Hypersonic Putin

Hypersonic Putin

Testing of aeroballistic warhead for new Russian missiles "Sarmat" showed that Russia will soon become the only country in the world capable of destroying any target anywhere on the planet within half an hour without using nuclear weapons. weapon.

Moscow was the first to accomplish what it had long dreamed of in Washington. The RS-28 “Sarmat” heavy intercontinental missile, which the Kremlin plans to put into service over the next two years, has mixed all the cards to American generals. After all, in a non-nuclear version, it is the very weapon of an “instantaneous global strike”, which the US has long been frightened by the whole world. However, in fact, “creative managers” from Washington were unable to create for their “global strike” a rocket with the necessary characteristics of range, speed, accuracy and reliability. But the "dense Russian" for their strike - created! Now it has ceased to be a secret, the whole world has learned: Moscow already has such weapons in its hands. And by the way: in the version with nuclear equipment, the Sarmat, in order to cause unacceptable damage to the United States, even one rocket is enough!

Speed, accuracy, invulnerability

Much is being said and written about the military "hypersound" in the media today, but for the most part we are poorly aware of what it is. To put it simply, without abstruse scientific terms, then “hypersound” is the ability of any material object - an airplane or a rocket, for example, to maneuver in the atmosphere at a speed not less than five times higher than the speed of sound ( Mach number equal to 331 m / s). In the military field, it has long been available to intercontinental ballistic missiles that fly at speed as much as 25 Mach, but they reach it only in space, in airless space, at altitudes where there is no air resistance and, accordingly, the possibility of aerodynamic maneuvering and flight control.

Military aircraft today can be effectively used only at altitudes up to 20-ti, on the strength of 25-ti kilometers. Spacecraft - at a height of at least 140 kilometers (low orbit parameters). The range of heights is from 20-25 to 140-150 km. turns out to be unavailable for military use. But it is precisely this range of heights - available exclusively for hypersonic aircraft - that is fantastically promising from the point of view of combat effectiveness.

Why is hypersound so important to the military? The answer is simple. It consists of only three words: speed, accuracy, invulnerability. Hypersonic missiles, flying at high speed, are capable of hitting any target on the globe within an hour. And thanks to its ability to maneuver, adjust the course throughout the entire flight, hit with the highest accuracy, literally up to a meter. While moving in the atmosphere, in the plasma cloud, and therefore remaining as the most secretive and completely inaccessible to any missile defense system. Thus, many times superior in combat effectiveness to all existing weapons, including fusion ammunition.

Hypersonic flight is indistinguishable not only for modern means of radar. In the foreseeable future, it is not even foreseen to create means of intercepting such missiles. Not for nothing, it is clear that Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, commenting on the prospects for creating hypersonic devices, said that, by meaning and influence on the strategy of armed struggle, this breakthrough can only be compared with the creation of an atomic bomb.

The appearance of serial models of hypersonic weapons will make a real revolution in military affairs. The first person who will be able to massively equip such aircraft with his army will, in fact, receive absolute weapons capable of solving any strategic tasks in the shortest possible time and with minimal expenses. For example, quickly, inevitably and with impunity, destroy the military-political leadership of any country, the infrastructure of its state administration, key military and economic facilities. Simply put, to simultaneously decapitate any adversary, paralyzing his ability to resist and retaliate.

It has long been no secret to us that the United States is actively conducting large-scale development of fundamentally new means of air and space attack, which make it possible to radically change the course and outcome of combat operations during air and space operations. The general designer of the concern Defense Almaz-Antey Pavel Sozinov warned on December 8, 2014 that the Americans are striving "at the turn of 2020 to move to the use of a fundamentally new class of weapons in terms of delivering high-precision warheads to the target. First of all, we are talking about the development of hypersonic maneuvering elements in the combat load of ballistic missiles - both nuclear and conventional."

But the Americans, despite all their efforts, did not even manage to build an experimental prototype of such weapons. But Russian scientists, designers and engineers, despite the scarcity of resources and all the difficulties of our present life, managed to create not just a prototype, but a full-fledged sample, ready for adoption and for mass production, leaving the puffy Pentagon in such a way!

This seems to be understood now even in America itself. Recently, Mike Rogers, chairman of the Strategic Action Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee for the US Congress, told the Washington Times newspaper: “I am very concerned that Russia is significantly ahead of the United States in developing opportunities for a rapid global strike.” Recognition, of course, belated. Well, oh well, what could be there: better later than never ...

Deadly and impregnable

For the outside world, the victory of the Russian hypersound went almost unnoticed at first. 21 April 2016 of the Russian media reported sparingly: “In the Orenburg region, a PC-18 ballistic missile was launched to test a hypersonic aircraft. The tests were recognized as successful. ”Then came the clarification: the launch was carried out from the Dombarovsky test site, and on the Stillet PC-18B Stillet missile, a hypersonic warhead was tested for a heavy intercontinental ballistic missile Sarmat.

In fact, this message means that a real revolution has taken place in equipping our Strategic Missile Forces. I repeat for those who doubt: the nuclear equipment of one such missile is enough to guarantee unacceptable damage to the United States. And in the non-nuclear version, the Sarmat will become a real super-weapon, combining the enormous speed of the ICBM with the accuracy of targeting the most advanced cruise missiles.

The fact is that for ICBM combat units — even the most modern — the circular probable deviation (that is, the radius of the circle in which the unit falls with probability into 50%) is 220-250 m. And the radius of the circle where the warhead will fall into with 99 % is three times more. But the Sarmat maneuvering hypersonic warhead can be guaranteed to aim at a target with an accuracy of several meters!

At the same time, Sarmat will be able to attack its target even through the South Pole, that is, from the direction in which the Americans do not have a stationary anti-missile defense infrastructure. And his so-called. "Flat trajectory" will increase the length of the controlled flight of military units. This, in turn, means that such an important indicator of combat effectiveness as the "area of ​​a warhead breeding zone" will increase, that is, the distance between various targets that one missile can attack with its charges.

A new Russian rocket will be based in a stationary mine, but this, in spite of a widespread misconception, does not make it any less tenacious than, for example, mobile Topoli or Yarsy. For example, suffice it to say that the mine launchers of the predecessor Sarmat, the heavyweight Voyevod ICBM, remain combat-ready, even if they are inside the fiery hemisphere of a close nuclear explosion. Even if they are in the zone of pile of soil from the crater from such an explosion up to 2 meters thick.

Their ultra-protected mine can be guaranteed to be destroyed only if it is inside the crater from the explosion. Meanwhile, the accuracy of the most advanced ICBMs is such that to guarantee the destruction of our mine with a probability of 99,8%, this funnel must be a radius of at least 750-840 meters! But for the formation of a funnel of such a radius, a very powerful warhead is needed - significantly more powerful than those that are now on most American missiles.

In addition, there is also a KAZ - a complex of active protection of the silo from incoming warheads of enemy missiles. The peculiarity of the KAZ is that the destruction of air targets occurs with metal arrows and balls with a diameter of 30 mm at an altitude of up to 6 km. These arrows and balls are fired at a huge initial speed (up to 2 km / s) and create a real iron cloud over the protected object. Suffice it to say that one salvo contains up to 40 thousand striking elements. So the KAZ can be considered a kind of "anti-missile artillery» short-range.

The first such complexes, developed at the beginning of the 90s, were called Mozyr. At the Kamchatka Kura test site, they were even tested not on mock-ups, but on a real warhead of the Voyevoda rocket launched specifically for testing, and the target was hit in full accordance with the calculations. The only disadvantage of KAZ is the small area of ​​the protected zone. This makes it impossible to use it to protect large objects, but it protects point targets of the silo type quite reliably.

Heir to the Governor

Yes, the PC-28 "Sarmat" is undoubtedly a revolutionary rocket in its capabilities. But it arose, of course, not from scratch. The Soviet Union was also working on the possibility of equipping warheads with its ICBMs with individual engines for maneuvering in space and special aerodynamic surfaces for planning in the atmosphere in the final part of the trajectory. For the first time such a technology was successfully applied on the combat units of the R-36М2 “Voevod” missile, which were put into service as early as 1990, and received the 15Ф178 cipher.

In fact, each such unit already then combined the properties of an unmanned spacecraft and a hypersonic aircraft. All its actions, both in space and during a flight in the atmosphere, this device performed autonomously, independently determining the optimal parameters of motion.

Inside the divided head of the Voivode, there is a very complex unit (it is called the “breeding platform”), which, after the ICBM head is removed outside the atmosphere, begins to perform a number of programmed actions for individual targeting and detaching the warheads located on it.

As a result, in outer space battle orders are lined up from real nuclear charges and false targets, which are originally also on the platform. At the head of the "Governor", for example, out of fourteen "seats", only ten are occupied by warheads, and four are cassettes with numerous simulators and traps designed to deceive enemy radars. And while these radars are trying to figure out where the real goal is, and where it is a false one, each Voivode fighting unit is freely displayed on a trajectory ensuring that it hits a given point on the surface of the Earth.

After separation from the breeding platform, the blocks begin to live their own separate, independent life. Each of them is equipped with engines for maneuvering in space and aerodynamic steering surfaces to control flight in the atmosphere. In addition, each on board has an inertial control system, several computing devices, a radar, and many other high-tech equipment ...

The first model of this weapon, made back in the distant 1972 year, was very cumbersome - almost five meters long. But already by 1984, the draft design of a combat unit suitable for installation on a rocket was ready. The block had the shape of a sharp cone about two meters high, and its targeting was carried out as follows. Before entering the upper atmosphere, the on-board computer calculated the actual location of the unit using a radar. Then, before entering the atmosphere, the locator antenna was shot off. On the atmospheric part of the movement, the combat unit for a few seconds made a series of active maneuvers with extremely high overloads, which made it invulnerable to any missile defense system.

The first launch of the program of state tests of such a unit for the "Voivode" was carried out in April 1988 year. Over the next year and a half, six launches were made - all, as one, successful. As a result, the missile system with the maneuvering combat unit 15F178 was adopted for use by the Strategic Missile Forces by decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers on August 23 of 1990. But after the collapse of the USSR, the installation of new units on the missiles was stopped, and further work on this super-promising product was closed ...

But we warned you ...

After ten long years, Putin, having come to power, resumed such developments. The same technology as the Voivode - only, of course, already improved, with enhanced combat capabilities - was used on new missiles: first on the Topol M ICBM, and then on the Yars and Bulava.

For the first time, Putin said this out loud in the spring of 2004, after large-scale Russian military exercises held in the north of Russia. Foreign and Russian media then zealously sneered at the Russian army weakened and disorganized over the years of Yeltsin's “reforms”. And at this moment Putin, who, as a rule, is very cautious in his public assessments and judgments, suddenly told the whole world a sensational news. Moreover, he specifically stressed that every word in his statement "is important."

He said: “Experiments and some tests were carried out at these exercises ... Soon the Russian armed forces will receive combat complexes capable of acting at intercontinental distances, at a hypersonic speed, with great accuracy, with a wide maneuver in height and direction of impact. These complexes will make any missile defense models unpromising, existing or prospective.

In November of the same 2004, Putin again, speaking already at a meeting of the leadership of the Armed Forces, said that in the near future unique strategic missiles will appear in Russia: “We are not only conducting research and missile tests of the latest rocket launchers nuclear systems. I am sure they will soon appear in service. Moreover, it will be such developments that are not present and in the coming years will not be with other nuclear states. We understand that as soon as we weaken our attention to such components of our defense as a nuclear missile shield, we will have new threats. Therefore, we will continue to persistently and consistently engage in the construction of the Armed Forces as a whole, including its nuclear component. ”

And in 2006, the Russian media reported: “Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov reported to President Vladimir Putin about successful tests of a fundamentally new warhead for domestic ballistic missiles. This is a combat unit that can maneuver independently, avoiding any missile defense systems. It’s important that the new combat unit is unified, that is, it is adapted for installation both on the Bulava sea missiles and on the Topol-M land rockets. Moreover, one missile will be capable of carrying up to six such warheads. "

This means that, compared with the combat units of the Soviet Voevody, the new Russian hypersonic warheads have significantly improved and expanded the maneuvering parameters, while at the same time reducing their mass-dimensional characteristics. Simply put, their maneuver has become more energetic and wider, and the size and weight - less.

The "Sarmat", of course, everything will be even steeper. Due to the fact that this MBR does not fly along a classical ballistic, but along a flat trajectory, its flight time is reduced, and hypersonic maneuvering warheads will fly much longer in the atmosphere, which, in turn, will increase their combat maneuvering capabilities.

But the main thing is that the new combat unit for the Sarmat (the Americans call it “Yu-71”, our media - “Object 4202”), seems to be controlled on the entire trajectory of its flight. And if so, if Russian scientists, designers and engineers really managed to solve the most complicated problem of remote control of a warhead flying in the atmosphere, in a plasma cloud and at an enormous speed, then the accuracy of its guidance can be brought to a value comparable to the accuracy of “Glonass” or GPS , that is, up to several meters!

With such accuracy, not that nuclear, but even ordinary charge is not needed. A combat unit can be purely kinetic - that is, a simple disc without any hint of the presence of an explosive. With such a weight, say, one ton, and Sarmat will be able to carry up to ten (!) Tons of payload — and at that tremendous speed at which this pig faces the ground, the effect will be similar to an explosion of many hundreds of tons of TNT and is guaranteed to destroy any target - areal or buried, protected by a multi-meter layer of reinforced concrete!

All this means that after the deployment of the Sarmats, Moscow, even without the use of nuclear weapons, will receive a unique opportunity: destroy any target with known coordinates on the globe within 30-40 minutes!

Three scenarios of nuclear death

In nuclear equipment, the main task of Sarmat is to ensure that the United States causes “unacceptable damage” with a minimum number of missiles.

As early as the beginning of 1960, the then US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara introduced the concept of "assured destruction of the enemy." Guaranteed destruction, according to McNamara’s criterion, meant a nuclear strike that would kill between a quarter and a third of the population and destroy two thirds of the industrial potential of an enemy country.

For the guaranteed destruction of the USSR, McNamara considered it sufficient to blow up four hundred thermonuclear charges each megatonn on its territory. And the United States Strategic Evaluation Committee stated that “killing a nation” in America can be ensured by delivering “only” one hundred megaton missiles to its territory.

Then Washington got the concept of the so-called “irreparable damage to the enemy”. The American strategists defined the irreparable damage as "the destruction of such a percentage of the population and economically important objects, which will lead to the fact that the enemy state can no longer function." This effect could be achieved by already significantly smaller forces than the 400 megaton rockets required for the assured destruction of the Soviet Union.

After the collapse of the USSR, another concept was born in the Pentagon - the concept of “unacceptable damage”. This is damage that is less irreplaceable, but it can be guaranteed "to stop the enemy from any hostile actions." It is this view of Washington on the sufficiency of its strategic potential that is now the basis of nuclear "deterrence of Moscow". True, no one has yet been able to explain exactly what is meant by this mysterious term. After all, the range in which damage is assessed as “unacceptable” is very wide. Here, as they say, to each his own. "Unacceptable" can be called the consequences of a massive nuclear strike, and the damage from the detonation of even a single nuclear warhead in the territory of the enemy.

Be that as it may, in the time of McNamara, in the era of the Cold War, the people of the United States and their entire infrastructure were much better prepared for a possible nuclear strike from Russia than they are today. All experts unanimously argue that now the threshold for unacceptable damage to America is much lower than 20-30 years ago. What, in general, is not surprising: the more complex the state and financial-economic infrastructure of a country, the easier it is to cause deadly harm to its delicate organism.

So, in the case of the use of our P-36М2 “Voevoda” missiles (not to mention the “Sarmat”), a dozen missiles may suffice to guarantee the destruction of the United States according to McNamara's formula. And for the application of unacceptable damage, one single will suffice!

To prove this, it is enough to make the roughest and most approximate calculation. I apologize in advance to the readers for this cannibalistic arithmetic, but it is necessary so that we can at least approximately imagine the combat power of our heavy ICBMs and understand why the Americans called our "Governor" - "Satan"!

Total death algorithm

Today in the US, one third of the country's total population lives in three giant megalopolises: the Northeast (the so-called Bos Vash, from Boston to Washington, where at least 50 million people live); Lakeshore, around the Great Lakes (Chi-Pitts, from Chicago to Pittsburgh, at least 35 million); and California (“San San”, from San Francisco to San Diego, at least 20 million people). The zones of these megalopolises are relatively small. Their total area of ​​about 400 thousand square meters. km., but it produces more than half of US GDP!

So: for the destruction of these regions with all their infrastructure is enough 10-12 missiles such as "Voyevoda". And we have such missiles in service today cost about five dozen. And neither current, nor even promising American missile defense systems can intercept them!

So, let's count together. According to American data, when a nuclear warhead with a capacity of one megaton explodes, in a zone with a radius of up to 10 kilometers, the proportion of the affected population (i.e. those killed and wounded immediately, not counting those who will then die from radiation, thirst, epidemics, lack of medical care, etc.) is 50%. The zone of fires, rubble and destruction of civilian infrastructure will extend to the same distance. Thus, the area of ​​destruction of one Satan block, according to the formula, can be taken as 314 square kilometers. This means that one missile carrying 10 warheads can "cover" 3140 square kilometers, and ten - 31 square kilometers. This is a zone of almost complete destruction.

If in a similar way to calculate the area on which immediately after the explosion no less than 25% of the population will be affected anyway, then it will increase to 56 000 square. km And this is almost 15% of the entire territory of megalopolises. Considering that the aiming points for the combat units of our ICBMs are the most important infrastructure facilities: state, administrative, financial and economic management centers, industrial zones, population life support objects, etc., it can be assumed that such infrastructure will be completely destroyed. Washington and New York, Chicago and Philadelphia, Los Angeles and San Francisco will turn into steam ...

But besides the blast wave and light radiation, which are the main cause of the almost instantaneous destruction and rapid death of people, a nuclear explosion has other damaging factors - a powerful electromagnetic pulse that disables all electronics, as well as penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination of the area. Considering this, during, say, a month after a nuclear strike throughout the entire territory of the American megalopolises, there is a high probability of total population death.

The rest of the United States will suffer terrible damage. The network of centralized government simply disappears. The food supply system of cities where 82% of Americans live will collapse. Everyone will survive as best he can, which will inevitably end in total chaos and total war of "all against all." Given that the population of the United States today has more than 270 million units of firearms, this can lead to casualties, almost more than from a nuclear strike ...

Thus, for the "killing of the nation" and "guaranteed destruction of the United States," even in accordance with the terrible criterion of McNamara, 10-12 missiles of the "Voivode" type may well suffice. After all, each of them is capable of delivering to America either one “heavy” thermonuclear charge of twenty (!) Megatons or ten “light” maneuvering warheads with a capacity of at least 750 kilo tons each ...

Needless to say, in order to cause “unacceptable” damage to the present pampered and fattened America, even one missile of this type will be more than enough. What can we say about even more deadly "Sarmat" ... God, merciful, do not let us, many sinless madmen, bring the matter to the realization of these terrible scenarios!


* Moscow has regained its undisputed leadership in the field of strategic nuclear weapons. From now on, any attempt by the United States, NATO, or any other state (union of states) to gain qualitative military superiority over the Kremlin is doomed to inevitable failure. Military victory over Russia again, as in Soviet times, has become absolutely impossible!

* In achieving this result, the personal merit of President Putin is obvious and indisputable. It is he, as head of state and Supreme Commander, who bears full responsibility for the defense of the country. It was he who in this capacity led the complex and multifaceted work on the revival of the Russian military-industrial complex, the entire military infrastructure of Russia and the combat power of its Armed Forces.

* The presence of the world's best strategic nuclear deterrent, combined with mobile and professional general-purpose forces that have proven their effectiveness during the Syrian war, allows Russia to consolidate the constructive role of the Eurasian superpower, the role of the main geopolitical counterweight to US imperial hegemony and liberal Eurocodom Democratic Satanism.

* All this, taken together, may already in the foreseeable future turn our country into a universally recognized leader of the world resistance to theomachy globalization, the main defender of traditional spiritual, religious, moral and historical values ​​of all peoples of the Earth in the face of the global aggression of the theomachy West

Help us, Lord! Amen.
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  1. +58
    17 May 2016 11: 56
    swear by mockali

    1. +42
      17 May 2016 11: 58
      Quote: c-Petrov
      swear by mockali

      Soon they will be afraid even of Russian starting pistols laughing
      1. +27
        17 May 2016 12: 01
        "Moscow has regained its undisputed leadership in the field of strategic nuclear weapons" - this is the main thing that must be absorbed, sloshed, thrown in, consumed by amer and all other "exceptional" ones.
        They must understand that in the event of their aggression there will be no nuclear strike with the death of a large number of the population and, accordingly, there will be no reason to cry about inhumanity. There will be each "exclusive" hypersound with the Arctic fox personally in the window. Well, in Pindagon, of course, with the State Department. There vaschsche all polls oh..reneli.
        1. +7
          17 May 2016 12: 25
          Now the hot heads will cool and stick deep ...
          1. +19
            17 May 2016 13: 39
            Now the hot heads will cool and stick deep ...

            Strange article ... Figures and calculations have been known for a long time, it is not for nothing that some "impressionable" dug individual bunkers and lived away from cities. Terrible figures, they were not published widely, but they were not a secret either. They were brought to us right away in the first year of the military school in the distant 79th. As well as the fact that our cities will not be left with any waste either.
            And the worst thing is if we find ourselves without such a weapon. No matter how scary, it is it that holds the planet in the world. I believe that ours are capable of doing something, but I do not believe that the Americans are lagging behind. And now the Chinese have pulled themselves together.
            It seems that the time has come for the Americans to think again and take the rulers by the balls. START and ABM restriction treaties appeared for a reason. And now all this is too uncontrollably rushed forward.
            1. +10
              17 May 2016 18: 49
              To cause irreparable damage to the United States, just one powerful enough warhead is enough. The depth of magma under the Yellowstone Caldera is only 8 km. It is only necessary to cause a sufficiently powerful seismic shock. Thermonuclear weapons are capable of this today.
              However, due to processes associated with the emission of ash and steam into the atmosphere, every third inhabitant of the Earth is likely to die. Nuclear winter is guaranteed, and it would be better if there were no war. Although the United States is precisely what the world is moving towards ... Idiots.
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +5
        17 May 2016 12: 03
        Quote: Wend
        Soon they will be afraid even of Russian starting pistols

        I think they will soon be afraid of even thunder. smile
      3. +1
        17 May 2016 14: 07
        they are already afraid not for nothing that doping scandals are inflating wink
      4. +4
        17 May 2016 15: 58
        Then I don’t understand - if everything is so good with us, why do we allow the Merikos to swagger, commit atrocities, and generally do what they please, spitting on us at the same time, making us many nasty things and spewing countless abominations in our direction?
        And we all streamline and wipe, shuffling with shamefully leg.
        What is the catch then? I do not believe that everything is so smooth.
        1. -1
          20 May 2016 07: 44
          This is a utopian article; it has no direct relation to reality. Just because the Sarmat missile is not in service and has not been put to mass assembly. Therefore, the possible future is more likely described here if the missile is put into service and in sufficient quantity. Again, no one has canceled spies, information leaks too. And the presence of such weapons does not give a strong advantage, since the current world depends on the US economy, with its destruction it will be bad for everyone. Accordingly, the appearance of such weapons in our country potentially sets the whole world against us and makes sense for the existence of NATO, which is much larger and wider than it was in the Soviet years.
          In addition to the military theater of action, there is also an information one. Where we lose a lot, the sanctions have not been lifted so far, although it is intuitively clear who shot down the plane, whose Crimea is real, who is fighting in the Donbass, etc. The same UN - we do not have as many allies in the meringue as the United States has.
          Again, if you look at the story, then for every breakthrough in the development of weapons, there is a worthy answer. Yes, if the rocket is as described in the article, it will give us good long-range strike weapons, but it will also make the scientific world look for ways to neutralize these weapons, as it was during the entire Cold War. And so on to infinity.
          1. +3
            20 May 2016 09: 31
            offer to disarm altogether and surrender to amers
        2. +7
          20 May 2016 07: 54
          I will answer according to my own understanding:
          Governors and Sarmatians are in order not to die.
          In order to live, you need an independent and self-sufficient economy. And here for now Americans They rule.
        3. +1
          20 May 2016 11: 14
          This is the whole horror of the situation! With the opportunity to destroy the world almost instantly, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate allows himself rhetoric and actions that bring the world to an end. Americans are blinded by their greatness and generally do not perceive threats to their country. They are so confident in their omnipotence that they do not listen to the voice of reason.
    2. +28
      17 May 2016 12: 03
      "A military victory over Russia again, as in the days of the USSR, has become absolutely impossible!"

      Now forward
      Quote: c-Petrov
      swear by mockali
      - remove the fifth column and completely take control of the economy.
      1. +10
        17 May 2016 12: 13
        Quote: tiredwithall
        "A military victory over Russia again, as in the days of the USSR, has become absolutely impossible!"

        Now forward
        Quote: c-Petrov
        swear by mockali
        - remove the fifth column and completely take control of the economy.

        The "exceptional" prezik Monkey Obama tore our economy to shreds. fellow And here we are, and we’ll make porridge from the ax and master the hypersound. good
        1. +4
          17 May 2016 12: 22
          Tore, tried and oborossya ...
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        20 May 2016 07: 55
        How do you remove it? Put everyone in? But people will come out and be even angrier at the state than before. Will you kill? They have relatives who will take revenge. And so on to infinity.
        Better to look at how the human body exists in a rather aggressive environment, in which one E. coli and staphylococcus are several dozen species. But it does not die. Why? Because the immune system is strong. Yes, there is diarrhea, fever, sore throat, snot, cough. However, the body does not destroy the infected parts of the body. He does this only in one case - an autoimmune disease, such as AIDS. So your decision to "get rid of the fifth column" is an autoimmune disease for the country. It is necessary not to get rid of, but to form such meanings in the minds of people so that the fifth column is rejected by the consciousness of any person.
        In the 37th year, they also fought with the fifth column, but they did not call it that. What did this lead to?
        1. +1
          20 May 2016 10: 22
          akeloya: The "fifth column" in the USSR used various measures of social protection, and not only in '37. '22.06.1941 is the pinnacle of the process, its peak, when they got to the "rotten head". And we all remember this year, because this year the grandfathers and grandmothers of modern democratic reformers, usually those in power and controlling the media, suffered their deserved punishment. They are the ones screaming about the billions tortured and raped in Stalin's camps and personally by Stalin. The USSR, from the moment of its formation, being surrounded by anything but friends, which are non-existent in geopolitics by definition, always fought the "fifth column", right up until June XNUMX, XNUMX. Another question is that different people were doing this, including those who themselves were the "fifth column". Hence the excesses. And I will answer your main question: what did this lead to? Answer: we did the impossible - we defeated the Third Reich.
          1. +1
            20 May 2016 11: 32
            Therefore, these democratic reformers are so disliked by the question of how many people in Russia perished during their democratic reforms. The bandit showdown alone claimed more than one hundred thousand lives, but how many victims of these bandits were. How many lives of girls disappeared from the country and abroad due to sexual slavery. How many died in wars within the country and abroad. Therefore, the "democrats" shout about Stalin's atrocities, acting on the principle - "Stop the thief!"
          2. -1
            20 May 2016 12: 29
            Victory over the Third Reich and the fifth column of songs from various operas. The fifth column did not disappear from the victory over the Third Reich, just as it was not destroyed in the 37th, otherwise there would not have been either Vlasov or Bendera in the 41st, and in the 80s "Gorbachev" would not have appeared and would not have destroyed the country. The fifth column was, is and will always be, and it is in general in any state, the only difference is in how strong the power is in a particular state. In the same present-day Europe, there is also a fifth column, and the United States has its own fifth column.
            And who will clean it? The police you don't trust? Case investigators? Inactive prosecutor's office? Oh well.
            By the way, the same Stalin was a democrat and the elections in the 37th year were multi-party and several parties were represented in small numbers in the elections. So was the choice of candidates nominated in different places. These were the first elections after constitutional reform. Somewhere I saw the publication of an article or note by Stalin in truth from the 36th or 37th year that the system should be multi-party and that people should be given a choice. By the way, after that, repressions began, the real essence of which was that such a system of multi-party system and trust in the choice of the people cannot be implemented in a country where there are many spies and dissidents.
      3. 0
        20 May 2016 08: 42
        Quote: tiredwithall
        - remove the fifth column and completely take control of the economy.

        Who will "clean up" and "take over"? ... The sixth column? ...
      4. -1
        20 May 2016 11: 44
        Then you need to start with the main rating carrier. He’s holding the fifth column, so he’s satisfied
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. cap
      17 May 2016 12: 04
      Quote: c-Petrov
      swear by mockali

      We pulled ahead again. laughing
      We have hypersound, everyone else to sing songs in Europe.
      Through the South Pole, you must!
      1. +2
        17 May 2016 12: 13
        The X-51 completed the flight in six minutes and reached speeds in excess of 5M in 210 seconds on May 1, 2013 at the longest duration of hypersonic flight.
      2. +2
        17 May 2016 13: 50
        Again pulled forward. laughing
        We have hypersound, everyone else to sing songs in Europe.
        Through the South Pole, you must!
        You be careful with conclusions based on a glass of rapturous snot from an unknown author. The author is already some sort of ... with "caps in the air ..." He piled up with three boxes, and between the lines one can sense a burning desire to bang at the enemies, "until they have a mustache ready" Yeah, only, I'm afraid, in this case "desired" by "actually".
    5. +3
      17 May 2016 12: 05
      I remembered from an old joke: "What was that?
      - These are the Russians walking " laughing
    6. +2
      17 May 2016 12: 15
      "Recognized leader of the world resistance to the atheist civilization" belay
      1. 0
        17 May 2016 13: 26
        Quote: marlin1203
        "Recognized leader of the world resistance to the atheist civilization" belay

        Yes, it seems that the wrong ones are called "God's chosen" ... what
      2. +1
        17 May 2016 13: 49
        Quote: marlin1203
        "Recognized leader of the world resistance to the atheist civilization"

        Help us, Lord! Amen.

        There are no more words about the entomus opus ..... belay
    7. +9
      17 May 2016 12: 25
      Good people, however, around. They sit, calculate - as if to cover more Yankees with missiles. One word - pacifists. laughing Personally, I don’t believe in any prodigies with outrageous performance characteristics, but I believe in nuclear deterrence, which is ensured by the very presence of the right number of warheads and in mass inexpensive equipment in the regular army. I can’t recall a war where, with a relatively equal military potential, some kind of prodigy would decide. But the mass adjusted pr-in inexpensive equipment - it solved many wars. soldier
      1. +2
        17 May 2016 12: 45
        Quote: g1v2
        Good people, however, around. They sit, calculate - as if to cover more Yankees with missiles. One word - pacifists. laughing Personally, I don’t believe in any prodigies with outrageous performance characteristics, but I believe in nuclear deterrence, which is ensured by the very presence of the right number of warheads and in mass inexpensive equipment in the regular army. I can’t recall a war where, with a relatively equal military potential, some kind of prodigy would decide. But the mass adjusted pr-in inexpensive equipment - it solved many wars. soldier

        If this "prodigy" has tremendous destructive power, then why not?
        1. +4
          17 May 2016 14: 37
          Quote: 1976AG
          If this "prodigy" has tremendous destructive power, then why not?

          Another thing infuriates me: "Why are we yelling loudly and so early?"
          Heavy intercontinental rocket RS-28 "Sarmat", which the Kremlin plans to adopt over the next two yearsmixed all the cards to the American generals.
          To put pressure on the psyche is how to look ... We ourselves are counting the time when the Anglo-Saxons will dream that there is still a chance and why not use it?. Already bring schizos, so beautiful. Write, damn it ... that is ... in the amount of 8 pieces of the RS-27 Sarmat. The twenty-eight, a more advanced version, were also seriously modernized and ready for combat duty. Or did journalists end on NTV?
    8. The comment was deleted.
    9. +1
      17 May 2016 12: 36
      s-t Petrov (2) RU Today, 11:56 New
      swear by mockali

      Yes, we are! Aesche I want to add articles to this paragraph
      All of this, taken together, can in the foreseeable future turn our country into the generally recognized leader of world resistance to God-fighting globalization, the main defender of the traditional spiritual, religious, moral and historical values ​​of all the peoples of the Earth in the face of the global aggression of the God-given West.

      Russia has turned from a godless state of the USSR into an intercessor of faith! Fiction!
      1. +14
        17 May 2016 13: 25
        Damn impressive, I felt that ours had clearly come up with something and were simply keeping quiet... It's not for nothing that there is such howling and barking in the West against Russia! And the most interesting thing is, what are they thinking in the European cock-pit..?
    10. -6
      17 May 2016 13: 14
      Where's the emoticon? Or is it serious?
      1. -3
        17 May 2016 14: 11
        This is a very thick trolling. It would be better if the author wrote "about his favorite lunar tractor."
    11. +1
      17 May 2016 13: 22
      Quote: c-Petrov
      swear by mockali

      Now they can throw meteorites ..! laughing

      "With the weight of such a blank, say, one ton, - and the Sarmat will be able to carry up to ten (!) Tons of payload - and at the colossal speed at which this blank collides with the ground, the effect will be like an explosion of many hundreds of tons TNT and is guaranteed to destroy any target "
    12. +3
      17 May 2016 13: 51
      Today I will sleep peacefully with a smile on my face
      1. +1
        17 May 2016 14: 23
        Quote: vkl.47
        today oudu sleep calmly with a smile on your face

        Indeed, the author threw at night looking sedative.
    13. +1
      17 May 2016 19: 41
      non-nuclear version, it is the very weapon of the “instant global strike” with which the United States has long frightened the whole world. However, in reality, the “creative managers” from Washington were unable to create a rocket with the necessary characteristics of range, speed, accuracy and reliability for their “global strike”. But the “dense Russians” created for their blow!

      Yes shosh this? !! belay And the exclusive megazrad lol
      1. +1
        20 May 2016 09: 58
        Quote: GSH-18
        What the hell?! And the exceptional ones have mega-betrayal

        And what about the fence that the Ukropiteks and Balts built? request ...
  2. +30
    17 May 2016 12: 00
    The average person will say - well, great, we'll get the Americans from overseas. But few will think that behind such an invention as a hypersonic missile there is a whole team, a bunch of research institutes, the best designers and many years of testing and implementation of ideas. Millions of rubles invested. And what is no less important is that orders and patronage were given from the top. So the Supreme Commander-in-Chief also deserves credit for the creation of the newest and most modern weapons.
    Glory to Russian engineers and Glory to Putin for a modern nuclear shield. Do not be it possible and we were already gone.
    1. +5
      17 May 2016 13: 12
      I wildly apologize, but we all naturally didn’t think here that Vladimir Vladimirovich in her office had one tricked her.
    2. avt
      17 May 2016 13: 16
      Quote: seti
      But few people would think that behind such an invention as a hypersonic missile there is a whole team, a bunch of research institutes, the best designers and many years of testing and implementing ideas. Millions of rubles invested. And what is important is given guidance and patronage from the top.

      Well, something like YES. Especially if you consider how under Gorby the Skif "- the WORLD'S ONLY material sample of SDI, and made by the USSR, was stupidly drowned. Again, the Ustinov brainchild is a" laser rangefinder / locator "in Kazakhstan wassat Well, depending on the jokes of the first department.
  3. +16
    17 May 2016 12: 00
    I always believed that falling warheads and hypersonic missiles are somewhat different things.
    When launching the ICBM — none of the likely friends will wait for the first explosions to see the nuclear warhead there or the usual one — they will immediately launch their own. So it’s too early to rejoice.
    1. cap
      17 May 2016 12: 11
      Quote: lelikas
      I always believed that falling warheads and hypersonic missiles are somewhat different things.
      When launching the ICBM — none of the likely friends will wait for the first explosions to see the nuclear warhead there or the usual one — they will immediately launch their own. So it’s too early to rejoice.

      But this will force, as they say, filtering speech at various kinds of summits, and not rely on their generals who beguiled the shores
      in the literal sense. They have all the ports around the world American.
      1. +3
        17 May 2016 12: 52
        Quote: cap
        But this will force, as they say, filtering speech at various kinds of summits, and not rely on their generals who beguiled the shores
        in the literal sense. They have all the ports around the world American.

        I don’t know what the cons are, but in the second part, you are absolutely right - they act according to their doctrine, which is English in white, that the Yankees are the only ruler of the world, and all attempts to prevent this should be stopped by both economic and military ways.
        And as for the first part - nuclear weapons and carriers they have more than ours, and if the "reduced" is pulled from the warehouses - the balloon will burst and the moon will get it.
    2. +4
      17 May 2016 12: 29
      "I always thought that falling warheads and hypersonic missiles are somewhat different things" ////

      And there is. Substitution of concepts.

      Hyperbook rocket - rocket with ramjet
      engines flying horizontally (or hollow gliding) in dense layers of the atmosphere.

      ICBM warhead - cone with a durable heat-resistant coating (without any engine)
      falling almost vertically down.
      1. +2
        17 May 2016 12: 45
        Quote: voyaka uh
        And there is. Substitution of concepts.

        hi Yeah, pro always thought it was rather a metaphor.
    3. +1
      17 May 2016 12: 38
      Quote: lelikas
      I always believed that falling warheads and hypersonic missiles are somewhat different things.
      When launching the ICBM — none of the likely friends will wait for the first explosions to see the nuclear warhead there or the usual one — they will immediately launch their own. So it’s too early to rejoice.

      in light of europro the speed of launch of ICBMs is critical
      1. +2
        17 May 2016 12: 56
        Quote: poquello
        in light of europro the speed of launch of ICBMs is critical

        Looking from where to start, but also using modern principles of rocket science, you won’t change it significantly, at least until you invent an electromagnetic catapult that throws a rocket right into the orbit, but this is still fantastic.
        1. 0
          17 May 2016 13: 19
          Quote: lelikas
          Quote: poquello
          in light of europro the speed of launch of ICBMs is critical

          Looking from where to start, but also using modern principles of rocket science, you won’t change it significantly, at least until you invent an electromagnetic catapult that throws a rocket right into the orbit, but this is still fantastic.

          and the pressure in the shaft of the shaft or holding do not consider
    4. +2
      17 May 2016 19: 56
      Quote: lelikas
      I always believed that falling warheads and hypersonic missiles are somewhat different things.

      In the Soviet version, yes.
      But now both the ICBM itself and its units are maneuvering!
      Test aeroballistic warheads for the new Russian Sarmat missile showed that Russia will soon become the only country in the world capable of destroying any target anywhere in the world within half an hour

      What was not in the USSR, and all this happens in hypersound.
      Here is a parsley.
      1. +1
        17 May 2016 20: 15
        Quote: GSH-18
        What was not in the USSR, and all this happens in hypersound.
        Here is a parsley.

        In fact, any ICBM warhead flies at hypersonic speed, and any device launched into orbit by a satellite also reaches and exceeds hypersonic speed (for the air environment). Accordingly, any ICBM warhead, and not just the Sarmat warhead, also meets the target at hypersonic speed, even taking into account some braking in the dense layers of the atmosphere. Therefore, it is still incorrect to consider an ICBM warhead, even if it maneuvers in the atmosphere in the previously (in "old" missiles) passive section, as hypersonic. A hypersonic aircraft is still considered to be an aircraft that reaches hypersonic speed in the atmosphere and on its own engines.
        1. +1
          17 May 2016 20: 34
          Quote: andj61
          A hypersonic aircraft is still considered an aircraft that reaches hypersound in the atmosphere and on its own engines

          What bothers you? Aeroballistic hypersonic Warhead ICBM Why aren't you hypersonic weapons? And the new ICBM itself also actively maneuvers until the moment of separation. Just here, the ICBM is used as a means of delivering separable and maneuvering hypersonic warheads. Such a technical solution.
        2. +1
          17 May 2016 23: 37
          Quote: andj61
          In fact, any ICBM warhead flies in hypersound, and any device launched into the satellite’s orbit

          In general, the concept of "hypersound" refers to the movement of a body in a medium (because sound does not propagate in a vacuum), and not in an airless, outer space! In space, other velocity quantities are used: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. space speed. By this, it is already clear that the Sarmat is not flying in space and, accordingly, not along a ballistic trajectory.
  4. -14
    17 May 2016 12: 04
    But the Americans, despite all their efforts, failed to build even an experimental prototype of such weapons. lol
    1. +2
      17 May 2016 12: 07
      They have many billions, even if they continue to invest them.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. -6
      17 May 2016 12: 17
      X-43A raises Mach 9.6 bar The Guinness Book of Records recognized NASA's X-43A Scramjet with a new world speed record for jet-powered airplanes - Mach 9,6, or nearly 7000 mph. The X-43A set a new mark and broke its own world record on its third and final flight on November 16, 2004.
      1. +4
        17 May 2016 14: 18
        Well, Xmer Amer and warheads are different things. Xs are closer to our brahmos, and warheads maneuvering in hypersound are completely different, so godofwar6699- do not rub your hands, all these Guinness records are for the bar.
        1. +5
          17 May 2016 14: 38
          Quote: Absurdidat
          Well, Xmer Amer and warheads are different things.

          and HGB

          and STARS?

          and ODES PBV with MaRV,MIRV?
      2. +2
        17 May 2016 14: 47
        Quote: godofwar6699
        The X-43A set a new mark and broke its own world record on its third and final flight on November 16, 2004.

        Stirlitz has never been so close to failure ...
      3. KCA
        17 May 2016 19: 36
        Americans traditionally overestimate the characteristics of their devices, and we traditionally underestimate, for example, "Raduga-D2" converted from the usual X-22, it is declared tested at Mach 6-6,5, but it is quietly indicated that it can be 8-14 with a liquid-propellant engine and at the final section , this project with good guns during the time of Boruch was done together, but there is also a GELA (hypersonic experimental aircraft) there is already a ramjet engine and the first samples are officially Mach 4,5 and a range of 3000 km, the work seems to have been frozen, but something to me suggests ...
    4. +4
      17 May 2016 12: 24
      Quote: godofwar6699
      But the Americans, despite all their efforts, failed to build even an experimental prototype of such weapons.

      At first (after reading the article) I thought it was a bast shoe, a peysaetl...
      However, he was surprised:
      Konstantin Yurievich Dushenov was born on February 2 1960 of the year in Leningrad in the family of a hereditary military man. In 1977 — 1987 he served in the Navy of the USSR. He graduated from the Higher Naval Diving School named after Lenin Komsomol. He served in the Northern Fleet on nuclear submarines of the 671РТМ and 667А project as commander of a missile and torpedo group, commander of a mine and torpedo warhead. In 1983, he was awarded the medal "For Military Merit" for completing a special mission of the command. Studied in postgraduate studies majoring in military history. The topic of the dissertation is “The naval forces of the capitalist states in local wars and armed conflicts after the Second World War”.

      In 1987, he received holy baptism. He was expelled from the ranks of the CPSU with the wording "For activities incompatible with the high rank of Soviet officer" and was demobilized. After demobilization, he worked as a researcher in the Public Library, as a teacher in the school, and taught the special course “Religious Aspects of Russian Culture” at the Pedagogical University of St. Petersburg.

      I don’t understand: either he was a bad submarine-rocket launcher, or too good a press secretary of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga John (Snychev).
      In general, sweet porridge is written, in the spirit of "weekly results", 90% of which is nonsense
      And by the way, your video isn't exactly cool/
      Australians (students) did more

      1. -6
        17 May 2016 12: 29
        [quote = opus]

        In 1987 he received holy baptism.

        I think you found the answer hi
        1. +6
          17 May 2016 13: 00
          Goodbye America, you crying
          And I kept wondering why it was necessary to DESTROY BZHRK?
          The first to go under the knife was the 52nd division, which was destroyed in the fall of 2002, forming in its place a base for storing BZHRK elements, which they destroyed and abandoned in 2007. In 2003, the 36th division was banged, although its trains were the “freshest”, since 1992 they could easily serve until 2007, and then a new launch and a new extension, such as, for example, have repeatedly extended the life of the same 58 solid-propellant missiles complex "Topol". And in 2005 they destroyed the head division of the BZHRK in Kostroma.
          Now I understand why, right after Bush's announcement of withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, Russia, as if on someone's command, destroyed all missile trains over the course of 3-4 years. But that was not all. Our "patriot" went even further and for some reason, after destroying the trains, continued to destroy their bases, the so-called permanent deployment points (PDP) - the multi-billion dollar infrastructure of the BZhRK missile bases.
          Everything turned out to be simple, we have "Hypersonic Putin"!
          Now we have one blanket with flattened mattresses! And spit us on their missile defense.
      2. +3
        17 May 2016 12: 41
        Quote: opus
        I don’t understand: either he was a bad submarine-rocket launcher, or too good a press secretary of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga John (Snychev).

        1987 - perestroika, rehabilitation of political prisoners, creation of the first cooperatives, free broadcasting of all kinds of "voices" - and such a strange article of dismissal of a person who served only five years - that is, practically the most promising young officer ...
        1. +2
          17 May 2016 13: 30
          Quote: lelikas
          and such a strange article of dismissal, a person who served only five years

          not only "article"
          1. Oil Syrup
          Quote: Author
          Moscow was the first to realize what Washington had dreamed of for many years. The RS-28 Sarmat heavy intercontinental missile, which the Kremlin plans to adopt over the next two years, has mixed all the cards for American generals.

          somehow does not correspond to the lexicon
          Quote: opus
          the commander of a rocket and torpedo group, the commander of a mine and torpedo warhead.
          , this is not "the results of the week"?
          2. To be precise, then
          - 1 th GPLA, these are North American X-15,3 pieces with 1959, up to 107 960 m, up to M5,58

          2. STARS (Strategic TARget System) November 17 2011 years, in 1: 30 HAST from the Pacific Rocket Range (US Navy located in the Hawaiian Islands (Kauai Island) launched the STARS rocket under the fairing of which was a hypersonic glider Hgb , L = 3700 km M5- 8.

          The second STARS IV test with HGB took place in 2014.

          3. We had (and are getting worse) a problem with accuracy (KVO).

          Quote: Author
          flying in the atmosphere, in a plasma cloud and at an enormous speed, the accuracy of its guidance can be brought to a value comparable to the accuracy of Glonass or GPS, that is, to several meters!

          Well, complete nonsense.
          1. +1
            17 May 2016 13: 32
            Quote: Author
            * Moscow regained indisputable leadership in the field of strategic nuclear weapons. From now on, any attempt by the United States, NATO or any other state (union of states) to obtain high-quality military superiority over the Kremlin is doomed to inevitable failure. The military victory over Russia again, as in the days of the USSR, became absolutely impossible!

            * In achieving such a result, it is obvious and undeniable personal merit of President Putin. It is he, as the head of state and Supreme Commander-in-Chief, that bears the entire responsibility for the defense of the country. It was he who in this capacity supervised the complex and multifaceted work of reviving the Russian military-industrial complex, the entire military infrastructure of Russia and the combat power of its Armed Forces.

            I won’t even comment

            Quote: Author
            Help us, Lord! Amen.

            Quote: Author
            So what's the problem? Write better - read ...

            1. Read, do not write. It takes a lot of time.
            2. You, I’m afraid it will be boring (neither about bikinis, nor about ticks, etc.) - I do not know how.

            3. Is it worth the effort? I am illiterate (probably), and Chuchvarkin will ruin my work (he will read the first sentence, find a mistake and ruin it)
          2. +2
            17 May 2016 14: 24
            Opus, do not confuse their atmospheric hypersonic missiles with our warheads maneuvering in the atmosphere at hypersound !!! Hypersonic atmospheric and we are developing, but this is not at all. Amers have not yet announced the results for the technologies described in this article.
            1. +2
              17 May 2016 14: 43
              Quote: Absurdidat
              Opus, do not confuse their atmospheric hypersonic missiles with our warheads maneuvering in the atmosphere at hypersound !!

              Absurdidat, and where did you get the idea that I'm "confusing"?
              HGV-General Dynamic Hypersonic Glide Vehicle as exhibited in 1987

              A booster would accelerate the HGV to Mach 18 and an altitude of 80 km. It would then enter a long glide, coming over its selected target at Mach 5 at 30 km altitude. An HGV launched by a Minuteman would have a range of 15,000 km; air-launched from a B-1 or B-52, a 7,400 km range.

              2 tonne HGV to have a useful payload ... surface attack missile using Loral air-to-surface guidance concepts developed for the USAF Manoeuvring Re-entry Vehicle (MaRV) program

              Quote: Absurdidat
              Amers have not yet announced the results for the technologies described in this article.

              don't even make me laugh

              BGRV - Boost-Glide Re-entry Vehicle

              he test was flown on 26 February 1968 from Vandenberg AFB

              Quote: Absurdidat
              technology results described in this article

              in this article there are no technologies, no descriptions, just one verbiage

              Quote: Author
              Help us, Lord! Amen.

              The third commandment says: "Do not remember the name of the Lord your God in vain."
            2. +1
              17 May 2016 16: 02
              And the aeroballistic - planning HTV 2 warhead does not count already - the principle is the same as with our warheads.
          3. +1
            17 May 2016 15: 59
            We have these hypersonic single-stage aircraft, were supposed to be Tu 2000, M 19 and Mig 2000.
      3. 0
        17 May 2016 13: 20
        So what's the problem? Write better - read ...
      4. +3
        17 May 2016 14: 13
        90% of which is nonsense

        so it turns out that only the title can be considered the truth? the rest, as they say, "lied with three boxes"?
        Behind yourself, than blow bubbles in the form of percentages.
        1. +2
          17 May 2016 14: 26
          Quote: serkhan
          so it turns out, only the title can be considered as truth?

          You should not insult the Supreme (there are articles in the Criminal Code and the Civil Code)

          Quote: Author
          Hypersonic Putin

          Quote: serkhan
          the rest, as they say, "lied with three boxes"?

          Even "Colonel" Korotchenko is an "innocent lamb" compared to the author.
          Quote: serkhan
          Behind yourself, than blow bubbles in the form of percentages.

          1. What specifically in me should I pay attention to, which side to look at?
          2. What bubbles, what %... I didn't understand your idea, I'm probably a bit stupid
          1. +2
            17 May 2016 21: 17
            Quote: opus
            Even "Colonel" Korotchenko

            And he seems to tryndel that he is a general belay and the people are talking, an impostor request
            1. +1
              17 May 2016 21: 45
              Quote: PHANTOM-AS
              and the people are talking, an impostor

              To ignorant people, Korotchenko usually seems to be a colonel of the General Staff reserve. Or Colonel Reserve Strategic Missile Forces.
              (More: http://vpk-news.ru/articles/8244)

              There are two biographies of Korotchenko. One is written by his own hand, the second is real. belay

              Igor Yuryevich KOROTCHENKO - he is Vasily Kasarin, he is Igor Yuryev, he is Vadim Egorov, he is Maxim Isaev, he is Igor Lensky, he is also Gennady Pulin, he is Boris Vyatkin (other pseudonyms are possible, under which Korotchenko usually appears in the media).

              He was fired the rank of lieutenant colonel (according to other sources - major) under subparagraph 2G of paragraph 2 of Article 49 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service". In 1994, this meant (it should be noted that there were also later versions of this law): "If a serviceman no longer meets the requirements established for him by law." In other words, this is the most discrediting article under which an officer could be dismissed from the Armed Forces.

              In modern Russia, this is quite enough to be (just a list):

              * Member of the Presidium of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
              *Chairperson of the Commission on Outreach Support and Raising the Prestige of Military Service;
              * expert consultant of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on issues of the military-industrial complex;
              * Member of the Central Council of DOSAAF of Russia;
              * Member of the Expert Council of the Interdepartmental Working Group under the Presidential Administration for Cooperation with NATO in the field of missile defense.

              1. +2
                17 May 2016 22: 10
                Quote: opus
                In modern Russia, this is enough to be

                In modern Russia, many people think
                that they went upstairs
                but in fact, they surfaced there! sad
                1. +3
                  17 May 2016 22: 15
                  Quote: PHANTOM-AS
                  but in fact, they surfaced there!

                  Ha ha ha ...

                  We are addicted to what pops up
                  Gorgeous stinks, shines;
                  Though life proved a long time ago
                  Something that pops up ... it!)))
                  1. 0
                    17 May 2016 22: 54
                    Quote: opus
                    Something that pops up ... it!)))

                    But for some reason, "cotton swabs" love this substance request
    5. +2
      17 May 2016 12: 47
      Do not show the author only the article, otherwise the thread will be completely ripped off and he will divulge even more terrible secrets about combat cyborgs and tracked submarines!
      1. 0
        17 May 2016 13: 16
        Quote: lelikas
        Do not show the author only the article, otherwise the thread will be completely ripped off and he will divulge even more terrible secrets about combat cyborgs and tracked submarines!

        There are also combat hypersonic dolphins (BHD), but more on that, in the next article what
    6. +1
      17 May 2016 15: 11
      Quote: godofwar6699
      But to the Americans, despite all their efforts

      I remember this American bogeyman when, in order for a rocket to reach a certain speed, the plane had to be accelerated to a certain speed.
      Stupidly an American rocket needs a plane to fly at hypersonic level.

      "The hedgehog is a proud bird until you kick it and it flies." It is especially fun that after being kicked in the form of an airplane at high speed, it did not fly long and stupidly collapsed.
      1. +3
        17 May 2016 15: 38
        Quote: lopvlad
        Stupidly an American rocket needs a plane to fly at hypersonic level.

        stupidly, the Russian object "4202" (product 15U71, complex 15P771), for "flight at the hypersonic level" needs the UR-100NUTTH ICBM (ICBM 15A35), or the RS-18 ICBM, or
        Quote: author
        Heavy intercontinental missile RS-28 "Sarmat"

        Cost of ICBM (disposable product) from $38 million (Trident2D5 in 1990, only ICBM) to $120 million... Cost of launch (including submarine, crew, etc.), under $170 million

        Unit cost, B-52B: $ 14,43 million B-52H (1962 year): $ 9,28 million B-52H (1998 year): $ 53,4 million, reusable product (flight hour cost $ 20000?)

        so consider ... "stupid" or "not stupid"
        1. +1
          17 May 2016 15: 54
          Threat. and launches with the B-52 are test launches.

          HGV reached 18 M at an altitude of 80 km when launched from STARS ballistic missiles (STARS-1 [Sandia], STARS-1 (WCRRF) [Sandia], STARS-2 [Sandia], STARS-4 (AHW-HGB-1A) [Sandia])

          Aerothermodynamic / elastic Structural Systems Environmental Tests

          Quote: lopvlad
          she fell apart shortly and stupidly.

          test, experimental ... anything can happen, not even gpzla ..

    7. 0
      17 May 2016 20: 07
      Quote: godofwar6699
      But the Americans, despite all their efforts, failed to build even an experimental prototype of such weapons. lol

      This is bullshit, not a hypersonic rocket. The expected speed and range parameters were never achieved. And apparently they will not be achieved at all. Too many Baku rubles are deposited in the pockets of corrupt civil servants and their accomplices from the US military-industrial complex. What is buzzing for us good
  5. +7
    17 May 2016 12: 06
    How much and beautifully written, everything is somehow somehow rosy ... I hope at least half is approximately true
    1. +3
      17 May 2016 12: 24
      In fact of the matter. There is not a single confirmation of success
      these tests.
      Every U.S. Hypersonic Testing Confirmed
      video: both successful trials and failed ones.

      ALL ICBM warheads are hypersonic from the 50's.
      The question is their controllability in dense layers of the atmosphere.
      A plasma cloud forms around the ICBM warhead.
      The BG cone behaves (and looks) just like a burning falling meteorite.
      No radio signal passes into the plasma cloud and vice versa.
      How to manage? a prayer? smile
      1. +1
        17 May 2016 12: 30
        Quote: voyaka uh
        Help us, Lord! Amen.

        1. +1
          17 May 2016 12: 58
          When I finished reading and saw this phrase, I realized that the author is not all right.
          1. 0
            17 May 2016 13: 17
            Quote: Igor39
            When I finished reading and saw this phrase, I realized that the author is not all right.
      2. +3
        17 May 2016 13: 42
        Quote: voyaka uh
        ALL ICBM warheads are hypersonic from the 50's.

        hypersonic flight in the environment (atmosphere) is a flight under the action of engine (propulsion) thrust, for a long time, controlled, over a significant distance.
        Do not drag in you "for God's sake" BG ICBMs, descent vehicles and so on.

        The ballistic descent trajectory for the given characteristics of the spacecraft (or ICBM BG) and the atmospheric parameters known with a certain accuracy is calculated in advance; based on this trajectory, the location and angle of entry of the spacecraft into the atmosphere are selected, ensuring its landing in the specified area. The magnitude of the overload during a ballistic descent depends almost exclusively on the angle of entry into the atmosphere (the angle of inclination of the trajectory to the local horizon). If the entry angle is 0,5-1 degree, the peak overload will reach 8-10 units. The greater the entry angle, the steeper the trajectory and the greater the overload.

      3. +4
        17 May 2016 14: 39
        Voyaka uh - I hope neither you nor your friends will see the results of successful tests of our HYPERSound MANEUVERS IN THE ATMOSPHERE OF BATTLE UNITS. What you see on the video of your "friends" overseas has nothing to do with the Satan project.
        All warheads are hypersonic, as well as the first satellite too))) but no warheads are controlled.
        What the hell is a radio signal for controlling warheads!?!? What are you even talking about!?!? Have you at least taken an interest in what an ICBM is - it's not even "fire and forget", it's a completely automatic system, without human intervention. At the initial stage, there are global control algorithms after the decision to strike, then everything - the attack system, the missile defense system - everything works without a person. Search the Internet for information, lectures, documentary films. About the missile defense system developed by Sergei Lavrentyevich Beria, our legendary scientist and designer, who created the world's first missile defense system, everything worked on hypersonic speeds back in the sixties, it's easy to find links, but when you get information about the principles of missile defense, a lot will become clear about projects to overcome them. This is exactly what the complex described here is being created for.

        For an initial immersion in the topic, listen to guests at Armageddonitch Satanovsky’s news, there were simple stories about our nuclear forces. I think you will not regret it.
      4. +1
        17 May 2016 20: 18
        Quote: voyaka uh
        No radio signal passes into the plasma cloud and vice versa.
        How to manage? a prayer? smile

        This issue has already been resolved by our engineers. Prayers were not used there. lol The whole program was recently on TV, and there it was just that question was raised. As decided, state secret. They decided the main thing. Aeroballistic hypersonic warheads after separation correct the impact between themselves.
      5. +1
        17 May 2016 20: 26
        Quote: voyaka uh
        ALL ICBM warheads are hypersonic from the 50's.

        good hi Yes, and others can not be!
        Quote: voyaka uh
        A plasma cloud forms around the ICBM warhead.
        The BG cone behaves (and looks) just like a burning falling meteorite.
        No radio signal passes into the plasma cloud and vice versa.

        But do you need to manage from the outside? what
        The trajectory is quite normal for itself, it is quite possible to set the parameters of maneuvering by deflecting the aerodynamic "rudders". That's just to determine and correct your position on hypersound in dense layers of the atmosphere. request Although - in the form of delirium - there were reports in the press that we had learned to establish contact with a hypersonic aircraft surrounded by "cold" plasma. It is not clear only how ...
        1. +2
          17 May 2016 22: 53
          Quote: andj61
          But do you need to manage from the outside?

          1.Correction of the trajectory ("running error", get away from the interceptor, etc.)
          2. Change of combat mission (target), self-destruction (world signed, erroneous launch)
          Quote: andj61
          it is quite possible to set the parameters of maneuvering by deflecting the aerodynamic "rudders".

          maneuvering with the propulsion system (from 150 to 90 km) the "rudders" will be torn off to the ground, they will burn out, the losses of Ek and Ep will be too great
          Quote: andj61
          Although - in the form of delirium - there were reports in the press that we had learned to establish contact with a hypersonic aircraft surrounded by "cold" plasma.

          The highest electron density occurs when the body (SC) moves at an altitude of 30 ÷ 50 km above the Earth's surface, where it reaches the values ​​of Ne ≈ 1014 ÷ 1015 el / cm3.
          The natural plasma frequency in this case is f0 = 105 MHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 0,3 cm. Therefore the waves up to millimeters do not spread in this ionized gas. The propagation conditions of the waves are worsened because the density of the gas and the number of collisions of the electron with neutral particles are large behind the shock wave front, so that there are large heat losses in the ionized gas.
          Frequency dependence of the total plasma wave power loss

          Estimated total power loss of radio waves for a typical case of spacecraft entering the atmosphere (f = 200 MHz)

          Distortion of the shape of the radiation pattern of a horn antenna placed in a plasma: 1 - no plasma; 2 - ω0 / ω = 0,45; 3 - ω0 / ω = 0,71

          If the working frequency approaches the natural frequency of the plasma, the directional coefficient of the antenna decreases.
          Quote: andj61
          It is not clear how ...

          - It is recommended to place the antennas on the side surface of the spacecraft (BG) in the region of lower electron density.
          - attempts to reduce the density of ionization by the introduction of deionizing substances.
          -by applying a constant magnetic field, they strive to improve the conditions for the passage of radio waves.
          -antenna rod in the tail part with a side branch (the electron density of the trace decreases along its length ... though "very reluctantly")
          - receive a radio signal by the plasma itself (its electrical conductivity is significant, and it is an electrically denser medium than air)
          Scientists from Harbin University of Technology (China) have found an innovative solution for radio communications with a device flying at hypersonic speed. They used an additional insulating layer in the antenna and the plasma formed during the flight around the vehicle or aircraft for signal transmission.
          1. +1
            17 May 2016 23: 11
            Thanks for the information, the data is very interesting.
            Regarding maneuvering - I was talking about the so-called "passive" section, when all stages have already worked and the warhead is already flying in the dense layers of the atmosphere. We have worked out quite well the maneuvering of engines in the active section. After all, at the end of the active section, that is, already in space, there is practically no plasma as such around the rocket, and it is possible to control the engines and make adjustments. But on our new rockets, judging by the information that is leaking out, maneuvering is also provided for in the "passive" section. So, in this section, the adjustment is especially important, but here it is still much more difficult to do.
            1. +4
              17 May 2016 23: 20
              Quote: andj61
              Warhead is flying in dense layers of the atmosphere.

              in Topol, everything is equal to the remote control of each BB (~ 300 kg of fuel. UDMH and AT)
              they have the same

              What are the aerodynamic surfaces? at 3,2 km / s burn to beats

              EKV also "maneuvers" the remote control

              and MKV

              Quote: andj61
              So on this site, the adjustment is especially important, but here it is still much more difficult to do.

              I will tell you a "terrible secret":
              The main problem in studying the propagation of radio waves in the ascending section of the trajectory of a satellite or spacecraft is the effect of ionization of a jet of gas flowing from the nozzle of a rocket engine.
              Electrons in the jet of the rocket engine are distributed in direct proportion to the gas pressure and inversely proportional to the temperature. As a result, the electron density decreases approximately inversely proportional to the distance from the engine nozzle. The maximum electron density, which occurs near the engine nozzle, reaches values ​​of Ne = 1010÷1011 el/cm3. When radio waves pass through the jet of the engine, their power is weakened. If at some level of the electron density of the jet, the natural frequency of the ionized gas in the jet ω0 is greater than the operating frequency, then the wave does not penetrate deeper into the stream and is completely reflected from a given level of electron density. In this case, the jet is an opaque screen through which radio waves cannot pass. Radio communication is completely broken.
              It is estimated that when a radio line passes through the central, densest part of the jet, the absorption at a wavelength of 3 cm is about 3 dB, and on meter waves connection is impossible.

              But? wink
              1. +2
                17 May 2016 23: 25
                Quote: andj61
                So on this site, the adjustment is especially important, but here it is still much more difficult to do.

                group of academician Vladimir Zakharov from the Chernogolov Institute of Theoretical Physics named after Landau: a plasma is an ionized gas and absorbs electromagnetic radiation in a narrow range of a certain resonant frequency, the specific value of which depends on the properties of the plasma - for example, its density. Any incoming signal close to the resonance frequency will partially be reflected and lost, and partially absorbed by the plasma and generate internal electromagnetic waves at a certain depth. This allows us to consider the plasma itself as a completely effective radio antenna.capable of receiving a signal - however, it will not reach its deepest layers and, as a result, the aircraft itself.

                So in order to get to this signal, you will have to connect an additional system that works from the inside of the device. It will also radiate close to the resonant frequency, and its waves will also be partially absorbed, partially reflected by the plasma. This is where the trick is revealed: the characteristics of the reflected radiation are determined by the properties of the plasma - including the electromagnetic waves in it, and these waves, in turn, are modulated by a radio signal coming from outside. In other words, the waves emitted by the device itself and reflected by its plasma “cocoon” will carry information about an external signal that is unable to penetrate through the plasma layers
  6. +3
    17 May 2016 12: 13
    Well, cool. That's right, why spend a ton of money on developing deterrent systems like the American missile defense, when it’s easier and cheaper to create retaliation weapons that are invulnerable to their missile defense.
    PS That would be a technology yes in a peaceful direction.
    1. +5
      17 May 2016 13: 57
      Quote: tolyasik0577
      why spend a ton of money on developing containment systems like the American missile defense

      We make a mistake (like the USSR):
      1: We threaten to destroy Romania, Poland and other Europe, where the American missile defense and nuclear weapons are located.
      -This is not true, the Americans are deeply pumped into Europe (and indeed any European mold (young Europeans) all the more
      - In case of a nuclear attack on Russia, Europe will not be like this, as Chernobyl proved, they will have enough secondary weapons
      2. It is necessary to threaten to destroy America itself. It will reach them right up to the liver. The Caribbean crisis is an example of this.
      Now there is no Cuba, and in fact it is not needed, just like Venezuela.
      Kamchatka, Sakhali, Anadyr.
      Excellent positional areas of the RIAC (Courier-2, Pioneer-2, Speed-2.

      Complex 15P666 Speed

      Quickly, for sure, is not covered by the US NWR, and right under their breath.
      Then the United States and diarrhea and missile defense and B-61-12 removed from Europe (How to remove the ICBMs from Turkey).
      The most important thing for us is the drum, the naval blockade (just as you can’t organize in Cuba), a preemptive strike on positional areas is ineffective (there are no people there and there is no wasting)
      Quote: tolyasik0577
      PS That would be a technology yes in a peaceful direction.



      XCOR Lynx



      1. 0
        17 May 2016 21: 55
        Quote: opus
        In case of a nuclear strike on Russia, Europe will not be like this, as Chernobyl proved, they will have enough secondary

        Comparing Chernobyl with a nuclear explosion is very incorrect.
        There was a release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere. In a nuclear explosion, all of the radioactive material goes into energy. At the training grounds where tests were carried out in Soviet times, now the background is almost normal, again look at Hiroshima .......
        1. +1
          17 May 2016 23: 08
          Quote: Ramzaj99
          Comparing Chernobyl with a nuclear explosion is very incorrect.

          and 1300 BABY can be compared (most of which will be AIR, GROUND)?
          Quote: Ramzaj99
          In a nuclear explosion, all radioactive material goes into energy

          1.And where does the energy "go"?
          Gamma rays from a nuclear explosion, passing through the environment, ionize its atoms, knocking out electrons from them and giving them enough energy to cascade ionize other atoms, up to 30000 ionizations per gamma quantum.

          alpha, beta, neutrons, EMI, etc. - the same thing, interacting with the atoms of the surrounding substance, transform their stable forms into unstable radioactive isotopes

          The cavern, formed as a result of light pressure, collapses, a ball of fire turns into a cloud, begins to rise up, carrying dust, soil, objects from the surface

          2: Along with fragments of atomic nuclei of fissile material or fusion products left from an explosive device, the newly produced radioactive substances rise high into the atmosphere and are able to disperse over a large area, forming a radioactive contamination of the area after a nuclear explosion. The spectrum of unstable isotopes generated by a nuclear explosion is such that radioactive contamination of the area can last for thousands of years, although the radiation intensity decreases with time.

          Quote: Ramzaj99
          look at Hiroshima again .......

          "Little Boy" from 13 to 18 kilotons TNT "Fat Man" - 21 Kiloton of TNT? good
          more 200 000 people?
          Well don't make me laugh.
          W88 / Mk-5 — American Thermonuclear Warhead 475 CT. ONE UGM-133A Trident II (D5) has EIGHT of them (or up to 14 W76 (100 ct))

          Why should I watch Hiroshima NOW?
          1. +1
            18 May 2016 00: 43
            Quote: opus
            The spectrum of unstable isotopes formed during a nuclear explosion is such that the radioactive contamination of the area can last for thousands of years, although the radiation intensity decreases with time.

            Ltd! This is not entirely true! It all depends on the type of nuclear charge, its design and the main fissile material Pu, U. Modern thermonuclear (Sakharov's "puffs" are not included here) charges are considered the most "clean", since a relatively small nuclear device containing Uranium or transuranium is used to ignite a thermonuclear reaction. the elements are mostly Plutonium. The very same thermonuclear reaction (usually based on LiD-lithium deuteride) does not produce long-lived radioactive isotopes of chemical elements that can infect the area for a long period.
            1. +1
              18 May 2016 13: 12
              Quote: GSH-18
              Ltd! This is not entirely true!

              What is not "so"?
              What difference does it make whether the PPR is 1 year or 1000 years, + guidance.
              The bottom line in the event of a US strike on the Russian Federation with all its arsenal of Europe, as a country (probably about Eurasia, cities for sure) can be forgotten and not paid attention. A retaliation strike on Europe is not needed.
              For a year they will rest, in agony, moreover.
              not a single Ministry of Emergencies (our one of the best) can cope with a banal natural fire, flood, or hurricane.
              What can we say about the consequences of massive nuclear weapons?
              And their medicine is generally not adapted to combat "mass character".
              1. 0
                18 May 2016 17: 09
                Quote: opus
                what difference ppr will be 1 year or 1000 years, + hover

                And here is not a year! I remember on one special subject in my university there were tables of radiation decline when using nuclear weapons (air explosion). So, now it’s hard to reproduce accurately, but I remember one thing, even the most powerful thermonuclear explosion with high primary radiation, the background decreases almost by the hour or day! After a WEEK, from buried bomb shelters you can more or less safely exit. If close to the epicenter, then in filtering gas masks. Here is a parsley.
                But if an atomic charge is applied, then everything is somewhat worse, but not much. It’s just that nuclear explosions produce predominantly short-lived radioelements, unlike, for example, Chernobyl. Something like this.
                It is clear that with a massive nuclear strike, the fallout will add up, and you will not envy those at the epicenter .. I am talking here more about the periphery or about the use of single tactical nuclear charges.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  7. +4
    17 May 2016 12: 17
    A very positive article for a Russian person. Here is a direct balm for the soul. And I can imagine how much cold sweat will be spilled from the American citizen who has read this article and has a very good idea of ​​what this means, given their current political course. laughing
    1. +3
      17 May 2016 14: 08
      Quote: Runx135
      A very positive article for a Russian person.

      There were already films (1938) for our people, just as "good"

      1941-1942 we remember.
      As if there was no repeat:

      Quote: Runx135
      And I imagine how much cold sweat will be shed by an American layman who has read this article.

      1. Their man in the street does not read such articles, he does not care: he is interested in loot ipro monica / clinton, about the "fly"
      2. If they read it (to whom one hesitates to doubt), they will relax.
      Such nonsense that is written in the Russian media only reassures them
      1. +1
        17 May 2016 15: 22
        Quote: opus
        1941-1942 we remember.
        As if there was no repeat:

        shoot spies and lackeys of the West and repeat in 1945 despite the weak economy.
        Here is a reflection on the shape of the pedestal for the Armata tanks at the entrance to the park in New York.

        PS although why do we need a foreign land. Make the Stalin Strait in the place of the United States if you suddenly decide to attack Russia.
        1. +3
          17 May 2016 16: 13
          Quote: lopvlad
          shoot spies and lackeys of the West

          Who will shoot?
          As the story with Serdyukov & Vasiliev & Co. showed .....
          no shooters. Even the cadre did not grow.
          Quote: lopvlad
          1945 will repeat despite the weak economy.

          The Russian Federation's GDP only in 2013 "caught up with the RSFSR's GDP of 1991, and in dollar figures (excluding the 1991 dollar and the 2013 dollar)...
          Caught up and rolled away.
          Not a single republic of the former USSR (now independent states) has reached the GDP of the republics when they were part of the USSR, after 25 years of "hard work". Not even close.
          which 1945?
          Who will "repeat"?

          Quote: lopvlad
          To make the Stalin Strait in the place of the USA if it were suddenly decided to attack Russia.

          I'm afraid Earth mother can not stand such experiments ...
          1. +1
            17 May 2016 17: 14
            Who will "repeat"?

            everyone who attacked Russia had such thoughts. Such a picture can be repeated with anyone if a weapon is pointed at him or bulls are brought to support oneself. Here is to repeat this in combat conditions, when each weapon with live ammunition does not have one from the Altai dare to repeat.

            PS Hypersonic hypersound is different (it all depends on the environment, flight time, it is possible to maneuver on hypersound). Stupidly hypersound in an airless environment (space) has been known for a long time and ICBMs have been flying on it for a long time that in the USA in Russia, but most of the flight is flying around ballistic (uncontrolled) ) trajectories. Stupidly after the main engine has launched the rocket into space to affect the speed (increase, decrease), the direction of movement and force the rocket to maneuver is not possible. Therefore, by the way, kinetic interception is possible (the United States is the first in this) ICBMs can be calculated on the basis of from the trajectory where exactly the rocket will be in the indicated period of time.

            A completely different thing is flying in an air environment where rocket engines must work the entire flight interval + the ability to maneuver in hypersound (the rocket must withstand extreme loads).
            So in the United States at the moment there is not even a prototype of missiles capable of flying hypersound in the air over long distances, not to mention the possibility of maneuvering at the same time.
            All of your spam pictures and videos are just laughter at the level of those like a snowman video.
            1. +2
              17 May 2016 17: 38
              Quote: lopvlad
              Stupidly hypersound in an airless environment (space) known for a long time and it has long flown ICBMs

              Gennosse! Go to .... to SCHOOL.
              "hypersound in an airless environment (space")? fool
              Quote: lopvlad
              All of your spam pictures and videos are just laughter at the level of those like a snowman video.

              I have nothing to object to ...

              Quote: lopvlad
              Stupidly after the marching engine launched the rocket into space to affect the speed (increase, decrease), the direction of movement and make the rocket maneuver is not possible

              Something you have "stupidly" the most used word (a bunch of parasite?)

              So I will "stupidly" educate you. IT IS POSSIBLE ("to influence the speed (increase, decrease)"):
              gravity maneuver

              precession (the same option um)

              -pressure of the solar "wind"

              - pitch angle (the same essence is used um)
              - rebound / deceleration from the atmosphere

              Lagrange points (again um)

              -use of magnetic fields and evaporation of fuel residues
              1. +2
                17 May 2016 17: 44
                - a change in the position of the center of gravity in the BG (power gyroscopes (gyrodynes))

                - cable systems ("Volcano" and "Tros-1,1A, 2"

                in tch electrodynamic vehicles



                Cassini Station and its trajectory in the Saturn system.

                Works of Russian astrophysicist Vyacheslav Turyshev (10 years at NASA) on the deviations of the "Pioneers"
              2. +1
                17 May 2016 18: 25
                Quote: opus
                So I will "stupidly" educate you. IT IS POSSIBLE ("to influence the speed (increase, decrease)"):

                this my friend is calculated before the rocket was in space and then only the "lord of the solar wind", the "master of magnetic fields" and other masters are able to force a ballistic missile to fly along a non-ballistic trajectory. Therefore, there are two ways to increase the ability of a ballistic missile to overcome missile defense.
                1) to reduce in time the active portion of the flight (before launching the rocket into space) by placing another engine more powerful with the same amount of fuel. Using lighter alloys, reducing the mass of the rocket itself.
                2) modernization of the head of the rocket. By increasing the number of warheads, the algorithm for their breeding, modernizing the false warheads, and so on.
                In general, an ICBM without a head can be compared to a brick that is planted into it at a certain speed at a certain slope, where the muscular strength of a person is the engine.
  8. +1
    17 May 2016 12: 20
    "And, by the way: in the nuclear-armed version, "Sarmat", to inflict unacceptable damage on the United States, even one missile is enough!" - this is a clear blunder in the article. Unacceptable damage for the United States is 12% of the country's territory. I think that doing this with 2-3, or even 4 nuclear warheads is a difficult task. Warheads of greater power are installed on existing ICBMs only 1 piece. The fact that these warheads are hypersonic will not affect their power in itself (they are hypersonic on existing ICBMs too). In general, the author is delirious.
    By the way, hereinafter - the author writes about 10 blocks on the Voivode. Where from? If under the START II Treaty a maximum of 2 !!!
    1. +1
      17 May 2016 16: 08
      Quote: DenZ
      "And, by the way: in the nuclear-armed version, "Sarmat", to inflict unacceptable damage on the United States, even one missile is enough!" - this is a clear blunder in the article. Unacceptable damage for the United States is 12% of the country's territory. I think that doing this with 2-3, or even 4 nuclear warheads is a difficult task. Warheads of greater power are installed on existing ICBMs only 1 piece. The fact that these warheads are hypersonic will not affect their power in itself (they are hypersonic on existing ICBMs too). In general, the author is delirious.
      By the way, hereinafter - the author writes about 10 blocks on the Voivode. Where from? If under the START II Treaty a maximum of 2 !!!

      As I understand it, this contract was never signed by us: Termination of the contract [edit | edit wiki text]
      The ratification process dragged on until 2000. The Russian deputy corps did not agree to approve the agreement, officially in view of the lack of budget funds for the implementation of the obligation to replace the separated warheads of Russian missiles with monoblock warheads. In fact, the position of the deputies was related to the aggravation of Russian-American disagreements that had begun at that time due to the intervention of NATO countries in Bosnia and plans for NATO eastward expansion, in which Moscow saw a threat to Russian interests. The Russian government as a whole linked the ratification of the START II treaty to the preservation of the ABM treaty, which the US government did not agree with.

      In 2002, the Americans, in accordance with the ABM Treaty, announced their intention to withdraw from it. In response, the Russian government refused to ratify START II.

      Despite the termination of the START II treaty, the United States unilaterally dismantled its MX-type ICBMs, equipped with separate individual guidance warheads.
  9. +1
    17 May 2016 12: 22
    That is, nuclear weapons with such missiles are not needed.
    Interestingly, if such a missile hits near an American mine, then apparently their nuclear missile will not detonate. What remains is the sea based nuclear weapons?
    I was interested in the description of the protection of our mines. The author is only depressed by the small radius of action. Me too. With the possible deployment of something similar with a large radius, it turns out that there will be no retaliatory strike. As the author said, "Help us, Lord! Amen."
    1. 0
      17 May 2016 16: 11
      Quote: avva2012
      That is, nuclear weapons with such missiles are not needed.
      Interestingly, if such a missile hits near an American mine, then apparently their nuclear missile will not detonate. What remains is the sea based nuclear weapons?
      I was interested in the description of the protection of our mines. The author is only depressed by the small radius of action. Me too. With the possible deployment of something similar with a large radius, it turns out that there will be no retaliatory strike. As the author said, "Help us, Lord! Amen."

      Some nonsense. A missile defense system at mines is only necessary so that the missile does not hit the mine itself, because with an explosion nearby it does not threaten anything. And 6 km is such a good defense ...
  10. +3
    17 May 2016 12: 26
    So what happens? "Death Star" or "Arctic Fox to Washington" in our hands?
    1. +4
      17 May 2016 12: 32
      If at least 80% of the article is correct then... YES! good
    2. 0
      17 May 2016 12: 32
      If at least 80% of the article is correct then... YES! good
    3. +1
      17 May 2016 12: 57
      Quote: Altona
      So what happens? "Death Star" or "Arctic Fox to Washington" in our hands?

      another "Arctic Fox to Washington" in our hands
      1. +2
        17 May 2016 21: 54
        Quote: poquello
        another "Arctic Fox to Washington" in our hands

        Well, if so, then it’s time to end with the mattress and the sanctions will be lifted and oil will rise in price, that's all, as the government and the president want.
        Only now their children and money (only change in rubles) they urgently need to return to their homeland!
        And then it’s all in the nuclear fire our super-duper warheads will burn.
        1. 0
          17 May 2016 22: 58
          Quote: PHANTOM-AS
          Quote: poquello
          another "Arctic Fox to Washington" in our hands

          Well, if so, then it's time to end with the mattress and the sanctions will be lifted and oil will rise in price, that's all ...

          Well, nafig, the weather will go bad, these are not the reasons to kick the whole world, they say the sound wave from the hydrogen bomb passed our little ball several times
          1. +1
            18 May 2016 01: 48
            Quote: poquello
            say the sound wave from the hydrogen bomb walked around our little ball several times

            3 times! 56 Mt. this is not for you, muhra muhra! lol Well, at least from the calculated power, it was reduced by 2 times. And so the ball from her into the stratosphere got out. On Novaya Zemlya, it is still fonit, as well as near Semipalatinsk, where after the "layers" of Sakhprov (200Kt), powerful radioactive fallout fell, long-term infecting the area with Strontium-90. After that, they began to explode underground with smaller charges ... I think there are 5 of 100Mt for America .. and no greenstone is needed belay I apologize for the bloodthirsty pun. God forbid anyone use such a weapon on our planet!
  11. +3
    17 May 2016 12: 39
    The article pleased even if half was creative fiction (which I doubt). Great day, great news !!! You have to sell your iMac, otherwise soon there will be nowhere to buy spare parts))))
    1. +3
      17 May 2016 12: 43
      Quote: fly
      The article pleased, even if half is creative fiction (which I doubt

      Creative fiction in such matters is an unforgivable sloppiness. And in this article there is plenty of it.
      1. 0
        17 May 2016 13: 00
        Quote: DenZ
        Creative fiction in such matters is an unforgivable sloppiness.

        This is misinformation wink
        Let Yusarov’s analysts figure out where the truth is and where the lie is.
        Article is good with t.z. lifting morale. There is a lot of positive.
    2. 0
      17 May 2016 12: 54
      funny title for the article, Hypersonic Putin laughing
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. +2
    17 May 2016 12: 40
    Quote: godofwar6699
    The X-43A set a new mark and broke its own world record on its third and final flight on November 16, 2004.

    oh, yes to listen to you amers, so you flew to the moon without Hollywood and Kubrick
  14. +6
    17 May 2016 12: 41
    His mixed ... People .., horses ...
    The author compares incomparable things to an aerobalistic warhead for ICBMs and air-launched missiles of the X-51 type.
    So the hats should be put aside for now;)

    Starting an ICBM and launching an air-based missile are two different things and different consequences!
    The author is burning)
  15. 0
    17 May 2016 12: 41
    Quote: Michael67
    "Moscow has regained its undisputed leadership in the field of strategic nuclear weapons" - this is the main thing that must be absorbed, sloshed, thrown in, consumed by amer and all other "exceptional" ones.
    That's when new effective ballistic missiles will enter the armament of the Russian army, the characteristics of which will be confirmed not by reasoning in the media, but in the process of testing at the training grounds, I will vote for this position with both hands and even try to raise my legs. In the meantime ... Mace - only half of successful launches, Sarmat has not even started testing, Barguzin is only in the process of development ...
    1. 0
      17 May 2016 16: 24
      Quote: Verdun
      Quote: Michael67
      "Moscow has regained its undisputed leadership in the field of strategic nuclear weapons" - this is the main thing that must be absorbed, sloshed, thrown in, consumed by amer and all other "exceptional" ones.
      That's when new effective ballistic missiles will enter the armament of the Russian army, the characteristics of which will be confirmed not by reasoning in the media, but in the process of testing at the training grounds, I will vote for this position with both hands and even try to raise my legs. In the meantime ... Mace - only half of successful launches, Sarmat has not even started testing, Barguzin is only in the process of development ...

      You're lying. And the last 13 launches were successful. Contract. Notice. So the problem is solved. And I don’t argue that something did not work at the start. Moreover, several unsuccessful launches were due to the container, which has little to do with the engine and the rocket itself.
      1. -2
        17 May 2016 21: 53
        You're lying. And the last 13 launches were successful. Contract. Notice
        Let us suppose
        Number of launches 24
        - 15 successful
        - 7 unsuccessful
        - partially unsuccessful 2
        First launch September 27, 2005
        Last launch November 14, 2015
        This is from what I found quickly. And well, even if the problem is solved. But as a result, by 2016 we had at our disposal a sea-based ballistic missile, inferior in its characteristics to the Trident-2 missile, which was adopted by the United States in 1990. Victory?
        1. 0
          17 May 2016 23: 07
          Quote: Verdun
          But as a result, by 2016 we had at our disposal a sea-based ballistic missile, inferior in its characteristics to the Trident-2 missile, which was adopted by the United States in 1990.

          when the trident is taught to fly also then give way
          1. -2
            17 May 2016 23: 12
            when the trident is taught to fly also then give way
            This, you forgive me, about what? About what we told the whole world about our notorious maneuvering warheads, but the United States - no?
            1. 0
              18 May 2016 00: 07
              Quote: Verdun
              when the trident is taught to fly also then give way
              This, you forgive me, about what? About what we told the whole world about our notorious maneuvering warheads, but the United States - no?

              I’m talking about a mace, and you, as I understand it, are Americans with wrenches, who urgently exchange warheads for trident2 from dividing into maneuvering, do not tell
              1. +1
                18 May 2016 00: 29
                Quote: poquello
                urgently changing to trident2 warheads from dividing into maneuvering, do not tell

                Mk. 500 Evader Maneuvering warhead (Lockheed with General Electric). Six tests (6 March, 9 May, 22 August, 10 September 1975 years, and 23 January 1976 years)
                Development was frozen with the opportunity to start mass production of the Mk. 500 in a short time if necessary.

                AMaRV Program (McDonnell Douglas Advanced Maneuvering Combat Development Block)
                four warheads were made and flight tests were held on December 20, 1979, and October 8 1980 and xnumx october 1981 years using the Minuteman I.

                Precision guided warhead (PGRV Mk. 600) - Development began in the year 1976

                The warhead received the name Mk. 600 and is an alternative equipment for Trident II missiles.

                Unlike AMaRV, it uses terminal guidance sensors, allowing to correct the trajectory at the final stage of flight


                MaRV - maneuverable re-entry vehicle
                MaRV with HSCM - maneuverable re-entry vehicle with hypersonic cruise missile

                W85 Warhead maneuvering warhead Pershing 2 rockets

                Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I, p. Xnumx
                From Polaris to Trident: The Development of US Fleet Ballistic Missile Technology, p. Xnumx
                Dynamics of Atmospheric Re-Entry, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

                I have a question: do you seriously consider them suckers?
                1. 0
                  18 May 2016 01: 15
                  Quote: opus
                  The warhead received the name Mk. 600 and is an alternative equipment for Trident II missiles.

                  sounds like "in the absence of a maid, fuck the janitor"
                  and how many are there on trident2 ?, and fly as well?
                  1. +2
                    18 May 2016 03: 12
                    Quote: poquello
                    "for lack of a maid, they fuck the janitor"

                    I don’t know who the janitors are fucking with you there.
                    1. Said the same
                    Quote: opus
                    and is an alternative equipment for Trident II missiles.

                    Are you aware of what kind and how many BBs are on the R-30 / 3M30 Bulava and on which 3M30 specifically?

                    and "Bulava-45" / "Bulava-47" with warheads with active radar homing heads?
                    Well, from where, I can know that at this particular moment stands on the UGM-133A Trident II (D5)!
                    Have they graduated from the Reentry System Applications Program (RSAP), launched at 2004 and sho there?
                    How far have they come with the flap steering system (E2) for the W76 (W76-1? W76-2?)?

                    2.Conventional TRIDENT Modification (CTM), m / y, by the way, moaned about her with 2001.
                    Ohio-class SSGN-726 Tactical Trident
                    And what is there for 4 BB IN?

                    And STM without MaRV or MaRV with HSCM is meaningless.
                    The W88/Mk-5 already has a CEP of 120 meters (base), compared to the W87/Mk-21 (90 m), so to ensure a high probability of hitting a protected target, the W88 charge has been increased from 300 to 475 kt.

                    3. What did they do with the W78-1 LEP? And what of the "tortured" went to NGG?
                    And W76-1?
                    What new facilities are being built on SWFLANT and SWFPAC
                    1. 0
                      19 May 2016 03: 13
                      Quote: opus
                      You are aware: how many and how many BBs are on the P-30 / 3M30 Mace and which 3M30 specifically?

                      I will not be mistaken if I say that at least half corresponds to the declared characteristics
                      Quote: opus
                      Well, from where, I can know that at this particular moment stands on the UGM-133A Trident II (

                      I will not be mistaken if I say that at least half corresponds to the declared characteristics, by the way you can maneuver and make a water pipe, the whole question is how to maneuver
        2. 0
          18 May 2016 08: 11
          Quote: Verdun
          You're lying. And the last 13 launches were successful. Contract. Notice
          Let us suppose
          Number of launches 24
          - 15 successful
          - 7 unsuccessful
          - partially unsuccessful 2
          First launch September 27, 2005
          Last launch November 14, 2015
          This is from what I found quickly. And well, even if the problem is solved. But as a result, by 2016 we had at our disposal a sea-based ballistic missile, inferior in its characteristics to the Trident-2 missile, which was adopted by the United States in 1990. Victory?

          And what is the mace inferior to the trident? Does the trident have false goals or can maneuver to overcome missile defense? Or maybe the trident has electronic warfare systems? What is it inferior to? And again I repeat - you need to look at the dynamics, so to speak, of launches, because the last 13 have been successful. It is in a row.
          1. 0
            18 May 2016 10: 18
            And what is the mace inferior to the trident?
            What can be judged with a high degree of probability - in range and load. As for maneuvering warheads and overcoming missile defense, the Americans have led and continue to conduct similar developments. And the fact that information about the installation of such warheads on Trident-2 is not in the press does not mean anything. There is such a thing - secrecy.
            1. 0
              18 May 2016 10: 24
              Quote: Verdun
              And what is the mace inferior to the trident?
              What can be judged with a high degree of probability - in range and load. As for maneuvering warheads and overcoming missile defense, the Americans have led and continue to conduct similar developments. And the fact that information about the installation of such warheads on Trident-2 is not in the press does not mean anything. There is such a thing - secrecy.

              Have you compared the weight and size of the rockets? The mace is almost 2 times lighter than the second trident and is smaller in size. And there is a huge difference between "development in progress" and "already in the rocket and taking place." The mace ALREADY has all this, and this is excess weight. And I'm not talking about maneuvering warheads. I'm talking specifically about the maneuvering of the rocket itself and the flat trajectory. This is not in the trident. + minimum acceleration time.
              1. 0
                18 May 2016 11: 35
                + minimum overclocking time.
                Here you have some inconsistency.
                It should also be noted that solid-fuel rockets, which include Bulava, are somewhat inferior to liquid-fuel rockets in terms of their dynamic characteristics (which, in particular, is associated with a reduction in thrown weight), significantly surpass them in the manufacturability of storage and operation
                As for storage and operation, I would probably agree, however, as far as I am aware, the last stage of the Bulava is liquid, which means that the words about "storage and operation" remain in doubt. Yes, the starting weight and dimensions of the Bulava are smaller. But. 1. It is not at all a fact that the extra 200-300 tonnes of displacement can be critical for submarines. This is just a design problem for the submarine itself. 2. The mass of the mace is indicated without taking into account the mass of the starting container (and in fact it also weighs something). 3. I am not sure if the 2m reduction in rocket length justifies the halving of the throw weight.
                1. 0
                  18 May 2016 11: 58
                  Quote: Verdun
                  + minimum overclocking time.
                  Here you have some inconsistency.
                  It should also be noted that solid-fuel rockets, which include Bulava, are somewhat inferior to liquid-fuel rockets in terms of their dynamic characteristics (which, in particular, is associated with a reduction in thrown weight), significantly surpass them in the manufacturability of storage and operation
                  As for storage and operation, I would probably agree, however, as far as I am aware, the last stage of the Bulava is liquid, which means that the words about "storage and operation" remain in doubt. Yes, the starting weight and dimensions of the Bulava are smaller. But. 1. It is not at all a fact that the extra 200-300 tonnes of displacement can be critical for submarines. This is just a design problem for the submarine itself. 2. The mass of the mace is indicated without taking into account the mass of the starting container (and in fact it also weighs something). 3. I am not sure if the 2m reduction in rocket length justifies the halving of the throw weight.

                  Firstly, I didn’t understand what the discrepancy was, secondly, the mace is a solid-fuel rocket, thirdly, the mass of tridents is also indicated without a container, and the mace has it almost half as much, and fourthly, I believe those who are developing weapons, they know what they’re doing and since the rocket turned out like this, then we need it like that. And the mace is better than the trident in all respects, except for KVO. All.
                  1. 0
                    18 May 2016 12: 25
                    Firstly, I did not understand what the discrepancy
                    The inconsistency is that solid fuel rockets are inferior to liquid rockets in the dynamics of dispersal. (At least, experts say this and write that it is with this that a decrease in the weight of the cast weight on the Mace is connected.
                    secondly, the mace is a solid rocket
                    According to my data, the last stage of the Mace is liquid. This, according to some experts, is the main source of rocket problems. The work of the liquid stage is difficult to reconcile with the work of solid fuel stages.
                    the mass of tridents is also indicated without a container
                    Trident-2 does not have any container, since the start is membrane.
                    I believe those who develop weapons,
                    I try to believe too. But, the fact is that it is a part of these experts who argue that liquid "Sineva" is more successful than "Bulava", pointing out the shortcomings of the latter.
                    1. +2
                      18 May 2016 15: 12
                      Quote: Verdun
                      The inconsistency is that solid fuel rockets are inferior to liquid rockets in the dynamics of dispersal

                      there is no such thing as "acceleration dynamics"!
                      Thrust-to-weight ratio is there, specific impulse is there, thrust (yt) is there, mass perfection is there
                      The specific impulse of a liquid rocket engine is 20-30% greater than that of a solid rocket motor, yes, I would say.
                      for solid propellant rocket engines - The peculiarity of solid propellant engines is the ability to create an engine with very high thrust (the solid propellant rocket engine is essentially the entire rocket/stage with a solid propellant rocket).
                      The thrust of a solid propellant rocket engine is directly proportional to the surface area (change in surface area) of the solid propellant charge combustion (all other things being equal)

                      It is impossible to achieve such dimensions for a liquid-propellant rocket engine, or it would be very difficult and fantastically expensive.
                      Space Shuttle SRB - The most powerful rocket engine in history. Its initial thrust is 1250 tons, and the peak value reaches 1400 tons, which is approximately 1,8 times more than the thrust of the most powerful rocket engines (F-1 and RD-170). The most powerful engine in operation is also a solid-fuel one - these are the side boosters (Les Étages d'Accélération à Poudre) "Ariane-5", their thrust is 630 tons.

                      ICBMs with solid propellants start "faster", they have less apogee ... the consequence is the throw weight and range are worse.

                      The specific impulse (a measure of fuel efficiency) of a solid propellant rocket engine is lower than that of a liquid propellant rocket engine. This leads to the fact that in combat ICBMs usually one step more. Liquid UR-100 and R-36 have two stages, which is optimal in ballistics, and on the solid fuel "Topol" has to put three steps (with lesser ZM and range).
                      Quote: Verdun
                      According to my data, the last stage of the Mace is liquid.

                      - 3rd stage 3K30 / B-30 "Bulava-M", R-30 / 3M30 / RSM-56 rocket

                      it The solid propellant solid propellant solid propellant rocket engine 3D42 with a firmly bonded mixed-fuel charge of the 5th generation and with a sliding nozzle nozzle. The nozzle with the attachment was developed and manufactured by NPO Iskra (Perm, former SKB-172), the engine charge was developed by FSUE FTsDT Soyuz (Dzerzhinsky). The engines were equipped with fuel by NPC Altai (Biysk). The engine is separated from the breeding stage after the work is completed. The step turns on at the 90th second of flight.
                      Quote: Verdun
                      Trident-2 does not have any container, since the start is membrane.

                      Quote: Verdun
                      since the start is membrane.

                      The starting glass (aluminum, I think) is covered with a membrane (phenol, asbestos composite)
                      dry start method
                      CX PR Mk35 mod 1
          2. +1
            18 May 2016 12: 55
            Quote: Muvka
            And what is the mace inferior to the trident?

            - number of BBs (max 10 versus 14 or 6 versus 8 in incomplete equipment)
            throwable weight
            Quote: Muvka
            Does the trident have false goals or can maneuver to overcome missile defense?

            LC of course has, and is larger than RSM-56 (throw weight, diameter is larger for UGM-133A Trident II (D5).
            You may not be aware, but the British were the first to use the LC on the UGM-27 Polaris.
            It was called the Chevaline bus, to overcome Moscow's missile defense system

            Penetration aid (KSP PRO), including decoys (these are baits, LC - pipes in the picture)
            Chevaline Penetration Aid Carrier

            "Super Antelope" and "KH793" programs, then TK-100

            Britain supplies both LC and decoys to the US Armed Forces, according to the DERA agreement (now Dstl), and it also produces them, in Farnborough, I think.
            "straw" RR-144 (top) and RR-129 (bottom)

            Radar jamming and deception (r. Lockers ,, uo, lrts, etc.)

            Quote: Muvka
            or can maneuver to overcome missile defense?
            1. +1
              18 May 2016 12: 59
              Quote: Muvka
              or can maneuver to overcome missile defense?

              According to the program, yes. Again with the UGM-27 Polaris.

              Trajectory recovery after maneuver according to ANN.
              they are called maneuvering reentry vehicles (MIRV), PAM (Plume Avoidance Maneuver)
              patent US5664742 A from 1989
              Quote: Muvka
              Or maybe the trident has electronic warfare systems?

              The mace does not have the same (except for so false targets)
              Quote: Muvka
              for the last 13 have been successful

              They don't look at the "dynamics", but at the percentage of unsuccessful launches during the life cycle.
              The fact remains that the UGM-133A is the best in the world, and not only as an ICBM for submarines, but also as an ICBM or even a launch vehicle in general.
              The Trident II D5 has achieved over 150 successful test launches since the completion of development in 1989 - a record unmatched by any other large ballistic missile or space launch vehicle.

              Quote: Muvka
              And what is the mace inferior to the trident?

              Yourself and compare

              1. 0
                18 May 2016 14: 05
                Have you compared the mass of missiles? Let's compare the minuteman with the Voivode, why not? Learn to think. And by the way, 14 for 100 or 10 for 150? I would choose the second. And the maximum range of 9k km. It is not necessary to compare specific tests of one missile with a TTX of another, where the maximum range is simply indicated. And what nonsense? Mace only at the beginning had a bunch of unsuccessful launches. Then we took into account the errors and corrected them. Now the mace flies well. Why look at the first starts if the problems are fixed? A trident is an old poop without pro overcoming systems. There is nothing else besides RGM. And then these heads do not maneuver.
                1. +3
                  18 May 2016 14: 39
                  Quote: Muvka
                  Let's compare the minuteman with the Voivode, why not?

                  Why am I "stupid" in your opinion?
                  Which one will compare:
                  1. ICBMs with solid propellant rocket launchers and ICBMs with rocket engines (different thrust, different power)
                  2. Silo-based ICBMs (no weight/dimension restrictions, only physical principles of combustion organization in the KS) and sea-based SUBMARINE-based ICBMs (where there is not enough space to fart)
                  ? fool
                  Let's compare the Soyuz launch vehicle and the Delta 4 Heavy? What is the point in such a comparison?
                  Quote: Muvka
                  Learn to think

                  in my opinion, this does not prevent you from "learning" (if not too late already)
                  Quote: Muvka
                  And by the way, 14 for 100 or 10 for 150? I would choose the second.

                  1.What is 14x100 or 10x150? belay
                  Maybe 8 x W88 at 475 kt
                  2. I would choose the KVO.
                  A 2-fold reduction of the CVO leads to a 4-fold decrease in the power of the NSC
                  W87 / Mk-21 (90m) = 300ct, W88 / Mk-5 (120m) = 475 ct
                  3. and no matter how you choose... 10 DOESN'T GO HERE

                  it can be seen! Moreover, for a brow, versed in old poop

                  Quote: Muvka
                  It is not necessary to compare specific tests of one missile with the performance characteristics of another, where the maximum range is simply indicated

                  What do you need? grind nonsense with your tongue.
                  Oh, yes, I know: "ours are hiding the performance characteristics of ICBMs, and the Americans are all in the open" ...
                  Oh well. Absolutely moronic approach.
                  1. Either they hide and we are approximately the same (cheating with START- * data)
                  2. Either no one is hiding
                  Vyvaodl ("for those who think") in any case the % of error is approximately the same and we use the AVAILABLE OPEN data for comparison.
                  Otherwise, a discussion (“highly intellectual” with you loses its meaning, it’s like arguing with the Ukrainians)
                  Quote: Muvka
                  And what nonsense?

                  Nonsense smash, she squeals.
                  1. how much
                  Quote: Muvka
                  only at the beginning was a bunch of failed launches
                  does the UGM-133A have?
                  Looked here
                  The flight test program began in January 1987. From 15 launches conducted until September 1988, 11 were recognized as fully successful, one partially successful, 2 unsuccessful and one launch was recognized as non-test (during the 15th launch, all indicators were normal, but a decision was made to destroy the rocket).
                  2. Repeat reliability of the missile % of failures during the life cycle (even unfinished), compare UGM-133A and R-30.
                  1. +1
                    18 May 2016 14: 43
                    It is understandable:
                    -Maximum unified interspecific small-sized missile for the Strategic Missile Forces and the Navy "Bulava" (shampoo 2 in 1 is always worse than shampoo + rinse aid)
                    - We are not “ahead of the rest of the world” in terms of solid rocket motors; this problem is clearly evident in our lack of medium and heavy class SRBs.
                    -stands ...

                    still far from Research and development launch LC-46|36

                    1991-2005 "lost time")

                    Quote: Muvka
                    A trident is an old poop without pro overcoming systems. There is nothing else besides RGM. And then these heads do not maneuver.

                    The assertion of a chela, who understands only poop, stoned like a kakl on the Maidan (only "ours"). I brought the information, read CAREFULLY at your leisure.
                    Quote: Muvka
                    And then these heads do not maneuver.

                    blah-blah. For the stubborn ones, I'll find time and try to explain about "they don't maneuver" and about the flat surface for the UGM-133A Trident II (D5) (tests 2008-2009)_
                    Read more of Chuvakin's "Itoginedeli"™, and you'll put even more on the air. Living in snotty pink dreams is so tempting...
  16. +1
    17 May 2016 12: 44
    Quote: Engineer

    oh, yes to listen to you amers, so you flew to the moon without Hollywood and Kubrick

    You are not an engineer fool
    1. 0
      17 May 2016 16: 06
      And who told you that the flight X 43A in 2004 was final - the work continues.
  17. +1
    17 May 2016 12: 44
    One of the wise asymmetric responses to growing power. I just want the secrets to remain longer secrets, and not the subject of copying or in-depth analysis, followed by an adequate response.
  18. +3
    17 May 2016 12: 45
    The article is somehow victorious !!! Somehow, it’s a pity that this is more like the tales of technocrats ...
  19. 0
    17 May 2016 12: 49
    But the Americans, despite all their efforts, failed to build even an experimental prototype of such weapons.

    The Americans abandoned this topic because of the impossibility of use, the warning system about a missile attack of the Russian Federation will interpret any launch of an ICBM unambiguously, no matter what the target is in Iran or Afghanistan. It is incomprehensible that the author is happy, the launch of the ICBMs will be fixed in any case, subsequent events may turn out to be sad for the whole world.
  20. +5
    17 May 2016 12: 49
    Colleagues, when the "mess" begins, it will no longer matter what type of missile. Each side will have time to release several hundred. Of course, not everyone will be shot down. So it will not seem a little to anyone. I mean our entire long-suffering planet.

    So - God help everyone!
    1. +1
      17 May 2016 13: 24
      Quote: AYUJAK
      Colleagues, when the "mess" begins, it will no longer matter what type of missile. Each side will have time to release several hundred. Of course, not everyone will be shot down. So it will not seem a little to anyone. I mean our entire long-suffering planet.

      So - God help everyone!

      Brr, winter, cold, overcast, I do not like this weather.
    2. +1
      17 May 2016 15: 35
      Quote: AYUJAK
      Each side will have time to release a few hundred.

      no. Only one of the parties will be able to launch several hundred rockets, and the battle of scientists from Russia and the USA is now going on for the right to be that side.
  21. +3
    17 May 2016 13: 08
    The vast expanses of our homeland have always attracted an adversary, while at the same time giving our strategists the opportunity to strengthen their defense by deploying nuclear weapons in the most remote and inaccessible places. Father served in the Mari forests on one shpu-deaf place. How many such and such false scattered in Siberia?
    The constant combat readiness of the nuclear shield and the presence of offensive hypersonic weapons gives us the opportunity to see a peaceful sky, and cools the warlike fervor of not just overseas people, but the guiding riffraff.
  22. -1
    17 May 2016 13: 10
    cheers america our
    so drink for the motherland drink for Stalin
    comrades ensigns
  23. 0
    17 May 2016 13: 15
    Is hypersound 5 sound speeds? That is, about 1,6-1,7 km / s?
    1. 0
      17 May 2016 16: 26
      Quote: CAH4OYC
      Is hypersound 5 sound speeds? That is, about 1,6-1,7 km / s?

      As far as I remember, our 10 mach and more wanted. And apparently achieved.
  24. +1
    17 May 2016 13: 22
    Author Konstantin Dushenov
    - with dignity and confidence! Strength is ours! Amen
  25. +1
    17 May 2016 13: 30
    The worst thing is that non-humans start wars, and millions of the best perish and suffer, and then there is a hollow pack of scoundrels who grab the power, blame the Heroes and everything starts anew, and ordinary people, nations perish, let's not be blind, let it never turn out "our hut is on the edge"
    Eternal Glory to the fallen for their homeland! We remember, mourn, and will not allow history to be perverted!
  26. +1
    17 May 2016 13: 34
    The news is, of course, very invigorating, I would say invigorating, but let's gop as jump over. The example of "Bulava" showed how quickly the success that seemed to be nearby runs away right from the hands. And to people working in this direction, SUCCESS SUCCESS and SUCCESS again. If I knew the names I would put a candle for them.
    1. 0
      17 May 2016 16: 27
      Quote: kapitan281271
      The news is, of course, very invigorating, I would say invigorating, but let's gop as jump over. The example of "Bulava" showed how quickly the success that seemed to be nearby runs away right from the hands. And to people working in this direction, SUCCESS SUCCESS and SUCCESS again. If I knew the names I would put a candle for them.

      The mace was brought to mind. Stop kicking the rocket.
  27. +2
    17 May 2016 13: 36
    Quote: Wend
    Quote: c-Petrov
    swear by mockali

    Soon they will be afraid even of Russian starting pistols laughing

    a joke reminded

    From a TASS message: "... yesterday at 17:31 the enemy troops crossed the state border with the support of tanks and aviation with the help of four divisions and attacked a peacefully plowing tractor. The tractor repulsed the aggressor's attack with heavy fire, shooting down 5 aircraft, 10 tanks and destroying up to 1000 units of enemy manpower. After that he released his wings, took to the air and flew away. As was recently announced by our government, if such provocations continue to take place, we will be forced to release harvesters and new modernized seeders into the fields. -mayor Ivanov stressed that this will be the case with everyone who encroaches on our peaceful work.
  28. +2
    17 May 2016 13: 45
    Quote: alfa19638
    The worst thing is that wreckers start wars
  29. +5
    17 May 2016 13: 46
    Well, and here's how to read such nonsense to a little bit competent (technically) person?
    Here are the pearls from the article of this "fighter":
    1. 'At the same time, Sarmat will be able to attack its target even through the South Pole, that is, from the direction in which the Americans have no stationary missile defense infrastructure ... A new Russian missile will be based in a stationary mine
    And does he even know, this mine-torpedo commander, that the total length of the Earth’s meridian is 40 km? recourse Well, let's say we launch such a rocket from a mine near Irkutsk. So it will fly 5 km to the equator! then from the equator to the equator (through the South Pole) another 700 20 km! And then again from the equator to Washington, another 00 km! Total - 4 km! Is he out of his mind, this "God-fighter" ?! fool
    2. 'Why is hypersound so important for the military? The answer is simple. It consists of only three words: speed, accuracy, invulnerability"
    Well, with what hangover he hypersound attaches to accuracy ?! stop Special engines are responsible for the speed, but for the accuracy - the guidance heads of the warheads! In short, this "God-fighter" does not hesitate a lot "... he harnesses a goat and a quivering doe into one cart."
    It can be seen not weakly his brains were cleared by the "God-fighters" even during their service in the navy, that they were kicked out of the army. Now he is trying to earn money on bread by printing "Murzilok" for ordinary people who hang their ears.
    With respect to the literate readers. hi
    1. +1
      17 May 2016 15: 27
      The author can still write something, because he has "the so-called Mach number equal to 331 m / s" !!!
      1. 0
        17 May 2016 16: 28
        Quote: Timur
        The author can still write something, because he has "the so-called Mach number equal to 331 m / s" !!!

        The surface of the earth seems to have such a speed. What is your data?
        1. +1
          17 May 2016 19: 03
          According to my data, "Mach number" is one concept, and the speed of sound, which under certain conditions can be equal to 331 m/s, is another. You must agree that these are different things and it is somehow incorrect for a person with an "engineering" education to mix them up...
          1. -2
            17 May 2016 19: 08
            Quote: Timur
            According to my data, "Mach number" is one concept, and the speed of sound, which under certain conditions can be equal to 331 m/s, is another. You must agree that these are different things and it is somehow incorrect for a person with an "engineering" education to mix them up...

            Those. in your opinion the Mach number is a variable value? Wow.
            1. +1
              17 May 2016 19: 15
              Once again: the Mach number is one thing, and the speed of sound is another. Mach number - dimensionless and not measured in m / s
            2. +2
              18 May 2016 00: 11
              Quote: Muvka
              Those. in your opinion the Mach number is a variable value?

              clear the stump.
              You fly at a speed of 1200m / s (in the atmosphere) at an altitude of 10 km, you have M = 3,53 (approximately)
              and if at a speed of 900km / h (250 m / s), then 0,73
              and if you "fly" in helium at a speed of 1200 m/s, then only 1,24 M
        2. +1
          18 May 2016 00: 07
          Quote: Muvka
          What is your data?

          Mach (Maevsky) number is a DIMENSIONLESS quantity
          M = V / a
          where V is the speed of the body in the medium (m/s), A is the speed of sound in the medium (m/s)
    2. +1
      17 May 2016 17: 58
      Quote: K-36
      And he even in the know

      The designers of the Sarmat are announcing a possible attack by a US missile through the South Pole.
    3. +2
      17 May 2016 18: 34
      That the author is raving is evident from the first paragraph, but the urapatriots accepted the sweet lie at face value.
  30. 0
    17 May 2016 13: 52
    Well, success is only in learning to control a warhead in the final section of the trajectory, hypersound in all warheads. Americans do not need this because hypersonic controllability is needed only to overcome missile defense, while Russia and China do not yet have a developed missile defense system. America will create it and stir on this topic. As for zircon, then this is another conversation, if the information on successful tests is correct, then Russia has engine and fuel technology to accelerate it by 5-6 max. America immediately swung at high speeds and it is not known how the issue of managing zircon was resolved. In any case, we wish Russian scientists success in overcoming the laws of physics!
  31. +1
    17 May 2016 13: 57
    once the Holy Good met Evil,
    And decided to get even
    To all the goats in spite
    Put a knife in the liver
    And gnawed from foot
    So the holy good conquered the Evil.
  32. +1
    17 May 2016 14: 47
    "Moscow was the first to accomplish what Washington dreamed of for many years. The heavy intercontinental missile RS-28" Sarmat ", which the Kremlin plans to adopt in the next two years, has confused American generals all the cards ... it has ceased to be a secret. , the whole world learned that such a weapon is already in Moscow's hands, and by the way: in the version with nuclear equipment,“Sarmatu”, for causing unacceptable damage to the United States, even one rocket is enough!"...

    Here, a vivid example of waging an information war ... And someone says that the Amers in it also overtook us ...

    In Soviet times, all such developments were strictly classified ...
    And now - chatting at every intersection ...

    Why does no one allow the idea that such chatter can intimidate US hawks to the point that they will NOT wait these two years before Sarmat is on alert, and they will climb because of this now ???

    After all, how beautiful it turned out with the Caliber: they declared one range, and unexpectedly showed a completely different ...
    Or the opposition of the Dome in Syria, unexpected for the intelligence of the NATO "coalition" ...

    No need to talk, you need to do it, and when a positive result is achieved - unobtrusively, unexpectedly demonstrate in action ...

    The adversary, in our silence, will conjecture much himself, and so conjecture that he will frighten himself to death ...
  33. +2
    17 May 2016 14: 53
    The Americans are also developing in this area, I am sure there are certain successes. Never underestimate an opponent. Although in this case, it is always good when there is something to answer, these technologies need to be developed.
  34. +2
    17 May 2016 14: 55
    "a real revolution took place in equipping our Strategic Missile Forces. I repeat for those who doubt: in nuclear equipment one such rocket enough to guaranteed damage to the USA"...

    Did the author understand what he said ???

    The fact that the warhead will not be "caught" and hit by missile defense systems is understandable ... However, so that even a dozen warheads from one missile could inflict such a country as the United States, unacceptable damage - this is not even fantasy, but nonsense ...

    Let the author at least look at a map of the USA, think, figure out ...
    1. 0
      17 May 2016 16: 30
      Quote: weksha50
      "a real revolution took place in equipping our Strategic Missile Forces. I repeat for those who doubt: in nuclear equipment one such rocket enough to guaranteed damage to the USA"...

      Did the author understand what he said ???

      The fact that the warhead will not be "caught" and hit by missile defense systems is understandable ... However, so that even a dozen warheads from one missile could inflict such a country as the United States, unacceptable damage - this is not even fantasy, but nonsense ...

      Let the author at least look at a map of the USA, think, figure out ...

      If she destroys the command, there will be no technical opportunity to launch their nuclear missiles. And whatever one may say, there is such damage. If this rocket, as it is written, is not detected, then it can give such an effect.
      1. +1
        17 May 2016 17: 05
        Quote: Muvka
        If she destroys the command, there will be no technical opportunity to launch their nuclear missiles. And whatever one may say, there is such damage. If this rocket, as it is written, is not detected, then it can give such an effect.

        The thing is that this (lightning-fast destruction of the military-political leadership) - so far only theoretical speculations, calculations ...

        And then, there are such concepts as a spare, mobile, air, rear command post that duplicate control from the central control ...

        Not so simple...
        1. +1
          17 May 2016 17: 49
          Quote: weksha50
          Quote: Muvka
          If she destroys the command, there will be no technical opportunity to launch their nuclear missiles. And whatever one may say, there is such damage. If this rocket, as it is written, is not detected, then it can give such an effect.

          The thing is that this (lightning-fast destruction of the military-political leadership) - so far only theoretical speculations, calculations ...

          And then, there are such concepts as a spare, mobile, air, rear command post that duplicate control from the central control ...

          Not so simple...

          But when you consider that a rocket can imperceptibly reach the target - this is not so fantastic ...
  35. -3
    17 May 2016 15: 04
    Maybe this is the answer to the question where did the money go in the 2000s from the sale of oil?
    But it turned out they developed and built built a replacement for Satan.
    To test it in a non-nuclear form, say ... from Iz ... Isil. So that all warheads hit their targets ... there is Raku, h ... ku, etc.
  36. 0
    17 May 2016 15: 41
    Some crap! People, this is pure substitution of concepts !!! You are being deceived! Really do not catch up!
    We are talking about planning blocks - this is the simplest, it has always been, it has been since the days of Gagarin, and this is definitely not about the race of hypersonic technologies.

    Now think about how you should be an idiot to put non-nuclear warheads in a huge, expensive missile and shoot at some village or jeep in Syria ?!
    Yes, formally, it’s kind of like a quick global blow, hypersound - but it smells like absolute insanity, don’t you?
    Tortured taxes pay paying such blows.

    When they talk about the race for hypersound, it is the launches of full-fledged hypersonic devices with an ENGINE. Videos of such American launches are given here. So here we have only just begun to create such laboratories - no launches like the Americans have yet been made. So we lag behind them very, very decently.
    1. +2
      17 May 2016 16: 05
      Quote: sinoptic
      it was always, it was from the time of Gagarin,

      there were no BB planners during the time of Yuri Alekseevich...

      Quote: sinoptic
      Now think about how you should be an idiot to put non-nuclear warheads in a huge, expensive missile and shoot at some village or jeep in Syria ?!

      Were the Kh-101 (and Kh-555) calibers used to fire at villages in Syria?
      and there about $ 2,5 million / piece. Start the BR Iskander-M, or 108, or 180 mlnu. rubles.
      What is the range (for Caliber)? 1,500 km. Flight time up to 2 hours!
      Want to at 11000km, and in 25 minutes?
      Right. You have to pay for everything
      Quote: sinoptic
      no launches like the Americans have yet been made

      I am tormented by vague doubts that the USSR actually had a GPP for ICBM warheads since December 26, 1979.
      Let me explain.
      at first he was skeptical about the dead hand: "the rocket flies, transmits a signal to launch ... after all the main communication means (satellites, ground) are destroyed"
      War, detonation of nuclear warheads in the stratosphere / space - communications kirdyk. Satellites do not work, what is the "connection from a flying rocket"?
      the ionosphere layer - layer D - lies at an altitude of approximately 60-90 km above the Earth.
      layer E located at an altitude of 100-120 km
      Above layer E lies an even more strongly ionized region with ionization maxima at altitudes of 180-220 km (layer F1) and 200-500 km (layer F2)

      accordingly, if the GHS "flies" to the D layer, the connection will be.
      That would "fly around the whole country" one taxiway "will not be enough."
      The GPP of the NWG was with us back then.
      MB is not as it should be ("Sharahnem and the whole world in dust") but was.
      Now, on its basis, maneuvering shock GPZ MHPs are being created (created).
      Not in vain in the state defense order, the RHF cooling system has been completed.
      Something like this wink
    2. 0
      17 May 2016 16: 09
      This is just a new guided warhead for ICBMs, and the warheads all fly at a "return rate"
      1. +1
        17 May 2016 16: 29
        Quote: Vadim237
        This is just a new guided warhead for ICBMs

        no, because
        Transport and launch container for the product according to ROC "4202" - 15Ya54-4202.

        Materials - non-metals are used in the design of the F1, F2 and F3 compartments

        Object "4202" is equipped with a thermoregulation system "7301" developed by NPO Nauka. Working design documentation for STR "7301" was released in 2007

        new warhead PM and a new autonomous guidance system

        Quote: Vadim237
        and the warheads all fly with "return speed"

        ...I don't know what "return speed" is request
        1. +2
          17 May 2016 20: 28
          And yet this is just a maneuvering warhead - whatever one may say, and the "return rate" is a speed over Mach 25, there is hypersound, fast hypersound, and return speed.
  37. +1
    17 May 2016 17: 48
    stupidly to the Russian object "4202" (product 15Yu71, complex 15P771), for "flight at hypersonic level" you need ICBM UR-100NUTTH (ICBM 15A35), or ICBM RS-18

    only for launching into the calculated orbit, since the object is obliged to be able to maneuver in hypersound not only in the final section of the flight, therefore it cannot do without its engines.
  38. +2
    17 May 2016 20: 20
    Quote: DenZ
    By the way, hereinafter - the author writes about 10 blocks on the Voivode. Where from? If under the START II Treaty a maximum of 2 !!!

    There was no such figure in the contract. There was such a position that the ICBM could be unloaded, but at the same time by the number of not more than 4 blocks ...

    Quote: Altona
    So what happens? "Death Star" or "Arctic Fox to Washington" in our hands?

    And in the Arctic fox in whose?

    Quote: Muvka
    Quote: CAH4OYC
    Is hypersound 5 sound speeds? That is, about 1,6-1,7 km / s?

    As far as I remember, our 10 mach and more wanted. And apparently achieved.

    If we talk about hypersonic missiles (vehicles with engines), then according to the same Obnosov there are no problems at speeds up to 5M, but at speeds from 6 to 10M problems begin. Very complex, but basically solvable ...

    Quote: lopvlad
    Quote: K-36
    And he even in the know

    The designers of the Sarmat are announcing a possible attack by a US missile through the South Pole.

    The designers did not talk about such nonsense. This was stated by Deputy Defense Minister Borisov that "Sarmat" can deliver a payload of 10 tons to its destination both through the North and South Poles.
    1. +1
      17 May 2016 20: 27
      Quote: Old26
      destination payload in 10 tons both across the North and South Poles.

      It can’t be done through the south, and that wasn’t said.

      So true:

      New Sarmat rocket will be able convey to 10 tons payload anywhere in the world. She can fly both across the North and South Poles.
      through the North Pole -10 tons.
      through South to 2,5 tons
      1. +1
        17 May 2016 20: 32
        Quote: opus
        through the north pole -10 tons
        through South to 2,5 tons

        So you can go to St. Petersburg from Moscow through Vladivostok ... But why? what hi
        1. +1
          17 May 2016 22: 28
          Quote: andj61
          So you can go to St. Petersburg from Moscow through Vladivostok ...

          In relation to the USA (through the South Pole) they have there:
          1.NORAD is weak (almost nonexistent)

          NORAD's Area of ​​Operations is broken down into three regions

          NORAD is the bi-national US-Canadian military organization responsible for the aerospace and maritime defense of the United States and Canada
          Aerospace defense command North America
          2. The US early warning satellite constellation does not detect this direction at all.

          3.National Missile Defense - NMD is not the same from the other side

          And "about through Vladivostok to St. Petersburg" .....
          Under Yakunin (and probably even now) crushed stone for backfilling the OCTOBER RAILWAY was transported from somewhere, somewhere near Vladivostok (almost)... with a ton of quarries ALL AROUND, Karelia, etc.
          Hope yourself answer
          Quote: andj61
          But why?

          My wife said to wash, then you need to wash !!
          1. 0
            17 May 2016 22: 56
            Quote: opus
            And "about through Vladivostok to St. Petersburg" .....
            Under Yakunin (and probably even now), crushed stone for backing up the OCTOBER Railway was transported from somewhere, then from under Vladivostok (almost) ... if there was a round cloud of quarries, Karelia, etc.

            From Ukraine, for sure, from somewhere near Zhytomyr ... And everything is very simple: lobbyism did just miracles! bully hi And last year we introduced something like licensing gravel, and stopped transporting from Ukraine - we immediately found suitable careers. laughing
            And through Vladivostok - or rather, through the South Pole - this, it turns out, is the topic! fellow
            only in this case, perhaps in the latitudinal direction it will be closer than through the UP - through the UP it turns out under 25 km - far away, however ...
            1. +1
              17 May 2016 23: 34
              Quote: andj61
              through UP it turns out under 25 000 km - far away, however ...

              R-36M UTTH - 15A18 - 15P018 - RS-20B - SS-18 "Satan" mod.4 .... PUTS 2 t PN INTO CIRCULAR ORBIT with perigee 700 km, climax 40000 km and inclination 63,5 ° ...
              So consider.
              This is the ICBM with Solid propellant apogee "typical" (MX) 860 km

              Minuteman-3 trajectory. Blue circle - Earth on a trajectory. The apogee is equal to 1095 km. The starting point of the trajectory (t = 0), located at an altitude of h = 200 km, is clearly visible on the X axis.

              "if you want to live" (break through) you will fly in from Africa
  39. +1
    17 May 2016 20: 49
    Quote: opus
    Quote: Old26
    destination payload in 10 tons both across the North and South Poles.

    It can’t be done through the south, and that wasn’t said.

    So true:

    New Sarmat rocket will be able convey to 10 tons payload anywhere in the world. She can fly both across the North and South Poles.
    through the North Pole -10 tons.
    through South to 2,5 tons

    Anton! You are right about the weights being thrown across the North and South, but IMHO Borisov still "blurted out" indicating only 10 tons. But I will not argue
    1. 0
      20 May 2016 05: 35
      So through the South Pole the rocket will fly to the USA through Mexico. Is the USA so stupid that they won’t guess there to put a missile defense there? Or on the border with Mexico.
  40. +1
    17 May 2016 21: 07
    Quote: Skubudu
    But it turned out they developed and built built a replacement for Satan

    Already built?
  41. 0
    19 May 2016 20: 13
    In achieving this result, the personal merit of President Putin is obvious and indisputable. It is he, as head of state and Supreme Commander, who bears full responsibility for the defense of the country. It was he who in this capacity led the complex and multifaceted work on the revival of the Russian military-industrial complex, the entire military infrastructure of Russia and the combat power of its Armed Forces.
    Ha ha ha And personally, he designed and built everything on "umm-umm-mmm, what kind of plant is this." Good boy. Why didn’t I ask Prokhorov and Abramovich for the payment of debt by UVZ, or Rottenberg from my friends? They will, in a friendly way, throw a bit of money, don't they? And he also drew money from the funded part of the pensions of workers working in that chily and in the defense industry complex to the banks with his direct assignment to the Ministry of Finance. Why do workaholic retirees? Let them plow, let them design and develop all sorts of complex, necessary and useful wunderwaffles, and propagandists will attribute merit to anyone who needs it.
    Help us, Lord! Amen.
    At the end of the prayer, instead of "amen", another Orthodox word must be spoken.
  42. 0
    19 May 2016 22: 04
    Well, now you need to end the partnership with the Americans and do business from a position of strength! Zadolbali the whole world these clowns !!!
  43. 0
    19 May 2016 22: 14
    However, in reality, the “creative managers” from Washington were unable to create a rocket with the necessary characteristics of range, speed, accuracy and reliability for their “global strike”. But the “dense Russians” created for their blow!

    Come on - dense Russians)) We also have "creative managers" incapable of anything except the collapse of education, industry, science, medicine. If they are launched by the entire government into America, then its industry will collapse with a 160% guarantee. You ask why Russia has not collapsed yet ?? Well, a solidary society, much more stable than a competitive one, which our "creative managers" are now imposing on us.
  44. aiw
    19 May 2016 22: 30
    Some kind of nonsense ... the author very freely handles such basic concepts as the Mach number (in fact, he just does not seem to know what it is). Awesome stories about "warheads invisible to radars in a cloud of plasma" amuse for the coming sleep, but have nothing to do with reality. The rest of the captionary urapatriotic text is even too lazy to comment on.

    What is going on? One writes nonsense about the fiasco of the pasta monster Mask (despite the fact that the Falcons fly - our hangar would be so). Another tells tales of how we will defeat all of America with one rocket right now, despite the fact that official sources are very stingy, and unofficial to believe here - at the level of one grandmother said ... and citizens in a frantic, patriotic frenzy put pluses to both. fool
    1. 0
      20 May 2016 05: 32
      Totally agree
  45. 0
    20 May 2016 00: 26
    Quote: cniza
    Now the hot heads will cool and stick deep ...

    I'd like to hope so. But unfortunately there are such heads that have nothing to lose, and no one will touch them, but at the same time they are trying to set their big friends on everything they see around like a little mongrel in a pack of wolfhounds recourse
  46. +3
    20 May 2016 01: 36
    Based on the author’s words about firing blanks on hypersound, you can calculate what that a 1000kg block at a speed of 2km / s will hit with a TNT equivalent of up to 5kt angry (It will depend on the time for which the energy will be released - i.e., on the hardness of the target). And 5kt is a 5km mushroom belay
    1. aiw
      20 May 2016 06: 13
      According to the law of conservation of energy 1t * (2km / s) ^ 2/2 = 2GJ = 500 kg of TNT. Even if you personally put the author in warhead and consecrate the rocket before launch, this figure will no longer be - Nature does not know about patriotism hi
  47. +1
    20 May 2016 05: 31
    "And by the way: in the version with nuclear equipment," Sarmat ", to inflict unacceptable damage to the United States, even one missile is enough!"
    In the heat of pink euphoria, the author makes a heresy. Read more uninteresting
  48. 0
    20 May 2016 10: 36
    The shapkozakidatelny style of the author of the article irritated me. Too many different "subtleties" he did not take into account. It is especially stupid that even one missile would cause unacceptable damage. Well, unless the States will forgive everyone their debts? Even if you fuck in Yellowstone, it's not a fact that after a nuclear explosion it will explode. This is still an assumption.
    To begin with, most normal Americans live outside the city. Most have personal bomb shelters right on their property, with everything they need to survive for at least a month. Radiation will be acceptable for going to the surface in 10 days. In Russia, there is nothing but toilets in their dachas. In our country, the population of cities would really be destroyed in an exchange of blows.
    Will there be a war in the USA over a piece of bread against all against a big question. With a good organizational structure, the National Guard will take control and looters will quickly shoot. Moreover, their criminal elements live in large centers and will be destroyed.
    Yes, the United States will cease to be hegemonic. Instead, Great Britain will again come first. And from us, too, almost nothing remains. Outskirts of the world.
  49. 0
    20 May 2016 11: 05
    Without going into technical details, I will say my opinion: the area of ​​destruction must be calculated with a reserve, let the areas of complete destruction overlap for reliability (the terrain features can become a shelter) and even if we simply scare our main "ally" with the fact that we have a "rubber bomb" it is already a success! And due to the fact that most of the territory of Russia is freed from megacities and industrial centers, the percentage of the surviving population will be quite high - but we must understand that no one is going to fight with us, they are going to earn money on the military budget!
  50. 0
    22 May 2016 00: 20
    And I liked the article. During the Cold War, when our overseas friends began to vigorously cuddle, LI Brezhnev was given another award with approximately the following design: "..... the USSR Secretary General, CHAIRMAN OF THE DEFENSE COUNCIL, Comrade LI Brezhnev is awarded. ..... ".
    You won't believe it - the barking has died down. They've screwed up, not for long, but still. So, the article is normal and has certainly already been analyzed by friendly intelligence agencies - read it and think how much truth there is in it. laughing