Union of the Russian people

The Union of the Russian People (NRC), one of the largest national-monarchist parties of a conservative nature, emerged in November 1905, largely as a reaction to the emergence of liberal and radical left-wing political parties in Russia, which set the task of changing the state system.

In November, the First Constituent Congress of the Union was held in St. Petersburg and the governing bodies were formed, including the Main Council, the chairman of which elected the famous Russian pediatrician, Doctor of Medicine Alexander Dubrovin. Initially, the Main Council consisted of 30 members, among which were a large Bessarabian landowner, state councilor Vladimir Purishkevich, editor of the Moscow Gazette Vladimir Gringmut, a rich Kursk landowner, state councilor Nikolay Markov, who was called the Copper Horseman for a startling resemblance to Peter I , an outstanding philologist, academician Alexander Sobolevsky, a well-known historian and author of brilliant high school textbooks in Russian stories Professor Dmitry Ilovaisky and others. The central print organ of the party was the newspaper "Russian Flag", the publisher of which was Dubrovin himself.

Union of the Russian people

Alexander Dubrovin

In August, the 1906 Party’s Main Council approved the party regulations and adopted the party’s program, the ideological basis of which was the “theory of official nationality”, developed by Count Sergei Uvarov back in 1830, “autocracy, Orthodoxy, nationality”. The basic software installations of the NRC included the following provisions:

1) preservation of the autocratic form of government, the unconditional dissolution of the State Duma and the convocation of the legislative council of the Zemsky Sobor;
2) rejection of any form of state and cultural federalism and the preservation of a united and indivisible Russia;
3) legislative recognition of the special status of the Russian Orthodox Church;
4) priority development of the Russian nation - Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians.

At the same time, under the auspices of the party, the wide popular movement “The Black Hundred” was created, which was originally led by Gringmouth. By the way, the ancient form of Russian communal (rural and town) self-government in the form of a hundred-member organization was taken as the basis for this organization. And the name “Black Hundred” itself stemmed from the fact that all rural and posad communities in Russia were tax-paying, i.e. "Black", hundreds. By the way, it was these “black hundreds” that formed the backbone of the famous Second Militia of Kozma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, who saved the country in 1612 year.

Soon, sharp contradictions began to grow among the leaders of the NRF. In particular, a comrade (deputy) of the Chairman of the Main Council Purishkevich, who had an extraordinary charisma, began gradually to push Dubrovin into the background. Therefore, in July 1907, the II Congress of the Union of the Russian People was urgently convened in Moscow, at which Dubrovin supporters adopted a resolution against Purishkevich’s irrepressible arbitrariness, which he resigned from the party in protest against this decision. However, the story did not end and was further developed at the III NRC Congress, held in February 1908 in St. Petersburg. This time, a group of eminent monarchists, dissatisfied with the policies of Alexander Dubrovin, complained to a member of the Main Council, Count Alexei Konovnitsyn, which led to a new split not only in the central leadership itself, but also in its regional departments: Moscow, Kiev, Odessa and others. As a result, in November, 1908-th Purishkevich and his supporters, including the Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, Anthony Volynsky, the Tomsk Archbishop Pitirim and the Tambov Bishop Innokentiy, who left the NRC, created the new organization, the Russian Armedgel Union of the People.

Vladimir Purishkevich

Meanwhile, the situation inside the SNR continued to worsen, which led to a new split in the party. Now the "stumbling block" was the attitude to the State Duma and the Manifesto of October 17. The leader of the NRC Dubrovin was an ardent opponent of any innovations, believed that any limitation of autocratic power would bring extremely negative consequences for Russia, while another prominent monarchist Nikolai Markov believed that the Manifesto and the State Duma were created by the sovereign’s will, and therefore, the duty of every true a monarchist does not argue about this, but obey the will of the monarch.

According to a number of modern historians, this development was possible because Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin was personally interested in weakening the NRC, who was trying to create a centrist majority loyal to the government in the III State Duma consisting of moderate nationalists and constitutionalists (Octobrists, progressives and part of the Cadets) ). One of the main obstacles to the implementation of this plan was the NRC, since both Dubrovin himself and his supporters were extremely negative about all the “three whales” of Stolypin’s domestic policy:

1) they did not accept his flirting with constitutional parliamentary parties and subjected to merciless criticism the main "governmental" party - the All-Russian National Union;
2) was absolutely unacceptable for them to turn Russia into a constitutional monarchy by transforming the State Duma and the State Council into real legislative authorities, and they demanded the restoration of unlimited autocracy;
3) finally, they were opposed to the destruction of the peasant land community and all Stolypin's agrarian reforms.

Peter Stolypin

In December, 1909, while the leader of the NRC was on treatment in Yalta, a “quiet coup” took place in St. Petersburg and his new deputy Count Emanuel Konovnitsyn came to power. Dubrovin received a proposal to limit his power as honorary chairman and founder of the NRC, with which he categorically disagreed. However, he could not regain his former influence in the party, and in 1911 she finally split into the Union of the Russian People, led by Markov, who began to publish the newspaper Zemshchina and the magazine Vestnik Union of the Russian People, and All-Russia Dubrovino Union of the Russian People ”headed by Dubrovin, whose main mouthpiece remained the newspaper“ Russian Flag ”. Thus, Stolypin’s policy on the NRC led to the fact that from the most powerful and numerous party, in the ranks of which numbered 400 000 members, it turned into a conglomerate of various political organizations whose leaders suspected each other of secret intrigues and constantly quarreled with each other . It is no coincidence that the former Odessa mayor, General Ivan Tolmachyov, in December 1911 of the year wrote bitterly: “I am depressed by the thought of the complete disintegration of the Right. Stolypin has reached his goal, we are reaping the fruits of his policy now, everyone is up against each other. ”


Later, repeated attempts were made to recreate a single monarchical organization, but it was not possible to solve this important task. In 1915, the Council of Monarchist Congresses was created, but it was not possible to recreate a single organization.

Later, in the public consciousness, the false bloodthirsty image of the Union of the Russian People and the Black Hundreds, which still forms a negative attitude towards the entire Russian patriotic camp, was quite fundamentally formed. The main features of this demonized image were that it was Russian monarchist parties:

1) were marginal organizations that were very often made up of lumpen and urban madmen;
2) was used by reactionary circles for their narrow class selfish interests;
3) were the organizers of mass Jewish pogroms and did not shun the massacre of their political opponents.

Meanwhile, there were only three political murders on the conscience of the “Black Hundreds”, while tens of thousands were on the consciences of the left radicals. Suffice it to say that, according to the latest data of the modern American researcher Anna Geifman, the author of the first special monograph “Revolutionary Terror in Russia in 1894 – 1917” (1997), the victims of the “Combat Organization of the Social Revolutionaries” in 1901 – 1911 were over 17 000 people , including 3 Minister (Nikolai Bogolepov, Dmitry Sipagin, Vyacheslav Pleve), 7 governors (Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Nikolai Bogdanovich, Pavel Sleptsov, Sergei Khvostov, Konstantin Starynkevich, Ivan Blok, Nikolai Litvinov).

It’s ridiculous to speak about the low intellectual level of Russian Black-Hundreds, since such great Russian scientists and Russian cultural figures as chemist Dmitry Mendeleev, philologist Alex Sobolevsky, historians Dmitry Ilovaisky and Ivan Zabelin, artists Mikhail Nesterov and Apollinary Vasnetsov, were among the members and supporters of this movement. and many others.

Historians and political scientists have long been asked a sacramental question: why did the collapse of the NRC and other patriotic parties? To some, the answer may seem paradoxical, but it was Russian Black Hundreds that was the first real attempt to build in the Russian Empire what is now called “civil society”. But this turned out to be absolutely not necessary for either the imperial bureaucracy, nor the radical revolutionaries, nor the liberal liberals of all stripes. The Black Hundred should be stopped immediately, and it was stopped. After all, it is not by chance that the most astute politician of that time, Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), with great apprehension, but with amazing frankness, wrote: “In our Black Hundreds there is one extremely original and extremely important feature, which has received insufficient attention. This is the dark peasant democracy, the roughest, but also the deepest. ”
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  1. +14
    April 3 2016 05: 10
    The word Black Hundred is fooled and, as it were, an analogue of a Russian nationalist, is fundamentally wrong, the Black Hundred is a militia city dweller who is neither serf nor dependent, an analog of a free citizen. What is presented in this article is an attempt by the government to surrender a structure that could withstand social protest and redirect in line with social harmony without changing the system, and therefore doomed to failure.
    1. +12
      April 3 2016 10: 17
      And the liberals of pre-revolutionary Russia of all stripes, and the Bolshevik communists in power, and the current liberalism - they are all enemies of Russia and the Russian people, and therefore Russian national self-consciousness. For them, the main thing has always been and remains to be to stifle in the Russian people its sense of national consciousness, dignity, inextricable connection with the covenants of their ancestors and their native land. So, for this, over the past hundred years, while in power, they have constantly hammered and hammered into the consciousness of the Russian people, the ideas of virtually abstract internationalism and cosmopolitanism. Here is their ideological weapon.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +13
          April 3 2016 12: 38
          Tired, still not tired of old, sore, Soviet propaganda cliches and cliches. Look again, more closely, at the continuing anti-Russian national policy in our country, which is being pursued by today's "successors" of the Bolsheviks, Messrs. Liberals - endless waves of ethnic-Kiminal migration, the dominance of Caucasian criminal diasporas in cities and towns, the liberal government's refusal to protect the Russian population in New Russia ... - isn't it enough to understand that without awakening the Russian people of their national consciousness and character, the fate of ancient Rome awaits us.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. +7
              April 3 2016 13: 57
              Do not carry the international Bolshevik delirium. He, with the current liberal politics, has long been sick of it all.
              1. +1
                April 3 2016 14: 18
                Only Russian nationalists who have decided that there are some differences between them and all other nationalists are nonsense. Forced to disappoint you, nationalists of all stripes (Russian, American Jewish, Chechen and all others) are always stupid people. But for Russia, nationalism is generally poison. The current authorities are exactly what nationalists are by all possible indications. Here are just those Russian nationalists who did not have the strength or the connections to climb up it is unpleasant to admit that their imperial idols are exactly what they were a century ago. Completely identical to their predecessors.
                1. +3
                  April 3 2016 18: 59
                  The Bolsheviks did more harm than nationalists of all stripes. We still disentangle.
  2. +1
    April 3 2016 05: 49
    Purishkevich, Gringmouth, Ilovaisky ... who else of the Russian people was interested in creating a party whose program theses voted for the interests of the Russian monarchs? Is there any certainty that the decisions of one man, albeit of royal blood, prevailed over his collective health over the collective fruit of thought?

    The union of the Russian people should be an educated state (a country with all the attributes of power), and not some kind of party, with interests that are rather doubtful in their use for the common good ... what
    1. +2
      April 3 2016 06: 23
      ...who else of the Russian people was interested in creating the party .. Orthodoxy and autocracy are the historical foundations of Russia, and this is what the union fought for, for the interests of the Russian people themselves.
      1. +3
        April 3 2016 07: 53
        The USSR proved that autocracy and Orthodoxy are not foundations, because they collapsed at the moment.
        1. +8
          April 3 2016 08: 07
          To give the USSR as an example, in my opinion, is not too successful. The Union did not last long, not Marxism-Leninism, not atheism. The foundations of the state are certainly not.
        2. +7
          April 3 2016 12: 43
          Not at the moment. For decades, our enemies have been grinding and corroding the Russian Empire with liberal and Marxist propaganda, and it also fell due to the situation on the front. But who really collapsed at one moment was the USSR in 1991. Without any resistance.
        3. +4
          April 3 2016 18: 52
          Quote: Darkness
          The USSR proved that autocracy and Orthodoxy are not foundations, because they collapsed at the moment.

          Actually rukhnkl USSR.
          But Orthodoxy remains.
      2. +2
        April 3 2016 08: 21
        The supremacy of law and reason - these are the real foundations.
        State obscurantism and the construction of politics on the whim of one "special" person is the way to the dustbin of history.
        1. +7
          April 3 2016 12: 52
          Atheistic pro-Western liberal-democratic obscurantism is what the "reformers" have been introducing to us for many years. YES, there is no way to revive the NRC right now. But then it was really a real force that resisted the destruction and collapse of the Russian Empire. The NRC was unable to achieve its goals for many reasons, but the main one was that not only "revolutionary" extremist parties, but also the noble and bourgeois WESTERN "liberal" elite fought for the collapse of the Empire. After all, it was they, the elite, the inner circle, who betrayed the Emperor! Even the closest relatives of the Tsar-martyr betrayed Him. They were in a hurry to introduce "European values" and "European culture" in Russia. And still, even now, the only force that can FOREVER unite the Russian, Russian people, protect them from a culture alien to them, from values ​​alien to them - this is our more than a THOUSAND YEARS OF ORTHODOXY! Do not believe in God, do not go to the Temple, as your ancestors did, so do not interfere with those who believe. Atheists are now more aggressive than believers. But, if faith unites people, then atheism so far only knows how and teaches to destroy. The most striking example is Europe, with its state atheism. It is preparing itself to replace it with Islamic reactionary fundamentalism. Soon they will not be able to eat pork sausage, and Christmas and Christmas trees are already canceled in some places.
    2. +3
      April 3 2016 07: 38
      Millions of those who died in the civil war and further repressions of the victors are the best indicator of how much the interests of the people depended on the interests of the monarchy.
      1. +4
        April 3 2016 08: 00
        You, as a prosecutor, indict and pass judgment.
        How can one explain the sadism and inhuman obsession with which these millions were destroyed?
  3. +2
    April 3 2016 06: 15
    Why did the NRC and other patriotic parties crash? - Really correctly posed question. How many prominent people were in this organization, Only who was the head and most importantly the editor-in-chief of the newspaper? This question was later discussed in emigrant circles, but it was already too late. The lack of real experience in organizing such associations is the main trouble of the NRC.
    1. +1
      April 3 2016 07: 03
      Quote: venaya
      Why did the NRC and other patriotic parties crash?

      because nationalism is a dead end, a halt in development, boiling in one's own juice, while the rest of the world moves forward, drawing ideas from each other for their development, now they are trying to bring this under the guise of conservatism, which is the same in terms of development
      1. 0
        25 September 2016 15: 23
        Yes, the rest of the world, especially Geyropa, is moving forward. In one country, homosexual permission will be accepted, and in another, scooping for themselves the idea of ​​development, they will pass pedophilia law, and the next country, developing and scooping it, will accept the permission for necrophiles and bestiality. Wow, development. And nationalism, of course, is completely stagnant with families, Orthodoxy, the Fatherland and the rest of the crap that you don’t need, a dead end, you panic. You, sir, probably also from there, from scooping, or from the fugitives from here, otherwise it’s like something is not clear.
    2. -7
      April 3 2016 07: 33
      Outstanding people at the top of the weather do not! They are just compromised by those below. And who were downstairs? Sharikovs?
  4. +3
    April 3 2016 06: 36
    Each pulled a blanket over himself - the party fell apart (like the USSR). Army unity of command (or Masonic societies) in this regard is more promising and more stable.
    1. +3
      April 3 2016 06: 47
      Everything is right - discipline, the ability to lie low and patiently wait in the wings, a characteristic feature of all this evil spirits (lovers of freedom, equality and fraternity)
      1. -1
        April 3 2016 16: 47
        Are you a fan of sticks and whips, licking the boots of your superiors and humiliating your juniors to compensate for the power of foam in your brains? But then what can you oppose to this evil spirits if it has discipline? Irresponsibility and carelessness? Haste, useful only in catching fleas ... what else do you have that is stronger than discipline and patience? Do you know God's motto? "Unhurried, for eternal!"
        1. +1
          April 3 2016 17: 26
          .... Do you know the motto of God? ......

          Here you are amused, of course, not to be confused with Masonic organizations. What kind of mottos can God have? So even an atheist will not say.
          If at least I understood about the whip, sticks, boots, humiliation of the younger ones, then I didn’t understand anything about polystyrene, in whose brains?
          1. 0
            April 3 2016 22: 29
            Dumas, father, remember ... This is from his novel "The Count of Monte Cristo". And the foam? Don't seem stupider than you really are. All of you perfectly understood.
  5. -7
    April 3 2016 08: 18
    The Black-Hundred movement failed to convince Russian society of its ability to offer a positive program for the then demands for political ideology, the explanation of all the problems and troubles of society by the subversive activities of the Jews seemed excessively one-sided even for those who did not sympathize with the Jews. Continuous splits and internal strife in the Black-Hundred movement, accompanied by numerous scandals and recriminations, including serious crimes, undermined public confidence in the movement as a whole, for example, the well-known activist of the right movement, father John Vostorgov, was accused by his right-wing political rivals of poisoning the right-wing politician P.A. Krushevan and killing his own wife out of a desire to become a bishop, stealing the sums of monarchical organizations. The activities of deputies of the right faction in the III State Duma, primarily V.M. Purishkevich and N.E. Markov 2nd, was provocative, shocking in nature and was accompanied by numerous scandals that did not contribute to the formation of respect for these political figures.
    1. +6
      April 3 2016 08: 44
      the holy martyr Archpriest John Vostorgov was accused by liberal circles, and not his associates, and this was an outright lie. All that you brought is data from Wikipedia, the source is generally doubtful.
      1. +1
        April 3 2016 13: 41
        Yes, information from Wiki .. I looked at my bookmarks on this subject .. Everyone’s output is almost the same .. Only Wiki is more concise .. But the fact remains that during the February Revolution the Black-Hundred movement did not save the empire .. A hundred protests did not come out in cities across Russia ... Moreover supported by the Temporary .. those who accepted the abdication and arrested the king ..
  6. +11
    April 3 2016 08: 55
    But they were not so bad, as the sweet-eyed sirens sang from democracy in a Western manner:
    "Who makes prayer
    Honors the people and the King,
    In whom neither conscience nor mind staggers
    Who under the hail slander
    Russia saves from troubles -
    He is called a Black Hundred. "

    "10 commandments of the Russian
    1. Love the Motherland - Russia is more than itself, for it is the mother and the nurse of your ancestors, yourself and your neighbors, because for you it is the way to perfection.
    2. Wprotect, not sparing your life, the unity, integrity, freedom and honor of Russia, for it is your sacred Fatherland, your dear Homeland; for she is you.
    3. Honorfully protect and preserve the Orthodox Faith, the Tsarist Autocracy and the birthright of the Russian People, for three they created Russia.
    4. Remember the love of your Russian brother and help him - you are obliged to help, for he is of the same flesh, blood and spirit.
    5. Strive with all your might to fulfill and apply the birthright of Russians, the power and wealth of Russia should belong to us.
    6. Be moral and do not encroach on your brother’s property.
    7. Be disciplined and comply with the laws and rules of the Russian government.
    8. Remember the enemies of the Motherland: counteract them with all your thoughts and forces, have nothing to do with them and remember that even the penny that has passed from you to the enemies strengthens them, weakens the Russians and there is treason to the Fatherland.
    9. Work, work and study; strive for knowledge of nature and the world around you and for dominion over it.
    10. Remember that without a single supreme power - there is no single state; without a dominant nation - there is no strong indivisible state; without power there is no domination; without struggle there is no life. ”
  7. +7
    April 3 2016 09: 35
    Thanks to the author: the Black Hundreds are quite objective ... Even Pozner was not afraid.
  8. +2
    April 3 2016 12: 31
    The historical lesson is that any idea of ​​a "union of the people" (no matter whether Russian or non-Russian) is doomed by virtue of the fact that it is always an attempt "from above" to organize the "lower classes" in order to solve tactical problems only in the interests of the "upper classes". And such an attempt reflects the recognition of the most perspicacious part of the “upper circles” of the fact that the “upper circles” are no longer able to maintain the status quo. This form is organizationally unstable and ineffective.
    An effective organizational form of conducting policies in the interests of the ruling class is the secret police, which opposes the revolutionaries and, in a certain sense, contradicts the structures of official power that lead the state to disaster.
    In this sense, ideologized, highly motivated, and therefore small and disciplined cells are very effective organizational structures. The revolutionary party of Lenin's "new type" is a product and achievement of scientific management.
    Due to their conspiratorial nature of their activities, such cells, as a rule, are used by the secret police to achieve the goals of the "top" (but in the way they are understood by members of the secret police). Likewise, the "revolutionaries" are forced to play a double game. This is indicated by the story of the murder of Stolypin by the Jew Bogrov, by the way, in Kiev - "the mother of Russian cities."
    So, without socially-nationally and internationally motivated political parties and revolutionary terrorists, the historical picture presented is incomplete.
    Moreover, the performances of formally patriotic forces have long learned to use very non-patriotic forces to achieve program goals.
    1. +2
      April 3 2016 12: 53
      It is unlikely that the party of Lenin was the achievement of scientific management; there was too much strife in the ranks of the party itself, from the creation of the RSDLP to the death of Lenin — continuous squabbles.
      Rather your words .... the few and disciplined cells are very effective organizational structures ... can be attributed to the Socialist-Revolutionaries (their battle groups)
      As for the fact that any organization of national, patriotic forces is very beneficial to the anti-Russian forces, I completely agree, as an example, the Memory Society, that is, in the form of a kind of horror stories for the so-called society.
      1. +4
        April 3 2016 19: 31
        1) The so-called doctrine of Lenin on a party of a new type is an independent theoretical section of Marxism-Leninism. Without organization, a Bolshevik victory would not have been possible. All coups and revolutions reveal the existence of such relatively small organizations. Official sources estimate the number of the Bolshevik party at the time of the conquest of power at 10 thousand. These are professional revolutionaries.
        2) After the conquest of power, the size of the Bolshevik organization increased many times over (and this is understandable).
        3) Under Lenin, there was intra-party democracy, expressed in congresses, elections, factional struggles and discussions until a decision is made. Those who did not comply with the decisions of congresses and party bodies were publicly criticized or even expelled from the party.
        4) After the revolution, the Social Revolutionaries from the opposition within the broad revolutionary movement turned into enemies of the Bolsheviks and finally lost. They could not solve the problem of any revolutionary party that had gone underground and provide the masses with an urgent agenda.
  9. +1
    April 3 2016 12: 45
    In this thread, the descendants of the counts prince? lol
    1. +2
      April 3 2016 13: 03
      Count Zamazkin, may I introduce myself.
      1. +1
        April 3 2016 14: 24
        Quote: bober1982
        Count Zamazkin, may I introduce myself.

        Sounds like dobkin and bobkin. And where did you please? laughing
  10. +4
    April 3 2016 13: 30
    I put a plus for the article - restrained and objective, without slogans.

    Quote: Darkness
    The USSR proved that autocracy and Orthodoxy are not foundations, because they collapsed at the moment.

    Let me just say - in the USSR they tried to destroy Orthodox Christianity for 20 years - and nothing came of it, but they almost achieved it. They promised to show "The Last Priest" in 1942. By the Will of God, it turned out that since the summer of 1941 - a paradox, but even on both sides of the front! - churches began to open and Orthodoxy was revived. And since 1943, in general, the ROC-MP received a lot of its former rights, even the Patriarchate was revived ...

    And after the war, during the Khrushchev-Brezhnev persecution, Christianity was also not able to uproot from the peoples of Russia.
    1. +3
      April 3 2016 16: 55
      You would have read the Atheist newspaper of the 30s ... Oh, how they did it! "Only the one who is a friend of the priests is ready to celebrate the Christmas tree!" And then again - and the tree in the Kremlin. And ... they didn't write like that again! Atheism is atheism, but the Kremlin knows better!
    2. +3
      April 3 2016 18: 57
      Quote: Warrior2015
      I put a plus for the article - restrained and objective, without slogans.

      Quote: Darkness
      The USSR proved that autocracy and Orthodoxy are not foundations, because they collapsed at the moment.

      Let me just say - in the USSR they tried to destroy Orthodox Christianity for 20 years - and nothing came of it, but they almost achieved it. They promised to show "The Last Priest" in 1942. By the Will of God, it turned out that since the summer of 1941 - a paradox, but even on both sides of the front! - churches began to open and Orthodoxy was revived. And since 1943, in general, the ROC-MP received a lot of its former rights, even the Patriarchate was revived ...

      And after the war, during the Khrushchev-Brezhnev persecution, Christianity was also not able to uproot from the peoples of Russia.

      Hitler ordered the opening of churches in the occupied territories.
      Stalin had nowhere to go. I had to temporarily stop the destruction of Orthodox shrines.
  11. Roy
    April 3 2016 14: 10
    Quote: onix757
    In this thread, the descendants of the counts prince? lol

    It graces in your brains, and gives out similar "isms", this is your sickle-hammer-like seal of the Jewish kagal. And the Russian people are the Russian people and no class-Jewish quirks can divide them.
    1. +1
      April 3 2016 14: 18
      Quote: Roy
      It grasses in your brains, and gives out such "isms", this is your hammer-sickle seal of the Jewish kagal

      This "hammer-and-sickle press" liberated the people, gave them social benefits, ensured the development of the country in technological and scientific terms for many years before. Through this seal, you are now living.
      And the Russian people are the Russian people and cannot be divided by any Jewish classics.

      I am also Russian, but I have nothing against people of other nationalities, observing our traditions and respect for my culture.
      Do you like Tu-160 aircraft? And Energy is Buran "?
      1. +3
        April 3 2016 17: 32
        I am also Russian, but I have nothing against people of other nationalities, observing our traditions and respect for my culture.

        What traditions do you have - to wave and drink the flag on New Year's Day on May Day?
        "hammer and sickle seal" liberated the people

        yeah - from faith, culture, traditions. And the property at the same time.
        1. 0
          April 3 2016 18: 24
          Quote: Heimdall47
          culture, traditions. And the property at the same time.

          Exactly about the "dashing 90s"!
        2. +1
          April 3 2016 19: 12
          Quote: Heimdall47
          What traditions do you have - to wave and drink the flag on New Year's Day on May Day?

          And you?
          Quote: Heimdall47
          yeah - from faith, culture, traditions. And the property at the same time.

          The Union was baptized without any problems. As for culture and traditions, tsarist Russia has nothing to boast about. An illiterate population cannot be cultural a priori, but traditions ... traditions are immortal if their people accept. With property then yes ... they shocked the bourgeoisie for the good of the country. Just don’t tell that your ancestors took away a manor that had never been smile
          1. +6
            April 3 2016 21: 09
            And you?

            I am Orthodox, like my ancestors. Hence the corresponding traditions.
            In the Union, they baptized without problems

            Of course, in every village the church stood. And in it is a vegetable storehouse or a mental hospital. They were baptized right there.
            then tsarist Russia has nothing to brag about

            Those. national customs, holidays, songs, clothes, etc. - for you an empty phrase? So, by what signs are you Russian?
            Just don’t tell that your ancestors took away the estate, which never was smile

            There were no estates - cows, horses, some of the buildings had to be returned to the collective farm.
            You, red-bellied, count someone else’s and rush about, but don’t want to write the apartment to the state now, to show consciousness? smile
  12. +4
    April 3 2016 20: 26
    Quote: onix757

    This "hammer-and-sickle press" liberated the people, gave them social benefits, ensured the development of the country in technological and scientific terms for many years before. Through this seal, you are now living.

    This sickly-sickly scum ruined the lives of millions of our Russian people, tore and crippled the life of our peasantry, crushed Russian national identity in people, turning them into virtually internationally faceless Soviet ones, and erased the very name Russia from the world map, replacing the four-letter dumb abbreviation .
    1. -1
      April 3 2016 20: 36
      And also eliminated illiteracy, gave all citizens equal rights, built a powerful industry, created the strongest armed forces in history and conquered half of Europe.
      Bastards, no words!
      1. +5
        April 3 2016 22: 35
        Temporarily, for the whole 74 of the year, of which the people at least somehow lived for a decade ... And where were these strongest armed forces in the 91. And about equal rights it is not necessary ...
      2. +5
        April 4 2016 00: 17
        Quote: ALEA IACTA EST
        And also eliminated illiteracy, gave all citizens equal rights, built a powerful industry, created the strongest armed forces in history and conquered half of Europe.
        Bastards, no words!

        Industry built pre-collapse all.
        For good reason, then everything was compared with 1913. With the year of the highest development of production in Russia.
      3. +5
        April 4 2016 00: 19
        And also eliminated illiteracy,

        Destroying the public education system?
        Generally, the public education system was destroyed. As a result, the conscripts on the 25th were absolutely illiterate (and not trainable either). The military howled with "happiness". Only then, at 26-27? and began to "eliminate illiteracy."

        But actually, according to the plans in the Republic of Ingushetia, universal primary education should have been completed by 1922. It is clear that you do not know about this, because before the revolution and life there wasn’t anything.

        gave all citizens equal rights,

        This is a very funny statement, very much. Have you ever heard of the "disenfranchised"? Who are they? About passport in collective farms? About competitions in Moscow universities, where there were different passing points? About "origin"?

        Just under the king, after 1906, the rights were practically equal.

        built a powerful industry

        Yes, yes: at first, the most powerful industry was simply destroyed (devastation, yes, yes), reduced to zero. And then, ten years later, in 1927, suddenly take it and think, "Shouldn't we create an industry?"
        and 10 years, from the 17th to the 27th, what did you do?

        created the strongest armed forces in history

        In dreams, in dreams: these "strongest" needed huge losses to crush Germany. And in WWI, the losses were killed .... (drums) 560 thousand people. Compare the scale.

        and conquered half of Europe.

        And it brought a lot of joy to the kids?
        Now, if the revolution had not occurred, the "kids" would have received the Basfor-Dardanels, plus, apparently, Iran. Plus, most likely Manchuria. And maybe something else on the little things.

        Bastards, no words!

        Here you are right - it’s hard to disagree
    2. -4
      April 3 2016 20: 45
      Quote: Nikita Gromov
      This sickly-malady scum ruined the lives of millions of our Russian people,

      Yes, it’s full of you, Kolchak dealt with people worse than any executioner. Because your vaunted white guard was scolding, because the people did not support and even the western parabellum did not help)
      tore and crippled the lifestyle of our peasantry

      And what was the way of the bonded?
      1. +5
        April 4 2016 00: 23
        Yes, it’s full of you, Kolchak dealt with people worse than any executioner.

        But is it possible facts?

        Kolchak, of course, was that ... thing. That's just kolchak - this is only from February 1919. Find out how he came to power and what was before him.

        Because your vaunted white guard was draping

        That "white guard" was 50 thousand at the most.

        that the people did not support and even the western parabellum did not help)

        The people, of course, happily supported the Bolsheviks: for example, in Tambov. Or in Kroshtadt. As soon as the brothers sobered up a little, they immediately began to "support".

        And what was the way of the bonded?

        And who exactly was the "bondage" there? Someone really forbade someone even to go to the USA?
  13. +7
    April 3 2016 21: 29
    Quote: kalibr
    You would have read the Atheist newspaper of the 30s ... Oh, how they did it! "

    Unfortunately I read ... And also not only that, and not only I read - 4 \ 5 of my kind died on those fathers in these terrible 20 and 30 years at the hands of the Communists.

    Quote: onix757
    This "hammer and sickle seal" liberated the people,
    Excuse me, but for example about the "second introduction of serfdom" by the communists, you probably have not heard? or are you silent on purpose? and that the collective farmers received passports and the right to move freely around the country only under Khrushchev?

    Quote: onix757
    The Union was baptized without any problems.
    Don't tell stories. Most of the time when the Communists were in power, not just holding religious ceremonies, but through Baptism, "bringing new people into the religious community" was a wrongful act.

    In any case, the preservation of Russian statehood without the troubles of the Civil War, without an era of repression and genocide on a religious basis, would be a blessing to our long-suffering people.
    1. +4
      April 3 2016 22: 40
      Quote: Warrior2015
      The Union was baptized without any problems.

      Well, maybe somewhere in the deaf Tutunovka, where everyone cared about everything. And would you, a communist, or a Komsomol member, try to christen a child - for the flight of a boy, from the party, the Komsomol and ... the institute, if you studied there. It is a pity that our people do not have access to the archives ... otherwise they would have read the bundles of personal files for baptisms, weddings and other "attributes of the pernicious influence of religion." However, you can read the newspaper Pravda. From 1918 to 1964 These are freely available! There too ... a lot of things about religion.
      1. +4
        April 3 2016 23: 18
        Quote: kalibr
        It is a pity our people do not have access to the archives ... otherwise they would read packs of personal files for baptisms, weddings

        And not only about that. You can also read the Charter of the Russian Communist Youth Union (RKSM), the predecessor of the Komsomol, created in October 1918. One of the clauses of its Charter contained the following clause:
        “Each Komsomol member is obliged to surrender to any Komsomol member upon request, if he regularly pays membership dues and engages in community service.”
        It was canceled only in 1929.
      2. +3
        April 4 2016 07: 28
        Quote: kalibr
        Well, maybe somewhere in the deaf Tutunovka, where everyone cared about everything. And would you, a communist, or a Komsomol member, try to christen a child - for the flight of a boy, from the party, the Komsomol and ... the institute, if you studied there. It is a pity that our people do not have access to the archives ... otherwise they would have read the bundles of personal files for baptisms, weddings and other "attributes of the pernicious influence of religion." However, you can read the newspaper Pravda. From 1918 to 1964 These are freely available! There too ... a lot of things about religion.

        Yes confirm. Uncle was cleaned from organs after he baptized his nephew
    2. +3
      April 3 2016 22: 40
      Quote: Warrior2015
      The Union was baptized without any problems.

      Well, maybe somewhere in the deaf Tutunovka, where everyone cared about everything. And would you, a communist, or a Komsomol member, try to christen a child - for the flight of a boy, from the party, the Komsomol and ... the institute, if you studied there. It is a pity that our people do not have access to the archives ... otherwise they would have read the bundles of personal files for baptisms, weddings and other "attributes of the pernicious influence of religion." However, you can read the newspaper Pravda. From 1918 to 1964 These are freely available! There too ... a lot of things about religion.
  14. 0
    27 October 2016 12: 30
    Interesting news in the topic (on nationalism): The Constitutional Court of Yakutia passed a decision, proclaiming the entire territory of Yakutia as the native land and historical homeland of the Yakut people.
    The reason for the consideration of the case was the request of the deputy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Mikhail Gabyshev, who asked to interpret article 42 of the Constitution of Yakutia. Interpreting the Basic Law, the Constitutional Court of Yakutia made a sensational decision:
    1. The provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 42 of the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in their constitutional sense mean recognition of the territory of Yakutia as the native land and historical homeland of the Yakut people, a source of its economic well-being, unique cultural and linguistic identity

    It would seem okay. In the end, similar provisions are contained in the Constitutions of many republics of Russia. The problem is that at the national level there is nothing like this in the Constitution. The basic law of Russia magically generally ignores the Russian people. A very strange situation arises when the largest people of Russia do not have the slightest legal connection with the Russian Federation.
    The territory of Russia (according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation) is NOT the native land and historical homeland of the Russian people, the source of its economic well-being, unique cultural and linguistic identity, such as in Yakutia, Tatarstan, Ossetia, Komi, Udmurtia, etc., and the constitutional and legal status of the Russian Federation form of its socio-political and state legal organization. The Russian Federation does not deny and supports the national statehood of the Tatars, Yakuts, Udmurts, and many other peoples of the country. But why then refuses to recognize such a Russian?
    Usually they say that other nations will be "offended." But then the question is, why is the argument of resentment of Russians not used when the above formulations are introduced in the Constitution of the national republics?
    They also say that Russians, if they recognize their rights, will ruin Russia. They say so directly, but at the same time, they do not specify how a state can exist that consciously ignores the interests of 120, or even 140 million of its population.
    An old historical joke says that when the emperor asked Ermolov what kind of reward he wants, he answered: "Sire, make me German", hinting at the leading role of the Germans at court.
    Perhaps modern Russian can repeat these words in a new way: "Sire, make me a Yakut".