About the proximity of the collapse of Saudi Arabia


The Arab monarchies, which for a long time were among the privileged allies of the United States, faced the fact that Washington is very easy to get rid of former "friends", showing that for the American empire "there are no permanent enemies and permanent friends, but only permanent interests" earlier for the British Empire, the principles of the policy, which the States inherited).

In the words of the British prime minister of the XIX century, Lord Palmerston, “it is short-sighted to consider this or that country to be a constant ally or eternal enemy of England. We have no unchanging allies, we have no eternal enemies. Only our interests are immutable and eternal, and our duty is to follow them. ” This principle is followed by the Anglo-Saxons at the present time.

16 March in The Atlantic Magazine magazine published an article by Jeffrey Goldberg titled “The Obama Doctrine”. The article is a collection of excerpts from the author’s conversations with the President of the United States. For the first time, statements by American President Obama, which contain not only harsh criticism of Saudi Arabia, but also doubts about the advisability of further US strategic partnership with the Saudis, are made public.

In particular, President Obama noted that Saudi Arabia must learn to live in the region with Iran and, moreover, share spheres of influence with it. That is, Riyadh was given to understand that Washington will not, as before, cover Saudi Arabia in the event of a conflict with Iran and will not take a frankly pro-Saud position. The American president touched upon the negative influence of Wahhabi Islam on stability in Asia. Saudis and other Arabs from the Gulf countries, Obama said, flooded Indonesia with their money, teachers and preachers. In 1990, the Saudis actively financed Wahhabi madrassas and taught the fundamentalist version of Islam promoted by the ruling family of Saudi Arabia. ” On the direct question of whether Saudi Arabia is an ally of the United States, the American president smiled and said: "All this is very difficult." Monarchs of the Persian Gulf countries Barack Obama casually called "careless riders."

More recently, a political alliance with Riyadh was one of the foundations of Washington’s strategy in the Middle East. Relations between the USA and Saudi Arabia were regulated by the so-called. "Quincy Pact", concluded in 1945 between US President Franklin Roosevelt and the founder of the modern Saudi state, King Abdul Aziz, aboard the American cruiser Quincy. The essence of the pact is quite simple: 1) The United States guarantees the security of Saudi Arabia and the royal family. On the territory of the kingdom located American troops. The United States provides access to the most advanced arms; 2) Saudis guarantee US energy security with uninterrupted supply of black gold. As a result, a strategic alliance was created that provided security for Saudi Arabia and allowed the United States to use the energy resources of the Arab monarchies and their territory as their strategic foothold. In the conditions of global confrontation with the social bloc led by the USSR, as well as the development of the Arab left-nationalist movement, this pact was of strategic importance.

In fact, it was a union of archaic - forces of the past, against the Red Empire, the Soviet project. Indeed, at its core, Soviet civilization, especially clearly manifested in the Stalin era, called humanity into the future (“Beautiful is far away”, “golden age”), where the creative potential of man will be revealed, a society of creation and ministry is built. The Russians were the first to try to create a society of the Future, free from old evils and sufferings, oppression of a person, and conscious suppression of his creative abilities.

Capitalist civilization and the Western world, as well as the medieval, in fact, world of the Arab monarchies - this is the past. A world where a person is transformed into a “two-legged weapon”, a consumer slave in the West and an obedient “zombie” in the world of medieval Wahhabism. It was a union of the archaic, the past against the beginnings of the bright future of all mankind. The masters of the West and their Arab allies could not allow the Soviet civilization to win, because the victory of the Soviet project meant the total elimination of parasites (financial, economic or religious) of small groups (castes, clans, families) over a significant part of humanity. That is, the New World Order - a global neo-slave-owning civilization, was threatened with destruction, since there existed an alternative, bright and fair project for the future of the entire planet.

It must be remembered that even after the death of Stalin, with all his flaws and the decay of the Soviet "elite", the Soviet Union carried the most powerful charge of the Future. In the USSR, the embryo of the newest great breakthrough in the next era matured - breakthrough technologies in space exploration, military affairs, transport development, atomic energy, creative, mental abilities of man, etc. The symbol of this “golden age” was Alice Selezneva, heroes of the genius Russian philosopher and writer Ivan Efremov. The man of the future was perfect physically, mentally and spiritually.

It is clear that the masters of the West were very afraid that the Soviet civilization would reveal its enormous potential. This meant a defeat in the many thousands of years of struggle for the planet Earth. The elimination of the very possibility of parasitizing on humanity. Therefore, they threw all their forces into battle in order to destroy the USSR, the Russian civilization and preserve their power on the planet.

The oil boom of the second half of the twentieth century gave the Saud giant profits in dollars. Sheikhs began to swim in luxury, buying everything Western. True, the Achilles' heel of all the oil monarchies became the mono-commodity of their economies. At first, they simply handed over oil fields in concession to foreign companies, receiving in return super-profits from the Arab elite and a well-developed infrastructure for oil production and transportation. Then the monarchies gradually bought out the shares of foreigners and concentrated in the state hands the oil industries of their countries. At the same time, foreign participation was maintained, helping to modernize the oil industry and maintain it at a high technological level. This process was inextricably linked with the uninterrupted supply of oil to Western countries and Japan, which was the main condition for the cooperation of the West and the United States with the Arab monarchies. The first three five-year development plans of Saudi Arabia 1970-1985. were mainly devoted to the development and modernization of the oil industry. In 1985-2000-s, the Saudis launched a process of diversification and development of non-oil sectors of the economy, which continues to the present. In the Saudi kingdom, priority was given to several sectors: petrochemicals, electric power industry, desalination industry, gas industry, focused on associated gas, agriculture. At the same time, the power industry, gas and desalination industries, and agriculture are focused only on domestic consumption. However, it was not possible to fundamentally change the economy, mono-commodity was preserved.

Thus, despite all the programs of modernization and diversification, the external splendor and luxury of cities, the dependence on the trade in oil and partially gas for the Arab monarchies continues to be absolute. Mono-commodity economy is preserved and it is not able to compensate for possible problems in the world market. As a result, Arab monarchies can collapse literally in no time (according to historical by standards), turning into desert territories inhabited by a few genera of nomads, since this territory is not able to feed a large number of people when the previous system of parasitic, inherently Arab monarchies collapses.

In 1960, Americans were represented by Saudi allies in the struggle against the Arab left-nationalist movement, led by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser at the time. In 1973, Arab countries showed the dependence of Western countries on the supply of black gold. In punishment for supporting Israel in the 1973 war, the Arab countries declared an embargo on oil supplies to the United States and Western Europe. It did not last long, but it was enough that a panic began. In Western countries and Japan, there were huge queues for gasoline, the authorities banned the use of personal transport for several days a week, etc. Then the embargo was lifted and the oil rose seriously. Western economies got a serious crisis. And oil exporters literally bathed in money. Especially Saudi Arabia.

Here the Americans offered a deal. The West helps to modernize the oil industry and will maintain it at a high level. And the sheikhs are transferring their oil billions to America. Provide yourself a "safety cushion". With this money, borrowed securities of the American state and shares of American corporations are bought. Arab monarchies live on interest and swim in luxury. That is, the billions again flowed into the US economy. In exchange, the Americans and Western companies in general began modernizing the Arab monarchies (while preserving the archaic of the wild in religion and law). Supermodern cities, an oil refining complex, excellent ports and harbors, water purification stations, an electrical system, a network of roads, pipelines and airports were built. A tourist complex, entertainment and shopping centers, etc. are being created. At the same time, the inhabitants of the Arab monarchies themselves were practically excluded from their industrial and service activities. From low professional level (such as janitors and window washers) to highly professional ones (top managers and managers) occupied hundreds of thousands of migrant workers: Pakistanis, Hindus, Arabs from countries that did not have such reserves of energy, Africans, etc. In the role of highly qualified specialists Most of the speakers were represented by Western countries. As a result, a peculiar variant of the Arab slave system was formed: all the cream is sheikhs, a full “oil communism” for the indigenous people, and visitors who have no rights work. Plus a layer of highly paid professionals from the West.

So the masters of the West tied the Arab sheiks to themselves, allowing them to enter the global hierarchy of gentlemen. Sheikhs received a lot of money, all the attributes of a luxurious and carefree life - yachts, airplanes, the latest models of expensive cars and harems of blond beauties. In this case, the Anglo-Saxons firmly tied to the Saudis. All the money of the Arab monarchies is in the USA. And the Arab monarchies were vitally interested in strengthening the United States, the creation of the Western New World Order. In fact, the Arab elite sold the "golden calf." If the Arab monarchies try to pursue an independent policy, they are easily bankrupt. And also deprived of power "roof." In this case, the Arab monarchies would easily have become prey to Syria, Iran, Yemen and Saddam's Iraq.

An even closer rapprochement between Riyadh and Washington occurred at the beginning of the 1980s on the basis of the Iranian threat and the struggle against the USSR. At 1981, the CRC chief B. Casey visited Riyadh. The Americans noted that the rich Arab kingdom is under threat. The Khomeinist Iran was located in the northeast, where the Islamic revolution triumphed. Tehran considered the Saudis to be traitors to Islam, who surrendered to the “great shaitan” - the United States. The Iranians were planning to launch an Islamic revolution in Arabia and establish a regime friendly to Tehran in Riyadh. On the other hand, the Soviet threat has increased. Entering Afghanistan, Russian troops reached the near approaches to the Persian Gulf. The Democratic People’s Republic of Yemen (South Yemen), an ally of the USSR, existed in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. South Yemen had practically no oil fields and was very keen to grab a part of the oil-rich territories from KSA.

Casey proposed the following plan to the sheikhs: the United States ensures the rapid rearmament of their army and gives guarantees of military security. Instead, the Saudis: join Washington in the fight against the USSR and increase oil production, bringing down the prices of the most important goods for Moscow. Since natural gas on the world market is getting cheaper following oil, a strong blow is also delivered to the gas plans of the USSR. At the same time, the Wahhabi state was to play a crucial role in the hybrid, irregular war against the USSR. Riyadh, through a network of “charitable foundations” and other non-governmental organizations, took upon itself a large share of financial assistance to the Afghan mujahedin-dushmans who fought with the Soviet troops in Afghanistan. In addition, the Americans and Saudis began to build support for the anti-Russian underground in the Soviet republics of Central Asia.

So the Americans made a great move in the Big Game. The Saudis provided an economic blow to the USSR by collapsing oil prices, and financed gangs in Afghanistan, and also incited national-religious wars on the territory of the USSR itself.

It must be said that the plan for the attack of the USSR from the south was created back in the 1970s. Henry Kissinger developed a plan for creating an arc of instability near the southern borders of the Soviet empire. The idea was to drive the Russians to the North, cut off Central Asia from the USSR. For this, it was necessary to revive Basmachis, fan the fire of the anti-Russian partisan war in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, throw fire to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and in the future to the Muslim regions of Russia itself - to Bashkiria, Tataria and the North Caucasus. Blow up the Volga region and the Caucasus. A program was developed in the analytical centers of the United States and Great Britain: "Islam against communism" (it is still in effect - "Islam against Russia"). In principle, the Americans did not come up with anything new, they just put on the modern realities the achievements of the British and the 19th and Hitlerites of the first half of the 20th centuries.

These plans coincided with the aspirations of the Saudis, who had become fabulously wealthy at the high cost of oil and began to plan the creation of a “Caliphate”. Its foundation should have been the Arab monarchies. Wahhabism was used as a kind of “virus” that was supposed to blow up the Muslim regions of the USSR — a bloody, medieval and irreconcilable ideology to all the “wrong”, including Shiites and those Sunnis who oppose such radicalism. Washington and London gave the green light to Saudi propaganda of Sunni Islam in the most radical, sectarian version of Wahhabism. As a result, the Saudis flooded many countries and regions of the world with their money, teachers, preachers and terrorists. Thousands of mosques and madrassas built with Saudi kingdom money from Nigeria to Indonesia led to major changes in the religious doctrine of Sunni around the world. And also became centers for the preparation of a terrorist asset and the social base of the “war with the infidels.”

But then the focus was on the USSR. This led to the fact that Wahhabism took deep roots in Afghanistan and Central Asia. During the collapse of the USSR, the Wahhabis caused a terrible civil war in Tajikistan, in which tens of thousands of people would die. Wahhabism will penetrate into Chechnya and Dagestan and other regions of Russia, will be one of the prerequisites for the bloody Chechen war. Wahhabism will also penetrate into Western Europe. Thanks to the sponsors of this terrorist, radical ideology, Albanian gangs will seize Kosovo, an enclave of invaders in the Balkans has been created.

The new mutation of this ideology will allow the owners of the West and the Arab sheikhs to unleash the Fourth World War, creating the Middle Eastern front - the war in Libya, in Sinai, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

To be continued ...
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  1. +7
    April 4 2016 06: 33
    It's time to cover this gadyushnik.
    1. +10
      April 4 2016 07: 04
      about the funeral of the sau. speak with the same frequency. as well as the collapse of the dollar.
      The oil boom of the XNUMXth century gave the Saudis huge gains in dollars. Sheikhs began to swim in luxury, buying everything western. True, the Achilles heel of all oil monarchies was the monotonousness of their economies. At first, they simply handed over oil fields to concessions to foreign companies, receiving in exchange the super-profits of the Arab top and developed infrastructure for oil production and transportation. Then the monarchies gradually bought out the shares of foreigners and concentrated the oil industries of their countries in state hands

      Does it resemble anything? and this?
      Ultramodern cities, an oil refining complex, excellent ports and harbors, water treatment plants, an electrical system, a network of roads, pipelines and airports were built. A tourist complex, entertainment and shopping centers, etc. are being created. At the same time, the inhabitants of the Arab monarchies themselves have practically been removed from production and service activities. Hundreds of thousands of migrant workers: Pakistanis, Hindus, Arabs from those countries that did not have such energy reserves, Africans, etc., took up work - from the unprofessional (like janitors and window washers) to the highly professional (top manager-managers)

      With some correlations. the same can be said of Russia in the 2000s.
      1. +9
        April 4 2016 07: 10
        Something does not collapse either the States, Russia does not fall apart from the jumps of non-slaves, nor does the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia collapse.
        And about the author, you can say this:
        "- you very much swung
        - This is peculiar to me ... "(" Pokrovskie gates ")
        As always, there is a global problem in two colors and two poles. All "ours" are good and fluffy, all "not ours" are reptiles and bloodsuckers.
        1. 0
          April 4 2016 10: 58
          collection_98 (3) SU Today, 07:10 ↑
          Something does not collapse either the States, Russia does not fall apart from the jumps of non-slaves, nor does the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia collapse.
          And about the author, you can say this:
          "- you very much swung
          - This is peculiar to me ... "(" Pokrovskie gates ")
          As always, there is a global problem in two colors and two poles. All "ours" are good and fluffy, all "not ours" are reptiles and bloodsuckers.

          set +

          such a mess that the worse things are at home, the more "experts" talk about how soon a neighbor's cow will die. maybe it will be better if "experts" spend their energy on improving the house? although, as you look, it may be better if not. wink at a certain level of expertise. wassat let them do penguins - they’re not so sorry.
      2. -3
        April 4 2016 07: 12
        Quote: atalef
        With some correlations

        Zdarova Sasha! And what omega collapses is no longer relevant?
        Ukraine is a country of 404, omega has such a debt that it doesn’t fit into the brain, the EU has a death (and, in general, a stillborn child), all nishtyak is forever Russia!
        An unpretentious proof of the theorem, by contradiction.
        1. -3
          April 4 2016 11: 59
          Quote: afdjhbn67
          Quote: atalef
          With some correlations

          Hey Ya
          An unpretentious proof of the theorem, by contradiction.

          Well, what else, if you don’t like what I’m doing, then I’m a priori right, and of course, if I’m Artagnan, then all the other buggers laughing
      3. +1
        April 4 2016 07: 18
        In principle, the allies of Israel, you can understand. wassat
    2. cap
      April 4 2016 09: 59
      Well, you are so strict!

      Quote: kugelblitz
      It's time to cover this gadyushnik.

      You, about the good article by the way, how atalef , would add a couple of clever words.
      The question is serious and interesting. Russia also concerns how not to twist.
    3. 0
      April 5 2016 02: 15
      On the account of the gadyushnik I agree .... but the social. you can envy security! ... and lick your lips!
  2. +4
    April 4 2016 06: 44
    a good historical excursion, E. Primakov wrote about the Middle East about the same thing, now the main thing is to make the right move in the game of the Iran-UAE confrontation, because the two cannot rule in the region ...
    1. 0
      April 7 2016 18: 49
      But they should not rule. They must always torment each other.
  3. +8
    April 4 2016 06: 57
    This program - "Islam against the USSR and Russia" hit precisely the West. And skyscrapers began to fall, and airports were blown into the air. In our country (especially in the USSR) you can't get overwhelmed, but they have "democracy, tolerance" and other "values" -and the Wakhabis went there. And this is only the beginning, the refugees arrive there, and among them are the militants, and the youth subject to the propaganda of any Wakhabite imams. hi
  4. +1
    April 4 2016 07: 03
    The historical background is good, but where in the article about the "collapse of monarchies?" The topic, as it has become fashionable to say, is not disclosed. We can absolutely agree with the fact that Wahhabism is now becoming a threat to US interests, both in the BV and in Indochina.
  5. 0
    April 4 2016 07: 12
    Russia accepted the challenge, and responded quite effectively, showing that modernization was successful, and the new Russia is more effective than the USSR. Yes, we have a lot of things that we don’t like. But we have something to be proud of.
    1. +5
      April 4 2016 07: 15
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      and the new Russia is more effective than the USSR.

      Confirm the facts, please.
      Even with the example of the RSFSR - why are you surpassed?
      By the level of propaganda? Corruption? Lack of social lifts?
      keep silent about science, especially fundamental, industry, etc. ???
      Oil and gas, gas and oil, and the site is made by uunas.ru ((((
      1. cap
        April 4 2016 10: 10
        Quote: afdjhbn67
        Quote: Mountain Shooter
        and the new Russia is more effective than the USSR.

        Confirm the facts, please.
        Even with the example of the RSFSR - why are you surpassed?
        By the level of propaganda? Corruption? Lack of social lifts?
        keep silent about science, especially fundamental, industry, etc. ???
        Oil and gas, gas and oil, and the site is made by uunas.ru ((((

        I honestly feel sorry that Russia, due to the collapse of the USSR in the 70s, lost a lot of minds that left under the canopy of the star of David.
        Not the best of them remained. If it is God's providence. Where are the people here? And where are we all?
        אלוהים האלים קיסר hi .
        "What you sow is what you reap." Alas.
      2. -1
        April 4 2016 10: 40
        Quote: afdjhbn67
        Quote: Mountain Shooter
        and the new Russia is more effective than the USSR.

        Confirm the facts, please.
        Even with the example of the RSFSR - why are you surpassed?
        By the level of propaganda? Corruption? Lack of social lifts?
        keep silent about science, especially fundamental, industry, etc. ???
        Oil and gas, gas and oil, and the site is made by uunas.ru ((((

        In terms of living
        By the amount of food, finally by the variety of books in bookstores.
        If possible, say what you think.
        Under the Soviets, you would already be sitting at least in a madhouse.
        1. +3
          April 4 2016 13: 51
          Quote: Cap.Morgan
          In terms of living
          Well, to impose loans on predatory interest and work hard on 3 jobs, paying kopeck piece and Toyota Camry - this is an awesome increase in living standards.
          Quote: Cap.Morgan
          a variety of books in bookstores.
          Haha In our city (Vladivostok), most of the bookstores were closed. For the right book you have to travel half a city. Yes, and they read a little now, especially young people who are unaccustomed to perceive something more complex than Vkontakte tape and photos on Instagram.
          Quote: Cap.Morgan
          If possible, say what you think.
          Yes, of course, this is a notable achievement. The government, robbing us, allowed us to scam this government on the Internet, fortunately, there is no harm and threat to the government from this, we can continue to steal.
          1. 0
            April 4 2016 22: 55
            Quote: Greenwood
            Quote: Cap.Morgan
            In terms of living
            Well, to impose loans on predatory interest and work hard on 3 jobs, paying kopeck piece and Toyota Camry - this is an awesome increase in living standards.
            Quote: Cap.Morgan
            a variety of books in bookstores.
            Haha In our city (Vladivostok), most of the bookstores were closed. For the right book you have to travel half a city. Yes, and they read a little now, especially young people who are unaccustomed to perceive something more complex than Vkontakte tape and photos on Instagram.
            Quote: Cap.Morgan
            If possible, say what you think.
            Yes, of course, this is a notable achievement. The government, robbing us, allowed us to scam this government on the Internet, fortunately, there is no harm and threat to the government from this, we can continue to steal.

            First, what does the government mean to rob you?
            Previously, the Soviet government took the money as much as it wanted out of your pocket, and spent it as it wanted. Everything was often taken from the peasants. And then hunger came.
            And when people opened their mouths, they quickly went through the stage. Work for a bowl of baland at the great construction sites of communism.
            You can not go anywhere for a book.
            Everything is online. Master torrents.
            And loans need to know where and under what to take. And bear responsibility for their actions first of all to themselves.
            1. 0
              April 6 2016 12: 38
              Quote: Cap.Morgan
              the Soviet government took the funds as much as you wanted out of your pocket, and spent it as you wanted.
              Hmm, but for some reason everyone received their wages on time, and prices were stable and low.
              Quote: Cap.Morgan
              there was a famine.
              And when was the famine in the post-war Union, dear?
              Quote: Cap.Morgan
              Everything is online. Master torrents.
              I have been using them for a long 8 years, I have a lot of distributions both on the root tracker and on the NoName-club, but it was about the number of books (paper) in bookstores. By the way, I caught myself thinking that after all, reading a paper book is more pleasant than staring at an electronic or tablet.
  6. +3
    April 4 2016 07: 23
    I don’t think that everything is so simple. They will not be buried. Certainly not the Yankees. Israel is also not beneficial. Saudi problems can greatly increase oil prices. And in general, the Yankees will not lose such a lever. And what if the war with Iran? Where to base? That is, Obama’s talk is a controversy for the domestic consumer.
  7. VP
    April 4 2016 07: 29
    And how much time does the author take for the collapse?
    Year? Two ? Five ? Ten ? Fifty ?
    1. +1
      April 4 2016 10: 41
      Quote: VP
      And how much time does the author take for the collapse?
      Year? Two ? Five ? Ten ? Fifty ?

      Rather, the latter.
  8. +2
    April 4 2016 07: 41
    It would certainly not be bad if the United States stopped supporting SA. But if this happens, then obviously not soon for other reasons.
  9. +1
    April 4 2016 07: 46
    About the feints of politics with the economy - beautiful! But the collapse of the SA is not visible. 4 World can begin, but cannot be such a small piece of the planet. Controlling the world is becoming increasingly difficult. But there is reason for those who have little money. And war is a way to quickly have money at the expense of others. Only others also change their teeth to replace broken ones.
  10. 0
    April 4 2016 07: 56
    During a crisis, you will not allow any re-turbations in the SA. And the current crisis is a long time.
  11. 0
    April 4 2016 08: 51
    the bantustat of Israel and American Jews, Saudi Arabia is very strong, but they will have to raise oil prices anytime soon; although it’s possible to change these swaggering sheikh hogs we will continue the action of our intelligence in Yemen
  12. 0
    April 4 2016 09: 52
    After the collapse of the USSR, Russia returned to this region of the planet, where it had quite a few friendly countries. And the people living there have not forgotten this. While on vacation in Egypt, he spoke with young people. Here is their position: they love Russians; Germans, British do not like; Jews and Americans hate.
    Yes, in order to maintain friendship, material costs are needed.
    But they are worth it ...
    1. +1
      April 4 2016 13: 53
      Quote: Pvi1206
      they love Russians; Germans, British do not like; Jews and Americans hate.
      And it always seemed to me that the Arabs love those who have money, and to whom you can vparivat any thread he doesn’t need damn it at an inflated price. So the point here is not at all nationality.
      1. 0
        April 7 2016 19: 24
        Living for many years in the Arab world, I often hear the Arab saying “You cannot buy an Arab, but you can rent it.” And Kipling described this as power on a throne of sand. You cannot rely on anyone, if necessary, you will merge your brother, swear in the name of Allah and the Prophet wink
  13. +1
    April 4 2016 10: 16
    Quote: VP
    And how much time does the author take for the collapse?
    Year? Two ? Five ? Ten ? Fifty ?

  14. +2
    April 4 2016 12: 05
    The Saudi elite realized that the oil era is ending.
    They're going to amass a $ 2 trillion fund for
    transition to another economy when oil runs out (or
    will become less profitable).
    2 trillion is not a joke, only the Chinese managed to accumulate so much.
    The Saudis are unlikely to succeed. But - the monarchs understood.
    1. 0
      April 7 2016 19: 27
      At least 20 trillion accumulate, you can’t build anything here except infrastructure. Arab is a merchant and a Chinese hard worker. Even with such extra income, evaluate the level of Arab education or medicine
  15. +4
    April 4 2016 15: 44
    Well, where is the promised fall of the sheikhs? I personally read recently that only at the present consumption (before the crisis) they will have about 60-80 years of proven oil deposits only.

    Pisi: It would be better for us to divert our economy from dependence on the sale of crude oil and gas, and not engage in counting money in someone else's pocket.
    Unlike us, the Arabs (residents of Saudi Arabia), without exception, all the dollar millionaires who work - that lives from paycheck to paycheck.
    In our country, the majority of Russians are poor. Our work is not a guarantee of prosperity, but rather the opposite.
    1. 0
      April 7 2016 19: 31
      It may surprise you, but the poor and dissatisfied, especially in the eastern province (Shiite in fact) and in the south near the Yemeni border there are full. When incomes fell, whole layers of the indigenous population began to appear on whom they decided to save money (primarily on Shiites). rebellions with severed heads, which outraged Iran to confirm this. Revenues are falling and new second-rate Saudis on whom they decided to save money will soon appear in more numbers
  16. 0
    April 4 2016 17: 59
    As long as the US oil among the Saudis, the situation in the world will remain the way it is now!
  17. 0
    April 4 2016 22: 48
    The United States can agree with Iran, it is not for nothing that they pulled it out of sanctions.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"