Folk hero Kuzma Minin and Smoot

Those good fellows have risen
Raised those of Russia faithful,
What Pozharsky prince with a merchant Minin,
Here are two falcons, here are two clear,
Here are two pigeons, here are two true,
They rose suddenly, let go.
Get rid of army, army last.

From a folk song.

400 years ago, on May 21, 1616, Kuzma Minin passed away. The Russian hero, who, along with Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, led the popular resistance to the invasion of the interventionists and the betrayal of the Moscow "elite" ("seven-boyars"), who invited the Polish prince to the Russian throne. Minin became one of the most famous national heroes of the Russian people. The sacred names of Minin and Pozharsky forever entered historical the memory of the Russian superethnos, becoming symbols of popular resistance to national traitors and external invaders. The victory was bought at a high price, but it allowed to preserve Russian statehood and eventually return all the lands that remained under the rule of the enemy. In the most difficult moments of our history, the names of Minin and Pozharsky are a sacred example for us and inspire us to fight, as was the case during the difficult years of World War II. When German-European hordes stood under the walls of Moscow and Leningrad, on November 7, 1941, the whole power heard on the Red Square the words of the Soviet leader Stalin, addressed to the people and heroic defenders of the socialist Fatherland: “May the courageous image of our great ancestors inspire you in this war - "Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov."

On the premises of the Troubles

Distemper in Russia has traditionally been caused by two leading reasons. First, these are the treacherous actions of a part of the “elite” that put its personal, narrow-group interests above national interests. At first the traitors were able to exterminate the ruling dynasty of Rurikovich, and then the Godunovs who took their place, who also participated in this fight. Secondly, these are active subversive actions of the West - then in the person of Catholic Rome, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden. The West supported the actions of traitors and impostors, and then, when the defenses of Russia were undermined, moved to an open invasion in order to eliminate Russian statehood, civilization and the “Russian question” as a whole.

Under Ivan the Terrible, who died in 1584, Russia practically restored the empire within the boundaries of the Scythian period. Statehood, autocracy was strengthened, which was accompanied by a merciless struggle with the decaying "elite" - princes and boyars, who did not see further their inheritances and patrimonies. Only a single Russian empire could count on the preservation of its independence, in the conditions of existence in the ring of enemies, cultural and economic growth. It is clear that the historically progressive process of growth of the power of the Russian state and the superethnos of the Rus provoked fierce resistance from the enemies of uniting and strengthening Russia. And there were a lot of them: powerful Rome, the then “command post” of Western civilization, which directed the actions of the powerful Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which seized the vast West Russian lands; Polish tycoons who want to maintain domination over Western Russia and dream of robbing the Russian lands; the Crimean khans, supported by the mighty Porte and dreaming to recapture Astrakhan, Kazan and again turn Russia into a tributary; Sweden, which fought for supremacy in the Baltic States and other West European adventurers. The Jesuit Order, in fact, the Vatican secret service, was actively rushing into the Russian lands in order to extend the authority of the Pope of Rome.

As a result, the national independence of the Russian state was affirmed in constant combat with external enemies. Russia had major national tasks: the return of vast West Russian lands, which came under the rule of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; return of the exit to the Baltic and Russian (Black) seas; the elimination of the Crimean parasitic public education; continuation of the movement to the east, the development of Siberia. So, a particularly stubborn struggle broke out for access to the Baltic Sea. The Livonian War, launched by Ivan the Terrible in 1558, the Russian state had to wage against a powerful coalition of countries - Livonia, Denmark, Sweden and Poland. Their forces were staffed mainly by the Germanic and other mercenaries. De facto, Russia opposed the forces of the West. The war was fought under the conditions of a most cruel and stubborn struggle inside the country — with boyar conspiracies and betrayals that were aimed at weakening the autocracy and restoring the orders of the period of feudal fragmentation. At the same time, Moscow had to keep the Southern front - against the Crimean horde, supported by the forces of Turkey.

The beginning of the Troubles

The Livonian war, which lasted more than twenty years, the constant raids of the Crimean khans dealt a strong blow to the economy of Russia. However, the Russian state has withstood these tests. The problem was that, apparently, Ivan the Terrible was poisoned and his posterity, the healthy heirs, was tormented. After the death of Ivan IV the Terrible, the royal throne passed to his painful son Fyodor, who was not able to govern such a huge state. All the threads of management passed to the relatives of the king and the boyars. Boyar Boris Godunov was especially distinguished, whose sister (Xenia) was married to Tsar Fedor. In fact, Godunov was the sovereign ruler of Russia. He, of course, stood out among the leaders of the boyars with his lust for power, intelligence and state abilities, and already under Grozny was one of his closest associates.

During this period, the struggle inside the ruling elite became active again. The princes and the boyars naturally decided that now was a favorable moment to take advantage of the weakness of the new tsar and take revenge, restore their former power, regain their lost political and economic power in Grozny. For this, the death of Tsarevich Dmitry was used. Dmitry is the son of Grozny from the last wife, Maria Nagaya, and Fedor is from Anastasia Romanova. When Fyodor occupied the royal throne, Nude and a two-year-old prince left for the city of Uglich, where he was brought up. 15 May 1591, a nine-year-old Dmitry, was found dead in the courtyard, with a knife in his throat. The commission of inquiry appointed by Godunov concluded that he was killed in an accident. In the compiled act it was indicated that while playing with his peers, the prince himself came across a knife in a fit of epilepsy. Is it really so, according to the preserved historical documents, it is difficult to establish. According to the chroniclers, Dmitri died at the hands of hired killers sent by Godunov. They were immediately torn to pieces by the inhabitants of Uglich.

The death of Tsarevich Dmitry, who was the main challenger in the struggle for the throne, was used by the enemies of Godunov in the confrontation with him. Rumors about the deliberate murder of a young prince spread through towns and villages. In 1597, King Fedor died, leaving no heir. In the midst of the boyars-princely nobility, a fierce struggle began for the royal throne, the winner in which Boris Godunov went out, relying on the support of the nobility. On his election as king, a contemporary wrote: “The great fears seized the boyars and courtiers. They constantly expressed a desire to elect Fyodor Nikitich Romanov as the tsar. ” Godunov “cleared out” obvious opponents, but most of them only lurked. Thus, Godunov won up in the elite fight for power, but his opponents continued their activities.

In the meantime, life of ordinary people has deteriorated sharply. During the years of the Godunov rule, by the end of the 16th century, the curb duties of the peasants grew almost threefold, and the best of their land and land were expropriated by the landowners. The serfdom of the peasants intensified: now both the boyars and noblemen could dispose of them arbitrarily. The peasants complained that the landlords "beat them and robbed their property and repaired all sorts of violence." They did not have the right to leave their master after the abolition of St. George’s Day.

The flight of peasants, small townspeople and serfs to the outskirts of the Russian state — to the Volga region, to the Don, Yaik (Urals) and the Terek, in Zaporizhia, to the North and to Siberia is intensifying. Active people fled from the arbitrariness of the boyars and landowners on the outskirts, which increased the possibility of beginning civil confrontation. Free people - Cossacks, engaged in various crafts, trade and raided the neighboring states and tribes. They lived in self-governing communities, founding their settlements (villages, settlements, hamlets) and became a serious military force that worried not only the Crimea, Turkey and Poland, but also Moscow. Free Cossacks worried Moscow government. However, at the same time, the government of Godunov was forced to resort to the help of the Cossacks in repelling the raids of the Crimean Tatars, paying them for this sovereign's salary "for service", providing them with "fiery potion" and bread. The Cossacks became a shield (and, if necessary, the sword) of the Russian state in the fight against the Crimea and Turkey. Part of the Cossacks, although they entered the service in the garrisons of the Ukrainian cities (the so-called southern frontier cities; from the word "outskirts", "Ukraine-Ukraine"), but retained their autonomy.

By the beginning of the 17th century, the situation of the working people had further deteriorated due to the succession of natural disasters and crop failures, which in the conditions of Russia led to famine. In 1601, the crops were flooded with heavy rain. The following year was equally severe. In the 1603 year, now from a severe drought, the crops were also destroyed. The country was struck by a terrible famine and the plague that accompanied it. People ate everything that could somehow satisfy their hunger - quinoa, tree bark, grass ... There were cases of cannibalism. According to contemporaries, only in Moscow 127 perished from hunger thousands of people. To save themselves from starvation, peasants and townspeople left their homes. Crowds of people filled the roads, rushing to the Don and the Volga or to major cities.

Despite the poor harvest, the country had enough grain stocks to prevent hunger. They were in the bins of the rich. But the boyars, landowners and large merchants did not care about the suffering of the people, they sought personal enrichment and sold bread at fabulous prices. In a short time, the price of bread has increased tenfold. So, before 1601, the 4 centner of rye cost 9 — 15 kopecks, and during the famine a quarter (centner) of rye cost more than three rubles. In addition, the landowners and boyars, in order not to feed the hungry people, often themselves drove their peasants from their lands, without issuing to them, however, holiday letters. And also driven slaves to reduce the number of mouths in the economy. It is clear that this led not only to hunger and the mass movement of the population, but also to a sharp increase in crime. People were knocked down, robbed merchants, merchants. Often, they created quite large detachments that attacked estates, boyar estates. Armed detachments of starving peasants and serfs (among them were battle serfs — military servants of the masters, with combat experience) acted under Moscow itself, creating a serious threat to the state itself. Especially large was the uprising of the Cotton Kosolapa.

Fearing rebellion, the king ordered to give out bread from state stocks in Moscow for free. However, clerks (officials), in charge of distribution, engaged in bribery and cheated in every way, enriched by the sufferings of the people. In addition, the boyars hostile to Godunov took advantage of the moment and tried to direct the people's anger against the tsar, began to spread rumors that God had sent the famine as punishment to Boris, who had killed Prince Dmitry in order to seize the royal throne. Such rumors were widely spread among the illiterate population. Thus, the measures taken by Godunov practically did not alleviate the situation of the common people and even caused new problems.

Government troops brutally suppressed the uprising. However, the situation was getting out of control. Some cities began to refuse to submit to the government. Among the rebel cities were such important centers of the south of the country as Chernihiv, Putivl and Kromy. A wave of uprisings swept across the Don region, the Volga region. Cossacks, who were organized military forces, began to join the rebel peasants, serfs, and the urban poor. The uprising was widespread in the Seversk Ukraine, in the southwestern part of the country, bordering the Rzeczpospolita.

It is clear that the Roman throne and its tools - Polish magnates and pans, thirsting for new seizures and revenues, vigilantly followed the events in the Russian state. They were waiting for the moment when Russia-Russia will weaken and it will be possible to rob her, dismember and spread Catholicism with impunity. The Polish gentry were especially interested in Smolensk and Chernihiv-Seversk land, which were already part of the Commonwealth. Similar plans regarding Russia were built by the ruling circles of Sweden, who had long dawned on the northwestern and northern lands of their eastern neighbor.

At that time of troubles, Kuzma Minin was already a middle-aged man. His full name is Kuzma Minich (Minin's son) Zakharyev-Sukhoruk. His date of birth is unknown. It is believed that Minin was born between 1562 and 1568 in the year in the small Volga city of Balakhna, in a family of salt miners. There is no information about his early years. Minin lived in the lower trading tenements of Nizhny Novgorod and was a poor man. He was engaged in petty trade - he sold meat and fish. Like his future combat Ally (Pozharsky), he was a staunch patriot, the spokesman of the Russian national character and the troubles of the Fatherland he took with all his heart, for which the townspeople respected Kuzma, believed him.

Folk hero Kuzma Minin and Smoot

K. Makovsky. Minin's Call

False Dmitriy

Imposture as a phenomenon of Russian history appeared, apparently, because of two main reasons. First, the people wanted to see a kind and “real” king who would solve the accumulated problems. And the rumors about the involvement of Godunov in the death of Dmitry made him into the eyes of ordinary people "unreal" king. Secondly, it was a sabotage of Western opponents of Russian civilization. The masters of the West decided to use their henchmen disguised as a “legitimate” power to turn Russia into their periphery. Impostors, posing as sons and grandsons of Ivan the Terrible, promised to satisfy the people's aspirations with words, in fact they acted as clever demagogues who pursued alien interests and their personal ones.

A person of Russian origin who went down in history under the name of False Dmitriy appeared for the first time in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery in 1602. There he “discovered” his “royal name” to the monks. Those expelled the impostor. Similarly, Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky, the Kiev voivod, did the same when the guest declared his “royal origin.” Then he appeared in Bratchina - the estate of Prince Adam Vishnevetsky, one of the largest Polish magnates. Here the fugitive from the Russian state announced that he had miraculously escaped the younger son of Ivan the Terrible - Tsarevich Dmitry. Adam Vishnevetsky delivered the “prince” to his brother - the Kremenets headman, Prince Konstantin, the largest tycoon of Poland. And that - to his father-in-law of the Sandomierz voivode Yuri Mnishek. Polish king Sigismund III began to convince the royal origin of the Moscow fugitive. The papal nuncio in Krakow Rangoni immediately sent to Rome the appropriate dispatch.

The news of the "Tsarevich" Dmitry quickly spread and reached Moscow. In response, Moscow announced that under the guise of a self-styled prince a young Galich nobleman Yury Bogdanovich Otrepyev was hiding, having received the name of Gregory after being tonsured to the monastery. He was in the service of Nikita Romanovs. When the conspirators of the Romanovs were exposed, Yuri (in monasticism — Gregory) Otrepiev cut his monastic vows.

In the West, they quickly realized the benefits they could extract from the “prince”. Rome planned to extend its spiritual power to the Moscow "heretics", and Polish magnates drew on the rich Russian lands. Therefore, the impostor received support at the highest level. The Vishnevetsky and Mniszhek wanted to correct their money affairs during the war, and in March 5 1604, Gregory was received by King Sigismund III and the Roman ambassador. Soon the False Dmitry, at their insistence, converted to Catholicism, performing secretly from all the necessary rites. He writes a loyal message to Pope Clement VIII, asking for help to fight for the Moscow throne, slavishly assuring the pope of his submission, in full readiness to diligently serve God and Rome. The court of inquisitors of the Catholic Church, who met in Rome, approved the message of the “prince” and advised the pope to respond favorably to him. 22 May 1604, Clement VIII sent his letter to the "beloved son and noble signor." In it, the pope blessed the impostor for feats and wished him complete success in business. Thus, Grishka Otrepiev received the support of the most powerful force in the West - the papal throne. And the Commonwealth, where the Catholic Church was the leading force, was an obedient tool in the hands of the conceptual center of Western civilization. In addition, the Pans dreamed of war, a great plundering of the Russian lands.

And the most ardent support for the impostor was provided by Mr. Yuri Mniszek, an ambitious and mercenary man, who saw in the impostor his chance to elevate his kin. In the house of the tycoon, Gregory became interested in the daughter of Sandomierz governor Marina. Marina and her father agreed to the Falsdmitry’s official proposal to marry him only after the “prince” gave the magnate’s family a promissory note promising to pay a huge sum of money - one hundred thousand zlotys to the future father-in-law. Also, the impostor vowed to endow Marina with extensive land in the Russian state. Soon, he promised Yuri Mnishek to give "for all time" the lands of Smolensk and Seversky principalities. False Dmitry I issued promissory notes also to the Polish king and pope. As a result, King Sigismund III allowed the nobility to join the impostors. The invasion army began to take shape.
Otrepiev and the Polish gentry understood that the deterioration of the socio-economic situation of the Russian state and popular uprisings would contribute to the invasion. However, the external invasion still seemed an adventure, Russia was too strong. There were few mercenaries and adventurers, nobody wanted to allocate money for a full-fledged army. In the Polish Sejm did not support the war. Sigismund was not very popular, it was hampered by the peace treaty concluded with 22, with Moscow. Part of the magnates advocated its observance. The situation was complicated in the Western Russian regions (modern Ukraine and Belarus), which were mercilessly exploited by the Polish panami, where unrest and rebellion constantly flared up. The war was advancing with Sweden, to the throne of which claimed Sigismund III. But the main thing - the Polish elite was afraid of the power of Russia. It was necessary to cause a civil war that would get the support of large sections in Russia itself. Therefore, the impostor turned for help to the Cossacks and the Don Cossacks, dissatisfied with the policies of Tsar Boris. The false Dmitry did not stint promises.

The emergence of the "real" king shook the Russian state and especially its outskirts. On the Don reacted positively to the appearance of the "prince". In recent years, thousands of runaway peasants and lackeys who have experienced great oppression by the government of Godunov have gathered here. Donets sent to the impostors messengers. They said that the Don Army would take part in the war with Godunov, the offender of the “legal prince”. The impostor immediately sent his standard to the Don - a red banner with a black eagle. In other areas and cities, the impostor distributed “lovely letters” and letters, addressing them to boyars, okolnichi, nobles, merchants and black people. He urged them to kiss him on the cross, “to postpone from the traitor Boris Godunov,” promising that no one would be executed for his former service, that the boyars would grant old patrimonies, noblemen and command people to show mercy, will give relief in duties and taxes. Thus, the impostor (and the forces behind him) achieved victory not so much weaponshow much with the help of "information weapons" - "royal" of their promises.

To be continued ...
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  1. +7
    21 May 2016 06: 54
    Minin and Pozharsky made a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the Russian state, if it weren’t for them, how everything would have turned in the war with Poland.
    1. +1
      21 May 2016 08: 53
      Quote: Spartanez300
      Minin and Pozharsky made a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the Russian state, if it weren’t for them, how everything would have turned in the war with Poland.

      Quote: Volga Cossack
      Monument to Minin on the eponymous square in Nizhny ........ by the way, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky should also be in Nizhny from the very beginning - now there is a copy - the original on Red Square.

      A monument to such people should stand in the very center of Red Square, and not monuments to the Elzman and other evil spirits
      1. avt
        21 May 2016 12: 12
        Quote: sherp2015
        A monument to such people should stand in the very center of Red Square, and not monuments to the Elzman and other evil spirits
        And he stood in front of the GUM in Moscow, the Bolsheviks moved - they prevented large-scale parades. Again, did I miss something in Moscow ??? wassat When is it a monument to EBNu piled on Red Square in Moscow ???
      2. +7
        21 May 2016 16: 06
        sherp2015 "A monument to such people should stand in the very center of Red Square."
        And this is what ????)))) Well, you give a damn wrestlers with communism.)))
      3. +1
        31 May 2016 15: 04
        space-time shift? or just memory in a virtual cloud crashes?
        I strongly advise you to go to Moscow - scatter your lags-glitches there. Just walk around, take a walk along Red Square, and everything will fall into place. At least in understanding where to whom and what monuments should stand and stand ...
      4. The comment was deleted.
  2. +6
    21 May 2016 06: 57
    Monument to Minin on the eponymous square in Nizhny ........ by the way, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky should also be in Nizhny from the very beginning - now there is a copy - the original on Red Square.
  3. +6
    21 May 2016 06: 59
    here is this very copy. Nizhny Novgorod.
  4. +6
    21 May 2016 08: 11
    Unfortunately, everything is repeated. Only Minin is not visible.
    1. avt
      21 May 2016 12: 21
      Quote: alekc73
      Unfortunately, everything is repeated. Only Minin is not visible.

      Minkin from MK is not enough for you? bully
      Quote: Damask
      May release

      Here is Pozharkin with a crossbow just missing in a pair of Minkmeu. With all his previous service, here's the bottom line from him is the leader .... well, on a par with Zyuganov. Of course it is lush, but in profile the same eggs. Aaaaaa! Put Girkin on a banner too! laughing Moreover, this mu-u-uddry leader actually already, "Molbruk got ready for the campaign, ate sour cabbage soup" - he created a whole Committee on January 25 and announced a campaign for "the liberation of the Russian people from Brest to Vladivostok." , violent recruit, well, those who trample on the newly created National Guard under the command of Zolotov with Michael of Kent in their hearts, well, as there is a candidate for the king from Girkin and Belkovsky, and with the same Girkin at his general staff on January 25.
  5. +8
    21 May 2016 08: 20
    May release
    1. +3
      21 May 2016 08: 55
      Quote: Damask
      May release

      It is high time!
      and then any Semiboyarschina-Semibankirshchina-Oligarchs climbs to rule the country
      1. +4
        21 May 2016 09: 59
        Do you offer rebellion, senseless and merciless? Well, yes, for our partners, the civil war in Russia
        1. -1
          22 May 2016 12: 34
          About the meaninglessness of the rebellion, said the one who ate frogs, and dabbled in the ass?
          1. 0
            22 May 2016 13: 07
            "God forbid to see a Russian revolt, senseless and merciless!"
            From the story (chap. 13) “The Captain's Daughter” (1836) by A. S. Pushkin.
            1. -2
              22 May 2016 14: 55
              Someone who learned to speak French earlier than Russian and was a freemason - yes, of course.
              For which, when trying to leave the box, he was killed by d'Anthes
              1. 0
                22 May 2016 15: 00
                Quote: Fegelein
                For which, when trying to leave the box, he was killed by d'Anthes

                Name the source?
                Quote: Fegelein
                and dabbled in the ass

                And this too?
                1. -1
                  22 May 2016 15: 09
                  At the bottom, they forgot to ask about the "Novgorod heresy" ...

                  This one was probably not there, but the admission to the party of Masons implies all sorts of rites, and the Russian nobility until Nicholas I was almost all Masonic.
                  1. +1
                    22 May 2016 15: 16
                    That is, you do not really know anything, but declare. It’s familiar.
                    1. -2
                      22 May 2016 15: 22
                      And long ago in these same Masons accepted?
                      1. 0
                        22 May 2016 15: 55
                        I repeat - the source of the dirt that you wrote about Pushkin?
                      2. -3
                        22 May 2016 21: 27
                        Sul around everything about 15 years ago ...

                        The same Russified as this poet and broke with Freemasonry Nicholas I received the Crimean War for this, and in the course of it somehow strangely caught a cold.
                        Repeat to your wife, and keep this in mind
                      3. The comment was deleted.
                      4. 0
                        22 May 2016 21: 43
                        Quote: Fegelein
                        Sul around everything about 15 years ago ...

                        And what does it mean? You clearly know the Russian language worse than Pushkin.
                        Quote: Fegelein
                        The same Russified as this poet and broke with Freemasonry Nicholas I

                        I repeat - where is the source of the dirt that you wrote about Pushkin?
                        Quote: Fegelein
                        repeat to your wife, and keep this in mind

                        That is nothing to say?
                      5. -1
                        22 May 2016 22: 01
                        Follow yours. Those who are taken through the mud, those who stupidly stumbles for a long time do not hold and there is only one way out.
                      6. +1
                        22 May 2016 22: 37
                        Quote: Fegelein
                        Follow yours.

                        I am trying. Unlike you.
                        Quote: Fegelein
                        To whom they take through the mud, those who

                        I repeat - where is the source of the dirt that you wrote about Pushkin?
                      7. -2
                        23 May 2016 01: 42
                        Follow your efforts. With himself, with an intelligent person?
                      8. 0
                        23 May 2016 05: 29
                        Quote: Fegelein
                        With himself, with an intelligent man

                        I repeat - where is the source of the dirt that you wrote about Pushkin?
                      9. 0
                        23 May 2016 11: 07
                        You wrote about Pushkin. If the wife is deaf - ask the mother-in-law ... Russian revolt senseless why?
                      10. 0
                        23 May 2016 20: 31
                        Quote: Fegelein
                        You wrote about Pushkin.

                        Truth? And what's that?
                        Quote: Fegelein
                        Someone who learned to speak French earlier than Russian and was a freemason - yes, of course.
                        Do not you remember what you write?
                        Quote: Fegelein
                        Why is Russian revolt senseless?

                        One of the consequences, so to speak, is nowhere fresh
                        In Kiev, declared the bankruptcy of the Pension Fund of Ukraine ...
                      11. -1
                        23 May 2016 21: 48
                        But nothing - you keep track of your memory and so read.
                        You didn't answer. Russian revolt against whom? Russian revolt is senseless why? Merciless for whom? Why Russian, and not peasant or "village workers"?
                      12. 0
                        23 May 2016 21: 48
                        But nothing - you keep track of your memory and so read.
                        You didn't answer. Russian revolt against whom? Russian revolt is senseless why? Merciless for whom? Why Russian, and not peasant or "village workers"?
  6. +4
    21 May 2016 08: 43
    Quote: Samsonov Alexander
    ... The masters of the West decided to use their proteges disguised as “legitimate” authorities to turn Russia into their periphery ...

    And they succeeded. In the end, the Romanov and Nikon dynasty with their reforms appeared in power ...
    1. -5
      21 May 2016 09: 24
      The main sponsors and inspirers of the turmoil were the Romanovs. They then seized power in the country. And Minin and Pozharsky were just their weapons in the struggle for power. Then the grateful Romanovs even erected a monument to them. Like the current Ukrainian fascists to the victims of the hundreds of heaven.
  7. +6
    21 May 2016 09: 07
    I am sure that this time is like a LESSON for all time ". It shows who is what and with whom .. No matter how many hundreds of years have passed, the scheme of struggle with Russia remains exactly the same on the stage. The events of those days can be the MAIN LESSON for the POWER and the people RUSSIA, ... which was forgotten in 1917 ... It is a pity that LESSONS of history remain many stupid school hours ...
  8. -7
    21 May 2016 09: 20
    The author of the article sees the causes of turmoil through the current realities, but I have a different point of view from the author on the causes of the turmoil in the Russian state. I consider the endless wars waged by Ivan the Fourth with his neighbors and which led to the impoverishment of the population to be the main reason. executions of the inner circle led to a hundred of the Russian elite lacking respect for written or unwritten laws and norms, which was the main reason that prompted Boris Godunov to organize the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry.
    1. +1
      21 May 2016 11: 31
      Quote: razmik72
      who pushed Boris Godunov to organize the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry.

      Have you ever live epileptic seizure / the prince was an epileptic / observed? Shots from the movie "Cleopatra" please do not cite as an example, a pale copy ... Did you observe an epileptic seizure with a person who was just adequate? The child was played with a knife / seizure / injury / death. What does Godunov have to do with it?
      1. 0
        21 May 2016 11: 51
        Quote: V.ic
        Quote: razmik72
        who pushed Boris Godunov to organize the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry.

        Have you ever live epileptic seizure / the prince was an epileptic / observed? Shots from the movie "Cleopatra" please do not cite as an example, a pale copy ... Did you observe an epileptic seizure with a person who was just adequate? The child was played with a knife / seizure / injury / death. What does Godunov have to do with it?

        My friend is an epileptic, he hasn’t stabbed himself yet, I’ve met epileptics a lot, they’ve adapted to this life and live, they don’t bother, they don’t cut their throats themselves. maybe in Rome few knew that he was an epileptic fellow .
        1. +1
          21 May 2016 14: 07
          Unfortunately, an epileptic can injure himself and cause serious, even fatal injuries, and if he has a knife in his hand during an attack, he is very likely to kill himself or seriously injure himself with a knife for a patient with epilepsy.
          I saw a person several times during an attack, the patient does not control himself. And after the attack she cannot remember what happened to him, i.e. I didn’t remember how he fell, what he did with his arms and legs, who held him, how the nurse gave him an injection.
          And given the achievements of medicine of the time of B. Godunov, the seizures could be more acute and be longer.
          So the death of Tsarevich Dmitry as a result of an accident is the only true explanation.
          Godunov B. the death of Tsarevich Dmitry is not at all out of hand, i.e. disadvantageous.
          In more detail this tragic incident is described by Skrynnikov and other historians.
          1. -2
            21 May 2016 21: 52
            Godunov B. the death of Tsarevich Dmitry is not at all out of hand, i.e. disadvantageous.
            This is a pretty controversial assumption. In any case, the question remains: what kind person allowed a knife to be in the hands of an epileptic prince who had hemophilia?
            1. +1
              22 May 2016 06: 29
              Quote Verdun:
              ... what kind person allowed a knife to be in the hands of an epileptic prince who had hemophilia?

              You know that in those days, the elite-know their children from childhood accustomed to arms. The rich nobles even ordered a full set of armor, armor and weapons for their still young heirs. You saw a sample of such armor in the Hermitage.
              Tsarevich Dmitry was no exception, and the Tsarevich’s entourage naturally tried not to advertise his illness and to observe at least outwardly all the conditions for the offspring of the glorious Rurik family. To deprive the prince of his weapons, to fully acknowledge before all his incapacity. But the Tsarevich was surrounded and patronized by his relatives from his mother’s family - Nagy, who tied their future with him and they couldn’t go for it, so the Tsarevich was almost always armed, even with a dagger knife on his belt.
              Also in those days, among the children of the nobility, the game of "poking" was spread, according to the modern one in the "knife". The attack of the prince, according to witnesses, occurred during this game. Until now, everything worked out more or less safely, so we hoped that it would cost this time, but unfortunately, when taking multiple risks, it could not always be done safely.
              A similar risk is always present at all times, and among all members of families, clans, clans, including children, who are part of the so-called elite of society, who are actively fighting for money, power, and influence. For some, it ends more or less safely, and for some it is very tragic.
              About the hemophilia of Tsarevich Dmitry, do you write whether this information comes from.
              1. 0
                22 May 2016 12: 30
                About the hemophilia of Tsarevich Dmitry, do you write whether this information comes from.
                I don’t know how this is happening now, and twenty years ago the guides at the scene of the events in Uglich told about this in detail. It should be borne in mind that Uglich is a small city and at that time people with good historical education worked as guides there. So, about the death of Tsarevich Dmitry, I had a detailed conversation with the guide - a candidate of historical sciences, and one of the art galleries led us to a descendant of the artist whose works were on display. At the same time, the historian, speaking about the hemophilia of Tsarevich Dmitry, noted that the courtyards were well aware of this circumstance, since the case of the Tsarevich’s wound already took place and the blood was stopped with great difficulty. Knowing this, the servants carefully monitored so that sharp cutting and piercing objects did not fall into Dmitry's hands.
                1. -2
                  23 May 2016 05: 28
                  Quote Verdun:
                  ... at that time people with a good historical education worked there

                  A good historical education does not guarantee that the guide will be sincere, i.e. tells the truth. Any professional historian is an employee, therefore he will speak and even write and sign what the employer indicates. Refuses to speak, write, sign what the employer requires, he will be dismissed. And where should the historian go after leaving, the city is small. You know that the pseudo-Soviet authorities supported the myth of the murder of Ivan the Terrible and his son, as well as the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry by Boris Godunov.
                  This applies to any other professional employee. For example, a professional builder, the same thing that the customer will demand and pay, the builder will build. For example, the same Khrushchevs, all the builders, though spitting, but still they were built and built by the dwellers across the country, millions of square meters, and what to do the customer pays for the construction only the construction of the dwellers. You yourself have the opportunity to watch them.
                  A good education, unfortunately, is not an indicator of objectivity and honesty. Of course, the condition is necessary, but again, unfortunately, is not enough. Joseph Friedrichovich Goebbels also had an excellent education, but he is considered as a model of deceit, and he is a doctor of sciences. The same Solzhenitsyn, but he generally had a red diploma, a Stalin scholarship holder at the university, and a Nobel laureate. Yes, there are many such examples.
                  Quote Verdun:
                  At the same time, the historian, speaking of hemophilia of Tsarevich Dmitry, noted ...

                  Published sources, where it was indicated that Tsarevich Dmitry suffered, in addition to epilepsy, there also seems to be no hemophilia, only oral information from a candidate of historical sciences.
                  1. 0
                    23 May 2016 10: 12
                    only oral information of a candidate of historical sciences.
                    So, after all, there is no reliable information that Dmitry suffered from epilepsy. All talk about this is after his death. At the same time, think about how it was necessary to poke yourself in the leg with a knife during a seizure so that it would not be possible to stop the blood?
                    1. 0
                      23 May 2016 18: 04
                      Quote Verdun:
                      At the same time, think about how it was necessary to poke yourself in the leg with a knife during a seizure so that it would not be possible to stop the blood?

                      According to witnesses, Dmitry during a seizure damaged a vein in his throat. Researchers believe that this could be either the carotid artery, or the jugular vein and damaging it, the prince blew out in a few seconds and died.
                      There were no witness testimonies about the leg, nor the researchers wrote. I read the version that the prince poked "himself with a knife in the leg" for the first time.
                      Where does this version come from?
                      Although, if you remember, the actor Kamorny also died in a few seconds, bleeding when a policeman’s bullet injured his femoral artery, who shot at the actor’s legs to immobilize him and immobilize him forever.
                      But, the fact that Tsarevich Dmitry died injuring his leg no one wrote.
              2. -1
                22 May 2016 12: 31
                Is it strange that the nannies and the guards saw nothing?

                Everything is much simpler - Tsar Ivan the Terrible in Novgorod pressed one heresy, they kill children for this.
          2. Old
            24 November 2016 21: 25
            Ivan, you can argue endlessly ... Anything could happen. But at the same time:
            1. Seizure.
            2. a knife in a hand.
            3. a mortal blow.
            4. no witnesses.
            Not too many matches? And if you take into account the struggle for power and the common morals of that time?
            Plus information that someone was torn to pieces there ...
    2. +4
      21 May 2016 11: 39
      Quote: razmik72
      I consider the endless wars that Ivan the Fourth waged with its neighbors

      Did he have a choice?
      Quote: razmik72
      This was the main reason that pushed Boris Godunov to organize the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry

      The whole history of that time consists solely of the struggle for power in all countries of Europe. Ivan the Terrible was no different from the rest, except that in his reign they executed several times less than for example in England.
      1. -5
        21 May 2016 12: 09
        Quote: Dart2027
        Quote: razmik72
        I consider the endless wars that Ivan the Fourth waged with its neighbors

        Did he have a choice?
        Quote: razmik72
        This was the main reason that pushed Boris Godunov to organize the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry

        The whole history of that time consists solely of the struggle for power in all countries of Europe. Ivan the Terrible was no different from the rest, except that in his reign they executed several times less than for example in England.

        There is always a choice.
        If more people were executed in England or elsewhere than in Russia during the time of Tsar Ivan the Fourth, then this does not remove his guilt. The worst thing that the tsar did was to destroy moral restrictions and instill cruelty in people. According to the tsars of Ivan himself since childhood, he was practically an orphan, no one even penniless him, he was a king, but others ruled for him and didn’t particularly stand on ceremony with a little boy, but it never occurred to anyone to kill a legitimate king, human life was not depreciated by executions. The father of the future Ivan the Fourth did not execute people at his whim.
        1. +5
          21 May 2016 15: 15
          Quote: razmik72
          The worst thing the Tsar did was to destroy moral restrictions and inflict cruelty on people. According to the tsars of Tsar Ivan himself, he was practically an orphan from childhood, no one penniless him, he was a king, but others ruled for him and did not stand on ceremony a little boy, but it never occurred to anyone to kill the lawful king, human life was not depreciated by executions

          Do you read yourself? You accuse him that he de destroyed moral restrictions, and immediately write that they did not stand on ceremony with him, the king. Interesting moral constraints. Do you seriously believe that if someone seriously expected to take the throne, then the "value of life" would stop someone? His murder did not take place only because of the ruling boyars there was no one who could eliminate competitors and take power into their own hands.
          Quote: razmik72
          There is always a choice.

          There really is always a choice.
          Either they will kill you, or you will kill, such is the nature of power and reasoning that
          Quote: razmik72
          If more people were executed in England or elsewhere than in Russia during the time of Tsar Ivan the Fourth, then this does not remove his guilt
          ordinary demagogy, which is suitable for fairy tales and legends about some king Arthur or king Peas.
    3. +2
      21 May 2016 11: 56
      Nonsense repeated many times does not cease to be nonsense. Boris Godunov is in no way involved in the death of Dmitry. You have no idea what security is. He was guarded by those who had great hopes for the future precisely with Dmitry.
      The Time of Troubles is a direct consequence of a natural disaster, MOSCOW, the river froze already in the month of August, and as a RESULT, hunger.
      1. 0
        21 May 2016 12: 24
        Quote: Vasily50
        Nonsense repeated many times does not cease to be nonsense. Boris Godunov is in no way involved in the death of Dmitry. You have no idea what security is. He was guarded by those who had great hopes for the future precisely with Dmitry.
        The Time of Troubles is a direct consequence of a natural disaster, MOSCOW, the river froze already in the month of August, and as a RESULT, hunger.

        Any protection can be bought, especially if you know that with the beginning of the accession of Tsarevich Dmitry, at best you will be shaved, blinded and sent to some distant monastery, for example, to Solovki.
      2. +1
        22 May 2016 13: 21
        Quote: Vasily50
        You have no idea what security is. He was guarded by those who had great hopes for the future precisely with Dmitry.

        Peter III and Paul probably would have laughed heartily at your words ...
    4. The comment was deleted.
  9. +2
    21 May 2016 09: 27
    Quote from the article:
    ... the young Galich nobleman Yuri Bogdanovich Otrepyev, who accepted the name of Gregory after tonsuring the monastery. He was in the service of Nikita Romanovs. When Romanov conspirators exposed, Yuri (in monasticism - Gregory) Otrepyev tonsured monks.

    The Gediminids, immigrants from Lithuania, the Romanovs played a particularly negative role in the turmoil, in the struggle for the Russian royal throne. Without the Romanovs, there would be no False Dmitry from Grishka Otrepyev. In 1613, the Romanovs nevertheless achieved their goal - they sat on the Russian royal throne. On the male side, they ruled Russia until 1730, i.e. 117 years old. And then, smoothly, the Russian royal throne passed to the Holstein-Gottorp Germans, who owned Russia, they ate and drank sweetly until 1917 and now they dream again of climbing the throne, again of the Russian peasant and not only the Russian one. And they’re not just dreaming, but they are actively creating information support. Actively learn the Russian language and some of them, albeit with a strong accent, but speak good Russian. Already on Russian graveyards the ashes of their relatives are transferred from Western cemeteries. In the information struggle, the Romanovs (Holstein-Gottorp) with the help of the West are very skilled. Romanovs more precisely Holstein-Gottorp under the name "Romanovs" they knew how to use the times of troubles.
    1. +4
      21 May 2016 10: 23
      That's all right. and about the Romanovs, and about the Gottorp. But "after the fight" was there a reasonable alternative for the Holsteins? In my opinion, the new "seven-boyars" is much worse. That only is the squabble of clans under the young Peter II. From the point of view of survival, the cruel "non-reckoning" of the times of Anna Ioannovna is a superficial matter. Subsequently, the Russian nobility easily twisted the neck of Osterman-Biren's power, chewed it up and spat it out. It seems that Fike Anhalt-Zerbstkaya very vividly imagined and understood this (for her it happened "yesterday"), and therefore relied on a series of Russian favorites (Orlovs, Potkmumn, Panin, Zubov), at the same time avoiding inter-clan squabbles. Pure arbitration. And it worked! And at that time it worked well, even in conditions of total corruption (and where it was not in "Europe"?). All other things being equal (!) Conditions, the national elite, multiplied by a colossal resource, gave everyone a light in the "golden age of Catherine". And yet, I believe that starting with Nicholas I the "Gottorp" became completely Russified, even taking into account Nesselrode and Co., and the like. Otherwise, they would not have suppressed the "democratic" uprising of the Decembrists, and Europe would not have flooded "urgently" into the Crimean War on Rothschild money. They wanted to "urgently resolve the Russian question," but went their separate ways, before the direction of WWI and the revolutions of 1. After all, well, "Gottorp", well from Holstein, so what? What options? It's a shame of course. But, in the end, the same Rurikovichs came from Holstein. And the Russian patriotism of Alexander III, for example, is beyond doubt. The problem is that the "Peter's system" of the service nobility ceased to work at the end of the 1917th century. And a new social elevator was not created. As a result - "The Cherry Orchard" a la Chekhov and the impending collapse of the empire.
      1. +3
        21 May 2016 19: 16
        Quote from andrew42:
        And yet, I believe that starting with Nicholas I the "Gottorp" completely Russified....

        Neither Nicholas I, nor his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren could Russify.
        Since all the time the blood in the Holstein-Gottorp family was updated and replenished only with German blood. So the mother of Nicholas I himself, Maria Feodorovna; Before arriving in Russia, there was Sofia Maria Dorothea Augusta Louise of Württemberg (German: Sophia Marie Dorothea Augusta Luisa von Württemberg).
        Nicholas I himself was again married to the German princess Frederick Louise Charlotte Wilhelmina of Prussia, (German: Friederike Luise Charlotte Wilhelmine von Preußen), and after arriving in Russia she became Maria Feodorovna.
        And so on, all the owners of the Russian throne, up to and including Nicholas II, included his wife Aleksandra Fedorovna, who was the German princess Victoria Alisa Elena Louise Beatrice Hessen-Darmstadt (German Victoria Alix Helena Louise Beatrice von Hessen und bei Rhein) before arriving in Russia only on girls from western houses, mostly German.
        Hence the dominance of the managerial elite by persons of German surnames. Nicholas I himself said that Russians mainly serve Russia, and Germans only him.
        Among the brides of Holstein-Gottorp there is not a single Russian surname, not a single Russian girl.
        How could they Russify?
      2. +4
        21 May 2016 20: 44
        Quote by andrew42:
        Subsequently, the Russian nobility easily turned the neck of power of Osterman-Biren, chewed and spat out.

        Where did the neck of power of Ostermann-Biren easily turn from?
        Both Osterman and Biron lived their lives very well, were not hanged, did not starve, and were not torn to hard labor. They died by their death, and not in cells or basements, but in houses, in warmth, surrounded by servants, relatives. If Ostermann died at age 60, which is a very serious age in those summers, then Biron died at all at an advanced age, at the age of 83, for that time it is an extremely advanced age. He died in a palace surrounded by numerous relatives, doctors, and servants.
        Is it really that the “neck of power of Ostermann-Biren” has been twisted?
        But these German "fellows" have worn out on gallows, chopping blocks, in prisons, in penal servitude more than one thousand Russian noblemen and noble and not very noble families. And not only nobles.
        And where are the folded necks of Osterman, Biron?
        All the "hardships" of Osterman, Biron, and other powerful German men are the result of inter-German, inter-Western showdowns in Russia.
  10. +7
    21 May 2016 09: 53
    In the spring of 1695, Peter the Great arrived in Nizhny Novgorod to build a fleet. Twenty-year-old youth, he was preparing at that time a big campaign against Azov. Arriving in Nizhny, he first asked: where is Minin buried?
    With great difficulty, local authorities tracked down the hero’s grave.
    Peter ordered to immediately solemnly transfer the remains of Minin to the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin and bury him with honors in the tomb of the Transfiguration Cathedral.
    When this was done, he knelt before the tomb, saying:
    - Here lies the savior of Russia.
    Peter ordered these words to be written on the tomb of Minin.

    V. Kostylev novel "Kuzma Minin", 1939
  11. +4
    21 May 2016 09: 56
    The history of the Time of Troubles is the history of one of the attempts to destroy the Russian statehood and, in general, the entire Russian super-ethnos. The methods are still recognizable today. Only from the inside, using all the methods of creating the "fifth column" (by the way, this concept, the fifth column, the legacy of the Spanish Civil War. General Franco attacked Madrid with four columns, and they said that the fifth, made up of traitors, awaits them in Madrid. And will stab the interbrigademen in the back). Tellingly, after the defeat in Moscow, the Rzeczpospolita was "finished off" by the Swedes and the Turks, and it never rose - one ambition remained.
  12. +2
    21 May 2016 10: 03
    It is high time to introduce the concepts of "German-European hordes", "French-European hordes" and even simple Russian-European warriors. Which they are. Political correctness is inappropriate here.
  13. +2
    21 May 2016 10: 05
    Good article. Great presentation. Like a fired arrow - do not decrease, do not add, do not stop. We look forward to continuing.
  14. +5
    21 May 2016 11: 15
    Y-yes ...
    Again level 8-grade, third quarter?

    Well, at least the fact that there was NO "Minin", Minin is a PATERNITY, that is, his name was Kuzma Minich. And by his nickname (the townspeople did not have surnames then) he was Sukhoruk.

    That is, Kuzma Minich Sukhoruk.

    They don’t even understand this, but there ...
    1. +3
      21 May 2016 15: 36
      Quote: AK64
      Y-yes ... Again level 8-grade, third quarter? Well, at least the fact that there was NO "Minin", Minin is the PATRONY, that is, his name was Kuzma Minich. And by the nickname (the townspeople did not have surnames then) he was Sukhoruk. That is Kuzma Minich Sukhoruk.

      Is it really difficult to read the article? And there ...
      Author: His full name is Kuzma Minich (Minin son) Zakharyev-Sukhoruk.
    2. +2
      21 May 2016 18: 48
      Quote: AK64
      That is, Kuzma Minich Sukhoruk.

      In Russian, "Minich" is more correct. Read nevertheless "From Russia to Russia" by L.N.Gumileva?
  15. +6
    21 May 2016 11: 26
    Thanks to the author for the topic.
    About those times * almost epic * a lot of purposeful lies were created under the Romanovs, the order was fulfilled by invited * PRs * of the West. The fact that both Ivan the Terrible and Boris Godunov poisoned, as well as members of their families, did not cause doubts even among contemporaries. But how many lies about the last RUSSIAN tsars were spread, even there is a picture in support of an event that was not hanging in the Tretyakov Gallery. And all this was not spontaneous but a focused order. It is a pity that even frank nonsense and deliberate lies are spreading today. The basis of a historical event is the Eisenstein movie. The recently filmed movie about those times is frankly bestial, so also the * filmmakers * make claims for criticism. Historians know a lot about those events, but this is not in demand either by cultural figures or by * writers * of textbooks. And even the RUSSIAN STATE in the pre-Domanovian era was developed, there were educational institutions, high-tech industries, ships in the Baltic were also there, they played the main role in the * Livonian Wars *. Everything began to collapse during the * Small Ice Age * - this is when, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, in the middle of August the MOSCOW river froze. Natural disaster and outright betrayal put on the brink of the existence of the entire RUSSIAN PEOPLE.
    Under the Romanovs, archives were deliberately destroyed. Almost all decrees fit into the BOOKS: on land allotment, appointments for military and civilian posts, and much more, which is necessary for state administration. And the fact that these BOOKS were BURNED made everyone dependent on the goodwill of the king, because he can referring to the lack of an archive to challenge the right of ownership or even * the nobility * of the objectionable. Which happened later.
    1. 0
      21 May 2016 11: 45
      Sorry for the confusion of the above, but too tired of the stupidities replicated today.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  16. +2
    21 May 2016 11: 30
    AK64. They took it off the tongue. A.S. Pushkin "The Young Lady-Peasant" Let the people read the classics.
    Best regards
  17. +1
    21 May 2016 15: 33
    He was in the service of Nikita Romanovs

    Nikita Romanov is a cousin of the FIRST Tsar from the Romanovs-Mikhail. Yes
    And the Nikita Romanov mentioned by the author was not Romanov, but a boyar Nikita Romanovich Yuryev-Zakharyin, uncle of Tsar Fedor, brother of his mother Anastasia.
    And Yuri Bogdanovich (Otrepyev) was in the service Mikhail Nikitich Romanov, son Nikita Romanovich.
    The identity of False Dmitry himself (whether Otrepyev, whether or not) has not been established either by contemporaries or by historians Platonov and Klyuchevsky.
    And, of course, Mikhail and Fedor Nikitichi Romanovs were the most legitimate candidates for the throne, like the cousins ​​of Tsar Fedor. Therefore, the son of Fedor Nikitich absolutely legally became king.
    If Godunov had not set up Zemsky Sobor 1598, then Mikhail or Fedor Nikitich would have become king even then there would be no Troubles .....
    1. +2
      21 May 2016 15: 52
      Quote: Aleksander
      The boyar Boris Godunov was especially distinguished, whose sister (Ksenia) was married to Tsar Fedor

      Actually, the sister of Boris Godunov and the wife of Tsar Fedor were called Irina and she was the Queen. And Ksenia is the daughter of Boris Godunov and she was a princess who never married and was tonsured a nun by the decision of False Dmitry.
      1. 0
        21 May 2016 22: 24
        Quote: Centurion
        Actually, the sister of Boris Godunov and the wife of Tsar Fedor were called Irina

        Actually, I did not mention Ksenia (Irina) AT ALL.
  18. Mwg
    21 May 2016 17: 24
    It was the actions of Boris Godunov that led to the turmoil. He is, in fact, a usurper of power. And the death of Dmitry, regardless of whether it was accidental or not, was clearly to his advantage. And the fact that he began to tear under his rule everything that can also be understood. After all, he knew that the feeder was not for long, so he was in a hurry. So again, greed is to blame. Both Minin and Pozharsky in the process of stabilization of Russia then played a clearly positive role.
  19. +2
    21 May 2016 17: 54
    "We pissed away the Motherland, Comrade Stalin. We changed it for sausage. We are shameful fuckers. We fell for the beautiful promises of an overseas uncle and were thrown like the last fuckers. Our heroic past, generously paid in blood, slandered, betrayed. exchanged for sneakers and Chinese colorful clothes. Yes, many of us have cars, computers, all - audio, video, televisions. But we have no future. We do not see this, because we do not want to see, we do not want to believe it. But That is why hopelessness oppresses, men run away from it in illusion, who drinks, who drowns in a virtual computer, who falls on drugs. Some even refused the honor of being a man and carrying the weight of the world on their backs, being responsible for everything. tried to become.! They faded. And we, normal? Depression. Gray hopelessness. Maksimka has decided to stay a child. And no, and not a man. And no demand. Yes, we are all poor! And we have no forgiveness. And execution for so little. " from the book of Vitaly Khramov-Today - the day before yesterday
  20. +2
    21 May 2016 20: 17
    The AUTHOR will amuse the SET of FOLLOWED CHEESTER WEAVES, BUT GIVENLY GETS AWAY FROM THE ROLE OF THE RUSSIAN CHURCH IN THIS CASE AND IT IS UNDERSTANDING HE DOES NOT HAVE DETAILS ABOUT THE MISSION OF THE TROITSKY MONASTERY IN THE CASE OF ITS DISTANCE TO UNDERSTAND IT. Of the Trinity Monastery. Who blessed in his appeal to the Nizhny Novgorod people (not personally to Minin and Pozharsky) to fight against the Gentiles (Poles). Given the fear of the Russians not to start a new one without blessing, one should see in the Trinity Monastery the beginning of the Russian liberation from pogans, that the author is natural will not describe because of its wretchedness.
  21. +1
    21 May 2016 21: 49
    Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky helped Russia, which cannot be overestimated. They, at the head of the people's militia, helped keep our homeland on the very edge of the abyss, never letting it fall into it. Minin and Pozharsky forever became symbols of the struggle of the Russian people for freedom and independence.
  22. -1
    21 May 2016 21: 55
    Quote: nik230794
    Minin and Pozharsky forever became symbols of the struggle of the Russian people for freedom and independence.

    Such an appraisal of history is always pleasing. They like in Russia to talk about the victims of justice in the name of justice. At the same time, they carefully try not to notice that, in fact, at that time one half of the country drove the Poles from Russian territory, whom the other half of the country invited there. And, most importantly, as a result, representatives of the group that in fact was the main culprit of the unrest came to power.
  23. +2
    22 May 2016 20: 02
    “All that I say is only reasoning, and by no means a recipe. I wouldn’t say so boldly if they had to believe me. ”

    Michel de Montaigne

    Prince Pozharsky and Minin, whose militia decisively contributed to the completion of the Time of Troubles, were for some reason respected only in the 19th century, 200 years after the events so important for Russia. :
    But perhaps the most striking was the speech of the State Duma deputy from Tatarstan, Alexander Sidyakin, who glorified the union of Russians and Tatars, who have been “hand in hand for a thousand years”. He began his speech with an excursion into history:

    “403 years ago, on the same fall day, a militia led by Prince Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin threw invaders out of the Kremlin. Prince Pozharsky carried the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, next to him was Kuzma Minin - an ethnic Tatar, Minibaev before baptism. How symbolic it is - the Russian and Tatar people gathered a militia and saved Russia! ”The deputy exclaimed. Then he shouted three times: “Russia! Tatarstan! We are together! Without berge! ”- apparently, hoping that the people would support him, but he was almost silent.
  24. +1
    26 May 2016 22: 00
    Thanks for the article, very interesting!
  25. 0
    10 June 2016 08: 10
    Many thanks to the author, Samsonov Alexander Vasilievich!
    Everything is very, very interesting!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"