A bit about patriotic education in Russia

Opening such a significant document, from my point of view, as the State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation on 2016-2020”, you immediately come across a frank absurdity. It seems to me that it lies in the fact that patriotic education is the prerogative of young men and women who are at that pink age when they have not yet formed a world outlook, they lack life guidelines, there are no clear life principles. On what and how they will be formed later - this is the third case. More precisely, about it below. I do not know about you, but it seemed to me that the word “citizen” applied to people who have a full set of civil rights and obligations. And this age comes after reaching 18 years. And, therefore, this program, in its essence, is aimed specifically at those who are from 18 and more.

And please tell me, those who have reached this age may be exposed to the Program, and is there any hope that they will be able to absorb the patriotic mood that the program is about? To which she, in essence, should be directed?

Okay. Leave these questions as the brackets. Let us turn to the section of the program, which has serious functionality - the Passport of the State Program. The main performers are declared: the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Culture and the Agency for Youth Affairs.

I have nothing against the Ministry of Defense. But it clearly does not fit the concept of the educator. He has other functions. And it is engaged in preparing fighters and protecting our country from an external enemy. And the political politicians in the army are long gone. Yes, and the functions of the political politicians were transferred to deputies for educational work. And which of them are tutors is a big question.

I can’t write about the Minobornauk. Some swear words come out into the light of God. I will say briefly - this institution of state power annoys me greatly.

The Ministry of Culture is a worthy institution that does its work. And the minister even appeals to me. But then again, what side will it mate with those same citizens, except through exhibitions in museums? After all, theater and cinema are commercial structures that make films and put on performances for the needs of the day. And not every film and production can correspond to patriotic education, but it can be quite the opposite.

Remains - Agency for Youth Affairs. I have completely flawed knowledge of this organization because of my non-youth age, and I do not undertake to judge him. But, if there is no sense from the first three, then the whole burden of the implementation of the State Program rests on the powerful shoulders of this Agency.

With the main performers figured out. Go to the co-performers of the program. ALL ministries made it from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services. They also shoved everyone there, from the FSB to the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport.

There are also Program Members. The curious will find and familiarize themselves with the full list of all the actors.

Go to the introduction to the document itself. I do not know how anyone, but this pearl caused a very dreary feeling to me. It seems that this passage was written absolutely far, both from Russia and from patriotic education by a foreigner who, among other things, pursues his mercantile goals.

I will give it literally.
“In recent years, significant efforts have been made in Russia to strengthen and develop the system of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as citizens). 2001 - 2015 implemented 3 government patriotic education programs.
Patriotic education is a systematic and purposeful activity of state authorities, civil society institutions and families to form high patriotic consciousness among citizens, a sense of loyalty to their homeland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland. ” (underlined by me).

Is this a patriot's speech? It was written by a man who is sick for how and with what examples our children and grandchildren will be brought up? This is an excerpt from the Philosophical Dictionary!

Here is a "spiritual" beginning. How our state authorities "systematically and purposefully" educate and shape citizens' high patriotic consciousness, as they show and show loyalty to their Fatherland through personal example, and how they fulfill their civic duty and their constitutional duties with the highest readiness - this is for all of us is known. According to the regular arrests of another official regularly voiced by our media. Okay. Maybe the one who wrote meant something else?
Let's go further on the document.

“In 2013 - 2014, the activities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral education were monitored. The main task of monitoring was to analyze the involvement of citizens in the system of patriotic education, the introduction of modern forms, methods and means of educational work into the activities of organizers and specialists of patriotic education, the development of the material and technical base of the system of patriotic education.
One of the effective forms of work with young people of pre-conscription age is the organization of the work of defense camps, the total number of which, according to the monitoring results, was about 2000.
There has been a positive trend reflecting an increase in the number of educational organizations and clubs that have been awarded honorary titles in honor of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the Russian Federation for achievements in the field of patriotic education, which amounted to 4780 organizations in the country.
In the 78 regions of the Russian Federation, centers of military-patriotic education and training of citizens (youth) for military service have been established. ”

I draw attention to the selected paragraph. Two years, tirelessly, unknown heroes monitored, and then carried out the analysis. And they found out who and how is involved in the system of patriotic education, and then they took and determined how to integrate modern forms, methods and means of educational work, development of the material and technical base of the system of patriotic education into the activities of specialists and organizers of patriotic education.

To be honest, the 2000 figure of the defense camps strained me a little. I immediately remembered my childhood - 60-70 years of the last century - summer pioneer camps. In my head, this number was multiplied by 600-700 people in one shift - these are 25 days. And it turned out that in the summer they could visit the camps of 1,2-1,4 millions of children in one shift. And over the summer - more than 4,0 millions of children.

I open the site of the first available Defense and Sports Center of the Preobrazhensky Airborne Special Forces Foundation and read. It turns out that the cost of such education - 1500 rubles per day. How many days will it be for 25? 37 500 rubles. Tell me - is it lifting money for the vast majority of people in our country? Even for those who are very concerned that his child from the cradle was brought up by a patriot? What could be patriotism and money? What do I have to write in the State Program about these 2 thousands? Does that clerk have a conscience?

Go ahead. Well, the fact that there has been a positive trend, then this is about nothing. A set of words. But further interesting. About 78 subjects and established centers of military-patriotic education and training of citizens (youth) for military service. Turn on the search engine and find the first available mention of these centers. There are such. For example - the Perm regional center of military-patriotic education. And on the first page I immediately stumble over a patriotic message - “For the ninth time on the streets of Perm, the city quest“ The Great St. George Game ”will take place. I was embarrassed by the word "quest." I heard it, but the literal interpretation somehow escaped my attention.

Well, Wikipedia to help me. I read: "Quest (English quest), or adventure game (English adventure game) - one of the main genres of computer games, which is an interactive history with the main character controlled by the player. The most important elements of the game in the quest genre are, in fact, the narration and examination of the world, and the key role in the gameplay is played by solving puzzles and tasks that require mental effort from the player. Elements typical for other genres of computer games, such as battles, economic planning, and tasks requiring a player's speed of reaction and quick response, are minimized or absent in quests. ”

It seemed to me or is it absolutely not consistent with the patriotic education of citizens? We read the offer from the Perm center:
“April 24 on the streets of Perm will again pass the patriotic quest“ The Great St. George Game ”. In 2016, the game takes place for the ninth time and is dedicated to the history and culture of the cities of the Perm region. We invite everyone from 14 to 35 to join the teams of 3-5 people and participate in the game. If you are ready to test your knowledge of the history and culture of the Perm Territory, the ability to navigate in the urban environment, send applications: through the electronic form.
Please note that the number of participants is limited to 1000 people.
For the first time, besides the already traditional nominations (school, adult and mixed teams), new ones will appear - regional teams (for teams not from the city of Perm) and adult cycling teams. See the event statement for details.
For reference:
The game is held in honor of the Day of Memory of St. George - the patron saint of Russia and the scouts, therefore bears the name of St. George. Each year, the game has its own theme, and in 2015, the game was dedicated to the celebration of the 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. 256 teams from Perm, Permsky Krai and the Republic of Udmurtia took part in the competition.
Organizers of the Great St. George's Game in Perm: Perm Scout Center Regional Children and Youth Public Organization, Luch Perm Center for Additional Education for Children with the support of the Perm Regional Center for Military-Patriotic Education and the Ministry of Culture, Youth Policy and Mass Communications of the Perm Territory and the city administration of Perm ".

Well, how is this passage? Just like Lermontov: "Mixed in a heap, horses, people." Where is George the Victorious and where are the scouts? I have nothing against scouts, but how can they relate to the education of patriotism? Especially in Russia? This is a completely alien to us phenomenon. But don't we have our own home heroes worthy of equal to them? How do you like the last quest for scouts dedicated to the 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War? Does it sound cool?

I was not lazy and read the Regulations on the conduct of the regional historical game "Great St. George Game". Do you know what it is? This is orienteering. Well, where is the patriotic education?

Perhaps, some uncles and aunts who have nothing to do? So no. Sponsors are serious. And the money is state. Well, how can all this be interpreted? Is this a state policy in the field of patriotic education? Not. Is this from foolishness? Not! It's all much more serious.

Under the guise of the patriotic education that is so necessary for all of us, at state expense, under state patronage, with state escort, calm and fruitful work is underway to disintegrate the consciousness of the young and younger generation. The concepts “scouts” and “quest” are introduced into consciousness, which are foreign to us, both in sound and in their essence. The most important achievement of our liberals is the translation of the concept of patriotism, sacred for every Russian, into the framework of commodity-money relations. Parents have money, we will raise a patriot. No money, let it grow not a patriot. Oh how!

Let's go back to the program.
“In practically all the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, measures for organizing work on the military-patriotic education of students of general educational organizations and their physical development are included in various regional programs.
According to the monitoring data, the share of young citizens participating in patriotic education events conducted as part of regional patriotic education programs or youth pre-draft training is, on average, 21,6 percent of the total number of young citizens in the country.
The implementation of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation on 2011 - 2015 years" created the prerequisites for further improving the system of patriotic education. The country has more than 22000 patriotic associations, clubs and centers, including children’s and youth’s.
The state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation on 2016 - 2020 years" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) was prepared on the basis of the knowledge, experience and traditions of patriotic education of citizens accumulated over the past decades, taking into account the importance of ensuring Russian civic identity, continuity of the educational process patriotic consciousness in the difficult conditions of economic and geopolitical rivalry.
The program is focused on all social strata and age groups of citizens while maintaining the priority of patriotic education of children and youth. ”

Like this. No more and no less. I know firsthand how patriotic education was set up in general education schools. Yes, and you, my readers, this is also known. After all, we have the Ministry of Education and Science how, and how much I cut the number of hours in history and literature - do we know that? Here it is. And suddenly, “with a fright”, the patriotism was instilled in the beginning of the rising generation. And on what examples, dear Minister Livanov, will this teenage patriotism be shaped if he has passed the history of his Homeland in 100 hours? Are you doing this on purpose, Livanov? Or are you through ignorance and misunderstanding? Both are criminal negligence. And maybe a planned sabotage against Russia.

It draws attention to itself that the drafters of the Program do not hide the fact that spiritual and physical development are interrelated. I am not against physical development. Not! But, if we talk about the patriotic education of the younger generation, then we must bear in mind that there is an emphasis on the intellectual component. And physical training is a mating supplement for possible full realization of patriotism. Something like this. And what if a person is not completely healthy? How can he become a patriot, or is it not given to him?

And now a living example from own life. My wife is an English teacher at the Center for Early Childhood Education. She teaches kids from 4 to 7 for years in the basics of the language. And so she received such a directive - to prepare a program of patriotic education. She is in shock! After all, its curriculum is based on textbooks, methodological literature, agreed plans, etc., approved by the same Ministry of Education and Science. Which, by the way, are written off from textbooks of English schools. And, therefore, they don’t even have a single example that can be considered, at least for ears, to be a reason for raising our Russian children. Well, there are references to the struggle for the independence of the Scots from the English crown. There are references to the heroic role of the British in the Second World War (not in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people). And how to carry out such scrupulous instructions? What example should she lean on?

Particularly inspired by the fact that the implementation of the State Program for 2011-2015 has created the prerequisites! In terms of further improving the system of patriotic education. What are the prerequisites? For what? There is an answer - there are more than 22000 patriotic associations, clubs and centers, including children’s and youth’s, in the country. Twenty-five again! And how many, actually, children and youth from this amount?
And can all patriotic associations be treated exactly as we need?

After all, can it be so that the union is engaged in the patriotic education of scouts who profess the quest? Can. And the Center of memory of the first President of the Russian Federation B.N. Is Yeltsin a patriotic union too? And he also unites under his banner people who proudly call themselves patriots! And how do we relate to this?

By the way the Program from the first lines easily operates with numbers that, in fact, if they do not turn out to be inflated, then in the future they cannot be attributed to positive factors, then the credibility of what is written further turned out to be simply undermined.

I will give one more passage. Although the whole program is one continuous embarrassment.
“The activities of the Program are grouped into the following sections:
-scientific and research, scientific and methodological support of patriotic education of citizens;
- improvement of the forms and methods of work on the patriotic education of citizens;
- military-patriotic education of children and youth, development of the practice of patronizing military units over educational organizations;
- development of the volunteer movement as an important element of the system of patriotic education of young people;
-informational support of patriotic education of citizens ".

Well, who is that nameless hero, from the pen of which all THAT jumped out! I want to look into his eyes. Although they have him, probably, like a reptile.

Who can understand this - “research and methodological support of patriotic education of citizens”? What is laid with mother's milk, with songs about pictures in the primer, from which the Motherland begins, with the fact that a person from another such country does not know where a person breathes so freely, has been transferred to the category of scientific and methodological support. Is that, to put the Methodist Controller to each family? And who defined his level of patriotism, and who issued him a diploma of Higher Patriotic Education? That's right - Lebanon! So it danced!

Military-patriotic education is determined by the most visible examples, preferably with personal contact with those who can be considered a patriot, by definition. And who is it? Veterans. Those who by their own example, at the cost of their lives, proved their patriotism. So let's come to them, and let them tell us how they shed their blood and for what! How uncomfortable to come? And, the apartment in his studio in Muhoboysk, and there his children and grandchildren live. And he has no domestic conditions. Oh how! Well, let's bring it to us! Let him give a lecture to the kids with pathos and with an old man’s tears about how good it is to be a patriot. So that the kids understand that this grandfather showed patriotism not for material benefits in the future, but simply at the behest of his heart. But those who should have been obliged to show no, not patriotism, but pride in patriots, showed their peculiar disgustingness. They have such nutty stuff as pig meat.

Patronage of military units over educational institutions. Actually, it should be the other way around. School patches over some part. Schoolchildren familiarize themselves with its history, traversed by combat, the most distinguished soldiers, forever listed in the unit lists. The servicemen tell them about their colleagues, about their daily military activities. And if the servicemen start skating in schools and kindergartens with stories, they will have no time to do their direct business - learning and mastering the art of war. Probably the one who wrote these things in the army didn’t serve - “retaliation”.

And again in the program the sight stumbles upon a not quite digestible word. "Volunteer". Again, not too lazy and got into the dictionary. The essence is clear, but one must know the details of the arrival of the word in our language. Especially since we use it in the Program. And again, all is not glory to God.

Volunteering or Volunteering (from Latin voluntarius - voluntary) is a wide range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual aid and self-help, official provision of services and other forms of civic participation, which is carried out voluntarily for the benefit of the general public without remuneration.

It seems to be nothing criminal or unnatural. But rummage in history and find out where such guys come from. And found out:
“Initially, volunteers were exclusively called volunteers. In Italy, France, England and Germany, during the Eighty Years and Thirty Years Wars, various overlords called for more and more hunters to fight for their banners, but, often without money for the maintenance of troops, they said that only fame and military booty would be their reward. A lot of this was enough. The word took both prestigious (“The name of this regiment is always the regiment of the Hussars of Yekaterinoslavsky volunteers, because the name of the volunteers attracts more hunters”, 1788) and the pejorative tone (“he is a terrible volunteer”, 1830), since it’s easy to imagine how the soldiers behaved of which there was only glory or only military booty, or both. What is it like?

Those. the volunteer in the original sense is a completely detached character from any patriotism. This man has only one profession in his hands - a hired warrior. And the payment for his services is a trophy in a captured city, i.e. robbery, violence, murder, etc. Well, is there a word - Volunteer? So no, all of our liberals overseas, tolerant pulls.

And the last - informational support of patriotic education of citizens. Even hesitate to ask, what kind of animal is this? And what is it eaten with? It is even hard for me to imagine what should be done in terms of patriotic education in order to dock it with informational support? Not enough of my imagination.

And further, in this program, all in the same spirit. And, going to the page of the 13 Program, we will see what all this is done for.

“IV. Financial support of the Program
The total amount of funding for the Program in 2016 - 2020 will be 1666556,8 thousand rubles, including at the expense of the federal budget 1574056,8 thousand rubles, and also 92500 thousand rubles from extrabudgetary sources, including:
for 2016 year - 290120,8 thousand rubles at the expense of the federal budget and 15500 thousand rubles at the expense of extrabudgetary sources;
for 2017 year - 324259 thousand rubles at the expense of the federal budget and 19250 thousand rubles at the expense of extrabudgetary sources;
for 2018 year - 331959 thousand rubles at the expense of the federal budget and 21050 thousand rubles at the expense of extrabudgetary sources;
for 2019 year - 306209 thousand rubles at the expense of the federal budget and 18350 thousand rubles at the expense of extrabudgetary sources;
on 2020 year - 321509 thousand rubles at the expense of the federal budget and 18350 thousand rubles at the expense of extrabudgetary sources. "

Those. our state and our government do not stint on the fact that our citizens would be brought up by patriots. The cost of this program is almost 1,7 billion rubles.

And now let's see what the authors of the Program expect from its implementation.

“V. Expected Results of the Program
“The main result of the implementation of the Program will be the formation of a system of patriotic education of citizens that meets modern challenges and objectives of the development of the country, as well as the social and age structure of Russian society.
It is planned to increase the level of organizational support and scientific and methodological support of the system of patriotic education of citizens, including:
-an increase in the number of scientific research and new teaching materials in the field of patriotic education;
-development and synthesis of the Russian experience in the field of patriotic education with a view to its practical use;
- improvement of the system of indicators for assessing the level and effectiveness of patriotic education;
-development of the regulatory framework of patriotic education of citizens in the system of education, culture, youth policy, taking into account the sectoral specifics;
- introduction of new effective complexes of training and special programs, methods and technologies of work on patriotic education;
-the formation of a community of specialists and mentors, leading work in the field of patriotic education, experts in this field, producing a professional assessment of the state of this area and projects of a patriotic orientation.
There will be a strengthening and increase of the effectiveness of the system of interdepartmental, intersectoral interaction and public-state partnership in solving the tasks of patriotic education, providing the conditions for:
- activation and increase of citizens' interest in studying the history of the Fatherland, including military history, to the historical past of our country, its heroic pages, raising the awareness of the need to preserve the memory of the great historical exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland;
-increasing interest of Russians in literature, music, the visual arts, humanities and natural-geographical sciences, in the activities of prominent representatives of culture, science and art;
- to develop in the younger generation a sense of pride, respect and reverence for the symbols of the state, respect for historical shrines and monuments of the Fatherland;
-an increase in the number of citizens who have in-depth knowledge of the events that have become the basis of state holidays in Russia;
-improving the quality of work of educational organizations on patriotic education, as well as on the professional orientation of students and their involvement in military, militarized, public service, work in various sectors of the Russian industry and services, as well as in the education system, science, culture, sports and other activities;
-conducting national and regional competitions, seminars, conferences, exhibitions and expositions on historical and cultural events, significant dates and prominent figures of Russia.
A significant increase in the level of military-patriotic education of citizens, aimed at ensuring their readiness to defend the Motherland, strengthening the prestige of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, as well as increasing the level of social communications between the Russian society and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, law enforcement agencies are expected and organizations. Estimated results include:
-the formation of a system of continuous military-patriotic education of children and youth;
- ensuring the formation of youth's moral, psychological and physical readiness to defend the Fatherland, loyalty to the constitutional and military duty in peace and wartime, high civic responsibility;
-development of the system of sports and patriotic education, an increase in the number of young people who have complied with the standards of the All-Russian sports and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP);
-activation of the interaction of military-patriotic associations (clubs) and veterans' organizations in order to increase the effectiveness of forming readiness for the youth to defend the Fatherland and military service among the youth;
-study and implementation of best practices in the practice of military-patriotic education of young people, the formation of a positive attitude to the military and public service;
- improvement of scientific and methodological base of patronage work. There will be a significant improvement in the conditions for the development of the volunteer movement as an important element of civic-patriotic education, which will help increase the level of consolidation and mutual trust among citizens. Expected result includes:
-the achievement of high involvement of citizens in the organization and holding of events on patriotic education at all levels;
- a significant increase in the level of citizen involvement in volunteer and social practice;
-creation of conditions for improving indicators of citizens' confidence in each other, in state, public, including social, institutions;
-creation of a unified system of interaction between volunteer organizations, other public associations and non-profit organizations, government agencies and executive authorities;
-the introduction of volunteer practice in the activities of state organizations and institutions in the field of health, culture, sports, education and youth policy.
An increase in the number of informed citizens about the activities of the Program and an increase in the level of information support for patriotic education at the federal, regional and municipal levels are expected ”.

If someone had the patience to finish it all up to the end and grasp the essence, then the question is what? Through the word, the question arises, after two bewilderment, each sentence creates a clear feeling that the one who wrote it does not understand at all how this will happen, about feedbacks, about adjacent interactions and about many other things. And he does not care at all about the end result.

Here is the most neutral excerpt from this section:
“Improving the scientific and methodological base of patronage work. There will be a significant improvement in the conditions for the development of the volunteer movement as an important element of civic-patriotic education, which will help increase the level of consolidation and mutual trust among citizens. Expected result includes:
-the achievement of high involvement of citizens in the organization and holding of events on patriotic education at all levels;
- a significant increase in the level of citizen involvement in volunteer and social practice;
-creation of conditions for improving indicators of citizens' confidence in each other, in state, public, including social, institutions "...

Why will there be a significant improvement in the conditions for the development of the volunteer movement (pah at you) due to the improvement of the scientific and methodological base of sponsorship work? Well, at least kill me, I do not understand. And why are the expected results such, to put it mildly, unexpected? Why all of a sudden, citizens will immediately join the IT movement right away? And because of what these citizens suddenly pulled to the holding of events for the patriotic education?

And absolutely I don’t find any answer that the conditions will be created, not simply, but to improve performance. Indicators of public confidence. To each other, to state, public and, most importantly, social institutions. Well, who will explain to me, because of what all this is suddenly born? So what is more important - conditions for trust or improvement in performance?

Who is the creator of this poverty? Clearly, not Medvedev. But did he sign this "bullshit"?

Or maybe this document, which is proudly referred to as the State Program, was created in order to pretend how to prevent our children from being under the guise of an extremely important matter for our country - patriotic education, not citizens, but young people of the younger generation. really became patriots. Citizens' patriotism - a derivative of the patriotic education of children! This is an axiom that does not require any evidence.

Everything that is collected in this Program is absolutely divorced, both from the realities of our life and from the interest in the very same final result. No one considers the education of patriotism as a priority matter of national importance. No one needs to develop patriotism in the country. After all, a patriot is an uncomfortable person who can and will certainly ask a question to the very same Livanov, Medvedev, and what exactly is happening? And what did you, “so-and-so” do?

There is no need to refer to this program! This is a “filkin letter”. It is designed for the fact that no one from patriotically interested persons will read. And businessmen from patriotism will carefully study it in order to properly “master” the allocated resources.

And what do we have in the dry residue? We have "zigovavshih" students near the Eternal Flame.
We have a bestial attitude of the authorities to the veterans and to their merits. We have a scornful attitude towards the history of our state, expressed in tacit agreement with the changing norms of teaching history in high school. We have robbery and murder of old men for those orders and medals that characterize their patriotism. And we have a steady demand for these signs of military valor. And not just anywhere, but here in Russia.

On one all-Russian action - the Immortal regiment, you will not get far. And the Parade dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War is a one-time, episodic event that contributes, but does not solve the main thing - the constant, planned, progressive movement in the direction of the truly patriotic education of our young people from their very young nails.

Such a thing as fostering patriotism cannot and should not be in the hands of such frightfully distant from the country, from its aspirations, from concern for its future people, like ministers and prime ministers. For in them, I do not see a single drop of patriotism. But who and how should deal with these tasks - the question remains open. But we asked him?
51 comment
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  1. +3
    11 May 2016 09: 21
    And who is the author? What kind of anonym? Who is so concerned about the problem of patriotic education?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      11 May 2016 10: 01
      Patriotic education begins in the family and at school. Let's omit the author's thoughts about "citizenship", which he equates with the concept of legal capacity, well, God bless him. In our country, even quite adult criminals are "corrected and re-educated." But about the fact that patriotic education is conceived as a campaign, in this he is largely right.
      Let's start with the main thing. With the lack of state ideology, as the basis for the creation of public, state consciousness. There is no beginning, no basis. And already because of this, it is possible to end. Since the indicated adopted program is generally outside the basic principles, it is outside the framework of the state itself, but it is also managed by it. This is a paradox! request
      1. -1
        11 May 2016 10: 10
        It seems to me that you attach excessive importance to official state ideology. Well, what is the state ideology of England? Where is it stated, in which document? What about Japan? Or India? Or are there no patriots in these countries? So it turns out that there are patriots in every country and at all times, but this has nothing to do with official state ideology, doctrine. And that is not the problem. It's not about ideology.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +5
        11 May 2016 10: 11
        A young teacher enters the class (with a salary of 9 thousand re per month). Schoolgirls look appraisingly at her appearance. This is where the patriotic education begins. They will no longer go to study at the pedagogical school in order to inform the children of the state program of patriotic education.
        In addition, they watch films such as how to marry a millionaire, advertising how to earn a million in three days and House-2.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +8
          11 May 2016 10: 22
          Or, the last example. In my city, as usual, on May 9, teachers gather schoolchildren in the morning and lead them in formation to the station square (where the memorial to the fallen in battle is) to honor the veterans. But what if this is not a patriotic education? Who would argue. Now the "immortal regiment" movement has arisen. Well, in addition to flowers, the children brought with them portraits of great-grandfathers and grandmothers. The day was cold and windy. But they were not allowed into the square. They said that there is someone there to honor the veterans, and sent them to the training camp half a kilometer before the city administration. From there they were sent to pl. Lenin (this is another one and a half km). But no one was waiting for them there either. And now a question to the respected members of the forum. What do you think after that the children felt about the patriotic upbringing in fact?
          1. 0
            11 May 2016 10: 28
            What kind of city?
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +2
              11 May 2016 13: 35
              The city of Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory. The same one that produced tracked tractors in the amount of over a million (including skidders, which no one produced in the USSR), agricultural machinery, tractor electrical equipment, GTT for the Ministry of Defense and "two-link" for geologists. Now this is nothing, everything is plundered and destroyed. Only bare ruins remained from the factories. The youth are leaving. The city of tractor builders is slowly dying out.
      4. +3
        11 May 2016 10: 39
        Quote: siberalt
        Patriotic education begins in the family and school.

        I agree. About school - it’s enough to see how much the hours of literature lessons have been cut from the times of the USSR.
  2. +5
    11 May 2016 09: 27
    sorry, the author is unknown, but written in the case, correctly.
    1. +1
      11 May 2016 09: 46
      Well, what is right if the author, criticizing everything and everything, does not offer anything? How is this different from liberal delirium?
      1. +3
        11 May 2016 10: 57
        Quote: Silhouette
        Well, what is right if the author, criticizing everything and everything, does not offer anything?

        read the diagonal article?
        1. -3
          11 May 2016 11: 34
          I studied each paragraph. Here is an example of subtle trolling.
          I have nothing against the Ministry of Defense. But it clearly does not fit the concept of the educator. He has other functions. And it is engaged in preparing fighters and protecting our country from an external enemy. And the political politicians in the army are long gone. Yes, and the functions of the political politicians were transferred to deputies for educational work. And which of them are tutors is a big question.

          In fact, the author not only has nothing against the Ministry of Defense, as the subject of instilling patriotism, but is categorically against it. "His functions are different." No, not others. Fostering patriotism among the defenders of the Motherland is function # 2. At all times. All peoples. Zampolit is a word that carries the same function as "information service officer" in the US Army. The zampolites were gone, the educators remained.

          I was very amused by the attitude of the author and his wife towards patriotic education. they do not understand him equally and do not understand anything in him.
          And now a living example from own life. My wife is an English teacher at the Center for Early Childhood Education. She teaches kids from 4 to 7 for years in the basics of the language. And so she received such a directive - to prepare a program of patriotic education. She is in shock! After all, its curriculum is based on textbooks, methodological literature, agreed plans, etc., approved by the same Ministry of Education and Science. Which, by the way, are written off from textbooks of English schools. And, therefore, they don’t even have a single example that can be considered, at least for ears, to be a reason for raising our Russian children. Well, there are references to the struggle for the independence of the Scots from the English crown. There are references to the heroic role of the British in the Second World War (not in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people). And how to carry out such scrupulous instructions? What example should she lean on?

          The author does not understand anything in the patronage's work:
          Patronage of military units over educational institutions. Actually, it should be the other way around. School patches over some part. Schoolchildren familiarize themselves with its history, traversed by combat, the most distinguished soldiers, forever listed in the unit lists. The servicemen tell them about their colleagues, about their daily military activities. And if the servicemen start skating in schools and kindergartens with stories, they will have no time to do their direct business - learning and mastering the art of war. Probably the one who wrote these things in the army didn’t serve - “retaliation”.

          Patronage is a mutual and mutually beneficial thing. This is not a one-goal game as the author seems.

          Well and so on. Solid trolling.
          1. +2
            11 May 2016 12: 01
            Military-patriotic education is determined by the most obvious examples, preferably with personal communication with those who can be considered a patriot, by definition. And who is it? Veterans. Those who by their own example, at the cost of their lives, have proven their patriotism. So let's come to them, and let them tell us how they shed their blood and for what! How inconvenient to come? And his apartment in Mukhoboysk is one-room, and his children and grandchildren live there. And he has no living conditions. Oh how! Well, let's bring it to us! Let him give a lecture to children with pathos and with an old age tear about how good it is to be a patriot. So that the children understand that this grandfather showed patriotism not for material benefits in the future, but simply at the behest of his heart.

            This is how the author actually represents patriotic education through veterans. “So let's come to them, and let them tell us how they shed their blood and for what!” He offers.

            And then, as a veteran, he writes to the kids "with pathos and with an old tear, he will read a lecture about how good it is to be a patriot." At the same time, the veteran himself lives in a one-room apartment with his grandchildren.

            Well, isn’t this a caricature of a veteran and patriotic education ?!
          2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +12
      11 May 2016 09: 56
      Quote: Andrey Yurievich
      sorry, the author is unknown, but written in the case, correctly.

      What kind of patriotic education? "Hot Snow" is shown at 3 am, like some porn ... am And house-2 and various glamor-kitchens-FASs - at the most watchable time. Look at the "patriotic" series about our super-duper fighters who are being driven by NTV! What kind of upbringing!?! ??? They don't bring up anything except disgust ... I myself gave half of the best years of my life to the army, I saw both super and duper - but such bullshit, such bullshit as our serials drive - I have never seen in the lowest-budget American action films of the 80s! Only Indian militants of the late 80s can compare in stupidity with what they are trying to educate our youth on ...

      In the early 80s, the son of R. Karmen's "Great Patriotic War" watched all 20 episodes without breathing. I showed my grandson last year that he liked it, but occasionally he gave me a slap on the head so that he would not fall asleep. The students could not watch the wife's "Ordinary Fascism" M. Romm - they cover their faces with their paws, they are scared, depressed, they say ...

      I was brought up not at the cinema, but on the stories of young, in general, peasants who themselves went through Leningrad, Stalingrad and the Kursk Bulge, who took Berlin. And I read, of course, a lot. Especially in the late 50s and 60s, a lot of military literature began to appear. Talking about the Great Patriotic War soon there will be absolutely no one ... So at least they would watch a movie. Make! And then all these programs of patriotic education are another cut of money, another companionship for show.

      Missed a whole generation - they have loot instead of their homeland ... Now try to instill something in their children? What is the use if they are told about the homeland at school, and dad is home about dollars, a new car, rags and a trip to Thailand? You can’t redo this pope, the ideology of hoarding and individualism brought from the West has already poisoned the pope irrevocably. But his son, this wretched larva, can still be saved. Only you need to start with the formation of a humanistic and patriotic ideologies IN THE COUNTRY, and not from protocol, "tick-off" one-time events ... Finally, remember that when "a man is a friend to a man, a comrade and a brother" will be easier for everyone, and when "a man is a wolf to a man" - it is bad for some to live without money, and for others with money, because wealth is an even greater headache, than poverty ...
      1. +3
        11 May 2016 11: 00
        Quote: Zoldat_A

        What kind of patriotic education? "Hot Snow" is shown at 3 o'clock in the morning, as some kind of porn ... And house-2 and various glamor-kitchen-FASy - at the most watchable time. Look at the "patriotic" series about our super-duper fighters, who are chasing NTV! What kind of upbringing!?! ??

        are you aware that television does not belong to the country? hence all the dirt ... and the most vile programs, in primetime ... and "save an ordinary rayon" on Victory Day ...
        1. +8
          11 May 2016 11: 35
          Quote: Andrey Yurievich
          Do you know that television does not belong to the country? hence all the dirt ... and the most vile programs, in primetime ... and "save an ordinary rayon" on Victory Day ...

          Yes in the know ... Only work with minds, work with ideology (and television is the most powerful tool for this work) should not depend on any Kostya Ernst or anyone else ... Entertainment channels - please !!! But federal - only to the state! And for the rest, the state should follow what is shown and when. And this is not a return to Soviet censorship - let the liberals exhale ... This is normal control over the moral health of society.

          By the way, in the West, with their advertised democracy, someone would try to themselves such a freeman as we do - in America, for example, to doubt on the air that it was America that won the Second World War or that it did not bring anything good to Iraq-Libya-Syria , but only gave birth to ISIS ... Or in France on the air to say that "Charlie Ebdo" is just an abomination, which is ready to scoff at anything for the sake of scandalous fame - they even blinded loot on the blood of their employees ... But here you can, everyone day we hear what a bad country we have ... And no one can tell these "producers" ... It's a pity ...
      2. +3
        11 May 2016 11: 02
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        Missed a whole generation - they have loot instead of their homeland ... Now, do their children try to instill something in them? What is the use if they are told about the homeland at school, and dad is home about dollars, a new car, rags and a trip to Thailand?

        Well, no matter how in 91 our military also came out to defend their homeland of the USSR, but it seems that the education was correct and patriotic films like "Officers" were shown.
        And now, what kind of patriotic education is there, when the children of our officials live and study abroad, type in Google "children of officials abroad"
        1. +6
          11 May 2016 12: 00
          Quote: Humpbacked Horse
          Well, as if in the year 91, our military also did not come out to defend their homeland of the USSR,

          They would leave if they received an order ... Only there was no one to give the order. Hunchback could give an order? He sat like a rat in Foros and shook for his skin and Raikins tsatski ... Or could the GKChP with shaking hands sign an order?

          On August 18, 1991, I was not in the Union at all, by order of the country I was abroad and defended the interests of the country where it sent me. And when he returned, "democracy" had already won. After talking with many people. The conversations were friendly, because such people usually do not give interviews. There are two reasons for the victory of "democracy" in 1991 - the army either did not receive the order (as special forces), or received it and did not fulfill it, thereby violating the Oath - like Pasha-Mercedes with his sidekicks. Whoever knows about the army not from Russian TV shows about superheroes, but from his life, he will confirm that a soldier will not do anything without an order because he himself does not know how to think. And because in the army everyone is obliged to think on the scale of his unit and within the framework of the order received. Then it is an army, not a democratic rabble.

          So it would be incorrect to poke the army about the fact that in 91 the country was not defended ... It would be more truthful to collect all the sheep that in 91 were boozing in the streets in Moscow and shouted: "Russia, Yeltsin, democracy!" and ask - "Well, what did you dream about in 91, what did you get in the nineties? But to the uncles from Washington - exactly about that ...."
    3. 0
      11 May 2016 13: 14
      Quote: Andrey Yurievich
      sorry, the author is unknown, but written in the case, correctly.

      They got it with their ideology and patriotism.
      Stop by the tanks, there are schoolchildren sitting there and scumming everyone.
      Your mother is a whore.
      Your father ****
      I had your sister.
      And so on and so forth. And I have stated this in a very mild form.
      It would be better if everyone concerned about patriotism brought up the children.
      Convenient position, nod to the school, the state, minobory and even hell knows who.
      And then the father comes in to play tanks, and his son, sitting in an Internet cafe playing tanks, sends in a chat three letters of his own father. The state is to blame, but still.
  3. +5
    11 May 2016 09: 32
    "... Such a thing as the education of patriotism cannot and should not be in the hands of people so terribly distant from the country, from its aspirations, from caring for its future, like ministers and prime ministers."

    No, why, it's another matter, well, patriotism cannot be born in a commercialized, disunited society, where everyone is left to himself, here the patriotism of money most likely flourishes, the personal will always prevail in such a "soil" over the public
    1. +3
      11 May 2016 10: 25
      Quote: sa-ag
      Well, patriotism cannot be born in a commercialized, fragmented society, where everyone is left to his own devices.

      There are no patriots in the USA? In Italy too? I dare to assure you that there are a lot of patriots in such individualized societies as Switzerland and Israel, where oh how denyushki love.
      1. +2
        11 May 2016 10: 52
        Quote: Silhouette
        Quote: sa-ag
        Well, patriotism cannot be born in a commercialized, fragmented society, where everyone is left to his own devices.

        There are no patriots in the USA? In Italy too? I dare to assure you that there are a lot of patriots in such individualized societies as Switzerland and Israel, where oh how denyushki love.

        Israel is so generally a mono-national and confessional country, here patriotism is implicated in nationalism and "... there are only enemies around", which, in principle, is not so far from the truth, in Switzerland patriotism is based on a high standard of living, although some people betray it and go to Germany to shop, because it is cheaper there, if Switzerland pushes a single unconditional income, then patriots of Switzerland will appear outside its borders, patriotism in the United States is implicated on the one hand at the standard of living, on the other hand, propaganda through television, unobtrusively and education, America like above all, in Italy the patriotism of the family, there family or family is a very important aspect :-)
        1. 0
          11 May 2016 13: 10
          Quote: sa-ag
          in Sweden patriotism is based on a high standard of living, although some people cheat on him and go to Germany to buy, because it’s cheaper there
          You confuse patriotism and pragmatism.
  4. +7
    11 May 2016 09: 47
    October Revolution - Pioneer - Komsomol!
    1. +4
      11 May 2016 10: 23
      The author has not heard anything about the “RUSSIAN MILITARY-HISTORICAL SOCIETY”. Regrettably.
      1. +1
        11 May 2016 11: 08
        Quote: Gray Brother

        and which of the youth have heard?
        1. 0
          12 May 2016 08: 51
          Quote: Andrey Yurievich
          and which of the youth have heard?

          Someone heard it. I have three schools near my house, in two of them there are definitely cadet classes, in the third I don’t know. The guys who study there - just heard.
  5. +5
    11 May 2016 09: 53
    Education, especially patriotic, is a delicate matter that needs to be started on time. The main thing in this case is not to confuse the moral and physical landmarks.
    1. +3
      11 May 2016 11: 13
      Quote: x.andvlad
      Education, especially patriotic, is a delicate matter that needs to be started on time. The main thing in this case is not to confuse the moral and physical landmarks.

      Patriotic - and any! - education must begin with diapers, while the child across the bed - benches! - lies, fits! ... It will lie down along - that's all, late!
      That is why it is initially a family business, and begins with the parents!
      ... For example, from the fact that they are paid half a year's salary at a factory (factory, office, depot, fleet ... further - ...) they don’t pay! ... And so on - and so on. .
      That is - again - from the state! From State Programs, state ideology ... Which, say, I - and my children! - must follow; but "he" - lives in an elite "skyscraper" (in the summer - in a villa in an "ecologically elite zone" ...) - not necessarily! ... My children - serve in the army and fight "hot", and " his "- study management, marketing and ... what else is there? - without interrupting the parallel study of the way of life, way of life and culture of our "probable p ... partner, well! ... Where is the thread in Oxford or Harvard ...
      ...Double standarts! This is when the son of the head of state during the war is captured, and his father replies to the offer to exchange him for the general: ... you know, yes?
      Or - the children of ministers and prime ministers of the same state - study, live and do business (shearing "cabbage", somehow according to the modern ...) in the country of a probable p ... well, yes, a partner, well!
      ...something like this! Isn't this where to start patriotic education?
      The prince, the tsar - the same damned Ivan the Terrible - with a sword and in armor in front of his army went into battle, fought in the same ranks with the "smerds" ... but now? Take a shovel in hand at a subbotnik - "zapadlo"? ... Examples, if anything - do not count! ...
      ... ideology, however?! ...
  6. +7
    11 May 2016 09: 56
    The author does not need to invent who is our citizen and who is not, it is enough to read the law:
    Federal Law of 31.05.2002 N 62-FZ (as amended on 31.12.2014) "On citizenship of the Russian Federation"
    "Article 12. Acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation by birth"
    As follows from it, all children from birth are citizens of Russia (subject to a number of conditions), therefore, the State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020” extends to them too.
    Well, yes, the program, the work of the bureaucracy ...
  7. +2
    11 May 2016 10: 03
    I couldn’t read it, a lot of letters!))) But my opinion-upbringing should start with myself, my children, relatives and people around me!
  8. +5
    11 May 2016 10: 08
    OSOAVIAHIM - DOSAAF, who could be entrusted with the education of patriotism, and justice in their own country was the main guarantor of patriotism.
    Having returned from work, a tired but little-earned father amid the boss who is exploiting his work, or an official with an annual income of more than 6 rubles, will tell his children that these thick-faced should be protected because they allow them to work?
    A citizen must clearly understand what he is protecting and from whom, it may happen that with further looting of citizens, expressed in all kinds of requisitions, lower salaries, not a substantial increase in tariffs and utility bills for the sake of the bureaucracy and the oligarchy. Ordinary citizens realize that it is time to protect the country from these thieves who are ready to rush off over the hill.
    JUSTICE brings up patriotism!
    1. +3
      11 May 2016 10: 19
      Quote: okunevich_rv
      OSOAVIAHIM - DOSAAF, who could be entrusted with the education of patriotism

      Correctly. DOSAAF is a former military. But this is only part of the answer to the question of who should be involved in patriotic education. In the second part there should be a school, university, media-cinema, TV, Internet.
    2. cap
      11 May 2016 11: 41
      Quote: okunevich_rv
      JUSTICE brings up patriotism!

      I agree. +
      We must start with justice in relation to ALL to EVERYTHING.
      As it was said in the long forgotten "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work." We did not live up to the next principle.
      And all because of greed and bribery.
      I do not advocate for equality when parasites receive "like everyone else", but if social standards of life are not changed, no programs will help.
      Someone will cut the "cabbage" and get the next "zilch".
      Something like that.
  9. +6
    11 May 2016 10: 09
    First of all, the leaders of the state should be patriots. Then both the economy and all other spheres will be in order.
  10. +3
    11 May 2016 10: 09
    Such a thing as the upbringing of patriotism cannot and should not be in the hands of people so terribly far from the country, from its aspirations, from caring about its future, like ministers and prime ministers. Here you can add deputies and senators.
    Why so?
    They can, but only after their own children go to regular schools, when they themselves go to work in public transport (at least occasionally), and also when they and their families will be treated in ordinary average polyclinics and hospitals, and all this with a moderate state salary and increased liability for miscalculations in the work. But this is all from the realm of fiction.
  11. +1
    11 May 2016 10: 35
    A citizen is like a citizen. We grant citizenship by birth right. Not? what
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      11 May 2016 14: 06
      Citizenship is established according to two principles. According to the principle of "blood" (the citizens of which state are the parents or one of them) and according to the principle of territory (land) in which state was born (but there, in most cases, parental consent is required if they are installed or alive). From the moment of registration of birth, a new citizen appears.
  12. +3
    11 May 2016 10: 43
    "Such a thing as the upbringing of patriotism cannot and should not be in the hands of people so terribly far from the country, from its aspirations, from caring about its future, like ministers and prime ministers. For in them I do not see well, not a single drop of patriotism. But who and how should deal with these tasks - the question remains open. But we asked him"...

    Hmm ... I completely agree with the author, although the mood has spoiled from the article ...

    Such thoughts occurred to me last year (mostly obscene), when I helped to write my thesis related to the patriotic education of youth in modern Russia ...

    From all the savagery generated on paper in the form of Programs, laws, standards, instructions, the hair on my bald head stirred, and throughout the entire period of writing this WRC I spoke mainly in one of the most common, international languages ​​...

    But (!!!) ... The check marks in the plans for the implementation of work on patriotic education are put down, the allocated funds are spent (what a word !!!) ... Everything, the government reported on how it patriotically raised the growing and growing generation ...

    Ieh ...
    1. +7
      11 May 2016 10: 59
      Quote: weksha50
      . All, , the government reported on how it patriotically brought up the rising and growing generation ...

      The key phrase in all of their education ...

      I don’t remember anyone specially brought up patriotically. Neighbors - front-line soldiers, books, later - cinema, pioneer gatherings-rulers-lightning ... That, in fact, is all education. It goes without saying that "if tomorrow is a war, if tomorrow is on a campaign ... as one person the entire Soviet people ..." However, they grew up as PEOPLE, fought, built, had a concept of the Motherland and Honor ...

      Now what is growing? The grandson said that his boy from the class was moaning: "I wish this Immortal Regiment would end faster! We are late for the airport, we are flying to Thailand for a week! ..." I am not against Thailand and a healthy holiday for a Russian family. I am against the dough, which, as a well-known secondary substance, has covered up the eyes and other senses of what has grown over the past 30 years ...

      He gave a slap to his grandson for not giving that boy a snout ...
      1. +3
        11 May 2016 12: 46
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        He gave a slap to his grandson for not giving that boy a snout ...

        !!! hi

        PS I hope the grandson made the right conclusions?

        It is from such seemingly trifles that the same patriotism develops ...
        And I completely agree with you: in our time, they didn’t talk loudly about patriotism, but the whole educational system - both in the family and at school - led to its development ... This is how you breathe ... It was simply implied by itself .. .
    2. cap
      11 May 2016 11: 50
      Quote: weksha50
      Hmm ... I completely agree with the author, although the mood has spoiled from the article ...

      By the way, I have one too. Probably because I travel by transport and I see young people not giving way to old people. They are sitting stupidly in headphones with smartphones in virtual space. A note must be either given on the neck or the headphones removed. That's patriotism at school. Probably about this at school Speaking is not accepted. What they say in the family can only guess.
  13. +2
    11 May 2016 11: 06
    I think patriotic and indeed parenting mostly depends on parents ... because I don’t know how to say it more correctly))) ... because TV is TV, school is school, teachers are teachers and PARENTS are PARENTS ... for the child, they alone are the authority and only they have a teacher for him and an example to follow from birth and small years of life, and no one else !!! so it’s arranged by nature and whatever the mother says to the child on TV or at school, it will be correct what the mother will tell him and dad and only with them he will take an example, absorb everything that they they will tell him and everything they will teach that will become the foundation of his personality in the future in adulthood and he will not perceive the rest of the unnecessary and useless information ...
  14. +4
    11 May 2016 11: 14
    I do not care about all these programs. I will raise my children myself .. as needed. How I was raised. And I will invest money personally. And not these ... bureaucrats ... homo contrectātoris
  15. +3
    11 May 2016 11: 25
    Yes, how much can you talk about patriotism in a country where there is at least some kind of state ideology? !!! Although there is no ideology of the ruling class to drag and not let go. Until there is a clear ideology, there can be no talk of any patriotism! And for this it is necessary at least to change the constitution.
  16. +3
    11 May 2016 11: 40
    Patriotic education is certainly good ... but here is the Victory Day, on the podium the "city manager" of our city, speaks the correct and beautiful words, well done ... I read the income statement of this official, with a salary of about 200 thousand a month: four apartments near him, his wife's two and, most interestingly, a house of 300 meters on a plot of 1.5 hectares in LATVIA ... This handsome man has already prepared a nest for himself behind the cordon ... And it will teach someone patriotism ??
  17. +1
    11 May 2016 12: 24
    A bit about patriotic education in Russia
    Here the word "a little" is somewhat embarrassing, but really little about patriotic education.
    I simply can’t write about the Ministry of Defense. Some swear words come out into the light of God. I will say briefly - this institution of state power annoys me greatly. The Ministry of Culture is a worthy institution that does its job. And the minister even appeals to me ... Agency for Youth Affairs. I have completely flawed knowledge about this organization because of my non-youth age, and I do not presume to judge it
    Well, if the author's knowledge of other organizations is sufficient, then I can start writing an article "A little about the combat readiness of the RF Armed Forces." True, I served for a long time, but I like Shoigu, I write a lot as a printer and quickly as a sprinter ... Something like that.
  18. The comment was deleted.
  19. 0
    11 May 2016 16: 26
    The correct article.
    The proposed program for patriotic education is nothing but a banal cut of public funds.
    The basis of the upbringing of patriotism is the surrounding reality: relations between the state and the people.
    We need to start with the media. State-owned media should have a patriotic focus, and not engage in robbing the people, which is advertising. Advertising is an expensive product that includes paying the creators of the video and buying advertising time. The people pay for advertising by buying the advertised product, or rather the cost of advertising for some products is scattered across all manufactured products. Because of advertising, we can not correctly perceive the plot, the thread of a deep understanding of the topic is lost. But most of all I was outraged by the case with the song "Where the Motherland Begins". The video with the patriotic song was taken off the air as the use of the author's work for advertising purposes. It was an elective video of the Communist Party. You cannot pay for patriotism, the Communist Party has the moral right to use this patriotic song. But the legal heiress cannot have a moral right to the songs of a whole generation of Soviet people.
    1. 0
      11 May 2016 22: 38
      Quote: olimpiada15
      removed from the air, as the use of an author's work for advertising purposes.
      Did the heirs of M. Bernes' copyright send the CPRF "greetings"? You definitely write about advertising. Its place is on individual websites, in special newspapers, reference books on goods and services, and inside shopping centers (from the outside they should be inscribed by the designer as harmoniously as possible into the urban environment), and not on roads, houses and state television.
      1. 0
        11 May 2016 23: 07
        ps Otherwise, instead of patriotism - solid metrosexuality turns out.
  20. +3
    12 May 2016 00: 54
    ..... So ... Give either flies or cutlets.
    Patriotic education begins "with the nipple" - looking at the attitude of the surrounding community towards! ... to those whom they want to show as patriots ...
    "Afghans", "Chechens", ... but at least the Liquidators of Chernobyl .... modern guys, submariners, combat pilots ..... How they live now, how they left and how they settled down ... It's a pity ... Who else. ..
    Try to stand in the housing department for a 3-week queue for a certificate "on the composition of the family" and receive on its basis "compensation for sankur" ...
    Sense? ... Get a dagger and break a vest? ..
    Try to fix the crumbled teeth in the district polyclinics .... You will learn a lot ... And about yourself .. and about "no need to shake ..." ".. we did not send you ..."
    Okay, let's break through, it's not about that.
    It is uncomfortable in front of the grandson .... So explain and explain to him how the Motherland, the Fatherland and the State differ .... "how Stirlitz famously fought at Stalingrad and what a fine fellow he was then ..." ... and what are the line and composition The front regiment .... Yawns ... "Grandfather, you can take 500 for setting up your computer ... Why can't you buy a jacket for yourself?" Smack late
    During the years of my pioneer youth, on vacation in the summer in the village at Granny's - a bright red asterisk was attached to the houses of each participant in the Second World War ..... And no one asked, did not twist his head - everyone read "Pionerskaya Pravda" "Murzilka" there ...
    I’m talking about ... 3rd Reich ... End of War ... Volkshturm ... Hitler Youth ... DMB ... Nightmare bombing ... But !!! The people were one. Take a look at the chronicles ... And they fought all the way ... how many did not kick and crucify them later ... The Land of the Rising Sun - when did the last imperial soldier surrender? (I forgot to climb in the primers lazily) ..... How is it? Patriotism? ... or not ...
    And the last ... When I appeared in the gate with the sign of the ZDP "Boat" - all the visitors stood up (Rostock 1999) ... They were scared, they will beat ... "Bitte! Caloe! Are you vollen zir? Bitte, bitte ... "