From Shamil to Brussels

Turkey’s hostility to Russia has been fueled by the West for two centuries

The confrontation with Turkey began almost from the moment of the emergence of Russian statehood. Only the last half century passed bloodlessly, when both sides tried to demonstrate that they could work together mutually. But as recent events have shown, politics and hostility accumulated over the centuries, coupled with momentary conjuncture, are stronger than the economy.

Russian-Turkish relations are long-standing, have more than one century, but too often have been complicated by military conflicts. For three and a half centuries - I take time from 1568 to 1918 a year - Russia fought with Turkey about once every 25 years, that is, virtually continuously, given the time taken to prepare for armed clashes. According to other estimates of historians who determine the duration of the Russian-Turkish wars in the 241 year, peaceful intervals were even less, only 19 years.

Naturally, the question arises: what is the reason for such a long, stubborn and bloody mutual struggle? It is due primarily to geopolitical interests on the part of the Russian Slavs, and then to the Great Russians - the desire for the Black Sea. The desire to prevail in this region, strategically important for the state, has been manifested among our ancestors since very distant times. It is no accident that in ancient times the Black Sea was called Russian. Also known historical facts testifying to the presence of Russian (eastern) Slavs in the Black Sea region. We know, for example, that our First Teacher, St. Cyril (827–869), being in the Crimea, in Chersonesos, saw the Gospel written by the Russians “there,” in it. There is another very convincing evidence - the tribes of the Old Russian Slavs, such as the streets and Tiverts, lived in the south of Eastern Europe, between the Dnieper and the Dniester, their settlements extended to the Black Sea - "oli to the sea", as Nestor the chronicler, creator of the wonderful Tale put it temporary years. We must not forget about the path from the "Varangians to the Greeks", part of which ran through the Black Sea. Along this path there was a bright East Slavic civilization (Kievan Rus), which needed trade, cultural and religious communication with Byzantium.

Subsequently, the Slavs were shifted from the southern borders under the onslaught of steppe people - Pechenegs, Polovtsy and especially the Mongols. There was an ebb of the Russian population, fleeing from the fierce rage of the nomads, to the north. The geopolitical situation in the abandoned lands has changed. But with the weakening of the Tatar-Mongol domination and as a result of the collapse of the Golden Horde, the possibility of a return movement of Russians to the south, towards the shores of the Black and Caspian Seas, appeared. However, this was hampered by fragments of the Horde - the Crimean, Kazan and Astrakhan khanates. Turks also emerged here, defeating the Byzantine Empire and establishing their power in Constantinople. But Russia had close ties with Romei power. From there, the Russians took the most valuable thing - the Christian faith and, consequently, a whole layer of culture, which largely formed the Russian Orthodox people, who have individual traits that distinguish them from others, in particular, the ethnic groups of the West. That is why the victory of the Turks over the Romans (Greeks), Russian co-religionists, our ancestors was not at all a joy.

It did not take long to wait for Russia to feel the real danger from Porta.

Crusades of the Ottoman Ports

In 1475, the Turks subjugated the newly emerged Crimean Khanate, which significantly affected the relations of the Russian state with it. Before that, the Crimean Tatars and Russians lived relatively peacefully, one might say, in cooperation. Influenced by Ports, the Crimean khans began to show increasing aggressiveness towards Moscow. At first, the Turks took only sporadic participation in the raids of the Crimean Tatars on Russian lands, sending small military units to help them, for example, in 1541, 1556, 1558. The first major anti-Russian Turkish campaign itself took place in 1568 – 1569. The Turks came out to win the Astrakhan Khanate, just joined to Russia. This meant the creation of a springboard for further attacks on our southern frontiers. The matter, however, ended in complete failure and the shameful flight of the enemy. And yet it became the prologue of the subsequent numerous wars of Turkey with Russia, marching throughout the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries, at intervals noted above. In most cases, the Russians were victorious. Incidentally, there were also defeats that our ancestors had to endure. However, Russia in the Black Sea gradually gained momentum. The change finally took place.

From Shamil to Brussels

In the XVII century, Russia was cut off from the Black Sea. The exit to it locked Azov. The Russian government, oriented geopolitically in a southerly direction, was faced with the need to end this situation. As a result of the campaigns of Peter I (1695 – 1696), Azov fell. True, due to the unsuccessful Prut campaign for us (1711), the fortress had to be returned. It was possible to get Azov again only after more than half a century, following the results of the war with the Turks 1768 – 1774.

The attempts of the Russians to seize the Crimea also remained fruitless - let us recall the unsuccessful campaigns of Vasily Golitsyn (1687, 1689) and Burkhard Minikh (1735 – 1739).

Turkey and the Crimean Khanate posed a serious threat to Russia until the reign of Catherine II. They were also greatly disturbed by other states of Eastern and Western Europe. That is why European politicians, including the Roman pontiff, since the times of Ivan the Terrible, sought rapprochement with Russia in the struggle against Turkish aggression. At the same time, they behaved dually, setting Porto and Crimea at the first opportunity at Russia, and sometimes tried to shift the burden of fighting them onto the shoulders of our ancestors.

Only in the time of Catherine II, Russia won a complete victory over the Crimean Khanate, and therefore, to a certain extent, over Turkey. Crimea, as you know, was annexed to Russia in 1783, and without military action. However, it was possible to take possession of the peninsula earlier - according to the results of the 1768 – 1774 campaign. Empress Catherine II spoke directly about this in her manifesto of April 19 of 1783. She noted that our victories in the previous war gave full grounds and an opportunity to annex Crimea to Russia, but this was not done from humane considerations, as well as for the sake of “good accord and friendship with the Ottoman Port”. At the same time, the Russian government hoped that the liberation of the peninsula from Turkish dependence would bring peace, peace and tranquility here, but this, alas, did not happen. The Crimean Khan, dancing to the tune of the Turkish Sultan, started to get old. That is why, and also taking into account the fact that the pacification of the Crimean Tatars cost Russia considerable human losses and financial expenses (12 million rubles is the greatest money at that time), it annexed the Crimea. But the national customs, the culture of the indigenous peoples who inhabited the peninsula, the unimpeded departure of religious cults were preserved, the mosques were not affected. It should be noted that of the Western countries only France acted with open protest against the annexation of the Crimea to Russia, thereby demonstrating interest in maintaining tension in Russian-Turkish relations. Subsequent events showed that Paris is not alone. Meanwhile, our country asserted its position in the Black Sea region. As a result of the next Russian-Turkish war of 1787 – 1791, unleashed by Constantinople not without the influence of the Western powers, Russia, according to the Treaty of Iasi, was assigned the Crimea and Ochakov, and the border between the two states was relegated to the Dniester.

The 19th century is marked by new armed conflicts between Russia and Turkey. The 1806 – 1812 and 1828 – 1829 wars brought success to the Russian arms. The Crimean Campaign (1853 – 1856) is another matter. Here we already clearly see the vile behavior of Britain and France, who incited Porto to oppose Russia. The first victories of the Russians in the Caucasian theater of military operations and at Sinop showed with their own eyes that the Turks could not win the campaign alone. Then England and France, having dropped the disguise, had to go to war themselves. The Russophobic physiology of papism looked out from under the veil and twisted with anger. “The war that France entered into with Russia,” said Cardinal Sibur of Paris, “is not a political war, but a holy war. This is not a war between the state and the state, the people with the people, but the only religious war. All other grounds exhibited by the cabinets are essentially nothing more than pretexts, and the true reason that pleases God is the need to drive away the heresy ... to tame it, to crush it. This is the recognized purpose of this new crusade, and such was the hidden purpose of all previous crusades, although those who participated in them did not admit to it. ” Russia lost the war. We were forbidden, among other things, to have a military fleet on the Black Sea, infringing upon our sovereignty and humiliating our national pride. The most vital role in concluding the Paris Peace Treaty (1856) was played by Austria, who repaid Russia with black ingratitude for saving the Habsburg monarchy during the 1848 revolution of the year.

The Crimean War did not become the last for the Ottoman Empire with Russia in the XIX century. A Balkan campaign of 1877 – 1878 followed, during which the Turkish forces were utterly defeated.

As one would expect, in the First World War, the Port found itself in the camp of the opponents, having entered the Fourth Alliance. How this war ended, we know - monarchies fell in Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey.

It is rather curious that the Bolshevik dictatorship comes closer to the Kemal Ataturk regime. There is a mystery here, if we take into account the belonging of the Turkish leader with his entourage and some prominent Bolsheviks to Freemasonry. Ataturk himself, as far as is known, was initiated (1907) into the Masonic Lodge of Veritas (“Truth”), which was under the jurisdiction of the Great East of France. From this point of view, the friendship of Lenin and his associates with Turkey is still waiting for its researchers.

In World War II, Ankara was inclined to the side of fascist Germany, but, having learned from experience, it was cautious and waited. And soon the Turks were convinced that they would lose by getting involved in a war against the USSR. It is usually thought that it became clear after the success of the Red Army at Stalingrad. However, it is possible that even earlier - after the defeat of the German troops near Moscow in the autumn-winter 1941 of the year, which signified the collapse of the Hitlerite plan of the lightning war, the failure of the strategic plans of the German command, which ultimately predetermined the victory of the USSR. The Turks understood the lesson and refrained from direct participation in hostilities against the Soviet Union.

Backstab, nothing personal

The history of the confrontation between Russia and Turkey indicates that the Russians fought mainly defensive wars, during which our territory expanded in the Black Sea and the Caucasus. The task was not to capture new foreign lands, as is sometimes argued, but to create a geopolitical space that would ensure security before the hostile world of the outside world and the other peoples of the empire.

History also testifies to the fact (and this is the most important) that Turkey is our centuries-old and implacable adversary, both in the past and in the present, in spite of any easing and treatment that we had until recently. After all, the fact that it helped and helps, as earlier Shamil, the North Caucasian militants, is a member of NATO - an organization hostile to Russia. However, contrary to the real historical reality, we imagined that Turkey was not only our closest neighbor, but also a friendly state. There was even a joint Strategic (!) Planning Council with the Turks. Where does such, as a classic would say, “extraordinary lightness in thoughts”? I find two sources here.

Since the time of Gorbachev, our foreign policy has to a large extent begun to be based on the personal relations of Russian leaders with foreign ones, excuse me, "colleagues" and "partners." Every now and then we heard: “My friend Helmut”, “Friend George”, “Friend Bill”, even “Friend Ryu”. Did “Recep Tayyip Erdogan” fall into this company? I do not exclude this, bearing in mind the preferences that the Russian leadership has showered Turkey up to the death of our Su-24. These are honored by old friends, not by centuries-old opponents.

Our traditional gullibility peculiar to the Russian character also rendered us a bad service. In everyday life, it is excusable, but in politics it is not, because it leads to mistakes detrimental to the security of the country. We made such a mistake, trusting Erdogan and substituting his back for him, while the elementary rule should be remembered: they do not turn their backs on their enemies. But instead of recognizing this and thereby excluding the repetition of similar mistakes in the future, we set off in moral and ethical considerations completely inapplicable to politics. In all international affairs, we need to follow the historical experience tested by centuries. He convincingly testifies that Turkey has been and remains an opponent of Russia. In relations with such a neighbor, the powder must be kept dry.
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  1. +16
    April 2 2016 03: 33
    History also testifies (and this is the most important) that Turkey is our centuries-old and implacable adversary, both in the past and in the present, in spite of any concessions and circumventions that we have accepted until recently. [. However, contrary to real historical reality, we imagined that Turkey is not only our closest neighbor, but also friendly state.

    All literate people, knowing the history, understood that Turkey was and will be the enemy and eternal rival of Russia, and with her it is necessary to conduct business on the basis of this. The Russian leadership seemed to have studied in other schools and the meanness of Turkey was a revelation for them and a "stab in the back." Although they were absolutely logical and expected ...
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +10
    April 2 2016 06: 05
    Who puts cons to such articles? "Daughters of Officers"? Beloletochniki work out grants?
    1. +3
      April 2 2016 13: 10
      Igor Yakovlevich Froyanov - the brightest, outstanding personality in our national historical science, therefore the disadvantages are quite natural, experts know him very well everywhere and therefore his mother does not grieve as enemies. And given the "specificity" of some part of the public on the site, the disadvantages are inevitable. He once served as the dean of the faculty in the state. university, he has a huge number of students, once he himself managed to communicate with him.
    2. +2
      April 2 2016 14: 31
      I put a minus! The topic is correct, the author is well done! But inaccuracies and philistine patterns filled their teeth! What England and Turkey in the Crimean and other Russo-Turkish wars ?! There were no such states as France and Germany ... EMPIRE WAS THEN: OTTOMAN, BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AUSTRIAN-HUNGARIAN, CHINESE, JAPANESE
      Waged defensive wars, but expanded ... ridiculous! Like the myth of the peace of the Slavs-Russians, who defended the current and ... created the greatest power on the planet! No need to hide behind sheep's skins! We had normal ancestors, who loved the war and knew how to fight ... howling with wolves, howling like wolves ... but it is better to growl and tear on the bear! I consider the Crimean War for the Pirova coalition! Look at the declared political goals and results! Russia did not win it, but certainly did not lose! But I consider the war of 1877-78 to be Pirova for Russia! What did she get? 200t. Killed! Material losses! Terrestrial increments near Austen Hungary, the British gained Cyprus, the Germans a friendly dynasty in Bulgaria, the French restored political prestige after the Franco-Prussian war, and Russia political isolation ... as subsequent history has shown all this mess was not worth it! So the story is a two-faced and two-faced thing ...
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        April 2 2016 17: 21
        What restoration of the "prestige of France" are you talking about? Please specify after what events the prestige of France was "restored"?
  4. +6
    April 2 2016 06: 38
    Quote: Good cat
    Who puts cons to such articles? "Daughters of Officers"? Beloletochniki work out grants?

    Well, where without them? They also need to put a nickle in any hole ... in pursuance of the regional committee from behind puddles ... and the habit of shitting everywhere for nothing, has not gone away .... one word is DAMAGED ...
  5. +7
    April 2 2016 06: 40
    I read Grechko’s book The Battle of the Caucasus, it says that if the Fritz took Stalingrad, then the Turks were ready to start a war, all the more there was secret cooperation between the Fritz and the Turks. The Turks promised a lot of things to Shamil, but only the Circassians were not lucky with any military assistance. In short, they gave him the title of Generalissimo. I realized one thing they are good traders and not Warriors. mostly Christians fought for them. forgot what their army was called
  6. +10
    April 2 2016 07: 15
    "In all international affairs, we need to follow the historical experience tested over centuries."
    To the author 1000000000 ++++++++
    Golden words!
    We must use them as a slogan.
    And memorize them as a prayer, and never forget.
    And apply.
    It's time to stop stepping on the same rake.
    "Friends" and "partners" from those countries with which all generations of Russia have been at war for centuries are costing too dear to the country.
    Now they disguise themselves, do not wave their sabers, and say that they are "defending themselves from the Russian Federation." But they also have centuries-old experience of fighting with Russia, and they do not give up trying to win.
    Judge not by words, but by their deeds. Let's go back to Syria, who is opposing IS there? And who helps barmaley?
    You can not relax and fall into historical unconsciousness-never, never.
  7. +2
    April 2 2016 07: 49
    In relations with such a neighbor, gunpowder should be kept dry...Need..But the most important task is to get Turkey out of the influence of the West .. Such an attempt was, at the dawn of Soviet power, ended in failure .. The Black Sea, should again become the Russian Sea ..
  8. +2
    April 2 2016 07: 52
    necessary article !!! But the Turks will remain Turks ...... the hostility is artificially heated nowhere, alas, has not done so far ...... thanks to the author - well written!
  9. +2
    April 2 2016 10: 05
    To believe the Turks is not to respect yourself, but behind the Turks always, over the centuries, either Genoa, England, France, or the hell are drawn. Their imperial ambitions have not subsided for hundreds of years.
  10. +7
    April 2 2016 11: 07
    The confrontation with Turkey began almost from the moment of the emergence of Russian statehood.

    What nonsense.

    The so-called conquest of Byzantium is the 15th century. Constantinople fell in 1453. It turns out that before the 15th century there was no Russian statehood?

    If we talk about the beginning of the confrontation with the Ottoman Empire, then this is the time of the Brandenburg geek, who is called "Peter the Great" in Russian historiography. It was this descendant of the Elector and Princess Sophia, this Antichrist who seized Russia, who completely changed the country's domestic and foreign policy to please his European (e.v..e.s.k.i.m) creditor.
  11. +3
    April 2 2016 12: 23
    The Bolsheviks needed blood from the nose of an ally country (at least some!) In counteracting the Entente. Therefore, the Moscow treaty with Turkey was concluded ten months earlier than the Rapal Treaty with Germany. A gratuitous loan was issued (in gold!), Weapons were supplied and the territories of historical Armenia recaptured as a result of the war of 1877-1878 were given back.
    1. +1
      April 2 2016 19: 21
      Quote: V.ic
      The Bolsheviks needed blood from the nose of an ally country (at least some!) In counteracting the Entente. Therefore, the Moscow treaty with Turkey was concluded ten months earlier than the Rapal Treaty with Germany. A gratuitous loan was issued (in gold!), Weapons were supplied and the territories of historical Armenia recaptured as a result of the war of 1877-1878 were given back.

      Well, then, because the world revolution is coming the other day, you can give it back, because the Turkish proletariat will rise here. We are waiting, sir.
  12. +4
    April 2 2016 12: 35
    The East is a delicate matter, but lately Turkey has acted like an elephant in a china shop in politics, and even took all sorts of Moseks to my aid. For me, Turkey, Poland are one hell. Only the first in the east, the second in the west but not sweeter. Somehow all this is disgusting and disgusting! Ugh on them! am
  13. +1
    April 2 2016 19: 24
    The victory over the Crimean Khanate was gained under Anna Ivanovna. Field Marshal Minich.
    And the West did not favor Turkey.
    Austria fought with the Turks for 300 years. Something like this.
    Turks to the West have always been strangers. The EU took all, even the poor Bulgarians with Romanians, the Turks - no.
  14. 0
    18 October 2016 21: 14
    Traditional credulity? The author is naive.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"