Today is the Day of Military Glory of Russia - the Day of the Taking of the Fortress Izmail

Today is the Day of Military Glory of Russia - the Day of the Taking of the Fortress Izmail

The Day of Military Glory of Russia, celebrated today, is established in honor of the Day of the capture of the Turkish fortress by Ismail Russian troops commanded by A. Suvorov in 1790 year. The holiday is established by the Federal Law No. 32-FZ of March 13 1995 of the Year “On the days of military glory (victorious days) of Russia”.

Of particular importance in the Russian-Turkish war of 1787 — 1791 was the capture of Ishmael - the citadel of Turkish rule on the Danube. The fortress was built under the leadership of German and French engineers in accordance with the latest requirements of the fortification. From the south it was defended by the Danube, which is half a kilometer wide here. A moat with a width of 12 meters and a depth of 6 to 10 meters was dug around the walls of the fortress, in some places of the moat there was a water depth of up to 2 meters. Inside the city there were many stone buildings, convenient for defense. The garrison of the fortress numbered 35 thousands of people and 265 guns.

Quick reference

The assault on Ishmael in 1790 was undertaken during the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1792. by order of the commander-in-chief of the Southern Army, General Field Marshal G. A. Potemkin. Neither N.V. Repnin (1789), nor I.V. Gudovich and P.S. Potemkin (1790) could solve this problem, after which G.A. Potemkin entrusted the operation to A.V. Suvorov. Arriving on December 2 under Ishmael, Suvorov spent six days preparing for the assault, including teaching the troops to assault the models of the high fortress walls of Ishmael. The commandant of Ishmael was asked to capitulate, but he responded by telling that "the sky would fall to the ground rather than Ishmael would be taken."
Within two days, Suvorov was conducting artillery training, and on December 11 in 5 h 30 mines the storming of the fortress began. By 8 am, all the fortifications were occupied, but resistance on the city streets continued until 16 hours. Turkish losses amounted to 26 thousand people. killed and 9 thousand prisoners. The loss of the Russian army amounted to 4 thousand. killed and 6 thousand wounded. All guns, 400 banners, huge reserves of supplies and jewelry for 10 million piastres were captured. The commandant of the fortress was appointed M.I. Kutuzov.

A.A. Danilov: History Russia IX - XIX century

Today, Ishmael with a population of 92 thousands of people is a city of regional subordination in the Odessa region


Not wanting to come to terms with the results of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768 — 1774, Turkey in July 1787 of the year ultimately demanded that Russia return the Crimea, renounce the patronage of Georgia and agree to inspect the Russian merchant ships passing through the straits. Not having received a satisfactory answer, the Turkish government 12 August 1787 of the year declared war on Russia. In turn, Russia decided to take advantage of the situation in order to expand its possessions in the Northern Black Sea region due to the complete ousting of the Turkish invaders from there.

In October, 1787, the Russian troops commanded by A.V. Suvorov almost completely destroyed the 6-thousandth troops of the Turks, who intended to seize the mouth of the Dnieper, on the Kinburg spit. Despite the brilliant victories of the Russian army near Ochakov (1788), in Fokshan (1789) and on the River Rymnik (1789), the enemy did not agree to accept the terms of the world, which Russia insisted on, and in every way delayed the negotiations. Russian military leaders and diplomats were aware that the successful completion of the peace negotiations with Turkey would be greatly facilitated by the capture of Ishmael.

Izmail fortress lay on the left bank of the Kiliya arm of the Danube between lakes Yalpukh and Katlabuh, on the slope of a sloping height, ending at the Danube bed with a low but rather steep slope. The strategic importance of Ishmael was very great: the paths from Galati, Khotin, Bender and Keely converged here; here was the most convenient place to invade from the north beyond the Danube into Dobruja. By the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1792, the Turks, under the leadership of German and French engineers, turned Ishmael into a powerful fortress with a high shaft and a wide moat depth from 3 to 5 fathoms (6,4-10,7 m), sometimes filled with water. On 11 bastions, 260 guns were located. Ishmael’s garrison comprised 35 of thousands of men under the command of Aydozle-Mehmet Pasha. Part of the garrison was commanded by Kaplan-gire, the brother of the Crimean Khan, who was assisted by his five sons. The Sultan was very angry with his troops for all the previous surrenders and ordered the firman to execute everyone in his garrison in the event of the fall of Ishmael, no matter where he was found.

Siege and assault of Ishmael

In 1790, after the capture of the fortresses of Kiliya, Tulcha and Isakcha, the commander in chief of the Russian army, Prince G.A. Potemkin-Tauride ordered the detachments of generals I.V. Gudovich, P.S. Potemkina and flotilla General de Ribas take possession of Ishmael. However, their actions were indecisive. On November 26, the military council decided to lift the siege of the fortress due to the approaching winter. The Commander-in-Chief did not approve this decision and ordered General Anshef A.V. Suvorov, whose troops stood at Galati, take command of the units besieging Ishmael. Having taken command on December 2, Suvorov returned to Ishmael the troops departing from the fortress and blocked it from land and from the Danube River. After completing the preparations for the assault in 6 days, Suvorov sent an ultimatum to the commandant of Izmail on December 7, 1790, demanding that the fortress be surrendered no later than 24 hours after the ultimatum was delivered. The ultimatum was rejected. On December 9, the military council assembled by Suvorov decided to immediately begin the assault, which was scheduled for December 11. The attacking troops were divided into 3 detachments (wings) of 3 columns each. The detachment of Major General de Ribas (9 thousand people) attacked from the river side; right wing under the command of lieutenant general P.S. Potemkin (7 people) was supposed to strike from the western part of the fortress; left wing of lieutenant general A.N. Samoilova (500 thousand people) - from the east. The cavalry reserves of the Westfalen foreman (12 men) were on the land side. In total, the army of Suvorov totaled 2500 thousand people, including 31 thousand - irregular, poorly armed. (Orlov N. Sturm Ishmael Suvorov in 15, St. Petersburg, 1790. P. 1890.) Suvorov decided to start the assault at 52 a.m., about 5 hours before dawn. Darkness was needed for the suddenness of the first blow and mastery of the shaft; then to fight in the dark was unprofitable, because the command of the troops was difficult. Anticipating stubborn resistance, Suvorov wanted to have at his disposal as much daylight hours as possible.

On December 10, as the sun rose, preparations began for an assault with flank batteries, from the island and from the flotilla ships (about 600 guns in total). It lasted almost a day and ended 2,5 hours before the start of the assault. On this day, the Russians lost the killed 3 officers and 155 lower ranks, the wounded 6 officers and 224 lower ranks. The assault did not come as a surprise to the Turks. Every night they were ready to attack the Russians; in addition, several defectors revealed to them Suvorov’s plan.

At 3 in the morning of December 11, 1790 of the year launched the first signal flare, along which the troops left the camp and, rebuilding themselves in columns, advanced to designated locations. At half past five in the morning the columns moved to attack. Before others approached the fortress 2-I column of Major General B.P. Lassi At 6 in the morning hours, lassie huntsman overcame a rampart under a hail of enemy bullets, and a fierce battle ensued at the top. Absheron shooters and the Fanagori grenadiers of the 1-th column of Major-General S.L. Lvov overturned the enemy and, having captured the first batteries and the Khotyn gates, connected to the 2 column. The Khotyn gates were open for cavalry. At the same time, on the opposite end of the fortress, the 6-I column of Major-General M.I. Golenishcheva-Kutuzov captured the bastion at the Kiliya Gates and occupied the rampant up to the neighboring bastions. The greatest difficulties were given to the 3 column of the Meknob. She stormed the great northern bastion, adjacent to it to the east, and the curtain wall between them. In this place, the depth of the moat and the height of the shaft were so great that the stairs in 5,5 fathoms (about 11,7) were short, and I had to tie them two together under fire. The main bastion was taken. The fourth and fifth columns (respectively, Colonel VP Orlov and Brigadier MI Platov) also completed the tasks assigned to them, defeating the ramparts in their sections.

The airborne troops of Major General de Ribas in three columns under the cover of the rowing fleet moved on a signal to the fortress and lined up in battle order in two lines. The landing began around 7 in the morning. It was produced quickly and clearly, despite the resistance of more than 10 thousands of Turks and Tatars. The landing of Lviv, which attacked coastal Danube batteries in the flank, and the actions of the ground forces from the eastern side of the fortress contributed a lot to the landing. The first column of Major General N.D. Arsenieva, who sailed on 20 ships, landed and divided into several parts. The battalion of the Kherson grenadier under the command of Colonel V.A. Zubova captured a very steep cavalier, losing 2 / 3 people. The battalion of Livonian rangers, Colonel Count Roger Damas, took the battery, which anfiled the coast. Other units also captured the fortifications lying in front of them. The third column of brigadier E.I. Markova landed at the western end of the fortress under crank fire from the redoubt of Tabia.

When the daylight came, it became clear that the shaft was taken, the enemy ousted from the upper fortress and retreats into the inner part of the city. Russian columns from different sides moved to the center of the city — Potemkin on the right, Cossacks from the north, Kutuzov on the left, on the river side de Ribas. Began a new battle. Particularly fierce resistance lasted until 11 hours of the morning. A few thousand horses, leaping out of the burning stables, raced through the streets in rage and increased the confusion. Almost every house had to be taken in combat. Around noon, Lassi, the first to ascend the ramparts, was the first to reach the middle of the city. Here he met a thousand Tatars under the command of Maksud-Girey, the prince of Genghis Khan's blood. Maxoud Girey defended himself stubbornly, and only when most of his squad was slaughtered, surrendered to the 300 warriors who survived.

To support the infantry and ensure the success, Suvorov ordered the introduction of light guns into the city of 20 in order to clear the streets of the Turks with the canister. At one o'clock, in essence, the victory was won. However, the battle was not over yet. The enemy tried to attack not individual Russian troops or sat down in sturdy buildings like in citadels. An attempt to wrest back Ishmael was undertaken by Kaplan-Girey, the brother of the Crimean Khan. He gathered several thousand horse and foot Tatars and Turks and led them towards the advancing Russians. In a desperate battle in which more than 4 thousands of Muslims were killed, he fell along with five sons. At two o'clock in the afternoon all the columns entered the city center. In 4 hours, the victory was won completely. Ishmael fell.

Results of the assault

The losses of the Turks were huge, more than 26 thousands of people were killed. 9 of thousands were taken prisoner, of which the next day 2 thousands died of injuries. (Orlov N. Decree. Op., P. 80.) Of the entire garrison, only one person escaped. Lightly wounded, he fell into the water and swam across the Danube on a log. In Izmail, 265 guns were taken, up to 3 thousands of pounds of gunpowder, 20 thousands of nuclei and many other combat supplies, up to 400 banners, blood-stained defenders, 8 lans, 12 ferries, 22 light vessel and plenty of rich booty, inherited troops, in total to 10 million piastres (over 1 million rubles). The Russians killed 64 officer (1 foreman, 17 headquarters officers, 46 chief officers) and 1816 privates; injured 253 officers (of which three are major generals) and 2450 lower ranks. The total loss figure was 4582 person. Some authors determine the number of thousands killed to 4, and the number of injured to 6 thousands, total 10 thousands, including 400 officers (from 650). (Orlov N. Decree. Op., P. 80-81, 149.)

According to the promise given to Suvorov in advance, the city, according to the custom of the time, was left to the authority of the soldiers. At the same time, Suvorov took measures to ensure order. Kutuzov, appointed commandant of Ishmael, in the most important places, placed guards. Inside the city was opened a huge hospital. The bodies of the murdered Russians were transported out of the city and buried according to church rites. There were so many Turkish corpses that an order was given to throw bodies into the Danube, and prisoners were identified for this work, divided into turns. But even with this method, Ishmael was cleared of corpses only after 6 days. The prisoners were sent in batches to Nikolaev under the escort of the Cossacks.

Suvorov hoped to get the rank of field marshal for the assault of Ishmael, but Potemkin, applying for his award to the empress, offered to award him with a medal and the rank of guard lieutenant colonel or adjutant general. The medal was knocked out, and Suvorov was appointed lieutenant colonel of the Preobrazhensky regiment. There were already ten such lieutenant colonels; Suvorov became the eleventh. The very same commander in chief of the Russian army, Prince GA Potemkin-Tavrichesky, arriving in St. Petersburg, received as an award field marshadskiy uniform embroidered in diamonds, priced at 200 thousand rubles. Tauride Palace; in Tsarskoye Selo it was planned to build an obelisk to the prince depicting his victories and conquests. The lower ranks were given oval silver medals; for officers a gold sign is set; chiefs received orders or golden swords, some - ranks.

The conquest of Ishmael was of great political importance. It influenced the further course of the war and the conclusion of the Yassy peace between Russia and Turkey in 1792, which confirmed the annexation of the Crimea to Russia and established the Russian-Turkish border along the r. Dniester. Thus, the entire northern Black Sea coast from the Dniester to the Kuban was assigned to Russia.

Used materials of the book: "One Hundred Great Battles", M. "Veche", 2002
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  1. Odessa
    24 December 2011 10: 08
    Thanks to the author for the publication. I like historical materials that prove the power and strength of the Russian. The Ottomans wanted Crimea, so Suvorov showed them, figs, not Crimea! The Turks are smashed to pieces !!! And so it will be with everyone who dares encroach on the Russian land !!!
    1. +10
      24 December 2011 13: 36
      Quote: Odessa
      And so it will be with everyone who dares to encroach on the Russian Earth !!!

      and it was and will be so!
      We are Russian - God is with us!
      We are Russians - what a delight! A.V. Suvorov.
    2. +7
      24 December 2011 21: 33
      Suvorov hoped for the assault on Ishmael to receive the rank of Field Marshal, but Potemkin, applying for his reward before the Empress, offered to award him with a medal and the rank of Guard Lieutenant Colonel or Adjutant General.

      And before that, Suvorov, in response to Potemkin's words, “How can I reward your merits, Count Alexander Vasilyevich?” He replied:
      “Nothing, prince”, I’m not a merchant and didn’t come to bargain here; except God and the Empress, no one can reward me. "

      Potemkin turned pale, turned and went into the hall.

      Not every commander can behave like that before his superiors, and then and now.
    3. healthcare
      26 December 2011 15: 56
      that's how, after all this, you could give Odessa Crimea you and the whole south of Ukraine? !!!!! that and Ukraine as an independent state not when it was not !!!!!!!!!!
  2. dred
    24 December 2011 10: 16
    Congratulations to all!
    1. Artemka
      24 December 2011 11: 29
      Yes, such a commander as Suvorov would be in our army.
      1. +8
        24 December 2011 13: 14
        Quote: Artemka
        Yes, such a commander as Suvorov would be in our army.

        He could not stand it, looking at the oak bedroom sets with gilding and Mercedes, which military commanders from the Ministry of Defense order at their own expense. Although Suvorov had the titles Prince of Italy, Count Rymniksky, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, Generalissimo of the Russian land and sea forces, General Field Marshal of the Austrian and Sardinian troops, the Grand Sardinian kingdom and the prince of royal blood, cavalier of all Russian and many foreign military orders awarded at that time.
        He slept and ate in a place with privates in the same tent !!!!
        1. Tyumen
          24 December 2011 16: 24
          Quote: APASUS
          He could not stand it

          In the days of Suvorov, this was not so. The generals rode to the war with their mistresses, the orchestras dragged along with them, and whole carts of personal junk, Potemkin generally Mozart played at dinner. I could withstand it. smile
  3. +10
    24 December 2011 10: 32
    The article is really good, I just want to add that in addition to the regular troops of the Russian Empire, the linear Cossacks of Ataman Platov and the Belarusian huntsmen took part in the assault on Izmail. Both of them made a very big contribution to the capture of the fortress. In Izmail itself there is a small but very good museum, where the whole course of events, which brought unfading glory to Russian weapons, is shown in a visual form, including the assault diorama. Honor and praise to the heroes!
    1. Tyumen
      24 December 2011 12: 06
      Did you read the article carefully?

      The fourth and fifth columns (respectively, Colonel V.P. Orlov and Brigadier M.I. Platov) also completed their tasks
  4. Lech e-mine
    24 December 2011 10: 42
    Bravo Suvorov. Such Russian commanders are now very necessary.
  5. Evil Tatar
    24 December 2011 10: 42
    Happy holiday to everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
  6. +8
    24 December 2011 11: 16
    Do not even read just Suvorov’s greatest glory and deep bow to us.
  7. +8
    24 December 2011 11: 23
    Alexander Vasilyevich, how do we need you now, who would know! Honor and praise to you, great commander, if we had more of these!
    Thanks for the stuff.
  8. +12
    24 December 2011 11: 30
    Before the assault, the general-in-chief tried the last resort and sent a letter to Seraskir, proposing to surrender the fortress in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Suvorov, to the official message, added an explanatory note: "Seraskiru foremen and the whole society. I arrived here with the troops. Twenty-four hours to think - will; my first shot is already captivity; assault is death. That I leave to your discretion."
    One of the pasha, taking the package, said to the Russian officer:
    - Rather, the Danube will stop in its course and the sky will fall to the ground, than Ishmael will surrender.
    The seraskir himself answered the next day, in the evening, resorting to the usual Turkish trick: he asked for a period of ten days to send a messenger to the vizier. But in front of the Turks was Suvorov. He ordered to convey that if the next day he did not see the white flag, no one would receive mercy.

    The general-in-chief from the barrow vigilantly watched the course of the battle, sending out orders from orderlies. In the predawn gloom, only the successive shouts of "Alla" and "Hurray" indicated which side the victory was leaning towards. Kutuzov informed the commander of the impossibility to go further. Suvorov answered him:
    - Tell Kutuzov that I am appointing him commandant of Ishmael and have already sent news of the conquest of the fortress to Petersburg! "We know each other," he said after the fight, "neither he nor I would have experienced failure ..."
    Kutuzov took the Kherson regiment from the reserve, attacked the accumulated Turks, knocked them over and finally took control of the bastion. In one place the Russians faltered - among them a priest from the Polotsk regiment appeared and, holding a cross, led them forward.
    Suvorov's assessment of Kutuzov's actions is known: "Kutuzov was on the left wing, but he was my right hand."
    The assault on Ishmael revealed miracles of courage and heroism.
    1. Tyumen
      24 December 2011 12: 32
      Quote: vitvit123
      priest of the Polotsk regiment

      Trofim Kutsinsky - the first priest awarded in the war.
      Moreover, the award was unique - a golden pectoral cross on the St. George ribbon.
      1. +2
        24 December 2011 21: 35
        Quote: Tyumen 35
        Moreover, the award was unique - a golden pectoral cross on the St. George ribbon.

        This award is introduced by special order of the Emperor specially for rewarding military priests for military feats
        1. Tyumen
          24 December 2011 22: 18
          So then, the Empress was then. And if you are talking about the cross of the Order of St. George, then, in my opinion, in the First World War. Yes?
          1. +2
            25 December 2011 15: 53
            Quote: Tyumen 35
            And if you are talking about the cross of the Order of St. George, then, in my opinion, in the First World War. Yes?

            No. There were two types of "George"

            Imperial Military Order of St. Great Martyr Victorious and Miracle Worker George
            Year of foundation - 1769
            Founder - Catherine II
            Motto - "For Service and Courage"
            Status - Military Order for Military Distinction
            Ribbon colors: orange and black
            The number of degrees - 4

            It is the only Russian order to be awarded only for military merits. The sign of this order was a white (enamel) cross. The order ribbon consisted of black and orange stripes.

            Insignia of the Military Order (St. George's Cross)

            Established on February 13, 1807 "to encourage the courage and courage" of soldiers and non-commissioned officers.

            Those awarded the St. George Cross had a number of privileges and privileges.

            First awarded on June 2, 1807 to Egrow Mitrokhin for distinguishing himself in the battle of Friedland.

            Since 1856, there are 4 degrees, from the youngest 4th to the senior 1st

            1 and 2 degree production of gold, 3 and 4 tbsp. -Silver.
            1. Tyumen
              25 December 2011 17: 32
              I still don’t understand you. You first wrote * a reward introduced by a special decree of the Emperor specifically to award military priests *. You wrote about the golden pectoral cross. I thought that you were talking about some kind of George’s option for priests that I didn’t know about. This was my previous post, since I remember that the first George received priest Vasilkovsky in 1812. And you explain to me how oligophrenic smile
  9. +6
    24 December 2011 11: 40
    It is a pity the land is not ours now, how many relatives are left there!
  10. patriot64
    24 December 2011 11: 52
    Glory to the great commander! Glory to the Russian bayonet and the Russian warrior!
  11. +8
    24 December 2011 12: 12
    Glory to Mother Russia!
  12. +7
    24 December 2011 12: 18
    Just no words, what are we capable of!
  13. Odesit
    24 December 2011 12: 48
    Happy holiday. Glory to the Russian army. We can’t do it !!!!!!
  14. +7
    24 December 2011 13: 31
    I am 23, I went through this at school, but every time I am pleased to remember the past, those moments in history that cause pride in my homeland!
  15. ytqnhfk
    24 December 2011 13: 51
  16. +7
    24 December 2011 13: 59
    Why today we do not know OUR HEROES of such Suvorov, Nakhimov, Skobelev, Yudenich, Stolypin, etc. They can be listed endlessly.
    1. Superduck
      24 December 2011 16: 00
      Who is to blame for you that you do not know them. He who wants to knows, and whoever plant would not have known them in the 18th century.
  17. BAT
    24 December 2011 14: 52
    Suvorov is the greatest commander of all time !!! And most importantly, he was loved and adored by ordinary soldiers - his "Miracle Heroes". Such great generals as Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bagration, Ushakov, Nakhimov, Kornilov, with their victories, created the image of the great, mighty, invincible Russian army.
  18. Rexei
    24 December 2011 16: 44
    Suvorov was a simple man and did not pretend to be important or something else ... That's why everyone loved him and therefore still remembers!
  19. +3
    24 December 2011 17: 45
    Rare unanimity)) I fully join everyone on the holiday! smile
  20. Valmar
    24 December 2011 20: 18
    Quote: maximus
    Rare unanimity)) I fully join everyone on the holiday!

  21. German
    24 December 2011 20: 54
    I also join all of the above. Glory to the Russian army!
  22. Perseus
    24 December 2011 21: 42
    YES!! Suvorov became a great commander not "thanks" but "in spite of", nature did not give him good health, in childhood he was often ill, nor great physical strength, but she gave him with intelligence and perseverance, being not 100% Russian by blood ( Suvorov's mother is Armenian) he was truly Russian in spirit, and for all soldiers, regardless of nationality, he was like a father. One of the greatest people in the history of our country, and probably the greatest military leader.
  23. +2
    24 December 2011 22: 55
    Suvorov - the greatest commander of the 18 century !!! And he received the Generalissimo for the Alpine campaign deservedly. In his museum in St. Petersburg there is a voluminous mock-up of this campaign, so it takes even a vain horror from the difficulties that the miraculous heroes overcame it, and the inhabitants of the plains, who had not seen the mountains, and without any mountain training. Other applicants for the high ranks of the Generalissimo or those who dragged him undeservedly (such as Chiang Kai-shek and several African human-like ones) should be given the task - to follow the Suvorov route with at least a hundred people, in clothes and equipment of the 18 century, even without fighting resistance, and if it comes out - then you can be considered a candidate for a high rank. It was NOT equal to him in those days !!!
  24. atheist
    24 December 2011 23: 17
    By the way, now there is nothing left of Ishmael, even the stones that remained from the fortress (everything was taken away) by tourists
  25. +2
    24 December 2011 23: 18
    Pay attention to the accuracy in counting the wounded and the dead.
  26. Indigo
    24 December 2011 23: 43
    There is only one thing left - to be honest with our ancestors! Forgive the failures and magnify their Victories - for their feat is the core on which we stand! And to bend it to various freaks - will we give?
  27. k2v2137975
    25 December 2011 00: 24
    Friend! It is very nice to read your comments about the article. I feel right at once - like-minded people gathered here on the site, who are not indifferent to the fate of mother Russia. I am also proud of our great victories and the people who created them!
  28. +1
    25 December 2011 12: 12
    We need to write more often about such historical facts, let our youth know about the history of Russian weapons, the heroism of soldiers and sailors, especially in the coming year, the round date is 200 years from the beginning of Napoleon's invasion
  29. Borodach
    25 December 2011 16: 34
    The film is not bad, but probably old. I come from Izmail and the museum has been working for several years. As a child, I disappeared into it and knew by heart the whole excursion. Half a year ago, after a couple of decades of a break, I went to my favorite museum and froze ... from there wasn’t half an old exposition. I started to ask questions and after an inarticulate mooing I was asked to leave. It’s a pity and a shame. I sincerely hope that the period of pseudo-national independence will pass in our countries and the Slavs will be able to glorify their heroes together. Glory to the Russian miracle hero m!
  30. Colonel245
    25 December 2011 21: 28
    "Teach the unfaithful army that to sharpen rusty iron ...." Suvorov
    Living in the 21st century, it should be remembered!
  31. Megalodon
    23 June 2012 14: 14
    Persey This with which fright Suvorov is not 100% Russian. Take the appearance We see white skin, BLUE eyes, face proportions are clearly NOT armenoid. Even in a mixture of blood, such results will not be. Armenians refer to the name of the mother of Manukov from Manuk (child). And some hotheads already record the father in the Armenians, they say they have Suvoryan and, in their opinion, Alexander Suvorov is a purebred thoroughbred Armenian. Suvorov, with his ability to languages ​​and the desire to learn them, would have liked to know the Armenian language by the way. The invention of the Armenian roots of Suvorov is all Zionist things. Let's get to the facts.
    On January 4, 1790, Catherine the Great wrote to her correspondent in Germany: “I warn you, my dear sir, that the 123rd issue of the Göttingen newspaper contains the greatest absurdity that can be said. It says that General Count Suvorov is the son of a Hildesheim butcher. I don’t know the author of this fiction, but there is no doubt that the name of the Suvorovs has long been a noble, from time immemorial RUSSIAN and lives in Russia. " So the Germans wanted to write them down. By the way, about the Swedes Suvor and Nahum. In the Swedish Imenoslav there is no name Suvor and Naum is so funny at all. But there is probably in Russian from pagan times.
    Yakov Suvorovich, tradesman Orshansky 1577
    Ivan Suvorov landowner 1539
    Alexey Suvorov Moscow Military Head 1609
    Sergey Suvorov boyar son 1644
    Bogdashko Suvorov Toropetsky peasant 1648
    Names, Nicknames
    Yakush Suvorik peasant 1495
    Suvor Grigoryev s. Zhukov, Moskvitin 1525
    Ivan Suvor the son of the Moscow otpinnik 1526
    Thomas Suvor Petrov 1538
    Suvorko Ushakov s.Onfimova peasant in Vladimir district 1556
    Suvorko Malchinov Ambassador of Ivan IV 1565
    In high society, of course, it was not decent to be Russian, and they were looking for anyone in their ancestors. So Suvorov was personally attributed to the Swede or begged, well, at least in the ancestors, let's not be Russian.
    Now about Manuk. Here are just a few versions.
    The surname Manuk originated from Borovno (Novgorod region). In the documents of the settlement Berestye - bourlack Fortunat Manuk (1462)
    The basis of the surname Manukin was the church name Immanuel. The surname Manukin was formed on behalf of Manuka, which is widespread among the workers and peasants. It goes back to the baptismal male name Immanuel (Manuka <Manuilo <Immanuel). This name is of Hebrew origin and is translated into Russian as "God with us."

    Most likely, the founder of the Manukin clan was a man from a simple estate. The fact is that the surnames formed from the full form of the name had mainly the social elite, nobles, or families that enjoyed great authority in the area, representatives of which the neighbors respectfully called their full name, unlike other classes, which were usually called diminutive, derivative, everyday names.

    Less likely is the connection between the surname Manukin and the Armenian masculine name Manuk, which in translation into Russian means “wise”. Manuka, eventually got the name Manukin.
    The surname Manukovskaya siver began from Olesko (Ukraine). In the chronicles of the city of Novgorod - artisan Ostromir Manukovskaya siver (1553)
    The surname Manukovskaya odin comes from Ichalka (Nizhny Novgorod region). In the acts of the ancient city of Vyshgorod - the boyar Aristarkh Manukovskaya odin (1744)
    The surname Manukol comes from Novgorod-Seversky (Ukraine). In the foundation of the fortress Vschizh - Mikhey Manukol (1451), well, etc.
    Maybe from the Russian mnuk (grandson) or manukh with the transition from x to k.
    I have a relative of a Siberian with the surname Manukova, so she does not know any Armenians in her ancestors, then she changed to Mankova so that it is easier to pronounce. What most interesting contemporaries did not know about any Armenian roots. Armenians have their own wonderful commanders Madatov, Loris-Melikov and others.