La Fighter 7

The La-7 fighter was developed at the S. A. Lavochkin Design Bureau in the 1943 year. It is a further development of the fighter La-5FN. Since it was not possible to install a more powerful engine, it was only possible to improve flight performance by improving aerodynamics and reducing weight. Together with TsAGI specialists, a set of measures to improve aerodynamics was carried out: the airframe and the rotor-engine group were sealed, the landing gear niches were completely closed, the oil radiator was moved under the fuselage, the wing's shape was improved, the engine hood was modified. Lend-lease deliveries and the organization of aluminum production in the depths of the USSR allowed it to be more widely used in aircraft construction. The mere replacement of wooden wing spars for duralumin with steel shelves allowed to save 100 kg (drawings of metal spars were developed in summer 1943 of the year at plant No.381 under the direction of PDGrushin). In January, the 1944 of the year at the plant No. 21 produced the aircraft La 5 Reference Standard 1944. February 2 test pilot GM Shiyanov first raised him to the sky. Two weeks later, 16 February, the plane was transferred to state tests. After testing, the aircraft was launched into a series in May 1944, under the designation La 7. By November, he completely ousted on the conveyor belt La-5FN.

La-7 is built on the aerodynamic configuration of the cantilever low plane. Fuselage-type semi-monocoque. The wing is equipped with automatic slats. Three-support chassis with retractable tail wheel. The power plant consisted of a piston star-shaped air-cooled engine ASH-82FN with a three-blade propeller of variable pitch VISH-105В. Armament consisted of 2 synchronous guns ShVAK or SP-20. Part of the aircraft production plant number 381 3 equipped with guns UB-20.

There were the following modifications:

* La-5 standard 1944 g. - prototype. Made in January 1944. The first flight of 2 February is 1944 of the year.
* La-7 - serial fighter. Produced since May 1944.
* La-7 M-71 - experienced with an M-71 engine. Made in 1944 year.
* La-7 ASH-83 ("120", La-120) - experienced with ASH-83 engine. Notable for new wing. Armament consisted of 2 cannon NS-23. Manufactured at the end of the year.
* La-7 with PvRD - experienced with 2 pulsating D-10 thruster.
* La-7Р - experienced with the additional liquid-reactive accelerator RD-1 (RD-1ХЗ). In January, the 1945 was refitted 2 aircraft.
* La-7TK - experienced with 2 turbochargers TK-3. July-August 1944 produced 10 aircraft.
* La-XNUMHUTI - training. Notable for a double cabin, a non-retractable tail wheel, the lack of bulletproof glass, bronespinka, right gun.
* La-126 ("126") - experienced, prototype La-9. Notable for the design of the wing with molded parts of the electron, the shape of the lamp. Armament consisted of 4 cannon NS-23. Manufactured at the end of the year.
* La-126 RAMJET - experienced with 2 additional direct-flow WFD-430 under the wing. Converted from La 126 to 1946.

La-7 aircraft is considered one of the best fighters of the Second World War. He was an aces plane. Not without reason, Guards regiments were equipped with them first of all (176 Gviap received them first). La-7 could fight on equal terms with Me-109 and FW-190. He excelled Me-109G in horizontal and vertical maneuvers. Up to a height of 3500 m, and FW-190 - in the whole range of heights. "Focke-Wulf" had the advantage only in the speed of a dive, which the Germans used to carry their legs in time. It was on La-7 that the war of the three times Hero of the Soviet Union I.N. Kozhedub ended the war. Now this aircraft (airborne No.27) is exported to the Air Force Museum in Monino.

Production of the La-7 continued until the 1945 year. A total of three plants (№21 in Gorky, №99 in Ulan-Ude and №381 in Nizhny Tagil) produced 5905 aircraft. From 15 September to 15 October 1944, the first 30 serial aircraft passed military trials in the 65 guiap. In 47, air battles over the territory of Lithuania were shot down by 55 of enemy aircraft with the loss of their 4 (all due to engine failures). Later, La-7 was used in ever-increasing quantities on all fronts until the end of the war. Dismissed in 1947 year. In addition to the Red Army, the La 7 aircraft were in service with the Czechoslovak air force (up to the 1950 year).

On La-7, rammed: Glinkin, SG, Golovachev, P.Ya., Elkin, VI, Masterkov, AB, Semenov, V.G.

Destination: Fighter, fighter-bomber, interceptor, scout
Country: USSR
First flight: January 1944
Adopted: May 1944
Manufacturer: NPO Lavochkina
Total built: 5753
Crew: 1 people
Max. speed at the ground: 597 km / h
Max. speed at height: 680 km / h
Range of flight: 635 km
Service ceiling: 10750 m
Rate of climb: 1098 m / min
Length: 8,60 m
Height: 2,54 m
Wingspan: 9,80 m
Wing area: 17,5 m²
Empty: 2605 kg
Equipped: 3265 kg
Max. takeoff: 3400 kg
Power point
Engines: ASH-82FN
Traction (power): 1850 hp (1380 kW)
Cannon armament: 2x20 mm ShVAK cannon or 3x20 mm Berezina B-20 cannon
Number of suspension points: 2
2x FAB-50 or FAB-100 as well as incendiary ZAB-50 or ZAB-100
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  1. dred
    30 November 2011 13: 47
    Nice list of modifications.
    1. 0
      5 September 2012 00: 33
      The glider was painfully made of high quality, so it was a sin not to use such a gift and not to try a bunch of options on it!
    2. 0
      6 January 2016 09: 26
      They are all experienced. There was no suitable engine.
      1. -1
        6 March 2020 02: 43
        However, the USSR did not send 2397 King Cobras and 1200 Spitfires received under Lend-Lease to the front, but kept them for the post-war period. Their characteristics - in terms of range, maximum altitude and armament - were superior to the Soviet ones.
        1. 0
          17 June 2020 18: 03
          Spitfires all went to air defense because of higher altitudes than ours ..