"Slave Wars" in the ancient world. Uprising to Spartacus. (Part one)

It is always nice when material written for TOPWAR readers finds its use also as a source of information for ... their children! After all, children are our future, even though it sounds trite, and they should get the best of everything, from food to information. And it’s very good that adults read these materials (or give them to read) to their schoolchildren, and this broadens their horizons and allows them to get good grades. Not so long ago, one of "our comrades" expressed a desire to learn more about the uprisings of slaves in ancient Rome and the "slave war" led by Spartacus. I hope that this material for his fifth-grader son was not late ...

The field of the crucified. F. Bronnikov (1827 - 1902). 1878 year.

Well, you have to start with the fact that Spartak was far from the first, although the most famous leader of the slave uprising. But how often did slaves rise in ancient Rome? It turns out - very often! We can say that they walked just continuously, one after the other! For example, in Dionysius of Halicarnassus we read that slaves in Rome rebelled already in 501, and this revolt lasted right up to 499 BC. er That is, it happened at the dawn of the Roman stories, after just 250 years since its inception. But it must be borne in mind that at first there were slaves there once or twice, and miscalculated, and then slavery had a patriarchal character there. So 250 years is just the time for which the slaves in Rome became ... a lot! Well, then, after the first uprising in 458 G. BC. e., that is, 40 years later, followed by a second big uprising led by Gerdonius, to the fight with which two Roman consuls elected this year were sent at once, that is, its scale was far from small! Other Roman historians have reported a slave conspiracy that took place in 419 BC. er already in Rome itself. The conspirators wanted to set Rome on fire in different places at night, cause panic, then seize the Capitol and other vital centers of the city, and then kill all their masters, and share their property and their wives equally. All downright according to V.I. Lenin and ... Sharikov! But such a carefully designed conspiracy broke down: as always, there was a traitor who betrayed everyone, after which the instigators were captured and executed.

"Slave Wars" in the ancient world. Uprising to Spartacus. (Part one)

Slave brings lord sign for the letter. Detail of the sarcophagus of Valery Petroninus. Archaeological Museum in Milan.

It should be noted here that the wealth of Rome was based on the most ruthless robbery of the captured lands, from where not only gold-silver but also slaves in large quantities came. For example, when the Romans took Tarent, 30 was immediately sold to thousands of people as slaves. The defeat of the Macedonian king Perseus in 157 BC. er gave the same amount. Sempronius Gracchus - the father of the famous freedom-loving brothers Gracchus, in 177 BC. e., being in Sardinia, captured more than 30 thousands of inhabitants of the island and all turned into slaves. Titus Livius wrote that at that time there were so many slaves that the word "Sardinian" became a household word for any cheap product, and in Rome they began to say "cheap as a sard."

But the pursuit of slaves had its negative consequences, because not only peasants but also intelligent and educated people fell into slaves. So, in 217 BC. Oe., when Rome led the second Punic War, which required considerable tension and strength from it, in Rome a conspiracy of slaves arose, reported by Titus Livius. The slaves decided to take advantage of the plight of their masters and stab them in the back. The conspiracy failed again because of one slave who received an award for treason - “no, not a basket of cookies and not a jar of jam”, freedom from slavery and money - a great monetary reward, so being a traitor among the slaves was very profitable and By the way, about how profitable it is to betray comrades, slaveholders informed slaves regularly! It is believed that the instigator of the upcoming uprising was a Carthaginian, who sought in this way to help compatriots.

They punished him “witty”: they chopped off his hands and sent him back to Carthage, so at least that was the case, but he gained his freedom, but the rest of 25 were less fortunate slaves-conspirators, and they were hanged. Probably, many more slaves participated in the plot, only they could not be found.

In 198 BC in the city of Setia, not far from Rome, as all again, Tit Livy, reports, another slave performance was being prepared. It so happened that it was there that the hostages were settled from among the Carthaginian nobility in order to ensure the inviolability of the peace treaty between Rome and Carthage. And here there were many Carthaginian slaves captured during the war. It was these slaves that the Carthaginian hostages began to agitate to raise a rebellion. Since the instigators were the Carthaginian slaves - people of the same nationality and one language, so it was easy for them to agree among themselves. According to the plan of the conspirators, the uprising was to begin simultaneously in Setii, Norba, Circe, Preneste - cities near Rome. Scheduled even the day of performance. In the Network, it was supposed to start during the holiday with public games and theatrical performances, where residents of closely located cities were to come. While the Romans were to be entertained with games, slaves needed to capture important objects of the urban infrastructure. But this uprising was also thwarted, because now the plan of the uprising was already issued by two and reported to the Roman praetor Cornelius Lentulus. Roman slave owners, when they learned about the next conspiracy, gripped indescribable fear. Lentulus was presented with extraordinary powers and tasked with the most brutal way to deal with the conspirators. He immediately assembled a detachment of two thousand people, arrived in Networks and began the massacre. Together with the leaders of the uprising seized and executed about two thousand slaves, and for the execution was enough the slightest suspicion of a conspiracy. It seems that the rebellion was suppressed, but as soon as Lentoul left for Rome, he was informed that part of the conspirators had survived among the slaves and was preparing to revolt in Prenest. Lentul went there and put to death more 500 slaves.

Two years later, slaves rose in Etruria, north of Rome, and the Romans had to send a whole legion there, indicating its mass character. Roman troops were given desperate resistance. Moreover, the slaves entered into a very real battle with the legionnaires. Titus Livy later wrote that the number of those killed and taken prisoner was very large. The leaders of the uprising, according to tradition, were crucified on crosses, and all the rest were returned to their masters for punishment.

From 192 - 182 BC. the slaves' performances took place almost continuously in southern Italy (in Apulia, Lucania, Calabria). The Senate regularly sent troops there, but could not do anything. It got to the point that in 185 BC. I had to send there with the troops of praetor Lucius Postumius as if for a war. The center of the conspiracy was in the area of ​​the city of Tarenta, where the 7000 captured slaves, many of whom were executed.

However, neither such a penalty nor the natural decrease in the number of slaves in Rome did not reduce. On the contrary, it only steadily increased, and with it the danger of new speeches, conspiracies and murders. For example, in the satirical novel of Petronius, who already lived under Emperor Nero, a rich freedman was depicted who looked at the lists of slaves born in his vast estate and found out that in just one day he had more slaves for 30 boys and 40 girls. Other slave owners could put whole armies of slaves, so many of them belonged to them. And it is not surprising, since only after Emilia Pavel went to Epirus, 150 thousands of prisoners were turned into slaves, and such a commander as Marius, who defeated the Cimbrians and Teutons in northern Italy, made 90 thousands of Tembons slaves and captured by them as slaves! Lucull in the lands of Asia Minor and in Ponte captured so many people that they began to sell slaves in the markets for just 60 drachmas (dram - 4 kopecks). So it is no wonder why the Romans, first of all, attacked unaffected by wars and densely populated, rich states, or the territories of “wild” peoples who could not resist them due to their lower culture.

Naturally, slaves in the lands of the Roman state were unevenly distributed. For example, there were a lot of them in Sicily, where they were engaged in agriculture, and whether it is necessary for him to be surprised that it was there that one after another two powerful uprisings of slaves took place. The first is the so-called "Evn uprising", which happened in 135 - 132 BC. er The head of the uprising was a former servant of Eubes, a Syrian by birth. The uprising began in Enna, where the rebels killed all of the worst slave owners, then chose Yevna as their king (after which he called himself “the king Antiochus” and the kingdom “Novosiriysky”) and even organized a council where slaves were chosen, “the most outstanding according to your mind. " The commander of the army was chosen by the Greek Ahei, who managed to quickly gather a large army, which was able to repel the units of the Roman army, sent to Sicily to pacify the rebels.

Slave, shackled, and so in them, and died during the eruption of Vesuvius. Plaster cast. Museum in Pompeii.

Naturally, the example turned out to be contagious, and revolts began to flare up throughout Sicily. Soon another center was formed with the center in the city of Agrigento, where Cilician Cleon headed it, under whose leadership gathered five thousand rebels. The slaveholders, however, decided that this would lead to civil strife and slaves would start fighting each other. But Cleon arrived in Enna and voluntarily submitted to Euna, and the combined army of slaves began to campaign against the Romans. Now it already had 200 thousands of people, that is, it represented a tremendous force. And even if ancient historians exaggerated this figure tenfold, there were still a lot of slaves. Much more than the Romans, so for five years they became in fact the masters of the whole island. Roman commanders suffered defeat after defeat. It was necessary to conduct a serious mobilization of forces, as if the enemy had invaded the country and sent two consular armies to Sicily, led by the consuls Cai Fulvius Flaccus, Lucius Calpurnius Piso and the successor of Piso - Consul Publius Rupilius.

The latter managed to defeat the slaves in several battles, after which he approached the city of Tavromeny and took him under siege. Stocks of supplies ran out quickly, but the slaves fought, nonetheless, desperately, and did not want to surrender to the enemy. But, as always, there was a traitor — the slave Serapion, who helped Rupilia to take Tavromeny, after which he went to the capital of the “Novosirian kingdom” - Enna. The defense of the city was led by Cleon and Ahei. Cleon made a sortie and “after a heroic struggle,” reports Diodorus of Sicily, “fell, covered with wounds.”

And here the treason helped the Romans, since it would be very difficult to take a city standing on a rocky hill, otherwise it would be very difficult. Yevna was captured, taken to the city of Morgantina, thrown into prison, where he died from the terrible conditions of detention.

While all this was happening, in 133 BC a rebellion broke out in Pergam under the leadership of Aristonica, which lasted until 130 BC. It is not known whether there was any connection between these two uprisings, but the fact that the Romans as a result had to fight on two fronts at once was certain. Diodorus of Sicily, describing this revolt of slaves in the Pergamon kingdom, said: "Aristonik sought imperial power of the royal power, and slaves insane with him thanks to the oppression of gentlemen and plunged many cities into great misfortune."

Tetradrachm of King Eumenes II 197 - 159 BC. Berlin, Museum of Pergamon.

As to the Pergamon kingdom, where such an important event took place, it was formed after the collapse of Alexander the Great in 280 BC. It was famous for its wealth, but its independence was elusive.

King Attal III. Berlin, Pergamon.

And when King Attal III died, and he bequeathed his kingdom to Rome, the cup of popular patience overflowed. An uprising began against the Romans, who was headed by Aristonik (the son of the Tsar's concubine), the Tsar’s side brother, who had the right to the throne of his brother under Greek law. On the side of Aristonica were many cities that did not want to fall under the power of the Romans: Levki, Kolofon, Mindos and others. Although Aristonik was brought up at the royal court, he did not disdain the common people and actively called in his army both slaves and poor people. As a result, his speech took on not only anti-Roman character, but in fact became an uprising of slaves and the poor. Interestingly, Tiberius Gracchus, a philosopher of Blossius, fled to Aristonik and became his adviser, although this, of course, does not mean that both of them were “revolutionaries”.

Nevertheless, Aristonica came up with a great idea: he declared that his goal was to create a "State of the Sun", where everyone would be equal. All its citizens were “citizens of the sun” (heliopolitans), which, however, is not surprising, since scalar cults were very popular in the East. Aristonik took many cities and won a number of victories over the Romans. Moreover, he even managed to crush the Roman army led by the consul Publius Licinius Crassus, and Krass himself considered himself so dishonored that he, in fact, initiated his murder and lost his head!

In 130 BC Consul Mark Perpern, a resolute and ruthless man, was sent to fight Aristonik. It was he who finally finished off the troops of the insurgent slaves in Sicily and crucified the vanquished on the crosses, so that the Senate hoped that it would be as successful in the East. And he did arrive in Asia Minor with all haste and with an unexpected blow, which Aristonik did not expect, defeated his troops. The leader of the uprising was forced to take refuge in the city Stratonikee. The city, of course, was besieged, then was forced to surrender, but Aristonica was captured and sent to Rome, he was strangled in prison on the orders of the Senate. Blossy did not survive the death of a friend, but he himself lost his life

(To be continued)
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  1. +9
    April 4 2016 06: 30
    I remember, from a school textbook on the history of the Ancient World, the name of slaves in Ancient Egypt - "living dead". It was the mutual contradiction of these words that made it possible to remember this definition.
  2. +12
    April 4 2016 06: 31
    Slavery even now exists, only in a few other forms.
    1. +2
      April 4 2016 07: 14
      "Slavery even now exists, only in a few other forms."- It really exists now, only as usual in a latent form. Here's another question that interests me more - how and when it got to us. There is a serious suspicion that this disgusting phenomenon came to us from a southern direction, since how many I have not studied this issue, I have never seen even a hint of such a relationship between people since ancient times in our native northern culture.
      1. +10
        April 4 2016 08: 00
        But what about "Russian Truth"? Serfs, purchases, ryadovichi ... Is that not a hint? These are categories of the dependent population, and their dependence was different, right up to the very real slavery.
        1. +4
          April 4 2016 09: 06
          Any organization of society presupposes some form of dependence, without this there is nothing. Somehow I even heard the phrase: "You cannot live in society and be independent from society." A slave-owning society is another matter, everything is much cooler there. So this form of a certain type of slavery in Russia was introduced by the Khazarin Vladimir, as they say by the adopted son of Svyatoslav. Then, only due to the adoption of a totalitarian monotoistic religion and the corresponding culture, up to 3/4 of the settlements disappeared in the territories under its control, from which it is concluded that 3/4 of the original population also disappeared from the face of the earth. But Vladimir introduced into Russia a foreign religion and culture of southern origin, hence my conclusion. About: "" Russian truth? Serfs, purchases, ryadovichi. " - after all, these are the results of a foreign culture, and not a native autohony, therefore, I do not even consider it and I mean only local, northern traditions and culture. By the way, an even more terrible form of slavery began to be introduced under Alexei Mikhailovich with the abolition of "St. George's Day", and was completely introduced by Peter I with the complete prohibition of two faiths and, accordingly, the complete introduction of serfdom.
          1. +4
            April 4 2016 10: 54
            Do not be fooled: human trafficking in Eastern Europe was commonplace long before Vladimir.

            And the scale of it ... Yaroslav won out.

            Another thing is that in an undeveloped patriarchal society, personally having slaves was unprofitable - they would still run away. But the Greeks were sold very, very much.
            1. +2
              April 4 2016 11: 57
              Quote: AK64
              Don't be fooled: trafficking in Eastern Europe was common

              If we are talking about Europe, even Eastern, even Western, even Central - then yes! The fact is that the term Europe itself is of Aramaic, or rather of Phoenician origin, and this is another culture, that is, southern. Subsequently, it was even transformed into an Abrahamic culture in the form of Judaism, Christianity, etc., which also have a southern origin. So when we are only talking about European culture, we should understand that this culture is not local, not autochthonous, but brought in, brought from the south. Until this time, there was a different, autochthonous culture in which there could be no concept of slavery or a concept of slave trade, it is a pity that this period of our past is not popularized, but there are good reasons for this. And earlier this place had a different name, and a different local culture and traditions, but it’s too long to explain, I’ll try another time.
              1. +2
                April 4 2016 16: 05
                If we are talking about Europe

                Let me write to you "Rus" instead of "Eastern Europe", if you understand it this way.
                I wrote "Eastern Europe" because there was no Russia. That is, Russia is some kind of tribal union, and only, and not a territory.
                But be that as it may, in the territory which is called "Kievan Rus", the traders of people were terribly commonplace --- worse than Africa in the 18th century, by God.

                So do not be fooled.
                1. +1
                  April 4 2016 20: 53
                  From the moment of the exercise of unified power, tribal unions, if they were large-scale, should have moved to another category. And in this case, the state and people have a single name.
                  1. +2
                    April 4 2016 21: 23
                    From the moment of the exercise of unified power, tribal unions, if they were large-scale, should have moved to another category. And in this case, the state and people have a single name.

                    Not the fact that there was a single state, and not the fact that there was a name.

                    Okay, what is the name of the state? The term "Kievan Rus" was coined in the 19th century.
                    1. 0
                      April 4 2016 21: 56

                      Fact or not fact. Who cares?

                      Look in the present, through knowledge of the past.

                      Today, fact or not fact?
                      1. +1
                        April 4 2016 22: 09
                        /to the side/
                        Some kind of horror ...

                        / turns to the person under investigation /
                        Solipsist !? Look into the eyes!
                        / directs the lamp into the eyes /
                    2. 0
                      April 5 2016 16: 13

                      Whence the term will not say exactly. But presumably taken from the "tale of bygone years." This manuscript is extant and describes chronologists almost from the time of the New Ark. But there are a lot of gags. Therefore, we have to guess, using everyday logic.
                      1. +1
                        April 5 2016 18: 56
                        Do not fantasize: the term "Kievan Rus" was introduced not earlier than the end of the 18th century.

                        Perhaps in the Middle Ages the term "Russian Land" was used, but it was not as a name for a state, but for a country (that is, a territory). And even then not all but only the south.
                        The Vladimir-Suzdal principality is "Zalesskaya Rus" (Transylvania if you like), or even "Zalesskaya Ukraine" (yes!)

                        Any unified state in these territories did not exist, perhaps, until Ivan III. Attempts to create a state began a little earlier, but this state was called the "Grand Duchy of Moscow" (or "Muscovy" --- and not a word about Russia or Russia!)

                        In pre-Mongol times, apparently there was a system of policies, where the princes were not even monarchs --- monarchical rule was just beginning to take shape.
              2. +1
                April 4 2016 18: 51
                The culture of slavery exists even among ants, and you are here "autohon culture", just differently to slaves were treated in different countries.
            2. +1
              April 4 2016 13: 46
              Rather, the Arabs in Mamelukes
          2. +3
            April 4 2016 18: 37
            Quote: venaya
            the form of slavery began to be introduced under Alexei Mikhailovich with the abolition of "St. George's Day", and was completely introduced by Peter I with a complete prohibition of double belief

            And until St. George's Day calm and smooth? One day a year a change of master is it a federation? At the same time, on a note: having crowned Peter I, by his first decree he expels ... the Jesuits! from Russia. Taking into account the split between Nikon and Habakkuk and the presence of the Jesuits, this is already a three-belief. But on the periphery, paganism rules with which Peter fights until the end of his life. Not with such success, it should be noted, since Christianity could not defeat the "Shrovetide" and cling to the pagan holiday. By the way: the fact of the expulsion of the Jesuits is not mentioned in the history of the Jesuit order in Wikipedia, but is present in the Russian chronicle.
          3. +1
            April 4 2016 20: 51

            Religion is a form of power. Monotheistic religion is more effective. The merger of princes and religious power gives additional power.

            No need to look for additional meaning in religion more than what is said.
            1. +1
              April 5 2016 00: 37

              Perhaps everything was different! We all know that history has been rewritten many times already. How was it really .....?
              1. 0
                April 5 2016 01: 08
                Why do "Roman" and "Andrey" speak with an accent?
    2. +7
      April 4 2016 09: 18
      Slavery even now exists, only in a few other forms.
      We are all SLAVE fathers of different enterprises, and with the real slaves only the length of the leash separates us: =))
      1. +2
        April 4 2016 18: 53
        Quote: guzik007
        Slave fathers

        In the Church Slavonic dictionary, "worker" = a person who is strained from work, in other words, "worked".
    3. +2
      April 4 2016 10: 05
      It didn’t go anywhere, they simply called it by a different name, inspired the slaves that something depended on them, that they were free, and exceptional! Consumer society, there can be no other way!
      1. +1
        April 4 2016 20: 56
        Red hammer

        With the development of technology, social devices have changed.

        Slavery as a form of power has become burdensome.
      2. 0
        April 5 2016 00: 12
        Consumer society, there can be no other way!

        Do you know any other societies where there is no consumption?
        1. +3
          April 5 2016 03: 54
          Do you feel the difference between a society where consumption is elevated to the form of ideology and just a society where rational consumption is a natural property of a person?
          In the second case, when a person acquires something, he satisfies some need, in the first one, as a rule, experiences two torments: the first is that he does not have something that everyone is talking about and has, and the second, when he has found what he wants and realized that he didn’t need it ...
          1. -2
            April 5 2016 16: 18

            Consumer society is an attempt to preserve capitalism in its retro form.

            Someone not too smart launched the dogma that the crises of capitalism from a glut of goods. Therefore, they launched the motto that you need to consume more.
    4. +5
      April 4 2016 10: 17
      Because you cannot make stone chambers from the works of the righteous.
  3. +2
    April 4 2016 07: 02
    Over the millennia, Europe has changed little.
  4. +8
    April 4 2016 07: 44
    The Roman historian Orosius said about this time that "uprisings arose like sparkling sparks of fire from the first tinder that was lit in Sicily" ... Thank you, we look forward to continuing ..
    1. +1
      April 4 2016 21: 45

      In fact, if the uprising was successful, then it did not lead to changes in the social structure.

      Vseravno it was necessary to feed the army, and power. For that period of development, only slaves could provide a sufficient amount of material resources.

      But slavery was a kind of brake on development.

      With the start of manufacturing, when the means of production were freed, workers came to the conclusion that slaves should be freed, but imposed an exorbitant price on freedom. For generations to come. Type of modern mortgage housing and communal services.

      Then involved a human intellectual resource.
  5. Riv
    April 4 2016 08: 18
    It is worth recalling about the plebeians. This word now has a dismissive connotation, but at the time of Spartacus the Roman plebeian (and the plebeian, by definition, could only come from Rome) looked at all Thracians there, like a shit from the height of their social status. Still would! The free citizen of the Great Rome - this is not your penis canina ...

    But there was, as in the well-known vulgar joke, a nuance: many slaves lived not just better, but much better than free citizens. Redeemed from slavery, or for some kind of merit received freedom - often an order of magnitude better. Unless, of course, used to belong to a rich man. But these were more than half of all slaves. As a result, the paradox: the overwhelming majority of the slaves of the Eternal City (we will not remember agricultural Sicily for now) did not at all strive to fight for freedom. What for? Before my eyes - clear examples in the form of beggars with Roman citizenship. Well, they will free you - you will be the same beggar. And you will no longer shout: "I am a slave of such-oh! .." - after which they will have to hand you over to the master's court, unless of course you screwed up very seriously.

    Later Spartacus did not go to Rome just for the simple reason that he had no hope for the support of Roman slaves. But in the provinces, the situation was different. Completely different...

    I look forward to continuing. Much can be said about Roman slaves.
    1. 0
      April 4 2016 21: 53

      Slave uprisings could not bring about a change in the social system. It was just an attempt to improve the situation.

      Social structure changes only with the development of technology. Which allow you to free a person from labor and enable intellectual development.

      In the closest example, this is what I.V. did Stalin. Which capitalism translated into another form. In a qualitative change.

      Thanks to what the USSR gained superiority over relic capitalism in the same USA.

      Do you remember all these technological leaps in the development of the USSR?
    2. 0
      6 November 2018 15: 58
      Smiled. About the swaggering Roman slaves. I thought about modern Moscow. The former "Heart of Our Motherland" turned into a stomach. Let the native Muscovites forgive me, who in fact are no longer there, just as there is no "Seryozhka with Malaya Bronnaya, and Vitka with Makhova".
  6. +1
    April 4 2016 08: 29
    who will be interested in a book-spreading or historical fantasy SPARTAC author A VALENTINOV. in it the author analyzes in detail the causes of the uprising. the identity of Spartak and his comrades in arms. as well as the political and religious side of that era!
    1. 0
      April 4 2016 18: 58
      Quote: kumaxa
      personality spartataka

      The personality is not entirely clear, since the Thracian is called Spartacus - allegedly from Sparta.
  7. +1
    April 4 2016 08: 32
    Reading the article, I could not get rid of the feeling that the author despised the slaves and their struggle, taunted it and admired their masters. Does one think so?
    1. 0
      April 4 2016 09: 03
      It is simply from the inability to understand a person of the past two thousand years. The logic of his actions from the heights of our modern sofas is greatly simplified, and all the characters seem unreasonable children.
      1. +2
        April 4 2016 19: 07
        Quote: baudolino
        the impossibility of understanding a person of the past two thousand years.

        And what is there to understand! here is a free man who, by sweat of his face, earns his livelihood and is still forced to defend himself against local robbers and invaders. But here he is, a slave captured by the enemy, they bought him and forced him to work or serve .. that is, if you are competent enough in some sciences, art or craftsmanship, then they will use you according to your abilities, but if you don’t know how, then you’ll wave a sledgehammer in a quarry. But you will always have a plate of meat. It is enough to recall the Bible, as they reproached Moses for some manna from Heaven, which was replaced by full cauldrons of meat and vegetables in slavery. Sophocles was a slave, so what? His only insult is that his master used his thoughts, but who now knows the name of the master from this philosopher?
  8. +6
    April 4 2016 10: 22
    "It's just because of the impossibility to understand a person of two thousand years of past" ///

    I completely agree with you. The slave system was then considered
    progressive. People could not have imagined that there could be something
    otherwise. Therefore, usually the victorious slaves themselves became slaveholders
    (turning over the social pyramid), but did not establish any other system.
    1. Fat
      April 4 2016 13: 20
      Master, I'm sorry, I’ll subscribe to your words repeatedly. Absolutely to the point!
  9. -4
    April 4 2016 11: 17
    How often did Roman slaves revolt? They never raised it.
    Due to the lack of ancient Rome. Basically. Italian.

    The prototype of the uprising of Spartacus in the so-called Ancient Rome was a real uprising. The Nika uprising. In real Rome. Byzantine.
    1. +2
      April 4 2016 12: 28
      And again we return to the sacramental question, who forged the Troyan column?
      1. +2
        April 4 2016 17: 28
        Quote: Cartalon
        And again we return to the sacramental question, who forged the Troyan column?

        like who? LIQUID RESPONSIBILITY!
    2. +9
      April 4 2016 15: 56
      "The prototype of the uprising of Spartacus in the so-called Ancient Rome was a real uprising. The uprising of" Nika "////

      Which nick? Everyone knows that the real Spartak is
      Emelyan Pugachev! They went to Moscow (real Rome),
      Yes, they didn’t reach ... sad
      1. +2
        April 4 2016 19: 41
        Quote: voyaka uh
        that the real Spartak is
        Emelyan Pugachev! They went to Moscow (real Rome),
        Yes, they didn’t reach ...

        I can’t laugh so much that I’m not even minus !!! This is such a cool joke! From Italy through the Alps to Moscow ... did he have Suvorov in the chiefs of staff or was Hannibal?
        1. +4
          April 4 2016 19: 47
          That was sarcasm
    3. +2
      April 4 2016 20: 12
      How is the absence of Rome? Can not be.
  10. Fat
    April 4 2016 12: 51
    Quote: Cartalon
    And again we return to the sacramental question, who forged the Troyan column?

    ABOUT! Yes! it remains to think about ... And on the fig! Trajan! damn wedge ....
  11. +1
    April 4 2016 13: 25
    [quote = anodonta] [quote = ignoto] Due to the lack of Ancient Rome. Basically. Italian [/ quote]
    Your blows are heavy, Lord! All that remains is what to say ...
    1. Riv
      April 4 2016 14: 10
      Say: "Evgeny Vaganovich, re-login!"
    2. +1
      April 4 2016 19: 43
      plus, but "Heavy are your gifts, Lord"
    3. +1
      April 4 2016 20: 14
      I would like an explanation
  12. +2
    April 4 2016 13: 49
    And one of the dangerous uprisings in Sicily led by Athos and the rebellion of Sertorius is worth it, but in general Senoria an amusing person could make films about him. I think in the second part they will talk about several Jewish uprisings and about the uprising in Britain.
    1. +4
      April 4 2016 14: 32
      Well, Sertorius seems to be off topic, he did not raise slaves for freedom, but the Spanish tribes for revenge and power.
  13. Rif
    April 4 2016 15: 48
    Not everything is unambiguous, both in the uprisings of slaves and in revolutions (a revolution is a rebellion that was not suppressed, said some of the smart ones). Opinion about the uprising of Spartacus in A. Menyailov's video "Lanista Botiata

    1. 0
      April 4 2016 19: 48
      Revolution - rotation, revolution. The February revolution changed the royal system to federatedand the October Revolution-only changed the power from the Provisional Board to the Socialist. But worth quoting: Russian Soviet Federated Socialist republic
      1. +5
        April 4 2016 22: 39
        Quote: shasherin.pavel
        Revolution - rotation, revolution. The February revolution changed the royal system to federatedand the October Revolution-only changed the power from the Provisional Board to the Socialist. But worth quoting: Russian Soviet Federated Socialist republic

        These are all word games.
        Hitler had a national socialist worker the consignment
        And Mussolini Social republic (republic of Salo)
        It is then necessary to determine WHAT we will consider socialist and federal.
        Which RSFSR nafig federal with a rigid vertical of power and dictatorship the proletariat?
        1. +4
          April 4 2016 22: 57
          These are all word games.
          Hitler had a national socialist workers party

          By the way, let me amuse you: you are one of the few who will understand the humor of the situation. T.N. "Social Democracy" is a British project designed to destabilize continetal Europe.

          As evidence: Karl Marx worked from Britain, and was well funded (he died a rich man. Yes, yes, not secured, namely the rich.) All the leading Social Democrats spent time in England. And finally .... / drums / .... in England and the USA there were no Social Democratic parties !!!!

          How is it that there are "workers' interests" but there are no parties? And there is no British Embassy ...
      2. +2
        April 4 2016 22: 59
        Revolution - rotation, revolution. The February revolution changed the tsarist system to a federal one, and the October revolution only changed power from the Provisional Government to the Socialist. But worth quoting: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

        / and spat
  14. Fox
    April 4 2016 17: 41
    I like dating and the number of prisoners! .right the population was 20 billion ... no less. went left-90 thousand prisoners ... right-150 thousand ... slaves cost 25 kopecks ... rzhunimaga ... at what rate? laughing it’s a pity that REAL confirmations of great battles and achievements are somehow not very ... and on medieval maps Rome is not very visible. An article-tale about what was not there, but I really want it to be like that.
    1. +3
      April 4 2016 18: 43
      But on those maps, people without a head with an eye on their chest on one leg, they definitely were, write to us about them please, well, my question about the Troyan’s column is waiting for an answer ((
    2. +1
      April 4 2016 19: 52
      Quote: Fox
      and the number of prisoners !.

      Well, this is the misfortune of all historians, I don't even pay attention ... this is the same in the Bible there is "900 killed in one night" At least two degrees are superfluous. And most likely 000 killed.
    3. +3
      April 4 2016 20: 50
      it’s a pity that REAL confirmations of great battles and achievements are somehow not very ... and on medieval maps Rome is not very visible. An article-tale about what was not there, but I really want it to be like that.

      And you go to Rome and on the spot and look, pick your finger at the Colosseum. Maybe and see what.
    4. 0
      April 5 2016 20: 36
      So after all this is written by Plutarch and Florus, and Salutius. And someone has the same numbers, someone does not ... I have to give what they write. There are no other sources. But the volume of construction work and conquest speaks of crowding.
  15. +3
    April 4 2016 19: 49
    Quote: kalibr
    But what about "Russian Truth"? Serfs, purchases, ryadovichi ... Is that not a hint? These are categories of the dependent population, and their dependence was different, right up to the very real slavery.

    The difference between a slave and a serf is that serfs, unlike slaves, became voluntary, in exchange for full maintenance, and the children of serfs were completely free. Slavery in its full understanding in Russia has never happened.
    1. +4
      April 4 2016 20: 44
      Quote: Torins
      Slavery in its full understanding in Russia has never happened.

      ... slightly correct, in the classical sense ..
      1. 0
        14 October 2016 15: 14
        A slave is a fighting "slave". Selling himself for money to the boyar.
        He was a slave in the sense that he could not refuse any indication of the boyar.
        No more.
        Zakup is a person who was stealing or unable to pay off debts. Therefore, who fell into "debt slavery" either for a certain period, or until the repayment of the debt or offense.
        There were also natural slaves - but all polls were prisoners of war. After some time they could be released. or vice versa.
        The options for personal dependence in Russia were so wide that in one word -rab- you can’t explain anything.
  16. 0
    April 4 2016 20: 33
    Quote: venaya
    There is a serious suspicion that this vile phenomenon came to us from the south,
    Actually, yes, from more ancient and more developed lands, to be honest. smile Yes, the ancient Slavs did not keep slaves, but they captured the prisoners of war en masse and sold them to their neighbors, who had a demand for this kind of "product".

    Quote: kalibr
    Serfs, purchases, Ryadovich ... Is that not a hint?

    That's it ! And also "servants", "courtyards" and direct "rob", "robichich".

    Quote: venaya
    By the way, an even more terrible form of slavery began to be introduced under Alexei Mikhailovich with the abolition of St. George's Day,
    Rather, with such a kind and now revered tsar as Ivan the Terrible, he introduced a complete ban on freedom of movement within the country during the Livonian War.

    Quote: shasherin.pavel
    The personality is not entirely clear, since the Thracian is called Spartacus - allegedly from Sparta.
    It has long been clear that he was hardly a Thracian, and hardly a prince, well, not from Sparta for sure good

    Quote: anodonta
    In the Late Roman Empire, many citizens married slaves, and thus their children became slaves.
    What, however, should be a degenerative worldview, eh? angry

    Quote: anodonta
    The whole trouble of the eastern despots was that they completely lacked what we now call national interests!
    By the way, dear Anodonta, it is very correctly noticed! This is their weakness! as opposed to European antique states, where national interests took place.
  17. +1
    April 4 2016 22: 18
    scalar cults

    Were there any vector ones? smile
  18. +1
    April 5 2016 00: 01
    By the way, gentlemen, please: please go down and throw me the pluses. And then the Soviets will carefully pass me by, throw them out.
  19. +1
    April 5 2016 04: 40
    AK64 - do not ask, do not be afraid and do not crap. You have some sort of Trotsky-Bukharin background in your posts. Rotten such liberalism. Correct yourself and be a man ....
    1. +1
      April 5 2016 20: 26
      In vain do you offend a person like that!
  20. +1
    April 5 2016 09: 34
    Quote: anodonta
    Quote: ignoto
    Due to the lack of ancient Rome. Basically. Italian

    But where did the Latin language and its modern derivatives come from? Have you fallen from the moon? fool laughing Continue reading Fomenko and Rezun. Maybe even have some fun!

    And then Rezun? As far as I remember, he wrote about the reasons for the defeat of the Red Army in 1941.

    The Latin language appeared in the late Middle Ages (according to Russian terminology) or in the New Age (according to Western). Historians are well aware of this so-called "renaissance of the Roman Empire", when many names and attributes were "revived", but in fact, appeared for the first time.
    A similar example: Arabic. The Arabs themselves call their written language "Turkish", because they received it from the Turks after, naturally, the Turkish conquest. And this is the 15th century. The question arises, what, before that, there could have been Arab conquests, what Arab caliphate, what Arab Spain, if ALL SOURCES about these events are written in "Turkish letter".
    But, the funniest example is the modern German language, which was created and officially began to be introduced in 1902. Moreover, the pronunciation of this newspeak is completely artificial.
  21. 0
    April 5 2016 14: 30
    "4 drachmas (drachma - 25 kopecks." I wonder what year the article is ??)
    1. +1
      April 5 2016 20: 29
      In 1950 prices, the year is obvious, since the source is from there.
  22. +1
    April 5 2016 17: 23
    you need to understand who the gladiators are! and in general, why did you need gladiator and gladiator games! A Roman citizen could become a gladiator either by contract or by a court sentence! Names most likely hid under cliches so as not to bring shame on your family!
  23. +1
    April 6 2016 09: 26
    Thank you for starting a new cycle, Vyacheslav! In memory --- favorite textbook! At his level, knowledge remained.
    But no! It turns out new can be found here !!!
    But the universal aspiration for freedom to freedom cannot be defeated!
  24. 0
    April 6 2016 14: 56
    Thank you for the article. I look forward to continuing.
  25. 0
    14 October 2016 15: 08
    It’s no good.
    Who wrote the text, a student in grades 7-8?
    "... since it is in the East scalar cults were very popular .... "- what, what cults were popular?
    Vector, by chance, there were no cults, huh?
    The topic of executions of the rebels is not disclosed. That they are hung (these are slaves) ... the hunt was to bother with ropes and other things, with the search for trees or beams.
    They are being killed. Then they come back and kill again. Additionally. And immediately Lentula broke broke heap thousands of 2 more blind men?
    Then they are executed. How? This is the most burning question.
    Then they are crucified.
    That, individually provided a place in jail. Peoples, it should be understood.
    And, it seems that the Romans only did that they detached huge armies, with no less than two consuls commanders, to destroy the same breathtaking armies of slaves - 200 thousand.
    Can you imagine, people, a mass of 200 thousand crazy animals? Me not.
    In short, we are waiting for the continuation.
  26. 0
    22 October 2016 19: 24
    Do not forget Lenin. But the author of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Joseph Stalin, unknowingly omitted.