Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: a return to big politics

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: a return to big politicsReconsidering the meaning of the Second World War is a big political game, the stake in which is the future of Russia, and not one or the other interpretation of the events of 70 years ago.

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact has long been a fact stories diplomacy has become a factor in modern politics, a highly effective tool for solving geopolitical problems. At the end of 80's the propaganda of the Baltic separatists and the Russian democrats (now called liberals) turned the Pact into almost the main symbol of the "vile Soviet / Russian imperialism", and used it as a ram to destroy the USSR.

Having played a significant role in the collapse of the Soviet Union, in the 90-ies the Covenant came down from the forefront of world politics, but remained in the political arsenal. M. Demurin notes that the interpretation of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact as a criminal conspiracy between the two "evil empires" formed the basis for "political, socio-economic and cultural discrimination of the non-titular population of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, attempts to revise the outcome and meaning of the Second World War the war, the efforts for the political rehabilitation of the Nazi criminal organizations and accomplices of Nazism in the Baltic States, and then in Ukraine, of advancing claims of compensation for occupation (1) to Russia.

Along with this, the Pact was given the role of a bludgeon to incite the seemingly forever defeated adversary: ​​as soon as Russia raised its head even a little and dared to declare its interests or discrimination of Russians in the seized territories, the ominous Pact immediately appeared and appeals to repent and to condemn. It worked flawlessly: the then Russian authorities condemned and retreated, retreated and repented.

In the middle of the zero years of the XXI century, the Pact with the Baltic backyards again moved to the center of international politics. This was due to the beginning of a massive campaign to introduce into the public consciousness a new concept of the Second World War, based on the identity of Nazism and "Stalinism", which, in turn, was due to a whole range of interrelated reasons.

Of course, attempts to revise the meaning of the Second World War have been made several times before. It is enough to recall the book of the German historian E.Nolte "European Civil War. 1939 - 1945. National Socialism and Bolshevism", published in 80-s of the last century, in which the author tried to present the war as the culmination of the all-European civil war. of war.

However, it is one thing - the work of scientists, which may contain views on the Second World War that are completely unacceptable for someone in Russia, and a political campaign to reconsider its meaning is quite another thing. The difference between them is fundamental. The first are the result (maybe erroneous) of the development of scientific historical knowledge and the search for truth, the second - a means of achieving political goals.

Although, it must be admitted that the works of E.Nolte and his followers cannot be fully explained only by the logic of the development of historical science. N.A. Narochnitskaya writes: "The fight against the" evil empire "demanded new ideologies, and the fundamental books of E.Nolte, M.Haydegger's pupil, came at an opportune time. The seemingly impossible task was skillfully solved: to debunk the USSR - the main fighter against fascism, while not rehabilitating fascism itself, but to free the West from blame for it.The goal is clear - to prove that the main evil of the twentieth century and of world history in general is Russian and Soviet totalitarian imperialism, the benchmark of which was the USSR of the Stalin period, and select all that can come down his likeness in the Third Reich "(2).

Accordingly, there is every reason to consider these attempts at revising the meaning of war not within the framework of historical science, but within the framework of the geopolitical confrontation between the West and Russia-USSR. With the only amendment that in those years, the revision of the meaning of war did not result in a large-scale campaign. But the "scientific" base prepared.

On the eve of the 60 anniversary of Victory, it was precisely the political campaign to revise the meaning of the Second World War. The heads of state and government, high-ranking officials and deputies, national parliaments and international organizations all tried to distinguish themselves in the "historical" field, to consolidate the new vision of the war in their speeches, resolutions and resolutions. Then it all repeated on the 70 anniversary of the outbreak of war and the 65 anniversary of the Victory.

It is impossible to write off the “historical” activity of politicians on the excitability inherent in the information society due to any anniversary dates. The campaign has steadily, methodically and unidirectionally developed in the usual, "skoromnye", years. There is no reason for assuming that politicians, political scientists, pen and screen sharks of all stripes and different countries suddenly became massively infected with history, and that was Russia, and not Japan or Egypt.

Before us is not a fashion or an epidemic of historical research, but "historical politics." Accordingly, the revision of history is a challenge not to the national historical science, but to the Fatherland. There is a big political game, the rate in which the future of Russia and its people, and not one or another interpretation of the events 70-year-old. By changing attitudes towards the past, we are changing the future. And this is not a theory, but a well-known practice. Historical weapon already proved its strength in the period of the collapse of the USSR.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in the article “The Tragedy of the Second World War: Who is to blame?” drew attention to one paradoxical feature of the political campaign begun in the mid-2000s in the West to revise the meaning of the Second World War, which led to the return of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact to big politics: "Even in the Cold War, no one ever tried to put the Nazi on a par with the regime and dictatorship of Stalin "(3). Indeed, it is strange, but behind this "weirdness" lies the logic of the modern "historical" confrontation.

During the Cold War years, the West, like the USSR, could blame the enemy for collaborating with the Nazis, downplay its contribution to the Victory and even hush up its very participation in the war. Suffice it to recall the degree of awareness of our citizens about the war on the western front and the fact that the film about the Great Patriotic War in the United States was released under the title Unknown War. However, all this was only up to a strictly defined limit beyond which the legitimacy of the post-war world order would be questioned.

Yalta-Postdamskaya system suited all the winners, primarily the United States and the USSR. She legitimized their leadership in the world, and no one wanted to turn the fight against the enemy in the cold war into a fight against themselves. After the collapse of the USSR, the situation changed radically. The collapse of the USSR put an end to the bipolar world, launched the process of political globalization, the creation of a unipolar world - the New World Order with the undivided domination of Western civilization led by America.

However, by the middle of the two thousandth it turned out that Russia had survived the 90's catastrophe. And although it has ceased to be a superpower, and its economic, military and political potential has declined many times, de jure and because of psychological inertia, Russia continues to perceive itself and, most importantly, continues to be perceived by others as one of the leading states of the world.

The reason is not only and not so much in the strategic missiles remaining from the USSR, the reserves of oil and gas — they reinforce, rather than determine, Russia's place in the world. The reason is its status as a victor state, which, together with the United States (with the participation of other allies), created the modern political system that continues to function after the war.

At the same time, by the middle of the 2000s, it became clear that America could not convert the unprecedented in human history economic and military power into unlimited political power. The policy of Bush Junior woke up on all continents, in almost all countries, even those allied with the United States, powerful anti-American sentiments, the unanticipated energy of resistance. The world did not accept the hegemony and dictate of America.

The failure of Bush Junior’s cavalry attack showed that the West cannot yet completely abandon the Yalta-Potsdam system of world order, replacing the United Nations with its permanent members of the Security Council, for example, with the United States-led League of Democracies, with the NATO bloc as a world gendarme.

At the same time, the Yalta-Pottsdam system makes it possible to “return” Russia as an independent and equal civilizational center capable of putting an end to the unipolar world in the form of Pax Americana. It would seem an insoluble contradiction.

One of the answers to this challenge for the United States and the transnational, or rather trans-state, elite was the concept of the Second World War, based on the identity of “Stalinism” and Nazism, and recognizing the equal responsibility of Germany and the USSR-Russia for its unleashing. Such an approach to the Second World War allows Russia to be transferred from the category of winning states and founding fathers, pillars of the modern political system to the category of the defeated aggressor (Germany in 1945, USSR in 1991), without undermining the legitimacy of the Yalta-Pottsddam system, and thereby promote its transformation in Pax Americana.

To achieve these goals, there is no need to falsify the facts of history, it is necessary to “only” replace the meaning of the Second World War, teach people to perceive it in a new coordinate system.

The perception of the Second World War as a struggle between good and evil has long been firmly rooted in public consciousness. Moreover, fascist Germany acts as the embodiment of absolute evil. According to the new concept, this was a war of good and evil, freedom and tyranny, democracy and totalitarianism. At the same time, inadvertently equals freedom and liberalism, democracy and good. Further, with this approach, everything is "simple" and "logical":

• The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which divided the world between the two totalitarian empires, and the joint aggression of Germany and the USSR against Poland unleashed World War II;

• The countries of the free world fought evil, but the forces were too unequal. Nazi Germany captured almost all of Western and Central Europe. The Stalinist USSR in the east of Europe occupied the Baltic countries and Bessarabia, launched a war against Finland. Freedom, good, and democracy were on the verge of death;

• imperial instincts led to the clash of two totalitarian regimes - Nazism and "Stalinism". The free world was forced to cooperate with one of the predators in order to save good and democracy;

• the grandiose battle on the Eastern Front (sometimes even recognized and paid tribute to the heroism of the Soviet soldier) between the two tyrants allowed the democracies to join forces and prepare for decisive battles;

• The victory over Nazi Germany led to the end of the first, “hot” stage of the Second World War. However, another totalitarian empire - “Stalinism” - occupies half of Europe and stretches its tentacles all over the world;

• The Yalta-Pottsdam system drew a line under the first stage of the Second World War. It laid the foundation for a fair world order (the UN Charter, etc.). But for the benefits of freedom and democracy had to pay a high price. The Iron Curtain separated part of humanity from democracy;

• The free world did not abandon the state occupied by the last "evil empire" of the state and selflessly entered the Cold War - a new phase of the Second World War;

• Victory in the Cold War is the true end of World War II. The forces of good, freedom and democracy finally defeated the forces of evil, tyranny and totalitarianism.

In the new version of the Second World War, along with the global elite and the United States, the European Union was also vitally interested. In the middle of the 2000s, the EU begins to actively position itself in the international arena as an independent player and claiming to be the leading player. However, the modern world order is still a result of Victory, and the majority of members of the European Union are not winners, but losers. They participated in one way or another in the war against the USSR on the side of Germany, which is now the undisputed leader and pillar of the EU.

It was the combination of the strategic interests of the European Union and its member states, with the psychological complexes of the vanquished, that to a large extent determined the active support of the new reading of the war by Europe. As A.Senyavsky and E.Senyavskaya noted in the study “World War II and historical memory: the image of the past in the context of modern geopolitics,” when “these psychological patterns are complemented by state interests, such a phenomenon of reevaluations and even estimated inversions becomes quite understandable : politics merges with the mass public sentiment and relies on them, even if the "new interpretations" completely contradict the historical truth "(4).

The peculiarities of the “complex of the vanquished” in modern Europe, primarily in Germany, are revealed by the sociologist AG Zdravomyslov: “The story about the war in these countries and, above all, in Germany, is not popular. ! ... But since this is impossible, the temptation arises to include some justifying arguments in it, primarily due to the representation of the victorious side, which disavows the meaning and meaning of the victory itself, equates in some respects the "winner" and " defeated o, the executioner and his victim. The concept of totalitarianism provides the logical means for identifying "fascism" and "communism" (5).

AG Zdravomyslov on the basis of expert interviews with representatives of the German intellectual elite also revealed specific forms of the modern manifestation of the complex of the vanquished. Among them, he put in the first place "the desire to introduce into discourse the concept of" equal responsibility "of Germany and the Soviet Union for unleashing war and equal" horror "of war and, as a consequence, the deeroization of the Soviet military exploit" (6).

Considering the “complex of the vanquished” as one of the reasons for the interest of the European Union in revising the meaning of the Second World War is in no way contradicted by the fact that France (the second pillar of the EU) has the status of a winning state and participant in the anti-Hitler coalition. We must not forget that the very notion of "collaboration" comes from France. The number of French from one Alsace who laid their heads under the banners of the Third Reich (mainly on the Eastern Front) is approximately 40 thousand, which is twice the number of French who have fallen in the Resistance series - 20 thousand (7). This is not counting the losses of the French volunteer units of the SS and the Wehrmacht, which were mainly defeated by Soviet troops. A case in point, only the losses of the Wehrmacht's French Volunteer 638 regiment under Borodino in 1941 were about five times higher than the number of French pilots who fought in the famous Normandy-Neman.

The strategic interests of the European Union, determining its interest in revising the meaning of the war, in the first place, should include the fact that its development has been carried out in recent years, and is planned to be carried out in the future, largely in the territories that either emerged (Eastern Europe and the Balkans), or should, from the point of view of the European strategies, get out of Russian control (Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Transcaucasia).

In this regard, the new concept of the Second World War, which transforms Russia from a winner into a loser, who will have to atone for the blame for the Europe affected by its aggression, fully meets the geopolitical aspirations of the European Union. Including the real ally of the USSR in the anti-Hitler coalition, England, and Poland dreaming of hegemony in the Baltic-Black Sea region. It is impossible to ignore the fact that a number of EU countries are counting on Russia’s repentance for unleashing a war to receive money and territory from it.

An essential role in the birth of a new concept of the Second World War in the West was played by the civilizational factor. One of the first to notice this was the historian OB. Nemensky: “Without condemnation of Russia, the West cannot be confident in positive self-esteem, that is, in a positive perception of its historical experience and its values. But Western values ​​are thought of as universal (universal) precisely because they are absolutely Absolute Good. Liberal values Christianity was replaced by the West, it is religiously faithful to them, it realizes itself through them - and nothing should interfere with this. Especially - historical memory "(8). However, Nazism, interpreted as Absolute Evil, was defeated not by the Absolute Good, but by Russia, which cannot be interpreted as Good, since it is not the West. Therefore, obb notes. Nemensky, "it’s necessary to imagine that the war itself was the result of the collusion of these two evils, and thus their joint event. The fact that these two powers then began to fight each other, and one defeated the other - well, it’s their failure , Bad Evil "(9).

This inevitably gives rise to an extremely important addition to the new concept of war. The victory in the Cold War cannot be fully considered the final victory of the forces of Good over the forces of Evil - it happened "" somehow wrong ", without American tanks in the Kremlin - so that Evil still lives there, it just became weak, but therefore no less dangerous "(10).

As we see, the revision of the meaning of the Second World War was the result of the beginning of a new stage of struggle for the geopolitical re-division of the world in the middle of the zero years of the twenty-first century, the struggle created by the collapse of the USSR and the bipolar system of the world order. He has nothing to do with the development of historical science. This is pure "historical politics", or rather geopolitics. As part of this new phase, the revision of the meaning of the Second World War is intended to promote a clear and unambiguous redistribution of roles in the new geopolitical picture of the world of the 21st century:

• The West: the savior of humanity from the plague of the twentieth century (totalitarianism in the form of Nazism and "Stalinism"). He brought innumerable sacrifices to the altar of victory. His sacred duty, mission is to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy of the past century, to protect and promote democracy;

• Russia, like post-war Germany, is the successor of a defeated totalitarian empire, with all the ensuing consequences. If Germany has long embarked on the path of correction and redemption and has earned the right to enter the family of civilized nations, then Russia has yet to go this way. “Destalinization”, as well as “denazification”, is a difficult and long process. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which is a clear “proof” of the collusion of two totalitarian empires of evil against the world of Freedom, which supposedly started World War II, is called to play a key role in introducing a new sense of war. In the new concept, a strategic function is assigned to it.

It is quite natural that in these conditions the West, on the eve of the 60 anniversary of the Victory, "suddenly" remembered the Pact again, remembered and was horrified. Leading Western publications rushed to educate their readers about the horrible fact of Russian history. The freedom-loving dukes of progressive mankind thought it their duty to tell him (mankind) about the revolt that swept through them from the deal of two totalitarian monsters who unleashed the 23 of August 1939 of the Second World War. The US Congress began to adopt one after another resolution calling on Russia to repent for the USSR-based crimes committed by the Covenant.

In 2008, more than 400 members of the European Parliament signed a declaration proposing to proclaim the day of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact "Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Stalinism and Nazism". A year has passed, and the corresponding declaration has already been officially adopted by the European Parliament.

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe did not stay aside the backbone: the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly rushed to approve the resolution “Reunifying a divided Europe: protecting human rights and civil liberties in the OSCE region in the 21st century”, which fully supported the initiative of the European Parliament to announce August 23 European Day of Remembrance for the victims of Stalinism and Nazism.

Poland later 70 years after the start of the Second World War unexpectedly discovered for itself and the whole world that in 1939, it became a victim of aggression not only of the Third Reich, but also of the USSR, and approved this historical discovery by the resolution of the Sejm: "On 17 September 1939, the USSR troops without declarations of war committed aggression against Rzecz Pospolita, violating its sovereignty and violating the norms of international law.The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, concluded on August 23 of the year in Moscow between the USSR and Hitler's German, gave grounds for the invasion of the Red Army . Thus it the fourth partition of Poland was promoted Poland fell victim to two totalitarian regimes -. Nazism and Communism "(1939).

Demonizing the Soviet Union with the help of the Covenant reached such a scale that the “small but proud” Baltic republics rushed to seize the moment and began to present Russia with fantastic bills worth hundreds of billions of dollars for the “occupation”, and in Estonia they came to the idea of ​​transferring them to temporary use. Novosibirsk region (12).

The successors of the fascist accomplices from the Baltic states were soon surpassed by Romania, which during the war sent the second largest army (after the Wehrmacht) to the Eastern Front. Its president, on June 22, 2011, on the seventieth anniversary of the start of World War II, declared that if he had such an ally as Hitler, he would also have ordered an attack on the USSR in the forty-first year, naturally, in the name of restoring the territorial integrity of Romania, violated by the result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

To the call of Russia to condemn such a blatant statement by the United States, the European Union, the OSCE and the PACE responded with eloquent silence.

Further more. The US State Department on 72 commemorates the anniversary of the Covenant by declaring the USSR guilty of unleashing World War II: "On this day, more than seventy years ago, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union took steps that put Europe and the whole world on the path of imminent war" (13).

Synchronously, the EU Ministers of Justice in Warsaw are adopting the “Declaration on the European Day for the Remembrance of the Victims of Totalitarian Regimes” (14), in which they completely unequivocally speak about the beginning of the preparation of the new Nuremberg, only now over Russia (15). Following the National Investigation Department of Hungary, the loyal ally of the Third Reich, whose troops the Germans used primarily as punitive, begins the investigation of the "war crimes" of the Soviet Army on Hungarian territory in 1945 year.

The trend is obvious. The seriousness of the intentions of the US and the EU, which unleashed the campaign to revise the meaning of the Second World War, is obvious, as is the seriousness of its consequences for Russia. "Historical" battles have a pronounced global geopolitical character. Therefore, it is not by chance that the top officials of the country personally joined the fight against the use of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in order to revise the place and status of Russia in the modern world. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov clearly stated: “The height of historical revisionism was an attempt to put an equal sign between August 23 and September 1 1939 - the conclusion of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty and the German attack on Poland. Victory was too expensive for us to allow take it away from us. For us, this is the “red line.” If someone wants a new ideological confrontation in Europe, then historical revisionism, attempts to turn history into an instrument of practical politics - My path to it "(16).

However, the flywheel revision of the meaning of the Second World War continues to unwind. Of course, one should not overestimate the possibilities of modern Russia to influence political processes and public opinion in the USA and the EU, but one should not underestimate them. In addition, we must bear in mind that the main struggle is for public opinion in Russia, and not in the West. A campaign to revise the meaning of war can achieve its goals only in one case, if a new concept can be introduced into the minds of the Russian people, if it is, as it was at the end of 80's. of the last century, "will be ashamed of its past and curse it" (17).

However, the question of the reasons for the low effectiveness of Russian historical politics deserves a separate discussion.

* * *

(1) Demurin M.V. Soviet-German Documents August-September 1939 of the Year in the Context of Modern Politics // The Second World War Score. Who and when started the war? M., 2009. C. 337.

(2) Narochnitskaya N.A. Treaty that changed the course of the war. -

(3) Sergey Lavrov: The tragedy of World War II: who is to blame? -

(4) Senyavsky A.S., Senyavskaya E.S. The Second World and Historical Memory: The Image of the Past in the Context of Modern Geopolitics // 65 Years of the Great Victory: in 6 v. - t.1. M .., 2010. C.69.

(5) Zdravomyslov AG Germans about the Russians on the threshold of the new millennium. Conversations in Germany: 22 expert interviews with representatives of the German intellectual elite about Russia - its present, past and future - content analysis and commentary. M., 2003. C.485.

(6) Ibid. C.502.

(7) Urlanis B.T. War and population of Europe. Loss of armed forces in the wars of the XVII - XX centuries. M., 1994. C.234.


(9) Ibid.

(10) Ibid.


(12) Estonia agrees to forgive Russia in exchange for the Novosibirsk region. -



(15) Modest Kolerov: The heirs of Hitler’s allies, the United States, the nationalists and the “de-Stalinizers” in the EU are preparing “Nuremberg” against Russia. -

(16) Sergey Lavrov: The tragedy of World War II: who is to blame? -

(17) Dostoevsky F.M. Full collected cit. The 30 T.T.26. L., 1983. C. 135.
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  1. Desert Fox
    20 December 2011 11: 11
    And why is it criminal that they are trying to blame us ??? Have they even read it ???
    Yes, tired of the former "Soyuznichki", with their attempts to change the course of history. WWII was won by the Russians, and you are only number TWO!
    And where are the Poles? Germany aggressor and the USSR the same. Go oversleep.

    Nonaggression Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union
    Government of the USSR and the Government of Germany

    Guided by the desire to strengthen the cause of peace between the USSR and Germany, and proceeding from the main provisions of the treaty of neutrality concluded between the USSR and Germany in April 1926, the following agreement was reached:

    Article I

    Both Contracting Parties undertake to refrain from any violence, from any aggressive action and any attack against each other, both separately and jointly with other powers.

    Article II

    In the event that one of the Contracting Parties becomes the object of military action by a third power, the other Contracting Party will not support this power in any form.

    Article III

    The governments of both Contracting Parties will remain in contact with each other in the future for consultation in order to inform each other about issues affecting their common interests.

    Article IV

    None of the Contracting Parties will participate in any grouping of powers that directly or indirectly directed against the other party.

    Article V

    In the event of a dispute or conflict between Contracting Parties on issues of one kind or another, both parties will resolve these disputes or conflicts exclusively by peaceful means in a friendly exchange of views or, if necessary, by setting up commissions to resolve the conflict.

    Article VI

    This contract is concluded for a period of ten years so that since one of the Contracting Parties does not denounce it a year before the expiration of the term, the contract is automatically renewed for the next five years.

    Article VII.

    This treaty is subject to ratification as soon as possible. The exchange of instruments of ratification must take place in Berlin. The contract enters into force immediately after its signing.

    Compiled in two originals, in German and Russian, in Moscow, August 23 1939.
    1. Charon
      20 December 2011 12: 39
      Why are you asking a criminal?
      This is a blatant refusal to fight each other for the amusement of England. Spitting in the face of democracy.
    2. +3
      20 December 2011 18: 57
      Desert Fox, greetings! Yes, there is really nothing special about it (in this pact), especially since it was signed after (August 23, 1939) when Chamberlain and Hitler signed on September 30, 1938 (immediately after Munich!) the American Declaration for Peace. A little later - on December 6, 1938, the same Franco-German declaration was signed! And this is all right after the "Munich Agreement"! Western historians do not speak about this. What for? To admit to the dispute between their own rulers and peoples? This does not suit the preachers of humanism and democracy! So, one could not even react to these slanderous attacks, if it were not for the very malicious slander against our country and not the reinforced formation, by Western truth-lovers, of us a bloodthirsty, unprincipled monster! And this is being intensively implanted in Western society more and more intensively! The psychosis is complete!
  2. Lech e-mine
    20 December 2011 11: 20
    They are trying to put us on a par with fascism. And this already makes it possible for the WEST to demand from Russia its territory and various compensations to the victims of Stalinism, so to speak (they cheat shorter)
  3. Charon
    20 December 2011 11: 25
    In the 30s, the USSR was expecting an attack from both England and France, and from Germany and Poland. The question was only who was the first to attack and which side.
    Or maybe all together.
    If, as a result of the treaty, it was possible to hit enemies with their foreheads, then the pact should be recognized as Russia's greatest diplomatic victory at all times. His conclusion should be a national holiday and a matter of legitimate pride.
    This "free world" will never forgive us.
    And it was not Stalin's fault that the French were defeated so quickly.
    1. ballian
      20 December 2011 18: 38
      - How could England and France attack the USSR? :))))))))))))))
      Poland how could attack ????????
      As a result of the treaty, the USSR was left alone in Europe with Germany - of course, it was "not Stalin's fault" that the French were defeated - this is his foreign policy failure. :)))

      I will remind the fool - since June 41 of the year the USSR has been begging to open a second front - friendship with Hitler has failed.
      1. +1
        20 December 2011 19: 28
        "How could Poland attack ????????" - and how it happened that fortified areas in Poland were built in the east, but not in the west. Yes, and the Poles were going to fight together with the Germans, but the Englishmen had a fight with Hitler over Danzig. Poland also participated in the partition of Czechoslovakia. More and more importantly, it will be possible to judge only after the opening of the British and American archives, because it is not possible to understand how the devastated Germany with a ban on the army and navy, very quickly not only restored the industry, but also ignored all the bans, building up the army and navy, did not receive no resistance to the return and annexation of territories in Europe.
        Some helped and encouraged them, others calmly fell under the Nazis, i.e. Hitler is their own, dear to them.
        1. ballian
          20 December 2011 20: 21
          If I were a Pole, I would also build fortified areas in the East (especially since this is defense) - I don’t know about the West
          All this is interesting to "gather to fight" - there were no agreements on this score between Poland and Germany. - Don't throw it out here.
          1. +3
            20 December 2011 20: 57
            I am sure that if you were a Pole, you would also be wondering which part of Russia to chop off. I have no doubt where you would look, since you have not seen a threat from the west.
          2. Punch 2011
            21 December 2011 20: 52
            Read more historical literature, defender of the Poles
      2. J_silver
        20 December 2011 19: 41
        Back in 40, the British planned to attack the USSR - and this is a fact ...
      3. +2
        21 December 2011 07: 35
        England and France worked out a plan of attack on the USSR together with Turkey through the Caucasus. Be sure to study this question, be surprised.
      4. Charon
        21 December 2011 09: 10
        ballian Yesterday, 18:38

        Well what can I say, my friend. Learn the story. And do not make the audience laugh more with liberalistic naivety and nonsense about the friendship of Stalin and Hitler ..
        Of course I understand the reasons for the tantrum - yours lost. But I can’t say I sympathize. On the contrary.
      5. 0
        21 December 2011 09: 18
        - How could England and France attack the USSR? :))))))))))))))

        yes, so at least:
  4. BAT
    20 December 2011 11: 40
    We won that war, but the winners are not judged. And the cry of all sorts of Poles, Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians, and together with all sorts of Romanians and Albanians there, we have only one place.
    1. +1
      20 December 2011 19: 02
      Quote: sichevik
      sichevik Today, 11:40 new 3 
      We won that war, but the winners are not judged. And the cry of all sorts of Poles, Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians, and together with all sorts of Romanians and Albanians there, we have only one place.

      Yes, all of them have nowhere worse things to do both in the economy and in everything else, so they are trying to shatter the unshakable. Russia is only getting stronger every year, and Europe and the United States are already sloping, so let them yap.
  5. ivachum
    20 December 2011 11: 40
    Send everyone to x ....! am Especially the main European prostitute, Poland. Want a second Nuremberg? And do not want to plant "Topol-M" on the lawn? Russian troops took Berlin 3 times, Paris-1. Warsaw ... Prague, Budapest, Vienna ... Want to repeat? bully
    1. 0
      20 December 2011 19: 35
      Quote: ivachum
      Russian troops took Berlin 3 times

      Well, two times it’s clear ...
      And where did the third come from?
      1. Charon
        21 December 2011 09: 14
        1. The seven-year war of 1770
        2. The war with Napoleon 1813
        3. WWII 1945
        1. 0
          21 December 2011 20: 03
          Quote: Charon
          1. The seven-year war of 1770
          2. The war with Napoleon 1813
          3. WWII 1945

          In fact, in 1813 there was what can be defined as "the liberation of the capital of an ally country temporarily occupied by the aggressor." That is, roughly the way it was with Warsaw in 1944 ...
          But we say about Warsaw that we RELEASED it ... And how is Berlin 1813 different?

          Well, and about the Seven Years' War, which continues in 1770, this is generally a revelation ... I did not know about this fact of history ...
  6. ivachum
    20 December 2011 11: 55
    Of all the armies, only the armies of China and the USA, partly Germany and Great Britain present a real threat to Russia, and the latter two are unlikely to be the only ones. The armies of the rest of the states are either a bunch of pedantic pacifists or reckless Janissaries (Turkey). Both of them are not able to wage a more or less prolonged war, for some diapers will quickly end in others .... well, how the Turks have been fighting has been known for a long time (except with the Kurds)
    The operation of the "European partners of the US in NATO" in Libya showed this. It's in the desert ... And if Gaddafi went to the Siberian taiga, how long would they have been looking for him? It's not even the jungle of Vietnam. There are not enough reagents. Special Operations Forces, the most trained troops, but by definition there cannot be many! Only China, in theory, can handle control and retention! (and this is the main thing, it may be easy to conquer, but to retain it?) such huge territories, but even for him it will cost VERY dearly!
    1. ivachum
      20 December 2011 12: 14
      And the Balts are like those mosquitoes who need to knock an elephant off their feet, and then they kick it ... They want to go to Siberia? No problem! Oymyakon is the new capital of Estonia. Welcome! Wagons to serve? By the way, no one promised to feed them on the way and on the spot! fuel for boiler houses too. A Revel (Tallinn wink ) will become another enclave of Russia in the Baltic. In general, in vain they defeated the Teutonic Order and the Livonian Order too .... now they would give a light to this as they consider themselves "Europeans"!
  7. +2
    20 December 2011 12: 44
    1. Winston Churchill - Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1940-1945:
    Only totalitarian despotism in both countries could decide on such an odious unnatural act.

    It is impossible to say to whom he inspired greater disgust - Hitler or Stalin. Both were aware that this could only be a temporary measure dictated by the circumstances. The antagonism between the two empires and systems was deadly. Stalin, no doubt, thought that Hitler would be a less dangerous enemy for Russia after a year of war against the Western powers. Hitler followed his “one by one” method. The fact that such an agreement was possible marks the full depth of the failure of English and French politics and diplomacy in a few years.
    In favor of the Soviets, it must be said that it was vital for the Soviet Union to push the initial positions of the German armies as far west as possible so that the Russians would have time and be able to gather forces from all over their colossal empire. In the minds of Russians with red-hot iron, the catastrophes that their armies suffered in 1914, when they launched an offensive against the Germans before they finished mobilization, were imprinted. And now their borders were much more east than during the first war. They needed to by force or deception occupy the Baltic states and most of Poland before they were attacked. If their policy was coldly prudent, then it was also at that moment highly realistic.

    - Churchill W. World War II. - M .: Military Publishing House, 1991, v. 1, part 1, chapter 21.

    2. Adolf Hitler - Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor of Germany:
    Thanks to these agreements, the benevolent attitude of Russia is guaranteed in the event of any conflict and the fact that Romania no longer has the opportunity to participate in such a conflict!

    - Documents and materials on Soviet-German relations [16]
    Our enemies also counted on Russia becoming our enemy after the conquest of Poland. Enemies did not take into account my determination. Our enemies are like little worms. I saw them in Munich. I was convinced that Stalin would never accept the British proposal. Only reckless optimists could think that Stalin was so stupid that he did not recognize their true purpose. Russia is not interested in preserving Poland ... Litvinov’s resignation was a decisive factor. After that, I instantly realized that in Moscow the attitude towards the Western powers had changed. I have taken steps aimed at changing relations with Russia. Political negotiations began in connection with the economic agreement. In the end, the Russians received a proposal to sign a non-aggression pact. Four days ago, I took a special step, which led to the fact that Russia yesterday announced its readiness to sign the pact. Established personal contact with Stalin. The day after tomorrow Ribbentrop will conclude a contract. Now Poland was in the position in which I wanted to see her ... The foundation was laid for the destruction of the hegemony of England. Now that I have made the necessary diplomatic preparations, the path for the soldiers is open.

    - William Shearer. The rise and fall of the Third Reich.

    3. Joseph Stalin - Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, since 1941 - Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars-Council of Ministers of the USSR:
    The Non-Aggression Pact helps Germany to some extent.

    - Diary of G. Dimitrov, record 7.09.1939. A. L. Bezymensky. Hitler and Stalin before the fight
    One may ask: how could it happen that the Soviet Government agreed to conclude a non-aggression pact with treacherous people and monsters such as Hitler and Ribbentrop? Was there a mistake made by the Soviet Government here? Of course not! The non-aggression pact is a peace pact between two states. It was such a pact that Germany proposed to us in 1939. Could the Soviet Government refuse such a proposal? I think that not a single peace-loving state can refuse a peace agreement with a neighboring power, even if such monsters and cannibals as Hitler and Ribbentrop are at the head of this power. And this, of course, under one indispensable condition - if a peace agreement does not affect either directly or indirectly the territorial integrity, independence and honor of a peace-loving state. As you know, the non-aggression pact between Germany and the USSR is just such a pact.

    - I. Stalin. About the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. Radio Speech July 3, 1941

    4. Benito Mussolini, Duce of the Fascist Party of Italy, Prime Minister of Italy:
    As for the agreement with Russia, I fully approve of it <...> the rapprochement between Germany and Russia is necessary to prevent their encirclement by democracies

    - Documents and materials on Soviet-German relations [16]

    5. Vyacheslav Molotov - Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs:
    The main significance of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact is that the two largest states of Europe have agreed to put an end to hostility between them, to eliminate the threat of war and to live in peace among themselves. Thus, the field of possible military clashes in Europe is narrowing. Even if military clashes in Europe cannot be avoided, the scale of these hostilities will now be limited. Dissatisfied with this state of affairs can only be arsonists of the general war in Europe, those who, in the guise of peace, want to ignite a pan-European military fire.

    - To be announced: USSR-Germany 1939-1941 (Documents and materials) [16]
    This agreement (as well as the failure of the Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations) shows that now it is impossible to solve important issues of international relations - especially the issues of Eastern Europe - without the active participation of the Soviet Union, that any attempts to circumvent the Soviet Union and resolve similar issues behind the back of the Soviet Union must end in failure. The Soviet-German non-aggression pact means a turn in the development of Europe ... This treaty not only gives us the elimination of the threat of war with Germany ... - it should provide us with new opportunities for the growth of forces, strengthen our positions, and further increase the influence of the Soviet Union on international development.

    - From Molotov’s speech at the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the ratification of the nonaggression pact.
    Meltiukhov M.I. Lost chance of Stalin. The Soviet Union and the struggle for Europe: 1939-1941. M .: Veche, 2000.

    6. Kurt von Tippelskirch, General of the Wehrmacht, in 1939 - head of the intelligence department of the General Staff of the Ground Forces:
    This begs the question: could not some statesman, using all his influence, prevent the impending catastrophe "world war"? The fact that Hitler wanted a war, at least a local one, is a documented fact. But he would not have achieved this goal so easily if he had not found the necessary allies and opponents in the person of the Soviet Union, England and Poland. The position of the Soviet Union was of decisive importance. When Hitler secured his consent, he became confident that he would win the war against the Western powers. The position of the Soviet Union was also the most compelling argument that enabled Hitler to dispel the doubts of his military advisers. The latter believed that it is difficult to foresee the scope of military actions if they go beyond the framework of a local conflict, and therefore such an expansion of the war cannot be accepted.

    - K. von Tippelskirch. History of World War II (link not available)

    7. William Shearer, American historian, correspondent in Germany in 1939:
    France, together with Germany and England, unanimously excluded Russia from the participants in the Munich meeting. Within a few months, Western democracies had to pay the price. On October 3, four days after the Munich meeting, Werner von Tippelskirch, counselor at the German embassy in Moscow, reported to Berlin on the implications of Munich for Soviet policy. <…>

    In London and Paris, they bitterly lamented over Stalin's double play. For many years, the Soviet despot shouted about the "fascist beasts," calling on all peace-loving states to rally in order to stop Nazi aggression. Now he himself became her accomplice. The Kremlin could argue that, in fact, they did: the Soviet Union did what Britain and France did in Munich a year ago - at the expense of a small state they bought themselves the peaceful respite necessary for rearmament to confront Germany. If Chamberlain acted honestly and nobly, pacifying Hitler and giving him Czechoslovakia in 1938, then why did Stalin behave dishonestly and ignoble, pacifying Hitler a year later by Poland, which all the same refused Soviet aid?

    The secret cynical deal between Stalin and Hitler <on the division of Eastern Europe> <…> was known only in Berlin and Moscow. True, soon everyone learned about it by the steps that Russia took and which even then amazed the whole world. <…>

    By joining the League of Nations, the Soviet Union gained a reputation as an advocate of peace and a leading force opposing fascist aggression. Now he quickly lost this moral capital.
    Among other things, having concluded a deal with Hitler, Stalin gave a signal to the beginning of the war, which was likely to develop into a global conflict. He undoubtedly knew that. As it turned out, it was the greatest mistake in his life.
  8. dred
    20 December 2011 15: 16
    65 years have passed and still this topic is being raised.
    1. 0
      20 December 2011 17: 00
      Reviewing the story, in general crap as always.
  9. tullamore
    20 December 2011 16: 01
    Everything doesn’t give the West any rest in this pact, at that time, the USSR simply needed this pact, which allowed the USSR’s border to be pushed significantly to the West ... towards Poland and also include the Baltic states in the USSR ... if we didn’t do this then ... German troops in 1941 would have stood on our border 150 from Leningrad in particular .... Signing it, the indisputable geopolitical success of the leadership of the USSR at that time .... the war could not be avoided, they all needed to be understood as soon as possible gain more time and push the boundaries from the heart of the Motherland ...
    What is happening today can be discussed for a long time, one thing is clear - they did not love the USSR and were afraid even now, as a person who has lived for many years in the West, it is understandable much clearer, they were not afraid of our big hydrogen bomb ... they were afraid of the ideas on which the USSR lived .. . !!!! It is also clear that the policy that we carried out in relation to "our fraternal peoples" of Eastern Europe and the Baltic States ... - this policy was too liberal !!
  10. +4
    20 December 2011 18: 03
    The Poles forgot that in 1934 they were the first to conclude a friendship treaty with the Nazis with an equally interesting addition. The dreams of the leadership and plans of the General Staff included Greater Poland from the Baltic to the Black Sea, the defeat of the red army by the combined Polish-German forces (naturally under the Polish command) and the joint parade of the Polish army and the Wehrmacht in Moscow.
    1. ballian
      20 December 2011 18: 46
      The agreement between Germany and Poland - what "additions" - lay out, and so on - otherwise it would be ugly to be empty.
      1. +3
        20 December 2011 19: 04
        ... the Polish government sees this agreement primarily as an anti-Soviet act, "the beginning of the German campaign against the USSR, with the active participation of Poland, with the neutrality of England and France."
        At that time, fascist leaders often traveled to Poland, discussing plans for a joint war with the USSR with its rulers. The most complete and frankly about them was spoken about in 1935, during Goering's so-called "hunt" in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. This is how the essence of these negotiations is described in an official note by the then Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Count Shembek: “Today I discussed with Mr. Lipsky the issue of Goering’s visit to Poland. a conversation with generals, when he outlined far-reaching plans, hinting at an anti-Russian alliance and a joint attack on Russia, Goering made it clear that under these conditions Ukraine would become a Polish sphere of influence, and northwestern Russia - a German one. "
        With fascist dictator Pilsudski and President Mositsky, Goering was even more frank. He invited Pilsudsky to take over the general command of the combined German-Polish forces in the war against the USSR. The proposal was greeted with enthusiasm.

        The agreement was signed in Berlin by German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath and the Polish Ambassador to Berlin, Joseph Lipsky, on January 26, 1934. The agreement was concluded on the initiative of Hitler and Pilsudski, although formally Pilsudski did not head Poland, it really had a decisive influence on the adoption of foreign policy decisions in Poland until his death in 1935. This was one of the first foreign policy successes of the German government under the leadership of Hitler.
        The treaty was preceded by Poland's unsuccessful attempts to persuade its main ally, France, to war against Germany. France’s rejection of the idea of ​​war, as well as the pact of four concluded in the summer of 1933 (England, France, Italy, Germany) reinforced Poland’s fears that the “big” powers would be ready to sacrifice the interests of the “small” ones in the event of a crisis. The result was an attempt to protect themselves from possible aggression by treaty with Germany. In addition, the position of Poland was influenced by the fact that a clearly expressed alliance of Poland and Hungary (later Tisov Slovakia) was formed in Central European politics, directed against Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Romania - Lesser Entente. The Polish leadership expected from Germany (also interested in the division of Czechoslovakia and, possibly, Austria and Yugoslavia) active mutual support in the division of the Versailles borders. These expectations were partially met after the Munich agreement of 1938, when Germany, Hungary and Poland divided the Czechoslovak territories among themselves (see, for example, Thibault P. Epoch of dictatorships (1918-1947). M., 1998).
        The text of the agreement states that it does not annul the obligations previously given by the governments of Germany and Poland to third countries. To further reassure its Western allies, Poland immediately extended the Polish-Soviet non-aggression pact, before which more than a year remained. However, over the following years, the Pilsudski government considered the Soviet threat as more serious, and consistently blocked attempts to create the Soviet-Polish-Czechoslovak anti-German bloc. The declaration was supplemented by an agreement on trade and shipping, separate agreements on issues of the press, cinema, broadcasting, theater, etc. It was envisaged that the pact would remain in force even if one of the contracting parties entered the war with third states. In Berlin, in an interview with journalist J. Tabouy, Ambassador Count Lipsky said: “From now on, Poland does not need France ... She also regrets that she agreed to accept French assistance at the time, in view of the price that she will have to pay for it.”
        In the summer of 1934, the Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels was received by the Polish head of state Jozef Pilsudski in Warsaw. In addition to Goebbels, German Goering was repeatedly welcomed in Poland, first by Pilsudski himself, and then by President Moscitzky and Marshal Rydz-Smigly. Goering liked to hunt in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
        Hitler unilaterally terminated the treaty on April 28, 1939 under the pretext that Poland refused to provide Germany with the possibility of building an extraterritorial highway to Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) through the territory of the so-called. Polish corridor.
        it’s only through the wiki, the Internet will help you.
        1. ballian
          20 December 2011 21: 02
          Well, that is, and you did not give synsations.
          Yes, from 33 to 38, there was a norial relationship between Posha and Germany = = and cho?

          I did not understand - in 1934, exactly such an agreement was concluded between the USSR and Poland.
  11. +4
    20 December 2011 20: 33
    A people who do not know their history is dung on which other peoples grow. Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin.
    What the hell even in our country live such liberalists, falsifiers of history as Svanidze, Mlechin, etc. to drive a filthy broom.
    1. Lech e-mine
      21 December 2011 09: 17
      [/ URL] [/ img]

      Svanidze's best friend.
  12. 0
    21 December 2011 07: 39
    What could be the claims to this Covenant when they had previously concluded a Munich agreement with Hitler? I am amazed at the perverse logic of pro-Western historical speculators. Incidentally, sin is against Truth, i.e. her conscious misrepresentation is a sin against the Holy Spirit that is not forgiven. I would still not be in the place of some would call black white and vice versa.

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