Lenin risked remaining a mocked and misunderstood politician

Lenin risked remaining a mocked and misunderstood politicianExactly 99 years ago, signed by Lenin, who had returned from exile, an article was published known as the April Theses. He was criticized for this article and even ridiculed by the closest associates. She almost made a split between Ilyich and other Bolsheviks, including Stalin. But how did it happen that Lenin, in fact, foresaw the future and eventually turned the whole revolution over?

The Leninist article “On the tasks of the proletariat in this revolution,” better known as the “April Theses,” was published in the Pravda newspaper and literally “blew up” revolutionary Petrograd. Against the leader of the Bolsheviks, the rival socialist parties and the Petro-Soviet fought, the "Theses" were called "crazy lunatic", and Lenin himself was accused of blatant anarchism. Even in Pravda, the main publication of the RSDLP (b), the article was not published as an editorial commentary, not as an approved party document or guide to action, but as a personal point of view with a personal signature. Today it is hard to believe, but even the Bolsheviks did not support the policy provisions of their leader. Even Pravda, led by fiery revolutionaries Muranov, Stalin and Kamenev.

However, by October 1917, very few could, with a clear conscience, repeat the characteristics of the text that had been abandoned to Lenin just six months ago.

The split of the Bolsheviks

In previous publications of the “Questions of the Revolution” cycle, dedicated to the pre-anniversary year, we have repeatedly noted how difficult and ambiguous the situation was after the February socialist parties (first of all, the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries), themselves dogmatically following the provisions of Marxism and interpreting the revolution as bourgeois . As a result, the reins of power were de jure transferred to the bourgeois Provisional Government, but it had no real levers of power — the very same Socialist Petrograd Soviet, relying on the revolutionary masses of workers and soldiers, acted behind its back. By March, a certain status quo was established in the political life of the country, today called the “dual power”.

The events taking place could not but affect the Bolshevik Party, which completely shifted to the legal position in February, fully received the laurels of fighters for the freedom of the people, which were due to it, and unexpectedly found themselves in the mainstream of the political process. In general, this is a serious test for any party: there is always a real danger to get involved in the political process, forgetting about party goals, immediately take advantage of the fruits of the revolution, stand, if not at the helm, then at the wheel of government. In the case of the RSDLP (b), the situation was aggravated by the actual lack of leadership. Lenin was abroad, the main party leading cadres were in exile, the Russian Bureau of the RSDLP (B) was defeated, local organizations lost contact with the center and with each other.

Formally, by the 1916, the Russian Bureau was nevertheless restored by Alexander Shlyapnikov - one of the best turners of St. Petersburg, a revolutionary, underground worker, political emigrant (he worked abroad in factories in France and Germany, where he perfectly mastered the languages), but not a politician. It was Shlyapnikov who had to determine the attitude of the party towards the accomplished February revolution. It was formulated in the Manifesto of the RSDLP (b) "To all citizens of Russia": "The workers of factories and factories, as well as the insurgent troops, must immediately elect their representatives to the Provisional Revolutionary Government, which must be created under the protection of the insurgent revolutionary people and the army." Then Shlyapnikov confidently followed this course - in the first seven issues of the Pravda newspaper, which was recreated after the revolution, the bourgeois Provisional Government that had come out of the Duma was condemned, and it was thought that the Soviets should create a democratic republic.

It should be understood that the Bolsheviks who were in the revolutionary whirlpool, with their weak leadership, were surrounded by much more authoritative and respectable representatives of other socialist parties who were creating history. As a result, already in March, the Petrograd Committee of the RSDLP (B) refused to support the resolution of the Russian Bureau condemning the Provisional Government and adopted its own document in which support was expressed to the established order of things. So dual power arose in the RSDLP (b).

The “old” Bolsheviks who returned from exile, the members of the Central Committee of the Party, Stalin, Kamenev and Muranov, brought additional confusion. Under their leadership in the editorial policy of Pravda, there was a quiet ideological upheaval, the newspaper began to publish materials in which one could easily make out the hand of friendship stretched out to the socialist parties of the Petrograd Soviet. At the same time, the position taken earlier in relation to the bourgeois Provisional Government was revised, it was said only about the need for socialists to control it. If Shlyapnikov became an antagonist of the Petrograd Soviet, the “old” Bolsheviks obviously went to reconciliation and were in a hurry to take their place in the new political system.

Lenin disappoints everyone

In April, 1917, Lenin returned from exile to Petrograd. At the Finland Station the leader of the Bolsheviks was prepared for a solemn meeting. In the imperial waiting room, he was greeted by the leaders of the Petrograd Soviet. Menshevik Chkheidze delivered a welcoming speech: “Comrade Lenin, on behalf of the Petersburg Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies and the whole revolution, we welcome you to Russia. We believe that the main task of revolutionary democracy is now to defend our revolution against all encroachments on it, both from within and from without. We believe that for this purpose it is necessary not to separate, but to unite the ranks of the whole democracy. We hope you will pursue these goals with us. ”
The delegates welcomed the ally, clearly hoping that all previous differences were resolved by the very fact of the accomplished bourgeois revolution. The tone of Pravda of the last days gave every reason for this. Lenin, having turned away from the delegation, addressed with a response word through the window to the crowd gathered in the square: “Dear comrades, soldiers, sailors and workers! I am happy to welcome in your person the victorious Russian revolution, to welcome you as the vanguard of the world proletarian army ... The predatory imperialist war is the beginning of a civil war in the whole of Europe ... The hour is near when the nations will turn weapon against their capitalist exploiters ... The dawn of the world socialist revolution is already underway ... In Germany everything is in full swing ... Not now - tomorrow, the collapse of all European imperialism can break out every day. The Russian revolution, accomplished by you, laid a foundation for it and opened a new era. Long live the world socialist revolution! ”

Keywords: Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, history of Russia, history of the USSR, memorials, February revolution, revolution issues
Lenin's speech made a shocking impression on the representatives of the Petrograd Soviet. There was not a word about the problems that they were facing, as they saw them, the question of power was not touched upon, there were no hints of the possible unification of socialist forces. Lenin spoke of a socialist revolution, the prerequisites of which, in his opinion, matured in Europe, while the majority of the Council thought in terms of the bourgeois revolution and its place in it. “The whole“ context ”of our revolution spoke to Lenin about Thomas, and he right from the window of his sealed-up car, without asking anyone, listening to no one, blurted out about Yeremu,” the Menshevik Sukhanov, a delegate of the Executive Committee, described his impressions.

In the evening of the same day, for the first time, the Bolsheviks in the Kshesinskaya mansion, Lenin spoke for the first time in front of the party members with the April Theses. Trotsky recalled: “The theses of Lenin were published on his own, and only on his behalf. The headquarters of the party met them with hostility, which was softened only by bewilderment. No one - neither the organization, nor the group, nor the person - attached his signature to them. ”

The Theses at a joint meeting of the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks, the delegates of the All-Russian Conference of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies, were met even more sharply. The meeting was conceived almost as a unifying congress, Lenin’s speech violated all seemingly ready-made plans. Those gathered in the hall of the Tauride Palace were in shock. Menshevik Bogdanov, a member of the Executive Committee of the Council, shouted in anger: “After all, this is nonsense, this is nonsense for a madman! It is a shame to applaud this nonsense, you disgrace yourself! Marxists! ”

A Menshevik Tsereteli, a member of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet, volunteered to object to Lenin, accusing the Bolshevik leader of a new attempt to split the RSDLP. He was supported by a large majority of the assembly, including many Bolsheviks. In subsequent speeches, much was said that the theses of Lenin were undisguised anarchism. In turn, the Bolshevik Steklov, who took the floor, said: “Lenin's speech consists of some abstract constructions proving that the Russian revolution passed by him. After Lenin becomes familiar with the state of affairs in Russia, he himself will abandon all of his constructions. ”

Sukhanov recalled: “Real, factional Bolsheviks also did not hesitate, at least in private backroom discussions, to interpret Lenin’s“ abstractness ”. And one expressed himself even in the sense that Lenin’s speech did not generate or deepen, but, on the contrary, destroyed disagreements among the social democracy, since there can be no disagreement between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks in relation to the Leninist position. ”

Unheard of revolution

What did Lenin say so crying? The coming to power of the bourgeoisie, he said, became possible due to "insufficient consciousness and organization of the proletariat." But this deficiency can be corrected: "The peculiarity of the current moment in Russia is the transition from the first stage of the revolution, which gave power to the bourgeoisie, to its second stage, which should give power to the hands of the proletariat and the poorest strata of the peasantry."
According to Lenin, it is impossible to render "no support to the Provisional Government", since it is unthinkable, "that this government, the government of the capitalists, cease to be imperialist." According to Lenin, it was necessary to "explain to the masses" that the Council of Workers' Deputies "is the only possible form of a revolutionary government." “Not a parliamentary republic,” he said, “a return to it from S. R. D. would be a step backwards, but a republic of Soviets of workers, farm and peasant deputies throughout the country, from top to bottom.”

The leader of the Bolsheviks, it turned out, in spite of Marxism, denied the bourgeois nature of the revolution, rejected the gradual change of formations, ignored everything that was done by the revolutionary Social Council of Petrograd Soviet by that time, refused to trust the Provisional Government, did not recognize that the next legitimate stage in the historical development of Russia should become a parliamentary republic on the model of the parliamentary republics of bourgeois European states. He called for the power of the Soviets!

The revolutionary socialists themselves at that time perceived the Soviets, on the one hand, as sectoral self-organization (Soviets of factories, industries — for example, rail transport, more broadly — Soviets of workers, Soviets of peasants) —and Lenin, it turns out, took the position of anarcho-syndicalism. And, on the other hand, as a manifestation of ochlocracy, and in this case Lenin rose to the position of pure anarchism. In any case, in the opinion of the majority of the Petrosoviet, these theses really had nothing in common with Marxism and were frank nonsense.

Another question is that the whole political situation in Russia after the February revolution can be called frankly delusional. The power system that Petrosoviet tried to build perfectly matched the Marxist dogma, but obviously contradicted the nature of what was happening. The bourgeoisie did not lead the revolutionary masses, it didn’t even rush to power. And among the workers, the soldiers, the overwhelming majority of the peasantry, socialist ideas prevailed. Finally, the Soviets, as an alternative to the Tsarist system of self-organization and management, were born and strengthened during the time of the 1905 Revolution. And massively revived in Russia after February.

By the fall of 1917, 1429 Soviets of Workers ', Soldiers' and Peasants 'Deputies' Councils, 33 of the Council of Soldiers 'Deputies, 455 Soviets of Peasants' Deputies operated in the country. There were provincial, district, volost Soviets of peasant deputies, on the front, the functions of the Soviets were carried out by regimental, divisional, corps, army, front-line and other soldiers' committees. It was a real system emerging from below, with its own self-formed structure and hierarchy. It was possible not to notice her, only entangled in his own ideological constructions.

Lenin's “April Theses” not so much departed from Marxism, but pushed his socialist colleagues into this sore point. However, there were no Petro-Soviet ways to solve the problem until the October Revolution, when the power of the Soviets proclaimed the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets.
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  1. +18
    April 23 2016 06: 12
    "The compromisers in the Soviets (Chkheidze, Tsereteli, Kerensky, etc.) justified their policy of supporting the Provisional Government by the allegedly established control over it. A" contact commission "of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet was created, the control of which was reduced to persuading the capitalist ministers and to finding a compromise with them ...
    ... In the April theses of V.I. Lenin, the economic program of the socialist revolution was comprehensively developed. V.I. Lenin showed that only the transfer of state power into the hands of the proletariat can ensure peace for the people, the transfer of land to peasants, and the implementation of all the overdue transformations. In the field of agrarian transformations, Lenin put forward a demand for the confiscation of landowner land and the nationalization on its basis of all land in the country. In the field of industry, requirements were put forward for introducing working control over the production and distribution of products, for combining all banks into a single national bank. V.I. Lenin was given the task of creating the III, Communist International ...
    ... VI Lenin not only outlined a new strategic plan, but also indicated the only correct ways to implement it in those specific conditions prevailing in Russia. "No support for the Provisional Government!", "All power to the Soviets!" - Lenin proposed to use these slogans as the basis of party tactics. "
    Source: http://www.great-country.ru/articles/history/history_4/00003.html

    Long live the 146 anniversary
    from the birthday of comrade V.I. Lenin!
    1. -15
      April 23 2016 10: 33
      Quote: Mangel Olys
      the right ways to implement it in those specific conditions prevailing in Russia. “No support to the Provisional Government!”, “All power to the Soviets

      Yes, the "correct" ones. Why not just give the full text of this ghoul to destroy the Russian state? The April theses are small. Bashfully "Forgotten" from there:
      Lenin: Russia now the freest country in the world , lack of violence over the masses

      It would seem, what more could a true "democrat" wish for — there is freedom for EVERYONE — there is no violence — get ready for the Constituent Assembly, try to win the most democratic in the world of elections. But no, he needs war and enmity:
      No support for the Provisional Government, clarification of the complete deceit of all its promises, especially regarding abandonment of annexations.
      And it says pathological liar- About the balanced and reasonable decisions of BP, RECOGNIZING by the way that BP refused annexations, only protecting the country.
      How did he call to fight the MOST FREE COUNTRY of the world? And just:
      Elimination of police, army, bureaucracy

      That is, he urged to completely destroy the state. HOW it qualifies in the Criminal Code of any country, and even during the war, it is known (CHANGE) and how to be punished, too-execution.
      Leninstate criminal, never worked anywhere an emigrant theorist who almost never lived in Russia20 yearswho tested his speculations with the help of monstrous lies and terror on the fate of millions of people. The civil massacre unleashed by the Bolsheviks on 25 October killed lives 10 million people... And then he just said: "We were wrong." I-introduced the NEP with "damned" private property, only in the role of "exploiters" are now ... commissars apfelbaums in leather jackets.
      1. -7
        April 23 2016 13: 12
        ..it's a pity that the attempt on the burnt-out Blanca-Lenin directed by Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov (Yeshua-Solomon Movshevich Sverdlov or Yankel Miraimovich Sverdlov ..) was unsuccessful practically blind ..- in 6 steps did not see anything (she was shot by the commandant of the Kremlin ..). Sverdlov himself was preparing a coup and the "appearance of Ulyanov-Blank" in Russia with the help of the German General Staff .., he was not at all happy .. Sverdlov had powerful military groups engaged in expropriation (OPG) .. Sverdlov himself, as they say, did not go far - burned down from illness in 3 days (.. "there are rumors in the minds" .. that the hard workers after a small "rally" sorted it out ..
        This revolution - continuous mud - inspired by world Jewry ..
        1. +2
          April 24 2016 22: 05
          I do not agree on everything. Indeed, Kaplan was a friend of Sverdlov’s cousin. I received a note from a friend of Odessa bandyuk, who became an essay security officer, went on a date. When the raid ended for the tric quarter from the place of the assassination attempt, the security officer asked: what are you doing here. Fanya: why are you paying off ...? They searched, found a pistol, only the bullets from NGO and from the body of Lenin of a different system.
          An hour before the shot, Sverdlov had already begun to send telegrams, such as a terrible thing, I take power on myself. A few hours after Kaplan’s arrest, Sverdlov’s assistant came to her in the Cheka and took her to the Kremlin. Then everyone knows: shooting in the courtyard of the Kremlin garage and a burn in a barrel with kerosene. And this is despite the ban of Lenin and the desire to see her.
          There are witnesses that the first words of Lenin: you took it? His, not hers.
          The most likely alternative version: Reilly ordered from the states of a professional killer, and all the rest at a dance-type cord-ballet.
          But who tried so hard to falsify the version that Kaplan is still being promoted to us as the main villain?
          I am not a communist or a supporter. I'm realist. It’s so convenient for me to live, to perceive everything as it is. Lenin and Stalin gathered the country after its collapse. Who knows, if it were not for their will and firmness of mind, maybe the Fashington macaques, the Rothschilds and the Hapsburg-Vatican would be able to destroy Russia as a state.
      2. +9
        April 23 2016 16: 13
        Quote: Aleksander
        Lenin is a state criminal, who has never worked anywhere as an emigrant theorist, who has not lived in Russia for almost 20 years, who has tested his intellects with the help of monstrous lies and terror on the fate of millions of people. The civil massacre unleashed by the Bolsheviks on October 25, claimed the lives of 10 million people

        Excuse me, dear Alexander, I’m confused about something. In the next topic, how much in vain did you lose Bandera’s, and here you demonstrate that you are the principal enemy of the Soviet government and the Soviet state.
        Why then did the Bandera people not please you? You join the ranks of the White Guards, Vlasovites and other fierce opponents of Soviet power, the Banderaites are exactly the same. The difference between Vlasov and Bandera is microscopic, at the level of rhetoric, some are like “for the Russians”, others are like “for the Ukrainians.” In fact, both of them are just accomplices of the fascist invaders.
        You need to somehow decide whether you are for Soviet power and Lenin, and then for veterans, for victory in the Second World War, against Bandera.
        Either, you are against Lenin, against the Soviet regime, but then to you to General Krasnov, Vlasov and your ideological friends from the Azov regiment. Together you will run around the Donbass, carry out "de-communization", and shout "commies at gilyak."
        1. -4
          April 23 2016 22: 39
          Dear Odysseus!
          Why are you surprised? The world is not black and white. There are many more shades. Although it's easier to say: the world is colored. Personally, I think V.I. Lenin's Greatest Criminal of all times and peoples! At the same time, Bandera and other bastards are ready to crush with their own hands. By the way, General Vlasov did not call to fight for the "Russian World". He called for fighting against Bolshevism. But for me the hero is not he, but General Karbyshev.
          So, if you follow your logic, then you, Dear, are in Comrade Schwonder’s detachment. You would be there, very would have come to the court!
          1. +4
            April 24 2016 12: 11
            Quote: Aleks.Antonov
            Although it’s easier to say: The world is color.

            Undoubtedly, respected Aleks.Antonov, a person differs from an animal there that lives in the world of culture, and not only nature. Accordingly, there are concepts such as "meaning", "logic", and so on.
            So, according to elementary logic, the fierce enemy of Soviet power has nothing to do with the achievements of this power. Also, according to the logic and life practice, enemies of the Soviet power posing as "Russian patriots" in fact have always been stupid cannon fodder for the countries of the capitalist West, first for The Entente, then for Hitler, now for the United States. Bandera's people are exactly the same stupid cannon fodder.
            That is why I wrote that the difference between the "Russian" anti-Soviet and Bandera anti-Soviet is absolutely microscopic, only at the level of rhetoric. In fact, they have always done and will do the same thing.
            Quote: Aleks.Antonov
            But for me the hero is not him, but General Karbyshev.

            Flirt, my friend, oh flirt. Karbyshev is The Soviet General, Bolshevik, and he has nothing to do with you.
            Your heroes are the hangman Kolchak "English uniform, French epaulet, Japanese tobacco, Omsk ruler", General Shkuro "Kuban Cossack" and SS Gruppenfuehrer, Mr. Yeltsin who shot the Supreme Soviet - this is Yours .
            And General Karbyshev is наш Soviet hero, and I would ask you not to stick to him.
            Quote: Aleks.Antonov
            So, if you follow your logic, then you, Dear, are in Comrade Schwonder’s detachment. You would be there, very would have come to the court!

            Wanted to hurt? Did not work out smile
            The sky is like a bell
            A month is a language,
            My mother is the motherland
            I am a Bolshevik
          2. +6
            April 24 2016 22: 22
            In vain did you offend Odysseus. Vlasov was a typical bastard and a villain. In court, he continued to uphold his beliefs?
            Vlasov from the colonel of the head of the military court of the Moscow garrison rose to the general swiftly on the destruction of the command staff.
            What is characteristic: he wrote letters to his mistresses and wife on the same day, letter by letter, not forgetting to change the names. Each emphasized admiration for what kind of human being Stalin swore eternal love and devotion to Stalin. Surrender to the Germans was the second attempt. Stalin did not believe that Vlasov surrendered. How many partisans and scouts died who were sent to find Vlasov and transferred across the front line we do not know. Victory near Moscow? Vlasov came to the army, the chief of staff preparing the offensive introduced himself introduced into the course of affairs. Vlasov: I'm on sick leave, something hurts my ear. So the Germans were driven away from Moscow without the sensitive leadership and military talent of Vlasov.
            And you: such a peacock-mavlin ... Vlasov is a typical rogue and traitor, this is such a psychotype of a parasite man. By the way, he surrendered to the Germans without shoulder straps and weapons, but with his aunt, before that he broke away from his guard. Aunt (either a hairdresser or a ferschal), he modestly asked to be shot.
            Do you know about the cow at the headquarters? The army was bleeding surrounded, the wounded had nothing to eat, and this one had a cow at headquarters. Vlasov was very fond of drinking fresh milk in the morning.
            General Karbyshev is an antipode such as Vlasov at all times.
            Just do young people know about the former tsarist general Karbyshev, about his contribution to the defense of Russia, and then the USSR, about the hero’s feat? Unfortunately no. Even those who were born in the USSR do not know this. It’s sad.
            1. +3
              April 26 2016 01: 22
              Quote: Balu
              In vain did you offend Odysseus. Vlasov was a typical bastard and a villain

              Thanks, of course, dear Balu, but Aleks.Antonov did not offend me at all.
              And I agree with your assessment of Vlasov. We looked at this bastard, our fault and our cant.
              Quote: Balu
              But does the youth know about the former tsarist general Karbyshev, about his contribution to the defense of Russia, and then the USSR, about the heroic deed of the general?

              Such as Karbyshev is not honored now. But nothing, times will change.
        2. -6
          April 23 2016 23: 27
          Quote: Odyssey
          You need to somehow decide whether you are for Soviet power and Lenin, and then for veterans, for victory in the Second World War, against Bandera.

          Dear Odysseus, would you understand that Russia did not begin in the 1917 year, but has millennial a story in which the small (but creepy) 70 summer period of Bolshevism is only an episode. And always Russia-Russia had enemieswere and traitorsThat wanted to destroy her. And from this point of view, both Bandera (they want to destroy Russia) and Vlasov (ordinary traitors) are enemies of Russia. Is it clear yet?
          Further: the Soviet government killed blanks-Zalkindes killed by revolution, bullet, famine, collectivization tens of millions Russian people (spit on her goals), and, therefore, she, too ENEMY Russia.
          Russian people always and at all times fought for the Fatherland, and not for feudalism, or serfdom (1812) or owls power. And ALL defenders of the Fatherland from invaders are holy and worthy people.
          And the Azov regiment is your worthy comrade-friends, after all, it was your Lenin who gave (contrary to the wishes of the inhabitants) Novorossia to the ruin, including Azov and the Sea of ​​Azov
          1. +4
            April 24 2016 13: 20
            Quote: Aleksander
            And from this point of view, both Bandera (they want to destroy Russia) and Vlasov (ordinary traitors) are enemies of Russia. Is it clear yet?

            Absolutely incomprehensible. Vlasovites fought for a free Russia and against the Bolsheviks. Why didn’t they please you? You are convinced that you are the purest Vlasovite. Also for Russia and against the Bolsheviks. They were traitors only in relation to the USSR. In their understanding, they did not betray Russia.
            And why did you decide that Bandera want to destroy Russia? Where did you read this from them? They do not have this even at the level of rhetoric. At the level of rhetoric, they speak for Ukraine and against the communists. In fact, they are just cannon fodder for the Americans, and the “Russian patriots” were just the same cannon fodder for Hitler.
            There are no fundamental differences between you (Vlasovites) and Bandera.
            Quote: Aleksander
            Further: the Soviet government killed blank Zalkinda revolution, bullet, famine, collectivization of tens of millions of Russian people (spit on her goals), and, therefore, she is also an ENEMY of Russia

            Soviet power created Soviet Russia. How can it be its enemy? It turns out she is an enemy to herself. You, my friend, have completely reported something.
            Quote: Aleksander
            Russian people always and at all times fought for the Fatherland

            Fatherland is not an abstract concept hanging in the sky. Let's say a Russian (ethnically) person lives in Kazakhstan. Before 1991, he lived in the USSR, after in Kazakhstan. Where is his fatherland, who should he fight for? USSR, Russia, Kazakhstan?
            Or let's say Russian (ethnically) mass people fighting for Hitler. They fought for Russia, but not for Soviet Russia. And they killed Russian people fighting for the USSR.
            This happened because these Russian people had different fatherland .
            Quote: Aleksander
            And the Azov regiment is your worthy commander

            Ours? smile They hate communists, demolish monuments to Lenin, what kind of "ours" are they?
            These are ethnically Russian people fighting against "sovoks" and "vatniks". That is, they are just "yours".
            However, you can go to Donbass and tell them yourself that they are our "friends" smile
            But I'm afraid you will not live long after that ....
            In general, you see Aleksander white, but say black. So you can’t. Return to the real world.
            1. +1
              April 25 2016 01: 13
              [Quote]Odyssey is absolutely incomprehensible. Vlasovites fought for a free Russia and against the Bolsheviks. Why didn’t they please you? [/ Quote]

              What impenetrability is something stubborn, purely Bolshevik. request
              Vlasovites-violated the oath and therefore-CRIMINS and no matter what they justified the crime. Just as the Bolsheviks-CRIMINALS and no matter what good purposes, they justified their atrocities. And exactly the Bolsheviks were stupid cannon fodder and a blind tool in the hands of the junta of the Leninist-brackets in the destruction of tens of millions of their fellow citizens since the 17.
              Russian patriots fought for Russia and won victories in HUNDREDS of wars when commies didn’t stink. Won the Second World War, as always before.

              [quote =Odysseus] You are convinced that the purest Vlasovite[/ Quote]

              lol Stupid dull hanging of labels — there is no greater ability — even to understand the simplest written above (a distinctive feature of the Bolsheviks).

              [] [quote] quote =Odysseus] Soviet power created Soviet Russia.

              Russia was created and exists for a THOUSAND years, including a short but terrible period under the Bolsheviks and many, many centuries before and after them. Well, there were some dirty tricks of Lenin’s, and they disappeared. Something you are talking, dear. belay

              [quote]] [quote = Odyssey]And the Azov regiment is your worthy commander, ours? They hate communists, demolish monuments to Lenin, what kind of "ours" are they? [/quote]

              [/ quoteYour, yours, this the purest product of your power and the Bolsheviks. You created an under-state of Ruin, Forcibly shoving Novorossia there (70% Ruins) and criminal Ukrainians grew this evil (before you did not have it). The fact that they do not understand WHO created them is YOU created them so stupid. Yes :
              [quote = Odyssey]Actually, you Aleksander see white, but say black. So you can’t. Return to the real world. [/ Quote]
              An amazing person, the country of councils has long since died out, but are you distributing all advice-directions, a habit, go ?. lol READ OUT you can not do it this way: In real world (if you finally look out the window) long gone - neither the Soviets of power, nor the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, nor the commies, they prsrl all and naturally disappearedmiserable, hapless losers
              1. +2
                April 26 2016 00: 58
                Quote: Aleksander
                Vlasovites-violated the oath and therefore-CRIMINS and no matter what they justified the crime

                Why is this? Take, for example, Skin-wonderful Russian patriot, Don Cossack, and part-time Gruppenführer SS. What oath did he break? He always fought against the Bolsheviks and for Russia (in his understanding). Why do you mean by Vlasovites only Soviet prisoners of war? And then we will even take them, after all, they took the oath not to some abstract "Russia", but to a very specific state-USSR. Why are you appealing to the oath to the Bolshevik state?
                By the way, about the "traitors". If you follow your logic, then the entire composition of the Russian Imperial Army, and especially its generals, should be included in the traitors. If they gave an oath to the Tsar-Father, and then they themselves actively contributed to his abdication.
                Quote: Aleksander
                Stupid dull labeling - no more abilities - even understand the simplest, written above

                Well, Alexander, it’s quite simple. Let’s say once again that you have shown yourself to be a fundamental adversary of the Soviet regime. Fine. Next, you praise the White Guards who fought against Soviet Russia. It’s quite logical. But then you have a logic failure. Why- then you do not approve of those Russian people who fought against the USSR during the Second World War and disown them. What is the difference? After all, they were literally the same people, for example, the same Skuro. So there’s nothing for you to blush and defy yourself as an institute on your first date. You are Vlasovets, well, or if you want Krasnovets.
                Quote: Aleksander
                Russia was created and exists THOUSAND years, including a short but terrible period under the Bolsheviks and many, many centuries before and after them.

                Twenty-five again. Come again, the Bolsheviks created Soviet Russia and they were its patriots. This Russia has nothing to do with bourgeois Russia. Well, and it, in turn, has nothing to do with Imperial Russia. And the bourgeois patriots of Russia are not at all patriots of the Empire. Moreover, they even overthrew the tsar. And Soviet patriots Russia are not patriots of bourgeois Russia. These are all different fatherlands and different Russia. Because during the Civil War, they fought each other. Are Denikin or Kornilov not patriots? No, they are patriots. But they are not patriots of Soviet Russia and therefore they fought against it. And the Armenian Dashnaks, former subjects of the Empire, are they not patriots? No, patriots, but they had their own idea of ​​the fatherland, and therefore they fought against the White Guards and against the Bolsheviks.
              2. +3
                April 26 2016 01: 14
                Quote: Aleksander
                SO, it’s impossible: in the real world (if you finally look out the window) there is no long time ago - no power owls, no Communist Party, no commi

                "- Well, this is positively interesting," the professor said, shaking with laughter, "what is it you have, whatever you grab, nothing!" laughing "The Master and Margarita "
                How is this "commie" no, dear Aleksander? Who are you talking to then? With demons in your head? There is, I assure you, there is.
                And why is there no communist party? Here you are writing to us from Moldova, which by the way makes your attacks on the Bolsheviks especially amusing, because Moldova without them has turned into a poor, destroyed, endangered territory. What do you think that there is no party party in Moldova? There is, and there is in Transnistria.
                But there is really no Soviet power in Moldova yet. But how does this interfere with the existence of the Communists and the struggle for bright ideals? Until October 17th, there was no Soviet power in Russia either, and did that somehow interfere with Lenin and the other Bolsheviks. No, it didn’t interfere at all. So there will still be Soviet power in Moldova and Russia - you don’t worry about the main thing. smile
            2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +4
        April 24 2016 21: 55
        Lenin and Stalin gathered the country together in a pile of power from people who were initiativeless, irresponsible, and agents of influence (by the way, I was never a communist).
        The Cadets and Socialist-Revolutionaries, Trotsky, Sverdlov and other Zinovievs had other plans.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +3
      April 23 2016 11: 12
      It turns out that at the first stage of building the state, Lenin also managed "manually". But he had at least "theses". winked
  2. +6
    April 23 2016 07: 02
    Lenin "from the outside" saw that party comrades, like the current "United Russia", were beginning to merge with the bourgeoisie, so he expressed in his theses a sharp rejection of such a position, because the bourgeoisie could not really rule the country, it was wartime, the front was bare coming, power must be taken away
    1. +4
      April 23 2016 08: 33
      Quote: sa-ag
      Lenin "from the outside" saw that party comrades, like the current "United Russia", were beginning to merge with the bourgeoisie, so he expressed in his theses a sharp rejection of such a position

      I would say that he was annoyed by the desire to establish (leave) the status quo, they say the best, the enemy of the good.
      Quote: sa-ag
      the bourgeoisie really could not rule the country

      That bourgeois opposition in the same role as the modern, unsystematic one. Sun1 is bad, it's not like that. And we don’t know how to, but it’s impossible. Give them power, they just fill their pockets and run away.
      Quote: sa-ag
      the Germans are advancing

      Lenin was afraid that with the development of the German offensive, there would be nothing left of the country. Therefore, he insisted on the Brest Peace.
      Quote: sa-ag
      power must be taken away

      The interim government was inactive, order No.1 ruined the army. Kerensky only spoke, but did nothing.
      1. +6
        April 23 2016 10: 41
        Quote: ImPerts
        Lenin was afraid that with the development of the German offensive, there would be nothing left of the country. Therefore, he insisted on the Brest Peace.

        The Brest peace was needed to create a new army, and this was done
        1. +4
          April 23 2016 11: 49
          And stop the Germans.
  3. +8
    April 23 2016 08: 15
    Lenin lived, Leniv lives, Lenin will live! With the holiday of all honest people of the world!
  4. +10
    April 23 2016 08: 23
    We may have a different attitude to the personality of Ulyanov-Lenin, but no one can challenge the fact that this is a politician who influenced most of all the history of the 20th century.
  5. +9
    April 23 2016 08: 40
    In November 1917 ... power was openly lying under my feet ... the Bolsheviks raised it ...
  6. +4
    April 23 2016 08: 47
    It is a great pity that there was no article for extremism in the Criminal Code of the Russian Empire. If Mr. Ulyanov and his "comrades" were sent to life-long penal servitude for their calls and actions, then so much blood of innocent people would not have been shed in Russia in the 20th century.
    1. +11
      April 23 2016 09: 18
      There is an assumption that Russia would not exist.
    2. +11
      April 23 2016 10: 18
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      then in the 20 century Russia wouldn’t have shed so much blood of innocent people.

      The first world would not be?
      Or did the Bolsheviks overthrow the priest — the tsar?
      Or maybe the Bolsheviks provoked troops to be shot at 1905-1906 ???
      And Lensky shooting?
      Or do you think that a revived German imperialism would not go the worn path? Wouldn’t go east ???
      1. +4
        April 23 2016 11: 11
        World War I would certainly be. But 610 thousand dead soldiers and officers would not have been forgotten - no one would have buried their graves in asphalt. The emperor was unlawfully ousted from power by the Bolsheviks, but the Bolsheviks were to blame for the murder of Nicholas II and his family. Or do you want to approve the massacre of an unarmed man, his wife, a sick son and four daughters? During the events of 1905-7, 657 terrorists were executed. According to the verdict of the military field courts. That is - the law enforcement agencies. The number of victims of the firing of troops (often in attempts to defend themselves against the shots of terrorists who covered themselves with this crowd) is about 1000 people. At the same time, from the attacks in the first 10 years across Russia, 11000 people died. Women. Children. Random passers-by. They died at the hands of those who decided to carry out terrorist acts, reading the calls of Ulyanov and the relatives. Yes, there was Lensky execution, but then 2 commissions arrived at the scene of the tragedy - from the government and the Duma. Perpetrators were punished. And who was responsible for the Novocherkassk execution? And for the shooting of a demonstration of workers at the Izhora plant in 1918?
        1. +9
          April 23 2016 12: 03
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          but the Bolsheviks are to blame for the murder of Nicholas II and his family

          Or maybe on the British royal family? The Bolsheviks offered them to take away the family of the emperor, along with him. The British refused.
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          Or do you want to approve the massacre of an unarmed man, his wife, a sick son and four daughters?

          I do not approve. But I blame the incident on the British. They could, at the suggestion of the Bolsheviks, take away Nicholas and his family. But they refused. thereby predetermining the fate of the royal family.
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          Perpetrators were punished.

          How? Restored justice? Someone put on N-tsat years? Enlighten?
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          That is - the law enforcement agencies.

          That is, until October 1917, everything is legal, and then no longer ?!
          That is, General Alekseev, who arrested Nicholas II, acted lawfully. General Kornilov, who arrested the imperial family, acted lawfully. And then everything, chaos began ...
          Tin. History began to play with new colors.
          1. +4
            April 23 2016 13: 06
            Please, do not distort the meaning of my words. By law enforcement, I meant the military field courts condemning revolutionary criminals in 1905-1907. The conspirators betrayed the Emperor, to whom, by the way, they swore allegiance, committed a criminal offense and, had the St. George battalion near the sovereign, they themselves would have been waiting for an arrest.
            As for the British, you are cleverly trying to shift the responsibility. Yes, Georg W refused admission, but could this be a reason for the murder? The trigger of the Browning in the Ipatiev House was not pressed by the hand of an Englishman, but by the hand of a Bolshevik assassin. And the children of the king were killed by the same hand. In other words, the fact that one, only one of the monarchs refused to accept the king's family for you is an excuse for killing children ???
            Regarding the Lensky execution, captain Tereschenkov, who ordered the shooting, was convicted of being demoted to privates with admission to the militia as a result of the investigation - this is a terrible punishment for hard labor - a person transferred everything that he had achieved while being on duty until then and was sentenced to existence in a provincial town.
            1. +6
              April 23 2016 13: 53
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin Regarding the Lensky execution, the captain Tereshchenkov, who ordered the shooting, was sentenced to demotion as a result of the investigation

              That is, for the murder of the Nth number of hard workers, they didn’t shoot, they didn’t hang, they didn’t drive, they simply demoted. belay Nee-ua punished themselves.
              had the St. George Battalion near the sovereign, they themselves would have been waiting for an arrest.

              At the last census, this tsar wrote in the line of profession: "the owner of the Russian land." How! So, he was a lousy master, that acre of one battalion, he had nowhere to wait for help. Yes, and even then, not the fact that "arrested."
              He got everyone, worse than bitter rare, by his rule. I, so I think, were tortured by one battalion to arrest most of the empire.
              In other words, the fact that one, only one of the monarchs refused to accept the king’s family is an excuse for killing children ???

              The killing of children, is that the only fact in history?
              Than so these childrenare different from ruined others? During WWI, that the children did not die? Not? I’m not talking about the fact that with a normal owner, there was no Civil War. And PMV, the same! He raised his prestige! Henpecked!
              1. +4
                April 23 2016 14: 33
                I repeat, a man was punished worse than execution - his life was broken, and he was aimed at the social bottom and the realization of who he became after punishment compared to what he was - this thing is quite painful for an officer of that time .
                But for the Novocherkassk execution, as well as for the Izhora, no one suffered even such a punishment. The "workers 'and peasants'" government allowed itself to kill hard workers without any remorse. And without punishing anyone for these shootings.
                Regarding the battalion - you misunderstood the essence of this phrase - the St. George battalion of the headquarters guard is about the same as the company of the Palace Grenadiers is the personal guard of the king. Bodyguards of the head of state. Roughly like the Kremlin regiment during the Great Patriotic War. And if in March 1917 this guard had been traveling on the train of Nicholas II, they could have arrested the rebellious General Ruzsky. Not "most of the empire," but a small group of rebels. And, yes, by the way, when the Emperor said goodbye to the soldiers at Headquarters, the veterans could not hold back tears of regret. Regrets - because we remembered who exactly led the army during the Great Retreat of 1915. And who stopped this retreat. Yes, it was the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas II who took command of the army in the conditions of the front crumbling at the seams under the German blows. And this step saved the army that year - a week after this step, the Vilna-Youth operation began, during which the Germans were stopped. The work of the headquarters and the supply of troops was managed thanks to the work of Nicholas II. You can read more about this here: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rol-imperatora-nikolaya-ii-v-okonchanii-velikog

                During World War I, children died - from shelling and bombing. But no one purposefully and consciously did not strive for this. Yurovsky and his accomplices knowingly, without a court verdict, killed unarmed people, including children. As far as I remember, in criminal law of all countries of the world this is called premeditated murder. Otherwise, a criminal offense. That is the difference.
                1. +3
                  April 23 2016 14: 56
                  During World War I, children died - from shelling and bombing. But no one purposefully and consciously did not strive for this.

                  Yes, you sho? True? That is, when shooting at a residential quarter, a German or an Austrian, believed that a shell would whistle past? Yeah.
                  Yurovsky and his accomplices knowingly, without a court verdict, killed unarmed people, including children.

                  Do you have evidence of the order of V.I. Lenin? At least verbally. (Trouble, the telephone did not work).
                  You wrote absolutely correctly: "Yurovsky and his accomplices." And what relation do they have to the entire Bolshevik party?
                  In any organization, profession, there are Yurovsky, Mengele, captains Ernesta Medina and lieutenants Kelly.
                  And until it is proved that there was an order for destruction, do not engage in demagogy. Have you heard of the presumption of innocence?
                  By the way, when the Emperor said goodbye to the soldiers at Headquarters - the veterans could not hold back the tears of regret

                  Yes, yes, there are people who sit at Headquarters when other trench lice are fed. The veterans deserve it. I figured so that they thought, "arrived, soon to the front." Just don’t tell me that WWI was considered by the people to be the war on which you can lay your life, i.e. save the Fatherland.
                  But for the Novocherkassk execution, as well as for the Izhora, no one suffered even such a punishment. The "workers 'and peasants'" government allowed itself to kill hard workers without any remorse. And without punishing anyone for these shootings.

                  I, personally, do not condone.
                  But, excuse me, for a normal person, death is death. And, this is with you, generally beyond the bounds: "the person overshadowed everything that he achieved while in the service until that moment and was sentenced to exist in a substandard town", wassat "his life was broken, and he himself is directed to the social bottom."
                  I live in a provincial town, and I don’t suffer something and I don’t think it would be better if they executed me. wassat
                  How old are you, my dear?
                  1. +4
                    April 23 2016 16: 06
                    The shelling of Belgrade by Austrian artillery was certainly a war crime. However, gunners were not intended to kill specific people. But Yurovsky - pursued such a goal. And, again, this goal is legally called intentional homicide. The actions of the Austrians - an unintentional murder, that is, the act of Yurovsky - more serious. As for the WWI - it was called the Second World War in those years, so yes, people fought for their Fatherland.
                    As for the punishment to the officer - you still did not understand - the people of that era had a different mindset, and such demotion that legally abolished everything that a person has achieved over decades of service was a terrible execution for them.
                    1. +2
                      April 23 2016 16: 23
                      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin But Yurovsky - pursued such a goal.

                      Ah, what am I saying that I did not pursue? Yes, the murderer, yes committed a crime! But, do not pour water on the mills of Russophobia, which are covered by anti-Soviet. RCP (b), its elite, government, what had to do with the monster and killer Yurovsky? Where is the order for the execution ?!
                      The Civil War was going on and almost every leader, in the great expanses of our country, felt free to interpret "revolutionary expediency" as he wanted.
                      As for the punishment to the officer - you still did not understand - the people of that era had a different mindset, and such demotion that legally abolished everything that a person has achieved over decades of service was a terrible execution for them.

                      Yes, I understand, that's all. People always have the same thinking, no need to tell tales. And, if for him, as an officer, it was a shame, why didn’t he shoot himself? For an officer, this is the preservation of honor.
                      Austrian action - manslaughter

                      The actions of the Austrians who shot at a peaceful city are savagery and war crime. You read the legal literature, there is a definition of what is intentional and not intentional murder. Giving the order to shoot not at the bunker, but at the city, the person understands that he is producing an act of intimidation, that is, a terrorist act. Belgrade did not represent any military significance at that time.
                    2. +2
                      April 23 2016 16: 38
                      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin As for the WWI, it was called the Second World War in those years, so yes, people fought for their Fatherland.

                      Sorry, I almost missed it.
                      You, propaganda clichés of liberal 1914 newspapers, do not repeat. Do not call this war the second. By this, somehow, the memory of a real WWII is belittled.
                      Judge for yourself. First Patriotic: the enemy invaded, occupied a significant part of the territory, Moscow. And, then, it is already after the Patriotic was called. PMV, where is the defense of the Fatherland? Who wanted to capture Moscow? Well, Poland was left, so what? When the USSR collapsed, then something of a wave of suicides in the country did not happen, due to the fact that Armenia separated.
                      And it’s not necessary that the man wanted to go to her. The propaganda against the war would not have collapsed if the peasants understood that tomorrow the German would come to your village.
                    3. +3
                      April 23 2016 17: 50
                      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                      The shelling of Belgrade by Austrian artillery was certainly a war crime.

                      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                      The actions of the Austrians - manslaughter,

                      You'd better choose one thing!
              2. 0
                April 23 2016 23: 01
                avva2012, but for the death of Russian people in Grozny. At least someone answered for the death of children, women? Has anyone answered all over Chechnya? You are worried about the royal family, about the events of almost a hundred years ago. But answer me. For the events of 1986-2016 at least ANYONE ANSWERED? Yes, in the coffin I saw V.I. Lenin! Really seen, like many! :) Sue M.S. Gorbachev! Condemn the Yeltsin regime! Judge all those who helped Yeltsin destroy the country! What is scary? Is it easier to blame V.I. Lenin? Or the monster I.V. Stalin? Sure! A hundred years will pass and we will all talk about B.N. Yeltsin! Oooooooo! We will tell you everything! And condemn! And now with boiling water!
            2. MrK
              April 27 2016 19: 20
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              And the king’s children were killed by the same hand.

              Why do not you darling remember the 8 mi-year-old son of Maria Mnishek hanged by the Romanovs at the gates of the Kremlin. By the way, the legal successor to the kingdom. It hung for a month. Or could the Romanovs execute children?
          2. -5
            April 23 2016 14: 23
            ... Lenin's mother Blanc was a lady-in-waiting at the Court of the Emperor, when she became "heavy" (there were rumors from the tsar) she was "married" to Ulyanov .. For the participation of the eldest son (in the conspiracy in the murder of the Tsar he was executed, but his mother was paid a pension for the loss of his son .. It's not as simple as it seems to us .. And Ulyanov- Lenin did not die of a bullet, by the way he had old syphilis ..
            1. +4
              April 23 2016 14: 32
              Quote: ver_ And Ulyanov-Lenin did not die from a bullet, by the way he had old syphilis ..

              Do not remind, but what are the names of dirty linen lovers?
            2. +7
              April 24 2016 16: 42
              Quote: ver_
              ... Lenin's mother Blanc was a maid of honor at the Court of the Emperor, when she "got too heavy" (there were rumors from the tsar) she was "married off" to Ulyanov ..
              Haha Before you say something, for a start you would bother to get acquainted with the biography of those you write about.
              Maria Aleksandrovna Blank was born on 6 on March 1835 in the family of a physiotherapist, court adviser Alexander Dmitrievich Blank. Her mother was Anna Ivanovna Grossshopf, whose parents were German Johann Grossshopf and Swede Anna Estedt.

              In the Russian Empire, maidens of the imperial court could only become representatives of noble families. Maria Blank had no chance of this. The hereditary nobility of Maria Ulyanova and her children was formalized only after the death of her husband, so that the widow with six children could receive a decent pension.

              Another fact that destroys the whole version of the romance with the Grand Duke. Lists of all maids of honor of the imperial court have been kept in Russia continuously since the 1712 year, and there is no name of Maria Blanck in them.

              Moreover, it is known that Maria Blank, who was really born in St. Petersburg, left this city with her family in 1841 and came back to it in 1887 when Alexander Ulyanov was arrested.

              At the time of Maria Blanc’s departure, he was six years old - you can’t twist the romance with the emperor with all your will.

              And by the time of the departure of the 6-year-old Masha from St. Petersburg, her alleged lover was not yet in the world - Alexander III, who was 10 years younger, was born only in the 1845 year.
        2. +2
          April 23 2016 12: 06
          I may be mistaken about this, but here's what walks on the Internet. True, Lenin cooked children, and Stalin ate them ...
        3. +6
          April 23 2016 14: 19
          Who said the victims of WWII were forgotten? I don’t know, in Soviet times there was a lot of historical work about WWI, it’s another matter that the war itself was recognized as criminal, which was the true truth. This was by no means the Bolsheviks invented. Such classics of world literature as Remarque, Hemingway, Hasek, Barbus, Aldington, who wrote the most famous works about the WWII, recognized this war as a crime against humanity. But in 1905-1907, in addition to the UPU, there were punitive expeditions in Siberia and the Volga region against the rebels. So there were more deaths. And in February 17th Nikolai sent General Ivanov against Petrograd, only the soldiers refused to shoot. You see, besides repressions, reforms are also needed. In Batista, Cuba, too, the prisons were overwhelmed with dissent, only that his regime did not save.
      2. +2
        April 24 2016 22: 37
        You forgot about the role of the FSA in the Russian-Japanese war, the revolution of 1905, the provocation of World War I, the abdication of the tsar and the February revolution. Further, agents of influence of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Hagsburg-Vaticans could not have imagined anything. Lenin and the Bolsheviks fulfilled their historical mission — they saved Russia from collapse. If Russia fell apart, blood would have spilled even more. What did Hitler write about a sufficient population in the USSR? 1 million to serve the Aryans? And what in our time does Baptist Madeleine Albright say about a sufficient number of people in Russia? Dap? The same 10 million? or 10 million?
        ! the stage of the Harvard project was a success for the West — no more than the USSR. The second stage-division into 7 regions failed. GDP and its like-minded people did not allow and will not allow it. About the third stage, Brzezinski writes: In the third stage, we will cut Russia as a sausage. Like this...
    3. +11
      April 23 2016 10: 39
      There would be no Lenin, would be different. Lenin was an excellent organizer, and in your opinion it appears that the October Revolution was the work of a handful of conspirators, although you are not trying to see behind him the movement of the masses expressed in the Soviets. And about innocent blood is not necessary. I have such a tearful suggestion, be consistent and forbid Christianity, how much blood was shed during its introduction, Russia was baptized with fire and sword.
      1. -4
        April 23 2016 12: 07
        And how much of this blood was shed then?
    4. 0
      April 23 2016 22: 45
      And where did the Bolsheviks form their views? And honed their art of fighting the regime if not in hard labor? You had to shoot them! However, like the current "revolutionaries".
    5. +2
      April 24 2016 22: 29
      If Lenin and Stalin had not removed the traitors of Russia, agents of influence, and other temporary irresponsible and uninitiated scoundrels from power, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and the Vatican’s Hagsburg would have destroyed Russia as a sovereign state. How in our time Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq are destroyed.
      Lenin and Stalin gathered the country together at a time when disintegration had already begun.
  7. +3
    April 23 2016 09: 32
    It is a pity that in the history of the personality of the scale of Vladimir Ilyich very rarely appear, but there is hope that it will not be long to wait.
    1. -4
      April 23 2016 10: 40
      One more Vladimir Ilyich will not pull people enough for heating the furnace of evolution
      1. +2
        April 23 2016 11: 55
        Cardboard! 10.40. And today's revolution whose hands are doing? Who throws people into the furnace of history today?
        1. 0
          April 23 2016 12: 05
          This respected is not a revolution, but the consequences of one experiment with one people.
          1. +5
            April 23 2016 12: 19
            Cardboard! 12.05. Do not make me laugh! Today, experiments are conducted not only with peoples, but also with entire regions. The revolution of Libya and Ukraine. What kind of Lenin is there? Russian revolution of the 90s, what kind of Lenin is it?
            1. -2
              April 23 2016 12: 52
              Oh, we are already discussing the Middle East for your flight. I don’t keep up with your flight. You, of course, looked at me as a African agent, I personally don’t care who is there, because without overpopulation overpopulation would be dangerous.
  8. -1
    April 23 2016 09: 51
    Quote: ImPerts
    We may have a different attitude to the personality of Ulyanov-Lenin, but no one can challenge the fact that this is a politician who influenced most of all the history of the 20th century.

    ... By the way about the birds: Lenin did not recognize Ulyanov as his father .. So it would be more correct to call him by his mother's surname - Blank .. Thus, Lenin-Blank .. Then it becomes clear why the Lenin Guard consisted of 85% Jews .. with all the ensuing consequences ..
    1. +2
      April 23 2016 10: 20
      Interesting. I haven’t read about it anywhere. Any links?
    2. +5
      April 23 2016 10: 33
      And that is why he put the signature "Ulyanov-Lenin" on the documents? Teach your birds to be friends with facts ...
      1. -2
        April 23 2016 15: 14
        ... do not take him for an idiot - life is not a gymnasium or a university where he "twitched" about this .. - grew wiser, or, as they say in the army, understood the service ..
    3. +2
      April 23 2016 10: 41
      Where does this data come from? And why all sorts of foolish people immediately slide into nationality, thereby expressing a complex of their own inferiority. Are you racially clean?
      1. +7
        April 23 2016 13: 32
        Quote: Rastas Where does this data come from? And why all sorts of foolish people immediately slide into nationality, thereby expressing a complex of their own inferiority. Are you racially clean?

        Colleague, your question is very correct.
        Most interesting, but the Communists were primarily internationalists.
        Nothing was so seriously punished in the party as a departure from this principle.
        In the zo-ies, the case on which many party leaders of Georgia went through, for example. You can look at this in more detail on the internet, but the point is that the Georgian Bolsheviks tried to make "Georgia for Georgians". They were at first, only, on the party line, condemned, removed from their posts. Then, when these okudzhavs did not calm down, they were already tried and shot.
        Also, for what V.I. Lenin and the Bolsheviks, for the fact that they distributed land for free to the peasants, and factories to the workers. About the social guarantees that appeared during the Soviet era and I do not say.
        It’s interesting, and what kind of politician can be put next to V.I. Lenin?
        Condition of the problem: 1) inherited power in the country where the World War had just been; 2) lost most of the industry that remained in the western regions of the country; 3) there is a civil war in the country; 4) in the country is the intervention of the most developed states at that time; 5) your power extends to the territory of one city and part of the area surrounding it; 6) you have to return the country back to the borders of the 1 / 6 part of the land.
        If, I am not mistaken, most of the tasks were completed by 1921.
        Another fact that is rarely written or, I rarely met. In 1922, V. I. Lenin suffers several strokes and becomes practically incapacitated until his death. Postmortem examination of the brain revealed that the main arteries feeding the brain are clogged with atherosclerosis (50 kopecks). In 1918, the description of V.I. Lenin, Bunin. Anyone interested can read it, but the fact remains, "I have never seen such a healthy person."
        Total: 1918: absolute physical and mental health. 1922g., That is, a year after the end of the Civil War, during which he headed the Government: a deeply sick person.
        Compare with D.N. Medvedev. request So who burns at work?
        1. +7
          April 23 2016 16: 32
          To be honest, I would put Stalin.
          Yes, according to the force of influence on the thoughts and actions of people in the world - Lenin.
          According to the results - Stalin.
          1. +2
            April 23 2016 16: 43
            Quote: ImPertz To be honest, I would put Stalin.
            Yes, according to the force of influence on the thoughts and actions of people in the world - Lenin.
            According to the results - Stalin.

            The party was called at a time when our country was the most powerful in its entire history: "The Party of Lenin-Stalin." I will not argue with you dear, because your thought, I am very sympathetic. But. Civil war is a war of all against all. Plus, bonuses: England, Germany, USA, Japan. I almost forgot France and Romania! laughing
      2. +1
        April 23 2016 19: 51
        ... strange - from somewhere the stench went ..
    4. +4
      April 23 2016 14: 26
      Quote: ver_ "Lenin Guard" was 85% Jewish .. with all the ensuing consequences ..

      "For centuries, Russia lived at the expense of the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this core has been completely exterminated to the end. The Germans have taken the place the Jews. But how Russians can’t throw off their yoke on their own the JewsAnd some Jews unable to keep this huge state under their control for a long time. Themselves jewи they are by no means an element of organization, but rather an enzyme of disorganization. This gigantic eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction. All prerequisites have already ripened to this. the end Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate intended us to witness such a catastrophe, which better than anything confirms the unconditional correctness of our racial theory. "
      Is that familiar? Yes, your favorite writer, Adolf Aloysych Schiklgruber.
      1. +1
        April 23 2016 17: 50
        .. and everything is like in a song ... A casual conversation in 1975 - just a few words ... The old sweeper told me then (he was 70 years old), and I had a TO-2 zone and a TO-1 zone and I was after VTUZA .. wait, the time will come and you will learn a lot of bad things about Lenin .. Like a seer ... "Don't make yourself an idol" ..
  9. +3
    April 23 2016 10: 03
    Lenin, unlike balabolov, set tasks, was not afraid to bring them to life, taking responsibility.
    1. -5
      April 23 2016 10: 41
      Yeah, if just a lot of people dabbled, a lot of people would remain alive
      1. +7
        April 23 2016 11: 44
        Yeah, ice trip, he led. Did the Bolsheviks start a civil war?
  10. +3
    April 23 2016 10: 12
    all relatives had collected works ---- someone Lenin, someone K. Marx and F. Engels or Stalin. Now is the time that we should read, but everything has already been sold or donated to the library. In communal apartments and Khrushchevka it was very crowded.
  11. +5
    April 23 2016 10: 23
    A little about the morals of the gentlemen:
    "In September-October 1918, after the occupation of the city of Maikop by the 1st Kuban division of General Pokrovsky, in the city and its outskirts, almost 4 residents were executed, hanged and simply massacred, who, one way or another, were suspected of collaborating with the Soviet Even those who simply worked at the enterprises of the city nationalized by the Bolsheviks were massacred. The massacre of Maykop residents lasted almost a month and a half without interruption. "

    The fact that the population of the Russian Empire, for the most part, has taken the side of the new government is not bayonets and threats, it is a conscious choice.
    PS The population of Maykop according to 1913 statistics is 52 thousand and more. In 1923 - 43 with more than.
    From the loss for the period of 10 years, the adventures of the 1-th Kuban division cost Maykop almost 50% of the loss. And this is not disassembling, left, died a natural death, etc.
    1. 0
      April 23 2016 10: 44
      The population of Petrograd at 17 year 2 million 500 thousand people, at 24 year - 624 thousand who were there?
      1. +6
        April 23 2016 10: 52
        First, an epidemic erupted in Ukraine, giving up to 700 thousand diseases in Kiev, that is, almost completely affecting the entire population; mortality was 1,5%. In the Russian provinces, the “Spanish” disease first appeared in Mstislavl (Mogilev province) on August 13, 1918, and immediately developed into a large-scale epidemic. At the end of August, the flu penetrated into Biryuch (Voronezh province), repeating the same picture of crushing spread (in Voronezh and its county the flu was recorded on October 15). Then the disease appeared in Ryazan, Kursk, Smolensk, Petrograd and Orel provinces. A little later, on August 28, flu diseases were registered in Perm and the Perm province, in some counties of the Vyatka province. At the end of September, Vitebsk, Vladimir, Vyatka, Voronezh, Kaluga, Mogilev, and Novgorod flu were reached. Olonets, Penza, Pskov Tambov, Tver, Cherepovets provinces. In October, the epidemic moves even more east, capturing Ivanovo, Kazan. Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol, Saratov, Severo-Dvinsk and Yaroslavl provinces. In mid-October, "Spaniard" appeared in the Crimea. The “course” of the epidemic from the south-west to the north-east was clearly traced, bypassing Moscow. The number of cases of "Spanish" in the provinces is given in table. 2. In the Moscow province, the massive nature of the disease "Spanish" was adopted in the first half of October
        This is for those who are not aware that during the civil war the Spanish woman claimed more lives than the actions of whites, reds and others ... And if you are horrified by the thought of a civil war, you should not transfer it to the pages of the "Military Review" ...
        1. +1
          April 23 2016 18: 22
          quote = Verdun] The Spanish woman claimed more lives than the actions of white, red and others ... [/ quote]
          As well as typhoid fever, abdominal, recurrent ..
      2. +2
        April 23 2016 11: 48
        You will open a new page of Memorial with the sensational data that the Bolsheviks killed almost 2.000.000 people in 11 years of the bloody regime. Oh well. Go for it!
        You can qualify for a grant. This topic has not yet been disclosed. All 100% at the hands of the bloody Lenin and associates ...
      3. MrK
        April 27 2016 19: 43
        Quote: Cartalon
        The population of Petrograd at 17 year 2 million 500 thousand people, at 24 year - 624 thousand who were there?

        It would not be bad for the couch major to think of himself why this happened.
        Workers died on the fronts.
        Bourgeois escaped in different directions.
        The inhabitants rushed from starvation to the villages.
        Read books of contemporaries.
    2. -5
      April 23 2016 10: 59
      Quote: ImPerts
      A little about the morals of the gentlemen:

      A little about the morals of the red beast:
      CASE No. 18

      In the city of Yekaterinodar, in the spring of 1918, the Bolsheviks issued a decree, published in Izvestia of the Soviet and pasted on poles, according to which girls between the ages of 16 and 25 were to be "socialized", and those wishing to use this decree had to apply to the underlying revolutionary institutions. The initiator of this "socialization" was the Commissioner for Internal Affairs Bronstein. He also issued "mandates" for this "socialization". Mandates were issued both in the name of the Red Army soldiers and in the name of Soviet commanders.

      The bearer of this, Comrade Karaseev, is given the right to socialize in Yekaterinodar the city of 10 souls of girls from the age of 16 to 20 years whom comrade Karaseev points to.

      Commissioner Bronstein [signature]

      Print Location [Print]

      On the basis of such mandates, the Red Army seized more than 60 girls - young and beautiful, who were then brutally raped by the Bronstein, Karaseyev and other animals that lost their human appearance.
      The girls were taken away by the departing detachments of the Red Army, and their fate remained unclear. Finally, some, after various cruel tortures, were killed and thrown into the Kuban and Karasun rivers. So, for example, a student of the 5 class of one of Yekaterinodar gymnasiums was raped for twelve days by a whole group of Red Army soldiers, then the Bolsheviks tied her to a tree and burned with fire and, finally, shot him.
      This material was obtained by the Special Commission in compliance with the requirements of the Charter of Criminal Procedure.
      1. +3
        April 23 2016 13: 08
        "The bearer of this, Comrade Karaseev, is given the right to socialize in the city of Yekaterinodar 10 souls of girls aged from 16 to 20 years, whom Comrade Karaseev will point out."
        Well, let's put this tales of the times of the Civil War, propagandists from all sides worked tirelessly ...
        1. +6
          April 23 2016 14: 53
          Explain why - stories?
          A very simple man with arms in the spring of 1918 NO WRITTEN MANDATES in principle, for sex it was not necessary, and so they would have given, kicked / squealed but would have given ..
          Evidence? The most elementary - take a gun, shoot 20-30 people in the city / village / outskirts (everyone will know anyway!) - and the next day go with the same machine gun over your shoulder to any institution in the city / town / village where there are a lot of women -School / hospital / theater- and any (I repeat-any!) can be led into the bushes- and it does not matter who you are - white or red, the main thing is that the bar falls ..
          More evidence? The classic of the genre is the rebellious Czechoslovak corps ...
          AWESOME POWER - 52 thousands of people stretched from Penza to Vladivostok (8305km !!! 6,126 soldiers at 1 km !!!) - so this force (I repeat - 10 -15 soldiers to the village / 100 people to the city !!) everyone was afraid: both white and red (these were afraid of the Czechs even more than the rest of the white troops), and ordinary civilians ..
          Miserable by military standards, the army controlled the entire URAL-SIBERIA-Far East ..It was just that they were people with weapons, more or less organized and having a common goal .. A little earlier or a little later they would not have been a force in principle, due to their small size

          And you think that in such cases, someone, in principle, might need some PAPER - so that someone could be pulled into the bushes ???

          So - the propaganda tales to support the image, exactly the same as now, the information war ...
      2. +6
        April 23 2016 14: 07
        A few quotes.
        White General Kornilov: "We went to power to hang, but we had to hang to come to power."
        American General Graves: “In Eastern Siberia, for every person killed by the Bolsheviks, there were a hundred people killed by anti-Bolshevik elements.”
        US officers Sayers and Kahn: "Hundreds of Russians who dared not submit to the new dictator (Kolchak) hung on trees and telegraph poles along the Siberian Railway."
        Russian writer William, who fought in the Denikin army: “In the middle of the village they dug a pole, tied it (the Red Army) higher; They wrapped a rope around the skull, stuck a stake through the rope and - a circular motion! At the end, the soldiers refused to turn, gentlemen, the officers took up. And suddenly we hear: crack! - the skull box shook ... An instructive sight. "
        Yeah, the sight is really instructive. Especially for those who listen with tenderness to songs about the noble lieutenants of the Golitsins and the Cornets of Obolensk. Please note: the soldiers could not stand it, refused, and these, "their nobility", gladly brought the torture to a spectacular ending. An instructive spectacle for Denikin’s current admirers, under whose leadership atrocities were committed in Novorossiysk, both in the dungeons of Denikin’s counterintelligence and right on the streets.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. -6
          April 23 2016 23: 53
          Quote: Turkestan
          A few quotes.
          White General Kornilov: "We went to power to hang, but we had to hang to come to power."
          American General Graves: “In Eastern Siberia, for every person killed by the Bolsheviks, there were a hundred people killed by anti-Bolshevik elements.”
          US officers Sayers and Kahn: "Hundreds of Russians who dared not submit to the new dictator (Kolchak) hung on trees and telegraph poles along the Siberian Railway."
          Russian writer William, who fought in the Denikin army: “In the middle of the village they dug a pole, tied it (the Red Army) higher; They wrapped a rope around the skull, stuck a stake through the rope and - a circular motion! At the end, the soldiers refused to turn, gentlemen, the officers took up. And suddenly we hear: crack! - the skull box shook ... An instructive sight. "
          Yeah, the sight is really instructive. Especially for those who listen with tenderness to songs about the noble lieutenants of the Golitsins and the Cornets of Obolensk. Please note: the soldiers could not stand it, refused, and these, "their nobility", gladly brought the torture to a spectacular ending. An instructive spectacle for Denikin’s current admirers, under whose leadership atrocities were committed in Novorossiysk, both in the dungeons of Denikin’s counterintelligence and right on the streets.

          Put these false propagandons in the Soviet textbook-Kornilov did not say this. Graves, a Bolshevik henchman, lost court case in the USA held about his LIE on the events in Siberia.
          Denikin, a wonderful Russian general, in principle denied atrocities, unlike red beastsbloodshot, mostly innocent people, using wild inhuman torture, all of Russia, in Kiev, Odessa, Crimea, Kherson and beyond EVERYWHERE. Moreover, the red villain did not stop at the civil war - it continued to kill, kill and kill for 35 years all and indiscriminately (including their own), suffering from fear for crime and paranoia. As a result, NOBODY stood up for the red beast, not even a single Bolshevik crying today, and the communist power collapsed like a rotten house of cards.
          1. +3
            April 24 2016 18: 40
            "As a result, NOBODY stood up for the red beast"
            I am embarrassed to ask - WHO stood up for Nikolay in February? When did he take an oath on the 3 day to the Provisional Government? When did a relative bring the Guard crew the oath?
            Or these pitiful crumbs - "The number of white armies fighting against the Red Army, according to intelligence estimates, by June 1919 was about 300 000 man. "This famous" RING OF FRONTS "created a miserable 300 people - who were barely gathered by a plurality of" wonderful "white generals - in the reality of mediocrity, who betrayed their king to whom, by the way, they swore an oath. Recall what happens for breaking the oath in WAR TIME “Moreover, they also tried to organize military conspiracies in a war.
            Explain, maybe - something from the horrors of the "RED BEAST" White Guard replenished so thinly ???
            1. MrK
              April 27 2016 19: 50
              Quote: your1970
              Explain, maybe - something from the horrors of the "RED BEAST" White Guard replenished so thinly ???

              Yes, just in the Red Army there was a minimum of Aleksanderov’s minimorum.
              Otherwise, the USSR would have been a scribe as Hitler planned - in October 1941
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +5
        April 23 2016 16: 46
        The Bolsheviks were so bloody that under the influence of fear and under the threat of punishment, the whole country won the Great Patriotic War. And even in the occupied territories, under the influence of the red dope, partisans acted. And the soldiers of the Red Army, instead of voluntarily surrendering, fought to the last and perplexed the valiant Wehrmacht, who hoped that the Russians and other peoples of the USSR, oppressed by the Jewish Bolshevik evil spirits, would begin to build their new future together with the SS.
        Don't you think that you were a little mistaken about the site and time?
        1. +7
          April 23 2016 17: 14
          Quote: ImPertz fought to the last and perplexed the valiant Wehrmacht, who hoped that the Russians and other peoples of the USSR, oppressed by the Jewish Bolshevik evil spirits, would begin to build their new future together with the SS.

          If you read the memoirs of the Wehrmacht soldiers, they still believe that the commissars drove the soldiers with shots in the back of the head. And, right there they tell how an unarmed Russian jumped onto a T-3 tank going in a convoy and tried to take a weapon from the tank commander. As a result, the fighter was shot, but managed to bite off his ear.
          Or, as the Germans arrived from France, and in the first battle, a Russian tank made a ram. Three German crews abandoned their cars and fled.
          In my opinion, it makes no sense to explain common truths to some people. Hate, you know, to the arguments of the logic of deafness.
        2. +2
          April 23 2016 18: 51
          And even in the occupied territories, under the influence of a red dope, partisans acted. ImPertz (
          Looks like a dope was good, clung tightly and cleared the brains, however ... wink
        3. 0
          April 23 2016 19: 28
          ... "you better chop wood for coffins - penalty battalions go into the breakthrough .." Vysotsky ..
  12. 0
    April 23 2016 10: 27
    Great person!
  13. +3
    April 23 2016 10: 39
    Lenin risked remaining a mocked and misunderstood politician
    He was simply a stranger to opportunism and, like a grandmaster in chess, was able to see several moves ahead. Compromisers did not need such a man. For those who could not look into the future as far as Vladimir Ilyich, his ideas and actions looked strange.
  14. +9
    April 23 2016 10: 43
    M. Gandhi: "The ideal to which such titans of the spirit as Lenin dedicated themselves cannot be sterile. A noble example of his selflessness, which will be glorified in centuries, will make this ideal even more lofty and beautiful."
    A. Einstein: "I honor in Lenin a man who, with complete self-sacrifice, devoted all his strength to the cause of realizing social justice. I consider his method expedient. But one thing is indisputable: people like him are the keepers and renovators of human conscience."
    B. Shaw: "If the future is the way Lenin foresaw it, then we can all smile and look into the future without fear. However, if his experiment is thwarted and ends in failure, if the world persists in maintaining capitalist development, then I must it is a great sadness to say goodbye to you, my friends ...
  15. -3
    April 23 2016 10: 47
    Damn the executioner of the Russian people! I will also write slogans.
    1. +2
      April 23 2016 12: 05
      Cardboard! 10.47. If Lenin was the executioner, then can you find out the motives for this? If he destroyed the Russians, then what's the point? Blaming Lenin for all sins, why not talk about motives? If he was so bloodthirsty, what was his purpose?
      1. -2
        April 23 2016 12: 46
        Personal dislike seems to have been his motive
  16. -1
    April 23 2016 10: 48
    But how did it happen that Lenin in fact foresaw the future

    Foreseen yes lol
    [quoteulinin: Brotherhood. Elimination of the police, army, bureaucracy]

    Less than a year later, he was already screaming in horror at the defense against the German imperialists and did not recall fraternization.
    And the army brought back the draft, and the police, and bureaucracy many times bigger more than under the "imperialists" (it was necessary to supervise the "irresponsible, in his words, people) and private property, and gave half of the country as a concession to the "accursed imperialists". This is a complete collapse of Lenin's theory.
  • 0
    April 23 2016 10: 51
    Birthday V AND LENIN is a memorable day for everyone who remembers the fact that he is a CITIZEN OF RUSSIA.
  • The comment was deleted.
  • +2
    April 23 2016 11: 26
    Ten similarities between Lenin and Yeltsin. 1 - both destroyed the empires, one Soviet, the other Russian. 2 - both gave the territory, one all "republics", the other Poland and Finland. 3-both relied on local nationalism, one “created” national republics, laying a mine under the USSR, in other words, “take sovereignty as much as you like” brought the country to the brink of war. 4-both worked for foreigners, one for American money given by the Germans, the other for the same money, but going directly. 5-both worked under the overseers, one with Parvus, the other with Chubais. 6-both gave the country as a concession to foreigners, one in the 20s, the other in the 90s. 7-both had strange attempts on their own life, one received "three bullets with poison", the other was thrown off the bridge. Neither the poison worked, nor did he break his legs, miracles. 8 - both had associates of the liberals, which caused a wild mess in the country. whites will come, rob, well, where will the peasant go. " 9-both during their lifetime promised a lot, one-that we will poop on ash ttyh toilets, the second is to live better than in America. Everything remained noodles on the ears of the people. Much can still be compared, but another interesting point is that both during their lifetime heard "Alillah and Hosanna", and after death, screams "crucify him."
    1. -1
      April 23 2016 12: 05
      Tambov Wolf, write, in what place did Lenin promise gold toilets? And why the hell did Russia surrender these Poland and Finland, which in fact already before Lenin became independent. Lenin only approved de jure what happened de facto. You have a very free interpretation of events in isolation from the realities of the then life.
      1. -2
        April 23 2016 14: 53
        ... it was Lenin who gave Finland "free" and ... got a war ..
    2. +1
      April 23 2016 12: 14
      Tambov Wolf! 11.26. Well what a bullshit! How Lenin ruined the country if the empire began to bring down without him? What did Lenin pass? Lenin himself called the Brest peace shameful! If Lenin worked for foreign money, then in which banks were they stored and how much did Ilyich get rich? Parvus is a swindler like Chubais. Gave a concession! But then they returned everything. And if Lenin sold himself for foreign money, then why did the Bolsheviks so eagerly collect the Russian Empire, and not trade it?
  • +2
    April 23 2016 11: 40
    Quote: Tambov Wolf
    Ten similarities between Lenin and Yeltsin.

    You have a mess in your head. These "similarities" are fundamental differences. Yeltsin did not suit, but “covered” not the “collapse of the state,” but the counter-revolution. Yeltsin and the Yeltsinists are also internationalists, only Lenin viewed Russia as the base of the world communist revolution, and the Yeltsinists as a raw material resource for world capital (the West).
    By the way, Yeltsin also has a "mausoleum".
    1. +5
      April 23 2016 11: 46
      Read carefully, "comrade". I wrote about mausoleums and centers. And you have a mess in your head. But these are the costs of the current education. Yes, and who sat in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, where the USSR was destroyed, can you tell me? This is about "covering".
      1. 0
        April 23 2016 12: 13
        What do you dislike? Communism does not like, capitalism does not suit. Lenin is bad, Yeltsin, who returned capitalism, is also a scoundrel. You already decide. It seems that after the 91st they returned both private property and the possibility of supposedly free non-ideological development of the person, as it has become fashionable to say, and going over the hill (with money), and imported clothes and churches. And you all are missing something. I thought people like you should praise the 91st counter-revolution.
        1. +3
          April 23 2016 21: 43
          I thought that the abbot, but turned out to be a monk in blue trousers. We do not need revolutions and counter-revolutions, but the normal stage-by-stage development of the country. Not "reforms", but an ordinary normal life, not survival. How long can we experiment with people? You will live with mine, you will understand. The whole life is in "experiments, starting with the death of Stalin. And some, read our history.
  • +1
    April 23 2016 11: 54
    Yeah, really. Reading the comments it is impossible to abandon the idea that all of these, * anti-Bolsheviks * * anti-Leninists * and * anti-Stalinists * in one team. Their arguments * against * are very similar, from the Jewishness of the BOLEVIKI to the genocide or general rape there. Hey * anti-Bolsheviks *, as you are in the company of the Nazis, racists, Zionists and others.
    1. +2
      April 23 2016 12: 02
      Are you so sure that you are not from this company? Racists and Zionists, dispossession did not suit and did not blow up churches, that you dragged them here and the Nazis drowned their name, doesn’t it remind of anything? All fanatics are the same, so you and the Nazis have a lot more in common than mine.
      1. +1
        April 23 2016 12: 10
        What name are you talking about? Perhaps the National Socialists? All? Tell me, dear, why then were Marx, and Engels, and Lenin banned in the Third Reich under such "socialists"? Why did private property and foreign capital continue to exist under such "socialists"? You are trying by manipulation, grabbing the name, to put an equal sign. Despite the fact that for Hitler there was no enemy worse than the communists. Why then did he destroy them before the Jews in Germany?
        1. +1
          April 23 2016 12: 44
          Well, against the background of the psychological trauma of the German people, two kinds of fanatics fought for power, history goes in zigzags, but there is one general direction, would the Reds come to power in Germany, what would be? , in general, the same thing would kill a bunch of people and fight forward, only the slogans have changed, well, no matter who would kill Jews.
      2. +1
        April 23 2016 12: 28
        Cardboard! 12.02. It racists and Zionists do not dekulakize and do not destroy religion? And who in the USA in the 30s confiscated gold under pain of criminal liability? Who in the USA in the 30s launched the families of American farmers around the world? And during the conquest of America did not destroy the local religion? But what about today's US agricultural bill banning the cultivation of plants and animals for the purpose of exchange and sale?
        1. +2
          April 23 2016 12: 38
          I know that I live in Russia and the United States is not going to migrate, what happened there specifically with American farmers is not in the know, they somehow don’t particularly complain now, so this is your passage past the cash register.
    2. -3
      April 23 2016 12: 36
      Quote: Vasily50
      . Hey * anti-Bolsheviks *, as you are in the company of Nazis, racists, Zionists

      Why did you show such a small team? In the ANTI-Bolshevik team: socialists, social democrats, liberals, democrats, republicans, monarchists, conservatives and reformers, etc. of all countries and peoples. In a word, EVERYTHING except the commies themselves. All of them, by the way, sharply condemned and condemn the Nazis and racists (see UN resolutions). But in the team "Bolsheviks-Bolsheviks, Bolsheviks and again ... Bolsheviks. Not enough somehow. How do you- alone?
    3. 0
      April 23 2016 13: 23
      Quote: Vasily50
      Yeah, really. Reading the comments it is impossible to abandon the idea that all of these, * anti-Bolsheviks * * anti-Leninists * and * anti-Stalinists * in one team. Their arguments * against * are very similar, from the Jewishness of the BOLEVIKI to the genocide or general rape there. Hey * anti-Bolsheviks *, as you are in the company of the Nazis, racists, Zionists and others.

      This is true, but not completely. The bottom line is that "anti-Bolsheviks" are Nazis, racists, Zionists, etc.
      The Communists (and the Bolsheviks after the April turn completely break with the old Social Democracy) essentially oppose only one economic system-capitalism, only one worldview-capitalist.
      But Nazism, Zionism, just like liberalism, social democracy, neoliberalism, etc. are different variations of the ideology of bourgeois society, there is a difference between them, but by and large it is of little significance, all of these variations are one and the same same.
      Racism is not ideology, but one of the key properties of capitalist society. Without racism, Western capitalism could not even have appeared. In some bourgeois ideologies, for example, in fascism, racism comes to the fore, in some, for example, in social democracy - almost invisible. But on the whole it is an inherent property inherent in capitalism.
      1. +5
        April 23 2016 13: 29
        These are five, all who disagree with us are subject to destruction, cheers comrades!
        1. -1
          April 23 2016 14: 06
          Quote: Cartalon
          These are five, all who disagree with us are subject to destruction, cheers comrades!

          From what do you, dear comrade, draw such a strange conclusion? Where in my post is there even a word about the destruction of anyone? And where is "all"? Are all people in the world ideological supporters of capitalism? No. such in the world is an absolute minority. Capitalism is the dominant socio-economic formation in today's world, but this does not at all make people ideological supporters of capitalism.
          However, such a hysterically ridiculous reaction to the presentation of elementary things in principle is quite indicative.
          1. 0
            April 23 2016 14: 13
            Firstly, I’m not your friend, secondly, you have just equated all those who disagree with you in one group of your enemies, and what faithful Leninists do with enemies is common knowledge, and capitalism is just a natural form of economic relations between people, and your experiments do not work and will not work when.
            1. -1
              April 23 2016 15: 29
              Quote: Cartalon
              Firstly, I’m not your friend

              It’s a pity, but then I don’t know how to contact you, since we do not have masters or slaves, the word “master” disappears. smile
              Quote: Cartalon
              secondly, you have just called all those who disagree with you into one group of your enemies

              These are your fantasies, dear friend, and I just explained it to you. I will show tediousness and explain again.
              The rhetoric about "executions", "enemies" belongs only to you and is clearly a reflection of your state of mind and your complexes. I only explained to dear Vasily50 that Nazis, liberals, Zionists are only varieties of the ideology of bourgeois society and therefore they oppose the ideologies of a socialist society, just like, for example, they oppose the ideologies of a pre-capitalist society (traditional, western feudal, etc.).
              For example, monarchists are one of the ideologies of traditional pre-capitalist society, and they also oppose any forms of bourgeois ideology just like the communists.
              This is all, excuse me, very simple facts that you simply do not understand.
              Quote: Cartalon
              and capitalism is just a natural form of economic relations between people

              In order to be a supporter of capitalism, you need to know what it is. I will try to explain to you, dear friend.
              1) There are no "natural" forms of economic relations in principle. Only natural conditions can be natural, and any form of economic relations is a phenomenon of culture, not nature.
              2) Capitalism is a form of socio-economic relations that appeared in Europe in the 16th century and is based on two key ideas.
              a) Man is perceived as an independent, "atomized" individual, he is separated from other people and from God
              b) Since a person becomes an exceptionally rational being, any "general ideas" are rejected and profit becomes the only regulator of economic activity.
              It is easy to see that this means a break with the entire previous history of mankind. Therefore, if we talk about "naturalness", then capitalism is absolutely "unnatural". It is not for nothing that the society it replaces and which it opposes is called "traditional".
              Quote: Cartalon
              and your experiments do not work and will not work when.

              Socialism is not "our experiments", but a socio-economic structure of society other than capitalism, and it works great, how a slave-owning society works, capitalism itself works, and so on.
              The difference between them is not that one "works" and the other "does not work." The difference is in their essence, for the goals they set.
  • +2
    April 23 2016 12: 15
    I think there were mistakes made by Lenin, including the policy of war communism, during the interim government they suggested that the tsar leave, but in other countries they did not want to accept him, for the Bolsheviks he was a burden. It is a pity for his children, but such was the time. The English head was chopped off as in France during the Civil War.
  • +1
    April 23 2016 13: 08
    The April theses, of course, are simply a brilliant text, they simultaneously foresee the future and create it.
    Unfortunately, there is one significant mistake in the article - Stalin was just the first of the prominent Bolsheviks supporting April theses. And so the article is good, accurate.
    1. +4
      April 23 2016 13: 58
      Yes, in England and in France, kings were also executed. In France, the Queen was seized. Only in these countries are they proud of their revolutions, because the Netherlands and the English Revolution determined the development of the 18th century, the Great French Revolution - the 19th century, and the Great Russian Revolution had a decisive influence on the 20th century. The world has become different - capitalism has begun to reckon with people's opinions, has become socially oriented, the colonial world has collapsed, trade unions and the labor movement have developed.
  • +4
    April 23 2016 13: 09
    For me, Lenin is an enemy.
  • +1
    April 23 2016 14: 33
    Quote: siberalt
    It turns out that at the first stage of building the state, Lenin also managed "manually". But he had at least "theses". winked

    as well as old syphilis ..
  • +1
    April 23 2016 17: 01
    Quote: avva2012
    Quote: ver_ And Ulyanov-Lenin did not die from a bullet, by the way he had old syphilis ..

    Do not remind, but what are the names of dirty linen lovers?

    Quote: avva2012
    Quote: ver_ And Ulyanov-Lenin did not die from a bullet, by the way he had old syphilis ..

    Do not remind, but what are the names of dirty linen lovers?

    ..this kind of people are called stubborn Leninists ..
  • +1
    April 23 2016 17: 05
    Quote: Tambov Wolf
    Yes, and who met in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, where the USSR was destroyed, can you tell?

    I will give you a hint. The USSR collapsed much earlier, when there was a bourgeois degeneration of the top. By the early 1980s, if not earlier, almost everything in the USSR had been "captured". It only remained to consolidate these "conquests". To do this, it was necessary to start creating everyday difficulties for the people and start the "democratic process". No serious people sat in Pushcha. The imitation of the "putsch" was carried out in order to show the "popular" character of the "perestroika" movement, but even earlier Gorby and his Politburo, in a directive manner, launched the process of increasing "national identity" and discrediting the USSR Armed Forces. On a command from the Kremlin, the country crumbled so that the party's active could grab the tasty morsels of public property. In 1998, the "seven bankers" finally buried the possibility of a return to socialism. What does Lenin have to do with it? The fact that Yeltsin, Shushkevich and Kravchuk surfaced for a while is pure coincidence. Now we clearly see who reached the final and is in power. The counter-revolution won not in August 1991, but in August 1998, during the very brief "premiership" of Kiriyenko.
    1. +1
      27 September 2016 16: 58
      Part 1

      Hello dear "iouris"!

      Sorry, I don’t know your name, there are probably serious reasons to hide it ...

      As for the persons and personalities that have collapsed the USSR, you are mostly right, but not in everything!
      In my personal opinion, the SVD (Warsaw Pact Countries) / 1989 and the USSR itself / 1991, "was destroyed by the rotten top of the KGB" ...

      Well, figures like Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Shushkevich, Kravchuk were just "dolls that were pulled by strings" smarter people who did not want to stick out and show their real influence and power ... All (citizens born, raised and worked in the USSR) now they scold and curse only these "above-mentioned Judas" by me, forgetting the REAL HISTORICAL FACT that the collapse of the Socialist Countries and the USSR itself,
      -prepared and carried out in 10-15 years, starting the process of the TOTAL DECAY of the USSR and the SVD from the half of the 70s, when the top of the KGB, through the CIA leadership, "sniffed" the true rulers of the West (financiers, members of secret clubs and communities).

      This opinion is supported by statements, articles and interviews in Czechoslovakia of the late socialist and then capitalist dissident Miroslav Doleysha, who, when describing the events of the Velvet Revolution in the CSFR on November 17, 1989, points to documentary facts of the preparation and implementation of the Velvet Revolution itself by the Czechoslovak secret by the police SHTB (Staff Security / State Security) under the leadership of the KGB !?
      There are originals in Czech and translations in Slovak languages ​​and some translations into Russian, which are in Russia no one wants to print for some reason !?[/B]

      And to one simple question posed by Miroslav Doleyshi, there is no logical answer from anyone from the supporters of "PEOPLE REVOLUTIONS THAT OVERHEAD THE oppression of the communist dictatorship" in 1989 in the Socialist countries and then in 1991 in the USSR. And it was just in 1991 and then in 1998 just asked:
      - You can imagine that in 1989. in all socialist countries starting from Romania (by shooting Nicolau Ceausescu and his wife Elena),
      there were one after another "DEMOCRATIC coups", which ended with a coup in the GDR and the DESTRUCTION of the "Berlin Wall",
      that ALL THESE events happened on their own, without the control and leadership of the communist special services in cooperation with Western special services?

      Miroslav Doleyshi argued that Vaclav Klaus was an agent of the STB (state security of the CSFR), for which in Czechoslovakia, opponents and new democratic leaders called him a "liar"!

      By the way, now in the summer of 2016 in the media slipped clearly unnoticed data that in Poland, the first president Lech Walesa, CALLED [b] "AGENT of the communist Polish State Security"
      based on declassified documents !!!

      By the way, in 1989, as an example of what would happen to those communist leaders who would not agree to play along with the "People's Revolutions" and would not surrender their power to the NEW REVOLUTIONERS, broadcasting FREEDOM from totalitarianism and communists, they shot the implacable Stalinist Ceausescu and his wife !!!
      Moreover, it is noteworthy that Ceausescu was not just a communist but a STALINIST, in 1988 Romania returned the last IMF loan and did not agree to destroy SOCIALISM in Romania.
      1. +1
        27 September 2016 17: 01
        Part 2

        By the way, his conclusions are supported by those well-known facts,
        that all former leaders of the communist parties, state security in all socialist countries
        - they HAD NOT CONFISCED their property.
        - ALL THEY received and are receiving state pensions and so on ...

        Very good facts for thought!

        So the "Democratic Revolutions" in the Socialist Countries of 1989
        were essentially "theatrical performances2 for naive
        and gullible citizens who wanted only the old Roman "bread and circuses" ...

        And the fact that all the Socialist countries after 1989, assured everyone in the East (USSR),
        that they will become "PEACEFUL NON-BLOCK COUNTRIES" in Eastern Europe and will
        "BRIDGE between West and East" ...

        And then all the former socialist countries together "rushed" to the EU and NATO,
        simultaneously calling for Moldova and Ukraine to enter there,
        and Georgia, and Azerbaijan, Armenia
        and Central Asian republics ...

        So what about the kind of "randomness and spontaneity" of all GOSPEREVOROTOV
        1989 and 1991, just ask the simple questions yourself:
        - Who benefits from this?
        - Why not?
        - What would happen if?

        And when you yourself give YOUR ANSWERS to them, then many "official
        stories and tales "about
        as oppressed by the communist dictatorship,
        citizens of the Socialist Countries and the USSR - have chosen "the bright path of democracy and freedom!"
        - you will seem "far-fetched" ...

        Translations into Russian of articles and interviews of Miroslav Doleici Mogu
        provide the curious.

        Links to originals in Czech and Slovak languages, I give below:

        1% C3% AD
        bodozednarskych-kruhu /
        h / 1.htm
        1. 0
          27 September 2016 17: 24
          As an example of the original thoughts of Miroslav Doleishigo, I will cite his words from the distant 191goda.

          TRANSLATION into Russian from the author:

          The loneliness of each of us is the logical result of the moral state of society and the successful demagogy of the ruling groups - this is, above all, the state from which we all must proceed, and in no case should we surrender to it.
          People first of all need a pattern for repetition, and only lonely individuals can provide this pattern to them.
          Only in this case there is hope that at least a few of them will get rid of the fear that prevents them from defending their personal views.
          Separation of society is the goal of political manipulation.
          But all the same, frightened and disoriented people cannot be organized and combined.
          The organization of a frightened crowd is impossible.
          The goal of social resistance and opposition should be assumed by everyone.

          Source: Politics Weekly, Prague, 1991.

          Miroslav Dolejsi
  • +3
    April 23 2016 17: 24
    Who are you the author of this propaganda article? Never handle such a dirty job again. This topic is too tough for you. The theme of the October Revolution, the USSR, their significance in world history and the role of such figures as Lenin and Stalin is too serious. To derogate from the significance of the USSR means depriving not only the peoples of the former USSR, but also the entire world of history and hope for the future.
    By the way, Lenin always said that Soviet Russia was the most advanced country in the socialist sense, although as a Marxist he assessed Russia's level of readiness for communism as insufficient due to the underdevelopment of capitalist relations. In this sense (in the sense of readiness for a socialist revolution, the maturity of the working class), he quite rightly regarded Germany as the most advanced country. Lenin wrote that after the victory of the socialist revolution in Germany, Soviet Russia will again become a backward country in a socialist sense. I think it’s gone calling it a national betrayal. Or this indicates a lack of knowledge of the theory of Marxism among people who were communists, or rather, members of the CPSU.
    The problem is that Lenin, Stalin and other politicians of that era are estimated by modern standards. This is impossible stupidity. If only because a few years ago Lenin found an account in a Swiss bank in the amount of something about 100 Swiss francs. After Stalin, there were only a jacket and boots.
    1. +6
      April 23 2016 18: 55
      ... but already in our time they found a safe in the Kremlin "zakazniks", it turned out when they opened it, it belonged to Sverdlov in it several passports, money, jewelry .. He died suddenly and, apparently, was thrown into the warehouse. The fallback had ..
  • +3
    April 23 2016 19: 25
    In addition to the "April Theses", Lenin wrote a lot ... Read, dear, a small volume of research by the writer Soloukhin, which is called "Reading Lenin". I recommend it ventilates the brains well. But there Soloukhin "hooked" only one volume No. 36 of the complete collection of WORKS OF THIS GREAT LITERATOR OF ALL TIMES AND PEOPLES. It would be nice to read Sitnikov's "If only for flowers, but not for frosts." Where is the life of the Vyatka peasant, of the entire Vyatka peasantry and of the people in general, to whom the GREAT LITERATOR WRITTEN life under STATE CAPITALISM is described. No clue. So with Lenin-STATE CAPITALISM!
  • +3
    April 23 2016 19: 58
    Quote: avva2012
    Lenin, unlike balabolov, set tasks, was not afraid to bring them to life, taking responsibility.

    ..that he only poured blood with the wrong hands, and did not bear any responsibility for his deeds, King Herod ..
  • -2
    April 23 2016 20: 27
    From world history.
    The first socialist state in Paraguay lasted 30 years. Leninist state 70. And now the ideas of Marx and Lenin do not think to die.
  • 0
    April 24 2016 13: 51
    Come on guys, bring down yours:
    You are better aware of all their weaknesses!
    You didn’t know the enemies, not knowing now -
    So throw the Memory out like trash out the door;
    Grab the sledgehammers, take the kyle
    To destroy the past, feeding your evil ...
    It is only to the joy of a distant, alien,
    But is this sweet of the Fatherland Smoke?
    Are you, on intelligence, risking everything?
    Culture scraps scattered topics
    They hide nature in the arms of sin -
    Confidence barking to doubts of deaf!
    Destroy the pyramids of houses into dust
    And castles scrap, will become a paradise of suckers ...
    The nightingales do not honor the painted feathers:
    The Jungle will cure you - they will devour you “your own”.