Interview: Dmitry Konanykhin about the "macaroni monster" Ilona Mask seriously

Interview: Dmitry Konanykhin about the "macaroni monster" Ilona Mask seriously

A prologue to this interview was the hype around Canadian-American billionaire Ilona Mask, an extremely popular project to create reusable launch vehicles Falcon and reusable spacecraft Dragon by the private company SpaceX. The sensational concept of conquering space "by a private contractor at many times lower prices than state corporations," found a vivid response both abroad and in our country. The noise became significantly more after Musk, who became the prototype of the most Hollywood Tony Stark - Iron Man - managed in front of the whole world in April and May 2016 of the year to successfully land the first stages of their Falcon 9 missiles on the sea platform ASDS.

At that moment, it really began to seem to many that the era of state-owned rocket and space corporations, disposable launch vehicles and disposable spacecraft is coming to an end. Maskofili believed: given the fact that space shuttles like Burana and Shuttle have been gathering dust in museum halls for a long time, only Iron Man will send satellites, cargo and people into space ... Sorry, His Brilliant Majesty Ilon Musk!

However, on a par with “maskkofilov” immediately found a decent amount of “maskofobov”, who said that Musk - a generator of not technical innovations, but solid financial “drank”. Imagine the joy of the latter, when Musk tweeted that the first stage of the Falcon 9, which landed on the ASDS, did it so “successfully” that it was not suitable for reuse?

The Russian writer Dmitry Konanykhin, who wrote a note “Pasta Monster Ilona Mask”, undertook to comment on his blog about the deliberate constructive inferiority of the concept of His Genialism. Dmitry could not even imagine that his modest text would instantly spread across the Runet, evoking the most varied reaction of the public - from stormy indignation to no less stormy approval.

Agreeing in advance that Konanykhin’s findings are not certain, Federal Agency News decided to acquaint readers with the point of view of Dmitry, which he set out in an interview format and which, in our opinion, is of interest to both supporters of the ideas of Elon Mask and their opponents.

So, meet Dmitry Konanykhina.

Surrounded by creators

- Let's get acquainted first.

- Let's. On the Internet, I position myself as a writer. In April of this year, I received the Gorky Literary Award in the nomination "Russian life" for the best novel of the year 2016. I have been writing 10 for years. I wrote my first novel in 2008, after which he was together ...

- Accepted?

- Quite the contrary - rejected by our liberal public. After this, "with grief" I wrote three more novels, and the first was able to publish only last year. Actually, this novel was awarded.

What I usually keep silent about, because I first of all wanted to declare myself as a writer, this is my background, so to speak. Since 1993, I worked at the NGO Cryogenmash. Before that, he graduated from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University - Faculty of Power Engineering, E-4 Department, specialty “Technique and Low Temperature Physics”. After graduating from Baumanka, I went to work directly to the department dealing with the storage systems for cryogenic components of fuel and oxidizer, as well as refueling of launch vehicles.

From the same 1993 of the year I, let's say, “deeply drilled” on the subject of building the Indian space center Shriharikot. This place, located a hundred kilometers from Madras, became the basis of the modern Indian space program. After Sriharikota, I continued to engage in ground support for launches. He worked, in particular, in the Sea Launch project - this is a floating cosmodrome for launching Zenit rockets, created by an international consortium with the participation of our rocket and space corporation Energia, the American firm Boeing and the Ukrainian Yuzhmash. In this project, I participated in the development of a system for filling with liquid oxygen.

Since 1996, I have been working on the “Angara” theme, that is, on creating a family of modular launch vehicles. I was fortunate to work with the truly legendary people who developed ground systems for the Angara and the superheavy launch vehicle H-1 of the Lunar program. Queen, for “Energy — Buran” and MAKS Lozino-Lozinsky.

Actually, this later became one of the aftershocks for my writing activity. I want to show in my books that story Our country is not only and not so much intellectual throwing, as the hard and joyful work of people-creators - the real builders of the state.

- How did you get exactly to the space theme?

- By inheritance. My father was a leading specialist in the space “ground” on Cryogenmash, a mother on the same Cryogenmash as a designer of the first category, a patent specialist. I spent all my childhood in the midst of talking about the space industry.

Pocket engine

- Let's go back to your Mask note. I will not retell comments to it: there are also admiring reviews, and, to put it mildly, not very. In my opinion, it is more interesting to hear from you what you think about Ilona Mask and SpaceX already after they wrote about the “macaroni monster” and received feedback from domestic readers.

- The Mask program, if we talk about each individual technical solution of the design of the same Falcon, is a very good result of engineering work. Perfectly executed welding technology of tanks, perfectly calculated parameters of landing supports, perfectly working pneumatic locks, perfectly working communications, perfectly working control system. The first step of the Falcon 9 really sits down, which is the greatest achievement of engineering design.

At the same time, the very idea of ​​landing the first stage of a launch vehicle on planet Earth, in my deepest conviction, is a stillborn bastard. The concept of "salvaged" in this way, which means that the reusable first stage is presented as some kind of absolutely "breakthrough" idea, for which the future of astronautics.

I will make a small digression. Both our and American engineers solve optimization problems. In this case, you can not take any technical solution and implement it. You have restrictions on materials, on technologies, on dimensions of workshops, on machine park, etc. With an eye on these limitations, and you optimize. You decide where you will have the launch pads, with whom and how will you agree on the zones of falling waste stages ... This is not a local private, it is a national state project with enormous cooperation, to which hundreds of industrial associations are connected, as well as private, semi-private and public companies. In other words, this is a huge job of hundreds of thousands of people. All this can not arise from nowhere and quite suddenly, as Mask apologists are trying to prove to us. It was precisely this that surprised me first of all as a professional in how the idea of ​​the Mask is presented.

Recall how the legend sounds. In 2001, Mask suddenly thought that it would be necessary to colonize Mars. After that, he came to Russia, where he tried to find a cheaper rocket. In Russia, Mask didn’t do anything with this, but an insight came - you need to make the launch vehicle yourself, for it will cost 10% of the existing government price tag! In the 2002 year, driven by this brilliant idea, Musk creates the company Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, better known as SpaceX. Hires a talented guy Tom Mullerwhich, according to the media, was spending all evenings and weekends to design a liquid-jet engine in his garage. Then, already in 2006, Mask has a Merlin jet engine designed for use on the Falcon family of missiles. The engine is good, it provides excellent energy. Right there, Mask has an admission with all his property on the launch complex located on Cape Canaveral. Then it turns out to be launched from the territory of the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. That is, everything is great. The rocket flies, the first step sets, the world applauds. Limpot! ..

- In your intonation you feel “but” ...

“... But I know how long the cycle of creation and development of a new jet engine for a launch vehicle takes. Not a single private company “from scratch”, having no experience, backlogs and technologies, will fail to meet the deadlines voiced by Masky, even if it has dimensionless funding.

Imagine that we have a person with a couple of billions of euros in his pocket. And now he comes to some Arianespace founded by the French and says that he wants to make his own rocket with his engine ... Yes, he will only be chased by bureaucrats for a couple of years! You can not take and get out of his pocket a new engine running. The engine must be produced in several hundred copies. They need to be annealed on a test bench to achieve the required reliability. A huge test cycle will be needed here, financial costs will be needed not only for the engine itself, but also for fuel. As well as years and years to drive the engine in all modes. You can not make a couple of new engines and immediately mount them on a rocket. You will have no guarantee that they will work properly ...

And what about Mask? The Mask simultaneously had its own engine, its own carrier, its own control system, which is fully integrated and interfaced with the control systems of the launch site at Cape Canaveral and the Vanderberg base. Sorry, that doesn't happen. Management systems are not reconfigured for a new carrier. The entire interface of the carrier is defined in a certain way through pipelines, pneumatics, control signals. These are dozens and hundreds of control channels connecting the earth with the missile side ... And then, it turns out, a boy comes Ilon Musk, a talented inventor who, through 5 years, pulls out a ready-made rocket from his pocket and says: "Here you have a rocket, which by all measures is already connected Canaveral and Vandenberg launch complexes. ”

Where did Mask get these parameters? Where did he get the entire interface for connecting the carrier to the launch facility? The answer is only one - to the Mask all this came from the outside. Starting from this conclusion, I began to “unwind the ball” Mask and discovered many very interesting things.

- For example?

- Mask started with a small Falcon 1 rocket.

- Everyone knows that.

- They know everything. Not everyone pays attention to the fact that the first two launches of the Falcon 1 were paid for by the US Department of Defense as part of the DARPA prospect launch vehicle program.

- DARPA, it’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, it’s an extremely well-known office in certain circles.

- Yes, this is the US Department of Defense agency responsible for the development of new technologies for use in the armed forces. The tasks of DARPA are to preserve the technological superiority of the American army, to prevent the emergence for the United States of new technical means of warfare, to support breakthrough research, and much more.

Steeper Biblical Wonders

- DARPA was founded in 1958 in response to the launch of the Soviet Union Sputnik-1. DARPA does not depend on conventional military research institutions and reports directly to the top leadership of the Pentagon. I remember that it was DARPA that was responsible for sponsoring the development of the ARPANET network, which later became the Internet ...

- A super-closed, super-cool office, which our inventor-innovator Musk immediately enters. Well, isn't it a miracle? Inventor with a new running engine. Where did Musk and Muller anneal this engine? In the garage? Another miracle. Inventor with tolerances for super-mode objects? Again - a miracle! A young genius with already developed start and landing algorithms is another miracle. An inventor who not only immediately finds full support in the Pentagon and DARPA, but also manages to hire people with already well-established teams. Biblical miracles against such a backdrop are just cheap market tricks.

Is there any explanation for this phenomenon?

- Let's not rush - remember about hired by Tom Masler Muller. Who is that?

“The guy who was rumored to be driving a jet engine in the garage.”

- We do not have access to the DARPA archives, so we will use open sources in English. It follows from them that, firstly, Comrade Tom Mueller did not use his garage for the test bench for the Merlin engine, but the test site of the former production plant aviation ammunition, located in the Texas region near the town of McGregor. Most interestingly, the first rocket engine stands were built by Beal Aerospace by enthusiastic engineer Andrew Beale. And all this was done within the framework of the NLI - National Launch Initiative, "National Launch Initiative". But the NLI program was completed in 2000, the company Andrew Beale, in fact, ruined, but then there was a brilliant Ilon Musk. Summary: our new Canadian-American Leonardo da Vinci literally “on the ball” received a ready-made test base.

Secondly, Tom Muller worked as a lead developer of the largest hydrogen engine in the framework of the same NLI, which had government funding through a joint program between NASA and the US Department of Defense. In 15 years, Muller has gone from an ordinary engineer to almost a vice president of TRW. This guy was in charge of rocket technology there. And suddenly Mueller, without sitting in the vice-presidential chair, leaves for the company of the most complete newcomer Musk. And Muller leaves for Musk not alone, but taking with him leading specialists in missile and rocket affairs from TRW. At the same time, Muller works on the technologies of the famous American lunar program, used in the lunar lander, using pin nozzles. It works - and all this, together with a ready-made team of specialists, is transferred to the Mask.

- What's next?

- More interesting. In 2002, at the same time as Mueller left, TRW Corporation was bought by the giant Northrop Grumman Corporation. Not even a giant, but a monster that built stealth bombers and nuclear aircraft carriers. This monster is suing Musk's company, which, through the hiring of former TRW's Muller, commercialized TRW's intellectual property now owned by Northrop Grumman Corporation. The results of the trial are indicative - it looks like the little SpaceX managed to fight off the aerospace tyrannosaurus rex! Well, or someone helped Musk to realize another miracle.

- And what kind of company is this - TRW?

- 57th place in the Fortune Global 500, that is, in the ranking of the 500 largest global companies, the criterion for compiling which is the company's revenue. TRW, or Thompson-Ramo-Wooldridge, is the developer of all major US reconnaissance satellites. It was TRW who created the Pioneer 10, an automatic interplanetary station sent to the edge of the solar system, and the American Viking probes for Mars. TRW is a staff of 122.000 people.

And from such a monster Tom Muller, along with a proven team and in an embrace with a nozzle escapes to the mask. At the same time, let me remind you, in TRW, Muller was working on a hydrogen engine, while Mask meekly took up the kerosene-oxygen Merlin. Hydrogen and kerosene engines correlate with each other approximately like Ferrari and Zaporozhets ...

I almost forgot another touch to the TRW portrait. Rameau и Woldridge, the founders of the company, were employees of the truly legendary Howard Hughes. They have made a long-range air-to-air missile, which is being guided by the radar. A remarkable detail: the rocket had a range of up to 180 km and the name ... Falcon. So, at the beginning of 1950-x, zadolbavshis with the management style of eccentric Hughes, Rameau and Wooldridge decided to create their own company. In this they helped a simple guy by the name Thompson, until that time owned the company, which in 1926 year was the supplier of the number 1 valves and other parts of automobile engines for the American industry.

When in May 1927 of the year Charles Lindbergh He became the first person to fly over the Atlantic, there were Thompson valves in the engine of his plane - this is our complicated story ... Let's make it even more complicated: it was in TRW that he performed his first job Bill Gates, which is a strange coincidence! - there was a grandmother by the name of Thompson ...

One way or another, the familiar TRW appears, which in 1953 becomes the general contractor for the US Air Force in the development of ballistic missiles. It turns out that the white and fluffy TRW, baking satellites like pancakes and pioneering in space, is an enterprise of the level of our Votkinsk or Makeevsky plants. That is, a company deeply buried in the American military-industrial complex, from which Comrade Musk at some point lures a leading specialist and without five minutes a vice president with a group of specialists and a suitcase of top-secret technologies.

It is clear that Mask could never do anything like this if he did not have the support at the highest level. Even not so - on the highest. And these “achievements” of Ilona Mask, which consist in the fact that foreign developments and foreign specialists were literally invested in his hands, are presented here as an example of his genius.

Privatization of profits and "black holes"

- A natural question arises: why then did you need this whole epic with a “ingenious” Mask?

- Why did it take in our time on planet Earth to work out a knowingly unprofitable technology, in which the allegedly “reusable” (in fact, no) first stage of a booster rocket has overpriced, strength and weight characteristics compared to disposable counterparts; fuel for planting and, as a result, raises less payload? Why trumpet everywhere that the first stage is reusable, which means it is much more financially advantageous than a single stage, if all this is shattered into pieces, if not about the ground, then about the problem of post-installation troubleshooting?

There is a feeling that assertiveness and the colossal investments with which the Mask program is being implemented are clearly within some kind of technical task. But the parameters and purpose of this TZ are not at all those that are officially declared by Mask.

Once again, from a purely engineering point of view, the Falcon 9 is a masterpiece. From the point of view of a reusable first-stage booster, this is a bastard. Thus, if we proceed from the conformity of the results achieved at the moment by Maskim to the goals stated earlier by Mask, it can be stated that these goals have not been achieved. Despite the fact that to perform the task Musk got everything and even more than everything. After all, Ilona was not only given ready-made technical solutions, the highest professionals for implementing these decisions, the necessary production, test benches and free access anywhere. In parallel with SpaceX, the development costs and tests of these very technical solutions, including the engine problem, were removed.

This is what I call the nationalization of losses and the privatization of profits. Musk promised a jackpot to everyone, received a complete check-out for it and ... did not justify the high confidence of the American establishment in that regard.

- That is, in fact it turns out all the same "drank" funds?

- It is not necessary. I admit that just the opposite - saving. For example, savings on pensions, when part of the staff of the state corporation NASA is displayed in frequent structures like SpaceX.

In general, behind all the hype around the Mask, it is forgotten that SpaceX is not the only strange company working alongside NASA. There is still, for example Scaled Composites Bert Rutanworking in an alliance with a billionaire By Richard Branson. If we look closely at Branson, we will understand that we face the Mask of an earlier version - absolutely the same model of actions!

In fact, both SpaceX and Scaled Composites are private “pocket” campaigns, in which there is an order of magnitude less bureaucracy and where fewer approvals are required when working than at NASA. They are very convenient to quickly work out something completely innovative and just as convenient to hide the development of something very secret. It is possible on the contrary - to take and flaunt something there in order to put competitors on the wrong track. DARPA is a big “black hole”, and no one, except the top leadership of the United States, has any idea what is going on inside. SpaceX, Scaled Composites and other companies like them are small “black holes” appearing on the game board or removed from it as needed.

But in general, in the Mask trial I was not interested in this. It was much more curious to dig in open sources, to compare the facts lying on the surface and to see how the fabulous image of a genius lonely self-taught self-taught media cherished gradually turns into an image of a capable guy put by the state to the top of a real aerospace iceberg. An iceberg created, albeit indirectly, but with government money. An iceberg, most of which is hidden under the "water" by the efforts of various interested parties, because of which the simple man in the street does not notice it at all.

- Is it possible to conclude that Ilon Musk for the US military-industrial complex is not some newcomer, but a very personal one?

- Such technologies, such resources, such opportunities, which Ilon received, will not be given to others. Ilon Musk for the US military-industrial complex is the same "in the board of his boyfriend," as was Bill Gates with his grandmother by the name of Thompson.

- So, Musk is a beautiful PR-picture, behind which much larger structures are hidden than SpaceX?

- Yes.

What else profitability ?!

- Is it right to consider, based on your text “Pasta Monster Ilona Mask,” that the main stumbling block in the way of the first step of the Falcon 9 to real reusability is the problem of post-landing troubleshooting?

- The step could not stand the temperature overheating. "She flew too fast!" - said Ilon Musk. Guys, if the materials you applied do not keep the temperature mode, you will have to abandon the flight mode, which leads to the temperature mode that is critical for the materials ... Either you limit yourself by the selected flight mode, or you change materials. That is, the problems of the Mask with the reliability of the first stage of the Falcon 9 are not limited to a single defect.

We go on the topic of "reliability" further. Now the "nine" Mask - nine engines Merlin. In the future Falcon Heavy, crammed as the “most powerful rocket in the world,” the engines will be 27. And here comes the theory of probability. Ensuring full-time reliable operation of nine engines is by definition simpler than 27-mi. There are no complaints about the engine itself - its concept was driven by crazy state money even when it was working on the lunar landing module and the newest hydrogen engine under the National Starting Initiative program. But the need for a major upgrade for the Heavy already developed on the "nine" control circuit nine engines will appear exactly. That is, the fact that Mask engineers taught nine Merlin engines to work well on the Falcon 9 does not mean that 27 engines of the same kind will work just as well on the Falcon Heavy. 27 engines! To understand what a nightmare, you just need to remember the sad story of the lunar H-1 Queen ...

Now back to the defect. Here you have the first step of the Falcon 9 - a fifty-meter fool. She descends from near space. You carefully plant it as far as possible, but your accuracy does not at all cancel the mechanical and temperature overloads acting at the time of landing. They planted - great. What's next, after the triumph, hugs and champagne?

- Next - troubleshooting?

- Next you need to check all welds, all engines at the run down stage. And the first step is not just a tank and not a design that is all bolted and easily disassembled. Can you imagine what expenses will be needed to unmount, ring, enlighten, drive away, test, check every detail there, and then assemble everything together again? Submitted?

Finished troubleshooting and installation, again launched Falcon 9, again put the first stage, and now what? Now - new troubleshooting with the corresponding costs. No defect - no way. The slightest omission and - bang! Well, if no human victims will do ...

It is terrible to imagine the costs of first-stage “nine” troubleshooting, and the cost of first-stage troubleshooting of the Heavy with its engine pile cannot be imagined at all. What kind of profitability, what are you talking about?

It turns out that Mask’s engineers have created a heavy-class launch vehicle that can put a payload into orbit, which is now perfectly placed into orbit by middle-class launch vehicles. Why? Because instead of part of the payload, the Mask carrier rocket has to carry the fuel needed for landing the first stage. Why did it take? To then the most expensive part of the launch vehicle - its first stage - to reuse.

At least one successfully landed first stage of the Falcon 9 flew again?

- No, not flying.

- For some reason I am not surprised.

- So maybe in the future will fly?

- Then we will return to this conversation.

What else to add to what was said? I apologize to my readers - I made a mistake in my article. He indicated that Musk is transporting his launch vehicles from the factory to the launch complex on the railway. It never occurred to me that the Mask had to use motor transport for this operation. Apparently, the features of US railways do not allow transporting Mask products with their phenomenal longitudinal dimensions.

However, this mistake of mine does not affect the already voiced conclusion that the concept of a launch vehicle with the first stage of multiple use is a mistake. Moreover, I think this is not just me ... The United States and Russia have such a thing as "guaranteed launch payload." This is the payload that a country must put into orbit with an absolute guarantee. As a rule, we are talking about the payload, which allows us to put military satellites into orbit without extreme risk. So, after all the adventures of the Mask with Falcon 9, the Americans removed this honor from the “promising” Falcon Heavy - the launch of military satellites into orbit. It says a lot.

- That is, let Musk continue to play around with reusability, and his Yankee spy satellites will raise ... By the way, what will they raise them?

- One-time "Delta" company Boeing.

This is not economics, this is politics.

- And yet, many fans of Mask believe that the concept of a reusable first stage is extremely progressive, and he himself is a genius.

- From the point of view of a person who knows the inside of the space industry, everything looks different. I, by the way, do not argue with the fact that Musk is a genius. Only his genius lies not in the fact that he sat down and "from scratch" invented everything, but in the fact that he ingeniously plays the role of a top manager of the team of specialists given to him. A team that copes with the optimization of their task to create a reusable launch vehicle.

They were told: "Here you have a production site, and over there, beyond the horizon, is a starting complex." They explained that delivering the launch vehicle from point A to point B will not be burned out either by train or on a barge in water. Only by motor transport and for 7 — 8 days, because you will have to haul with stops, otherwise the product will overlap all the bands tightly on radii and the main achievement of the Mask will not be a reusable level, but reusable traffic jams. And what? His specialists coped. True, for transportation by motor transport, the dimensions of the rocket had to be pulled out into “macaroni” ...

Adherents Mask argue that he will bury our Roscosmos with an economically low price tag for launch services. Guys, if you have overheads consisting in maintaining a bench economy, R & D, etc., that is, “all the roots” are removed from the company, leaving it only “tops”, you can draw any price tag you need in the financial statements launch services. But this is not the economy. This, my dear, is already politics! The Mask project is not economic, it is political. It is for this reason that Ilon Musk still, despite all his failures, rushing forward like a tank and instead of going into a pipe, he dreams of flying to Mars. Accordingly, who will bury someone there will also be a policy.

- Are there any real alternatives to the Mask project? The question, of course, is not about disposable launch vehicles, but about reusable systems.

- Of course have. This, for example, the project Gleb Evgenievich Lozino-Lozinsky ...

- MAX?

- Is he. Multipurpose aerospace system, developed by NPO Molniya. Within the framework of this project, the most problematic part of the Mask concept - the reusable first stage - was replaced by the super-heavy An-225 aircraft. More precisely, developed on the basis of "Mriya" An-325. This carrier aircraft was supposed to raise the spacecraft to the required height. Then the air launch followed, and the spaceplane from the “back” of the aircraft carrier went into orbit.

- Hasn't this project been buried forever under the ruins of the USSR?

- I would not be so categorical. There are just two events that inspire me with optimism.

For starters, I will remind you about Paul allen. This is the same Paul Allen, who is a school friend of our old friend Bill Gates, a co-founder of Microsoft Corporation and a person who has sponsored the creation of Bert Rutan and his Scaled Composites suborbital spacecraft SpaceShipOne. So, Allen in the company with all the same Rutan started the implementation of the project Stratolaunch, which is nothing more than the American reproduction of the ideology of MAX. Instead of a spaceplane there, however, provides for the use of a capsule, but this does not change the essence. There is an unexpected nuance, and perhaps, on the contrary, the expected ... Do you know who should develop the orbital capsule for Stratolaunch? SpaceX Ilona Mask!

Now about the second event. In December 2015, the bankruptcy of NPO Molniya was suddenly suspended. Now "Lightning" is part of the state corporation "Rostec" Chemezovand I very much hope that the old rivalry between rocket engineers and aircraft builders will be overcome for the sake of reanimation of MAKS. Our country has all the necessary resources to do this.

- What will be the approximate financial gain using a system like MAX?

- Starts will fall in price at least twice.
Dear reader, to leave comments on the publication, you must sign in.
  1. +9
    25 May 2016 13: 07
    Waiting for an answer from opusa
    1. +4
      25 May 2016 16: 52
      Quote: potroshenko
      Waiting for a response from Opusa

      Where could it be without him?
      1. What's new? All the same from 2005.16 (vestiFM), I wrote about "vesti"
      WELL SPEND YOUR GUYS (40 minutes)
      MANDATORY, when listening to read this vyser:
      Pasta Monster Ilona Mask, or the logical result of the adventure

      -well removed (forgot smartly so) "fax", "sting faking size 3,7 meters", "Forgot" about the GDU of the lunar module(probably poked in the face with absurdity), removed "sh * t Elon Mac," put cancer on the pentagon. "
      Added Papa / Mom with cryogen Masha, again corrected his biography (Angara)
      2. Delirium and he is in Africa delirium
      Quote: Author
      And from such a monster, Tom Muller, together with a trusted team and in an embrace with a nozzle, escapes to the Mask. In this case, I recall in TRW

      Patentovan nozzle, why run with it? Pay (spear, maybe old stuff), take it, make your Merlin1 D
      Eka not seen:

      about gelding of legends goes ...

      Quote: Author
      - Everyone knows. Not everyone pays attention to the fact that the first two launches of Falcon 1 were paid by the US Department of Defense under the DARPA program according to promising launch vehicles.

      and sho?
      1. How does DARPA decrypt? Agency by promising defense US R&D
      1. 0
        25 May 2016 16: 56
        2. Remind me who "financed and in whose interests were SPKorolev's launches?
        3.Tell, what is "RN" Soyuz "(R-7) or" Proton "ICBM UR-200 (8K81).?
        About the salute "Salute-DOS" and "Diamond"?

        Quote: Author
        It is clear that Mask could never have done anything like this if he had not had support at the highest level.

        Could Korolev be able to? And K. Yangelyay.
        Could Potanin and Prokhorov "just like that" become the owners of Norilsk Nickel?
        And Deripaska, and Abramovich.
        And Chubais (who would have been shot for a long time in a normal country)?
        And it’s good (for them) that they support people like Ilon Mask, and it’s bad (for us) that they support women like Vasiliev (and co), and the heads of Dalspetsstroy D. Savin

        Well, the red beast. where can I live without him (I’m not forgiving him Rusnano to the grave)
        Quote: Author
        At the same time, I remind you, in TRW, Muller was engaged in a hydrogen engine, and Mask resignedly took up Merlin kerosene-oxygen. Hydrogen and kerosene engines are related approximately like Ferrari and Zaporozhets.

        some cretinism.
        1. That hydrogen, that kerosene both LRE.
        2.Type is a specialty in a university: hydrogen LRE and the second specialty Kerosene LRE
        Let me remind you of the "hydrogen" club (the chronology of coverage is saved:
        -Europe (ESA), specifically the French CEP
        - PRC (RN "Chang Zheng-3", 1984)
        -Japan (1986 Japan became the fourth "hydrogen" country. RN "Eich-1)
        -... We are the fifth.
        I don’t know, apparently we didn’t have a hydrogen specialty (Or Ferrari wasn’t produced, xs LRE) belay
        I have a question with the "specialist" from E4
        what specialty and what did A. D. Konopatov and V. S. Rachuk specialize in?
        Well, find work?
        I give a hint - it was created under their guidance RD-0120.

        I will not write further, no time. and pointless. And so the whole nanostat came out
  2. -10
    25 May 2016 13: 17
    Imagine the joy of the latter when Musk on Twitter acknowledged that the first stage of the Falcon 9 landing on ASDS made it so “successful” that it wasn’t suitable for reuse?

    Bullshit. He did not write this.
    1. +8
      25 May 2016 13: 35
      Professor and you would have polytheliums on this rocket into space (with a stage used several times) in 2019
      1. -4
        25 May 2016 13: 52
        Quote: bmv04636
        Professor and you would have polytheliums on this rocket into space (with a stage used several times) in 2019

        I didn’t see his rockets alive, and they feed me well on planet Earth, but I had to test the Mask cars. They are beyond competition. If I could afford it, I would have acquired it without hesitation.
        1. +2
          25 May 2016 14: 08
          Quote: professor
          but Mask cars had to be tested. They are beyond competition.

          ... how long have they tested, under what climatic conditions?
          "They are out of competition" - for there is nothing from a number of worthy cars of all countries and peoples to compare?
          1. +2
            25 May 2016 14: 27
            Quote: Rus2012
            ... how long have they tested, under what climatic conditions?

            Rally Paris-Dakar (just kidding) wink . Standard test drive. Minutes 25-30. City and highway. Dry road, sunny day, happy driver. I don’t remember the temperature, but I think about 25.

            Quote: Rus2012
            "They are out of competition" - for there is nothing from a number of worthy cars of all countries and peoples to compare?

            There is nothing to compare and all my comparisons in favor of Tesla.

            Quote: vodolaz
            It was interesting to read the point of view of a person who understands the topic.

            Yesterday and the day before were articles by Anton. Recommend. He sets out hard, but correctly.
            1. 0
              25 May 2016 14: 31
              Quote: professor
              There is nothing to compare and all my comparisons in favor of Tesla.

              LIST with what compared, announce pliz! ;)
              1. -2
                25 May 2016 14: 34
                Quote: Rus2012
                LIST with what compared, announce pliz! ;)

                Schyassss. With a report in triplicate and statistics in Jump. You start with my youth with Porsche 968M or move on to my student years spent in Germany? wink
                1. +1
                  25 May 2016 14: 56
                  Quote: professor
                  Schyassss. With report in triplicate and statistics in Jump

                  Well Duc!
                  For example, with an approximate mass-draft parameter, comfort, price in this range. About operational costs - just keep silent.

                  I do not think that in terms of controllability and adequacy of the reaction to the driver, the Mask electric cars surpassed XXX in some ways, and in terms of imposingness - Mersam ...
                  1. -3
                    25 May 2016 15: 18
                    Quote: Rus2012
                    I do not think that in terms of controllability and adequacy of the reaction to the driver, the Mask electric cars surpassed XXX in some ways, and in terms of imposingness - Mersam ...

                    Of course surpassed. Want to discuss? Offline (in PM)

                    Quote: Botanologist
                    Next to the Mask, and Archimedes, and Lomonosov, and Korolev - undereducated vocational schools.

                    All mixed in one pile. And Archimedes and the Queen and Lomonosov.

                    Quote: Botanologist
                    That was lucky - to live at the same time as super-megagenia.

                    We were really lucky to live with him in the same era (I do not consider him supergene), since we all will experience the fruits of his activities on ourselves. This is nothing that Lomonosov did not discover for you, not a good organizer of Korolev to whom the Americans and not ancient Archimedes stepped on his heels. This African young guy makes history witnesses of what we were lucky to be. Moreover, he changes our life without making any revolutions. Stubbornly, step by step, destroying the sacred cows.
                    “Will he make his car from scratch?” - Ford, Nissan and others like them laughed at him. Made. Now none of them laughs, and they all smoke nervously on the sidelines.
                    "Will he fly into space?" - the astronauts grinned? They now feel honored to be part of Musk's team.
                    Laughing at his next project?
                    1. +1
                      25 May 2016 16: 32
                      Quote: professor
                      Of course surpassed. Want to discuss? Offline (in PM)

                      ... not guys, I don't want to!
                      I rode enough, not on a test drive, the benefit was such an opportunity, because the corporate fleet consists of many thousands of different cars ... and there are S and E-Class Miles, and the XXX 5-7 series, and Avdotya A6-8 ... So there is some experience.
                      This is enough for me -
                      To make an idea ...
                      I know perfectly well the Merca suspension in the back of the W211, the one on Tesla.
             sorry ...
                      1. +3
                        25 May 2016 20: 07
                        Quote: Rus2012
                        This is enough for me -

                        I myself did not hear Shalayapin, but Rabinovich hummed to me. so Chaliapin burrs and fakes. wink
            2. +1
              25 May 2016 17: 01
              Quote: professor
              Yesterday and the day before were articles by Anton. Recommend. He sets out hard, but correctly.

              1. Have you started reading me? (We parted with the professor on the eternal "Jewish question", or rather, he moved away from me)
              2. It’s hard, Patamushto, I myself am thinner. Because of that I am gaining weight (on topvar)
              3. Your Israeli protege on R turned out to be an atsta, Westinghouse Electric is not of high opinion, but they themselves ...
              The technology of plasma gasification of waste was not launched in Israel?
              Quote: professor
              move on to my student years spent in Germany?

              show the list of vehicles registered in your name (ours, in Germany, Israel), it's simple. will impress.
              I have something to be proud of
        2. +5
          25 May 2016 14: 58
          Quote: professor
          but Mask cars had to be tested. They are beyond competition.

          I read it and think - what an unearthly genius! And rockets, and spaceships, and cars! Well, not self-taught, but the genius of mechanics-thermodynamics-physics of different temperatures-avionics - and more, more, more.
          Next to the Mask, and Archimedes, and Lomonosov, and Korolev - undereducated vocational schools.
          That was lucky - to live at the same time as super-megagenia.
        3. The comment was deleted.
        4. +1
          25 May 2016 18: 54
          Quote: professor
          I didn’t see his rockets alive, and on planet Earth they feed me well ...

          And if is brought into space, fly? wink
      2. +1
        25 May 2016 17: 47
        Quote: bmv04636
        Professor and you would have polytheliums on this rocket into space (with a stage used several times) in 2019

        Well, you all of them, all these fans. Mask immediately killed this question! Like a fly slipper! )))
    2. +2
      25 May 2016 14: 19
      It was interesting to read the point of view of a person who understands the topic.
  3. The comment was deleted.
    1. -10
      25 May 2016 14: 18
      I think that Konanykhin is not a stupid guy (although, of course, he is mean-spirited).

      He knows very well that Space-X is a strong company with a large
      perspective. Which will soon begin to kick out of commercial
      space competitors (among Russians, and French, and the Alliance (Boeing, etc.).
      And these competitors contracted to "throw mud at Mask as much as possible."
      What Konanykhin is trying (not very skillfully) to do.
      1. +7
        25 May 2016 15: 03
        Quote: voyaka uh
        Space-X is a strong firm with great promise. Which will soon begin to knock competitors out of the commercial space

        My friend also strengthened his factory - he went bankrupt, transferring all assets to a small company. And the company has become very successful, by the way. Only the second one he can’t do anymore - he no longer has plants for bankruptcy (sewage losses, so to speak).
        But the USA has it!
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. -1
        25 May 2016 15: 04
        Quote: voyaka uh
        I think that Konanykhin is not a stupid guy (although, of course, he is mean-spirited).

        He knows very well that Space-X is a strong company with a large
        perspective. Which will soon begin to kick out of commercial
        space competitors (among Russians, and French, and the Alliance (Boeing, etc.).
        And these competitors contracted to "throw mud at Mask as much as possible."
        What Konanykhin is trying (not very skillfully) to do.

        Almost knocked out already, here is the situation for 2014 under new contracts. Roscosmos is spinning through Arianspace. Now the situation is moving more and more towards SpaceX
      4. +2
        26 May 2016 20: 26
        Well Konanykhin has no gesheft from Roskosmos. So the topic does not channel. Another thing is that the Mask, if it is considered a classic private company, can simply be destroyed by dumping. For Russia, that cosmos is a loss-making thing and what difference does it make how much to incur losses ... But it makes no sense to do this precisely because all the power of the USA is behind Mask. And the problems in Roscosmos are not only due to the stupidity of management but partly from external interference. Here you can see with unarmed eyes that someone is cleaning the site for the Mask.
  4. +10
    25 May 2016 13: 23
    And yet, many admirers of the Mask believe that the concept of the reusable first stage is extremely progressive, and he is a genius.

    and what can you expect from fans ?!
    what his what Jobs ...
  5. +13
    25 May 2016 13: 28
    And I believe Konanykhin. The engineer simply does not see the accounting component. Here it is, securitization of derivatives. That's why Ilon bought up his own shares. A replacement company to cover real expenses. Nothing changes with them.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +5
        25 May 2016 13: 46
        I remember at the end of the last century there was one "successful company" in the country of eternally green rubles. She even built a power plant in India. What was it called? Do not remind? Something on "E". Most importantly, I remember how she finished. But that didn't stop anyone. Mortgage derivatives also went off with a bang. And the main thing is not clear that you are so alarmed. I'm sitting here. I have no access to Comrade Ilona's accounting department. Or can you tell us why citizen Elon Musk took loans from banks and bought up his own shares?
        1. -1
          25 May 2016 14: 03
          Quote: black
          I remember at the end of the last century there was one "successful company" in the country of eternally green rubles. She even built a power plant in India. What was it called? Do not remind? Something on "E". Most importantly, I remember how she finished. But that didn't stop anyone. Mortgage derivatives also went off with a bang. And the main thing is not clear that you are so alarmed. I'm sitting here. I have no access to Comrade Ilona's accounting department. Or can you tell us why citizen Elon Musk took loans from banks and bought up his own shares?

  6. +9
    25 May 2016 13: 44
    The Mask project is not economic, it is political.

    I agree.
    1. 0
      25 May 2016 23: 50
      Quote: igordok
      The Mask project is not economic, it is political.

      I agree.

      It is just PURE ECONOMIC !!!
      They gave out a kind of "super successful" and project of the "brilliant" Mask (by the way, due to developments, specialists and mat-tech base of NASA, Pentagon, etc.). created an artificially "super promising" company, supposedly private. So:
      I am convinced that in the near future it (SpaceX) will be put up for an IPO (initial public offering) on ​​the largest international platforms. Investors will "bite" and how - this is an investment "almost in a world leader" (well, or almost a leader (allegedly in the future)) ... They will collect a bunch of "yards" and have their own space programs at the expense of international money !!
      That's it! And it is far from the fact that they will be engaged in reusable steps or there "flights to Mars", most likely they will gradually switch to war or other more vital and relevant programs for NASA and the Pentagon.
  7. -20
    25 May 2016 13: 49
    Dmitry Konanykhin is simply jealous of refuting and making fun of what already exists and works - "The engine should be produced in several hundred copies." And do not tell me how many hundreds of copies of RD 180 rocket engines were produced in Russia by the order of the United States for the Atlas 5 and Antares missiles.
    1. +3
      25 May 2016 14: 08
      180 RD engines are not designed and manufactured for American missiles. And the fact that they, and not SpaceX's, are bought by the Americans for themselves, says a lot. But maybe he doesn’t tell you.
      1. 0
        25 May 2016 14: 14
        Very much about
        MOSCOW, May 11 - RIA Novosti. OJSC NPO Energomash sold Russian RD-180 rocket engines for American Atlas-5 launch vehicles for half the cost of their production costs, according to the Russian Audit Chamber.

        RIA Novosti
      2. -3
        25 May 2016 16: 29
        Energomash created the RD 180 engine in 1996 by order of Lockheed Martin - we do not have missiles that use these engines, the creation of the Rus rocket was closed and the United States remains the sole buyer of these engines.
        1. +2
          25 May 2016 16: 45
          Quote: Vadim237
          Energomash created the 180 RD engine in the 1996 year for Lockheed Martin - we don’t have missiles that use these engines,

          ... answer rudely - no desire!
          But -
          RD-180 is designed on the basis of the RD-170 engine used on the Energia and Zenit launch vehicles. Unlike the four-chamber RD-170, the RD-180 engine has two combustion chambers and a new turbopump unit of lower power ...

          I think this is enough so that there are no more questions like: why is there and where ...
          RD-180 - THIS IS "HALF" FROM RD-170, - for those who do not know.

          Even a novice designer and developer understands - when they use the BASIS, as a rule, they rely on statistics and the development of analogues and prototypes ...
          1. -3
            25 May 2016 17: 44
            In fact, the engine was re-created and, accordingly, tested as new.
            1. +3
              25 May 2016 17: 56
              Quote: Vadim237
              In fact, the engine was re-created and, accordingly, tested as new.

              Looks like you don’t understand ...

              There was no need for search research on RD-180. No research on materials. No CSR for the selection of the regimes and parameters of the CS: as for thermal stability, temperature and velocity fields along the path, even for the life of the resource. All this was from previous work on the RD-170!
              And what was:
              - prototyping and general layout of the engine from TWO KS and SOPEL
              - TNA scaling down
              - complex pairing
              - verification of the resource in accordance with the specified TK

              For all this, for the Amer side, the developer was free to enter whatever he wanted into the scope of work. And even formally repeat all the work that was done when creating the RD-170. 3,14 money
      3. +2
        25 May 2016 17: 03
        Quote: black
        180 RD engines are not designed and manufactured for American missiles.

        well, no need to "whistle"
        Project two-chamber engine RD-180 in January 1996 won the competition for the development and supply of engines for the upgraded Atlas II LV Lockheed Martin (USA). The development of RD-180 was conducted in cooperation with Pratt-Whitney (USA), with which NPO Energomash in 1992 concluded an Agreement on joint marketing and licensing of engines NPO Energomash in the USA, and in 1997, he created a joint venture RD AMROSS for marketing and sales of RD-180 engines. In November 1996, fire tests of the RD-180 engine were launched. The first flight of the US Atlas IIIA LV took place on May 24, 2000.

        NGO "Energomash"

        We look ATTENTIVELY at the Hott fire test
  8. +5
    25 May 2016 13: 52
    Crumpled into an accordion and torn useless "reusable" stage of Falcon-9
    1. +3
      25 May 2016 14: 36
      I can throw one more reason for a smile: the most valuable part of the rocket is the engine, it will work more than once in one flight (as if it had been shot and parachuted), but two. And in the second time, it will work without any launch pad with a gas outlet, and additionally fry itself
    2. +1
      25 May 2016 17: 08
      Quote: Operator
      wrinkled in an accordion and torn useless "reusable" stage of Falcon-9

      1. You are a strange person, carrying around with this accordion from article to article.
      2. Where can the "accordion" be poked? I see a crack and peeling paint

      patched up, tinted, painted

      3.Here is the "crumpled"
      but this is a lateral disposable step of union

      "feel the difference"


      Can not be restored! To scrap
      1. -1
        25 May 2016 18: 34
        Opus: "Where can I poke the" accordion "? I see a crack and peeling paint. They will patch up, weld, paint" (C)

        In the photo of the first stage of the Falcon are clearly visible cracks in the plural (didn’t they make out?), fistula (also did not make out?) and waves - harmonic (what did it happen to you peepers - the influence of the Mask? laughing ).

        And do not drag pictures here bent and crumpled third-party rocket fuel tanks.
        1. +1
          25 May 2016 21: 14
          Quote: Operator
          In the photo of the first stage of the Falcon, cracks in the plural are clearly visible (have they not been made out?), A fistula (also not made out?) And the waves are an accordion (what happened to your peepers - the influence of the Mask?

          -cracks I myself claimed
          Quote: opus
          See you a crack and peeling paint

          -Fistula or fistula (fistula - tube) - tobody cavity anal (including pathological) or hollow organs with the external environment or between each other. Usually it looks like a narrow channel lined with epithelium or granulation tissue.

          Fistula of the rectum is a chronic inflammatory process in the anal crypt (deepening of the mucous membrane of the anal canal), intersphincter space and pararectal tissue with the formation of the fistulous course.
          For the life of me I don't see any "rectum, no fistula".
          Are you 2 honey, have you finished?

          Quote: Operator
          and waves - accordion

          nothing that they are so SYMMETRICAL ... oh yes, "factory marriage"?
          wasn't it conceived?
          Quote: Operator
          And do not drag pictures of bent and crumpled third-party rocket fuel tanks here.

          Well, I can’t prove it with fistulas in the anal crypt
          1. +2
            25 May 2016 21: 26
            You have something with understanding today - you don’t catch sarcasm (fistula), confuse the singular (crack) with plural (cracks), do not distinguish bent / creased from corrugated - is it really so that the Mask acts on the brain laughing
            1. +1
              25 May 2016 22: 15
              Quote: Operator
              Something you have today with understanding - do not catch sarcasm (fistula)

              no matter how, I'm not a plumber and not a dohtur.
              Yes and the Falcon step don't get cast
              Quote: Operator
              singular (crack) with plural (cracks) confuse

              I as an operator
              Quote: Operator
              In the photo of the first stage of the Falcon are clearly visible cracks in the plural (didn’t they make out?)

              Quote: Operator
              bent / crumpled from corrugated do not distinguish -

              no, show me BEFORE (harmonica, creasing bending) and i will calm down

              Dafayte !!
              how are the trains there (faxing is measuring 3,7 meters) digging for the transportation of falcons by US rail
              Well or not falcons.
              is there any success?
  9. +8
    25 May 2016 13: 55
    Ok people. I don't think you need to sweat too much over the Mask. After all that the states have issued in terms of promising developments, a reasonable question arises - does Russia need this? So they chased the states in "Star Wars" and what did it give? Everybody knows. Russia goes its own way, over its hill. Let's just see what happens next with SpaceX.
  10. -13
    25 May 2016 13: 56
    Well, after his files about rail transport, could he have read about Falcon 9 so that he wouldn’t write such a thing?
    What about the Mask? Mask at the same time had its own engine, its carrier, its own control system, which is fully integrated and interfaced with the control systems of the cosmodrome at Cape Canaveral and Vanderberg base. Sorry, this does not happen. Control systems are not reconfigurable under the new medium. The entire media interface is limited in a certain way through pipelines, pneumatics, control signals. These are dozens and hundreds of control channels connecting the earth to the side of the rocket ... And then, it turns out, the boy comes Elon Musk, a talented inventor who after 5 years takes out a finished rocket from his pocket and says: “Here you have a rocket that in all respects is already paired with starting complexes Canaveral and Vandenberg »

    Only now, the launch pad was rebuilt for Falcon 9 ....
    On April 25, 2007, the US Air Force leased a complex at SpaceX to launch the Falcon 9 rocket.

    In April 2008, construction began on the ground facilities needed to support the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Renovations included the installation of new liquid oxygen and kerosene tanks and the construction of a hangar for rockets and payload preparation.
    or Vandenberg
    SpaceX began re-equipping the launch pad in early 2011. It was planned to demolish some old equipment, in particular a mobile service tower of vertical assembly and some fuel pipelines. It was also planned to build a new hangar for horizontal assembly of the launch vehicle.
    The work lasted about 2 years and cost the company $ 30 million. The launch pad will be used to launch the payload into the polar orbits using the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launch vehicles.
    The first launch of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle from the SLC-4E launch pad took place on September 29, 2013 at 15:51 UTC. This was the first launch of the new version of Falcon 9 v1.1. The launch vehicle delivered the Canadian satellite CASSIOPE to polar orbit.
    About a one-time appearance.

    and this is only a small part
  11. +2
    25 May 2016 14: 00
    Interesting article good I think the problem of the Americans associated with sending into space the most real "their" carrier rockets - there is a desire to build something of high quality and breakthrough and, on the contrary, there is a desire to become immensely rich.
  12. +16
    25 May 2016 14: 09
    I don’t know, Konanykhin seems to me quite adequate. He especially does not make fun of anyone, on the contrary he repeatedly repeats that from an engineering point of view, the rocket is ingenious. He gives clear reasons why this project will not be cheaper than reusable launches. Quite calmly and without any tantrums, like some of his boorish opponents ...
  13. -1
    25 May 2016 14: 11
    "Only his genius is not that he sat down and invented everything from scratch,
    but in the fact that he brilliantly plays the role of a top manager given to him
    teams of specialists. A team that does a great job of optimizing
    the task set before them to create a reusable launch vehicle "////

    The success of the head of ANY project is this:
    1) find a team of professionals.
    2) find financing
    4) determine the stages and dates
    3) find customers for your product.

    With all this, Elon Musk managed on 100 points.
    1. +6
      25 May 2016 15: 09
      With one caveat: a team of professionals with proper funding, having gone through all the stages on time and received orders for a long time ahead, could not do what was stated.
      I consider all discussions on this topic premature. That's when they will do what is stated (naturally breaking all the deadlines and losing part of the orders, and possibly cargo), then we will talk about genius and so on. By the way, to bring to mind a publicized, but not working project, as practice shows, costs a lot more money than was spent on it earlier. As an example, you can watch the epic with the F-35.
      1. -6
        25 May 2016 16: 33
        And what about the F 35 - it flies well and is already in the series.
        1. 0
          25 May 2016 16: 59
          Quote: Vadim237
          And what about the F 35 - it flies well and is already in the series.

          "flies great", of course :))))))))))))))
          US Decides To Postpone F-35 Final Tests To 2018 Year
          Final tests of the latest multi-functional American F-35 fighter were postponed until the 2018 year, said Frank Kendall, head of the US Army's defense procurement department.

          According to him, the initial tests were planned to be carried out in the middle of the 2017 year, Defense News reports.

          In turn, the head of the F-35 program, Lieutenant General US Air Force Chris Bogdan, said that the tests were planned to start in August or September of the 2017 year, but now the start date is postponed to January-February of the 2018.
          Bogdan said that there is a problem in all 23 aircraft required for testing. According to him, it is necessary to debug the final version of the control system - Block 3F.

          He also said that this problem has nothing to do with the already known problems, because of which the aircraft control system stops working and has to be rebooted.

          Bogdan noted that the supply of operational software Block 3F is postponed until the late fall of 2017 year.
          As observers have repeatedly noted, the American F-35 is "mired in problems." Despite the fact that the production of F-35 does not stop, the Pentagon still can not accurately determine the true capabilities of the aircraft and the appropriateness of its use.
          F-35 was included in the ranking of the most unsuccessful fighters, compiled by the military-political publication of The National Interest.

          1. 0
            25 May 2016 17: 48
            Well, yes, only more than 170 of these aircraft were built and 121 more are under construction - work continues.
            1. -1
              25 May 2016 18: 52
              Quote: Vadim237
              Well, yes, only more than 170 of these aircraft were built and 121 more are under construction - work continues.

              Yes, this is not again the notion of our journalism. From the same opera as Musk claimed that the Falcon 9 stage would not fly.
          2. -1
            25 May 2016 18: 51
            Quote: Rus2012
            "flies great", of course :))))))))))))))
            US Decides To Postpone F-35 Final Tests To 2018 Year

            hmm drag nonsense again?
            This delay in Block 3F, and from summer to late autumn 2017 (until 2018). But the most important adoption of the F-35I will be in Block 3I in August of this year.
            and the original. Final Tests F-35 Block 3Icompleted in April 2016
            "Bogdan has already acknowledged that delivery of the final Block 3F software slipped by four months to late fall 2017 "
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +5
      25 May 2016 15: 12
      Quote: voyaka uh
      The success of the leader of ANY project is this: 1) find a team of professionals.2) find funding4) determine the stages and timelines3) find customers for his product. With all this, Elon Musk managed to get 100 points.

      You forgot a little thing - not to fall under the distribution when the people who gave you 1. project, 2. 3 team. 4 financing. 5 action program. customers - will begin to optimize losses and take profits. How many of them on planes in hard-to-reach places were smashed. crying
    4. +6
      25 May 2016 15: 19
      The success of any effective businessman is as follows:
      1) "please" the decision-maker
      2) to get free of charge developments previously performed at the state expense
      3) rob the industry leading company using government agencies
      4) advertise another "unparalleled" wunderwaffe
      5) to cut with the accomplices state financing
      6) quietly dump to rest.

      With all this, Elon Musk managed on 100 points.
    5. The comment was deleted.
      1. -2
        25 May 2016 15: 44
        Musk engineer, Ph.D. in physics, and even got a doctorate in writing in graduate school, but fell down to do business for reference wink
  14. +1
    25 May 2016 16: 15
    The only project of a real reusable two-stage system for putting spacecraft into low Earth orbit:
    - The Multipurpose Aerospace System (MAKS) with the first aviation stage based on the An-225 and the second rocket stage based on the Buran.

    Chief Designer Gleb Lozino-Lozinsky, head of the Energia-Buran project. All elements of the system have been tested in practice. Actual investments in the project over 10 years amounted to $ 14 billion, the estimated cost of launching a cargo into low-earth orbit is about $ 1000 / kg
    1. -7
      25 May 2016 16: 36
      You can forget about this project forever, this year the largest air launch aircraft will rise in the United States - the same mass as Mriya.
      1. -1
        25 May 2016 18: 44
        Give a link?
        1. -2
          25 May 2016 19: 51
          1. 0
            25 May 2016 20: 20
            Read what Chuck Beam, the head of Stratolaunch Systems (which is developing the second after the Russian project of the aerospace system), said last August: “In 2016, I think, we'll have the aircraft flying ... 80 percent is fabricated now. .. about 40 percent assembled ... we should have final assembly done the end of this year or early next year. "

            Translation: "In 2016, I think we will have an airplane flight ... 80 percent completed now ... about 40 percent assembled ... we should have final assembly at the end of the year or early next year."
            1. -2
              25 May 2016 20: 57
              Anyway - the plane is already being built.
  15. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. -2
        26 May 2016 01: 27
        At least SpaceX shows its future financial success by work, this year Falcon Heavy rocket and Dragon V2 manned spacecraft should fly, and of course this company will increase its capital and perhaps in the future will even become a giant like BAE Systems - only in space orientation and indeed, that it will not be invested in - there will be no end to those who wish.
  16. +5
    25 May 2016 20: 31
    I do not quite understand any "Opuses" - which foaming at the mouth prove, compare, in a hidden form insult those who declare the obvious things!
    It reminds me of 2010-2013, when the first devastating articles on "shale technologies" began to appear, which said that it was a soap bubble, giveaway from conspired statistical agencies, financiers and politicians, with the sole purpose of "creating an imaginary leap forward, which will knock out support from under the feet of competitors. "
    We have already begun to see what has actually happened, and how it can backfire for the "shale producers" themselves and those territories where they pumped billions of tons of poison into the bowels under enormous pressure.
    Where are those who praised all this? That's right, they stuck their tongue into the loin and they cannot be heard ... they are sitting at the statistics of earthquakes staring ...
    And that’s how admirers of the Mask will be by the year 20 - to keep silence in sorrow ...
  17. 0
    25 May 2016 22: 54
    Quote: opus
    "Proton" MBR UR-200 (8K81)

    Anton, you have a slight inaccuracy. UR-200 (8K81) - is not "Proton".
    "Proton" - he "Ural" (EMNIP) had the designation UR-500 and 8K82. And so everything is exactly - in whose interests ....
  18. 0
    19 January 2022 05: 37
    2022 is here! I read Konanykhin's article with pleasure and laughed at the stupidity of ov and Musk personally! Looking forward to new cuts!