How long will the man feed the generals?

Today we are all witnesses of the first for 25 years of relatively independent steps of the Russian state. The introduction of troops into Syria, the position in Ukraine and in general the dialogue with the West can be called manifestations of independence, although it is not very confident in its walk, and decisions on these issues are half-hearted and, to put it mildly, controversial. The half-heartedness of these steps is expressed, for example, in the official non-recognition of LDNR independence, in fear of responding to the presumptuous Turkish aggressor adequately and directly. If the restriction of the sanctions against Erdogan “tomato embargo” can still be understood in connection with the unwillingness of the escalation of the conflict with NATO, then against the background of recognition of independence and the adoption of the Crimean federation, deaf silence regarding Donbass looks completely cynical. How did it happen that a great power with a strong army, with a strong-headed leader, is not able to act, spitting on political correctness, calling black black, and not “our western partner”; why, having a considerable weight militarily, we have such a low economic development and such backward information technologies, why in the presence of a great, centuries-old culture, we have such a low cultural level of the population and a gradually dying education, why does our influence on our closest neighbors weaken day by day?

How long will the man feed the generals?

Throughout its existence as a single state, Russia rarely presented itself as a secondary, regional state. Russia has always been an active subject of politics, which was able to openly express, argue, and sometimes impose its opinion. The exceptions were the 3 period: distemper XVI-XVII centuries; the situation after the actual defeat in the Crimean War; post-Soviet period. None of them can be explained by mere chance. As Lazar Kaganovich said, “every accident has a surname, name and position”. Maybe the people are guilty of this, maybe the Russians are so untalented, stupid and lazy?

Despite the fact that there are hunters affirmatively nod, this is not true. Regardless of the situation, in the most difficult times, the Russian people were dedicated workers and warriors, brilliant composers and poets, great writers and artists, talented commanders and rulers. These are thousands of names: Suvorov and Stalin, Pushkin and Chekhov, Aivazovsky and Tchaikovsky, Stakhanov and Sailors - not to list them all. But there is a colossal gap in this whole pleiad of names - these are competent managers serving the Motherland, and not their wallet. I deliberately do not use the word "officials", because it is not even a curse - it is a stigma. No, I do not want to slander. There was Stolypin, there was Beria, there was Stalin’s Finance Minister Zverev, there was the aforementioned Kaganovich. But here in the commodity quantities needed in such a huge country, there has never been a competent manager. Therefore, for control over managers in Russia, a powerful repressive apparatus has always been well developed, and at every significant moment of our time stories above the class of managers the guillotine blade hung a class of special persons. At various times they bore different names, entered into different forms of relations, but the people definitely never treated the “boyars” well and definitely never treated the “commissars” badly, the people also always respected the rulers with an iron hand and never respected the complacent talkers and liberals.

The state ideology raised in the people respect for the strong sovereign of Russia: under the monarchy, the tsar-father, under communism — the "father of nations". Always, except today. Now the unofficial (shameful, "make-believe" forbidden) state anti-people ideology teaches otherwise.

Here, for example, Ivan IV the Terrible - he with his guardsmen and Malyuta Skuratov definitely "bad", but Nicholas II the Bloody is definitely "good", the interim government is very "good", but Lenin and Stalin are fu-fu Fu, Gorbachev and Yeltsin with Gaidar are "wonderful", and Putin and Medvedev are generally "super."

Here is another question: why so, and not vice versa? But first you need to find out who gives this assessment and by what criteria he judges. Who in the twentieth century might be interested in giving not just a negative assessment, but diligently watering the most selective mud of Ivan the Terrible, who lived in the fifteenth century? And why is the last king of the Romanovs so popular and honored by modern official historians?

Let's start with Ivan IV. I think that now it will be extremely difficult to find the descendants of those 4500 officially executed under the Terrible Tsar. If they are alive, they can hardly know anything reliable about their relatives in the 15th century, therefore offended at the “Ivanovsk repressions” in relation to their great-great-great things in the 20th century with Gulkin’s nose, and even those of numbers of political freaks. With the exception of the Livonian War, there were no particular failures in the reign of Grozny, on the contrary, there were also positive reforms in the field of public administration, the economy and the army, and the cessation of feudal civil strife, Russia significantly increased its lands. It would seem that a worthy milestone in our history, an example of the glory of our state. But when it comes to Grozny, the current "official", primuschechnye "shapers" of public opinion give birth, you can only hear about the 4500 executed ... Although, against the background of his contemporaries, Tsar Ivan looked even a bit undignified - the English king Henry XIII sent to the next world over 72 000. I conducted a small opinion poll on the topic of evaluating the activities and personalities of certain rulers, and although there were not so many respondents, I consider the result to be fairly objective: Grozny took a strong fourth place after Stalin, Peter the Great and Lenin in the degree of national respect. So who is so "holy" hates him? Everything becomes clear if we remember that the overwhelming number of “victims of the Ivanovo repressions” are boyars and clergy. Oprichniki, led by the king's word, crushed all the foundations of the power of the boyar duma and the "elected rad," other boyars were executed, others were taken over the land. Those who were originally in the “team” of Ivan, and those who agreed to accept his conditions of the game and therefore were not repressed, were forced to somehow serve the fatherland. The church reform carried out by Ivan put in place the clergy, who by that time had lost all fear of both earthly law and the law of God they preached. The clergy earned money by usury, that is, it gave money and bread to grow under quite considerable "interest." With debtors did so that many of the current Vorobankir would disdain, did not disdain the clergy and robbery. Ivan covered this shop and significantly shook the monastic treasury, letting the little accumulated gold in favor of the state. The clergy, which was "stupid," opposed and mercilessly punished by the guardsmen, and that "smarter", endured, subdued and rallied around the king, organizing a church system that, with minor changes and "sharpening" under one or another ruler, was a powerful ideological platform until XX century, when it has completely exhausted its resources. As a result, this led to the centralization of power and an increase in its efficiency, marked economic, military, and cultural growth. For the people and the state - a positive phenomenon. And for the boyars and their modern followers (the class of "professional officials") - this is a pogrom, the loss of seats at the trough and a grave, unforgivable crime.

Since we touched on the topic of rulers who were the most “abused” from the official stands, we cannot bypass the very, most hated current bastard, liberal (for some reason called) democratic coder. It will be about the "father of the peoples" - Joseph Stalin. Well, here I have no doubt at all that the bulk of people treat Stalin’s personality positively and with respect. There are many reasons for this - this is an economy built almost from scratch, and the Great Victory in the most terrible war in the history of mankind, and an unprecedented growth in culture and education. Lenin and Stalin built what they are still plundering and can’t dobber up bureaucrats in the vast expanses of the entire former USSR. I will explain to the literary comrades: NO, it was not Lenin who built the Dnieper with a trowel in his hands, and then rushed to teach in a rural school in order to eliminate illiteracy (although he worked on useful physical labor on subbotniks, which you can hardly expect from modern "rulers"), our Soviet people did this under the leadership of Lenin and according to the plans drawn up by Lenin and his closest associates. Can you, dear reader, imagine a victory without Stalin? No, he didn’t dig trenches, not metal in fascist Tanks grenades, but put in its place some Yeltsin, Medvedev, and perhaps even Putin himself, and the result of the war will immediately become "controversial" and "not so obvious." To comrades opposing Lenin and Stalin and making an argument about the alleged destruction of Stalin’s “Lenin’s Guard” by Stalin, I’ll say this: those who wiped out Stalin’s wagons were called “Lenin’s guards” only under Khrushchev in an attempt to denigrate Stalin and his affairs, and the real Lenin’s the guard is Stalin himself, the first Marshal Voroshilov, Molotov, Kalinin and other associates of Joseph Vissarionovich. A friend of mine, a historian-researcher, in the late 90s delved into archives related to repressions in the 30s and 40s (from what was declassified, of course). His surprise knew no bounds when he found out that a third of the repressed in all respects were officials of various ranks and positions, and more than half of the total number of those executed were officials. This fact indicates those who benefit from pouring mud on Stalin.

Well, and from whom are the current "official" delighted? For example, Nicholas II the Bloody. What is particularly famous for this character? Was there a huge economic growth with him? No, this is not noted in history, the notorious 1913 is famous only for the fact that it managed to collect a record crop of wheat (the way they were ordered, it is prudently silent). Maybe the years of his reign are crowned with the glory of Russian weapons? To begin with, the lack of streamlined production and the low technological level at Russian enterprises did not allow to produce in necessary quantities those rare samples of domestic weapons that were still adopted. The attack “for the tsar and the fatherland” often had to go with the purchased and second-hand Japanese “Arisaka” at the ready. The most eloquent example is the Mosin rifle. Already during the tests, where she competed with the Nagant rifle, the “trilinea” won in almost all indicators, but, as was noted, it was significantly inferior in quality of workmanship, in fact, was made “on the knee”. Even its domestic, native, his rifle were forced to produce at the plants in Chatellerault (France) and at the factories of the companies Westinghouse and Remington (USA). By the way, we never received a part of the ordered and paid rifles (doesn't it resemble the story of the Mistrals?). The rifles manufactured by Izhevsk, Tula and Nestoretsk plants were distinguished by their poor quality due to outdated machines and the unwillingness of the management to update the technical base. I am silent about the fact that already during the First World War, the Russian Empire could not provide itself with armored cars, machine guns, or artillery (out of more than three dozen samples of artillery pieces that were in service, only 9 were of domestic development), or rifles (the last plentifully purchased from Japan), nor ammunition. Tanks did not arrive at the weapons of the Republic of Ingushetia, despite the fact that the designers created a lot of interesting projects, the bureaucracy simply did not take their work into account. The famous symbol of the Russian-Japanese war, the cruiser Varyag, was built in Philadelphia and armed with guns of predominantly French manufacture. The design thought was up to par, the workers performed the tasks at the most technically accessible level for them, but the production organization was carried out by the nobles who flirted with foreign manufacturers, and the bureaucrats, who were mostly occupied with their wallets, which, it should be noted, often launched the handles of the mistress , and, as we can judge from the history of even Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, often the "favorites" had a considerable influence on the decision-making of national importance. Having come to power, Nikolay could not be unaware that the country was lagging behind in many respects even from the not very advanced Austria-Hungary, and the point is not only in the production of weapons, but also in the general state of the economy, the management system, the wildest corruption and corruption ruling circles. What did he do? But nothing! His management style, the handwriting of power, if you will, is the benevolent impotence of the will. This is partly justified by the fact that any intervention and political convulsions of Nicholas led to unpredictable and sometimes tragic results. As a commander, he also showed himself not in the best way: a layman in military tactics and strategy, prone to alarmism and demoralized even by minor failures, quick-tempered, unbalanced, having problems with alcohol, extremely indiscriminate in people (which is especially noticeable if you look at the number close to the king future participants and leaders of the February revolution), he could hardly take part successfully in the planning of military operations. So, in the years of the last Russian emperor's reign, military successes were not noticed, if only the ineptly lost Russian-Japanese war was not considered a success. Why is he so honored by the current political "elite"? It's simple: with him, any bureaucratic officer could feed calmly and satisfyingly, without fear of any punishment, the grandees created just an enchanting disgrace, spitting on the very existence of the king. We can recall how the bureaucracy, frightened by the possibility of losing its warm place, gave the order to shoot at workers in the distant 1905 year, and the king withdrew from participation in the events, only stating that everything that happens is “regrettable”. When it seemed to the grandees and this was not enough, they moved the king and began to rule themselves - February 1917 in the yard.

Here it is necessary to give some clarification. The Russian liberal is an amazing creature that unusually harmoniously combines the essence of an idiot and a scum. Despite the word “liberal” appearing in the title, the Russian liberal has nothing to do with the ideas of liberalism and the values ​​of freedom. From a certain point, he is even pitiful: he is doomed to rush between two crafts - the oppositionist Russophobe and the official corruptioner. By the way, about the fact that the tsar was thrown off by the liberal belolentochnaya tusovka, our “official” usually keep quiet, Lenin is of course to blame for everything (a revolt against the government is a priori a terrible sin for our “elite”)! Well, by God, will all sorts of Rhodzinsko-Svanidz and Chubais-Gaidar-Nemtsovs who finance them find their spiritual ancestors in such a disgrace? Meanwhile, sending the king to retire, sitting comfortably in svezhezapalannye place closer to the trough, originally focused on Western, or rather, Antanovo, capital, self-styled Provisional Government wiped a drop of sweat from his forehead with a double hand and with double zeal began to protect the financial interests of our Anglo-French "Allies", paying for the "banquet" with the blood of Russian soldiers. But, as we have seen, the Provisional Government, consisting entirely of charismatic personalities, but rather detached from reality and regrettably incompetent, did not even suspect how short-lived it was.

The people, who expected peace and bread from February, finally became furious by the end of September. The new revolt, this time against the Belolentochny Kodly, was led by the Bolsheviks, who were not interested in the warm places at the helm, but at the redistribution of if not the entire world economic and social system, then at least the Russian system, the construction of a just state of workers. The boyars who had fled were not simply thrown out from the warm places by the October hurricane — their thrones were crumbled under the chips. The period after October of the seventeenth year will long be the cause of disputes of various researchers and politicians, but for us, ordinary people, it is important that it gave him the impetus with which our country won the Great Patriotic War, built a self-sufficient economy (still plundering ) and went into space. For liberas, who by means of intrigue, betrayal and vileness, are today in power, Great October is the blackest, most terrible period in history. It is clear that the collapse of the hated Soviet Union, they met with enthusiastic squeal and yelping, as befits a true jackals. Finally, the damned guardsmen are tucked in their belts and you can profit, plunder, get drunk until vomiting red and black caviar and dance in an irresponsible state in all Courchevels. It is the kingdom of the official, the kingdom of the petty subhuman, the kingdom of bribery and facelessness!

We now turn to the questions that I put at the beginning of the article. Everything becomes obvious both with the non-recognition of LDNR, and with the “tomato embargo”, and with our timid attitude to shouts from the West. Yes, everything is clear: they are ruled by fearful and “brazenly rude” people in relation to the simple Russian people, hard workers and retirees, liberal traitors, a caste of professional officials who are born to plunder the population, not knowing how to organize, not wanting to build anything, afraid of losing their "chair". But everything is in order.

Crimea in 2014 got the opportunity to join the Russian Federation for only one reason - the base of the Black Sea fleet, now there is no need to pay for it, now they will not take it away, nothing needs to be reorganized, and a new field for “cuts” will appear under the pretext of economic transformation of the peninsula. There is no fleet in LDNR, there is nothing that can be grabbed, much needs to be restored (and, therefore, spent), moreover, there is also a people uprising against the Ukrainian bureaucratic volition, which means it can even go back against the Russian oligarch! We do not need such popular republics!

We entered Syria, it is true. But not Assad and the Syrian people to save, everything is much more vulgar: if the American hirelings from ISIS finish off Syria, they will go to Russia via Central Asia, but this is not the most important thing. Most importantly, by selling cheap oil to the Turkish sultan, they can significantly bring down the profits of our oligarchs, all kinds of Millers and Chubais. And even insignificant losses in money, they, as it is not difficult to guess, will be replenished at the expense of the people, the people can rebel, and this is completely non-kosher. Therefore, a limited contingent can be sent to Syria so that, while spending a little bit of money, you can raise your image and preserve your share in the sale of the Motherland to Europeans. Isn't it strange that we only realized about the fate of the brotherly Syrian people several years after the start of the war? Immediately make a reservation that our warriors are fighting with honor and skill, no one disputes this fact, and all those who died in this operation must be forever recorded in our pantheon of heroes. And the more shameful is our reaction to the downed Su-24, the reaction of a secondary power, which has been wiped off. Would Stalin have limited himself to these "sanctions", would they have dared to shoot down the plane of the Stalinist falcon in this way? Absolutely any aggressor who dared to attack us, received in such a way that he forgot how to call his mother! “Tomato embargo”, it should be noted, is remarkable in that Turkish tomatoes from the shelves have not disappeared. As a familiar goods expert in the store told me, now on the papers they pass either Macedonian or Montenegrin — another reason to be “proud” of our government!

In 1991, “professional officials” stood at the helm of our Fatherland, many came from the Gorbachev generation of the CPSU, the so-called fellow travelers. For two decades they have captured all the “bread” places in all structures - from Zhekhov to the Russian Orthodox Church (I ask the believers to not commence to accuse me of not knowing the topic, because I am a religious scholar by education and I have certain information about what is called “from the inside” . For those who are not particularly fanatical and are interested in the issue, I can offer my article on another resource, link below *). I think it makes no sense to remind everything that happened during the time of His Drunkenness, especially since the situation has changed very little. The current economy, with the remaining production capacities and colossal areas under crops based on the Union, is based on the oil needle, is colonial in nature, and therefore there is no need to talk about economic independence. Not ashamed of such a "elita"? And look at the rise in prices! Another 10 years of such prices and wages, and instead of a census of population will roll over. Those who sell natural resources, instead of establishing production, are only nominally citizens of Russia, they themselves have long been the soul and thoughts in their mansions on the banks of the Thames. So that the people did not understand and did not come to their senses, officials from culture and education in every way sabotage what they should develop. That is why schools destroy necessary subjects for full development, the USE is introduced, and “singing strings” ** will sing from the scenes. Unlike the opposition "liberas", I will not put all the blame on Putin, he is only a gear in a huge, toothed, cannibalistic capitalist enrichment apparatus. All real power is in the hands of bureaucrats, oligarchs and their families. And here the argument should fall like a stone to me: what are you doing? Putin is fighting against the oligarchs, he is disposing them, and so on. As it was not me, so clever, it was noticed, Putin somehow suspiciously “selectively” fights with those same oligarchs - he dekulaklaet one, with others, except that he does not change borsch with one spoon and use his body crosses to change. This whole "struggle" is nothing more than the elimination of competitors by the hands of a puppet. He was put in power by the hand of large capital (on which he was strained at that moment, like Khryusha from his beloved children's program, His Drunkenness), and he would not bite his nursing hand. This is confirmed by a ban on the truth in the media. Do not talk about freedom of speech - it is only an appearance: Putin can be obscene, you can invent any fables about Russia, criticize the regime for what it is worth, water the people with feces. BUT (!) It is worth for someone like Yuri Mukhin to write something called “Will Medvedev appeal to liberals?”, As this purely analytical article is immediately declared “extremist material”, and its author is sent to jail along with like-minded Valery Parfenov and Cyril Barabash, who were accused with “accusations”. The same applies to Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov, who is judged by all possible articles (from an attempt on one red face to terrorism), sucking the “arguments” out of something that anatomically slightly resembles a finger. Such is the specific "freedom" of speech, which is better described as a "moratorium on the truth." And, like a “cherry on a cake”, all this “splendor” is crowned with an alcoholic center costing 43000 average annual pensions.

I will quote Kaganovich again: “Every accident has a surname, a name and a position”. So, the names of our "accident", our disgrace, all our lost victories - a great many. His name is Legion: Yeltsin, Gaidar, Chubais, Miller, Putin, Yakunin, Nemtsov, Medinsky, Livanov, Vasilyeva and many, many other "first channels". As long as the power of the liberal traitors will sit in power, while the only opposition authorities will be the liberal traitors from the rival camp, while the executives will be bureaucrats (the number of which, according to the most modest estimates, surpassed the 2 million snout barrier, and according to other data, all 5 million.), as long as they disintegrate our people in all directions (religion, wealth, nationality, citizenship, language), we will be beaten, we will lose, our natural wealth will be plundered.

I can’t summarize, summarize everything said, because in this case the article will be classified as “extremism” and “a call for a change of power”. I do not call for a revolution - it is still early, not yet ripe, and we will not survive the intervention. However, I think you understand me perfectly well. Therefore, I will try to finish on a positive note - an anecdote.

At the polling station:
- Bulletins are rubbed with something! Pen does not write!
- Can not be! Well, try to put a cross here ...
- Yes, that's right, opposite the "United Russia"!

So, comrades, we will live!

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  1. +5
    31 May 2016 18: 10
    How long will the man feed the generals? belay
    As I understand it, this is my opinion, it is reading with a claim to political analytics request
    Only everything is mixed up here and there are a lot - kings, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, dashing 90s, drunks, church ... negative
    The author's resume, "Comrade Glebov" - "If I am not a provocateur" is touching ... and then, below the line again, the old song.
    Do we have a political review or a military one?
    Why put base opus here, all the more absolutely provocative?
    1. +35
      31 May 2016 18: 19
      And I, having read the article, not really delving into it, thought, but if we had everything differently throughout history, then probably there would not have been such a thing as a "Russian peasant"! What is a Russian peasant-as a collective image is a person capable of "making a fairy tale come true" even against the laws of nature! That which all "enlightened humanity" cannot understand in any way, constantly asking the question - "HOW !?" How, under impossible conditions, Russia remains Russia, no matter what they do to it ...! Winning wars, going into space, building cosmodromes, creating great novels and symphonies, sinking to the bottom of the oceans ... when the whole world is against ... !
      1. +9
        31 May 2016 18: 32
        The sleeper is straight away. Is it a worthy answer to the aggressor? So it was expected. Close the straits. The blow to tomatoes and tourism is sooo painful for Turkey. The tale about the peasant and the generals has been hackneyed since the collapse of the USSR, only there, instead of the word "officials", the words "party nomenclature" were used. Really, "comrade" Glebov, in your states nothing new has been invented in 25 years? Although .... once you did it.
      2. +27
        31 May 2016 19: 43
        The article is controversial, but it makes you think. Although what to think about when everything is clear. I will not dispute the story (of Ivan the Terrible, etc.), but about the current moment, I agree. If you do not watch TV or listen to the radio, then everything is seen differently. There (TV and radio) there is a continuous idyll, how good everything is with us, and how they fear and listen to us, and how many friends we have. But in reality? The closest neighbors and "allies" - Belarus and Kazakhstan look the other way and pursue their policy separately from us - they are not satisfied with Moscow's policy; the event with SU - 24 showed our cowardice and spinelessness; in the economy, complete collapse and lawlessness of officials and owners of factories, factories, ships; in domestic policy, the state opened terror against the people - "Platon", housing and communal services, prices, low wages and penny pensions. The list is endless, but what's the point? In the next elections, "United Russia" will win anyway (how else!), In foreign policy we have been, as they have been, and will continue to be, in domestic policy, terror will continue. Interestingly, up to the stake?
        1. +12
          31 May 2016 20: 44
          Quote: starshina78
          event with SU - 24 showed our cowardice

          sorry, what would be courage? Turkey's declaration of war, and therefore NATO? or bring down their plane? please explain what courage it was necessary to demonstrate in that situation.
          1. +7
            31 May 2016 22: 41
            Quote: Lukich
            Quote: starshina78
            event with SU - 24 showed our cowardice

            sorry, what would be courage? Turkey's declaration of war, and therefore NATO? or bring down their plane? please explain what courage it was necessary to demonstrate in that situation.

            Our plane was shot down by a Turk, without leaving the national (Turkish) airspace.
            The colleague decided that it was necessary to declare war on Turkey, to organize the "Syrian Express" already through Gibraltar, the Bosphorus would be closed. And with a dashing blow through Ararat, with the forces of the 102nd military base, dismember it in half wassat
            Well, along the way, hack the air defense, already NATO, destroy the Patriot systems of the USA, the Netherlands and Germany. In general, show everyone "kuzkin's mother" wassat
            And at this time, he will husk seeds and think how to finish off the remaining members of the alliance laughing
            1. +4
              1 June 2016 00: 53
              Put a plus, but with a big stretch. There are no questions on the first part. Briefly, logically, convincingly. In the second ...
              Some kind of simplified vision of the situation with LDNR and Crimea.

              But it’s not Assad or the Syrian people to save, everything is much more vulgar:

              Why should we save Assad and the Syrian people, and our own interests are vulgar? Let hydrocarbons. Let the main jackpot fall to the Millers, but we, too, were not against 120 per barrel! Too-chO got it too.
              And even minor losses in money, they, as you might guess, will make up for at the expense of the people, people can rebel

              And therefore, in the current situation, this is a matter of national security. You yourself write at the end that we will not survive the intervention. Or maybe someone doubts that she will definitely be? And with whom to make a revolution? With men who besides the characteristics of foreign cars are no longer interested in anything?
              Would Stalin limit himself to these “sanctions”, would they dare to bring down the plane of the Stalinist falcon in this way? Absolutely any aggressor who dared to attack us, got so that he forgot how to call his mother!

              In 1950, the Americans bombed a military airfield in the Far East, but there was no war with the United States. Stalin, first of all, thought of his head, and not waved his saber.
              Look like that's it.
        2. +1
          1 June 2016 08: 50
          Quote: starshina78
          The article is controversial, but it makes you think. Although what to think about, when everything is clear already ....

          In principle, the author leads to a brief conclusion: if everything remains the same in the Russian Federation, then the country has no future. We kill ourselves, as they killed the USSR.
        3. 0
          1 June 2016 09: 24
          The worst thing is that there is no alternative: "As long as the Caudle will be in power liberal traitors, while the only opposition to the authorities will be liberal traitors from the rival camp ... ".
          This is the whole toadstool - some scoundrels are trying to replace some scoundrels. It is simply not realistic for healthy forces to break into this corrupt corrupt thief den.
          By imposing Western models and stereotypes, the Russians cease to be themselves, become scotched, like all Westerners. Slow of course, but true. If this tendency is not reversed - Khan to us.
          Putin says one thing on TV, but in reality the opposite is true and even worse. Either our leader is "fifth grade - not a marriage for the countryside," or skis do not go ...
    2. -5
      31 May 2016 18: 23
      It would be better if the correct things were written, but this phrase fully reveals the provocateur.
      there are a great many surnames at our “accident”, our shame, all our missed victories. Their name is Legion: Yeltsin, Gaidar, Chubais, Miller, Putin, Yakunin, Nemtsov, Medinsky, Livanov, Vasiliev and many, many other “first channels”
      Another call for revolution. I really want to plunge Russia into revolutionary lawlessness. Burn it and tear it to pieces. For me, the provocation failed.
      1. +8
        31 May 2016 20: 15
        Quote: Wend
        there are a great many surnames at our “accident”, our shame, all our missed victories. Their name is Legion: Yeltsin, Gaidar, Chubais, Miller, Putin, Yakunin, Nemtsov, Medinsky, Livanov, Vasiliev and many, many other “first channels”

        here the topic is this, on the one hand, the author shows that he is on his board! that is sick with us, and from here makes a throw-in, who is to blame for the populist !!! Of course, I am not familiar with the author, and I don’t want to, especially since there are different views on what he wrote, and therefore all the more so, it painfully looks like: “We have not everything so simple” - the daughters of an officer !!!
        1. +6
          31 May 2016 22: 04
          Quote: SpnSr
          on the one hand, the author shows that he is on his board! that is sick with us, and from here makes a throw-in, who is to blame for the populist !!!

          You grasped the very essence of the article ... hi
          1. +6
            31 May 2016 22: 29
            Quote: weksha50
            You grasped the very essence of the article ...

            ... so this "writer pro-Zaek" does not hide anything, quote:
            To summarize, I cannot summarize all that has been said, because in this case the article will be classified as “extremism” and “a call for a change of power”. I do not call for revolution - until it’s too early, it’s not yet ripe, and we won’t survive the intervention. However, I think you understand me so well.
            ... another fiery fighter for a brighter future ... if only he ate breaks into the Duma, it will come to him right away ... well, the rest who voted for him ... will have to wait ... in general, wait and find out after rain on thursday ... laughing ... judging by how absolutely adequate comments are bypassed ... a team of 15-20 trolls works ... the handwriting is simple and not intricate, this is such a "slender material" and the one-button mold started to dance ... I can imagine what will happen here in July-August ...
          2. 0
            1 June 2016 10: 31
            Quote: weksha50
            Quote: SpnSr
            on the one hand, the author shows that he is on his board! that is sick with us, and from here makes a throw-in, who is to blame for the populist !!!

            You grasped the very essence of the article ... hi

    3. +25
      31 May 2016 18: 42
      Quote: Andrey K
      Do we have a political review or a military one?

      It's you for nothing ... The author asks the right questions, and whether we like it or not, politics is inseparable from the subject matter of the military-patriotic site.
      I liked the article, and I am glad that such articles are published and discussions and debates are underway. Unless the result of such disputes sometimes leads to nothing and unfortunately does not oblige anyone ... But this reproach is no longer for forum users.
      1. +5
        31 May 2016 18: 53
        Quote: Oorfene Deuce
        It's you for nothing ... The author asks the right questions, and whether we like it or not, politics is inseparable from the subject matter of the military-patriotic site.
        I liked the article, and I am glad that such articles are published and discussions and debates are underway. Unless the result of such disputes sometimes leads to nothing and unfortunately does not oblige anyone ... But this reproach is no longer for forum users.

        How would you explain.
        I personally do not mind people engaging in politics. But when politics deals with me, I am against hi
        This site is not political, and if you want - technical hi
        Like you, I'm happy for you. But why should I impose these political wails request
        1. +27
          31 May 2016 19: 06
          Quote: Andrey K
          But when politics deals with me, I am against

          You can be opposed or not ... Your desire has nothing to do with it. She is already engaged, and not just you.
          Quote: Andrey K
          This site is not political, and if you want - technical

          Correctly noticed comrade Andrey Yuryevich, publications about the bad Obama, the vile Savchenko and others like them do not cause such rejection for some reason and "zaplyusovyvayutsya", but about domestic opponents in power and can not speak ... So, in your opinion?
          The article is called provocative ... Well, you can also write me down as a "traitor" (which hurray-patriots do repeatedly, I'm used to it), because I agree with many things in the article. hi
          Etc. "politvopli" You will probably be closer to a party with a bear symbol ...
          1. +5
            31 May 2016 19: 20
            Quote: Oorfene Deuce
            You can be opposed or not ... Your desire has nothing to do with it. She is already engaged, and not just you.

            I hasten to upset laughing
            My desire, it was always with me and to this day, about politics, did not get dirty hi
            What I wish you ...
            Quote: Oorfene Deuce
            Correctly noticed comrade Andrey Yuryevich, publications about the bad Obama, the vile Savchenko and others like them do not cause such rejection for some reason and "zaplyusovyvayutsya", but about domestic opponents in power and can not speak ... So, in your opinion?
            The article is called provocative ... Well, you can also write me down as a "traitor" (which hurray-patriots do repeatedly, I'm used to it), because I agree with many things in the article. hi
            Etc. "politvopli" You will probably be closer to a party with a bear symbol ...

            Eka you ... suffered laughing
            Yes, you ... just a hero ... How are you all of us in cheer patriots and other and other ...
            Colleague, yes to me from a high bell tower: a white hat on you or red harem pants request
            You are squabbles, political, do not drag here negative
            Do you like the article - read it where it belongs - the link above. Here why drag these slops request
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. +2
            31 May 2016 20: 46
            Quote: Oorfene Deuce
            Correctly noticed comrade

            for me, in that case, it would be better if he raised the topic of what's wrong, and how to get away from it ..., but did not start to spoil everyone and everything! it doesn’t bother me who and how he does it; it offends me that he deliberately shits on competitors, instead of working on mistakes, and insults that he shits on my story, whatever it is, does it shamelessly, as if this is not his story !!! and from here it's the "daughter of an officer" ....
        2. +17
          31 May 2016 19: 52
          Quote: Andrey K
          I personally do not mind people engaging in politics. But when politics deals with me, I am against

          The article is written in a biting manner, but essentially correct. At least the questions that everyone has been asking for a year have already been asked, maybe even without admitting it. The article says that "the country’s ilita" is incapable of creating and wants only to get fat, and in fact it deeply does not care about the interests of the people. She feeds him with gingerbread-pop patriotism under the slogan "Omeriga is to blame for everything" in order to write off her failures, sabotage and parasitism. Two Russian questions "Who is to blame?" and "what to do?" are no longer relevant. There is only one question left "DOCLE?" Because if before the "extra person" was the "urban rake", now the whole work collectives are recorded as "extra people". The government will hide everything in the reports behind "inflation rates" and "labor market volatility", and do not care about a real person. The President will complain about "the stability of the budget and the fulfillment of social obligations" and will wave another anti-popular law, naturally under the talk about reducing the tax burden on business and the population. Our economy is getting poorer and poorer, which is not even always well-fed Soviet years remember with emotion. Especially receiving bills for communal services and not receiving delayed and cut salaries. Thinking about what to give your child to school. I would not use the word "revolution" as an analogue of riot and unrest. Our official propaganda writes this, calling not to "rock the boat." It’s like I’m skinny with my 84 kg. I’ll swing her hard. It is the corruption and greed of those at the top that rock the boat. It is not a revolution that is ripening as a riot and unrest, but as a new red project, creative, social, and on a scale not only in Russia. This is what I think about. And our "mazinalnaya" elite has long gone morally bankrupt.
          1. +3
            31 May 2016 20: 09
            Quote: Altona
            ... And our "mazinalnaya" elite has long gone morally bankrupt.

            The children of this "elite" will no longer have such sharp teeth, and finally their grandchildren will be silk, and only then the laws will work, and social justice will arise (if it exists in nature). For any political course to work, it takes time, and Russia is constantly being fooled, forcing for some 100 years (which is NOTHING in terms of the development of social institutions) to change its political course with the elites 3-4 times.
            1. +19
              31 May 2016 20: 17
              Quote: Alexej
              The children of this "elite" will no longer have such sharp teeth, and finally their grandchildren will be silk, and only then the laws will work, and social justice will arise (if it exists in nature).

              Do you watch TV? Children of this "elite" chase the police like puppies, knock people down at bus stops and rude judges. The prosecutor is afraid to open a case. If it is not "sharp teeth", but frank sociopathy, do you consider "silkiness"? Oh well. You probably believe in the "evolution" of a predator into a chamomile.
              PS We are not changing the political course yet; we are saving who we can save. The social course must be changed and restrained top, so as not to burrow.
              1. +3
                31 May 2016 22: 47
                Quote: Altona
                Do you watch TV? Children of this "elite" chase the police like puppies, knock people down at bus stops and rude judges. The prosecutor is afraid to open a case. If it is not "sharp teeth", but frank sociopathy, do you consider "silkiness"? Oh well. You probably believe in the "evolution" of a predator into a chamomile.

                ... e-May ... ah, maybe remember if it’s forgotten ... Children of the bosses of the district committee, regional committee, republican, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Komsomol, trade union ... what was not ?! ... I don't suffer from blackouts ... doorman and waiter are the most profitable jobs! ... 3 rubles for the doorman and there is a place for you and 10% tip to the waiter and you are always a welcome guest in a local restaurant, and there you can make necessary connections ... directors of vegetable, furniture and other stores are regular customers ... especially vegetable ones. .. accepts vegetables, whistles to speculators from the market, they are quickly bought the best and the freshest and to the market ... to trade in "actually grown" freshness ... a plan for the director, a profit speculator ... and the rest is obscene for all ordinary Soviet citizens in a vegetable remains .... he wanted to change the social system ... thanks, we already remember ... oh, the terrible bureaucracy now, well, well ... whoever remembers the 80s, let him compare what it was under the communists, that's where the bureaucracy was! ... now it is so Kindergarten, junior group ... laughing
                P.S. ... at least get out ... laughing
                1. +7
                  1 June 2016 00: 14
                  Quote: Inok10
                  who remembers the 80s, let him compare what was under the communists,

                  ... look at Raikin and remember ... laughing
                  1. +5
                    1 June 2016 00: 29
                    Quote: Inok10
                    ... look at Raikin and remember ...

                    ... Paradise lived laughing
                  2. 0
                    2 June 2016 11: 07
                    Quote: Inok10
                    ... look at Raikin and remember ...

                    You can not only laugh, but also see clearly how an ordinary satire is turned into defamation of everything and everyone. You are directly drawing the scenario of the 1991 "color revolution".
                2. +2
                  1 June 2016 03: 46
                  Quote: Inok10 oh, a terrible bureaucracy now, well ... well, who remembers the 80s, let him compare what was under the Communists, that's where the Bureaucracy was! ... now it is so Kindergarten, the youngest group ... P.S. ... at least get out ...

                  Offhand, I just want to ask those who are minus, "and, bureaucracy of which country do you like best?" Interestingly, this is where the moneybags think about the people?
                  And, if you show, then yes, it will be possible to see under whose management you, a fighter with the current bureaucracy, want to adapt our country.
                3. 0
                  2 June 2016 11: 03
                  Quote: Inok10
                  ... e-May ... ah, maybe remember if forgotten ... Children of the bosses of the district committee, regional committee, republican, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Komsomol, trade union ... what was not ?! ... I don't suffer from blackouts ... doorman and waiter are the most profitable jobs! ... 3 rubles for the doorman and there is a place for you and 10% tip to the waiter and you are always a welcome guest in a local restaurant, and there you can make necessary connections ... directors of vegetable, furniture and other stores are regular customers ... especially vegetable ones. .. accepts vegetables, whistles to speculators from the market, they are quickly bought the best and fresh and to the market ... to trade "actually grown" freshness ... a plan for the director, a profit speculator ... and the rest is indecent for all ordinary Soviet citizens in a vegetable remains .... he wanted to change the social system ... thanks, we already remember ...

                  Please please. Do I really deny something? I understand that you are a supporter of bourgeois values. But you name things that have already changed the nature of the Soviet state. The USSR did not collapse precisely on December 15, 1991, when Gorbachev admitted this de jure. Gradually, they rolled it over a pebble, not right away. I look at you just "perestroika" singer. Finally, "they brushed off the hated scoop and healed", to paraphrase your "sausage" comment. Okay, I will not discuss this topic. The taste and color of the markers are different.
                  PS It is not necessary to gloss over the depravity of the system with "philistine truth". What you are talking about grew out of there. Liberals and current pseudo-patriots are all the same children of the Komsomol and trade union workers who, sitting on the flow of goods and financial flows, decided to privatize them. Although, how do you know? You are not looking at the genesis. You have, bang, socialism, bang, capitalism.
              2. 0
                1 June 2016 07: 04
                Quote: Altona
                Do you watch TV? Children of this "elite" chase the police like puppies, knock people down at bus stops and rude judges. The prosecutor is afraid to open a case.

                This is because their parents have sharp teeth.
                Quote: Altona
                You probably believe in the "evolution" of a predator into a chamomile.

                No, I believe in the degradation of the power of the predator, because there is no such power - the power protects the folder.
                Quote: Altona
                Social course needs to be changed

                You can change course 100 times, but not one can be brought to mind.
                1. 0
                  2 June 2016 11: 05
                  Quote: Alexej
                  This is because their parents have sharp teeth.

                  And their children have contempt for those below. So what?
                2. 0
                  2 June 2016 11: 12
                  Quote: Alexej
                  You can change course 100 times, but not one can be brought to mind.

                  Here's what I see, the law on pensions will soon "come to mind" and will bring that your children may not have pensions at all.
          2. +2
            31 May 2016 21: 32
            Quote: Altona
            "Omeriga is to blame for everything"

            You know how much I listen, I have never heard such an expression, I heard about competition, so it has always been for centuries, we are talking about competition between states! and the fact that this is accompanied by a certain informational noise, well, as my one army comrade would say, “this is a“ war ””, competition is different ....
            but about everything else, I agree with you! I myself encounter this, for example, on a communal apartment, it stinks of dampness from leaking in heating pipes at the entrance, and why don’t you need to use the money for overhaul to completely replace the pipes, why, for example, someone didn’t submit data on the meter, and it’s painted on all as ONE, but not hung up on those who did not submit data on the counter? there are a lot of such and similar questions, but the author does not concern them, but stupidly rolls a barrel!
            But if you do not raise such issues, then it may not be resolved! ...
            1. +9
              31 May 2016 21: 47
              Quote: SpnSr
              You know how much I listen, I have never heard such an expression, I heard about competition, so it has always been for centuries, we are talking about competition between states! and the fact that this is accompanied by a certain informational noise, well, as my one army comrade would say, “this is a“ war ””, competition is different ....

              There is no "competition between countries", this term is closed in 1991 by Fukuyama's book about the "end of history". Now a fascist project is being implemented to seize all the resources of the overseas elite under the guise of the US state, which socially suffers in many ways. Trade unions are liquidated, jobs are being liquidated. Only a welfare-social handout is given, and even then not to everyone. Our government unsubscribes with the "severity of the sanctions", as if the West pledged to credit and refinance our economy. "Occupied" Germany prints itself the required amount of currency, and "free" Russia "targets inflation." Something like this. I understand that the Government is not interested in increasing the working class, it will interfere with it. The government wants to squeeze the pipe more tightly in its arms and bang with the West. At least in the "secondary technological chains". In the lower processing of raw materials, speaking in Russian.
              1. 0
                1 June 2016 06: 22
                Quote: Altona
                Now a fascist project is being implemented to seize all resources by the overseas elite under the guise of the US state,
                Is this not a competition?
                but about the economic, social and political wink building in Russia is a separate issue and not under this article, which smells bad! you must first deal with the system, what were going to what have come and what they wanted and what our bosses offer us! but this is how to pour with a tub of bad liquid, with or without, more likely that this is the daughter of officers!
                1. 0
                  2 June 2016 11: 16
                  Quote: SpnSr
                  but about the economic, social and political wink system in Russia, this is a separate issue and not under this article, which smells bad! you must first deal with the system, what were going to what have come and what they wanted and what our bosses offer us! but this is how to pour with a tub of bad liquid, with or without, more likely that this is the daughter of officers!

                  I do not see any dirt there, it is written in essence. The author justified all our "demonic" rulers. If you write a comment, then represent the whole situation in the country, and not yourself. I was in Nizhny yesterday, and it seems to be relatively normal there. It's shitty in Kanash. So everything is relative.
                2. 0
                  2 June 2016 11: 18
                  Quote: SpnSr
                  Is this not a competition?

                  Competition when everyone adheres to the same rules. When there are unilateral sanctions and restrictions, then this is something else. You at least in terms do not get confused.
                  1. 0
                    2 June 2016 21: 39
                    Quote: Altona
                    Quote: SpnSr
                    Is this not a competition?

                    Competition when everyone adheres to the same rules. When there are unilateral sanctions and restrictions, then this is something else. You at least in terms do not get confused.

                    you confuse it, if you are talking about the rules, it should be like you say, but there are no rules for a long time, and there are such concepts as unscrupulous competition, there are double standards in the competition, and there are measures aimed at achieving certain goals!
                    which of them does the west use? and how is Russia?
            2. +3
              1 June 2016 11: 22
              My friend, do you understand what the article is about !? Indeed, in principle, you are developing the same topic only from a different angle. You are about the same gate only from a different angle
              1. 0
                2 June 2016 11: 21
                Quote: jPilot
                My friend, do you understand what the article is about !? Indeed, in principle, you are developing the same topic only from a different angle. You are about the same gate only from a different angle

                People are of the opinion that stability is a crystal glass that cannot be broken by criticism from the authorities, otherwise we all immediately fall into the clutches of Omerige, and this is a-ta-ta. United Russia says that everything is good, that means everything is good.
    4. +22
      31 May 2016 18: 50
      Quote: Andrey K
      Do we have a political review or a military one?
      Why put base opus here, all the more absolutely provocative?

      that is, according to Savchenko and other ga.d.o.v. it is possible, but about their own, no? and where is the provocation? in what? I do not agree with the author about everything, but there is a rational grain in his thoughts.
      1. +5
        31 May 2016 19: 11
        Savchenko fought, killed, a member of the National Battalion. In articles on the Donbass, the name of this ghoul periodically flickered. The trial, we all followed with colleagues, and her subsequent gestures, will also be commented here hi
        Where is the discrepancy with the editorial policy of VO request
        Where are you, in the above-mentioned opus, you saw some reasoning about the military, people who fought, war criminals, weapons, or let's say tactics of using troops ...
        I, personally, do not like these political snot and provocative libel on our reality. What I wrote about.
        Something does not suit you?
        1. +12
          31 May 2016 19: 20
          Quote: Andrey K
          Where did you see some reasoning about the military, people who fought, war criminals, weapons, or the tactics of using troops ...

          that is, state security (and the topic also concerns this) has nothing to do with HE? what to talk about with you ...
          1. +5
            31 May 2016 19: 24
            Quote: Andrey Yurievich
            that is, state security (and the topic also concerns this) has nothing to do with HE? what to talk about with you ...

            And where are you in the article, besides the cries of the offended, you read something essentially of state security laughing
            With me really on the subject of this nonsense, nothing to talk about hi
            1. -1
              1 June 2016 03: 52
              Quote: Andrey K And where are you in the article, besides the cries of the offended, you read something essentially of state security

              Well, what are you, everything is about state security there. He actively undermines it.
              1. +5
                1 June 2016 13: 26
                Quote: avva2012
                Well, what are you, everything is about state security there. He actively undermines it.

                Completely to the point good
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +10
          31 May 2016 19: 44
          Quote: Andrey K
          Savchenko fought, killed, a member of the National Battalion. In articles on the Donbass, the name of this ghoul periodically flickered.

          And in the article it is written about the Donbass. Only you apparently did not notice this, scribbling your comment in 3 minutes after publication.
          1. +5
            31 May 2016 20: 05
            Quote: mordvin xnumx
            And in the article it is written about the Donbass. Only you apparently did not notice this, scribbling your comment in 3 minutes after publication.

            You have noticed how much I "scribbled" laughing
            The article is not about me, do not bother hi
            And about Donbass it is written there ... with political filth and out of business ... there is not a word of truth ...request
    5. -14
      31 May 2016 18: 52
      A gorgeous article - to crap the whole history of the state without offering anything in return - minus with pleasure.
      1. +4
        31 May 2016 20: 59
        Lelikas! 18.52. And what was the obsession with the history of the state expressed? In my opinion this is not there.
        1. -2
          1 June 2016 00: 08
          Quote: Region 34
          Lelikas! 18.52. And what was the obsession with the history of the state expressed? In my opinion this is not there.

          OK. - I rephrase - crap the whole state, throughout history, starting with Ivan the Terrible - is it more intelligible?
      2. -1
        31 May 2016 21: 28
        Lelikas RU

        Sir, yes you just crap! You need to think, know the story and delve into!
        1. 0
          1 June 2016 00: 17
          Quote: Fonmeg
          Sir, yes you just crap! You need to think, know the story and delve into!

          And I know her, not at the level of a professor, but at a sufficient level.
          If you can’t read, I’ll highlight you a fragment from this article - the main message, so to speak (more precisely, one of).
          - about Russia you can invent any fables you like, criticize the regime for what it’s worth, water people.
          Sit, delve into. When you go to the barricades, warn that I would also be prepared. hi
    6. +8
      31 May 2016 19: 14
      Politics and war, they are closely related request Where politics ends, war begins, and when war ends, politics begins! fool
    7. +2
      31 May 2016 19: 34
      speaking the words of the joke told in the article-
      the article is also plastered with something ...
    8. +1
      31 May 2016 20: 48
      The article is necessary and very correct! I completely agree with the conclusions of the author.
    9. 0
      31 May 2016 22: 09
      I agree the generals and the army that swore swore the USSR, and in the elections if there is a large-scale vote rigging, there may be excitement later
    10. -1
      31 May 2016 23: 49
      Dear author of the article, send greetings to all colleagues from the CIA, and that we can drop by someday for your Christmas! smile
    11. 0
      1 June 2016 07: 58
      Why "provocative"?
      And if this is a military review and military topics are being considered and discussed, then it would be nice to remember that "War is nothing but the continuation of politics, with the attraction of other means." (Karl von Clausewitz).
      Without a competent domestic and foreign policy, seriously speaking about military successes, to put it mildly, is short-sighted!
  2. +10
    31 May 2016 18: 12
    why, in the presence of a great, centuries-old culture, we have such a low cultural level of the population and a gradually dying education, why does our influence on our closest neighbors weaken day by day?
    but fuck the state system to change every 20-60-70 years ... each "new broom" - sweeps in a new way, then cybernetics is a corrupt wench of imperialism, then fuck aviation, let's have missiles, then the fleet is not needed, then corn, come on! Unified State Exam ... then something else ...
    1. +4
      31 May 2016 18: 26
      Quote: Andrey Yurievich
      why, in the presence of a great, centuries-old culture, we have such a low cultural level of the population and a gradually dying education, why does our influence on our closest neighbors weaken day by day?
      but fuck the state system to change every 20-60-70 years ... each "new broom" - sweeps in a new way, then cybernetics is a corrupt wench of imperialism, then fuck aviation, let's have missiles, then the fleet is not needed, then corn, come on! Unified State Exam ... then something else ...

      In order to tear Russia to pieces, and during this contention to loot, so that it was no longer necessary.
      1. +2
        31 May 2016 18: 33
        Quote: Wend
        to loot so that it is no longer necessary.

        this does not happen ... you always need more.
    2. +4
      31 May 2016 18: 38
      Quote: Andrey Yurievich
      Andrey Yurievich (5) Today, 18:12 New
      why, in the presence of a great, centuries-old culture, we have such a low cultural level of the population and a gradually dying education, why does our influence on our closest neighbors weaken day by day?
      but fuck the state system to change every 20-60-70 years ... each "new broom" - sweeps in a new way, then cybernetics is a corrupt wench of imperialism, then fuck aviation, let's have missiles, then the fleet is not needed, then corn, come on! Unified State Exam ... then something else ...

      I will answer with a Russian proverb - each rogue has his own tricks. But the goal is obvious! Be famous for centuries - and spit on the people! And this is not only in the Union or Russia - it is all over the world. Though...
      1. +1
        31 May 2016 21: 39
        To the author "+" ... for the courage. hi
      2. 0
        1 June 2016 03: 59
        ЦItata: Dembel77 And this is not only in the Union or Russia - it is all over the world. Though...

  3. +5
    31 May 2016 18: 12
    Yes! Like it or not and what party at power do not invent, all the same the CPSU turns out.
    And under any authority, the managing manager laughing Under the communists, under Yeltsin, Putin. Everyone has such examples in the life of the same "irreplaceable". And their offspring are in power.
    1. +17
      31 May 2016 18: 29
      Dear, under the CPSU, the country grew, built, developed. Under liberals, the camp was in turmoil, distress. And it will continue to be in poverty while the authorities are Medvedev, Chubais, Kudrina. Yes and Putin they have an employee, serves their interests ..
      Quote: Observer2014
      Yes! Like it or not and what party at power do not invent, all the same the CPSU turns out.
      And under any authority, the managing manager laughing Under the communists, under Yeltsin, Putin. Everyone has such examples in the life of the same "irreplaceable". And their offspring are in power.
      1. +3
        31 May 2016 18: 30
        Dear, I don’t argue. I’m not writing about that. But about "under any government for"
        1. +4
          31 May 2016 18: 38
          Under any authority, the manager-manager, along with his family, offspring, and further down the list ... I do not quite agree. I do not idealize the CPSU, there was also anything .. But then there was a sword-party committee of Damocles for every manager, with all the consequences. .
          Quote: Observer2014
          Dear, I don’t argue. I’m not writing about that. But about "under any government for"
          1. +1
            31 May 2016 19: 10
            dmi.pris Under any authority, the manager-manager, along with family, offspring, and further down the list ... I do not quite agree. I do not idealize the CPSU, there was also anything .. But then there was a sword of Damocles for each manager, with all the consequences ..

            Then there were some forms of influence, now others. "Direct line with Vladimir Putin" for example.
            1. 0
              31 May 2016 21: 04
              Observer 2014! 19.10/XNUMX. Is this then a chance to get through to Putin? Read zero. For all questions to call the president? Measures of influence I do not see. If managers answered with personal property then yes. How to influence officials today? There are no roads. What to do?
      2. +5
        31 May 2016 18: 38
        Quote: dmi.pris
        Dear, under the CPSU, the country grew, was built, developed. Under liberals, the camp was in turmoil, calamity. And it will continue to be in poverty while Medvedev, Chubais and Kudrins are in power.

        The issue is controversial, he does not intend to discuss it.
        I suspect that the site is not for political slogans hi
        Quote: dmi.pris
        And Putin has an employee, serves their interests.

        Dear, more careful cornering: Putin - Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. You run the risk of running into well-deserved troubles, arguing that the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation serves someone else's interests, except for state negative
        I recommend to monitor what nonsense you are carrying negative
        1. +7
          31 May 2016 19: 31
          State interests are the interests of all citizens, not its scanty part. This is not nonsense, it is a fact ..
          Quote: Andrey K
          Quote: dmi.pris
          Dear, under the CPSU, the country grew, was built, developed. Under liberals, the camp was in turmoil, calamity. And it will continue to be in poverty while Medvedev, Chubais and Kudrins are in power.

          The issue is controversial, he does not intend to discuss it.
          I suspect that the site is not for political slogans hi
          Quote: dmi.pris
          And Putin has an employee, serves their interests.

          Dear, more careful cornering: Putin - Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. You run the risk of running into well-deserved troubles, arguing that the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation serves someone else's interests, except for state negative
          I recommend to monitor what nonsense you are carrying negative
          1. +5
            31 May 2016 19: 57
            Quote: dmi.pris
            State interests are the interests of all citizens, not its scanty part. This is not nonsense, it is a fact ..

            Once, a couple of dozen years ago, in one higher educational institution, they gave a course of lectures ...
            Since we were all in uniform, the subject matter was appropriate - ways of manipulating the crowd ... One of the most ancient techniques is to tell people the truth, or rather a part of the truth, which is known to everyone as an immutable truth. And to this part of the truth - a huge wagon of lies, or the information that needs to be "blown into the ears." And the crowd will eat everything, because she heard, among other things, what she knew for sure - it's true.
            What is it for me?

            DEAR, stop verbiage, do not conduct a conversation with me on a topic that I did not develophi
            The fact that state interests are the interests of all citizens, and not its scanty part - no one argues with this.
            Where did I indicate that this is nonsense? You indicated the president, among others, as the performer of someone's hotelok. Are you saying this? Then to you, the direct road is a confession to very competent authorities negative
            1. +8
              31 May 2016 20: 44
              : Andrey Evgenievich hi Good evening!
              Here I liked it:
              - ways to manipulate the crowd ... One of the oldest techniques is to tell people the truth, or rather a part of the truth, which is known to everyone as an immutable truth. And to this part of the truth - a huge wagon of lies, or the information that needs to be "blown into the ears."

              I read about it a long time ago. So it is. You can apply to any government. And to modern Russia without a doubt. And at the expense of our colleagues, about the "omnipotent party commission" Where was the party commission when Gorbachev ruined the country! freedom of speech. "Andrey K" I will share the disadvantages with you soldier
              1. +7
                31 May 2016 21: 23
                Quote: Observer2014
                I read about it a long time ago. So it is. You can apply to any government. And to modern Russia without a doubt. And at the expense of our colleagues, about the "omnipotent party commission" Where was the party commission when Gorbachev ruined the country! freedom of speech. "Andrey K" I will share the disadvantages with you soldier

                I welcome you Sergey hi
                Yes, all of these manipulation technologies are truly ancient. And they are used by both authorities and business, and we are with you.
                Here I am, I go up to the girl, well, I like her, and let her "whistle" something laughing
                After all, you and I have been told since childhood that "a woman loves with her ears" laughing
                And so each of us, to the extent of his depravity, will "whistle" into these ears ... laughing
                And thanks for the framed shoulder soldier
                The disadvantages are so, to state the fact that: "We are going the right way, comrades" laughing
                1. +1
                  31 May 2016 21: 33
                  Andrey K

                  As something on the path of my life, one smart man met. And he told me the smartest thing! The success of Stalin, Kovpak and so on. Putin without doubt. It is concluded in one thing. All successful people were ABLE TO BE FRIENDLY! By the way, on an abstract topic they say that the family "podkabluchnim" successful government leaders? Personally, I think not! Examples of examples? laughing
                  1. +6
                    31 May 2016 21: 57
                    Quote: Observer2014
                    Andrey K

                    As something on the path of my life, one smart man met. And he told me the smartest thing! The success of Stalin, Kovpak and so on. Putin without doubt. It is concluded in one thing. All successful people were ABLE TO BE FRIENDLY! By the way, on an abstract topic they say that the family "podkabluchnim" successful government leaders? Personally, I think not! Examples of examples? laughing

                    Yes, there are many different examples.
                    Here henpecked Bill Clinton, at home Hillary scratched her face, at work Monica, healed mental wounds - the result: universal shame laughing
                    Viktor Yushchenko - under the influence of his wife Katherine Chumachenko, he began to "drain" the country negative
                    Positive: it's me laughing laughing laughing
                    He came from the army, married the one who waited - I assure you, she wanted to make me henpecked in advance laughing
                    The Caucasus, in between business trips, gave birth to my daughter, another lady good
                    Sergey, I assure you that my spouse, seeing that I am getting out of control, did this on purpose laughing
                    Then I got under the heel for a long time - enough for a couple of years. Then again "south" and again me "under the heel" request
                    Sergey is sure, the wife specially, gave birth to my son laughing
                    Enough again to start walking. Last time, in 2007 half a year staggered through the mountains and retired. So, all my life "under the thumb" laughing
                    1. +5
                      31 May 2016 22: 26
                      Here! Dear! I "caught" you! laughing laughing laughing
                      Everything that you cited as an example is absolutely suitable for a happy family life !!! And a hundred points for you! And I will devote myself to the account of the State Administration! Nevertheless, I give examples. 1-Losers (henpecked): Nikolai
                      second, Gorbachev. 2-Not that, not this, not Brezhnev, Khrushchev. Successful leaders of the state! Stalin, Putin. The rest do not count. Or how they did not show themselves. Or, until they showed themselves! hi laughing
                      We will not discuss Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great with Catherine the Great! For the purity of the experiment. laughing
                      1. +6
                        31 May 2016 22: 51
                        Quote: Observer2014
                        ... Or not how they didn’t show themselves. Or, until they showed themselves! hi laughing
                        We will not discuss Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great with Catherine the Great! For the purity of the experiment ... laughing

                        Sergey, but who knows, who is who and why exactly, and not differently.
                        In an emergency, in Transnistria, my platoon commander once told me: "Sergeant, what you see is only what they want to show you" ... I remembered this for the rest of my life. And you know, it helped out many times from rash decisions Yes
                      2. +2
                        31 May 2016 23: 16
                        I absolutely agree with you! hi But we are a colleague, for the first time who (in our conversation) raised a question in history! I will not be afraid of this word. ABOUT THE DEPENDENCE OF A HAPPY MARRIAGE AND SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT OF THE STATE! A historic evening turned out. hi We look after the last day of the spring of 2016 article about this feel
                      3. +9
                        31 May 2016 23: 21
                        Quote: Observer2014
                        We look after the last day of the spring of 2016 article about this feel

                        Happy viewing laughing
                        In the morning the third lady will not let me see, now I am under the heel of my granddaughter. My favorite girlfriend came to visit laughing
                      4. +3
                        31 May 2016 23: 27
                        But it normal good It justifies everything! And I have only guys what And they (the guys) are "late" In the issue of grandchildren. BUT FOR THAT, WITH THE GUARANTEE, THE SURNAME WILL CONTINUE! soldier
                      5. +7
                        31 May 2016 23: 35
                        Quote: Observer2014
                        BUT FOR THAT, WITH GUARANTEE SURNAME CONTINUE! soldier

                        God grant Yes
      3. -11
        31 May 2016 19: 07
        Quote: dmi.pris
        Dear, under the CPSU, the country grew, built, developed.

        Well, well ... and matured sad
        1. -8
          31 May 2016 21: 03
          Quote: Bayonet
          Well, well ... and matured

          And what is wrong ??? Where did your CPSU lead the USSR? You can take minuses to yourself, for memory! smile
          1. +9
            31 May 2016 21: 15
            Bayonet! 21.03/XNUMX. And where does liberal politics lead to? Right now, someone will post photos of abandoned cities and enterprises.
            1. -3
              1 June 2016 05: 10
              Quote: Region 34
              Bayonet! 21.03/XNUMX. And where does liberal politics lead to?

              Translate the arrows again smile Ask about Juche! After all, the conversation was about the CPSU!
      4. +8
        31 May 2016 20: 20
        Yes, yes, about the party. EP is a party of officials, remember how it was, if an official is not a party member, then he was accepted, some even changed their own party. A party, by definition, protects and expresses the interests of its members. Bribes are the official’s main interest. So here it is - the leading and guiding role of EP.
      5. +2
        31 May 2016 21: 43
        Quote: dmi.pris
        Dear, under the CPSU, the country grew, built, developed.

        you know, apparently, the country grew, was built, developed under Stalin, but it seemed to go further by inertia, with slow extinction of growth, construction and development, and there was no incentive, and in the end we got what we are discussing .. ..
    2. 0
      1 June 2016 04: 04
      Quote: Observer2014 Yes! How not cool and what kind of party do not come up with in power, all the same the Communist Party of the Soviet Union turns out. And under any power manager laughing Under the Communists, under Yeltsin, Putin. Everyone has such examples in the life of the same "irreplaceable". And their offspring in power.

      Moreover, the same thing is everywhere. CPSU !!! belay The year 1427 was not chosen as a comparison date by chance. In those days, Florence waged a protracted war with Milan and was on the verge of bankruptcy. As a result of the plight of urban finances, the Florentine authorities decided to conduct a census of approximately 10 thousand taxpayers. The documents, in addition to the surnames and names of the heads of families, contain a description of their professions, incomes and conditions. About 900 of the names in the 1427 census exist in Florence to this day and still pay high taxes. Of course, there are random coincidences among them, but the majority of representatives of the same surnames in any case are not namesakes, but relatives.
      The analysis shows that the socioeconomic status has been preserved for six centuries, surprisingly, clearly. The rich Florentines at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century have the same surnames as the rich in 1427. At the same time, professions and income coincide. For example, among the members of the shoe guild, the match is 97%, and the guild of silk weavers and lawyers is 93!
  4. +12
    31 May 2016 18: 17
    Having asked a question, the author himself answered him — all the troubles of the Russian people from his patience and kindness, we are too honest, and that is how we differ from those who govern the country.
    1. +3
      31 May 2016 18: 35
      Quote: Expelling Liberoids
      Having asked a question, the author himself answered him — all the troubles of the Russian people from his patience and kindness, we are too honest, and that is how we differ from those who govern the country.

      name to us-terpily .... that's all.
  5. -20
    31 May 2016 18: 22
    However, it was not "comrade Glebov", but a "penisovacuumo-creator potlyavovonyavy" some kind of zealous woodpecker pounding on the keyboard. laughing bully
    1. +9
      31 May 2016 19: 08
      Do you speak the State Department?

      Then, then, yours, sir!
    2. -9
      31 May 2016 19: 38
      SeAlek: By the way, these "comrades of the State Department" that you listed are very disciplined - (on the keyboard, as you correctly noted) they knock together, just walk through the comments. We ran like cockroaches.
  6. -17
    31 May 2016 18: 30
    Hydra fifth column Bosko raises his .. Hack !!!
    1. +8
      31 May 2016 19: 05
      Do not make sudden movements! First, get into the essence of the main thing, as the author said.
      1. -4
        31 May 2016 19: 49
        WERSTA: dear comrade! you don’t have to get to the bottom of the cheap American training manual, it's all small and stupid. Don’t make any sudden movements, comrade.
        1. -1
          1 June 2016 01: 06
          Yes, it’s easy, the State Department reads,
          one reassures, they themselves spoil, - they themselves will devour
  7. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      31 May 2016 18: 36
      Quote: krops777
      The article as a whole is correct, with criticism and this is useful,

      The article is PARTLY fair.
  8. +10
    31 May 2016 18: 35
    Honestly, true, and it seems from the heart wink +
  9. -16
    31 May 2016 18: 36
    Today I listened to the same whiner of a professor from Moscow State University at the conference for about 10 minutes. I couldn’t last longer.
    The author of the logic does not have at all! To refute every phrase is boring.
    A simple example that the author has no logic and is almost 100% anguished (read bought as cheap stuff with giblets for 3 pennies): "why, in the presence of a great, centuries-old culture, we have such a low cultural level of the population" (c). We pose the question of Germany, England, France and look at their underground level of their culture, which is orders of magnitude, thousands of times lower than ours. And what is the answer we get? etc.
    NOT a comrade to us, but a certain chuvirla hiding from people under the pseudonym Glebov - false and corrupt rot. It is necessary to call things by their proper names!
    1. +9
      31 May 2016 21: 07
      Quote: Bramb
      Today I listened to the same whiner of a professor from Moscow State University at the conference for about 10 minutes. I couldn’t last longer.
      The author of the logic does not have at all! To refute every phrase is boring.
      A simple example that the author has no logic and is almost 100% anguished (read bought as cheap stuff with giblets for 3 pennies): "why, in the presence of a great, centuries-old culture, we have such a low cultural level of the population" (c). We pose the question of Germany, England, France and look at their underground level of their culture, which is orders of magnitude, thousands of times lower than ours. And what is the answer we get? etc.
      NOT a comrade to us, but a certain chuvirla hiding from people under the pseudonym Glebov - false and corrupt rot. It is necessary to call things by their proper names!

      There’s how hurt you are. And there’s a lot of those who’re hurt. But there are even more people who think about the situation in the country like the author and every day there are even more of them! Further on science. The critical mass is growing ... Bottoms can't ... etc.
      1. 0
        31 May 2016 21: 13
        Can't wait to jump? or look from the side?
    2. +1
      1 June 2016 00: 28
      the basement level of their culture, which is orders of magnitude thousands of times lower
      And what do you know about the culture in England Germany France? I'm just terribly interested.
  10. +1
    31 May 2016 18: 37
    Enough of the revolution, won in Ukraine, but do we need it?
    1. +9
      31 May 2016 18: 58
      Quote: volodya
      Enough of the revolution, won in Ukraine, but do we need it?

      this is what they poke in our faces. they know that our people have gotten more from all the "perestroika", they don't want more ...
      1. +5
        31 May 2016 19: 06
        And you lived in 90. Not work, not money. Well, my mother-in-law received a small pension, they lived on it. And then a year on one potato. I got a job, but what's the point, they didn’t pay money for half a year!
        1. +18
          31 May 2016 19: 36
          You cannot even imagine how many people lived in the 90s! I’ll tell you more, many lived in the 80s and 70s and even such a "fossil" as I lived in the 60s ...! And, NOBODY (!) Whined (in my environment, in any case)! Lived, got married, studied, worked, earned money, envied, "faked", had children, fought, cheated on their wives, sat in jail, worked in "police", went to the bathhouse, drank alcohol, fed children, buried old people, lost friends, asked to calculate the period of retirement, hugging a "personnel officer" by the cellulite waist, swearing to the chef-paskuda, catching the withers of an elk in the "optics", smoking fish, picking berries and "mowing" mushrooms in the tundra, marrying children, meeting grandchildren from the hospital .. .But, never encroached on the mother-in-law's pension! Maybe you lived in the "other" 90s ?! hi
          1. -11
            31 May 2016 19: 42
            And where did you personally fight? From 60 to 80 years. Egypt, Syria. Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique,
            Afghanistan? Or so blurt out, for the sake of a red phrase.
            1. +10
              31 May 2016 19: 49
              He wasn’t personally talking to himself. There were 250 million of us, and of them even someone fought ...
              Quote: Chisain
              And where did you personally fight? From 60 to 80 years. Egypt, Syria. Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique,
              Afghanistan? Or so blurt out, for the sake of a red phrase.
              1. -2
                31 May 2016 20: 04
                You have to speak for yourself. And then "fought." This is like a well-known category in the grain city "fought" None of my colleagues will ever say fought. And he will say, for example, he served across the river. I served on the river, everything was there, but I won't turn to say, I fought there. And I also took part in the CTO, from 99 to 2000, from the Tersk ridge, Grozny to Vedeno as part of the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade and I was not the only one there. And none of us will say we fought in Chechnya. , the real war was in the Second World War, and I'm wondering where it was possible to fight for real from 60 to 80.
                1. +7
                  31 May 2016 20: 09
                  "And I'm wondering where it was possible to fight for real from 60 to 80"
                  We take a history textbook, read it and do not hysteria ...! soldier Pull yourself together, you're a soldier ...
                2. +16
                  31 May 2016 20: 35
                  Quote: Chisain
                  You have to speak for yourself. And then "fought." This is like a well-known category in the grain city "fought" None of my colleagues will ever say fought. And he will say, for example, he served across the river. I served on the river, everything was there, but I won't turn to say, I fought there. And I also took part in the CTO, from 99 to 2000, from the Tersk ridge, Grozny to Vedeno as part of the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade and I was not the only one there. And none of us will say we fought in Chechnya. , the real war was in the Second World War, and I'm wondering where it was possible to fight for real from 60 to 80.

                  I speak for myself:
                  1992-1993 - Dubossary; 1995 - Herzel; 1999-2000 - n / a Vedeno, n / a Elistanji; 2001 - n / a Makhkety: 2002 - n / a Khattuni; 2007 - n / a Hattuni ... Two MVT, two orders, 6 medals.
                  Then what?

                  I make a remark to you - the person is not to blame that he was not there, or was in another place. Do not hit your heel in the chest, ugly. You contradict yourself: fought and flaunt it negative
                  And about 60 to 80 - my father in Hungary shot hi
                  1. -5
                    31 May 2016 20: 51
                    And you yourself will believe this. That he is a 45-year-old brutal male, That served in the DRA. From 79 to 81. Then he turns 55 years old. I looked at such false Afghans and pseudo-Chechens. This is just ... they’ll put on the purchased rewards in They’re beating their breasts. This uncle doesn’t pull on the Alabai-Central Asian Shepherd, but pulls on the tailless poodle. Moreover, he himself let loose that he envies those young guys who have military awards. But how did he and his service in the DRA with 79 to 81.
                    1. +12
                      31 May 2016 21: 08
                      Quote: Chisain
                      And you yourself will believe this. That he is a 45-year-old brutal male, That served in the DRA. From 79 to 81. Then he turns 55 years old. I looked at such false Afghans and pseudo-Chechens. This is just ... they’ll put on the purchased rewards in They’re beating their breasts. This uncle doesn’t pull on the Alabai-Central Asian Shepherd, but pulls on the tailless poodle. Moreover, he himself let loose that he envies those young guys who have military awards. But how did he and his service in the DRA with 79 to 81.

                      Dear Chisain (I do not know your name). Well, you or I caught a similar individual here on the Internet. There is nothing to show, it will not work to take for a hibok ... You will destroy your nerves and this will end. Do you need it?

                      I will say more, near the Khattuni outpost in 2001-2002, near Kirov-Yurt, a VVshnaya mortar battery was stationed. Well done guys, when it was necessary to tumble so that the mountains were "shaved" - they had something 3 or 4 120-ki and about 4-5 82-s. Well, that's not what I'm talking about. There was a fighter there, well, as a fighter, ... If he asked for their support, the battalion commander periodically helped out, sent fighters to meet them. And this one was constantly hiding, he just did not show his nose from the territory of the battery. Either the lame eye, now it was stripped, then to the kitchen - in general, I was afraid for the skin. Even worse, he turned out to be a fellow countryman. In general, after a couple of months it is in the turntable and out of sight.
                      A couple of years pass. I decided to have some fun with the ladies, in the city park, by the pond with swans, to taste a barbecue. We sit and enjoy life. And then behind my back is a familiar voice ... this very fellow countryman ... sits at a table - eats, drinks and "blows" into his ears - how many he sent to the next world, as he pulled out friends from under the bullets ...
                      That was a circus laughing
                      I did not beat him, I did not even touch a finger. And he didn’t say a word. It’s just that when he approached their table, he almost choked on a piece and jumped out in small, small jumps laughing
                      1. 0
                        31 May 2016 21: 19
                        Okay, uncle pesik brought me to the CS.And I kind of asked him harmless questions. With my regards to you from military unit 21005, 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade.
                      2. +6
                        31 May 2016 21: 28
                        Quote: Chisain
                        Okay, uncle pesik brought me to the CS.And I kind of asked him harmless questions. With my regards to you from military unit 21005, 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade.

                        Be healthy, peace to your home soldier
                      3. +1
                        31 May 2016 21: 38
                        I, born in 1961 ...! Young man .... Alas, old and wise ... hi
                      4. +1
                        1 June 2016 17: 37
                        Uncle, are you American, Norwegian or British? Make up your mind.
                        I could not bear it, I asked.
                    2. +2
                      31 May 2016 22: 01
                      Ah, I have no rewards! Some army badges ... feel This is bad?!
                      1. +9
                        31 May 2016 22: 07
                        Quote: ALABAY45
                        Ah, I have no rewards! Some army badges ... feel This is bad?!

                        This is not bad, especially in the USSR it was still necessary to earn a badge, not to buy Yes
                      2. +4
                        31 May 2016 22: 10
                        It is what it is! soldier I consider the "Guard" not a reward, but an accessory ... I went to sleep, otherwise "Chisaina" will start to incriminate again ..., with her exploits ...
            2. +5
              31 May 2016 20: 07
              D.R.A. will arrange ?! 1979-1981..I think that friendly relations with me will not work out ... hi
              1. -7
                31 May 2016 20: 13
                And as a part of which military unit did you enter there? And where they entered. Kushka, Termez. Port-Sherkhan-Nizhny Pyanj.
    2. -4
      31 May 2016 21: 34
      volodya RU Today, 18:37 New
      Enough of the revolution, won in Ukraine, but do we need it?

      The cockroach said from under the sixth and dived into its warm mink!
    3. +2
      31 May 2016 23: 08
      Quote: volodya
      Enough of the revolution, won in Ukraine, but do we need it?

      Yes, there was no revolution there, the usual standard coup d'etat. Study the founders and see for yourself. And in Russia there will be no revolution in the foreseeable future. There are no conditions yet. And if they appear, they will not ask anyone: either a revolution, or the chaos and collapse of the country. The laws of history, however. No one has yet denied.
  11. -3
    31 May 2016 18: 37
    The half-heartedness of these steps is expressed, for example, in the official non-recognition of the independence of the LDNR, in fear of responding to the presumptuous Turkish aggressor with dignity and bluntness.

    Comrade Glebov, "everyone imagines himself to be a strategist seeing a battle from afar"
    You can correct the mistakes of power and go punish Turkey by joining the PKK. or go to the Donbass.
    The author seriously believes that
    And all the more shameful is our reaction to the downed Su-24, the reaction of a secondary power that has worn out. Would Stalin limit himself to these “sanctions”, would they dare to bring down the plane of the Stalinist falcon in this way?
    But what about the constant violation of the borders by Luftwaffe planes, or silt shot down by the Americans after the war, or by the Americans shelling the airfields after the war?

    in the article, any written statement can be refuted, the author presented his vision of the world and interpreted historical events in his favor.
    mixed everything in a heap, and the Donbass, and the Crimea and Ivan the Terrible and arisaka and Thames and Turkey and united Russia, and a joke. it’s very difficult to read, and thinking about an article is even more difficult;
  12. -7
    31 May 2016 18: 41
    Weakly. A lot of snot and reasoning about anything.
  13. -8
    31 May 2016 18: 44
    Afftor has a little bit of enthusiasm:
  14. +13
    31 May 2016 18: 48
    Quote: volodya
    Enough of the revolution, won in Ukraine, but do we need it?

    And the author, in my opinion, does not call for revolution, but merely points to its inevitability in the future, since history has a habit of repeating itself.
    And specifically indicates why !!
    But Comrade Stalin and Ivan already knew how to deal with this and how to avoid a revolution.
  15. -18
    31 May 2016 18: 58
    Immediately, an ardent komunyak was visible, heaping everything down. The last comrades in the white house were shot.
    1. +2
      31 May 2016 19: 10
      Something smells of carrion.

      New Spirit?
      1. +4
        31 May 2016 21: 14
        As Obama said, Russia has no politics, it has a reaction to changes. Such is the fate of the raw material colony. What is typical for the colony is the rapid growth of the wealth of the ruling superstructure and the impoverishment of the population.
  16. +12
    31 May 2016 19: 00
    The author’s boiling point, and probably not only him. And this is understandable. Today, life for the majority of the population is not sugar. The article of the author is not provocative. It’s just that people are outraged by the situation in the economy, created, as in Ukraine with the help of the people and against the wishes of the people, by the weak marked the leader of the CPSU and the power-hungry and vengeful Tsar Boriskaya. Moreover, grateful oligarchs and politicians who gained power put the "Tsar" Boriska, having ruined a lot of funds and materials, a monument and a palace of false history in Yekaterinburg. We have not yet received a real description of the history of the late 80s and 90s.
    We rejoice at the successes of recent years and are disappointed with the long lack of power in the economy.
  17. +14
    31 May 2016 19: 04
    He who knows how to read will read. Judging by the comments, we ran out of the corner of my eye. The question is deeper.
    It concerns not only the Russian Federation and its "elita". Our RB bureaucrats and luminaries of "business" and "effective managers" from the same milieu, the milieu of the party and Soviet nomenklatura and their offspring and relatives. On the example of the government and other "leading" talking heads, regional gas, oblenergo and petro-oil enterprises, this is easily demonstrated. The issue requires a deeper study.
    And the output is shown classic. The article has been in demand for years.
  18. -2
    31 May 2016 19: 09
    Something heaped up a lot of things, the impression is an article, for the sake of an article ... it is really hard to understand such a pile up, maybe it's wrong .. ??
  19. +4
    31 May 2016 19: 10
    Dear, of course, everything is a heap, the author’s affiliation to the party does not play a special role, the position is not of the party but the man and his view, that the position of the authorities in foreign policy is a step forward, further stomping on the spot is true, but no matter how weak we are, we are weak and first of all, militarily, I’m silent about the economy in general, against this background, the government (as I think) needs to talk more with the people, otherwise we’ll learn about Russia from the Internet or Western media, you understand what I’m talking about, but it’s not smart officials who shine with statements in the media, but the most important thing is that nothing is changing and there is no hope for future changes, and here it’s necessary to think
  20. -8
    31 May 2016 19: 11
    ............. Apparently, Mr. Glebov has long matured and missed the new revolution, such as he provocateurs are only sleeping and see how it’s more painful to bite the current government. For it, this government has recently Well, he doesn’t want to listen to the Americans, and financially and economically behaves as opposed to the international monetary fund .... Well, who will like it in the West ... some unwashed Russia and again, as the USSR claims to be a leader in the world geopolitics ... then, immediately, the devil from the gateway appear, gentlemen Glebov and such opuses ... These are still flowers - there will be more and more mud tubs every month .. so the berries are still ahead ...
    1. +9
      31 May 2016 19: 58
      I agree that the current government does not want to listen to Americans and others like them. And this is correct. But it also does not want to listen to the citizens of Russia, I mean the bulk of the working people. A team of "untouchables" has been created, with any jamb they are not in danger, They will be covered by the court (if it comes to that), and I just want to turn it around. There are a lot of examples.
      Quote: Siberian
      ............. Apparently, Mr. Glebov has long matured and missed the new revolution, such as he provocateurs are only sleeping and see how it’s more painful to bite the current government. For it, this government has recently Well, he doesn’t want to listen to the Americans, and financially and economically behaves as opposed to the international monetary fund .... Well, who will like it in the West ... some unwashed Russia and again, as the USSR claims to be a leader in the world geopolitics ... then, immediately, the devil from the gateway appear, gentlemen Glebov and such opuses ... These are still flowers - there will be more and more mud tubs every month .. so the berries are still ahead ...
  21. +10
    31 May 2016 19: 12
    reliable about their relatives in the XV century ..

    Tsar the Terrible, nicknamed for cruelty by Ivan Vasilievich, lived in the 16th century. The author was mistaken for a century. But the rest he was not mistaken. Unfortunately. For right in essence and in meaning. Alas for us ...
  22. -4
    31 May 2016 19: 20
    I will quote Kaganovich again: “Each accident has a surname, name and position.”

    Yes, you just need to realize where the accident is (now the question is like this). All questions before the country are translated to individuals. But that's not the point. You need to understand what we are building (by analogy, before socialism). If we leave capitalism, then we have to struggle with its costs. But in the current situation it is difficult, it is necessary to take into account the external threat (fight twice). The Ukrainians took to the Maidan with the slogans "Down with the bribe-takers!" Received external control. Armenians "No to high tariffs!" Everywhere they use nationalism, by the way, I'm also trying here (Girkin signed). For now, I think we need to leave Putin (his - our problems). A statesman, it's already good. There is nothing to talk about without a state. And you can't compare the economic situation under "pure" liberals (Yeltsin) and now.
    1. -1
      31 May 2016 20: 52
      Minus because of Girkin or something. Do not close your eyes to the situation (and about Girkin too). And Russia is while we are together, because it is big. By the way, the national policy of tsarist Russia is beyond competition. The Americans are now acting almost the same. In Russia, it was true that they accepted the national elite as it is. And the Americans bring up first for themselves.
  23. -4
    31 May 2016 19: 31
    Get the damn curse
    The whole world of hungry and slaves!
    Our mind is seething
    And ready to lead a mortal battle
    1. -1
      31 May 2016 20: 12
      Quote: gadkobra
      And ready to lead a mortal battle

      Naive African young man laughing Change the awl for soap? Some "generals" against others? You are probably relatives with Obama, if you don't like Russia so much am
      1. +3
        31 May 2016 20: 23
        The whole world of violence we will destroy
        To the ground, and then
        We are ours, we will build a new world,
        Who was nothing, that will be all

        ps are you racist?
        1. -1
          31 May 2016 20: 31
          You’ve been sniffed, you foolish, you would perish.
          1. -4
            31 May 2016 20: 33
            Quote: bober1982
            You’ve been sniffed, you foolish, you would perish.

            Who are you
            1. +4
              31 May 2016 20: 36
              Basilio the cat, and who are you?
              1. +3
                31 May 2016 20: 58
                Quote: bober1982
                Basilio the cat, and who are you?

                This is a bug with a swamp. I'm sick of you. laughing
                1. -5
                  31 May 2016 23: 14
                  you also went to x ..
              2. -1
                31 May 2016 23: 13
                went to x ..
    2. The comment was deleted.
  24. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      31 May 2016 22: 13
      It’s like they’ve arrived in Jo ... p., I myself remember the dreams of youth and the result of the existing one ... as in go to but .. did such an American and European get into it ...?
      1. 0
        31 May 2016 22: 59
        In order to lure people into the industry, it is necessary to do something exciting and breakthrough in all sectors - to arouse interest.
  25. AAF
    31 May 2016 19: 40
    Ivan the Terrible was branded for a long time and absolutely rightly.
    I’ll walk through two parameters.
    1. He merged the Livonian War; at the same time he allowed the Krymchaks to burn down Moscow. The executioners are lousy soldiers, which is the reason for the "miracle" and showed.
    2. Family matters. 7 (or 8) wives for an Orthodox Christian whom they now want to make "Saints"? Dump your head off!
    The fate of the children (and the inglorious end of the dynasty with the collapse of the country in the Time of Troubles) is in the same place.
  26. -1
    31 May 2016 19: 40
    When Europe was divided at the end of the war, Stalin gave guarantees not to influence Greece. Result: the communist party of the country did not come to power (but could), many communists came under repression.
    Stalin leaked? Further, in Europe, only on the aggressive rhetoric of the West, failure to fulfill these obligations, pro-Soviet governments came to power.
    Stalin agreed, and did not climb a bear on a horn.
    The author is either a conscious and scorched demagogue, or a person with the perception of a 15 year old teenager. Politics is the art of compromise. Ivan the Terrible, first carried out reforms, created a working system, and then broke the Crimean Khan to a dog. Prior to this, he promised to surrender to him the same part of the conquered lands.
    I remember an anecdote about Chapaev and the karateka, "so where he is with a bare heel against a checker."
  27. +3
    31 May 2016 19: 40
    I agree with the car
  28. -4
    31 May 2016 19: 42
    You're not a friend, just, someone Glebov. Zilch alone.
  29. +6
    31 May 2016 19: 45
    Quote: eugeniy.369
    to destroy something, take it away, divide it, destroy it, remove it, etc. Russia has already passed so many times ...

    And that something new has been built? Is there something to take away? In addition to natural resources and country villas, there is nothing else, the rest is all abroad, there will not be taken away, there will be enough of our own subscribers. In order to destroy in general, you first have to create. tsars and the USSR have already created, taken away and destroyed. And the modern oligarchs did not create anything. So do not worry too much. And gas and oil, as the media broadcasts to us, are "national treasures."
  30. -10
    31 May 2016 20: 01
    How long will a man feed the generals? The answer is: Always! until he decides that killing is easier than feeding wassat Then he will feed the other generals request no matter what they call themselves, communists, capitalists, monarchists ... Therefore, either the "generals" think about the peasant and let him "live", or the peasant begins to think about how to take everything away from them and share request And you comrade Glebov tell me why should I feed you, not Putin? What again are factories for workers, land for peasants, and power for the Soviets? So we already went through this - the people cheated on the commies, and got a man — factories of ministries, land to collective farms, and the power of the CPSU. And what did the man get in real life? A deficit of everything and vodka at 3,62 and in addition to a bunch of false promises. hi
  31. +2
    31 May 2016 20: 03
    Why Putin didn’t publicly condemn and punish the characters involved in the collapse and plunder of the country, the army, and fooling the Russian people in the 90s-2000s. (Yeltsin’s gang came to power quickly adopted a very important law on the abolition of confiscation of property, and today this law is not introduced who does not want) Some of these people still work in power, others just live richly and well. Plus, the Gaidar Forum, the Yeltsin Center. Putin also said that he did not intend to review the results of privatization, that is, people who illegally stole state property in private hands will not be punished. Vladimir Vladimirovich comes out openly covers crooks and bastards who would have been shot 100% under the communists or even under the tsar. How long will a peasant feed the generals? Under the current bourgeois system, always. wink
    1. -2
      31 May 2016 20: 16
      Quote: Yak28
      ? With the current bourgeois system always.

      I have expanded your thought! In any system, a man will feed the "generals" and you give me - (not good my friend) laughing
      1. +4
        31 May 2016 20: 46
        Under the communists, politicians were not millionaires, they did not have real estate abroad. Stalin, excuse me, didn’t steal millions, didn’t live richly, but could. And they didn’t hide children from the war. In the USSR, children of directors or chiefs of the race with the police weren’t satisfied, and before the law were Artists in the USSR did not boast of their millions, cars, nipples, dachas on TV and in newspapers. Yes, and in the cemeteries of the capital in the USSR, the visiting rabble did not arrange mass fights, fighting for spheres of influence in Moscow. So the generals are different, they are loose , but there are collected ones. And it very much depends on the political system. wink
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +2
          31 May 2016 22: 08
          Quote: Yak28
          In the USSR, children of directors or chiefs of the race did not suit the race with the police, and they were equal before the law. Artists in the USSR did not boast about their millions, wheelbarrows, nipples, summer cottages on newspapers and in newspapers
          If there was no "yellow" press in the USSR, this does not mean that you are telling the truth. wassat Vasya Stalin, Lavrenty Beria, Galya Brezhnev, Raya Gorbachev, Ruslanov, Zykin ... And what about the middle Asian bais? Ask Gdlyan! wassat And the local "kings" and boyars? Enough people to keep the stupid! am
          1. +1
            1 June 2016 18: 01
            Vasily Stalin fought, then drank, did not plunder state property and did not even have a hundredth share of embezzlers like Nemtsov. Beria Lavrenty Pavlovich was a worthy, educated person. Beria was one of the leaders in the evacuation of Soviet industry. Beria created an air defense system around Moscow, I didn’t steal from the state, I didn’t save millions. The trouble is that all of Stalin slandered the stupid Khrushchev, and people are still doing this wink
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +4
      31 May 2016 20: 37
      Quote: Yak28
      Yeltsin’s gang came to power quickly adopted a very important law on the abolition of confiscation of property, and today no one wants to introduce this law)

      And who will pass this law if the confiscation is canceled at the suggestion of Putin? recourse
  32. +6
    31 May 2016 20: 17
    Great article!
  33. +5
    31 May 2016 20: 32
    now ten percent of families (some nationality) own eighty percent gross domestic product of Russia
  34. +2
    31 May 2016 21: 05
    Quote: gadkobra
    now ten percent of families (some nationality) own eighty percent gross domestic product of Russia

    Take it higher!
    Five percent of the world's inhabitants own ninety percent of the total
    product of the whole planet. What is the way out? Where do you start?
    1. 0
      31 May 2016 23: 17
      Quote: VladimS
      Five percent of the world's inhabitants own ninety percent of the total
      product of the whole planet

      then it’s not so bad laughing
  35. +4
    31 May 2016 21: 13
    An interesting article .... (especially Comments ..) It’s immediately clear who is OUR! hi A lot of people still need to "cut" ...)))) Oh, my saber is sharpened, hanging on the wall idle ... laughing
    1. +3
      31 May 2016 22: 08
      Quote: CORNET
      An interesting article .... (especially Comments ..) It’s immediately clear who is behind OUR

      You are an optimist, Chapai. Who will you chop?
  36. -6
    31 May 2016 21: 27
    Put a minus. If we analyze who is good for the author, then only one thing unites them: the one who shed more blood is good! If Ivan the Terrible can be assessed as Mao assessed Stalin (70% useful, 30% harmful), then about Lenin am I have comments - only obscene! Did he bring any benefit to Russia?
    1. +4
      31 May 2016 21: 49
      Lenin was an ideologist and a revolutionary, thanks to Lenin and his ideas, the working people made it clear that they are not rabble, but people. People who should not creep in front of the tsar, nobles and other powerful characters who do not care about the problems of citizens who are illiterate, disenfranchised, people was on hand.
      1. -1
        1 June 2016 22: 10
        Quote: Yak28
        thanks to Lenin and his ideas, the working people made it clear that they are not the mob, but people

        Demagogy - and nothing more! Judging by business! And how many were there, workers, in comparison with the peasants? According to Lenin's suffrage, 1 worker vote was equal to 4 peasants votes - this is democracy in action! They made it clear to the workers that they were human beings, and to the peasants that they remained b-d-dl!
    2. 0
      1 June 2016 21: 41
      ЧСХ, 9 minuses - and just one comment! laughing The commies are only capable of this - there is nothing to say in defense of the burry goddess! angry Drain counted!
  37. +10
    31 May 2016 21: 39
    Quote: Region 34
    And what is provocative? Can I find out?

    And most likely it was not pleasant that the "beloved, wise and infallible" VVP was placed in a row with Yeltsin, Chubais and Gaidar. Yes, against the background of foreign victories, the right moments and positions in international relations, inside-the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Like DDT- Someone on a "white horse", and someone "in the village." The internal policy of the current regime is no different from the previous ones - all to oligarchs and officials. True, the police, prosecutors, judges, military and other power structures added solidly -to have support against the common people. negative hi
  38. +8
    31 May 2016 22: 12
    Honestly, I have long had a thought that today's Russia needs an oprichnina ...

    And every failed case must have the name and surname of the subject, who failed and answered in all severity ...

    Then the bureaucratic apparatus, even from under the whip, even under supervision, would begin to fulfill its functions as it should be for the clear work of the state mechanism ..

    In fact, in fact, the Prosecutor General’s office should have fulfilled this role ... And, first of all, should exercise strict control over the bureaucratic apparatus, and not flirt with it and indulge it ...
  39. +9
    31 May 2016 22: 27
    Recently, our state and private media excitedly talked about the internal party event of the United Russia. I watched videos of the primaries of United Russia posted on the Internet. She's taken aback, what a trash, yesterday's, but the fastest growing rich dishonestly, is torn into the seats of the State Duma. And they will break through! The catch phrase "... There is no money, but you hold on there" - the apotheosis of the activities of the leading and guiding force of our time. But the kids who have enriched themselves at the expense of the people and allow themselves many hours of racing on remarkably expensive cars from the traffic police inspectors pursuing traffic violations. Or run over and maim in a cool foreign car at a breakneck speed, as recently in Podolsk, people standing at a public transport stop. And who is it? The son of a rich man, a deputy of the State Duma from the Communist Party faction. Obviously, Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov includes in party lists, without disdaining, the rich without special moral principles. For party needs, so to speak. When you see on various talk shows the epic, already boring speeches of Vladimir Volfovich, there is only one desire to quickly switch the channel. A Just Russia has one PR under the guise of caring for ordinary citizens. So, is it any wonder that Saltykovsko-Shchedrinovsky is our peasant, or simply you and me, feeds a huge bureaucratic-deputy army, stuck to the people's trough?
  40. 0
    31 May 2016 23: 23
    After Peter I, Russia was not lucky with kings
  41. +2
    1 June 2016 05: 48
    The article should have the wish that all the forum participants write their essays on the topic ... how would I behave during the reign of voiced rulers ...
    1. -1
      1 June 2016 06: 52
      Quote: PTS-m
      how would I behave during the reign of voiced rulers
      It is much more important what to do now, and it is better not to fantasize about the "voiced rulers", but to draw conclusions in comparison.
  42. 0
    1 June 2016 06: 23
    How did it happen that a great power with a strong army, with a strong-willed leader at the head is not able to act, spit on political correctness, call black black, and not “our western partner”

    Why are you so obama? You, call him still a battle, planter, you are ours. wassat
  43. +1
    1 June 2016 10: 51
    Well, I have no doubt at all that the bulk of people treat Stalin’s personality positively and with respect.

    What is confidence based on?
    1. +2
      1 June 2016 18: 08
      Apparently his confidence is based on the fact that the majority of the country's citizens did not degrade and did not stupidly and positively assess the role of Stalin
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        2 June 2016 12: 34
        Quote: Yak28
        Apparently his confidence is based on the fact that the majority of the country's citizens did not degrade and did not stupidly and positively assess the role of Stalin

        Strange, but I haven’t met people who dream of living in the days of Stalin. I don’t see much of Stalin’s monuments in Moscow (one? Two?), For some reason they don’t call it the fury of the streets in honor of him. He doesn’t celebrate his birthday, did not put his portrait on at least 100 ruble notes .. Wherever this clever majority looks ... it is incomprehensible ...
        They want to name the bridge in honor of Kadyrov in St. Petersburg, and why not in honor of Stalin?
        And on the streets you can see people with posters of Stalin, but for some reason pensioners, only duped by Zyuganov, and not hundreds of thousands of rallies ...
        No, just wondering why?
        Most likely this is a conspiracy of Obyma with Erdogan and Ukrainians, all because of them, I am 100% sure)))
  44. +3
    1 June 2016 11: 36
    Cons from those to whom the truth is across the throat !!!
  45. 0
    3 June 2016 22: 46
    Quote: Weyland
    ЧСХ, 9 minuses - and just one comment! The commies are only capable of this - there is nothing to say in defense of the burry goddess! Drain counted!

    Lenin does not need protection from someone who has not read anything except "Mumu" and the yellow rags.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"