Spiritual and knightly orders: the Knights Templar

I did not want to be in such a cool
As in honor of Christ, I took the cross to bear.
Now I would love to fight in Palestine;
But loyalty to the lady got in the way.
As it should, I could save my soul,
When would the desire of the heart cease now.
But still he is in his pride
I'll go to heaven or hell.

Ulrich von Singenberg. Translation B. Yarho

But the first "registered", or rather, let's say so - approved by the Pope's order of warrior monks founded Hugh de Payne. The name he came up with was: “The poor knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon” - that is why later they began to call him the Order of the Knights Templar or the Templars (in French, “tampl” just means “temple”). And it was that in 1118, Hugh de Payne, a French knight, together with his eight knight relatives, founded an order to protect the pilgrims in Palestine. They set themselves the following task: "As far as possible, guard the roads to the benefit of pilgrims from the perfidy of the robbers and from the attacks of the steppe nomads." The knights were so poor that they had one horse for two, which is why two horsemen were then depicted on the print of the order riding a horse.

Spiritual and knightly orders: the Knights Templar

Modern "Knights Templar".

The creation of the order was announced at the Cathedral in Troyes in 1128, where it was officially recognized. Priest Bernard Klervosky was entrusted with the development of his charter, in which all the rules of the order were to be collected. Archbishop Wilhelm of Tyr - Chancellor of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and one of the most famous historians of the Middle Ages, described the creation of the order as follows: “In the same year, several noble knights, people of true believers and God-fearing, expressed a desire to live in strictness and obedience, forever renounce their possessions, and , devoting himself to the hands of the supreme sovereign of the church, become members of the monastic order. Among them, the first and most famous were Hugh de Payne and Godfroy de Saint-Omer. Since the brotherhood did not yet have its own temple or dwelling, the king gave them temporary shelter in his palace, built on the southern slope of the Temple Mount. The canons of the temple standing there on certain conditions gave way to a part of the walled courtyard for the needs of the new order. Moreover, the King of Jerusalem Baldwin I, his confidants and the patriarch and their prelates immediately provided support to the order, allocating to it some of their land holdings - some for life, others for temporary use - thanks to which members of the order could receive livelihood. First of all, they were instructed to redeem their sins and, under the guidance of the patriarch, "protect and protect the pilgrims going to Jerusalem from the attacks of thieves and gangsters and take care of their safety in every way." At the same time, the order was given not only a charter, but also permission for the knights to wear a white monastic robe and cloak, and black robes - for their squires and servants. But the Red Cross on the shoulder of the Templars at first did not have. He was granted by Pope Eugene III only after 1145.

Medieval miniature with the image of a Knight Templar.

Bernard Klervosky himself, subsequently numbered among the saints, wrote the following about knight-monks: “... New knighthood appeared in the Holy Land. The new, I say to you, and not spoiled by the world, in which it leads a double battle - both against the enemies in the flesh and in the blood, and against the evil spirit in the heavens. And there is no miracle in the fact that these knights oppose the strength of their muscles to their physical adversaries, for I suppose this to be a matter of ordinary. But the real miracle is that they fight with vices and demons with the power of their spirit, earning the same praise as the clergy. ” This is what the life of the Templars in the program of Bernard comes to us: “They obey their commander in everything, wear the vestments prescribed to them, not trying to add anything to their attire and their food ... They avoid any excess in food and clothing .. They live together, without wives and children ... They are under the same roof, and in this dwelling nothing belongs to them - not even their own will ... "And another important addition, or rather an addition, which he considered important:" They do not put anyone below themselves. They honor the best, not the nobles ... "" They cut their hair shortly ... They never brush their hair, they wash rarely, their beard is disheveled, they stink of sweat, their clothes are smeared with dust, dirt and stains from the harness ... "

Printing Templar.

An interesting description, despite the fact that special cleanliness at this time was not at all popular, as the church taught that you cannot wash away sins with water. And the fact that Bernard said that they were smashed later, says a lot.

The picture, as you see, is created not by the most attractive one - and, nevertheless, the success of the task of attracting people to the order was immense. True, those who entered the order were promised — and in a very sublime form — absolution. However, Bernard allowed the order - with the permission of the local bishop, of course, to recruit even those who were ... excommunicated from the church! But it should be emphasized that he himself had absolutely no illusions about people recruited in this way: “Among them,” he wrote, “are villains, atheists, perjure criminals, murderers, robbers, robbers, debauchee, and I see this double benefit: thanks to the departure of these people, the country will be delivered from them, while the East will rejoice at their arrival, expecting important services from them. ” Of course, this is a rather cynical approach for a real Christian. “Love is love, but you have to know when to stop!”

However, the crusades really became for the West deliverance from many "extra mouths", and why not use this further. And then, did Saint Bernard think to make monks out of these people? Far from it - just professional soldiers deprived of their own will, whom the church could oppose to the completely unbridled knight freemen — that’s all! In order to become one of the monks of the Temple, it was necessary to endure a trial period — sometimes extremely long. Nevertheless, both fighters and gifts began to flock to the order literally from all sides, and a halo of unusual attracting force was created around monastic chivalry. And the Order of the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem was also widely used: those who were afraid of the strict requirements of the Order of the Templars, found here a softer, though no less knightly atmosphere.

Both orders will save the Holy Land twenty times, and the six Grand Templar Masters will lay down their heads in battle. And that is very important: the order became rich, very rich: in the East by force weapons (since war is always robbery), and in the West - through donations and gifts. Because the order was presented as it was previously presented to the abbeys - that is, fulfilling a vow, fearing afterlife retribution, or for the traditional care for the salvation of the soul. Order received money, land, and even slaves. Many feudal lords included him by will in the number of their heirs, or in favor of the order refused to wastelands, forests and clay plots, where nothing, in fact, does not grow, but which were quite good enough to give them a godly order! The king of Aragon went so far as to decide even to give the kingdom his own kingdom, and only the strongest dissatisfaction of his vassals, and even the peasants whom the local priests turned against the templar, forced him to part with this idea. And it's a pity that this did not happen! In Europe, then the whole state could be under the authority of the Order, and that would be a social experiment! The Order took almost everything! Meanwhile, in addition to donations in Champagne and in Flanders, the Templars began to receive land in Poitou and in Aquitaine, which made it possible to protect almost the entire coast of France from Arab raids. By the year 1270, they had about a thousand commanders in France, and in addition to them numerous “farms” (small farms managed by members of the order). Well, by the year 1307 their number doubled.

Reconstruction of the Templars, XIII century.

The most interesting thing is that the Templars really piously honored their charter, forbidding them to raise their weapons against the co-religionists. After all, they in the West did not participate in any feudal feud, although in the East, and in the lands of Spain and Portugal (and also in the battle of Legnica in 1241, against the Mongols of Batu Khan) they fought constantly! The regulations of the order were such that they did not allow the knight brothers to move farther from the camp than the command could be heard, they did not allow to advance without order or leave the formation even if they were wounded. Moreover, the knights were obliged to fight the heretics with their triple superiority in numbers.

At the same time, the charter prescribed that if they had to defend their life from the attack of co-religionists, they could only take up arms after being attacked by the latter three times. And in case of non-fulfillment of their duty, they should be flagellated three times, which was not allowed among the secular knights at all! Eating the Templar meat during the week could only three times. We had to take communion three times a year, also listen to the mass three times and give alms three times a week ... They should have fought with the enemies while their banner fluttered. And only when the banner fell, and all the comrades were scattered or died, the Knight Templar, trusting in the Lord, had the right to seek escape in flight and leave the battlefield.

The number of knights brothers in the Outremer was about 300 people. Another order could put several hundred sergeants and lay knights, temporarily adjacent to the Templars, which was at that time a very impressive force - it was not for nothing that the kings of Jerusalem usually put them in the vanguard of their troops. At the same time, the order was also able to defend its castles and fortresses as well as to fight in the open field. In this case, the Templars were tireless builders. In the East, they built castles and laid roads. In the West, the order was built, above all, churches, cathedrals, and of course castles. In Palestine, the Templars owned 18 large castles, and the Templar castles were built very quickly and were really impregnable fortresses. The distances between them were chosen with the expectation that this area was easy to patrol. Here is a far from complete list of castles built by the Order in the Holy Land: Safet (built in just four years), Belvoir and Palmer Castle in Galilee, Beaufort and Arcas castles in Lebanon, Tortosa, Red and White Castles in Syria. In addition, large detachments were located in each of these castles, which further strengthened their importance. For example, in the Safad fortress, built to guard the road from Damascus to Akkon, in the area of ​​the crossing over the Jordan River and restored by the Order in 1240, there were fifty Templars in peacetime. There were also thirty novices at their disposal as reinforcements. In addition, they had fifty more lightly-armed cavalry warriors, thirty archers, eight hundred twenty foot soldiers, and four hundred slaves.

The formation of the order was completed in 1139 by the bullet of Innocent II, which stated that any templar has the right to cross any borders freely, does not pay any taxes and cannot obey anyone except His Holiness the Pope. Well, after 1145, they began to wear crosses not only on the left shoulder, but also on the chest and on the back. The banner of the Templars was two-colored: the top was black, the bottom was white. The black robe in the order was in the squires and servants. The military rank had knights who had two marching horses and one warhorse, and a squire who served for a fee either voluntarily. In this case, it was strictly forbidden to corporal punishment. The knights were followed by sergeants, who wore brown clothes and fought in the equestrian ranks. Each of them had their own horse and servant. Being in the castles of the order, they were located in the same rooms as the knights, and had exactly the same bedding. But in the campaign neither tents nor canopies were supposed to them - they slept right on the ground and ate from the same boiler. Armed servants, who were in the army, went into battle under the command of their brother-standard-bearer, along with others. Finally, in the army of the Templars there could also be mercenaries - Turkopules, usually recruited from the Armenians and representing horse archers, which, however, always had to dismount before firing. In reality, and not in the manner in which they depicted their seal, they acted on the march, being well-equipped. According to the Order of the Order, the knight should have had: a small tent, a hammer to drive tent pegs, then another rope, an ax, certainly two whips, as well as a bag for sleeping accessories. Then he had to have a cooking pot, a bowl and a sieve for sifting grain, certainly two cups, then two jars, and also a ladle, a spoon, and two knives, etc., and that, not counting his weapons and armor. that the Templars have always been of the best quality. Naturally, all this was transported by pack horses, otherwise the knight could not take a single step with such a load!

Here it must be said that in addition to military prowess, the Templars have also shown themselves to be very resourceful people in terms of the development of ... financial affairs! After all, it was the Templars who invented checks, whose presence allowed people not to carry gold and silver with them anymore. Now it was quite possible to make a pilgrimage with just a small piece of leather, but then turn to any order commandery and get there money on it in the right amount. The money of the owner of such a check became inaccessible to the robbers, who in the Middle Ages were very much. The order gave loans at 10 per cent per annum, while the usurers ’commission had 40 and more per cent. And although the popes freed the crusaders, going on a campaign, from debt to Jewish usurers, the Templars always gave back debts.

Figures miniatures, including depicting the Knights Templar, are very popular today.

It is known that wealth corrupts, and very soon tempers templar in many ways changed. For example, although the statute of the order prescribed moderation in food, they consumed wine in such quantities that even the following saying was born: “Drinks like a templar” —that is, in the most immoderate way! Naturally, the wealth collected by the order for all its long history, caused the envy of so many to him, so soon after the exile of the Crusaders from the Holy Land, persecution began on the order. In 1307, French Philip IV (who, by the way, owed the Templars a large amount of money!) Accused the Templars of witchcraft and ordered them to be arrested and tortured in order to obtain confessions. Then the Pope ordered them to judge, which, of course, was executed. But nowhere, except France, the Templar wine has not been proven. Nevertheless, the pope anyway abolished the Order, and his last Grand Master was burned at the stake in the center of Paris on an island in the middle of the Seine in 1314, and dying, he cursed the king and the pope, and both of them soon died! Many Templar fled in the territory of England and Scotland. In Germany, they entered the Teutonic Order, and in Portugal they simply changed the name of the order and became known as the Knights of Christ.

But such depicts the knights of the thirteenth century, the famous "Bible of the Crusader" or the Macius's Bible.

But in Italy, the Knights of the Order of San Stefano from Tuscany became the heirs of the Templars. It was founded in 1561 by the Grand Duke Cosimo de Medici Tuscany to fight the pirates. The Order had a Benedict statute, and the Grand Duke was his patron and at the same time Master. The brothers of the order were divided into four classes: noble-born knights, priests, servant brothers, and canoness women. The headquarters of the Order was in Pisa. The galleys of the Order acted together with the galleys of the Knights of Malta and patrolled in the Mediterranean together with them. The 12 gallery of the Order participated in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, where the fleet of Christian states won a decisive victory over the Turks. The clothing of this order was a white cloak that had a light red lining and a red Maltese cross on the left side of the chest, trimmed with gold edging. For the servant brothers, it was a white cloak or a simple shirt with a red cross stitched in. White clothes were relied upon by the priests, and the red cross was with a yellow edging made of braid.

Templar reenactors
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  1. +9
    9 June 2016 06: 45
    "Getting rid of extra mouths". Never put the Crusades in that context.

    And the financial operations of the templars, and their subsequent fall, are very instructive.

    However, whom only time millstones did not grind.
    1. +3
      9 June 2016 12: 15
      Pioneers of promissory notes and the "securities market".
    2. 0
      9 June 2016 12: 15
      Pioneers of promissory notes and the "securities market".
    3. +3
      10 June 2016 18: 39
      Quote from Korsar4
      "Getting rid of extra mouths". Never put the Crusades in that context.

      That is exactly what happened. The younger sons of the nobles went on campaigns so that there were no property issues (about the inheritance). Europe is too small.
  2. +3
    9 June 2016 07: 40
    Where is silver Zin?
  3. +4
    9 June 2016 08: 23
    These crosses were bearing in our area and more than once ...

    "... the Nazi SS army is actually an abbreviated name for "Knights of the Holy See"... This Catholic military order was first formed in 1933 on the basis of the Jesuit order. The SS was created after the signing of the concordat of the "sacred" Reich, in particular through the application of Articles 1,12,15,21 and 33 with clause (c) "secret annex" of the concordat between Germany and the Vatican. The SS was arguably one of the most sinister organizations that ever existed on Earth ... "
    1. +4
      9 June 2016 16: 00
      And this is a cordial meeting of the ecumenist father with the Templars

      ..... The “Great Officer” of the Templar Order, Moscow lawyer Igor Trunov, out of a great mind posted on the official website of the Order (www.osmthrussia.ru) photographs of the godly action. There is a portrait of beloved Jacques de Molay, and fairy tales about the Grail and Merovingians - “descendants of Maria Magdalene” (vile blasphemy, circulated for the profane by the “Da Vinci Code”), and plastic physiognomy of foreign curators - “Grand Masters and Commanders”. Black-haired witches in the style of the unforgettable Juna Davitashvili are also ominously expressive in the photo - apparently, in order to avoid the old accusations of sodomy, it was decided to devote women to the Order. By the way, is it necessary at the initiation, as it was before, to "climb into the nine natural holes" of the older brothers in the Order? The ritual trampling of the Cross of the Lord, as we know, has been preserved by the Templars. Surely, Moscow businessmen and officials will run as fast as they can to join the next “closed elite club”, they will pay membership fees to Western Satanists ... A certain rank of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already captured himself for posterity in the photo next to the Templars. Knight "Hugo the Lost" in colonel uniform ...
      ..... "The most notorious alliance of soddlers, usurers, drunkards and devil worshipers in history could not, of course, do without moral preaching. The Ten Biblical Commandments and the New Testament Beatitudes are heavy for these brethren, and now - whether in the spirit of the code of the builders of communism , or in the style of fashionable sects of self-development, rewritten from the Western original:

      1. +3
        9 June 2016 16: 10
        A certain rank from the Ministry of Internal Affairs .... Maybe someone would think that the Templar Order is the past? Naive people. They already receive orders from us in Russia, though for what such merits to the Fatherland?
  4. +5
    9 June 2016 08: 31
    I read somewhere .. That during archaeological excavations on the Temple Mount in our time, it was established .. that the excavations were carried out earlier almost 1000 years ago .. Probably the Templars were engaged in them .. and maybe they found something .. That's just what? .. In the 12th century, they took seriously enough what was written in existing historical and literary sources .. It was later in the 19th century that they no longer believed in legends .. Until Troy and the palace of Minos in Crete were excavated .. Thank you, Vyacheslav ..
    1. +4
      9 June 2016 09: 28
      Quote: parusnik
      about archaeological excavations on the Temple Mount in our time, it was established .. that the excavations were carried out earlier almost 1000 years ago ..

      Yes, the Templars (or one of the crusaders) undoubtedly excavated there. But did they find something? Unknown
  5. Riv
    9 June 2016 08: 48
    Donations ... Gifts ... No matter how! The "poorest" brothers did not become the richest people in Europe because they were given something. Oren engaged in banal usury. The Knights Templar invented checks that could be exchanged for money at the Order's residences. Thus, it was possible to travel without jeopardizing their savings. Of course, they did not disdain ordinary loans at interest. Hence the colossal revenues of the order.

    In this field, by the way, the Templars competed with the hospitaliers. It came to military clashes. In the mid-13th century, the Templars (in alliance with the Muslims — what a shame!) Knocked out of Acra and partially captured the hospitaliers and members of the Teutonic Order that fell into their hands. Then, however, they reconciled, but the sediment remained.

    Well, when the order became the largest creditor in Europe, it came to its natural end. "To whom I owe - I forgive everyone" - not the fact that Philip the Handsome knew this proverb, but he did exactly according to it. The Templars were accused of heresy, quickly achieved confessions (including from the masters), and the Pope was presented with a fact. However, he also did not remain silent. According to his bull, all the property of the Order of the Temple was transferred to the Hospitallers. So God is not a phony, he sees everything.

    That's the story ...
    1. +5
      9 June 2016 09: 46
      Quote: Riv
      The Templars were accused of heresy, quickly obtained confessions (including from the masters), and the Pope was confronted with a fact. However, he also did not become silent.

      In general, everything was extremely complicated and confusing there. I will say for brevity - "There is no smoke without fire." If the Templars were crystal clear in the field of religion, nothing would have happened to them.

      And yet - the main problem was that the Order of the Temple by the end of the 13th century practically ceased to fulfill its main function, turning into a classical usurious organization.
    2. +4
      9 June 2016 10: 47
      Actually, they initially wanted to deal with the Templars in a good way. The first option, Philip IV asked me to accept him as a peony ..., sorry, the Templars, in order to become a master and change the charter over time. (Such a trick was applied in Spain) He was refused. The second attempt -unite with the hospitaliers, also failed. Jacques de Molay openly stated -we are rich and the hospitaliers are poor. Why should we unite?
      Well, then you know
  6. +5
    9 June 2016 09: 42
    Thanks to the respected Vyacheslav Olegovich for the article! Can I have a few additions?

    Quote: kalibr
    "... They never comb their hair, they rarely wash, their beards are disheveled, they stink of road sweat, their clothes are stained with dust, dirt and stains from the harness ..."
    Well, actually, in the conditions of the Middle East, even nowadays, if you don’t wash every day (or even 2 once a day), there are big problems with perspiration and dirt ... laughing

    Quote: kalibr
    Finally, there could also be mercenaries in the Templar’s ​​army — turkpools, usually recruited from the Armenians and represented as horse archers, who, however, always had to dismount before firing.
    Apparently somewhere you just took this information without checking it? Even in the VO it was already noted that there were not so many Armenians among the Turkopolis, various Christian peoples of the East (Maronites, Orthodox Greeks and Syrians), as well as non-Christian Druze with their mysterious faith, Shiite Muslims and even Muslims served in these divisions Sunnis who, for whatever reason, migrated to the territory of the crusader states.

    Quote: kalibr
    the order became rich, very rich: in the East by force of arms (since war is always robbery), and in the West - through donations and gifts.
    Again we are dealing with a stereotype. The fact is that oddly enough, but always! - and especially since the XIII century, the Order of the Temple was supplied exclusively from Europe (its eastern commanders always had a huge negative financial balance, no production compensated for it).
    1. +3
      9 June 2016 11: 09
      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
      Apparently somewhere you just took this information without checking it? Even in the VO it was already noted that there were not so many Armenians among the Turkopolis, various Christian peoples of the East (Maronites, Orthodox Greeks and Syrians), as well as non-Christian Druze with their mysterious faith, Shiite Muslims and even Muslims served in these divisions Sunnis who, for whatever reason, migrated to the territory of the crusader states.

      How do you check it? This is from some of the books of D.Nikol, and he wrote a lot about them
      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin

      "... They never comb their hair, they rarely wash, their beards are disheveled, they stink of road sweat, their clothes are stained with dust, dirt and stains from the harness ..."

      Well, I didn’t say it, in Bernard! The giraffe is big, he knows better!
      And the last ... this is also from somewhere "from there". And the author is a well-known person, just making links to each phase, well, very troublesome and aimless, by the way.
    2. Riv
      9 June 2016 11: 43
      Eastern commandership and should have had a negative balance. How else? A pilgrim, or mercenary from Europe, went to the Templars at home and exchanged money for a receipt. He took very little with him, and they recommended him how it is easier and safer to get to Palestine along a route guarded by the same Templars. On the spot, he cashed a receipt.

      At the same time, three goals were achieved: military production in the east was utilized (it was no longer necessary to take it anywhere), trade routes were supported, and useful things appeared for loafers-knights. PROFIT.

      And the one who is too lazy to itch is washed. :)
      1. +1
        9 June 2016 16: 42
        Quote: Riv
        Eastern commandership and should have had a negative balance. How else?

        I meant that no military booty, which, moreover, became catastrophically small, did not pay for the military expenses of the Middle East commanderships of the Temple Order, in fact the entire European economy of the order worked to supply its outposts in the East.
  7. +1
    9 June 2016 12: 44
    I read the version that the Templars from their port of La Rochelle, reached the coast of South America and founded colonies there, the silver mined there was used for minting coins, there was not so much silver in Europe to issue so many coins. I read in the magazine "Around the World" 93 of the year.
    1. +1
      9 June 2016 16: 44
      Quote: Igor39
      that the Templars from their port of La Rochelle, reached the coast of South America

      This is nonsense, replicated by various mystifiers and science fiction writers. Although during the arrest a very significant part of the Templars' treasures disappeared somewhere, it was unlikely to leave Europe (at that time there were simply no ships capable of carrying out a transoceanic voyage).
      1. +1
        9 June 2016 16: 58
        The Vikings were able to swim in their fragile little ships, and the Templars had a merchant fleet, so no one knows how it really was and to argue that this is nonsense, you need to have substantial reasons.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +2
          9 June 2016 20: 46
          “But where are they fragile ?!”
          - Drakkar from Gokstadt, 23 meters long, with a displacement of approx. 10 tons ... comparable to one of Columbus's caraellas - "Pinta", or Hanseatic coggs ... on such ships and transported the crusaders to Palestine.
          1. 0
            14 June 2016 20: 43
            Quote: saygon66
            But where are they fragile ?!
            - Drakkar from Gokstadt 23 meters long, with a displacement of approx. 10 tons ... comparable to one of Columbus’s caramels -

            Your quote indicates that you are very far from shipping. Drakkar does not sail anywhere, leaving the ocean. In Vinland, the Vikings sailed on other ships.

            In the fourteenth century, when the Templar Order was destroyed, the North Atlantic route to America was already closed due to global cooling. Even the naves could not swim there.
        3. 0
          12 June 2016 02: 11
          Igor39 (8) RU June 9, 2016 16:58 ↑
          The Vikings were able to swim in their fragile little ships, and the Templars had a merchant fleet, so no one knows how it really was and to argue that this is nonsense, you need to have substantial reasons.

          From Reykjavik to Canada (with access to Greenland) - this is not the same as from La Rochelle to Florida. A huge distance ...
      2. +1
        10 June 2016 21: 48
        And about 5 years ago I watched the popular science series about the Indians of South America and their beliefs. It said that the Templars REACHED the shores of what we now call Argentina and Tierra del Fuego, and that there are some (I already forgot which ones!) Their cultural objects of that time, which are stored by local sorcerers. They protect them.
        1. +1
          15 June 2016 13: 38
          Quote: Reptiloid
          It said that the Templars REACHED the shores of what we now call Argentina and Tierra del Fuego.

          This is nonsense and anti-scientific myths. The treasures of the Templars somehow remained in Europe.
    2. +1
      9 June 2016 16: 56
      I also read it, but what about, but ... where is the confirmation?
  8. +4
    9 June 2016 13: 14
    Quote: parusnik
    I read somewhere .. That during archaeological excavations on the Temple Mount in our time, it was established .. that the excavations were carried out earlier almost 1000 years ago .. Probably the Templars were engaged in them .. and maybe they found something .. That's just what? .. In the 12th century, they took seriously enough what was written in existing historical and literary sources .. It was later in the 19th century that they no longer believed in legends .. Until Troy and the palace of Minos in Crete were excavated .. Thank you, Vyacheslav ..

    It is authentically that the excavations were carried out by the mother of Constantine the Great Emperor of the Roman Empire, who made Christianity the state religion. There could be other anyone.
  9. +2
    9 June 2016 13: 16
    In any case, these are our enemies.
    1. 0
      16 June 2016 22: 04
      Quote: Sarmat149
      In any case, these are our enemies.

      Hto? Knightly Order abolished 600 years ago?! ?????? laughing

      And so, by the way, do you remember that it is Russia that now acts as the main successor to the cause of the crusaders in the Middle East?
  10. +4
    9 June 2016 15: 42
    Yes along the way robbers and bandits who bought the right to jail on behalf of God. Miscarriages of future geyropa ....
  11. +1
    9 June 2016 15: 53
    It is not clear for what purpose the topic alien to the Russian Orthodox tradition begins to be discussed on the topwar.ru website? The fact that the Templars are visiting the patriarch in the Danilov Monastery and he rewards them for some merits there, you will hardly surprise anyone. Why are they imposing the idea of ​​friendship with the templars who destroyed Byzantium, and now they have come to us ?!

    After reading this material, a number of questions arose. The most important: how the Templars received permission to hold their anti-Christian gatherings in St. Daniel's Monastery (after all, the Orthodox Liturgy with the Sacraments is held there, the Patriarch's Synodal Residence and the Department of the All-Union Central Council are located). It is very perplexing that these comrades call themselves the “Society of Orthodox Christians Defenders named after A. St. book Dimitry Donskoy ", which will provide" qualified legal assistance to the Russian Orthodox Church, the implementation of charitable activities, attraction of voluntary donations for the restoration of Orthodox shrines, participation in the upbringing of the younger generation, assistance and implementation of joint programs of the Church with the special services and law enforcement agencies. "

    What kind of Orthodox benefactor is in Masonic guise? What follows from this? .... The farther into the forest? ....
    1. +5
      9 June 2016 16: 52
      Quote: ioann1
      The fact that the Templars are visiting the patriarch in the Danilov Monastery and he rewards them for some merits there, you will hardly surprise anyone. Why are they imposing the idea of ​​friendship with the templars who destroyed Byzantium,

      In general, after all, Patriarch Kirill is the head of the Russian Orthodox Church MP, and therefore his actions are always some landmark events.

      And do you, God’s servant John, have much evidence of a fruitful and long-term anti-Byzantine alliance of the Turks and the Templars? or maybe everything is easier and you are unfamiliar with the history of Byzantium?
    2. +1
      9 June 2016 16: 57
      Quote: ioann1
      the temples who destroyed Byzantium

      And how did they destroy her? And where in the article about St. Danilov Monastery?
  12. +3
    9 June 2016 16: 21
    The Templars confessed their sins only to those countries where the Inquisition used torture, therefore in England, Portugal, etc. their guilt has not been proven. I read that under torture the knights confirmed all the charges except
    1. +2
      9 June 2016 16: 47
      Quote: martin-159
      under torture, the knights confirmed all charges except

      Some of them often confirmed homosexuality voluntarily, because it was one of the easiest accusations made against them and thereby hoped to receive the least punishment.
  13. +1
    9 June 2016 16: 28
    Quote: Riv
    So God is not a fraer, he sees everything.

    Accordingly, the prophecy of Jacques de Molay came true.
  14. +5
    9 June 2016 20: 26
    - By modern standards, Philip IV, the Beautiful one, launched a well-planned operation to eliminate competitors ...
    - He conducted with the help of the church an action to discredit the templars among the population, then simultaneous mass arrests, and confiscation of property in favor of the treasury ...
    1. 0
      14 June 2016 20: 38
      Quote: saygon66
      By modern standards, Philip IV, Handsome, has launched a well-planned operation to eliminate competitors ...

      Yes, it's easier there - "to whom I owe - I forgive everyone." But everything is much more complicated.
  15. Mwg
    9 June 2016 20: 35
    And the rise of Moscow began with the emergence of inexplicable riches that arose after the arrival of "many armies in iron," which were very similar to the fugitive Templars. And, by the way, the hostile attitude of the West towards Russia originated at about the same time. Maybe they were offended for the warmed-up Templars?
    So the templars were also the keepers of many secrets in addition. Including secrets that affect the fate of monarchs and states. It could well share some secrets with the Muscovites.
    1. 0
      10 June 2016 19: 24
      They also wrote about Switzerland ... That out of nowhere, soon after the defeat of the Templars, a powerful army and a banking system suddenly took over ... a very dubious matter ...
      1. 0
        16 June 2016 22: 08
        Quote: alex-cn
        They also wrote about Switzerland ... What is there out of nowhere, soon after the defeat of the Templars, a powerful army and a banking system suddenly took over ...

        In the Middle Ages, it was a poor country, divided into many "cantons", and the army - let's say, they were very lucky with their opponents. As soon as there were serious ones, the Swiss immediately "merged".

        But the fate of the Templar gold is difficult to trace. Although its size was greatly exaggerated (they had serious financial problems at the end of their existence), and most of their money did not lie as treasures, but was in circulation (and when the debtors of the Temple Order were dissolved, the debts were forgiven).
    2. 0
      10 June 2016 22: 05
      I completely agree with you about the Secret Knowledge, but the enmity of the West and Russia -Rusi was even earlier!
      Who killed the father of Rurik-Rarog --- Bogolyub (in the sagas called Godlav)? The one who ruled in Retra? Gottfried of Denmark!
      Who ordered the crucifixion of Prince Bus and his 70 boyars? In the ~ 3rd century New era? Konung Germanarich!
    3. 0
      14 June 2016 20: 40
      Quote: MVG
      And the rise of Moscow began with the appearance of inexplicable riches that arose after the arrival of "many armies in iron chained", which were very similar to the fugitive Templars.

      In short, no. Myth. In Russia, the "forged army" has been a traditional branch of the armed forces since the 12th century, if anything. Unlike "foot" or "ship" rati.
  16. +1
    10 June 2016 22: 12
    With great pleasure I read everything! Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich, for an excellent article! Also, comments --- help a lot.
    I knew that the ideal, calm reading time would only be on Friday --- to read calmly, without fuss and distractions.
    It was a very good evening.
    1. +1
      10 June 2016 22: 24
      I'm glad you enjoyed it! Monday will be an interesting article about Belver Castle.
  17. 0
    8 January 2017 18: 17
    How closely everything is twisted "Holy See" arrogant usurers, Jews, mercenaries and robbers, Armenians, the fact that the Armenians were good cavalry is in Armenian sources in excellent form. The wars of the past and in the present time usury robbery murder and friction between peoples working and robbing will be constant