Big problems of "small democracy"


So, about the visit of the Polish Foreign Minister to Minsk again. As it turned out: everything is much more interesting than originally reported. And the article on “VO” was that supposedly the dad wanted to “feel”, but it stood like a rock. However, everything is not so good: why does Alexander Lukashenko activate the negotiations in the western direction at all? What is the purpose? The answer is simple and banal: the Belarusian economy is in a severe crisis and there is no way out of it. Unemployment is terrible, warehouses crammed, prices are rising, well, in general, the whole set of problems of the unreformed post-Soviet economy.

Although, of course, I am not a “leading dog breeder” and an economic expert, I must say that the problems of the Belarusian economy today are not solvable in principle. Too late, and too harsh winds today are raging over our planet: they even write about the catastrophic situation in the Japanese (!) Economy. Japanese! Which even 20 years ago was a symbol of absolute superiority and efficiency. But times have changed. In the EU, a terrible crisis is raging, and hungry Greeks jump out of the vents, as in the old Soviet propaganda. The future of a monster like Deutsche Bank is not clear. Absolutely not clear. In France, there are mass demonstrations of protest against cuts in social sphere (and yes, now there is a working day, they want to introduce 12 hours! 60 hours per week.). The United States is immersed in the election campaign and internal problems (unsolvable).

And then suddenly - Belarus! Which last 25 years, in fact, did not do a damn thing in the field of economic reform. Somehow it's too late to start doing something now. The train left, the rails were scrapped, and the station was broken down into bricks. And here Alexander Rygorych preoccupied: what to do with this very economy and where to get money for life. These are, of course, very good, correct and competent questions, but you had to ask them much earlier. Then, when the world economy has not yet rushed down. Now you can not worry: no one will give money. Now everyone is somehow beginning to actively engage in "self-rescue" and investment in weapon, stew and gold. Times, you know, difficult.

The problem is that for Lukashenko the economy is something secondary, auxiliary, something that should provide a resource for the authorities. At one time, he considered all Russian offers to buy Belarusian enterprises solely through the prism of maintaining control over the situation in the country, and then sell everything to the Russians - how are Belarusians to control then? As we all understood: in the last six months or a year, the final definition of mutual relations between Moscow and Minsk took place, and Mr. Lukashenko from Russia will no longer have any more goodies from Russia. All run out of buns.

But the economy of Belarus is deep subsidized and unprofitable, and in itself can not survive (in principle, even ukrainian was much more adequate). And Alexander Rygorych goes in search of money. An interesting person thinks: he is not trying to reform the country and its economy so that it earns its living for itself, it is looking for a “sponsor” for its unique system of “market socialism”. Such a theory in Belarus was developed, in which case there will be a mass of people willing to sponsor it, for example, the same China. The conditions are fabulous: in exchange for unlimited economic assistance, Mr. Lukashenko is ready to engage in "partisan" and amateur activities, as well as regularly and tastefully "bear the brain" to the sponsor. How can you not be interested?

And it is time (with Russia the pots are broken) to test this interesting theory in practice. I will not say anything about China, but what about the Polish minister? Vashchikovsky! In Belarus, "trampled down" in full. Naturally, the Polish leadership is aware of the direst economic situation of the eastern neighbor, of course, it is not going (and is not able to) to solve the problems of Minsk. And why? But to play political games is the thing. Byelorussian diplomacy, apparently, is taking its very first independent steps. And if it were not for the crisis, then this very revitalization would have not been for a very long time. But urgently need money. Therefore - a meeting. So, what is the Poles interested in Belarus? Yes, nothing! Tractors and potatoes they have enough for their eyes, and still remains. There is nothing for Belarus to be interested in itself by a respected Polish partner.

And, by the way, the Father has already skipped a long time ago: in negotiations with foreign partners, such as Slovenia, he especially rests on the fact that his country is part of the EurAsEC / EAEU. That his country is the gateway to this very market. So straight text and says, do not hesitate anyone. I have often heard something about the “preserved” Lukashenko industry of Belarus. But it is absolutely not interesting to anyone in Europe, even considering the Eurasian market. Do not need it. People are not interested in something produce in Belarus. Only transit to Russia. These are our pies. But transit, unlike production, creates very few jobs, just a miser, although it is over-enriching individual individuals.

Recently, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus expressed in the spirit that Belarus lost a billion dollars due to the mutual sanctions of Russia and the EU (we somehow already consider our trade with Europe more in euros, but ok) But why lost? Why? Why she did not replace these same goods in the Russian market? These are food products, the production of which the Belarusians are so proud of, and here is the opportunity! Once in 100 years, the opportunity is given. But the Belarusian economy continued to fall ... And it is strange. Does not comply with statements about "saved agriculture". And why do the Belarusians (like the Ukrainians) consider everything to be “dollyar”?

Once again: let's say, Lukashenko has kept the industry, but why is she not involved in working schemes (for industrial goods, there is also a “divorce” with Europe)? Exporting Belarusian peaches and oysters to Russia does not provide work for turners and mechanics of Minsk factories, Belarusian farmers, by the way, also leaves out of work. Not only Russians suffer from “gray schemes”, but above all Belarusians themselves - transit trucks whistle past them, but they themselves remain with empty pockets. So who is cheating here? Russian or Belarusians, too? The “gray supplies” of europroducts are not exactly what millions of workers in the Republic of Belarus can provide with work. Simply organizing a working, efficient production is very difficult, organizing “gray schemes” is much easier.

Big problems of "small democracy"

So in politics: Warsaw is absolutely uninterested in the “small democracy” of its eastern neighbor (Lukashenko feared that he would be reproached for the “magnitude of democracy”). Polish politicians are concerned about the “big game” against Russia, it is here that their current interests are concentrated. And this is exactly what the so-called negotiations ended: a Polish-Belarusian peace initiative in Ukraine suddenly appeared. And I must say that the situation around Ukraine and the Minsk agreements is approximately the following: Ukraine has signed them, but does not fulfill them and is not going to carry them out. And the western partners of Ukraine were in an extremely uncomfortable situation: they could not provide what they pledged to provide in Minsk.

Many people are not fully aware of this, but the situation for France and Germany is extremely unpleasant: the people of Kiev, in fact, hold them for “suckers.” Cynical Kiev politicians (and there were no other sprouts there) took advantage of the naivety of the “European Strategists” and threw them into this scandalous history with non-enforceable Minsk agreements. And it turns out that the artists of Kiev's Vlady have to pay up quite decent and respected politicians from Berlin and Paris. Once again: the situation around Donbass today beats primarily in Germany, and not in Russia at all. The Germans have to get out and try to explain why their wards from Ukraine do not want to fulfill their obligations. And arrogance Kiev politicians do not hold.

Americans in the face of Obama elegantly jumped from the Ukrainian tram. Everything is no longer their problem. Learn, gentlemen, how to do big politics! The French are more and more moving away from Kiev subjects: they have their own problems. Who left? That's right, the Germans and Merkel ... The salvation for them would be a revision of the Minsk agreements and new negotiations. Frankly, it is also a very shameful option, but it is nevertheless better than today's deaf dead end.

You understand what is the matter: Germany, at least nominally, is the leader of a united Europe and she, so to speak, is obliged to provide political leadership in solving the most important issues. Obliged to. But she can't. And her leadership is put into question. That is, for the Germans, the stakes in this game are much higher than Klitschko. And here comes the leader of the Republic of Belarus, with his "peace initiatives". A real gift of fate. Alexander Lukashenko somehow forgot that the position of Moscow on the Minsk agreements is unequivocal: their full implementation.

The problem with the leader of Belarus is precisely this: he is constantly trying to sell what does not belong to him, whether it is the Russian market (an order of magnitude more attractive than his own) or Moscow’s geopolitical interests in Ukraine. The reaction of the Kremlin followed immediately: it was, in particular, announced that the chassis for the C-400 would be ordered not at MZKT, but in Bryansk. Yes, exactly this is the consequences of a meeting with the Polish minister and subsequent “peace initiatives”. New peace talks are desperately needed by Berlin, but not by Moscow, which is why Russian politicians have become infuriated upon learning about these “initiatives” (judging by the lightning-fast and very tough reaction).

By the way, why should MZKT be Russian in order to continue working? The answer is simple: the national security of the Russian Federation depends on it, and Russia is the only country that is ready to load it. So - no options. Or taxes in the Belarusian budget, investments (the Bryansk plant, by the way, will receive large financial injections), jobs. Or nothing. As a result, I fear MZKT will become a victim of big politics. Or rather, as the Russian ambassador to Belarus said, “human ambitions” (an extremely frank statement for a professional diplomat). And he certainly meant not only bilateral economic relations. A loud statement about the refusal of Almaz-Antey from the products of MZKT followed just after that very “historic meeting”.

It turns out that the Republic of Belarus has no right to conduct its own foreign policy? Surely someone from Belarus will ask about this. No, it certainly has. However, at the meeting with the Poles, the President of Belarus had every right to discuss all aspects of the Belarusian-Polish relations. But, as we already understood, in itself RB is of no interest to very few people. Neither its market, nor its Soviet industrial giants, nor its policy (wise and peace-loving) is particularly needed by anyone in Europe. But using it for anti-Russian games is a different matter. This is a world-class policy. For everything in this life you have to either pay or pay. So, in order to draw attention to his beloved and to his money problems, Lukashenka makes a "knight's move": he once again gives up Russian geopolitical interests.

So such a small but very important request: do not make commercial / political operations around what you do not own. This is what usually causes a very tough and extremely hostile reaction. Do Belarusians need to survive somehow? Well, firstly, these are their problems, and secondly - as a result of the “historic meeting” with the Polish minister alone, Belarus lost tens of millions of Russian rubles and thousands of jobs. Is going to yasnovelmozhny Pan Vashchinsky how to somehow compensate for these losses? Very much doubt. Much has been said about the fact that Lukashenko provided and intends to provide any "services" there to the West. So to say, in order to "melt the ice" in mutual relations. Well, in principle, his sovereign right, as pan president.

The tragedy is that according to the big Hamburg score he has nothing to offer: there is a tractor and potatoes in Germany, surprisingly enough. There is nothing in this small Eastern European country that could seriously interest the West. But the big anti-Russian game in Ukraine is a different matter. Hence the very “initiatives”, without the promotion of which this meeting could simply not have taken place. It is necessary to assess the level of European diplomacy: without spending a eurocenta on Belarus, they forced her to take, in fact, an anti-Russian position on a very important issue.

Someone will tell me that in Belarus there is not only a tractor and potatoes, but also the IT industry. For God's sake! This is exactly what “small Belarus” needs, this is exactly what the doctor prescribed. If Lukashenka personally took up the promotion of this industry in foreign markets, it would be great (although maybe not). In any case, the ten million population will not feed it. And just the foreign policy of Minsk (along with the economy) clearly demonstrates that the sovereignty of Belarus is quite conditional: foreign politicians come to Minsk, strangely enough, for some reason to discuss the problems of interaction with Russia, such as “penetration” of its market or impact on its foreign policy.

And as we all understand, Moscow has not transferred to Minsk the authority to discuss such issues and is not going to transfer. It turns out: the “Belarusian oysters” from the back door, then geopolitics from the back door ... And what about something of its own in Belarus? In principle, nothing surprising: even the forty-five million Ukraine was interesting to the EU much less than access to the Russian market through it, and when customs barriers for Ukrainian goods were raised, the EU finally lost interest in Ukraine. The tragedy of the Ukrainian "European integration" was just in the implicit involvement of Russia in it. And as soon as Russia finally “divorced” Ukraine, interest in the latter fell to almost zero.

The idea was exactly what: if we cannot go directly to Russia and start promoting our color “projects” there, we go to Ukraine (which is Russia, but where they let us go) and develop our subversive activities there against Russia ( geopolitical competitor). The idea of ​​Maidan was in many ways that the infection would go to the east. Ukrainians are actively inspired that they are not Russian, but in many ways the idea is to provoke the fall of dominoes (one cultural environment). Ukraine’s value, paradoxically, was that this was the part of big Russia where foreign agents felt completely free. And when many famous Russian artists declare support for the ideas of Maidan - do not be surprised, this was how it was planned.

As soon as it became clear that the Russians were psychologically “fenced off” from the Ukrainians and their political ideals, the meaning of these “special operations” disappeared. What do we have next? Foreign agents are still logged in to Russia. They are not welcome here. And they need to work. And here we have the Republic of Belarus with its unsolvable economic problems ... Here are Western diplomats and reached for Minsk. For some reason, Belarusians persistently engage in self-deception: they have options and they are interesting both to the west and east. In fact, everything is not so good: their country is interesting to the West only as a springboard for an offensive against Russia. Would you like to live on a beachhead?

The last two years in Kiev in power are frank puppets of the West, so, how much money has the West invested there? Quite a bit, and in fact his people are sitting in Kiev. And yet. Hoping that Alexander Grigorievich will “cheat” Western diplomats and get a lot of money in return without doing anything, I would not. Rather, everything will be just the opposite: Belarus will do a lot of “homework” and provide a lot of “services”, thereby completely spoiling relations with Russia and collapsing the economy, but will not receive in return absolutely nothing. That is why in recent times Russia has quietly begun to “fence off” from Belarus, as from a country with incomprehensible political perspectives and priorities.

And yes, about the peace and the categorical reluctance to “grab” with anyone: the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) caused an extremely restrained reaction of all world leading players: streamlined calls for peace were made from both Moscow and Washington. Is that Erdogan distinguished himself, but he had nothing to lose (burned a beard, do not cry for the skullcap). It seems that Belarus has nothing to lose too: the statement of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Belarus on the conflict in Karabakh caused a diplomatic scandal with Armenia (an ally of Belarus in the CSTO). One would like to ask a question that has become classic: “What is this - stupidity or treason?”.

Aleksandr Grigorievich turned out to be an amazingly talented politician - he, the leader of a small state, turns out to have interests across our planet and everywhere they overlap with the interests of Russia: Belarus did not support us in Syria, because suddenly it turned out to have commercial interests in the countries of the Persian Gulf, and even in Transcaucasia, things are not as straightforward as we would like ... And if you recall (no, not Ukraine) -Kyrgyzstan , and the crisis is there, and Lukashenko’s “perpendicular to the Kremlin” policy, then involuntarily clutch his head: guys, maybe Belarus his political bloc to create (cozy such a "homemade")? Just think: Lukashenko did not intend to send Belarusian soldiers to Kyrgyzstan, under any circumstances (this is prohibited by law), he was not going to give Bishkek money (he himself didn’t have). Nevertheless, he actively expressed his position and led a policy across Moscow course.

And when the interests of the state extend from Central Asia to the Caucasus and the Persian Gulf, then this is clearly if not a global player, then at least a regional player. And, as you know, the great powers do not participate in alliances - they create them.
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  1. +17
    April 16 2016 09: 38
    Old Man and ours and yours as usual! Well, you will not sit on two chairs! And after all, he asks for money every year.
    1. +33
      April 16 2016 10: 04
      Quote: Error
      Is it stupidity or treason? ” Yes, he doesn’t see the edges after the election

      This is the most natural stupidity, a smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and fool on his own, territory 404 sets a fine example for him, and the priest is glad that the sanctions were lifted from him, they threw the carrots, so to speak, and he swallowed contented, oh, I don’t want to be a seer or vigilant, but at least the batian will have stronger eggs, but he he can repeat the fate of Yanukovosch and then he won’t have to shout: Save Russia. The old man did everything himself so that they would turn his back on him. Don’t shake the country, Batya, the West has never just given anything to anyone, it hasn’t given anyone, it will all come back to haunt.
      1. +4
        April 16 2016 13: 16
        So the Belarusians simply hadn’t been brainwashed for 23 years! Ukrainians were also a hospitable people in the USSR, well, you can’t ignore it, there were always some banders there! It’s not known how it will happen if Old Man starts licking with the West, and what will come of it in ten to fifteen years ! So, as it turned out, we don’t have any brothers, and those that were .. could betray!
      2. +3
        April 19 2016 18: 01
        This is the most natural stupidity, a smart person learns from the mistakes of others. Yes, you’d better look at your government there, but some stupid oligarchs, headed by Putin.
    2. +12
      April 16 2016 10: 11
      thinking that thank God that God did not give a vigorous cow to the horns, otherwise Rygorych would do business, it’s better to play his government and not play with big uncles
      1. -9
        April 16 2016 11: 14
        There is nothing worse than being between a rock and a hard place. And Belarus is in this position and is. What should be done in this case to avoid the inevitable? That's right, you need to try to jump from the anvil. And how to do it if you are kept by ticks? You need to make sure that ticks are not up to you. Which is what Lukashenko is doing with success, trying to push the west and Russia between their foreheads, thereby ensuring that both have no time for Belarus. Do not forget to ask them for money, without which the economy of Belarus will fall apart.
        But there is another option (of course, it is controversial) that all these meetings: with the Polish minister, and with Erdogan, and many of Lukashenka's statements are Putin's mouthpiece. With the help of Batka, Putin probes the situation in the West, having neither the desire nor the opportunity to meet with these odious personalities. And all the threats towards Lukashenka, this is just a game for the audience, so that the "fish" swallow the bait deeper. If this is true, then we will soon learn that Minsk tractors will still be supplied to our market. Putin has his own vision of this whole situation and we can hardly understand all of his plans.
        1. +2
          April 16 2016 11: 48
          There is nothing worse than being between a rock and a hard place. And Belarus is in this position and is.


          That's right, you need to try to jump from the anvil.

          But this will not work. For two reasons. First, Lukashenka has nothing to offer the West. There are no industries in Belarus that were seriously interested in Western "investors". Therefore, the only form in which Belarus is interested in the West is in the form of its neighbor - the maidan Ukraine. But Father does not want this. Secondly, without the cover of Russia, But Father will be devoured, the fate of Gaddafi and Saddam, I think, does not smile at him.
          Therefore, all father’s feints are spinning on a short leash. And the main task of this spin is to preserve the foundation of the Belarusian economy - industry.
          1. 0
            April 16 2016 13: 03
            Quote: alicante11
            There are no industries in Belarus that were seriously interested in Western "investors".

            But what about BelAZ, the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, petrochemical plants? Yes, even, just in order to deprive Russia of Minsk tractors, the West is ready to go to any tricks. So this question is not so simple.
            1. +5
              April 16 2016 13: 32
              But what about BelAZ, the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, petrochemical plants?

              I’m saying that these are trifles in comparison with the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and Antonov, and even no one began to capture them. Just stupidly destroyed.

              Yes, even in order to deprive Russia of Minsk tractors, the West is ready to go to any tricks

              The issue is debatable, but ... for this it is not necessary to seize the plant, it is enough to ruin it.
              1. 0
                April 16 2016 13: 41
                Quote: alicante11
                The issue is debatable, but ... for this it is not necessary to seize the plant, it is enough to ruin it.

                I had that in mind. Moreover, no one thinks about Belarus - the main thing is to make Russia worse. hi
      2. 0
        April 16 2016 13: 39
        The article is good, nice to read. The main motive is the distrust of the Republic, in my opinion, not unreasonable and mutual. If the author’s distrust did not turn into paranoia, then it would be possible to show the article to a normal public, but for the site it’s the most.
        And further.
        Quote: croche
        thinking that thank God that God did not give a vigorous cow to the horns, otherwise Rygorych would do business, it’s better to play his government and not play with big uncles

        Super. to the very point good
    3. +20
      April 16 2016 10: 57
      For a long time Belarusians had to be reunited as one with Russia. But father, as compensation, cut the land into the Far East under a model collective farm. He would be happy!
    4. +1
      April 16 2016 14: 12
      Quote: Error
      Old Man and ours and yours as usual! Well, you will not sit on two chairs!

      got these comments about chairs. Is there anything smarter than that? Man, would you at least read an article or something for a change
      Today, 09: 36

      Quote: Error
      Error Today, 09:38

      or just a plusor without his own opinion?
      1. 0
        April 16 2016 16: 04
        Quote: Pinky F.
        or just a plusor without his own opinion?

        Quote: Pinky F.
        Today, 14: 12

        Today, 14: 14

        Today, 14: 46

        Today, 15: 13

        Today, 15: 15
        1. +1
          April 16 2016 17: 40
          Quote: Corporal Valera
          Corporal Valera

          and why this chronology, Valera? I, in fact, about the plus-ogors who do not read the subject, if only "the first". This tee fits into that category.
          Publication time is 9.36.
          This pretzel got out with a comment (rather dumb) as early as 9.38.
          What's wrong, my dear?
  2. +11
    April 16 2016 09: 45
    One must always remember that the West has no friends, the West has interests. They can breed their "partners" as "sucker". Let's hope that Old Man understands this.
    1. +7
      April 16 2016 09: 56
      Quote: avvg
      One must always remember that the West has no friends, the West has interests. They can breed their "partners" as "sucker". Let's hope that Old Man understands this.

      We also need to remember that we do not have allies. In addition to the Army, Navy and Strategic Rocket Forces.
      1. +2
        April 17 2016 06: 18
        Quote: ele1285
        We also need to remember that we do not have allies. In addition to the Army, Navy and Strategic Rocket Forces.

        Gold words!!!
        Translated into an understandable language, it sounds like: For US ALL enemies.

        Russia has only 2 allies: Army and Navy !!!
        Which by the way is constantly claimed on this site as well.
        Accordingly, the rest are either enemies or a colony.
        Now a simple and logical question:
        RB - Army? - NO.
        RB - Fleet? - NO.
        Is RB a colony? - It seems like it’s not at all.
        What is left?
    2. +2
      April 16 2016 11: 06
      Yes, Maidan will be soon and it’s the end. In the West, multi-paths also work well. All for this there are right-wing nationals with their great history (they did not notice the revival of the stories about the great Litvinians) and language, (there are few of them, but they are active), a convulsing economy, bad Russians nearby and a European dream. What did this medicine lead to in Ukraine? Many Belarusians worked in Europe, many aspire there, doesn’t resemble anything? And yes, the handouts of the Chinese allude to an alternative to the European path. And help from Russia is the way it should be ...
    3. 0
      April 16 2016 15: 15
      Quote: avvg
      One must always remember that the West has no friends, the West has interests.

      very rational. Is that wrong?
      1. +2
        April 16 2016 15: 51
        Quote: Pinky F.
        very rational. Is that wrong?

        And rightly so! It’s just not clear why you are denying us this right. Why do we suddenly need to finance Old Man for free? Maybe he recognized Abkhazia and Ossetia? Maybe the accession of Crimea supported? Maybe allowed to build an air base? Maybe he is promoting the Russian world? Note that I'm not talking about financial gain, but only about moral support.
        1. -1
          April 16 2016 20: 08
          Quote: Corporal Valera
          And rightly so! It’s just not clear why you are denying us this right.

          who is it
          Quote: Corporal Valera

          And one more thing: xoxlov lying under the States with their institutions like the IMF, we are kicking for external management. Ok, that's it. They do not even try to hide that they are being manipulated.
          Old Man tried to make a good face with a bad game (I must say - he succeeded for the time being), poorly portraying independence and independence. Maidan burst out ... voila - a letter-maker, provides a platform for blah-blah, then the world overlord graciously lifts the sanctions, then the activation of the local "byalorus-tse-iurop" and a soft signal from Batka towards Moscow. And that's all for now. This method is about six hundred years old.
        2. 0
          April 17 2016 06: 31
          Quote: Corporal Valera
          Maybe he recognized Abkhazia and Ossetia?

          Price of recognition: closing the EU market and disconnecting from swift.
          Medvedev said that these are minor problems of Rygorich himself.
          Quote: Corporal Valera
          Note that I'm not talking about financial gain I say, but only about moral support.

          in my opinion someone whistles to put it mildly

          Quote: Corporal Valera
          Why do we suddenly need to finance Old Man for free?

          well, they would have stopped financing him back in 1996, when Chernomyrdin flew in to save him from impeachment with "money chumadans".
          They would send a collective farmer to his collective farm 20 years ago and would not fool their heads not for themselves not for Belarusians
          Well, or they would not have accepted him in the Eurasian Economic Community (EAC) in 2010.
          What's the problem?
      2. +3
        April 17 2016 06: 20
        Quote: Pinky F.
        Quote: avvg
        One must always remember that the West has no friends, the West has interests.

        very rational. Is that wrong?

        Just do not forget Russia.
        Russia has only 2 allies: Army and Navy !!!
        Which by the way is constantly claimed on this site as well.
        Accordingly, the rest who?
        Either enemies or a colony?
        It turns out like this.
        And then what is the difference from the west?
        1. -1
          April 17 2016 11: 22
          Well, if such allies are only in words that can fail at a dangerous moment, then these are not allies but temporary fellow travelers, but the Russian army and navy is our native.
          I would really not like the same thing to happen to Belarus as to Ukraine, but as if Lukashenko’s policy would not lead to this.
    4. +2
      April 17 2016 11: 01
      Well, at the expense of "partners" so these are the words of your leadership, Old Man does not call "them". And at the expense of "sucker" for comparison, they would give an example of your divorces (especially in the military-technical sphere). Now, apparently, Russia has had it, but reading these articles and comments there is a desire to remind Stalin's work "Dizzy with Success"
  3. +1
    April 16 2016 09: 47
    Is it stupidity or treason? ” Yes, he doesn’t see the edges after the election
    1. 0
      April 17 2016 06: 36
      Quote: Error
      Is it stupidity or treason? ”

      This stupidity is written in the article, because the writer will not be ludicrous for the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in such situations.
      The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus is always in favor of territorial integrity and the speedy cessation / de-escalation of conflicts.
      And Kosovo, by the way, also did not recognize.
  4. bad
    April 16 2016 09: 53
    very truthful and more than understandable .. recourse
    1. +2
      April 17 2016 06: 54
      Yeah, more than that.
      The many-folded Luka got himself under the hood, sold himself to the West and began to eat Russian-speaking babies. It is urgent that Belarusians and Belarusians be saved from him from Belarusians too, it will not hurt to save.

      Are you ready to build the Polotsk / Vitebsk People's Republic (, or is it too early?

      simple_rgb BY January 26 2016 05:36 | Minsk versus NATO: which is more important for Moscow, a business plan or an ally?
      What, has Rygorych already turned into a Bulba-Bandera?
      Respect! soldier
      And I said that the number of such articles will steadily increase.
      We need to look further, shyrshe and uglubit. smile

      li-soyuznik.html # comment-id-5488327)

      prosto_rgb(1) BY November 30, 2015 04: 49 ↑
      Quote: Sukhoy_T-50
      IMHO, it would be necessary to stop posting articles like this, which kindle hostility between Belarus and Russia. The author is not offended.
      The offer is sensible. And I for him with both hands !!!
      But. Alas.
      No need to be Baba Wang to make a simple prediction:
      The number of such articles will only increase.
      And it will end with the Bulbo-Bandera junta, which, under the leadership of Rygorich, is Russian-speaking babies.
      If anyone does not know Russian, the state language in Belarus.
      I hope that I am 100% mistaken in this forecast.

  5. +6
    April 16 2016 09: 55
    Everything in the article is somehow gloomy. It’s a pity they didn’t touch on this topic in the dialogue with Putin .. request Belarus and Russia about something to "swear" is the height of unreason, the last thing ..
    1. +9
      April 16 2016 10: 37
      The fact is that the Old Man thinks in terms of the chairman of the collective farm. Actually no one swears, you just need to finally decide, but he doesn’t want to decide. Either you are for us, or for them. There is no third. Belarus is not China and not India.
    2. +4
      April 16 2016 10: 46
      Everything is fine in the article, soon tomatoes from Belarus to Russia will go after the meeting in Turkey laughing
    3. +2
      April 16 2016 11: 00
      Belarus and Russia about something to "swear" is the height of unreason, the last thing .. ,,
      I don’t think he wanted to swear. But for some reason he decided that he could play big politics. And without Russia, he could only watch the cottage somewhere in the suburbs. Because in the west he would still be put in prison.
      1. -3
        April 17 2016 05: 44
        But, if Russia loses Belarus, then we will have a great kapets! I don’t understand something. What is the diplomatic corps doing with us? In addition to showing Lavrov in all forms, there is nothing more!
      2. 0
        April 17 2016 11: 32
        Quote: kotvov

        and without Russia, he can only look after the cottage, somewhere in the suburbs.

        In which he will run as soon as he is thrown as a result of his policy because, except in Russia, he will not be able to hide.

        PS. In Russia, there are already 2 such fugitives Akayev and Yanukovych.
  6. +3
    April 16 2016 09: 58
    Hello. We would live to see the time when this suitcase without a handle is already defined.
  7. +7
    April 16 2016 10: 01
    The Russian mistake has always been that giving money you need to claim it back and preferably with interest. The habit of the former republics to beg for money irrevocably remained, but we are not able to and do not want to build our economic platform based on our capabilities, where it’s easier to lend a hand ...
    1. +15
      April 16 2016 10: 47
      Quote: Wolverine
      The Russian mistake has always been that giving money you need to claim it back and preferably with interest ....

      Russian mistake?

      Yes, if we did this, we would certainly not be Russian .... Usury and Russianness are incompatible. Well, this at least needs to be understood.

      As for Lukashenka, he is one of those characters about whom they first say: "I can't say anything bad about him, but even less good." On closer examination - well, he does not make the impression of not only a wise leader, but also a prudent person. What he demonstrates on the outside creates the impression of bragging, arrogance, shortsightedness, country cunning and cunning emanating from the small-town kurkul-farmer. I am afraid that in international relations, especially in allies with Russia, he is projecting his experience as a successful chairman of a collective farm or state farm. It won't get you any good. I'm afraid that A.G. for a long time already set foot on the curve "independent" path. To be honest, sorry for the Belarusians. He always treated them with great sympathy.
      1. +12
        April 16 2016 11: 35
        Quote: hrapon
        Usury and Russianness are incompatible.

        Are Russianness and stupidity compatible? I don’t feel sorry for the last shirt for Belarusians, I just don’t want it to be resold, for example, to Poland. Did any of the ex-brothers gratefully recall forgiven loans, subsidies, discounts? Not! We are invaders all around. So giving money to the left should not be for thanks! It is necessary to tie the economies of other countries stronger, demand guarantees, including shares and interest. But when there will be a REALLY UNION state, then we can talk about gratuitousness. I treat Belarusians very warmly, but as practice shows, no one appreciates a freebie and with our money, buttsky of all calibers are growing nationalism and Russophobia. IMHO, this should not be!
      2. 0
        April 16 2016 23: 05
        "Usury and Russianness are incompatible." Do you propose to supply everyone with money according to the Soviet model?
        1. 0
          April 17 2016 10: 43
          Quote: ibirus
          "Usury and Russianness are incompatible." Do you propose to supply everyone with money according to the Soviet model?

          Before engaging in controversy, try from the beginning to simply understand what the addressee wrote. That being said, don't be ashamed of filling gaps in education. Just look in the dictionary for the letter "ry". Below, in alphabetical order:
          usury - the provision of cash loans at a very high percentage; in a broader sense - the extraction of illegal property benefits by concluding a bonded deal with the victim;
          Russianness - (synonym) - Orthodox
    2. 0
      April 16 2016 22: 50
      Totally agree with you.
  8. +12
    April 16 2016 10: 05
    One would like to ask a classic question: “Is this stupidity or treason?”

    Exactly what is it? Belarus alone cannot survive. Contacting the West is an example in the neighborhood. Remain neutral - the West will not. Wherever you throw - everywhere a wedge. There is only one way, but Lukashenko has already rejected it.
    1. 0
      April 16 2016 12: 00
      Quote: EvgNik
      There is only one way, but Lukashenko has already rejected it.

      Which Yevgeny Nikolaevich? And what exactly did he reject?
      1. +6
        April 16 2016 14: 52
        Quote: apro
        Which Yevgeny Nikolaevich? And what exactly did he reject?

        Go along with Russia, hold defense against the West together. Has he (Lukashenko) recently supported us at least once? Always either held a passive position, or supported the western. A trip to Turkey after Poroshenko says a lot. And when there was a summit of Islamic states. Looking for money? It is useless to ask Turkey (what did Poroshenko return with?). Apparently because of the position taken by Lukashenko, Russia refused to keep it further. Well, this is my opinion, maybe something else, but the truth is somewhere nearby.
        1. +2
          April 16 2016 16: 54
          Evgeny Nikolayevich, where does Russia actually go? What goals should it follow? Where does it invest? Where does it bring the public wealth? How does it develop its own production increases the welfare of its own people how to take care of the health of its own people how does it educate how to fight for law and order? Honestly speaking, comparing Belarus and Russia Lukashenko is more master in his own country than Putin, who verbally confronts the West and immediately brings them money tearing himself away from his own country, his whole struggle is bargaining on better conditions for the sale of energy resources. If Russia honestly pursued its policy of upholding the interests of the Russian world, then long ago Russia Belarus Ukraine reunited into a single state. What he did in Turkey is his state affair and it is not for me to judge him.
          And to go along with Russia is to fall apart your industry and agriculture for the sake of snickering oligarchs? To break your education and optimize health care to please Western recommendations?
    2. 0
      April 17 2016 06: 57
      Quote: EvgNik
      Remain Neutral - West

      Exactly the West?
      So far, only Vostok is demanding the deployment of military bases and ultimatums with threats to transfer enterprises.
  9. -2
    April 16 2016 10: 06
    Quote: Error
    Is it stupidity or treason? ” Yes, he doesn’t see the edges after the election

    I look, I read ... And I am surprised. Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves? Judging by this article and some comments, you do not need the Republic of Belarus, but you need the North-West Territory, or, as it is fashionable now, the Federal District. Here in the article, indignation that Belarusian enterprises are not being sold, but to whom should they be sold? Russian oligarchs? Yeah, wait. We had a brewery in our city, "investors" came from Samara. In general, they did not give a penny, the plant first stopped brewing beer, and now it has gone bankrupt altogether. They stubbornly climbed to the salt plant and the refinery, sent nafik, so these plants are working. The fact that Russia abandoned the MZKT tractors, preferring its own BAZs, is the business of the Russian army. But will Lukashenka be accused? Well, you do ...
    PS Error, "minus" I put you. For rudeness. If you live in Belarus, then check the edges with our president. By the way, the article is also a "minus" from me, the Nazis are tired.
    1. avt
      April 16 2016 10: 47
      Quote: Mentor
      . Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves?

      We have allies — the Army and the Navy, it’s enough, excess is harmful.
      Quote: Mentor
      Here in the article, the outrage that Belarusian enterprises are not for sale, and to whom to sell them? Russian oligarchs? Yeah, wait.

      Free - will, the saved - paradise. They thought according to Batskin - "They will not have enough intelligence, no money to make a centipede?" Well, get it and sign
      Quote: Mentor
      Russia abandoned the MZKT tractors, preferring its BAZs, this is the business of the Russian army.

      And KAMAZ is already running a centipede. So according to Batsky’s precept, the last thing at MAZ is to look for sales markets. Well, if you can, we will only be happy.
      Quote: Mentor
      . They stubbornly climbed to the dairy plant and refineries, sent a nafik, so these plants work.

      For salt I will not say, salt is mined there and the question is only in marketing, but there is en and is already good. And the refinery works only exclusively on the supply of raw materials from Russia and at the prices of "sayuznaga state" and, moreover, we regularly turn a blind eye to the sale of various "distillates" in the form of a shaher maker with the same oil produced.
      Quote: Mentor
      Well, you generally ...

      Well, we are generally tired of listening to schizophrenia from “sayuznago government” to “I don’t trade in suvaryanitet” depending on the need for a loan. Somehow I would like But Father to be silent, if the yak of NAS cannot speak. legs would run through the clothes. Agree - in the light of the loans received with money and nishtyaks, this is, well, oh-oh-oh-very small requirement for the "sayuznik state government", for such an investment from the EU you would have been there for a long time and ... the kukans were dried, like Greece and the Baltic states.
      1. +5
        April 16 2016 12: 13
        Quote: Mentor
        Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves?

        We do not need slaves. What is the alliance manifested in?
        Quote: Mentor
        and to whom to sell them? Russian oligarchs?

        I, in theory, are also against the oligarchs. But in fact? How many cars do you produce there? Thousand 20? And do you seriously hope to stand alone against imports of multinational companies? With your market of 10 million? It is necessary to remove pink glasses sometimes. In addition to our market, nobody needs your MAZs. Why not combine production? No, damn it! We will not give up! For the sake of sovereignty, it’s better to go bankrupt! And they will bankrupt you - it’s like you don’t go to your grandmother. Lose the Russian market and drain the engine, turn off the water. An example of Ukraine is in the face. Now the question is not about the form of ownership, but about survival in general
        1. +1
          April 16 2016 15: 11
          Why not combine production? No, damn it! We will not give up!

          It's just that the Belarusians are aware of what "unification" means in New Russian. Promotions, appointing your own management and clipping coupons. So the coupons go to the budget - for the same social network, and so - they go to the new yacht / villa / plane of the Russian oligarch. Regarding the preservation of sovereignty over industry, I fully support But Father. The raider seizures through criminal cases and bankruptcies of enterprises that even survived the 90s are still very memorable. But Father must be given guarantees that our oligarchs will not stick their noses into his economy. And then, with a confidence of 90%, he will become absolutely loyal, a sort of another "Putin's foot soldier."
    2. +1
      April 16 2016 10: 49
      God forbid, we are from such friends, but our enemies, and so there are.
    3. +8
      April 16 2016 10: 52
      Here is another nuance. Have you seen the Russian business that is going to work in Belarus? Did you get acquainted with the documentation, with guarantees and obligations? I am sure the author on this subject did not bother.
      Few examples in Russia?
      I had a chance to participate in the discussion of draft contracts. An example of direct and deliberate destruction, outright cynicism. Not just everything, everything is much more complicated.
      And the Pole was pulled simply by the ears.
    4. +16
      April 16 2016 11: 03
      And you are not a respected rude.
      Do not listen to him, it is from him in despair.
      Correctly they write, why do we need factories, if they have all the sales markets. You obviously do not work on the MZKT, and you don’t give a damn about those people who work there. Unless the tractors are taken, how many people there will be left, where should they go. You should at least look at the labor exchange and see how the situation is there.
      And the author is certainly right, they shout to us about success in agriculture, they imposed sanctions, freed the market, take it, sell it.
      So no, we are like parasites, we want to buy from Psheks and to fuse to Russia.
      Go to Green or any other retail chains, where all the fruits are imported, there is nothing of your own. In short, the "sign-quality" nerves give out. I don’t put pros and cons to anyone, but the article is a plus. And if they are fascists, then we are
      The whole world will tremble if they become fascists, and you are not respected in the first days.
      1. avt
        April 16 2016 11: 16
        Quote: demos1111
        So no, we are like parasites, we want to buy from Psheks and to fuse to Russia.

        The funny thing is that even if at least 30% of the sanctioned goods had been processed on the territory of Belarus, they would have depicted the development of a finished product from a semi-finished product, smuggling issues would NOT OFFICIALLY be! Yes, and someone from Belarus really got a job would be. But it’s just that Butska drove contraband in the hope of a dough to cut down easily.
        1. +4
          April 16 2016 13: 15
          Quote: avt
          But it’s just that Butska drove contraband in the hope of a dough to cut down easily.
          Waiting for quotas from Russia for agricultural products? wassat It is known how much Belarus produces and of this amount they will be allowed to import 50% into the Russian Federation! And then the Belarusians will not care whose potato goes to Russia. And products not produced in Belarus will be banned altogether. What dad will sing?
          1. avt
            April 16 2016 14: 26
            Quote: fif21
            . And products not produced in Belarus will be banned altogether. What dad will sing?

            So it is already singing - “They are bending us down!” I will repeat once again - the grandmothers can only cut a consonant in the lungs, and they cannot swallow them in pieces, or only by the MMM method to collect loans for their economic miracle. pennies, organize minimal processing and bring a banned product from the EU with a semi-finished product, roll it up from your cans and write - made by Belarus and no problem. requestAfter all, we agreed on this in the framework of the EAEU. But no ! Tricks of evasion begin with transit to Kazakhstan. wassat
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. -5
          April 16 2016 15: 13
          Quote: avt
          But it’s just that Butska drove contraband in the hope of a dough to cut down easily.

          we have a third of the participants in foreign economic activity working according to gray schemes. This is Putin decided
          Quote: avt
          easy dough to cut down

    5. +12
      April 16 2016 11: 04
      Quote: Mentor
      Quote: Error
      Is it stupidity or treason? ” Yes, he doesn’t see the edges after the election

      I look, read ... And I wonder. Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves? .

      As if to delicately explain.
      When we talk about alliance, we assume that the ally is the one who shoulder to shoulder as in the Kulikovo field, and only then coupons for free food. And your father’s kind of the other way around ...
      1. +2
        April 16 2016 11: 10
        Quote: hrapon
        When we talk about alliance, we assume that the ally is the one who shoulder to shoulder as in the Kulikovo field,

        What kind of sandpiper field are we talking about if there is no clear policy in relation to the Union Republics? Neither ideology nor attractiveness, only a desire to fiddle. They poked themselves into Ukraine with the "Russian world", immediately got scared themselves and let's flirt with partners. But how many disappointed hopes ..
      2. +1
        April 17 2016 07: 11
        Quote: hrapon
        When we talk about alliance, we assume that the ally is the one who shoulder to shoulder as in the Kulikovo field, and only then coupons for free food.

        Thank you for the clear explanation of what an ally in the understanding of Russia means. soldier
    6. +3
      April 16 2016 11: 06
      I watch, read ... And I wonder. Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves? ,,
      Alexander, understand, and many of us don’t really like the bloodsucking capitalists. But for Belarus to remain free, you need to play by certain rules, otherwise Ukraine is an example.
      1. +4
        April 16 2016 15: 07
        Quote: kotvov
        I watch, read ... And I wonder. Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves? ,,
        Need partners! First of all, business is mutually beneficial trade, joint ventures, economic growth and, as a result, a better standard of living. Well, no one will just invest in RB; mutual interests are needed. Lukashenko can make money by blackmailing the Russian Federation, and offering intermediary services to the West, bypassing the counter-sanctions of the Russian Federation, and at the same time think that I'm so cunning! That's who the Russian Federation is definitely not needed, so these are traitors! hi And what else to call the surrender of the economic interests of the Russian Federation, for the sake of their own economic benefits?
      2. The comment was deleted.
    7. +5
      April 16 2016 11: 16
      I understand your emotions and agree with you in something (We had a brewery in our city, "investors" came from Samara. In general, they did not give a penny, the plant first stopped brewing beer, and now it has gone bankrupt altogether.) found in any country and everywhere. there may be, by the way, there was an interest in bankruptcy on both sides. neither you nor I know these schemes, we see superficial. further - T, that Russia abandoned the MZKT trucks, preferring its BAZs, this is the case Russian army. But will Lukashenka be accused? Well, you in general ... note that with all the tension in relations between Russia and the United States, the latter do not refuse to buy rocket engines, and Russia is ready to sell. Both of them are interested in this case. The great merit of your president and the people of Belarus in preserving the industry and with But in my opinion, Lukashenko is now repeating Yanukovych’s mistake. On the basis of jealousy, attracting the attention of Russia (and in terms of money too) ... can suck. Remember. Yanukovych is sucking on the issue of In such a scenario, he will throw good money. He is counting on it. 15 lards are promised to him. And they even list something (which they still cannot take away). Yanukovych thought to play with integration in his interests, warm up and jump off. out of this came WE all know. And pay attention to the Nazis, which you are tired of. The trouble is that Lukashenka's policy reminds Yanukovych's tactics.
      1. -2
        April 16 2016 11: 24
        Quote: sergant1.1
        The trouble is that Lukashenko’s policy resembles Yanukovych’s tactics.

        1. +5
          April 16 2016 11: 56
          the fact that "opening a window to Europe" should not be at the expense of observing other people's interests to the detriment of their own and their allies for the sake of encouraging committed democrats, but like Peter breaking his flawed habits, sweating and bloodshed building mutually beneficial relations in the long term.
          1. -3
            April 16 2016 12: 06
            Quote: sergant1.1
            the fact that "opening a window to Europe" should not be at the expense of observing other people's interests to the detriment of their own and their allies for the sake of encouraging committed democrats.

            Are you talking about the Russian Federation?
            1. +5
              April 16 2016 13: 40
              no, not about the Russian Federation. in this case about Ukraine (in the context of the whole conversation). And in my opinion (hopefully mistaken), Mr. President Lukashenko did not take lessons from the "Ukrainian crisis." SANCTIONS CANCELED. (Beware the gifts of those who bring). what kind of question is this? -What allies Russia sold for its interests. PUTIN is tired of criticizing for writing off debts.
        2. +2
          April 16 2016 12: 19
          Quote: onix757

          1. -3
            April 16 2016 12: 35
            Quote: Corporal Valera

            So the Russian Federation is not only multi-vector, but megavector and nothing, no one reproaches.
            1. +6
              April 16 2016 12: 44
              Quote: onix757
              So the Russian Federation is not only multi-vector, but megavector and nothing, no one reproaches.

              Oh no, dear! The positions of the parties are clearly defined! West vs East. Nobody forbids you to trade with the West either, but trade goods, not allies. But in the politics of Belarus - one does not interfere with the other. This is sad.
              1. -2
                April 16 2016 21: 22
                Corporal Valera, get at least an education, and only then judge things in which you are "neither ear nor snout" (sorry). In which contacts did Lukashenka see political goals? What are they and how are they directed against Russia?
    8. The comment was deleted.
      1. -7
        April 16 2016 12: 15
        I, in theory, are also against the oligarchs. But in fact? How many cars do you produce there? Thousand 20?

        Well, with the same success, you can tell how much state money was ditched for assembling a Mercedes in KAMAZ, as well as comment on sad statistics in such our capacious sales market:
        According to RAS results, the net loss of KamAZ PJSC according to RAS for the first quarter of 2016 amounted to 2,2 billion rubles, which is 4,8 times higher than the loss for the same period last year, follows from the reports of the truck manufacturer.
        The company's revenue decreased in January-March of this year by 23,4% to 17,171 billion rubles.
        KAMAZ's gross profit fell 9,5 times in the first quarter and amounted to 85 million rubles. Selling expenses increased to 750 million rubles, while the loss on sales jumped 1,9 times to 2,009 billion rubles.
        1. +1
          April 16 2016 12: 27
          Quote: onix757
          Net loss of KamAZ PJSC

          What am I telling you about? Foreign manufacturers have more manufacturing capabilities. Their number spins about a hundred thousand cars a year! Kamaz how much? Thousand 40? Who will bend faster? A baker with one bun or ten? But Belarusians are not interested in the issues of survival of production, they are struggling with Russian oligarchs
        2. +3
          April 16 2016 14: 37
          Quote: onix757
          Well, with the same success, you can tell how much state money was ditched for assembling a Mercedes in KAMAZ, as well as comment on sad statistics with such a capacious sales market :.

          Statistics are good, reference! Where did you get such a digital? Not at the State Department directly? or in Olgino? ...
          One trouble in these statistics is 80% nonsense (also a figure, eh?)! I work at KamAZ, I deal with profits and reports ...
    9. +7
      April 16 2016 12: 23
      Quote: Mentor

      I watch, read ... And I wonder. Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves? ......

      I will not touch upon the mentioned rudeness in the comments, this is a matter of the conscience of commentators, boor he is boor, the demand from him is not great. Yes, and whether it is worth reacting to rudeness here is a question. If you react, for example, to rudeness addressed to our leaders, from some independent and even Euro-Atlantic boors, then the site would be filled with counterproductive idiocy.
      But about the slaves - let me! In my opinion, no one reproaches you for not wanting to sell offal to anyone without falling from the oligarchs. If you gave someone your hands - well done! We ourselves have suffered a lot from these, we cannot disentangle ourselves. But then the article is mainly about something else. It's about sitting on two chairs, as already mentioned. It is necessary to determine who you are, time is such a concrete one. Without underestimating all your advantages, I note (like many others) that Belarus is not in a position to conduct an independent foreign or domestic policy. Stumble to the West, they will destroy you and devour like Ukraine. Although there are enough examples besides her. If your leader wanted to, he could very well establish constructive cooperation with Russia both in foreign policy and in the economy. We have someone to cooperate with, not selling at the same time. There would be brains.
      In the meantime, yes, it’s easier to ask for money, have no political obligations and drive the sanctions product under the guise of one’s own.
      And it’s completely personal on my own, without the shadow of rudeness and without the desire to insult, I’ll add that your leader is a frank demagogue and populist, moreover, of the highest standard. For all its merits. We will see what this leads us to.
    10. +1
      April 16 2016 13: 33
      Quote: Mentor
      Here in the article, the outrage that Belarusian enterprises are not for sale, and to whom to sell them? Russian oligarchs? Yeah
      In the same way, we (Russians) say when our company wants to buy the West good But this is economic self-isolation! We made a compromise — the share of foreign capital in Russian enterprises is not more than 49%. What a benefit! Foreign owners want to make a profit that is, they are interested in the development and modernization of the enterprise and the promotion of goods on the market. In these conditions, it will not work to bankrupt a competitor (ruin an enterprise), since they do not have complete control over him. The EU at one time invested in enterprises of the Russian Federation and the sanctions of mattresses do not find understanding among the EU business elite. Or am I wrong in something? hi
    11. Dam
      April 16 2016 13: 35
      The mentor, according to the laws of physics, an asteroid falling into the zone of attraction of two planets, will inevitably go into the orbit of one of them, or it will be torn to pieces. So it's time to determine the orbit
    12. -12
      April 16 2016 14: 46
      Quote: Mentor
      And I wonder. Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves?

      some db (without naming nicknames), apparently, have not yet decided. Surprisingly, they are ready to kiss some Middle Eastern dictatorial girl in the gums, forgiving debts and having a generally vague idea of ​​his actions, and they are accustomed to look at their ethnic relatives from top to bottom, considering them halfwits, parasites, parasites, etc. etc. Recently, swaggering arrogance has supplanted common sense from some heads.
      1. -2
        April 16 2016 15: 17
        Surprisingly, they are ready to kiss some Middle Eastern dictatorial girl

        This "dictator", by the way, is the people's elected president. If Assad is a dictator, then VVP and Monkey and Markel are also dictators. And, by the way, the Assad clan is much more loyal to Russia than Father. It's just that the Assads at one time accepted the capitalist rules of the game and are not trying to protect the domestic industry (is there anything to defend?).
        1. 0
          April 16 2016 18: 05
          Quote: alicante11
          This "dictator", by the way, is the people's elected president.

          In Eritrea, too, popularly. Already from the 1993 year he presides.
          Quote: alicante11
          If Assad is a dictator, then both GDP and Monkey and Markel are also dictators. And, by the way, the Asad clan is much more loyal to Russia than Father.

          yes give up. Speaking
          Quote: Pinky F.
          having a vague idea of ​​his actions
          that's what I meant by "vaguely". Assad began to sculpt the best friend of children and the father of the Syrian airship. And about the one hundred percent loyalty of the Assads (son-father-and St. .... oh ... spirit) to the USSR / Russia, there is no need to grovel.
          Quote: alicante11
          Just Assad at one time adopted the capitalist rules of the game and do not try to defend domestic industry

          the curtain. What nafig industry? See export articles. In addition, the far-sighted (in your opinion) clan in the 80s gave oil production to the US Pecten and Marathon. Well, and like our little brothers, he was not yet in transit pipe.
          Is it fashionable today to love Assad? Go ahead, love, no one forbids.
          1. 0
            April 17 2016 08: 42
            In Eritrea, too, popularly. Already from the 1993 year he presides.

            Well, people like it, it’s presidency. Although I did not speak about this, but that all modern rulers, especially in large states, are dictators. True, they represent the dictatorship of a particular party or elite group. And the opinion of the people of this state in the leadership is, by and large, not interested.

            And about the absolute loyalty of Asadov (son-father-and sv .... oh ... spirit) to the USSR / Russia, one does not need to crucify.

            Refute, they will not "grovel".

            a curtain. What nafig industry?

            Can't you read in brackets?
      2. +5
        April 16 2016 16: 29
        Quote: Pinky F.
        Quote: Mentor
        And I wonder. Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves?

        some db (without naming nicknames), apparently, have not yet decided. Surprisingly, they are ready to kiss some Middle Eastern dictatorial girl in the gums, forgiving debts and having a generally vague idea of ​​his actions, and they are accustomed to look at their ethnic relatives from top to bottom, considering them halfwits, parasites, parasites, etc. etc. Recently, swaggering arrogance has supplanted common sense from some heads.

        Quote: Pinky F.
        Quote: Mentor
        And I wonder. Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves?

        some db (without naming nicknames), apparently, have not yet decided. Surprisingly, they are ready to kiss some Middle Eastern dictatorial girl in the gums, forgiving debts and having a generally vague idea of ​​his actions, and they are accustomed to look at their ethnic relatives from top to bottom, considering them halfwits, parasites, parasites, etc. etc. Recently, swaggering arrogance has supplanted common sense from some heads.

        And you do not distort. And in vain you exaggerate. Say to forgive debts? I agree, there is such a jamb for our state, but no one on the site from this policy pissing with boiling water! And if we talk about debts, then you should remember that the same Ukraine, while pushing for relatives, did not even feel bad with discounts and benefits, and loans for Belarus are by no means on draconian terms and none of them for debts in a certain pose does not bend over, as the same West would do. You shouldn't also mention some of the acts of some dictators. Look closely at the deeds of the "enlightened" world elites, and remembering the deeds of the Middle East will lose any sense.
        In one you are a little right, it is our desire to recklessly write down who is not falling into allies. Vaughn and Erdogan have recently been considered by some as such. But this is more from hopelessness, in fact, we are now in the position of a beast cornered and desperately need allies. Only here with ethnic relatives, in general, the demand for betrayal is higher. A direct analogy with human relations is that there are no worst enemies than brothers, one of whom is a traitor. What is excusable to a stranger, not excusable to a brother. So the brothers do not aspire to us as allies.
        Let's take the same Matrasia, I think that she also has no allies, but there are vassals, because they have a very effective carrot and stick policy and they hold their "allies" tightly for a causal place. And here, the gingerbread is in fact too small, we ourselves are not up to fat, but a stick, it seems as if it is not our method. That's all common sense.
        1. -4
          April 16 2016 18: 27
          Quote: Hagalaz
          And you do not distort.

          Quote: Hagalaz
          Forgive debts speak? I agree, there is such a jamb for our state, but only no one on the site writes boiling water from this policy!

          laughing funny about whether or not they write boiling water on the site.
          Quote: Hagalaz
          And here, the gingerbread, in fact, is not enough, we ourselves are not up to fat, but a whip, it seems like our method. That’s all common sense.

          Bravo. So you mean our export opportunities by "carrot"?
          Your lengthy speech is as stupid as emotional.
          1. +1
            April 16 2016 20: 12
            Quote: Pinky F.
            Quote: Hagalaz
            And you do not distort.

            Quote: Hagalaz
            Forgive debts speak? I agree, there is such a jamb for our state, but only no one on the site writes boiling water from this policy!

            laughing funny about whether or not they write boiling water on the site.
            Quote: Hagalaz
            And here, the gingerbread, in fact, is not enough, we ourselves are not up to fat, but a whip, it seems like our method. That’s all common sense.

            Bravo. So you mean our export opportunities by "carrot"?
            Your lengthy speech is as stupid as emotional.

            Do you think your malice is clever and less emotional ?! However, it is very arrogant. Unlike mine, your emotions are full of anger, that's all. As for the comments, all three are pointing to the sky. Where is the mind, as opposed to mine?
            1. -1
              April 16 2016 21: 22
              Quote: Hagalaz
              Unlike mine, your emotions are full of anger, that's all.

              not at all. Offended by
              Quote: Pinky F.
              Your lengthy speech is as stupid as emotional.

              Reread your balcony.
              Quote: Hagalaz
              And about the comments, all three - with a finger to the sky.
              No problem.
              Quote: Hagalaz
              Where is the mind, as opposed to mine?

              it’s hard to explain to a person who, unlike me, even with a finger past unable to get into the sky. Train your brain, dear. It will not be rewarded, of course, but it’s nice.
              1. 0
                April 16 2016 21: 53
                Ha! It seems offended here only you. On the thief and the hat burns. However, you were not discouraged. It is difficult to explain in the first place to those who lack brains themselves. This again, to the question of the thief and the hat.
                Calm down, turn on and listen to Pink Floyd. The same Wall, for example. The group is really cool, now there are none like many other things.
      3. avt
        April 16 2016 16: 58
        Quote: Pinky F.
        Surprisingly, they are ready to kiss some Middle Eastern dictatorial girl in the gums, forgiving debts and having generally a vague idea of ​​his actions,

        Well, yes, for some kind of interest in which he went.
        Quote: Pinky F.
        , but they’re used to looking at ethnic relatives from top to bottom, considering them half-wits, parasites, parasites, etc. etc.

        And these ethnic relatives "generally know that they are ethnic relatives" !? wassat
        Quote: Pinky F.
        . Recently, swaggering arrogance has supplanted common sense from some heads.

        Speak the truth! Why have we in Russia not heard enough of the so-called “ethnic kin?” And we are not Slavs, but at best the Finno-Ugrians, but in general - the Mongol horde and slaves in general, and how they oppressed the poor, great, ancient ... ..I don’t know whether it’s ethnic relatives, so it’s neither in a fairy tale, nor to describe it with a pen. Today one such great Litvin enlightened me about the Finno-Ugrian of the Mongol horde from Moscow
        Valera999 BY Today, 08:43 ↑
        For example, Rurik think each Russian slammed or Belarus)) In Russia, the Finnish tribes Moxeli or Moksha, Radimichi in Belarus, the Baltic tribes of Duleba, Krivichi were subordinate. Most of all, of course, you got it, because at first they Kievized us, then you and ours were with Kiev, because they introduced Slavery, therefore the elites for many centuries were not from your tribe, therefore there was a separation between the boyars and the ordinary people are so cruel.
        wassat Well, which sweet one of us is swaggering? Are we Mpertsy, or are you a great gentry of nobility from any of the swamps that suddenly emerged as candidates for another globe after the Ukrainian? wassat So, as a Vyatich of the Mongol horde, I can only advise myself to look in the mirror like a bowl and not to spit in the mirror of a neighbor, if the mug turned out to be crooked.
        1. -2
          April 16 2016 18: 18
          Quote: avt
          only advise ourselves how to look in the mirror over the bowl to look and do not spit in the mirror and the neighbor if the mug suddenly turned out to be crooked.

          That's it, I'm just about it,
          Quote: avt

          Quote: avt
          Today, one such great Litvin enlightened me the Finno-Ugric of the Mongol horde from Moscow

          the contents of your bin ... sorry, your twitter and everything else, I'm absolutely not interested. Like nonsense there, these are the problems of your communication.
          Quote: avt
          We are

          Who are you talking about? If about yourself, then what kind of an imperial are you? "So, there is only one visibility," as the well-known Sharik used to say. Imperialism, you know, is somewhat different.
          1. avt
            April 16 2016 19: 09
            Quote: Pinky F.
            Your trash can ... sorry, your twitter and other things, I am absolutely not interested. Like nonsense there, these are the problems of your communication.

            laughing Ek broke through! It’s direct that it’s not childish joy when in its own Great Lithuanian shit and facial expression.
            Quote: Pinky F.
            Excuse me, imperial?

            Not great Ukrainian from the globe of Ukraine and not great Lithuanian from the globe of Belarus for sure. And not puffy lyakh again. We are Vyatka Mongols from Muscovy are modest people, she generally beats with socks and does not believe in tears, especially when different are great, ancient calm and hospitality for weakness accept.
            1. -1
              April 16 2016 19: 42
              Quote: avt
              Not a great Ukrainian from the globe of Ukraine and not a Great Lithuanian from the globe of Belarus for sure. And not puffy lyakh again.

              I do not belong to any designated category.
              Quote: avt
              We are Vyatka Mongols from Muscovy

              to this one too.
              Quote: avt
              Moscow, she generally beats with a sock and does not believe in tears

              By the way, I absolutely agree with this, but - thank you, I don’t understand how this "whipping" refers to the Belarusians? Subject, in fact, about them.
    13. +1
      April 16 2016 15: 01
      Quote: Mentor
      Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves?

      Gentlemen are not on the site, they are sitting higher. And we naturally need allies, especially Belarus.
      Here the question is different, does President Lukashenko want to be our ally, well, yes, I wrote about this next. I can not say anything about enterprises - not in the subject. Yes, I want to add. Previously, in our city, we visited the Belarusians weekly. Now for several years unfortunately they haven’t been traveling. Always on this day there was no way to break through the market.
    14. -2
      April 16 2016 20: 58
      On the site there are only warrant officers from Russia who claim to understand and to them "My doctor" from the fifth column. Is there at least one officer here?
      1. 0
        April 16 2016 22: 34
        You need not lower than the general level?
        some warrant officers
    15. +1
      April 17 2016 07: 02
      Quote: Mentor
      I watch, read ... And I wonder. Gentlemen, Russians, do you need allies, or slaves?

      Well, you're right as soon as you were born.
      Well, what are the allies?

      I give friendly advice.
      Remember one simple thing, or rather AXIOM!

      Russia has only 2 allies: Army and Navy !!!
      Which, incidentally, is constantly claimed on this site as well.

      What follows from this axiom?
      Accordingly, the rest are either enemies or a colony.
      Now a simple and logical question:
      RB - Army? - NO.
      RB - Fleet? - NO.
      Is RB a colony? - It seems like it’s not at all.
      What is left?

      Was your city in the USSR not an hour in the fall of 1939?
  10. -3
    April 16 2016 10: 09
    And then suddenly - Belarus! Which over the past 25 years, in fact, has not done a damn thing in the field of economic reform. Somehow it's too late to start doing something now.

    the author, apparently, those who were not lucky enough to submit a petition to the tsar during the "communication" are very sympathetic to the "reforms" in the Russian Federation. All their factories are working and the fields are being sown. And it is not Belarus's fault that it inherited heavy engineering from the Union, but they persistently continue to develop these enterprises. And of course, Old Man will not go for privatization to please the bourgeoisie, going as in the Russian Federation plundered tractor and machine tool. A normal leader thinks first of all about his industry and the people who are involved in it, and not about how and who will fill his pockets with tasty morsels.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      April 16 2016 11: 13
      Somehow nobody drove Belarus from the USSR. On the contrary, Belarus took a direct part in the Union derban. But the same was done to make the Central Asian "underbelly" fall off. And then, as it was planned, the restoration of the Russian republics, for which the Union with Belarus was created. Would Yeltsin have given Lukashenko in turn to "steer" this Union, it is not yet known what would have come of it. But father has ambitions not in his mind.
      1. -1
        April 16 2016 11: 28
        Quote: siberalt
        Somehow, nobody drove Belarus from the USSR. On the contrary, Belarus also took a direct part in the Derbana of the Union.

        Wow, this is not the case Yeltsin went to dissolve the Union in Belovezhskaya Pushcha?
      2. 0
        April 17 2016 07: 23
        Quote: siberalt
        But the same was done to make the Central Asian "underbelly" fall off

        so for this Yeltsin had to fly to Dushanbe, which he trailed in the Bialowieza Forest.
    3. 0
      April 16 2016 12: 38
      Quote: onix757
      thinks primarily about his industry

      How about MZKT
      1. 0
        April 16 2016 12: 43
        Quote: Corporal Valera
        How about MZKT

        I admire this enterprise. Extensive product range at its design school.
        1. +2
          April 16 2016 12: 47
          Quote: onix757
          I admire this enterprise. Extensive product range at its design school.

          So do I. Question: How long does it remain to admire?
      2. 0
        April 17 2016 07: 25
        Quote: Corporal Valera
        Quote: onix757
        thinks primarily about his industry

        How about MZKT

        And MZKT here and.
        Two tanks and a BMP on a trailer: what are the Belarusian MZKT tractors capable of
        Read more:

        That's how about MAZ, yes.
        Which, coupled with the efforts of the government, was prepared for bankruptcy and transfer to KamAZ.
    4. +3
      April 16 2016 13: 20
      Quote: onix757
      And it’s not the fault of Belarus that she got heavy engineering from the Union, but they persistently continue to develop these enterprises.

      And where is the main market for this heavy industry? And where did the developers get the money for development?

      Maybe you've heard the clever proverb: "The client is always right." So Russia is the client who buys all this. And the seller who will be you ... (they will come and buy anyway) will very quickly lose his business. Selyava is like this
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +2
    April 16 2016 10: 18
    Old Man doesn’t intend to give up so easily. Created battalions of territorial defense. The whole country is planning to leave for partisans. Laughter, laughter, but Belarusians in the networks no longer howl, but fight in full voice. If Russia does not help to remove the Old Man, then the Western neighbors will get away. There, already pulled out, the moth-beaten idea of ​​the great Lithuanian princedom. And according to the Ukrainian model, the ON was always offended by the very rashists.
    1. +2
      April 16 2016 11: 26
      Maidan is being prepared. Already taking into account errors at the first (not quite smoothly passed).
      western neighbors get away
  13. +4
    April 16 2016 10: 25
    Quote: Barracuda
    Belarus and Russia about something to "swear" is the height of unreason, the last thing ..

    Lukashenko does not understand this.
  14. +5
    April 16 2016 10: 25
    Really and the Old Man of Nuland buns wanted? I remember on the outskirts also at the beginning (before the Maidan) the representatives of the Limitrophs skated. For exploration. How it ended can be seen firsthand. Maybe it's time for Alexander Grigorievich to take off his pink glasses?
    The times of "affectionate calves" that two mothers have passed or are gone forever.
    1. -10
      April 16 2016 10: 32
      Quote: Kos_kalinki9
      really, and the Old Man of Nuland buns wanted? I remember on the outskirts, too, at the beginning (before the Maidan), representatives of the Limitrophs rode

      Do you think that Moscow buns from Nuland buns for Belarus have some fundamental difference? And they both try to bend, only to different degrees and with different consequences for the economy.
      1. +8
        April 16 2016 10: 41
        onix757 (2)
        And they both try to bend, only to different degrees and with different consequences for the economy.

        Don't you think that the main thing is not to bend, but to varying degrees and with different consequences for the economy? How the outskirts bend can be seen firsthand, and the economy is relegated to the background in comparison with human casualties, especially since the prospect of the collapse of the state is becoming more and more clear. So the "heartburn" from the buns turned out to be poisonous, so far only for ukrainy. Well, how Russia bends over both Ukraine and Belarus can be seen from discounts and preferences. But you can't constantly demand, give, and at the same time shit on the rug. Adults, it seems, are not children in the sandbox.
        1. -11
          April 16 2016 10: 51
          Quote: Kos_kalinki9
          As the outskirts were bent, it can be seen firsthand, and the economy is relegated to the background compared to human casualties

          Yes, the fact of the matter is that I do not see. The ratio of prices in stores, salaries, exchange rates as it was and lagged 1 to 3
          Well, how Russia bends down and Ukraine and Belarus can be seen in discounts and preferences.

          The problem is that the Russian Federation needs Belarus more than back and you have to pay for it, and build allied relations on an equal footing if there is no desire to carry horse-drawn mambers and get hold of the United States system under Smolensk.
          As for Ukraine, it’s better to shut off gas from you in winter than stop supplying gas to Ukraine, even if it is at a loss.
          1. +6
            April 16 2016 11: 07
            onix757 (2

            Yes, the fact of the matter is that I do not see. The ratio of prices in stores, salaries, exchange rates as it was and lagged 1 to 3

            You about the victims in the Odessa House of Trade Unions, about the executions in Mariupol, about the civil war in the Donbass, and YOU are all about sausage.
            economy compared to human casualties is relegated to the background
            1. -3
              April 16 2016 11: 21
              Quote: Kos_kalinki9
              You about the victims in the Odessa House of Trade Unions, about the executions in Mariupol, about the civil war in the Donbass, and YOU are all about sausage.

              No, I’m talking about Mozgovoy, Dremov, Betman and others.
              1. +2
                April 16 2016 11: 36
                onix757 (2) RU Today, 11:21 ↑
                about Brain, Dremov, Betman

                Where? Where about Mozgovoy, Dremov, Batman and others. Where?
                I see about 1 to 3, about gasprim- I see, about the fact that we will be left without gas, too, I see. And where is Mozgovoy, Dremov, Batman ???
                1. -4
                  April 16 2016 11: 53
                  It’s obvious how they bent the outskirts, and the economy, in comparison with the casualties, is pushed into the background, especially since the prospect of the collapse of the state is increasingly visible

                  Quote: Kos_kalinki9
                  Where? Where about Mozgovoy, Dremov, Batman and others. Where?
                  I see about 1 to 3, about gasprim- I see, about the fact that we will be left without gas, too, I see. And where is Mozgovoy, Dremov, Batman ???

                  Be consistent
                  1. +6
                    April 16 2016 13: 00
                    Quote: onix757
                    only to different degrees and with different consequences for the economy.

                    Don't you think this is the key point? Ukraine was bent in half a year with the most sad consequences for the economy. And Moscow has been bending you over for 25 years with loans, joint projects, increased defense capability, a union state, duty-free trade, discounts on energy resources, a visa-free regime. I don't put a minus, although the comment is offensive
                    1. 0
                      April 17 2016 11: 22
                      And the Russian Federation has not been "bending down" in financial terms for 25 years?
          2. +7
            April 16 2016 11: 34
            You see, you paint everything very beautifully, but contradict yourself. If we are equal partners, then why should Russia pay for the Potato Republic? And if Russia needs Russia more than vice versa and you have to pay for it - why should we treat you as an equal partner? There is some tacit consensus - Russia supports the Republic of Belarus with very considerable pluses, and in return uses the territory of Belarus to deploy army units (on the basis of the Union State and the CIS) and is united in matters of politics (on the same basis) and economy (on the basis of the SG and EAEU ) In response, we see Belarusian conditional peaches and pineapples (a failure in the economy), political somersaults and tricks of Mr. Lukashenko (a failure in politics) and rather slurred actions in the field of deployment of Russian weapons (a failure in the military sphere). The question arises - is father in general going to fulfill the agreements, or thinks that he is the smartest and can painlessly heat Russia and the West at once? I think the answer is obvious. hi
            1. -7
              April 16 2016 11: 45
              then why should Russia pay for the Potato Republic?

              It's not because of the good life that Old Man is forced to travel around the world and establish economic ties, apparently because the Russian Federation imposes too many "give back" on its possible loans. And yes, at least one example of payment for Belarus is possible?
              There is some tacit consensus - Russia supports the Republic of Belarus with very considerable pluses, and in return uses the territory of Belarus to place army units (based on the Union State and the CIS)

              No buns, no use, this is stated in the tacit agreement?
              In response, we see Belarusian conditional peaches and pineapples (a failure in the economy), political somersaults and tricks of Mr. Lukashenko (a failure in politics) and rather slurred actions in the field of deployment of Russian weapons (a failure in the military sphere).

              But do you mind the permission of the Russian government to sell sanctions products? If not, then why then take offense at the Old Man, if he uses the conjuncture for the benefit of the people.
              The question arises - is father in general going to fulfill the agreements, or thinks that he is the smartest and can painlessly heat Russia and the West at once? I think the answer is obvious.

              What arrangements? Please, number, name of the intergovernmental agreement, I will be pleased to read it.
              1. 0
                April 17 2016 07: 35
                Quote: onix757
                What arrangements? Please, number, name of the intergovernmental agreement, I will be pleased to read it.

                They probably mean agreements with the KGB agents, who were at his campaign headquarters in 1994 and offered to fire up courage and PR campaign during a trip to shoot him like a sniper gosdepovsky penetrated. laughing
          3. +7
            April 16 2016 13: 27
            Quote: onix757
            The problem is that Russia needs Belarus more than back and you have to pay for it,

            Are you serious? For Russia, buying products in Belarus is a matter of convenience / inconvenience. For Belarus, this is a matter of physical survival. This is about the economy.
            From a military point of view, without Russia, the Republic of Belarus will simply be crushed.

            So who needs more? Who should pay anyone?
      2. The comment was deleted.
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. -1
    April 16 2016 10: 35
    Well, it’s the turn of Byalorusi, but I think it will not be as active as a ruin. There was a chance to organize a war with Russia, but here time is no longer right, and the state of the Western world is different. so father has a tremendous chance to join the pro-Baltic club, Byalorus will go to the geyropi to clean the toilet, and wash their asses for the elderly, oh yes, even provide Arabs with sexual services.
  17. +3
    April 16 2016 10: 36
    Sad info from the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus (I didn’t watch in Russia, I’m silent about Ukraine)

    Foreign trade results for 2015

    Foreign trade in goods
    (according to the methodology of foreign trade statistics)

    In 2015, the volume of foreign trade in goods amounted to 57 billion dollars and compared with 2014 decreased by 19,6 billion dollars or 25,6%.

    Exports of goods - 26,7 billion dollars, decreased by 26%.

    Imports of goods - $ 30,3 billion, decreased by 25,2%.

    The balance of foreign trade in goods is negative - $ 3,6 billion.

    Foreign trade in services
    (according to the balance of payments methodology)

    In 2015, the volume of foreign trade in services amounted to 11 billion dollars and compared with 2014 decreased by 2,6 billion dollars or 19,1%.

    Service exports - $ 6,7 billion, a decrease of 15,4%.

    Imports of services - $ 4,4 billion, down 24,2%.

    The balance of foreign trade in services is positive - $ 2,3 billion.

    Foreign trade in goods and services
    (according to the balance of payments methodology)

    In 2015, the volume of foreign trade in goods and services amounted to 65,6 billion dollars and compared to 2014 decreased by 21,5 billion dollars or 24,7%.

    Exports of goods and services - 32,9 billion dollars, decreased by 24,1%.

    Imports of goods and services - 32,7 billion dollars, decreased by 25,4%.

    The balance of foreign trade in goods and services is positive - $ 0,2 billion.
    1. -4
      April 16 2016 10: 53
      This is not sad for them, but for us. With the richest natural resources, 22 million people are below the poverty line.
      1. +2
        April 16 2016 11: 39
        This is not sad for them, but for us.

        And you, who does this? Pin ... dos? So the pin ... dos, in my opinion, more than 22 million are below the poverty line.
        1. -3
          April 16 2016 11: 56
          Quote: mivmim
          And you, who does this? Pin ... dos? So the pin ... dos, in my opinion, more than 22 million are below the poverty line.

          The number of Russians with incomes below the subsistence level in the first quarter of 2015 increased by 3,1 million people compared to the same period of the previous year and amounted to 22,9 million people, Rosstat said.
          1. +1
            April 16 2016 14: 14
            Quote: onix757
            The population of Russians with incomes below the subsistence level in the first quarter of 2015 increased by 3,1 million people compared to the same period of the previous year and amounted to 22,9 million people, Rosstat said.

            There is an economic war against Russia. Therefore, the numbers in this case are important, but not critical. Investment projects (large) are being implemented that will reduce the number of unemployed and increase living standards. Plus Crimea, plus LDNR do not forget. Plus, work is underway on the development and implementation of automated strategic planning systems (analogue of the USSR). There are prospects and work is ongoing. And what are the prospects for the Republic of Belarus, what real work is being done, are large-scale investment projects being implemented?
            1. -3
              April 16 2016 18: 45
              Quote: Stena
              And what are the prospects for the Republic of Belarus, what real work is being done, are large-scale investment projects being implemented?

              You did not confuse the scale? And by sector: call attractive investment sectors of the Republic of Belarus? Of course - for whom (indicate national affiliation) and in what volume (for the period before lifting the sanctions)?
              Before thinking about the prospects of a foreign and tiny state (especially comparing), think about our prospects. It's just that syrup that you poured here about prospects, investment projects and ...
              Quote: Stena
              Plus Crimea, plus LDNR do not forget.

              laughing and this, sorry, is also an investment project?
              1. 0
                April 16 2016 21: 28
                Quote: Pinky F.
                You did not confuse the scale?

                There is a country’s scale - and there are large-scale projects - they are being implemented in Russia, but in Belarus?
                Quote: Pinky F.
                And by sector: investment attractive sectors of Belarus

                Who is the question? RB excites me a little. In Russia, I’ll name it.
                Quote: Pinky F.
                Before thinking about the prospects of a foreign and tiny state (especially comparing), think about our prospects. It's just that syrup that you poured here about prospects, investment projects and ...

                Let's talk specifically, not about life in general. If there is nothing to say in detail, then it is better to chew. Orbits, there or what else do you like to eat?
                Quote: Pinky F.
                and this, sorry, is also an investment project

                These are also projects - which take up a lot of money that could be used - the construction of an energy bridge, the construction of a bridge, the restoration of Crimea's infrastructure - these are all investment projects. If there is anything specifically to say for or against my statements - you are welcome. With reliable proofs. For otherwise - shut you up in an instant ..
                1. -1
                  April 16 2016 21: 47
                  Quote: Stena
                  Let's talk specifically, not about life in general. If there is nothing to say in detail, then it is better to chew. Orbits, there or what else do you like to eat?

                  Fri This is said by the person who weaved a little higher about
                  Quote: Stena
                  Therefore, the numbers in this case are important, but not critical. Investment projects (large) are being implemented that will reduce the number of unemployed and increase living standards. Plus Crimea, plus LDNR do not forget. Plus, work is underway on the development and implementation of automated strategic planning systems (analogue of the USSR). There are prospects and work is ongoing.

                  You, of course, were specific and detailed. laughing Apparently - the former yap from the commies? "Certain work within strictly defined terms is possible (crossed out) will definitely improve the quality of life of a certain circle of comrades."
                  Quote: Stena
                  For otherwise - shut you up in an instant ..

                  oh, how brutal. And doubtful. Especially after
                  Quote: Stena
                  Crimea is all investment projects.

                  and given that they are also
                  Quote: Stena
                  plus LDN do not forget.

                  ... what the fuck
                  Quote: Stena
                  for or against my statements

                  Do you understand what investment is? No, I'm not talking about subsidies, not about subsidies and other programs disguised as a plebs for investing some (ay-ay) funds for some inarticulate projects with a payback of hundreds of years.
                  Quote: Stena
                  With reliable proofs.

                  Your proofs, of course, are no further than the first button on the remote? This is power.
                  1. 0
                    April 16 2016 22: 11
                    Quote: Pinky F.
                    Do you understand what investment is? No, I'm not talking about subsidies, not about subsidies and other programs disguised as a plebs for investing some (ay-ay) funds for some inarticulate projects with a payback of hundreds of years.

                    Give specifics - be a friend?
                    You are not happy with something - from the confusion that you quoted above - it is not clear specifically - what? About Crimea - an investment project of 100%. Moreover, in addition to the commercial effect, there is also a huge social effect, including increased defense capability and socio-economic efficiency. In particular - the construction of the bridge - 100% investment project - object - infrastructure. For such projects, payback, profitability, etc. are not evaluated, since they are not directly paid back and are not profitable, but the main effect in related industries is an increase in freight traffic, an increase in free time, etc.
                    Quote: Pinky F.
                    Apparently - the former yap from the commies

                    No need to ascribe to me not my merits. I am a specialist in evaluating the effectiveness of projects. Therefore, here, especially if we finally turn to the numbers - you have a chance - 0,0% ...
                    Specifically, can you explain - why didn’t you like it?
        2. -2
          April 16 2016 12: 01
          Quote: mivmim
          And you, who does this?

          For those who have fallen from the moon, this is in the Russian Federation. From high stands, numbers from 19 to 25 million people are voiced.
          Quote: mivmim
          Pin ... dos? So the pin ... dos, in my opinion, more than 22 million are below the poverty line.

          Only this "feature" of mattresses and in the Russian Federation is very different.
          And the fact that the level and quality of life and staff and geyropa surpasses the Russian Federation at times is absolutely indisputable. Yes And the overwhelming majority of the population of Western countries have not heard anything about the current and other Russian crises, which for a quarter of a century have been first arranged and then supposedly overcome by our homegrown economist lawyers.
          1. +3
            April 16 2016 14: 20
            Quote: PHANTOM-AS
            And the fact that the level and quality of life and staff and geyropa surpasses the Russian Federation at times is absolutely undeniable

            Somewhere I already heard it. It seems that during the collapse of the USSR, similar mantras sang ... And the problem is that Russia is long-suffering, and Moscow is golden-headed? Raise statistics, please - not just monetary, but resource. Then some kind of superiority will become not so obvious, and even in terms of an indicator that no one knows how to count (I mean, the quality of life of the population) ...
            1. +1
              April 16 2016 18: 17
              Quote: Stena
              Raise statistics, please - not just monetary, but resource

              If the resources really belonged to the people.
              Quote: Stena
              Yes, and in terms of an indicator that no one knows how to count (I mean - the quality of life of the population) ...

              Than what is there to consider, it’s better to see once.
              1. +1
                April 16 2016 21: 34
                Quote: PHANTOM-AS
                Than what is there to consider, it’s better to see once.

                It, of course, is better to look at - but it is not clear - if Americans eat in three throats and by the age of 30 they are obese, as well as a bunch of health problems, then it doesn't get better - it doesn't get any better ... - also whatever one may say - "no ice". About the fact that GMO products cost a penny, and there are small, but natural, but expensive ones nearby? Where to look then? I saw everything I talk about with my own eyes.
                1. 0
                  April 17 2016 01: 08
                  Quote: Stena
                  Where to look then? All that I am talking about - I saw with my own eyes.

                  Let’s, in this case, talk like eyewitnesses, I’ll ask you to explain the 5 parameters of their worst life (only beeeezzzz of pro-defiance), and in quality. our alternatives.
                  I will take the evidence base. hi
                  1. 0
                    April 17 2016 09: 30
                    And what parameters, in your opinion, are significant in this matter? In order to be evidence-based, it is advisable to quote the numbers. Here are the American public (rather than factual) statements, I personally - I do not believe it - it’s a complete lie, about GDP, about living standards ...
                    What is really better for them - paid medicine, electronics, mobilization abilities in the manufacturing sector (although this is a debatable issue) ...
          2. 0
            April 16 2016 22: 32
            Well at times, it depends on how you count and where to look. According to my subjective accusations, Russia is approximately like Hungary in terms of income. And in terms of quality of life, it depends on which region and city.
            the fact that the level and quality of life
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +4
      April 16 2016 11: 35
      Belarus has long been offered a way out - the integration of economies with Russia. Russia is ready to invest in it, but Lukashenka is afraid of losing power. Suffice it to recall his demarche with the arrests of Uralkali representatives. belay Well, where are their Salihorsk now? They asked to sell a refinery, an oil pipeline (it was a single system). But no, they included gray schemes at a loss to the supplier. We will have to reduce the supply and build our own refineries. Well this is not beneficial to anyone. It will also work with MZKT.
      1. 0
        April 16 2016 11: 49
        sybiralt (7) RU Today, 11: 35 ↑ New
        Belarus has long been offered a way out - the integration of economies with Russia. Russia is ready to invest in it, but Lukashenko is afraid of losing power

        I agree, but the Old Man wouldn’t outsmart himself.
      2. -2
        April 16 2016 11: 59
        Quote: siberalt
        Belarus has long been offered a way out - the integration of economies with Russia. Russia is ready to invest in it

        On what terms? Can you see such conditions when Belarusians have to have one or another enterprise turned out to be owned by the next muddy billionaire.
        1. +3
          April 16 2016 13: 37
          Onyx, you are in time trouble))))) There are two options: the collapse of the enterprise and the "murky billionaire".
      3. 0
        April 16 2016 15: 27
        Quote: siberalt
        They asked to sell a refinery, an oil pipeline (it was a single system). But no
        And under what conditions? And who sells the chicken that lays the golden testicles? laughing
      4. The comment was deleted.
  18. +6
    April 16 2016 10: 46
    the rails were turned into scrap metal, and the station was dismantled into bricks

    Maybe so, but at the same time Lukashenka continues to keep the siding leading to Russia in good condition. And we certainly do not put a limiter on this path, adhering to the ingrained idea of ​​a fraternal people. That's just what the twofold policy of comrade Alexander Grigorievich? On one "brotherly" people, we have already burned ourselves when we relied only on the Slavic brotherhood and helping free of charge. From this region, we only hear about Russia's obligations to someone, while their obligations are somehow silent. We will see.
    1. -7
      April 16 2016 11: 00
      Quote: rotmistr60
      It may be so, but at the same time, Lukashenko continues to keep in good condition the siding leading to Russia. And of course we do not put a limiter on this path adhering to the ingrained thought of the fraternal people.

      And who is the more brotherly people of Belarus or the S. Caucasus nationality for you? After all, they do not spare money in the Caucasus. As you look at the report on the destruction of the next gang, so wonder at whose expense such palaces
      1. +6
        April 16 2016 11: 07
        I am not talking specifically about the fraternal people, which are already known to every Russian. I am talking about the policy of the leader of this people. Therefore, I did not understand your comparison with the S. Caucasus.
        1. -4
          April 16 2016 11: 18
          I am not talking specifically about the fraternal people, which are already known to every Russian. I am talking about the policy of the leader of this people.

          And what doesn’t suit you in the leadership policy and why should it suit you as a citizen of Russia? This is their life, their economy, and they themselves have the right to decide how they develop.
          On one "brotherly" people, we have already burned ourselves when we relied only on the Slavic brotherhood and helping free of charge. From this region, we only hear about Russia's obligations to someone, while their obligations are somehow hushed up.

          Therefore, I did not understand your comparison with the S. Caucasus.

          Well, why is there something incomprehensible, apparently the S. Caucasus is more fraternal for you if for him no help is sorry.
          1. 0
            April 16 2016 12: 07
            This is their life their economics

            When you write that this is their economy. then decrypt please.
          2. +3
            April 16 2016 12: 16
            Apparently S.Kavkaz is more fraternal for you if for him no help is pitiful.

            Some kind of childish touchiness is directly visible. And you count the assistance provided to Belarus, the offense may immediately subside. And at the same time, there will be a comprehension of what must not only demand (I do not say ask - this word is not familiar to the old man), but also give something in return, besides the words about "protecting the western borders of Russia."
            1. 0
              April 16 2016 21: 53
              The captain (although, I think. Not higher than the ensign) announce the figures of gratuitous aid!
          3. +2
            April 16 2016 13: 42
            The Caucasus is actually the territory of the Russian Federation. And RB is proud and independent wink a republic that "earns" itself wink yourself for bread and butter. Is not it so?
      2. +4
        April 16 2016 11: 31
        And who is the more brotherly people of Belarus or the S. Caucasus nationality for you?
        Really. Once the Caucasus feed, it means that we also have to! An interesting approach, however ...
        1. -8
          April 16 2016 12: 02
          Quote: Anglorussian
          and we must too!

          You are not there, feed yourself laughing
        2. 0
          April 16 2016 21: 16
          Yes, Anglo-Russian (what the hell is this?), You are in your repertoire, troll -...
          1. 0
            April 16 2016 22: 39
            And then there’s nothing more, your high nobility ..
            what the hell is this?
  19. +3
    April 16 2016 11: 00
    Hmm, the affairs of our neighboring countries are ever more wonderful and wonderful ...
    Taught by the bitter experience of Ukraine, we create doubles of Belarusian productions in advance,
    whose products are critical for us. Although to a lesser extent, but with an eye to possible scaling in the future. By the Belarusians themselves. Great people, great attitude to Russia.
    But unfortunately in the country they do not decide ...
    By the way, maybe not in the topic of the article, but it’s interesting
    Saudi Arabia threatens to sell US assets for $ 750 billion
    1. -9
      April 16 2016 11: 01
      Quote: Zomanus
      we create doubles of Belarusian manufactures in advance,

      Have you created a lot?
      1. The comment was deleted.
  20. 0
    April 16 2016 11: 07
    The article has original logic.
    At first, indignation is expressed that Lukashenko is not reforming the economy according to the Western model ... And here it is said that this very western economy is undergoing a severe crisis.
    I do not quite understand what reforms the author wants - as in Greece (... hungry Greeks jump out of the window, as in the old Soviet propaganda ...), as in France (... there are mass demonstrations of protest against the cutback in social programs (and yes, now they want to introduce 12 hours of work there! 60 hours a week) ...), or as in Germany (... the future of such a monster as Deutsche Bank is not clear ...)
    But as for the negotiations, we don’t know what is being discussed and how, so it’s too early to say. In the meantime:

    Russia and Belarus completed the creation of a joint air defense system
    So it's too early to shout "Chef is gone"
    1. +1
      April 16 2016 12: 09
      Before the EU, Greece looked pretty good ...
      And no one is proposing "reforms strictly according to the Western model"
      But the Russian Federation reformed the economy. Poland reformed the economy.
      even in Ukraine they managed to do something regardless of the Maidan,
      The economy should work.
  21. +11
    April 16 2016 11: 07
    Yes, it has become more difficult to live in Belarus! Yes, the production of goods at the "plinth" level. I am glad that the Chubais, Millers and Abramovichs cannot buy up the remnants of production. Russian examples are right before our eyes - they bought up all precision engineering and turbine engineering and sold them for scrap. Replaced by "Mistrals". Understand, gentlemen Russians with their bureaucratic liberals, in your swamp. We have enough problems, starting from the abyss of sycophants and temporary workers at the head of districts, regions, cities and the country itself. Here a new tribe of Litvin also emerged, nurtured by the State Department's tugriks, through the mediation of various Pribolts, Pshek and other democratizers. The country is small, the factor of nepotism and kinship and thieves' ties in all power and industry is very large. The darkness of officials running with pieces of paper back and forth for a salary, by the way. By the way, agriculture works, we are not starving to death. Don't bury us ahead of time.
    1. +2
      April 16 2016 11: 44
      Quote: japs
      By the way, while agriculture works, we are not dying of hunger. Do not bury us ahead of time.

      You decided to play geopolitics where strategic thinking and calculation are necessary, but think in terms of ordinary. At the strategic level, the resources are different - and if they are not - then there is no strategic value for such a territory (country).
      1. -1
        April 16 2016 21: 19
        The wall, and what do you see in Belarus getting into the first roles in geopolitics?
    2. +1
      April 16 2016 11: 54
      Yes, the production of goods at the "plinth" level. I am glad that Chubais, Millers and Abramovichs cannot buy up the remnants of production.

      I agree in everything, except that everything was cut with us. Promising enterprises are not cutting now. And at the expense of the author's hit on the economy of Belarus, then this is a liberal vy.ser. If the author wants comparisons, then let him take the neighbor of Belarus and compare. And it will be immediately clear which economy is better "soviet" or capitalist. Moreover, the conditions in the "nezalezhnaya" were dozens of times better than those of But Father in Belarus.
    3. 0
      April 16 2016 13: 30
      And who is burying you? You are told that your politicians have a place on the playground. And they climb to the table, where adult uncles in chess, by no means for interest, play. Do not be offended, but the way it is. Strategically - Belarus is nothing of itself in world politics. Live, for God's sake, develop, raise children. Peace and prosperity to you! Only now, your servants are completely unbelted - they are trying to hide in the wrong cart. Yes, not on the other side.
  22. +3
    April 16 2016 11: 53
    Someone will tell me that in Belarus there are not only tractors and potatoes, but also the IT industry. For God's sake! This is exactly what “little Belarus” needs, this is exactly what the doctor prescribed. If Lukashenko personally took up the promotion of this industry to foreign markets, that would be great (although maybe not).

    If Lukashenko personally engages in the promotion of the IT industry, then things will surely fail. He is no diplomat. Rygorych’s diplomatic abilities can be judged by incredible fluctuations in the Crimean and Ukrainian issues (the first is already closed), as well as by the huge number of stupid statements that filled the Internet.
  23. +6
    April 16 2016 12: 21
    I once wrote that my soul does not lie with the Old Man, now I am convinced of this once again. In Belarus, everything goes at the level of director of a machine and tractor station, which Lukashenko was at one time. In allied relations, the main mutual trust and reliability, unfortunately, cannot be provided by the President of Belarus.
  24. -2
    April 16 2016 13: 02
    That will come to power in Belarus bullshit, then you will remember how good Old Man was, NATO did not let. And now there are NATO brigades near Smolensk what to do now ..
  25. 0
    April 16 2016 13: 17
    The fact that the collapse of the USSR was a huge mistake is now understood by everyone, but the "train" has gone and cannot be returned. A lot of money is needed to feed the former republics, but Russia does not have it and is not expected in the near future. It is necessary to raise the country's economy, but even here the problem is the ineffective Government. Now everyone is for himself, because: "The salvation of the drowning is the business of the drowning!"
    1. 0
      April 16 2016 18: 52
      Quote: epsilon571
      The fact that the collapse of the USSR was a huge mistake is now understood by everyone, but the "train" has gone and cannot be returned.

      And why, all of a sudden, decided that it was possible to break apart, but it was impossible to reunite?
      I’m just sure that the party or presidential candidate by the first paragraph of his program will designate the re-creation of the USSR, then he will gain 90 percent and do not care what the West will say!
  26. -1
    April 16 2016 13: 21
    Belarus is now like that woman who is going for a three-time divorced: “He will groom and cherish me, not like these Syria, Libya, Ukraine, he just had no luck with them - they turned out to be bitches. I will love him as he does me - I will share all his problems with him, and he will dress, and shoe, and caress, and will feed him with various sweets - we will live like Christ's in the bosom ... "Somehow ...
  27. +1
    April 16 2016 13: 23
    Satellites can rotate exactly in the orbit that is prescribed to them.
    mother planet. And in the event of a change in orbit, let them be ready for what
    may fall on the sun and burn, or go into deep space. May be
    option that they will be captured in their gravitational field by another planet, but again,
    they will move exactly in the orbit that they will be prescribed.
  28. 0
    April 16 2016 13: 50
    But such a situation will not end in good. The people will be poor, but Lukashenko does not intend to share power. In the future, either dictatorship or anarchy
  29. +1
    April 16 2016 15: 30
    Arrived at the Bulbash Fair ... I was surprised by them worse than Ukrainians .. I say a thoroughbred Belarusian ..
    how are you here .. okay i was sober
  30. -2
    April 16 2016 17: 46
    Why did anyone get the idea that Khokhlov Bulbashi were brothers to us? Yes, never in my life, cunningly made gentlemen, on whom and for whom Russia worked. As for the Georgians, and the Bolsheviks, Kazakhs, and how many parasites were there. I don’t understand now to feed them? I would like to fraternize, the Crimean experience to help you, cash in at the expense of, work out, think about it. And so suck the guys who have any paws. In Belarus, out of the Bison, lick your hooves, Kazakhs under the tail of the Saigagakam, do something shorter. There will be mutually beneficial offers call. And let us decide for ourselves how mutually beneficial the offer is shrimp farming in the Belarusian forests.
    1. 0
      April 17 2016 07: 46
      Quote: GenAlS
      Yes, never in my life, cunningly made gentlemen, on whom and for whom Russia worked. As for the Georgians, and the Bolsheviks, Kazakhs, and how many parasites were there. I don’t understand now to feed them?

      Congratulations! Dropped the parasites!
      The next line of parasites who?
      Siberia, Far East?
      1. -1
        April 17 2016 10: 41
        You are not bullshit. In Siberia, Mother burns condoms like you with fire. Arkhar mountain, pasted a swastika on a star. your mom and dad (or not, you have a 1-2 parent) had to be sterilized so that hoopoes would not give birth.
  31. +3
    April 16 2016 18: 39
    Dear friends on the site.
    1. Belarus is a sovereign state.
    2. Lukashenko is the President of this State.
    3, The state (read - Lukashenko) implements the line that it considers necessary to bring it to him.

    Who remembers how our media in the run-up to the recent elections in Belarus squealed in 2010. about the imminent collapse of Lukashenko, and who quickly shut up when the CEC The Republic of Belarus was declared the winner by the incumbent head of state, Alexander Lukashenko (with the official result, 79,65% voted overwhelmingly for him. (Wiki) The people made a choice - he and live.
    Someone will say that Ukraine did ... Not Ukraine, but a bunch of h..sosov on her behalf. So, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, are calm and perfect.
    1. +1
      April 16 2016 21: 41
      One of, unfortunately, a few balanced and objective comments !!!
  32. -3
    April 16 2016 19: 06
    Maxim magazine issued instructions on how to become a male and satisfy any girl, I was shocked by the result and it really works! here is that article ---
  33. 0
    April 16 2016 19: 30
    Got loose. Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a HOLIDAY. And procreation for the good of the motherland, health, and, do not lose heart!
  34. 0
    April 16 2016 22: 46
    Quote: alicante11
    Why not combine production? No, damn it! We will not give up!

    It's just that the Belarusians are aware of what "unification" means in New Russian. Promotions, appointing your own management and clipping coupons. So the coupons go to the budget - for the same social network, and so - they go to the new yacht / villa / plane of the Russian oligarch. Regarding the preservation of sovereignty over industry, I fully support But Father. The raider seizures through criminal cases and bankruptcies of enterprises that even survived the 90s are still very memorable. But Father must be given guarantees that our oligarchs will not stick their noses into his economy. And then, with a confidence of 90%, he will become absolutely loyal, a sort of another "Putin's foot soldier."

    A good idea, but who will give such guarantees? Liberal economists in government? The oligarchs themselves? Putin is not God and not the king, and as a dictator exists only in the heads of unsystematic Svidomo.
  35. +2
    April 16 2016 22: 48
    Dear Russians, you hate the dad for his two-facedness, but as soon as the time of the presidential elections in Belarus comes, you can easily allocate money and your "observers" for this democratic event.
  36. +1
    April 16 2016 23: 30
    [quote = PHANTOM-AS] [quote = epsilon571]
    I'm just sure that the party or presidential candidate as the first paragraph of his program will designate the re-establishment of the USSR, then he will gain 90 percent of the vote and do not care what the West will say! [/ Quote]
    The West will give a standing ovation, because the coming to power of such a president will automatically consolidate ALL anti-Russian forces in the post-Soviet space, which, by the way, will be joined by the "national elites", who do not want to lose their "elitism". The same Lukashenko, in the event of the reunification of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus (hypothetically), who is he? Governor / Mayor of Minsk, no more.
  37. +3
    April 17 2016 00: 00
    I have been living in Belarus for 20 years. Such propaganda and brainwashing that is going on now, I have not seen before. It is very easy to judge this by the school curriculum of the children of the older and younger. And according to comments to articles on Belarusian portals. The appearance in the environment of the maddened "Belarus and Lithuania" is frightening (they simply did not exist before). The insistent proposals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus to change citizenship to the Republic of Belarus are already tiresome. So with such a vector of policy "whose name we cannot pronounce in sue", Belarus may, after a certain period of time, become the second territory 404. How sad it is to realize this.
    1. +1
      April 17 2016 07: 51
      Quote: Uk_Ol
      I have been living in Belarus for 20 years. Such propaganda and brainwashing that is going on now, I have not seen before.

      Exactly 20 and definitely not seen?
    2. 0
      April 17 2016 11: 18
      I wonder what real Lithuania thinks about this. Lithuanians consider you practically a part of Russia.
      Belarus tse Lithuania
  38. -1
    April 17 2016 01: 35
    I don’t understand something. Yusiki Shtatovtsy are evil and bad (they know this all over the world). At least put on international law appliance(Libya is a great example, at least put it in the textbook). V.V.P. genius strategist and master of "multi-moves". The army is almost the most powerful in the world. Result: Russia has almost no allies left (only the army, navy and Strategic Missile Forces).
    Under the states and Europe are all who can. Lie down voluntarily. Somehow all this is strange, don’t you? Perhaps the Masonic conspiracy? Or we don’t know something, but in the Kremlin everybody knows? Has the population been "brainwashed"?

    Propaganda and the media can shape public opinion, most politicians can buy / intimidate / discredit (read RIA). In general, manipulate society. If the states do it, why don't we? If the states did it with the USSR -why Russia is still not equal with them? Bandera Ukrainians? Did you find out about them only in 2014? Why not some kind of "United Motherland" movement and a nationwide expression of will for reunification with Russia? Why is everyone in Belarus now afraid of the Maidan, and not "preparing a federal agreement with the RF"? Eh?

    I’m not naughty, don’t hope. I want to live, work, eat, rest. Shooting at living people or dying from a ray is not a hunt. Or are the Anglo-Saxons right - we Russians have never learned to "win the world"? Rake-walking as a Russian national-patriotic tradition?
    1. +1
      April 17 2016 02: 16
      Ah, ma-la-dza .. to draw such a picture - you need to know how to do it .. my applause ..

      Well, I'll try a little .. distort:

      Quote: Borus017
      Yusiki Shtatovtsy evil and bad (all over the world know it)

      - not. They are white and fluffy. For yourself. All Others - Consumables Yes

      Quote: Borus017
      Russia has almost no allies (only the army, navy and strategic missile forces)

      - yah? They say that there are no "friends" left .. so they never were .. and the allies - the whole CSTO, and many more. The thing is, shta .. "ally" - he, as a rule:

      - for a while (sometimes long)
      - as long as interests coincide

      There are many of those.

      Quote: Borus017
      Under the states and Europe are all who can. Lie down voluntarily

      - from a certain point of view - Europe is also .. then .. under the States. The simplest example - google "TTIP", read it, think a lot
      - voluntarily-forcibly under them (under the States) lie down. There are many ways to force them Yes

      Quote: Borus017
      If the states do it, why don't we?

      - the "do-it-yourselfer" has not grown yet. And it won't grow back soon. Weak, in fact, "feed" wink

      Quote: Borus017
      Bandera Ukrainians? ... Why not ... a nationwide expression of will for reunification with Russia? Why is everyone in Belarus now afraid of the Maidan, and not "preparing a federal agreement with the RF"?

      - for the same reason. On the opposite side there are more forces and means. At times, and as if not by orders of magnitude request

      Everything seems to be exactly yet?
  39. -1
    April 17 2016 02: 00
    Can the oligarchs and corruption be to blame? So in the states (as we write) corruption is abruptly ours. The oligarchs? And where are they not? Oh yes, in North Korea ...
    They (the states) have a lot of money - they themselves print. So, it seems, until recently, we had a lot, too - even bribery of any Euro-officials would have been enough.
    Is Gorbachev / Yeltsin to blame for everything? No questions. But they ended back in the late 90s. Maybe all sorts of liberals are right? So the states around the world over the past 10 years have convincingly proven - they do not comply with the contract and they throw the counterparty immediately upon passing the need for it - you can’t give up. You can’t even live up to the Hague tribunal like Gaddafi. Therefore, our leadership cannot but work in the interests of Russia.
    Or is it really quite wrong?
    1. +1
      April 17 2016 02: 28
      Here is already weaker. IMHO, naturally ...

      Quote: Borus017
      Is Gorbachev / Yeltsin to blame for everything? No questions. But they ended back in the late 90s

      - the consequences still remain. In the form of the same, for example, alligato .. aligarhoff, to blame, at least ..

      Quote: Borus017
      So the states around the world over the past 10 years have convincingly proved - they do not comply with the contract and throw the counterparty immediately after passing the need for it - you can not give up. You won’t even live to see the Hague tribunal like Gaddafi

      - right. And "the last 10 years" is superfluous here - it has always been this way ..

      Quote: Borus017
      Therefore, our leadership cannot but work in the interests of Russia.

      - and the "leadership", it is .. heterogeneous .. "each creature on hare couple. "Accordingly, who is closer to what, he works for that ..

      Quote: Borus017
      Or is it really quite wrong?

      - and how is it - "not so"? And what is "everything"? wink

      Say something already .. not in the form of a question, if you have something to say, naturally ...
  40. +2
    April 19 2016 17: 58
    years, in fact, not a damn thing done in the field of economic reform.
    Oh and one more balabol, but in Russia, if you recall the Yeltsin reformers when enterprises sold for a penny if it weren’t for oil in Russia, the situation would not have been better
    1. -1
      April 20 2016 05: 59
      What is Azerbaijan with its oil?

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"