Who wants to take over the Russian Arctic and why?

Who wants to take over the Russian Arctic and why?

Who owns the Northern Sea Route? For our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, this was the easiest question in a geography lesson. Pomors in the XIV century went to the New Earth and Grumand (Spitsbergen). In 1640 – 1668 years, the ataman Semyon Dezhnev passed on the coch from the mouth of the Lena to the mouth of Anadyr, simultaneously opening the strait, later named after him. Well, during the Great Northern Expedition in 1734 – 1741, Russian naval officers surveyed the shores along the entire Northern Sea Route.

17 December 1932, by a decision of the USSR Council of People's Commissars, formed a single transport and economic body - the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route (Glavsevmorput), which was responsible for the technical equipment of the route, the organization of regular transportation and safety of navigation on this route.

At the cost of enormous costs and the death of hundreds of people in 1932 – 1991, a well-equipped Northern Sea Route was created with dozens of ports and airfields. At the same time, during this period, apart from the Soviet ones, no other merchant ships passed through the Northern Sea Route.


In 1941 – 1944, Hitler attempted to seize the Northern Sea Route. In the Barents and Kara Seas, German raiders and submarines robbed. Later, the Germans were on the coast of the Arctic Ocean and east of Cape Chelyuskin. But always under the escort of "boys-vohrovtsev."

And now the German belt buckles, buttons for underpants, leaves with German text cause a flurry of sensations. And venerable writers and journalists talk about landings of the kriegsmarine, the construction of bases for submarines and missile positions in the mouths of the Lena, Kolyma and Indigirka.

In 1991, the passage along the Northern Sea Route was allowed to foreign ships. However, the first two foreign ships passed there only in the 2009 year. In 2011, they turned out to be 34, in 2012, 46, etc. So the mass passage of thousands of ships, as through the Panama and Suez Canals, around the Cape of Good Hope, etc., is not expected here in the foreseeable future.

30 April 1999 of the year in the Russian Federation were introduced rules for navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). According to them, in the water area of ​​the SMP there is a permitting procedure for navigation of vessels, and the issuance of the relevant permit is carried out by the administration of the NSR on the basis of a statement from the shipowner. Nevertheless, the United States, Norway and a number of other countries officially believe that the NSR is an international maritime route, and the communications of the Arctic are "the common heritage of all mankind."

At the same time, the public of the West is sure that the enlightened European mariners opened the Northern Sea Route, and it is rightfully discovered by Europe. Thus, during three voyages in 1594 – 1597, the Dutch navigator William Barents discovered the Novaya Zemlya archipelago and unsuccessfully tried to pass through the Strait of Yugorsky Shar. As a result, the Barents Sea appeared on the maps of the Arctic.

However, in the notes of Barents and his companions, meetings with the ships of the coast-dwellers are constantly mentioned, and in the New Land itself, Barents discovered an abandoned Russian settlement.

A similar case was in the city of Udoeva, when Vasya Pupkin flew to Cyprus and discovered this island for the glorious inhabitants of Udoev.

In 1878, for the first time in stories the wooden schooner "Vega" of the Swedish navigator Nordensheld for one (!) navigation passed the Northern Sea Route. So, the Swedes are pioneers of the SMP. A Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen in the year 1893 took and called the sea the name of Nordenskiold.

They did not argue in Russia; two revolutions, the Japanese, German and Civil wars, took place there. The name of the Siberian multimillionaire Alexander Mikhailovich Sibiryakov, the owner of the factories, gold mines, the Yenisei, Lensky and Amur shipping companies, was forgotten. Meanwhile, it was he who decided to organize the “Northern Delivery”, that is, to charter sea vessels and deliver goods from Europe to the mouths of the Yenisei and Lena, from where river steamers of Sibiryakovo companies would transport them to the center of Siberia.

In 1876, Sibiryakov chartered the 400-ton steamer Imer, which was supposed to deliver the cargo to the mouth of the Yenisei River, where the steamer of the Sibiryakov society was waiting for him. Sibiryakov offered the Swede Erik Nordenskiöld to command "Imer".

In 1878, an iron screw ship “Lena” of a “river – sea” class was built specially for Sibiryakov in Sweden. To command them Sibiryakov hired Swede Johansen. Well, Nordenskjold asked for a fellow traveler. So it was or a little different, but it was the iron “Lena” that passed Chelyuskin Cape first, and after it was a wooden schooner “Vega” together with Nordensheld.

28 August 1878 of the year “Lena” and “Vega” came to Tiksi at the mouth of the Lena River. Then "Lena" went up the river, and "Vega" - to the east. September 27 "Vegu" wiped in the Kolyuchinskaya Bay in 222 km from the Bering Strait, she had to winter for 11 months. She left only 18 July 1879 of the year. From where in the reference books appeared the phrase “Nordenskiöld passed the NSR during one navigation”, one can only guess. Well, "Lena" under the command of Johannsen went to Lena for three more years, later she repeatedly went to sea, went to the mouth of the Yana, etc.

Moscow closed the volunteering of Mr. Nansen in 1935: the Nordenskjold Sea became the Laptev Sea - Russian officers who had been in those parts a century and a half before "all sorts of different Swedes."


A reasonable question arises: why does the West falsify geographical discoveries in the Russian sector of the Arctic? Why put forward a claim to our Northern Sea Route?

A number of scientists and politicians explain this by the fact that in 1982, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was signed, which determined how the borders should pass along the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. According to the document, the boundaries of the economic zone of coastal states were set at a distance of 200 nautical miles (370 km) from the coast of the mainland and islands.

In 1997, the Russian Federation ratified the convention and thus lost the rights to the “Russian sector”.

The expediency of signing the convention by the Yeltsin government is a rather controversial issue. In my opinion, the extension of this convention to the Arctic is an unforgivable mistake, fraught with numerous political complications or even armed conflicts.

Experts recognize the presence in the Russian sector of the Arctic huge reserves of oil, gas and other minerals. At the very end of the twentieth century, theories of sharp warming in the Arctic appeared. The pundits claimed that the ice in the Arctic would melt by the year of 2013. And then, they say, everyone will get free access to oil and gas production in the Russian sector of the Arctic.

But, alas, the ice does not want to melt. And the Arctic still periodically shows the world its cool temper. So, September 4 2013 of the year in the Mathisen Strait to the north of Taimyr, the Norwegian tanker Nordvik with a displacement of 6409 t flew over the ice floe. “Nordvik” had the Ice-1 (L4) ice reinforcement class and had permission to sail the Northern Sea Route on its own, without icebreakers. Nevertheless, the tanker took a lot of water and barely made it to Murmansk with a four-node course.

The framework of the article does not allow to dwell on the Canadian-Russian dispute over the shelf at the Lomonosov Ridge. But, one way or another, it is clear that the extraction of oil and gas in the Russian sector of the Arctic outside the 200-mile Russian economic zone is physically impossible without technical assistance from the Russian Federation and the use of the NSR. And the latter in many places passes through the territorial 12-mile waters of Russia, and Moscow has the right to decide whom to let there and who not.

It would seem that the United States, Canada, Norway and other countries are economically advantageous to improve relations with the Russian Federation and jointly exploit the wealth of the North. That is what the interests of big business require. But the West acts exactly the opposite.


American researchers in uniform have long been chosen by the Arctic. Photo from www.navy.mil

Since 1991, a noisy but very influential group of Russian scientists, politicians and artists has been imposing a formula on the country: “First, the economy, and then politics.” But if Alexander III and Nicholas II acted according to this formula, then Russia would long ago have lost the Far East and Siberia. Recall that the Trans-Siberian Railway and Far Eastern voyages of Voluntary ships fleet were generally unprofitable.

And in general, by the 18th century, Russia would not be on a geographical map if the Moscow rulers acted according to this formula. The Novgorod boyars in the XII – XV centuries also believed that the economy was first, and then politics. Lord Novgorod the Great had the means to maintain an army capable of crushing any adversary. But the greedy nobles hoped: “Perhaps he will carry it by.” And if that - buy off. As a result, the entire active population of the Lord of Novgorod was destroyed or deported.

Ah, this is an ancient story! What about Maidan in February 2014 of the year? How many billion euros invested by the EU in the preparation of a coup? And how much did they spend after the coup? Ahead for the EU in Ukraine only huge expenses and no prospects for returning at least a tenth of loans.

So for the West the main thing is to destroy Russia, and for the sake of it they sacrificed, donate and will sacrifice their economic interests.

In the Arctic, the situation is similar to the Maidan. None of the owners of the few foreign vessels passing through the NSR, does not complain. Everyone is satisfied with the Russian rules. Meanwhile, the White House is demanding the internationalization of the path and is preparing for Arctic adventures.

I repeat: neither the US, nor the EU, nor the countries of Asia will receive any economic dividends if the NSR is internationalized.

The goal of the United States is to create a military threat to Russia from the North — this is the minimum program. The Pentagon plans to launch dozens of cruisers and destroyers carrying Tomahawk cruise missiles and Aegis missile defense systems on the Northern Sea Route. Onboard each are 90 universal vertical start installations. The type of missiles varies from the tasks assigned to the ship. The Aegis missile defense system can shoot down Russian ICBMs launched from mine launchers and nuclear submarines on ascending trajectories. Tomahawk cruise missiles have a range of 2200 km and from the Northern Sea Route can hit almost the entire territory of Russia, including Moscow, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, etc.

Well, the maximum program is a rejection of Siberia from Russia, followed by the collapse of the whole of Russia. Our media outlets write about the SMP mainly as a transit route from Murmansk to Vladivostok. But the overwhelming number of vessels on the highway do not make through flights, but carry cargo to Siberia and back.

In Siberia, dozens of navigable rivers flow from south to north and flow into the Arctic Ocean. And if in 1920-s the supply of Yakutia only for 10% came from the Arctic Ocean, in the middle of 1940-s it increased to 50%. Supply went on Lena and further on SPM. The same can be said about Kolyma, Indigirka, Yenisei and other rivers.

By taking control of the NSR, the US fleet will be able to manage the Northern Delivery. Formally, you can find fault with anything, with the same ecology. Western merchant ships will move uncontrollably along the coast of Siberia, climb up rivers, smuggle trade, carry out “humanitarian aid”, and establish contacts with the separatists.

It is not difficult to guess that for big money you can find a handful of people demanding "independence". Recall how in 2014, a bunch of bandyuganov terrorized Odessa. And the Center will try to restore order, along the Northern Sea Route and the rivers of Siberia, American marines will sail in "blue UN helmets".


So, the internationalization of the Northern Sea Route for Russia will be the realization of the proverb “The claw is stuck - the whole bird is gone.”

One distinguished admiral complained that under socialism the Americans could not even think about capturing the Northern Sea Route. And now their ships will simply enter the Russian sector of the Arctic, and we will not be able to prevent them.

The Americans are really getting ready. In this regard, it is significant that since 2012 the Naval Submarine Fleet Center and NASA have been working on an unmanned vehicle adapted for the Arctic. To the task drone will include, in particular, tracking icebergs.

In addition, in recent years there has been a question about the modernization of icebreaking ships listed in the US Navy for coast guard. Two of the existing icebreakers - Polar Star and Polar Sea - have exceeded their 30-year service life. The third icebreaker, the Healy, does not have enough power to perform many operations. In 2011, the Polar Sea was put into repair, and the life of the Polar Star in 2012 was extended by 7 – 10 years to 2019 – 2022.

In June 2013, the Department of Homeland Security decided that the US Navy icebreaking fleet should consist of six icebreakers - three heavy and three medium. The cost of building one heavy icebreaker can range from 900 million dollars to 1,1 billion dollars. The construction of the icebreaker is scheduled for the 2018 year.

In 2009, the US Navy sent an Nimitz-type attack aircraft carrier John Stennis to the Arctic north of the Arctic Circle for combat patrols. In 2010, the destroyer "Porter" of the type "Arly Burke" performed exercises in the Arctic waters. In 2012, in the Arctic, the missile cruiser "Lake Erie" of the "Ticonderoga" type and the destroyer "Decatur" of the "Arly Burk" type, were on combat duty.

I will note that all the above cruisers and destroyers are carriers of Aegis missile defense systems and Tomahawk cruise missiles. What do they need in the Arctic? Protect Alaska or Greenland from Russians? Of course no. They rehearse the seizure of the Northern Sea Route.


Our media admirals are discussing whether the entire Northern Fleet can sink at least one American aircraft carrier. I automatically have a question: for what they were given admiral titles? Maybe for the fact that Rear Admiral Timur Gaidar, in his life did not even command a barge?

To begin with, in our complex and interdependent world, one or a series of asymmetrical counterattacks can be struck at a single point at a distance of thousands of kilometers from it. For example, sell "effective" weapon a country in conflict with the United States. America withdraws from the ABM Treaty. Why Russia does not withdraw from another arms limitation treaty?

As you know, the Russian Su-24 was shot down over the territory of Syria. And according to the Turkish version, he was above Turkey for a few seconds (!). And in the 2014, the Syrian Su-24 was shot down by an American Patriot missile because it flew 800 and m (!) Over the Golan Heights, that is, over Syrian territory, which Israel occupied in the 1973 year.

The United States and NATO approved the destruction of both aircraft and stated that this is consistent with international law. So why should Russia not use the precedent and not warn that any aircraft, surface ship or submarine that entered the territorial waters of Russia in the Arctic will be immediately destroyed?

And it is time for our brave admirals to remind that the court was not the 18th century, when the ships converged on a linear battle under the GOST rules and that one who had more ships and guns won. In peacetime, a Ticondeur-type cruiser can be forced out of the territorial waters by a tugboat with a strong hull. Let us recall the taran of the cruiser "Yorktown" off the coast of the Crimea in 1988 year.

And in the event of a local nuclear war, one MRK can easily sink an entire aircraft carrier formation to the bottom. To do this, it is enough to launch six cruise missiles with the control system turned off, that is, shoot at the area occupied by the order. The first missile should be launched 30 seconds earlier and equipped with an enemy missile approach sensor. Thus, if the Americans intercept it, the special charge will explode before the enemy missile hits. Similar sensors are available on all modern tanks.

The explosion of a special charge, for example, 20 CT, creates a huge electromagnetic pulse, disabling all radio electronic means of ships and anti-aircraft missiles. So the remaining five cruise missiles launched by the ISCs will be guaranteed to cover an American order. Ships will be sunk or disabled. In the latter case, the MRK will come up and finish off everything that remains on the surface from AK-176.

But in principle, you can do without the ISCs, and even without a tug. Most of the SMP is shallow, and modern sea mines can be placed to a depth of 2 km. We are talking about mines torpedoes. Modern mines are highly intelligent, they can “sleep” for several months and be activated by a signal. Mines can be equipped with a "friend - foe" sensor in the same way as was done on rockets. Thus, mines will be harmless to their ships and pose a mortal danger to violators of our borders. The setting of minefields in peacetime, for example during exercises, does not contradict international maritime law.

According to international agreements, in the economic zone any state has the right to free navigation, laying of communication cables and pipelines. Moreover, the latter is done in practice after long negotiations with the owner of the economic zone. Let us recall at least the epic with the Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic. But the installation of military equipment at the bottom of the economic zone, on ice floes, etc. agreements are not provided. That is, Russia can destroy or withdraw any military automatic equipment found in its economic zone, and itself put anything.

For more than 40 years, the United States and England have put their hydroacoustic stations and other intelligence equipment in our economic zone in the Arctic. Moreover, off the coast of Russia, in the Barents and Okhotsk seas, they repeatedly installed “cocoons” on secret Russian cable lines.

The most curious thing is that we learn about all these Yankee pranks only from the messages of the Western media. There is a statute of limitations or information leakage, and then the Western (!) Media publish sensational materials. Well, our military about these things keep proud silence. They are being watched, they are bugged, but all this is a state secret from their own people, and the admirals do not want to disclose it.
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  1. +27
    April 9 2016 06: 24
    [img] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70Zzv2JZnms&nohtml5=False [/ img]
    Who wants to take over the Russian Arctic and why?
    judging by the "airbrushing" on the icebreaker, it's not the Arctic ...
    Recall the cruiser cruiser "Yorktown" off the coast of Crimea in 1988.
    nice to hear how the mattress shouting ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +10
      April 9 2016 10: 14
      Before the good Medvedev for shaking hands did not begin to cut pieces of the Arctic neighbors, there was no talk of the Russian Arctic. And the fact that they found an ax under the bench in a neighbor’s house does not mean that the house does not belong to a neighbor.hi
      1. +10
        April 9 2016 11: 05
        Quote: siberalt
        what they found in the neighbor’s house, an ax under the bench, does not mean that the house does not belong to the neighbor.

        Similar case was in the city of Udoev, when Vasya Pupkin flew to Cyprus and discovered this island for the glorious inhabitants of Udoev.
        And before that a similar case was when Europe "discovered" America. And much more.

        Many, many years ago, my coach, when we guys torn the veins in training, said: "Even with a big mouth, you need to bite off little by little, otherwise you will choke ..."

        Today, maybe someone in Europe is happy to "close" America - but it's too late, already "choked" ...
        1. WKS
          April 9 2016 13: 00
          As a response, we propose cruising our boats with calibers along the US coastline, naturally outside the 12-mile zone. As a "demonstration of the non-provocative use of the right of free passage" (Eng. To manifest a non provocative exercise of the right of innocent passage).
      2. Fat
        April 9 2016 16: 04
        Well, well ... Rurik was summoned, he came, some believe. The thought is: "Maybe Sweden is a part, and not vice versa?" They sent Nurman, and now they are quietly afraid of the king, and they are shuffling through the Eurozacks with NATO from their brother. I do not understand. "Cho, fratello spit a little, my pedera = sweeter?"
        This east is a delicate matter. Here, in the North "under the bench, besides the beloved tporik, there are seven more lemongrass ... in one hand stretched out, and in the other" shoemaker "... Like, in the north - my wife is your wife.
        Quote: siberalt
        Before the good Medvedev for shaking hands did not begin to cut pieces of the Arctic neighbors, there was no talk of the Russian Arctic. And the fact that they found an ax under the bench in a neighbor’s house does not mean that the house does not belong to a neighbor.

        There is a jug of milk in it. Who eats more? That's right, the one with the deeper glass .... "Drink the sea, Xanthus", yes, easy, first take the rivers away from him. Our rivers are our sediments, Our responsibility, shelf = a non-flooded part of the continent?
        I’ll continue in Tolstoyan: "Wow, com?"
      3. -20
        April 10 2016 05: 36
        In my opinion, the Arctic should not belong to anyone. Or everyone. And there must be a strict ban on oil production, or some other activity that could upset the rather fragile ecological balance.
        1. -12
          April 10 2016 17: 01
          Stock cons, go nuts! Why did I write something so terrible ?!) How did they seem to sign such agreements? I don’t propose to settle some kind of houses there, but just not engage in oil production, or other things dangerous for the environment, as an example.
          1. +10
            April 10 2016 17: 27
            environmentalist wanted to add something?)
            1. +1
              April 10 2016 19: 29
              environmentalist wanted to add something?)
              Now he will say that you have a quilted jacket and helicopters with the wrong system and it’s not interesting for him to communicate with you, because it’s easier to play chess with pigeons, and you can write anything to him in return, it will not change anything and the only correct point of view, which by the way is outside the scope of any discussion belongs to his beloved laughing
              1. -8
                April 11 2016 01: 43
                And you, as I understand it, do not care about ecology? Just think, if something like a catastrophe in the Persian Gulf happens, it’s not in your yard, but okay.
                1. +5
                  April 11 2016 05: 45
                  And you, as I understand it, do not care about ecology?
                  No, I don’t give a damn, but how do you say ecology in the Arctic differs from, say, the ecology of the Tyumen region? Generally stop mining? If developed correctly and treated responsibly, environmental damage is minimal. It will not be mined there Russia will be mined by the USA, Canada, Europe simply because hydrocarbons will be relevant for at least another 100 years and there’s no getting away with it, and they have not discovered new relatively large fields on the continents for 10 years.
                  Just think, if something like a catastrophe in the Persian Gulf happens, it’s not in your yard, but okay.
                  So let's start fighting for the environment with the Persian Gulf and with the barbaric method of producing shale oil! First, we’ll cover everything there, because there have been shitting for a long time and it's time to tie smile. What are you suddenly so personally concerned about the Arctic? Do you want to say that this is what doesn’t do harm in the picture below?
                2. 0
                  April 14 2016 14: 13
                  Minus as usual, total -29. Well done keep it up!!! :-D
                3. 0
                  6 May 2016 16: 36
                  In order for Germany to have no problems with the environment, it is necessary to withdraw from its territory all US military bases, in particular those where nuclear weapons are deployed. And also, all American nuclear power plants should be stopped. They are extremely dangerous.
                4. 0
                  6 May 2016 16: 36
                  In order for Germany to have no problems with the environment, it is necessary to withdraw from its territory all US military bases, in particular those where nuclear weapons are deployed. And also, all American nuclear power plants should be stopped. They are extremely dangerous.
              2. -4
                April 11 2016 01: 45
                What does it have to do with helicopters, it would seem ..
          2. +3
            April 11 2016 10: 15
            Of course there is nothing terrible in your writings, but stupid ... Everything is silly! For this and minus.
          3. 0
            6 May 2016 16: 32
            Well-deserved disadvantages, I also set. You are not a Russian person, you do not understand. We do not demand the revival of the GDR and the re-formation of the Western Group of Forces, as well as the return of NATO to the borders of 1989.
          4. 0
            6 May 2016 16: 32
            Well-deserved disadvantages, I also set. You are not a Russian person, you do not understand. We do not demand the revival of the GDR and the re-formation of the Western Group of Forces, as well as the return of NATO to the borders of 1989.
        2. +2
          April 10 2016 17: 13
          from Deutschland probably know better who should belong))
        3. +2
          April 11 2016 12: 39
          If something belongs to "no one" then anyone can do anything with it. Who is first....
    3. Fat
      April 9 2016 15: 28
      Sweden has ALL the opportunities to get the entire Russian North, right up to the Bering Strait ... You just need to join the Russian Federation. Another region = donor will be happy. True, terrorists = killers, they have not lived in Russia for so long.
      1. +3
        April 9 2016 15: 33
        Here there is most interesting material about the Northern Sea Route, its prospects, see from 32.45:
    4. 0
      April 11 2016 18: 23
      Yes, our armor is strong. Heroes are sailors and a captain is a hero. Brothers we need to glorify our people.
  2. +45
    April 9 2016 06: 36
    The Arctic was and will be ours. Not even for us. For our descendants. When the snow is parting. Kings, too, when they made such a huge Russia, probably thought about their descendants ...
    1. +22
      April 9 2016 06: 48
      Something ... you already minusanula. Or he doesn’t like kings, or he wants to give the Arctic.
      Well, kings are a thing of the past, but we will not give up the Arctic. That's right, you wrote, not to us, so the descendants will definitely come in handy.
      Although the Northern Sea Route is already very attractive and suitable for year-round operation, I think if not thousands, then hundreds of ships we will see there in the next ten years.
    2. -15
      April 9 2016 08: 25
      Quote: Oleneboy_
      The Arctic was and will be ours. Not even for us. For our descendants

      This is the meaning of our existence.
      Quote: Oleneboy_
      When the kings also made such a huge Russia, they probably thought about their descendants ...

      But this is nonsense. Great Tartary occupied almost all of Asia, just look at the European medieval maps. The tsars in Russia, if we talk about the Romanovs, were Germans, and a German had descendants of Germans, even if they speak Russian. With an objective assessment of the "activities" of the Romanovs in Russia, it turns out that they caused immeasurably more harm than good: Destruction of Russian roots through distortion of history - distortion of the language - reformatting of the Russian boyars in foreign courtiers - serfdom (slavery) - alcoholization, tobacco, other drugs etc...
  3. -11
    April 9 2016 06: 40
    There is nothing to be done. The West is required of our leaders to continue surrendering everything and everything. Well, they have nowhere to go and they are slowly losing out on the brakes .... We should be glad that even though Transib is not yet in international control, it will probably come true soon. Why can't you do anything? To change the country's course towards a patriotic one, a change of leaders is needed, and they are irreplaceable in our country. The existing tandem is ready to rule as long as there remains only one small Moscow principality. And then nobody will touch them, because there is nothing except peat and the urban jungle. Of course, now they are killing me, but, gentlemen, cheers, you know perfectly well that I am right. And you put a minus not to me, but to Putin. Well put. The truth is more expensive.
    1. +18
      April 9 2016 06: 51
      Well, rejoice that you poop today .. I’m not enthusiastic, to put it mildly from our rulers from corruption ..NO.To speak out about complete hopelessness regarding our Motherland .. I won’t even put a minus to you, because you can put a minus to a serious opponent and you are a rag ..
      Quote: ICE
      There is nothing to be done. The West is required of our leaders to continue surrendering everything and everything. Well, they have nowhere to go and they are slowly losing out on the brakes .... We should be glad that even though Transib is not yet in international control, it will probably come true soon. Why can't you do anything? To change the country's course towards a patriotic one, a change of leaders is needed, and they are irreplaceable in our country. The existing tandem is ready to rule as long as there remains only one small Moscow principality. And then nobody will touch them, because there is nothing except peat and the urban jungle. Of course, now they are killing me, but, gentlemen, cheers, you know perfectly well that I am right. And you put a minus not to me, but to Putin. Well put. The truth is more expensive.
    2. +12
      April 9 2016 06: 57
      Quote: ICE
      The truth is more expensive.

      And why, then, our "leaders", as you have deigned to put it, the Arctic troops?
      Well, how does this question interfere with your "truth"?
      And I have a dozen more in store (even the answers are) wink
      The boat does not swing, do you think the icebreaker will be easier to rock ..? laughing
      1. +8
        April 9 2016 07: 11
        Well, probably in order to eventually (in your opinion) leave Moscow a principality of Russia. So why do you think the Arctic troops are created. Have you even served in the army? For all the mistakes in the economy, with all the theft and arrogance of bureaucracy, I believe - Russia was, is and will be .. Everything, there’s no time to sit there, we’re going to build a big house with our family, I wish you to build yourself at least something ..
        Quote: Observer 33
        Quote: ICE
        The truth is more expensive.

        And why, then, our "leaders", as you have deigned to put it, the Arctic troops?
        Well, how does this question interfere with your "truth"?
        And I have a dozen more in store (even the answers are) wink
        The boat does not swing, do you think the icebreaker will be easier to rock ..? laughing
        1. +5
          April 9 2016 07: 23
          Well, the Principality of Moscow is not located in the Arctic latitudes request You do what it is, is it an attempt to answer a question or, what ..? I did not understand you.
          And in the army, yes, they served ... True, to the south, we said: "Better sand on the teeth than frost on the yay ... ah. laughing
          I repeat, I did not understand you, your comment is somehow tied to mine, except for the "quote" button?
          Thanks for the wish! hi This summer should be completed, a little left. True strengths are running out, I alone, all by myself, all by myself ... crying
          But I will gather my strength and finish it! Sure! And I will have a fence, cooler than that of the Coney rabbit! laughing Pillars of shaped bricks, on a solution of white cement! good
    3. +8
      April 9 2016 08: 48
      Quote: ICE
      There is nothing to be done. The West is required of our leaders to continue surrendering everything and everything. Well, they have nowhere to go and they slowly surrender on the brakes ...

      Aga Crimea, Syria, coercion to the peace of Georgia ...
      Quote: ICE
      We should be glad that even though Transib is not yet in international governance, it will probably come true soon. Why can't you do anything?

      And it will not, you can not even hope. It is not in vain that exercises are being conducted on landing, the bourgeoisie are screaming about the destroyed ecology on the islands of the far north ...
      Quote: ICE
      To change the country's course to a patriotic one needs a change of leaders, and they are irreplaceable with us

      Changed regimes in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, did the very simple population feel better about it?
      Quote: ICE
      The existing tandem is ready to rule as long as there remains only one small Moscow principality.

      Do you know while Russia for the first time since 1991 has grown in territory. And it would have increased if not for objective reasons in the form of the so-called "world community". Namely, they sleep and see how to become part of Russia Abkhazia, South Ossetia, LDNR, Priddenstrovye.
      Quote: ICE
      Of course, now they are killing me, but, gentlemen, cheers, you know perfectly well that I am right.

      I am not a classic cheer patriot in its classical manifestation, but it seems to me quite logical to explain above that you are either stupid or just another troll with propaganda, which over time should lead to the collapse of my country and the incalculable amount of misfortune and suffering for my people.
      1. -4
        April 9 2016 10: 51
        Quote: ImperialKolorad
        Do you know while Russia for the first time since 1991 has grown its territory.

        How many territories has Russia lost? October 14, 2008 Putin gave China Fr. Tarabarov and half of B. Ussuriyskiy. Residents of Khabarovsk protested against the transfer. A case "Incitement to hatred or enmity" (up to 2 years) was initiated against them. For patriotism? Damansky was also given. And how many soldiers of the Soviet Army died for him?
        Medvedev surrendered Norway a huge section of the Barents Sea for the sake of Gazprom’s interests. From an excess of patriotism?
        And when Aksyonov, Chaly, Konstantinov and Putin signed an agreement on the entry of Crimea into the Russian Federation, there was no joy on Putin's face, unlike the Crimeans.
        And the most patriotic of the patriots, Putin's billionaire friends, meanwhile, keep all the stolen money in offshore. And our guarantor says that this is normal. Friend-cellist-billionaire Roldugin (never heard of such a musician) sells muses to Russia. tools and has billions on it. Can we all do the balalaika too?
        1. +2
          April 9 2016 11: 37
          Quote: 16112014nk
          And how many territories have Russia lost? On October 14, 2008, Putin gave Fr. Tarabarov and half B. Ussuriysky. Khabarovsk residents protested against the transfer

          I am against any transfer of land to Russia to neighboring states, but on each occasion it is necessary to speak separately. For there are a lot of distortions and substitution of concepts from liberal oriented gentlemen.
          Quote: 16112014nk
          And when Aksyonov, Chaly, Konstantinov and Putin signed an agreement on the entry of Crimea into the Russian Federation, there was no joy on Putin's face, unlike the Crimeans.

          What kind of enchanting nonsense? Putin at that moment had to make many decisions that, if unsuccessful, could lead to, including, nuclear war. I would look at you if I put it in the shoes of our president at that time. With such heresy you undermine faith in the theses on the transfer of territories.
          Quote: 16112014nk
          And the most patriotic of the patriots, Putin's billionaire friends, meanwhile, keep all the stolen money in offshore. And our guarantor says that this is normal. Friend-cellist-billionaire Roldugin (never heard of such a musician) sells muses to Russia. tools and has billions on it. Can we all do the balalaika too?

          A new training manual was brought. Yes, our elite is corrupt and in many ways corrupt, but even greater betrayal under this tag to try to destroy the country as at the turn of the 80-90s.
        2. 0
          April 10 2016 19: 11
          And also the Dagestan village with residents together with the river was presented to the Azerbaijani khan.
      2. 0
        April 9 2016 16: 02
        Quote: ImperialKolorad
        or another troll with propaganda, which should eventually lead to the collapse of my country and the incalculable amount of misfortune and suffering for my people.

        This is - most likely ...
    4. +2
      April 9 2016 15: 48
      Quote: ICE
      And you put a minus not to me, but to Putin. Well put. The truth is more expensive.

      And you still put the pluses to Yeltsin and Gaidar ???
  4. +14
    April 9 2016 06: 44
    A very good big article. An overview of what happened and what is. Our timely attention to this topic is good.
    Yeltsin appears here, contrary to Russian interests, acted.
    1. -2
      April 9 2016 07: 51
      The historical review is good. But it’s strange that the author still does not command the Northern Fleet. After all, he knows best of all about the defense of the homeland.
      1. 0
        April 9 2016 12: 40
        Quote: baudolino
        The historical review is good. But it’s strange that the author still does not command the Northern Fleet. After all, he knows best of all about the defense of the homeland.

        One knows, the other foresees, the other commands, from this the team turns out to be based on this society.
      2. 0
        April 9 2016 16: 11
        Quote: baudolino
        it is strange that the author still does not command the Northern Fleet. After all, he knows best of all about the defense of the homeland.

        It is strange that you are being neglected for this statement ...

        Yesterday I was minus for the fact that I suggested that not a single Amer (NATO) AUG presents a big problem for the Russian nuclear triads (!!!) for its destruction, or at least the deprivation of combat capability ...

        And here the author (A.Shirokorad) forces just one (!!!) MRC destroys not only the aircraft carrier, but also its escort escort with six missiles ... And then it shoots the remains of the AUG from an artillery installation ...

        And Shirokorad's "knowledge" is wide not only in the field of combat use of the fleet ... Read his books - there is no limit to his knowledge ... Unique !!!
  5. +5
    April 9 2016 06: 45
    Well, there are not a few who want it, it’s understandable, but how many are really powerful ..? Well, so that there would be fewer powerful ones, but ideally, there wouldn’t be at all, we must work hard, and everything will be fine. I join my colleagues: Fuck them, and not the Arctic! Moreover, horseradish in both hands, and for the collar in addition!
    1. 0
      April 9 2016 16: 27
      Quote: Observer 33
      Fuck them, and not the Arctic!

      Here, in addition to the navy, it is necessary to continue to develop the icebreaker ... Thank God, something is being done in this direction ...

      PS And with the possibility of installing some weapons on future icebreakers ... So tell me after that that our rulers are draining the Arctic ...
  6. +1
    April 9 2016 06: 48
    the public of the West is confident that enlightened European mariners have opened the NSR, and it belongs to Europe by the right of discoverers

    In my opinion, the statement of O. Bender is appropriate here: "Can you give the keys to the apartment, where is the money?"
  7. 0
    April 9 2016 06: 50
    In order to ensure the safety of the Earth’s population, the landan and Washington should be destroyed and wiped out. am
  8. -8
    April 9 2016 07: 06
    I think that Russia and the USA will control the Arctic drinks
    1. +2
      April 9 2016 08: 31
      to hell with you, not the Russian Arctic! soldier
      1. 0
        April 9 2016 08: 51
        we need only half of the Arctic bully
        1. 0
          April 9 2016 10: 22
          we need only half of the Arctic

          And obviously the United States does not want to share with Canada and northern Europe? However, you have requests.
  9. +8
    April 9 2016 07: 14
    Currently, the United States and Canada are organizing Arctic expeditions in order to prove their rights to a larger part of the Arctic shelf than what they can dispose of today. Sharing an oil pie between the United States and Russia (as well as smaller countries) does not bode well. Russia's task is to defend the Soviet borders of the Arctic shelf. Russia "took up" the development of the Arctic (at least the restoration of military infrastructure) in a timely manner. It is better to have a certain head start than to then talk about missed opportunities.
    1. +1
      April 9 2016 16: 29
      Quote: sl22277
      Russia's task to defend the Soviet borders of the Arctic shelf

      We will not defend the Soviet borders, more than once it has already been written in various articles, and this one also states that, having ratified the Convention, we thereby infringed our own Faberge ourselves ...

      But standing up to the maximum possible is sacred ...
      1. -1
        April 9 2016 21: 05
        How did Medvedev respond for the sale of the Northern Sea Route to the Americans? No way! And, most likely, he will not answer! And after all, he still sits in the chair of the Prime Minister and continues to "play smart"!
  10. +8
    April 9 2016 07: 18
    Grabbing the Russian Arctic into your own hands is the same as swallowing a meter-long icicle of ice. And the properties are the same: suck - you can eat, you can not ... laughing
  11. +3
    April 9 2016 07: 29
    Good review and very relevant! Thank!
  12. +2
    April 9 2016 07: 35
    Quote: sl22277
    Russia's task is to defend the Soviet borders of the Arctic shelf.

    This is undeniable. That shouldn't have been done ... "A number of scientists and politicians explain this by the fact that in 1982, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was signed, which determined how the borders should pass along the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. According to the document, the boundaries of the economic zone of coastal states were set at a distance of 200 nautical miles (370 km) from the coast of the mainland and islands.

    In 1997, the Russian Federation ratified the convention and thus lost the rights to the “Russian sector”.
    "It's not a secret for anyone how people in the West like to poke a finger at a signed piece of paper. wink
  13. +2
    April 9 2016 07: 40
    Nevertheless, the United States, Norway and several other countries officially believe that the NSR is the international sea route, and the communication of the Arctic is “a common heritage of all mankind”.

    "A number of other countries include China, among others, which is actively building its icebreaker fleet. fellow
    1. +1
      April 9 2016 08: 42
      Professor, you can build at least a death star. China builds for the future (maybe when it comes in handy). By the principle of creating joint ventures (our mechanisms and finances are your deposits). The PRC is now engaging in a global confrontation in the South China Sea with almost the entire region ( this is for a long time). So don’t be puffed up, the Jews cannot break off here.
      1. -1
        April 9 2016 09: 06
        Quote: zadorin1974
        so don’t be puffed up, the Jews here cannot break off.

        Whoever has pain hurts about that. fool

        Quote: zadorin1974
        China is building for the future (maybe when it comes in handy).

        Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue calls on the polar countries to abandon the "interests of the coastal countries" in favor of the "interests of all mankind." Oceanologist Guo Pheiqing emphasized: “Polar states should understand that Arctic affairs are not only a regional issue.”

        Northern Sea Route: China's new Arctic strategy

        Chinese Historical Law on the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route
        1. 0
          April 9 2016 12: 37
          what or what I’m ashamed to ask to go along the Northern Sea Route, are you going? Count and see.
      2. 0
        April 9 2016 09: 58
        Quote: zadorin1974
        Professor, you can build at least a death star. China builds on the future (maybe when it comes in handy)

        Unfortunately, the professor is right. Last year, the Chinese sent their ships to explore the Northwest Passage, the Bering Strait, the Aleutian Islands. By the way, the North East Passage is our NSR. The Northwest Passage is a passage along the coast of Canada and the United States. look for materials Min East Development signed with China this year. These are links to research by the PRC in the Arctic.
    2. +7
      April 9 2016 09: 52
      Quote: professor
      "Several other countries include China among others

      1. I suggest look at the picture hydrocarbon reserves and those countries that have their own possessions in the Arctic, to understand why the Amy combed themselves in a secluded place.
      2. About the Northern Sea Route.
      The hopes of the Amov and K * that the ice will melt and that it will be possible to walk in clean water outside of the Russian waterways is still an unrealizable dream. Although it is possible to "try" Canadian icebreakers to walk on the pack ice of the polar cap ... But the "fantasy" section is on another site.
      Next. You can't just get into the state's terrorists if there is no permit for free passage. And here is a strict PERMISSIVE order of passage. The attempts of the Ams to declare the NSR an "international sea route" is only a "desire" that has no real justification. And the fact that the NSR is our internal sea route is easily proved. Yes, we allow foreigners to use the NSR upon prior request (not even a notification procedure!), Because you need comprehensive support, and in case of ice conditions - icebreaker assistance of ships (caravan).
      Well, where is the "piano" of yusser, China and K * except for their "wishlist".
      3. About the article.
      - I am not commenting on the Shirokorad nonsense about RTOs and an aircraft carrier, the "local nuclear war" between the Russian Federation and the United States, mine laying and other military wisdom ... I was especially touched by the belief in the power of the AK-176!
      - did not like the rotten smell in relation to the "admirals". It seems like a literate person, but he cannot understand that "the hammer itself does not pick the nails that the owner has chosen to hammer in." So it is here: blaming the performers for the fact that they do not carry out active actions without a leadership team - well, some kind of Makhnovism!
      - the author deliberately asks * what * the military about the "cocoons" on the communication lines (between the Navy Navy and the Headquarters of the Northern Fleet), tk. heard the ringing, but does not know the rest ...
      And then, our * loshariki * apparently go to the seas to breathe fresh air, and not to perform special tasks ...
      That's just the amy screeching about the threat to the European I-no. Well, they cannot openly tell the public that the Russians are hanging on their secret cables.
      - I liked the historical part more if I didn’t rename the Bering Strait!
      The rest can be agreed ...
      1. -16
        April 9 2016 11: 33
        Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
        1. I propose to look at the picture on hydrocarbon reserves and those countries that have their own possessions in the Arctic, to understand why the Amy combed themselves in a secluded place.

        Combed with those who there airborne landing.

        Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
        Well, where is the "piano" of yusser, China and K * except for their "wishlist".

        China's Arctic Policy

        Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
        That's just the amy screeching about the threat to the European I-no. Well, they cannot openly tell the public that the Russians are hanging on their secret cables.

        Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
        But the "fantasy" department is on another site.
        1. +8
          April 9 2016 15: 13
          It was you who were pinched by "Great Israel" and broke off the Khazar Usraina, why are you yelling so?)
          China, USA, all have one mongrel against Russia.
        2. +8
          April 9 2016 19: 43
          Quote: professor
          Combed with those who there airborne landing.

          Oleg, why be so offended?
          My Airborne, my territory (in the sense of the akticheskaya zone) - wherever I want, I land my air assault there. And this is the legal right of a sovereign state, and we do not violate anyone's interests, because at home we can "move furniture" as we please!
          Yes we still Arctic Command created! This is so that no one will try to prevent us from "arranging furniture" at home, as we ourselves please.
          Second, the it was about the territorial claims of the Celestial Empire, and not about its economic expansion in the Arctic region. The articles you quoted are good as always. But these are just "Wishlist".
          Let me explain why. We, the Russians, for example, can prove that we are the direct descendants of the Hyperboreans, who previously belonged to the entire Northern continent ... And what follows from this that everyone needs to be driven out to the southern hemisphere? So, the "historical attempts" of the Hunfuz cannot be seriously considered as a legal basis for the expansion of Russian Arctic possessions.
          And as for the rule of law concession participation khinchikov in mining in this region, there is no question. My money: I want to go to the moon, I want to invest in the Arctic, because I have the right to do so (with the consent of the concessionaires!).
          About the icebreakers. They build them in order to avoid paying for the pilotage of ships by our AL. It's expensive even for them! But the cost of wiring will be included in the cost of the goods. How do you compete in the marketplace after that? But they can't get away from the pilotage. Without a pilot, we simply will not let them on the "ice path". And they know it very well.
          So, if briefly. hi
          1. -7
            April 9 2016 19: 52
            Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
            wherever I want, there I land my airborne assault.

            Of course, but why blame someone for distant lands?

            Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
            Secondly, it was about the territorial claims of the Celestial Empire, and not about its economic expansion in the Arctic region. The articles you quoted are good as always. But these are just "Wishlist".

            The NKR MFA is not wanting, it is officials. And they disagree with you, to put it mildly.

            Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
            About the icebreakers. They are building them in order to avoid fees for the pilotage of ships by our AL. It’s even expensive for them! But the cost of posting will be included in the cost of goods

            Yah. How many Chinese ships spent on the NSR in a year? wink

            Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
            Without a pilot, we simply will not let them on the "ice path".

            So they live well without this path. The earth is round, there are many alternatives.
            1. +2
              April 9 2016 21: 25
              Quote: professor
              The NKR MFA is not wanting, it is officials. And they disagree with you, to put it mildly.

              What does it have to do with the agreement when the Chinese investigate the expediency of a sea route in accordance with international shipping law?
              And Israel can do that. The question is our responsibility on this path. Security.
              Incidentally, articulation in the Arctic is still possible, as is the Russian threat to the entire Baltic laughing
            2. +2
              April 10 2016 10: 02
              Quote: professor
              why blame someone for distant lands?
              So no one blamed anyone! Or can you quote the statements of our officials on this issue?
              Quote: professor
              The NKR MFA is not wanting, it is officials.
              Who knows what our Zhirinovsky says! He already washed his boots in the Indian Ocean, and installed fans at the borders ... But you can’t read it on Twitter yet! The official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC with claims to Russia in the Arctic, I also did not meet. If you have such info - share, plz!
              Quote: professor
              How many Chinese ships spent on the NSR in a year?
              In 2012, the Xuelong icebreaker (Snow Dragon) was the first of the Chinese vessels to sail along the Northern Sea Route in the Barents Sea. The voyage of Xuelong “greatly inspired” Chinese shipping companies, said Huygen Yang, director of the Polar Research Institute of the PRC. China, as the second world economic power after the United States, the Arctic route provides an opportunity to save time and money. Next, the Chinese container ship delivered 20 tons of metal products to Hamburg. But this is the first sign. According to Chinese long-term forecasts, by 2020, from 5 to 15% of Chinese foreign trade cargo flow will go along the Northern Sea Route, mainly in the form of container traffic. According to the same forecasts, 10% of Chinese foreign trade turnover will correspond to 2020 billion euros by 526. “If the route is constructively prepared, it will be in demand, and huge,” say Chinese leaders.
              Quote: professor
              The earth is round, there are many alternatives.
              It is round, but in comparison with the route through the Suez Canal, the Northern Sea Route reduces the distance between Shanghai and Hamburg by 5,2 thousand km.
              As Vladimir Putin, then prime minister, said at the International Arctic Forum in Arkhangelsk in September 2011, "Russia sees the future of the Northern Sea Route as an international transport artery capable of competing with traditional sea lines." He noted that the NSR should become one of the key Russian transportation routes, “with global significance and a global scale,” because the shortest route between the European markets and the Asia-Pacific region, which is almost a third shorter than the traditional Southern route, lies through the Arctic.
              This is to the question of alternative.
              1. -4
                April 10 2016 10: 21
                Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
                So no one blamed anyone! Or can you quote the statements of our officials on this issue?

                So article about this encroachment ... wink

                Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
                Who knows what our Zhirinovsky says!

                Zhirinovsky is not the Foreign Ministry. The Foreign Ministry is Lavrov, and it is he who voices the official position of the country. There is no official.
                Northern Sea Route: China's new Arctic strategy
                Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue calls on the polar countries to abandon the "interests of the coastal countries" in favor of the "interests of all mankind."

                Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
                In 2012, the Xuelong icebreaker (Snow Dragon) was the first of the Chinese vessels to sail along the Northern Sea Route in the Barents Sea.

                The pioneer of the Chinese polar commercial navigation was the container ship Yong Sheng, which in August - September 2013 passed from Dalian to Rotterdam.
                Not so simple. The path through the north is half as long, but !!! more expensive ice-class vessels are needed, year-round navigation is impossible, icebreaker wiring is necessary. All this is money, money and more money.

                Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
                This is to the question of alternative.

                If this alternative was so attractive, it was already standing; and it’s the turn to go along the northern sea route.

                Dragon in the Arctic: Why China the North Pole
                1. +1
                  April 11 2016 18: 44
                  Quote: professor
                  Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue calls on the polar countries to abandon the "interests of the coastal countries" in favor of the "interests of all mankind."

                  And the Prime Minister of Japan calls on the islands to be returned. And the President of Ukraine calls on the Crimea to be returned. And in general, a lot of people are calling for ... Chupa-chups for every cheek! All treaties and agreements, as history shows, are not worth the paper on which are written. But here are the missiles and nuclear weapons, as the same story shows, they are worth it. Everything rests only on the will of the leader, and on his ability to make a strong-willed decision. So, all that remains is to wait and get ready. And we are getting ready.
      2. 0
        April 10 2016 01: 07
        We must begin to divide the Canadian and Danish stocks.
  14. +1
    April 9 2016 07: 43
    Quote: rotmistr60
    In my opinion, the statement of O. Bender is appropriate here: "Can you give the keys to the apartment, where is the money?"

    Maybe not in the subject, but they have already begun to merge Siberia and the Far East into China. You are a Khabaravchanin and you will understand me. I gave links to the post about berths for the Borey, but I will give it here too. Judge for everyone else.

    On the State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Amur" there was a message in the local news that the signing of the contract took place. I did not find any links, apparently they were deleted. The message was announced on April 7.04, 2016.
    1. +2
      April 9 2016 10: 00
      By your link
      The government is ready to place Chinese factories in the Far East

      It seems to me that this step wants to increase the number of jobs and employment. But at the same time, they close and go bankrupt in the Far East their plants. It is clear that it is necessary to interact with a neighbor, but not at the expense of their capabilities. It turns out that our pumped up, now we are calling the Chinese.
      1. 0
        April 9 2016 10: 25
        Quote: rotmistr60
        It seems to me that this step wants to increase the number of jobs and employment.

        I don’t know how you do in Khabarovsk Territory, but in February, Russians in Chinese enterprises do not work, their salaries are miserable. Now I won’t say I don’t have any information, the Chinese worked exclusively in the area of ​​red brick and expanded clay production, salaries were also at the cost of living. Now in Blagoveshchensk they are not yet visible, last year, at this time, they were looking for contracts with might and main.
        1. 0
          April 9 2016 11: 08
          only Chinese worked in the field of red brick and expanded clay production

          Then it turns out that on our territory we employ the Chinese for bricks and expanded clay, and it’s not free. Yes, economics is a dark science.
          1. 0
            April 9 2016 12: 50
            Quote: rotmistr60

            Then it turns out that on our territory we employ the Chinese for bricks and expanded clay, and it’s not free. Yes, economics is a dark science.

            Yes, there is no gold mining, but the Magadan residents were already complaining about the lawlessness of the Chinese, when Alexander and I were already arguing about the topic: "Who should develop the natural wealth of Siberia and the Far East." We or the world community. Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with that information or a link to information, for some reason it is not about the conclusion of the contract, although the rest of the news of that day has survived. Now I will look for this material. By the way, the Chinese propose to jointly operate the NSR and joint development of oil and gas fields.
  15. +1
    April 9 2016 07: 56
    The Pentagon plans to bring dozens of cruisers and destroyers - carriers of Tomahawk cruise missiles and Aegis missile defense systems - to the Northern Sea Route.
    They can enter something in the anus .....
    1. +1
      April 9 2016 10: 12
      Quote: 72jora72
      The Pentagon plans to bring dozens of cruisers and destroyers - carriers of Tomahawk cruise missiles and Aegis missile defense systems - to the Northern Sea Route. They can enter something in the anus .....

      So far they have other plans. They involve SSBNs. (see picture, clickable).
      And the dream of intercepting our Yars of the Dombrow division in the active part of the trajectory gives rise to chimeras about using the NSR as the BMP of a marine missile defense.
      1. +1
        April 9 2016 13: 10
        Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
        And the dream of intercepting our Yars of the Dombrow division in the active part of the trajectory gives rise to chimeras about using the NSR as the BMP of a marine missile defense.

        Look carefully at your map! The Americans are afraid that in the set of treaties between the Russian Federation and the PRC, the Chinese may strike either through our territory or from the Arctic Ocean. And yet, the United States is not happy with the fact that most of China’s strategic mobile missile systems are located near our border. It turns out that the Russian Federation is covering up the PRC. The Americans don’t like it. For some reason, everyone is pushing for oil and gas fields, forgetting about this aspect of geopolitics. Well, at the same time, to intercept our Yars, too. No.
        1. +1
          April 10 2016 10: 43
          Quote: Amurets
          The Americans are afraid that in a set of treaties between the Russian Federation and the PRC, the Chinese may strike either through our territory or from the waters of the Arctic Ocean.

          1. There is not a word in the 2001 Agreement that we provide someone with our territory for military activities, overflight, etc. So this is a fiction.
          2. Impact from the water area of ​​the NSR. I apologize: what? The Chinese are building 095, but so far they have no weapons on boats capable of delivering a strike from the NSR in the United States.
          Quote: Amurets
          The United States does not like the fact that most of China’s strategic mobile missile systems are located near our border. It turns out that the Russian Federation covers China. The Americans don’t like this.

          1. Nikolay, quite recently there was an article about the Chinese PGRK DF-41. It privately said that they are located in the eastern part of China. And this is right, for they take refuge in the numerous tunnels dug there. And on the Russian border they have SRD BR, which is also logical.
          2. I don’t know if ours will shoot down BBs that go past our targets into the territory of the PRC, but the fact that after 5 minutes the car will give an aiming point is for sure. And if it turns out to be outside the territory of the Russian Federation, I think we will let the hongfuzes themselves deal with this threat. Because we do not have a mutual assistance agreement with the PRC! but only about good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation. There is no military union.
          3. Naturally, the Amam do not like the rapprochement between the Russian Federation and the PRC ... (This is like a question: are we going to be friends against?) But they themselves are to blame for this.
  16. 0
    April 9 2016 08: 26
    The Northern Sea Route is clearly not a priority now. Linear icebreakers from there Kapitan Nikolaev, Kapitan Sorokin, Ermak, Mudyug have long been pulling foreign tankers with oil from Primorsk in the Gulf of Finland. There are also new Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the newest Vladivostok and Murmansk. For a couple of years, frightening Finland, even the atomic Arctic came. "Sevmorput" is now here. Here is the money. Lukoil, Transneft and Gazpromneft.
  17. 0
    April 9 2016 08: 34
    The only reason why interest in the Arctic has recently arisen is discovered hydrocarbon reserves, and the only threat here is not American cannon-rocket-aircraft, but shale hydrocarbons in the United States, because production in the Arctic is profitable at high oil prices, they are high prices make production in the USA cost-effective, as a result of which the price goes down, otherwise all kinds of horrors about five rockets are written by the author with the guidance turned off :-)
  18. +1
    April 9 2016 08: 46
    Ever since our own North Way, the Americans have not threatened! The Yankees were completely overwhelmed. Surrounded on all sides, give them the north. The softness of our politicians annoys me, there is a red line for which all enemies should be afraid to intercede! Or can everything be in relation to us?
  19. +2
    April 9 2016 08: 47
    All international agreements are conditional.
    Power decides everything. Who will be stronger will get it.
    Therefore, Russia is equipping its military bases in this part of the planet ...
  20. 0
    April 9 2016 10: 04
    Yes ... the first president is far from a strategist.
    1. kig
      April 9 2016 10: 41
      He got "dizzy with success" - all according to the classics.
  21. +2
    April 9 2016 11: 10
    The essence of "international law" is simple: the one who is stronger is right. Why, for example, was Alaska given away? Yes, just a gang of marauders (the United States, if it is politically correct) turned out to be stronger, since Russia was too busy in the West. It was not up to that.
    Moral: you need to be stronger and continuously strengthened. He who does not want to feed his army will feed a stranger, if he does not ask a question: to whom whose army is his own, and whose is a stranger.
  22. 0
    April 9 2016 11: 14
    "... A similar case was in the city of Udoev, when Vasya Pupkin flew to Cyprus and opened this island for the glorious inhabitants of Udoev ..."-A similar case was during the "discovery of America". Which was opened for the UNNORTHABLE inhabitants of Europe. Although before the "discovery", on both continents (North and South "America"), there were about 100 million aborigines (+/-).
  23. +1
    April 9 2016 12: 05
    (That is, Russia can destroy or seize any military automatic equipment found in its economic zone, and put anything on its own.)

    Well, you need to do this without looking back, the good thing is that there are means and possibilities for this. And the vulture always devours the dead or takes prey from the weak, so you need to be strong and keep YOUR NORTH with all available means. Yes
  24. +1
    April 9 2016 12: 41
    Than to tidy up Artik gathered and gentlemen are good. Count how many icebreakers you have in the rest of the world. However, we do not stand still
    Russia is fully updating its icebreaking fleet to operate in the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The construction of a series of diesel-electric icebreakers of project 21900 (LK-17) is nearing completion; an icebreaker of project 22600 (LK-25) has been laid. The construction of two of the three new nuclear icebreakers of Project 22220 (LK-60Ya) has begun, and the designers are completing the development of the nuclear super-icebreaker LK-110Ya, which will be entrusted with very interesting tasks.

    Having completed the re-equipment of its icebreaking fleet, Russia will be ready not only to support the work of the NSR in the current state and increase the volume of cargo transportation on it, but also to solve those tasks that the icebreakers have never before been set.
    A unique operation was completed at ZiO-Podolsk (part of Atomenergomash) for assembling the integrated reactor body of the RITM-200 power plant for the LK-60Y Arctic icebreaker, the welding of four hydrochambers to the reactor vessel was completed. The work lasted 22 days, the seam thickness was 82 mm.
    Each hydro chamber weighs 4,5 tons. The complexity of this stage of production was that the welding of large diameter products (830 mm) had to be carried out in a non-rotary position. This method is used in special cases when the product cannot be turned over and access to the seam is difficult.
    Hydrochambers are an integral part of the integrated reactor vessel; they serve to circulate the cooling medium of the internal cavity of the reactor. In the future, they will install central electric pumps.
    The next important stage in the production of RITM-200 RP is the installation and welding of steam generator cassettes to the reactor vessel.
  25. -3
    April 9 2016 13: 50
    Well, we’ll throw the hats again if we’ll fire the first hat 30 seconds earlier laughing
    As for the "intellectual mines", then our "mine-sweeping forces" are in such a deplorable state that it is inconvenient to read it like that ... Why all this bravado?
  26. Fat
    April 9 2016 15: 19
    Alexander, thank you, I really liked your article. I accept all your arguments, I can throw my own "firewood into the fire." I didn’t reread the comments, as I usually do, in order to "understand, decide" ... I don’t put many plus points. I live and think in a given way. But
    Question 1. For what purpose did you focus on the question? If there was no doubt, pour a glass of Mr.?
    Question 2. What Swedish forces, after Poltava, threaten the Federation, NATO? So they like Baikal a lot.
    Question 3. If you thought about switching your attention to the northeastern part of the former empire, so, the Bear and other fleas have, bite ... Wait, and in this place "scratch"
  27. +1
    April 9 2016 19: 59
    Here, the Iranians and I want to reanimate the project still done under the king to unite the Caspian with the Indian oceans. Here’s a direct path from the Arctic to the Indian
  28. +1
    April 10 2016 02: 14
    Yeltsin and his administration, this is not a mistake, this is a deliberate betrayal of the homeland and a betrayal of the interests of Russia. Russia needs to denounce the 1997 agreement signed by a stealing alcoholic. Let the United States announce the ass of the World and ass to its presidents and not stick their nose in Russia!
  29. 0
    April 10 2016 02: 32
    I agree with the fact that all foreign warships, planes and submarines must be destroyed, otherwise they cannot be stopped. The United States is not a country whose diplomacy can stop arrogance. At one time, reconnaissance flights over the USSR to the arrogant US reconnaissance aircraft could only stop the actions of the USSR Air Force and Air Defense, which shot down about a dozen U.S. reconnaissance aircraft of various types, after which the United States disappeared hunting to fly over the territory of the USSR.
  30. 0
    April 10 2016 05: 00
    Quote: weksha50
    having ratified the Convention, we thereby infringed upon ourselves our own Faberge ...

    It is necessary to withdraw from the 1982 Convention on the Determination of Boundaries along the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.
    Thus, we will return the right to the "Russian sector".
  31. 0
    April 10 2016 12: 50
    They want to walk, let them walk, but only in a straight line from Scandinavia to the North Pole, and from the pole to Alaska, not a gram moving to the south. Just a question, who will pave the way?
  32. +1
    April 10 2016 19: 31
    Correction The first foreign ship sailed from Murmansk to Igarka and back in 2005. I was engaged in the organization of posting and loading in Igarka lumber. It was m / v C. Martin. And also, during the Soviet period, from the 30s, foreign ships sailed along the Northern Sea Route. No wonder the Igarka was the Interclub of sailors.
  33. 0
    April 10 2016 19: 35
    The Arctic is necessary to ensure military security, build up military capabilities and increase defense capabilities.
    The Arctic is also rich in natural resources, it is no less important for the state.
    The development of the Arctic is a priority.
  34. +1
    April 11 2016 03: 15
    When emotions interfere more than help .... For a minus article, for excessive emotionality, ours also put bugs on their communication line and it is not surprising that even after they are discovered and the statute of limitations, they remain silent (silence is gold). Checking of communication lines takes place regularly and at least two times through our listening equipment leaked misinformation (in any case, about the cable in Kamchatka - that's for sure). The shipping area in the north passes near our coast, and driving a fleet there under coastal complexes and aviation is extremely stupid, in the same areas where the complexes do not reach, except for our nuclear icebreaker fleet, unless Canadians can pass on their (2 nuclear-powered ships), True, the speed of the icebreaker in the ice is not cruising (25-30 knots) and not even economic (15-18), but only some 3-7 knots. Detecting and destroying ships with limited maneuvers (turning left or right requires not just time, but also smooth rudder shifting) is not difficult for long-range aviation of the Northern Fleet. But the country needs to open and drive transports and earn money on this.
  35. +2
    April 11 2016 09: 49
    Quote: Observer 33
    Well, there are not a few who want it, it’s understandable, but how many are really powerful ..? Well, so that there would be fewer powerful ones, but ideally, there wouldn’t be at all, we must work hard, and everything will be fine. I join my colleagues: Fuck them, and not the Arctic! Moreover, horseradish in both hands, and for the collar in addition!

    If Russia does not gain real sovereignty, we ourselves can stay with horseradish!
    "Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin is dissatisfied with the participation of the American company McKinsey in the development of the concept for the development of the Northern Sea Route, he doubted the expediency of attracting" overseas businessmen "to work on the project, RIA Novosti reports.
    The American company won the Russian competition to create a concept for the development of the Northern Sea Route, on which the consortium of companies will work. The Deputy Prime Minister demanded that the Minister for the Development of the Far East, Alexander Galushka, explain why and how the American company won the Russian competition. "
  36. 0
    April 11 2016 10: 57
    In my opinion, the article is about nothing. Took a series of facts 10% and a gag 90%