Valve of consciousness

Money - in the West, technology - in the past, not much to return

Is our elite able to find an effective country development path working for the whole of society? How will the struggle for resources and anti-Russian sanctions escalating in the world affect our defense industry? There are no easy answers.

Having conceived economic reform, Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Alexei Kosygin asked scientists to model how a Soviet person would behave when he increased material interest. The experiment gave rise to many thoughts.

One of those who undertook to solve the problem was the Institute of Management Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The analysis showed that in social systems based on material gain, instability arises, which under certain circumstances can affect the very foundations of the state. The development of Western society is accompanied by constant shifts and innovations that smooth out the contradictions arising between labor and capital. If these measures are ineffective, a crisis of overproduction and sales begins, causing social upheaval. If successful, the economy is booming, but again to the next contradiction, which is resolved through the assignment of capital or the outbreak of war. It is interesting that developed social structures at fractures turn out to be stronger, more united and can resist.

The liberal idea, as world practice shows, inevitably (besides the desire of the elites) leads to collapse, if not limited to social obligations to citizens, and the gap between the incomes of the rich and the poor is more than the permissible norms. By the way, in Russia today it is exceeded 17 times.

A social idea can also lead to collapse if it does not fully take into account the human factor, and people turn into cog-wheels of the state mechanism of suppression and coercion.

In any system, be it capitalism or socialism, there are flaws. But this is not a sentence to humanity, but a management problem, experts say. Nuclear reaction can be with positive feedback. In the process of private initiative and enterprise, a huge amount of energy is also released, which is a powerful source for the development of society. But nuclear energy leads to the common good, and to the Chernobyl accident. In the same way, private initiative, entrepreneurship, if not directed to the right direction for society, can result in arbitrariness and anarchy.

The governance mechanisms in Russia are disorganized. This was clearly shown by the “straight line” with Vladimir Putin, to which over two million telephone calls and inquiries were received, and almost every one was a cry for help.

Altruen and Egoland

Valve of consciousnessHead of the Laboratory of the Institute of Management Problems V. A. Trapeznikova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kemer Norkin proposes to submit two states. One thing - Egoland (from an egoist) - successfully developed, created science, the financial system, but entered into crisis fluctuations. To get things right, the elite continued their course of liberal globalization, and the state climbed into trillions of debts and continues to consume world resources, not thinking how to pay for financial egoism. The second country - Altruen (from altruism) - initially adhered to social justice. But it turned out to be eroded by corruption and fell apart. However, instead of looking for a way to improve the economy, create new jobs, his elite drastically changed ideological attitudes, social rules and, in essence, transferred the Egoland business ethics to its soil. But the decision-making system on the use of common property, finances and restriction of freedom left the same - the one in which many were willing to die for the interests of the state, figuratively speaking, in a darned uniform.

So, people in Egoland invented a way to exist, despite the fact that liberalism brought them to a standstill, by appropriating other people's resources. And in Altruien, the elite usurped the disposal of the country's resources and exchanged them for Egoland's treasury wrappers. Of course, such a course undermines the very foundations of the state.

They say that in Altruen there are no economic problems that could not be solved at the expense of the people: the well-being of pensioners and state employees, reduction of social obligations. “But if we find a way to combine social and egoistic approaches that complement each other synergistically, this will be a gift to all of humanity,” says Kemer Norkin.

God forbid Only time is gone. Moreover, there is a danger that in Egoland there will be a temptation to simply swallow up Altruen as an opportunity if necessary. It would have happened if Russia did not save against all its teeth its forces of nuclear deterrence.

Sunset europe

The main question of our time, experts say, is getting energy. “In order for a person to live a normal life, he needs about two kilowatts of electricity every day: a refrigerator and a TV set, a subway, etc., must work,” says Igor Ostretsov, D.Sc. “There are seven billion people on Earth.” They need 14 terawatts. But the world today can produce only two terawatts. ”

Do not be mistaken about the fact that there is an oversupply of oil on the market. AT historical perspective, this is not for long: the stock limit has already been outlined. For organic energy, we have reached the peak of production. God grant that they were enough until the middle of the century. In the energy supply of mankind, opportunities lag behind needs by six to seven times. Therefore, the war for resources is the main problem and danger of the XNUMXst century.

The social order adopted in most countries of the world is market democracy. At one time, Alfred Nobel gave her the following definition: democracy is a herd of idiots controlled by scum. He apparently turned out to be right. Thanks to the country - the flagship of a developed democracy, the world today, with a shortage of resources and financial bubbles, is again on the verge of mutual extermination. Therefore, the question is tough: who will destroy whom and how?

It sounds cynical, but truthfully. “Usually people do not like this question very much,” Ostretsov gives an example. - When I asked him one year in 2000, one philosopher, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he answered: Igor Nikolaevich, such questions cannot be raised in a decent society. But either five billion poor, or one hundred million rich. There is no other way. Moreover, the destruction of the rich is not necessarily physical. This can be done simply by seizing their property. But the destruction of the poor will be only physical, because they have nowhere to retreat. "

The modern world is just that busy today. How did events begin in eastern Ukraine? Recall that China said: "We are resettling 400 millions of people from the villages and are introducing a pension system, so the price of oil should not exceed 80 dollars." After that, an inexplicable for many war broke out in the Square. Then there is chaos in the Middle East and the formation of an IG banned in Russia, which no one but us could withstand.

According to Ostretsov, there is even an agreement between some world leaders on whom to merge. Why Ukraine could not become the first candidate as the weakest link? She was pulled out of the “embraces” of Russia for this purpose. Only the naive can assume that these are spontaneous processes. Behind them are overseas puppeteers who do not need a competitive, independent European Union policy. Ukraine and the Middle East are the levers of pressure on Europe, the valve in the right hands, which at once will block the oxygen if it bangs.

Outgoing nature

“The abduction of Europe” is a strategic task. In the near future, the United States plans to replace Russia. This is feasible, while the money of our elite is kept in the West and the outflow of capital from the country continues. Our nouveau riche sleeping and see themselves in mansions on the coast of Florida. And the economic block of the government, as in 90, continues to follow the instructions of the "Washington Regional Committee".

The global fight for resources is already underway. Today, the Chinese consumes one ton of fuel per year, German - 16, American - 20, Russian - 4. And these contradictions are intensifying.

Western sanctions forced Russia to urgently look for ways to import substitution. It was believed that broad international cooperation is extremely beneficial. As it turned out, only as long as there is peace on Earth. “In wartime conditions, it is harmful, even dangerous, which we recently realized and now see: there can be no fair competition between leading Western states and countries of a developing economy,” says RANS academician Viktor Kapustin. “Therefore, the Russian Federation is in dire need of developing its own defense technologies, microelectronics.”

However, at the moment we have not created even the simplest classifier of vital technologies, of which the order of 150 thousands. And the knowledge that allows them to use, there are mainly in the heads of engineers, technicians and craftsmen - the current industrial intelligentsia, which the ruling elite, judging by the salary in the defense industry, does not consider as such. A young technician who incorrectly installed the angular velocity sensor, which caused the Proton-M carrier to fall, received about 18 thousand rubles.

Descriptions of some unique technologies of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil exploration, its production and processing in fuels and lubricants, and organic synthesis have been lost. It is unlikely that it will be possible to restore the Soviet body of knowledge in aviation and the radio industry, glassmaking and some other industries. Technological maps, where they exist, are, as a rule, executed carelessly, fragmentarily, mainly in the form of texts that are understandable only to production veterans. And if living oral knowledge leaves with them, these “notes” will simply have no one to decipher.

Patent literature deposits do not save the day. Essentially these are uninformative legal texts. Engineering graphics are expelled from patent formulas - so it is easier to bypass protection.

Recently, the chairman of the Russian government said that the machine-tool and technological park of the military-industrial complex needs to be updated with 70 percent and this needs to be done before 2020. Why at this time, Dmitry Medvedev did not specify. Huge efforts and capital investments are required, despite the fact that there are neither sufficient resources nor trained personnel in the country. We need new methods of economic management, monetary and personnel policy. But decisions at the state level are not made, there is no corresponding federal target program.

If corruption is a system, as Norkin says, then it is necessary to fight it everywhere and constantly. In the meantime, our elite has a sort of split consciousness. Abroad, we demonstrate strength, showing courage and heroism, helping the Syrian people, and at the same time, we are celebrating billions of nouveau riche weddings inside the country, gently scribbling those who shamelessly put their hands into the pocket of the state, stifle their own economy, fear the truth.

And as long as the Russian elite does not associate its prospects with the future of "this" country, there will be no peace, no consensus in the state, or a national idea that unites all. But the Egolands will continue to encroach on our lands, openly declaring that the Lord God has too generously endowed Russia with natural resources and she should share them.

It is time to finally wake up from Gaidar’s confusion, to objectively look at ourselves and the world around us, in which Russia can turn from a subject into a global policy object, become a gas station country, in the words of Congressman Biden. But for this, 150 millions of people will need only a third. Such is the objective reality of market democracy and the technology of hybrid war generated by it.
171 comment
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  1. mad
    18 May 2016 21: 11
    Everything was gone - the main point of the article ... I’m only surprised as soon as we continue to live and not notice it, the Internet is working, millions of cars are in traffic jams, a couple of beers are cooling in the refrigerator))
    1. +15
      18 May 2016 21: 16
      It is amusingly written, I’ll go to shoot myself behind the barn! crying
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        18 May 2016 21: 30
        I tried to rewrite this, in the answer, but the site filter did not allow laughing
        1. +19
          18 May 2016 21: 42
          Oleg, the filter on our site blushes from this excerpt from the children's book about Winnipuh, unlike the publishers of this masterpiece! Probably the publishers are the elite that is described in this article. am
          1. +9
            19 May 2016 03: 42
            In my opinion, the elite in Russia is just the self-name of the nouveau riche, to which, as far as I remember from historical novels read in childhood, the elite of those times always? and the people are simpler, treated with disdain, especially to their attempts at all costs to creep into the elite.
        2. +3
          18 May 2016 22: 20
          Is our elite able to find an effective, working for the whole society path of development of the country?

          perhaps only 1 question: and who does the author consider the elite?
        3. WKS
          18 May 2016 23: 17
          become a gas station, as Congressman Biden put it.

          Error or incompetence? Biden is actually now the vice president of the United States, and Congressman McCain gave that phrase.
      3. +2
        18 May 2016 22: 46
        It is amusingly written, I’ll go to shoot myself behind the barn!

        Yeah, I'm for the company.
      4. +11
        19 May 2016 01: 17
        This is a problem not only in Russia. Now the oligarchs openly seize power around the world,the era of slavery is returning - now financial, at a higher level of human development. The political technology of capturing and manipulating the consciousness of the population is based on the use of the instrument "democracy" in combination with purchased or controlled media, which are ready, together with politicians, to "hang noodles" and simply lie to people for money.
        Unfortunately, until the oligarchs continue to seize power and manipulate the minds of the masses for bought lies or misrepresentations of media workers and politicians, the oligarchs will not be prosecuted through purchased politicians and media.
        In the era of democracy, information controlled by financial clans has turned into a real psychological weapon of mass destruction, which by its consequences is much more dangerous than any nuclear or chemical one.
        1. 0
          19 May 2016 13: 52
          Vita vko
          "This is a problem not only in Russia. Now the oligarchs are openly seizing power throughout the world, the era of slavery is returning - now financial."
          But did the real power in the world once belonged to someone else? Unless of course the USSR is taken into account
        2. 0
          30 July 2016 16: 49
          Quote: Vita VKO
          Now the oligarchs openly seize power around the world, the era of slavery is returning - now financial

          The era of slavery did not go anywhere to "return" ...
      5. PKK
        19 May 2016 05: 39
        In general, I doubt that this is the elite, this is a mixture of sissies, spoiled to the utmost impossible and completely unviable creatures. Which can only parasitize society.
    2. +6
      18 May 2016 21: 17
      Quote: mad
      Everything was gone - the main point of the article ... I’m only surprised as soon as we continue to live and not notice it, the Internet is working, millions of cars are in traffic jams, a couple of beers are cooling in the refrigerator))

      nifiga did not understand, but in places I liked
      1. avg
        18 May 2016 21: 51
        Quote: poquello
        nifiga did not understand, but in places I liked

        Yes, there is nothing special to understand. Until we take the "elite puppies" for f ..., do not return the stolen goods and make all the "servants of the people" work for the people at least a little, there will be no sense.
        1. +16
          18 May 2016 21: 57
          Quote: avg
          ... Until we take the "elite puppies" for f ..., do not return the stolen goods and make all the "servants of the people" work for the people at least a little, there will be no sense.

          Here is the true truth, a handful of rogue has arrogated to themselves the right to dispose of the property of millions and millions of people.
          Not only property, but also subsoil, forest and water resources, which were taken not even from us, but from our descendants.
          and what will our children and grandchildren get, holes in the ground, it’s a place for drilling, a warped surface in place of former coal and ore quarries, hemp instead of taiga, trash for nuclear waste, dry brooks, poisonous rivers and a sold Baikal from China?
          I know absolutely for sure that if we do not destroy them, they will destroy us!
        2. -11
          18 May 2016 22: 10
          So, what is next? You might think that any of the herds are able to rule the country. If there were not those who ruled, governs and will govern, the same Russia, then where and who would you be?
          1. +2
            18 May 2016 22: 44
            Quote: gridasov
            the same Russia, where and who would you be?

            And you take yourself outside the process?
            Yes, and, actually, subjugation is now useless.
            1. +2
              18 May 2016 22: 50
              Alas, yes! Living among people and being human is quite funny. Otherwise, you can not penetrate the human essence.
              1. +3
                19 May 2016 00: 23
                Quote: gridasov
                Alas, yes! Living among people and being human is quite funny. Otherwise, you can not penetrate the human essence.

                Plusanul included philosopher! wassat
          2. +1
            19 May 2016 11: 40
            Take away. It's about the control system. This is not about the social position of the manager (cook), but about the coordinate system by which the state is governed. For instance. Since the corruption of the "elite" undermines the foundations of the state, then consider it treason and life imprisonment with confiscation from the whole family.
          3. +1
            19 May 2016 14: 06
            Put a plus sign)
            what can I say, we are all brothers of the herd in a certain sense) and when the herd receives self-government, the result is always the same, as history shows, these are rivers of blood and the collapse of the state.
            From most of the comments, there is only one conclusion, it is necessary to bury this "elite" by revolutionary methods, that is, in fact, to unleash a civil war in the country, and I just want to ask the people who write this, DO YOU HAVE A BRAIN AT ALL ???
            I agree that a lot needs to be changed in this world, the so-called "elite" has always milked the people as much as they were allowed, but it should not be allowed by the methods of not revolutions, but by raising the level of education of the population, raising the level of legal awareness, improving the quality of rule-making, we must stop being that flock ... By the way, the revolution is also an exclusively herd movement.
        3. +2
          18 May 2016 23: 41
          Quote: avg
          Quote: poquello
          nifiga did not understand, but in places I liked

          Yes, there is nothing special to understand. Until we take the "elite puppies" for f ..., do not return the stolen goods and make all the "servants of the people" work for the people at least a little, there will be no sense.

          aa, again an armored car, but patents and other intellectual property really need to be seriously protected. Ice cream for children, women flowers, people the economy!
      2. +6
        18 May 2016 21: 57
        Quote: poquello
        Quote: mad
        Everything was gone - the main point of the article ... I’m only surprised as soon as we continue to live and not notice it, the Internet is working, millions of cars are in traffic jams, a couple of beers are cooling in the refrigerator))

        nifiga did not understand, but in places I liked

        I understood one thing. Only mass executions will save the homeland. laughing
        1. +4
          18 May 2016 22: 15
          A very cool article! Strategic! Now somehow more and more interested in tactics. Plus definitely
        2. -2
          19 May 2016 00: 04
          Very "smart and fun"! ? Shame and shame for such talk.
        3. 0
          19 May 2016 00: 06
          Quote: arane
          Quote: poquello
          Quote: mad
          Everything was gone - the main point of the article ... I’m only surprised as soon as we continue to live and not notice it, the Internet is working, millions of cars are in traffic jams, a couple of beers are cooling in the refrigerator))

          nifiga did not understand, but in places I liked

          I understood one thing. Only mass executions will save the homeland. laughing

          In what way, comrades are already preparing for the struggle for a place at the gas station.
          Of this, 150% of the population will need only a third.
        4. +6
          19 May 2016 00: 32
          I understood one thing. Only mass executions will save the homeland.

          and you, comrade, are ready to take the position of playing coach of the firing squad?
          1. +5
            19 May 2016 00: 35
            Quote: pl675
            and you, comrade, are ready to take the position of playing coach of the firing squad?

            If Motherland orders ?! necessary, so necessary fellow
            1. -3
              19 May 2016 01: 01
              no no.
              and if without pathos and emoticons?
              1. +7
                19 May 2016 01: 55
                Quote: pl675
                no no.
                and if without pathos and emoticons?

                Old man, over the past two years I have come to such a degree of boil from the realization of what is happening that I am ready.
                1. 0
                  19 May 2016 02: 19
                  and if suddenly the program crashes, and the homeland doesn’t point to scoundrels at all, well, who doesn’t happen to you, will you shoot at a person?
                  1. -2
                    19 May 2016 02: 24
                    Quote: pl675
                    and if suddenly the program crashes, and the homeland doesn’t point to scoundrels at all, well, who doesn’t happen to you, will you shoot at a person?

                    - Sorry to get in without asking
                    “You are currently feeding the troll.” With hands, practically
                    - if this is one of your favorite activities - continue ..
                    1. -1
                      19 May 2016 12: 33
                      Are you the same troll?
                  2. +2
                    19 May 2016 04: 30
                    02.19. What a right friend! And if you read the criminal cases of convicts? As then? Such questions will be asked to convicts? Why did you (the convicted person) do this? You can ask the Ukrainians. Why shell the Donbass? You can ask the Americans. Why did they bomb Yugoslavia?
                    1. 0
                      19 May 2016 08: 44
                      Quote: 34 region
                      You can ask the Ukrainians. Why shell the Donbass? You can ask the Americans. Why did they bomb Yugoslavia?

                      The answer of the Ukrainians: - But the Shobes!
                      The answer of the Americans: - What Yugoslavia? Who saw her? There is no such country ... But democracy must be defended; always ready!!!
                  3. 0
                    19 May 2016 08: 41
                    Quote: pl675
                    and if suddenly the program crashes, and the homeland doesn’t point to scoundrels at all, well, who doesn’t happen to you, will you shoot at a person?

                    If you really philosophically approach the question: if you shoot at a person - always you get into yourself ... right through, casually, ricochet ... but - into yourself! And - a bullet, getting to any place, inoutput the hole always finds in the head ...
                  4. +3
                    19 May 2016 10: 21
                    Quote: pl675
                    and if suddenly the program crashes, and the homeland doesn’t point to scoundrels at all, well, who doesn’t happen to you, will you shoot at a person?

                    I thought you are a serious person, but it turned out "as always", but anyway, I will answer: firstly, my concept of the Motherland is not only in the territory and place of residence, but in the people living in this territory. So, if there is any " force "will interfere with the people to live happily on their own territory, then I absolutely do not care what kind of failure there will be in the" program ", but I am ready to destroy with all the means at my disposal this" force "that displaces life and I absolutely do not care what" chips " will fly from this "force".
                    Ps Cobblestone is the weapon of the proletariat, and for those who have gone from retaliation, an ice ax!
                    Now, do you understand? soldier
                    1. -1
                      19 May 2016 11: 39
                      Thank you very much for your reply.
                      I have no more questions.
                      I understand your thinking, I don’t want to discuss it more widely, and my hand doesn’t raise publicly.
                      1. +1
                        19 May 2016 11: 52
                        Quote: pl675
                        Thank you very much for your reply.

                        I apologize for being too harsh hi
                        Quote: pl675
                        voice publicly does not raise a hand.

                        can write in PM.
          2. +2
            19 May 2016 04: 22
            00.32. If you recall the 90s and look at today ... Famously killed brothers with crosses on their necks and tattoos of icons on the body! And in the country people were enlightened about the bloody past of the Communists! And there was no envy of prostitutes and racketeers? But what about today's collection agencies? Lambs at all?
        5. +5
          19 May 2016 00: 38
          Quote: arane
          I understood one thing. Only mass executions will save the homeland.

          Not written in Russian. It follows like this:
          I understood one thing: only mass executions will save Рalone.

          And in thought: in this case, get ready to be in the second row at the wall: the revolution ALWAYS devours its children. Both France and Germany and Russia have proven this.
        6. +1
          19 May 2016 06: 35
          Quote: arane
          Only mass executions will save the homeland.

          When they lean against you, will you obviously continue to be supported by the chosen point of view?
        7. -1
          19 May 2016 08: 34
          Quote: arane
          I understood one thing. Only mass executions will save the homeland. laughing

          ... better cut! More economical!
      3. +4
        18 May 2016 22: 56
        nifiga did not understand, but in places I liked

        Everything is written in one sentence;
        It is time to finally wake up from the Gaidar hassle, objectively look at ourselves and the world around us, in which Russia can turn from a subject into an object of global politics, become a gas station, according to Congressman Biden.

        The only question is what the author himself woke up from .... for today there are two types of economy, credit and production. In the USA, credit, in China, production. All other countries serve these two. And the question is only in priorities. In general, we must be glad that such authors are not allowed to click the toggle switches in the control of the state machine, otherwise it would be ....
        1. +4
          19 May 2016 04: 36
          Asadullah! 22.56. Here you are completely wrong! Gorbachev was allowed to click the toggle switches, Medvedev was given. Dear! We want it too! Or do we and our opinion side?
    3. +24
      18 May 2016 21: 23
      "Is our elite able to find an effective way of developing the country that works for the whole society?" Does she need it? They found ways to work for them. And while the article does not hang over them, money is dripping, so why move. And if you press it, they will wash off to the west.
      1. +2
        19 May 2016 04: 34
        The most annoying thing is the loss of Soviet technology and a description of the processes. If we add to this the current lack of employees in these specialties and the lack of education, then it's not that offensive, but scary and disgusting. That's such a betrayal !!!
        Echoes of all this happened in some kind of thin films ..
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. +10
      18 May 2016 21: 34
      cool beer pair
      So go to your Egoland mister pot *** tor. You enter all the same where to eat beer and stand in traffic jams. And here we are somehow going to take care of culture, public health education, we will take care of children and the elderly.
    6. +7
      18 May 2016 21: 41
      and here again, a credit car, a beer, the Internet is what the sofa marshal always needs. And he does not notice that we do not live, but exist. (the pinnacle of life is an Internet beer and a credit car)
    7. The comment was deleted.
    8. The comment was deleted.
    9. +12
      18 May 2016 21: 57
      Siluanov knows exactly how to reform our economy, but cannot find the words to explain it. Nothing, let him seek, and we will wait. lol
      Today, I looked at the price tags and made sure that the price of oil is directly proportional to the price of beer. For a liter I paid 15 rubles. more than yesterday. recourse Yesterday kG cherries were sold at 250, and today already at 350. So for many products. goods. Maybe someone knows what happened in our economy over the past XNUMX hours? hi
      1. +5
        18 May 2016 22: 29
        Quote: siberalt
        Maybe someone knows what happened in our economy over the past XNUMX hours?

        inflammation of beef greed! Yes
    10. +6
      18 May 2016 22: 05
      Sometimes you need to get these out of their little cozy little world with a couple of beers.
      The truth is worse, at least because of its inconsistency with reality.
      It is strange that people continue to believe those who, by definition, had long had to exhaust any limit of trust.
      It can be seen that such a law of the psyche - a person more willingly believes in the positive, identifying everything negative with the machinations of enemies.
      1. -7
        18 May 2016 22: 09
        Quote: Todessichel
        ... The truth is worse, at least because of its inconsistency with reality ...

        - bad troll .. fat ..
        1. +6
          18 May 2016 23: 02
          Quote: Cat Man Null
          - bad troll .. fat ..

          The novel is our old friend. Yes
          1. -2
            18 May 2016 23: 27
            Quote: vovanpain
            Quote: Cat Man Null
            - bad troll .. fat ..

            The novel is our old friend. Yes

            Yes, I know wink
      2. +2
        18 May 2016 22: 19
        Quote: Todessichel
        Sometimes it’s necessary to pull such people out of their small cozy little world with a couple of beers

        God forbid anyone to pull out. We pulled it out, we know.
        Chaos and anarchy are coming. There is no longer beer liters ...
        1. +2
          18 May 2016 22: 46
          Well, let them stay in their little worlds, to the delight of uncles in expensive ties, by the way poorly tied)
          Chaos and anarchy come when a disappointed people does not find a couple of beers in their refrigerator and is not in traffic jams in their car, but at a stop in a crowd of their own kind.
          The truth doesn’t hurt when it’s a little.
          You need to get used to it gradually.
          Either the man himself comes for her, or she comes to him through an empty stomach along with disappointment.
          And then, chaos and anarchy.
          1. +6
            18 May 2016 23: 00
            Quote: Todessichel

            Fox, ah yay second account oh not good.
            1. +2
              18 May 2016 23: 17
              This is not the second account, this is the second fox
              1. +6
                18 May 2016 23: 41
                Quote: Todessichel
                This is not the second account, this is the second fox

                Little fox, just don’t tell the tales to me okay. wink
                1. 0
                  19 May 2016 00: 50
                  Why truth bikes are enough.
                2. 0
                  19 May 2016 08: 55
                  Quote: vovanpain
                  Quote: Todessichel
                  This is not the second account, this is the second fox

                  Little fox, just don’t tell the tales to me okay. wink

                  Sniffer! and IP different, and some kind of protection is worth
          2. +2
            18 May 2016 23: 13
            And I don't hold anyone. Follow the truth wherever you want. But, I warn you, if you destroy my "little world", and you destroy it. Then I will not regret the patrons. And without any nonsense there like truth, rightness, justice, etc. "Mirok" is already destroyed, there is nothing to lose.
            This is anarchy and chaos, when there is no one to support, when the enemies are all, there is no side.
            Hope now I understand clearly?
            1. 0
              19 May 2016 01: 02
              I will not destroy it.
              You destroy it yourself.
              Without realizing it
        2. +5
          18 May 2016 23: 01
          Quote: siberalt
          Siluanov knows exactly how to reform our economy, but cannot find the words to explain it. Nothing, let him seek, and we will wait.
          Well, why wait? Time is money, as business people say. Therefore, Kudrin was hired as state adviser. Well, he will explain exactly how we can defeat the remnants of liberalism-Yeltsinism and "Gaidar's haze" that hinder our development.
          P.S. In Poland, economic growth is now 3-something%, their goal is to reach 4%. This is mainly achieved by growing domestic demand and consumption of citizens. In our country, Siluanov and the rest of the economic rag-tag deliberately limit the growth of wages for state employees, so as not to disperse inflation. As I see, the problem is the same, but the approaches to its solution are different. And where does the growth come from if they bring it into the gate, and take it out through an offshore hole in the fence. And on the ground, the "nettle tribe" of officials and near-government businessmen has bred one mantra: GIVE, GIVE, GIVE !!! And the article swings too widely. Details are lost and it was difficult for me to "grasp" --- how can we confidently step into the future and in what direction. It would be logical to take each item and discuss separately ...
      3. 0
        18 May 2016 22: 52
        The nation that was the first in the world to master space must not be conservative!
      4. +3
        19 May 2016 05: 13
        That's right, our oligarchs are truly enemies of the people, because people who earn less than a yard a year are not considered people, so worms are swarming underfoot. Prokhorov, for example, believes that the gnomes are Norilchan, the rest are more restrained in expression but not restrained in greed when robbing.
        These ghouls brought up by Uncle Sam. In the article, it would be nice to give an example of the activity of students of Western universities who, when entering stable enterprises, as top managers, begin to systematically destroy them, for the purpose of dividing and selling, getting rid of supposedly non-core assets, but actually simply squeezing everything that is not screwed on.
    11. 0
      18 May 2016 22: 42
      This is for the time being, for the time being. Turn on the brains, mad.
    12. WKS
      18 May 2016 23: 28
      Quote: mad
      a couple of beers are cooling in the fridge

      Why so little? Here about this author -> author -> author and burns!
    13. +7
      18 May 2016 23: 29
      The fact that our government in the field of domestic policy, in particular - the economy, personnel and ideology is stupid and mediocre, we see this on the basis of the ongoing processes in the country - crisis, sanctions, inflation, rising prices, unemployment, rising crime - this is the direct fault of the government and government, more than 20 years of liberal reforms showed their dead-end development, by the way, what the NORMAL politicians, experts and economists were talking about, and now the PEOPLE says. The authorities do not know the elementary foundations of the development of the national economic complex in all its spheres, let alone the "rotten eggs of the government" - the economic bloc and TWO PIPETOCS from the Central Bank, and I don’t want to speak, it’s just a parody. As long as the principle of "closeness to the body" is working, and not professional qualities, moral and moral, including love for their PEOPLE and FATHERLAND, this power will not be able to do anything. Nowhere in the world has there been such a thing that the power that plunged the country into crisis - brought it out of the crisis - there is NO SUCH IN THE WORLD.
      1. +1
        19 May 2016 09: 04
        Quote: Denis Obukhov
        The fact that our government in the field of domestic policy, in particular - the economy, personnel and ideology is stupid and mediocre

        Ah, if only! On the contrary, it is precisely in this that they are talented!
        Quote: Denis Obukhov
        The authorities do not know the elementary foundations of the development of the national economic complex in all its spheres, let alone the "rotten eggs of the government" - the economic bloc and TWO PIPETOCS from the Central Bank, and I don’t want to speak, it’s just a parody.

        All they they know! and better informed than you and us! But - on us in you themown point of view ...
        Quote: Denis Obukhov
        No where in the world was there such a thing that power in which plunged into a country into a crisis - brought it out of the crisis - THERE IS NOT SUCH IN THE WORLD.
        And here it will not be - in a "separate country"! It's a pity! because this country is Russia ...
    14. +2
      19 May 2016 01: 24
      so we live mainly due to the sale of raw materials, and why rejoice.
      1. 0
        19 May 2016 01: 38
        Quote: skobars
        ... through the sale of raw materials ...
        ... the Union has lived since the 80s of the last century
        - the events that happened in the 90s improved the situation .. did not contribute, to put it mildly
        - now, at least, some movements are being made to correct this situation, but
        - all this is very quick. And it cannot be fast

        Quote: skobars
        why rejoice

        - well, at least the fact that we live
        - Continue now the line that led EBN, would have been a protectorate .. someone wink

        Something like this..
        1. +4
          19 May 2016 04: 49
          01.38. Why can't it be fast? And the year 1924-1941, and the year 1945-1950? And why in the 90s oligarchs quickly appeared? Why were they able to quickly enrich themselves, and people quickly become impoverished?
          1. -1
            19 May 2016 10: 55
            Quote: Region 34
            And why in the 90s oligarchs quickly appeared? Why were they able to quickly enrich themselves, and people quickly become impoverished?

            - because breaking is always faster than building
            - because the nomenklatura top had a slogan, practically: "Get rich!" For this, the Union was broken, by the way ...
            - therefore "fast"

            Quote: Region 34
            And the year 1924-1941, and the year 1945-1950?

            There are many reasons, I will give only one:

            - and in the 30s and in the 40s - everything was done .. on top of the strain .. now this stupidly will not work - people are not the same already
            - for example, in the 30s and 40s there were periods when people took measures of hunger. Want to try? My doubts ..

            And in general, do not ask stupid questions, otherwise I will think badly of you wink
    15. -2
      19 May 2016 05: 01
      "There is no money, no specialists ....." And when were you? After the war, or what? It's just a matter of the SYSTEM, and it must be liquidated (wild capitalism).
  2. +1
    18 May 2016 21: 22
    Ponadergano from everywhere ... Some kind of meshanin, from statistics (and multidirectional), sociology, political science, and God knows what else.
    No offense to the author (maybe I'm stupid), but as for me, garbage is all ...
    1. -7
      18 May 2016 21: 36
      Quote: Observer 33
      as for me, bullshit is all

      Allow me to join?

      Amused "will need a third of the population" at the end of the article. The figure is out of nowhere (from the ceiling).

      The level of the article is below the plinth; to the author, minus the karma. The author wrote the article, a campaign, with a tightly twisted valve (which consciousness, yes) Yes
      1. +3
        18 May 2016 21: 41
        Quote: Cat Man Null
        Allow me to join?

        Yes, any number! Welcome! hi laughing
    2. +3
      18 May 2016 22: 13
      You should not stick out your shortcomings. Read, understand, learn, and immediately say so this is just a test for yourself.
      1. 0
        18 May 2016 22: 20
        Quote: gridasov
        You should not stick out your shortcomings. Read, understand, learn, and immediately say so this is just a test for yourself.

        Oh, Gridasov ..

        - go to .. no, better go to .. and in general - where are the fractals, something has not been there for a long time?

        Spell: fractals (noun) .. fractals (verb) .. and coils (also verb) ..
        1. +1
          19 May 2016 00: 13
          I'll add her a couple of pluses. Have some fun!
          1. -1
            19 May 2016 00: 20
            Quote: gridasov
            I'll add her a couple of pluses. Have some fun!

            You would ask first - do I need it?

            No .. I don’t need it at all sad
    3. +4
      18 May 2016 22: 43
      And you read several times, without rushing and pondering.
      1. -1
        18 May 2016 22: 59
        Quote: gridasov
        You should not stick out your shortcomings. Read, understand, learn, and immediately say so this is just a test for yourself.

        Quote: NordUral
        And you read several times, without rushing and pondering.

        Oh, oh, oh ... Are you serious?
        Okay, seriously so serious. Everything that is written here, I have already read earlier, from different sources, at different times. But, oddly enough, word for word. This is me talking about how such "deep", "strategic", "literate", what else you have below, articles are written.
        And do you really think that if I read all this earlier (mastered, so to speak), I’m not able to systematize all this?
        There are obvious things in this article (paragraphs), there are theorems that are unprovable and inapplicable. But I repeat, all this is borrowed from sources that have been read for a long time, it’s been comprehended a hundred times, including you. And honestly, not worth so much attention.
        Although it’s fun here. smile
        1. +2
          18 May 2016 23: 07
          Correctly ! Communication should be useful!
        2. +1
          18 May 2016 23: 23
          And what makes you so much fun?
      2. +3
        19 May 2016 00: 15
        I really noticed that people stop thinking. They are thoughtfully lazy to read. And to comprehend the meaning of what has been said is generally an incomprehensible work.
        1. -1
          19 May 2016 06: 52
          Quote: NordUral
          And what makes you so much fun?

          Including the fact with what appetite you absorb the "food" offered to you, while still sincerely believe that you belong to the "comprehended", and it seems that you have appropriated for yourself an evolutionary step, the one that is higher than ours. Apparently somewhere between us and "Echo of Moscow" located. A couple more articles and you will no longer be satisfied with the population of syrana.
          Quote: gridasov
          I really noticed that people stop thinking. They are thoughtfully lazy to read. And to comprehend the meaning of what has been said is generally an incomprehensible work.

          Well, where to go, just a sect of "comprehended" some ...
          Okay, I’ll go, otherwise I have nothing to do with my pause. We are black ... I’ll climb back to my slave place recourse laughing
  3. +6
    18 May 2016 21: 33
    If we want to diversify the country's economy and minimize dependence on oil and gas, we need to develop the industry of high technologies and domestic consumption, namely computers, mobile phones, refrigerators, washing machines, household chemicals, etc. etc. To produce competitive aircraft + to develop in parallel the technical support service of aircraft.
    1. +3
      18 May 2016 22: 45
      The trouble is that we, the people, want it, but not them. Kudrin and K are already preparing a new plan for the liberals.
    2. 0
      19 May 2016 08: 00
      With household consumption there will be a problem - give people import. They take Ketai proudly stating that they are not LADA.
  4. +11
    18 May 2016 21: 35
    The liberal idea, as world practice shows, inevitably (besides the desire of the elites) leads to collapse, if not limited to social obligations to citizens, and the gap between the incomes of the rich and the poor is more than the permissible norms. By the way, in Russia today it is exceeded 17 times.
    Cho works the government accepts laws, polemics every day how to make people happier, richer and more stable their lives .. And what’s the result? -Sberbank of Russia (as it sounds proudly) -In Germany, gives loans-epics in 7-8 percent per annum- we have 18-19? percent per annum, here it’s our caring power-interest as in Papua new Guinea))) And why do we have it? -In Czechoslovakia the same picture? -We treat us like milking cows sucking the last. apartment in an epotheque, took one and a half million, gave three six hundred at the end)))
    1. +3
      18 May 2016 22: 06
      Abstract reasoning! What is a crash? That countries, people, infrastructure, etc. will disappear. Rather, it is necessary to model what the transformation of one form of human life into another will happen. And you can be sure that the model of such new communities of people, countries can be predicted. By the way, the author of the article is precisely what distinguishes him by giving out information as an object of analysis of its content, and not as emotions and personal views. Almost all theses are confirmed by other scientists and specialists.
  5. +11
    18 May 2016 21: 39
    The material for thought is vast. But the real elite has not been at the helm of Russia for 30-40 years. And the establishment, which is sometimes defined as the "elite", but in fact is a handful of feeders, is not going to make any changes. They themselves have a valve of consciousness rusted long ago and they are trying to solder ours so that they would not see anything beyond the steering wheel of their BMW and a couple of beer. It is necessary to drive such an "elita" ... oh, this is a call for a change of power ... okay, so let's write: "we must fight corruption and develop the economy" - damn it, again a call for a change of power. Some kind of vicious circle.
    1. +1
      19 May 2016 00: 21
      Obviously, the problem is not always the work of managers. The media must always be regulated. Censorship, like everything, must have reasonableness in its application. In vain it was removed. Trusting people do not know how to think. They believe what is written. At the same time, the current government has enough achievements, as well as a lot of work to resolve many issues.
  6. -3
    18 May 2016 21: 41
    What is the article about? Is Dmitry Anatolyevich playing naughty again? "Roissya, forward!", Part five?
  7. +5
    18 May 2016 21: 41
    I lost all interest in polymers ... Seven to ten years ago I would have agreed with many in the article, today somehow it all seems so unequivocal, the era of the Tsar Boris has passed and the alcoholic gray fog of her heritage is slowly disappearing.
    1. +2
      18 May 2016 23: 24
      Everything would be so simple.
    2. 0
      19 May 2016 00: 47
      Quote: Stiletto
      I lost all interest in polymers ... Seven to ten years ago I would have agreed with many in the article, today somehow it all seems so unequivocal, the era of the Tsar Boris has passed and the alcoholic gray fog of her heritage is slowly disappearing.

      and then the wind rose (suddenly, well, almost) and blew off a gray fog, exactly in fourth place in the world in terms of the amount of imported heroin.
  8. +9
    18 May 2016 21: 45
    To the author "+" for the problem of technology, although it was stated superficially.

    "It's time to finally wake up from Gaidar's hassle ..." - if this is addressed to the "elite", then "waiting" is pointless.
    Alfred Nobel has come up with a very accurate expression for all our elite "towers".

    All sorts of "Courchevels" and "Counts of Sakhalin" will lead to a sin and a "cultural revolution"
  9. +2
    18 May 2016 21: 46
    Quote: Stiletto
    I lost all interest in polymers ... Seven to ten years ago I would have agreed with many in the article, today somehow it all seems so unequivocal, the era of the Tsar Boris has passed and the alcoholic gray fog of her heritage is slowly disappearing.

    And what appears? -A-n-u-s with an overgrown web?
  10. +3
    18 May 2016 21: 49
    There is always a point of no return. I would not want us to go through it. A necessary article, therefore a plus.
  11. +3
    18 May 2016 21: 52
    The meaning is very true. Like any idea - this one contains a but. Which lies in the fact that Russia is in a constant search for ideas, social construction, justice, finally. Guidelines in our history were different. I would not want anyone again to lead us into a bloody dead end, where we will kill each other for no reason.
    1. +2
      19 May 2016 04: 58
      Berber! 21.52. The methods of killing are different. You can kill a bullet, you can poverty. Is the poor masses not a bloody dead end? What is the price increase leading to?
      1. 0
        19 May 2016 14: 05
        Yes, it's a pity that in the morning I wrote 20 minutes earlier than you, while some thoughts were, but not formulated. After all, people were strangled by poverty, the loss of guidelines, that is, "kulturoshok".
        picture of the whole world. And there are certain numbers, they were in one article here. From the fact that people did not understand how to live --- alcohol or heart attack, etc.
        And as for the search for an idea, sometimes just evil takes. How many years, probably more than 200, everyone is looking, looking and cannot find. Especially infuriates the "creative" intelligentsia. "" We must not look for, but work to work. I love it.
  12. +2
    18 May 2016 21: 59
    I apologize off-topic, but could not help but post! This is insanity!
    1. +7
      18 May 2016 22: 57
      Quote: AlexSK
      I apologize off-topic, but could not help but post! This is insanity!

      A colleague, already read on another branch, neighing until you drop. hi This is schizophrenia in the last stage. Yes
    2. +3
      18 May 2016 23: 09
      He has a daughter ....
      1. +7
        18 May 2016 23: 16
        Quote: Belopolsky
        He has a daughter ....

        This bastard. Remember Yulia Tymoshenko came for gas wink
      2. 0
        8 June 2016 21: 42
        Quote: Belopolsky
        He has a daughter ....

        Children of Lieutenant Schmidt.
  13. +1
    18 May 2016 21: 59
    Uniquely competent reasoning. However, not many are able to even closely understand what is at stake. For this, it is necessary to have a large-scale perception of both reality and statistics in order to see all pressing issues. The algorithms for the development of any country, individual continental groups of countries and the entire world community are subject to the algorithms of the evolution of the human community. Everyone cannot see this. Therefore, the crisis of humanity is the inconsistency of many leaders of countries with the powers that are entrusted to them. Sooner or later this will lead, first of all, to the collapse of management. Hence, crises will arise in the related branches of human life. Therefore, a new human consciousness will appear, which in the "chaos" of the diversity of views on life, will choose the most righteous direction of life guidelines. Only then will the smartest and most responsible people manage the entire infrastructure of the human community.
    1. +1
      19 May 2016 05: 04
      Gridasov! 21.59. What does the smartest mean? If you are so smart, why so poor? If the oligarch monopolist controls his structure, is he the smartest? Here is Kudrin, Chubais or Gref. They're clever? Why do their people not love?
      1. -2
        19 May 2016 06: 43
        Quote: Region 34
        Here is Kudrin, Chubais or Gref. They're clever? Why do their people not love?

        They always don’t like smart people, because they consider them to stand out from the crowd, it’s subconsciously anxious, they feel a competitor who can change their usual way, and they pour negativity rightly or vice versa
  14. -6
    18 May 2016 22: 04
    That's funny:

    - article - really moronic and stupid about anything
    - but look, what a stir! The boiling of universal passions! Pros and cons fly .. in packs!
    - it seems that they threw a pinch of tasty bloodworms into the aquarium with unfeeding fish for a week ..

    It’s extremely fun (and a little sad) to watch this whole .. zoo laughing
    1. +2
      18 May 2016 22: 15
      Secret and incomprehensible always sooner or later becomes apparent. Listen to what a person writes or says and you will see his whole essence.
      1. -3
        18 May 2016 22: 27
        Quote: gridasov
        Secret and incomprehensible always sooner or later becomes apparent. Listen to what a person writes or says and you will see his whole essence

        Gridasov .. I repeat .. go .. to the stump, there is your place ..
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +8
      18 May 2016 22: 17
      Hey, a visitor at the zoo, my wife, working as a seller, received a salary of less than 10 !!! thousand rubles a month in March !!! - You’ll be ridiculous yet? .
      1. -3
        18 May 2016 22: 31
        Quote: Getoetet
        my wife, working as a seller, received a salary of less than 10 in March

        - my condolences. I can’t help, because I don’t have a salary at all now (because I don’t have a job)
        - but I have no wife, oh how belay

        Quote: Getoetet
        Funny youee yet?

        - what I'm watching here and now - yes, it's funny.
        - and, yes .. I didn’t lap with you from the same bowl, and I don’t intend to ... you are more polite as a thread, otherwise ... I’ll bite wink
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +1
          18 May 2016 23: 01
          Sorry, but I wouldn’t accept your proposal, I don’t varnish, I will bite it out of my mind ..
        3. +8
          18 May 2016 23: 04
          Kusai is better than those who at the legislative level did not see the possibility of monitoring business in the field of salaries and labor laws.
          For some reason, however, the state did not neglect the tax control system; everything works like clockwork there.
          But who cares about the electorate’s salaries and rights?
          Pensions are another thing, yes.
          How much have they spread around the pensions of demagoguery
          Why are they so dashing about protecting the rights of ordinary workers that they don’t bother so?
          What a striking contrast ...
      2. +1
        18 May 2016 22: 34
        Well, what is it to do with it?
      3. +1
        18 May 2016 22: 35
        Quote: Getoetet
        Hey, a visitor at the zoo, my wife, working as a seller, received a salary of less than 10 !!! thousand rubles a month in March !!! - You’ll be ridiculous yet? .


        At work, I have a colleague - the same whiner. Everything is aching - the power is bad, so I have such a low salary. To the offer to earn an answer as a janitor - danunah! I’m a hereditary pretzel, of Russian nationality, with Ukrainian roots, I have a grandfather from Scakland. Yes, I, to a janitor? And he walks aching - yes, my wife and I are the poorest here, everyone is rich around us, they are buying apartments, they are driving cars.
        1. +11
          18 May 2016 22: 56
          That’s the same terrible thing when people don’t see anything shameful in the meager salary for real hard work.
          Why is it considered normal for us to pay a penny to a person?
          Why should a person work at 2 or 3 jobs in order to be able to somehow exist.
          Speech about prosperity in general !!! Does not go.
          Why labor in the country is paid so .... mockingly.
          Oh yeah, our officials are really fattening for everyone.
          They did not forget themselves.
          1. 0
            18 May 2016 23: 02
            Natural selection has not been canceled. It may be cruel, but the realities of life are unchanged. A person must find himself and defend himself and do not need to do this by force. If you wait for help from others, then these are defects in education.
            1. -1
              19 May 2016 05: 10
              Gridasov! 23.02/XNUMX. You tell the faithful. They are always waiting for help from above. Is it infantilism? Or a defect in education?
              1. -2
                19 May 2016 06: 45
                Quote: Region 34
                Is it infantilism? Or a defect in education?

                First, the loss of faith in one's own strength and the expectation of outside help, and so constantly
        2. +3
          18 May 2016 22: 56
          Are you a noble janitor? Or, for some reason, did you consider that I or my wife were lazy? -Or are you all so red and so happy with a tomato that you were only picked? -Look, the tomato has short rot, it rots quickly because it doesn’t know life. Only here, like me, according to statistics, most. And we are not happy with this state of things — how we will tread on you the red-faced one — spread it on the asphalt that the dog will not eat, will bypass
          1. +2
            18 May 2016 23: 04
            In general, such forums are not a place for the source of rudeness. Communication needs to be turned in their favor — training and knowledge.
            1. -1
              19 May 2016 09: 47
              Quote: gridasov
              In general, such forums are not a place for the source of rudeness. Communication needs to be turned in their favor — training and knowledge.

              Where else can you put "pluses"?
    4. +4
      18 May 2016 22: 33
      Quote: Cat Man Null
      - but look, what a stir!

      Well, like this! The "gate of consciousness" is ... Opened, and "voila", an uncontrolled flow. request
      1. -1
        19 May 2016 09: 45
        Quote: Observer 33
        Well, like this! The "gate of consciousness" is ... Opened, and "voila", an uncontrolled flow. request

        ... close the valve! ... gag here! Rather !!! ...
        ... as it carries "by the stream of consciousness !!!
    5. 0
      18 May 2016 22: 50
      Go sour cream you better eat ours.
      1. +1
        18 May 2016 23: 07
        Quote: Todessichel
        Go sour cream you better eat ours.

        - mur-rr-rr?
        - and, yes .. I don’t have a wife .. work - also not yet .. but there is a cat laughing
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +3
          18 May 2016 23: 10
          Well ... better with a hairy friend than one ... by the way, foxes are rabies ...
        3. -1
          18 May 2016 23: 20
          Gut cat
          1. 0
            18 May 2016 23: 59
            Quote: Getoetet
            by the way foxes are rabies

            “Do you mean the locals?” I already noticed ..
            - I’ll bite anyway - I have good vaccinations.

            Quote: Todessichel
            Gut cat

            - a cat is a miracle just some Yes
            1. 0
              19 May 2016 00: 52
              And now I plan to get myself a Panther hut.
              1. 0
                19 May 2016 01: 02
                Quote: Vadim237
                And now I plan to get myself a Panther hut.

                Tank or what? belay

                If natural - I do not recommend .. gobble up ..
                1. 0
                  19 May 2016 14: 34
                  Or Leopard - while small, but will grow used to it.
    6. +4
      18 May 2016 23: 03
      Quote: Cat Man Null
      That's funny:

      - article - really moronic and stupid about anything
      - but look wassat rub, what a stir! The boiling of universal passions! Pros and cons fly .. in packs!
      - it seems that they threw a pinch of tasty bloodworms into the aquarium with unfeeding fish for a week ..

      It’s extremely fun (and a little sad) to watch this whole .. zoo laughing

      Elections coming soon, electorate preparation in progress request Only I do not understand how you can invite the same builders that you have a whole house of 15 rooms uncovered during the maintenance process, in the last remaining room to make repairs wassat
    7. +3
      18 May 2016 23: 27
      Above your stars zoo? And the article is sensible. Nobel was right.
      1. -3
        19 May 2016 00: 03
        Quote: NordUral
        Above your stars zoo?

        - did not understand about the stars, sorry ..

        Quote: NordUral
        A sensible article

        - article - a set of platitudes and a sea of ​​nonsense

        Quote: NordUral
        Nobel was right

        - Nobel - yes, right .. if you are talking about "democracy"
        - This phrase has nothing to do with the article only. She, the phrase, was long before the article ..
  15. +8
    18 May 2016 22: 04
    The author tried so hard to prove to everyone that the "fat polar fox" is coming soon. already confused himself. But I would like to remind you that according to the ratio of the mass-area of ​​the wings and the applied force, the beetle cannot fly. Proven by aircraft manufacturers. But he flies! Do you know why? Because he doesn't know that he can fly! laughing
  16. +4
    18 May 2016 22: 13
    It's time to finally wake up from the Gaidar hassle, objectively look at yourself and the world
    How? Russia, for Ukraine, is an aggressor country, but at the same time the government provides it with loans within the framework of the IMF, discounts on gas, postpones the payment deadlines, and they ask for oil without joking - that means there is hope, "They will give it." Unlike the "Russian Crimea", several Russian banks operate in Ukraine at once, including Sberbank. In the news, you only hear about the cancellation of some "old" debts from everyone - from Zimbabwe to Cuba! And who and what gave Russia? Who wrote off her debts? They created BRICS, and today, "B is gone", "who will remain on the pipe", in a couple of years, no one knows. This is the only way, in an amateurish way, at a glance, but what if the problem is "chewed by experts"?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      18 May 2016 22: 26
      Yes, I agree, and also sometimes discouraged by such statements, they wrote off the debt, they gave someone a respite ... or they underestimated the energy prices. But for some reason all this is unilateral. It is clear that we don’t know everything, but ... And is it worth knowing why to dive into cold water to make sure that most of the iceberg is under water -When this is already known. Enough to see what we see to draw conclusions?
    3. -3
      18 May 2016 22: 41
      Quote: Vladimir61
      This is the only way, in an amateurish way, at a glance, but what if the problem is "chewed by experts"?

      All chewed a million times already .. and you can once again chew ..

      But you don’t need to do it .. you need to throw manure on the fan, which smells more palatable ..

      Or was I suddenly mistaken? But the set of "problems" is too typical, she really has become boring ..
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +3
        18 May 2016 22: 50
        And why should we bother you? -Here, along the way, as someone starts discussing, the same thing rumbles in response, hmm, but your fan is a traitor, traitor, etc. Is it just that urapotriatism is added? If a person has a pain, he has the right to a thought, but you have one thing that stinks from the fan. What are you afraid of splashes on you? I look here especially thinking people do not like .. Only the crowded media suckers
        1. -1
          18 May 2016 23: 00
          Quote: Getoetet
          And why should we bother us? -Here along the way, as someone burning the top discusses, the same thing rumbles in response, hmm, but your fan is a traitor, traitor, etc. Here that only urapotriatism is added? If a person has a pain, he has the right to a thought, but you have one thing that stinks from the fan. What are you afraid of splashes on you?

          - I repeat - what the people wrote there, is standard set dung
          - the aroma of the "package" is carefully selected
          - if you wish, if only by simply searching through VO, you can find answers to all these .. um .. questions
          - if desired - you can answer them .. only zadolbalo already laughing

          Quote: Getoetet
          I look here especially thinking people do not like .. Only overeating media suckers

          - do you consider yourself to be "thinking" first of all?
          - ok, I carefully read you .. at your leisure Yes
          1. +3
            18 May 2016 23: 13
            Quote: Cat Man Null

            - ok, I carefully read you .. at your leisure Yes

            Komarada sometimes brings, but writes interesting things
            Yes, seriously, I am well acquainted with this problem. And with computers, the most advanced in their time, which were ahead of the planet for all the years, 10-15 so that they put stuff in the belt for the US specialists, I know all that. And I also know that now we can, we can easily, we just need to give freedom, opportunity and a base with financing at the state level !! - and everything will go - I’m sure! -But ... When this miracle happens and how in 40 years Stalin just asked, “What do you need for work?” “We will bring everything and equipment and capacities, we will give specialists too ... Will it ever be like this with us?”
            1. +4
              18 May 2016 23: 29
              But they don’t let us do this — Penkovsky, however, could — pentium — its architecture — left the USSR for the United States and worked for Intel. From England, a millionaire came to Siberia, as if the computer was still working several million operations per second — an incredible thing what the Shtatovites had in mind we already worked in production models! -bought and taken away ..
              1. +1
                19 May 2016 01: 19
                The sacred connection of V.M. Pentkovsky and the pentium is nothing more than a fable. A drain of information (mainly belonging to related parties) took place to be, and obviously, as a reward? the current administration of the Russian Federation allocated him a laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In Intel, nothing was seen as a breakthrough. So, the functionary of the middle hand.
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. +1
                19 May 2016 07: 17
                Maybe so, but computers were and worked, and more abruptly than the Americans. Support is needed by the state-won AvtoVAZ how much they keep, how many infusions? billions and in our country, as there was a beam behind the place of levers, they put it on the laughter of the world. The Chinese are pushing the long-worked lever system. If there is no institute for the development of nanoelectronics, they would support people in the country looking for talented ones, so far everything is over the hill. did not leave. About 10 years and I think the Americans will only have to burst out of anger and envy. An no-the idea of ​​our-OS is an American-product comes out in China. We call everything "THIS" Eptafon - well, laughter. They did it, well done, but there is so much PR and the more acutely you feel - everything has disappeared somewhere again ...
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. +6
            18 May 2016 23: 17
            YES, here I completely agree — why discuss the problems of, say, freezing pensions, increasing seniority, in general, everything that excites ordinary people — right now the news will come out — a new rubber boat of the coastal zone with a long-range slingshot has been launched — the first post-settling !!! ! - one more rubber new woman for the Navy — and voila la! —plus 100! —and they will start procrastinating, but how much fun is she having fun? and how many nodes does she give out and is it possible to swim for buoys — a discourse assumption . Fludnyak in a word. And God forbid anyone will say, but do we need another rubber boat-aaaa-diarrhea for a fan, an American zalanist! They prevent us from chewing a new boat
            1. -2
              19 May 2016 00: 10
              Quote: Getoetet
              right now the news will come out — a new rubber boat of the coastal zone with a slingshot of long-range combat has been launched — the first post-retreating !!!! - another rubber new woman for the Navy and voila la! plus 100! —and they will begin to procrastinate how much fun is she having fun? and how many knots does she give out and is it possible to swim for buoys on it, a discourse-assumption rushed. Fludnyak in a word. And God forbid anyone will say, but do we need another rubber boat-aaaa-diarrhea for a fan, an American zalanist! They prevent us from chewing a new boat

              - class! After all, you can when you want ..

              Quote: Getoetet
              why discuss the problems of freezing pensions, increasing seniority

              - I have not heard that pensions have already frozen
              - I didn’t hear that they raised it ... well, not the experience, probably, nevertheless, but the retirement age ..

              Are there conversations about that? Dye, they, in my memory, have been going around for three years now, if not more .. what is there to discuss?

              Something like that..
              1. +1
                19 May 2016 06: 26
                freezing the storage part, I mean. So, it seems, it was clear, too. Well, people write about what got them sick. And then he is the voice of the people. Maybe they overdid the topic, yes he ... The Tsar, how many people he was on the throne, didn’t get tired of discussing the people .. Until a new king appeared ..
              2. +1
                19 May 2016 06: 26
                freezing the storage part, I mean. So, it seems, it was clear, too. Well, people write about what got them sick. And then he is the voice of the people. Maybe they overdid the topic, yes he ... The Tsar, how many people he was on the throne, didn’t get tired of discussing the people .. Until a new king appeared ..
      3. 0
        19 May 2016 06: 36
        Quote: Cat Man Null
        But you don’t need to do it .. you need to throw manure on the fan, which smells more palatable ..
        My minus, you seem like a judge? At first they accused him, and then they kind of sweetened him.
        Someone like you may not need it, but I need it! I need Russia to be strong and self-sufficient, during my lifetime, it is a guarantee and confidence in the future of not only Russians, but also millions of Russians abroad. With enormous resources, Russia should not walk in stepsons of either the West or its liberal elite. A recent meeting of GDP with Russian citizens showed that, unlike past meetings, 90% of the interest in the latter was riveted not on the political situation in the world, and Russia, but on the socio-economic situation in Russia itself! A strong Russia is the only guarantee not only of the world, in the world, but also that Russians abroad, including in the Donbass, can have a guarantee not only of existence, but also of hope for reunion with their homeland!
        1. 0
          19 May 2016 11: 03
          Quote: Vladimir61
          I need Russia to be strong and self-sufficient, during my lifetime

          - call old Hottabych .. no one else to you it cannot guarantee

          Your words are all right, like .. only behind them exactly - "I want". Well, you want me to do with it?

          All the questions that you asked above are chewed many times even here at VO. Chewing them again personally for you - I have no desire. Sorry already, sorry request

          Quote: Vladimir61
          Minus mine

          - scared the hedgehog with a bare backside .. yes, at least a hundred minuses .. Yes
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +2
          19 May 2016 15: 49
          Duck, I, too, kind of write something tired of the same thing, right here all the same, you get tired of the same thing -Yes, where is the economy then? -I from Karelia, it was like everything in the 90s and it remains almost the same as we have state farms, collective farms were !!! - the fields were all planted with potatoes, etc. so what? how many factories — how was the devastation left and there — not a single enterprise was raised from the ruins — nothing new was built — only Tapes were supermarkets and the like-hefty ones — right now they’re doing another monumental project — they’re building another hypermarket! so much !!! —that each herring has a separate barrel? -Stank-building, tractor, shipbuilding!, mica factory-and this is not a complete list! -and right now we only sell raw materials to the Finns for their joy and we give them hectares ourselves they saw and export, and sawmills are on every corner. Everything else is all a trifle, no state-of-the-art business, cut down, sold. Kpil built a foreign car, built a house, finished the hut, Zhist was a success ...
  17. +4
    18 May 2016 22: 14
    Quote: mad
    Everything was gone - the main point of the article ... I’m only surprised as soon as we continue to live and not notice it, the Internet is working, millions of cars are in traffic jams, a couple of beers are cooling in the refrigerator))

    It bothers you all to notice the Internet and a couple of beers, only when the Internet turns off and the fridge does not become beer, it will be too late .....
  18. +7
    18 May 2016 22: 24
    Although the article is pessimistic, in the style of "plaster cast ...", but I put a plus, because everything said about the elite - however, it does not care about the country in general, and the people inhabiting it in particular. Today I went to a supermarket, stood for about 5 minutes thinking, when I saw a full refrigerator of different varieties of ice cream "virobleno in Ukraine", here are some counter-sanctions ... the elite is her mother ...
  19. +2
    18 May 2016 22: 30
    I did not understand one thing - what does the author suggest?
    1. +4
      18 May 2016 22: 36
      Quote: Dart2027
      I did not understand one thing - what does the author suggest?

      Well, well .. all is obvious:

      It is time to finally wake up from the Gaidar hassle, objectively look at ourselves and the world around us, in which Russia can turn from a subject into an object of global politics, become a gas station, according to Congressman Biden. But for this, only a third of the 150 million people will be needed. This is the objective reality of market democracy and the hybrid war technology generated by it.

      In short - "wake up and look objectively" request
      1. +3
        18 May 2016 23: 11
        Quote: Cat Man Null
        In short - "wake up and look objectively"

        Roughly the same was said during the "perestroika". Actually, since then, I have a strong distrust of all kinds of lovers to shout that everything is bad, everything is lost and something needs to be done. At least, it is desirable to clearly say what exactly to do and how.
    2. 0
      19 May 2016 06: 49
      Quote: Dart2027
      I did not understand one thing - what does the author suggest?

      You see, to offer publicly something alternative at the present time is at least to adjust the article "Extremism"
      1. 0
        19 May 2016 19: 23
        Quote: sa-ag
        it is at least to customize the article "Extremism"

        Truth? Or maybe because most of these proposals are extremism?
  20. -6
    18 May 2016 22: 35
    Nah yes. And again, they do not propose to rely on the working people to resolve the issue raised in the article. Well, what else to expect from the crying bourgeois scribbler? What will he hit in maxism? Bgg.

    Ponadergano from everywhere ... Some kind of meshanin, from statistics (and multidirectional), sociology, political science, and God knows what else.
    And this is typical of bourgeois ideologists who appeal to emotions, and are not guided by a scientific approach to solving social contradictions. The main thing is to chop the dough, and after at least a flood. Only the author is not just a bourgeois, but a patriotic bourgeois, trying within the bourgeois system to find a solution to the problem of personal enrichment. Well, as a child, by golly.
    1. 0
      19 May 2016 09: 32
      Quote: Undermining the Foundations
      Only the author is not just a bourgeois, but a patriotic bourgeois, trying within the bourgeois system to find a solution to the problem of personal enrichment. Well, as a child, by golly.

      ... Free artist and cold philosopher! ...
      And also a "free draftsman" and "a student of a cool life" ... Or is it - "an elite professional tailor, I sew to order ..." and "PR ideologist"?
      ... You already decide ...
  21. +1
    18 May 2016 22: 41
    It is useless to reeducate the "elite". It is easier to re-educate a blood-drinking bug.
    Our desires are always ahead of the possibilities. And the possibilities rest against the formation of the consciousness of the nation. Only we sometimes forget that this process is very long. The evolution of Russia is taking its course. Whoever impedes this process will fall under the rink of history. Everything will be fine, only in three hundred years. And quickly only rabbits breed. recourse
    1. 0
      19 May 2016 09: 26
      Quote: Valter1364
      It is useless to reeducate the "elite". It is easier to re-educate a blood-drinking bug.

      Reminded Mark Twain: "Only a bullet from a good gun can re-educate him! And I see no other way."
  22. +7
    18 May 2016 22: 41
    It is sad to read this, especially you understand that all this is true. And the saddest truth is that there is no power in the elite, and that party in power is a greedy and insignificant biomass, which we foolishly consider the state. And this is not a state, but an organized crime group pretending to be him. What I have said more than once and will repeat. It’s time for the Supreme in the country, if he is really Supreme, to find his Arkolsky bridge, and as soon as possible. And then you can be late. And if he, too, from this party and in the country there aren’t several smart, honest, and most importantly decisive leaders and people who can take their side, then dark days await us.
    1. 0
      19 May 2016 09: 23
      Quote: NordUral
      And if ... there aren’t a few smart, honest, and most importantly decisive leaders and people who can take their side in the country, then dark days await us.

      ...why "expect"? They are already come! ...
  23. +4
    18 May 2016 22: 54
    And the Aegolends will continue to encroach on our lands, openly declaring that the Lord God has too generously endowed Russia with natural riches and she must share them.
    "Egolends", in fact, are Britain and the United States, under which the whole world capitalism. The problem is that the "plot of capitalism", when today you have to sell more than yesterday and tomorrow more than today, this is an inevitable progression (arithmetic or geometric). Sales markets, territories and resources are not endless, as a result, if colonies run out, capitalism breeds world financial pyramids ... Capitalism itself, a planetary virus, and the time of capitalism, as a positive development of civilization, passed with the emergence of transnational monopolies, the approval of a single owner - the leader of the world capitalist system, that is, the Anglo-Saxons. Now there is one pole of power, there will be no "multipolar world" without socialism, a multipolar world and it became possible only because the Soviet Union arose, otherwise the Gaidars, Yeltsins and Chubais would appear in Russia not in 1991, but under a pro-Western puppet Provisional Government , since 1917, when Russia, in contrast to the Soviet legacy, did not have any margin of safety, and no one would have allowed it to become a space and nuclear superpower from debt bondage and poverty. So, what are the conclusions? We have picked up capitalism, in which its own master and rules under it, as long as this is so, Russia will be dependent on London and Washington. The Soviet reserve of strength is running out, and our bourgeoisie, bad guys, traitors, are hardly capable of more from what the current "menageries" are squeezing out in the factories prepared according to Soros's economic programs. It is necessary to return the kibalchish boys, socialism, independent of the rules of the world capitalist "casino", to revive the true multipolar world. Otherwise, the skiff will be not only for Russia, but for the whole civilization, the virus will devour everything and everyone.
  24. -1
    18 May 2016 23: 02
    The article is abstruse, but encouraging to think.
  25. +3
    18 May 2016 23: 06
    The word elite. which the author uses when describing the ruling class of our country, I think is not appropriate. Is a thief a thief and is this an elite? The caste is more suitable for our rulers.
    1. 0
      18 May 2016 23: 21
      This is not a caste, but hired management.
  26. 0
    18 May 2016 23: 20
    The assertion that the Russian Federation is the object of no publicist can neither confirm nor deny. However, 4 tons versus 20 is an eloquent fact. When this is interesting dynamics.
  27. +2
    18 May 2016 23: 34
    Let our authorities be determined by what they want, or "light" but decaying capitalism (since it is moving by any means towards financial speculation and catastrophic social stratification) or a mobilization planned economy with strict control over the leadership of the population a la Stalin. Why is tight control necessary? Because this is the only way to drive social stratification into an acceptable framework.
    1. +2
      19 May 2016 09: 16
      Quote: Denis Obukhov
      Let our authorities decide what they want,

      To "declare" - to declare publicly "at a gathering" - what they, the authorities, want - means: to sign a death warrant for yourself! Even during the Yeltsin putsch, the army did not dare to do anything more than a few shells at the parliament! (unless the "Dzerzhintsy", and even then - for good money ...) but none - all the more ...
  28. +1
    18 May 2016 23: 37
    Quote: siberalt
    Siluanov knows exactly how to reform our economy, but cannot find the words to explain it.

    Yes, he escapes once again a few to Amer. the embassy will be consulted, there they will translate into Russian oral what and how to say it ...
    The word elite. which the author uses when describing the ruling class of our country, I think is not appropriate. Is a thief a thief and is this an elite?

    Elite in its purest form, as it was originally, is not anywhere else.
    It is now accepted by the elite, which is somewhat erroneous, to consider the power elite of the state. management. Yet again. This practice is ubiquitous.
  29. +1
    18 May 2016 23: 39
    Quote: Getoetet
    Hey, a visitor at the zoo, my wife, working as a seller, received a salary of less than 10 !!! thousand rubles a month in March !!! - You’ll be ridiculous yet? .

    Are you carrying foxes from the zoo?
  30. -1
    19 May 2016 00: 34
    The classics of being are simple. There is an estate of the Magi, pursuing the laws of God to people. Then comes Power, optimally the monarchy. Then - the Army. And only No. 4 - Dealers. If in Civilization the priority is to the 4 number, it will not go far.

    And as for the clever academicians, these FOR FOOD, they will justify and invent anything: under the Holy Inquisition, they sat in monasteries at the tip of a needle and counted devils; then consumptive poor fellows taught (and "learned") the children of aristocrats; further, the consciousness of the communists was defined as a "brick" of being. Today - for the 4th they invented: "the hand of the market", "efficiency", "marketing" and other "commercial devils-oligarchs on the edge of the oil and gas needle."

    There is a given order of things in life: one rules, the other serves, the third grows bread. The civilization of clever people invented a crane ("social elevator") to raise the "cow" of the lower classes to the "hayloft" of power. The result is a permanent mess! If there is NO HEARING, then at least read books, at least practice music - you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SING. The situation is the same with other CALLS ...

    Russia should complete the Great Monarchist Counter-Revolution. It is enough to be ashamed of the SOSLOVNY nature with a just stratification of society and follow the mental utopias of "freedom-equality-brotherhood".


    PS: Ideology? Please: "Live, live and make good."
  31. +6
    19 May 2016 00: 40
    Quote: Dart2027
    I did not understand one thing - what does the author suggest?

    What can be objectively proposed, alas, is classified as "extremism", "a call for a change of power," "an attempt to take away the steering wheel from the VVKodimka." Therefore, the author tacitly suggested thinking it out for himself.
    1. +3
      19 May 2016 00: 43
      Quote: Comrade Glebov
      What can be objectively proposed, alas, is classified as "extremism", "a call for a change of power," "an attempt to take away the steering wheel from the VVKodimka." Therefore, the author tacitly suggested thinking it out for himself.

      Comrade Glebov, you are looking at the root! good drinks
  32. +6
    19 May 2016 00: 47
    Quote: Bayun
    The classics of being are simple. There is an estate of the Magi, pursuing the laws of God to people. Then comes Power, optimally the monarchy. Then - the Army. And only No. 4 - Dealers. If in Civilization the priority is to the 4 number, it will not go far.

    And as for the clever academicians, these FOR FOOD, they will justify and invent anything: under the Holy Inquisition, they sat in monasteries at the tip of a needle and counted devils; then consumptive poor fellows taught (and "learned") the children of aristocrats; further, the consciousness of the communists was defined as a "brick" of being. Today - for the 4th they invented: "the hand of the market", "efficiency", "marketing" and other "commercial devils-oligarchs on the edge of the oil and gas needle."

    There is a given order of things in life: one rules, the other serves, the third grows bread. The civilization of clever people invented a crane ("social elevator") to raise the "cow" of the lower classes to the "hayloft" of power. The result is a permanent mess! If there is NO HEARING, then at least read books, at least practice music - you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SING. The situation is the same with other CALLS ...

    Russia should complete the Great Monarchist Counter-Revolution. It is enough to be ashamed of the SOSLOVNY nature with a just stratification of society and follow the mental utopias of "freedom-equality-brotherhood".


    PS: Ideology? Please: "Live, live and make good."

    Did you want estates, my friend? Come on a hereditary nobleman? And if the new monarchical power "writes down" to the slaves, how can you cry about the fact that all people are equal? All for the monarchy are so far tagged as princes, but I have not seen anyone willing to clean the princes' boots and to receive twigs on the lower back for offenses.
    1. +1
      19 May 2016 07: 29
      About 25 years ago, many shouted: Down with socialism - give capitalism. Dali, many did not succeed in becoming a capitalist.
      Now they shout: give the monarchy. As logic suggests, not everyone will manage to get into the nobles.
      What will they scream afterwards?
      1. 0
        22 May 2016 14: 24
        In Sweden, Spain, England, Norway, Japan, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, the Emirates there is a monarchy, like not all nobles, and live well!
        This is not counting all Brunei and Luxembourg in the Bahamas.
  33. +1
    19 May 2016 01: 57
    For the last 2000 years, the socio-economic system on this planet has remained unchanged in its essence. The only effort that the ruling elite exercises is to remain in power so that it will not be ousted.
    Society once again approached the boundary of its development (a crisis, this time an artificial one). Once again, the ruling elite is going to shake the planet to prolong its ruling role for another era.
    The author asks if there is an answer - the decision of our and global managers? The answer is yes, yes, it is the same as always: war and devastation!
    In reality, everything can be different. If I lived 100 years ago, I probably would not even have thought about this :-) but today I see that there is an opportunity, it’s reasonable to look back in the world past and make sure that repeat old mistakes. Will it, Great of this day !? I do not know, but I want to believe that there will be someone who changes the system, I would follow him!
  34. +2
    19 May 2016 02: 50
    Quote: mad
    Everything was gone - the main point of the article ... I’m only surprised as soon as we continue to live and not notice it, the Internet is working, millions of cars are in traffic jams, a couple of beers are cooling in the refrigerator))

    You are very lucky since you do not notice anything. Either you are rich, or, to put it mildly, not visionary.
  35. +1
    19 May 2016 03: 06
    Everything is doable ... we have the brains and resources .. we will draw the money ourselves
  36. +2
    19 May 2016 08: 57
    Dear, the power, it is not ours and not yours, it is the power and first of all solves its own problems, be it geopolitics or the payment of salaries at a fish factory, and then you are just fellow citizens, no theory or forecasts are needed, the current model of Russia's development (see Western), in its pure form, a failure, because the model taken artificially and not even adapted to Russian realities is simply not viable, there are many factors, this is the communist past, and a huge country, and our people are not from that "test"
  37. +3
    19 May 2016 09: 06
    This Putin is simply not yet aware of the situation, otherwise he would have shown them all !!!)
  38. 0
    19 May 2016 11: 52
    A good article. The role of personality in history. But already such "elite" personalities are blown away, disgust for such appears.
  39. 0
    19 May 2016 19: 08
    Quote: Passer
    About 25 years ago, many shouted: Down with socialism - give capitalism. Dali, many did not succeed in becoming a capitalist.
    Now they shout: give the monarchy. As logic suggests, not everyone will manage to get into the nobles.
    What will they scream afterwards?

    Give slavery! Slaves definitely work better than serfs! They’ll shout something like this, 146%.
  40. +1
    20 May 2016 08: 38
    Russia can turn from a subject into an object of global politics, become a gas station, according to Congressman Biden. But for this, out of the 150 millions of the population, only a third is needed.

    Optimist ... Margaret Thatcher said that enough 15 millions. And with the development of robotics, this will be a lot.