn. The choice is yours!
          1. 0
            4 June 2016 10: 20
            I perfectly understand that in this situation it is better to exploit people in their own interests than to allow you to be exploited.
            "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
            In the Soviet school we were taught that life is a constant struggle, with ourselves in the first place, even the motto in the pioneer detachment was: "Fight, seek, find, do not give up!" smile
            1. -2
              4 June 2016 10: 45
              Quote: Igor39
              In the Soviet school we were taught that life is a constant struggle, with ourselves in the first place, even the motto in the pioneer detachment was: "Fight, seek, find, do not give up!"

              Yes, and that's right, and the motto is good. Recently, I found a memo in the granddaughter's table: "If you are lazy, sit down and read, at least some benefit. Whoever knows more, that +" She thought it up and, apparently, thought it over. I myself did not drip on her brains. Although, at home, of course, the atmosphere ... is like that. So our children think about it too. However, did not Muhammad say that in the end the most difficult jihad awaits the faithful, with what is inside us! Only the words are different. You understand that all this pink snot and drool is from laziness. Someone will come, fix everything, write, change the minister - if only nothing bothered me! But this has not been and will not be so!
              By the way, about a true history textbook - or rather, about the difficulties of writing it, I have already prepared the material ...
              1. +1
                4 June 2016 10: 54
                A true history textbook ... Very interesting already, I'm waiting winked
    2. 0
      4 June 2016 15: 01

      Education itself, outside the educational system, does not play any role for the state.
      Education in itself outside the state standard is nonsense. This is from the category of hobbies. Spend time for yourself.

      I still can’t understand how something is taught by private institutions. Like for your money everything we want.

      How not to listen to the news, some talk that our private institution is the best of the best. If knowledge is outside the system, how can it be evaluated at all?
  8. +7
    4 June 2016 07: 18
    "Russians must be smeared on the wall, otherwise they will cease to be Russians ... Russians are a shameful nation." I do not understand, is this being taught now? And after that, something can be said about the education of patriotism?
  9. +3
    4 June 2016 07: 30
    I was somehow upset that I hadn’t even read the comments. He returned after another article.
  10. +3
    4 June 2016 08: 11
    Programmers and textbook authors are explicit agents of influence. Why shouldn't the FSB deal with them more closely. These figures want to get the generation of "Ivanov, who do not remember kinship." And most of all questions are for the Minister of Education, do you even read what you sign and approve in the documents? Doesn't VVP see that this valuable frame is actually substituting it? Or are they relatives and Putin is forced to cover up his dementia?
    1. +2
      5 June 2016 01: 12
      But I am not sure that the minister and Putin are the "chief" in our country, because they declare one thing, but do, to put it mildly, somewhat different, the impression is that the main "chief executives", remaining in the shadows, are leading many processes in the country in according to their own known interests only.
  11. +3
    4 June 2016 08: 12
    Actual article ......... issues raised need to be addressed. I would like to see it from those in power. Thank you for the article - expressed pain.
  12. +1
    4 June 2016 08: 17
    on the rack, the Ministry of Education, then there will be a deal!
  13. +5
    4 June 2016 08: 28
    Not only censorship is needed, but also a specific responsibility, so that all wrecks do not pour slop on my country. Lied or distorted historical facts - to find out the reason for this and find a suitable article from slander to treason to the motherland. It is also possible to deprive of academic ranks and degrees due to incompetence / mismatch of the position /! And in the near future, the Ministry of Education will be educated)))
    1. +2
      4 June 2016 11: 05
      Andrey, in journalism there is a rule, you can write anything, but with the postscript "I think so." In historical science, it is also possible to think and express directly opposite things on the basis of the same facts. Social phenomena, alas, are ambiguous. Therefore, it is very difficult to follow your advice, then one more officialdom will go and science will die! Moreover, like-mindedness leads to the decay of culture as a whole, and then of society too.
  14. +6
    4 June 2016 08: 48
    In personnel matters, Putin is a weakling.
    1. 0
      4 June 2016 09: 13
      Quote: Million
      In personnel matters, Putin is a weakling.

      If "cadres decide everything," then where is Putin a "strong man"?
      1. +2
        4 June 2016 09: 47
        Quote: atos_kin
        then what is Putin "strongman"?

        as foreign minister
      2. +1
        4 June 2016 10: 00
        in hockey, judging by the results)
      3. +2
        5 June 2016 01: 15
        "Cadres decide everything," including that. what should Putin and his minister decide? Then it would not hurt to know what kind of frames it is.
    2. -1
      4 June 2016 10: 25
      Putin is not a wimp in personnel matters; he simply never abandons his proteges, no matter what, this characteristic feature is developed among former KGB officers.
    3. 0
      4 June 2016 12: 21
      Everyone imagines himself a strategist, seeing the battle from the side.
  15. 0
    4 June 2016 09: 01
    no, well, you still need to separate the flies from the cutlets. What is a school? This is, first of all, an institute where youngsters are supervised so that they do not bully on the streets; secondly, it is a way to teach them something useful in a rather "crooked" and hostile world; thirdly, it is an excellent opportunity to assess their abilities (subjectively and objectively - by parents and teachers). Why is the USE bad in such a paradigm? After all, no one proposes to introduce it in higher and secondary schools!
  16. +6
    4 June 2016 09: 45
    My son is taking his final exams now. I remember how we passed exams in the early 80s, entered, studied, passed again ... There is no bad thing in the very idea of ​​the Unified State Exam, everyone is put on equal conditions for passing the exam, and most importantly, there is no need to go somewhere to take exams, where you can simply "fill up", it is enough to send documents, and this is a plus. But after all, our Ministry of Education will distort all good things to disgrace, absorb only the worst. The teaching system was killed. Why do you need teachers if you still have to take tutors anyway? Indeed, they destroyed the creative and motivational part. The Unified State Exam system itself is so confused that you can't figure it out. In Krasnoyarsk, literature was handed over, the children did not have enough forms, as a result, they were sent for retake on a reserve day. Has anyone been punished for this? After all, these figures from the Unified State Exam tried in every possible way to hush it up, if not for the journalists. The Unified State Exam in its current form is some kind of incomprehensible nonsense, but I don't want to return to the old form either. If we return, the system of "drifts" will work with renewed vigor. Do not forget that during the Soviet era, the mentality of the teaching staff was different, and look what is happening now.
    In general, they ruined a good education system, which needed to be corrected a little, but got a perverted monster. Yes, and it is clear with whose help this was done. They do not need a competitor.
  17. +1
    4 June 2016 09: 55
    everything is correctly written, but speaking of modern history, is there anything written in textbooks about privatization, vouchers, the first president and others? Not. But there is a biography of Dima Bilan. And on the hebe heard there was a question about the real surname Ani Lorak. So much for the reform.

    In Irkutsk, two universities were deprived of accreditation. One old university can be said even authoritative changed its name from Irkutsk to Moscow. Another sapeu was sharaga, but his students were simply sold to other universities just like Siado sheep. Commercial, Moscow. And the most dumb that no one received diplomas. All dvli for help, or on the crust is not the state. sample. And what should they do? In neighboring Krasnoyarsk, the same topic.
    1. +2
      4 June 2016 10: 12
      Not. But there is a biography of Dima Bilan. And on ege I heard there was a question about the real name Ani Lorak. So much for the reform.

      or you can scan this ticket, otherwise it seems to me that you are retelling rumors
      1. -1
        4 June 2016 10: 48
        Yes, a scan would be needed - then you can specifically say something and do something. And so it can be another OBS.
  18. +1
    4 June 2016 10: 10
    It remains to wait for what the * pantheon of heroes * will correct, where Pugachev and all of her kagal will be brought in. So much on TV of clowns and others that flickering is no longer perceived as people, so they jump for self-satisfaction of pride, and they are presented as role models.
    The luxury of education will become more and more inaccessible, and what will it result in?
  19. -1
    4 June 2016 10: 11
    It is less necessary to recall Stalin’s cunning, and more about Churchill’s meanness, who planned in July 1945 to destroy the Soviet troops stationed in Germany. Not to suck out the brutality of the Soviet commanders, but to cite facts, as on the orders of the British military commanders in December 1944 the tens of thousands of anti-fascists of the Greek liberation army of ELAS (mainly soldiers and officers) who expelled the Germans from the country, were shot for their socialist orientation.

    I would also have to talk about the British death camps, the barbaric bombardment of Yugoslavia by NATO planes in 1999, the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 under false pretenses about the alleged weapons of mass destruction in the form of anthrax spores, the intervention of the international coalition in Libya in 2011- m, when its leader was killed, and the country plunged into the chaos of civil war. In general, there is something to discuss at the lessons of history.

    in short, the author complains not for poor education, but for the lack of "correct propaganda"
    that is, if all this is in the textbooks, and the rest remains unchanged, will the author be satisfied?
    1. 0
      4 June 2016 10: 54
      He desires a list so that against the background of common abominations our own ones look less significant. That is, you want the same thing as Bender - "pure love". And pure love is now bought not by this, but by a high level of salary, by medicine ... That is, so that people point their fingers to the East and say: There is Russia - O-o-o! I want to go there! When it will be so, no one will need the "truth" in textbooks, and who will bomb whom more. Everyone will already know where to go to work, and where most of the Nobel laureates are!
  20. +1
    4 June 2016 10: 49
    Ahhh, it's useless. This is now state policy. Not Sholokhov, and not Simonov, but Solzhenitsyn ...
    There will be a different policy, there will be other textbooks, and if they survive, then the same authors.
  21. +3
    4 June 2016 10: 57

    Supporters of the ege are divided into 3 categories.
    1st and most numerous who realized that this is the widest "field" for fraud! They are happy with everything! And the longer this nonsense continues, the better!
    2nd - there are fewer of them. These are those who receive grants from Europe and America for "perpetuating" this system!
    3-I - the tip of the iceberg. These are those who are tasked with destroying the best education system that was in the Soviet Union!
    1. -3
      4 June 2016 12: 34
      2nd - there are fewer of them. These are those who receive grants from Europe and America for "perpetuating" this system!

      They hesitated about these grants, about which they themselves know nothing. All grants are published. You cannot give a grant and receive without publication. So everyone knows who needs it. And there is no evidence of a crime. By the way, you yourself can easily find the names of grantees "from there" on the Internet.

      3-I - the tip of the iceberg. These are those who are tasked with destroying the best education system that was in the Soviet Union!

      As for the best system ... the best system gives the most well-educated people, right?
      The most educated people of 1991 would not allow it!
      1. +5
        4 June 2016 14: 15
        Quote: kalibr

        The most educated people of 1991 would not allow it!
        You are mistaken. In 1991, he (the people) just didn’t allow the pleiad of talkers, illiterate loafers, who had previously led the country to destruction to ruin, to reign in power. Another thing is that they slipped a drunkard to the people, but this is a different story.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. -1
          4 June 2016 22: 51
          They slipped it, but he didn’t figure it out, did he? Did not have enough books or universities of Marxism-Leninism? They taught well there, by the way.
  22. 0
    4 June 2016 11: 07
    Meanwhile, the "golden youth" is coming off in full. Https:// 416110 / studi
  23. +1
    4 June 2016 11: 41
    By the way, the commissars appeared precisely in the Civil War in the States.
  24. The comment was deleted.
  25. The comment was deleted.
  26. 0
    4 June 2016 22: 59
    The article is a minus, unfortunately .. it seems like it started right - then - "horses, people, and volleys of thousands of guns mingled in a heap" ..

    Education is not a market item. It can not be sold. Otherwise, it does not fall to worthy people, but to those who are able to pay. Commodity education will not be used to increase the welfare of the state, but in one’s own pocket. This is eloquently evidenced by the numerous facts of the departure of Russian specialists for permanent residence in other countries, where higher living standards and more pay. A brain drain poses a threat to national security. A country in which profit from educational services is paramount is doomed. All the actions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on monetization in their field lead to this.

    - deffachka, I have two classmates left like that. With "non-commercial", I assure you, education. One - from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, the second - from the Physicotechnical Institute .. well, of course .. the guys took prizes at the Olympiads while they were at school .. who they are - the Kvant magazine knew .. You, damn it, will be surprised ..

    1985 graduation year if that Yes

    It would have been possible to work here - they would have stayed .. talked with both, I know.

    In short - another scream .. niochem. I'm talking about an article, if that negative
  27. +1
    4 June 2016 23: 19
    I have not seen such a delusional article for a long time. I especially liked the passage about commodity education.
  28. 0
    4 June 2016 23: 38
    on the forcible resettlement on the reservation of tens of thousands of American Japanese

    Most likely, the Indians were meant), and the meaning of the article is correct, you need mandatory guidance from, if not the state, then some kind of public council under the president, consisting of prominent people and representatives of all faiths over programs of teaching history and literature, and not necessarily literature there should be only Russian writers, and all Soviet and Russian (pre-revolutionary) writers, a very good idea has recently been put forward on a list of books that must be read.
    1. +1
      5 June 2016 01: 33
      It is the state that must determine the content and form of education and upbringing; ultimately, the strength of the state depends on the level of education and the moral, moral state of its citizens, which will determine the appearance and essence of the state itself, and not on oil and gas reserves.
      And for the creators of the current school curriculum, especially in history and literature, it would be good to single out "summer cottages" somewhere in Kolyma, and send them there for a long "rest" that will help them get rid of Russophobia.
    2. +1
      5 June 2016 04: 11
      Quote: Prosha
      Most likely Indians were meant), and the meaning of the article is correct

      When there was a war with Japan (41-45), all Japanese in the United States were immediately sent to camps. Probably it meant.
  29. +1
    6 June 2016 11: 34
    I have always believed that the Ministry of Education is doing something wrong and wrong, but no more. However, the scale of insanity is simply amazing. So it is not far from the "Velikoukrov". How can you hate your homeland so much and continue to live in it?
  30. 0
    7 June 2016 01: 39
    Quote: Reptiloid
    In recent years, grandmother recalled precisely the violations among the "middle" echelon of party workers who were freed. These violations, of course, did not go to the press. Why in recent years

    in Babushkina's young years, they could have been planted for an actually snide anecdote, but also some "flying in the wrong place" EMPLOYEE is not something that has been planted, shot. and the leaders, not all were idiots. Someone said: a people without a past has no future ... (history is the strictest teacher).
  31. 0
    23 November 2016 10: 21
    37th is needed and as soon as possible!